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Financial Analysts Journal
                                                                                               Volume 66  Number 3
                                                                                                 ©2010 CFA Institute

                    Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies
                                                  William F. Sharpe

       This article proposes an asset allocation policy that adapts to market movements by taking into account
       changes in the outstanding market values of major asset classes. Such a policy considers important
       information, reduces or avoids contrarian behavior, and can be followed by a majority of investors.

          he third edition of Managing Investment                   A typical large institutional investor sets an
          Portfolios: A Dynamic Process states:                 asset allocation policy after considerable analysis,
          Strategic asset allocation can be viewed              changing it only episodically. According to the
          as a process with certain well-defined                CalPERS (2009) report:
          steps. Performing those steps produces a                     CalPERS follows a strategic asset allocation
          set of portfolio weights for asset classes;                  policy that identifies the percentage of funds to
          we call this set of weights the strategic                    be invested in each asset class. Policy targets
          asset allocation (or the policy portfolio).1                 are typically implemented over a period of
                                                                       several years.
    This article is about such asset allocation
                                                                     To accommodate disparities between policy
                                                                proportions and actual portfolio holdings, most
                                                                traditional asset allocation policies include accept-
Traditional Asset Allocation                                    able ranges around each target weight within
                                                                which the magnitude of the particular asset class
Policies                                                        is allowed to vary. For some investors, the devia-
The March 2009 asset allocation report of the                   tions can become substantial. At the end of March
California Public Employees’ Retirement System                  2009, the proportions held by CalPERS differed
(CalPERS)2 provides the example of a traditional                substantially from its policy target (adopted in the
asset allocation policy shown in Table 1. A key                 latter part of 2007 but still in effect at the time), as
feature of such a policy is that the target for each            shown in Table 2.3
asset class is stated as a percentage of the total value
of the fund, with each asset target between 0                   Table 2.        CalPERS’ Target and Actual Asset
percent and 100 percent. An asset allocation pol-                               Allocations, March 2009
icy is almost always stated in this manner. I use
                                                                                           Policy                        Current 
the term “traditional” for such a policy to differ-             Asset Class                Target        Current          Target
entiate it from the adaptive policies described                 Global equity               66%            53.5%         12.5 pps
later in the article.                                           Global fixed income         19             25.2          +6.2
                                                                Inflation-linked assets       5             2.5           2.5
                                                                Real estate                 10             11.4           +1.4
Table 1.        CalPERS’ Asset Allocation Policy,               Cash                          0             7.3           +7.3
                March 2009
                                                                pps = percentage points.
Asset Class                                     Policy Target
                                                                Source: CalPERS (2009).
Global equity                                        66%
Global fixed income                                  19
Inflation-linked assets                                  5           To restore the portfolio by conforming it with
Real estate                                          10
                                                                the asset allocation policy, CalPERS would have
                                                                had to sell some of its holdings in three asset
Cash                                                     0
                                                                classes (global fixed income, real estate, and cash)
Source: CalPERS (2009).                                         and purchase additional amounts of two others
                                                                (global equity and inflation-linked assets). This
                                                                action was not taken immediately, however,
William F. Sharpe is STANCO 25 Professor Emeritus of            because the CalPERS board was considering a new
Finance, Stanford University, California.                       asset allocation policy at the time.

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Financial Analysts Journal

     Although statistics are lacking, most large pen-    decimal places), indicating close conformance of
sion funds, endowments, and foundations appear           the asset proportions with the 60/40 policy.8
to have traditional asset allocation policies. In
many cases, considerable discrepancies between
                                                         Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund
policy and actual asset proportions are allowed to
develop. Some funds actively rebalance holdings to       Fidelity Investments offers a series of target-date
avoid substantial discrepancies, whereas others          funds. Of those funds at the end of December 2008,
allow the proportions to change with market move-        the Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund was the one most
ments and then revisit their asset allocation policies   used by defined-contribution plans, with assets of
when the differences between actual and policy           more than $12 billion from such plans.9 The next
weights become large. Relatively few institutional       six funds in order of total assets from defined-
investors seem to engage in what some might term         contribution plans were Fidelity Freedom funds
“slavish” adherence to a set of policy asset weights     with other target dates.
by engaging in frequent rebalancing transactions.             An excerpt from the 2008 prospectus for the
     The majority of multi-asset mutual funds also       Fidelity family of funds is instructive:
have traditional asset allocation policies. Unlike            The following chart [Figure 1] illustrates each
many institutional investors, however, many such              Freedom Fund’s approximate asset allocation
mutual funds allow only relatively small devia-               among equity, fixed-income, and short-term
tions of the actual asset proportions from those              funds as of March 31, 2008. The chart also
                                                              illustrates how these allocations may change
specified in the policy.
                                                              over time. The Freedom Funds’ target asset
     Many individual investors invest some or all             allocations may differ from this illustration. . . .
of their retirement savings in multi-asset mutual             [Moreover, the fund’s adviser] intends to man-
funds, either directly or through a 401(k) or other           age each Freedom Fund according to its target
type of retirement plan. Under the Pension Protec-            asset allocation strategy, and does not intend to
tion Act of 2006, the U.S. Department of Labor4               trade actively among underlying Fidelity funds
includes only two types of mutual or collective               or intend to attempt to capture short-term
funds as “qualified default investment alterna-               market opportunities. However, [the fund’s
tives” (QDIAs): balanced (sometimes called life-              adviser] . . . may modify the target asset alloca-
stage) and target-date (sometimes called life-cycle)          tion strategy for any Freedom Fund and modify
                                                              the selection of underlying Fidelity funds for
funds.5 At the end of December 2008, 9.1 percent of
                                                              any Freedom Fund from time to time.10
the $1.084 trillion invested in mutual funds offered
by the top 25 providers of such funds to 401(k)               A comparison of the allocation for the Fidelity
plans was invested in balanced or life-stage funds       Freedom 2020 Fund at the end of March 200811 with
and 8.9 percent was invested in target-date funds.6      that at the end of March 200912 is shown in Table 3.
     To illustrate, I provide an example of each         As intended, over the course of the year, the percent-
type of fund.                                            age of value invested in equity had fallen, providing
                                                         overall asset allocations extremely close to those
                                                         called for by the “glide paths” shown in Figure 1.
Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                                  Although these funds provide only examples,
With $7.5 billion under management in April 2009,        their activities suggest that many active and pas-
the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund                         sive multi-asset mutual funds choose to rebalance
     seeks—with 60 percent of its assets—to track        their holdings significantly after major market
     the investment performance of a benchmark           movements in order to minimize differences
     index that measures the investment return of
     the overall U.S. stock market. With 40 percent
     of its assets, the fund seeks to track the          Table 3.      Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund’s Asset
     investment performance of a broad, market-                        Allocations, 2008 and 2009
     weighted bond index.7                                                                   Actual,       Actual,
The Vanguard Balanced Index Fund compares its            Asset                            31 March 2008 31 March 2009
returns with those of a benchmark, with 60 percent       U.S. equity                           52.6%         52.1%
invested in the MSCI US Broad Market Index and           Non-U.S. equity                       13.7          12.9
40 percent in Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond       Investment-grade fixed income         25.5          26.1
Index. Over the 36 months ended March 2009, the          High-yield fixed income                7.6           7.6
R2 value for a comparison of the fund’s returns with     Short-term funds                       0.6           1.3
those of the benchmark was 1.00 (rounded to two          Source: Fidelity Investments (2008, 2009).

46                                                                           ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

             Figure 1. Fidelity Freedom Funds’ Asset Allocations

                           Freedom       Freedom       Freedom       Freedom       Freedom       Freedom
                             2050          2040          2030          2020          2010          2000
                                  Freedom       Freedom       Freedom       Freedom       Freedom        Freedom
                                    2045          2035          2025          2015          2005          Income
              Weight (%)

                90                                                                              Short-Term
                80                                                  Fixed-Income



                                              Equity Funds



                     50   45     40     35     30      25     20   15   10        5    0        5     10     15

                                             Years to Retirement                           Years after Retirement
                                   Equity Funds        Fixed-Income Funds     Short-Term Funds

             Note: On the x-axis, “0” refers to retirement.
             Source: Fidelity Investments (2008).

between actual and policy asset allocations. Funds                      Consider an investor who attempts to keep the
that do so follow traditional asset allocation poli-               actual asset percentages of a portfolio consistent
cies: Balanced funds rebalance to conform with a                   with a stated asset allocation policy. I define such a
constant asset allocation over time, and target-date               strategy as one that follows an asset allocation policy
funds rebalance to conform with an asset allocation                by rebalancing a portfolio frequently to conform it
that varies slowly over time as called for by a pre-               with a pre-specified set of asset proportional
specified glide path.                                              values. Assume that our investor rebalances a port-
                                                                   folio to conform it with a stated set of asset propor-
The Contrarian Nature of Tradi-                                    tions at the end of every review period (e.g., every
tional Asset Allocation Strategies                                 month or quarter). Given n asset classes, the dollar
The term “contrarian” is used in many contexts.                    amounts initially invested in the assets are X1, . . .,
The following definition is closest to the meaning I               Xn. The initial value of the portfolio is
intend in this article:
                                                                        V0 = ∑ X i ,                                         (1)
    An investment style that goes against prevail-                            i
    ing market trends by buying assets that are
    performing poorly and then selling when they                   and the initial asset proportions are
    perform well.13
                                                                        X1      X
For purposes of this article, I consider investors                         ,..., n .                                         (2)
                                                                        V0      V0
contrarian if they buy assets that perform poorly
relative to the other assets in the portfolio and sell             We assume that these proportions are equal to the
assets that perform well relative to the others.                   investor’s asset allocation policy proportions.

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Financial Analysts Journal

     Now imagine that a period has passed and that                    tor will sell the asset because Di will be negative.
the value relative for asset i (the ratio of the ending               Such assets are relative winners. Moreover, the bet-
value to the beginning value) is ki. The new dollar                   ter such an asset’s performance (i.e., the larger its
values of the assets are                                              value relative, ki), the greater will be Yi, the amount
     k1 X1 ,..., kn X n .                                             sold, as a percentage of the current holding.
                                                                           In this setting, an investor who follows an asset
The ending value of the portfolio is                                  allocation policy is undoubtedly a contrarian. To
     V1 = ∑ ki X i ,                                        (4)       repeat the obvious:
                                                                          Rebalancing a portfolio to a previously set
and the new asset proportions are
                                                                          asset allocation policy involves selling relative
     k1 X1      k X                                                       winners and buying relative losers.14
           ,..., n n .                                      (5)
      V1         V1
We denote the value relative for portfolio Kp as                      Contrarians All?
           V1                                                         If I wish to buy a security, someone must sell it to
     KP ≡     .                                     (6)
                                                                      me. If I wish to sell a security, someone must buy it.
     Now assume that the investor wishes to pur-                      Anyone who rebalances a portfolio to conform with
chase and sell securities in amounts that will make                   an asset allocation policy must trade with someone.
the new asset proportions equal the initial policy                          From time to time, companies and other enti-
proportions. Let D1, . . ., Dn represent the dollar                   ties issue new securities and purchase or redeem
amounts of the assets purchased (if positive) or sold                 existing ones. But most security transactions
(if negative). The goal is to select a set of positive,               involve trades of existing securities between two
negative, and possibly zero values for D1, . . ., Dn                  investors, which raises the question, can all inves-
such that                                                             tors be contrarians? The answer is no.
                                                                            I illustrate with a simple example. Each of four
     ki Xi + Di         Xi                                            investors follows an asset allocation policy with
                    =                                       (7)
         V1             V0                                            positive proportions of four asset classes, although
for every asset i. This step requires that                            the proportions differ. A period has passed, and the
                                                                      assets have performed differently. In Table 4, the
     Di = K p − ki X i .)                                   (8)       assets are numbered in terms of their performance
     Also of interest is the amount of an asset pur-                  (i.e., k1 > k2 > k3 > k4). The investors differ in their
chased as a proportion of the value before the trans-                 initial allocations and thus have different overall
action. We can denote this amount as Yi :                             portfolio returns (Kp values). Each investor wishes
                                                                      to make transactions to rebalance the portfolio to
             Di      Kp
     Yi ≡          =    −1.                                 (9)       the particular asset allocation policy. In Table 4, a
            ki X i   ki                                               minus sign indicates an asset to be sold and a plus
If an asset underperforms the portfolio as a whole,                   sign one to be purchased. The last three columns
(Kp  ki) will be positive. As Equation 8 shows, the                  show the number of investors wishing to sell an
investor will purchase the asset because Di will be                   asset, the number wishing to buy, and the differ-
positive. Such assets are relative losers. Moreover,                  ence between the two.
the poorer such an asset’s performance (i.e., the                           Because every investor holds the best per-
smaller its value relative, ki), the greater will be                  forming asset, every portfolio return will be below
Yi , the amount purchased, as a percentage of the                     the return of the best performing asset. Hence,
current holding.                                                      every investor will wish to sell shares of Asset 1.
      Conversely, if an asset outperforms the portfo-                 Conversely, every portfolio return will be greater
lio as a whole, (Kp  ki) will be negative. The inves-                than the return of the worst performing asset, and

                Table 4.      Asset Allocation Trades for Four Investors
                Assets in
                Decreasing                                                             No. of    No. of   Net No.
                Order of Return   Investor A   Investor B    Investor C   Investor D   Sellers   Buyers   of Sellers
                1                     –            –              –           –          4         0           4
                2                     –            –              –           +          3         1           2
                3                     +            +              –           +          1         3         2
                4                     +            +              +           +          0         4         4

48                                                                                    ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

thus every investor will wish to buy shares of Asset      Thus:
4. With regard to the best and worst performing               Not all investors can follow traditional asset
assets, every investor is indeed a contrarian, and            allocation policies.15
the group as a whole must find some investors                   More pragmatically, for a large number of
who do not follow asset allocation policies with          investors to be able to follow traditional asset allo-
whom to trade.                                            cation policies, a large number of other investors
     Note that in each investor’s column, minus           must be willing to take the other sides of the requi-
(sell) signs come first, followed by plus (purchase)      site trades. Investors in the latter group must pur-
signs because each investor will wish to sell all         chase assets that have performed well (relative
assets with performance (ki) greater than that of the     winners) and sell assets that have performed
portfolio (Kp). Investor asset allocations, like port-    poorly (relative losers). As I discuss later in the
folio returns, will differ, however, so the points at     article, such a strategy will prove superior if secu-
which minus signs stop and plus signs begin will          rity price trends persist; therefore, investors who
vary—all of which leads to a key characteristic of        pursue such a strategy are often termed trend fol-
the last column: The net number of sellers (number        lowers. To oversimplify, for every contrarian there
of sellers  number of buyers) will be smaller, the       must be a trend follower. Not only is it impossible
poorer an asset’s performance.                            for all investors to follow contrarian strategies, but
     To keep the example simple, I assume that each       it is also impossible for those with a majority of
investor’s portfolio performance differs from that        capital assets to do so.
of each asset. This assumption, however, need not               Identifying investors who have traditional
be the case. If an asset’s performance equals that of     asset allocation policies is easy. As indicated ear-
an investor’s portfolio, the investor will not wish to    lier, there are many such investors. But identifying
buy or sell shares in it—a situation that could be        investors who pursue trend-following policies is
represented with a zero in the table.                     harder. This fact raises a more practical question:
     We could make another modification that              How many investors actually follow an asset allo-
would increase the realism of the example. Some           cation policy? The answer might well be relatively
investors may have an asset allocation policy that        few. Although many investors have asset allocation
calls for zero exposure to one or more assets. This       policies, relatively few are likely to follow their
situation could also be represented with a zero in        policies by rebalancing their portfolios frequently.
the table because no trades will be required.             As suggested earlier, multi-asset mutual funds
     Taking such possibilities into account would         appear to be a major exception: They rebalance
modify the characteristics of the table only slightly.    their portfolios frequently by buying relative losers
The net number of sellers will either decrease or         and selling relative winners.
stay the same, the lower an asset’s performance.
     We should not read too much into this result.
Although the net number of sellers will not increase
                                                          Why a Contrarian Strategy?
the lower an asset’s return, the difference between       Why might an investor wish to adopt a contrarian
the dollar value of shares offered for sale and the       strategy? There are two possible reasons. The inves-
dollar value of shares desired to be purchased by         tor might believe that markets are efficient and that
the group of investors that follows asset allocation      the preferences and/or positions of the ultimate
policies may not share this characteristic because of     beneficiary or beneficiaries of a fund differ suffi-
differences in the values of an asset’s holding across    ciently from those of the average investor to war-
portfolios. Put somewhat differently, the relation-       rant such a strategy. Alternatively, the investor
ship between (1) the net number of shares offered         might believe that markets are inefficient and that
and (2) asset return may not be completely mono-          the majority of investors do not realize that a con-
                                                          trarian strategy can provide a better combination
tonic, especially for assets with returns close to that
                                                          of risk and return than can conventional trend-
of the overall market.
                                                          following strategies.
     Despite this caveat, those attempting to rebal-
ance portfolios to asset allocation policies will, as a        Efficient-Market Views. Perold and Sharpe
group, wish to sell shares of the best performing         (1988) documented a key relationship between
asset and purchase shares of the worst performing         market returns and the performance of different
asset. This fact alone leads to two conclusions that      asset allocation policies. They compared the pay-
should seem obvious at this point:                        offs provided by following a traditional asset allo-
    Not all investors can be contrarians.                 cation policy with those obtained by following a

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buy-and-hold strategy. Assuming investments in            only if they are less concerned than the average
two asset classes (bills and stocks), they defined        investor about inferior returns in very bad or very
constant-mix strategies as those that “maintain an        good markets. This scenario seems an unlikely one
exposure to stocks that is a constant proportion of       for the typical small investor, for whom most bal-
wealth” (p. 18). They noted:                              anced and target-date funds are designed.
     In general, rebalancing to a constant mix                  From late 2007 through early 2009, returns on
     requires the purchase of stocks as they fall in      stock markets around the world were dismal, with
     value . . . and the sale of stocks as they rise in   many markets posting losses of 50 percent or more
     value . . . where, strictly speaking, changes in     in real terms. Sobered by these results, some
     value are measured in relative terms. (pp. 19–20)    analysts changed their assumptions about stock
    Perold and Sharpe (1988) further showed that          returns. In some cases, positive serial correlations of
the desirability of rebalancing to constant propor-       returns were assumed. This assumption increased
tions of wealth depends on the movements of               the probabilities of trends and thus extreme long-
market prices:                                            term returns. In other cases, some other process was
     In general, a strategy that buys stocks as they      included to provide a distribution with a “fat left
     fall and sells as they rise will capitalize on       tail,” which increased the probabilities of large neg-
     reversals. The marginal purchase decisions will      ative returns. Some analysts included both features
     turn out to be good ones, as will the marginal       in their models. In models with such assumptions,
     sell decisions. A constant-mix strategy will
                                                          extreme markets are more likely, making traditional
     thus outperform a comparable buy-and-hold
     strategy in a flat (but oscillating) market          asset allocation policies even less appropriate for
     precisely because it trades in a way that            funds designed for small investors.
     exploits reversals. . . . [But] a constant-mix
     approach will underperform a comparable                   Inefficient-Market Views. Many advocates of
     buy-and-hold strategy when there are no              rebalancing rationalize their position by assuming
     reversals. This will also be the case in strong      that markets are inefficient and that other investors
     bull or bear markets when reversals are small
                                                          with whom they can trade do not fully understand
     and relatively infrequent, because most of the
     marginal purchase and sell decisions will turn       the nature of asset returns. As Arnott and Lovell
     out to have been poorly timed. . . .                 (1990) opined:
     Cases in which the market ends up near its               How many investors permit their asset mix to
     starting point are likely to favor constant-mix          drift with the whims of the markets (assuring
     strategies, while those in which the market ends         overweighting at market highs and under-
     up far from its starting point are likely to favor       weighting at the lows). . . . Simple rebalancing
     buy-and-hold strategies. . . . Neither strategy          can provide the necessary measure of control
     dominates the other. A constant-mix policy               over a drifting mix. It is worthwhile if properly
     tends to be superior if markets are character-           managed. (pp. 13, 18)
     ized more by reversals than trends. A buy-and-       Note the reference to “market highs . . . and lows.”
     hold policy tends to be superior if there is a
                                                          The statement suggests that one can tell when an
     major move in one direction. (pp. 21–22)
                                                          asset is at its market high or low before the
     Ultimately, the issue concerns the preferences       fact—hardly an efficient-market concept.
     of the various parties that will bear the risk
     and/or enjoy the reward from investment.                 Although Arnott, Burns, Plaxco, and Moor
     There is no reason to believe that any particular    (2007) took a more nuanced approach, they still
     type of dynamic strategy is best for everyone        seemed to suggest that rebalancing can take advan-
     (and, in fact, only buy-and-hold strategies          tage of market inefficiency:
     could be followed by everyone). (p. 26)                  Not rebalancing may mean holding assets that
    Roughly speaking, an efficient-market view                have become overpriced, offering inferior
holds that an investor is best served by adopting the         future rewards. A commitment to rebalance to
average opinion of investors about the probabilities          the strategic asset allocation offers an effective
of possible future combinations of returns. Among             way to dissuade clients from abandoning
investors who accept this premise, the return distri-         policy at inauspicious moments. (p. 702)
bution associated with a rebalancing strategy will            To buttress their view, Arnott et al. (2007)
appeal to only a minority, with another group of          reported the results of an empirical test that used
investors taking the other sides of the rebalancing       monthly rebalancing from 1973 to 2003, which
trades of the first group. Absent superior knowl-         showed that a rebalanced portfolio would have pro-
edge about the return-generating process, investors       vided a greater average return with a smaller stan-
should follow a traditional asset allocation policy       dard deviation than would a “drifting mix.” As

50                                                                        ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

discussed earlier, rebalancing to a constant mix typ-     undesirable. An investor who adopts a traditional
ically outperforms a buy-and-hold strategy when           asset allocation policy and rebalances frequently to
reversals are more common than trends. In periods         conform with it must either (1) have an unusual set
with more trends than reversals, the comparison is        of preferences for returns in different markets (as
likely to yield the opposite conclusion. As is fre-       described earlier) or (2) believe that markets will be
quently the case, the outcomes of empirical tests         inefficient in this sense more often than not over a
with past data can be highly period dependent.            period of several years.
     When adopting an investment strategy, one                 I believe that the majority of institutional
must make an assumption about the nature of               investors who adopt traditional asset allocation
future security markets. If one believes that mar-        policies do so for neither of those two reasons.
kets are inefficient, taking advantage of investors       Rather, they adopt a policy designed to reflect both
who do not realize that this is so makes sense.           their preferences for risk vis-à-vis return and their
Nonetheless, the task can be daunting, as Arnott          special circumstances when they adopt a policy. As
(2009) argued:
                                                          time passes and markets change, the policy no
    At its heart, rebalancing is a simple contrarian      longer serves its original purpose. But neither a
    strategy. In ebullient times, this means taking       traditional rebalancing approach nor a “drifting
    money away from our biggest winners. In the
                                                          mix” is appropriate. I suggest two possible alterna-
    worst of times, the process forces us to buy
    more of the assets that have caused us the            tives later in the article. First, however, let us see
    greatest pain. Most investors acknowledge it as       how far a traditional policy can diverge from its
    a critical part of the successful investor’s          original position.
    toolkit. But recognition and action are two
    different things. Surrounded by bad news,
    pulling the trigger to buy securities down 50         Bond and Stock Values in the
    percent, 75 percent, or even 90 percent is            United States
    exceedingly difficult for even the staunchest of
    rebalancers. Many lose their nerve and blink,         Consider a simple asset allocation policy that
    letting a healthy portion of the excess returns       involves only U.S. bonds and U.S. stocks. Assume
    slip from their grasp. (p. 1)                         that the former are represented by the Barclays
     Arnott’s argument reflects some of the points        Capital (formerly Lehman) U.S. Aggregate Bond
I have made thus far. It recognizes that rebalancing      Index and the latter by the Wilshire 5000 Total
is, in fact, a contrarian strategy. It acknowledges       Market Index.17 Now, consider a balanced mutual
that such action involves buying losers and selling       fund that has chosen an asset allocation policy with
winners. It suggests that most investors believe          60 percent invested in U.S. stocks and 40 percent in
rebalancing is desirable but that many “lose their        U.S. bonds and that uses these two indices as
nerve and blink.” And it reflects Arnott’s view that      benchmarks. Its goal is to provide its investors with
markets are sufficiently inefficient that by failing to   a portfolio representative of the broad U.S. market
rebalance, investors let “a healthy portion of the        of stocks and bonds. Investments in each asset class
excess returns slip from their grasp.”                    are made via index funds in order to track the
                                                          underlying returns closely.
                                                               The similarity of this fund to the Vanguard
Asset Allocation Policy and                               Balanced Index Fund is not coincidental. The two
Market Efficiency                                         differ only with respect to the indices used for U.S.
The vast majority of those who adopt an asset allo-       stock returns, but the two alternatives are highly
cation policy heed the following recommendations:         correlated.
    The expectations involved in strategic asset               Figure 2 shows the ratio of (1) the total market
    allocation are long term. “Long term” has             capitalization of the stock index to (2) the sum of
    different interpretations for different investors,    the total market capitalizations of the bond and
    but five years is a reasonable minimum refer-         stock indices over the period January 1976–June
    ence point.16                                         2009. More succinctly, it shows the value of U.S.
     Are markets efficient in the long run? That          stocks as a percentage of the value of U.S. stocks
depends on what is meant by the term “efficient.”         and bonds over 33.5 years.
In the current context, we need merely ask whether             As Figure 2 shows, the relative values of U.S.
an investor wishes to assume that significant num-        stocks and bonds have varied substantially. This
bers of investors are foolish enough to take the          finding is not an exception—in other countries,
other side of contrarian trades when doing so is          security values have also varied substantially.

May/June 2010                                                                        51
Financial Analysts Journal

              Figure 2. The Ratio of the Value of U.S. Stocks to U.S. Stocks plus Bonds,
                        January 1976–June 2009

                  Ratio (%)


                       75        80          85           90         95         00         05         10

     Over the entire period, the proportion of value               cent. It is no longer representative of the market’s
of stocks averaged 60.7 percent—close to that of a                 risk and return; instead, the fund is riskier, presum-
traditional 60/40 strategy with monthly rebalanc-                  ably with a higher expected return.
ing, as shown in the figure. The average increase in                    Figure 2 shows that from January 1976 through
the value of bonds was larger than that of stocks.                 June 2009, our fund varied from being significantly
But the total return on stock investments averaged                 riskier than the U.S. bond plus stock market to
more than that on bond investments, as one might                   being considerably less risky. At the end of March
expect over the long run as a reward for the greater               2000, the proportion of market value in stocks was
risk of stock investments.                                         75.06 percent, leading to the lowest relative risk for
     Table 5 shows the annualized monthly                          the fund in the entire period. At the end of February
averages18 of the total returns, the percentage                    2009, the situation was just the opposite: The pro-
changes in market value, and the differences                       portion of market value in stocks fell to its nadir of
between the two. Overall, investors neither                        43.18 percent, making the fund, at 60 percent, much
extracted large amounts of cash from the bond and                  riskier than the overall U.S. bond plus stock market.
stock markets nor invested substantial amounts of                       In sum, our fund failed to meet its goal of
new cash. They did, however, invest in new bonds                   providing a strategy representative of the overall
in amounts that were close to the sum of coupon                    U.S. bond and stock markets except in the very long
payments received from bonds and the dividends                     run. And, as Keynes (1923) taught us, “in the long
paid by their stocks.                                              run we are dead” (ch. 3).
                                                                        To accomplish its goal, our fund needs to adapt
                                                                   its allocation policy. Let us now consider two
Table 5.     Returns and Changes in Market                         approaches that an investor might use: (1) optimi-
             Value of U.S. Bonds and Stocks,                       zation based on reverse optimization and (2) an
             January 1976–June 2009                                approach that I call an adaptive asset allocation
                               Change in                           policy. We will assume that the investor is con-
               Return         Market Value        Difference       cerned with only the return on assets (ruling out
Bonds           8.20%            10.82%            2.62 pps        cases in which liabilities are taken into account) and
Stocks         11.27              8.96            2.31            that the managed fund constitutes the entire port-
pps = percentage points.                                           folio (ruling out the use of balanced or target-date
                                                                   funds as components of a larger portfolio).

    Assume that our balanced fund opened its                       Optimization Based on Reverse
doors in February 1984, when the value of U.S.
stocks was 59.62 percent of the total value of stocks              Optimization
and bonds. At the time, the fund with 60 percent in                Many asset allocation policies are chosen after
stocks well represented an investment in the U.S.                  extensive analyses designed to determine a set of
bond and stock markets and should have had a                       optimal strategies with different combinations of
similar risk and expected return. Fast-forward to                  risk and return. In some cases, the analysis uses a
October 1990. The market value of stocks is now                    standard Markowitz mean–variance approach. In
47.99 percent of the total, but the fund has been                  others, the goal is to maximize an investor’s
rebalanced to maintain its policy target of 60 per-                expected utility. In many cases, these optimization

52                                                                            ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

analyses are conducted with constraints on asset                           The inevitable conclusion is that an investor’s
holdings that are designed to reflect liquidity                       asset allocation, expressed in the traditional man-
requirements or other factors. Moreover, the chosen                   ner as percentages of total value in each asset
policy may differ to some extent from the analyti-                    class, should change over time to reflect changing
cally “optimal” asset mixes.                                          market values, even if the investor’s characteris-
     Whatever the process, asset allocation policies                  tics are unchanged. This conclusion is the key
are set after considering estimates of the risks and                  tenet of this article.
returns of major asset classes and the correlations                        Note that such an approach may not require
among their returns. More generally, the relation-                    substantial transactions over and above those asso-
ship can be characterized as follows:                                 ciated with reinvesting dividends, interest pay-
                                                                      ments, and other cash received from security
    Asset allocation t =                                              issuers. Moreover, there is no reason to expect that
       f ( Investor characteristicst , Market forecastst ) .          such an approach will involve selling relative win-
                                                                      ners and buying relative losers, as must be done to
The subscripts indicate that the appropriate asset                    conform with a traditional asset allocation policy.
allocation at time t depends on the investor’s char-
                                                                           Equation 12 also shows that a formal system
acteristics and the forecasts for asset returns and                   could be set up to revise an investor’s asset alloca-
risks at the time. The notation f () should be read as                tion policy frequently by conducting a reverse opti-
“is a function of” the items in parentheses.                          mization analysis followed by optimization. This
     Consultants and others who make market fore-                     process, however, requires complex models in
casts typically consider historical returns and some                  order to accommodate real-world aspects21 and is
aspects of economic theory. Some forecasters, but                     apparently used by relatively few organizations.22
by no means all, consider the current market values                        To provide an alternative, I offer a procedure
of major asset classes. The following rather crude                    that can be used to periodically adapt an organiza-
equation represents the preferred approach:                           tion’s asset allocation policy in light of asset market
    Market forecasts >t =                                             values without requiring actions that are clearly
                                                                      contrarian in nature. The procedure is simple and
       f (History <=t , Economic theoryt ,                     (11)   can be implemented easily. Although I make no
      Market valuest ) .                                              claim that it is the best possible approach, it should
                                                                      be better than either strict conformance with a tra-
The subscripts indicate that market forecasts for                     ditional asset allocation policy or the adoption of
outcomes occurring after time t are based on histor-                  such a policy followed by subsequent actions (or
ical information for periods up to and including                      lack thereof) that treat the policy as irrelevant.
time t and on economic theory and market values
at time t.19
     Why should market values inform forecasts?                       Adaptive Asset Allocation
Because an asset’s current market value reflects the                  Policies
collective view of the probabilities of future pros-                  The term “adapt” can be defined as follows:
pects. This information is valuable and should be
                                                                          To adjust oneself to different conditions,
taken into account when managing a portfolio.                             environment, etc.23
     Analytic approaches for making market fore-
                                                                      In this case, the “different conditions, environment,
casts in this manner are generally termed reverse
                                                                      etc.” are new asset market values.
optimization.20 Mean–variance approaches assume
                                                                           Imagine that a fund investing in U.S. stocks
that capital markets provide unbiased estimates of
                                                                      and bonds established an asset allocation policy of
future prospects (Sharpe 1974, 1985) or incorporate
                                                                      80 percent stocks and 20 percent bonds at the end
views about deviations from such estimates (Black
                                                                      of February 1984, with the Wilshire 5000 Total Mar-
and Litterman 1991). A comparable approach has
                                                                      ket Index representing stocks and the Barclays Cap-
been suggested for making forecasts to be used in                     ital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index representing bonds
expected utility analyses (Sharpe 2007).                              (as shown in Figure 2, the market proportions were
     Combining Equations 10 and 11 gives the fol-                     59.62 percent and 40.38 percent, respectively).
lowing important relationship:                                        Assume that this information was taken into
    Asset allocation t =                                              account in the study that led to the 80/20 policy.
                                                                           A traditional approach would hold that the
       f (Investor characteristicst , History<=t ,             (12)   policy calls for adjustments in holdings to achieve
      Economic theoryt , Market valuest ) .                           an 80/20 allocation no matter what the subsequent

May/June 2010                                                                                    53
Financial Analysts Journal

market proportions might be. But as I have argued,                           Consider a world in which changes in asset
this course is unlikely to be a wise one. Instead, the                  market values result only from changes in security
policy proportions should be adjusted as market                         prices and reinvestment of cash flows from each
values change. I propose instead a procedure that                       asset in the same class. An investor who makes no
I call an adaptive asset allocation (AAA) policy.                       withdrawals or additional investments and
     Table 6 and Table 7 show the required calcu-                       chooses to reinvest all cash flows from each asset
lations for the appropriate allocation at the end of                    class in the same class will be in compliance with
October 1990, when stocks were a substantially                          the particular adaptive policy at all times and will
smaller portion of overall market value.                                not need to transact with other investors. This sce-
                                                                        nario follows from the fact that the value of the
Table 6.         Market Values of U.S. Bonds                            investor’s holdings of each class will change by
                 and Stocks, February 1984 and                          precisely the same percentage as the value of the
                 October 1990                                           market (ki) will change. In such a setting, AAA
                           Stocks              Bonds
                                                                        policies are macro-consistent in the sense that all
                         ($ billions)        ($ billions)    % Stocks   investors can follow such strategies.
Vim,0 (Feb. 1984)        1,648.19            1,116.49         59.62          Of course, the investment world is extremely
Vim,t (Oct. 1990)        2,652.92            2,875.69         47.99     complex. New issues of securities, buybacks, and
ki = Vim,t/Vim,0             1.6096              2.5757                 redemptions occur frequently. Moreover, the total
                                                                        values of these transactions for an asset class rarely
Table 7.         Adaptive Policy Allocations,                           net to zero. Public companies go private and vice
                 February 1984 and October 1990                         versa. Some investors have positive net cash flows
                                    Stocks         Bonds       Sum      that require purchases of new assets, whereas oth-
AAif,0                               80.00%         20.00%              ers must sell assets to raise cash. Despite these com-
(AAif,0 )(ki )                      128.77          51.51     180.28%   plications, a group of investors that follows AAA
(AAif,0 )(ki )/Sum(AAif,0)(ki )      71.43          28.57               policies is unlikely to need to make large purchases
                                                                        or sales of assets with investors who do not follow
     Table 6 shows the total outstanding market                         such policies. This situation contrasts starkly with
capitalizations for each of the two indices at the two                  the situation of investors who attempt to comply
dates (February 1984 [time 0] and October 1990                          with traditional asset allocation policies; such inves-
[time t]) and the ratios of the ending values to the                    tors must frequently purchase assets that are rela-
beginning values (denoted ki, as before). Table 7                       tive losers and sell those that are relative winners.
shows the calculations for the new asset allocation.
                                                                             Tables 6 and 7 use the following formula to
For each asset, the initial proportion in the fund is
                                                                        compute the proportion invested in asset i in fund
multiplied by the ratio of the new total market
                                                                        (f) at time t:
value of the asset class as a whole to the old value.
In this case, the outstanding values of both assets
                                                                            X if , t =
                                                                                             X if , 0 Vim, t Vim,0   )       .                  (13)
increased substantially. Hence, the sum of the
adjusted proportions for the fund is much greater                                                      (
                                                                                         ∑ X if , 0 Vim, t Vim,0
than 100 percent, as shown in the third column. To                      Here, Vim,t and Vim,0 are the total outstanding mar-
compute the new asset value proportions for the                         ket values of asset i at times t and 0, respectively.
fund, the figures in the second row are divided by                      The proportion invested in asset i at time 0 is Xif,0 ,
their sum, which gives the new asset allocation
                                                                        and the proportion to be invested at time t is Xif,t.
shown in the last row.
                                                                            Note that the total market value of asset i at
     In this case, stocks fell from representing close
                                                                        time 0 equals its proportion of total value (Xim,0)
to 60 percent of total market value to slightly less
                                                                        times the total value of all assets at the time (Vm,0).
than 48 percent. Thus, the fund’s asset allocation
                                                                        A similar relationship holds for time t. Thus,
policy changed from one with 80 percent invested
in stocks to one with 71.43 percent so invested.                            Vim,0 = X im, 0Vm,0
     Why is this procedure likely to be preferred to                                                                                            (14)
                                                                            Vim, t = X im, tVm, t .
a traditional approach? Because it need not require
that investors who have such policies transact with                         Substituting these relationships in Equation 13
other investors whenever market prices change, as                       and canceling terms gives a formula for calculating
do traditional asset allocation policies.                               the new proportion for the fund to invest in asset i

54                                                                                                        ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

as a function solely of the proportions at time 0 and                                    With this interpretation, we can straightfor-
of the ratios of the proportions for the market port-                               wardly apply the adaptive approach to a wide range
folio at the two periods:                                                           of investments. I illustrate with three prototypical
                                                                                    types of funds.
      X if , t =
                           X if , 0 X im, t X im,0   )       .
                   ∑ X if , 0 X im, t X im,0
                                                         )                   (15)
                                                                                    Institutional Funds
Table 8 shows the computations for February 1984                                    As indicated earlier, most pension funds, endow-
and October 1990.                                                                   ments, and foundations conduct asset allocation
                                                                                    studies that lead to the selection of a policy asset
                                                                                    mix, which can be considered the base policy (Xf,0).
Table 8.           Adaptive Policy Allocations with                                 Presumably, this asset allocation was considered
                   Asset Proportions, February 1984                                 appropriate given the market conditions (Xm,0) at
                   and October 1990                                                 the time, whether or not these market values were
                                         Stocks                  Bonds      Sum     used explicitly when determining asset prospects.
Xim,0                                    59.62%                  40.38%             Under this assumption, the asset allocation policy
Xif,0                                    80.00                   20.00              can be converted to an adaptive policy by simply
Xim,t                                    47.99                   52.01              applying the adaptive formula (Equation 15) in
(Xif,0)(Xim,t )/Xim,0                    64.39                   25.76     90.15%   subsequent periods.
Xif,t                                    71.43                   28.57                   As with the traditional approach, allowable
                                                                                    deviations from the policy targets may be selected.
     In this example, the initial asset allocation set                              For example, these deviations could be set to equal
at time 0 is assumed to have been appropriate,                                      the currently allowed deviations of the holdings in
given the market values of the asset classes at the                                 each asset class. If the fund makes few, if any,
time. This allocation is typically the case when an                                 trades, the resulting ranges are less likely to be
institutional investor selects an asset allocation pol-                             violated under an adaptive policy than under a
icy. The adaptive formula (Equation 15), however,                                   traditional approach.
can be applied in other contexts. Key is the state-                                      Undoubtedly, many institutional funds would
ment of an asset allocation policy in terms of base                                 consider the conversion from a traditional to an
values for (1) the policy and (2) the market. A                                     adaptive asset allocation policy too dramatic to
possible example would be the following:                                            accept overnight. At the very least, I would suggest
      The fund’s Asset Allocation Policy is to have                                 that the required computations for an adaptive asset
      80 percent invested in stocks and the remain-                                 allocation policy be performed periodically so that
      der in bonds when the market value of stocks                                  key decision makers could evaluate the fund’s hold-
      is 60 percent of the total value of stocks and                                ings in terms of both the traditional approach and
      bonds, with the proportions to be determined                                  this alternative approach. In time, such an exercise
      each period by using the adaptive asset
                                                                                    might lead to a greater acceptance of the latter.
      allocation formula.
Table 9 shows this asset allocation policy in terms
of the formula (Equation 15).                                                       Balanced Funds
                                                                                    As previously discussed, multi-asset mutual
                                                                                    funds are likely to make transactions that are
Table 9.           An Asset Allocation Policy                                       required by their traditional asset allocation poli-
                                         Stocks                           Bonds     cies. To a considerable extent, a multi-asset mutual
   Xim,0                                  60%                             40%       fund’s asset allocation policy will drive its invest-
   Xif,0                                  80                              20        ments, which makes the choice of the type of
                                                                                    policy especially important.
   More generally, we can denote the mixes of                                            Typically, a balanced fund is designed to pro-
market and fund assets as                                                           vide a mix of two or more asset classes with a con-
      X m,0 = X1m,0 , X 2m,0 ,..., X nm,0                        )           (16)
                                                                                    stant level of “conservatism” or “aggressiveness.”
                                                                                    Although some may think of these terms as abso-
and                                                                                 lute, a more pragmatic approach is to interpret them

                   (                                         )
                                                                                    as relative. In this view, an “aggressive” fund should
      X f , 0 = X1 f , 0 , X 2 f , 0 ,..., X nf , 0 ,                        (17)   provide more risk than the market as a whole,
where there are n assets and Xm,0 and Xf,0 are                                      whereas a “conservative” one should provide less.
vectors representing the base market and fund asset                                 A “representative” fund could be designed to pro-
allocations, respectively.                                                          vide the same risk as the market as a whole.

May/June 2010                                                                                                  55
Financial Analysts Journal

     Constructing an adaptive representative fund       Target-Date Funds
is easy. It would have the market proportions of the    As discussed earlier, a target-date fund has a policy
asset classes in every period. At the time of forma-    “glide path” that indicates the appropriate asset
tion, the actual proportions (Xf,0) would be set to     allocation at each time in the future until the date
equal the market proportions (Xm,0). The adaptive       at which money in the fund is to be transferred to
formula (Equation 15) would subsequently lead the       another vehicle. In effect, the fund has a base allo-
fund manager to hold assets in market proportions       cation for every period, which can be straightfor-
at each period. For example, a balanced fund            wardly accommodated in the adaptive asset
designed to represent the U.S. stock and bond mar-      allocation formula. Let Xib,t represent the “base”
kets would follow the curve rather than the hori-       allocation for time t as specified in the current
zontal line in Figure 2.                                policy. This allocation replaces the constant alloca-
     An aggressive fund would begin with an asset       tion given by Xif,0 in Equation 15:
mix that had greater risk than that of the market at
the time and would then adjust its holdings by              X if , t =
                                                                             X ib, t X im, t X im,0   )       .
                                                                                       (                  )
using Equation 15. Figure 3 shows the actual pro-                        ∑ X ib, t X im, t X im,0
portions for a fund that wishes to hold an 80/20 mix
of U.S. stocks and bonds when the market propor-        Equation 15 is more general than Equation 18,
tions are 60/40.                                        which can be considered a special case in which
     As intended, the fund remained more aggres-        Xib,t = Xif,0 for every period t.
sive than the market throughout the period. Nev-             Figure 4 illustrates an adaptive target-date
ertheless, the ratio of the fund’s proportion in        fund. It assumes that the fund was started in Janu-
stocks to that of the market varied, beginning at       ary 1976 with a glide path calling for 90 percent in
                                                        stocks initially, with the allocation decreasing by a
1.333 (80 percent/60 percent) and ranging between
                                                        constant percentage each month until it reaches 10
1.18 and 1.55.
                                                        percent in June 2009. Figure 4 shows the base allo-
     Not surprisingly, at the four times when the
                                                        cations that would be implemented by a traditional
total market value of stocks was close to 60 percent
                                                        target-date fund, as well as the market proportions.
of the total value of stocks and bonds, the fund’s
                                                             To convert this traditional fund to an adaptive
asset allocation policy dictated a value close to the   target-date fund, we assume that the original glide
intended 80/20 mix. In this example, although the       path was chosen as appropriate when the market
fund was started when the market mix was 60/40,         proportions in stocks and bonds are 60 percent and
it could have been started at any time with a policy    40 percent, respectively. Using these proportions
stated in terms of a “normal mix” (Xf,0) when mar-      for the Xim,0 values in Equation 18, we can see the
kets are “normal” (Xm,0).                               allocations for the adaptive target-date fund.
     This scenario suggests a simple way to convert     Because the glide path is assumed to be optimal
an existing balanced fund to an adaptive one. The       when the market proportions are 60/40, the adap-
stated policy (Xf,0) need only be augmented by the      tive proportions and the policy glide path coincide
“normal” market conditions (Xm,0) for which it is       when stocks are 60 percent of the total value of
appropriate. The asset allocation policy for any        bonds and stocks. Whenever the market propor-
period can then be determined by using the adap-        tion of stocks is below 60 percent, the fund’s allo-
tive formula (Equation 15).                             cation to stocks is below that specified by the glide

             Figure 3. Asset Allocations: Market and an Aggressive Balanced Fund

                Ratio (%)


                 80                            Fund


                 50                           Market
                      75     80         85         90      95                00            05                     10

56                                                                                        ©2010 CFA Institute
Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies

             Figure 4. Asset Allocations: Market and an Adaptive Target-Date Fund

                Ratio (%)
                                                 Glide Path
                      75      80          85        90           95        00            05       10

path. Conversely, when stocks represent more                  have proposed. If more investment managers
than 60 percent of the value of the market, the               adopt my proposed procedure, market value data
fund’s allocation to stocks is greater than that              may become more widely available.
called for by the glide path.                                      I cannot easily understand why funds do not
                                                              routinely compare their asset allocations with cur-
Conclusion                                                    rent market proportions in order to ensure that any
                                                              differences are commensurate with differences
If my arguments have merit, a number of changes
                                                              between their circumstances and those of “the
should be made by the investment industry.
                                                              average investor.” Yet this comparison is rarely
     First and foremost, more data will need to be
                                                              done. Perhaps the lack of easily obtained data on
made available about the market values of the secu-
                                                              market values is the cause, with the absence of
rities in each of the benchmarks designed to repre-           such comparisons the effect. Alternatively, the sit-
sent major asset classes. Most such indices are               uation may be the reverse, with the lack of avail-
computed by third parties. For example, Barclays              able data on market values caused by insufficient
Capital and Wilshire Associates calculate the two             investor interest.
indices used in this article. Recent and historical                I would hope that readers of this article would
monthly returns for most popular indices may be               request (or demand) that those who provide bench-
difficult but not totally impossible to obtain from           mark indices make the corresponding market values
such providers.24 But obtaining data for the market           equally available. For publicly offered mutual funds
values of the securities in an index is much harder.          or exchange-traded funds, this provision could be
Clearly, the index provider has such information.25           encouraged or required by regulatory authorities.
In cases where returns for the index are computed                  Second, it would be useful if institutional
by using a subset of the securities in the represented        investors, armed with appropriate market value
universe, the provider should still have sufficient           data, would at least compute the asset allocations
information to provide an estimate of the total mar-          that would result from an adaptive policy of the
ket value of the class.                                       type described here. These computations could
     It is unclear whether the lack of widespread             inform discussions between staff members and
availability of asset class market values is a result         those charged with oversight, such as the members
of providers’ desires to recover the costs of obtain-         of investment committees and boards. In time,
ing such information through subscription fees, a             more investment organizations could become suf-
lack of sufficient interest on the part of investors          ficiently comfortable with adaptive procedures to
and investment managers, or both. Of course, the              substitute them for the contrarian policies associ-
thesis of this article is that asset market values are        ated with the traditional approach.
highly relevant for any decision concerning asset                  Third, some mutual fund companies might
allocation, whether made episodically or adjusted             offer adaptive balanced funds and/or adaptive
routinely by using a procedure such as the one I              target-date funds. In time, such vehicles might

May/June 2010                                                                            57
Financial Analysts Journal

attract enough investors to represent a significant                  be convinced of the merit of these arguments to
part of the market. A good first step would be to                    lead to changes in investment practice.
offer a balanced index fund designed to truly repre-
sent the mix of stocks and bonds in the United States.               I thank Geert Bekaert of Columbia University, Steven
As shown in Figure 2, such a fund would differ                       Grenadier of Stanford University, Jesse Phillips of the
significantly from such offerings as the Vanguard                    University of California, Eamonn Dolan of C.M.
Balanced Index Fund. If successful, a representative
                                                                     Capital, Carlo Capaul of Julius Baer, and John Watson
balanced fund might pave the way for additional
                                                                     and Robert Young of Financial Engines, Inc., for their
funds to follow adaptive asset allocation policies.
                                                                     helpful comments.
     Although some will find the arguments in this
article obvious and others will consider them radi-
                                                                                    This article qualifies for 1 CE credit.
cal, I hope that a sufficient number of readers will

1.    Maginn, Tuttle, Pinto, and McLeavey (2007, p. 231).            15. That is, policies with non-negative asset proportions.
2.    CalPERS (2009).                                                16. Maginn, Tuttle, Pinto, and McLeavey (2007, pp. 233–234).
3.    CalPERS (2009).                                                17. Throughout the article, I use the “full-cap” version of the
4.    U.S. Department of Labor (2009).                                   index rather than the “float-adjusted” alternative that uses
5.    More specifically, the pertinent regulation provides for           weights for the securities based on estimates of the number
      four types of QDIAs:                                               of shares likely to be available for trading.
         (1) A product with a mix of investments that takes into     18. Each annualized monthly average is equal to 12 times the
         account the individual’s age or retirement date (an             corresponding monthly average value.
         example of such a product could be a life-cycle or          19. For an early discussion of the need to account for changes
         targeted-retirement-date fund); (2) an investment ser-          in market values when making forecasts, see Rosenberg and
         vice that allocates contributions among existing plan           Ohlson (1976).
         options to provide an asset mix that takes into account
                                                                     20. An excellent example is described in EnnisKnupp (2009).
         the individual’s age or retirement date (an example of
         such a service could be a professionally managed            21. A meanvariance approach could be designed in which the
         account); (3) a product with a mix of investments that          asset allocation policy is characterized by a given ratio of
         takes into account the characteristics of the group of          the investor’s risk tolerance to that of the market as a whole.
         employees as a whole, rather than each individual (an           I explored this possibility earlier (Sharpe 1990). To be prac-
         example of such a product could be a balanced fund);            tical, the reverse optimization procedure needs to be con-
         and (4) a capital preservation product for only the first       sistent with an equilibrium in which there are restrictions
         120 days of participation (an option for plan sponsors          and/or costs associated with negative holdings—an issue
         wishing to simplify administration if workers opt out           that I have previously discussed (Sharpe 1991).
         of participation before incurring an additional tax).       22. Full disclosure: I co-founded an investment management
    See U.S. Department of Labor (2009).                                 and advisory company (Financial Engines, Inc.) that uses
6.  Appell (2009, pp. 11, 14).                                           asset market values and reverse optimization at least once
7.  Vanguard (2009).                                                     a month to adjust forecasts of risks, returns, and correlations
8.  Vanguard (2009).                                                     for such investment vehicles as mutual funds, followed by
9.  Appell (2009, p. 12).                                                optimization analyses to make any appropriate changes in
10. Fidelity Investments (2008, pp. 40–41).                              investor portfolios. Although no asset allocation policy per
11. Fidelity Investments (2008, p. 11).                                  se is involved, the underlying philosophy is similar.
12. Fidelity Investments (2009).                                     23., s.v. “Adapt” (http://dictionary.classic.
13., s.v. “Contrarian” (www.investopedia.     ; retrieved 8 June 2009).
    com/terms/c/contrarian.asp).                                     24. Some returns for the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond
14. This observation is true under the assumption made                   Index can be obtained on the websites of mutual funds and
    throughout the article that no asset proportions are nega-           exchange-traded funds that use it as a benchmark. Returns
    tive. Funds with policies involving negative proportions             for the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index can be obtained at
    (e.g., leverage) may buy relative winners and sell relative
    losers. For example, consider a fund with a policy of invest-    25. On its website, Wilshire (
    ing 150 percent in stocks and 50 percent in short-term              Broad/Wilshire5000/Characteristics.html) provides tables
    bonds (loans). Assume that the initial position is $150 in           that include the total market values of the securities in its
    stocks and $50 in bonds, giving a net worth of $100. If the         U.S. equity index at the end of the most recent month, but
    value of the stock portfolio doubles, the new position will          no historical data on market values are provided. The
    equal $300 in stocks and $50 in bonds, giving a net worth           Barclays Capital website does not provide any data on the
    of $250. The new proportions will be 120 percent in stocks           market values of the securities in the U.S. Aggregate Bond
    and 20 percent in bonds. To restore the fund to its policy          Index. I am grateful to both organizations for providing me
    proportions will require purchasing more stocks and sell-            with the historical data used in this article.
    ing more bonds (i.e., borrowing more money). Such a fund         26. Fundamental Index is a registered trademark of Research
    will thus purchase relative winners and sell relative losers.        Affiliates, LLC.

58                                                                                        ©2010 CFA Institute
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BYD SWOT Analysis and In-Depth Insights 2024.pptx

Adaptive asset allocation policies

  • 1. Financial Analysts Journal Volume 66  Number 3 ©2010 CFA Institute Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies William F. Sharpe This article proposes an asset allocation policy that adapts to market movements by taking into account changes in the outstanding market values of major asset classes. Such a policy considers important information, reduces or avoids contrarian behavior, and can be followed by a majority of investors. T he third edition of Managing Investment A typical large institutional investor sets an Portfolios: A Dynamic Process states: asset allocation policy after considerable analysis, Strategic asset allocation can be viewed changing it only episodically. According to the as a process with certain well-defined CalPERS (2009) report: steps. Performing those steps produces a CalPERS follows a strategic asset allocation set of portfolio weights for asset classes; policy that identifies the percentage of funds to we call this set of weights the strategic be invested in each asset class. Policy targets asset allocation (or the policy portfolio).1 are typically implemented over a period of several years. This article is about such asset allocation To accommodate disparities between policy policies. proportions and actual portfolio holdings, most traditional asset allocation policies include accept- Traditional Asset Allocation able ranges around each target weight within which the magnitude of the particular asset class Policies is allowed to vary. For some investors, the devia- The March 2009 asset allocation report of the tions can become substantial. At the end of March California Public Employees’ Retirement System 2009, the proportions held by CalPERS differed (CalPERS)2 provides the example of a traditional substantially from its policy target (adopted in the asset allocation policy shown in Table 1. A key latter part of 2007 but still in effect at the time), as feature of such a policy is that the target for each shown in Table 2.3 asset class is stated as a percentage of the total value of the fund, with each asset target between 0 Table 2. CalPERS’ Target and Actual Asset percent and 100 percent. An asset allocation pol- Allocations, March 2009 icy is almost always stated in this manner. I use Policy Current  the term “traditional” for such a policy to differ- Asset Class Target Current Target entiate it from the adaptive policies described Global equity 66% 53.5% 12.5 pps later in the article. Global fixed income 19 25.2 +6.2 Inflation-linked assets 5 2.5 2.5 Real estate 10 11.4 +1.4 Table 1. CalPERS’ Asset Allocation Policy, Cash 0 7.3 +7.3 March 2009 pps = percentage points. Asset Class Policy Target Source: CalPERS (2009). Global equity 66% Global fixed income 19 Inflation-linked assets 5 To restore the portfolio by conforming it with Real estate 10 the asset allocation policy, CalPERS would have had to sell some of its holdings in three asset Cash 0 classes (global fixed income, real estate, and cash) Source: CalPERS (2009). and purchase additional amounts of two others (global equity and inflation-linked assets). This action was not taken immediately, however, William F. Sharpe is STANCO 25 Professor Emeritus of because the CalPERS board was considering a new Finance, Stanford University, California. asset allocation policy at the time. May/June 2010 45
  • 2. Financial Analysts Journal Although statistics are lacking, most large pen- decimal places), indicating close conformance of sion funds, endowments, and foundations appear the asset proportions with the 60/40 policy.8 to have traditional asset allocation policies. In many cases, considerable discrepancies between Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund policy and actual asset proportions are allowed to develop. Some funds actively rebalance holdings to Fidelity Investments offers a series of target-date avoid substantial discrepancies, whereas others funds. Of those funds at the end of December 2008, allow the proportions to change with market move- the Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund was the one most ments and then revisit their asset allocation policies used by defined-contribution plans, with assets of when the differences between actual and policy more than $12 billion from such plans.9 The next weights become large. Relatively few institutional six funds in order of total assets from defined- investors seem to engage in what some might term contribution plans were Fidelity Freedom funds “slavish” adherence to a set of policy asset weights with other target dates. by engaging in frequent rebalancing transactions. An excerpt from the 2008 prospectus for the The majority of multi-asset mutual funds also Fidelity family of funds is instructive: have traditional asset allocation policies. Unlike The following chart [Figure 1] illustrates each many institutional investors, however, many such Freedom Fund’s approximate asset allocation mutual funds allow only relatively small devia- among equity, fixed-income, and short-term tions of the actual asset proportions from those funds as of March 31, 2008. The chart also illustrates how these allocations may change specified in the policy. over time. The Freedom Funds’ target asset Many individual investors invest some or all allocations may differ from this illustration. . . . of their retirement savings in multi-asset mutual [Moreover, the fund’s adviser] intends to man- funds, either directly or through a 401(k) or other age each Freedom Fund according to its target type of retirement plan. Under the Pension Protec- asset allocation strategy, and does not intend to tion Act of 2006, the U.S. Department of Labor4 trade actively among underlying Fidelity funds includes only two types of mutual or collective or intend to attempt to capture short-term funds as “qualified default investment alterna- market opportunities. However, [the fund’s tives” (QDIAs): balanced (sometimes called life- adviser] . . . may modify the target asset alloca- stage) and target-date (sometimes called life-cycle) tion strategy for any Freedom Fund and modify the selection of underlying Fidelity funds for funds.5 At the end of December 2008, 9.1 percent of any Freedom Fund from time to time.10 the $1.084 trillion invested in mutual funds offered by the top 25 providers of such funds to 401(k) A comparison of the allocation for the Fidelity plans was invested in balanced or life-stage funds Freedom 2020 Fund at the end of March 200811 with and 8.9 percent was invested in target-date funds.6 that at the end of March 200912 is shown in Table 3. To illustrate, I provide an example of each As intended, over the course of the year, the percent- type of fund. age of value invested in equity had fallen, providing overall asset allocations extremely close to those called for by the “glide paths” shown in Figure 1. Vanguard Balanced Index Fund Although these funds provide only examples, With $7.5 billion under management in April 2009, their activities suggest that many active and pas- the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund sive multi-asset mutual funds choose to rebalance seeks—with 60 percent of its assets—to track their holdings significantly after major market the investment performance of a benchmark movements in order to minimize differences index that measures the investment return of the overall U.S. stock market. With 40 percent of its assets, the fund seeks to track the Table 3. Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund’s Asset investment performance of a broad, market- Allocations, 2008 and 2009 weighted bond index.7 Actual, Actual, The Vanguard Balanced Index Fund compares its Asset 31 March 2008 31 March 2009 returns with those of a benchmark, with 60 percent U.S. equity 52.6% 52.1% invested in the MSCI US Broad Market Index and Non-U.S. equity 13.7 12.9 40 percent in Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Investment-grade fixed income 25.5 26.1 Index. Over the 36 months ended March 2009, the High-yield fixed income 7.6 7.6 R2 value for a comparison of the fund’s returns with Short-term funds 0.6 1.3 those of the benchmark was 1.00 (rounded to two Source: Fidelity Investments (2008, 2009). 46 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 3. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies Figure 1. Fidelity Freedom Funds’ Asset Allocations Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom 2050 2040 2030 2020 2010 2000 Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom 2045 2035 2025 2015 2005 Income Weight (%) 100 90 Short-Term Funds 80 Fixed-Income Funds 70 60 50 40 Equity Funds 30 20 10 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 Years to Retirement Years after Retirement Equity Funds Fixed-Income Funds Short-Term Funds Note: On the x-axis, “0” refers to retirement. Source: Fidelity Investments (2008). between actual and policy asset allocations. Funds Consider an investor who attempts to keep the that do so follow traditional asset allocation poli- actual asset percentages of a portfolio consistent cies: Balanced funds rebalance to conform with a with a stated asset allocation policy. I define such a constant asset allocation over time, and target-date strategy as one that follows an asset allocation policy funds rebalance to conform with an asset allocation by rebalancing a portfolio frequently to conform it that varies slowly over time as called for by a pre- with a pre-specified set of asset proportional specified glide path. values. Assume that our investor rebalances a port- folio to conform it with a stated set of asset propor- The Contrarian Nature of Tradi- tions at the end of every review period (e.g., every tional Asset Allocation Strategies month or quarter). Given n asset classes, the dollar The term “contrarian” is used in many contexts. amounts initially invested in the assets are X1, . . ., The following definition is closest to the meaning I Xn. The initial value of the portfolio is intend in this article: V0 = ∑ X i , (1) An investment style that goes against prevail- i ing market trends by buying assets that are performing poorly and then selling when they and the initial asset proportions are perform well.13 X1 X For purposes of this article, I consider investors ,..., n . (2) V0 V0 contrarian if they buy assets that perform poorly relative to the other assets in the portfolio and sell We assume that these proportions are equal to the assets that perform well relative to the others. investor’s asset allocation policy proportions. May/June 2010 47
  • 4. Financial Analysts Journal Now imagine that a period has passed and that tor will sell the asset because Di will be negative. the value relative for asset i (the ratio of the ending Such assets are relative winners. Moreover, the bet- value to the beginning value) is ki. The new dollar ter such an asset’s performance (i.e., the larger its values of the assets are value relative, ki), the greater will be Yi, the amount k1 X1 ,..., kn X n . sold, as a percentage of the current holding. (3) In this setting, an investor who follows an asset The ending value of the portfolio is allocation policy is undoubtedly a contrarian. To V1 = ∑ ki X i , (4) repeat the obvious: i Rebalancing a portfolio to a previously set and the new asset proportions are asset allocation policy involves selling relative k1 X1 k X winners and buying relative losers.14 ,..., n n . (5) V1 V1 We denote the value relative for portfolio Kp as Contrarians All? V1 If I wish to buy a security, someone must sell it to KP ≡ . (6) me. If I wish to sell a security, someone must buy it. V0 Now assume that the investor wishes to pur- Anyone who rebalances a portfolio to conform with chase and sell securities in amounts that will make an asset allocation policy must trade with someone. the new asset proportions equal the initial policy From time to time, companies and other enti- proportions. Let D1, . . ., Dn represent the dollar ties issue new securities and purchase or redeem amounts of the assets purchased (if positive) or sold existing ones. But most security transactions (if negative). The goal is to select a set of positive, involve trades of existing securities between two negative, and possibly zero values for D1, . . ., Dn investors, which raises the question, can all inves- such that tors be contrarians? The answer is no. I illustrate with a simple example. Each of four ki Xi + Di Xi investors follows an asset allocation policy with = (7) V1 V0 positive proportions of four asset classes, although for every asset i. This step requires that the proportions differ. A period has passed, and the assets have performed differently. In Table 4, the ( Di = K p − ki X i .) (8) assets are numbered in terms of their performance Also of interest is the amount of an asset pur- (i.e., k1 > k2 > k3 > k4). The investors differ in their chased as a proportion of the value before the trans- initial allocations and thus have different overall action. We can denote this amount as Yi : portfolio returns (Kp values). Each investor wishes to make transactions to rebalance the portfolio to Di Kp Yi ≡ = −1. (9) the particular asset allocation policy. In Table 4, a ki X i ki minus sign indicates an asset to be sold and a plus If an asset underperforms the portfolio as a whole, sign one to be purchased. The last three columns (Kp  ki) will be positive. As Equation 8 shows, the show the number of investors wishing to sell an investor will purchase the asset because Di will be asset, the number wishing to buy, and the differ- positive. Such assets are relative losers. Moreover, ence between the two. the poorer such an asset’s performance (i.e., the Because every investor holds the best per- smaller its value relative, ki), the greater will be forming asset, every portfolio return will be below Yi , the amount purchased, as a percentage of the the return of the best performing asset. Hence, current holding. every investor will wish to sell shares of Asset 1. Conversely, if an asset outperforms the portfo- Conversely, every portfolio return will be greater lio as a whole, (Kp  ki) will be negative. The inves- than the return of the worst performing asset, and Table 4. Asset Allocation Trades for Four Investors Assets in Decreasing No. of No. of Net No. Order of Return Investor A Investor B Investor C Investor D Sellers Buyers of Sellers 1 – – – – 4 0 4 2 – – – + 3 1 2 3 + + – + 1 3 2 4 + + + + 0 4 4 48 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 5. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies thus every investor will wish to buy shares of Asset Thus: 4. With regard to the best and worst performing Not all investors can follow traditional asset assets, every investor is indeed a contrarian, and allocation policies.15 the group as a whole must find some investors More pragmatically, for a large number of who do not follow asset allocation policies with investors to be able to follow traditional asset allo- whom to trade. cation policies, a large number of other investors Note that in each investor’s column, minus must be willing to take the other sides of the requi- (sell) signs come first, followed by plus (purchase) site trades. Investors in the latter group must pur- signs because each investor will wish to sell all chase assets that have performed well (relative assets with performance (ki) greater than that of the winners) and sell assets that have performed portfolio (Kp). Investor asset allocations, like port- poorly (relative losers). As I discuss later in the folio returns, will differ, however, so the points at article, such a strategy will prove superior if secu- which minus signs stop and plus signs begin will rity price trends persist; therefore, investors who vary—all of which leads to a key characteristic of pursue such a strategy are often termed trend fol- the last column: The net number of sellers (number lowers. To oversimplify, for every contrarian there of sellers  number of buyers) will be smaller, the must be a trend follower. Not only is it impossible poorer an asset’s performance. for all investors to follow contrarian strategies, but To keep the example simple, I assume that each it is also impossible for those with a majority of investor’s portfolio performance differs from that capital assets to do so. of each asset. This assumption, however, need not Identifying investors who have traditional be the case. If an asset’s performance equals that of asset allocation policies is easy. As indicated ear- an investor’s portfolio, the investor will not wish to lier, there are many such investors. But identifying buy or sell shares in it—a situation that could be investors who pursue trend-following policies is represented with a zero in the table. harder. This fact raises a more practical question: We could make another modification that How many investors actually follow an asset allo- would increase the realism of the example. Some cation policy? The answer might well be relatively investors may have an asset allocation policy that few. Although many investors have asset allocation calls for zero exposure to one or more assets. This policies, relatively few are likely to follow their situation could also be represented with a zero in policies by rebalancing their portfolios frequently. the table because no trades will be required. As suggested earlier, multi-asset mutual funds Taking such possibilities into account would appear to be a major exception: They rebalance modify the characteristics of the table only slightly. their portfolios frequently by buying relative losers The net number of sellers will either decrease or and selling relative winners. stay the same, the lower an asset’s performance. We should not read too much into this result. Although the net number of sellers will not increase Why a Contrarian Strategy? the lower an asset’s return, the difference between Why might an investor wish to adopt a contrarian the dollar value of shares offered for sale and the strategy? There are two possible reasons. The inves- dollar value of shares desired to be purchased by tor might believe that markets are efficient and that the group of investors that follows asset allocation the preferences and/or positions of the ultimate policies may not share this characteristic because of beneficiary or beneficiaries of a fund differ suffi- differences in the values of an asset’s holding across ciently from those of the average investor to war- portfolios. Put somewhat differently, the relation- rant such a strategy. Alternatively, the investor ship between (1) the net number of shares offered might believe that markets are inefficient and that and (2) asset return may not be completely mono- the majority of investors do not realize that a con- trarian strategy can provide a better combination tonic, especially for assets with returns close to that of risk and return than can conventional trend- of the overall market. following strategies. Despite this caveat, those attempting to rebal- ance portfolios to asset allocation policies will, as a Efficient-Market Views. Perold and Sharpe group, wish to sell shares of the best performing (1988) documented a key relationship between asset and purchase shares of the worst performing market returns and the performance of different asset. This fact alone leads to two conclusions that asset allocation policies. They compared the pay- should seem obvious at this point: offs provided by following a traditional asset allo- Not all investors can be contrarians. cation policy with those obtained by following a May/June 2010 49
  • 6. Financial Analysts Journal buy-and-hold strategy. Assuming investments in only if they are less concerned than the average two asset classes (bills and stocks), they defined investor about inferior returns in very bad or very constant-mix strategies as those that “maintain an good markets. This scenario seems an unlikely one exposure to stocks that is a constant proportion of for the typical small investor, for whom most bal- wealth” (p. 18). They noted: anced and target-date funds are designed. In general, rebalancing to a constant mix From late 2007 through early 2009, returns on requires the purchase of stocks as they fall in stock markets around the world were dismal, with value . . . and the sale of stocks as they rise in many markets posting losses of 50 percent or more value . . . where, strictly speaking, changes in in real terms. Sobered by these results, some value are measured in relative terms. (pp. 19–20) analysts changed their assumptions about stock Perold and Sharpe (1988) further showed that returns. In some cases, positive serial correlations of the desirability of rebalancing to constant propor- returns were assumed. This assumption increased tions of wealth depends on the movements of the probabilities of trends and thus extreme long- market prices: term returns. In other cases, some other process was In general, a strategy that buys stocks as they included to provide a distribution with a “fat left fall and sells as they rise will capitalize on tail,” which increased the probabilities of large neg- reversals. The marginal purchase decisions will ative returns. Some analysts included both features turn out to be good ones, as will the marginal in their models. In models with such assumptions, sell decisions. A constant-mix strategy will extreme markets are more likely, making traditional thus outperform a comparable buy-and-hold strategy in a flat (but oscillating) market asset allocation policies even less appropriate for precisely because it trades in a way that funds designed for small investors. exploits reversals. . . . [But] a constant-mix approach will underperform a comparable Inefficient-Market Views. Many advocates of buy-and-hold strategy when there are no rebalancing rationalize their position by assuming reversals. This will also be the case in strong that markets are inefficient and that other investors bull or bear markets when reversals are small with whom they can trade do not fully understand and relatively infrequent, because most of the marginal purchase and sell decisions will turn the nature of asset returns. As Arnott and Lovell out to have been poorly timed. . . . (1990) opined: Cases in which the market ends up near its How many investors permit their asset mix to starting point are likely to favor constant-mix drift with the whims of the markets (assuring strategies, while those in which the market ends overweighting at market highs and under- up far from its starting point are likely to favor weighting at the lows). . . . Simple rebalancing buy-and-hold strategies. . . . Neither strategy can provide the necessary measure of control dominates the other. A constant-mix policy over a drifting mix. It is worthwhile if properly tends to be superior if markets are character- managed. (pp. 13, 18) ized more by reversals than trends. A buy-and- Note the reference to “market highs . . . and lows.” hold policy tends to be superior if there is a The statement suggests that one can tell when an major move in one direction. (pp. 21–22) asset is at its market high or low before the Ultimately, the issue concerns the preferences fact—hardly an efficient-market concept. of the various parties that will bear the risk and/or enjoy the reward from investment. Although Arnott, Burns, Plaxco, and Moor There is no reason to believe that any particular (2007) took a more nuanced approach, they still type of dynamic strategy is best for everyone seemed to suggest that rebalancing can take advan- (and, in fact, only buy-and-hold strategies tage of market inefficiency: could be followed by everyone). (p. 26) Not rebalancing may mean holding assets that Roughly speaking, an efficient-market view have become overpriced, offering inferior holds that an investor is best served by adopting the future rewards. A commitment to rebalance to average opinion of investors about the probabilities the strategic asset allocation offers an effective of possible future combinations of returns. Among way to dissuade clients from abandoning investors who accept this premise, the return distri- policy at inauspicious moments. (p. 702) bution associated with a rebalancing strategy will To buttress their view, Arnott et al. (2007) appeal to only a minority, with another group of reported the results of an empirical test that used investors taking the other sides of the rebalancing monthly rebalancing from 1973 to 2003, which trades of the first group. Absent superior knowl- showed that a rebalanced portfolio would have pro- edge about the return-generating process, investors vided a greater average return with a smaller stan- should follow a traditional asset allocation policy dard deviation than would a “drifting mix.” As 50 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 7. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies discussed earlier, rebalancing to a constant mix typ- undesirable. An investor who adopts a traditional ically outperforms a buy-and-hold strategy when asset allocation policy and rebalances frequently to reversals are more common than trends. In periods conform with it must either (1) have an unusual set with more trends than reversals, the comparison is of preferences for returns in different markets (as likely to yield the opposite conclusion. As is fre- described earlier) or (2) believe that markets will be quently the case, the outcomes of empirical tests inefficient in this sense more often than not over a with past data can be highly period dependent. period of several years. When adopting an investment strategy, one I believe that the majority of institutional must make an assumption about the nature of investors who adopt traditional asset allocation future security markets. If one believes that mar- policies do so for neither of those two reasons. kets are inefficient, taking advantage of investors Rather, they adopt a policy designed to reflect both who do not realize that this is so makes sense. their preferences for risk vis-à-vis return and their Nonetheless, the task can be daunting, as Arnott special circumstances when they adopt a policy. As (2009) argued: time passes and markets change, the policy no At its heart, rebalancing is a simple contrarian longer serves its original purpose. But neither a strategy. In ebullient times, this means taking traditional rebalancing approach nor a “drifting money away from our biggest winners. In the mix” is appropriate. I suggest two possible alterna- worst of times, the process forces us to buy more of the assets that have caused us the tives later in the article. First, however, let us see greatest pain. Most investors acknowledge it as how far a traditional policy can diverge from its a critical part of the successful investor’s original position. toolkit. But recognition and action are two different things. Surrounded by bad news, pulling the trigger to buy securities down 50 Bond and Stock Values in the percent, 75 percent, or even 90 percent is United States exceedingly difficult for even the staunchest of rebalancers. Many lose their nerve and blink, Consider a simple asset allocation policy that letting a healthy portion of the excess returns involves only U.S. bonds and U.S. stocks. Assume slip from their grasp. (p. 1) that the former are represented by the Barclays Arnott’s argument reflects some of the points Capital (formerly Lehman) U.S. Aggregate Bond I have made thus far. It recognizes that rebalancing Index and the latter by the Wilshire 5000 Total is, in fact, a contrarian strategy. It acknowledges Market Index.17 Now, consider a balanced mutual that such action involves buying losers and selling fund that has chosen an asset allocation policy with winners. It suggests that most investors believe 60 percent invested in U.S. stocks and 40 percent in rebalancing is desirable but that many “lose their U.S. bonds and that uses these two indices as nerve and blink.” And it reflects Arnott’s view that benchmarks. Its goal is to provide its investors with markets are sufficiently inefficient that by failing to a portfolio representative of the broad U.S. market rebalance, investors let “a healthy portion of the of stocks and bonds. Investments in each asset class excess returns slip from their grasp.” are made via index funds in order to track the underlying returns closely. The similarity of this fund to the Vanguard Asset Allocation Policy and Balanced Index Fund is not coincidental. The two Market Efficiency differ only with respect to the indices used for U.S. The vast majority of those who adopt an asset allo- stock returns, but the two alternatives are highly cation policy heed the following recommendations: correlated. The expectations involved in strategic asset Figure 2 shows the ratio of (1) the total market allocation are long term. “Long term” has capitalization of the stock index to (2) the sum of different interpretations for different investors, the total market capitalizations of the bond and but five years is a reasonable minimum refer- stock indices over the period January 1976–June ence point.16 2009. More succinctly, it shows the value of U.S. Are markets efficient in the long run? That stocks as a percentage of the value of U.S. stocks depends on what is meant by the term “efficient.” and bonds over 33.5 years. In the current context, we need merely ask whether As Figure 2 shows, the relative values of U.S. an investor wishes to assume that significant num- stocks and bonds have varied substantially. This bers of investors are foolish enough to take the finding is not an exception—in other countries, other side of contrarian trades when doing so is security values have also varied substantially. May/June 2010 51
  • 8. Financial Analysts Journal Figure 2. The Ratio of the Value of U.S. Stocks to U.S. Stocks plus Bonds, January 1976–June 2009 Ratio (%) 80 70 60/40 60 50 Actual 40 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 Over the entire period, the proportion of value cent. It is no longer representative of the market’s of stocks averaged 60.7 percent—close to that of a risk and return; instead, the fund is riskier, presum- traditional 60/40 strategy with monthly rebalanc- ably with a higher expected return. ing, as shown in the figure. The average increase in Figure 2 shows that from January 1976 through the value of bonds was larger than that of stocks. June 2009, our fund varied from being significantly But the total return on stock investments averaged riskier than the U.S. bond plus stock market to more than that on bond investments, as one might being considerably less risky. At the end of March expect over the long run as a reward for the greater 2000, the proportion of market value in stocks was risk of stock investments. 75.06 percent, leading to the lowest relative risk for Table 5 shows the annualized monthly the fund in the entire period. At the end of February averages18 of the total returns, the percentage 2009, the situation was just the opposite: The pro- changes in market value, and the differences portion of market value in stocks fell to its nadir of between the two. Overall, investors neither 43.18 percent, making the fund, at 60 percent, much extracted large amounts of cash from the bond and riskier than the overall U.S. bond plus stock market. stock markets nor invested substantial amounts of In sum, our fund failed to meet its goal of new cash. They did, however, invest in new bonds providing a strategy representative of the overall in amounts that were close to the sum of coupon U.S. bond and stock markets except in the very long payments received from bonds and the dividends run. And, as Keynes (1923) taught us, “in the long paid by their stocks. run we are dead” (ch. 3). To accomplish its goal, our fund needs to adapt its allocation policy. Let us now consider two Table 5. Returns and Changes in Market approaches that an investor might use: (1) optimi- Value of U.S. Bonds and Stocks, zation based on reverse optimization and (2) an January 1976–June 2009 approach that I call an adaptive asset allocation Change in policy. We will assume that the investor is con- Return Market Value Difference cerned with only the return on assets (ruling out Bonds 8.20% 10.82% 2.62 pps cases in which liabilities are taken into account) and Stocks 11.27 8.96 2.31 that the managed fund constitutes the entire port- pps = percentage points. folio (ruling out the use of balanced or target-date funds as components of a larger portfolio). Assume that our balanced fund opened its Optimization Based on Reverse doors in February 1984, when the value of U.S. stocks was 59.62 percent of the total value of stocks Optimization and bonds. At the time, the fund with 60 percent in Many asset allocation policies are chosen after stocks well represented an investment in the U.S. extensive analyses designed to determine a set of bond and stock markets and should have had a optimal strategies with different combinations of similar risk and expected return. Fast-forward to risk and return. In some cases, the analysis uses a October 1990. The market value of stocks is now standard Markowitz mean–variance approach. In 47.99 percent of the total, but the fund has been others, the goal is to maximize an investor’s rebalanced to maintain its policy target of 60 per- expected utility. In many cases, these optimization 52 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 9. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies analyses are conducted with constraints on asset The inevitable conclusion is that an investor’s holdings that are designed to reflect liquidity asset allocation, expressed in the traditional man- requirements or other factors. Moreover, the chosen ner as percentages of total value in each asset policy may differ to some extent from the analyti- class, should change over time to reflect changing cally “optimal” asset mixes. market values, even if the investor’s characteris- Whatever the process, asset allocation policies tics are unchanged. This conclusion is the key are set after considering estimates of the risks and tenet of this article. returns of major asset classes and the correlations Note that such an approach may not require among their returns. More generally, the relation- substantial transactions over and above those asso- ship can be characterized as follows: ciated with reinvesting dividends, interest pay- ments, and other cash received from security Asset allocation t = issuers. Moreover, there is no reason to expect that (10) f ( Investor characteristicst , Market forecastst ) . such an approach will involve selling relative win- ners and buying relative losers, as must be done to The subscripts indicate that the appropriate asset conform with a traditional asset allocation policy. allocation at time t depends on the investor’s char- Equation 12 also shows that a formal system acteristics and the forecasts for asset returns and could be set up to revise an investor’s asset alloca- risks at the time. The notation f () should be read as tion policy frequently by conducting a reverse opti- “is a function of” the items in parentheses. mization analysis followed by optimization. This Consultants and others who make market fore- process, however, requires complex models in casts typically consider historical returns and some order to accommodate real-world aspects21 and is aspects of economic theory. Some forecasters, but apparently used by relatively few organizations.22 by no means all, consider the current market values To provide an alternative, I offer a procedure of major asset classes. The following rather crude that can be used to periodically adapt an organiza- equation represents the preferred approach: tion’s asset allocation policy in light of asset market Market forecasts >t = values without requiring actions that are clearly contrarian in nature. The procedure is simple and f (History <=t , Economic theoryt , (11) can be implemented easily. Although I make no Market valuest ) . claim that it is the best possible approach, it should be better than either strict conformance with a tra- The subscripts indicate that market forecasts for ditional asset allocation policy or the adoption of outcomes occurring after time t are based on histor- such a policy followed by subsequent actions (or ical information for periods up to and including lack thereof) that treat the policy as irrelevant. time t and on economic theory and market values at time t.19 Why should market values inform forecasts? Adaptive Asset Allocation Because an asset’s current market value reflects the Policies collective view of the probabilities of future pros- The term “adapt” can be defined as follows: pects. This information is valuable and should be To adjust oneself to different conditions, taken into account when managing a portfolio. environment, etc.23 Analytic approaches for making market fore- In this case, the “different conditions, environment, casts in this manner are generally termed reverse etc.” are new asset market values. optimization.20 Mean–variance approaches assume Imagine that a fund investing in U.S. stocks that capital markets provide unbiased estimates of and bonds established an asset allocation policy of future prospects (Sharpe 1974, 1985) or incorporate 80 percent stocks and 20 percent bonds at the end views about deviations from such estimates (Black of February 1984, with the Wilshire 5000 Total Mar- and Litterman 1991). A comparable approach has ket Index representing stocks and the Barclays Cap- been suggested for making forecasts to be used in ital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index representing bonds expected utility analyses (Sharpe 2007). (as shown in Figure 2, the market proportions were Combining Equations 10 and 11 gives the fol- 59.62 percent and 40.38 percent, respectively). lowing important relationship: Assume that this information was taken into Asset allocation t = account in the study that led to the 80/20 policy. A traditional approach would hold that the f (Investor characteristicst , History<=t , (12) policy calls for adjustments in holdings to achieve Economic theoryt , Market valuest ) . an 80/20 allocation no matter what the subsequent May/June 2010 53
  • 10. Financial Analysts Journal market proportions might be. But as I have argued, Consider a world in which changes in asset this course is unlikely to be a wise one. Instead, the market values result only from changes in security policy proportions should be adjusted as market prices and reinvestment of cash flows from each values change. I propose instead a procedure that asset in the same class. An investor who makes no I call an adaptive asset allocation (AAA) policy. withdrawals or additional investments and Table 6 and Table 7 show the required calcu- chooses to reinvest all cash flows from each asset lations for the appropriate allocation at the end of class in the same class will be in compliance with October 1990, when stocks were a substantially the particular adaptive policy at all times and will smaller portion of overall market value. not need to transact with other investors. This sce- nario follows from the fact that the value of the Table 6. Market Values of U.S. Bonds investor’s holdings of each class will change by and Stocks, February 1984 and precisely the same percentage as the value of the October 1990 market (ki) will change. In such a setting, AAA Stocks Bonds policies are macro-consistent in the sense that all ($ billions) ($ billions) % Stocks investors can follow such strategies. Vim,0 (Feb. 1984) 1,648.19 1,116.49 59.62 Of course, the investment world is extremely Vim,t (Oct. 1990) 2,652.92 2,875.69 47.99 complex. New issues of securities, buybacks, and ki = Vim,t/Vim,0 1.6096 2.5757 redemptions occur frequently. Moreover, the total values of these transactions for an asset class rarely Table 7. Adaptive Policy Allocations, net to zero. Public companies go private and vice February 1984 and October 1990 versa. Some investors have positive net cash flows Stocks Bonds Sum that require purchases of new assets, whereas oth- AAif,0 80.00% 20.00% ers must sell assets to raise cash. Despite these com- (AAif,0 )(ki ) 128.77 51.51 180.28% plications, a group of investors that follows AAA (AAif,0 )(ki )/Sum(AAif,0)(ki ) 71.43 28.57 policies is unlikely to need to make large purchases or sales of assets with investors who do not follow Table 6 shows the total outstanding market such policies. This situation contrasts starkly with capitalizations for each of the two indices at the two the situation of investors who attempt to comply dates (February 1984 [time 0] and October 1990 with traditional asset allocation policies; such inves- [time t]) and the ratios of the ending values to the tors must frequently purchase assets that are rela- beginning values (denoted ki, as before). Table 7 tive losers and sell those that are relative winners. shows the calculations for the new asset allocation. Tables 6 and 7 use the following formula to For each asset, the initial proportion in the fund is compute the proportion invested in asset i in fund multiplied by the ratio of the new total market (f) at time t: value of the asset class as a whole to the old value. In this case, the outstanding values of both assets X if , t = ( X if , 0 Vim, t Vim,0 ) . (13) increased substantially. Hence, the sum of the adjusted proportions for the fund is much greater ( ∑ X if , 0 Vim, t Vim,0 i ) than 100 percent, as shown in the third column. To Here, Vim,t and Vim,0 are the total outstanding mar- compute the new asset value proportions for the ket values of asset i at times t and 0, respectively. fund, the figures in the second row are divided by The proportion invested in asset i at time 0 is Xif,0 , their sum, which gives the new asset allocation and the proportion to be invested at time t is Xif,t. shown in the last row. Note that the total market value of asset i at In this case, stocks fell from representing close time 0 equals its proportion of total value (Xim,0) to 60 percent of total market value to slightly less times the total value of all assets at the time (Vm,0). than 48 percent. Thus, the fund’s asset allocation A similar relationship holds for time t. Thus, policy changed from one with 80 percent invested in stocks to one with 71.43 percent so invested. Vim,0 = X im, 0Vm,0 Why is this procedure likely to be preferred to (14) Vim, t = X im, tVm, t . a traditional approach? Because it need not require that investors who have such policies transact with Substituting these relationships in Equation 13 other investors whenever market prices change, as and canceling terms gives a formula for calculating do traditional asset allocation policies. the new proportion for the fund to invest in asset i 54 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 11. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies as a function solely of the proportions at time 0 and With this interpretation, we can straightfor- of the ratios of the proportions for the market port- wardly apply the adaptive approach to a wide range folio at the two periods: of investments. I illustrate with three prototypical types of funds. X if , t = ( X if , 0 X im, t X im,0 ) . ( ∑ X if , 0 X im, t X im,0 i ) (15) Institutional Funds Table 8 shows the computations for February 1984 As indicated earlier, most pension funds, endow- and October 1990. ments, and foundations conduct asset allocation studies that lead to the selection of a policy asset mix, which can be considered the base policy (Xf,0). Table 8. Adaptive Policy Allocations with Presumably, this asset allocation was considered Asset Proportions, February 1984 appropriate given the market conditions (Xm,0) at and October 1990 the time, whether or not these market values were Stocks Bonds Sum used explicitly when determining asset prospects. Xim,0 59.62% 40.38% Under this assumption, the asset allocation policy Xif,0 80.00 20.00 can be converted to an adaptive policy by simply Xim,t 47.99 52.01 applying the adaptive formula (Equation 15) in (Xif,0)(Xim,t )/Xim,0 64.39 25.76 90.15% subsequent periods. Xif,t 71.43 28.57 As with the traditional approach, allowable deviations from the policy targets may be selected. In this example, the initial asset allocation set For example, these deviations could be set to equal at time 0 is assumed to have been appropriate, the currently allowed deviations of the holdings in given the market values of the asset classes at the each asset class. If the fund makes few, if any, time. This allocation is typically the case when an trades, the resulting ranges are less likely to be institutional investor selects an asset allocation pol- violated under an adaptive policy than under a icy. The adaptive formula (Equation 15), however, traditional approach. can be applied in other contexts. Key is the state- Undoubtedly, many institutional funds would ment of an asset allocation policy in terms of base consider the conversion from a traditional to an values for (1) the policy and (2) the market. A adaptive asset allocation policy too dramatic to possible example would be the following: accept overnight. At the very least, I would suggest The fund’s Asset Allocation Policy is to have that the required computations for an adaptive asset 80 percent invested in stocks and the remain- allocation policy be performed periodically so that der in bonds when the market value of stocks key decision makers could evaluate the fund’s hold- is 60 percent of the total value of stocks and ings in terms of both the traditional approach and bonds, with the proportions to be determined this alternative approach. In time, such an exercise each period by using the adaptive asset might lead to a greater acceptance of the latter. allocation formula. Table 9 shows this asset allocation policy in terms of the formula (Equation 15). Balanced Funds As previously discussed, multi-asset mutual funds are likely to make transactions that are Table 9. An Asset Allocation Policy required by their traditional asset allocation poli- Stocks Bonds cies. To a considerable extent, a multi-asset mutual Xim,0 60% 40% fund’s asset allocation policy will drive its invest- Xif,0 80 20 ments, which makes the choice of the type of policy especially important. More generally, we can denote the mixes of Typically, a balanced fund is designed to pro- market and fund assets as vide a mix of two or more asset classes with a con- ( X m,0 = X1m,0 , X 2m,0 ,..., X nm,0 ) (16) stant level of “conservatism” or “aggressiveness.” Although some may think of these terms as abso- and lute, a more pragmatic approach is to interpret them ( ) as relative. In this view, an “aggressive” fund should X f , 0 = X1 f , 0 , X 2 f , 0 ,..., X nf , 0 , (17) provide more risk than the market as a whole, where there are n assets and Xm,0 and Xf,0 are whereas a “conservative” one should provide less. vectors representing the base market and fund asset A “representative” fund could be designed to pro- allocations, respectively. vide the same risk as the market as a whole. May/June 2010 55
  • 12. Financial Analysts Journal Constructing an adaptive representative fund Target-Date Funds is easy. It would have the market proportions of the As discussed earlier, a target-date fund has a policy asset classes in every period. At the time of forma- “glide path” that indicates the appropriate asset tion, the actual proportions (Xf,0) would be set to allocation at each time in the future until the date equal the market proportions (Xm,0). The adaptive at which money in the fund is to be transferred to formula (Equation 15) would subsequently lead the another vehicle. In effect, the fund has a base allo- fund manager to hold assets in market proportions cation for every period, which can be straightfor- at each period. For example, a balanced fund wardly accommodated in the adaptive asset designed to represent the U.S. stock and bond mar- allocation formula. Let Xib,t represent the “base” kets would follow the curve rather than the hori- allocation for time t as specified in the current zontal line in Figure 2. policy. This allocation replaces the constant alloca- An aggressive fund would begin with an asset tion given by Xif,0 in Equation 15: mix that had greater risk than that of the market at the time and would then adjust its holdings by X if , t = ( X ib, t X im, t X im,0 ) . ( ) (18) using Equation 15. Figure 3 shows the actual pro- ∑ X ib, t X im, t X im,0 i portions for a fund that wishes to hold an 80/20 mix of U.S. stocks and bonds when the market propor- Equation 15 is more general than Equation 18, tions are 60/40. which can be considered a special case in which As intended, the fund remained more aggres- Xib,t = Xif,0 for every period t. sive than the market throughout the period. Nev- Figure 4 illustrates an adaptive target-date ertheless, the ratio of the fund’s proportion in fund. It assumes that the fund was started in Janu- stocks to that of the market varied, beginning at ary 1976 with a glide path calling for 90 percent in stocks initially, with the allocation decreasing by a 1.333 (80 percent/60 percent) and ranging between constant percentage each month until it reaches 10 1.18 and 1.55. percent in June 2009. Figure 4 shows the base allo- Not surprisingly, at the four times when the cations that would be implemented by a traditional total market value of stocks was close to 60 percent target-date fund, as well as the market proportions. of the total value of stocks and bonds, the fund’s To convert this traditional fund to an adaptive asset allocation policy dictated a value close to the target-date fund, we assume that the original glide intended 80/20 mix. In this example, although the path was chosen as appropriate when the market fund was started when the market mix was 60/40, proportions in stocks and bonds are 60 percent and it could have been started at any time with a policy 40 percent, respectively. Using these proportions stated in terms of a “normal mix” (Xf,0) when mar- for the Xim,0 values in Equation 18, we can see the kets are “normal” (Xm,0). allocations for the adaptive target-date fund. This scenario suggests a simple way to convert Because the glide path is assumed to be optimal an existing balanced fund to an adaptive one. The when the market proportions are 60/40, the adap- stated policy (Xf,0) need only be augmented by the tive proportions and the policy glide path coincide “normal” market conditions (Xm,0) for which it is when stocks are 60 percent of the total value of appropriate. The asset allocation policy for any bonds and stocks. Whenever the market propor- period can then be determined by using the adap- tion of stocks is below 60 percent, the fund’s allo- tive formula (Equation 15). cation to stocks is below that specified by the glide Figure 3. Asset Allocations: Market and an Aggressive Balanced Fund Ratio (%) 100 90 80 Fund 70 60 50 Market 40 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 56 ©2010 CFA Institute
  • 13. Adaptive Asset Allocation Policies Figure 4. Asset Allocations: Market and an Adaptive Target-Date Fund Ratio (%) 100 90 Fund 80 Market 70 Glide Path 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 path. Conversely, when stocks represent more have proposed. If more investment managers than 60 percent of the value of the market, the adopt my proposed procedure, market value data fund’s allocation to stocks is greater than that may become more widely available. called for by the glide path. I cannot easily understand why funds do not routinely compare their asset allocations with cur- Conclusion rent market proportions in order to ensure that any differences are commensurate with differences If my arguments have merit, a number of changes between their circumstances and those of “the should be made by the investment industry. average investor.” Yet this comparison is rarely First and foremost, more data will need to be done. Perhaps the lack of easily obtained data on made available about the market values of the secu- market values is the cause, with the absence of rities in each of the benchmarks designed to repre- such comparisons the effect. Alternatively, the sit- sent major asset classes. Most such indices are uation may be the reverse, with the lack of avail- computed by third parties. For example, Barclays able data on market values caused by insufficient Capital and Wilshire Associates calculate the two investor interest. indices used in this article. Recent and historical I would hope that readers of this article would monthly returns for most popular indices may be request (or demand) that those who provide bench- difficult but not totally impossible to obtain from mark indices make the corresponding market values such providers.24 But obtaining data for the market equally available. For publicly offered mutual funds values of the securities in an index is much harder. or exchange-traded funds, this provision could be Clearly, the index provider has such information.25 encouraged or required by regulatory authorities. In cases where returns for the index are computed Second, it would be useful if institutional by using a subset of the securities in the represented investors, armed with appropriate market value universe, the provider should still have sufficient data, would at least compute the asset allocations information to provide an estimate of the total mar- that would result from an adaptive policy of the ket value of the class. type described here. These computations could It is unclear whether the lack of widespread inform discussions between staff members and availability of asset class market values is a result those charged with oversight, such as the members of providers’ desires to recover the costs of obtain- of investment committees and boards. In time, ing such information through subscription fees, a more investment organizations could become suf- lack of sufficient interest on the part of investors ficiently comfortable with adaptive procedures to and investment managers, or both. Of course, the substitute them for the contrarian policies associ- thesis of this article is that asset market values are ated with the traditional approach. highly relevant for any decision concerning asset Third, some mutual fund companies might allocation, whether made episodically or adjusted offer adaptive balanced funds and/or adaptive routinely by using a procedure such as the one I target-date funds. In time, such vehicles might May/June 2010 57
  • 14. Financial Analysts Journal attract enough investors to represent a significant be convinced of the merit of these arguments to part of the market. A good first step would be to lead to changes in investment practice. offer a balanced index fund designed to truly repre- sent the mix of stocks and bonds in the United States. I thank Geert Bekaert of Columbia University, Steven As shown in Figure 2, such a fund would differ Grenadier of Stanford University, Jesse Phillips of the significantly from such offerings as the Vanguard University of California, Eamonn Dolan of C.M. Balanced Index Fund. If successful, a representative Capital, Carlo Capaul of Julius Baer, and John Watson balanced fund might pave the way for additional and Robert Young of Financial Engines, Inc., for their funds to follow adaptive asset allocation policies. helpful comments. Although some will find the arguments in this article obvious and others will consider them radi- This article qualifies for 1 CE credit. cal, I hope that a sufficient number of readers will Notes 1. Maginn, Tuttle, Pinto, and McLeavey (2007, p. 231). 15. That is, policies with non-negative asset proportions. 2. CalPERS (2009). 16. Maginn, Tuttle, Pinto, and McLeavey (2007, pp. 233–234). 3. CalPERS (2009). 17. Throughout the article, I use the “full-cap” version of the 4. U.S. Department of Labor (2009). index rather than the “float-adjusted” alternative that uses 5. More specifically, the pertinent regulation provides for weights for the securities based on estimates of the number four types of QDIAs: of shares likely to be available for trading. (1) A product with a mix of investments that takes into 18. Each annualized monthly average is equal to 12 times the account the individual’s age or retirement date (an corresponding monthly average value. example of such a product could be a life-cycle or 19. For an early discussion of the need to account for changes targeted-retirement-date fund); (2) an investment ser- in market values when making forecasts, see Rosenberg and vice that allocates contributions among existing plan Ohlson (1976). options to provide an asset mix that takes into account 20. An excellent example is described in EnnisKnupp (2009). the individual’s age or retirement date (an example of such a service could be a professionally managed 21. A meanvariance approach could be designed in which the account); (3) a product with a mix of investments that asset allocation policy is characterized by a given ratio of takes into account the characteristics of the group of the investor’s risk tolerance to that of the market as a whole. employees as a whole, rather than each individual (an I explored this possibility earlier (Sharpe 1990). To be prac- example of such a product could be a balanced fund); tical, the reverse optimization procedure needs to be con- and (4) a capital preservation product for only the first sistent with an equilibrium in which there are restrictions 120 days of participation (an option for plan sponsors and/or costs associated with negative holdings—an issue wishing to simplify administration if workers opt out that I have previously discussed (Sharpe 1991). of participation before incurring an additional tax). 22. Full disclosure: I co-founded an investment management See U.S. Department of Labor (2009). and advisory company (Financial Engines, Inc.) that uses 6. Appell (2009, pp. 11, 14). asset market values and reverse optimization at least once 7. Vanguard (2009). a month to adjust forecasts of risks, returns, and correlations 8. Vanguard (2009). for such investment vehicles as mutual funds, followed by 9. Appell (2009, p. 12). optimization analyses to make any appropriate changes in 10. Fidelity Investments (2008, pp. 40–41). investor portfolios. Although no asset allocation policy per 11. Fidelity Investments (2008, p. 11). se is involved, the underlying philosophy is similar. 12. Fidelity Investments (2009). 23., s.v. “Adapt” (http://dictionary.classic. 13., s.v. “Contrarian” (www.investopedia.; retrieved 8 June 2009). com/terms/c/contrarian.asp). 24. Some returns for the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond 14. This observation is true under the assumption made Index can be obtained on the websites of mutual funds and throughout the article that no asset proportions are nega- exchange-traded funds that use it as a benchmark. Returns tive. Funds with policies involving negative proportions for the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index can be obtained at (e.g., leverage) may buy relative winners and sell relative losers. For example, consider a fund with a policy of invest- 25. On its website, Wilshire ( ing 150 percent in stocks and 50 percent in short-term Broad/Wilshire5000/Characteristics.html) provides tables bonds (loans). Assume that the initial position is $150 in that include the total market values of the securities in its stocks and $50 in bonds, giving a net worth of $100. If the U.S. equity index at the end of the most recent month, but value of the stock portfolio doubles, the new position will no historical data on market values are provided. The equal $300 in stocks and $50 in bonds, giving a net worth Barclays Capital website does not provide any data on the of $250. The new proportions will be 120 percent in stocks market values of the securities in the U.S. Aggregate Bond and 20 percent in bonds. To restore the fund to its policy Index. I am grateful to both organizations for providing me proportions will require purchasing more stocks and sell- with the historical data used in this article. ing more bonds (i.e., borrowing more money). Such a fund 26. Fundamental Index is a registered trademark of Research will thus purchase relative winners and sell relative losers. Affiliates, LLC. 58 ©2010 CFA Institute
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