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Grab a cup and take time out to
take account of what is going on…
timeClimate Change
It was agreed that the theme of this newsletter would be Global Warming
and Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility in general. Mind
you, given the weather in the UK over the last few weeks and months,
“warming” is not a word that comes to mind!
It is difficult to know what we can do to prevent global warming at our micro
level, when certain countries are belching out so much pollution that makes
ours pale into insignificance. However, I suppose it is a matter of “little steps”.
I don’t know what our carbon footprint is, but I suppose I could find out. We
could then agree on a plan to counterbalance this. Plant a tree perhaps. We
could also check out our suppliers. Do we buy only from carbon responsible
suppliers? But I simply don’t have the time.
But then again, we do employ an apprentice. The Level 3 Accounting Standards
include the following learning outcomes – “Research and analyse information
and identify solutions based on facts”; “Contribute ideas and alternative ways of
working”; “Embrace more challenging tasks in addition to normal workload to
meet personal and organisational development objectives”, Level 4 includes –
“Be able to work with peers and assist colleagues in creative thinking”; “Be able
to demonstrate an awareness and understanding of social and environmental
Dale……have you got a moment please….
Notes from the Directors
An alternative option for...	2
Making More of Me!	
Profit and Loss Account
Balance Sheet
On the Recruitment Front	 5
News from ALHQ
The Cat’s Clause	 6
Small Talk
Staff Spotlight
The Rumour Room
ICAEW News	 7
Crossword Answers
The SWAT Column
How did that word… • E:
Southernhay Lodge, Barnfield Crescent, Exeter EX1 1QT T: 01392 311930 @AccountancyL AccountancyLearning
We do not inherit the earth from our
ancestors, we borrow it from our children
Native American Proverb
You will not solve global climate change by
hitting the delete button. Tom Brokaw
The Earth is a fine place and worth
fighting for. Ernest Hemingway
AAT News and Updates	 3
Business Focus 	
Did You Know...	 4
Notes to the Accounts
Employer Spotlight	8
Simon’s Cryptic Crossword
Ask Us
Notes from the Directors
An Alternative Option for Recruitment
Making More of Me!
Atomic Habits by James Clear
James Clear is an author and speaker focused on habits,
decision-making, and continuous improvement. His work has appeared in the
New York Times, Entrepreneur, Time, and on CBS This Morning. His website
receives millions of visitors each month and hundreds of thousands subscribe
to his popular email newsletter at
A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day. People think when you want
to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear
has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect
of hundreds of small decisions – doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or
holding a single short phone call. He calls them atomic habits.
In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow
into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art
of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the
Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why
they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs,
and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive,
motivated and happy. These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your
career, your relationships, and your life.
I’m sure we’re not the only ones
to have let a good habit slip by
allowing other stuff to get in the
way… This book is packed full of
practical, sensible and simple
ways to help keep up the good
habits (and banish some of the
bad ones!) It’s a must!
“imployable” is a new career management and sup-
port app that is FREE to download. It has been devel-
oped by a couple of ex Royal Marines to help support
individuals into meaningful employment and provide
guidance on all aspects that may affect their journey.
A business can sign up at for free
and can post jobs and apprenticeships straight onto
the app within a couple of minutes. However, each job
post will cost £5.00 per job for the foreseeable future.
The app allows businesses to set their own parameters
to ensure that they only get sent the details of those
candidates that meet their specific recruitment criteria
– thus saving time sifting through applications that are
unsuitable or where the applicant is clearly not quali-
fied for the role.
Training providers are also able to post details of their
courses and training opportunities onto the app and
we will probably be doing this ourselves. As well as be-
ing of interest to prospective apprentices, we have a
large number of distance learning students looking to
move careers and get into accountancy/bookkeeping
and this will be a valuable resource for them. The de-
velopers have been through the mill themselves and
wanted to come up with a viable and cost effective al-
ternative to sites such as “Indeed”.
You can find more details at and
you can download the app from the App Store and
Google Play via the link at the foot of their homepage
Many of our clients are wary of using recruitment agents for junior staff because of the potential level
of fees payable. For apprentice vacancies most will advertise on their own website or “put the word out”
locally. We also support many by advertising on the government’s “Find an Apprenticeship” website and
also on our own website.
Recently, we stumbled across another option.
Apprenticeships – setting the Standard
We once again attended the AAT Training Provider Conference
in May in force as it is key that the whole team keep up-to-
date with the developments at AAT. It is also an opportunity to
network with other providers and share best practice and also
to influence the AAT itself. It is important for providers like us
to let them know at an early stage if what they are planning is
not going to work.
We were delighted to be shortlisted as Apprenticeship Training
Provider of the Year and to win the Distance Learning Training
Provider of the Year Award. This is the 3rd year running that we
have been an Award winner.
However, as soon as the applause dies down and the ink on
the Award certificate dries, we have to continue the process of
continual improvement. We are on an escalator going the wrong
way. Standing still takes us backwards. We want to win an Award
next year. We want to get a Grade 1 at our next Ofsted inspection
– and be assessed as Outstanding in all we do. We wouldn’t get it
yet though. In a way, being Outstanding is not a destination, it is a
As part of that journey we are required to achieve or be “working
towards” Matrix Accreditation. This is all about the quality of the
Information, Advice and Guidance provided both before enrolment
and also during training.
The quote from the Matrix website is “The Matrix Standard is a
unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure
their advice and support services, which ultimately supports
individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals”
and that “Benefits of achieving the Standard include improved
services, greater customer focus, greater focus on outcomes and
improvements to staff competency”
Earlier in the year Ros submitted an application (it is not short!) for
Matrix Accreditation for both our Apprenticeship delivery and our
Distance Learning delivery. Our assessment visit took place over
two days in June, at the end of which we were advised that we were
successful for both Apprenticeships and Distance Learning. Yippee
and well done Ros and well done team – because IAG is delivered
by all of them. Now…..back to work everyone!
“If you want something done, ask a busy person”
Louise Putt works for Bishop Fleming in Exeter and has
recently progressed to her Level 4 Apprenticeship with
Outside of work, she is a keen sports person and currently plays
netball in division one at the University League with her team
Thorverton Stone. She also plays for the team in the Crediton
League, and with them won the winter league and completed the
season undefeated. She used to compete in one day eventing
but now just rides for pleasure. Recently she completed the Bath
Half Marathon.
She has been volunteering with young enterprise since
September 2018 as a business advisor and has recently been
asked by the area manager to join the Young Enterprise board
from September. In addition she has attended TEDx Exeter for
the past two years as a representative for BF and is
volunteering at work to help with the Exeter Business Games.
She has been a buddy to several new members of staff and
this year gave a talk to six different groups of people at an
open day at the office for school leavers and graduates. She
has recently travelled to London to help the AAT make new
study support videos and do some photos for new marketing
In her spare time (?!?) she helps on the family beef and
sheep farm. She spent the last year as Secretary for her local
Young Farmers Club and won the “Best Chairman Award” at
the national final in Safford, also winning the Intermediate
Brainstrust at the SW Area round.
Oh yes – and she studies!
She achieved a Distinction in her
AAT Level 3 Advanced Diploma
in Accounting as well as her
With So Much Noise, How Do You Get Heard?
With TV, newspapers, radio and social media – not to mention newsletters like this, it’s not easy to make sure our message is
getting through all the noise. But in business we need to make sure we’re heard. Accountants need to communicate important
information effectively, such as the latest HMRC regulations.
When it comes to climate change, over the last few month’s there’s one person we keep hearing about. In April, Greta
Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist inspired tens of thousands of children to take a day off school in protest
over the climate catastrophe. She’s already met Pope Francis and addressed the European Parliament as well as the
United Nations.
Create a Headline
In previous articles I’ve mentioned the importance of using a hook to get people’s attention. When Greta met senior
politicians at Westminster she opened her speech with this attention-grabbing headline: “Around the year 2030, ten years, two hundred and fifty-two
days, and ten hours away from now, we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead
to the end of our civilization as we know it.”
She finished to a standing ovation and several senior politicians appearing chastened. So, when beginning a letter, email, memo or newsletter,
we need to start with something that really gets the reader’s attention.
Keep it Simple
There is a wonderful simplicity to Greta’s arguments that make them hard to refute. She asked:
“What’s the point of pupils like her learning anything if politicians ignored the glaring facts on climate change?”
She then sat down outside the Swedish parliament with a hand-painted banner declaring a school strike. Within months, she’s become a global
icon for the green movement. We should all consider what we can do to make our message as simple as possible.
Relate to your Audience
The impact of Greta’s message comes not only from her regard for the facts, but her ability to relate her argument to the moment and her
audience. The day after the devastating fire at Notre Dame, she told the European Parliament:
“Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking, we must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling.”
We should always be thinking about the person or business we’re communicating with. Is the message relevant and relatable to them and using
a language they’ll understand?
If you want to be heard above the noise, think about Greta Thunberg and create attention grabbing headlines - then keep the message simple
and relatable to your audience.
Did you know...
We’re all know about the primary impact of climate change, however, here are a few
examples of more far-reaching impacts:
•	 Grolars, Blinxes and Coywolves A while back the Grolar made headlines
as the first grizzly-polar bear lovechild. Since then, we now have Coywolves
(coyote-wolf) and Blinxes (bobcat-lynx). Offspring of these mixed species are
being brought together by climate change and encroaching development.
•	 High Speed Space Junk: Our increasing CO2 levels means that we’re
releasing more heat into the atmosphere which causes all that spinning space
junk to gain speed. Ultimately, this could result in more collisions, which could
in turn interrupt phone and TV services!
•	 Migrating Clouds: Covering about 70% of the earth at any given time,
clouds are on the move due to global warming say some scientists. Clouds are
gradually leaving the middle latitudes (where most humans live) and migrating
towards the poles. More hotter days and colder nights on the cards…
•	 Bye, Bye Bramble Cay: These adorable long-tailed, whiskered Bramble Cay
melomys (looks like a type of mouse) became extinct in 2017 - considered
the only mammal endemic to the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers blame its
demise due to rising sea levels which wiped out their homes.
Tax Return…
A few weeks after Bernie died, his sister, Susie, intercepted
a letter sent to him by HMRC. It was a request for a tax
return. Susie took the letter to her accountant who, after
asking a few questions, suggested she reply as follows and
pp the letter ‘from Bernie (deceased)’:
“One of the advantages of having died is that there is no
tax in heaven. It’s a beautiful place. When I was alive I
paid tax through the PAYE system and had not had any
direct dealings with the taxman for many years. I can’t
say I’m that fussed about the outstanding return as I had
no unearned income and left very little in the way of an
inheritance for my sole living relative, my sister. Also, such
matters seem so mundane since my recent demise. I might
add that I have not yet met anyone from HMRC up here!”
Alastair has over 25 years’ experience as a speaker and TV Presenter. As a communications expert he delivers a range
of keynote speeches as well as leading insightful, interactive and inspiring workshops in confident communication.
More information available at
You can find a review for anything online nowadays. Movies,
cars and you, yes you! As an employer. Websites like Glassdoor.
com allow current and former former employees to post reviews and other telling
information about their employment for all to see.
This is great if you have a raft of gushing reviews. But what if the reviews are not glowing? It’s good practice to
respond to negative reviews, rather than leaving a vacuum. So assign someone to do this. Consider who your
response is addressing – it will probably be current and future employees rather than the person who posted
the review.
If you really have got a culture problem, the feedback may be useful in helping you address it. If this is the case,
you can say so in your response. Just remember, such reviews are a “thing” now – so they should be considered
in your recruitment strategy.
Clocking Change
Traditionally, only hourly paid staff clock in and out to ensure they are at work for their required hours and paid
correctly. Going forwards, you may be forced to log absolutely everybody’s working hours to ensure employees
don’t work too many hours.
This comes after a ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ). A Spanish trade union had taken Deutsche
Bank to court. They argued that the Working Time Directive meant Deutsche Bank should be recording working
hours to demonstrate that staff did not work more time than the weekly limits prescribed in the directive.
The ECJ agreed and said that in the absence of such records it was too difficult, if not impossible, for workers to
ensure their rights were respected. This interpretation puts an obligation on member states, which at present
includes the UK, to enact a requirement to record all actual hours worked in national law. We’ll keep you updated
on any law changes that ensue.
HR Dept – Somerset
Tel: 0845 634 9164
Cranmer House, 38 Priory
Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1YA
HR Dept – Exeter
Tel: 01392 349560
Basepoint Business Centre
Yeoford Way, Marsh Barton
Exeter EX2 8LB
We are delighted to announce that tutor Kate Wellings has given
birth prematurely to twin girls - all are doing well. Additionally,
Shannon Dodd is just about to go on maternity leave and Jenna
Mayne has just returned from maternity leave! To cope with all
these ‘comings and goings’, we are very pleased to welcome Ashley
Pocock and Jade Hunt to the AL tutor team:
•	 Ashley Pocock CFA ACA
AAT Tutor
Working with SMEs through to multinational
PLCs, Ashley has had an international
career spanning the UK, US, Switzerland
and Australia. Most recently, he has been
providing consultancy services and private
accounting tuition.
•	 Jade Hunt MAAT
AAT Tutor
Jade has worked across many areas of the
finance function, most recently, she was
employed as Group Finance Manager within
the construction industry and the role
included travelling in Europe to train staff.
We WON!!!
We were absolutely thrilled to have won:
•	 Distance Learning Training Provider of the Year
at this year’s AAT Training Provider Conference in May. A
HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us achieve this
prestigious award. We always strive to improve on what
has gone before, so we will truly welcome any feedback
you have to help us better our provision even further.
ACA Training
As our Apprenticeship team now comprises 4 ACAs (Simon,
Ros, Sally and Ashley), we are keen to promote our ACA
programme, and the Level 7 Apprenticeship from this
September. We will continue to use Trevor, Carolyn and Alan
but now have a bigger team to assist on general tutor support,
especially at the Certificate Stage and on the Apprenticeship
aspects and if there is a demand to double up sessions, so
students can complete the programme quicker.
If you have any questions or would like a support visit, do
please ask!
How about these as a few solutions to global
Ocean Tubes: British scientists James Lovelock and Chris Rapley
have proposed putting thousands of giant plastic tubes in the
ocean, which would use wave motion and a one-way valve to push
deep water through the tubes to the surface, bringing up essential
nutrients to stimulate blooms of tiny marine plants. The resulting
plankton blooms would help draw carbon dioxide from the air and
also emit a chemical called dimethyl sulfide, which stimulates the
formation of sun-reflecting clouds.
Carbon Sequestration: Another option is taking carbon dioxide
straight out of the air and storing it. The ‘air capture’ devices were
conceived by Columbia University researcher Klaus Lackner and
Global Research Technologies LLC. Sometimes referred to as
mechanical trees for their carbon-capturing function, these devices
would (unlike trees) be able to work day and night to release the
captured CO2 on demand.
Vertical Farming: Food production is one of the main reasons for
deforestation. Dr. Dickson Despommier of Columbia University
developed a concept that would save trees and energy. Vertical
farms/multiple-story green-houses, produce food right within in
the city and cut energy usage; a green roof saves energy in winter
because you don’t have heat escaping from the building, and also
in summer because it traps cool air inside.
Adopt instead of shop
Gregory Okin (a professor from UCLA) has been crunching some
numbers and it turns out that our furry friends might be having a
bigger impact on global warming than we thought.
He suggests that cats and dogs in the USA produce the equivalent of 64
million tons of carbon dioxide each year (based on the amount of meat
Americans choose to feed their pets). With Americans owning roughly
78 million dogs and 85.8 million cats, that amounts to approximately 5.1
million tonnes of waste (the equivalent of 90 million American humans!)
A further issue is that about 2 million puppies are bred and sold by
puppy farms each year – as so many dogs and cats end up in shelters
where they are unloved and eventually put down, an adopt rather than
shop would certainly reduce the demand…
I joined Accountancy Learning in May 2017, having recently
completed a Social Media and Business Marketing apprenticeship.
Since then my knowledge has increased massively (although I don’t
think I would pass as an accountant?!) I love the work/projects that
I undertake here at ALHQ, in particular, being creative with video
content. AL have such a fantastic team, it’s hard not to love your
Likes: I love to sing and express myself through music. I used
to be in a band called Slowly Sinking Ships for over 3 years and
we actually hit the big time when we were offered a record label!
Unfortunately, some of the band members decided they couldn’t
pursue it due to other commitments. However, my partner Steven
(guitarist) and I decided not to give up and are now in a new band.
We can’t wait to release some new original music. Watch this
Dislikes: I really do not like arrogant people, in my eyes everyone
is equal (no matter what your job title or who you ‘hang around
with’). Oh, and of course Adobe ‘support’ (please don’t ask unless
you want me to rant?)
Most embarrassing moment:
Just before we went on stage at one of
our big gigs, I quickly nipped to the loo.
As I went back on stage, I saw my partner
laughing at me – turns out I had loo roll
stuck on my shoe (with the UV lights it was
kind of obvious), luckily I made a joke of it,
which everyone found amusing!!
I have to confess that we have 7 feline
friends at home, although to be fair, 3
of them were adopted following a house
fire, including Damon and Becs pictured
here snuggled up together.
At the ICAEW South West AGM in May, Sophie Parkhouse
was elected as President for the coming year. Her
theme for the year is “The Future SW Professional”.
“It is something which I am passionate about and live
day in, day out, in my role as Technical and Training
Partner at Albert Goodman, where I focus heavily
on the training of our people, the efficiencies of our
processes and the changes that technology is bringing.
I am keen to provide opportunities for members to
collaborate and support one another in recognising the
benefits of this technology, as well as the risks.”
(Last Issue)
ACROSS: 1. Tort 2. Allowance 4. Income Tax
6. Estoppel 7. Dividends 10. Benefits In Kind
11. De Minimis 13. Libor 14. Capital Gains
15. Ad Velorem Tax 16. VAT
17. Close Company 18. Capital Expenditure
DOWN: 1. Trustee 3. Abatement
5. Personal Allowance 8. Inheritance Tax
9. Indirect Tax 12. Fiscal Year
No winners this time, although even Simon
admitted this was a bit of a tricky one!
See page 8 for this quarter’s crossword.
Greenhouse: The Roman emperor Tiberius ate a cucumber-like vegetable daily. The Roman gardeners used artificial methods (similar to the
greenhouse system) of growing the vegetable so that Tiberius could have it available for his table every day of the year. The French botanist
Charles Lucien Bonaparte is often credited with building the first practical modern greenhouse in Leiden, Holland, during the 1800s to grow
medicinal tropical plants.
The Costs of Social Responsibility
Social and environmental factors are becoming mainstream
topics of conversation and many of us are concerned about the
environment impact of business activities.
This in turn has led to an increase in regulation that companies
need to deal with. Compliance can be costly as can non-
compliance. Therefore, in their accounts, companies need to
consider if they should be recognising any costs related to their
activities and assets.
Decommissioning costs
FRS 102 states that a fixed asset should include any estimated
future costs of dismantling and removing the asset, and restoring
the site on which it is located. These costs are commonly known
as ‘decommissioning costs’.
Decommissioning costs are often thought of in relation to large-
scale operations, such as when an oil rig, mine or nuclear power
station reaches the end of its useful economic life. However, there
is an increasing expectation that even smaller-scale assets such as
factories and equipment should be disposed of properly, and the
related costs can be significant.
It is not uncommon for former petrol stations to be redeveloped
for housing, office premises or supermarkets.
The consequent costs will include the decommissioning,
excavation and disposal of underground tanks, and remediation
of contaminated soils and groundwater.
Once the present value of the decommissioning costs has
been calculated using an appropriate discount rate, and added
to the cost of the asset, the asset is depreciated in the normal
way (including the portion relating to decommissioning). The
corresponding discounted provision is progressively unwound
over the life of the asset.
Laws and regulations, and Provisions
Companies should also continue to monitor their compliance with
various laws and regulations surrounding their operations. Note
that costs required to ensure the business is compliant can only
be provided for once there is an obligating event before the year
end – e.g. a formal decision by the directors to implement the
If directors choose not to implement any changes, then companies
should consider if there could be fines or penalties that should be
included at the year-end as liabilities.
Environment issues will continue to grow in their impact on
companies and where this impacts on accounts, companies
should be ready to deal with them appropriately.
David Norris BA FCA
Training Director, SWAT UK Ltd
0845 450555
How did that word come about?
Sophie Parkhouse
Clues ‘Climate Change!’
1. Current thinking is that global warming could cause the UK to get 	
colder if it alters this Atlantic feature.
4. The developers of this alternative energy technology obviously saw 	
the light!
6. “Hey man - the world is not as cool as it was in the 60’s”.
8. Your inside tomato plants might be responsible for this.
9. This headwear would make you colder not hotter!
10. According to this report we must meet the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs
11. If you don’t get exhausted driving this car, you might get partly
confused at least.
13. The makers of this energy were all at sea!
14. Get on your bike – again! It’s good for the environment
16. Is this basin a platform for female fighters?
17. If you cannot avoid producing waste try to do this to it.
18. You could blow hot or cold about this source of energy.
2. Strengthen your skill to achieve this continuity in the workplace.
3. The UN have designated September 16th as the “International
Day for the Preservation” of this.
5. This form of energy should have gone out with the dinosaurs.
7. Mend it by doubling up – again.
12. You call that an energy source????? What a gas!
14. When you have finished with something you could do this instead 	
of throwing it away.
15. The makers of Quickbooks might become snow dwellers if they 	
don’t have some tea.
Email your solution to by 12th
August 2019. There’s a bottle of Champagne for the first correct
solution Winner and the solution in the next issue.
Anything AAT or ACA, ask us!
One of the main constraints to supplying electricity to outlying
villages is the national grid which currently serves only the main
centres of population and will be expensive to strengthen and
extend. In these countries the sun shines at high intensity for at least
nine hours every day even in the rainy seasons. Using solar panels
with storage batteries and inverters means that we can supply 240
volt AC electricity to households, shops and bars, which are not, and
are unlikely to be, connected to the national grid. In addition, new
commercial enterprises which need AC power can be started.
Those communities now receiving power through the Arc Power systems
no longer need to use kerosene lamps (which produce unhealthy fumes)
or candles to provide light when it gets dark. As a result, children can
do their homework using electric light. Mobile phones can be charged
at home rather than at the nearest town probably at least four miles
away thus saving time in not having to walk or cycle that distance two
or three times a week. In the longer term, some households will be
able to buy fridges and other domestic appliances. Some local bars
will undoubtedly have televisions. UK Premier League football has a
large following and the ability to watch matches locally rather than in the
nearest town will save time and widen the audience to UK programmes.
Arc Power is planning to commission 500 sustainable installations over
the next four years in Rwanda thus supplying over 10,000 households
and around 50,000 people. However, even realising this plan will only
scratch the surface of the need for power in Rwandan rural communities.
John Ashley: CFO – Arc Power (UK) Limited
In countries like Rwanda, in sub-Saharan Africa, where
darkness falls at around 6.00pm throughout the year,
the absence of electricity in local communities severely
inhibits development.
Arc Power (UK) Limited
Providing sustainable power in Rwanda –
and helping children do their homework!

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Accountancy Learning Summer Newsletter

  • 1. QUOTES OF THE QUARTER “ SUMMER2019 PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Grab a cup and take time out to take account of what is going on… timeClimate Change It was agreed that the theme of this newsletter would be Global Warming and Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility in general. Mind you, given the weather in the UK over the last few weeks and months, “warming” is not a word that comes to mind! It is difficult to know what we can do to prevent global warming at our micro level, when certain countries are belching out so much pollution that makes ours pale into insignificance. However, I suppose it is a matter of “little steps”. I don’t know what our carbon footprint is, but I suppose I could find out. We could then agree on a plan to counterbalance this. Plant a tree perhaps. We could also check out our suppliers. Do we buy only from carbon responsible suppliers? But I simply don’t have the time. But then again, we do employ an apprentice. The Level 3 Accounting Standards include the following learning outcomes – “Research and analyse information and identify solutions based on facts”; “Contribute ideas and alternative ways of working”; “Embrace more challenging tasks in addition to normal workload to meet personal and organisational development objectives”, Level 4 includes – “Be able to work with peers and assist colleagues in creative thinking”; “Be able to demonstrate an awareness and understanding of social and environmental responsibility”. Dale……have you got a moment please…. Notes from the Directors An alternative option for... 2 Making More of Me! Profit and Loss Account Balance Sheet On the Recruitment Front 5 News from ALHQ The Cat’s Clause 6 Small Talk Staff Spotlight The Rumour Room ICAEW News 7 Crossword Answers The SWAT Column How did that word… • E: Southernhay Lodge, Barnfield Crescent, Exeter EX1 1QT T: 01392 311930 @AccountancyL AccountancyLearning We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children Native American Proverb You will not solve global climate change by hitting the delete button. Tom Brokaw The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for. Ernest Hemingway AAT News and Updates 3 Business Focus Did You Know... 4 Notes to the Accounts Employer Spotlight 8 Simon’s Cryptic Crossword Ask Us
  • 2. 2 Notes from the Directors An Alternative Option for Recruitment Making More of Me! Atomic Habits by James Clear James Clear is an author and speaker focused on habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Entrepreneur, Time, and on CBS This Morning. His website receives millions of visitors each month and hundreds of thousands subscribe to his popular email newsletter at A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day. People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions – doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call. He calls them atomic habits. In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive, motivated and happy. These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, and your life. I’m sure we’re not the only ones to have let a good habit slip by allowing other stuff to get in the way… This book is packed full of practical, sensible and simple ways to help keep up the good habits (and banish some of the bad ones!) It’s a must! “imployable” is a new career management and sup- port app that is FREE to download. It has been devel- oped by a couple of ex Royal Marines to help support individuals into meaningful employment and provide guidance on all aspects that may affect their journey. A business can sign up at for free and can post jobs and apprenticeships straight onto the app within a couple of minutes. However, each job post will cost £5.00 per job for the foreseeable future. The app allows businesses to set their own parameters to ensure that they only get sent the details of those candidates that meet their specific recruitment criteria – thus saving time sifting through applications that are unsuitable or where the applicant is clearly not quali- fied for the role. Training providers are also able to post details of their courses and training opportunities onto the app and we will probably be doing this ourselves. As well as be- ing of interest to prospective apprentices, we have a large number of distance learning students looking to move careers and get into accountancy/bookkeeping and this will be a valuable resource for them. The de- velopers have been through the mill themselves and wanted to come up with a viable and cost effective al- ternative to sites such as “Indeed”. You can find more details at and you can download the app from the App Store and Google Play via the link at the foot of their homepage Many of our clients are wary of using recruitment agents for junior staff because of the potential level of fees payable. For apprentice vacancies most will advertise on their own website or “put the word out” locally. We also support many by advertising on the government’s “Find an Apprenticeship” website and also on our own website. Recently, we stumbled across another option.
  • 3. 3 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT AAT NEWS AND UPDATES Apprenticeships – setting the Standard We once again attended the AAT Training Provider Conference in May in force as it is key that the whole team keep up-to- date with the developments at AAT. It is also an opportunity to network with other providers and share best practice and also to influence the AAT itself. It is important for providers like us to let them know at an early stage if what they are planning is not going to work. We were delighted to be shortlisted as Apprenticeship Training Provider of the Year and to win the Distance Learning Training Provider of the Year Award. This is the 3rd year running that we have been an Award winner. However, as soon as the applause dies down and the ink on the Award certificate dries, we have to continue the process of continual improvement. We are on an escalator going the wrong way. Standing still takes us backwards. We want to win an Award next year. We want to get a Grade 1 at our next Ofsted inspection – and be assessed as Outstanding in all we do. We wouldn’t get it yet though. In a way, being Outstanding is not a destination, it is a journey. As part of that journey we are required to achieve or be “working towards” Matrix Accreditation. This is all about the quality of the Information, Advice and Guidance provided both before enrolment and also during training. The quote from the Matrix website is “The Matrix Standard is a unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals” and that “Benefits of achieving the Standard include improved services, greater customer focus, greater focus on outcomes and improvements to staff competency” Earlier in the year Ros submitted an application (it is not short!) for Matrix Accreditation for both our Apprenticeship delivery and our Distance Learning delivery. Our assessment visit took place over two days in June, at the end of which we were advised that we were successful for both Apprenticeships and Distance Learning. Yippee and well done Ros and well done team – because IAG is delivered by all of them. Now…..back to work everyone! STUDENT SPOTLIGHT ...on LOUISE PUTT “If you want something done, ask a busy person” Louise Putt works for Bishop Fleming in Exeter and has recently progressed to her Level 4 Apprenticeship with us. Outside of work, she is a keen sports person and currently plays netball in division one at the University League with her team Thorverton Stone. She also plays for the team in the Crediton League, and with them won the winter league and completed the season undefeated. She used to compete in one day eventing but now just rides for pleasure. Recently she completed the Bath Half Marathon. She has been volunteering with young enterprise since September 2018 as a business advisor and has recently been asked by the area manager to join the Young Enterprise board from September. In addition she has attended TEDx Exeter for the past two years as a representative for BF and is volunteering at work to help with the Exeter Business Games. She has been a buddy to several new members of staff and this year gave a talk to six different groups of people at an open day at the office for school leavers and graduates. She has recently travelled to London to help the AAT make new study support videos and do some photos for new marketing material. In her spare time (?!?) she helps on the family beef and sheep farm. She spent the last year as Secretary for her local Young Farmers Club and won the “Best Chairman Award” at the national final in Safford, also winning the Intermediate Brainstrust at the SW Area round. Oh yes – and she studies! She achieved a Distinction in her AAT Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting as well as her Apprenticeship.
  • 4. 4 With So Much Noise, How Do You Get Heard? With TV, newspapers, radio and social media – not to mention newsletters like this, it’s not easy to make sure our message is getting through all the noise. But in business we need to make sure we’re heard. Accountants need to communicate important information effectively, such as the latest HMRC regulations. When it comes to climate change, over the last few month’s there’s one person we keep hearing about. In April, Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist inspired tens of thousands of children to take a day off school in protest over the climate catastrophe. She’s already met Pope Francis and addressed the European Parliament as well as the United Nations. Create a Headline In previous articles I’ve mentioned the importance of using a hook to get people’s attention. When Greta met senior politicians at Westminster she opened her speech with this attention-grabbing headline: “Around the year 2030, ten years, two hundred and fifty-two days, and ten hours away from now, we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.” She finished to a standing ovation and several senior politicians appearing chastened. So, when beginning a letter, email, memo or newsletter, we need to start with something that really gets the reader’s attention. Keep it Simple There is a wonderful simplicity to Greta’s arguments that make them hard to refute. She asked: “What’s the point of pupils like her learning anything if politicians ignored the glaring facts on climate change?” She then sat down outside the Swedish parliament with a hand-painted banner declaring a school strike. Within months, she’s become a global icon for the green movement. We should all consider what we can do to make our message as simple as possible. Relate to your Audience The impact of Greta’s message comes not only from her regard for the facts, but her ability to relate her argument to the moment and her audience. The day after the devastating fire at Notre Dame, she told the European Parliament: “Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking, we must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling.” We should always be thinking about the person or business we’re communicating with. Is the message relevant and relatable to them and using a language they’ll understand? If you want to be heard above the noise, think about Greta Thunberg and create attention grabbing headlines - then keep the message simple and relatable to your audience. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Did you know... We’re all know about the primary impact of climate change, however, here are a few examples of more far-reaching impacts: • Grolars, Blinxes and Coywolves A while back the Grolar made headlines as the first grizzly-polar bear lovechild. Since then, we now have Coywolves (coyote-wolf) and Blinxes (bobcat-lynx). Offspring of these mixed species are being brought together by climate change and encroaching development. • High Speed Space Junk: Our increasing CO2 levels means that we’re releasing more heat into the atmosphere which causes all that spinning space junk to gain speed. Ultimately, this could result in more collisions, which could in turn interrupt phone and TV services! • Migrating Clouds: Covering about 70% of the earth at any given time, clouds are on the move due to global warming say some scientists. Clouds are gradually leaving the middle latitudes (where most humans live) and migrating towards the poles. More hotter days and colder nights on the cards… • Bye, Bye Bramble Cay: These adorable long-tailed, whiskered Bramble Cay melomys (looks like a type of mouse) became extinct in 2017 - considered the only mammal endemic to the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers blame its demise due to rising sea levels which wiped out their homes. JOKE OF THE QUARTER Tax Return… A few weeks after Bernie died, his sister, Susie, intercepted a letter sent to him by HMRC. It was a request for a tax return. Susie took the letter to her accountant who, after asking a few questions, suggested she reply as follows and pp the letter ‘from Bernie (deceased)’: “One of the advantages of having died is that there is no tax in heaven. It’s a beautiful place. When I was alive I paid tax through the PAYE system and had not had any direct dealings with the taxman for many years. I can’t say I’m that fussed about the outstanding return as I had no unearned income and left very little in the way of an inheritance for my sole living relative, my sister. Also, such matters seem so mundane since my recent demise. I might add that I have not yet met anyone from HMRC up here!” Alastair has over 25 years’ experience as a speaker and TV Presenter. As a communications expert he delivers a range of keynote speeches as well as leading insightful, interactive and inspiring workshops in confident communication. More information available at BUSINESS FOCUS
  • 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR STAFF SAY ABOUT YOU ONLINE? You can find a review for anything online nowadays. Movies, cars and you, yes you! As an employer. Websites like Glassdoor. com allow current and former former employees to post reviews and other telling information about their employment for all to see. This is great if you have a raft of gushing reviews. But what if the reviews are not glowing? It’s good practice to respond to negative reviews, rather than leaving a vacuum. So assign someone to do this. Consider who your response is addressing – it will probably be current and future employees rather than the person who posted the review. If you really have got a culture problem, the feedback may be useful in helping you address it. If this is the case, you can say so in your response. Just remember, such reviews are a “thing” now – so they should be considered in your recruitment strategy. Clocking Change Traditionally, only hourly paid staff clock in and out to ensure they are at work for their required hours and paid correctly. Going forwards, you may be forced to log absolutely everybody’s working hours to ensure employees don’t work too many hours. This comes after a ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ). A Spanish trade union had taken Deutsche Bank to court. They argued that the Working Time Directive meant Deutsche Bank should be recording working hours to demonstrate that staff did not work more time than the weekly limits prescribed in the directive. The ECJ agreed and said that in the absence of such records it was too difficult, if not impossible, for workers to ensure their rights were respected. This interpretation puts an obligation on member states, which at present includes the UK, to enact a requirement to record all actual hours worked in national law. We’ll keep you updated on any law changes that ensue. 5 BALANCE SHEET HR Dept – Somerset Tel: 0845 634 9164 E-mail: Cranmer House, 38 Priory Avenue Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1YA HR Dept – Exeter Tel: 01392 349560 E-mail: Basepoint Business Centre Yeoford Way, Marsh Barton Exeter EX2 8LB NEWS FROM ALHQ We are delighted to announce that tutor Kate Wellings has given birth prematurely to twin girls - all are doing well. Additionally, Shannon Dodd is just about to go on maternity leave and Jenna Mayne has just returned from maternity leave! To cope with all these ‘comings and goings’, we are very pleased to welcome Ashley Pocock and Jade Hunt to the AL tutor team: • Ashley Pocock CFA ACA AAT Tutor Working with SMEs through to multinational PLCs, Ashley has had an international career spanning the UK, US, Switzerland and Australia. Most recently, he has been providing consultancy services and private accounting tuition. • Jade Hunt MAAT AAT Tutor Jade has worked across many areas of the finance function, most recently, she was employed as Group Finance Manager within the construction industry and the role included travelling in Europe to train staff. We WON!!! We were absolutely thrilled to have won: • Distance Learning Training Provider of the Year at this year’s AAT Training Provider Conference in May. A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us achieve this prestigious award. We always strive to improve on what has gone before, so we will truly welcome any feedback you have to help us better our provision even further. Jade Ashley
  • 6. 6 BALANCE SHEET THE RUMOUR ROOM… ACA Training As our Apprenticeship team now comprises 4 ACAs (Simon, Ros, Sally and Ashley), we are keen to promote our ACA programme, and the Level 7 Apprenticeship from this September. We will continue to use Trevor, Carolyn and Alan but now have a bigger team to assist on general tutor support, especially at the Certificate Stage and on the Apprenticeship aspects and if there is a demand to double up sessions, so students can complete the programme quicker. If you have any questions or would like a support visit, do please ask! How about these as a few solutions to global warming…? Ocean Tubes: British scientists James Lovelock and Chris Rapley have proposed putting thousands of giant plastic tubes in the ocean, which would use wave motion and a one-way valve to push deep water through the tubes to the surface, bringing up essential nutrients to stimulate blooms of tiny marine plants. The resulting plankton blooms would help draw carbon dioxide from the air and also emit a chemical called dimethyl sulfide, which stimulates the formation of sun-reflecting clouds. Carbon Sequestration: Another option is taking carbon dioxide straight out of the air and storing it. The ‘air capture’ devices were conceived by Columbia University researcher Klaus Lackner and Global Research Technologies LLC. Sometimes referred to as mechanical trees for their carbon-capturing function, these devices would (unlike trees) be able to work day and night to release the captured CO2 on demand. Vertical Farming: Food production is one of the main reasons for deforestation. Dr. Dickson Despommier of Columbia University developed a concept that would save trees and energy. Vertical farms/multiple-story green-houses, produce food right within in the city and cut energy usage; a green roof saves energy in winter because you don’t have heat escaping from the building, and also in summer because it traps cool air inside. Adopt instead of shop Gregory Okin (a professor from UCLA) has been crunching some numbers and it turns out that our furry friends might be having a bigger impact on global warming than we thought. He suggests that cats and dogs in the USA produce the equivalent of 64 million tons of carbon dioxide each year (based on the amount of meat Americans choose to feed their pets). With Americans owning roughly 78 million dogs and 85.8 million cats, that amounts to approximately 5.1 million tonnes of waste (the equivalent of 90 million American humans!) A further issue is that about 2 million puppies are bred and sold by puppy farms each year – as so many dogs and cats end up in shelters where they are unloved and eventually put down, an adopt rather than shop would certainly reduce the demand… THE CAT’S CLAUSE STAFF SPOTLIGHT ... on AMBER SUGDEN I joined Accountancy Learning in May 2017, having recently completed a Social Media and Business Marketing apprenticeship. Since then my knowledge has increased massively (although I don’t think I would pass as an accountant?!) I love the work/projects that I undertake here at ALHQ, in particular, being creative with video content. AL have such a fantastic team, it’s hard not to love your job! Likes: I love to sing and express myself through music. I used to be in a band called Slowly Sinking Ships for over 3 years and we actually hit the big time when we were offered a record label! Unfortunately, some of the band members decided they couldn’t pursue it due to other commitments. However, my partner Steven (guitarist) and I decided not to give up and are now in a new band. We can’t wait to release some new original music. Watch this space! Dislikes: I really do not like arrogant people, in my eyes everyone is equal (no matter what your job title or who you ‘hang around with’). Oh, and of course Adobe ‘support’ (please don’t ask unless you want me to rant?) Most embarrassing moment: Just before we went on stage at one of our big gigs, I quickly nipped to the loo. As I went back on stage, I saw my partner laughing at me – turns out I had loo roll stuck on my shoe (with the UV lights it was kind of obvious), luckily I made a joke of it, which everyone found amusing!! SMALL TALK I have to confess that we have 7 feline friends at home, although to be fair, 3 of them were adopted following a house fire, including Damon and Becs pictured here snuggled up together.
  • 7. 7 BALANCE SHEET ICAEW News At the ICAEW South West AGM in May, Sophie Parkhouse was elected as President for the coming year. Her theme for the year is “The Future SW Professional”. “It is something which I am passionate about and live day in, day out, in my role as Technical and Training Partner at Albert Goodman, where I focus heavily on the training of our people, the efficiencies of our processes and the changes that technology is bringing. I am keen to provide opportunities for members to collaborate and support one another in recognising the benefits of this technology, as well as the risks.” CROSSWORD ANSWERS (Last Issue) ACROSS: 1. Tort 2. Allowance 4. Income Tax 6. Estoppel 7. Dividends 10. Benefits In Kind 11. De Minimis 13. Libor 14. Capital Gains 15. Ad Velorem Tax 16. VAT 17. Close Company 18. Capital Expenditure DOWN: 1. Trustee 3. Abatement 5. Personal Allowance 8. Inheritance Tax 9. Indirect Tax 12. Fiscal Year No winners this time, although even Simon admitted this was a bit of a tricky one! See page 8 for this quarter’s crossword. Greenhouse: The Roman emperor Tiberius ate a cucumber-like vegetable daily. The Roman gardeners used artificial methods (similar to the greenhouse system) of growing the vegetable so that Tiberius could have it available for his table every day of the year. The French botanist Charles Lucien Bonaparte is often credited with building the first practical modern greenhouse in Leiden, Holland, during the 1800s to grow medicinal tropical plants. THE SWAT COLUMN The Costs of Social Responsibility Introduction Social and environmental factors are becoming mainstream topics of conversation and many of us are concerned about the environment impact of business activities. This in turn has led to an increase in regulation that companies need to deal with. Compliance can be costly as can non- compliance. Therefore, in their accounts, companies need to consider if they should be recognising any costs related to their activities and assets. Decommissioning costs FRS 102 states that a fixed asset should include any estimated future costs of dismantling and removing the asset, and restoring the site on which it is located. These costs are commonly known as ‘decommissioning costs’. Decommissioning costs are often thought of in relation to large- scale operations, such as when an oil rig, mine or nuclear power station reaches the end of its useful economic life. However, there is an increasing expectation that even smaller-scale assets such as factories and equipment should be disposed of properly, and the related costs can be significant. It is not uncommon for former petrol stations to be redeveloped for housing, office premises or supermarkets. The consequent costs will include the decommissioning, excavation and disposal of underground tanks, and remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater. Once the present value of the decommissioning costs has been calculated using an appropriate discount rate, and added to the cost of the asset, the asset is depreciated in the normal way (including the portion relating to decommissioning). The corresponding discounted provision is progressively unwound over the life of the asset. Laws and regulations, and Provisions Companies should also continue to monitor their compliance with various laws and regulations surrounding their operations. Note that costs required to ensure the business is compliant can only be provided for once there is an obligating event before the year end – e.g. a formal decision by the directors to implement the changes. If directors choose not to implement any changes, then companies should consider if there could be fines or penalties that should be included at the year-end as liabilities. Conclusion Environment issues will continue to grow in their impact on companies and where this impacts on accounts, companies should be ready to deal with them appropriately. David Norris BA FCA Training Director, SWAT UK Ltd 0845 450555 How did that word come about? Sophie Parkhouse
  • 8. 8 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS Clues ‘Climate Change!’ Across: 1. Current thinking is that global warming could cause the UK to get colder if it alters this Atlantic feature. 4. The developers of this alternative energy technology obviously saw the light! 6. “Hey man - the world is not as cool as it was in the 60’s”. 8. Your inside tomato plants might be responsible for this. 9. This headwear would make you colder not hotter! 10. According to this report we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs 11. If you don’t get exhausted driving this car, you might get partly confused at least. 13. The makers of this energy were all at sea! 14. Get on your bike – again! It’s good for the environment 16. Is this basin a platform for female fighters? 17. If you cannot avoid producing waste try to do this to it. 18. You could blow hot or cold about this source of energy. Down: 2. Strengthen your skill to achieve this continuity in the workplace. 3. The UN have designated September 16th as the “International Day for the Preservation” of this. 5. This form of energy should have gone out with the dinosaurs. 7. Mend it by doubling up – again. 12. You call that an energy source????? What a gas! 14. When you have finished with something you could do this instead of throwing it away. 15. The makers of Quickbooks might become snow dwellers if they don’t have some tea. Email your solution to by 12th August 2019. There’s a bottle of Champagne for the first correct solution Winner and the solution in the next issue. Anything AAT or ACA, ask us! ASK US… One of the main constraints to supplying electricity to outlying villages is the national grid which currently serves only the main centres of population and will be expensive to strengthen and extend. In these countries the sun shines at high intensity for at least nine hours every day even in the rainy seasons. Using solar panels with storage batteries and inverters means that we can supply 240 volt AC electricity to households, shops and bars, which are not, and are unlikely to be, connected to the national grid. In addition, new commercial enterprises which need AC power can be started. Those communities now receiving power through the Arc Power systems no longer need to use kerosene lamps (which produce unhealthy fumes) or candles to provide light when it gets dark. As a result, children can do their homework using electric light. Mobile phones can be charged at home rather than at the nearest town probably at least four miles away thus saving time in not having to walk or cycle that distance two or three times a week. In the longer term, some households will be able to buy fridges and other domestic appliances. Some local bars will undoubtedly have televisions. UK Premier League football has a large following and the ability to watch matches locally rather than in the nearest town will save time and widen the audience to UK programmes. Arc Power is planning to commission 500 sustainable installations over the next four years in Rwanda thus supplying over 10,000 households and around 50,000 people. However, even realising this plan will only scratch the surface of the need for power in Rwandan rural communities. John Ashley: CFO – Arc Power (UK) Limited EMPLOYER SPOTLIGHT In countries like Rwanda, in sub-Saharan Africa, where darkness falls at around 6.00pm throughout the year, the absence of electricity in local communities severely inhibits development. Arc Power (UK) Limited Providing sustainable power in Rwanda – and helping children do their homework!