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                             ISBN-13: 978-0-582-77962-4
                               ISBN-10: 0-582-77962-6                                               Introduction                              iv
               First published in Great Britain by Victor Gollancz 1998                             Chapter 1      A Man and a Boy             1
                 This edition first published by Penguin Books 2003
                                                                                                    Chapter 2      SPAT                        6
                                        7 9 10 8
                                                                                                    Chapter 3      The Dead Duck Day          15
                       Original copyright © Nick Hornby 1998
                        Text copyright © Penguin Books 2003                                         Chapter 4      Marcus's Plan              20
                                                                                                    Chapter 5      New Trainers               27
                        Typeset by Ferdinand Pageworks, Surrey
                                 Set in ll/14pt Bembo                                               Chapter 6      Ellie                      34
                                    Printed in China
                                       SWTC/07                                                      Chapter 7      Christmas at Fiona's       41
                                                                                                    Chapter 8      Falling in Love            45
            All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
               in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,                   Chapter 9      Depressions                50
            electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
                           prior written permission of the Publishers.                              Chapter 10 A Trip to Cambridge            56
                                                                                                    Chapter 11 Growing Up                     63
             Published by Pearson Education Limited in association with
         Penguin Books Ltd, both companies being subsidiaries of Pearson Plc                        Activities                                71

For a complete list of titles available in the Penguin Readers series, please write to your local
         Pearson Education office or to: Penguin Readers Marketing Department,
              Pearson Education, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE.
                                                                                           Chapter 1       A M a n and a B o y
They were all staring so hard at the scene of the crime that they didn't
notice the park-keeper standing next to them. Marcus felt very frightened.   Will Freeman was thirty-six years old and he had never had a job
He would be in big trouble now.                                              in his life. Sometimes he thought about working. He looked
   'One of your ducks has died,' said Will. He made it sound like the        through the job advertisements in newspapers and wrote
saddest thing he'd ever seen. Marcus looked up at him. Maybe Will            occasional letters to employers, but he was never invited to
wasn 't such a bad guy.                                                      interviews.
                                                                                He didn't mind. He was OK as he was. He was a cool guy
About a Boy is the story of the growing relationship between                 with a cool lifestyle. He read quite a lot; he saw films in the
Marcus, a twelve-year-old boy, and Will, a 36-year-old man. Marcus           afternoons; he went running; he cooked nice meals for himself
is having problems at home and at school. Will wants a life without          and his friends. When he got bored, he went to Rome or New
responsibilities; he isn't interested in children, marriage or work.         York or Barcelona for a few days.
But Will is interested in attractive single mothers, and he invents a
                                                                                Will didn't need to work for money because in 1938 his father
two-year-old son so that he can join a single parents' group. When
                                                                             had written a very successful Christmas song. Many famous
he meets Marcus and his mother, his life begins to change.
                                                                             singers had made recordings of this song, and each time Will's
   About a Boy is very funny and enjoyable, but it also has a much           father had received royalties. Since his death the royalties had
more serious side.                                                           come to Will.
The writer, Nick Hornby, was born in 1957 and grew up in                        So Will had become rich without having to work at all. He
north London. He studied English at Cambridge University, then               was happy with his life. He lived in a nice flat in London and
worked for the Korean company Samsung. Later, he worked as a                 drove a fast car. He liked women and had lots of girlfriends, but
teacher and journalist before starting to write fiction.                     he never got too involved with them. He preferred to look at
   Nick Hornby has written four books: Fever Pitch (1992); High              other people's lives from the outside, like watching TV. If a
Fidelity (1995); About a Boy (1998) and How to be Good (2001).               relationship with a woman became complicated, he ended it. He
The stories all take place in north London, and are mainly about             wanted to keep his life simple.
relationships. The first three books have been made into                        In the evenings Will usually went out with friends. These
successful films. In About a Boy, the popular British actor Hugh             were guys who worked in music shops or belonged to the same
Grant plays the character of Will. The end of the story was                  sports clubs as Will, or who were part of the same pub-quiz
changed for the film. Which ending do you prefer?                            team. They weren't close friends - but they were good enough
                                                                             for a drink or a meal.
                                                                                The evenings were fine, but Will had a lot of free time during
                                                                             the day because all his friends were at work. So he filled the time

                                   IV                                                                         1
bath, tidying his flat, going to the shops, watching Countdown.              'I'm fine, thanks.'
Countdown was an afternoon TV quiz show and it was his favourite             'Don't you want your own family?'
programme. Sometimes he wondered how his friends had time to                 I can't think of anything worse, thought Will. 'Not yet,' he
work. How could a person work and have a bath on the same day?            said.
   Will didn't like children. He wasn't interested in them, and he           We're worried about you,' said Christine.
didn't want any responsibility for them. But his friends, John and           'I'm OK as I am, thanks,' said Will.
Christine, had two. The second was a baby girl, born just the                'Maybe,' said Christine, and smiled.
week before, and Will had been invited to see her.                           Will was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. Why did they
   When he arrived at John and Christine's flat, there were               want him to have children? Children would make him very
children's toys everywhere. Pieces of brightly coloured plastic           unhappy. If John and Christine wanted children, and to be
were spread all over the floor, videos lay out of their cases near        unhappy, that was fine. (Will was sure that John and Christine
the TV, a white cloth over the sofa was covered with dirty brown          were very unhappy, even if they didn't realize it.) But why should
marks . . . How could people live like this?                              they want him to be unhappy too?
   Christine came in holding the new baby while John was in                  Will could see only one reason for having children. When you
the kitchen making tea. 'This is Imogen,' she said.                       were old and poor, then they could look after you. But Will had
   'Oh,' said Will. 'Right.' He paused. What did people usually           plenty of money, so he didn't need toys on the floor or dirty
say about babies? 'She's . . . ' he began, but stopped again. It was no   sofas.
good. He decided to ask Christine about herself instead. 'How                John and Christine used to be OK, he thought. Will and a
are you, Chris?' he asked.                                                girlfriend had gone out to nightclubs with them once or twice a
   'Well, you know. I'm rather tired.'                                    week, and they had all had a lot of fun. But since John and
   Why? A lot of parties?'                                                Christine had had children, everything had changed. Will didn't
   'No. I've just had a baby.'                                            want to meet Imogen, or hear how Barney was. He didn't want
   'Oh. Right.'                                                           to hear about Christine's tiredness. He decided not to visit them
   John came into the room, carrying three cups of tea. 'Barney's         again.
gone to his grandmother's today,' he said, for no reason that Will            'We were wondering,' said John, 'whether you'd like to be
could understand.                                                         Imogen's godfather?' The two of them looked at Will, smiling
   'How's Barney?' Barney was two, and interesting only to his            and waiting for his reply.
parents, but Will knew he should ask John something.                         Will laughed nervously. 'Godfather?' he said. 'You mean . . .
   'He's fine, thanks,' said John. 'He's still getting used to Imogen,    church and things? Birthday presents? If you two are killed in an
but he's lovely'                                                          air crash, I'll have to look after her?'
   Will had met Barney before and knew that he wasn't lovely,                 'Yes.'
but he decided not to say anything.                                           'You're joking, aren't you?'

                                  2                                                                       3
you're a very serious and responsible person.'                         More happened, and that was a good thing.
   'Oh, no,' said Will quickly. 'No, I'm not. I'm really a very           But now Marcus was very worried about his mum. She had
shallow kind of person. Thank you very much for asking me, but         started crying a lot in London - much more than in Cambridge.
I can't think of anything worse.'                                      He didn't know why she cried. He wondered if it was about
   He didn't stay much longer.                                         boyfriends. Marcus didn't mind if his mum had a boyfriend. She
                                                                       was pretty, he thought, and nice, and funny sometimes. He
                                                                       wanted his mum to meet someone who would make her happy.
 Not far away, in the Holloway area of London, a twelve-year-old          He couldn't help his mum with her problems, and she
boy called Marcus was lying in bed, unable to sleep. He was            couldn't help him with his other big problem - school. His first
worrying about his mum and his new school.                             day at his new London school had been a disaster.
    Marcus's mum was called Fiona, and she and Marcus had only            Marcus knew that he was different from most other kids of his
been in London for a few weeks. They had moved there on the            age. He wasn't right for schools. Not big secondary schools like
first day of the summer holidays because Fiona had got a new           the one in London. His school in Cambridge hadn't been so bad.
job. Before moving to London, they had lived in Cambridge,             The children there were younger, and there were lots of weird
where Marcus's father, Clive, still lived. Fiona and Clive had         kids there, so Marcus hadn't felt uncomfortable.
separated four years ago.                                                 It was OK not to be right for some things, he thought. He
    Marcus thought London was quite boring. He and Fiona               knew that he wasn't right for parties because he was very shy.
hadn't done much in the holidays. They'd been to see Home              That wasn't a problem because he didn't have to go to parties.
Alone 2, which wasn't as good as Home Alone 1. They'd been to          But he had to go to school.
have a look at his new school, which was big and horrible. And            Marcus couldn't talk to his mum about his problems at school,
they'd had lots of talks about London and the changes in their         because she couldn't help. She couldn't move him to another
lives. But really they were sitting around waiting for their           school. Even if she did move him, it wouldn't make any
London lives to begin.                                                 difference. He'd still be himself, and that, it seemed to Marcus,
    Marcus had had two kinds of life. The first, which had ended       was his real problem. The other kids laughed at him because he
when he was eight, was the normal, boring kind, with school and        was weird. They laughed because he had the wrong trousers, the
holidays and homework and weekend visits to grandparents. The          wrong shoes and the wrong haircut.
second kind was more confused because there were more people              Marcus knew that he was weird partly because his mum was
and places in it: his mother's boyfriends and his dad's girlfriends;   weird. She was always telling him that clothes and hair weren't
flats and houses; Cambridge and London. It was surprising how          important. She didn't want him to watch 'rubbish' TV or listen to
many things had changed when Fiona and Clive's relationship            'rubbish' music or play 'rubbish' computer games. All the other
ended.                                                                 kids spent their time doing these things, but Marcus had to argue
  But Marcus didn't mind. Sometimes, he thought, he even               with his mother for hours and he usually lost. She could explain

                                 4                                                                     5
Bob Marley and Joni Mitchell. And why it was more important             and a lot of men didn't like other people's children.
to read books than to play on the Gameboy that his dad had                  Will wanted to push the table over and run out of the
given him.                                                              restaurant, but Angie was a very beautiful woman.
   He was quite happy at home, listening to Joni Mitchell or                'Really, it's no problem. I've never been out with a mum
reading books, but it didn't do him any good at school. It made         before, and I've always wanted to. I think I'd be good at it.'
him different, and because he was different the other kids made             'Good at what?'
him feel uncomfortable.                                                     Right. Good at what? What was he good at? That was the big
   It wasn't all his mum's fault. Sometimes Marcus just did weird       question which he had never been able to answer. Maybe he
things. Like the singing. He always sang songs to himself inside        would be good at children, although he hated them. Maybe he
his head but sometimes, when he was nervous, the song just              should give John and Christine and baby Imogen another
came out of his mouth. It had happened in his English lesson on         chance. Maybe he was going to become Uncle Will!
the first day of his new school. The teacher was reading and all            'I don't know. Doing things that kids like.'
the other students in the room were quiet. Suddenly, for no                 For the next few weeks, he was Will the Good Guy, and he
reason at all, Marcus had started to sing, and all the other kids had   loved it. It wasn't even very difficult. He played with Angie's
laughed at him.                                                         children, and took them to McDonald's and to parks and for a
                                                                        boat trip on the river. It was a very good arrangement, he
                                                                        thought. He had never wanted to be a father, but this was
                      Chapter 2       SPAT                              different. He could walk hand-in-hand with a beautiful woman
                                                                        while the children played in front of them. Everybody could see
Will first saw Angie in a music shop off the Holloway Road. She         him doing it. And at the end of the afternoon, he could go home
had lots of thick blonde hair, big blue eyes and a lovely sexy           again if he wanted to.
voice. She reminded him of Julie Christie, a beautiful film star.            Angie made Will feel very good about himself. Suddenly he
Two days later, he saw her again in a cafe and started a                 became better-looking, a better lover, a better person. And she
conversation. By the time they had finished their coffee, he had         especially loved him because he wasn't her ex-husband, who had
her phone number.                                                        problems with drink and work, and who was sleeping with his
   Will was rather surprised that Angie wanted to go out with            secretary.
him. He had never been out with a woman who looked like Julie                Will went out with Angie for six weeks, but there were some
Christie before. Women like her didn't go out with men like              things that he was beginning to find difficult. Once he booked
Will. They went out with other film stars, or lords, or racing           tickets for the opening night of a new film, but Angie was half an
drivers.                                                                 hour late because she couldn't get a babysitter. And when they
  He learnt the reason over dinner on their first evening out,           spent the night together, it always had to be at her place and she
when Angie told him that she was a single mother with two                didn't have a video machine or many CDs.

                                 6                                                                       7
But just when Will was thinking about ending the relationship,       did it, and because he didn't understand, he couldn't help. So he
Angie decided to finish it.                                             stood there staring at her with his mouth open.
    'Will, I'm so sorry, but I'm not sure this is working. It's not         'Do you want some tea?' she asked him in a sad little voice.
your fault. You've been great. It's me. Well, my situation anyway.          'Yes. Please.' He made some toast, drank his tea and picked up
I've met you at the wrong time of my life and I'm not ready for a       his bag. Then he gave his mother a kiss and went out. Neither of
serious new relationship.'                                              them said a word. What else could he do?
   It really was very strange, Will thought. Angie had believed he          On his way to school, he tried to work out what was wrong
was serious about her, and he hadn't been serious at all. Now she       with her. What could be wrong that he didn't know about? He
was starting to cry. He had never before watched a woman cry            didn't think it was money problems. She had a job - she was a
without feeling responsible, and he was rather enjoying the             music teacher - so they weren't poor, although they weren't rich
experience.                                                             either. But they had enough money for the flat, and for food, and
   'You don't have to be sorry for anything. Really.'                   for holidays once a year, and even for occasional computer games.
   Of all the evenings he had spent with Angie, he loved the last           What else made you cry? Death? But he'd know if anybody
one the best. The relationship had been perfect, and had finished       important had died. He'd seen all his relatives - his grandparents,
in a perfect way too. Usually when his relationships with women         his uncle Tom and uncle Tom's family - at a party the week
ended, he felt guilty, but this time he had nothing to feel guilty      before, and they'd all been fine. Was it about men? He knew his
about.                                                                  mum wanted a boyfriend because she joked about it sometimes.
   Will knew then that there would be other women like Angie            But if she joked about it, why should she suddenly start crying
- bright, attractive single mothers, thousands of them all over         about it?
London - and he knew he had a lot to offer them. He could                   So what else was there? He tried to remember the other
sleep with them, make them feel better about themselves, be a           things that people cried about on TV programmes. Prison? An
parent for a limited time, and walk away without feeling guilty.        unwanted baby?
What more could a man want?                                                 But Marcus had forgotten about his mum's problems by the
                                                                        time he was inside the school gates. He had his own problems to
                                                                        think about. A group of kids usually bullied him on his way
One Monday morning Marcus's mum started crying before                    across the playground. Today, though, they were at the other end,
breakfast, and it frightened him. Morning crying was something           so he reached his classroom without difficulty.
new, and it was a bad, bad sign. It meant that it could now start at         His friends Nicky and Mark were already there, playing a
any time of the day without warning.                                     game on Mark's Gameboy. He went over to them.
   When he went into the kitchen, she was sitting at the kitchen             'All right?'
table in her night clothes, a half-eaten piece of toast on her plate,        Nicky said hello, but Mark was too busy to notice him.
her eyes red from crying. Marcus never said anything when she                Marcus tried to watch the game, but he couldn't see the
cried. He didn't know what to say. He didn't understand why she          Gameboy very well, so he sat on a desk, waiting for them to

                                 8                                                                       9
finish. But when they finished, they started another game; they        before we knew you, and now we have problems every day.'
 didn't offer him a game or put the Gameboy away. Marcus felt he           Marcus understood. They would be better without him. But
 was being shut out, and he didn't know what he'd done wrong.           he had nowhere else to go.
     'Are you going to the computer room at lunchtime?' he asked.                                        •
 That was how he knew Nicky and Mark - through the
 computer club. It was a stupid question because they always went       Will was looking for ways to meet single mums like Angie, but
 to the computer room. It was the only place where they would           he didn't know where to find them. Where did single mums go
be safe from the other kids.                                            and how could he get their phone numbers? Then he had a
     'Don't know,' replied Nicky after a time. 'What do you think,      wonderful idea. He would pretend to be a single father and join a
Mark?'                                                                  single parents' group. So he invented a two-year-old son called
     'Don't know,' said Mark. 'Probably.'                               Ned.
     They weren't real friends - not like the friends he'd had in           'I'm a single father. I have a two-year-old son. I'm a single
Cambridge — but he could talk to them because they were all             father. I have a two-year-old son,' he told himself.
different from the other kids in the class. All three of them wore          But he couldn't actually believe it. He didn't feel like a parent.
glasses, none of them was interested in clothes and they all liked      He was too young, too old, too stupid, too intelligent, too cool,
computer games.                                                         too impatient, too selfish, too careless, too careful. When he
    Two older boys came and stood in the doorway. 'Give us a            looked in the mirror, he couldn't see a dad, especially a single
song,' they said to Marcus.                                             dad.
    Marcus didn't know these boys, but they'd probably heard                He telephoned a single parents' group called SPAT (Single
about him singing in the English class. Mark and Nicky started to       Parents - Alone Together) and spoke to a woman called Frances.
move away, leaving him alone. Then the older boys started                SPAT met on the first Thursday of each month in a local adult
insulting Mark and Nicky, and making jokes about girls and sex.          learning centre, and Frances invited Will to the next meeting. He
Mark turned the Gameboy off, and all three of them stood                 was very worried that he'd get something wrong, like the name
waiting for the boys to get bored and go away. Marcus tried to           of his imaginary son - he couldn't stop thinking of him as Ted,
play a game inside his head, listing different kinds of chocolate.       not Ned.
    At last the two older boys left. The three of them didn't say            The centre was a depressing place with lots of classrooms. Will
anything for a time. Then Nicky looked at Mark, and Mark                 listened for the sounds of a party but he couldn't hear anything.
looked at Nicky, and finally Mark spoke.                                  Finally he noticed a small piece of paper on a classroom door
    'Marcus, we don't want you with us.'                                 with the word SPAT! on it.
    'Oh,' said Marcus. 'Why not?'                                            There was only one woman in the room. She was taking
    'Because of them.'                                                    bottles - of white wine, beer and water - out of a box and
    'They're not my problem.'                                             Putting them on a table in the centre of the room. All the other
    'Yes, they are,' said Mark. We never got into trouble with anyone     tables and chairs had been pushed to the back of the room. It was

                                 10                                                                       11
the most depressing place for a party that Will had ever seen.           'Oh . . . he's a good little boy,' said Will. 'Very brave.'
       'Have I come to the right place?' he asked the woman. She           To his surprise, he was beginning to feel quite upset. Suzie put
  had a sharp nose and a bright red face.                               a hand on his arm.
       'SPAT? Come in. Are you Will? I'm Frances.'                         'She likes me,' Will thought. 'Great!'
      Will smiled and shook her hand.
      'I'm sorry there's nobody else here yet,' she said. 'A lot of
  people are late because of problems with babysitters.'                Some parts of Marcus's life continued normally. He went to his
      'Of course,' said Will. He was wrong to come on time, he          dad's in Cambridge for the weekend and watched a lot of TV.
  thought. He should pretend to have babysitting problems too. But      On the Sunday he and his dad, and Lindsey, his dad's girlfriend,
  then the other members of SPAT began to arrive, all women in          went to Lindsey's mum's house. Lindsey's mum lived by the sea,
  their thirties, and Frances introduced him to each of them. The       and they went for a long walk on the beach.
 most attractive was a tall, blonde, nervous-looking woman. After           Marcus liked Lindsey's mum. He liked Lindsey too. Even his
 she came into the room, he stopped looking at anybody else.            mum liked Lindsey. Marcus felt better after the weekend in
      'Hello,' he said. 'I'm Will. I'm new and I don't know anybody.'   Cambridge. He had a good time with everybody and nobody
      'Hello, Will. I'm Suzie. I'm old and I know everybody.'           seemed to think he was weird.
      He laughed. She laughed. He spent most of the evening with            But the day after he got back, he came home from school and
 her. She talked a lot and he listened. He was very happy to listen     found his mum lying on the floor with a coat over her.
 because he didn't want to talk about Ned. Suzie had been                   'Didn't you go to work today?'
 married to a man called Dan, who had left her the day before she           'This morning. I was sick this afternoon.'
 gave birth to her daughter Megan.                                          'What kind of sick?' asked Marcus.
     Suzie told him about the other women in the room. It was the           She didn't reply, and Marcus felt angry. He was only a kid and
 same story - their husbands had all left them with children to         things couldn't continue like this. He was having an awful time at
 look after. Will began to feel very depressed about being a man.       school and an awful time at home, and school and home were
 How could men behave so badly?                                         almost the only places he knew. So someone was going to have
     'I'm sorry,' said Suzie at last. 'I haven't asked you anything     to help him, and that person had to be his mum. She had to do
 about yourself. Did your wife leave you?'                              something about it. He was only a kid, and she was his mum, and
     'Well . . . er . . . yes.'                                         if he felt bad it was her job to stop him feeling bad.
    'And does she see Ned?'                                                 'What kind of sick?' he asked again in a rough voice.
    'Sometimes. She's not very interested in him.' He was                   She began to cry and Marcus felt frightened.
 beginning to feel better; he could show her that women could               'You've got to stop this.'
 behave badly too. He was acting, yes, but he was doing it well,            'I can't.'
just like Robert De Niro.                                                   'You've got to. If you can't look after me, then you'll have to
    'How does Ned feel about that?' asked Suzie.                        find someone who can.'

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His mum turned over on her stomach and looked at him.                              Chapter 3         The Dead Duck Day
'How can you say I don't look after you?'
    'Because you don't. You make my meals and I could do that.            Will wanted to go to the SPAT picnic in Regent's Park because
The rest of the time, you just cry. That's . . . that's no good. That's   Suzie was going. But he knew that Suzie would expect Ned to
no good to me.'                                                           be there too, so he had to invent a reason why Ned couldn't go.
    She cried even more then. Marcus went upstairs and played a           He telephoned Suzie on the morning of the picnic and told her
computer game, but when he came downstairs again, she had got             that his ex-wife had taken Ned out.
up and was cooking supper.                                                   'But that's terrible, Will,' said Suzie. 'You can't let her change
    'You're going to a picnic on Saturday,' she said suddenly.            your plans like that.'
    'A picnic? Where?'                                                       'I know, I know,' he said. 'And she's taken my car too. Can I go
    'In Regent's Park.'                                                   with you to Regent's Park?'
    'Who with?'                                                              'Yes, of course,' replied Suzie. 'I'm bringing a twelve-year-old
    'Suzie.'                                                              kid too - Marcus, my friend Fiona's son. She's asked me to look
    'Not that SPAT crowd.'                                                after him for the day.'
    'Yes, that SPAT crowd.'                                                  All the way to the park Suzie talked about Will's ex-wife. She
    'I hate them.' When Marcus and his mum had first moved to
                                                                          was very angry about Paula's behaviour. Had he called her Paula?
London, they had gone to a SPAT summer party in someone's
                                                                          Will couldn't remember. Things were getting rather
garden. It had been full of horrible little kids, all about ten years
                                                                          complicated, he thought. How much longer could he continue
younger than Marcus.
                                                                          pretending? And how could he ever invite Suzie round to his
    'Are you going?' he asked.
                                                                          flat? There were no toys there, and he didn't even have two
    'No. I need a rest. You told me to find someone to look after
you. So that's what I'm doing. Suzie's better at it than I am.'
                                                                              They walked through the park to the lake. Suzie was pushing
    Suzie was Fiona's best friend; they'd known each other since
                                                                          her daughter, Megan, in a pushchair, and Marcus was walking
their schooldays. She was nice and Marcus liked her a lot. But he
                                                                          beside them. Will thought Marcus was a weird kid. He had a very
didn't want to go to a SPAT picnic.
                                                                          strange haircut and odd clothes.
    'I can stay here. I'll keep out of your way. I can sit in my room
                                                                              'I don't even know what you do,' said Suzie.
all day, playing games.'
                                                                              'Nothing.' He usually invented a job, but he had told enough
    'I want you to get out. Do something normal. We're not doing
                                                                          lies. He had to give Suzie something that was real.
each other any good.'
                                                                              'Oh. Well, what did you do before?'
    Marcus was shocked. What did she mean, they weren't doing                 'Nothing.'
each other any good? She wasn't doing him any good, but what                  'You've never worked?'
had he done to her? He couldn't think of anything. He felt like               'Well, only for a day or two. My dad wrote a famous song, and
crying too.                                                                I live from the royalties.'

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'Michael Jackson makes £60 million an hour,' said the weird           They could see the SPAT crowd of mothers and children
kid. 'How much do you make?'                                          sitting by the lake in front of them. The mothers were pouring
    'Marcus!' said Suzie. 'So what's this song, Will?'                juice into cups, and the children were eating sandwiches.
    Will told them. He hated telling people because the title              Will played with the children for most of the afternoon. He
sounded so silly.                                                      kept away from the adults sitting on blankets under a tree because
    'Really?' Suzie and Marcus both started singing the same part      he didn't want to have to answer difficult questions about Ned.
of the song. People always did this, and he hated that too.            He kept away from Marcus too. Marcus was walking round the
    'But haven't you ever wanted to work?' asked Suzie.                lake, throwing bits of his sandwich at the ducks.
    'Oh, yes, sometimes, but I never seem to do anything about it.'        Later, Suzie came to talk to him. 'You miss him, don't you?'
It was true. Every day for the last eighteen years he had got up in        'Who?' He meant it; he had no idea what she was talking
the morning thinking about finding a job. But by the evening he        about. But then he remembered about Ned. 'I'll see him later.'
had lost interest.                                                         'What's he like?' asked Suzie.
     He decided to talk to Marcus. If he made friends with Marcus,         'Oh . . . Nice. He's a really nice boy.'
 Suzie would think he was a nice guy.                                      Before Suzie could ask more questions, Marcus ran over to
     'So, Marcus,' he said, 'who's your favourite footballer?'         them. He seemed very nervous and upset.
     'I hate football.'                                                    'I think I've killed a duck,' he said.
     'Right,' said Will. 'Well, who's your favourite singer?'              Will, Suzie, Marcus and Megan stood on the path by the edge
    'Are you getting these questions out of a book?' asked Marcus.      of the lake, staring at the duck's dead body in the water.
    Suzie laughed, and Will's face turned red.                              'What happened, Marcus?' Will asked.
    'No,' he said. 'I'm just interested.'                                   'I don't know. I was just throwing a piece of my sandwich at it.
    'OK,' said Marcus. 'Well, it's Joni Mitchell.'                      I didn't mean to kill it.'
    'Really?' said Will in surprise. 'Does everyone in your school          'What's that in the water next to it? Is that the bread you
listen to Joni Mitchell?'                                               threw at it?'
    'Most people.'                                                          'Yes,' said Marcus. He didn't like Will much, so he didn't want
  Will was confused. He read a lot of modern music magazines,           to answer his questions.
but none of them had said anything about Joni Mitchell's new                'That's not a sandwich, that's a loaf,' said Will. 'I'm not
popularity.                                                             surprised the duck was killed.'
  Marcus turned away, so Will began to talk to Suzie.                       'Perhaps I didn't kill it,' said Marcus. 'Perhaps it died because it
  'Do you often have to look after him?' he asked.                      was ill.'
  'Not often. But Fiona, his mum, isn't feeling very well.'                 Nobody said anything.
  'She's going crazy,' said Marcus calmly. 'Cries all the time.             They were all staring so hard at the scene of the crime that
Doesn't go to work.'                                                    they didn't notice the park-keeper standing next to them. Marcus
  'She isn't crazy. She just needs a rest.'                             felt very frightened. He would be in big trouble now.

                               16                                                                         17
'One of your ducks has died,' said Will. He made it sound like           He couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say. He didn't cry
 the saddest thing he'd ever seen. Marcus looked up at him. Maybe         either — the situation was much too serious for that, so he just
 Will wasn't such a bad guy.                                              stood there. But Suzie dropped the car seat and ran over to his
    'I was told it was your boy's fault,' said the park-keeper. 'It's a   mum and started screaming at her and shaking her. Marcus was
 crime to kill a duck, you know.'                                         confused. Why was Suzie so angry with someone who wasn't
   'Are you suggesting that Marcus killed this duck? Marcus loves         very well?
 ducks, don't you, Marcus?'                                                  Suzie shouted at Will to call for an ambulance, and told
    'Yes,' said Marcus. 'They're my favourite animal. I mean, my          Marcus to make some black coffee. His mum was moving now
 favourite bird.' This was rubbish, because he hated all animals, but     and making a terrible noise that Marcus had never heard before
 he thought it helped.                                                    and never wanted to hear again.
    'I was told he was throwing enormous loaves at it.'                      'Fiona! How could you do this?' Suzie screamed. 'You've got a
   'No,' said Will. 'He was throwing bread at the duck's body. He         kid! How could you do this?'
wanted to sink it because the sight of a dead bird was upsetting             Suddenly Marcus understood that his mum had tried to kill
my friend's little girl, Megan.'                                          herself. He had seen some shocking things, mostly on videos at
   There was a silence. At last the park-keeper spoke.                    other people's houses, but they hadn't frightened him because
   'Well, I'll have to go into the water and get it,' he said.            they weren't real life. This situation with his mum was different
   Marcus felt much better. He wouldn't have to go to prison.             because it was very real. There wasn't anything shocking in the
   They were walking back to the rest of the SPAT group when              room, and he could see that his mum wasn't dead. But it was the
suddenly a strange thing happened. Marcus saw - or thought he             most frightening thing he'd ever seen, and he knew he'd never
saw - his mum. She was standing on the path in front of them              forget it.
and she was smiling. But when he looked again, she wasn't there.             When the ambulance arrived and Fiona was taken to hospital,
                                                                          the ambulance men didn't want to take Marcus and Megan too.
                                                                          So Suzie went to the hospital with Fiona, and Will drove Marcus
Usually when Suzie took Marcus home after a day out, she left             and Megan there in Suzie's car.
him outside his flat and waited until he got inside. But today she           When they arrived at the hospital, Fiona had already been
parked the car and lifted Megan out in her car seat. She was              taken away.
never able to explain why she had done this. Will wasn't invited,            'What's happening?' asked Will. He was finding the whole
but he followed them in.                                                  experience very interesting — almost enjoyable.
   Marcus put the key in the door of the flat and opened it, and a           'I don't know. They're pumping her stomach or something.
new part of his life began, without any warning at all.                   She was talking a little in the ambulance. She was asking about
   His mum was half on and half off the sofa. Her face was white,         you, Marcus.'
and there was a pool of sick on the carpet and an empty pill                 'That's nice of her.'
bottle beside her.                                                           Suzie tried to put her arms round him. 'Listen, Marcus,' she

                                 18                                                                      19
said. 'This isn't about you. You k n o w that, don't you? I mean,            kitchen, as Suzie had told h i m to do, w h e n he saw a n o t e on the
you're n o t the reason she . . . you're not the reason she's here.'         kitchen table. He picked it up and sat d o w n .
   ' H o w do you k n o w ? ' He pushed Suzie away and went to get a            Dear Marcus,
drink from a machine.                                                           A big part of me knows that I'm doing a wrong, stupid, selfish,
   ' W h a t can you tell a kid whose m o t h e r has just tried to kill        unkind thing. But unfortunately that's not the part that has
herself?' Will asked. He really wanted to know.                                 control of me now.
   'I don't know,' said Suzie worriedly. 'But we'll have to think of            None of this is about you. I've loved being your mum, always,
something.'                                                                     although I've found it difficult sometimes. And I don't know why
   T h e y waited in the hospital for a long time. M e g a n went to            it isn't enough for me, but it isn't. I just feel very tired, and there
                                                                                doesn't seem to be anything to look forward to.
sleep and Marcus ate a lot of sweets and chocolate from the
                                                                                Things will be better for you than they were before. Really. You
machine. N o n e of t h e m talked m u c h . At last a w o m a n came over
                                                                                can go to your dad's, or Suzie has always said she'd look after you.
to see t h e m — not a nurse or a doctor, but somebody official.
                                                                                Love you,
   'Hello. D i d you c o m e in with Fiona Brewer?'
   'Yes. I ' m her friend Suzie, and this is Will, and this is Fiona's
son Marcus.'                                                                 Marcus was still sitting at the kitchen table w h e n his m u m came

   ' R i g h t . We're keeping Fiona here for the night. Is there            back from the hospital w i t h Suzie and Megan. She could see
somewhere Marcus could go?'                                                  immediately w h a t he'd found.
   ' H e can stay w i t h me tonight,' said Suzie.                             ' I ' m sorry, Marcus. I'd forgotten about the note.'
   She put M e g a n back into the car seat and they made their way              'You forgot? You forgot you wrote a letter about killing
out to the car park.                                                          yourself?'
   'I'll see you soon,' said Will. 'I'll call you.'                              'Well, I didn't think I'd ever have to r e m e m b e r it, did I?' She
   'I h o p e things are OK with N e d and Paula,' Suzie said.                laughed at that. She actually laughed. T h a t was his mother. W h e n
   For a m o m e n t Will didn't k n o w w h o she meant. N e d and           she wasn't crying at breakfast, she was laughing about killing
Paula, N e d and Paula . . . ? Ah, yes — his ex-wife and son.                 herself.
   ' O h , it'll be fine. Thanks.' He said goodbye and w e n t to find a         'It was stupid of me to leave Marcus here before I w e n t to get
taxi. It had been a very interesting experience, but he wouldn't              you,' said Suzie. 'I wasn't thinking.'
want to repeat it every night.
                                                                                 'Suzie, n o n e of this is your fault. But maybe Marcus and I
                                                                              ought to have a little talk alone.'
                                                                                 ' O f course,' said Suzie. She gave Marcus a kiss. 'She's fine,' she
                   Chapter 4         Marcus's Plan
                                                                              whispered, loud e n o u g h for his m u m to hear. ' D o n ' t w o r r y about
T h e next day Suzie t o o k Marcus h o m e and left h i m while she
went to get Fiona from the hospital. He was just tidying the                     W h e n Suzie had gone, Fiona made tea and sat d o w n at the
                                                                              table with Marcus.
                                    20                                                                             21
'Are you angry with me?'                                           'Not too bad, I think. She hasn't gone back to work, but
    'What do you think?'                                             Marcus went to school today.'
    'Because of the letter?'                                           'Listen, do you think there's any way I could help? Perhaps I
    'Because of the letter, because of what you did, everything.'    could take Marcus out?'
    'I can understand that. I don't feel the same as I did on          'Would you like to?' said Suzie. 'I could ask Fiona.'
Saturday, if that's any help.'                                         'Thanks,' said Will. 'And it would be nice to see you and
    'So your problems have all just gone away?'                      Megan again soon.'
    'No, but . . . at the moment I feel better.'                         'Yes,' said Suzie. 'I'm looking forward to meeting Ned.'
    'At the moment's no good to me,' said Marcus. 'I can see that        Will bought Time Out, a magazine with information about
you're better at the moment. You've just made tea. But what          events in London. He was looking for something that a twelve-
happens when I go back to school? I can't be here to watch you       year-old boy might like to do on a Saturday. He tried to
all the time.'                                                       remember what he liked doing at Marcus's age, but he couldn't.
    'No, I know. But we've got to look after each other.'            Then the telephone rang.
    Marcus was no longer interested in what his mum said; the             'Hi, Will. It's Marcus.'
important thing was what she did, or what she was going to do.            'Hi, Marcus.'
She wasn't going to try and kill herself again today. She'd drink         'Suzie said you want to take me out for the day on Saturday.
her tea, and tonight they'd watch TV, and it would feel like the     I'll come if my mum can come too.'
beginning of a different, better time. But that time wouldn't last        'What?'
for ever. Marcus knew that, for him, things would never be the            'I'll come if my mum can come too. And she hasn't got any
same again.
                                                                     money, so we'll either have to go somewhere cheap, or you'll
    Two people in a family weren't enough. He'd always thought
                                                                     have to pay for us.'
that two was a good number, and that he'd hate to live in a family
                                                                          'Well . . . wouldn't it be better with just you and me? Your
of three or four or five. But now he could see that if there were
                                                                     mum could stay at home and have a rest.'
lots of people in a family, and one of them died, you wouldn't be
                                                                          Suddenly Will remembered last Saturday. They had left Fiona
left on your own. But how could he make his family grow? He
                                                                      at home to rest, and she had tried to kill herself.
was going to have to find a way.
                                                                           'I'm sorry, Marcus,' he said quickly. 'I wasn't thinking. Of
                                •                                     course your mum can come too. That would be great.'
                                                                           'We haven't got a car. You'll have to bring yours. And you can
Will kept thinking about Marcus and Fiona. There wasn't much          bring your little boy if you like.'
else happening in his life, so he had a lot of time to think about         He laughed. 'Thanks.'
them. He had a strange thought: perhaps he should try and help             'That's OK,' said Marcus generously.
them. He telephoned Suzie.                                                 'He'll be with his mum again on Saturday.'
   'I was wondering how Marcus and Fiona are,' he said.                    'Fine. Come round at about half past twelve. You remember

                               22                                                                     23
where we live. Flat 2, 31 Craysfield Road, Islington, London                 Will looked shocked, but she just laughed. Marcus hated it
 N1 2SR'                                                                   when she made jokes to people who didn't know her well.
   'Right,' said Will. 'See you then.'                                        Will took them to a restaurant called Twenty-Eight. After
                                    •                                      they had ordered their food, Marcus hoped that Will and his
                                                                           mum would start talking. But they seemed to be finding it
Marcus wasn't really worried about leaving his mum. She was still          difficult to start a conversation, so he had to help them.
in a strange, calm mood. But he wanted her to come so that she                'Don't just sit there,' he said. 'Talk to each other.'
and Will could meet, and after that, he thought, it should be easy.           Both Will and Fiona looked at him.
His mum was pretty, and Will seemed quite rich. They could go                 'What do you want us to talk about?' asked Will.
and live with him and his kid, and then there would be four of                'Anything. Politics. Films. Murders. I don't care.'
them, and four was twice as good as two. Then if one of them                  'I'm not sure that's how conversation happens,' said his
died, it wouldn't matter so much.                                          mother.
    Marcus wasn't even sure whether he liked Will or not, but it              Marcus started asking questions to make them talk, but he
didn't matter. He could see that Will wasn't bad, or drunk, or             wasn't very successful.
violent, so he would be OK. And Marcus knew a little about                    'Leave us alone, Marcus. You're making it more difficult, not
Will. One day on his way home from school, he had seen Will                easier,' said Fiona. 'We'll start talking soon.'
out shopping and had followed him home like a private                         Then Will asked questions about Marcus's dad, and soon they
detective.                                                                 were talking about relationships. They were talking so much that
    He hadn't really found out much about him except where he              they didn't notice when the food arrived. Marcus ate his lunch
lived. But Will seemed to live alone - no girlfriend, no wife, no          happily. Would they move into Will's place, he wondered, or buy
little boy. Perhaps the little boy was with his girlfriend at home?        somewhere new?
But if Will had a girlfriend, why was he trying to get friendly
with Suzie?                                                                                                •

   When Will arrived on Saturday, his mum was looking good,                Will knew that Fiona wasn't his type of woman. She didn't look
 Marcus thought. She was wearing her best trousers and a hairy             the way he wanted women to look. He didn't think looks were
jumper, and she was wearing make-up for the first time since the           important to her at all. Why didn't she get a good haircut and
hospital, and a pair of brightly coloured earrings from                    wear nice clothes? And she was just too strange. He could see
Zimbabwe.                                                                  now why Marcus was so weird. She believed in things that Will
   'Thanks for everything you did last weekend,' she said. 'I'm            didn't care about, like being a vegetarian.
very grateful.'                                                               Will still wanted to help them. One evening he was invited to
   'It was a pleasure. I hope you're feeling . . . I hope you've . . . '   supper at their flat. He didn't like the food very much - something
   'My stomach's fine. I suppose I must still be a bit crazy though.       vegetarian with peas and rice and tinned tomatoes — but he quite
That sort of thing doesn't get better quickly, does it?'                   enjoyed the conversation. Fiona told him about her job as a music

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teacher and they talked about his dad's song. But later Fiona sat          'I followed you here once.'
down at the piano and started to sing.                                     'Why don't you just go home, Marcus?'
   She wasn't a bad singer, but Will was very embarrassed. She             'All right. But I'm going to tell my mum.'
sang old pop songs from the sixties, and she sang them with deep           Will couldn't think of any explanation to give Marcus except
feeling; she even closed her eyes. Then Marcus began to sing too,       the truth — that he had invented a child so he could join a single
in the same way, and they made Will sing with them. It was awful.       parents' group and meet women. And the truth sounded much
   Will could see that he'd made a big mistake about Marcus and         worse than he had ever intended.
Fiona. He couldn't do anything to help people like them. They              'Listen, Will,' said Marcus. 'I won't say anything to my mum if
were too weird and they felt too deeply about things. Will didn't       you go out with her.'
feel deeply about anything. He couldn't imagine wanting to kill            'Why do you want your mum to go out with someone like me?'
himself. He just wanted to live a long life without any problems.          'I don't think you're too bad. I mean, you told lies, but you
   Fiona called Will and left a message on his answer machine,          seem OK. She's sad, and I think she'd like a boyfriend.'
but he didn't call her back. He was trying to return to his old life.      'Marcus, I can't go out with someone just because you want
He went shopping for CDs and clothes, he played a bit of tennis,        me to. I have to like the person too.'
he went to the pub and to see films with friends. Then, one                'What's wrong with her?'
afternoon, the doorbell rang. It was Marcus.                               'Nothing's wrong with her, but . . . '
   'I've come to see you,' he said.                                        'You want to go out with Suzie, don't you?'
   'Oh. Right. Come in.'                                                   'I don't want to talk about this with you.'
   Marcus marched into the sitting room, sat down on the sofa              'I thought so.'
and looked round. 'You haven't got a kid, have you?'                       'I didn't say anything. I just said . . . Listen, I really don't want
   'Well . . . ' began Will.                                            to talk about this with you. Go home.'
   Marcus got up and walked around the flat. 'Where's your                 'OK,' said Marcus. 'But I'll be back.'
toilet?' he asked.                                                         When Will had joined SPAT, he'd imagined entering the
   'It's just down the hall.'                                           world of single mothers and their sweet children. He hadn't
   When Marcus was gone, Will tried to think what he could say          imagined Marcus, and he hadn't expected anyone to break into
about Ned, but he couldn't think of anything.                           his world. He was one of life's visitors; he didn't want to be
   'You've only got one bedroom,' said Marcus when he got               visited.
back. 'You've got no children's toys in the bathroom, there are no
toys in here . . . You haven't even got any photos of him.'
   'Is that your business?'                                                               Chapter 5        N e w Trainers
   'No. But you've been lying to me, and my mum, and my
mum's friend.'                                                          Marcus knew that he couldn't make Will go out with his mum if
   'Who told you where I live?'                                         Will didn't want to. But he knew Will's secret now, so perhaps he

                                 26                                                                       27
could make him do something else. He started going round to          glasses. And my singing. Sometimes . . . I sing without noticing.'
Will's flat after school.                                             Will laughed. 'It's not funny.'
     The first time, Will wasn't very pleased to see him. He stood        'I'm sorry. But you could do something about your hair. You
in the doorway and didn't invite Marcus in.                           could have it cut in the way you want it.'
     'What?'                                                              'This is how I want it.'
     'I just thought I'd come round. What are you doing?'                 'Why do you want your hair like that?'
     'Watching Countdown!                                                 'Because that's how it grows, and I hate going to the
    Marcus knew about Countdown — the most boring programme           hairdresser.'
in the history of television. But he wanted to get inside Will's          'I can see that. How often do you go?'
flat.                                                                     'Never. My mum cuts it.'
    'I could watch it with you if you want. I really like it.'            'Your mum? How old are you? Twelve? You're old enough to
    Will looked at him for a time. 'All right. Come in.'              get your hair cut yourself. You could get married in four years'
    There were lots of interesting things in Will's flat — hundreds   time. Will you let your mum cut your hair then?'
of CDs, records and cassettes. There were pictures from films on          Marcus didn't think he'd be married in four years' time, but he
the wall, and black and white photos of people with musical           understood what Will was telling him and knew that Will was
instruments.                                                          right. But there was another way of looking at the situation. If his
    'Who are these people? And why are they on your wall?'            mum was going to cut his hair in four years' time, then she would
    'They're musicians. And they're on my wall because I like         still be alive.
their music and they're cool.'                                            Marcus visited Will a lot that autumn, and by about the third
    'Why are they cool?'                                              or fourth visit he felt that Will was getting used to him. They
    'I don't know. Because they took drugs and died, probably.'       didn't talk about much at first, but one day Will said, 'How's the
    Marcus thought he wouldn't want pictures on his wall of           situation at home?' for no reason that Marcus could understand.
people who took drugs and died. He'd want to forget all about             'You mean my mum?'
that kind of thing, not look at it every day of his life.                 'Yes.'
   Will made tea in the kitchen. Then they went back into the             'She's all right, thanks.'
living room and sat down on the sofa.                                     Marcus had never talked about it, and he'd never said how he
    'Do you like school?' Will asked.                                 felt. But what he felt, all the time, every day, was a horrible fear.
    'No. I hate it.'                                                  This was the main reason why he came round to Will's after
    'Why? Do the other kids bully you?'                               school. Every time he climbed the stairs at home he remembered
   Marcus looked at him. How did he know that?                        the Dead Duck Day. When he saw his mum watching the news
    'Not really. Just a couple of kids.'                              or eating or preparing work on the dining table, he wanted to
    'What do they do to you?'                                         cry, or be sick or something. But he couldn't talk about it.
    'Nothing really. Just, you know, say things about my hair and         'Are you still worried about her?'

                                28                                                                     29
'A bit, when I think about it.'
                                                                               'Marcus, does this happen often?'
    'How often do you think about it?'
                                                                               'Well, they've never thrown sweets at me before.'
    'I don't know.' He thought about it all the time, all the time, all
                                                                               'I'm not talking about the sweets. I'm talking about older kids
 the time. Could he say that to Will? He didn't know. He couldn't
                                                                          bullying you.'
 say it to his mum, or to his dad, or to Suzie. They would all be
                                                                               'Oh, yes. Not those two
 too worried about him. He just wanted a promise from someone,
                                                                               'No, OK, not those two. But others like them.'
 anyone, that it wouldn't happen again, ever, and no one could do
                                                                               'Yes. Lots.'
                                                                               'Right. That's what I've been trying to find out. Your problem
    Will was wishing that he hadn't asked Marcus about Fiona,
                                                                          is, Marcus, that you look different from other kids. That's why
 because it was clear that the boy was very upset. Will wasn't used
                                                                          they notice you. You need to look more like them. You need the
 to coping with people with real-life problems. He liked watching
                                                                          same clothes and haircut and glasses as everyone else. You can be
 people's problems on TV, but he'd never had anyone with
                                                                          as weird as you want on the inside. Just do something about the
 problems on his sofa before.
   Sometimes they managed conversations about other things,
                                                                              Will took Marcus shopping in Holloway Road and bought
like Marcus's dad.
                                                                          him a pair of expensive Adidas trainers. Marcus thought they
   'Do you see your dad often?'
                                                                          were cool, and Will was pleased. He couldn't remember feeling as
   'Quite often. Some weekends. He's got a girlfriend called              good as this before. He had made an unhappy boy happy, and
Lindsey. She's nice.'
                                                                          there hadn't been any advantage in it for him at all. He didn't
   'Would you like to see him more than you do?'
                                                                          even want to sleep with the boy's mother.
                                                                             But the next day Marcus's new trainers were stolen. He came
   'Well, that's all right then.'
                                                                          home from school wearing only a pair of black socks.
   The next week, while Will was watching Countdown as usual,
                                                                              'Where are your shoes?' Fiona screamed. She hadn't noticed
he was interrupted by a long, urgent ring on the doorbell. He got
                                                                          that he had been wearing new trainers.
up off the sofa and opened the door. Marcus was standing on the
doorstep, and two ugly-looking boys were throwing hard sweets
                                                                              'Stolen? Why would anyone want to steal your shoes?'
at him. Some sweets hit Will.
                                                                              'Because . . . ' He was going to have to tell her the truth,
    'What do you think you're doing?' He couldn't remember the
                                                                          although he knew the truth would lead to a lot of questions.
last time he had been so angry.
                                                                          'Because they were nice ones. They were new Adidas trainers.
  The boys ran away and Will went back into the flat. Marcus
                                                                          Will bought them for me.'
was sitting on the sofa watching Countdown.
                                                                              'Will who? Will, the guy who took us to lunch?'
  'Who were they?'
                                                                             'Yes. The guy from SPAT. He's become my friend.'
   'I don't know their names,' said Marcus, his eyes on the TV
                                                                             'He's become your friend?'
'They're in the class two years above me at school.'
                                                                             Marcus was right — his mum had lots of questions, but she

asked them in a very boring way. She just repeated the last thing        'I know he's taking some time to get used to his new school,
 he said, made it into a question and shouted.                         but . . . '
    'I go round to his flat after school.'                                Will laughed. 'Oh, yes. And after a couple of weeks he'll be
    'YOU G O R O U N D T O HIS FLAT A F T E R S C H O O L ? '          OK? When they've stopped stealing his shoes and following him
    'Well, you see, he doesn't really have a kid.'                     home from school, everything will be great.'
    ' H E D O E S N ' T REALLY HAVE A KID?'                               That was wrong. They were all mad. 'I don't think so,' said
   When the questions had finished, he was in a lot of trouble,        Marcus. 'It's going to take more than a couple of weeks.'
although probably not as much trouble as Will. Marcus put his             'It's OK, I know,' said Will. 'I was joking.'
old shoes back on, and then he and his mother went straight to            Marcus didn't think there was much to joke about in the
Will's flat. Will opened the door and Fiona immediately started        situation. But he was very pleased that Will understood what was
shouting at him about SPAT and his imaginary son. At first Will        happening to him at school. He'd only known Will for a short
looked embarrassed — he had no answers to her questions, so he         time, and he'd known his mother all his life. So why could Will
stood there staring at the floor. But as it continued, he started to   understand, and his mother couldn't? But now his mother
get angry too.                                                         understood too, because Will had told her.
   'Why do you invite twelve-year-old boys round to tea-parties           'You're not going to Will's again,' Fiona said to Marcus on the
in your flat after school?' asked Fiona.                               bus on the way home. 'If you've got anything to say, you say it to
    Will looked at her. 'Are you suggesting what I think you're        me. If you need new clothes, I'll get them.'
suggesting?' He went red in the face and started shouting very            'But you don't know what I need. I don't know what I need.
loudly. 'Your son invites himself round here. Sometimes he's           Only Will knows. He knows what kids wear.'
followed by other kids who attack him. I could leave him                  'We don't need that kind of person. We're doing all right our
outside, but I let him in for his own safety. I won't do it again.     way. Marcus, I've been your mother for twelve years. I do know
Now, if you've finished, you can both get out of here.'                what I'm doing.'
   'I haven't finished yet, actually. Why did you buy him a pair of       Marcus didn't think either of them was doing all right. He
expensive trainers?'                                                   wondered if his mother had a kind of plan for him. In the next
   'Because . . . because look at him.'                                few days he began to notice the way she talked to him. He was
   'What's wrong with him?'                                            interested in everything she said about what he should watch on
   Will looked at her. 'You really don't know, do you? Marcus is       TV or listen to or read or eat.
being eaten alive at school by the other kids. He gets bullied             She had always said it was important to talk about things, and
every day.'                                                            that she wanted him to think for himself. They had often
   'Marcus is doing fine,' his mother said.                            discussed what was bad about fashion and modern pop music
   Marcus couldn't believe she'd said that. He wasn't doing fine;      and computer games. But if she didn't like what he said, she
his mum was being blind and stupid and crazy.                          argued with him until he agreed with her. But he hadn't agreed,
   'You're joking,' said Will.                                         really; he'd just lost the argument.

                               32                                                                      33
'I've been thinking for myself,' he said,'and I want to go round   sleep with her. But conversations with her were never dull.
  to Will's flat after school.'
                                                                           'I've always been worried about Marcus not having a father
    'No. He's a rich guy who doesn't work, who tells lies, and          around,' said Fiona. 'But he's always told me it didn't matter.
  who . . . '
                                                                        Then, when I said I didn't want him to see you, he said he
    'He understands about school. He bought me those trainers.          needed a father.'
 He knows things.' He was getting annoyed. 'I'm thinking for               'He said that because he wanted to win the argument. Never
 myself and . . . it doesn't work. You always win.'                     trust a human male when he talks about his feelings.'
    'Marcus, it's not enough to tell me you're thinking for                'Really? Well, maybe it's best if he doesn't see you.'
 yourself. You've got to show me too. Give me a good reason why            'What do you want me to do if he rings the doorbell?'
 you want to go round to Will's.'
                                                                           'Don't let him in.'
   Marcus gave her a reason. It wasn't the right reason, and he felt       'Right.'
 bad saying it because it made her cry. But it was a good reason           Marcus was waiting for Fiona at home. He didn't like the idea
 and he won the argument.                                               of his mum talking to Will because he'd stopped believing that
   'Because I need a father.'
                                                                        he and his mum and Will and Ned were going to live together in
                                                                        Will's flat. Ned didn't exist, and Will and Fiona didn't like each
                                                                        other very much.
                        Chapter 6       Ellie                              When Fiona came back, he looked at her face to see if she was
                                                                        angry or depressed, but she seemed OK.
Will hadn't seen Marcus for a week and hadn't thought about                 'Did you have a good time?'
him much. He preferred watching Countdown alone anyway.
                                                                            'It was OK. But you're not going round there again. He's not
Then Fiona phoned.
                                                                        going to answer the door. He told me.'
   'Marcus seems to think he needs an adult male in his life. Like         Marcus wasn't worried. He knew how loudly Will's doorbell
a father. He talked about you.'
                                                                        rang inside the flat, and he knew he could ring it for a very long
   'Listen, Fiona, I definitely don't need a son in my life. Why
doesn't he use his own father as a father?'
   'His father lives in Cambridge. It's a long way'
   'You told me not to see Marcus again. Fine. I told you I didn't      Fiona had made a complaint to the school about Marcus's new
want to see Marcus again. And now you're telling me . . . I don't       trainers being stolen, so he had to go and see the head teacher,
                                                                        Mrs Morrison. He was waiting outside her office when a girl
   'Listen,' said Fiona. 'Can we meet tomorrow night for a drink        called Ellie McCrae came and sat down next to him. Ellie was
to discuss all this?'                                                   fifteen and she was famous in the school. She wore a lot of black
   They met in a quiet pub. Will had never been alone with Fiona        eye make-up and cut her own hair, and she was always in trouble,
before. He didn't find her attractive and he certainly didn't want to   usually for something serious.

                                 34                                                                     35
They sat in silence for a time, then Marcus thought he'd try to      'Maybe you haven't tried hard enough.'
 talk to Ellie. His mum was always saying he should talk to people       Marcus stood up to go. He'd had enough. She wasn't going to
 at school.                                                           be helpful because she didn't like him. Nobody at this school
    'Hello, Ellie.'                                                   liked him and he didn't understand why.
    'How does a little boy like you know my name?'                       'Sit down, Marcus. I haven't finished with you.'
    'You're famous.' He knew this was a mistake immediately.             'But I've finished with you.'
    'What am I famous for?'                                              He had never been rude to a teacher before and he was very
    'Don't know.'                                                     surprised at himself. He walked out of Mrs Morrison's office, and
    'Yes, you do. I'm famous because I'm always in trouble. Do        out of the school.
 you know what I'm in trouble for this time? It's this sweatshirt.       Marcus was walking slowly along Upper Street when Will saw
 They don't want me to wear it, and I don't want to take it off, so   him. Will was driving back from the supermarket, listening to
 there's going to be an argument.'                                    loud music in his car. What was Marcus doing out of school at
   Marcus looked at Ellie's sweatshirt. It had a picture on it of a   two o'clock in the afternoon, he wondered.
 guy with long blond hair, big eyes and half a beard.                    At exactly 4.15 that afternoon, right in the middle of
   'Who's that?' he asked politely.                                    Countdown, Marcus rang his doorbell. At first Will didn't answer,
   'Don't you know? It's Kirk O'Bane.'                                but Marcus rang and rang. Will turned off the TV and put on
  'Oh, yes.' Marcus had never heard of Kirk O'Bane, but that          some music by the pop group Nirvana, hoping that Marcus
wasn't surprising — he'd never heard of anybody. 'What does he        would go away. But Marcus didn't stop ringing the bell, so finally
do?'                 -                                               Will opened the door and let him in.
   'He's a footballer. He plays for Manchester United.'                   'You shouldn't be here.'
   'Does he?' Marcus thought that the guy on Ellie's sweatshirt           'I came to ask you something. I want you to take me and a
looked more like a singer than a footballer. Footballers weren't
                                                                      friend to a football match.'
sad, usually, and this man looked sad.
                                                                          'You don't like football.'
   Just then Mrs Morrison's door opened and two young kids                'I do now,' said Marcus. 'I like Manchester United. And I like a
came out. 'Come in, Marcus,' said Mrs Morrison.                       player called Kirk O'Bane. He's got long blond hair and a beard.'
   Marcus's talk with Mrs Morrison didn't go very well. She               'Marcus, there isn't a player called O'Bane who plays for
asked him about the boys who stole his trainers and he said he        Manchester United. I know all the players and there's nobody
didn't know who they were. This wasn't true, of course, but he        with long blond hair and a beard. There was a player called
didn't want any more trouble from them.
                                                                      O'Kane who played for Nottingham about twenty-five years
   'Marcus, if the other kids are bullying you, why don't you just    ago. What lessons did you have this afternoon?'
keep out of their way?'                                                   Marcus looked at him, trying to work out why he was asking
   Marcus was annoyed. Did she think he was stupid? Did she           the question. 'History, and then . . . umm . . . '
think he went looking for trouble? 'I have tried,' he said.               'Marcus, I saw you this afternoon.'

                               36                                                                     37
'What, in school?'                                                noticed that he had been absent the afternoon before, so he
     'Well, I didn't see you in school, did I? Because you weren't     didn't get into trouble. In the morning break he found Ellie and a
  there. I drove past you on Upper Street.'                            friend from her class, Zoe, by the drinks machine. Ellie was
     'It was Mrs Morrison's fault. The head teacher. She told me to    wearing her Kurt Cobain sweatshirt.
  keep out of their way — the boys who stole my trainers.' Marcus          'Kurt Cobain doesn't play for Manchester United,' he told her.
  began to get upset, and to speak more quickly. 'They followed        'He plays . . . he sings ... for Nirvana. A friend of mine has got
  me! How can I keep out of their way if they follow me?'              one of their CDs. Nevermind.'
    'All right, Marcus, calm down. Did you tell her that?'                 'Thanks for telling me,' said Ellie and laughed. 'What year's
    'Of course. But she didn't take any notice.'                       your friend in? I didn't think anyone in this school liked Nirvana.
     'Right. So go home and tell your mum this. It's no good           And what do you think of them?'
 telling me.'
                                                                           'He's left school. He's quite old. And I don't know what I
    'I'm not telling her. She's got enough problems without me.        think of Nirvana.' Will had played him some of their music the
 Why can't you go and see her? Mrs Morrison.'                          evening before. It had been very noisy with a lot of shouting, but
    'You're joking. Listen, Marcus. I'm not your father, or your       there had been some quiet bits too. He didn't think he would
 uncle, or any member of your family. No head teacher is going to      ever like it as much as Joni Mitchell or Mozart, but he could
 take any notice of what I say. You've got to stop thinking I know     understand why Ellie might like it.
 the answer to anything, because I don't.'                                 'It's a bit noisy,' said Marcus, 'but the picture on the cover is
    'You know about things. You knew about the trainers. And           very interesting.' It was a picture of a baby, swimming after a
you know about Kirk O'Bane. The footballer.'                           dollar note. Will had said something about the picture, but he
   Suddenly Will realized who Marcus was talking about. 'It's not       couldn't remember what it was. 'I think the cover has a meaning.
Kirk O'Bane, you fool, it's Kurt Cobain. The singer with Nirvana.'      Something about society.'
   'I thought he must be a singer,' said Marcus. 'I didn't know            Ellie and Zoe looked at each other and laughed.
about him, and my mum wouldn't either, but you did. You see,                'You're very funny,' said Zoe. 'Who are you?'
you know things. You can help.'                                             'Marcus.'
   It was then, for the first time, that Will understood the kind of      'Cool name,' said Zoe, and they laughed again. 'See you
help that Marcus needed. Fiona had given him the idea that
                                                                       around, Marcus.'
Marcus needed an adult male in his life, but that was wrong.
                                                                          It was the longest conversation he'd had with anyone at school
Marcus needed help to be a kid. And, unfortunately for Will, that
                                                                       for weeks. Later, he told Will about Ellie.
was exactly the kind of help that he could give. Will couldn't tell
                                                                          'Can I invite her round to your flat?' he asked.
Marcus how to grow up, or how to cope with a mother who
                                                                          'I'm not sure she'd come, Marcus. How old is she? Fifteen? I'm
wanted to kill herself. But he could certainly tell him that Kurt
Cobain wasn't a footballer.                                            not sure fifteen-year-old girls want to go around with twelve-
                                                                       year-old boys. She probably has a 25-year-old boyfriend who
  Marcus went back to school the following day. Nobody had
                                                                       rides a Harley Davidson.'

                                38                                                                      39
Marcus hadn't thought of that. 'I don't want to go out with          Marcus felt very proud as he walked through the school
 her. She wouldn't be interested in someone like me. But we can       with Ellie and Zoe. The other kids, and even the teachers,
 come round here and listen to your Nirvana CDs, can't we?'           stared at them in surprise. When they got to Ellie's classroom,
    'She's probably heard them already.'                              Ellie made him stand outside. He could hear her shouting to
   Marcus was getting annoyed with Will. Why didn't he want           the other kids.
 him to make friends? 'OK, forget it then.'                              'OK, listen, everybody. I want you to meet Marcus. He's the
    'I'm sorry, Marcus. I'm glad you spoke to Ellie today. But a      only other person in the whole school who likes Kurt Cobain.
 two-minute conversation with someone who's laughing at               Come in, Marcus.'
 you . . . I'm not sure this relationship is going to last.'
                                                                         He walked in, and everybody laughed when they saw him.
    Marcus wasn't listening. Ellie and her friend had said he was     Ellie and Zoe stood beside him and Marcus felt great.
 funny, and he'd made them laugh. That had made him feel good,
 and he knew he could make them laugh again. The next day he
 saw them again by the drinks machine.                                             Chapter 7       Christmas at Fiona's
   'Ellie, how old is your boyfriend?' The girls laughed and
Marcus felt happy. 'My friend Will said he's probably about           Will was feeling depressed. It was only 19 November, but he
twenty-five and rides a Harley Davidson.'                             had heard his dad's Christmas song in a supermarket that
  'He's a hundred and two,' said Ellie. 'How old's your girlfriend?   morning.
She probably wants to kill me, doesn't she?'                             Will hated Christmas: people knocked on his door, singing the
  'I haven't got one,' said Marcus, and the girls laughed again.      song he hated more than any other song in the world, and
They were laughing all the time now.                                  expected him to give them money. His dad had hated Christmas
   Ellie and Zoe came looking for Marcus at lunchtime. He was         too, but for a different reason: it reminded him of how badly he
at his desk eating sandwiches when they came into his classroom,      had failed in his life. His famous Christmas song was the only
calling his name. Almost every kid in the room stopped what           successful song he had ever written. At Christmas, Will's dad had
they were doing and turned round. You could see what they             always got depressed and angry and drunk a lot, so it had never
were thinking: Ellie and Marcus? Even Nicky and Mark, who             been a very happy time for Will.
hadn't spoken to him for weeks, looked up from their Gameboy.            Since his parents had died, Will had usually spent the holiday
   'What are you all staring at? Marcus is our friend, aren't you,    with friends, or girlfriends' families, but this year he had no plans.
Marcus? Let's go to our classroom. You don't want to stay here        There was no girlfriend, and so there were no girlfriend's parents.
with these boring little kids, do you?'                               He decided that he would sit at home and watch old films on TV
  Some of the kids turned red, but nobody said anything.               and get drunk, but that didn't seem very Christmassy.
Nobody wanted to argue with Ellie. They watched as Marcus                 He thought about spending Christmas Day with a family —
walked from his desk to where Ellie and Zoe were standing.             not his family, because he didn't have one, but a family. He
When he got there, Ellie gave him a kiss.                              definitely didn't want to spend Christmas with Marcus and

                               40                                                                       41
Fiona, though — eating vegetarian food, not watching TV, singing          'Oh,' Lindsey said. She and her mum and Clive looked at Will
  Christmas songs with his eyes closed. But the next afternoon           with interest, but he just smiled.
  Marcus came round and invited Will to spend Christmas with                 Clive gave Marcus some computer games and CDs and
 them                                                                    sweatshirts. But Fiona's presents to Marcus weren't very
     'Ummm,' said Will. 'That's . . . very kind of you.'                 interesting at all, Will thought — books, and a hairy jumper, and
     'But you're coming?'                                                some piano music. But Marcus was really pleased with them, and
    'I don't know.'                                                      for the first time Will understood that Marcus was a good kid.
    'Why not?'                                                           He didn't need expensive presents to be happy.
    'Because                                                                 They had lunch and then watched TV. Marcus was happy and
    'Don't you want to come?'                                            Will felt very relaxed. But later in the afternoon Suzie arrived
    'Yes, of course I do, b u t . . . what about your mum?'              with Megan. Fiona had told her that Will didn't really have a
    'She'll be there too.'                                               two-year-old son called Ned, but Will hadn't seen Suzie since
     'Yes, I know. But she wouldn't want me there.'                      then and now he felt really embarrassed and ashamed. He stood
     'I've already spoken to her about it. I said I wanted to invite a   up, and then he sat down again, and then he stood up again and
 friend, and she said OK. She guessed it was you. I haven't got any      said he had to go.
 other friends.'                                                             'Don't be so silly, Will,' said Fiona.
  'All right,' Will said at last. 'I'd love to spend Christmas with          So Will sat down again and Suzie sat next to him, but she
you, Marcus.'                                                            refused to speak to him.
   When he arrived at Marcus and Fiona's flat on Christmas Day,              Megan went over to the Christmas tree and Fiona handed her
he was pleased to find other people there too. There was                 a present. 'This is for you, Megan,' she said.
Marcus's dad Clive, and his girlfriend Lindsey, and his girlfriend's         Megan stood holding her present and looked around the
mum, all sitting in a line on the sofa. Will was very surprised that     room. Then she walked over to Will and tried to give it to him.
Fiona and Clive were still friendly although their relationship had      Will didn't move.
finished some time ago. The people in SPAT hadn't been like                  'Well, take it from her, you fool,' said Suzie.
that about their broken relationships — they had been angry and              'It's not my present,' said Will, but Megan continued to hold it
unhappy.                                                                  out until he reached for it. 'Now what?' he said.
   Will gave Marcus a CD of Nevermind and a Kurt Cobain                      'Open it with her,' said Suzie.
T-shirt, and Marcus gave Will a book of Countdown quizzes.                   Will helped Megan open the present. It was a plastic musical
Fiona gave Will The Single Parent's Guide as a joke.                      toy. They both looked at it.
   'What's the joke?' asked Lindsey.                                          'Now play with her,' Suzie said angrily. 'It's easy to see that you
   'Nothing,' said Will quickly.                                          don't know anything about kids. But you should learn. It would
   'Will pretended to have a kid so he could join a single parents'       be useful to you in your kind of work.'
group,' Marcus told her.                                                      'What is your kind of work?' asked Lindsey politely.

                                42                                                                          43
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About a boy

  • 1.
  • 2. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Contents Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world. ISBN-13: 978-0-582-77962-4 page ISBN-10: 0-582-77962-6 Introduction iv First published in Great Britain by Victor Gollancz 1998 Chapter 1 A Man and a Boy 1 This edition first published by Penguin Books 2003 Chapter 2 SPAT 6 7 9 10 8 Chapter 3 The Dead Duck Day 15 Original copyright © Nick Hornby 1998 Text copyright © Penguin Books 2003 Chapter 4 Marcus's Plan 20 Chapter 5 New Trainers 27 Typeset by Ferdinand Pageworks, Surrey Set in ll/14pt Bembo Chapter 6 Ellie 34 Printed in China SWTC/07 Chapter 7 Christmas at Fiona's 41 Chapter 8 Falling in Love 45 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Chapter 9 Depressions 50 electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Chapter 10 A Trip to Cambridge 56 Chapter 11 Growing Up 63 Published by Pearson Education Limited in association with Penguin Books Ltd, both companies being subsidiaries of Pearson Plc Activities 71 For a complete list of titles available in the Penguin Readers series, please write to your local Pearson Education office or to: Penguin Readers Marketing Department, Pearson Education, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE.
  • 3. Introduction Chapter 1 A M a n and a B o y They were all staring so hard at the scene of the crime that they didn't notice the park-keeper standing next to them. Marcus felt very frightened. Will Freeman was thirty-six years old and he had never had a job He would be in big trouble now. in his life. Sometimes he thought about working. He looked 'One of your ducks has died,' said Will. He made it sound like the through the job advertisements in newspapers and wrote saddest thing he'd ever seen. Marcus looked up at him. Maybe Will occasional letters to employers, but he was never invited to wasn 't such a bad guy. interviews. He didn't mind. He was OK as he was. He was a cool guy About a Boy is the story of the growing relationship between with a cool lifestyle. He read quite a lot; he saw films in the Marcus, a twelve-year-old boy, and Will, a 36-year-old man. Marcus afternoons; he went running; he cooked nice meals for himself is having problems at home and at school. Will wants a life without and his friends. When he got bored, he went to Rome or New responsibilities; he isn't interested in children, marriage or work. York or Barcelona for a few days. But Will is interested in attractive single mothers, and he invents a Will didn't need to work for money because in 1938 his father two-year-old son so that he can join a single parents' group. When had written a very successful Christmas song. Many famous he meets Marcus and his mother, his life begins to change. singers had made recordings of this song, and each time Will's About a Boy is very funny and enjoyable, but it also has a much father had received royalties. Since his death the royalties had more serious side. come to Will. The writer, Nick Hornby, was born in 1957 and grew up in So Will had become rich without having to work at all. He north London. He studied English at Cambridge University, then was happy with his life. He lived in a nice flat in London and worked for the Korean company Samsung. Later, he worked as a drove a fast car. He liked women and had lots of girlfriends, but teacher and journalist before starting to write fiction. he never got too involved with them. He preferred to look at Nick Hornby has written four books: Fever Pitch (1992); High other people's lives from the outside, like watching TV. If a Fidelity (1995); About a Boy (1998) and How to be Good (2001). relationship with a woman became complicated, he ended it. He The stories all take place in north London, and are mainly about wanted to keep his life simple. relationships. The first three books have been made into In the evenings Will usually went out with friends. These successful films. In About a Boy, the popular British actor Hugh were guys who worked in music shops or belonged to the same Grant plays the character of Will. The end of the story was sports clubs as Will, or who were part of the same pub-quiz changed for the film. Which ending do you prefer? team. They weren't close friends - but they were good enough for a drink or a meal. The evenings were fine, but Will had a lot of free time during the day because all his friends were at work. So he filled the time IV 1
  • 4. bath, tidying his flat, going to the shops, watching Countdown. 'I'm fine, thanks.' Countdown was an afternoon TV quiz show and it was his favourite 'Don't you want your own family?' programme. Sometimes he wondered how his friends had time to I can't think of anything worse, thought Will. 'Not yet,' he work. How could a person work and have a bath on the same day? said. Will didn't like children. He wasn't interested in them, and he We're worried about you,' said Christine. didn't want any responsibility for them. But his friends, John and 'I'm OK as I am, thanks,' said Will. Christine, had two. The second was a baby girl, born just the 'Maybe,' said Christine, and smiled. week before, and Will had been invited to see her. Will was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. Why did they When he arrived at John and Christine's flat, there were want him to have children? Children would make him very children's toys everywhere. Pieces of brightly coloured plastic unhappy. If John and Christine wanted children, and to be were spread all over the floor, videos lay out of their cases near unhappy, that was fine. (Will was sure that John and Christine the TV, a white cloth over the sofa was covered with dirty brown were very unhappy, even if they didn't realize it.) But why should marks . . . How could people live like this? they want him to be unhappy too? Christine came in holding the new baby while John was in Will could see only one reason for having children. When you the kitchen making tea. 'This is Imogen,' she said. were old and poor, then they could look after you. But Will had 'Oh,' said Will. 'Right.' He paused. What did people usually plenty of money, so he didn't need toys on the floor or dirty say about babies? 'She's . . . ' he began, but stopped again. It was no sofas. good. He decided to ask Christine about herself instead. 'How John and Christine used to be OK, he thought. Will and a are you, Chris?' he asked. girlfriend had gone out to nightclubs with them once or twice a 'Well, you know. I'm rather tired.' week, and they had all had a lot of fun. But since John and Why? A lot of parties?' Christine had had children, everything had changed. Will didn't 'No. I've just had a baby.' want to meet Imogen, or hear how Barney was. He didn't want 'Oh. Right.' to hear about Christine's tiredness. He decided not to visit them John came into the room, carrying three cups of tea. 'Barney's again. gone to his grandmother's today,' he said, for no reason that Will 'We were wondering,' said John, 'whether you'd like to be could understand. Imogen's godfather?' The two of them looked at Will, smiling 'How's Barney?' Barney was two, and interesting only to his and waiting for his reply. parents, but Will knew he should ask John something. Will laughed nervously. 'Godfather?' he said. 'You mean . . . 'He's fine, thanks,' said John. 'He's still getting used to Imogen, church and things? Birthday presents? If you two are killed in an but he's lovely' air crash, I'll have to look after her?' Will had met Barney before and knew that he wasn't lovely, 'Yes.' but he decided not to say anything. 'You're joking, aren't you?' 2 3
  • 5. you're a very serious and responsible person.' More happened, and that was a good thing. 'Oh, no,' said Will quickly. 'No, I'm not. I'm really a very But now Marcus was very worried about his mum. She had shallow kind of person. Thank you very much for asking me, but started crying a lot in London - much more than in Cambridge. I can't think of anything worse.' He didn't know why she cried. He wondered if it was about He didn't stay much longer. boyfriends. Marcus didn't mind if his mum had a boyfriend. She was pretty, he thought, and nice, and funny sometimes. He • wanted his mum to meet someone who would make her happy. Not far away, in the Holloway area of London, a twelve-year-old He couldn't help his mum with her problems, and she boy called Marcus was lying in bed, unable to sleep. He was couldn't help him with his other big problem - school. His first worrying about his mum and his new school. day at his new London school had been a disaster. Marcus's mum was called Fiona, and she and Marcus had only Marcus knew that he was different from most other kids of his been in London for a few weeks. They had moved there on the age. He wasn't right for schools. Not big secondary schools like first day of the summer holidays because Fiona had got a new the one in London. His school in Cambridge hadn't been so bad. job. Before moving to London, they had lived in Cambridge, The children there were younger, and there were lots of weird where Marcus's father, Clive, still lived. Fiona and Clive had kids there, so Marcus hadn't felt uncomfortable. separated four years ago. It was OK not to be right for some things, he thought. He Marcus thought London was quite boring. He and Fiona knew that he wasn't right for parties because he was very shy. hadn't done much in the holidays. They'd been to see Home That wasn't a problem because he didn't have to go to parties. Alone 2, which wasn't as good as Home Alone 1. They'd been to But he had to go to school. have a look at his new school, which was big and horrible. And Marcus couldn't talk to his mum about his problems at school, they'd had lots of talks about London and the changes in their because she couldn't help. She couldn't move him to another lives. But really they were sitting around waiting for their school. Even if she did move him, it wouldn't make any London lives to begin. difference. He'd still be himself, and that, it seemed to Marcus, Marcus had had two kinds of life. The first, which had ended was his real problem. The other kids laughed at him because he when he was eight, was the normal, boring kind, with school and was weird. They laughed because he had the wrong trousers, the holidays and homework and weekend visits to grandparents. The wrong shoes and the wrong haircut. second kind was more confused because there were more people Marcus knew that he was weird partly because his mum was and places in it: his mother's boyfriends and his dad's girlfriends; weird. She was always telling him that clothes and hair weren't flats and houses; Cambridge and London. It was surprising how important. She didn't want him to watch 'rubbish' TV or listen to many things had changed when Fiona and Clive's relationship 'rubbish' music or play 'rubbish' computer games. All the other ended. kids spent their time doing these things, but Marcus had to argue But Marcus didn't mind. Sometimes, he thought, he even with his mother for hours and he usually lost. She could explain 4 5
  • 6. Bob Marley and Joni Mitchell. And why it was more important and a lot of men didn't like other people's children. to read books than to play on the Gameboy that his dad had Will wanted to push the table over and run out of the given him. restaurant, but Angie was a very beautiful woman. He was quite happy at home, listening to Joni Mitchell or 'Really, it's no problem. I've never been out with a mum reading books, but it didn't do him any good at school. It made before, and I've always wanted to. I think I'd be good at it.' him different, and because he was different the other kids made 'Good at what?' him feel uncomfortable. Right. Good at what? What was he good at? That was the big It wasn't all his mum's fault. Sometimes Marcus just did weird question which he had never been able to answer. Maybe he things. Like the singing. He always sang songs to himself inside would be good at children, although he hated them. Maybe he his head but sometimes, when he was nervous, the song just should give John and Christine and baby Imogen another came out of his mouth. It had happened in his English lesson on chance. Maybe he was going to become Uncle Will! the first day of his new school. The teacher was reading and all 'I don't know. Doing things that kids like.' the other students in the room were quiet. Suddenly, for no For the next few weeks, he was Will the Good Guy, and he reason at all, Marcus had started to sing, and all the other kids had loved it. It wasn't even very difficult. He played with Angie's laughed at him. children, and took them to McDonald's and to parks and for a boat trip on the river. It was a very good arrangement, he thought. He had never wanted to be a father, but this was Chapter 2 SPAT different. He could walk hand-in-hand with a beautiful woman while the children played in front of them. Everybody could see Will first saw Angie in a music shop off the Holloway Road. She him doing it. And at the end of the afternoon, he could go home had lots of thick blonde hair, big blue eyes and a lovely sexy again if he wanted to. voice. She reminded him of Julie Christie, a beautiful film star. Angie made Will feel very good about himself. Suddenly he Two days later, he saw her again in a cafe and started a became better-looking, a better lover, a better person. And she conversation. By the time they had finished their coffee, he had especially loved him because he wasn't her ex-husband, who had her phone number. problems with drink and work, and who was sleeping with his Will was rather surprised that Angie wanted to go out with secretary. him. He had never been out with a woman who looked like Julie Will went out with Angie for six weeks, but there were some Christie before. Women like her didn't go out with men like things that he was beginning to find difficult. Once he booked Will. They went out with other film stars, or lords, or racing tickets for the opening night of a new film, but Angie was half an drivers. hour late because she couldn't get a babysitter. And when they He learnt the reason over dinner on their first evening out, spent the night together, it always had to be at her place and she when Angie told him that she was a single mother with two didn't have a video machine or many CDs. 6 7
  • 7. But just when Will was thinking about ending the relationship, did it, and because he didn't understand, he couldn't help. So he Angie decided to finish it. stood there staring at her with his mouth open. 'Will, I'm so sorry, but I'm not sure this is working. It's not 'Do you want some tea?' she asked him in a sad little voice. your fault. You've been great. It's me. Well, my situation anyway. 'Yes. Please.' He made some toast, drank his tea and picked up I've met you at the wrong time of my life and I'm not ready for a his bag. Then he gave his mother a kiss and went out. Neither of serious new relationship.' them said a word. What else could he do? It really was very strange, Will thought. Angie had believed he On his way to school, he tried to work out what was wrong was serious about her, and he hadn't been serious at all. Now she with her. What could be wrong that he didn't know about? He was starting to cry. He had never before watched a woman cry didn't think it was money problems. She had a job - she was a without feeling responsible, and he was rather enjoying the music teacher - so they weren't poor, although they weren't rich experience. either. But they had enough money for the flat, and for food, and 'You don't have to be sorry for anything. Really.' for holidays once a year, and even for occasional computer games. Of all the evenings he had spent with Angie, he loved the last What else made you cry? Death? But he'd know if anybody one the best. The relationship had been perfect, and had finished important had died. He'd seen all his relatives - his grandparents, in a perfect way too. Usually when his relationships with women his uncle Tom and uncle Tom's family - at a party the week ended, he felt guilty, but this time he had nothing to feel guilty before, and they'd all been fine. Was it about men? He knew his about. mum wanted a boyfriend because she joked about it sometimes. Will knew then that there would be other women like Angie But if she joked about it, why should she suddenly start crying - bright, attractive single mothers, thousands of them all over about it? London - and he knew he had a lot to offer them. He could So what else was there? He tried to remember the other sleep with them, make them feel better about themselves, be a things that people cried about on TV programmes. Prison? An parent for a limited time, and walk away without feeling guilty. unwanted baby? What more could a man want? But Marcus had forgotten about his mum's problems by the time he was inside the school gates. He had his own problems to • think about. A group of kids usually bullied him on his way One Monday morning Marcus's mum started crying before across the playground. Today, though, they were at the other end, breakfast, and it frightened him. Morning crying was something so he reached his classroom without difficulty. new, and it was a bad, bad sign. It meant that it could now start at His friends Nicky and Mark were already there, playing a any time of the day without warning. game on Mark's Gameboy. He went over to them. When he went into the kitchen, she was sitting at the kitchen 'All right?' table in her night clothes, a half-eaten piece of toast on her plate, Nicky said hello, but Mark was too busy to notice him. her eyes red from crying. Marcus never said anything when she Marcus tried to watch the game, but he couldn't see the cried. He didn't know what to say. He didn't understand why she Gameboy very well, so he sat on a desk, waiting for them to 8 9
  • 8. finish. But when they finished, they started another game; they before we knew you, and now we have problems every day.' didn't offer him a game or put the Gameboy away. Marcus felt he Marcus understood. They would be better without him. But was being shut out, and he didn't know what he'd done wrong. he had nowhere else to go. 'Are you going to the computer room at lunchtime?' he asked. • That was how he knew Nicky and Mark - through the computer club. It was a stupid question because they always went Will was looking for ways to meet single mums like Angie, but to the computer room. It was the only place where they would he didn't know where to find them. Where did single mums go be safe from the other kids. and how could he get their phone numbers? Then he had a 'Don't know,' replied Nicky after a time. 'What do you think, wonderful idea. He would pretend to be a single father and join a Mark?' single parents' group. So he invented a two-year-old son called 'Don't know,' said Mark. 'Probably.' Ned. They weren't real friends - not like the friends he'd had in 'I'm a single father. I have a two-year-old son. I'm a single Cambridge — but he could talk to them because they were all father. I have a two-year-old son,' he told himself. different from the other kids in the class. All three of them wore But he couldn't actually believe it. He didn't feel like a parent. glasses, none of them was interested in clothes and they all liked He was too young, too old, too stupid, too intelligent, too cool, computer games. too impatient, too selfish, too careless, too careful. When he Two older boys came and stood in the doorway. 'Give us a looked in the mirror, he couldn't see a dad, especially a single song,' they said to Marcus. dad. Marcus didn't know these boys, but they'd probably heard He telephoned a single parents' group called SPAT (Single about him singing in the English class. Mark and Nicky started to Parents - Alone Together) and spoke to a woman called Frances. move away, leaving him alone. Then the older boys started SPAT met on the first Thursday of each month in a local adult insulting Mark and Nicky, and making jokes about girls and sex. learning centre, and Frances invited Will to the next meeting. He Mark turned the Gameboy off, and all three of them stood was very worried that he'd get something wrong, like the name waiting for the boys to get bored and go away. Marcus tried to of his imaginary son - he couldn't stop thinking of him as Ted, play a game inside his head, listing different kinds of chocolate. not Ned. At last the two older boys left. The three of them didn't say The centre was a depressing place with lots of classrooms. Will anything for a time. Then Nicky looked at Mark, and Mark listened for the sounds of a party but he couldn't hear anything. looked at Nicky, and finally Mark spoke. Finally he noticed a small piece of paper on a classroom door 'Marcus, we don't want you with us.' with the word SPAT! on it. 'Oh,' said Marcus. 'Why not?' There was only one woman in the room. She was taking 'Because of them.' bottles - of white wine, beer and water - out of a box and 'They're not my problem.' Putting them on a table in the centre of the room. All the other 'Yes, they are,' said Mark. We never got into trouble with anyone tables and chairs had been pushed to the back of the room. It was 10 11
  • 9. the most depressing place for a party that Will had ever seen. 'Oh . . . he's a good little boy,' said Will. 'Very brave.' 'Have I come to the right place?' he asked the woman. She To his surprise, he was beginning to feel quite upset. Suzie put had a sharp nose and a bright red face. a hand on his arm. 'SPAT? Come in. Are you Will? I'm Frances.' 'She likes me,' Will thought. 'Great!' Will smiled and shook her hand. • 'I'm sorry there's nobody else here yet,' she said. 'A lot of people are late because of problems with babysitters.' Some parts of Marcus's life continued normally. He went to his 'Of course,' said Will. He was wrong to come on time, he dad's in Cambridge for the weekend and watched a lot of TV. thought. He should pretend to have babysitting problems too. But On the Sunday he and his dad, and Lindsey, his dad's girlfriend, then the other members of SPAT began to arrive, all women in went to Lindsey's mum's house. Lindsey's mum lived by the sea, their thirties, and Frances introduced him to each of them. The and they went for a long walk on the beach. most attractive was a tall, blonde, nervous-looking woman. After Marcus liked Lindsey's mum. He liked Lindsey too. Even his she came into the room, he stopped looking at anybody else. mum liked Lindsey. Marcus felt better after the weekend in 'Hello,' he said. 'I'm Will. I'm new and I don't know anybody.' Cambridge. He had a good time with everybody and nobody 'Hello, Will. I'm Suzie. I'm old and I know everybody.' seemed to think he was weird. He laughed. She laughed. He spent most of the evening with But the day after he got back, he came home from school and her. She talked a lot and he listened. He was very happy to listen found his mum lying on the floor with a coat over her. because he didn't want to talk about Ned. Suzie had been 'Didn't you go to work today?' married to a man called Dan, who had left her the day before she 'This morning. I was sick this afternoon.' gave birth to her daughter Megan. 'What kind of sick?' asked Marcus. Suzie told him about the other women in the room. It was the She didn't reply, and Marcus felt angry. He was only a kid and same story - their husbands had all left them with children to things couldn't continue like this. He was having an awful time at look after. Will began to feel very depressed about being a man. school and an awful time at home, and school and home were How could men behave so badly? almost the only places he knew. So someone was going to have 'I'm sorry,' said Suzie at last. 'I haven't asked you anything to help him, and that person had to be his mum. She had to do about yourself. Did your wife leave you?' something about it. He was only a kid, and she was his mum, and 'Well . . . er . . . yes.' if he felt bad it was her job to stop him feeling bad. 'And does she see Ned?' 'What kind of sick?' he asked again in a rough voice. 'Sometimes. She's not very interested in him.' He was She began to cry and Marcus felt frightened. beginning to feel better; he could show her that women could 'You've got to stop this.' behave badly too. He was acting, yes, but he was doing it well, 'I can't.' just like Robert De Niro. 'You've got to. If you can't look after me, then you'll have to 'How does Ned feel about that?' asked Suzie. find someone who can.' 12 13
  • 10. His mum turned over on her stomach and looked at him. Chapter 3 The Dead Duck Day 'How can you say I don't look after you?' 'Because you don't. You make my meals and I could do that. Will wanted to go to the SPAT picnic in Regent's Park because The rest of the time, you just cry. That's . . . that's no good. That's Suzie was going. But he knew that Suzie would expect Ned to no good to me.' be there too, so he had to invent a reason why Ned couldn't go. She cried even more then. Marcus went upstairs and played a He telephoned Suzie on the morning of the picnic and told her computer game, but when he came downstairs again, she had got that his ex-wife had taken Ned out. up and was cooking supper. 'But that's terrible, Will,' said Suzie. 'You can't let her change 'You're going to a picnic on Saturday,' she said suddenly. your plans like that.' 'A picnic? Where?' 'I know, I know,' he said. 'And she's taken my car too. Can I go 'In Regent's Park.' with you to Regent's Park?' 'Who with?' 'Yes, of course,' replied Suzie. 'I'm bringing a twelve-year-old 'Suzie.' kid too - Marcus, my friend Fiona's son. She's asked me to look 'Not that SPAT crowd.' after him for the day.' 'Yes, that SPAT crowd.' All the way to the park Suzie talked about Will's ex-wife. She 'I hate them.' When Marcus and his mum had first moved to was very angry about Paula's behaviour. Had he called her Paula? London, they had gone to a SPAT summer party in someone's Will couldn't remember. Things were getting rather garden. It had been full of horrible little kids, all about ten years complicated, he thought. How much longer could he continue younger than Marcus. pretending? And how could he ever invite Suzie round to his 'Are you going?' he asked. flat? There were no toys there, and he didn't even have two 'No. I need a rest. You told me to find someone to look after bedrooms. you. So that's what I'm doing. Suzie's better at it than I am.' They walked through the park to the lake. Suzie was pushing Suzie was Fiona's best friend; they'd known each other since her daughter, Megan, in a pushchair, and Marcus was walking their schooldays. She was nice and Marcus liked her a lot. But he beside them. Will thought Marcus was a weird kid. He had a very didn't want to go to a SPAT picnic. strange haircut and odd clothes. 'I can stay here. I'll keep out of your way. I can sit in my room 'I don't even know what you do,' said Suzie. all day, playing games.' 'Nothing.' He usually invented a job, but he had told enough 'I want you to get out. Do something normal. We're not doing lies. He had to give Suzie something that was real. each other any good.' 'Oh. Well, what did you do before?' Marcus was shocked. What did she mean, they weren't doing 'Nothing.' each other any good? She wasn't doing him any good, but what 'You've never worked?' had he done to her? He couldn't think of anything. He felt like 'Well, only for a day or two. My dad wrote a famous song, and crying too. I live from the royalties.' 14 15
  • 11. 'Michael Jackson makes £60 million an hour,' said the weird They could see the SPAT crowd of mothers and children kid. 'How much do you make?' sitting by the lake in front of them. The mothers were pouring 'Marcus!' said Suzie. 'So what's this song, Will?' juice into cups, and the children were eating sandwiches. Will told them. He hated telling people because the title Will played with the children for most of the afternoon. He sounded so silly. kept away from the adults sitting on blankets under a tree because 'Really?' Suzie and Marcus both started singing the same part he didn't want to have to answer difficult questions about Ned. of the song. People always did this, and he hated that too. He kept away from Marcus too. Marcus was walking round the 'But haven't you ever wanted to work?' asked Suzie. lake, throwing bits of his sandwich at the ducks. 'Oh, yes, sometimes, but I never seem to do anything about it.' Later, Suzie came to talk to him. 'You miss him, don't you?' It was true. Every day for the last eighteen years he had got up in 'Who?' He meant it; he had no idea what she was talking the morning thinking about finding a job. But by the evening he about. But then he remembered about Ned. 'I'll see him later.' had lost interest. 'What's he like?' asked Suzie. He decided to talk to Marcus. If he made friends with Marcus, 'Oh . . . Nice. He's a really nice boy.' Suzie would think he was a nice guy. Before Suzie could ask more questions, Marcus ran over to 'So, Marcus,' he said, 'who's your favourite footballer?' them. He seemed very nervous and upset. 'I hate football.' 'I think I've killed a duck,' he said. 'Right,' said Will. 'Well, who's your favourite singer?' Will, Suzie, Marcus and Megan stood on the path by the edge 'Are you getting these questions out of a book?' asked Marcus. of the lake, staring at the duck's dead body in the water. Suzie laughed, and Will's face turned red. 'What happened, Marcus?' Will asked. 'No,' he said. 'I'm just interested.' 'I don't know. I was just throwing a piece of my sandwich at it. 'OK,' said Marcus. 'Well, it's Joni Mitchell.' I didn't mean to kill it.' 'Really?' said Will in surprise. 'Does everyone in your school 'What's that in the water next to it? Is that the bread you listen to Joni Mitchell?' threw at it?' 'Most people.' 'Yes,' said Marcus. He didn't like Will much, so he didn't want Will was confused. He read a lot of modern music magazines, to answer his questions. but none of them had said anything about Joni Mitchell's new 'That's not a sandwich, that's a loaf,' said Will. 'I'm not popularity. surprised the duck was killed.' Marcus turned away, so Will began to talk to Suzie. 'Perhaps I didn't kill it,' said Marcus. 'Perhaps it died because it 'Do you often have to look after him?' he asked. was ill.' 'Not often. But Fiona, his mum, isn't feeling very well.' Nobody said anything. 'She's going crazy,' said Marcus calmly. 'Cries all the time. They were all staring so hard at the scene of the crime that Doesn't go to work.' they didn't notice the park-keeper standing next to them. Marcus 'She isn't crazy. She just needs a rest.' felt very frightened. He would be in big trouble now. 16 17
  • 12. 'One of your ducks has died,' said Will. He made it sound like He couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say. He didn't cry the saddest thing he'd ever seen. Marcus looked up at him. Maybe either — the situation was much too serious for that, so he just Will wasn't such a bad guy. stood there. But Suzie dropped the car seat and ran over to his 'I was told it was your boy's fault,' said the park-keeper. 'It's a mum and started screaming at her and shaking her. Marcus was crime to kill a duck, you know.' confused. Why was Suzie so angry with someone who wasn't 'Are you suggesting that Marcus killed this duck? Marcus loves very well? ducks, don't you, Marcus?' Suzie shouted at Will to call for an ambulance, and told 'Yes,' said Marcus. 'They're my favourite animal. I mean, my Marcus to make some black coffee. His mum was moving now favourite bird.' This was rubbish, because he hated all animals, but and making a terrible noise that Marcus had never heard before he thought it helped. and never wanted to hear again. 'I was told he was throwing enormous loaves at it.' 'Fiona! How could you do this?' Suzie screamed. 'You've got a 'No,' said Will. 'He was throwing bread at the duck's body. He kid! How could you do this?' wanted to sink it because the sight of a dead bird was upsetting Suddenly Marcus understood that his mum had tried to kill my friend's little girl, Megan.' herself. He had seen some shocking things, mostly on videos at There was a silence. At last the park-keeper spoke. other people's houses, but they hadn't frightened him because 'Well, I'll have to go into the water and get it,' he said. they weren't real life. This situation with his mum was different Marcus felt much better. He wouldn't have to go to prison. because it was very real. There wasn't anything shocking in the They were walking back to the rest of the SPAT group when room, and he could see that his mum wasn't dead. But it was the suddenly a strange thing happened. Marcus saw - or thought he most frightening thing he'd ever seen, and he knew he'd never saw - his mum. She was standing on the path in front of them forget it. and she was smiling. But when he looked again, she wasn't there. When the ambulance arrived and Fiona was taken to hospital, • the ambulance men didn't want to take Marcus and Megan too. So Suzie went to the hospital with Fiona, and Will drove Marcus Usually when Suzie took Marcus home after a day out, she left and Megan there in Suzie's car. him outside his flat and waited until he got inside. But today she When they arrived at the hospital, Fiona had already been parked the car and lifted Megan out in her car seat. She was taken away. never able to explain why she had done this. Will wasn't invited, 'What's happening?' asked Will. He was finding the whole but he followed them in. experience very interesting — almost enjoyable. Marcus put the key in the door of the flat and opened it, and a 'I don't know. They're pumping her stomach or something. new part of his life began, without any warning at all. She was talking a little in the ambulance. She was asking about His mum was half on and half off the sofa. Her face was white, you, Marcus.' and there was a pool of sick on the carpet and an empty pill 'That's nice of her.' bottle beside her. Suzie tried to put her arms round him. 'Listen, Marcus,' she 18 19
  • 13. said. 'This isn't about you. You k n o w that, don't you? I mean, kitchen, as Suzie had told h i m to do, w h e n he saw a n o t e on the you're n o t the reason she . . . you're not the reason she's here.' kitchen table. He picked it up and sat d o w n . ' H o w do you k n o w ? ' He pushed Suzie away and went to get a Dear Marcus, drink from a machine. A big part of me knows that I'm doing a wrong, stupid, selfish, ' W h a t can you tell a kid whose m o t h e r has just tried to kill unkind thing. But unfortunately that's not the part that has herself?' Will asked. He really wanted to know. control of me now. 'I don't know,' said Suzie worriedly. 'But we'll have to think of None of this is about you. I've loved being your mum, always, something.' although I've found it difficult sometimes. And I don't know why T h e y waited in the hospital for a long time. M e g a n went to it isn't enough for me, but it isn't. I just feel very tired, and there doesn't seem to be anything to look forward to. sleep and Marcus ate a lot of sweets and chocolate from the Things will be better for you than they were before. Really. You machine. N o n e of t h e m talked m u c h . At last a w o m a n came over can go to your dad's, or Suzie has always said she'd look after you. to see t h e m — not a nurse or a doctor, but somebody official. Love you, 'Hello. D i d you c o m e in with Fiona Brewer?' Mum 'Yes. I ' m her friend Suzie, and this is Will, and this is Fiona's son Marcus.' Marcus was still sitting at the kitchen table w h e n his m u m came ' R i g h t . We're keeping Fiona here for the night. Is there back from the hospital w i t h Suzie and Megan. She could see somewhere Marcus could go?' immediately w h a t he'd found. ' H e can stay w i t h me tonight,' said Suzie. ' I ' m sorry, Marcus. I'd forgotten about the note.' She put M e g a n back into the car seat and they made their way 'You forgot? You forgot you wrote a letter about killing out to the car park. yourself?' 'I'll see you soon,' said Will. 'I'll call you.' 'Well, I didn't think I'd ever have to r e m e m b e r it, did I?' She 'I h o p e things are OK with N e d and Paula,' Suzie said. laughed at that. She actually laughed. T h a t was his mother. W h e n For a m o m e n t Will didn't k n o w w h o she meant. N e d and she wasn't crying at breakfast, she was laughing about killing Paula, N e d and Paula . . . ? Ah, yes — his ex-wife and son. herself. ' O h , it'll be fine. Thanks.' He said goodbye and w e n t to find a 'It was stupid of me to leave Marcus here before I w e n t to get taxi. It had been a very interesting experience, but he wouldn't you,' said Suzie. 'I wasn't thinking.' want to repeat it every night. 'Suzie, n o n e of this is your fault. But maybe Marcus and I ought to have a little talk alone.' ' O f course,' said Suzie. She gave Marcus a kiss. 'She's fine,' she Chapter 4 Marcus's Plan whispered, loud e n o u g h for his m u m to hear. ' D o n ' t w o r r y about her.' T h e next day Suzie t o o k Marcus h o m e and left h i m while she went to get Fiona from the hospital. He was just tidying the W h e n Suzie had gone, Fiona made tea and sat d o w n at the table with Marcus. 20 21
  • 14. 'Are you angry with me?' 'Not too bad, I think. She hasn't gone back to work, but 'What do you think?' Marcus went to school today.' 'Because of the letter?' 'Listen, do you think there's any way I could help? Perhaps I 'Because of the letter, because of what you did, everything.' could take Marcus out?' 'I can understand that. I don't feel the same as I did on 'Would you like to?' said Suzie. 'I could ask Fiona.' Saturday, if that's any help.' 'Thanks,' said Will. 'And it would be nice to see you and 'So your problems have all just gone away?' Megan again soon.' 'No, but . . . at the moment I feel better.' 'Yes,' said Suzie. 'I'm looking forward to meeting Ned.' 'At the moment's no good to me,' said Marcus. 'I can see that Will bought Time Out, a magazine with information about you're better at the moment. You've just made tea. But what events in London. He was looking for something that a twelve- happens when I go back to school? I can't be here to watch you year-old boy might like to do on a Saturday. He tried to all the time.' remember what he liked doing at Marcus's age, but he couldn't. 'No, I know. But we've got to look after each other.' Then the telephone rang. Marcus was no longer interested in what his mum said; the 'Hi, Will. It's Marcus.' important thing was what she did, or what she was going to do. 'Hi, Marcus.' She wasn't going to try and kill herself again today. She'd drink 'Suzie said you want to take me out for the day on Saturday. her tea, and tonight they'd watch TV, and it would feel like the I'll come if my mum can come too.' beginning of a different, better time. But that time wouldn't last 'What?' for ever. Marcus knew that, for him, things would never be the 'I'll come if my mum can come too. And she hasn't got any same again. money, so we'll either have to go somewhere cheap, or you'll Two people in a family weren't enough. He'd always thought have to pay for us.' that two was a good number, and that he'd hate to live in a family 'Well . . . wouldn't it be better with just you and me? Your of three or four or five. But now he could see that if there were mum could stay at home and have a rest.' lots of people in a family, and one of them died, you wouldn't be Suddenly Will remembered last Saturday. They had left Fiona left on your own. But how could he make his family grow? He at home to rest, and she had tried to kill herself. was going to have to find a way. 'I'm sorry, Marcus,' he said quickly. 'I wasn't thinking. Of • course your mum can come too. That would be great.' 'We haven't got a car. You'll have to bring yours. And you can Will kept thinking about Marcus and Fiona. There wasn't much bring your little boy if you like.' else happening in his life, so he had a lot of time to think about He laughed. 'Thanks.' them. He had a strange thought: perhaps he should try and help 'That's OK,' said Marcus generously. them. He telephoned Suzie. 'He'll be with his mum again on Saturday.' 'I was wondering how Marcus and Fiona are,' he said. 'Fine. Come round at about half past twelve. You remember 22 23
  • 15. where we live. Flat 2, 31 Craysfield Road, Islington, London Will looked shocked, but she just laughed. Marcus hated it N1 2SR' when she made jokes to people who didn't know her well. 'Right,' said Will. 'See you then.' Will took them to a restaurant called Twenty-Eight. After • they had ordered their food, Marcus hoped that Will and his mum would start talking. But they seemed to be finding it Marcus wasn't really worried about leaving his mum. She was still difficult to start a conversation, so he had to help them. in a strange, calm mood. But he wanted her to come so that she 'Don't just sit there,' he said. 'Talk to each other.' and Will could meet, and after that, he thought, it should be easy. Both Will and Fiona looked at him. His mum was pretty, and Will seemed quite rich. They could go 'What do you want us to talk about?' asked Will. and live with him and his kid, and then there would be four of 'Anything. Politics. Films. Murders. I don't care.' them, and four was twice as good as two. Then if one of them 'I'm not sure that's how conversation happens,' said his died, it wouldn't matter so much. mother. Marcus wasn't even sure whether he liked Will or not, but it Marcus started asking questions to make them talk, but he didn't matter. He could see that Will wasn't bad, or drunk, or wasn't very successful. violent, so he would be OK. And Marcus knew a little about 'Leave us alone, Marcus. You're making it more difficult, not Will. One day on his way home from school, he had seen Will easier,' said Fiona. 'We'll start talking soon.' out shopping and had followed him home like a private Then Will asked questions about Marcus's dad, and soon they detective. were talking about relationships. They were talking so much that He hadn't really found out much about him except where he they didn't notice when the food arrived. Marcus ate his lunch lived. But Will seemed to live alone - no girlfriend, no wife, no happily. Would they move into Will's place, he wondered, or buy little boy. Perhaps the little boy was with his girlfriend at home? somewhere new? But if Will had a girlfriend, why was he trying to get friendly with Suzie? • When Will arrived on Saturday, his mum was looking good, Will knew that Fiona wasn't his type of woman. She didn't look Marcus thought. She was wearing her best trousers and a hairy the way he wanted women to look. He didn't think looks were jumper, and she was wearing make-up for the first time since the important to her at all. Why didn't she get a good haircut and hospital, and a pair of brightly coloured earrings from wear nice clothes? And she was just too strange. He could see Zimbabwe. now why Marcus was so weird. She believed in things that Will 'Thanks for everything you did last weekend,' she said. 'I'm didn't care about, like being a vegetarian. very grateful.' Will still wanted to help them. One evening he was invited to 'It was a pleasure. I hope you're feeling . . . I hope you've . . . ' supper at their flat. He didn't like the food very much - something 'My stomach's fine. I suppose I must still be a bit crazy though. vegetarian with peas and rice and tinned tomatoes — but he quite That sort of thing doesn't get better quickly, does it?' enjoyed the conversation. Fiona told him about her job as a music 24 25
  • 16. teacher and they talked about his dad's song. But later Fiona sat 'I followed you here once.' down at the piano and started to sing. 'Why don't you just go home, Marcus?' She wasn't a bad singer, but Will was very embarrassed. She 'All right. But I'm going to tell my mum.' sang old pop songs from the sixties, and she sang them with deep Will couldn't think of any explanation to give Marcus except feeling; she even closed her eyes. Then Marcus began to sing too, the truth — that he had invented a child so he could join a single in the same way, and they made Will sing with them. It was awful. parents' group and meet women. And the truth sounded much Will could see that he'd made a big mistake about Marcus and worse than he had ever intended. Fiona. He couldn't do anything to help people like them. They 'Listen, Will,' said Marcus. 'I won't say anything to my mum if were too weird and they felt too deeply about things. Will didn't you go out with her.' feel deeply about anything. He couldn't imagine wanting to kill 'Why do you want your mum to go out with someone like me?' himself. He just wanted to live a long life without any problems. 'I don't think you're too bad. I mean, you told lies, but you Fiona called Will and left a message on his answer machine, seem OK. She's sad, and I think she'd like a boyfriend.' but he didn't call her back. He was trying to return to his old life. 'Marcus, I can't go out with someone just because you want He went shopping for CDs and clothes, he played a bit of tennis, me to. I have to like the person too.' he went to the pub and to see films with friends. Then, one 'What's wrong with her?' afternoon, the doorbell rang. It was Marcus. 'Nothing's wrong with her, but . . . ' 'I've come to see you,' he said. 'You want to go out with Suzie, don't you?' 'Oh. Right. Come in.' 'I don't want to talk about this with you.' Marcus marched into the sitting room, sat down on the sofa 'I thought so.' and looked round. 'You haven't got a kid, have you?' 'I didn't say anything. I just said . . . Listen, I really don't want 'Well . . . ' began Will. to talk about this with you. Go home.' Marcus got up and walked around the flat. 'Where's your 'OK,' said Marcus. 'But I'll be back.' toilet?' he asked. When Will had joined SPAT, he'd imagined entering the 'It's just down the hall.' world of single mothers and their sweet children. He hadn't When Marcus was gone, Will tried to think what he could say imagined Marcus, and he hadn't expected anyone to break into about Ned, but he couldn't think of anything. his world. He was one of life's visitors; he didn't want to be 'You've only got one bedroom,' said Marcus when he got visited. back. 'You've got no children's toys in the bathroom, there are no toys in here . . . You haven't even got any photos of him.' 'Is that your business?' Chapter 5 N e w Trainers 'No. But you've been lying to me, and my mum, and my mum's friend.' Marcus knew that he couldn't make Will go out with his mum if 'Who told you where I live?' Will didn't want to. But he knew Will's secret now, so perhaps he 26 27
  • 17. could make him do something else. He started going round to glasses. And my singing. Sometimes . . . I sing without noticing.' Will's flat after school. Will laughed. 'It's not funny.' The first time, Will wasn't very pleased to see him. He stood 'I'm sorry. But you could do something about your hair. You in the doorway and didn't invite Marcus in. could have it cut in the way you want it.' 'What?' 'This is how I want it.' 'I just thought I'd come round. What are you doing?' 'Why do you want your hair like that?' 'Watching Countdown! 'Because that's how it grows, and I hate going to the Marcus knew about Countdown — the most boring programme hairdresser.' in the history of television. But he wanted to get inside Will's 'I can see that. How often do you go?' flat. 'Never. My mum cuts it.' 'I could watch it with you if you want. I really like it.' 'Your mum? How old are you? Twelve? You're old enough to Will looked at him for a time. 'All right. Come in.' get your hair cut yourself. You could get married in four years' There were lots of interesting things in Will's flat — hundreds time. Will you let your mum cut your hair then?' of CDs, records and cassettes. There were pictures from films on Marcus didn't think he'd be married in four years' time, but he the wall, and black and white photos of people with musical understood what Will was telling him and knew that Will was instruments. right. But there was another way of looking at the situation. If his 'Who are these people? And why are they on your wall?' mum was going to cut his hair in four years' time, then she would 'They're musicians. And they're on my wall because I like still be alive. their music and they're cool.' Marcus visited Will a lot that autumn, and by about the third 'Why are they cool?' or fourth visit he felt that Will was getting used to him. They 'I don't know. Because they took drugs and died, probably.' didn't talk about much at first, but one day Will said, 'How's the Marcus thought he wouldn't want pictures on his wall of situation at home?' for no reason that Marcus could understand. people who took drugs and died. He'd want to forget all about 'You mean my mum?' that kind of thing, not look at it every day of his life. 'Yes.' Will made tea in the kitchen. Then they went back into the 'She's all right, thanks.' living room and sat down on the sofa. Marcus had never talked about it, and he'd never said how he 'Do you like school?' Will asked. felt. But what he felt, all the time, every day, was a horrible fear. 'No. I hate it.' This was the main reason why he came round to Will's after 'Why? Do the other kids bully you?' school. Every time he climbed the stairs at home he remembered Marcus looked at him. How did he know that? the Dead Duck Day. When he saw his mum watching the news 'Not really. Just a couple of kids.' or eating or preparing work on the dining table, he wanted to 'What do they do to you?' cry, or be sick or something. But he couldn't talk about it. 'Nothing really. Just, you know, say things about my hair and 'Are you still worried about her?' 28 29
  • 18. 'A bit, when I think about it.' 'Marcus, does this happen often?' 'How often do you think about it?' 'Well, they've never thrown sweets at me before.' 'I don't know.' He thought about it all the time, all the time, all 'I'm not talking about the sweets. I'm talking about older kids the time. Could he say that to Will? He didn't know. He couldn't bullying you.' say it to his mum, or to his dad, or to Suzie. They would all be 'Oh, yes. Not those two too worried about him. He just wanted a promise from someone, 'No, OK, not those two. But others like them.' anyone, that it wouldn't happen again, ever, and no one could do 'Yes. Lots.' that. 'Right. That's what I've been trying to find out. Your problem Will was wishing that he hadn't asked Marcus about Fiona, is, Marcus, that you look different from other kids. That's why because it was clear that the boy was very upset. Will wasn't used they notice you. You need to look more like them. You need the to coping with people with real-life problems. He liked watching same clothes and haircut and glasses as everyone else. You can be people's problems on TV, but he'd never had anyone with as weird as you want on the inside. Just do something about the problems on his sofa before. outside.' Sometimes they managed conversations about other things, Will took Marcus shopping in Holloway Road and bought like Marcus's dad. him a pair of expensive Adidas trainers. Marcus thought they 'Do you see your dad often?' were cool, and Will was pleased. He couldn't remember feeling as 'Quite often. Some weekends. He's got a girlfriend called good as this before. He had made an unhappy boy happy, and Lindsey. She's nice.' there hadn't been any advantage in it for him at all. He didn't 'Would you like to see him more than you do?' even want to sleep with the boy's mother. 'No.' But the next day Marcus's new trainers were stolen. He came 'Well, that's all right then.' home from school wearing only a pair of black socks. The next week, while Will was watching Countdown as usual, 'Where are your shoes?' Fiona screamed. She hadn't noticed he was interrupted by a long, urgent ring on the doorbell. He got that he had been wearing new trainers. up off the sofa and opened the door. Marcus was standing on the 'Stolen.' doorstep, and two ugly-looking boys were throwing hard sweets 'Stolen? Why would anyone want to steal your shoes?' at him. Some sweets hit Will. 'Because . . . ' He was going to have to tell her the truth, 'What do you think you're doing?' He couldn't remember the although he knew the truth would lead to a lot of questions. last time he had been so angry. 'Because they were nice ones. They were new Adidas trainers. The boys ran away and Will went back into the flat. Marcus Will bought them for me.' was sitting on the sofa watching Countdown. 'Will who? Will, the guy who took us to lunch?' 'Who were they?' 'Yes. The guy from SPAT. He's become my friend.' 'I don't know their names,' said Marcus, his eyes on the TV 'He's become your friend?' 'They're in the class two years above me at school.' Marcus was right — his mum had lots of questions, but she 30 31
  • 19. asked them in a very boring way. She just repeated the last thing 'I know he's taking some time to get used to his new school, he said, made it into a question and shouted. but . . . ' 'I go round to his flat after school.' Will laughed. 'Oh, yes. And after a couple of weeks he'll be 'YOU G O R O U N D T O HIS FLAT A F T E R S C H O O L ? ' OK? When they've stopped stealing his shoes and following him 'Well, you see, he doesn't really have a kid.' home from school, everything will be great.' ' H E D O E S N ' T REALLY HAVE A KID?' That was wrong. They were all mad. 'I don't think so,' said When the questions had finished, he was in a lot of trouble, Marcus. 'It's going to take more than a couple of weeks.' although probably not as much trouble as Will. Marcus put his 'It's OK, I know,' said Will. 'I was joking.' old shoes back on, and then he and his mother went straight to Marcus didn't think there was much to joke about in the Will's flat. Will opened the door and Fiona immediately started situation. But he was very pleased that Will understood what was shouting at him about SPAT and his imaginary son. At first Will happening to him at school. He'd only known Will for a short looked embarrassed — he had no answers to her questions, so he time, and he'd known his mother all his life. So why could Will stood there staring at the floor. But as it continued, he started to understand, and his mother couldn't? But now his mother get angry too. understood too, because Will had told her. 'Why do you invite twelve-year-old boys round to tea-parties 'You're not going to Will's again,' Fiona said to Marcus on the in your flat after school?' asked Fiona. bus on the way home. 'If you've got anything to say, you say it to Will looked at her. 'Are you suggesting what I think you're me. If you need new clothes, I'll get them.' suggesting?' He went red in the face and started shouting very 'But you don't know what I need. I don't know what I need. loudly. 'Your son invites himself round here. Sometimes he's Only Will knows. He knows what kids wear.' followed by other kids who attack him. I could leave him 'We don't need that kind of person. We're doing all right our outside, but I let him in for his own safety. I won't do it again. way. Marcus, I've been your mother for twelve years. I do know Now, if you've finished, you can both get out of here.' what I'm doing.' 'I haven't finished yet, actually. Why did you buy him a pair of Marcus didn't think either of them was doing all right. He expensive trainers?' wondered if his mother had a kind of plan for him. In the next 'Because . . . because look at him.' few days he began to notice the way she talked to him. He was 'What's wrong with him?' interested in everything she said about what he should watch on Will looked at her. 'You really don't know, do you? Marcus is TV or listen to or read or eat. being eaten alive at school by the other kids. He gets bullied She had always said it was important to talk about things, and every day.' that she wanted him to think for himself. They had often 'Marcus is doing fine,' his mother said. discussed what was bad about fashion and modern pop music Marcus couldn't believe she'd said that. He wasn't doing fine; and computer games. But if she didn't like what he said, she his mum was being blind and stupid and crazy. argued with him until he agreed with her. But he hadn't agreed, 'You're joking,' said Will. really; he'd just lost the argument. 32 33
  • 20. 'I've been thinking for myself,' he said,'and I want to go round sleep with her. But conversations with her were never dull. to Will's flat after school.' 'I've always been worried about Marcus not having a father 'No. He's a rich guy who doesn't work, who tells lies, and around,' said Fiona. 'But he's always told me it didn't matter. who . . . ' Then, when I said I didn't want him to see you, he said he 'He understands about school. He bought me those trainers. needed a father.' He knows things.' He was getting annoyed. 'I'm thinking for 'He said that because he wanted to win the argument. Never myself and . . . it doesn't work. You always win.' trust a human male when he talks about his feelings.' 'Marcus, it's not enough to tell me you're thinking for 'Really? Well, maybe it's best if he doesn't see you.' yourself. You've got to show me too. Give me a good reason why 'What do you want me to do if he rings the doorbell?' you want to go round to Will's.' 'Don't let him in.' Marcus gave her a reason. It wasn't the right reason, and he felt 'Right.' bad saying it because it made her cry. But it was a good reason Marcus was waiting for Fiona at home. He didn't like the idea and he won the argument. of his mum talking to Will because he'd stopped believing that 'Because I need a father.' he and his mum and Will and Ned were going to live together in Will's flat. Ned didn't exist, and Will and Fiona didn't like each other very much. Chapter 6 Ellie When Fiona came back, he looked at her face to see if she was angry or depressed, but she seemed OK. Will hadn't seen Marcus for a week and hadn't thought about 'Did you have a good time?' him much. He preferred watching Countdown alone anyway. 'It was OK. But you're not going round there again. He's not Then Fiona phoned. going to answer the door. He told me.' 'Marcus seems to think he needs an adult male in his life. Like Marcus wasn't worried. He knew how loudly Will's doorbell a father. He talked about you.' rang inside the flat, and he knew he could ring it for a very long 'Listen, Fiona, I definitely don't need a son in my life. Why time. doesn't he use his own father as a father?' 'His father lives in Cambridge. It's a long way' 'You told me not to see Marcus again. Fine. I told you I didn't Fiona had made a complaint to the school about Marcus's new want to see Marcus again. And now you're telling me . . . I don't trainers being stolen, so he had to go and see the head teacher, understand.' Mrs Morrison. He was waiting outside her office when a girl 'Listen,' said Fiona. 'Can we meet tomorrow night for a drink called Ellie McCrae came and sat down next to him. Ellie was to discuss all this?' fifteen and she was famous in the school. She wore a lot of black They met in a quiet pub. Will had never been alone with Fiona eye make-up and cut her own hair, and she was always in trouble, before. He didn't find her attractive and he certainly didn't want to usually for something serious. 34 35
  • 21. They sat in silence for a time, then Marcus thought he'd try to 'Maybe you haven't tried hard enough.' talk to Ellie. His mum was always saying he should talk to people Marcus stood up to go. He'd had enough. She wasn't going to at school. be helpful because she didn't like him. Nobody at this school 'Hello, Ellie.' liked him and he didn't understand why. 'How does a little boy like you know my name?' 'Sit down, Marcus. I haven't finished with you.' 'You're famous.' He knew this was a mistake immediately. 'But I've finished with you.' 'What am I famous for?' He had never been rude to a teacher before and he was very 'Don't know.' surprised at himself. He walked out of Mrs Morrison's office, and 'Yes, you do. I'm famous because I'm always in trouble. Do out of the school. you know what I'm in trouble for this time? It's this sweatshirt. Marcus was walking slowly along Upper Street when Will saw They don't want me to wear it, and I don't want to take it off, so him. Will was driving back from the supermarket, listening to there's going to be an argument.' loud music in his car. What was Marcus doing out of school at Marcus looked at Ellie's sweatshirt. It had a picture on it of a two o'clock in the afternoon, he wondered. guy with long blond hair, big eyes and half a beard. At exactly 4.15 that afternoon, right in the middle of 'Who's that?' he asked politely. Countdown, Marcus rang his doorbell. At first Will didn't answer, 'Don't you know? It's Kirk O'Bane.' but Marcus rang and rang. Will turned off the TV and put on 'Oh, yes.' Marcus had never heard of Kirk O'Bane, but that some music by the pop group Nirvana, hoping that Marcus wasn't surprising — he'd never heard of anybody. 'What does he would go away. But Marcus didn't stop ringing the bell, so finally do?' - Will opened the door and let him in. 'He's a footballer. He plays for Manchester United.' 'You shouldn't be here.' 'Does he?' Marcus thought that the guy on Ellie's sweatshirt 'I came to ask you something. I want you to take me and a looked more like a singer than a footballer. Footballers weren't friend to a football match.' sad, usually, and this man looked sad. 'You don't like football.' Just then Mrs Morrison's door opened and two young kids 'I do now,' said Marcus. 'I like Manchester United. And I like a came out. 'Come in, Marcus,' said Mrs Morrison. player called Kirk O'Bane. He's got long blond hair and a beard.' Marcus's talk with Mrs Morrison didn't go very well. She 'Marcus, there isn't a player called O'Bane who plays for asked him about the boys who stole his trainers and he said he Manchester United. I know all the players and there's nobody didn't know who they were. This wasn't true, of course, but he with long blond hair and a beard. There was a player called didn't want any more trouble from them. O'Kane who played for Nottingham about twenty-five years 'Marcus, if the other kids are bullying you, why don't you just ago. What lessons did you have this afternoon?' keep out of their way?' Marcus looked at him, trying to work out why he was asking Marcus was annoyed. Did she think he was stupid? Did she the question. 'History, and then . . . umm . . . ' think he went looking for trouble? 'I have tried,' he said. 'Marcus, I saw you this afternoon.' 36 37
  • 22. 'What, in school?' noticed that he had been absent the afternoon before, so he 'Well, I didn't see you in school, did I? Because you weren't didn't get into trouble. In the morning break he found Ellie and a there. I drove past you on Upper Street.' friend from her class, Zoe, by the drinks machine. Ellie was 'It was Mrs Morrison's fault. The head teacher. She told me to wearing her Kurt Cobain sweatshirt. keep out of their way — the boys who stole my trainers.' Marcus 'Kurt Cobain doesn't play for Manchester United,' he told her. began to get upset, and to speak more quickly. 'They followed 'He plays . . . he sings ... for Nirvana. A friend of mine has got me! How can I keep out of their way if they follow me?' one of their CDs. Nevermind.' 'All right, Marcus, calm down. Did you tell her that?' 'Thanks for telling me,' said Ellie and laughed. 'What year's 'Of course. But she didn't take any notice.' your friend in? I didn't think anyone in this school liked Nirvana. 'Right. So go home and tell your mum this. It's no good And what do you think of them?' telling me.' 'He's left school. He's quite old. And I don't know what I 'I'm not telling her. She's got enough problems without me. think of Nirvana.' Will had played him some of their music the Why can't you go and see her? Mrs Morrison.' evening before. It had been very noisy with a lot of shouting, but 'You're joking. Listen, Marcus. I'm not your father, or your there had been some quiet bits too. He didn't think he would uncle, or any member of your family. No head teacher is going to ever like it as much as Joni Mitchell or Mozart, but he could take any notice of what I say. You've got to stop thinking I know understand why Ellie might like it. the answer to anything, because I don't.' 'It's a bit noisy,' said Marcus, 'but the picture on the cover is 'You know about things. You knew about the trainers. And very interesting.' It was a picture of a baby, swimming after a you know about Kirk O'Bane. The footballer.' dollar note. Will had said something about the picture, but he Suddenly Will realized who Marcus was talking about. 'It's not couldn't remember what it was. 'I think the cover has a meaning. Kirk O'Bane, you fool, it's Kurt Cobain. The singer with Nirvana.' Something about society.' 'I thought he must be a singer,' said Marcus. 'I didn't know Ellie and Zoe looked at each other and laughed. about him, and my mum wouldn't either, but you did. You see, 'You're very funny,' said Zoe. 'Who are you?' you know things. You can help.' 'Marcus.' It was then, for the first time, that Will understood the kind of 'Cool name,' said Zoe, and they laughed again. 'See you help that Marcus needed. Fiona had given him the idea that around, Marcus.' Marcus needed an adult male in his life, but that was wrong. It was the longest conversation he'd had with anyone at school Marcus needed help to be a kid. And, unfortunately for Will, that for weeks. Later, he told Will about Ellie. was exactly the kind of help that he could give. Will couldn't tell 'Can I invite her round to your flat?' he asked. Marcus how to grow up, or how to cope with a mother who 'I'm not sure she'd come, Marcus. How old is she? Fifteen? I'm wanted to kill herself. But he could certainly tell him that Kurt Cobain wasn't a footballer. not sure fifteen-year-old girls want to go around with twelve- year-old boys. She probably has a 25-year-old boyfriend who Marcus went back to school the following day. Nobody had rides a Harley Davidson.' 38 39
  • 23. Marcus hadn't thought of that. 'I don't want to go out with Marcus felt very proud as he walked through the school her. She wouldn't be interested in someone like me. But we can with Ellie and Zoe. The other kids, and even the teachers, come round here and listen to your Nirvana CDs, can't we?' stared at them in surprise. When they got to Ellie's classroom, 'She's probably heard them already.' Ellie made him stand outside. He could hear her shouting to Marcus was getting annoyed with Will. Why didn't he want the other kids. him to make friends? 'OK, forget it then.' 'OK, listen, everybody. I want you to meet Marcus. He's the 'I'm sorry, Marcus. I'm glad you spoke to Ellie today. But a only other person in the whole school who likes Kurt Cobain. two-minute conversation with someone who's laughing at Come in, Marcus.' you . . . I'm not sure this relationship is going to last.' He walked in, and everybody laughed when they saw him. Marcus wasn't listening. Ellie and her friend had said he was Ellie and Zoe stood beside him and Marcus felt great. funny, and he'd made them laugh. That had made him feel good, and he knew he could make them laugh again. The next day he saw them again by the drinks machine. Chapter 7 Christmas at Fiona's 'Ellie, how old is your boyfriend?' The girls laughed and Marcus felt happy. 'My friend Will said he's probably about Will was feeling depressed. It was only 19 November, but he twenty-five and rides a Harley Davidson.' had heard his dad's Christmas song in a supermarket that 'He's a hundred and two,' said Ellie. 'How old's your girlfriend? morning. She probably wants to kill me, doesn't she?' Will hated Christmas: people knocked on his door, singing the 'I haven't got one,' said Marcus, and the girls laughed again. song he hated more than any other song in the world, and They were laughing all the time now. expected him to give them money. His dad had hated Christmas Ellie and Zoe came looking for Marcus at lunchtime. He was too, but for a different reason: it reminded him of how badly he at his desk eating sandwiches when they came into his classroom, had failed in his life. His famous Christmas song was the only calling his name. Almost every kid in the room stopped what successful song he had ever written. At Christmas, Will's dad had they were doing and turned round. You could see what they always got depressed and angry and drunk a lot, so it had never were thinking: Ellie and Marcus? Even Nicky and Mark, who been a very happy time for Will. hadn't spoken to him for weeks, looked up from their Gameboy. Since his parents had died, Will had usually spent the holiday 'What are you all staring at? Marcus is our friend, aren't you, with friends, or girlfriends' families, but this year he had no plans. Marcus? Let's go to our classroom. You don't want to stay here There was no girlfriend, and so there were no girlfriend's parents. with these boring little kids, do you?' He decided that he would sit at home and watch old films on TV Some of the kids turned red, but nobody said anything. and get drunk, but that didn't seem very Christmassy. Nobody wanted to argue with Ellie. They watched as Marcus He thought about spending Christmas Day with a family — walked from his desk to where Ellie and Zoe were standing. not his family, because he didn't have one, but a family. He When he got there, Ellie gave him a kiss. definitely didn't want to spend Christmas with Marcus and 40 41
  • 24. Fiona, though — eating vegetarian food, not watching TV, singing 'Oh,' Lindsey said. She and her mum and Clive looked at Will Christmas songs with his eyes closed. But the next afternoon with interest, but he just smiled. Marcus came round and invited Will to spend Christmas with Clive gave Marcus some computer games and CDs and them sweatshirts. But Fiona's presents to Marcus weren't very 'Ummm,' said Will. 'That's . . . very kind of you.' interesting at all, Will thought — books, and a hairy jumper, and 'But you're coming?' some piano music. But Marcus was really pleased with them, and 'I don't know.' for the first time Will understood that Marcus was a good kid. 'Why not?' He didn't need expensive presents to be happy. 'Because They had lunch and then watched TV. Marcus was happy and 'Don't you want to come?' Will felt very relaxed. But later in the afternoon Suzie arrived 'Yes, of course I do, b u t . . . what about your mum?' with Megan. Fiona had told her that Will didn't really have a 'She'll be there too.' two-year-old son called Ned, but Will hadn't seen Suzie since 'Yes, I know. But she wouldn't want me there.' then and now he felt really embarrassed and ashamed. He stood 'I've already spoken to her about it. I said I wanted to invite a up, and then he sat down again, and then he stood up again and friend, and she said OK. She guessed it was you. I haven't got any said he had to go. other friends.' 'Don't be so silly, Will,' said Fiona. 'All right,' Will said at last. 'I'd love to spend Christmas with So Will sat down again and Suzie sat next to him, but she you, Marcus.' refused to speak to him. When he arrived at Marcus and Fiona's flat on Christmas Day, Megan went over to the Christmas tree and Fiona handed her he was pleased to find other people there too. There was a present. 'This is for you, Megan,' she said. Marcus's dad Clive, and his girlfriend Lindsey, and his girlfriend's Megan stood holding her present and looked around the mum, all sitting in a line on the sofa. Will was very surprised that room. Then she walked over to Will and tried to give it to him. Fiona and Clive were still friendly although their relationship had Will didn't move. finished some time ago. The people in SPAT hadn't been like 'Well, take it from her, you fool,' said Suzie. that about their broken relationships — they had been angry and 'It's not my present,' said Will, but Megan continued to hold it unhappy. out until he reached for it. 'Now what?' he said. Will gave Marcus a CD of Nevermind and a Kurt Cobain 'Open it with her,' said Suzie. T-shirt, and Marcus gave Will a book of Countdown quizzes. Will helped Megan open the present. It was a plastic musical Fiona gave Will The Single Parent's Guide as a joke. toy. They both looked at it. 'What's the joke?' asked Lindsey. 'Now play with her,' Suzie said angrily. 'It's easy to see that you 'Nothing,' said Will quickly. don't know anything about kids. But you should learn. It would 'Will pretended to have a kid so he could join a single parents' be useful to you in your kind of work.' group,' Marcus told her. 'What is your kind of work?' asked Lindsey politely. 42 43