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Violeta Bulc
Zeleni potep po Pohorju
Green Rambles Through Pohorje
Partizanska bolnišnica Franja
The Franja Partisan Hospital
Med mladimi modelarji
Young Model Builders
Ljubljana je izbrala »svojo« vrtnico
Ljubljana has Chosen its Own Rose
Delfini pri nas niso le na obisku
Dolphins are not just Visitors in Slovenia
Kambodža – dežela kontrastov
Cambodia – Land of Contrasts
Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
avgust, september, oktober • August, September, October 2015
Dragi potniki!
Veseli me, da ste izbrali za svoj polet Adrio Airways.
Želim vam, da bi se na našem letalu prijetno počutili.
V prvem polletju je na Adrijinih letih letelo že preko pol milijona
potnikov, natančneje 549.272, kar je 15 odstotkov več kot v istem
obdobju lani. To pomeni, da nam zaupate in radi letite z nami. Z
zadovoljstvom ugotavljamo, da se naš poslovni model, kjer utrjujemo
položaj mrežnega prevoznika z dobrimi povezavami do številnih
svetovnih destinacij in kakovostne storitve, dobro dopolnjuje s tistim,
ki daje potnikom glede na različne pogoje možnost izbire res ugodnih
cen. Naš novi pristop k spletni prodaji s privlačnimi cenami je hitro
zaživel in še vedno raste.
Članstvo Adrie v globalnem združenju Star Alliance, katerega članica
je že od leta 2004, umešča Ljubljano na stičišče mednarodnih poti.
V letošnjem juliju se je Združenju pridružila nova letalska družba –
Avianca iz Brazilije. S to pridružitvijo se je našim potnikom odprlo 15
novih destinacij na področju Latinske Amerike in dobre možnosti z
vsemi ugodnostmi, ki jih omogoča Združenje tudi za potovanja v tem
predelu sveta.
Naši redni bralci ste verjetno opazili, da je tokratna izdaja revije
nekoliko spremenjena. Malce tanjša je in na letalu vas bo spremljala
naslednje tri mesece. Taka je, ker napoveduje spremembe, s katerimi
se vam bomo kot sodobna letalska družba približali na nov in svež
način. V bližnji prihodnosti bomo šli še naprej v korak s časom
in naše kvalitetne vsebine boste lahko spremljali tudi na našem
spletnem portalu in na novem multimedijskem kanalu, imenovanem
In-Flight Entertainment, ki bo na voljo v letalu. Z uporabo novega
sistema bodo potniki pridobili enostaven vpogled v pomembne
informacije, povezane s posameznimi leti in s splošnimi napotki s
področja letalstva; preko tega kanala boste lahko dostopali tudi do
najrazličnejših razvedrilnih vsebin. Sistem bo prav tako omogočal
večjo interakcijo med potniki in družbo. Prepričano smo, da boste
sprejeli novost z navdušenjem, kot jo sprejemamo pri nas, ko iščemo
najboljše poti za našo medsebojno komunikacijo. Kaj več o tem pa v
naslednji številki.
Miren let in lep pozdrav.
Mark Anžur
predsednik uprave
Dear Passengers,
Thank you for choosing Adria Airways for your journey.
I hope you enjoy your flight with us today.
In the first six months of this year Adria carried more than half a million
passengers (549,272 to be exact), which is a 15% improvement over
the same period last year. This shows that you trust us and enjoy flying
with us. We are pleased to see that our business model, where we are
consolidating our position as a network carrier with good connections
to many destinations around the world and high-quality services, is
being complemented by a model that gives passengers the opportunity
to choose really low fares under a range of conditions. Our new
approach to online sales with attractive prices has taken off quickly
and continues to grow.
Adria’s membership (since 2004) of the global Star Alliance places
Ljubljana at the crossroads of international routes. This year a new
airline joined the Star Alliance – the Brazilian carrier Avianca. The
arrival of this new member airline offers our passengers 15 new
destinations in Latin America and great opportunities for travel in this
part of the world, with all the benefits associated with the Star Alliance.
Our regular readers will probably already have noticed that this issue
of the Magazine is somewhat different. It is slightly thinner and will
accompany you aboard our aircraft for the next three months. This is
because it announces changes that will see us, as a modern airline,
start to communicate with you in a new and fresh way. In the near
future we will be going even further, in step with the times, and you
will be able to enjoy our high-quality content on our website and on a
new multimedia channel called In-Flight Entertainment, which will be
available aboard our aircraft. Using this new system, passengers will
have a simple way to access important information about individual
flights and general tips on air travel. The channel will also give access
to a wide variety of entertainment options. At the same time the system
will enable more interaction between passengers and the company. We
believe that you will be as enthusiastic about this innovation as we are,
as we seek the best channels through which to communicate with our
customers. You will find more details about this in this issue.
I wish you a pleasant flight.
Mark Anžur
CEO and Chairman of the Management Board
Pismo / Letter
| 3
4 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Vsebina / Contents
Adria smo ljudje / Adria is About People
Mirjana Frišek
Glasba je pomemben del mojega življenja
Mirjana Frišek – Music is an Important Part of My Life
Barbara M. Bukovec
Adrijina potnica / Adria Passenger
Violeta Bulc
Matjaž Potokar
Destinacija Pariz / Destination Paris
Pariški zlati kruhek, ups ... bageta!
The Golden Bread of Paris… the Baguette!
Damijan Jagodic
Zeleni potep po Pohorju
Green Rambles Through Pohorje
Andrej Blatnik
Zgodovina / History
Geslo 'Franja' je odločalo o življenju in smrti
The Password Franja Meant the Difference
Between Life and Death
Maja Kutin
Modelarstvo / Model Building
Med mladimi modelarji
Young Model Builders
Marjan Žiberna • Domen Grögl
Narava / Nature
Ljubljana je izbrala »svojo« vrtnico
Ljubljana has Chosen its Own Rose
Matjaž Potokar
Slovensko morje / Slovenia and the Sea
Delfini pri nas niso le na obisku
Dolphins are not just Visitors in Slovenia
Tilen Genov in Nina Uratarič • Tilen Genov in Ana Hace
Kambodža / Cambodia
Kambodža – dežela kontrastov
Cambodia – Land of Contrasts
Andraž Gregorič
Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Revija Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
je namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio Airways.
Adria In-Flight Magazine is complimentary
on Adria Airways flights.
Brezplačen izvod / Your personal copy
Izdajatelj / Published:
Adria Airways, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d.
Adria Airways, The Airline of Slovenia
Zgornji Brnik 130 h, 4210 Brnik – Aerodrom
Urednica / Editior-in-chief:
Barbara Mihevc Bukovec
Tel. / Phone + 386 (0)4 259 4541
E- mail:
Oglaševanje / Advertising:
Alenka Dvoršak
Tel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4526
E- mail:
Naslovnica / Cover:
Oblikovanje in AD / Design & AD:
Primož Pislak, Luks Studio
Prevod / Translated by:
Amidas d.o.o.
Lektorica / Language editing:
Vera Samohod
Fotoliti / Lithography:
HiFi Color Studio
Tisk / Printed by:
Gorenjski tisk storitve, d.o.o.
ISSN 1318-0789
Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja
avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno stališč
Adrie Airways. Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenja
je prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema nikakršne
odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo.
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the
authors or persons interviewed only and do not necessarily
reflect the views of Adria Airways. Reproduction without
written permission is prohibited. The publisher accepts no
responsibility for unsolicited material.
Vsebina / Contents | 5
26 32 38
54 60
Poletni vozni red
Po poletnem voznem redu, ki je v veljavi še do 24. oktobra 2015,
leti Adria iz Ljubljane na 21 destinacij: v Amsterdam, Berlin, Bruselj,
na Dunaj, v Frankfurt, Koebenhavn, Istanbul, London, Manchester,
Moskvo, Muenchen, Pariz, Podgorico, Prago, Prištino, Sarajevo, Skopje,
Stockholm, Varšavo, Zuerich in v Tirano. Trikrat tedensko povezuje Adria
tudi Maribor z Londonom.
V poletnem voznem redu nudi Adria polete iz Prištine v Frankfurt in
Muenchen ter v švedski Malmo; iz Tirane pa v Frankfurt, Bruselj in Pariz.
Letala Adrie Airways letijo tudi iz Lodža na Poljskem v Muenchen in
S čarterskimi leti, ki jih opravlja v sodelovanju s turističnimi
agencijami, povezuje Adria Airways v poletni sezoni Ljubljano s številnimi
počitniškimi destinacijami predvsem v Sredozemlju. Iz Ljubljane leti
tedensko na naslednja letališča: v Grčijo v Heraklion in Solun, na Rodos,
Kos, Samos, Santorini, Karpatos, Kefalonijo, Zakintos, Skiatos, Lesbos
in na Lefkas/Preveza. Leti tudi v Palmo de Mallorco v Španiji in v Antalyo
v Turčiji ter v Sharm el Sheikh in Hurgado v Egiptu.
Adria Airways omogoča v sodelovanju s člani združenja Star Alliance,
katerega članica je, zelo dobre in cenovno ugodne povezave po vsem
svetu. Združenje Star Alliance opravi dnevno 18.500 letov na 1.330
letališč v 192 državah.
Plačila SkyShopa tudi s
kreditno kartico
Adria Airways je uvedla v aprilu 2014 SkyShop, v katerem si lahko
potniki na letalu kupijo prigrizke in pijačo. Do sedaj je bilo možno plačilo
zgolj z gotovino, od julija 2015 dalje pa tudi s kreditnimi karticami.
Summer timetable
This year’s summer timetable, valid until 24 October 2015, includes
flights from Ljubljana to 21 destinations: Amsterdam, Berlin,
Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Manchester,
Moscow, Munich, Paris, Podgorica, Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje,
Stockholm, Tirana, Vienna, Warsaw and Zurich. Adria also flies between
Maribor and London three times a week.
Other services offered by Adria this summer include flights from
Pristina to Frankfurt, Munich and Malmo (Sweden), and from Tirana to
Frankfurt, Brussels and Paris.
Adria Airways aircraft also fly from Lodz in Poland to Munich and
During the summer season, charter flights operated by Adria in
conjunction with travel agents connect Ljubljana with numerous
holiday destinations, above all in the Mediterranean. Adria flies weekly
from Ljubljana to the following destinations in Greece: Heraklion,
Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Kos, Samos, Santorini, Karpathos, Kefalonia,
Zakynthos, Skiathos, Lesbos and Lefkada/Preveza. Other charter
destinations include Palma de Mallorca in Spain, Antalya in Turkey and
Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt.
In conjunction with the other members of the Star Alliance, Adria
Airways offers an excellent range of competitively priced connections
throughout the world. The Star Alliance operates 18,500 flights a day to
1,330 airports in 192 countries.
SkyShop now accepts
payment by credit card
In April 2014 Adria Airways introduced its new SkyShop service,
allowing passengers to buy drinks and snacks aboard the aircraft.
Until now it has only been possible to pay by cash, but from July 2015
onwards SkyShop also accepts credit cards.
Novosti / News
6 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Parkirišče Adrie Airways
na Letališču Jožeta Pučnika
Potniki in obiskovalci ljubljanskega letališča lahko parkirajo po ugodnih
cenah na našem parkirišču, ki se nahaja v neposredni bližini potniškega
terminala. Dostop je urejen mimo poslovne zgradbe Adrie Airways, od tam
dalje pa vas vodijo oznake za parkirišče.
Več informacij o cenah in lokaciji je na voljo na povezavi
Adria Airways
car park at Ljubljana
Jože Pučnik Airport
Passengers and visitors to Ljubljana Airport can take advantage of
low-cost parking in Adria Airways’ own car park located close to the pas-
senger terminal. To reach the car park drive past the Adria Airways office
building and follow the signs to the car park.
More information on prices and the location can be found at
Novosti / News | 7
Ujemi ugoden polet
Poiščite svoj One Way let
Za naše potnike smo pripravili res ugodno One Way ponudbo. Na
posameznih letih, kjer je dejanski prevoznik Adria Airways, so na
voljo enosmerne vozovnice že za 69 EUR. V to ceno je vključene tudi
8 kg ročne in 23 kg ostale prtljage; slednja se odda ob prijavi na let.
Ponudba ne vključuje spremembe datuma potovanja, prav tako ni
mogoče dobiti povračila denarja za neizkoriščeno vozovnico.
Dovolj časa za temeljite priprave -
First Minute ponudba
First Minute je ponudba, pri kateri z zgodnjim nakupom povratne
letalske vozovnice potujete do številnih evropskih destinacij že od 139
EUR dalje. Načrtujte vnaprej in si pridobite dovolj časa za temeljite
priprave, v ceno vozovnice pa sta prav tako všteti osebna prtljaga in
tista, ki se odda ob prijavi na let.
Last Minute ponudba –
Kam pa naslednji teden?
Za vse tiste, ki se radi odločate za nakup vozovnic tik pred odhodom,
so na večini rednih linij Adrie Airways na voljo za povratna potovanja
zelo ugodne cene že od 169 EUR dalje.
Več o pogojih za vse tri ponudbe lahko preberete na
ugodne-ponudbe, kjer je možno opraviti tudi rezervacijo in nakup
letalskih vozovnic.
Adrijine E-novice
Vabimo vas, da obiščete spletne strani in se prijavite
na Adrijine E-novice. Tako boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o naših
novostih in posebnih ponudbah. E-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenih
informacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic.
Naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost.
Moj profil – moje prednosti
Če želite biti prvi obveščeni o ugodnih tedenskih ponudbah, vas
vabimo, da ustvarite svoj MyAdria profil na naši spletni strani Prejemali boste obvestila po svoji
meri, obenem pa postali upravičeni do ekskluzivnih cen.
Adria Airways Special Offers!
Find your One Way flight
We offer One Way deals for our passengers at unbeatable prices.
One way flights are available from just €69 on individual routes where
Adria Airways is the actual carrier. This price includes 8 kg of hand
baggage and a checked baggage allowance of up to 23 kg. The offer
does not include changes to the date of travel. Unused tickets will not
be refunded.
First Minute –
low fares for return flights
First Minute is a special offer that allows you to travel to numerous
European destinations from just €139 for a return flight – simply by
booking early. Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to prepare
for your trip. Hand baggage and checked baggage are included in the
Last Minute – cheap flights
even at the last minute
For those who like to book flights at the last minute, special low return
fares starting at just €169 are now available on the majority of Adria
Airways scheduled flights.
For more information about the terms and conditions applying to all
three special offers, visit, where you
can also book and pay for your ticket.
Adria e-newsletter
Visit and sign up for the Adria e-newsletter. Newsletter
subscribers receive a monthly update on new services and special
offers. The e-newsletter is a valuable source of information and ideas
when planning travel and holidays.
Let information be your advantage.
My Profile, My Benefits
If you want to be the first to find out about special weekly offers, why
not create your own MyAdria profile online at
sl/myadria/. You will receive tailored notifications and qualify for
exclusive fares.
Pridružite se nam na Facebooku
Join us on Facebook
Sledite nam na Twitterju
Follow us on Twitter
Aktualno / Latest Offers
8 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Adria je prisotna na Facebooku, Twitterju in Google Plusu.
Uporabnikom teh komunikacijskih kanalov nudimo hitro, učinkovito
izmenjavo informacij in mnenj; naše medsebojno sodelovanje
dopolnjujemo z različnimi nagradnimi igrami. Vabimo vas, da se nam
pridružite na svojem najljubšem kanalu. Vaše pohvale in pripombe so
vedno dobrodošle, saj smo lahko prav zaradi tega še boljši.
Adria Airways is present on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. We offer
users of these social networks a way to exchange information and
opinions quickly and effectively. We also hold regular prize competitions
to help build up our relationship with our users. Why not join us on
your preferred social network? Your praise and comments are always
welcome, since they help us to become even better.
Naših sledilcev je vse več. V juniju smo se razveselili dejstva,
da vas je z nami že več kot 70.000. Pripravili smo hiter, s številom
naših sledilcev povezan kviz za ljubitelje letalstva in podelili nagradni
Our list of followers just keeps growing. In June we received our
70,000th page like and to celebrate it we held a quick quiz for aviation
enthusiasts that was also linked to the number of our followers. The
lucky winner received a set of prizes.
Sanjsko grško destinacijo, otok Samos, smo predstavili z
nagradnimi izzivi, ki so še utrdili znanje in željo po poletnem doživetju
v tem raju. Tako zdaj vsi poznamo večja mesta in pomembnejše
umetniške spomenike Samosa!
The Greek island of Samos is a dream destination. We presented
it through informative prize challenges that made a summer experience
in this paradise seem even more attractive. Now everyone knows the
main towns and major artistic sights of Samos!
Dobrodošli na
družbenih omrežjih
Adrie Airways!
Welcome to Adria’s social
media presence!
Adria Airways
Konica Minolta
Postojna Cave, Slovenia’s
Underground Paradise
a fantastic web of tunnels, passages, galleries and halls, the
astonishing diversity of karst features as well as easy access are
certainly the main reasons for immense popularity of Postojna
Cave, which has in 200 years been admired by 36 million visitors
from all over the world.
Nowhere else but in Postojna Cave can you enjoy a ride with a
special cave train, which will take you around the cave under
spectacular underground arches, which are embellished with
chandelier-resembling stalactites, through a beautiful subterranean
world full of playful limestone sculptures.
Magnificent Adventure
Team izkušenih profesorjev ruskega jezika vabi na intenzivni couching poslovne
ruščine na vseh jezikovnih stopnjah: od uvodnega pozdrava do strokovne prezentacije
in epske zdravice za ruskim omizjem.
Adria Airways
14 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Vse, kar vas zanima
o letalstvu
»Spoštovani potniki, dobrodošli na letalu Adrie
Airways. Pripnite si varnostne pasove in ostanite
pripeti, dokler sveti znak Privežite se. Priporočljivo
je, da zaradi lastne varnosti ostanete pripeti med
celotnim letom.«
Letalski sedeži omogočajo potnikom udobna potovanja, namenjeni pa so
tudi zagotavljanju varnosti med poletom. V zadnjih desetletjih vgrajujejo
na nekatere sedeže različne multimedijske sisteme, namenjene zabavi
potnikov predvsem med dolgimi medcelinskimi poleti.
Sedeži so pritrjeni na vodila za sedeže, ki potekajo vzdolž letala in
omogočajo hitro premikanje sklopov sedežev naprej ali nazaj. Letalske
družbe lahko na ta način dokaj hitro in preprosto spremenijo sedežno
konfiguracijo in s tem število sedežev na letalu. Praviloma je razmik med
sedeži v ekonomskem razredu med 76 in 81 cm, v prvem razredu celo
240 cm. Standardna konfiguracija letala Airbus A320 je 150, največja
pa celo 180 sedežev. Ozkotrupna letala imajo različne konfiguracije
postavitve sedežev, in sicer so lahko v vrsti od 1+1, 1+2, 2+2, 3+2 do
3+3, na širokotrupnih letalih Boeing B747, B777 ter Airbusih A340 in
A380 pa 3+3+3, 2+5+2 ali 3+4+3. Širši sedeži ponujajo več udobja od
ožjih in so med potniki tudi bolj zaželeni. Standardne širine sedežev so
med 43 in 46 cm. Širina sedežev je seveda pogojena s širino notranjega
dela trupa letala in s številom prehodov med sedeži. Pri ozkotrupnih letalih
je en prehod, pri širokotrupnih dva; širina prehoda pa mora omogočati
nemoten prehod s catering vozičkom.
Med potniki so najbolj zaželeni sedeži pri zasilnih izhodih, ki nudijo več
prostora za noge, ter sedeži v prvi vrsti in pri oknih; slednji omogočajo
lep razgled na pokrajino pod letalom. Pri tistih letalskih družbah,
ki pozicije sedežev tržijo, so ti običajno najhitreje razprodani. Slabše
gredo v promet sedeži v zadnji vrsti letala, saj se na njih včasih ne da
spreminjati naklona naslonjala. V primeru konfiguracij 3+3, 2+5+2 ali
3+4+3 pa so sredinski sedeži med potniki najmanj zaželeni. Ti sedeži
so sicer enako široki kot sosednji, a imajo potniki na obeh straneh
sopotnika, kar je lahko moteče in manj udobno, predvsem takrat, ko
želi 'sredinski' potnik zapustiti sedež.
Besedilo in fotografije: Borut Podgoršek
Letalski sedeži so zelo lahki, kompaktni in ognjevarni. V primeru trka
prenesejo obremenitve do 16 g (težni pospešek), kar ob nesreči zelo
poveča možnost preživetja potnikov. Ogrodje sedežev je aluminijasto,
noge pa so oblikovane tako, da se v primeru trka ukrivijo in prevzamejo
energijo, ki se ob tem sprosti. Najpomembnejše pa je, da ostanejo
vpeti na vodila za sedeže in tako zaščitijo potnika. Sedalni del in naslon
sta izdelana iz poliuretanske pene, ki je oblečena v negorljivo tkanino.
Zgornji del sedežev je usnjen ali pa iz blaga. Polnilo v novejših sedežih
je iz sodobnejših materialov in negorljivo. Usnjeni sedeži so dražji, tudi
bolj trpežni in delujejo bolj prestižno. Zelo pogosto so v modrih ali sivih
odtenkih, ki ljudi pomirjajo. Cene sedežev se gibljejo od tisoč evrov v
ekonomskem razredu do več deset tisoč evrov v prvem razredu. Slednji
sedeži imajo poljubno nastavljive položaje naslonjal, ki omogočajo
potnikom, da sicer že udoben sedež spremenijo v ravno posteljo. Na
letalih A380 lahko najbolj petični potniki zakupijo suito, v kateri sta
zakonska postelja in celo tuš kabina.
Na hrbtni strani sedežev so vgrajene tudi priročne mizice in žepi, kjer
najdejo potniki navodila za postopke v sili (safety card), in literaturo,
ki jim jo ponujajo letalski prevozniki. V primeru Adrie Airways sta to
In-Flight Magazine, ki ga ravnokar berete, in ponudba za vas iz SkyShopa.
Vse, kar vas zanima o letalstvu / The FAQs of Aviation | 15
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard this Adria
Airways flight. Please fasten your seatbelts and keep them
fastened until the seatbelt sign has been switched off. For
your safety, we recommend that you keep your seatbelt
fastened throughout the flight.”
Airline Seats
The FAQs of Aviation
Text and photographs: Borut Podgoršek
Airline seats are attached to rails running the length of the aircraft. This
enables sets of seats to be moved forwards or backwards in accordance
with the relevant technical documentation and offers airlines a quick
and easy way to change the seating configuration and thus the number
of passengers an aircraft can carry. As a rule, the gap between seats in
economy class is between 76 and 81 cm, while in first class it can be as
much as 240 cm. The standard configuration of an Airbus A320 is 150
seats, although this number can be increased to a maximum of 180.
Narrow-body airliners have different seating configurations ranging from
1+1, 1+2, 2+2, 3+2 to 3+3, while wide-body airliners such as the Boeing
747 and 777 or the Airbus A340 and A380 can have 3+3+3, 2+5+2 or
3+4+3. Wider seats offer more comfort than narrower ones, so naturally
passengers prefer the former. Standard seat widths range from 43 to
46 cm. Seat width is of course conditioned by the internal width of the
aircraft’s fuselage and the number of aisles between seats. Narrow-body
airliners have one aisle, while wide-body airliners have two. The aisles
must be wide enough to allow a catering trolley to pass unhindered.
The most sought after seats are those next to the emergency exits,
which offer more legroom, seats in the front row, and window seats
– which offer a good view of the landscape below the aircraft. Where
airlines allow passengers to purchase specific seats on their flights,
these are usually the first to sell out. Less popular are seats in the
very back row of the aircraft, since sometimes these do not allow
passengers to recline the backrest. In the case of 3+3, 2+5+2 or
3+4+3 configurations, the middle seats are the least popular among
passengers. Although these seats are the same width as those next
to them, passengers have a fellow passenger on either side, which
can be annoying and less comfortable, especially when the “middle”
passenger wants to leave his or her seat.
Airline seats are very light, compact and fire-resistant. In the case of
a crash they can withstand loads of up to 16g, which greatly increases
passengers’ chances of survival in an accident. The seat frame is made
of aluminium, while in recent times seat frames made of composite
materials have been appearing on the market. The seat legs are
designed to bend in the case of a crash so as to absorb the energy
released. The most important thing is that they remain fixed to the seat
rails and protect the passenger. The cushion and backrest are made of
polyurethane foam covered in fire-resistant fabric. The upper part of the
seats is made of leather or fabric. The filler in the latest seats is made
of more modern materials and is fire-resistant. Leather seats are more
expensive but also more durable. They require less maintenance and
give the cabin a more prestigious feel. They frequently come in shades of
blue or grey, since these colours have a calming effect. The cost of airline
seats ranges from a thousand euros for economy class seats to tens of
thousands for first class seats. The latter have fully adjustable backrests
that allow passengers to convert their already comfortable seat into a
perfectly flat bed. On A380 aircraft the wealthiest passengers can book
a suite complete with a double bed and even a shower.
The backs of airline seats are fitted with tray tables and pockets
containing a safety card and any reading material provided by the airline.
In the case of Adria Airways this means the In-Flight Magazine you are
reading now and the SkyShop catalogue.
Airline seats allow passengers to travel in comfort but are also designed
to ensure their safety. In recent decades some airline seats have been
fitted with a variety of multimedia systems designed to keep passengers
entertained, particularly during long, intercontinental flights.
Mirjana Frišek
Glasba je pomemben
del mojega življenja
Adria Airways in glasba sta dve stalnici v
življenju Mirjane Frišek. V takem ali obratnem
vrstnem redu. Pri tem pa ji stoji ob strani njena
družina z razumevajočim možem na čelu.
Ljubezen do glasbe, ki jo ima Mirjana že v genih, je prenesla tudi na
oba otroka: hčerko Anjo, ki igra violino, in sina Gašperja, ki je s svojo
harmoniko član folklorne skupine, igra pa tudi bobne pri pihalni
godbi. Adria pa je postala pomemben del Mirjaninega življenja
davnega septembra 1985, ko je začela opravljati delo sistemskega
analitika v oddelku AOP – danes bi to ustrezalo IT oddelku. V eni
izmed številnih reorganizacij v podjetju je bil oddelek ukinjen in
Mirjani se je ponudila nova priložnost.
Mirjana, katero delo opravljaš v Adrii?
Moje delovno področje spada v komercialni sektor. Sem
komercialna planerka, kar pomeni, da načrtujem redne in čarterske
lete v okviru posameznih sezon (zima, poletje), pridobivam »slote«
(natančno določene termine, kdaj lahko naša letala pristanejo ali
odletijo na posamezna letališča) in najavljam dovoljenja pri agencijah
za civilno letalstvo (CAA) posameznih držav, kamor letijo Adrijina
letala. Rada imam to delo, saj je raznoliko, dinamično, občasno sicer
tudi stresno. Dnevno sem v stiku z različnimi oddelki v podjetju
in potrebno je veliko medsebojne koordinacije; šele ko vse skupaj
uskladimo, letala poletijo svojim ciljem naproti.
Adria smo ljudje
Pogovarjala se je Barbara M. Bukovec Fotografije: osebni arhiv
16 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Adria smo ljudje | 17
jemo z mladimi glasbeniki, nastopamo v domačih operetah, na prire-
ditvah za občinske praznike; odzivamo pa se tudi na različne pobude
za sodelovanje izven naših meja. Orkester trenutno sestavlja okoli 60
orkestrašev, ob ustanovitvi ga je vodil Tomaž Habe, od leta 2013 na-
prej pa z nami sodeluje Slaven Kulenović. Tako dajemo možnost tudi
mladim dirigentom.
Glasba me sprošča po napornem dnevu, tudi po stresu v službi.
Tam najdem prijatelje, saj smo v orkestru kot velika družina, na vajah
se popolnoma sprostim in uživam. Res je, da je za dobro izvedbo
določene skladbe pomembno veliko vaj, a vsi skupaj z dirigentom
vred se zavedamo, da pridemo orkestraši na vaje tudi malo poklepetat
in se družit, še posebej ob rojstnih dnevih.
Katero glasbo kot glasbenica rada poslušaš?
Ja, glasbo zelo rada tudi poslušam. Vsak dan po radiu, občasno
kak koncert po televiziji, še lepše pa je, kadar se odpravim na kakšen
koncert. Zadnja leta sem pogosta poslušalka mladih glasbenikov
na Konzervatoriju za glasbo v Ljubljani. Menim, da je glasba nekaj
Pa še nekaj besed o tvoji družini …
Imam čudovito družino. Nanjo sem zelo navezana in mi veliko
pomeni. Naši skupni trenutki so dragoceni, tako doma ob petkovem
jabolčnem zavitku ali na morju v kampu. Mož me ves čas podpira
pri mojem hobiju, glasbi. Veliko večerov je sam doma, ko sem na
vajah ali na koncertih. Svoje veselje je našel na domačem vrtu, kjer
pridno prideluje sadje in zelenjavo. Pod njegovimi spretnimi rokami
nastajajo specialitete, predvsem radi imamo okusne likerje. Otroka
sta že odrasla, zadnja štiri leta pa me razveseljuje najin vnuček Jure.
Sedaj pa k tvoji drugi zvezdi stalnici: violini. Koliko časa že igraš?
Moj največji hobi je res glasba, ki mi je bila dobesedno položena v
zibelko, saj je bil že moj oče ljubiteljski glasbenik. Igral je kromatično
harmoniko in sodeloval tudi s Koledniki in Jožico Kališnik; z njimi
je prepotoval kar nekaj sveta. Dolga leta je bil predsednik Godbe na
pihala Kamnik in soustanovitelj Simfoničnega orkestra Domžale–
Kamnik. Tako je poleg mene tudi on tisti, ki je moja otroka navdušil
za glasbo in se ga nista nikoli naveličala poslušati.
Violino igram že od 7. leta starosti. Zanjo sem se odločila, ko sem
videla in slišala igrati bratranca. Že v prvih letih sem pričela igrati
v šolskem orkestru, nato pa sem se priključila tudi kamniškemu
Komornemu orkestru in kasneje ob ustanovitvi Simfoničnemu
orkestru Domžale–Kamnik, v katerem še danes igram. Nekaj let sem
igrala tudi flavto in sodelovala pri kamniški Godbi na pihala, potem
pa sem se odločila, da nadaljujem samo z violino. Sem pa ljubiteljska
glasbenica, nikoli nisem pomislila, da bi lahko moje igranje
postalo tudi profesionalno. Profesionalni glasbeniki imajo namreč
z dopoldanskimi vajami, večernimi koncerti, gostovanji povsem
drugačno življenje od nas. Vseeno pa je glasba moj življenjski navdih.
Kako poteka delo v orkestru, katerega del si: kako ste začeli,
kdaj se sestajate, nastopate?
V ljubiteljskem Simfoničnem orkestru Domžale–Kamnik sem že
od ustanovitve, torej od leta 1971. Glasba nas povezuje, združuje in
osrečuje. Člani orkestra smo pisana druščina ljudi različnih poklicev,
med nami so tudi upokojenci pa učenci, dijaki in študenti.
Vaje imamo dvakrat na teden po dve uri ob večerih v Glasbeni šoli
v Mengšu, pred koncertom pa tudi kako soboto in nedeljo dopoldne.
Takrat malo stisnemo pa je. Z orkestrom prirejamo že tradicionalne
novoletne koncerte v Domžalah, Kamniku in Mengšu, veliko sodelu-
Mirjana Frišek
Music is an Important Part
of My Life
Adria Airways and music are two constants in Mirjana
Frišek’s life. Or should that be music and Adria Airways?
And then of course there is her family, including her
understanding husband.
The love of music that Mirjana carries in her genes is also
something she has passed on to her two children: her daughter Anja,
In conversation with Barbara M. Bukovec Photographs: personal archive
18 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Adria is About People
who plays the violin, and her son Gašper, who plays the accordion
in a folklore group and is also the drummer in a wind band. Adria
became an important part of Mirjana’s life when she began work as
a systems analyst in the AOP department – the equivalent of today’s
IT department – back in September 1985. During one of the many
reorganisations of the company, the department was abolished and
Mirjana was offered a new opportunity.
Adria is About People | 19
Mirjana, what do you do at Adria?
My area of work comes under the commercial sector. I am a
commercial planner, which means that I plan scheduled and charter
flights for individual seasons (winter, summer), obtain “slots” (the
specific times that our aircraft can land or take off at individual
airports) and register authorisations with the civil aviation authorities
(CAA) of the individual countries that Adria’s aircraft fly to. I love this
job because it is diverse and dynamic, although it can also be stressful
sometimes. I am in daily contact with various other departments of
the company, and lots of mutual coordination is necessary; only when
everything is coordinated properly can our aircraft take off towards
their destinations.
And what about the other constant in your life – the violin? How
long have you been playing?
Music has been my hobby practically since the cradle, because my
father was an amateur musician. He played the chromatic button
accordion and even worked with the Koledniki and Jožica Kališnik –
he saw quite a bit of the world with them. He was president of the
Kamnik Wind Band for many years and was a co-founder of the
Domžale-Kamnik Symphony Orchestra. So he has been responsible,
along with me, for getting my children interested in music, and they
have never tired of listening to him play.
I have been playing the violin since I was seven. I decided to
learn the violin after I saw and heard my cousin playing. I was soon
playing in the school orchestra. Later I joined the Kamnik Chamber
Orchestra and then, on its founding, the Domžale-Kamnik Symphony
Orchestra, which I still play with today. I also played the flute for some
years and played with the Kamnik Wind Band, but then decided to
focus exclusively on the violin. I am an amateur musician and I have
never thought about playing professionally. Professional musicians
have a completely different life from us, with morning rehearsals,
evening concerts and guest appearances. But in any case, music is the
inspiration of my life.
What does working with the orchestra involve? How did you
start, when do you meet, how often do you perform?
I have been a member of the Domžale-Kamnik Symphony
Orchestra – an amateur orchestra – ever since it was founded, so
since 1971. Music connects us, unites us and makes us happy. We
orchestra members are a diverse family from different walks of life and
our number also includes pensioners, schoolchildren and university
Two evenings a week we rehearse for two hours at the music school
in Mengeš. If we have a concert coming up, we also have rehearsals
on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It can be a bit of a squeeze, but
we manage. The orchestra performs traditional New Year’s concerts
in Domžale, Kamnik and Mengeš. We also work a lot with young
musicians, perform in local operettas and at municipal celebrations,
and accept various invitations to perform further afield. The orchestra
currently has around 60 members. Our first conductor was Tomaž
Habe and since 2013 we have been working with Slaven Kulenović. So
you see, we also give opportunities to young conductors.
Music relaxes me after a tiring day and helps take away the stress of
my job. I have friends in the orchestra and we are like one big family.
Rehearsals are a chance for me to relax completely and enjoy myself.
It’s true that to perform a piece well you need a lot of rehearsal, but
all of us, including the conductor, are aware that we also come to
rehearsals to chat and socialise a little, especially when it’s somebody’s
As a musician, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
I love listening to music. I listen to the radio every day and sometimes
watch concerts on television, but going to live concerts is even better.
In recent years I have frequently gone to hear young musicians at the
Conservatory of Music in Ljubljana. I believe that music is something
incredibly precious.
And a few words about your family...
I have a wonderful family. I am very close to them and they mean a
lot to me. The moments we spend together are very precious, whether
eating apple pie at home on a Friday or in a campsite by the sea in
summer. My husband has always supported me in my hobby. He is
often home alone in the evenings, when I am at rehearsals or concerts.
He finds his own happiness in our garden, where he grows fruit and
vegetables. His skilful hands are capable of producing a wide range of
specialities, but best of all are the delicious liqueurs he makes. Our
children are grown up now, and for the last four years our grandson
Jure has been bringing us joy. •
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Ta oglas je zaradi ohranitve avtentičnosti besedila in ker je besedilo namenjeno zlasti tujim bralcem, natisnjen v tujem jeziku.
22 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Evropa v srcu
Violeta Bulc
Violeta Bulc je trenutno ena najbolj izpostavljenih političnih oseb v Sloveniji. Po zadnjih volitvah se je njeno življenje
temeljito spremenilo. Če smo jo prej poznali kot športnico, strokovnjakinjo za marketing, borilne veščine, šamanko,
podjetnico, predavateljico, mamo in svetovalko, jo sedaj dojemamo predvsem kot najbolj prepoznavno slovensko
političarko v Evropi. Lestvice popularnosti jo uvrščajo visoko, tudi na prva mesta. Bivša podpredsednica slovenske
vlade je že skoraj eno leto članica Evropske komisije, v kateri se ukvarja s področjem prometa in transporta. Tako
je začela uresničevati eno svojih strasti – organizacijo države in skupnosti. Veliko potuje po vseh državah članicah
evropske družine in povsod je lepo sprejeta.
Besedilo: Matjaž Potokar Fotografije: osebni arhiv Violete Bulc
in jih poskušati vključevati v naš način življenja. Ni me strah občutkov,
s katerimi sem se srečevala na tej svoji poti. Želim si, da bi tovrstna
znanja vodila tudi moja dejanja. Ves čas delujem za svoj razvoj, razvoj
svoje družine in ljudi, s katerimi soustvarjam, pa tudi v dobro širše
skupnosti. Take izkušnje so mi prinesle potrditev mojega intuitivnega
zavedanja, da moram izkoriščati danosti in vpetosti, ne pa jih izsiljevati.
Znana je vaša ideja, da intuicije v poslovnem svetu še ne
upoštevamo dovolj. Jo upoštevamo v politiki?
Res se v poslovnem svetu še ne naslanjamo dovolj na intuicijo,
čeprav tudi tu že obstaja kar nekaj poslovnežev, ki delujejo po teh
načelih. Pred svojo politično potjo sem se intuiciji precej posvečala
in vsi odzivi so bili odlični. Trudila sem se zrušiti tabuje, povezane
z intuicijo, in pomagati poslovnežem, da jo sistematično razvijajo.
Njim v podporo smo oblikovali nov poslovni model, ki intuicijo
umešča ob bok učenju in delovanju v procesu celostnega odločanja.
Želela sem odkriti vzvode, ki bi lahko pomembno vplivali na krepitev
gospodarske in družbene blaginje. Kljub nekaterim pomislekom smo
bili v poslovnem svetu kar uspešni. Kar pa se politike tiče – morda ne
boste verjeli, vendar v zadnjem času spoznavam kar nekaj politikov, ki
upoštevajo svojo intuicijo.
Adrijina potnica
Na kateri od prehojenih poti ste se do sedaj najbolje znašli in
V življenju sem se želela preizkusiti na več področjih. Lahko rečem, da
sem se v določenem obdobju našla povsod in povsod dosegala uspehe.
V športu sem se ukvarjala z borilnimi veščinami, podjetništvo je zame
predstavljalo nadaljevanje moje poti v marketingu. Vse sem skušala
povezati v zanimivo celoto. Lahko bi rekla, da sem s prvimi petdesetimi
leti svojega življenja kar zadovoljna, in mislim, da tudi uspešna. Za
vstop v politiko pa sem se odločila, ker sem v nekem obdobju dobila
občutek, da se veliko pritožujem. To ni moj način funkcioniranja, zato
sem se vprašala, kaj lahko sama prispevam k izboljšanju. Začela sem
se dobivati z nekaterimi somišljeniki. Beseda je dala besedo, povezali
smo se v stranko, ki je zmagala na volitvah. Seveda sem želela delovati
predvsem doma, a ko mi je predsednik vlade ponudil priložnost v
Evropski komisiji, sem se hitro odločila.
Zakaj ste se odločili preizkusiti se v nekaterih ezoteričnih
praksah ?
Prepričana sem, da so vsi dogodki vpeti v širši okvir. Žal današnja
znanja ne dajejo vsem tem idejam tolikšne teže, kot so jo dajala vedenja
nekaterih starejših ljudstev. Mislim, da je stara znanja treba spoštovati
Adrijina potnica | 23
24 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
in the Heart
Violeta Bulc
Text: Matjaž Potokar Photographs provided by Violeta Bulc
Violeta Bulc is currently one of the highest-profile political
figures in Slovenia. Since the last general election her life
has changed radically. If in the past we have known her
as a sportswoman, a marketing expert, a martial arts
practitioner, a shaman, a businesswoman, a lecturer, a
mother and a consultant, we now think of her above all
as the most prominent Slovene politician in Europe. She
enjoys a high approval rating, with some popularity polls
placing her at the very top. A former deputy prime minister
of Slovenia, she has been European Commissioner
for Transport for almost a year. This has given her an
opportunity to dedicate herself to one of her passions
– the organisation of the state and the community. She
travels a great deal around the countries that make up the
European family and is welcomed wherever she goes.
Of all the paths that you have travelled to date, which is the one
that has suited you best and why?
In my life I have wanted to put myself to the test in many different
fields. I think I can say that in any given period I have found my feet
everywhere and achieved success everywhere. In sport I was involved
in the world of martial arts, while for me business represented
a continuation of my path in marketing. I have tried to connect
everything into an interesting whole. I would say that I am quite
satisfied with the first 50 years of my life and I believe that I have
also been successful. I decided to enter politics because at a certain
stage in my life I had the feeling that I was complaining a lot. That
is not my way of functioning, so I started to ask myself what I could
do to improve things. I began meeting up with other like-minded
individuals. One thing led to another and we ended up forming
the party that won the election. Of course I was mainly interested
in working at home, but when the prime minister offered me an
opportunity in the European Commission it didn’t take me long to
make up my mind.
Adria Passenger
Kateri trije projekti so ta hip v Evropski komisiji
Na prvem mestu moram omeniti 300 milijard evrov vreden naložbeni
načrt, s katerim naj bi prek različnih projektov privabili v Evropo tudi
zasebni kapital. Načrt je povezan z zagonom gospodarske rasti in
povečanjem konkurenčnosti v Evropi. Predlagali smo ustanovitev
Evropskega sklada za strateške naložbe, ki naj bi začel delovati v drugi
polovici leta. Drugi projekt je omrežje TEN-T, ki smo si ga v Evropski
komisiji zadali kot enega glavnih projektov vzpostavitve enotnega
prometnega sistema. Evropski parlament in države članice so ga
potrdili z veliko večino. Sedaj smo na začetku. Osrednje omrežje naj
bi bilo vzpostavljeno do leta 2030, celovito pa do leta 2050. Vzporedno
je bil sprejet tudi način financiranja, ki bo državam v prvih letih z
evropskimi proračunskimi sredstvi zagotavljal podporo pri gradnji
osrednjega omrežja TEN-T. Evropski skupni zračni prostor je ideja,
ki jo je utemeljil že moj predhodnik. Zaenkrat pripravljamo strateške
dokumente, ki jih bomo lahko začeli izvajati šele po odobritvi vseh
parlamentov članic. Razumem pomisleke nekaterih, da gre za izgubo
še enega dela suverenosti, ampak misliti moramo na prihodnost.
Zagotavljanje skupnega zračnega prostora bo prihranilo veliko denarja
in odprlo okrog sto petdeset tisoč novih delovnih mest.
Kar nekaj negodovanja je zaradi nezadostne varnosti ob vedno
večji uporabi brezpilotnih letal.
Strinjam se s kritikami, a povedati moram, da smo se v Evropi prvi
lotili formalnega urejanja tega področja. Orjemo ledino in smo prav
zdaj sredi priprav za izdelavo dokumenta, ki bo urejal tudi to področje.
Kot vedno je tudi tu varnost na prvem mestu.
Kako gledate na prodor neevropskih letalskih družb v Evropo?
Evropska komisija seveda podpira tuje naložbe, tudi v primeru
neevropskih letalskih družb, vendar ostaja striktna pri svojih načelih,
da njihov lastniški delež ne sme presegati polovičnega deleža.
Je Slovenija dovolj dobro vključena v najpomembnejše evropske
prometne projekte?
Ne še. Je pa na dobri poti, da to stori. Slovenija lahko zaradi svoje lege
igra pomembno vlogo v evropskem prometnem sistemu. V Evropi je
sedaj pravi čas za investicije v promet, še posebej v letalski in železniški.
Kako lahko članica evropske vlade pomaga državi, iz katere
Tako, da je dobra evropska komisarka.
Ali je lažje hoditi po žerjavici ali biti evropska komisarka?
Oboje je izziv in oboje me krepi in razvija.
Še verjamete v načelo kozmične vpetosti? 	
Seveda, še vedno verjamem!
Adria Passenger | 25
Why have you chosen to test yourself in esoteric practices?
Unfortunately present-day knowledge and understanding do not give
as much weight to these ideas as the wisdom of older peoples once
did. I believe that we should respect ancient knowledge and try and
incorporate it into our way of life. I am not afraid of the feelings I
have encountered along my chosen path. I would also like knowledge
of this kind to guide my actions. I am constantly working on my own
development, and on that of my family and the people I work with,
and also for the good of the wider community. Experiences like this
have brought confirmation of my intuitive awareness that I need to
exploit innate characteristics and connections, but not force them.
You have famously said that we still do not give sufficient weight
to intuition in the business world. What about in politics?
It is true that in the business world we still do not rely enough
on intuition, although even here there are already quite a number
of businesspeople who operate according to these principles. Before
beginning my political career I dedicated a lot of my time to intuition.
The response was always very positive. I have tried to break down
the taboos surrounding intuition and help businesspeople develop
it systematically. As a way of supporting them, we have developed
a new business model that places intuition alongside learning and
action in a process of holistic decision-making. I wanted to discover
the mechanisms that could significantly strengthen economic and
social well-being. Despite some reservations, we have been quite
successful in the business world. As far as politics is concerned, you
may not believe it but I have recently met quite a few politicians who
follow their intuition.
What three projects are currently most important at the Euro-
pean Commission?
First of all I should mention the €300 billion investment plan that
also aims to attract private capital to Europe via various projects.
The plan is designed to foster economic growth and increase
competitiveness in Europe. We have proposed the setting up of a
European Fund for Strategic Investments, which is due to begin
work in the second half of this year. The second project is the TEN-T
network, which the European Commission has identified as one of
the main projects for the establishment of a single European transport
system. The European Parliament and Member States have approved
it with an overwhelming majority. Now we are at the beginning. The
core network should be in place by 2030 and the comprehensive
network by 2050. Parallel to this, a financing methodology has been
adopted, which in the first years will provide Member States with
European budgetary support for the construction of the core TEN-T
network. The Single European Sky project is an idea for which the
groundwork was laid by my predecessor. At the moment we are busy
preparing strategic documents. Implementation of these will only
begin once approval has been obtained from all national parliaments.
I understand the hesitation of those who see this as the loss of yet
another part of national sovereignty, but we must think about the
future. Ensuring a common European airspace will save a great deal
of money and create around 150,000 new jobs.
There is quite a lot of concern about what are perceived to be
inadequate safety arrangements in the face of the growing use
of pilotless aircraft.
I agree with the criticisms, but I should point out that we in Europe
are the first to have tackled the formal regulation of this area. We
are breaking new ground and are at this moment in the middle of
preparations to draft a document that will regulate the sector. As
always, safety is the top priority.
How do you view the penetration of non-European airlines into
The European Commission of course supports foreign investment,
including in the case of non-European airlines, but sticks strictly to
the principle that the share of foreign ownership of an airline may not
exceed 50%.
Is Slovenia sufficiently involved in the most important European
transport projects?
Not yet. But it is well on the way to achieving this. Thanks to
its position, Slovenia can play an important role in the European
transport system. In Europe it is now the right time for investment in
transport, particularly air and rail transport.
How can a member of the European government help the coun-
try she comes from?
By being a good European commissioner.
What is easier: walking on hot coals or being a European com-
Both are a challenge and both strengthen me and help me grow.
Do you still believe in the principle of cosmic connections?	
Of course I do! •
26 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Pariški zlati
kruhek, ups ...
Morda je edina vrsta, kjer
ljudje vseh slojev stojijo
in čakajo na izdelek, ki
si ga lahko vsi privoščijo,
vrsta za francosko štruco.
Od revolucije dalje je bila
izpostavljena zahteva, da
je vsakomur zagotovljen
vsakdanji kruh in da ni več
kruha iz pšenice za bogate
in iz otrobov za revne.
Francoska štruca je kruh
enakosti. To sem spoznal
tudi ob zadnjem obisku
Pariza. Jedli smo jo tako
v veličastni mestni hiši
(Hôtel de Ville) v dolgi
plesni dvorani z imenom
Salle des Fêtes, pod
okrašenimi kasetiranimi
stropi, impresivnimi
lestenci, med številnimi
kipi, kjer župan prireja
bankete in sprejeme, kot
tudi kasneje s pariškimi
Besedilo in fotografije: Damijan Jagodic
Pariz | 27
Adria Airways leti iz
Ljubljane v Pariz
vsak dan
28 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
godba o najboljši francoski štruci se
začne, ko izstopim na postaji metroja
Blanche. Tam zažari Moulin Rouge,
tik pred njim zavijem na desno, v ulico Le-
pic. Diši po ravnokar pečenih piškah, vonj
po sirih marsikoga privabi v butik ali pa od-
nese iz njega, pripravljene je toliko kitajske
in druge hrane, kot bi jo kuhali noč in dan.
Mnogi pridejo na kozarec francoskega vina
ali na kavo, ki jo srebajo na pločniku ob pre-
biranju časopisov in revij. Drugi si privoščijo
posedanje, da se jim duša umiri in napolni z
opazovanjem ljudi, ki hitijo na Montmartre.
V mesnicah posegajo po puranih, golobih,
prepelicah, piščancih. Izzivajo me sladoledi,
sveže pite. Z veseljem bi s prstom poskusil
marmelado iz fig in melon ali pa iz klemen-
tin s cimetom. Namazal bi jo na francosko
štruco, ki se jo jé za zajtrk z marmelado, čez
dan in za večerjo pa sámo ali z drugimi do-
brotami. Razloge za to, da so štruce takšne,
kakršne so, pripisujejo različnim osebam,
anekdotam in dogodkom.
Prva pravi, da je Napoleon zahteval
kruh take oblike, da so ga lahko vojaki
nosili v uniformah na bojnem polju. Druga
anekdota pripoveduje, da se delavci ob
gradnji podzemne železnice marsikdaj niso
prav dobro razumeli. Njihovi nadzorniki so
se bali nasilja v temnih podzemnih tunelih,
saj je imel vsakdo nož za rezanje kruha; zato
so od pekov zahtevali, da je štruca dovolj
dolga in vitka, da se lahko trga z roko. Tretja
pa, da gre za prilagoditev pekov zakonu iz
leta 1920, ko jim je bilo prepovedano delati
od 10. ure zvečer do 4. ure zjutraj. Tako so
začeli peči kruh, ki je bil prej gotov.
Dokazano najboljše francoske štruce so le
nekaj korakov stran od ulice Lepic, na desni
strani, na ulici Abbesses št. 38 v pekarni
Grenier à Pain. Nekatere pekarne so izhod
v sili za premagovanje lakote; so pa tudi
takšne, kot je Grenier à Pain, zaradi katere
morate v Pariz! Da bi bila bageta prava,
zahteva zamesitev predtesta z dolgotrajnim
vzhajanjem v različnih fazah: zamesitev
testa, oblikovanje, počivanje in pečenje
z dovodom pare. Sestavine in postopki
vplivajo na aromo, vonj, okus, številne
luknjice v sredici (te so izrednega pomena)
in na sijočo, svežo, tanko, zlato hrustljavo
55 do 65 centimetrov in tehtati od 250 do
300 gramov, 18 gramov soli pa je dovoljeno
uporabiti na kilogram moke. Med 231
mojstri baget je letos zmagal Djibril Bodian,
in to ne prvič, zmago je odnesel že leta 2010.
Francoski ponos je lani najboljše zamesil
portugalski pek Antonio Teixeira, leta 2013
pa v Tuniziji rojen Ridha Khadher.
skorjo. Vse te lastnosti ocenjuje komisija,
ki podeli naslov najboljše bagete. Žirija je
sestavljena iz 15 članov: iz kulinaričnih
strokovnjakov (vključno z vodjo v Elizejski
palači) in petih laikov, ki so izbrani med 800
Tekmovanje poteka v Parizu že
enaindvajseto leto. Bageta mora meriti od
Pariz | 29
V pekarni Djibrila Bodiana spečejo ob
sobotah in nedeljah, ko je vrsta čakajočih
najdaljša, okoli 1800 baget štirih različnih
okusov in imen. »Baguette de tradition«
je zmagovalna iz bele moke, »Baguette de
tradition paysanne« – tradicionalna, posuta
z moko po vrhu, »Baguette de céréales«
– tradicionalna s semeni in »Baguette
montmartroise« je bageta iz mešanice dveh
mok in semen.
Kupci v vrsti so tisti dan ob topli bageti
izražali veselje in pomirjenost, češ – zdaj
jo imam! Sam sem se je lotil počasi, z
občudovanjem, saj je razlika med tistimi,
ki nosijo ime bageta, in zmagovalno, ki
sem jo jedel, ogromna! Po vseh opisanih
kriterijih. Mislil sem, da jo bom prihranil še
za naslednji dan, a ni ostala niti drobtinica!
Zato sem se tako kot pravi Parižan zjutraj
spet postavil v vrsto …
Zmagovalcu pritičejo poleg denarne še
veliko vrednejše nagrade. Zmagovalne
bagete eno leto dnevno potujejo na Elizejske
poljane, kjer jih okuša celo sam predsednik.
30 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
The Golden Bread of Paris…
the Baguette!Text and photographs: Damijan Jagodic
Perhaps the only queue in which
people of all classes stand and wait
for a product that everyone can
afford is the queue for French bread.
One of the demands of the French
Revolution was that everyone should
be guaranteed their daily bread, and
that there would no longer be wheat
bread for the rich and bran bread for
the poor. Since then, French bread
has been the bread of égalité. This
was brought vividly home to me
during my last visit to Paris. We ate
it in the magnificent Hôtel de Ville
(city hall), beneath painted coffered
ceilings and impressive chandeliers,
surrounded by statues, in the
long ballroom known as the Salle
des Fêtes where the mayor holds
banquets and receptions, and also
later among the homeless of Paris.
he story of the best French bread begins
when I come out of the métro at Blanche
station. Just before the gleaming
Moulin Rouge I turn right into Rue Lepic. The
air is filled with the smell of roasting chickens.
The scent of cheeses draws many into the
fromagerie – or drives them away. There is so
much Chinese and other food prepared here
that they must be cooking night and day. Many
people come here for a glass of French wine
or a coffee, which they sip on the pavement
as they browse newspapers and magazines.
Paris | 31
Baguette. The jury is made up of 15 members:
ten culinary experts (including the chef from
the Élysée Palace) and five non-professionals
selected from among 800 applicants.
The competition is now in its 21st year.
In order to be considered, a baguette must
measure between 55 and 65 centimetres
and weigh between 250 and 300 grams. The
bread must also contain exactly 18 grams of
salt per kilogram of flour used. This year’s
winner, chosen among 231 master baguette
makers, was Djibril Bodian – although this
was not his first victory. He also won in 2010.
Last year’s winner was the Portuguese baker
António Teixeira, while in 2013 the title went
to Tunisia-born Ridha Khadher.
The spoils of victory are not limited to the
cash prize: for a whole year the winner of the
competition gets to supply baguettes to the
Élysée Palace, where they are eaten by the
French president himself.
On Saturdays and Sundays, when the queue
is always longest, Djibril Bodian’s bakery
bakes around 1,800 baguettes of four different
types. The baguette de tradition is the winning
baguette, made from white flour; the baguette
de tradition paysanne is a traditional baguette
with flour sprinkled on top; the baguette de
céréales is a traditional baguette topped with
mixed seeds; and the baguette montmartroise
is a baguette made from a blend of two types
of flour and seeds.
The customers in the queue that day
radiated happiness as they received their still-
warm baguettes, and a sense of satisfaction, as
if to say – now I’ve got it! I set about my own
baguette slowly, with wonder and amazement,
since the difference between all those other
breads that bear the name of baguette and
the prize-winning creation I was eating is
enormous! By all the competition criteria
(crust, taste, aroma, crumb and appearance).
I had planned to keep some of it to eat the
next day, but I finished it off down to the last
crumb! So the next morning saw me join the
queue once again, like a real Parisian... •
Adria Airways flies between
Ljubljana and Paris
every day
Others prefer to sit down and enjoy a
moment of calm as they watch the people
hurrying up to Montmartre. The butcher’s
shops do a busy trade in turkeys, pigeons,
quails and chickens. I am tempted by the ice
creams and fresh pies. I would love to dip my
finger into a jam made of figs and melons, or
clementines with cinnamon. I would spread
it on French bread – which is eaten with jam
at breakfast but on its own or in combination
with other good things during the day and at
dinner. There are many anecdotes explaining
why French bread – the classic baguette – is
the way it is, and its origins are attributed to
different people and events.
According to one story it was Napoleon
who demanded a loaf of this shape so that his
soldiers could carry it in their uniforms on
the battlefield. A second anecdote attributes
it to the frequent disagreements among
the workers engaged in building Paris’s
underground railway. Their supervisors were
afraid of the violence that might flare up in
the dark underground tunnels, since every
man carried a knife with which to cut his
bread. So they asked the bakers to bake a loaf
that was long and thin enough to be broken by
hand. A third story attributes the origin of the
baguette to an attempt by the city’s bakers to
circumvent a 1920 law prohibiting them from
working between ten o’clock in the evening
and four o’clock in the morning. The solution
was to start baking a type of bread that would
be ready more quickly.
The official “Best Baguette in Paris” can be
found just a few metres away from Rue Lepic.
Turn right into Rue des Abbesses and you
will find it at Le Grenier à Pain, at number
38. Some bakeries are simply an emergency
measure to stave off hunger; others, like Le
Grenier à Pain are worth a trip to Paris on their
own! For a true baguette, the kneading and
rising of the dough has to take place in several
stages: kneading the dough, shaping the bread,
leaving it to rest, and baking it with steam. The
ingredients and techniques used affect the
aroma, the taste, the number of little holes in
the crumb (these are very important) and the
gleaming, fresh, thin and crisply golden crust.
All these characteristics are assessed by the
jury charged with awarding the title of Best
32 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Pohorje | 33
potep po
Nekaj časa je že od tedaj, ko sem pohajal po Pohorju. V spominu
so mi ostale zimske vragolije izpred let, neskončni gozdovi,
neizmerna tišina in nočni razgled na razsvetljeno štajersko
metropolo … In ko me je pot zopet pripeljala na štajerski konec,
sem si ponovno zaželel občutiti ta mir in spokojnost.
Besedilo in fotografije: Andrej Blatnik
34 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
apeljal sem na avtocesto in že na prvi
usmerjevalni tabli prebral: Pohorje.
Naj bo! Sledil sem napisom Maribor –
jug, Hoče, zavil pri semaforju levo, nato pa
skozi Spodnje Hoče, Zgornje Hoče … Potem
sem se začel vzpenjati mimo vinogradov in
senožeti, sledili sta tabli Hočko Pohorje in
Slivniško Pohorje in gozda je bilo vedno več.
Moral sem prevoziti že več kot petnajst kilo-
metrov, ko se je cesta razcepila na dva kraka:
proti Arehu in proti Bellevueju. Odločil sem
se za slednjega, čeprav nisem bil namenjen
v hotel. Na križišču je bilo še polno tabel z
imeni planinskih koč in penzionov, da sem se
moral kar ustaviti, če sem hotel prebrati, kaj
vse je na razpolago. Na naslednjem križišču
sem zavil levo: Mariborska koča, Ruševec …,
se še nekoliko vzpel v klanec in ustavil avto
pred Mariborsko kočo. Naročil sem pivo in
pobaral prijazno natakarico po namestitve-
nih kapacitetah v okolici. Kot zelo pomemb-
no postavko sem izpostavil mir. Predlagala
mi je Zeleno vas Ruševec, kakšnih petdeset
vrtom, kompostnikom in zeliščnim vrtom.
Vas živi v duhu trajnostnega bivanja, saj skuša
na vsakem koraku ilustrirati sožitje človeka z
naravo – premišljenega jemanja vsega, kar
nam narava ponuja, a tudi vračanja tistega,
kar narava potrebuje.
Po spoznavnem srečanju sem se odpravil
na sprehod. Globoko sem vdihaval čist
gozdni zrak, kot bi bil na pljučni terapiji. Ko
sem se vzpenjal na Pohorje, sem se peljal
mimo bolnišnice; pozneje sem izvedel, da je
to oddelek za pljučne bolezni. Zrak je tam res
fantastičen. Potem pa proti Arehu. Stavba, ki
je bila nekoč hotel, žalostno propada, Ruška
koča nasproti, pri Svetem Arehu, pa je še kar
lepo pri življenju. Bela cerkev, krita s skrilom,
je bila obsijana s poznopopoldanskim
soncem – kot nalašč za posnetek.
Zvečer sem šel še na Bellevue in pogledal
dol na razsvetljen Maribor. Odločil sem se,
da bom v primeru slabega vremena naslednji
dan odšel v mesto. Od brunaric do zgornje
postaje Pohorske vzpenjače je le nekaj minut
vožnje, že na vznožju pri hotelu Habakuk pa
je tudi postaja mestnega avtobusa. Udobno.
Na srečo me je naslednje jutro pričakalo
sonce in dan sem izkoristil v naravi do
metrov stran. Dala mi je telefonsko številko
in … na srečo so imeli tam prosto brunarico.
Tako sem prišel v Zeleno vas. In res je
zelena! Ob pogledu na to malo naselbino
sem nehote pomislil, da so smreke za
brunarice nekoč rasle prav na tem bregu
ter da je nekdo skrčil gozd in porabil les za
bivališča. Delovalo je zelo elementarno, pa
tudi romantično. Od nekod se je prikazala
gospodarica in me smejé vprašala po prvih
vtisih, a je že brala navdušenje na mojem
obrazu. Potem mi je podrobneje razkazala
Zeleno vas – pet brunaric iz mogočnih brun
pohorskih smrek, toplotno izoliranih z ovčjo
volno – kot edinstven primer ekološkega,
zelenega turizma, ki je vreden posnemanja;
predvsem pa gre za »lokalno in avtentično«,
saj so uporabili le naravne materiale, ki
so na voljo v okolici. Vas je zasnovana kot
poučni permakulturni krog s tradicionalnim
slovenskim čebelnjakom, rastlinsko čistilno
napravo, ribnikom, obdanim z značilnimi
pohorskimi kamninami, permakulturnim
Pohorje | 35
vas Ruševec, ki si je mimogrede nadela ime
po gozdni kokoški, je nadvse prikladno
izhodišče za kratke in dolge potepe, ko
bom naslednjič raziskoval to z gozdom
poraščeno pogorje, njegove naravne lepote
in starodavne skrivnosti.
popolnosti. Odpravil sem se proti Osankarici
in Črnemu jezeru. Ko sem odkril jezero, so se
jutranje meglice že dvigale nad vodno gladino
in razen ptičjega petja ni bilo slišati ničesar.
Čez dobro uro sem se vrnil na Osankarico.
Dom je bil že pokonci in iz zvočnikov sta
prepevala Simon in Garfunkel »Sound of
Silence«. Kakšno naključje! sem pomislil. Z
Osankarice sem se namenil še k slapu Šumik.
Pešpot do slapa je kar zahtevna, a prihod na
cilj je svojevrstna nagrada.
Tudi zadnji dan svojega potepanja po
Pohorju sem bil zgoden. Vstati zgodaj je
sicer težko, a se splača. Odpešačil sem proti
Bolfenku. Jutranja svetloba je bila čudovita,
za družbo pa so mi bili le srnjad, zajci in
ptice. Pozneje, ko sem se spustil še v dolino,
sem v Hočah obiskal botanični vrt.
Pohorje je naredilo name mogočen vtis že
takrat pozimi, vendar je bila zame poletna
zgodba še bolj privlačna. Vsekakor bom
moral potepanje še ponoviti, ga tudi nekoliko
načrtovati, predvsem pa podaljšati. Zelena
36 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
GreenRambles Through
Text and photographs: Andrej Blatnik
Quite some time has passed since I last wandered around Pohorje. I still
remember the winter fun and games from years ago, the endless forests, the
infinite silence and the night-time view of the lights of Maribor, the capital of
Slovenia’s Štajerska region (the southernmost portion of the former Duchy of
Styria, the remainder of which today makes up the Austrian state of Styria or
Steiermark). And when my travels brought me back to Štajerska, I once again
felt the desire to experience that peace and tranquillity.
set off on the motorway and there it was,
on the first direction sign: Pohorje. If
only! I followed the indications for Mari-
bor South and then the sign for Hoče, turned
left at the traffic lights and drove through
Spodnje (Lower) Hoče, Zgornje (Upper)
Hoče and continued on. I began to climb up
through vineyards and meadows, past the
signs for Hočko Pohorje and Slivniško Po-
horje, and the forest grew deeper and denser.
I must have driven more than 15 kilometres
when I came to a fork in the road: one direc-
tion led to Areh and the other to Bellevue. I
chose the latter, even though I wasn’t headed
for the hotel of the same name. The junction
was also full of signposts showing the names
of mountain huts and guest houses, which
meant that I had to stop if I wanted to read
through all the options available. At the next
junction I turned left: Mariborska Koča,
Ruševec… I climbed a little further up the
slope and stopped the car outside the Mari-
borska Koča mountain hut. I ordered a beer
and asked the friendly waitress about places
to stay in the surrounding area. I explained
that peace and quiet were of the utmost im-
portance. She proposed Zelena Vas Ruševec,
some fifty metres away. She gave me their
telephone number and... luckily they had a
free log cabin.
And so I arrived at Zelena Vas – or “Green
Village”. And it really is green! As I looked
at this little settlement I found myself
thinking that the pine trees that were used
to build these log cabins had once grown
right here on this slope, and that someone
had cleared the forest and used the wood
to build houses. The effect was very simple,
but also romantic. The owner appeared from
somewhere and, smiling, asked me what I
thought of it – but she could already read
the enthusiasm on my face. Then she gave
me a detailed tour of Zelena Vas – five log
cabins built from massive logs of Pohorje
pine, insulated against the cold by sheep’s
wool – a unique example of ecological, green
tourism that is worth imitating; above all, it
is “local and authentic”, because only natural
materials available in the surrounding area
have been used. The village is designed as
an educational permaculture circle with a
Pohorje | 37
traditional Slovene beehouse, a constructed
wetland, a fish pond surrounded by
characteristic Pohorje rocks, a permaculture
garden, a composter and a herb garden.
The village is the living embodiment of the
spirit of sustainable living, since everything
about it illustrates the coexistence of human
beings and nature – carefully taking all that
nature offers us and returning the things
that nature needs.
After my initial tour I set off for a walk. I
breathed in deeply, inhaling the pure forest
air as though I were a pulmonary patient.
On my way up to Pohorje I had driven past
a hospital. I later discovered that it is in fact
a specialised lung disease clinic. The air up
there truly is fantastic. Then I set off towards
Areh. The former hotel building is now sadly
dilapidated, but Ruška Koča, the mountain
hut opposite, standing next to the church
of Sveti Areh (St Henry), is very much alive.
The white church with its slate roof was lit
by the late afternoon sun – perfect for a
In the evening I also visited Bellevue and
gazed down at the lights of Maribor. I decided
that if the weather was bad tomorrow I
would visit the city. It is just a few minutes’
drive from the log cabins to the upper station
of the Pohorje cable car, while down at the
bottom, next to the Hotel Habakuk, there is
a bus stop. Very convenient.
Fortunately the next day was sunny and I
made the most of a day in the great outdoors.
I set off in the direction of Osankarica and
the Black Lake (Črno jezero). When I reached
the lake, the morning mists had already
lifted clear of the surface of the water and
the only sound to be heard was the singing
of the birds. An hour or so late I returned
to Osankarica. The mountain hut there was
awake by now and Simon and Garfunkel’s
“The Sound of Silence” was drifting from
the loudspeakers. “What a coincidence!” I
thought to myself. From Osankarica I took
the path to the Šumik waterfall. The footpath
to the waterfall is quite a difficult one, but
the destination makes it all worthwhile.
I made another early start on the last day
of my Pohorje adventure. Getting up early
may be difficult, but it pays dividends. I set
off on foot towards Bolfenk. The morning
light was wonderful, and my only company
were roe deer, rabbits and birds. Later, when
I descended into the valley, I visited the
botanical garden in Hoče.
Pohorje had made a powerful impression
on me that far-off winter, but in my opinion
this summer adventure was even more
alluring. I am certainly going to have to
come back again, next time with a little more
planning, and above all for a longer visit.
Zelena Vas Ruševec – the “Ruševec” part
of its name actually means “black grouse”
– will be the perfect base from which to set
off on short walks and longer hikes, the next
time I come to explore the forest-covered
mountains of Pohorje, their natural beauty
and their ancient secrets. •
38 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Muzej na prostem – Partizanska bolnišnica Franja –
prejel znak Evropske dediščine
Zgodovina | 39
Geslo 'Franja'
je odločalo o življenju
in smrti
Evropa je maja letos praznovala 70-letnico osvoboditve izpod fašizma in nacizma. Temačno
obdobje druge svetovne vojne ni prizaneslo niti slovenskemu ozemlju. Vojna vihra ga je doletela,
države se je v razkosani Sloveniji med tremi okupacijskimi silami – nemškimi, italijanskimi in
madžarskimi – organiziralo slovensko odporniško gibanje. Znotraj partizanskega gibanja je
bila ustanovljena tudi sanitetna služba. Ta je skrbela za mobilizacijo medicinskega osebja in
materiala ter za izobraževanje in oskrbo ranjencev in bolnih. Z ustanavljanjem skritih in težko
dostopnih stacionarnih bolnišnic v gozdovih, grapah in podzemnih jamah pa so poskrbeli tudi
za težke ranjence in obolele. 120 partizanskih bolnišnic v letih 1942–45 in v njih oskrbovanih
več kot 15.000 ranjencev velja za edinstvenost slovenskega partizanskega
gibanja. Ena izmed redkih ohranjenih bolnišnic – Franja še danes priča o
Legendarna Partizanska bolnišnica Franja v skriti soteski Pasice. Letos
je prejela Znak evropske dediščine, ki ga Evropska komisija podeljuje
območjem z izjemno kulturno dediščino s simbolno vrednostjo za Evropo,
pomembno vlogo v evropski zgodovini in kulturi ali pri združevanju.
Besedilo: Maja Kutin Fotografije: arhiv Cerkljanski muzej (Rafael Marn, Luka Kalan)
40 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
o kapitulaciji Italije in nemški ofenzi-
vi so partizani na severnem Primor-
skem in v zahodni Gorenjski še pred
zimo potrebovali varen prostor za ranjence.
Izbrana je bila skoraj nedostopna ozka sote-
ska Pasice v Dolenjih Novakih pri Cerknem
med visokimi skalnimi previsi. Iz lesenih
desk so postopoma rasle barake in bolnico
so dograjevali vse do konca. Danes si ob obi-
sku Franje – tega izjemnega kraja spomina
– lahko ogledamo 14 barak različnih veli-
kosti in namembnosti ter nekaj pomožnih
objektov, v katerih so zdravili ranjence, ime-
li operacijsko sobo, sobo za rentgen, kuhi-
njo in zaklonišče za ranjence, zgradili pa so
celo lastno elektrarno. V letu in pol njenega
delovanja – od decembra 1943 do začetka
maja 1945 – je bolnišnico vodilo več zdrav-
nikov. Poimenovali pa so jo po zdravnici dr.
Franji Bojc Bidovec, ki jo je najdlje vodila.
Poleg operacij in skrbi za ranjence in osebje
je bilo potrebno poskrbeti za vse pomemb-
no, da je bolnica delovala, tudi za potrebno
količino sanitetnega materiala, zdravil in
hrane; manjkale pa niso niti kulturne ak-
tivnosti. Bolnica Franja je veljala za največjo
partizansko skrivnost in je bila tudi edina
bolnišnica, ki je morala sama poskrbeti za
svojo varnost. Da bi jo ohranili skrito, so se
posluževali konspirativnih metod. Ranjence
Zgodovina | 41
Obisk Partizanske bolnišnice Franje v
bližini Cerknega je danes možen po urejeni
pešpoti ob potoku. Čeprav je povodenj jeseni
2007 skoraj v celoti odnesla večino barak in
originalnih razstavljenih predmetov, je bil
zaradi velike simbolne vrednosti bolnišnični
kompleks Franja po celoviti rekonstrukciji
leta 2010 ponovno odprt za obiskovalce. 14
lesenih barak in nekaj pomožnih objektov
stoji prav tako kot pred 70 leti, ko je prene-
hala delovati, njeno sporočilo o nudenju od-
pora ter o plemenitosti in tovarištvu pa je še
vedno živo in v opomin sedanjim in priho-
dnjim generacijam: naj cenimo mir in svo-
bodo, ki ju uživamo! Franja je vpisana tudi
na UNESCOV Poskusni seznam svetovne
so najprej pripeljali do ene izmed javk in šele
po pregledu so jih ponoči z nosili prenašali
ob potoku navzgor v centralno bolnišnico
Franjo ali v njene razpršene oddelke. Zaradi
stroge tajnosti lokacije so jim pred tem za-
vezali oči in jih nekajkrat obrnili v krogu, da
bi tako izgubili občutek za orientacijo. Do-
stop do bolnice pa je bil varovan z minskim
poljem in obrambnimi bunkerji v naravnih
skalnih votlinah. Sovražnik se je dvakrat
znašel v njeni neposredni bližini, vendar je
ni odkril.
V centralnem oddelku Partizanske bolni-
šnice Franja je prejelo medicinsko in kirur-
ško pomoč 578 ranjencev, v vseh njenih od-
delkih pa skoraj 1000 ranjenih. Med njimi so
bili poleg Slovencev in drugih pripadnikov
jugoslovanskih narodov tudi Francozi, Rusi,
Poljaki, Američani, Italijani in en Avstrijec.
V vojnih okoliščinah pomanjkanja in neiz-
merne iznajdljivosti je zabeležila relativno
nizko smrtnost (13,5%).
The Franja Partisan Hospital open-air museum
receives the European Heritage Label
42 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
The Password Franja
Meant the Difference
Between Life and Death
Text: Maja Kutin Photography: Cerkno Museum archive (Rafael Marn, Luka Kalan)
In May this year Europe celebrated the 70th anniversary
of its liberation from Fascism and Nazism. The dark
period of the Second World War did not spare Slovenia.
It was caught up in the maelstrom of war when the
Luftwaffe attacked Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941. Following
the defeat of the Yugoslav army and the occupation
of the country, a resistance movement began to be
organised in Slovenia, which had been split between
three occupying forces – the Germans, the Italians
and the Hungarians. Within the partisan movement a
medical service was created. This was responsible for
the mobilisation of medical personnel and material, for
providing medical training and for caring for the sick
and wounded. By setting up clandestine hospitals in
locations where access was difficult – in forests, ravines
and caves – they were also able to tend to the seriously
wounded and sick. The 120 partisan hospitals and the
more than 15,000 wounded treated in them between
1942 and 1945 are a unique achievement of the Slovene
partisan movement. One of the few surviving hospitals,
still standing today as a witness to the heroic, self-
sacrificing and humane struggle to save lives and resist
the occupying forces, is the legendary Franja Partisan
Hospital in the hidden Pasice gorge. This year the
hospital received the European Heritage Label, which
the European Commission awards to sites representing
notable cultural heritage with symbolic value for Europe,
an important role in European history or culture, or an
important role in European integration.
History | 43
fter the capitulation of Italy and the
subsequent German offensive, the
partisans in northern Primorska and
western Gorenjska needed a safe place for
their wounded before winter set in. The
location they chose was a narrow and almost
inaccessible gorge called Pasice between
high rocky overhangs in Dolenji Novaki
near Cerkno. One by one, huts were built
from wooden planks and the hospital grew
gradually with continuous improvements.
Today’s visitors to Franja – this remarkable
place of memory – can visit 14 huts of
various sizes and functions and a handful of
ancillary buildings and see the wards where
the wounded were treated, the operating
theatre, the X-ray room, the kitchen and
the shelter. The hospital even had its own
hydroelectric power plant. During the
year and a half in which it was active –
from December 1943 to early May 1945
– various doctors took turns running the
hospital. But it was named after Dr Franja
Bojc Bidovec, who led it for longest. As well
as operating on the wounded and caring
for them and the staff, it was necessary to
supply everything that the hospital needed
in order to function, including a sufficient
quantity of sanitary material, medicines
and food. They even found time to organise
cultural activities. The Franja hospital was
the partisans’ biggest secret and was, at the
same time, the only hospital that had to look
after its own security. In order to keep it
secret, the partisans relied on conspiratorial
methods. The wounded were first brought
to one of a number of rendezvous, and
only after they had been examined were
they carried on stretchers, at night, up the
stream to the main Franja hospital or one of
its scattered outposts. In order to maintain
the strict secrecy of the location, they were
blindfolded and turned round and round a
number of times so that they lost their sense
of orientation. Access to the hospital was
protected by a minefield and bunkers built
in natural hollows in the rock. Enemy troops
twice passed very close to the hospital but
did not discover it.
The main unit of the Franja Partisan
Hospital provided medical and surgical aid
to 578 wounded and sick, while the number
of wounded treated in all its units amounted
to nearly 1,000. As well as the Slovenes and
members of the other Yugoslav nations,
these included French, Russians, Polish,
Americans, Italians and one Austrian.
In wartime conditions of shortages and
boundless inventiveness, the hospital’s
mortality rate was relatively low (13.5%).
Today visitors reach the Franja Partisan
Hospital near Cerkno via a marked footpath
running beside the stream. Although floods
in the autumn of 2007 swept away most
of the huts and many of the original items
exhibited there, it was decided, in view of
the enormous symbolic value of the Franja
hospital complex, to completely rebuild it.
Following a comprehensive reconstruction,
the complex was reopened to visitors in
2010. The 14 wooden huts and ancillary
buildings stand just as they did 70 years
ago when the hospital ceased operating, but
their message of resistance, nobility and
comradeship is still very much alive and
serves as a vivid exhortation to present and
future generations to appreciate the peace
and freedom that we now enjoy! The Franja
Partisan Hospital has also been added to
UNESCO’s Tentative List of World Heritage
Sites. •
44 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Modelarstvo | 45
Vsi upiramo oči v nebo: naši najstniki, ki so spravili v zrak
nekaj modelov in jih zdaj med glasnim komentiranjem s
svojimi daljinskimi upravljavci spuščajo nizko nad poljem
koruze, in nekaj staršev, ki smo se bolj kot ne po naključju
zbrali, da bi videli, kaj počnejo s tako vnemo. Stojimo na
robu pokošenega travnika, čigar lastnik se ne bo vznemirjal,
če bo kdo od razposajenih fantov stekel po njem, da bi
spravil v zrak svoj model letala. In se družno čudimo, kako
zgovorni in razposajeni so naši otroci, ki bodo v kratkem
iz osnovne presedlali vsak na svojo srednjo šolo. Doma so
ponavadi molčeči, potopljeni v svoje misli, včasih čemerni,
razdražljivi in zlovoljni, tu pa prekipevajo od dobre volje in
energije – tako kot smo v njihovih letih prekipevali mi, ko
smo s prijatelji počeli stvari, ki so nas strastno zanimale.
Besedilo: Marjan Žiberna Fotografije: Domen Grögl
kupino fantov, ki teka po travniku
nedaleč od Koseškega bajerja na
zelenem obrobju Ljubljane, povezuje
živo zanimanje za modelarstvo. Vso dolgo
zimo so redno zahajali na Kersnikovo 4 v
središču Ljubljane. Vendar niso obiskovali
legendarnega kluba v njegovih kletnih
prostorih, pač pa so se povzpeli v najvišje
nadstropje: v našarjeno delavnico, za
katero bi se naključnemu obiskovalcu
zdelo, da je zamrznila v sedemdesetih ali v
začetku osemdesetih let minulega stoletja
in morda doživela, sodeč po velikanskih
računalniških monitorjih, kratkotrajno
otoplitev v devetdesetih. Izpod stropa visijo
modeli letal, stare delovne mize je izpod
kupov vsakovrstnega orodja, kosov lesa,
stiropora, posameznih delov letal in kdove
česa še vse komaj mogoče slutiti.
A prav v tem na videz nemogočem kraju
so pod potrpežljivimi rokami mladih
modelarjev nastajali letalski modeli. In pod
budnim očesom Petra, njihovega mentorja,
na katerega so se obračali po nasvet in
pomoč. Tu so rezali malone peresno lahek
les balzovca, tropskega južnoameriškega
drevesa, ki mu je usoda namenila, da bo
nekoč letalo po zraku. Previdno so rezali
tanke letve in deščice, s pomočjo lepila iz
46 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Modelarstvo | 47
njih sestavljali trupe, krila in repe letal,
nanje pa 'likali', kot se pravi v žargonu,
tanko folijo. In upali, da bodo imeli pri
tem zadnjem opravilu dovolj mirno roko,
da se folija ne bo nagubala, saj jo bo treba
v nasprotnem primeru odstraniti in vajo
ponoviti. Potem so vgrajevali še majcene
elektromotorje, ki bodo poganjali propelerje
in premikali zakrilca in rep, da bo model
možno lepo usmerjati, stikali kontakte
žičk, ki bodo motorčke povezali z majhnimi
akumulatorji, po možnosti tako, da bo vse
skupaj res delovalo ...
Tako so nastajali modeli starih
messerschmittov, junkersov in spitfirejev
in tudi veliko modernejših letal. Pa tudi
'trikopterji' in 'kvadrokopterji'. A ti so
pravzaprav nastajali doma, kjer so se mladi
navdušenci zbirali, rezali, brusili in lepili
in sestavljali letalne naprave, kakršne so
bile še pred desetletjem precejšnja redkost.
Pri tem jim mentor Peter, mojster stare
modelarske šole, ne bi mogel kaj veliko
pomagati. Sestavne dele so si ti mladeniči
kupili v spletni trgovini in počakali, da je
pošiljka prišla v njihove nestrpno čakajoče
roke. No, pri prvih nakupih so se stvari
malce zatikale. Za vrnitev plačila za pošiljko,
ki se je na poti s Kitajske izgubila sam bog
ve kje, smo se morali s svojimi 'analognimi'
znanji malce vključiti tudi starejši, nato
pa so stvari stekle. Potem sem od Urbana,
gasilstvo, tabornike ali kakšno podobno
prostočasno dejavnost, saj modelarstvo ni
stvar, ki bi bila ravno poceni. A ko vidim,
s kakšnim navdušenjem govori o modelih
ne samo s svojimi vrstniki, pač pa tudi z
mano, svojim očetom, sem nad njegovim
navdušenjem lahko navdušen tudi sam. In pa
nad tem, da je z orodjem, ki ga uporablja, ko
sestavlja modele, neprimerno bolj spreten,
kot bi bil jaz kdajkoli. Tako zdaj v zgodnjem
poletju stojim na travniku in gledam letalske
modele, ki krožijo in vijugajo po zraku, še
bolj pa fante, ki se glasno smejijo, kot so se
smejali, ko so bili še čisto majhni otroci.
svojega petnajstletnika, samo še izvedel,
kaj je spet naročil 'pri Kitajcih', koliko je
stvar kljub poštnini cenejša, kot bi bila, če
bi jo kupil pri nas ali kje v Evropi, kaj bo
iz tistega, kar je v njej, nastalo … In da bo,
ko bo zbral dovolj denarja, kupil še očala,
s katerimi bo lahko neposredno spremljal
sliko s kamere, pritrjene na letalo, in se učil
leteti še na ta način. No, nekaj časa ga bo
stvar, to vem, razveseljevala, potem pa bo
gotovo hotel preizkusiti še kaj novejšega.
Morda boljšo kamero in očala, morda mu bo
začel domišljijo buriti model helikopterja, ki
menda lahko leti celo nazaj ali pa obrnjen 'z
glavo' proti tlom, izvaja lupinge …
Model Building
48 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Young Model
BuildersText: Marjan Žiberna Photographs: Domen Grögl
We are all looking up at the sky: our teenagers, who have launched their model
aircraft into the air and are providing a noisy commentary as they use their
radio control units to send them swooping low over the cornfield, and a few
parents who have gathered here more or less by coincidence to see what they
are getting up to with such enthusiasm. We are standing on the edge of a new-
mown meadow whose owner won’t get upset if one of the high-spirited lads
runs across it to launch a model plane into the air. And we collectively marvel
at how talkative and exuberant they are, these children of ours who will soon
be heading off to upper secondary school. At home they are usually silent,
lost in their own thoughts, sometimes sullen, irritable and morose, but here
they are brimming with cheerfulness and energy – just as we were at their age
when doing the things that passionately interested us with our friends.
his group of boys running across a
meadow not far from Koseze Pond
on the green edge of Ljubljana share a
lively interest in model building. Throughout
the long winter they regularly made their
way to Kersnikova 4, an address in central
Ljubljana. But they weren’t heading for the
legendary K4 nightclub in the building’s
basement: instead they took the lift up to the
top floor and a junk-filled workshop which,
to the chance visitor, appears to have been
frozen in the 1970s or early 1980s – although
judging from the giant computer monitors,
it may have undergone a brief thaw in the
1990s. Model aircraft hang from the ceiling.
Buried beneath sundry tools, pieces of wood
and polystyrene, aircraft parts and who
knows what else, the old work tables can
barely be seen.
And yet in this apparently impossible
place, the patient hands of the young model
makers have been building model aircraft
under the watchful eye of Peter, their mentor,
who they turn to for advice and assistance.
It is here that they cut the feather-light
pieces of balsa – the wood of the tropical
South American tree whose destiny it is to
fly through the air. Carefully cutting ribs,
struts and panels, gluing the fuselage, wings
and tail together and covering them with a
thin layer of fabric. And hoping that their
hands are steady enough during this last job
to avoid wrinkling the fabric, because if they
do they will have to remove it and repeat the
exercise. And then installing the tiny electric
Model Building | 49
motors to drive the propellers and move the
flaps and tail so that they can manoeuvre the
model properly, and soldering the contacts
of the wires that will connect the motors to
the little batteries, hopefully in such a way
that everything actually works...
The result of all this activity: flying models
of old Messerschmitts, Junkers and Spitfires,
as well as more modern aircraft. And even
“tricopters” and “quadcopters”, although
these were built at home, where the young
enthusiasts gathered to cut, sand, glue and
assemble flying machines of a kind that as
recently as a decade ago were still something
of a rarity. Their mentor Peter, an old-school
model maker, couldn’t have offered them
much help with these. They bought the
parts themselves from an online shop and
waited impatiently for the package to arrive.
Actually there were a few hold-ups with
the first few purchases. In order to obtain
a refund for a package that had gone astray
en route from China, we grown-ups had to
intervene with our “analogue” knowledge,
but then things started to go smoothly. Since
then it has been a question of my 15-year-old
son Urban telling me about his latest order
“from the Chinese”, how much cheaper it
is, despite the postage, than it would be to
buy it here or anywhere in Europe, what it
is going to be, and so on. And how once he
has saved up enough money he is going to
buy some special glasses that let you directly
monitor the image from a camera fixed to
the aircraft and learn to fly like this too.
more skilled at using the tools he needs to
build his models than I would ever be. So
now I find myself standing in a meadow at
the start of summer and watching model
aircraft circling and banking across the sky,
but even more watching these teenagers
who are laughing out loud the way they used
to laugh when they were little kids. •
I’m sure this will keep him amused for a
while, but then he will be sure to want to try
something new. Perhaps a better camera and
glasses, or perhaps it’ll be a model helicopter
that can fly backwards or upside down, or
loop the loop...
Personally I would have preferred him
to choose a hobby like the volunteer fire
brigade, the scouts or some similar free-time
activity, because model building isn’t exactly
cheap. But when I see how enthusiastically he
talks about models, not only with his friends
but even with me, his father, I find myself
getting enthusiastic about his enthusiasm.
And about the fact that he is incomparably
50 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Narava | 51
je izbrala »svojo«
Na lanski pomladni dan so v rozarij ljubljanskega Tivolija stro-
kovnjaki Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Slovenije (DLVS) in Turizma
Ljubljana zasadili pet neimenovanih belih vrtnic. Te so se letos
spomladi pomerile za laskavi naslov vrtnica Ljubljana.
Besedilo: Matjaž Potokar Fotografije: D. Potokar
Zanimiva sta bila predizbor in način izbire
vrtnice Ljubljana, v kar so bili vključeni tako
strokovnjaki kot tudi meščani in predvsem
njim bo vrtnica namenjena. Predsednica
Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Breda Čopi je pre-
dlani pridobila pet neimenovanih vrtnic treh
svetovno znanih žlahtniteljev. Ljubljanski čla-
ni DLVS so skupaj z mestno komunalo posa-
dili vse te vrtnice na viden prostor v mestnem
rožniku in zanje skrbeli vse do odločanja. Vr-
tnice se morajo v prvem letu razviti, da lahko
kasneje pokažejo vso lepoto. Meščani so zato
»svojo« vrtnico izbirali šele letos spomladi.
Prek družabnih omrežij in tudi neposredno
so se lahko odločali med petimi ponujenimi
vrtnicami in – izbrali vrtnico Ljubljana. Se-
veda je svoje dodala tudi strokovna komisija
v zasedbi slovenskega žlahtnitelja, akademika
in profesorja dr. Matjaža Kmecla, poznavalca
in pisca vrtničnih enciklopedij, Matjaža Ma-
stnaka, pa seveda Brede Čopi, predsednice
slovenskega društva in predsednice svetovne
zveze ljubiteljev vrtnic za vzhodno Evropo;
sodelovali pa so tudi predstavniki Turizma
ega, da v življenjski zgodbi vrtnice po-
stavi piko na i njeno ime, ni treba pose-
bej omenjati. Znano je, da imajo imena
vrtnic magične pomene. Ne samo zaradi mar-
ketinških učinkov uspešne prodaje, saj je vr-
tnico z znanim imenom bistveno lažje prodati
kot z neznanim. Že samo ime cvetlice je zani-
mivo: včasih so jo imenovali roža, roža vseh
rož, kraljica vrta – vrtnica; in tako kot rimski
cesarji je v slovenskem koledarju dobila celo
svoj mesec – rožnik. Pogled v zgodovino pove,
da se je do potresa leta tisoč osemsto petinde-
vetdeset Ljubljana ponašala z napisom: »Rasi
in lubi me luba moja gartroža (rumena).«
Gre za najstarejši znani slovenski zapis o vr-
tnici-gartroži; rumena pomeni v jeziku pet-
najstega stoletja rdeča. V tistih časih so bile
namreč vse vrtnice bolj ali manj samo rdeče
barve. Napis, ki je kasneje na žalost izginil, je
danes geslo Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Sloveni-
je. Zato je razumljiva pobuda, da se slovensko
glavno mesto od letošnjega rožnika dalje lahko
ponaša tudi z vrtnico s svojim imenom. Med
drugim bo krasila parke, mestne rožnike, na-
sade, travnike, loge in holme, menda jo bodo
uporabljali celo v protokolarne namene.
52 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
Skupna odločitev Ljubljančanov in stro-
kovne komisije je določila: vrtnica Ljubljana
postane mnogocvetna vrtnica številka dve
žlahtnitelja Tantaua, enega najpomembnejših
svetovnih žlahtniteljev iz Nemčije, ki skupaj
z drugim nemškim žlahtniteljem Kordesom
obvladuje polovico svetovnega tržišča vrtnic
in letno proda dva milijona sadik vrtnic po
vsem svetu. Dobila je največ glasov tako žirije
kot tudi Ljubljančanov. Za radovedneže po-
vejmo, da je dobila zmagovalka petinpetde-
set od šestdesetih možnih glasov strokovne
komisije in tristo tri glasove Ljubljančank in
Ljubljančanov, njena najbližja zasledovalka
pa dvesto dvainosemdeset.
Dvanajstega rožnika letos je vrtnico Lju-
bljana v Tivoliju svečano razglasil župan
Mesta Ljubljane Zoran Janković in ji zaželel
veliko sreče in uspeha. Ali kot je zapisal v pri-
ložnostnem zapisu vrtnici Ljubljana v popo-
tnico častni občan Ljubljane Matjaž Kmecl:
»Zdaj je tu, vrtnica Ljubljana. Bela je zato,
ker sta ljubljanski mestni barvi bela in zelena,
mesto je pač bela lepotica sredi morja zelenih
gozdov: in takšna je tudi nova vrtnica – očar-
ljiv bel cvet med bleščeče zelenim listjem. Ob
njej bi nekdanji trubadur še enkrat vzneseno
vzkliknil: 'Rasi in lubi nas naša luba gartroža!'
– Imejmo jo radi tudi mi; poslej je naša prav
tako, kot je naše mesto, v katerem živimo in
nam je dobro v njem!«
Vrtnica Ljubljana je prav gotovo odličen
uvod v prihajajočo Zeleno prestolnico Evrope
2016 in v svetovni regionalni kongres ljubite-
ljev vrtnic v Sloveniji 2017.
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Adria infligh-magazine
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Adria infligh-magazine
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Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
Adria infligh-magazine
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Adria infligh-magazine

  • 1. vaŠ BrezplaČni izvod/Your Personal Copy AdriaAirwaysIn-FlightMagazineavgust,september,oktober•August,September,October2015 Violeta Bulc Zeleni potep po Pohorju Green Rambles Through Pohorje Partizanska bolnišnica Franja The Franja Partisan Hospital Med mladimi modelarji Young Model Builders Ljubljana je izbrala »svojo« vrtnico Ljubljana has Chosen its Own Rose Delfini pri nas niso le na obisku Dolphins are not just Visitors in Slovenia Kambodža – dežela kontrastov Cambodia – Land of Contrasts Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine ParizParis avgust, september, oktober • August, September, October 2015 04
  • 2.
  • 3.
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  • 5. Dragi potniki! Veseli me, da ste izbrali za svoj polet Adrio Airways. Želim vam, da bi se na našem letalu prijetno počutili. V prvem polletju je na Adrijinih letih letelo že preko pol milijona potnikov, natančneje 549.272, kar je 15 odstotkov več kot v istem obdobju lani. To pomeni, da nam zaupate in radi letite z nami. Z zadovoljstvom ugotavljamo, da se naš poslovni model, kjer utrjujemo položaj mrežnega prevoznika z dobrimi povezavami do številnih svetovnih destinacij in kakovostne storitve, dobro dopolnjuje s tistim, ki daje potnikom glede na različne pogoje možnost izbire res ugodnih cen. Naš novi pristop k spletni prodaji s privlačnimi cenami je hitro zaživel in še vedno raste. Članstvo Adrie v globalnem združenju Star Alliance, katerega članica je že od leta 2004, umešča Ljubljano na stičišče mednarodnih poti. V letošnjem juliju se je Združenju pridružila nova letalska družba – Avianca iz Brazilije. S to pridružitvijo se je našim potnikom odprlo 15 novih destinacij na področju Latinske Amerike in dobre možnosti z vsemi ugodnostmi, ki jih omogoča Združenje tudi za potovanja v tem predelu sveta. Naši redni bralci ste verjetno opazili, da je tokratna izdaja revije nekoliko spremenjena. Malce tanjša je in na letalu vas bo spremljala naslednje tri mesece. Taka je, ker napoveduje spremembe, s katerimi se vam bomo kot sodobna letalska družba približali na nov in svež način. V bližnji prihodnosti bomo šli še naprej v korak s časom in naše kvalitetne vsebine boste lahko spremljali tudi na našem spletnem portalu in na novem multimedijskem kanalu, imenovanem In-Flight Entertainment, ki bo na voljo v letalu. Z uporabo novega sistema bodo potniki pridobili enostaven vpogled v pomembne informacije, povezane s posameznimi leti in s splošnimi napotki s področja letalstva; preko tega kanala boste lahko dostopali tudi do najrazličnejših razvedrilnih vsebin. Sistem bo prav tako omogočal večjo interakcijo med potniki in družbo. Prepričano smo, da boste sprejeli novost z navdušenjem, kot jo sprejemamo pri nas, ko iščemo najboljše poti za našo medsebojno komunikacijo. Kaj več o tem pa v naslednji številki. Miren let in lep pozdrav. Mark Anžur predsednik uprave Dear Passengers, Thank you for choosing Adria Airways for your journey. I hope you enjoy your flight with us today. In the first six months of this year Adria carried more than half a million passengers (549,272 to be exact), which is a 15% improvement over the same period last year. This shows that you trust us and enjoy flying with us. We are pleased to see that our business model, where we are consolidating our position as a network carrier with good connections to many destinations around the world and high-quality services, is being complemented by a model that gives passengers the opportunity to choose really low fares under a range of conditions. Our new approach to online sales with attractive prices has taken off quickly and continues to grow. Adria’s membership (since 2004) of the global Star Alliance places Ljubljana at the crossroads of international routes. This year a new airline joined the Star Alliance – the Brazilian carrier Avianca. The arrival of this new member airline offers our passengers 15 new destinations in Latin America and great opportunities for travel in this part of the world, with all the benefits associated with the Star Alliance. Our regular readers will probably already have noticed that this issue of the Magazine is somewhat different. It is slightly thinner and will accompany you aboard our aircraft for the next three months. This is because it announces changes that will see us, as a modern airline, start to communicate with you in a new and fresh way. In the near future we will be going even further, in step with the times, and you will be able to enjoy our high-quality content on our website and on a new multimedia channel called In-Flight Entertainment, which will be available aboard our aircraft. Using this new system, passengers will have a simple way to access important information about individual flights and general tips on air travel. The channel will also give access to a wide variety of entertainment options. At the same time the system will enable more interaction between passengers and the company. We believe that you will be as enthusiastic about this innovation as we are, as we seek the best channels through which to communicate with our customers. You will find more details about this in this issue. I wish you a pleasant flight. Mark Anžur CEO and Chairman of the Management Board Pismo / Letter | 3 Foto:MatevžKostanjšek
  • 6. 4 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Vsebina / Contents 16 22 26 32 38 44 50 54 60 Adria smo ljudje / Adria is About People Mirjana Frišek Glasba je pomemben del mojega življenja Mirjana Frišek – Music is an Important Part of My Life Barbara M. Bukovec Adrijina potnica / Adria Passenger Violeta Bulc Matjaž Potokar Destinacija Pariz / Destination Paris Pariški zlati kruhek, ups ... bageta! The Golden Bread of Paris… the Baguette! Damijan Jagodic Pohorje Zeleni potep po Pohorju Green Rambles Through Pohorje Andrej Blatnik Zgodovina / History Geslo 'Franja' je odločalo o življenju in smrti The Password Franja Meant the Difference Between Life and Death Maja Kutin Modelarstvo / Model Building Med mladimi modelarji Young Model Builders Marjan Žiberna • Domen Grögl Narava / Nature Ljubljana je izbrala »svojo« vrtnico Ljubljana has Chosen its Own Rose Matjaž Potokar Slovensko morje / Slovenia and the Sea Delfini pri nas niso le na obisku Dolphins are not just Visitors in Slovenia Tilen Genov in Nina Uratarič • Tilen Genov in Ana Hace Kambodža / Cambodia Kambodža – dežela kontrastov Cambodia – Land of Contrasts Andraž Gregorič Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Revija Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine je namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio Airways. Adria In-Flight Magazine is complimentary on Adria Airways flights. Brezplačen izvod / Your personal copy Izdajatelj / Published: Adria Airways, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d. Adria Airways, The Airline of Slovenia Zgornji Brnik 130 h, 4210 Brnik – Aerodrom Urednica / Editior-in-chief: Barbara Mihevc Bukovec Tel. / Phone + 386 (0)4 259 4541 E- mail: Oglaševanje / Advertising: Alenka Dvoršak Tel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4526 E- mail: Naslovnica / Cover: vichie81, Oblikovanje in AD / Design & AD: Primož Pislak, Luks Studio Prevod / Translated by: Amidas d.o.o. Lektorica / Language editing: Vera Samohod Fotoliti / Lithography: HiFi Color Studio Tisk / Printed by: Gorenjski tisk storitve, d.o.o. ISSN 1318-0789 Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno stališč Adrie Airways. Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenja je prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Adria Airways. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material. SLO ENG
  • 7. Vsebina / Contents | 5 2216 26 32 38 54 60 5044
  • 8. Poletni vozni red Po poletnem voznem redu, ki je v veljavi še do 24. oktobra 2015, leti Adria iz Ljubljane na 21 destinacij: v Amsterdam, Berlin, Bruselj, na Dunaj, v Frankfurt, Koebenhavn, Istanbul, London, Manchester, Moskvo, Muenchen, Pariz, Podgorico, Prago, Prištino, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Varšavo, Zuerich in v Tirano. Trikrat tedensko povezuje Adria tudi Maribor z Londonom. V poletnem voznem redu nudi Adria polete iz Prištine v Frankfurt in Muenchen ter v švedski Malmo; iz Tirane pa v Frankfurt, Bruselj in Pariz. Letala Adrie Airways letijo tudi iz Lodža na Poljskem v Muenchen in Amsterdam. S čarterskimi leti, ki jih opravlja v sodelovanju s turističnimi agencijami, povezuje Adria Airways v poletni sezoni Ljubljano s številnimi počitniškimi destinacijami predvsem v Sredozemlju. Iz Ljubljane leti tedensko na naslednja letališča: v Grčijo v Heraklion in Solun, na Rodos, Kos, Samos, Santorini, Karpatos, Kefalonijo, Zakintos, Skiatos, Lesbos in na Lefkas/Preveza. Leti tudi v Palmo de Mallorco v Španiji in v Antalyo v Turčiji ter v Sharm el Sheikh in Hurgado v Egiptu. Adria Airways omogoča v sodelovanju s člani združenja Star Alliance, katerega članica je, zelo dobre in cenovno ugodne povezave po vsem svetu. Združenje Star Alliance opravi dnevno 18.500 letov na 1.330 letališč v 192 državah. Plačila SkyShopa tudi s kreditno kartico Adria Airways je uvedla v aprilu 2014 SkyShop, v katerem si lahko potniki na letalu kupijo prigrizke in pijačo. Do sedaj je bilo možno plačilo zgolj z gotovino, od julija 2015 dalje pa tudi s kreditnimi karticami. Summer timetable This year’s summer timetable, valid until 24 October 2015, includes flights from Ljubljana to 21 destinations: Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Manchester, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Podgorica, Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Tirana, Vienna, Warsaw and Zurich. Adria also flies between Maribor and London three times a week. Other services offered by Adria this summer include flights from Pristina to Frankfurt, Munich and Malmo (Sweden), and from Tirana to Frankfurt, Brussels and Paris. Adria Airways aircraft also fly from Lodz in Poland to Munich and Amsterdam. During the summer season, charter flights operated by Adria in conjunction with travel agents connect Ljubljana with numerous holiday destinations, above all in the Mediterranean. Adria flies weekly from Ljubljana to the following destinations in Greece: Heraklion, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Kos, Samos, Santorini, Karpathos, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Skiathos, Lesbos and Lefkada/Preveza. Other charter destinations include Palma de Mallorca in Spain, Antalya in Turkey and Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt. In conjunction with the other members of the Star Alliance, Adria Airways offers an excellent range of competitively priced connections throughout the world. The Star Alliance operates 18,500 flights a day to 1,330 airports in 192 countries. SkyShop now accepts payment by credit card In April 2014 Adria Airways introduced its new SkyShop service, allowing passengers to buy drinks and snacks aboard the aircraft. Until now it has only been possible to pay by cash, but from July 2015 onwards SkyShop also accepts credit cards. Novosti / News 6 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Parkirišče Adrie Airways na Letališču Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana Potniki in obiskovalci ljubljanskega letališča lahko parkirajo po ugodnih cenah na našem parkirišču, ki se nahaja v neposredni bližini potniškega terminala. Dostop je urejen mimo poslovne zgradbe Adrie Airways, od tam dalje pa vas vodijo oznake za parkirišče. Več informacij o cenah in lokaciji je na voljo na povezavi adrie-airways-na-brniku Adria Airways car park at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport Passengers and visitors to Ljubljana Airport can take advantage of low-cost parking in Adria Airways’ own car park located close to the pas- senger terminal. To reach the car park drive past the Adria Airways office building and follow the signs to the car park. More information on prices and the location can be found at adrie-airways-na-brniku
  • 9. Novosti / News | 7 Ujemi ugoden polet Poiščite svoj One Way let Za naše potnike smo pripravili res ugodno One Way ponudbo. Na posameznih letih, kjer je dejanski prevoznik Adria Airways, so na voljo enosmerne vozovnice že za 69 EUR. V to ceno je vključene tudi 8 kg ročne in 23 kg ostale prtljage; slednja se odda ob prijavi na let. Ponudba ne vključuje spremembe datuma potovanja, prav tako ni mogoče dobiti povračila denarja za neizkoriščeno vozovnico. Dovolj časa za temeljite priprave - First Minute ponudba First Minute je ponudba, pri kateri z zgodnjim nakupom povratne letalske vozovnice potujete do številnih evropskih destinacij že od 139 EUR dalje. Načrtujte vnaprej in si pridobite dovolj časa za temeljite priprave, v ceno vozovnice pa sta prav tako všteti osebna prtljaga in tista, ki se odda ob prijavi na let. Last Minute ponudba – Kam pa naslednji teden? Za vse tiste, ki se radi odločate za nakup vozovnic tik pred odhodom, so na večini rednih linij Adrie Airways na voljo za povratna potovanja zelo ugodne cene že od 169 EUR dalje. Več o pogojih za vse tri ponudbe lahko preberete na ugodne-ponudbe, kjer je možno opraviti tudi rezervacijo in nakup letalskih vozovnic. Adrijine E-novice Vabimo vas, da obiščete spletne strani in se prijavite na Adrijine E-novice. Tako boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o naših novostih in posebnih ponudbah. E-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenih informacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic. Naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost. Moj profil – moje prednosti Če želite biti prvi obveščeni o ugodnih tedenskih ponudbah, vas vabimo, da ustvarite svoj MyAdria profil na naši spletni strani Prejemali boste obvestila po svoji meri, obenem pa postali upravičeni do ekskluzivnih cen. Adria Airways Special Offers! Find your One Way flight We offer One Way deals for our passengers at unbeatable prices. One way flights are available from just €69 on individual routes where Adria Airways is the actual carrier. This price includes 8 kg of hand baggage and a checked baggage allowance of up to 23 kg. The offer does not include changes to the date of travel. Unused tickets will not be refunded. First Minute – low fares for return flights First Minute is a special offer that allows you to travel to numerous European destinations from just €139 for a return flight – simply by booking early. Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to prepare for your trip. Hand baggage and checked baggage are included in the price. Last Minute – cheap flights even at the last minute For those who like to book flights at the last minute, special low return fares starting at just €169 are now available on the majority of Adria Airways scheduled flights. For more information about the terms and conditions applying to all three special offers, visit, where you can also book and pay for your ticket. Adria e-newsletter Visit and sign up for the Adria e-newsletter. Newsletter subscribers receive a monthly update on new services and special offers. The e-newsletter is a valuable source of information and ideas when planning travel and holidays. Let information be your advantage. My Profile, My Benefits If you want to be the first to find out about special weekly offers, why not create your own MyAdria profile online at sl/myadria/. You will receive tailored notifications and qualify for exclusive fares. Pridružite se nam na Facebooku Join us on Facebook Sledite nam na Twitterju Follow us on Twitter Aktualno / Latest Offers
  • 10. 8 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Adria je prisotna na Facebooku, Twitterju in Google Plusu. Uporabnikom teh komunikacijskih kanalov nudimo hitro, učinkovito izmenjavo informacij in mnenj; naše medsebojno sodelovanje dopolnjujemo z različnimi nagradnimi igrami. Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na svojem najljubšem kanalu. Vaše pohvale in pripombe so vedno dobrodošle, saj smo lahko prav zaradi tega še boljši. Adria Airways is present on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. We offer users of these social networks a way to exchange information and opinions quickly and effectively. We also hold regular prize competitions to help build up our relationship with our users. Why not join us on your preferred social network? Your praise and comments are always welcome, since they help us to become even better. Naših sledilcev je vse več. V juniju smo se razveselili dejstva, da vas je z nami že več kot 70.000. Pripravili smo hiter, s številom naših sledilcev povezan kviz za ljubitelje letalstva in podelili nagradni komplet. Our list of followers just keeps growing. In June we received our 70,000th page like and to celebrate it we held a quick quiz for aviation enthusiasts that was also linked to the number of our followers. The lucky winner received a set of prizes. Sanjsko grško destinacijo, otok Samos, smo predstavili z nagradnimi izzivi, ki so še utrdili znanje in željo po poletnem doživetju v tem raju. Tako zdaj vsi poznamo večja mesta in pomembnejše umetniške spomenike Samosa! The Greek island of Samos is a dream destination. We presented it through informative prize challenges that made a summer experience in this paradise seem even more attractive. Now everyone knows the main towns and major artistic sights of Samos! Dobrodošli na družbenih omrežjih Adrie Airways! Welcome to Adria’s social media presence! Adria Airways
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  • 13. Park POSTOJNSka JaMa Postojna Cave, Slovenia’s Underground Paradise a fantastic web of tunnels, passages, galleries and halls, the astonishing diversity of karst features as well as easy access are certainly the main reasons for immense popularity of Postojna Cave, which has in 200 years been admired by 36 million visitors from all over the world. Nowhere else but in Postojna Cave can you enjoy a ride with a special cave train, which will take you around the cave under spectacular underground arches, which are embellished with chandelier-resembling stalactites, through a beautiful subterranean world full of playful limestone sculptures. Magnificent Adventure Taoglasjezaradiohranitveavtentičnostibesedilainkerjebesedilonamenjenozlastitujimbralcem,natisnjenvtujemjeziku
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  • 15. Team izkušenih profesorjev ruskega jezika vabi na intenzivni couching poslovne ruščine na vseh jezikovnih stopnjah: od uvodnega pozdrava do strokovne prezentacije in epske zdravice za ruskim omizjem.
  • 16. Adria Airways 14 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Letalski sedeži Vse, kar vas zanima o letalstvu »Spoštovani potniki, dobrodošli na letalu Adrie Airways. Pripnite si varnostne pasove in ostanite pripeti, dokler sveti znak Privežite se. Priporočljivo je, da zaradi lastne varnosti ostanete pripeti med celotnim letom.« Letalski sedeži omogočajo potnikom udobna potovanja, namenjeni pa so tudi zagotavljanju varnosti med poletom. V zadnjih desetletjih vgrajujejo na nekatere sedeže različne multimedijske sisteme, namenjene zabavi potnikov predvsem med dolgimi medcelinskimi poleti. Sedeži so pritrjeni na vodila za sedeže, ki potekajo vzdolž letala in omogočajo hitro premikanje sklopov sedežev naprej ali nazaj. Letalske družbe lahko na ta način dokaj hitro in preprosto spremenijo sedežno konfiguracijo in s tem število sedežev na letalu. Praviloma je razmik med sedeži v ekonomskem razredu med 76 in 81 cm, v prvem razredu celo 240 cm. Standardna konfiguracija letala Airbus A320 je 150, največja pa celo 180 sedežev. Ozkotrupna letala imajo različne konfiguracije postavitve sedežev, in sicer so lahko v vrsti od 1+1, 1+2, 2+2, 3+2 do 3+3, na širokotrupnih letalih Boeing B747, B777 ter Airbusih A340 in A380 pa 3+3+3, 2+5+2 ali 3+4+3. Širši sedeži ponujajo več udobja od ožjih in so med potniki tudi bolj zaželeni. Standardne širine sedežev so med 43 in 46 cm. Širina sedežev je seveda pogojena s širino notranjega dela trupa letala in s številom prehodov med sedeži. Pri ozkotrupnih letalih je en prehod, pri širokotrupnih dva; širina prehoda pa mora omogočati nemoten prehod s catering vozičkom. Med potniki so najbolj zaželeni sedeži pri zasilnih izhodih, ki nudijo več prostora za noge, ter sedeži v prvi vrsti in pri oknih; slednji omogočajo lep razgled na pokrajino pod letalom. Pri tistih letalskih družbah, ki pozicije sedežev tržijo, so ti običajno najhitreje razprodani. Slabše gredo v promet sedeži v zadnji vrsti letala, saj se na njih včasih ne da spreminjati naklona naslonjala. V primeru konfiguracij 3+3, 2+5+2 ali 3+4+3 pa so sredinski sedeži med potniki najmanj zaželeni. Ti sedeži so sicer enako široki kot sosednji, a imajo potniki na obeh straneh sopotnika, kar je lahko moteče in manj udobno, predvsem takrat, ko želi 'sredinski' potnik zapustiti sedež. Besedilo in fotografije: Borut Podgoršek Letalski sedeži so zelo lahki, kompaktni in ognjevarni. V primeru trka prenesejo obremenitve do 16 g (težni pospešek), kar ob nesreči zelo poveča možnost preživetja potnikov. Ogrodje sedežev je aluminijasto, noge pa so oblikovane tako, da se v primeru trka ukrivijo in prevzamejo energijo, ki se ob tem sprosti. Najpomembnejše pa je, da ostanejo vpeti na vodila za sedeže in tako zaščitijo potnika. Sedalni del in naslon sta izdelana iz poliuretanske pene, ki je oblečena v negorljivo tkanino. Zgornji del sedežev je usnjen ali pa iz blaga. Polnilo v novejših sedežih je iz sodobnejših materialov in negorljivo. Usnjeni sedeži so dražji, tudi bolj trpežni in delujejo bolj prestižno. Zelo pogosto so v modrih ali sivih odtenkih, ki ljudi pomirjajo. Cene sedežev se gibljejo od tisoč evrov v ekonomskem razredu do več deset tisoč evrov v prvem razredu. Slednji sedeži imajo poljubno nastavljive položaje naslonjal, ki omogočajo potnikom, da sicer že udoben sedež spremenijo v ravno posteljo. Na letalih A380 lahko najbolj petični potniki zakupijo suito, v kateri sta zakonska postelja in celo tuš kabina. Na hrbtni strani sedežev so vgrajene tudi priročne mizice in žepi, kjer najdejo potniki navodila za postopke v sili (safety card), in literaturo, ki jim jo ponujajo letalski prevozniki. V primeru Adrie Airways sta to In-Flight Magazine, ki ga ravnokar berete, in ponudba za vas iz SkyShopa.
  • 17. Vse, kar vas zanima o letalstvu / The FAQs of Aviation | 15 “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard this Adria Airways flight. Please fasten your seatbelts and keep them fastened until the seatbelt sign has been switched off. For your safety, we recommend that you keep your seatbelt fastened throughout the flight.” Airline Seats The FAQs of Aviation Text and photographs: Borut Podgoršek Airline seats are attached to rails running the length of the aircraft. This enables sets of seats to be moved forwards or backwards in accordance with the relevant technical documentation and offers airlines a quick and easy way to change the seating configuration and thus the number of passengers an aircraft can carry. As a rule, the gap between seats in economy class is between 76 and 81 cm, while in first class it can be as much as 240 cm. The standard configuration of an Airbus A320 is 150 seats, although this number can be increased to a maximum of 180. Narrow-body airliners have different seating configurations ranging from 1+1, 1+2, 2+2, 3+2 to 3+3, while wide-body airliners such as the Boeing 747 and 777 or the Airbus A340 and A380 can have 3+3+3, 2+5+2 or 3+4+3. Wider seats offer more comfort than narrower ones, so naturally passengers prefer the former. Standard seat widths range from 43 to 46 cm. Seat width is of course conditioned by the internal width of the aircraft’s fuselage and the number of aisles between seats. Narrow-body airliners have one aisle, while wide-body airliners have two. The aisles must be wide enough to allow a catering trolley to pass unhindered. The most sought after seats are those next to the emergency exits, which offer more legroom, seats in the front row, and window seats – which offer a good view of the landscape below the aircraft. Where airlines allow passengers to purchase specific seats on their flights, these are usually the first to sell out. Less popular are seats in the very back row of the aircraft, since sometimes these do not allow passengers to recline the backrest. In the case of 3+3, 2+5+2 or 3+4+3 configurations, the middle seats are the least popular among passengers. Although these seats are the same width as those next to them, passengers have a fellow passenger on either side, which can be annoying and less comfortable, especially when the “middle” passenger wants to leave his or her seat. Airline seats are very light, compact and fire-resistant. In the case of a crash they can withstand loads of up to 16g, which greatly increases passengers’ chances of survival in an accident. The seat frame is made of aluminium, while in recent times seat frames made of composite materials have been appearing on the market. The seat legs are designed to bend in the case of a crash so as to absorb the energy released. The most important thing is that they remain fixed to the seat rails and protect the passenger. The cushion and backrest are made of polyurethane foam covered in fire-resistant fabric. The upper part of the seats is made of leather or fabric. The filler in the latest seats is made of more modern materials and is fire-resistant. Leather seats are more expensive but also more durable. They require less maintenance and give the cabin a more prestigious feel. They frequently come in shades of blue or grey, since these colours have a calming effect. The cost of airline seats ranges from a thousand euros for economy class seats to tens of thousands for first class seats. The latter have fully adjustable backrests that allow passengers to convert their already comfortable seat into a perfectly flat bed. On A380 aircraft the wealthiest passengers can book a suite complete with a double bed and even a shower. The backs of airline seats are fitted with tray tables and pockets containing a safety card and any reading material provided by the airline. In the case of Adria Airways this means the In-Flight Magazine you are reading now and the SkyShop catalogue. Airline seats allow passengers to travel in comfort but are also designed to ensure their safety. In recent decades some airline seats have been fitted with a variety of multimedia systems designed to keep passengers entertained, particularly during long, intercontinental flights.
  • 18. Mirjana Frišek Glasba je pomemben del mojega življenja Adria Airways in glasba sta dve stalnici v življenju Mirjane Frišek. V takem ali obratnem vrstnem redu. Pri tem pa ji stoji ob strani njena družina z razumevajočim možem na čelu. Ljubezen do glasbe, ki jo ima Mirjana že v genih, je prenesla tudi na oba otroka: hčerko Anjo, ki igra violino, in sina Gašperja, ki je s svojo harmoniko član folklorne skupine, igra pa tudi bobne pri pihalni godbi. Adria pa je postala pomemben del Mirjaninega življenja davnega septembra 1985, ko je začela opravljati delo sistemskega analitika v oddelku AOP – danes bi to ustrezalo IT oddelku. V eni izmed številnih reorganizacij v podjetju je bil oddelek ukinjen in Mirjani se je ponudila nova priložnost. Mirjana, katero delo opravljaš v Adrii? Moje delovno področje spada v komercialni sektor. Sem komercialna planerka, kar pomeni, da načrtujem redne in čarterske lete v okviru posameznih sezon (zima, poletje), pridobivam »slote« (natančno določene termine, kdaj lahko naša letala pristanejo ali odletijo na posamezna letališča) in najavljam dovoljenja pri agencijah za civilno letalstvo (CAA) posameznih držav, kamor letijo Adrijina letala. Rada imam to delo, saj je raznoliko, dinamično, občasno sicer tudi stresno. Dnevno sem v stiku z različnimi oddelki v podjetju in potrebno je veliko medsebojne koordinacije; šele ko vse skupaj uskladimo, letala poletijo svojim ciljem naproti. Adria smo ljudje Pogovarjala se je Barbara M. Bukovec Fotografije: osebni arhiv 16 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Foto:M.Pivk
  • 19. Adria smo ljudje | 17 jemo z mladimi glasbeniki, nastopamo v domačih operetah, na prire- ditvah za občinske praznike; odzivamo pa se tudi na različne pobude za sodelovanje izven naših meja. Orkester trenutno sestavlja okoli 60 orkestrašev, ob ustanovitvi ga je vodil Tomaž Habe, od leta 2013 na- prej pa z nami sodeluje Slaven Kulenović. Tako dajemo možnost tudi mladim dirigentom. Glasba me sprošča po napornem dnevu, tudi po stresu v službi. Tam najdem prijatelje, saj smo v orkestru kot velika družina, na vajah se popolnoma sprostim in uživam. Res je, da je za dobro izvedbo določene skladbe pomembno veliko vaj, a vsi skupaj z dirigentom vred se zavedamo, da pridemo orkestraši na vaje tudi malo poklepetat in se družit, še posebej ob rojstnih dnevih. Katero glasbo kot glasbenica rada poslušaš? Ja, glasbo zelo rada tudi poslušam. Vsak dan po radiu, občasno kak koncert po televiziji, še lepše pa je, kadar se odpravim na kakšen koncert. Zadnja leta sem pogosta poslušalka mladih glasbenikov na Konzervatoriju za glasbo v Ljubljani. Menim, da je glasba nekaj neprecenljivega. Pa še nekaj besed o tvoji družini … Imam čudovito družino. Nanjo sem zelo navezana in mi veliko pomeni. Naši skupni trenutki so dragoceni, tako doma ob petkovem jabolčnem zavitku ali na morju v kampu. Mož me ves čas podpira pri mojem hobiju, glasbi. Veliko večerov je sam doma, ko sem na vajah ali na koncertih. Svoje veselje je našel na domačem vrtu, kjer pridno prideluje sadje in zelenjavo. Pod njegovimi spretnimi rokami nastajajo specialitete, predvsem radi imamo okusne likerje. Otroka sta že odrasla, zadnja štiri leta pa me razveseljuje najin vnuček Jure. Sedaj pa k tvoji drugi zvezdi stalnici: violini. Koliko časa že igraš? Moj največji hobi je res glasba, ki mi je bila dobesedno položena v zibelko, saj je bil že moj oče ljubiteljski glasbenik. Igral je kromatično harmoniko in sodeloval tudi s Koledniki in Jožico Kališnik; z njimi je prepotoval kar nekaj sveta. Dolga leta je bil predsednik Godbe na pihala Kamnik in soustanovitelj Simfoničnega orkestra Domžale– Kamnik. Tako je poleg mene tudi on tisti, ki je moja otroka navdušil za glasbo in se ga nista nikoli naveličala poslušati. Violino igram že od 7. leta starosti. Zanjo sem se odločila, ko sem videla in slišala igrati bratranca. Že v prvih letih sem pričela igrati v šolskem orkestru, nato pa sem se priključila tudi kamniškemu Komornemu orkestru in kasneje ob ustanovitvi Simfoničnemu orkestru Domžale–Kamnik, v katerem še danes igram. Nekaj let sem igrala tudi flavto in sodelovala pri kamniški Godbi na pihala, potem pa sem se odločila, da nadaljujem samo z violino. Sem pa ljubiteljska glasbenica, nikoli nisem pomislila, da bi lahko moje igranje postalo tudi profesionalno. Profesionalni glasbeniki imajo namreč z dopoldanskimi vajami, večernimi koncerti, gostovanji povsem drugačno življenje od nas. Vseeno pa je glasba moj življenjski navdih. Kako poteka delo v orkestru, katerega del si: kako ste začeli, kdaj se sestajate, nastopate? V ljubiteljskem Simfoničnem orkestru Domžale–Kamnik sem že od ustanovitve, torej od leta 1971. Glasba nas povezuje, združuje in osrečuje. Člani orkestra smo pisana druščina ljudi različnih poklicev, med nami so tudi upokojenci pa učenci, dijaki in študenti. Vaje imamo dvakrat na teden po dve uri ob večerih v Glasbeni šoli v Mengšu, pred koncertom pa tudi kako soboto in nedeljo dopoldne. Takrat malo stisnemo pa je. Z orkestrom prirejamo že tradicionalne novoletne koncerte v Domžalah, Kamniku in Mengšu, veliko sodelu- Foto:BlažPeterka
  • 20. Mirjana Frišek Music is an Important Part of My Life Adria Airways and music are two constants in Mirjana Frišek’s life. Or should that be music and Adria Airways? And then of course there is her family, including her understanding husband. The love of music that Mirjana carries in her genes is also something she has passed on to her two children: her daughter Anja, In conversation with Barbara M. Bukovec Photographs: personal archive 18 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Adria is About People who plays the violin, and her son Gašper, who plays the accordion in a folklore group and is also the drummer in a wind band. Adria became an important part of Mirjana’s life when she began work as a systems analyst in the AOP department – the equivalent of today’s IT department – back in September 1985. During one of the many reorganisations of the company, the department was abolished and Mirjana was offered a new opportunity.
  • 21. Adria is About People | 19 Mirjana, what do you do at Adria? My area of work comes under the commercial sector. I am a commercial planner, which means that I plan scheduled and charter flights for individual seasons (winter, summer), obtain “slots” (the specific times that our aircraft can land or take off at individual airports) and register authorisations with the civil aviation authorities (CAA) of the individual countries that Adria’s aircraft fly to. I love this job because it is diverse and dynamic, although it can also be stressful sometimes. I am in daily contact with various other departments of the company, and lots of mutual coordination is necessary; only when everything is coordinated properly can our aircraft take off towards their destinations. And what about the other constant in your life – the violin? How long have you been playing? Music has been my hobby practically since the cradle, because my father was an amateur musician. He played the chromatic button accordion and even worked with the Koledniki and Jožica Kališnik – he saw quite a bit of the world with them. He was president of the Kamnik Wind Band for many years and was a co-founder of the Domžale-Kamnik Symphony Orchestra. So he has been responsible, along with me, for getting my children interested in music, and they have never tired of listening to him play. I have been playing the violin since I was seven. I decided to learn the violin after I saw and heard my cousin playing. I was soon playing in the school orchestra. Later I joined the Kamnik Chamber Orchestra and then, on its founding, the Domžale-Kamnik Symphony Orchestra, which I still play with today. I also played the flute for some years and played with the Kamnik Wind Band, but then decided to focus exclusively on the violin. I am an amateur musician and I have never thought about playing professionally. Professional musicians have a completely different life from us, with morning rehearsals, evening concerts and guest appearances. But in any case, music is the inspiration of my life. What does working with the orchestra involve? How did you start, when do you meet, how often do you perform? I have been a member of the Domžale-Kamnik Symphony Orchestra – an amateur orchestra – ever since it was founded, so since 1971. Music connects us, unites us and makes us happy. We orchestra members are a diverse family from different walks of life and our number also includes pensioners, schoolchildren and university students. Two evenings a week we rehearse for two hours at the music school in Mengeš. If we have a concert coming up, we also have rehearsals on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It can be a bit of a squeeze, but we manage. The orchestra performs traditional New Year’s concerts in Domžale, Kamnik and Mengeš. We also work a lot with young musicians, perform in local operettas and at municipal celebrations, and accept various invitations to perform further afield. The orchestra currently has around 60 members. Our first conductor was Tomaž Habe and since 2013 we have been working with Slaven Kulenović. So you see, we also give opportunities to young conductors. Music relaxes me after a tiring day and helps take away the stress of my job. I have friends in the orchestra and we are like one big family. Rehearsals are a chance for me to relax completely and enjoy myself. It’s true that to perform a piece well you need a lot of rehearsal, but all of us, including the conductor, are aware that we also come to rehearsals to chat and socialise a little, especially when it’s somebody’s birthday. As a musician, what kind of music do you like to listen to? I love listening to music. I listen to the radio every day and sometimes watch concerts on television, but going to live concerts is even better. In recent years I have frequently gone to hear young musicians at the Conservatory of Music in Ljubljana. I believe that music is something incredibly precious. And a few words about your family... I have a wonderful family. I am very close to them and they mean a lot to me. The moments we spend together are very precious, whether eating apple pie at home on a Friday or in a campsite by the sea in summer. My husband has always supported me in my hobby. He is often home alone in the evenings, when I am at rehearsals or concerts. He finds his own happiness in our garden, where he grows fruit and vegetables. His skilful hands are capable of producing a wide range of specialities, but best of all are the delicious liqueurs he makes. Our children are grown up now, and for the last four years our grandson Jure has been bringing us joy. •
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  • 23. 5 76 Connect to Slovenian Business ExcellenceSlovenia boasts a surprising number of internationally renowned brands like household appliances producer Gorenje, motor homes producer Adria Mobil, ski manufacturer Elan, and names like skier Tina Maze, philosopher Slavoj Žižek, composer and musician Slavko Avsenik and his Oberkrainer ensemble etc. Some of the world known productssuchasthe35mmslideframe,theperfumeatomizer,alpine carvingskis,thefirsthybridyachtandthebestsellingTalkingFriends smartphoneapplicationwerecreatedinSlovenia. 1PipistrelIPanthera,thefirstseriallyproducedfour-seataeroplanewithamodularchoiceofpowertrain(piston,electricorhybrid);;;; 5AkrapovičIAkrapovičEvolutionLine(Titanium); 6GorenjeIOveninterface; Sloveniaisatraditionallyexport-driveneconomy.TheSlovenianeducationsystemmeets the highest standards and produces a highly qualified and diverse workforce. Advanced technological solutions, ongoing investments in R&D, highest quality production processes, spirited innovation and widespread ecological awareness in the greenest of Europe’s natural environments are firmly integrated in the development and production strategies of an increasingly wide array of ambitious, forward-looking Slovenian companies. If you are searching for a supplier or planning to set up or relocate an export business, choosingSloveniacouldbethebestdecisionyouevermade.Sloveniaoffersasupportive environment for emerging businesses looking to thrive internationally through its technically-savvy workforce and pro-business infrastructure. Slovenia’s appeal is not a low-cost manufacturing but the reputation of its technology- and innovation-driven industries. Why not grow your business by taking advantage of Slovenia’s business potential and benefit from our services tailored to meet the needs of your company? All our services are free of charge and include: • businessspecificinformationonindustries,legislation,taxes andincentives, • databaseswithinvestmentprojectsandindustrialsites, • informationonSloveniansuppliers, • organizationoffact-findingmissions, • linkswithindustryandlocalauthorities,and • counsellingandadviceinpracticalmatters. Contact us: SPIRITSlovenija-PublicAgencyoftheRepublicofSlovenia forthePromotionofEntrepreneurship,Innovation,Development,InvestmentandTourism Verovškova ulica 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia T: +386 1 5891 870 E:, 2 3 41 OGLASNO SPOROČILO – ADVERTISING Ta oglas je zaradi ohranitve avtentičnosti besedila in ker je besedilo namenjeno zlasti tujim bralcem, natisnjen v tujem jeziku.
  • 24. 22 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Evropa v srcu Violeta Bulc Violeta Bulc je trenutno ena najbolj izpostavljenih političnih oseb v Sloveniji. Po zadnjih volitvah se je njeno življenje temeljito spremenilo. Če smo jo prej poznali kot športnico, strokovnjakinjo za marketing, borilne veščine, šamanko, podjetnico, predavateljico, mamo in svetovalko, jo sedaj dojemamo predvsem kot najbolj prepoznavno slovensko političarko v Evropi. Lestvice popularnosti jo uvrščajo visoko, tudi na prva mesta. Bivša podpredsednica slovenske vlade je že skoraj eno leto članica Evropske komisije, v kateri se ukvarja s področjem prometa in transporta. Tako je začela uresničevati eno svojih strasti – organizacijo države in skupnosti. Veliko potuje po vseh državah članicah evropske družine in povsod je lepo sprejeta. Besedilo: Matjaž Potokar Fotografije: osebni arhiv Violete Bulc in jih poskušati vključevati v naš način življenja. Ni me strah občutkov, s katerimi sem se srečevala na tej svoji poti. Želim si, da bi tovrstna znanja vodila tudi moja dejanja. Ves čas delujem za svoj razvoj, razvoj svoje družine in ljudi, s katerimi soustvarjam, pa tudi v dobro širše skupnosti. Take izkušnje so mi prinesle potrditev mojega intuitivnega zavedanja, da moram izkoriščati danosti in vpetosti, ne pa jih izsiljevati. Znana je vaša ideja, da intuicije v poslovnem svetu še ne upoštevamo dovolj. Jo upoštevamo v politiki? Res se v poslovnem svetu še ne naslanjamo dovolj na intuicijo, čeprav tudi tu že obstaja kar nekaj poslovnežev, ki delujejo po teh načelih. Pred svojo politično potjo sem se intuiciji precej posvečala in vsi odzivi so bili odlični. Trudila sem se zrušiti tabuje, povezane z intuicijo, in pomagati poslovnežem, da jo sistematično razvijajo. Njim v podporo smo oblikovali nov poslovni model, ki intuicijo umešča ob bok učenju in delovanju v procesu celostnega odločanja. Želela sem odkriti vzvode, ki bi lahko pomembno vplivali na krepitev gospodarske in družbene blaginje. Kljub nekaterim pomislekom smo bili v poslovnem svetu kar uspešni. Kar pa se politike tiče – morda ne boste verjeli, vendar v zadnjem času spoznavam kar nekaj politikov, ki upoštevajo svojo intuicijo. Adrijina potnica Na kateri od prehojenih poti ste se do sedaj najbolje znašli in zakaj? V življenju sem se želela preizkusiti na več področjih. Lahko rečem, da sem se v določenem obdobju našla povsod in povsod dosegala uspehe. V športu sem se ukvarjala z borilnimi veščinami, podjetništvo je zame predstavljalo nadaljevanje moje poti v marketingu. Vse sem skušala povezati v zanimivo celoto. Lahko bi rekla, da sem s prvimi petdesetimi leti svojega življenja kar zadovoljna, in mislim, da tudi uspešna. Za vstop v politiko pa sem se odločila, ker sem v nekem obdobju dobila občutek, da se veliko pritožujem. To ni moj način funkcioniranja, zato sem se vprašala, kaj lahko sama prispevam k izboljšanju. Začela sem se dobivati z nekaterimi somišljeniki. Beseda je dala besedo, povezali smo se v stranko, ki je zmagala na volitvah. Seveda sem želela delovati predvsem doma, a ko mi je predsednik vlade ponudil priložnost v Evropski komisiji, sem se hitro odločila. Zakaj ste se odločili preizkusiti se v nekaterih ezoteričnih praksah ? Prepričana sem, da so vsi dogodki vpeti v širši okvir. Žal današnja znanja ne dajejo vsem tem idejam tolikšne teže, kot so jo dajala vedenja nekaterih starejših ljudstev. Mislim, da je stara znanja treba spoštovati
  • 26. 24 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Europe in the Heart Violeta Bulc Text: Matjaž Potokar Photographs provided by Violeta Bulc Violeta Bulc is currently one of the highest-profile political figures in Slovenia. Since the last general election her life has changed radically. If in the past we have known her as a sportswoman, a marketing expert, a martial arts practitioner, a shaman, a businesswoman, a lecturer, a mother and a consultant, we now think of her above all as the most prominent Slovene politician in Europe. She enjoys a high approval rating, with some popularity polls placing her at the very top. A former deputy prime minister of Slovenia, she has been European Commissioner for Transport for almost a year. This has given her an opportunity to dedicate herself to one of her passions – the organisation of the state and the community. She travels a great deal around the countries that make up the European family and is welcomed wherever she goes. Of all the paths that you have travelled to date, which is the one that has suited you best and why? In my life I have wanted to put myself to the test in many different fields. I think I can say that in any given period I have found my feet everywhere and achieved success everywhere. In sport I was involved in the world of martial arts, while for me business represented a continuation of my path in marketing. I have tried to connect everything into an interesting whole. I would say that I am quite satisfied with the first 50 years of my life and I believe that I have also been successful. I decided to enter politics because at a certain stage in my life I had the feeling that I was complaining a lot. That is not my way of functioning, so I started to ask myself what I could do to improve things. I began meeting up with other like-minded individuals. One thing led to another and we ended up forming the party that won the election. Of course I was mainly interested in working at home, but when the prime minister offered me an opportunity in the European Commission it didn’t take me long to make up my mind. Adria Passenger Kateri trije projekti so ta hip v Evropski komisiji najpomembnejši? Na prvem mestu moram omeniti 300 milijard evrov vreden naložbeni načrt, s katerim naj bi prek različnih projektov privabili v Evropo tudi zasebni kapital. Načrt je povezan z zagonom gospodarske rasti in povečanjem konkurenčnosti v Evropi. Predlagali smo ustanovitev Evropskega sklada za strateške naložbe, ki naj bi začel delovati v drugi polovici leta. Drugi projekt je omrežje TEN-T, ki smo si ga v Evropski komisiji zadali kot enega glavnih projektov vzpostavitve enotnega prometnega sistema. Evropski parlament in države članice so ga potrdili z veliko večino. Sedaj smo na začetku. Osrednje omrežje naj bi bilo vzpostavljeno do leta 2030, celovito pa do leta 2050. Vzporedno je bil sprejet tudi način financiranja, ki bo državam v prvih letih z evropskimi proračunskimi sredstvi zagotavljal podporo pri gradnji osrednjega omrežja TEN-T. Evropski skupni zračni prostor je ideja, ki jo je utemeljil že moj predhodnik. Zaenkrat pripravljamo strateške dokumente, ki jih bomo lahko začeli izvajati šele po odobritvi vseh parlamentov članic. Razumem pomisleke nekaterih, da gre za izgubo še enega dela suverenosti, ampak misliti moramo na prihodnost. Zagotavljanje skupnega zračnega prostora bo prihranilo veliko denarja in odprlo okrog sto petdeset tisoč novih delovnih mest. Kar nekaj negodovanja je zaradi nezadostne varnosti ob vedno večji uporabi brezpilotnih letal. Strinjam se s kritikami, a povedati moram, da smo se v Evropi prvi lotili formalnega urejanja tega področja. Orjemo ledino in smo prav zdaj sredi priprav za izdelavo dokumenta, ki bo urejal tudi to področje. Kot vedno je tudi tu varnost na prvem mestu. Kako gledate na prodor neevropskih letalskih družb v Evropo? Evropska komisija seveda podpira tuje naložbe, tudi v primeru neevropskih letalskih družb, vendar ostaja striktna pri svojih načelih, da njihov lastniški delež ne sme presegati polovičnega deleža. Je Slovenija dovolj dobro vključena v najpomembnejše evropske prometne projekte? Ne še. Je pa na dobri poti, da to stori. Slovenija lahko zaradi svoje lege igra pomembno vlogo v evropskem prometnem sistemu. V Evropi je sedaj pravi čas za investicije v promet, še posebej v letalski in železniški. Kako lahko članica evropske vlade pomaga državi, iz katere prihaja? Tako, da je dobra evropska komisarka. Ali je lažje hoditi po žerjavici ali biti evropska komisarka? Oboje je izziv in oboje me krepi in razvija. Še verjamete v načelo kozmične vpetosti? Seveda, še vedno verjamem!
  • 27. Adria Passenger | 25 Why have you chosen to test yourself in esoteric practices? Ibelievethateverythingthathappensispartofabroaderframework. Unfortunately present-day knowledge and understanding do not give as much weight to these ideas as the wisdom of older peoples once did. I believe that we should respect ancient knowledge and try and incorporate it into our way of life. I am not afraid of the feelings I have encountered along my chosen path. I would also like knowledge of this kind to guide my actions. I am constantly working on my own development, and on that of my family and the people I work with, and also for the good of the wider community. Experiences like this have brought confirmation of my intuitive awareness that I need to exploit innate characteristics and connections, but not force them. You have famously said that we still do not give sufficient weight to intuition in the business world. What about in politics? It is true that in the business world we still do not rely enough on intuition, although even here there are already quite a number of businesspeople who operate according to these principles. Before beginning my political career I dedicated a lot of my time to intuition. The response was always very positive. I have tried to break down the taboos surrounding intuition and help businesspeople develop it systematically. As a way of supporting them, we have developed a new business model that places intuition alongside learning and action in a process of holistic decision-making. I wanted to discover the mechanisms that could significantly strengthen economic and social well-being. Despite some reservations, we have been quite successful in the business world. As far as politics is concerned, you may not believe it but I have recently met quite a few politicians who follow their intuition. What three projects are currently most important at the Euro- pean Commission? First of all I should mention the €300 billion investment plan that also aims to attract private capital to Europe via various projects. The plan is designed to foster economic growth and increase competitiveness in Europe. We have proposed the setting up of a European Fund for Strategic Investments, which is due to begin work in the second half of this year. The second project is the TEN-T network, which the European Commission has identified as one of the main projects for the establishment of a single European transport system. The European Parliament and Member States have approved it with an overwhelming majority. Now we are at the beginning. The core network should be in place by 2030 and the comprehensive network by 2050. Parallel to this, a financing methodology has been adopted, which in the first years will provide Member States with European budgetary support for the construction of the core TEN-T network. The Single European Sky project is an idea for which the groundwork was laid by my predecessor. At the moment we are busy preparing strategic documents. Implementation of these will only begin once approval has been obtained from all national parliaments. I understand the hesitation of those who see this as the loss of yet another part of national sovereignty, but we must think about the future. Ensuring a common European airspace will save a great deal of money and create around 150,000 new jobs. There is quite a lot of concern about what are perceived to be inadequate safety arrangements in the face of the growing use of pilotless aircraft. I agree with the criticisms, but I should point out that we in Europe are the first to have tackled the formal regulation of this area. We are breaking new ground and are at this moment in the middle of preparations to draft a document that will regulate the sector. As always, safety is the top priority. How do you view the penetration of non-European airlines into Europe? The European Commission of course supports foreign investment, including in the case of non-European airlines, but sticks strictly to the principle that the share of foreign ownership of an airline may not exceed 50%. Is Slovenia sufficiently involved in the most important European transport projects? Not yet. But it is well on the way to achieving this. Thanks to its position, Slovenia can play an important role in the European transport system. In Europe it is now the right time for investment in transport, particularly air and rail transport. How can a member of the European government help the coun- try she comes from? By being a good European commissioner. What is easier: walking on hot coals or being a European com- missioner? Both are a challenge and both strengthen me and help me grow. Do you still believe in the principle of cosmic connections? Of course I do! •
  • 28. Pariz 26 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Pariški zlati kruhek, ups ... bageta!
  • 29. Morda je edina vrsta, kjer ljudje vseh slojev stojijo in čakajo na izdelek, ki si ga lahko vsi privoščijo, vrsta za francosko štruco. Od revolucije dalje je bila izpostavljena zahteva, da je vsakomur zagotovljen vsakdanji kruh in da ni več kruha iz pšenice za bogate in iz otrobov za revne. Francoska štruca je kruh enakosti. To sem spoznal tudi ob zadnjem obisku Pariza. Jedli smo jo tako v veličastni mestni hiši (Hôtel de Ville) v dolgi plesni dvorani z imenom Salle des Fêtes, pod okrašenimi kasetiranimi stropi, impresivnimi lestenci, med številnimi kipi, kjer župan prireja bankete in sprejeme, kot tudi kasneje s pariškimi brezdomci. Besedilo in fotografije: Damijan Jagodic Pariz | 27 Adria Airways leti iz Ljubljane v Pariz vsak dan
  • 30. Pariz 28 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Z godba o najboljši francoski štruci se začne, ko izstopim na postaji metroja Blanche. Tam zažari Moulin Rouge, tik pred njim zavijem na desno, v ulico Le- pic. Diši po ravnokar pečenih piškah, vonj po sirih marsikoga privabi v butik ali pa od- nese iz njega, pripravljene je toliko kitajske in druge hrane, kot bi jo kuhali noč in dan. Mnogi pridejo na kozarec francoskega vina ali na kavo, ki jo srebajo na pločniku ob pre- biranju časopisov in revij. Drugi si privoščijo posedanje, da se jim duša umiri in napolni z opazovanjem ljudi, ki hitijo na Montmartre. V mesnicah posegajo po puranih, golobih, prepelicah, piščancih. Izzivajo me sladoledi, sveže pite. Z veseljem bi s prstom poskusil marmelado iz fig in melon ali pa iz klemen- tin s cimetom. Namazal bi jo na francosko štruco, ki se jo jé za zajtrk z marmelado, čez dan in za večerjo pa sámo ali z drugimi do- brotami. Razloge za to, da so štruce takšne, kakršne so, pripisujejo različnim osebam, anekdotam in dogodkom. Prva pravi, da je Napoleon zahteval kruh take oblike, da so ga lahko vojaki nosili v uniformah na bojnem polju. Druga anekdota pripoveduje, da se delavci ob gradnji podzemne železnice marsikdaj niso prav dobro razumeli. Njihovi nadzorniki so se bali nasilja v temnih podzemnih tunelih, saj je imel vsakdo nož za rezanje kruha; zato so od pekov zahtevali, da je štruca dovolj dolga in vitka, da se lahko trga z roko. Tretja pa, da gre za prilagoditev pekov zakonu iz leta 1920, ko jim je bilo prepovedano delati od 10. ure zvečer do 4. ure zjutraj. Tako so začeli peči kruh, ki je bil prej gotov. Dokazano najboljše francoske štruce so le nekaj korakov stran od ulice Lepic, na desni strani, na ulici Abbesses št. 38 v pekarni Grenier à Pain. Nekatere pekarne so izhod v sili za premagovanje lakote; so pa tudi takšne, kot je Grenier à Pain, zaradi katere morate v Pariz! Da bi bila bageta prava, zahteva zamesitev predtesta z dolgotrajnim vzhajanjem v različnih fazah: zamesitev testa, oblikovanje, počivanje in pečenje z dovodom pare. Sestavine in postopki vplivajo na aromo, vonj, okus, številne luknjice v sredici (te so izrednega pomena) in na sijočo, svežo, tanko, zlato hrustljavo 55 do 65 centimetrov in tehtati od 250 do 300 gramov, 18 gramov soli pa je dovoljeno uporabiti na kilogram moke. Med 231 mojstri baget je letos zmagal Djibril Bodian, in to ne prvič, zmago je odnesel že leta 2010. Francoski ponos je lani najboljše zamesil portugalski pek Antonio Teixeira, leta 2013 pa v Tuniziji rojen Ridha Khadher. skorjo. Vse te lastnosti ocenjuje komisija, ki podeli naslov najboljše bagete. Žirija je sestavljena iz 15 članov: iz kulinaričnih strokovnjakov (vključno z vodjo v Elizejski palači) in petih laikov, ki so izbrani med 800 kandidati. Tekmovanje poteka v Parizu že enaindvajseto leto. Bageta mora meriti od
  • 31. Pariz | 29 V pekarni Djibrila Bodiana spečejo ob sobotah in nedeljah, ko je vrsta čakajočih najdaljša, okoli 1800 baget štirih različnih okusov in imen. »Baguette de tradition« je zmagovalna iz bele moke, »Baguette de tradition paysanne« – tradicionalna, posuta z moko po vrhu, »Baguette de céréales« – tradicionalna s semeni in »Baguette montmartroise« je bageta iz mešanice dveh mok in semen. Kupci v vrsti so tisti dan ob topli bageti izražali veselje in pomirjenost, češ – zdaj jo imam! Sam sem se je lotil počasi, z občudovanjem, saj je razlika med tistimi, ki nosijo ime bageta, in zmagovalno, ki sem jo jedel, ogromna! Po vseh opisanih kriterijih. Mislil sem, da jo bom prihranil še za naslednji dan, a ni ostala niti drobtinica! Zato sem se tako kot pravi Parižan zjutraj spet postavil v vrsto … Zmagovalcu pritičejo poleg denarne še veliko vrednejše nagrade. Zmagovalne bagete eno leto dnevno potujejo na Elizejske poljane, kjer jih okuša celo sam predsednik. ©ParisTouristOffice-Photographer:AmélieDupont
  • 32. Paris 30 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine The Golden Bread of Paris… the Baguette!Text and photographs: Damijan Jagodic Perhaps the only queue in which people of all classes stand and wait for a product that everyone can afford is the queue for French bread. One of the demands of the French Revolution was that everyone should be guaranteed their daily bread, and that there would no longer be wheat bread for the rich and bran bread for the poor. Since then, French bread has been the bread of égalité. This was brought vividly home to me during my last visit to Paris. We ate it in the magnificent Hôtel de Ville (city hall), beneath painted coffered ceilings and impressive chandeliers, surrounded by statues, in the long ballroom known as the Salle des Fêtes where the mayor holds banquets and receptions, and also later among the homeless of Paris. T he story of the best French bread begins when I come out of the métro at Blanche station. Just before the gleaming Moulin Rouge I turn right into Rue Lepic. The air is filled with the smell of roasting chickens. The scent of cheeses draws many into the fromagerie – or drives them away. There is so much Chinese and other food prepared here that they must be cooking night and day. Many people come here for a glass of French wine or a coffee, which they sip on the pavement as they browse newspapers and magazines. Foto:NichoSödling
  • 33. Paris | 31 Baguette. The jury is made up of 15 members: ten culinary experts (including the chef from the Élysée Palace) and five non-professionals selected from among 800 applicants. The competition is now in its 21st year. In order to be considered, a baguette must measure between 55 and 65 centimetres and weigh between 250 and 300 grams. The bread must also contain exactly 18 grams of salt per kilogram of flour used. This year’s winner, chosen among 231 master baguette makers, was Djibril Bodian – although this was not his first victory. He also won in 2010. Last year’s winner was the Portuguese baker António Teixeira, while in 2013 the title went to Tunisia-born Ridha Khadher. The spoils of victory are not limited to the cash prize: for a whole year the winner of the competition gets to supply baguettes to the Élysée Palace, where they are eaten by the French president himself. On Saturdays and Sundays, when the queue is always longest, Djibril Bodian’s bakery bakes around 1,800 baguettes of four different types. The baguette de tradition is the winning baguette, made from white flour; the baguette de tradition paysanne is a traditional baguette with flour sprinkled on top; the baguette de céréales is a traditional baguette topped with mixed seeds; and the baguette montmartroise is a baguette made from a blend of two types of flour and seeds. The customers in the queue that day radiated happiness as they received their still- warm baguettes, and a sense of satisfaction, as if to say – now I’ve got it! I set about my own baguette slowly, with wonder and amazement, since the difference between all those other breads that bear the name of baguette and the prize-winning creation I was eating is enormous! By all the competition criteria (crust, taste, aroma, crumb and appearance). I had planned to keep some of it to eat the next day, but I finished it off down to the last crumb! So the next morning saw me join the queue once again, like a real Parisian... • Adria Airways flies between Ljubljana and Paris every day Others prefer to sit down and enjoy a moment of calm as they watch the people hurrying up to Montmartre. The butcher’s shops do a busy trade in turkeys, pigeons, quails and chickens. I am tempted by the ice creams and fresh pies. I would love to dip my finger into a jam made of figs and melons, or clementines with cinnamon. I would spread it on French bread – which is eaten with jam at breakfast but on its own or in combination with other good things during the day and at dinner. There are many anecdotes explaining why French bread – the classic baguette – is the way it is, and its origins are attributed to different people and events. According to one story it was Napoleon who demanded a loaf of this shape so that his soldiers could carry it in their uniforms on the battlefield. A second anecdote attributes it to the frequent disagreements among the workers engaged in building Paris’s underground railway. Their supervisors were afraid of the violence that might flare up in the dark underground tunnels, since every man carried a knife with which to cut his bread. So they asked the bakers to bake a loaf that was long and thin enough to be broken by hand. A third story attributes the origin of the baguette to an attempt by the city’s bakers to circumvent a 1920 law prohibiting them from working between ten o’clock in the evening and four o’clock in the morning. The solution was to start baking a type of bread that would be ready more quickly. The official “Best Baguette in Paris” can be found just a few metres away from Rue Lepic. Turn right into Rue des Abbesses and you will find it at Le Grenier à Pain, at number 38. Some bakeries are simply an emergency measure to stave off hunger; others, like Le Grenier à Pain are worth a trip to Paris on their own! For a true baguette, the kneading and rising of the dough has to take place in several stages: kneading the dough, shaping the bread, leaving it to rest, and baking it with steam. The ingredients and techniques used affect the aroma, the taste, the number of little holes in the crumb (these are very important) and the gleaming, fresh, thin and crisply golden crust. All these characteristics are assessed by the jury charged with awarding the title of Best
  • 34. Pohorje 32 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
  • 35. Pohorje | 33 Zeleni potep po Pohorju Nekaj časa je že od tedaj, ko sem pohajal po Pohorju. V spominu so mi ostale zimske vragolije izpred let, neskončni gozdovi, neizmerna tišina in nočni razgled na razsvetljeno štajersko metropolo … In ko me je pot zopet pripeljala na štajerski konec, sem si ponovno zaželel občutiti ta mir in spokojnost. Besedilo in fotografije: Andrej Blatnik
  • 36. Pohorje 34 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Z apeljal sem na avtocesto in že na prvi usmerjevalni tabli prebral: Pohorje. Naj bo! Sledil sem napisom Maribor – jug, Hoče, zavil pri semaforju levo, nato pa skozi Spodnje Hoče, Zgornje Hoče … Potem sem se začel vzpenjati mimo vinogradov in senožeti, sledili sta tabli Hočko Pohorje in Slivniško Pohorje in gozda je bilo vedno več. Moral sem prevoziti že več kot petnajst kilo- metrov, ko se je cesta razcepila na dva kraka: proti Arehu in proti Bellevueju. Odločil sem se za slednjega, čeprav nisem bil namenjen v hotel. Na križišču je bilo še polno tabel z imeni planinskih koč in penzionov, da sem se moral kar ustaviti, če sem hotel prebrati, kaj vse je na razpolago. Na naslednjem križišču sem zavil levo: Mariborska koča, Ruševec …, se še nekoliko vzpel v klanec in ustavil avto pred Mariborsko kočo. Naročil sem pivo in pobaral prijazno natakarico po namestitve- nih kapacitetah v okolici. Kot zelo pomemb- no postavko sem izpostavil mir. Predlagala mi je Zeleno vas Ruševec, kakšnih petdeset vrtom, kompostnikom in zeliščnim vrtom. Vas živi v duhu trajnostnega bivanja, saj skuša na vsakem koraku ilustrirati sožitje človeka z naravo – premišljenega jemanja vsega, kar nam narava ponuja, a tudi vračanja tistega, kar narava potrebuje. Po spoznavnem srečanju sem se odpravil na sprehod. Globoko sem vdihaval čist gozdni zrak, kot bi bil na pljučni terapiji. Ko sem se vzpenjal na Pohorje, sem se peljal mimo bolnišnice; pozneje sem izvedel, da je to oddelek za pljučne bolezni. Zrak je tam res fantastičen. Potem pa proti Arehu. Stavba, ki je bila nekoč hotel, žalostno propada, Ruška koča nasproti, pri Svetem Arehu, pa je še kar lepo pri življenju. Bela cerkev, krita s skrilom, je bila obsijana s poznopopoldanskim soncem – kot nalašč za posnetek. Zvečer sem šel še na Bellevue in pogledal dol na razsvetljen Maribor. Odločil sem se, da bom v primeru slabega vremena naslednji dan odšel v mesto. Od brunaric do zgornje postaje Pohorske vzpenjače je le nekaj minut vožnje, že na vznožju pri hotelu Habakuk pa je tudi postaja mestnega avtobusa. Udobno. Na srečo me je naslednje jutro pričakalo sonce in dan sem izkoristil v naravi do metrov stran. Dala mi je telefonsko številko in … na srečo so imeli tam prosto brunarico. Tako sem prišel v Zeleno vas. In res je zelena! Ob pogledu na to malo naselbino sem nehote pomislil, da so smreke za brunarice nekoč rasle prav na tem bregu ter da je nekdo skrčil gozd in porabil les za bivališča. Delovalo je zelo elementarno, pa tudi romantično. Od nekod se je prikazala gospodarica in me smejé vprašala po prvih vtisih, a je že brala navdušenje na mojem obrazu. Potem mi je podrobneje razkazala Zeleno vas – pet brunaric iz mogočnih brun pohorskih smrek, toplotno izoliranih z ovčjo volno – kot edinstven primer ekološkega, zelenega turizma, ki je vreden posnemanja; predvsem pa gre za »lokalno in avtentično«, saj so uporabili le naravne materiale, ki so na voljo v okolici. Vas je zasnovana kot poučni permakulturni krog s tradicionalnim slovenskim čebelnjakom, rastlinsko čistilno napravo, ribnikom, obdanim z značilnimi pohorskimi kamninami, permakulturnim
  • 37. Pohorje | 35 vas Ruševec, ki si je mimogrede nadela ime po gozdni kokoški, je nadvse prikladno izhodišče za kratke in dolge potepe, ko bom naslednjič raziskoval to z gozdom poraščeno pogorje, njegove naravne lepote in starodavne skrivnosti. popolnosti. Odpravil sem se proti Osankarici in Črnemu jezeru. Ko sem odkril jezero, so se jutranje meglice že dvigale nad vodno gladino in razen ptičjega petja ni bilo slišati ničesar. Čez dobro uro sem se vrnil na Osankarico. Dom je bil že pokonci in iz zvočnikov sta prepevala Simon in Garfunkel »Sound of Silence«. Kakšno naključje! sem pomislil. Z Osankarice sem se namenil še k slapu Šumik. Pešpot do slapa je kar zahtevna, a prihod na cilj je svojevrstna nagrada. Tudi zadnji dan svojega potepanja po Pohorju sem bil zgoden. Vstati zgodaj je sicer težko, a se splača. Odpešačil sem proti Bolfenku. Jutranja svetloba je bila čudovita, za družbo pa so mi bili le srnjad, zajci in ptice. Pozneje, ko sem se spustil še v dolino, sem v Hočah obiskal botanični vrt. Pohorje je naredilo name mogočen vtis že takrat pozimi, vendar je bila zame poletna zgodba še bolj privlačna. Vsekakor bom moral potepanje še ponoviti, ga tudi nekoliko načrtovati, predvsem pa podaljšati. Zelena
  • 38. Pohorje 36 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine GreenRambles Through Pohorje Text and photographs: Andrej Blatnik Quite some time has passed since I last wandered around Pohorje. I still remember the winter fun and games from years ago, the endless forests, the infinite silence and the night-time view of the lights of Maribor, the capital of Slovenia’s Štajerska region (the southernmost portion of the former Duchy of Styria, the remainder of which today makes up the Austrian state of Styria or Steiermark). And when my travels brought me back to Štajerska, I once again felt the desire to experience that peace and tranquillity. I set off on the motorway and there it was, on the first direction sign: Pohorje. If only! I followed the indications for Mari- bor South and then the sign for Hoče, turned left at the traffic lights and drove through Spodnje (Lower) Hoče, Zgornje (Upper) Hoče and continued on. I began to climb up through vineyards and meadows, past the signs for Hočko Pohorje and Slivniško Po- horje, and the forest grew deeper and denser. I must have driven more than 15 kilometres when I came to a fork in the road: one direc- tion led to Areh and the other to Bellevue. I chose the latter, even though I wasn’t headed for the hotel of the same name. The junction was also full of signposts showing the names of mountain huts and guest houses, which meant that I had to stop if I wanted to read through all the options available. At the next junction I turned left: Mariborska Koča, Ruševec… I climbed a little further up the slope and stopped the car outside the Mari- borska Koča mountain hut. I ordered a beer and asked the friendly waitress about places to stay in the surrounding area. I explained that peace and quiet were of the utmost im- portance. She proposed Zelena Vas Ruševec, some fifty metres away. She gave me their telephone number and... luckily they had a free log cabin. And so I arrived at Zelena Vas – or “Green Village”. And it really is green! As I looked at this little settlement I found myself thinking that the pine trees that were used to build these log cabins had once grown right here on this slope, and that someone had cleared the forest and used the wood to build houses. The effect was very simple, but also romantic. The owner appeared from somewhere and, smiling, asked me what I thought of it – but she could already read the enthusiasm on my face. Then she gave me a detailed tour of Zelena Vas – five log cabins built from massive logs of Pohorje pine, insulated against the cold by sheep’s wool – a unique example of ecological, green tourism that is worth imitating; above all, it is “local and authentic”, because only natural materials available in the surrounding area have been used. The village is designed as an educational permaculture circle with a
  • 39. Pohorje | 37 traditional Slovene beehouse, a constructed wetland, a fish pond surrounded by characteristic Pohorje rocks, a permaculture garden, a composter and a herb garden. The village is the living embodiment of the spirit of sustainable living, since everything about it illustrates the coexistence of human beings and nature – carefully taking all that nature offers us and returning the things that nature needs. After my initial tour I set off for a walk. I breathed in deeply, inhaling the pure forest air as though I were a pulmonary patient. On my way up to Pohorje I had driven past a hospital. I later discovered that it is in fact a specialised lung disease clinic. The air up there truly is fantastic. Then I set off towards Areh. The former hotel building is now sadly dilapidated, but Ruška Koča, the mountain hut opposite, standing next to the church of Sveti Areh (St Henry), is very much alive. The white church with its slate roof was lit by the late afternoon sun – perfect for a photograph. In the evening I also visited Bellevue and gazed down at the lights of Maribor. I decided that if the weather was bad tomorrow I would visit the city. It is just a few minutes’ drive from the log cabins to the upper station of the Pohorje cable car, while down at the bottom, next to the Hotel Habakuk, there is a bus stop. Very convenient. Fortunately the next day was sunny and I made the most of a day in the great outdoors. I set off in the direction of Osankarica and the Black Lake (Črno jezero). When I reached the lake, the morning mists had already lifted clear of the surface of the water and the only sound to be heard was the singing of the birds. An hour or so late I returned to Osankarica. The mountain hut there was awake by now and Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence” was drifting from the loudspeakers. “What a coincidence!” I thought to myself. From Osankarica I took the path to the Šumik waterfall. The footpath to the waterfall is quite a difficult one, but the destination makes it all worthwhile. I made another early start on the last day of my Pohorje adventure. Getting up early may be difficult, but it pays dividends. I set off on foot towards Bolfenk. The morning light was wonderful, and my only company were roe deer, rabbits and birds. Later, when I descended into the valley, I visited the botanical garden in Hoče. Pohorje had made a powerful impression on me that far-off winter, but in my opinion this summer adventure was even more alluring. I am certainly going to have to come back again, next time with a little more planning, and above all for a longer visit. Zelena Vas Ruševec – the “Ruševec” part of its name actually means “black grouse” – will be the perfect base from which to set off on short walks and longer hikes, the next time I come to explore the forest-covered mountains of Pohorje, their natural beauty and their ancient secrets. •
  • 40. Zgodovina 38 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
  • 41. Muzej na prostem – Partizanska bolnišnica Franja – prejel znak Evropske dediščine Zgodovina | 39 Geslo 'Franja' je odločalo o življenju in smrti Evropa je maja letos praznovala 70-letnico osvoboditve izpod fašizma in nacizma. Temačno obdobje druge svetovne vojne ni prizaneslo niti slovenskemu ozemlju. Vojna vihra ga je doletela, koso6.aprila1941nemškaletalanapadlaJugoslavijo.Poporazujugoslovanskevojskeinokupaciji države se je v razkosani Sloveniji med tremi okupacijskimi silami – nemškimi, italijanskimi in madžarskimi – organiziralo slovensko odporniško gibanje. Znotraj partizanskega gibanja je bila ustanovljena tudi sanitetna služba. Ta je skrbela za mobilizacijo medicinskega osebja in materiala ter za izobraževanje in oskrbo ranjencev in bolnih. Z ustanavljanjem skritih in težko dostopnih stacionarnih bolnišnic v gozdovih, grapah in podzemnih jamah pa so poskrbeli tudi za težke ranjence in obolele. 120 partizanskih bolnišnic v letih 1942–45 in v njih oskrbovanih več kot 15.000 ranjencev velja za edinstvenost slovenskega partizanskega gibanja. Ena izmed redkih ohranjenih bolnišnic – Franja še danes priča o junaškem,požrtvovalneminhumanembojuzaživljenjainprotiokupatorju. Legendarna Partizanska bolnišnica Franja v skriti soteski Pasice. Letos je prejela Znak evropske dediščine, ki ga Evropska komisija podeljuje območjem z izjemno kulturno dediščino s simbolno vrednostjo za Evropo, pomembno vlogo v evropski zgodovini in kulturi ali pri združevanju. Besedilo: Maja Kutin Fotografije: arhiv Cerkljanski muzej (Rafael Marn, Luka Kalan)
  • 42. Zgodovina 40 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine P o kapitulaciji Italije in nemški ofenzi- vi so partizani na severnem Primor- skem in v zahodni Gorenjski še pred zimo potrebovali varen prostor za ranjence. Izbrana je bila skoraj nedostopna ozka sote- ska Pasice v Dolenjih Novakih pri Cerknem med visokimi skalnimi previsi. Iz lesenih desk so postopoma rasle barake in bolnico so dograjevali vse do konca. Danes si ob obi- sku Franje – tega izjemnega kraja spomina – lahko ogledamo 14 barak različnih veli- kosti in namembnosti ter nekaj pomožnih objektov, v katerih so zdravili ranjence, ime- li operacijsko sobo, sobo za rentgen, kuhi- njo in zaklonišče za ranjence, zgradili pa so celo lastno elektrarno. V letu in pol njenega delovanja – od decembra 1943 do začetka maja 1945 – je bolnišnico vodilo več zdrav- nikov. Poimenovali pa so jo po zdravnici dr. Franji Bojc Bidovec, ki jo je najdlje vodila. Poleg operacij in skrbi za ranjence in osebje je bilo potrebno poskrbeti za vse pomemb- no, da je bolnica delovala, tudi za potrebno količino sanitetnega materiala, zdravil in hrane; manjkale pa niso niti kulturne ak- tivnosti. Bolnica Franja je veljala za največjo partizansko skrivnost in je bila tudi edina bolnišnica, ki je morala sama poskrbeti za svojo varnost. Da bi jo ohranili skrito, so se posluževali konspirativnih metod. Ranjence
  • 43. Zgodovina | 41 Obisk Partizanske bolnišnice Franje v bližini Cerknega je danes možen po urejeni pešpoti ob potoku. Čeprav je povodenj jeseni 2007 skoraj v celoti odnesla večino barak in originalnih razstavljenih predmetov, je bil zaradi velike simbolne vrednosti bolnišnični kompleks Franja po celoviti rekonstrukciji leta 2010 ponovno odprt za obiskovalce. 14 lesenih barak in nekaj pomožnih objektov stoji prav tako kot pred 70 leti, ko je prene- hala delovati, njeno sporočilo o nudenju od- pora ter o plemenitosti in tovarištvu pa je še vedno živo in v opomin sedanjim in priho- dnjim generacijam: naj cenimo mir in svo- bodo, ki ju uživamo! Franja je vpisana tudi na UNESCOV Poskusni seznam svetovne dediščine. so najprej pripeljali do ene izmed javk in šele po pregledu so jih ponoči z nosili prenašali ob potoku navzgor v centralno bolnišnico Franjo ali v njene razpršene oddelke. Zaradi stroge tajnosti lokacije so jim pred tem za- vezali oči in jih nekajkrat obrnili v krogu, da bi tako izgubili občutek za orientacijo. Do- stop do bolnice pa je bil varovan z minskim poljem in obrambnimi bunkerji v naravnih skalnih votlinah. Sovražnik se je dvakrat znašel v njeni neposredni bližini, vendar je ni odkril. V centralnem oddelku Partizanske bolni- šnice Franja je prejelo medicinsko in kirur- ško pomoč 578 ranjencev, v vseh njenih od- delkih pa skoraj 1000 ranjenih. Med njimi so bili poleg Slovencev in drugih pripadnikov jugoslovanskih narodov tudi Francozi, Rusi, Poljaki, Američani, Italijani in en Avstrijec. V vojnih okoliščinah pomanjkanja in neiz- merne iznajdljivosti je zabeležila relativno nizko smrtnost (13,5%).
  • 44. History The Franja Partisan Hospital open-air museum receives the European Heritage Label 42 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine The Password Franja Meant the Difference Between Life and Death Text: Maja Kutin Photography: Cerkno Museum archive (Rafael Marn, Luka Kalan) In May this year Europe celebrated the 70th anniversary of its liberation from Fascism and Nazism. The dark period of the Second World War did not spare Slovenia. It was caught up in the maelstrom of war when the Luftwaffe attacked Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941. Following the defeat of the Yugoslav army and the occupation of the country, a resistance movement began to be organised in Slovenia, which had been split between three occupying forces – the Germans, the Italians and the Hungarians. Within the partisan movement a medical service was created. This was responsible for the mobilisation of medical personnel and material, for providing medical training and for caring for the sick and wounded. By setting up clandestine hospitals in locations where access was difficult – in forests, ravines and caves – they were also able to tend to the seriously wounded and sick. The 120 partisan hospitals and the more than 15,000 wounded treated in them between 1942 and 1945 are a unique achievement of the Slovene partisan movement. One of the few surviving hospitals, still standing today as a witness to the heroic, self- sacrificing and humane struggle to save lives and resist the occupying forces, is the legendary Franja Partisan Hospital in the hidden Pasice gorge. This year the hospital received the European Heritage Label, which the European Commission awards to sites representing notable cultural heritage with symbolic value for Europe, an important role in European history or culture, or an important role in European integration.
  • 45. History | 43 A fter the capitulation of Italy and the subsequent German offensive, the partisans in northern Primorska and western Gorenjska needed a safe place for their wounded before winter set in. The location they chose was a narrow and almost inaccessible gorge called Pasice between high rocky overhangs in Dolenji Novaki near Cerkno. One by one, huts were built from wooden planks and the hospital grew gradually with continuous improvements. Today’s visitors to Franja – this remarkable place of memory – can visit 14 huts of various sizes and functions and a handful of ancillary buildings and see the wards where the wounded were treated, the operating theatre, the X-ray room, the kitchen and the shelter. The hospital even had its own hydroelectric power plant. During the year and a half in which it was active – from December 1943 to early May 1945 – various doctors took turns running the hospital. But it was named after Dr Franja Bojc Bidovec, who led it for longest. As well as operating on the wounded and caring for them and the staff, it was necessary to supply everything that the hospital needed in order to function, including a sufficient quantity of sanitary material, medicines and food. They even found time to organise cultural activities. The Franja hospital was the partisans’ biggest secret and was, at the same time, the only hospital that had to look after its own security. In order to keep it secret, the partisans relied on conspiratorial methods. The wounded were first brought to one of a number of rendezvous, and only after they had been examined were they carried on stretchers, at night, up the stream to the main Franja hospital or one of its scattered outposts. In order to maintain the strict secrecy of the location, they were blindfolded and turned round and round a number of times so that they lost their sense of orientation. Access to the hospital was protected by a minefield and bunkers built in natural hollows in the rock. Enemy troops twice passed very close to the hospital but did not discover it. The main unit of the Franja Partisan Hospital provided medical and surgical aid to 578 wounded and sick, while the number of wounded treated in all its units amounted to nearly 1,000. As well as the Slovenes and members of the other Yugoslav nations, these included French, Russians, Polish, Americans, Italians and one Austrian. In wartime conditions of shortages and boundless inventiveness, the hospital’s mortality rate was relatively low (13.5%). Today visitors reach the Franja Partisan Hospital near Cerkno via a marked footpath running beside the stream. Although floods in the autumn of 2007 swept away most of the huts and many of the original items exhibited there, it was decided, in view of the enormous symbolic value of the Franja hospital complex, to completely rebuild it. Following a comprehensive reconstruction, the complex was reopened to visitors in 2010. The 14 wooden huts and ancillary buildings stand just as they did 70 years ago when the hospital ceased operating, but their message of resistance, nobility and comradeship is still very much alive and serves as a vivid exhortation to present and future generations to appreciate the peace and freedom that we now enjoy! The Franja Partisan Hospital has also been added to UNESCO’s Tentative List of World Heritage Sites. •
  • 46. Modelarstvo 44 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Med mladimi modelarji
  • 47. Modelarstvo | 45 Vsi upiramo oči v nebo: naši najstniki, ki so spravili v zrak nekaj modelov in jih zdaj med glasnim komentiranjem s svojimi daljinskimi upravljavci spuščajo nizko nad poljem koruze, in nekaj staršev, ki smo se bolj kot ne po naključju zbrali, da bi videli, kaj počnejo s tako vnemo. Stojimo na robu pokošenega travnika, čigar lastnik se ne bo vznemirjal, če bo kdo od razposajenih fantov stekel po njem, da bi spravil v zrak svoj model letala. In se družno čudimo, kako zgovorni in razposajeni so naši otroci, ki bodo v kratkem iz osnovne presedlali vsak na svojo srednjo šolo. Doma so ponavadi molčeči, potopljeni v svoje misli, včasih čemerni, razdražljivi in zlovoljni, tu pa prekipevajo od dobre volje in energije – tako kot smo v njihovih letih prekipevali mi, ko smo s prijatelji počeli stvari, ki so nas strastno zanimale. Besedilo: Marjan Žiberna Fotografije: Domen Grögl S kupino fantov, ki teka po travniku nedaleč od Koseškega bajerja na zelenem obrobju Ljubljane, povezuje živo zanimanje za modelarstvo. Vso dolgo zimo so redno zahajali na Kersnikovo 4 v središču Ljubljane. Vendar niso obiskovali legendarnega kluba v njegovih kletnih prostorih, pač pa so se povzpeli v najvišje nadstropje: v našarjeno delavnico, za katero bi se naključnemu obiskovalcu zdelo, da je zamrznila v sedemdesetih ali v začetku osemdesetih let minulega stoletja in morda doživela, sodeč po velikanskih računalniških monitorjih, kratkotrajno otoplitev v devetdesetih. Izpod stropa visijo modeli letal, stare delovne mize je izpod kupov vsakovrstnega orodja, kosov lesa, stiropora, posameznih delov letal in kdove česa še vse komaj mogoče slutiti. A prav v tem na videz nemogočem kraju so pod potrpežljivimi rokami mladih modelarjev nastajali letalski modeli. In pod budnim očesom Petra, njihovega mentorja, na katerega so se obračali po nasvet in pomoč. Tu so rezali malone peresno lahek les balzovca, tropskega južnoameriškega drevesa, ki mu je usoda namenila, da bo nekoč letalo po zraku. Previdno so rezali tanke letve in deščice, s pomočjo lepila iz
  • 48. Modelarstvo 46 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
  • 49. Modelarstvo | 47 njih sestavljali trupe, krila in repe letal, nanje pa 'likali', kot se pravi v žargonu, tanko folijo. In upali, da bodo imeli pri tem zadnjem opravilu dovolj mirno roko, da se folija ne bo nagubala, saj jo bo treba v nasprotnem primeru odstraniti in vajo ponoviti. Potem so vgrajevali še majcene elektromotorje, ki bodo poganjali propelerje in premikali zakrilca in rep, da bo model možno lepo usmerjati, stikali kontakte žičk, ki bodo motorčke povezali z majhnimi akumulatorji, po možnosti tako, da bo vse skupaj res delovalo ... Tako so nastajali modeli starih messerschmittov, junkersov in spitfirejev in tudi veliko modernejših letal. Pa tudi 'trikopterji' in 'kvadrokopterji'. A ti so pravzaprav nastajali doma, kjer so se mladi navdušenci zbirali, rezali, brusili in lepili in sestavljali letalne naprave, kakršne so bile še pred desetletjem precejšnja redkost. Pri tem jim mentor Peter, mojster stare modelarske šole, ne bi mogel kaj veliko pomagati. Sestavne dele so si ti mladeniči kupili v spletni trgovini in počakali, da je pošiljka prišla v njihove nestrpno čakajoče roke. No, pri prvih nakupih so se stvari malce zatikale. Za vrnitev plačila za pošiljko, ki se je na poti s Kitajske izgubila sam bog ve kje, smo se morali s svojimi 'analognimi' znanji malce vključiti tudi starejši, nato pa so stvari stekle. Potem sem od Urbana, Posvojebimeveselilo,čebisizahobiizbral gasilstvo, tabornike ali kakšno podobno prostočasno dejavnost, saj modelarstvo ni stvar, ki bi bila ravno poceni. A ko vidim, s kakšnim navdušenjem govori o modelih ne samo s svojimi vrstniki, pač pa tudi z mano, svojim očetom, sem nad njegovim navdušenjem lahko navdušen tudi sam. In pa nad tem, da je z orodjem, ki ga uporablja, ko sestavlja modele, neprimerno bolj spreten, kot bi bil jaz kdajkoli. Tako zdaj v zgodnjem poletju stojim na travniku in gledam letalske modele, ki krožijo in vijugajo po zraku, še bolj pa fante, ki se glasno smejijo, kot so se smejali, ko so bili še čisto majhni otroci. svojega petnajstletnika, samo še izvedel, kaj je spet naročil 'pri Kitajcih', koliko je stvar kljub poštnini cenejša, kot bi bila, če bi jo kupil pri nas ali kje v Evropi, kaj bo iz tistega, kar je v njej, nastalo … In da bo, ko bo zbral dovolj denarja, kupil še očala, s katerimi bo lahko neposredno spremljal sliko s kamere, pritrjene na letalo, in se učil leteti še na ta način. No, nekaj časa ga bo stvar, to vem, razveseljevala, potem pa bo gotovo hotel preizkusiti še kaj novejšega. Morda boljšo kamero in očala, morda mu bo začel domišljijo buriti model helikopterja, ki menda lahko leti celo nazaj ali pa obrnjen 'z glavo' proti tlom, izvaja lupinge …
  • 50. Model Building 48 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Young Model BuildersText: Marjan Žiberna Photographs: Domen Grögl We are all looking up at the sky: our teenagers, who have launched their model aircraft into the air and are providing a noisy commentary as they use their radio control units to send them swooping low over the cornfield, and a few parents who have gathered here more or less by coincidence to see what they are getting up to with such enthusiasm. We are standing on the edge of a new- mown meadow whose owner won’t get upset if one of the high-spirited lads runs across it to launch a model plane into the air. And we collectively marvel at how talkative and exuberant they are, these children of ours who will soon be heading off to upper secondary school. At home they are usually silent, lost in their own thoughts, sometimes sullen, irritable and morose, but here they are brimming with cheerfulness and energy – just as we were at their age when doing the things that passionately interested us with our friends. T his group of boys running across a meadow not far from Koseze Pond on the green edge of Ljubljana share a lively interest in model building. Throughout the long winter they regularly made their way to Kersnikova 4, an address in central Ljubljana. But they weren’t heading for the legendary K4 nightclub in the building’s basement: instead they took the lift up to the top floor and a junk-filled workshop which, to the chance visitor, appears to have been frozen in the 1970s or early 1980s – although judging from the giant computer monitors, it may have undergone a brief thaw in the 1990s. Model aircraft hang from the ceiling. Buried beneath sundry tools, pieces of wood and polystyrene, aircraft parts and who knows what else, the old work tables can barely be seen. And yet in this apparently impossible place, the patient hands of the young model makers have been building model aircraft under the watchful eye of Peter, their mentor, who they turn to for advice and assistance. It is here that they cut the feather-light pieces of balsa – the wood of the tropical South American tree whose destiny it is to fly through the air. Carefully cutting ribs, struts and panels, gluing the fuselage, wings and tail together and covering them with a thin layer of fabric. And hoping that their hands are steady enough during this last job to avoid wrinkling the fabric, because if they do they will have to remove it and repeat the exercise. And then installing the tiny electric
  • 51. Model Building | 49 motors to drive the propellers and move the flaps and tail so that they can manoeuvre the model properly, and soldering the contacts of the wires that will connect the motors to the little batteries, hopefully in such a way that everything actually works... The result of all this activity: flying models of old Messerschmitts, Junkers and Spitfires, as well as more modern aircraft. And even “tricopters” and “quadcopters”, although these were built at home, where the young enthusiasts gathered to cut, sand, glue and assemble flying machines of a kind that as recently as a decade ago were still something of a rarity. Their mentor Peter, an old-school model maker, couldn’t have offered them much help with these. They bought the parts themselves from an online shop and waited impatiently for the package to arrive. Actually there were a few hold-ups with the first few purchases. In order to obtain a refund for a package that had gone astray en route from China, we grown-ups had to intervene with our “analogue” knowledge, but then things started to go smoothly. Since then it has been a question of my 15-year-old son Urban telling me about his latest order “from the Chinese”, how much cheaper it is, despite the postage, than it would be to buy it here or anywhere in Europe, what it is going to be, and so on. And how once he has saved up enough money he is going to buy some special glasses that let you directly monitor the image from a camera fixed to the aircraft and learn to fly like this too. more skilled at using the tools he needs to build his models than I would ever be. So now I find myself standing in a meadow at the start of summer and watching model aircraft circling and banking across the sky, but even more watching these teenagers who are laughing out loud the way they used to laugh when they were little kids. • I’m sure this will keep him amused for a while, but then he will be sure to want to try something new. Perhaps a better camera and glasses, or perhaps it’ll be a model helicopter that can fly backwards or upside down, or loop the loop... Personally I would have preferred him to choose a hobby like the volunteer fire brigade, the scouts or some similar free-time activity, because model building isn’t exactly cheap. But when I see how enthusiastically he talks about models, not only with his friends but even with me, his father, I find myself getting enthusiastic about his enthusiasm. And about the fact that he is incomparably
  • 52. Narava 50 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
  • 53. Narava | 51 Ljubljana je izbrala »svojo« vrtnico Na lanski pomladni dan so v rozarij ljubljanskega Tivolija stro- kovnjaki Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Slovenije (DLVS) in Turizma Ljubljana zasadili pet neimenovanih belih vrtnic. Te so se letos spomladi pomerile za laskavi naslov vrtnica Ljubljana. Besedilo: Matjaž Potokar Fotografije: D. Potokar Zanimiva sta bila predizbor in način izbire vrtnice Ljubljana, v kar so bili vključeni tako strokovnjaki kot tudi meščani in predvsem njim bo vrtnica namenjena. Predsednica Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Breda Čopi je pre- dlani pridobila pet neimenovanih vrtnic treh svetovno znanih žlahtniteljev. Ljubljanski čla- ni DLVS so skupaj z mestno komunalo posa- dili vse te vrtnice na viden prostor v mestnem rožniku in zanje skrbeli vse do odločanja. Vr- tnice se morajo v prvem letu razviti, da lahko kasneje pokažejo vso lepoto. Meščani so zato »svojo« vrtnico izbirali šele letos spomladi. Prek družabnih omrežij in tudi neposredno so se lahko odločali med petimi ponujenimi vrtnicami in – izbrali vrtnico Ljubljana. Se- veda je svoje dodala tudi strokovna komisija v zasedbi slovenskega žlahtnitelja, akademika in profesorja dr. Matjaža Kmecla, poznavalca in pisca vrtničnih enciklopedij, Matjaža Ma- stnaka, pa seveda Brede Čopi, predsednice slovenskega društva in predsednice svetovne zveze ljubiteljev vrtnic za vzhodno Evropo; sodelovali pa so tudi predstavniki Turizma Ljubljana. T ega, da v življenjski zgodbi vrtnice po- stavi piko na i njeno ime, ni treba pose- bej omenjati. Znano je, da imajo imena vrtnic magične pomene. Ne samo zaradi mar- ketinških učinkov uspešne prodaje, saj je vr- tnico z znanim imenom bistveno lažje prodati kot z neznanim. Že samo ime cvetlice je zani- mivo: včasih so jo imenovali roža, roža vseh rož, kraljica vrta – vrtnica; in tako kot rimski cesarji je v slovenskem koledarju dobila celo svoj mesec – rožnik. Pogled v zgodovino pove, da se je do potresa leta tisoč osemsto petinde- vetdeset Ljubljana ponašala z napisom: »Rasi in lubi me luba moja gartroža (rumena).« Gre za najstarejši znani slovenski zapis o vr- tnici-gartroži; rumena pomeni v jeziku pet- najstega stoletja rdeča. V tistih časih so bile namreč vse vrtnice bolj ali manj samo rdeče barve. Napis, ki je kasneje na žalost izginil, je danes geslo Društva ljubiteljev vrtnic Sloveni- je. Zato je razumljiva pobuda, da se slovensko glavno mesto od letošnjega rožnika dalje lahko ponaša tudi z vrtnico s svojim imenom. Med drugim bo krasila parke, mestne rožnike, na- sade, travnike, loge in holme, menda jo bodo uporabljali celo v protokolarne namene.
  • 54. Narava 52 | Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Skupna odločitev Ljubljančanov in stro- kovne komisije je določila: vrtnica Ljubljana postane mnogocvetna vrtnica številka dve žlahtnitelja Tantaua, enega najpomembnejših svetovnih žlahtniteljev iz Nemčije, ki skupaj z drugim nemškim žlahtniteljem Kordesom obvladuje polovico svetovnega tržišča vrtnic in letno proda dva milijona sadik vrtnic po vsem svetu. Dobila je največ glasov tako žirije kot tudi Ljubljančanov. Za radovedneže po- vejmo, da je dobila zmagovalka petinpetde- set od šestdesetih možnih glasov strokovne komisije in tristo tri glasove Ljubljančank in Ljubljančanov, njena najbližja zasledovalka pa dvesto dvainosemdeset. Dvanajstega rožnika letos je vrtnico Lju- bljana v Tivoliju svečano razglasil župan Mesta Ljubljane Zoran Janković in ji zaželel veliko sreče in uspeha. Ali kot je zapisal v pri- ložnostnem zapisu vrtnici Ljubljana v popo- tnico častni občan Ljubljane Matjaž Kmecl: »Zdaj je tu, vrtnica Ljubljana. Bela je zato, ker sta ljubljanski mestni barvi bela in zelena, mesto je pač bela lepotica sredi morja zelenih gozdov: in takšna je tudi nova vrtnica – očar- ljiv bel cvet med bleščeče zelenim listjem. Ob njej bi nekdanji trubadur še enkrat vzneseno vzkliknil: 'Rasi in lubi nas naša luba gartroža!' – Imejmo jo radi tudi mi; poslej je naša prav tako, kot je naše mesto, v katerem živimo in nam je dobro v njem!« Vrtnica Ljubljana je prav gotovo odličen uvod v prihajajočo Zeleno prestolnico Evrope 2016 in v svetovni regionalni kongres ljubite- ljev vrtnic v Sloveniji 2017.