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Genito-Urinary System
Adrenal Glands
Knowing as much as
possible about your enemy
precedes successful battle
and learning about the
disease process precedes
successful management
a) Incidental Adrenal Mass
b) Bilateral Adrenal Masses
c) Adrenal Calcification
Anatomy of the Adrenal
a) Arterial Supply :
 -Superior adrenal artery: branch of inferior phrenic
 -Middle adrenal artery: branch of the aorta
 -Inferior adrenal artery: branch of the renal artery
b) Venous Drainage :
-Each gland is drained by a single vein that
enters into the :
Inferior vena cava on the right
Renal vein on the left
c) Physiology :
-Cortex divided into 3 zones :
Zona glomerulosa (aldosterone)
Zona fasciculata (ACTH dependent)
Zona reticularis (sex hormones)
-Medulla (epinephrine, norepinephrine)
d) Imaging Appearance :
-Y configuration : each adrenal gland consists of an
anteromedial ridge (body) and two posterior limbs best
seen by CT/MR
-Posterior limbs are close together superiorly but spread
out inferiorly
-Right adrenal lies adjacent to IVC throughout its extent
-Left adrenal lies adjacent to splenic vessels at its cephalad
-Size :
Limbs: 3 to 6 mm thick
Length of entire adrenal: 4 to 6 cm
Width of entire adrenal: <1 cm
Weight: 4 to 5 g/gland
Coronal T1-weighted, three-dimensional, GRE MR image obtained with
VIBE shows the normal inverted Y shape of the right adrenal gland
a) Incidental Adrenal Mass :
1-Functioning Tumors
2-Malignant Tumors
1-Functioning Tumors :
a) Pheochromocytoma
b) Conn’s Adenoma
c) Cushing’s Adenoma
d) Adrenal Carcinoma
a) Pheochromocytoma :
1 Incidence
2 Associations
3 Radiographic Features
1-Incidence :
-Is an uncommon tumor of the adrenal gland
-The tumors are said to follow a 10% rule :
10% are extra-adrenal
10% are bilateral
10% are malignant
10% are found in children
10% are familial
10 % are not associated with hypertension
2-Associations :
-The majority of cases are sporadic
-In 5-10% of cases , a pheochromocytoma is a
manifestation of an underlying condition including :
a) MEN II (both MEN IIa and MEN IIb) :
-MEN IIa : medullary thyroid carcinoma ,
pheochromocytoma & parathyroid adenoma
-MEN IIb : medullary thyroid carcinoma ,
pheochromocytoma , oral ganglioneuromas & other soft
tissue tumors
b) VHL
c) Sturge-Weber Syndrome
d) TS
3-Radiographic Features :
-Usually large > 5 cm with marked contrast
-It should be noted that in patients with suspected
pheochromocytoma ionic contrast may be
contraindicated as it could precipitate a
hypertensive crisis
a) CT :
-On CT pheochromocytomas are large usually
heterogeneous masses with areas of necrosis
and cystic change with marked contrast
Pheochromocytomas in a 35-year-old woman with hypokalemia, a family history of
pheochromocytoma, and a new diagnosis of von Hippel–Lindau syndrome, axial
arterial phase (a) and coronal arterial phase volume-rendered (b) CT images,
obtained for evaluation of right upper quadrant pain, show small incidental bilateral
adrenal masses (arrow), the degree of vascularity resulted in a differential diagnosis
of metastatic hypervascular tumor or pheochromocytoma, pathologic analysis
revealed bilateral pheochromocytomas; the lesion on the right measured 2 cm, and
the two masses in the left adrenal gland measured 0.4 cm and 0.6 cm
Pheochromocytoma with pathologically proved hemorrhage and necrosis in a 39-year-old
woman, coronal precontrast volume-rendered (a) and axial postcontrast (b) CT
images show a large, well-defined mass with higher attenuation inferiorly that
compresses the liver and right kidney, on the contrast-enhanced image, enhancing
septa and multiple cystic areas are seen. Classically a vascular mass,
pheochromocytoma can also be cystic, particularly when the tumor is large, as in this
Pheochromocytomas in a 47-year-old woman with a history of neurofibromas
resected from both wrists who presented with abdominal pain, axial (a) and
coronal multiplanar reformation (b) images from contrast-enhanced CT
show bilateral adrenal masses (arrows), which are predominantly cystic on
the left (white arrowheads) and solid with cystic components (black
arrowheads) on the right, fine-needle aspiration performed in one mass
demonstrated a pheochromocytoma
Pheochromocytoma with rapid washout, axial portal venous phase (a) and
delayed phase (b) CT images show a small solid mass in the right adrenal
gland, the RPW of the adrenal nodule is 52%, a value that can be seen with
adenoma; however, the portal venous phase attenuation of 164 HU
suggests a pheochromocytoma, such high enhancement levels are not
characteristic of adenoma but are seen with some pheochromocytomas
Necrotic pheochromocytoma in a 42-year-old man, coronal arterial
phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered images from
contrast-enhanced CT show a large (>20 cm) hypervascular right
suprarenal mass, the mass has central necrosis and compresses
the right kidney inferiorly
b) MRI :
*T1 :
-Slightly hypointense to the remainder of the
*T2 :
-Markedly hyperintense (lightbulb sign) , this is a
helpful feature
*T1+C :
-Heterogenous enhancement
c) Nuclear Medicine : MIBG
-Abnormal uptake
Axial T1-weighted in-phase MR image (a), out-of-phase MR image (b), and
three-dimensional GRE contrast-enhanced MR image with VIBE (c) show a
pheochromocytoma (arrow), the pheochromocytoma shows the typical
features of no loss of signal intensity on the out-of-phase image and intense
enhancement on the contrast-enhanced image
b) Conn’s Adenoma :
1 Incidence
2 Radiographic Features
1 Incidence :
-Accounts for 70 % of Conn’s syndrome
-30 % of Conn’s syndrome due to
hyperplasia which can be occasionally
nodular and mimic an adenoma
2 Radiographic Features :
-Usually small < 2 cm
-Relatively low dense
c) Cushing’s Adenoma :
1 Incidence
2 Radiographic Features
1 Incidence :
-Accounts for 20 % of Cushing syndrome
-80 % of Cushing syndrome is due to
excess ACTH from pituitary tumor or
ectopic source (small cell carcinoma ,
pancreatic islet cell , carcinoid medullary
carcinoma of the thyroid & thymoma)
2 Radiographic Features :
-Usually > 2 cm in diameter
d) Adrenal Carcinoma :
-50 % are present as functioning tumor
-Cushing's syndrome most common clinical
2-Malignant Tumors :
a) Metastases
b) Carcinoma
c) Lymphoma
d) Neuroblastoma
a) Metastases :
1 Primary sites
2 Radiographic Features
1-Primary sites :
-Lung :
Small cell carcinoma : 90% of adrenal masses
detected by CT screening represent metastases
Non–small cell carcinoma : 60% of adrenal
2-Radiographic Features :
-Adrenal mass usually > 2-3 cm with
irregular margins
-Bilateral adrenal masses
-Heterogeneous enhancement
-In the presence of a known primary
malignant tumor many adrenal masses
are benign (40 % are metastases)
Adrenal metastases in a 61-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma,
axial (a) and coronal volume-rendered (b) images from contrast-enhanced
CT show primary hepatic carcinoma in the right lobe, along with large
bilateral adrenal masses, the high-attenuation components of the adrenal
lesions probably represent contrast material from prior chemoembolization
or calcifications
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma in a 67-year-old woman, coronal arterial
phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered CT images show
widespread metastatic disease involving the liver, lung, adrenal gland, and
bones, the liver metastases are hyperattenuating and are well seen on the
arterial phase image but become less conspicuous on the venous phase
Adrenal metastasis in a 61-year-old man with a history of left nephrectomy for
renal cell carcinoma, coronal arterial phase (a) and delayed
phase (b) volume-rendered images from contrast-enhanced CT show a
hypervascular right adrenal mass with central necrosis, a finding consistent
with pheochromocytoma or a metastasis from renal cell carcinoma, the latter
diagnosis was proved at pathologic analysis after resection; however, the
enhancement pattern is similar to that of necrotic pheochromoctyoma
b) Carcinoma :
1 Incidence
2 Radiographic Features
1-Incidence :
-50 % are present as functioning tumor
-Cushing's syndrome most common clinical
2-Radiographic Features :
-Mass usually >5 cm at time of diagnosis
-Central area of low attenuation due to
tumor necrosis
-Heterogeneous enhancement because of
areas of necrosis , hemorrhage
-50% have calcifications
-Hepatic , nodal or venous spread
Adrenocortical carcinoma in a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, virilization, and an enlarging
abdominal mass, coronal arterial phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered CT images
show a large left suprarenal mass with hypervascularity and necrosis on the arterial phase image
and some areas of mild enhancement on the venous phase image, the mass abuts the left
hemidiaphragm, with left pleural effusion and left lung atelectasis, and is inseparable from the left
kidney, at surgery, which included left nephrectomy, a portion of the left hemidiaphragm was
resected and the left lower lobe was partially decorticated, pathologic analysis revealed a
malignant adrenocortical neoplasm
Primary adrenocortical carcinoma in a 55-year-old woman, coronal volume-
rendered images from contrast-enhanced CT show a nearly 15-cm right
adrenal mass that displaces the right kidney inferolaterally and invades the
inferior vena cava (IVC) medially (arrowheads in a), tumor thrombus
extends into the intrahepatic IVC (arrows in b)
61-year-old woman who presented with left lower quadrant pain, arterial phase
(A), portal venous phase axial (B), and coronal (C) images show well-
encapsulated large 13.5-cm mass lesion arising from left adrenal gland with
internal calcifications but containing no focal fat, pancreas and left kidney
are displaced by mass, but there is no evidence of invasion into adjacent
vascular structures, on resection this mass represented adrenocortical
Sagittal T1-weighted three-dimensional contrast-enhanced GRE MR image
obtained with VIBE (a) and coronal T2 obtained with half-Fourier
RARE (b) show a large mass involving the right adrenal gland, the mass
exhibits heterogeneous low signal intensity on the T1 and high signal
intensity with a heterogeneous pattern of contrast enhancement and areas
of necrosis (arrow in b) on the T2
c) Lymphoma :
-Lymphoma can involve the adrenal gland
secondarily or arise as a primary adrenal
tumor (uncommon)
-Lymphadenopathy will be seen elsewhere
Adrenal lymphoma in a 67-year-old man with an adrenal mass, imaging was
performed for diagnosis and staging, axial arterial phase (a) and coronal
arterial phase volume-rendered (b) CT images show an 11-cm mass in the
left adrenal bed, the mass invades the left hemidiaphragm, encases the
celiac and renal arteries, and displaces the aorta, the mild degree of organ
displacement despite the size of the mass and the infiltrative appearance
are suggestive of lymphoma; the diagnosis was confirmed at core biopsy
Axial T1-weighted in-phase (a) and out-of-phase (b) MR images show
bilateral lymphomatous deposits, the deposits have low signal
intensity, and the signal intensity does not decrease on the out-of-
phase compared with the in-phase image
d) Neuroblastoma :
-> 5 cm
-Calcification in 90 %
-Extends across midline
Neuroblastoma with disease crossing midline
Neuroblastoma (a, b) Coronal unenhanced T1 (a) and axial T2
obtained with inversion recovery (b) show a right adrenal tumor, the
tumor is predominantly hypointense on the T1 and has areas of
high-signal-intensity hemorrhage (arrow in a), the tumor is
hyperintense on the T2
3-Benign :
a) Non-Functioning Adenoma
b) Myelolipoma
c) AML
d) Cyst
e) Adrenal Hemorrhage
f) Granulomatous Disease
a) Non-Functioning Adenoma :
-The majority of lesions are not functioning. Although CT
does not allow differentiation of functioning from
nonfunctioning masses, the presence of contralateral
adrenal atrophy suggests that a lesion may be
functioning, because pituitary adrenocorticotropic
hormone secretion is suppressed by elevated cortisol
-The precontrast attenuation varies according to the
presence or absence of lipid, with mean attenuation in
the range of −
2 to 16 HU in lipid-rich adenomas and
higher attenuation (20–25 HU) seen in the setting of
lipid-poor adenomas
-Lipid-poor adenomas represent 10%-40% of adenomas
-Regardless of lipid content, adenomas typically
demonstrate rapid washout, which is defined as an APW
of more than 60% and an RPW of more than 40% on
delayed images
-Radiographic Features :
1-CT :
-Mass 1 to 5 cm
-< 0 HU : diagnostic of adenoma (due to fat)
-0 to 10 HU : diagnosis almost certain (follow-up or MRI)
-Calcification rare
-Slight enhancement with IV contrast
-Rarely, an adenoma can hemorrhage, usually in a patient
receiving anticoagulant therapy, the presence of
hemorrhage results in regions of higher attenuation and
heterogeneity, at CT, heterogeneity and regions of
increased attenuation have been shown to correlate with
hemorrhage at pathologic analysis, before liquefaction,
the precontrast attenuation will be higher than 10 HU
Adrenal adenomas in a 62-year-old man with incidentally detected bilateral
adrenal nodules, clinical assessment revealed subclinical Cushing
syndrome, coronal contrast material–enhanced multiplanar reformation CT
image shows small (<2 cm) bilateral adrenal nodules, the relative
percentage washout (RPW) was more than 50% for both nodules, a finding
compatible with adenomas, follow-up CT performed 7 months later showed
stability of the lesions
2.1-cm left adrenal mass was discovered incidentally on contrast-
enhanced computed tomography (CT), because the mass could not
be characterized on the contrast-enhanced CT, this unenhanced CT
was performed. It shows that the lesion (arrows) is of low
attenuation (6 HU), which is consistent with a lipid-rich adenoma
Lipid-poor adenoma in a 45-year-old woman who underwent CT for characterization of an
adrenal mass, axial precontrast (a), coronal portal venous phase volume-
rendered (b), and coronal delayed phase volume-rendered (c) CT images show a
well-defined left adrenal mass less than 2 cm in diameter, the attenuation
measurements were 22 HU on the precontrast image, 64 HU on the portal venous
phase image, and 26 HU on the delayed phase image, for an absolute percentage
washout (APW) of 90% and an RPW of 59%, the findings were consistent with a lipid-
poor adenoma
Adrenocortical adenoma with hemorrhage in a 78-year-old woman with an adrenal mass
that enlarged from 3 cm to 4 cm over 4 years, coronal pre-contrast volume-
rendered (a), coronal venous phase volume-rendered (b), and axial delayed
phase (c) CT images show a 3.2 × 3.9-cm inhomogeneous mass in the left adrenal
gland, some regions of fat attenuation are identified on the precontrast and delayed
phase images (−
12 HU in c), there are central areas of higher attenuation that
measured 69 HU on the delayed phase image, with an appearance suggestive of
hemorrhage into the mass, resection revealed an adrenocortical adenoma with
central organized hemorrhage
Right adrenal gland shows 1.1-cm lesion measuring 8 HU on
unenhanced (A and B), 40 HU on dynamic phase (C and D), and 18
HU on 10-minute delayed phase images (E and F), these density
and washout properties are consistent with adrenal adenoma
2-MRI :
-Fat-suppression techniques are used to
determine if a given lesion contains fat
(e.g., in phase/out of phase imaging , spin-
echo fat-suppression imaging) , if a lesion
contains fat , it is considered an adenoma
Axial in-phase (a) and out-of-phase (b) MR images show an adrenal
adenoma (arrow), which exhibits the typical decrease in signal
intensity on the out-of-phase image
Axial T1-weighted out-of-phase MR image shows an adrenal adenoma
(black arrow) with a focal area of high-signal-intensity hemorrhage
(white arrow)
**N.B. :
-Chemical shift MRI uses a technique based on
hydrogen and fat protons, which resonate at
different frequencies
-By using different time parameters during the
same MRI examination, it is possible to identify
lipid-rich adenomas
-These adenomas show signal loss on out-of-
phase imaging, as opposed to imaging when the
protons are in phase, in contrast, nonadenomas
do not show signal loss on out-of-phase imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging incidentally detects a 2.5-cm adrenal
mass (arrows) on (A) the in-phase image and signal dropout
on (B) the opposed out-of-phase image, these findings are
consistent with a lipid-rich adenoma
b) Myelolipoma :
-Very rare
-Area of obvious fat mass (low negative
-May enhance with contrast administration
-Calcification , 20%
Myelolipoma in a 40-year-old man with metastatic medullary carcinoma
of the thyroid, coronal multiplanar reformation image from contrast-
enhanced CT shows a 5-cm left adrenal mass predominantly
composed of fat (arrows), an appearance diagnostic of a
Myelolipoma in a 31-year-old woman with an adrenal mass, which was
incidentally noted during work-up for chronic anemia and infertility,
coronal volume-rendered CT image shows a 6.5-cm right adrenal
mass composed of soft tissue and fat, an appearance consistent
with a myelolipoma
Myelolipoma in a 59-year-old woman with a history of long-standing hypertension, a
normal urinary metanephrine level, and no clinical evidence of hypercortisolism.
Coronal precontrast (a) and arterial phase (b) multiplanar reformation images from
contrast-enhanced CT show an 8-cm left adrenal mass containing multiple foci of fat
and punctate calcifications; there was mild enhancement on venous phase images,
after resection, pathologic analysis revealed a benign vascular lesion with adipose
tissue, findings consistent with a myelolipoma
(a, b) Axial T1-weighted MR images obtained without fat suppression (a) and
with fat suppression (b) show typical MR imaging features of right adrenal
myelolipoma, the fatty component of the myelolipoma (arrow in a) shows a
decrease in signal intensity on the fat-suppressed image
Loss of signal on out-of-phase
c) AML :
-Very rare
d) Cyst :
1 Classification
2 Radiographic Features
1-Classification :
a) Endothelial cyst , 40%
b)Pseudocyst (hemorrhage) , 40% , may
contain calcified rim
c) Epithelial cyst , 10%
d) Parasitic cysts (Echinococcus) , 5%
2-Radiographic Features :
-Well defined water density
-Mural calcification (15%) , especially in
pseudocysts and parasitic cysts
(a, b) Coronal T1-weighted in-phase (a) and T2 half-Fourier
RARE (b) MR images show an oval, well-circumscribed, right
adrenal cyst (arrow in b) with a thin wall (arrowhead in b), the cyst
has a typical appearance, showing low signal intensity at T1 and
high signal intensity at T2
Axial T2-weighted MR image obtained with inversion recovery shows a
left adrenal pseudocyst, note the soft-tissue component in the wall
and the posteriorly located calcification (arrow)
Hemorrhagic complicated adrenal cyst, (a, b) Coronal T2 obtained with
half-Fourier RARE (a) and axial contrast-enhanced VIBE
image (b) show a left adrenal mass with areas of signal intensity
similar to that of blood
e) Adrenal Hemorrhage :
3-Radiographic Features
1 Incidence :
-More common in neonates than adults
2 Etiology :
a) Hemorrhagic tumors
b) Severe trauma
c) Anticoagulation
d)Severe stress (surgery , sepsis , burns &
3-Radiographic Features :
a) Acute hematoma :
-High CT density (>40 HU)
-Enlarged adrenal gland
b) Old hematoma :
-Fluid-fluid level
-May evolve into pseudocyst
Axial unenhanced T1-weighted three-dimensional GRE MR image
obtained with VIBE demonstrates a right adrenal gland with a high-
signal-intensity rim (arrows), a finding that is consistent with
subacute hematoma
f) Granulomatous Disease :
-Most common causes are TB ,
histoplasmosis , blastomycosis ,
meningococcus and echinococcus
-Present as diffuse enlargement or as
discrete mass
-Can have a central cystic component with
or without calcifications
b) Bilateral Adrenal Masses :
1 Metastases , in 15 %
2 Pheochromocytoma , in 10 %
3 Hyperplasia :
-Bilateral adrenal enlargement but usually not seen
on CT
4Spontaneous Adrenal Hemorrhage
6-Granulomatous Disease
c) Adrenal Calcification :
1-Pseudocyst , Parasitic cyst
3 Addison Disease :
-If caused by TB , calcification is a common finding
4 Neuroblastoma
5Granulomatous Disease
adrenalglands iimaging.pptx

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adrenalglands iimaging.pptx

  • 2. Knowing as much as possible about your enemy precedes successful battle and learning about the disease process precedes successful management
  • 3. Adrenal Glands a) Incidental Adrenal Mass b) Bilateral Adrenal Masses c) Adrenal Calcification
  • 4. Anatomy of the Adrenal Gland a) Arterial Supply :  -Superior adrenal artery: branch of inferior phrenic artery  -Middle adrenal artery: branch of the aorta  -Inferior adrenal artery: branch of the renal artery
  • 5.
  • 6. b) Venous Drainage : -Each gland is drained by a single vein that enters into the : Inferior vena cava on the right Renal vein on the left
  • 7. c) Physiology : -Cortex divided into 3 zones : Zona glomerulosa (aldosterone) Zona fasciculata (ACTH dependent) Zona reticularis (sex hormones) -Medulla (epinephrine, norepinephrine)
  • 8. d) Imaging Appearance : -Y configuration : each adrenal gland consists of an anteromedial ridge (body) and two posterior limbs best seen by CT/MR -Posterior limbs are close together superiorly but spread out inferiorly -Right adrenal lies adjacent to IVC throughout its extent -Left adrenal lies adjacent to splenic vessels at its cephalad margin -Size : Limbs: 3 to 6 mm thick Length of entire adrenal: 4 to 6 cm Width of entire adrenal: <1 cm Weight: 4 to 5 g/gland
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Coronal T1-weighted, three-dimensional, GRE MR image obtained with VIBE shows the normal inverted Y shape of the right adrenal gland (arrow)
  • 12. a) Incidental Adrenal Mass : 1-Functioning Tumors 2-Malignant Tumors 3-Benign
  • 13. 1-Functioning Tumors : a) Pheochromocytoma b) Conn’s Adenoma c) Cushing’s Adenoma d) Adrenal Carcinoma
  • 14. a) Pheochromocytoma : 1 Incidence 2 Associations 3 Radiographic Features
  • 15.
  • 16. 1-Incidence : -Is an uncommon tumor of the adrenal gland -The tumors are said to follow a 10% rule : 10% are extra-adrenal 10% are bilateral 10% are malignant 10% are found in children 10% are familial 10 % are not associated with hypertension
  • 17. 2-Associations : -The majority of cases are sporadic -In 5-10% of cases , a pheochromocytoma is a manifestation of an underlying condition including : a) MEN II (both MEN IIa and MEN IIb) : -MEN IIa : medullary thyroid carcinoma , pheochromocytoma & parathyroid adenoma -MEN IIb : medullary thyroid carcinoma , pheochromocytoma , oral ganglioneuromas & other soft tissue tumors b) VHL c) Sturge-Weber Syndrome d) TS
  • 18. 3-Radiographic Features : -Usually large > 5 cm with marked contrast enhancement -It should be noted that in patients with suspected pheochromocytoma ionic contrast may be contraindicated as it could precipitate a hypertensive crisis a) CT : -On CT pheochromocytomas are large usually heterogeneous masses with areas of necrosis and cystic change with marked contrast enhancement
  • 19. Pheochromocytomas in a 35-year-old woman with hypokalemia, a family history of pheochromocytoma, and a new diagnosis of von Hippel–Lindau syndrome, axial arterial phase (a) and coronal arterial phase volume-rendered (b) CT images, obtained for evaluation of right upper quadrant pain, show small incidental bilateral adrenal masses (arrow), the degree of vascularity resulted in a differential diagnosis of metastatic hypervascular tumor or pheochromocytoma, pathologic analysis revealed bilateral pheochromocytomas; the lesion on the right measured 2 cm, and the two masses in the left adrenal gland measured 0.4 cm and 0.6 cm
  • 20. Pheochromocytoma with pathologically proved hemorrhage and necrosis in a 39-year-old woman, coronal precontrast volume-rendered (a) and axial postcontrast (b) CT images show a large, well-defined mass with higher attenuation inferiorly that compresses the liver and right kidney, on the contrast-enhanced image, enhancing septa and multiple cystic areas are seen. Classically a vascular mass, pheochromocytoma can also be cystic, particularly when the tumor is large, as in this case
  • 21. Pheochromocytomas in a 47-year-old woman with a history of neurofibromas resected from both wrists who presented with abdominal pain, axial (a) and coronal multiplanar reformation (b) images from contrast-enhanced CT show bilateral adrenal masses (arrows), which are predominantly cystic on the left (white arrowheads) and solid with cystic components (black arrowheads) on the right, fine-needle aspiration performed in one mass demonstrated a pheochromocytoma
  • 22. Pheochromocytoma with rapid washout, axial portal venous phase (a) and delayed phase (b) CT images show a small solid mass in the right adrenal gland, the RPW of the adrenal nodule is 52%, a value that can be seen with adenoma; however, the portal venous phase attenuation of 164 HU suggests a pheochromocytoma, such high enhancement levels are not characteristic of adenoma but are seen with some pheochromocytomas
  • 23. Necrotic pheochromocytoma in a 42-year-old man, coronal arterial phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered images from contrast-enhanced CT show a large (>20 cm) hypervascular right suprarenal mass, the mass has central necrosis and compresses the right kidney inferiorly
  • 24. b) MRI : *T1 : -Slightly hypointense to the remainder of the adrenal *T2 : -Markedly hyperintense (lightbulb sign) , this is a helpful feature *T1+C : -Heterogenous enhancement c) Nuclear Medicine : MIBG -Abnormal uptake
  • 25. Axial T1-weighted in-phase MR image (a), out-of-phase MR image (b), and three-dimensional GRE contrast-enhanced MR image with VIBE (c) show a pheochromocytoma (arrow), the pheochromocytoma shows the typical features of no loss of signal intensity on the out-of-phase image and intense enhancement on the contrast-enhanced image
  • 26. b) Conn’s Adenoma : 1 Incidence 2 Radiographic Features
  • 27. 1 Incidence : -Accounts for 70 % of Conn’s syndrome -30 % of Conn’s syndrome due to hyperplasia which can be occasionally nodular and mimic an adenoma 2 Radiographic Features : -Usually small < 2 cm -Relatively low dense
  • 28. c) Cushing’s Adenoma : 1 Incidence 2 Radiographic Features
  • 29. 1 Incidence : -Accounts for 20 % of Cushing syndrome -80 % of Cushing syndrome is due to excess ACTH from pituitary tumor or ectopic source (small cell carcinoma , pancreatic islet cell , carcinoid medullary carcinoma of the thyroid & thymoma) 2 Radiographic Features : -Usually > 2 cm in diameter
  • 30. d) Adrenal Carcinoma : -50 % are present as functioning tumor -Cushing's syndrome most common clinical manifestation
  • 31. 2-Malignant Tumors : a) Metastases b) Carcinoma c) Lymphoma d) Neuroblastoma
  • 32. a) Metastases : 1 Primary sites 2 Radiographic Features
  • 33.
  • 34. 1-Primary sites : -Lung : Small cell carcinoma : 90% of adrenal masses detected by CT screening represent metastases Non–small cell carcinoma : 60% of adrenal masses -Breast -Kidney -Bowel -Ovary -Melanoma
  • 35. 2-Radiographic Features : -Adrenal mass usually > 2-3 cm with irregular margins -Bilateral adrenal masses -Heterogeneous enhancement -In the presence of a known primary malignant tumor many adrenal masses are benign (40 % are metastases)
  • 36. Adrenal metastases in a 61-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma, axial (a) and coronal volume-rendered (b) images from contrast-enhanced CT show primary hepatic carcinoma in the right lobe, along with large bilateral adrenal masses, the high-attenuation components of the adrenal lesions probably represent contrast material from prior chemoembolization or calcifications
  • 37. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma in a 67-year-old woman, coronal arterial phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered CT images show widespread metastatic disease involving the liver, lung, adrenal gland, and bones, the liver metastases are hyperattenuating and are well seen on the arterial phase image but become less conspicuous on the venous phase image
  • 38. Adrenal metastasis in a 61-year-old man with a history of left nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma, coronal arterial phase (a) and delayed phase (b) volume-rendered images from contrast-enhanced CT show a hypervascular right adrenal mass with central necrosis, a finding consistent with pheochromocytoma or a metastasis from renal cell carcinoma, the latter diagnosis was proved at pathologic analysis after resection; however, the enhancement pattern is similar to that of necrotic pheochromoctyoma
  • 39. b) Carcinoma : 1 Incidence 2 Radiographic Features
  • 40.
  • 41. 1-Incidence : -50 % are present as functioning tumor -Cushing's syndrome most common clinical manifestation
  • 42. 2-Radiographic Features : -Mass usually >5 cm at time of diagnosis -Central area of low attenuation due to tumor necrosis -Heterogeneous enhancement because of areas of necrosis , hemorrhage -50% have calcifications -Hepatic , nodal or venous spread
  • 43. Adrenocortical carcinoma in a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, virilization, and an enlarging abdominal mass, coronal arterial phase (a) and venous phase (b) volume-rendered CT images show a large left suprarenal mass with hypervascularity and necrosis on the arterial phase image and some areas of mild enhancement on the venous phase image, the mass abuts the left hemidiaphragm, with left pleural effusion and left lung atelectasis, and is inseparable from the left kidney, at surgery, which included left nephrectomy, a portion of the left hemidiaphragm was resected and the left lower lobe was partially decorticated, pathologic analysis revealed a malignant adrenocortical neoplasm
  • 44. Primary adrenocortical carcinoma in a 55-year-old woman, coronal volume- rendered images from contrast-enhanced CT show a nearly 15-cm right adrenal mass that displaces the right kidney inferolaterally and invades the inferior vena cava (IVC) medially (arrowheads in a), tumor thrombus extends into the intrahepatic IVC (arrows in b)
  • 45. 61-year-old woman who presented with left lower quadrant pain, arterial phase (A), portal venous phase axial (B), and coronal (C) images show well- encapsulated large 13.5-cm mass lesion arising from left adrenal gland with internal calcifications but containing no focal fat, pancreas and left kidney are displaced by mass, but there is no evidence of invasion into adjacent vascular structures, on resection this mass represented adrenocortical carcinoma
  • 46. Sagittal T1-weighted three-dimensional contrast-enhanced GRE MR image obtained with VIBE (a) and coronal T2 obtained with half-Fourier RARE (b) show a large mass involving the right adrenal gland, the mass exhibits heterogeneous low signal intensity on the T1 and high signal intensity with a heterogeneous pattern of contrast enhancement and areas of necrosis (arrow in b) on the T2
  • 47. c) Lymphoma : -Lymphoma can involve the adrenal gland secondarily or arise as a primary adrenal tumor (uncommon) -Lymphadenopathy will be seen elsewhere
  • 48. Adrenal lymphoma in a 67-year-old man with an adrenal mass, imaging was performed for diagnosis and staging, axial arterial phase (a) and coronal arterial phase volume-rendered (b) CT images show an 11-cm mass in the left adrenal bed, the mass invades the left hemidiaphragm, encases the celiac and renal arteries, and displaces the aorta, the mild degree of organ displacement despite the size of the mass and the infiltrative appearance are suggestive of lymphoma; the diagnosis was confirmed at core biopsy
  • 49. Axial T1-weighted in-phase (a) and out-of-phase (b) MR images show bilateral lymphomatous deposits, the deposits have low signal intensity, and the signal intensity does not decrease on the out-of- phase compared with the in-phase image
  • 50. d) Neuroblastoma : -> 5 cm -Calcification in 90 % -Extends across midline
  • 51. Neuroblastoma with disease crossing midline
  • 52.
  • 53. Neuroblastoma (a, b) Coronal unenhanced T1 (a) and axial T2 obtained with inversion recovery (b) show a right adrenal tumor, the tumor is predominantly hypointense on the T1 and has areas of high-signal-intensity hemorrhage (arrow in a), the tumor is hyperintense on the T2
  • 54. 3-Benign : a) Non-Functioning Adenoma b) Myelolipoma c) AML d) Cyst e) Adrenal Hemorrhage f) Granulomatous Disease
  • 55. a) Non-Functioning Adenoma : -The majority of lesions are not functioning. Although CT does not allow differentiation of functioning from nonfunctioning masses, the presence of contralateral adrenal atrophy suggests that a lesion may be functioning, because pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion is suppressed by elevated cortisol levels -The precontrast attenuation varies according to the presence or absence of lipid, with mean attenuation in the range of − 2 to 16 HU in lipid-rich adenomas and higher attenuation (20–25 HU) seen in the setting of lipid-poor adenomas -Lipid-poor adenomas represent 10%-40% of adenomas -Regardless of lipid content, adenomas typically demonstrate rapid washout, which is defined as an APW of more than 60% and an RPW of more than 40% on delayed images
  • 56. -Radiographic Features : 1-CT : -Mass 1 to 5 cm -< 0 HU : diagnostic of adenoma (due to fat) -0 to 10 HU : diagnosis almost certain (follow-up or MRI) -Calcification rare -Slight enhancement with IV contrast -Rarely, an adenoma can hemorrhage, usually in a patient receiving anticoagulant therapy, the presence of hemorrhage results in regions of higher attenuation and heterogeneity, at CT, heterogeneity and regions of increased attenuation have been shown to correlate with hemorrhage at pathologic analysis, before liquefaction, the precontrast attenuation will be higher than 10 HU
  • 57. Adrenal adenomas in a 62-year-old man with incidentally detected bilateral adrenal nodules, clinical assessment revealed subclinical Cushing syndrome, coronal contrast material–enhanced multiplanar reformation CT image shows small (<2 cm) bilateral adrenal nodules, the relative percentage washout (RPW) was more than 50% for both nodules, a finding compatible with adenomas, follow-up CT performed 7 months later showed stability of the lesions
  • 58. 2.1-cm left adrenal mass was discovered incidentally on contrast- enhanced computed tomography (CT), because the mass could not be characterized on the contrast-enhanced CT, this unenhanced CT was performed. It shows that the lesion (arrows) is of low attenuation (6 HU), which is consistent with a lipid-rich adenoma
  • 59. Lipid-poor adenoma in a 45-year-old woman who underwent CT for characterization of an adrenal mass, axial precontrast (a), coronal portal venous phase volume- rendered (b), and coronal delayed phase volume-rendered (c) CT images show a well-defined left adrenal mass less than 2 cm in diameter, the attenuation measurements were 22 HU on the precontrast image, 64 HU on the portal venous phase image, and 26 HU on the delayed phase image, for an absolute percentage washout (APW) of 90% and an RPW of 59%, the findings were consistent with a lipid- poor adenoma
  • 60. Adrenocortical adenoma with hemorrhage in a 78-year-old woman with an adrenal mass that enlarged from 3 cm to 4 cm over 4 years, coronal pre-contrast volume- rendered (a), coronal venous phase volume-rendered (b), and axial delayed phase (c) CT images show a 3.2 × 3.9-cm inhomogeneous mass in the left adrenal gland, some regions of fat attenuation are identified on the precontrast and delayed phase images (− 12 HU in c), there are central areas of higher attenuation that measured 69 HU on the delayed phase image, with an appearance suggestive of hemorrhage into the mass, resection revealed an adrenocortical adenoma with central organized hemorrhage
  • 61. Right adrenal gland shows 1.1-cm lesion measuring 8 HU on unenhanced (A and B), 40 HU on dynamic phase (C and D), and 18 HU on 10-minute delayed phase images (E and F), these density and washout properties are consistent with adrenal adenoma
  • 62. 2-MRI : -Fat-suppression techniques are used to determine if a given lesion contains fat (e.g., in phase/out of phase imaging , spin- echo fat-suppression imaging) , if a lesion contains fat , it is considered an adenoma
  • 63. Axial in-phase (a) and out-of-phase (b) MR images show an adrenal adenoma (arrow), which exhibits the typical decrease in signal intensity on the out-of-phase image
  • 64. Axial T1-weighted out-of-phase MR image shows an adrenal adenoma (black arrow) with a focal area of high-signal-intensity hemorrhage (white arrow)
  • 65. **N.B. : -Chemical shift MRI uses a technique based on hydrogen and fat protons, which resonate at different frequencies -By using different time parameters during the same MRI examination, it is possible to identify lipid-rich adenomas -These adenomas show signal loss on out-of- phase imaging, as opposed to imaging when the protons are in phase, in contrast, nonadenomas do not show signal loss on out-of-phase imaging
  • 66. Magnetic resonance imaging incidentally detects a 2.5-cm adrenal mass (arrows) on (A) the in-phase image and signal dropout on (B) the opposed out-of-phase image, these findings are consistent with a lipid-rich adenoma
  • 67. b) Myelolipoma : -Very rare -Area of obvious fat mass (low negative attenuation) -May enhance with contrast administration -Calcification , 20%
  • 68. Myelolipoma in a 40-year-old man with metastatic medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, coronal multiplanar reformation image from contrast- enhanced CT shows a 5-cm left adrenal mass predominantly composed of fat (arrows), an appearance diagnostic of a myelolipoma
  • 69. Myelolipoma in a 31-year-old woman with an adrenal mass, which was incidentally noted during work-up for chronic anemia and infertility, coronal volume-rendered CT image shows a 6.5-cm right adrenal mass composed of soft tissue and fat, an appearance consistent with a myelolipoma
  • 70. Myelolipoma in a 59-year-old woman with a history of long-standing hypertension, a normal urinary metanephrine level, and no clinical evidence of hypercortisolism. Coronal precontrast (a) and arterial phase (b) multiplanar reformation images from contrast-enhanced CT show an 8-cm left adrenal mass containing multiple foci of fat and punctate calcifications; there was mild enhancement on venous phase images, after resection, pathologic analysis revealed a benign vascular lesion with adipose tissue, findings consistent with a myelolipoma
  • 71. (a, b) Axial T1-weighted MR images obtained without fat suppression (a) and with fat suppression (b) show typical MR imaging features of right adrenal myelolipoma, the fatty component of the myelolipoma (arrow in a) shows a decrease in signal intensity on the fat-suppressed image
  • 72. Loss of signal on out-of-phase
  • 74. d) Cyst : 1 Classification 2 Radiographic Features
  • 75. 1-Classification : a) Endothelial cyst , 40% b)Pseudocyst (hemorrhage) , 40% , may contain calcified rim c) Epithelial cyst , 10% d) Parasitic cysts (Echinococcus) , 5%
  • 76. 2-Radiographic Features : -Well defined water density -Mural calcification (15%) , especially in pseudocysts and parasitic cysts
  • 77. (a, b) Coronal T1-weighted in-phase (a) and T2 half-Fourier RARE (b) MR images show an oval, well-circumscribed, right adrenal cyst (arrow in b) with a thin wall (arrowhead in b), the cyst has a typical appearance, showing low signal intensity at T1 and high signal intensity at T2
  • 78. Axial T2-weighted MR image obtained with inversion recovery shows a left adrenal pseudocyst, note the soft-tissue component in the wall and the posteriorly located calcification (arrow)
  • 79. Hemorrhagic complicated adrenal cyst, (a, b) Coronal T2 obtained with half-Fourier RARE (a) and axial contrast-enhanced VIBE image (b) show a left adrenal mass with areas of signal intensity similar to that of blood
  • 80. e) Adrenal Hemorrhage : 1-Incidence 2-Etiology 3-Radiographic Features
  • 81. 1 Incidence : -More common in neonates than adults 2 Etiology : a) Hemorrhagic tumors b) Severe trauma c) Anticoagulation d)Severe stress (surgery , sepsis , burns & hypotension)
  • 82. 3-Radiographic Features : a) Acute hematoma : -High CT density (>40 HU) -Enlarged adrenal gland b) Old hematoma : -Liquefaction -Fluid-fluid level -May evolve into pseudocyst
  • 83. Axial unenhanced T1-weighted three-dimensional GRE MR image obtained with VIBE demonstrates a right adrenal gland with a high- signal-intensity rim (arrows), a finding that is consistent with subacute hematoma
  • 84. f) Granulomatous Disease : -Most common causes are TB , histoplasmosis , blastomycosis , meningococcus and echinococcus -Present as diffuse enlargement or as discrete mass -Can have a central cystic component with or without calcifications
  • 85.
  • 86. b) Bilateral Adrenal Masses : 1 Metastases , in 15 % 2 Pheochromocytoma , in 10 % 3 Hyperplasia : -Bilateral adrenal enlargement but usually not seen on CT 4Spontaneous Adrenal Hemorrhage 5-Lymphoma 6-Granulomatous Disease
  • 87. c) Adrenal Calcification : 1-Pseudocyst , Parasitic cyst 2-Carcinoma 3 Addison Disease : -If caused by TB , calcification is a common finding 4 Neuroblastoma 5Granulomatous Disease 6-Pheochromocytoma 7-Myelolipoma