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Action Sports, Music & Art are changing & saving lives.

Practicing the Action Sports lifestyle as well as expresing the music & art that emanates from this lifestyles can
make a great difference in nowadays troubled Youth, be in the States, Cuba, China or anywhere else.
Regardless your living environment or social position, kids/youngster who learn our action sports lifestyles are
able to experience freedom from the day to day problems and regain self esteem, among many other cool
benefits for body and mind.

If action sports, music & art helped us in dealing with modern world problems and made a big difference for
ourselves + our Youth, what are we all really giving back?

Objective here is to share & show my social work towards this common mentioned direction, in many different
countries to inspire kids/people on a worldwide level.

                                                      Tomas Crowder, author of this presentation (and baldest
                                                      guy in pic), in Havana, Cuba, with local and Puerto Rican
                                                      skaters invited
                                                                                D d                GERAL                                                                                                                              DOMINGO, 3 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2006                   G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           O DIA

                                                                             TEMA s ESPERANÇA
                                                                           Ao conhecer o projeto desenvolvido por um surfista com crianças da Rocinha, o cantor Jack Johnson, também adepto do
                                                                           esporte aquático, se apaixonou pela idéia. No dia seguinte ao show que fez no Rio, levou toda a garotada para uma tarde de
BACKGROUND WORK OF TOMAS CROWDER:                                          ‘bagunça’ em seu quarto no Copacabana Palace, hotel de luxo em que ficou hospedado. E também fez doação de US$ 10 mil


“Surfing Favela” is a documentary shot inside the biggest Favela
(slum in Portuguese) in Latin America, during a war between drug-           ONDA DE SOLIDARIEDADE
dealing lords. It helped change the way people see the surfing lifestyle   Além de receber carinho e dinheiro de cantor havaiano, pequenos surfistas da favela e seu instrutor, Bocão, viraram tema
                                                                           de filme argentino rodado no Rio. Neste fim de semana, atleta da escolinha vai disputar campeonato. POR RICARDO CALAZANS
& showed the other side of surfing & how it can save lives + help those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FPEDRO MONTEIRO/SURFRIDER.ORG.BR

                                                                                      m sua passagem pe-
                                                                                      lo Rio de Janeiro, o

in needs. It was premiered in Sundance/X-Dance Film Festival, bought
                                                                                      cantor e surfista ha-
                                                                           vaiano Jack Johnson fez
                                                                           mais do que cantar suas mú-

by Nat Geo INT & won many film festivals...
                                                                           sicas tranqüilas para uma
                                                                           multidão de cariocas na Pra-
                                                                           ça da Apoteose, em 8 de

Most important, it did help the kids since Mr Jack Johnson ended up
                                                                           abril. No dia seguinte, um
                                                                           domingo como hoje, o ‘an-
                                                                           tiastro’ conheceu os jovens

donating 10K to this social project & a NGO was created.
                                                                           alunos da escolinha de surfe
                                                                           que José Ricardo Ramos, o
                                                                           Bocão, mantém na Rocinha.
                                                                              O fotógrafo Pedro Montei-
                                                                           ro acompanhou — e fotogra-
                                                                           fou — toda a história. “A
                                                                           (ONG) Surfrider Founda-
                                                                           tion levou o Bocão para co-
                                                                           nhecer o JJ no dia do show e
                                                                           ele gostou do trabalho feito
                                                                           com a molecada de lá”, con-
                                                                           ta. “No dia seguinte, JJ con-
                                                                           vidou os garotos para conhe-
                                                                           cê-lo, lá no Copacabana Pala-
                                                                           ce.” No encontro, JJ aprovei-
                                                                           tou para dar seus ‘toques
                                                                           zen-surfistas’ aos pequenos

                                                                           filmado em duas
                                                                           favelas do Rio
                                                                           tem comovido
                                                                           público em
                                                                           Buenos Aires                       Garotada da escolinha de surfe da Rocinha fez faixa de agradecimento ao cantor. O havaiano doou R$ 10 mil ao projeto que cuida de 24 crianças

                                                                           aprendizes da Rocinha. “Ja-        vela’. Filmado há um ano e       só na Argentina, mas em to-              está globalizada. “Temos         da a preservar a pureza das           s CANTE COM JJ
                                                                           ck disse a eles que tudo em        meio na comunidade e no          do o mundo”, explica Nata-               problemas parecidos”, diz        crianças num ambiente que
                                                                           sua vida foi difícil e que ele     Morro do Cantagalo (Ipane-       lia Bacalini, uma das direto-            Natalia. Já a platéia argenti-   pode ser muito hostil”, con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d Em suas músicas, Jack
                                                                           sempre precisou correr mui-        ma), conta o dia a dia dos jo-   ras do documentário, ao la-              na, segundo ela, encantou-       ta ela. Em abril, Bocão viaja-
                                                                           to atrás do que sonhou. Era                                                                                                                                                        Johnson procura passar men-
                                                                                                              vens que escapam da margi-       do de Max Ezzaoui.                       se com o filme. “As favelas      rá para Cuba, num festival
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sagens de esperança, como
                                                                           essa a lição que ele gostaria      nalidade e da violência em          No Rio, em contato com                do Brasil são uma espécie de     onde o filme será exibido.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nos sucessos ‘Upside Down’
                                                                           de deixar para os garotos”,        cima de pranchas. “Somos         as favelas, os argentinos                mistério. E as pessoas vi-       Sua escolinha da paz ainda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              e ‘Better Together’
                                                                           lembra Pedro.                      interessados pelo social, não    comprovaram que a miséria                bram ao ver que o surfe aju-     vai rodar o mundo. f
                                                                              Após ter contato com o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              UPSIDE DOWN
                                                                           trabalho desenvolvido com
                                                                           as crianças da favela de São        INFÂNCIA NA FAVELA s EM BUSCA DE EQUILÍBRIO                                                                                                    Who's to say what's impossi-
                                                                           Conrado, o cantor doou US$                                                        SEVERINO SILVA/30.9.2005                                                        ISABELA KASSOW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Well they forgot this world
                                                                           10 mil para o projeto de Bo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              keeps spinning
                                                                           cão. O dinheiro beneficiou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              And with each new day I can
                                                                           os 24 alunos. Entre eles C.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              feel a change in everything
                                                                           de 9 anos, que em setembro
                                                                           do ano passado foi flagrado
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BETTER TOGETHER
                                                                           em foto de O DIA enquan-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Love is the answer
                                                                           to ‘brincava de guerra’ con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              At least for most of the ques-
                                                                           tra policiais, em cima de um
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tions in my heart ,
                                                                           carro blindado da Polícia Ci-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Like why are we here? And
                                                                           vil. O menino, que tinha sido
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              where do we go?
                                                                           apelidado por outros garo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              And how come it's so hard?
                                                                           tos de ‘Chefinho’, devido à
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              It's not always easy,
                                                                           sua postura de liderança ao
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              And sometimes life can be
                                                                           perambular pelas ruas da fa-
                                                                           vela esmolando, hoje prefe-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I'll tell you one thing, its
                                                                           re dropar ondas em São Con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              always better when we're to-
                                                                           rado, como O DIA noticiou
                                                                           há uma semana. E deve isso,
                                                                           indiretamente, a JJ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d Abaixo, traduções das
                                                                              Algum tempo depois de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              duas letras.
                                                                           conhecer o cantor, a garota-
                                                                           da da escolinha decidiu agra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              UPSIDE DOWN
                                                                           decer a generosidade e con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Quem vai dizer o que é im-
                                                                           feccionou uma faixa sim-
                                                                           ples, que foi parar nas pági-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bem, eles esqueceram que
                                                                           nas de uma publicação fran-        Chefinho foi flagrado em cima de carro blindado da polícia, mas, meses depois, é sobre prancha que se equilibra                                 o mundo continua girando
                                                                           cesa, com os dizeres “Obriga-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E a cada novo dia eu posso
                                                                           do, Jack!”. Mais bem estrutu-
                                                                           rada, a escolinha está partici-     CRIANÇA PASSOU A ESTUDAR E PRATICAR ESPORTE                                                                                                    sentir uma mudança
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              em tudo
                                                                           pando, neste fim de semana,
                                                                           da terceira e última etapa do
                                                                                                               d Há pouco mais de um           da comunidade, era sempre                reencontrou, ainda entre-           Hoje, C. está finalmente          BETTER TOGETHER
                                                                           Circuito Estadual, na Praia
                                                                                                               ano, o menino C. vivia sol-     seguido como um líder.                   gue à própria sorte nas          matriculado na classe de             O amor é a resposta
                                                                           da Barra da Tijuca, em fren-

                                                                                                               to pelas vielas da Rocinha,        Em setembro do ano pas-               ruas. Meses depois, Vania        alfabetização de uma esco-           Ao menos para maioria das
                                                                           te ao Hotel Sheraton. Filho
                                                                                                               dormia em caixotes, men-        sado, C. foi fotografado por             Maria Tavares, 50 anos,          la próxima. Ainda traumati-          perguntas no meu coração
                                                                           de Bocão, Ricardo da Silva
                                                                           Ramos, 12 anos, é o represen-       digava quentinhas aos           O DIA em cima de um                      mãe de dois filhos, avó de       zado pelos anos entregues            Como por que estamos
                                                                                                               PMs e brincava de ‘solda-       veículo blindado da Coorde-              dois netos, R$ 800 de orça-      à própria sorte, ele conti-          aqui? E onde nós vamos?
                                                                           tante do projeto na catego-
                                                                                                               do do tráfico’ durante as       nadoria de Recursos Espe-                mento, resolveu ajudar o ga-     nua desconfiado e arredio.           E por que é tão difícil?
                                                                           ria grommets.
                                                                                                               incursões policiais à fave-     ciais (Core) da Polícia Civil.           roto. Levou-o para casa e,       Mas quando sobe na pran-             Nem sempre é fácil, e às ve-
                                                                              Da Favela da Rocinha, a
                                                                                                               la. Não sabia ler nem escre-    Enquanto os policiais caça-              com o consentimento da           cha e encara o mar, recu-            zes a vida pode ser
                                                                           escolinha começa agora a ga-
                                                                                                               ver o nome, mas atendia         vam traficantes, o menino                mãe verdadeira, que tam-         pera parte de sua infância.          decepcionante.
                                                                           nhar fama internacional.
                                                                                                               prontamente ao apelido          se divertia fingindo atirar              bém mora na Rocinha mas          Sorri e volta a ser o que to-        Vou te dizer uma coisa, é
                                                                           Em outubro, estreou em
                                                                           Buenos Aires, na Argentina,         de ‘Chefinho’: nas brinca-      nos agentes. Em março des-               não tem condições de criá-       da criança deve ser: ape-            sempre melhor quando esta-
Latin American Youth is mostly in Third World Economic classification. Tomas
being Argentinian knows this from the inside perspective. Having lived and
worked in action sports/social related matters for the last 10 years, in more than 9
countries, he had the chance to convince Red Bull to be the first person in the
region to mix the concepts of social work with sports marketing activities.

    La Perla it´s the first & most
    violent neighborhood in Old
    San Juan City, Puerto Rico´s
    main Capital. In more than a
    hundred fifty years this place
    was kept separated from its
    really close neighbor, the
    more developed old San Juan,
    by fortified walls and plenty of
    policemen in the entrance of
    this small ghetto.

 Dana & Tomas's idea was simply to recycle the place in the neighborhood were
 people threw their garbage, where stolen cars were dismounted & drugs sold to
 kids into a…(cont. next page)
…a skate pool to act as a small swimming
& skate pool for the kids to enjoy & get   1
away a little bit from day to day life
struggle in the slum…


                                               3 loved it and quickly got into
skating. The two local skaters involved
taught them the basics and a
international demo was planned only for
the unpriviledged local kids, to teach
them what can be accomplished & done
if we all work together…
Tomas, Dana & Red Bull invited Sandro Dias, who understand
about unprivileged kids, for the surprise sk8 Demo for local kids.
Later on, this unusal place caused so much noise that top youth
brands like Quiksilver did part of his Int. sk8 ad campaign in our

                                                    ...MEDIA CONFIRMED THIS
                                                    WAS AN EVENT DONE
                                                    WOTH PASSION, OUTSIDE
                                                    THE MOLD, WHO TRULY
                                                    BROUGHT ATTENTION TO
                                                    A TROUBLED AREA &
                                                    OFFERED A CONCRETE
                                                    ALTERNATIVE TO KIDS.
…Once the Puerto Rico´s challenge was done as well, Tomas
aimed for a country stepped in time, CUBA.

                                  Havana, Cuba. 2004.
Cuba is, for better or worst, the most ostracized
country in the world. It was said that the long time
Trading Embargo with the USA & Europe will
never allow the development of the Action Sports
& its free spirit type of lifestyle…
Also it was told to me before visiting the island
that Fidel Castro's Sport Ministers will never allow
such an apparent “capitalistic” free spirit lifestyle
to be embraced by the Cuban youth…

                                The closest idea
                                of skating or
                                surfing in
                                Havana, right?...
Tomas Crowder convinced
Alberto Juantorenas, Cuban
Minister of Sport & Two Times
Olympic Gold Medal, to skate
(shown here in the photo) &
allowed him to develop a historic
3 years long Action Sport, Music
& Culture Program to be
developed for the Cuban Youth
through skate, surf, bmx, other
actions sports & music events…

               The Sport Minister in
               Cuba now skates!
               Historic first Skate Event
               ever in Havana, Cuba,
In Cuba you cannot advertise anywhere any event and we basically depended on word of
mouth between the local Youth for the success of the event and program…Passion and
willingness to learn about this truly free lifestyle made a huge event success. More than
3000 persons witnessed the start of another cuban revolution!

                                                   We also donated new boards…
The Action Sports program included the other faces of
the youth urban revolution: a series of Music & Graffiti
events in Cuba that served to expose the talent of the
local youth for the first time...

             Doble Filo + Os Gemeos Graffiti Project

                                                           First Hip Hop Free Style Battle

                     First Youth Music Festival

...More Music & Graffiti events
done/ co produced with our
partners in Cuba 2004/2008...
La Comuna Project - Carlos Varela

                            Audioslave in
Sting visit to Cuba         historic Havanna
                            concert                MUSIC ACADEMY CUBA

                                                                  Film festival
                                      Rock     Hip Hop      Electronic

                 Art + Cinema +
                 Music + Graffiti…
In the last 3 years of working in the Cuban skate program, many cool
stories did happened. One of the most relevant is about Marcel's mom
struggle. Marcel is an autistic kid who had never left his home and was
always medicated. But that changed when he once heard the construction
of a never before seen skate ramp in Cuba. He once pointed the ramp to
his mom, asked for a skate and started skating. In less than 8 months, he
was a completely changed kid and even won a medal in a skate
competition. In his mom´s words: The skate gave Marcel what no other
traditional medicine could give and helped positively transform his live.
We are incorporating this positive struggle in our documentary project to
inspire even more people...!

   Marcel and his mom      Marcel is a positive example of how much we can help the
                           kids through the skate/action sport lifestyle!
Ok. In any “regular” country, the skate project will
have keep growing and everyone lived together
happily ever after right?...
WRONG!. The only Mini ramp for Marcel and the rest of
the Cuban kids to practice (and get better) was
destroyed. A combination of a lack of knowledge in
how to deal with the ramp from authorities and the
power of the Katrina Hurricane broke the only ramp
available in Cuba in half!. The only foreign company
backing up my work changed his manager, who
backed full support to skate activities. Donated skates
got broken and things couldn’t look worse...
Also, someone inside the Government thought that I
was promoting a capitalistic activity…that this was
basically a Californian/US lifestyle activity prohibited &
should be erased from Cuba…AFTER SOME
WORLD AT THE TIME IN SHANGHA…After this visit,                    Meeting John Dai, President of the
                                                                  Shanghai Extreme Sports Association.
Cuban gov. understood better & I got permission
again to keep working for the skate & action sports
scene in Cuba!
    From L.t.R: Cuban Recreational Minister, Mr. Bonilla, Vice-
    Minister of Sports in China, Mr. Wu & Mr. Tomas Crowder,
    visiting Shanghai´s biggest world skatepark

                                                                      Cuban Minister in Shanghai, China.
IN A NUTSHELL: In 1959, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara commanded one of the world's most known revolutions
in Cuba. The Cuban Youth was then, for better or worse, ostracized for the last 5 decades of what was happening in
the outside world…On the 50th anniversary of this historic moment, our documentary will tell the unknown story of
another ongoing cuban revolution, which is also commanded by a person called Che, but this time the weapons
has been changed for skates & its urban culture: tattoo art, hip hop music and street art.

The Other Che Documentary is a groundbreaking project that already gathered international coverage. And its halfway its
completion and achivements. For the first time after 50 years of Revolution, we will have a priviledged, inside view of whats going
on in the streets of forbidden Cuba; as well as experiment firsthand how our action sports lifestyle is changing minds and uniting
apparent enemies. It´s no wonder this interest/coverage will be on the raise since we are simply doing what we love & understand,
making history being the first ones to brake the blockade and help cuban/us worldwide youth.

                                                                                      As seen in the RedBulletin, Red Bull´s Int. mag,
                                                                                      October 09, 6 pages coverage, 3.5 Millon Copies
                                                                                      Dist worldwide. First aumented reality action
                                                                                      sport mag. In the UK was distributed inside
                                                                                      “The Independent” Newspaper all over the
                                                                                      country as well as in more than 134 countries...


                              As seen in REDBULLSKATEBOARDING.COM internet site

Our ongoing Cuba/US Skate/youth film project
was elected to be premiered in the first
Redbulletin Ipad version, now starting to reach
millons of persons & sharing attention with the
likes of 50 Cent, Lady Gaga & other youth can download it @ below url:


                                                  JOIN US ON THE NEXT YOUTH REVOLUTION...
                                                  ALL THE SUPPORT IS NEEDED!, CONTACT US AT:


                                                                                                                        … THANKS FOR READING!
                                                                                                                                Tomas Crowder.

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Action Sports, Music & Youth Some Of The Groundbreaking Work Done Tomas Crowder

  • 1. ACTION SPORTS, MUSIC & ART AS A WAY TO HELP THE YOUTH WORLDWIDE Action Sports, Music & Art are changing & saving lives. Practicing the Action Sports lifestyle as well as expresing the music & art that emanates from this lifestyles can make a great difference in nowadays troubled Youth, be in the States, Cuba, China or anywhere else. Regardless your living environment or social position, kids/youngster who learn our action sports lifestyles are able to experience freedom from the day to day problems and regain self esteem, among many other cool benefits for body and mind. If action sports, music & art helped us in dealing with modern world problems and made a big difference for ourselves + our Youth, what are we all really giving back? Objective here is to share & show my social work towards this common mentioned direction, in many different countries to inspire kids/people on a worldwide level. Tomas Crowder, author of this presentation (and baldest guy in pic), in Havana, Cuba, with local and Puerto Rican skaters invited
  • 2. 08 D d GERAL DOMINGO, 3 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2006 G O DIA TEMA s ESPERANÇA Ao conhecer o projeto desenvolvido por um surfista com crianças da Rocinha, o cantor Jack Johnson, também adepto do esporte aquático, se apaixonou pela idéia. No dia seguinte ao show que fez no Rio, levou toda a garotada para uma tarde de BACKGROUND WORK OF TOMAS CROWDER: ‘bagunça’ em seu quarto no Copacabana Palace, hotel de luxo em que ficou hospedado. E também fez doação de US$ 10 mil “SURFING FAVELA” DOCUMENTARY PROJECT (2006) PROJETO DA ROCINHA s AJUDA QUE VEM DE LONGE “Surfing Favela” is a documentary shot inside the biggest Favela (slum in Portuguese) in Latin America, during a war between drug- ONDA DE SOLIDARIEDADE dealing lords. It helped change the way people see the surfing lifestyle Além de receber carinho e dinheiro de cantor havaiano, pequenos surfistas da favela e seu instrutor, Bocão, viraram tema de filme argentino rodado no Rio. Neste fim de semana, atleta da escolinha vai disputar campeonato. POR RICARDO CALAZANS & showed the other side of surfing & how it can save lives + help those E FPEDRO MONTEIRO/SURFRIDER.ORG.BR m sua passagem pe- lo Rio de Janeiro, o in needs. It was premiered in Sundance/X-Dance Film Festival, bought cantor e surfista ha- vaiano Jack Johnson fez mais do que cantar suas mú- by Nat Geo INT & won many film festivals... sicas tranqüilas para uma multidão de cariocas na Pra- ça da Apoteose, em 8 de Most important, it did help the kids since Mr Jack Johnson ended up abril. No dia seguinte, um domingo como hoje, o ‘an- tiastro’ conheceu os jovens donating 10K to this social project & a NGO was created. alunos da escolinha de surfe que José Ricardo Ramos, o Bocão, mantém na Rocinha. O fotógrafo Pedro Montei- ro acompanhou — e fotogra- fou — toda a história. “A (ONG) Surfrider Founda- tion levou o Bocão para co- nhecer o JJ no dia do show e ele gostou do trabalho feito com a molecada de lá”, con- ta. “No dia seguinte, JJ con- vidou os garotos para conhe- cê-lo, lá no Copacabana Pala- ce.” No encontro, JJ aprovei- tou para dar seus ‘toques zen-surfistas’ aos pequenos Documentário filmado em duas favelas do Rio tem comovido público em Buenos Aires Garotada da escolinha de surfe da Rocinha fez faixa de agradecimento ao cantor. O havaiano doou R$ 10 mil ao projeto que cuida de 24 crianças aprendizes da Rocinha. “Ja- vela’. Filmado há um ano e só na Argentina, mas em to- está globalizada. “Temos da a preservar a pureza das s CANTE COM JJ ck disse a eles que tudo em meio na comunidade e no do o mundo”, explica Nata- problemas parecidos”, diz crianças num ambiente que sua vida foi difícil e que ele Morro do Cantagalo (Ipane- lia Bacalini, uma das direto- Natalia. Já a platéia argenti- pode ser muito hostil”, con- d Em suas músicas, Jack sempre precisou correr mui- ma), conta o dia a dia dos jo- ras do documentário, ao la- na, segundo ela, encantou- ta ela. Em abril, Bocão viaja- to atrás do que sonhou. Era Johnson procura passar men- vens que escapam da margi- do de Max Ezzaoui. se com o filme. “As favelas rá para Cuba, num festival sagens de esperança, como essa a lição que ele gostaria nalidade e da violência em No Rio, em contato com do Brasil são uma espécie de onde o filme será exibido. nos sucessos ‘Upside Down’ de deixar para os garotos”, cima de pranchas. “Somos as favelas, os argentinos mistério. E as pessoas vi- Sua escolinha da paz ainda e ‘Better Together’ . lembra Pedro. interessados pelo social, não comprovaram que a miséria bram ao ver que o surfe aju- vai rodar o mundo. f Após ter contato com o UPSIDE DOWN trabalho desenvolvido com as crianças da favela de São INFÂNCIA NA FAVELA s EM BUSCA DE EQUILÍBRIO Who's to say what's impossi- ble? Conrado, o cantor doou US$ SEVERINO SILVA/30.9.2005 ISABELA KASSOW Well they forgot this world 10 mil para o projeto de Bo- keeps spinning cão. O dinheiro beneficiou And with each new day I can os 24 alunos. Entre eles C., feel a change in everything de 9 anos, que em setembro do ano passado foi flagrado BETTER TOGETHER em foto de O DIA enquan- Love is the answer to ‘brincava de guerra’ con- At least for most of the ques- tra policiais, em cima de um tions in my heart , carro blindado da Polícia Ci- Like why are we here? And vil. O menino, que tinha sido where do we go? apelidado por outros garo- And how come it's so hard? tos de ‘Chefinho’, devido à It's not always easy, sua postura de liderança ao And sometimes life can be perambular pelas ruas da fa- deceiving, vela esmolando, hoje prefe- I'll tell you one thing, its re dropar ondas em São Con- always better when we're to- rado, como O DIA noticiou gether há uma semana. E deve isso, indiretamente, a JJ. d Abaixo, traduções das Algum tempo depois de duas letras. conhecer o cantor, a garota- da da escolinha decidiu agra- UPSIDE DOWN decer a generosidade e con- Quem vai dizer o que é im- feccionou uma faixa sim- possível? ples, que foi parar nas pági- Bem, eles esqueceram que nas de uma publicação fran- Chefinho foi flagrado em cima de carro blindado da polícia, mas, meses depois, é sobre prancha que se equilibra o mundo continua girando cesa, com os dizeres “Obriga- E a cada novo dia eu posso do, Jack!”. Mais bem estrutu- rada, a escolinha está partici- CRIANÇA PASSOU A ESTUDAR E PRATICAR ESPORTE sentir uma mudança em tudo pando, neste fim de semana, da terceira e última etapa do d Há pouco mais de um da comunidade, era sempre reencontrou, ainda entre- Hoje, C. está finalmente BETTER TOGETHER Circuito Estadual, na Praia ano, o menino C. vivia sol- seguido como um líder. gue à própria sorte nas matriculado na classe de O amor é a resposta da Barra da Tijuca, em fren- 2 to pelas vielas da Rocinha, Em setembro do ano pas- ruas. Meses depois, Vania alfabetização de uma esco- Ao menos para maioria das te ao Hotel Sheraton. Filho dormia em caixotes, men- sado, C. foi fotografado por Maria Tavares, 50 anos, la próxima. Ainda traumati- perguntas no meu coração de Bocão, Ricardo da Silva Ramos, 12 anos, é o represen- digava quentinhas aos O DIA em cima de um mãe de dois filhos, avó de zado pelos anos entregues Como por que estamos PMs e brincava de ‘solda- veículo blindado da Coorde- dois netos, R$ 800 de orça- à própria sorte, ele conti- aqui? E onde nós vamos? tante do projeto na catego- do do tráfico’ durante as nadoria de Recursos Espe- mento, resolveu ajudar o ga- nua desconfiado e arredio. E por que é tão difícil? ria grommets. incursões policiais à fave- ciais (Core) da Polícia Civil. roto. Levou-o para casa e, Mas quando sobe na pran- Nem sempre é fácil, e às ve- Da Favela da Rocinha, a la. Não sabia ler nem escre- Enquanto os policiais caça- com o consentimento da cha e encara o mar, recu- zes a vida pode ser escolinha começa agora a ga- ver o nome, mas atendia vam traficantes, o menino mãe verdadeira, que tam- pera parte de sua infância. decepcionante. nhar fama internacional. prontamente ao apelido se divertia fingindo atirar bém mora na Rocinha mas Sorri e volta a ser o que to- Vou te dizer uma coisa, é Em outubro, estreou em Buenos Aires, na Argentina, de ‘Chefinho’: nas brinca- nos agentes. Em março des- não tem condições de criá- da criança deve ser: ape- sempre melhor quando esta-
  • 3. CASE STUDY 2: LA PERLA SKATE/SOCIAL PROJECT - PUERTO RICO LA PERLA, PUERTO RICO`S OLDEST SLUM & Tomas Crowder. Latin American Youth is mostly in Third World Economic classification. Tomas being Argentinian knows this from the inside perspective. Having lived and worked in action sports/social related matters for the last 10 years, in more than 9 countries, he had the chance to convince Red Bull to be the first person in the region to mix the concepts of social work with sports marketing activities. La Perla it´s the first & most violent neighborhood in Old San Juan City, Puerto Rico´s main Capital. In more than a hundred fifty years this place was kept separated from its really close neighbor, the more developed old San Juan, by fortified walls and plenty of policemen in the entrance of this small ghetto. Dana & Tomas's idea was simply to recycle the place in the neighborhood were people threw their garbage, where stolen cars were dismounted & drugs sold to kids into a…(cont. next page)
  • 4. …a skate pool to act as a small swimming & skate pool for the kids to enjoy & get 1 away a little bit from day to day life struggle in the slum… 2 3
  • 5. loved it and quickly got into skating. The two local skaters involved taught them the basics and a international demo was planned only for the unpriviledged local kids, to teach them what can be accomplished & done if we all work together…
  • 6. Tomas, Dana & Red Bull invited Sandro Dias, who understand about unprivileged kids, for the surprise sk8 Demo for local kids. Later on, this unusal place caused so much noise that top youth brands like Quiksilver did part of his Int. sk8 ad campaign in our bowl
  • 8. …Once the Puerto Rico´s challenge was done as well, Tomas aimed for a country stepped in time, CUBA. Havana, Cuba. 2004.
  • 9. Cuba is, for better or worst, the most ostracized country in the world. It was said that the long time Trading Embargo with the USA & Europe will never allow the development of the Action Sports & its free spirit type of lifestyle… Also it was told to me before visiting the island that Fidel Castro's Sport Ministers will never allow such an apparent “capitalistic” free spirit lifestyle to be embraced by the Cuban youth… The closest idea of skating or surfing in Havana, right?...
  • 10. ...WRONG! Tomas Crowder convinced Alberto Juantorenas, Cuban Minister of Sport & Two Times Olympic Gold Medal, to skate (shown here in the photo) & allowed him to develop a historic 3 years long Action Sport, Music & Culture Program to be developed for the Cuban Youth through skate, surf, bmx, other actions sports & music events… The Sport Minister in Cuba now skates! Historic first Skate Event ever in Havana, Cuba, 2004.
  • 11. In Cuba you cannot advertise anywhere any event and we basically depended on word of mouth between the local Youth for the success of the event and program…Passion and willingness to learn about this truly free lifestyle made a huge event success. More than 3000 persons witnessed the start of another cuban revolution! We also donated new boards…
  • 12. The Action Sports program included the other faces of the youth urban revolution: a series of Music & Graffiti events in Cuba that served to expose the talent of the local youth for the first time... Doble Filo + Os Gemeos Graffiti Project First Hip Hop Free Style Battle First Youth Music Festival 12
  • 13. ...More Music & Graffiti events done/ co produced with our partners in Cuba 2004/2008... La Comuna Project - Carlos Varela Audioslave in Sting visit to Cuba historic Havanna concert MUSIC ACADEMY CUBA Film festival Rock Hip Hop Electronic Art + Cinema + Music + Graffiti…
  • 14. In the last 3 years of working in the Cuban skate program, many cool stories did happened. One of the most relevant is about Marcel's mom struggle. Marcel is an autistic kid who had never left his home and was always medicated. But that changed when he once heard the construction of a never before seen skate ramp in Cuba. He once pointed the ramp to his mom, asked for a skate and started skating. In less than 8 months, he was a completely changed kid and even won a medal in a skate competition. In his mom´s words: The skate gave Marcel what no other traditional medicine could give and helped positively transform his live. We are incorporating this positive struggle in our documentary project to inspire even more people...! Marcel and his mom Marcel is a positive example of how much we can help the kids through the skate/action sport lifestyle!
  • 15. Ok. In any “regular” country, the skate project will have keep growing and everyone lived together happily ever after right?... WRONG!. The only Mini ramp for Marcel and the rest of the Cuban kids to practice (and get better) was destroyed. A combination of a lack of knowledge in how to deal with the ramp from authorities and the power of the Katrina Hurricane broke the only ramp available in Cuba in half!. The only foreign company backing up my work changed his manager, who backed full support to skate activities. Donated skates got broken and things couldn’t look worse... Also, someone inside the Government thought that I was promoting a capitalistic activity…that this was basically a Californian/US lifestyle activity prohibited & should be erased from Cuba…AFTER SOME THINKING, MY ANSWER TO THEM WAS TO…
  • 16. …TAKE THE RECREATIONAL SPORT MINISTER TO ANOTHER FORMER COMMUNIST COUNTRY LIKE CHINA (!), GET HIM IN A MEETING WITH CHINA`S VICE MINISTER OF SPORT + SHANGAI´S ACTION SPORTS ASSOCIATION . THEY THEN EXPLAINED THE CUBAN MINISTER WHY THEY INVESTED BIG TIME IN THE FUTURE OF YOUTH THROUGH THE MAKING OF THE BIGGEST SKATEPARK IN THE WORLD AT THE TIME IN SHANGHA…After this visit, Meeting John Dai, President of the Shanghai Extreme Sports Association. Cuban gov. understood better & I got permission again to keep working for the skate & action sports scene in Cuba! From L.t.R: Cuban Recreational Minister, Mr. Bonilla, Vice- Minister of Sports in China, Mr. Wu & Mr. Tomas Crowder, visiting Shanghai´s biggest world skatepark Cuban Minister in Shanghai, China.
  • 17. WITH THE RENOVATED VISION AFTER TAKING CUBAN MINISTER TO CHINA I STARTED “THE OTHER CHE” SKATE DOCUMENTARY PROJECT (BEING FILMED) IN A NUTSHELL: In 1959, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara commanded one of the world's most known revolutions in Cuba. The Cuban Youth was then, for better or worse, ostracized for the last 5 decades of what was happening in the outside world…On the 50th anniversary of this historic moment, our documentary will tell the unknown story of another ongoing cuban revolution, which is also commanded by a person called Che, but this time the weapons has been changed for skates & its urban culture: tattoo art, hip hop music and street art. SCENE SHOT TAKEN FROM THE CUBAN REVOLUTION SQUARE PARADE
  • 18. MEDIA COVERAGE - PRESENT TIME The Other Che Documentary is a groundbreaking project that already gathered international coverage. And its halfway its completion and achivements. For the first time after 50 years of Revolution, we will have a priviledged, inside view of whats going on in the streets of forbidden Cuba; as well as experiment firsthand how our action sports lifestyle is changing minds and uniting apparent enemies. It´s no wonder this interest/coverage will be on the raise since we are simply doing what we love & understand, making history being the first ones to brake the blockade and help cuban/us worldwide youth. As seen in the RedBulletin, Red Bull´s Int. mag, October 09, 6 pages coverage, 3.5 Millon Copies Dist worldwide. First aumented reality action sport mag. In the UK was distributed inside “The Independent” Newspaper all over the country as well as in more than 134 countries... 18
  • 21. Our ongoing Cuba/US Skate/youth film project was elected to be premiered in the first Redbulletin Ipad version, now starting to reach millons of persons & sharing attention with the likes of 50 Cent, Lady Gaga & other youth can download it @ below url:  h#p://­‐Bulle?n-­‐iPad/001242991025466 21
  • 22. REGARDLESS USA, LATIN AMERICA, CHINA OR CUBA, ACTION SPORTS LIFESTYLE IS THE FUTURE & BRING KIDS TOGETHER! JOIN US ON THE NEXT YOUTH REVOLUTION... ALL THE SUPPORT IS NEEDED!, CONTACT US AT: INFO@WUWEIFILMS.COM … THANKS FOR READING! Tomas Crowder. To  Chang,  Morris,  Dapena,  Reinier,  Ruggiero,  Boly  &  the  rest  of  the  amazing   photographers  that  are  collaborating  &  I´m  surely  forgetting,  many  thanks!