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Purchasing a car is a big commitment.
For most, it is one of the biggest financial commitments of their lives.
                                                                                         01 CONTENTS
                                                                                            TABLE OF

When Central Edge began studying the psychographics of our consumers,
many things became clear. This is a brand loyal generation with high expectations
from companies. When it comes to cars, it is not features, colors, or even price
that drives them to purchase a car. They believe a company should do more
than just provide products or services. They also have an expectation of community
only involvement. They want to know how that brand is going to benefit them in
their everyday lives.
Over the past seven months, we conducted extensive research and strategized
the most effective way to reach our target market. Central Edge associates
spent a day in the life of numerous multicultural millennials to walk in their shoes.
We crafted Cultural Analysis Maps to help guide us through the campaign and
uncovered barriers that were stopping them from purchasing Nissan vehicles.
On the following pages, we present the strategies and executions that will be
effective in increasing market share among multicultural millennials who are
18 - 29 years-old. Our campaign will reinforce that Nissan is the most innovative
automotive company in the world.
Central Edge is confident that we have met all your objectives and exceeded
Nissan’s expectations. In short, we have been as innovative as Nissan is.

                                                  - Scott Whisenhunt, Account Director

We are a diverse group of students with different majors, interests and
ideas, but we all have the same belief that our client’s and their brands
success comes first. With inventive ideas and strategy, our mission is to
accomplish all of Nissans aspirations and desires. We believe we have
done all of that and more.

                                                       - Central Edge Communications
02 Where We Are... The Situation
   While we gathered and analyzed information, we discovered several key truths about Multicultural
   Millennials and Nissan. These key findings drove Central Edge response to the problems and opportunities
   identified in this challenge as well as our overall campaign strategy. Ultimately, these key truths led to the
   insights that drove this campaign.

   Multicultural Millennials:                                                    Nissan:
•	 As much as they are separated and defined by their culture and             •	 Nissan does not have a distinctive or clearly defined personality
   heritage… they are joined by their pursuit of being a part of the whole.      with its prospects.

•	 They respect the past. But they look to the future fully confident that    •	 Nissan makes the Evoked Set list of most Multicultural Millennials,
   they can change it and correct the mistakes of those who went                 but it is so near the bottom that if they find a good deal on a higher
   before them… they believe they can change the world.                          ranking competitor – they never even look at a Nissan.

•	 When it comes to buying a new car – they want style, features,             •	 Nissan really is an innovative company…that is not just advertising
   speed and reliability but…their choice is driven by two factors:              lingo (although our prospects don’t really understand what Nissan
   money and life-stage. These two factors will assist the consumer in           means by Innovation, and they aren’t really sure why they should
   making their final choice.                                                    care.

•	 They do not trust companies – and they don’t trust the advertising         •	 Nissan is a company that pays back on a global basis - although
   done by most companies.                                                       our prospects view “paying back” as a more localized response.

•	 Consumers expect companies to pay a price for the right to do              •	 Nissan really does have a reason why it does what it does – beyond
   business…they want to buy from companies that do more than just               just making money. Their mission and vision is defined as “enriching
   make money.                                                                   people’s lives.”

  Nissan Campaign Driving Insight:
  “Everything we do, we do because we believe in innovation. We believe in building cars that are unique, that
  deliver superior value. The way we challenge the status quo is by building quality vehicles that are more efficient,
  more beautiful, and more innovative than ever. We believe all companies should be good citizens in the global
  community; and to that end we focus on and contribute to humanitarian aid, supportive education, and caring
  for the environment. We just happen to make great cars.”
                                                                      Understanding Multicultural
                                                                          Millennials and Nissan.
                                                       We executed six different types of research to understand
                                                     and gain insight into the lifestyle of Multicultural millennials
                                                     in the U.S to shape our campaign and build a long-term
                                                      relationship between Multicultural Millennials and Nissan.

{   Understand the purchasing habits of Multicultural
             Millennials when purchasing a vehicle.    }{          Analyze Nissan’s competitors and understand
                                                                their brand identities with Multicultural Millennals.

{                                                      }{
    Explore/understand cultural influences. (lifestyle &
                                                              Understand the commonalities among Multicultural
                                                                                         Millennials in the U.S.    }

    Objec                                                   {      Identify the meaning of “Innovation” with our
                                                                selected sub segments and how they perceive it.     }

     tives                                                  { Discover the most profitable and effective mediums
                                                                     to reach Multicultural Millennials in the U.S. }
                                            387                    ONLINE
                                                                   SURVEYS                       2 GROUPSFOCUS
                                                                                                 To develop a working

6     CULTURAL ANALYSIS                     To establish the target’s opinions, buing            knowledge of cultural
                                                                                                 influences, commonalities
      MAPPING STUDIES                       habits, and media outlets considering
                                                                                                 and the attitudes toward
                                            Nissan and major competitors.
To illustrate interlocking relationships                                                         Nissan, and it’s competitors.
between a variety of different concepts
and ideas among the target market.

                                            169               STREET                    56         IN-DEPTH

                                                              INTERVIEWS                To delve deeper into the
                     PERCEPTUAL             One-on-one interviews to learn more
                                                                                        specific problems with the brand
                    SURVEYS                 about the specific characteristics of the
                                                                                        and expand the knowledge and
                                                                                        understanding of the target.
To gather detailed information of the       target markets decision making process.
targets opinions of the brand and
competing brands.

         Analyzing the everyday lifestyle
         influences of the target in day-
         to-day surroundings.                                                                                       TOTAL
Multicultural                                                          05 FINDINGS
are...                                       Understanding Multiculturals/

                                             lifestyle analysis
                                             •	 Multiculturals covet the latest      •	 Multiculturals treasure tradition
                                                technology and will pay more            and their cultural heritage while
                         more likely than       than the average customer to            seeking convergence and
                                                buy what they want.                     becoming a part of the whole.
                           others to have
                        attended college.    •	 Simmons data reports that            •	 Multiculturals respect the older
                                                they are 86 times more likely to        generation and value the ethics
                                                spend time on the internet then         and standards of the past.
                                                other demographics.
                                                                                     •	 Multiculturals believe they can

                                             •	 Each sub - segment bases its            and will make the world a better
                                                major purchase decisions on style,      place.
                                                function, quality and reliability.
                                                                                     •	 Multiculturals don’t trust
 more likely than the                        •	 Multiculturals want to be defined       advertising but want to find
 average to have a                              by their choices in music, art,         brands that they can trust and
 household income
 above $60,000.          43% 57%                and celebrity association.              believe in.

                                             •	 Multiculturals base their
                                                purchasing on more than              How They View Cars:
                        2.44 %
                                                product – they want brands
                                                they trust and believe have a        •	 Believe think their car should
                                                purpose.                                express their personality.

                        Multicultural        •	 All three sub-segments are           •	 Multiculturals drive to gain a
                        Millennials             107 times more likely than other        sense of freedom.
                                                targets to watch television for
                        African	    1.07 %      relaxation and information.          •	 Multiculturals want a car that
                        American	                                                       can be personalized and fit into
                                                                                        their lifestyles.
                                             •	 Magazines have an amazing
     97.56 %            Hispanic	   1.28 %      Simmons index of 643 among
                                                Multicultural Millennial, which
                                                                                     •	 Ideal car is fast, exciting and
     U.S Population                                                                     friendly to the environment.
                        Chinese	.09%            means the target is 543 times
                                                more likely than the rest of the     •	 Multiculturals want cars that
                                                population to read magazines.           stand out from the others.
06 SWOT                                     Strengths                          Opportunities
                                     •	 Always on the edge of Innovation.    •	 Create a brand identity that
                                                                                distinguishes Nissan from its
Barriers                             •	 Quality cars at reasonable prices.      competitors.

Our Central Edge campaign                                                    •	 Develop an online and social
                                     •	 Variety of styles and features to       media relationship with multicultural
tackles these barriers and              meet most consumer expectations.        millennials.
misconceptions which include:
                                     •	 Company is already engaged in        •	 Opportunity to alter the purchase
                                        on-going innovative research            process.
•	 Lack of brand perception.
                                                                             •	 Create brand loyalty by gaining the
                                     •	 Nissan has a strong and                 trust of the millennial generation.
•	 Cognitive resonance in today’s       established corporate citizenship
   oversaturated auto industry.         policy.                              •	 Community involvement
                                                                                opportunities to put Nissan in the
                                     •	 Strong environmental initiatives.       consumer’s day-to-day lives.
•	 Creating new and reviving long
   lasting relationships and brand
   favorability with Multicultural
   Millennial Americans.
                                        Weaknesses                                     Threats
                                     •	 Nissan has an inconsistent
                                        brand identity.                      •	 Innovation from their competitors.

                                     •	 Weak brand position among
                                                                             •	 Competition for millennial
                                                                                market share.
                                     •	 No persona in the market.

                                     •	 Fragmented web presence.
                                                                             •	 The economy.
                                     •	 No existing relationship with
                                        multicultural sub-segments.
                                                                                               Multicultural Millennial Mindset
                                    Distinguished by their cultural and family heritage, Multicultural Millennials are also diverse
                                     and empowered by their uniqueness and traditions. Unified, they are the future. They are
                                    a part of the first generation of true digital natives. Multicultural Millennials are born into a
                                                             global culture and defined by unifying, not distinguishing attitudes.
                     •	 Proud of Latino heritage                               •	 Brand conscious.                                •	 Primarily an urban
                        while merging Hispanic                                                                                       market.
                        traditions with American

                                                           Chinese Americans   •	 Interested in current

                        customs.                                                  technology.                                     •	 Psychological focus
                                                                                                                                     on cultural elements
                     •	 Identify with country                                                                                        of music, fashion and
                                                                               •	 Value career success
                        of origin.
                                                                                  higher than they value                             language.
                     •	 Values are important.                                     marriage, children,
                                                                                  religion and wealth.                            •	 Believe that what they
                     •	 Respect elders.                                                                                              buy should make a
                                                                               •	 Rely on consumer                                   statement about you.
                     •	 Believe helping others
                        is imperative before                                                                                      •	 Committed to
                        one can reach
                                                                               •	 Chinese media, is mostly                           individuality and pride.
                                                                                  consumed by first and
                     •	 Speak English & Spanish.                                  second generation                               •	 Heavy users of electronic
        }                                                                         Chinese.                                           media.
All multicultural segments are unique and in many ways that uniqueness influences their shopping and buying habits, but
when it comes to buying new cars – our research confirms that their buying habits are minimally influenced by cultural
heritage – it is driven instead by their life stage and economic status, factors which impact virtually all car buyers.

When it comes to buying cars…despite their
differences…four factors rise to the top of                           { style         quality          price          life stage     }
the influence set for all three segments:

                                   STARTERS   •	   Lower end of age category                           •	 Older end of age dynamic

                                              •	   Just finishing school; starting careers
                                              •	   Style and price driven                              •	 Building career
These factors separate                        •	   Feature desirous
them into two Primary                         •	   First new car purchase                              •	 Style and feature driven
                                              •	   Usually single
buying segments and                           •	   Often a family assisted purchase
                                                                                                       •	 Price sensitive
one secondary market                          •	   Competitively confused                              •	 With a partner – often a family
                                              •	   Peer influence is high
                                              •	   Family input is important                           •	 Concerned about family and peer
                                              •	   Probable Nissan Purchase: Versa and Altima             impression

                                                                                            •	 Influence buying decisions

                                                    PARENTS                                 •	 Opinion Leaders on purchase choice
                                                                                            •	 Provide financial assistance for some buyers
Automotive Industry Market Share
                                                           09 THE COMPETITION
                   Wall Street Journal - September 2011

                                                               It’s not about comparing features…it’s
                                                                about realizing what connects us and
                                                                               making us memorable.

                                                  Ford     How to distinguish Nissan from its competition?
                                                           Our research clearly told us that when our prospects think about car
Hyundai                                                    brands and begin the car selection process they have difficulty separating
                                                           one cars features from another…and that they have NO CLEAR perception
                                                           of NISSAN as a BRAND and assign NO BRAND PERSONALITY to its cars
          Nissan                      Toyota
          8.8%                         11.5%
                     8.5%                                  The Buying Process
                                                           What consumers do first in the buying decision process is recall the
                                                           perception of a brand. Once they have accessed their evoked set of
                                                           brands, built from awareness and perceptions- only then do they begin

  {Nissan ranks 4th in                                     to contrast features.

                                                           Making it into the evoked set is in great part determined by positioning -
   sales in the total car                                  how consumers perceive our brand in comparison with its competitors.

   market and 3rd in                                       They know our name... but they don’t connect with us. Nissan lacks a
                                                           strong brand identity or personality.
   Multicultural Millennials
   market share with 25%                                    How do we expand sales                       By creating a distinctive
                                                            with Multicultural Millennials               brand personality and
   of its sales coming                                      beyond 25 percent? How                       position, not just create

   from these prospects.                           }        do we stand-out from our
                                                                                                         awareness of features.
The key to out performing our competition….
Central Edge used the Vehicle Innovation Strategy Framework to define the personalities of Nissan and its competitive set in
order to clarify brand personas. We have developed a campaign designed to distinguish and create a distinctive brand
personality for Nissan to build stronger and specific brand recall…a true competitive difference. This concept is based on a
specialized application of Brand Archetypes and their ability to relate to car buyers.

Create a distinct
                                                                                  er                                 er
position and                                                                    w ket                              ptosts
                                                                        o -m llo ar                        d c   a
bring the brand                                                      t F ss                           t As, Low                              er
                                                                  s a                              rketion                               uild ers
                                                                                                                                        B m
position to life…                                               Fa the m                       a va                           d sto
                                                                                          s t                              ran nd cu
                                                                                                                          B e
                                                                                    Ma duc                         Thes, High                                 zer
                                                                                                                                                          ioni kets
                                                            m                                                                      -
                                                         he                                                                                           lut
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                                                    s                                                                                                      -ma
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                                                                                                                                       Innovations based on ne

                                                                                                                                                                                    Vertical Kia Motors Logo 1/C - 100% Pantone

Our campaign is carefully designed to shift Nissan’s brand perception with Multicultural Millinnials from the Fast Follower
to the Architectural Revolutionizer. By stragicially positioning Nissans Innovation and building new relationships with
MultiCultural Millinnials we will show them that Nissan does much more than make vehicles. They make vehicles to improve
their lives and the way they move through the world.
                                                                                   THE PURCHASE INFLUENCERS

   It’s all about the brand.…it’s all about what Multicultural Millennials think about the brand.
                         It’s about what happens when the decision to buy a new car is made.

Central Edge research made us reconsider what                   Why isn’t Nissan at the top of Multicultural Mil-
we thought we knew about buying a new car:                      lennial’s go to list?

•	 We discovered that Nissan is in the evoked set… but, it is   •	 Our prospects tell us they don’t have any perception of
   near the bottom of that list.                                   Nissan that makes it stand out from the crowd.

•	 Our prospects have a difficult time separating advertis-     •	 They tell us increasingly features and claims have
   ing for one brand of car from another.                          blended into a muddle of confusion. They remind us
                                                                   that once one company has a new feature it is quickly
•	 Prospects are confused about the features offered by            copied.
   one brand compared to another.
                                                                •	 It is true that all we can own is our consumer’s percep-
•	 Two factors determine our prospect’s final decision:            tion of our brand..

  {                                             }
                                                                •	 Our first challenge is to create a distinctive personality
                                                                   that distinguishes Nissan from other brands…an identity

                  Desire for style but most                        our prospect’s can build a relationship and a trust.
                  important are money and
                                                                •	 Then Central Edge looked at biology to understand
                  financing options.
                                                                   how we process, understand and respond to mes-
                                                                   sages. Part of or brain (the neocortex) is responsible

                  Lifestage needs…young                            for rational and analytical thought and language. The
                  and single or settling down                      other two sections are responsible for all our feelings
                                                                   and language they are responsible for loyalty and trust
                  with kids in the car.
                                                                   and for human behavior and decision making
12             What does that mean to our
               campaign and to Nissan?
Then Central Edge looked at biology to understand how we process, understand, and respond to messages. Part of the brain (the Neocortex) is
responsible for rational and analytical thought and language. The other two sections are responsible for all of our feelings and language, they are
responsible for loyalty, trust in addition to human behavior and decision making.

When we communicate from the Outside-In, we are talking to the neocortex - most car advertising that stresses lists of facts, features, and benefits is
delivered there. People exposed to these messages can process complex advertisements, but those messages do not drive behavior.

Advertising that is Inside-Out talks directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior. Inside-Out advertising is based on an emotional
relationship - this is where gut decisions come from - it means breaking through to change perceptions with perceptual impact... if we can
communicate to prospects why Nissan is a different company - why they do what they do and how that makes them distinctive... that causes
consumers to respond through positive behavior.

Our goal is not to sell to people who need a new car. Our goal is to sell to people who believe in what we are and why we do what we do.

Nissan Buyer
Decision Process:                                      Talk to:                                                                          Discover-
                                                       Family,                                                                           “I know
                                                       Friends,         Read                                                             what to
                                     Information                        Reviews        Look at                           Look for        do.”
                                                       Dealers                                                           company I
                                     Search                                            Literature -     Evoked Set
                                                                                       GET              Ask “What        believe in
                     “I need a                                                                                           and trust
                                                                                       CONFUSED         brand do I
    Problem          new car!”
                                                                                                        like & Why?”

                                        The NISSAN                        As the Multicultural Millennial
                                                                          new car buyer goes through the
                                        Buying Decision                   decision process and reaches

                                        process                           that final decision point… they
                                                                          will be able to say…

                                                                                          “I know!”
Marketing Objectives:
•	 To increase enquiry to sales
   conversion rate from 4% to 7%
•	 To increase Nissan showroom
   and online enquiries among                                      Communication Objective:
   Multicultural Millennials to                                    Our communication objective is to build a
   1,457,914 units                                                 distinctive and memorable persona among
                                                                   Multicultural Millennials by generating
•	 To increase Nissan’s share of                                   a carefully crafted relationship-oriented
   market with Multicultural Millennials                           brand identity.
   by 13% (15,187 units)

                                           Creative Objective:
                                           Our objective is to generate creative
                                           that doesn’t add to the existing clutter
                                           of car advertising. We will generate a
                                           brand personality that reflects the voice
                                           and attitude of Multicultural Millennials
                                           with ads that lead them to search for
                                           information about Nissan and why it is
                                           an innovative company that’s working
                                           to enrich peoples’ lives.

Multicultural Millennial Americans are very complex. They are tech savy, unique and know they are
the future. Most importantly they don’t like advertising and they don’t trust companies.

In our research it became more evident that, in order                    •	 In Today’s automotive market, consumers
to break through and build a lasting relationship with                      are saturated with different styles, colors and
them, we had to do two things:                                              messages. Our campaign strategy does
                                                                            much more than advertise cars to Multicultural

{1                                                                   }
                                                                            Millennial Americans. It is carefully designed to
        We had to break negative perceptions and create a new               forge a new relationship with them. By relating
        perception of Nissan as a car company that does much
        more than just build vehicles. A perception that we are a
                                                                            INNOVATION for ALL to their everyday lives.
        company that enriches their lives by contributing to their
        communities,environment and their world.                         •	 From the beginning, Central Edge planners

{2                                                                   }
                                                                            were more than convinced that adding “just
                                                                            another tag line” wouldn’t be successful.
        We have to move Nissan to the Top of MulitCultural
        Millennials evoked set, which ultimately will increase long
        lasting brand favorability for generations to come.              •	 Plain and simple, it would just confuse them.

                                                                         •	 Our campaign is Carefully designed to impact

                                                                            and make the Innovation for All theme
      Long                                                                  meaningful to Multicultural Millennials.

                     = Sales =
                                                                         •	 Our campaign executions must reach millennials
                                                                            wherever they are, whatever they see, whenever
                                                                            they see it.

IN SHORT we are working to be                                            •	 We are using a combination of traditional,

as Innovative as Nissan
                                                                            non-traditional and inventive communications
How we got there
                                                                               Central Edge creative executions are from the point-of-view and in the
                                                                               voice of our prospects in personalized situations. Campaign executions
Nissan’s Brand Idea:                                                           are designed to be distinctive and stand out from other car advertis-
Enriching people’s lives.                                                      ing. All executions are interactive and created to utilize distinctive and
                                                                               engaging technology

Central Edge Brand Idea:
Multicultural Millennials seek to do business with companies that they
trust and respect – companies that contribute to the world in which they       Central Edge research confirms that the majority of Multicultural Millen-
do business…companies that enrich their lives.                                 nials are English language fluent and may or may-not read and write
                                                                               in their cultural language. However, our research also confirmed that
                                                                               spending some of our budget on Multicultural language specific ad
Positioning:                                                                   placements made sense. First of all, parents are of significant influence
 “To Multicultural Millennial’s Nissan is the company that goes beyond         in the decision to purchase a new car among the lower age range
expectations utilizing technology and innovation to enrich people’s            of our prospect base. Many of this groups parents are first generation
lives, connect individuals, our communities and the way we move                American, utilize native language media and are most influenced by
through the world. “                                                           messages in their native language. Thus most advertising will be placed
                                                                               in English and in English language media, however we will utilize se-
Big Idea:                                                                      lected publications and broadcast media to specifically target Hispanic
Innovation is more than a tagline – it is what we do.”                         language and Chinese language speaking prospects and their influen-
                                                                               	        Specialized media will include Hispanic language magazines
Innovation is a driver of how multicultural Millennnials think, what they      and newspapers and magazines as well as Hispanic and Chinese lan-
do and how they choose to spend their money. Self-focused, confident           guage television and language specific out-of-home message place-
that they can change the world, and eager to speak out they are the “I         ments.
in Innovation, they choose to do business with companies that do more
than make a profit.”                                                           LIFESTYLLE / EVENT PROMOTIONS
                                                                               Key Demographic Areas: Concentrated DMA’s in four key states of New
                                                                               York Florida, California and Texas with some added areas in Illinois and
Creative Vision:                                                               Georgia. Targeted DMA’s will be locations for special Evnets and Promo-
•	 Central Edge creative focuses on giving our prospects a voice.              tions:
•	 Our campaign strives to assist Nissan in building a dynamic, interac-       New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago and
   tive relationship with Multicultural Millennials. This relationship will    Dallas
   initiate a dialogue in which Millennials can discuss their desires, their   ALL SUB-SEGMENTS; Dealer After-Hours Concerts; Fast & Furious Movie Car
   needs, and their world, and provide them with the opportunity to            Shows;;
   discover how truly innovative Nissan is.

Creative Executions:
18 STORYBOARD                                                             :30 Second Spot “Wall of Innovation”
The wall will be constructed in key DMA’s and allow millennials to come together and show their ideas of innovation. They will be able to write or
draw whatever they feel belongs on the wall. It will be an all day process with a stationary camera that will show a fast forwarded time-lapse of
people coming and going. At the end of the commercial the wall will drop to reveal a Nissan Altima.

                                                                      Placing the innovation is”sign
    Constructing the Wall            Close-up of the construction     atop the wall
                                     of the wall
VO: Everyone has their own idea of innovation

                                                                                      Close up of girl painting
                                                                                                                       People begin to gather and
                                                  First person taking the paint to
                                                                                                                       get involved
                                                  show their own idea of innovation
                                                                                                       VO: What does innovation mean to you?

Close-up of people starting to                                       The wall begins to fill with
                                  More people become involved        peoples ideas of innovation
join in on the wall

                                                             Close-up of the art                                            The walls fall to reveal a
                                                             being painted              One last display of the “innovation Nissan automobile
                                                                                        is” sign after the wall is filled
                                                                                                VO: At Nissan we believe in INNOVATION for ALL
•	 The challenge of public relations – building public relationships – demands that expenditure of PR efforts, time, and monies to be focused only
   on things that bring positive attention to the organization and brand, contribute to fulfilling the organization’s commitments, and help to build
   public awareness through positive publicity.
•	 Nissan already has an established three-prong commitment to corporate citizenship involvement through humanitarian aid, education and
   environmental improvement – all with an on-going link to the corporate mindset of Innovation.
•	 It is an essential mandate of Central Edge public relations programming that our campaign efforts maintain compatibility with that established

All public relations efforts will function under the single voice umbrella of the Innovation Generation. All programming efforts will be publicized and
implemented through use of the Innovation Generation website, Facebook page and social media publicity efforts.

Public Relations Objective:
•	 Expand Nissan’s core values of education, environmental awareness, and humanitarian aid and generate awareness of the Innovation Gen-
   eration as the voice of Nissan Multicultural Millennials.

Acts of the Innovation Generation:
•	 Prospects enrolled in one of the highly populated Multicultural institutions will have the opportunity to participate in a program designed to rec-
   ognize student participation efforts that bring enrichment to others’ lives.
•	 On-campus publicity consisting of newspaper ads, posters and social media will urge eligible students to submit an online application consist-
   ing of a 60-to-90 second video summarizing previous involvement and efforts toward localized projects that relate to Nissan’s priorities of human-
   itarian assistance, environmental or educational improvement.
•	 One representative from each of the colleges listed below would be awarded a $5,000.00 grant and become a finalist.

{                                                                                                                                            }
•	 Finalist’s videos will be shown on Nissan’s Innovation Generation Webpage. Webpage visitors will be asked to vote for the best project. The win-
   ner will receive a $10,000.00 personal grant and $20,000.00 to be awarded to their local cause or focus.

               African American                              Hispanic American                             Chinese American

               •	   Howard University                        •	   Texas A&M International                  •	   University of California
               •	   Morehouse College                        •	   University of Phoenix                    •	   Riverside
               •	   Hampton University                       •	   University of Texas - Pan Am             •	   Rutgers
               •	   Tuskegee University                      •	   Texas State Technical College            •	   Polytechnic University NY
               •	   Xavier University of Louisiana           •	   Boricia College                          •	   MIT
               •	   Florida A&M                              •	   Los Angeles Mission College              •	   University of Pennsylvania
               •	   North Carolina A&T State                 •	   New Mexico State                         •	   Cornell University
               •	   North Carolina Central                   •	   Miami Dade College                       •	   Stanford
                                                                                                           •	   University of Maryland
                                                                                                  GIVE GREEN
EDUCATION INNOVATION : Nissan Mentorships.                                                      TO GO GREEN
                                                                         Nissan Foundation Local Grants
•	 Nissan will provide “mentorships” for young Multicultural Mil-        Under criteria of the Nissan Foundation, local dealer-
   lennial’s who participate in and are selected as winners in a         ship boards will meet twice a year to fund grant ap-

   unique and innovative internship challenge.                           plications from local schools, civic groups and youth
                                                                         organizations that focus on developing environmen-
                                                                         tally positive initiatives and within the local setting
•	 Nissan Design America is home to some of the most innovative
                                                                         that benefit needs of multicultural millennial areas.
   minds in the automotive industry of North America. They design
   everything from preschool furniture to golf clubs in order keep       Grants will be weighted to favor activities within Mul-
   their design eyes sharp.                                              ticultural residential/business areas in the 7 identified
                                                                         communities of NYC, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas,

•	 Prospective students will be encouraged to submit an innova-          Chicago, and Los Angeles.

   tive creation of their own to compete against other entries and
                                                                         This concept will be implemented on a geographical
   for an opportunity to win a mentorship.
                                                                         roll-out plan initiating first in the DMA’s with the highest
                                                                         concentration of multicultural millennial populations.
•	 The mentorships will take place at the Nissan Design America
   studio in California where the student winners will work along-       Grants will fund green activities ranging from devel-
   side creative professionals to gain industry experience, learn        oping sustainable green gardens to installation of

   new design techniques and explore other inventive avenues.            solar power for local youth centers.

                                                                         Applications can be found online at the Innova-
•	 Four winners will receive a paid trainee position for six-months
                                                                         tion Generation website. Grant amounts will range
   at a stipend of $30,000.00 and the opportunity to apply for a full-   between $500.00 to $1,500.00 with a maximum of 5
   time position at a Nissan entity.                                     grants funded during each semi-annual meeting.

                                                                         Funding for the grants will come from Nissan ‘seed
                                                                         funds of $20,000.00 to each of the selected 10 DMA’s
                                                                         and through local fund-raising activities by local Nis-
                                                                         san dealers.
                    Nissan Public transportation seat takeover
          Central Edge will place Nissan seats in multiple of our DMA’s replac-
       ing regular seats in subways and on public transit and giving Multicul-
       tural millennial the experience of riding and sitting in a Nissan vehicle.
        Vehicles will be placed in Key DMA’s such as NYC, LA, Houston, Miami,
                                                            San Antonia, Dallas.

                                                    Nissan Road Games
        Nissan will have 2 pathfinders that travel across country that engages
           multicultural millennial in special events such as basketball, soccer
       and golf tournaments. These pathfinders will be specifically altered to
       be apart of the tournament, such a clamp on expandable basketball
          goals, and trunk soccer goals. The participants will be given Nissan
          merchandise i.e soccer balls, basketball s, t-shirts and water bottles.
        The Road Games will take place as pre events at scheduled sporting
      events and randomly visit neighborhoods in key DMA’s, including, NYC,
        Washington D.C., Miami, Atlanta, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Chica-
                                                           go, Albuquerque, L.A.

         To keep consumers aware the Road Games will be streamed live on
       the website along with a complete calen-
      dars of scheduled events. Promotional advertising will precede visits to
                                                                 DMA’s cities.

                                                             Digital Graffiti
       Introduction of new Nissan models will be celebrated in our key cities
                               with a rolling 3D projection Digital Graffiti Show.
         The rolling light show will be projected across main buildings in New
            York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, and Dallas. The computer
      augmented showcase of Nissan cars and music will be projected from
       a rolling van after dark. Production and projection costs are minimal.
        Projections will be planned for high concentration areas during eve-
                                                                     ning hours.

1.	 To create positive awareness within the Multicultural Millennial population that Nissan not only makes great cares but also uses technology and
    innovation to make the world a better place for all.
2.	 To promote Nissan through local media to Multicultural Millennials in the areas where they live.
3.	 To establish a unique brand presence and consumer awareness of Nissan’s role in innovation beyond the automobile industry.


1.	 To utilize traditional and non-traditional media vehicles that reach our target in their residential or academic spheres and to deliver messages at
    times when the targets information and entertainment aperture is open.
2.	 To deliver media throughout the year in a pulsing pattern with heavy-ups in preparation for new product introduction and key sales periods -
    specifically during the third and fourth (September – December) quarters to reinforce awareness of new model introductions.
3.	 To utilize added impact, local advertising in densely populated Multicultural Millennial city areas - specifically New York City, Los Angeles, Hous-
    ton, Dallas, Chicago and Miami where the majority of our target market can be found. This includes out-of-home, theatre and special events.
    	   •	        Secondary high population metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio will be impacted through narrow 	         	
    	   national and cable ad buys, national publications, internet advertising.
4.	 To use an effective blend of magazines, outdoor, transit, spot and cable television and dedicated specific publications and broadcast media to
    deliver appropriate levels of reach, frequency and impressions to impact the market.
5.	 To utilize language specific media to deliver message content to culturally specific programming choices such as WWE and World Fútball (soc-
    cer) high priority viewing for Hispanic and Chinese markets.
6.	 To weight message delivery to sub-segment specific delivery vehicles with emphasis on Hispanics, African Americans and Chinese Americans.


•	 The plan is designed to incorporate a variety of media to assure delivery of our message to our highly mobile and difficult to impact target seg-
   	  o	       The plan is designed to expose Hispanic, African American and Chinese American Millennials to Nissan advertisements through		
   	  out their daily lives and through media that they use frequently.

•	 Included are magazines, Spanish magazines, Spanish newspapers, outdoor and transit media, Spanish language network TV, spot TV, cable TV,
   and the Internet. A significant percent of the budget is allocated to internet, network TV, cable TV, and magazines..
	      o	      Simmons data reports that Multicultural Millennials are 86 times more likely to spend time on the internet than other demographics.
	      o	      Our three target sub-segments are also 107 times more likely than other targets to watch television for relaxation and information.
	      o	      With Multiculturals, magazines have an amazing Simmons index of 643 which means the target is 543 times more likely than the rest 		
	      of the population to read magazines.
Network            •	   Central Edge focused campaign for Multicultural Millennials will utilize minimal network television focusing instead
                        on spot, cable and local placements. In part this decision is based on reliance on existing Nissan sponsorships and
Television              participation in sports programming, the Olympics and Nissan’s ongoing Heismann sponsorship.

Spanish language   •	
television         •	   Focused Buys will include:
                   	        o European style football / World League Soccer
                   	        o FCA Boxing
                   	        o Wrestling
                   •	   Simmons data verifies popularity of Spanish language programming among Multicultural Millennials.
                   •	   Proposed buys recognize this and are focused on delivering Football/Soccer and FCA cage boxing in our buys as
                        these are extremely popular with our prospects.

Newspapers:        •	   Spanish language newspapers are recommended in order to intensify focus on the Hispanic marketAds will be
                        placed weekly in all 3 publications each ad will be 2/3rds of Page

Magazines          Placements will include 2-page spreads and full page, 4 color ads printed on recycled paper and bound into selected
                   •	 Selections are based on Simmons Choice 3 data which confirmed Multicultural Millennials read a wide variety of
                   	       o 12-month placements are planned the following titles: Game Pro, AutoWeek, Glamour, In Touch and 		
                      Men’s Fitness.
                   •	 6 ads for the year will run in the remaining selections, rotating months in magazines of similar genres.

Out-of-Home        •	   We recommend purchase of outdoor boards, mass transit signs and shelters to reach our prospects when they most
                        wish they had a car or a new car.
                   •	   A combination of subway posters, subway car wraps, billboards and bus advertisements will be used.
                   •	   Simmons data indices among African American, Chinese and Hispanic millennials for use of public transportation
                        are high:
                   •	   African-American index of 244
                   •	   Chinese American average of 151 	 .
                   •	   To best target the demographic, all outdoor advertisements will be run in California, New York, Texas, and Florida
                        since these areas have the highest percent of the total target demographic living there.
                   •	   Most placements seek the impact of a 25 showing.
                   •	   Bus wraps will be designed to suggest oversized bright Nissan cars on the road.
                   •	   Train Cars will be designed to replicate “an ideal environment to focus on Nissan’s commitment to the planet. Die-cut
                        flowerstrees, animals will be used as will musical forest and animal sounds.
                   •	   Shelters, train and bus cards will be interactive and feature Aurasma code keys that allow travelers to use their smart
                        phones to activate commercials or Nissan car games while they travel
Cable Selections   •	
                        Multicultural Millennials are highly likely to watch selected cable television channels.
                        African American Millennials are 391 times more likely thhannels:
                   •	   an the average to watch MTV.
                   •	   Chinese American Millennials are 165 times more likely than the average to watch MTV.
                   •	   Hispanic American Millennials are 147 times more likely than the average to watch MTV.
                   •	   KXLA and WMBC-TV-Sino Vision are selected cable channels that are geared toward the Chinese American millennial
                        they are the most prominent Mandarin-speaking channels offered in the United States are KXLA and WMBC-TV-Sino
                   •	   Non-specified time placements will be determined by ratings data related to programming preferred by members of
                        the targeted Multicultural segments.


Spot Market        Spot television buys are a key element in delivering reach to our prospects.
                   •	 We will buy time in the four states with high Multicultural Millennial population density and also with the highest num-
                       ber of Nissan dealerships.
                   •	 Message delivery will impact on urban areas including additional cities in Texas. Georgia and Illinois.

Internet           The internet sites were chosen to provide wide reach across all three targets at an efficient price.
                   Costs for Google and Facebook are based on cost are based on-per-click charges.
                   Charges on other sites are based or Advertising costs on other sites and based on the placement and size of each adver-
                   Multicultural Millennials are most likely to visit sites that allow them to
                   to download music, movies, games, etc. such as

                        WEBSITE SELECTION:
Movie-Theatre   We will advertise in the top 10 Multicultural Millennial frequented movie theaters in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami,
                Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio.
Advertising     Ad units are contextually adjusted to fit game units.
                Advertising will run from May – August and during November and December of 2013.
                Ads will break with a “Fast and Furious” Car Show and prize sponsorship that will coincide with theater openings of Fast &
                Furious 6 on May 24, 2013.
                Special Opening Event will take place only at the largest theater in each city for the film opening.
                Movie ads will run throughout the summer and pre-holiday on 10 screens in 6 cities for a run of 180 spots per day for x 163
                day total resulting in a total of 29,340 spots at an average cost of $ 26.13 per :30 spot

Video Games     We will insert Nissan signs, posters and ads featuring Nissan core campaign cars into video games using Microsoft’s Xbox
                Live platform.
                We will engage in 5 games with appeal to our demographic and geographic areas.
                Average cost-per-click is .15.
                Projected reach 50,000 a month.
                Projected cost 50,000. x .15 = 7,500 x 12 = $90,000. Per year placement + 20,000 production costs = TOTAL COST: $ 110,000

Product         •	   Central Edge suggests that Nissan continue to take advantage of its established link with the Fast and Furious film
                     franchise and publicizes Nissans role in films 7 in this series. Although the cars featured in the film are outside the spe-
Placement            cific set included in this campaign because the core concept of the campaign is to sell brand Nissan linking to this
                     visability makes marketing sense.
                •	   During Nissan sponsored openings a Nissan Car Show will take place including cars that appear in the film. A draw-
                     ing will be held to give away decal kits that allow car owners to make their cars “Look like” the movie cars.
                •	   Television series product placement opportunities will be initiated including a commercial sponsorship of with a Nis-
                     san car awarded to the winner of the competition. Central Edge recommends that Nissan participate as a gift and
                     promotional sponsor with “The Voice” TV series. Rather than place ads we propose providing cars for the top ten final-
                     ists and in-show mentions during the televisions shows regular season.
                •	   Placement costs average $ 250. per exposure plus $500. Per mention plus cost of product gift.
                	         •  16 weeks series 2 exposures and mentions per show: $750. 00 x 16 x 2 =$24,000. =45,000. = $69,000.00
                	         •   Cost of Car Giveaways – 10 cars x$20,000. =  $200,000.00

Laundromats     We will lease the rights to put washer and dryer wraps and signage in the ten largest laundries in the five cities with the
                largest concentration of Multicultural Millennials. Many of our prospects are apartment dwellers and frequent area laun-
                dries. When they are there they tend to look for something to do in response to that open aperture we will activate each
                poster and most wraps with Aurasma which will allow visitors to open interactive games, concerts or videos.
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
AAF Nissan Plans Book
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AAF Nissan Plans Book

  • 1.
  • 2. rol ont t pers igh te c cL d Wi .S. emo affi U t he oR shiel in Tr s ive adi 20 r s ar Wind se 19 n 4R da s y las or ie e ns n ok em 191 ng sa u 1903 M ats p Co e is ss am Su p D N L ing Ta cc e irs t va se t La net 33 29 A F ou uc e er gnal om Th 3 Int 19 19 96 llh D 1 2 and 58 197 3 19 To 94 1R 1900 Wireless Si 0 1 5 19 3 19 Ph one o bile 3M gle O 198 Goo LEG 1983 4 9 19 Innovation Timeline
  • 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purchasing a car is a big commitment. For most, it is one of the biggest financial commitments of their lives. 01 CONTENTS TABLE OF When Central Edge began studying the psychographics of our consumers, many things became clear. This is a brand loyal generation with high expectations from companies. When it comes to cars, it is not features, colors, or even price that drives them to purchase a car. They believe a company should do more than just provide products or services. They also have an expectation of community only involvement. They want to know how that brand is going to benefit them in their everyday lives. Over the past seven months, we conducted extensive research and strategized the most effective way to reach our target market. Central Edge associates spent a day in the life of numerous multicultural millennials to walk in their shoes. We crafted Cultural Analysis Maps to help guide us through the campaign and uncovered barriers that were stopping them from purchasing Nissan vehicles. On the following pages, we present the strategies and executions that will be effective in increasing market share among multicultural millennials who are 18 - 29 years-old. Our campaign will reinforce that Nissan is the most innovative automotive company in the world. Central Edge is confident that we have met all your objectives and exceeded Nissan’s expectations. In short, we have been as innovative as Nissan is. - Scott Whisenhunt, Account Director WE ARE THE EDGE OF ADVERTISING We are a diverse group of students with different majors, interests and ideas, but we all have the same belief that our client’s and their brands success comes first. With inventive ideas and strategy, our mission is to accomplish all of Nissans aspirations and desires. We believe we have done all of that and more. - Central Edge Communications
  • 4. 02 Where We Are... The Situation While we gathered and analyzed information, we discovered several key truths about Multicultural Millennials and Nissan. These key findings drove Central Edge response to the problems and opportunities identified in this challenge as well as our overall campaign strategy. Ultimately, these key truths led to the insights that drove this campaign. Multicultural Millennials: Nissan: • As much as they are separated and defined by their culture and • Nissan does not have a distinctive or clearly defined personality heritage… they are joined by their pursuit of being a part of the whole. with its prospects. • They respect the past. But they look to the future fully confident that • Nissan makes the Evoked Set list of most Multicultural Millennials, they can change it and correct the mistakes of those who went but it is so near the bottom that if they find a good deal on a higher before them… they believe they can change the world. ranking competitor – they never even look at a Nissan. • When it comes to buying a new car – they want style, features, • Nissan really is an innovative company…that is not just advertising speed and reliability but…their choice is driven by two factors: lingo (although our prospects don’t really understand what Nissan money and life-stage. These two factors will assist the consumer in means by Innovation, and they aren’t really sure why they should making their final choice. care. • They do not trust companies – and they don’t trust the advertising • Nissan is a company that pays back on a global basis - although done by most companies. our prospects view “paying back” as a more localized response. • Consumers expect companies to pay a price for the right to do • Nissan really does have a reason why it does what it does – beyond business…they want to buy from companies that do more than just just making money. Their mission and vision is defined as “enriching make money. people’s lives.” Nissan Campaign Driving Insight: “Everything we do, we do because we believe in innovation. We believe in building cars that are unique, that deliver superior value. The way we challenge the status quo is by building quality vehicles that are more efficient, more beautiful, and more innovative than ever. We believe all companies should be good citizens in the global community; and to that end we focus on and contribute to humanitarian aid, supportive education, and caring for the environment. We just happen to make great cars.”
  • 5. 03 RESEARCH Understanding Multicultural Millennials and Nissan. We executed six different types of research to understand and gain insight into the lifestyle of Multicultural millennials in the U.S to shape our campaign and build a long-term relationship between Multicultural Millennials and Nissan. { Understand the purchasing habits of Multicultural Millennials when purchasing a vehicle. }{ Analyze Nissan’s competitors and understand } their brand identities with Multicultural Millennals. { }{ Explore/understand cultural influences. (lifestyle & generational) Understand the commonalities among Multicultural Millennials in the U.S. } Objec { Identify the meaning of “Innovation” with our selected sub segments and how they perceive it. } tives { Discover the most profitable and effective mediums to reach Multicultural Millennials in the U.S. }
  • 6. 04 387 ONLINE SURVEYS 2 GROUPSFOCUS To develop a working 6 CULTURAL ANALYSIS To establish the target’s opinions, buing knowledge of cultural influences, commonalities MAPPING STUDIES habits, and media outlets considering and the attitudes toward Nissan and major competitors. To illustrate interlocking relationships Nissan, and it’s competitors. between a variety of different concepts and ideas among the target market. 169 STREET 56 IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS 401 INTERVIEWS To delve deeper into the PERCEPTUAL One-on-one interviews to learn more specific problems with the brand SURVEYS about the specific characteristics of the and expand the knowledge and understanding of the target. To gather detailed information of the target markets decision making process. targets opinions of the brand and competing brands. 6 1,039 PSYCHOLOGICAL SHADOWS Analyzing the everyday lifestyle influences of the target in day- to-day surroundings. TOTAL RESEARCH IMPRESSIONS
  • 7. Multicultural 05 FINDINGS Millennials are... Understanding Multiculturals/ 32% lifestyle analysis • Multiculturals covet the latest • Multiculturals treasure tradition technology and will pay more and their cultural heritage while more likely than than the average customer to seeking convergence and buy what they want. becoming a part of the whole. others to have attended college. • Simmons data reports that • Multiculturals respect the older they are 86 times more likely to generation and value the ethics spend time on the internet then and standards of the past. other demographics. • Multiculturals believe they can 41% • Each sub - segment bases its and will make the world a better major purchase decisions on style, place. function, quality and reliability. • Multiculturals don’t trust more likely than the • Multiculturals want to be defined advertising but want to find average to have a by their choices in music, art, brands that they can trust and household income above $60,000. 43% 57% and celebrity association. believe in. • Multiculturals base their purchasing on more than How They View Cars: 2.44 % product – they want brands they trust and believe have a • Believe think their car should purpose. express their personality. Multicultural • All three sub-segments are • Multiculturals drive to gain a Millennials 107 times more likely than other sense of freedom. targets to watch television for African 1.07 % relaxation and information. • Multiculturals want a car that American can be personalized and fit into their lifestyles. • Magazines have an amazing 97.56 % Hispanic 1.28 % Simmons index of 643 among Multicultural Millennial, which • Ideal car is fast, exciting and U.S Population friendly to the environment. Chinese .09% means the target is 543 times more likely than the rest of the • Multiculturals want cars that population to read magazines. stand out from the others.
  • 8. 06 SWOT Strengths Opportunities • Always on the edge of Innovation. • Create a brand identity that distinguishes Nissan from its Barriers • Quality cars at reasonable prices. competitors. Our Central Edge campaign • Develop an online and social • Variety of styles and features to media relationship with multicultural tackles these barriers and meet most consumer expectations. millennials. misconceptions which include: • Company is already engaged in • Opportunity to alter the purchase on-going innovative research process. • Lack of brand perception. • Create brand loyalty by gaining the • Nissan has a strong and trust of the millennial generation. • Cognitive resonance in today’s established corporate citizenship oversaturated auto industry. policy. • Community involvement opportunities to put Nissan in the • Strong environmental initiatives. consumer’s day-to-day lives. • Creating new and reviving long lasting relationships and brand favorability with Multicultural Millennial Americans. Weaknesses Threats • Nissan has an inconsistent brand identity. • Innovation from their competitors. • Weak brand position among consumers. • Competition for millennial market share. • No persona in the market. • Fragmented web presence. • The economy. • No existing relationship with multicultural sub-segments.
  • 9. 07 INSIGHTS Multicultural Millennial Mindset Distinguished by their cultural and family heritage, Multicultural Millennials are also diverse and empowered by their uniqueness and traditions. Unified, they are the future. They are a part of the first generation of true digital natives. Multicultural Millennials are born into a global culture and defined by unifying, not distinguishing attitudes. { { { • Proud of Latino heritage • Brand conscious. • Primarily an urban while merging Hispanic market. traditions with American Hispanic-Americans Chinese Americans • Interested in current African-American customs. technology. • Psychological focus on cultural elements • Identify with country of music, fashion and • Value career success of origin. higher than they value language. • Values are important. marriage, children, religion and wealth. • Believe that what they • Respect elders. buy should make a • Rely on consumer statement about you. • Believe helping others reviews. is imperative before • Committed to one can reach • Chinese media, is mostly individuality and pride. self-actualization. consumed by first and • Speak English & Spanish. second generation • Heavy users of electronic } } } Chinese. media.
  • 10. 08 TARGET SEGMENTS All multicultural segments are unique and in many ways that uniqueness influences their shopping and buying habits, but when it comes to buying new cars – our research confirms that their buying habits are minimally influenced by cultural heritage – it is driven instead by their life stage and economic status, factors which impact virtually all car buyers. When it comes to buying cars…despite their differences…four factors rise to the top of { style quality price life stage } the influence set for all three segments: STARTERS • Lower end of age category • Older end of age dynamic DRIVERS • Just finishing school; starting careers • Style and price driven • Building career These factors separate • Feature desirous them into two Primary • First new car purchase • Style and feature driven • Usually single buying segments and • Often a family assisted purchase • Price sensitive one secondary market • Competitively confused • With a partner – often a family • Peer influence is high • Family input is important • Concerned about family and peer • Probable Nissan Purchase: Versa and Altima impression • Influence buying decisions PARENTS • Opinion Leaders on purchase choice • Provide financial assistance for some buyers
  • 11. Automotive Industry Market Share 09 THE COMPETITION Wall Street Journal - September 2011 GM 19.7% It’s not about comparing features…it’s Other 30% about realizing what connects us and making us memorable. Ford How to distinguish Nissan from its competition? 16.6% Our research clearly told us that when our prospects think about car Hyundai brands and begin the car selection process they have difficulty separating 4.9% one cars features from another…and that they have NO CLEAR perception of NISSAN as a BRAND and assign NO BRAND PERSONALITY to its cars Nissan Toyota 8.8% 11.5% Honda 8.5% The Buying Process What consumers do first in the buying decision process is recall the perception of a brand. Once they have accessed their evoked set of brands, built from awareness and perceptions- only then do they begin {Nissan ranks 4th in to contrast features. Making it into the evoked set is in great part determined by positioning - sales in the total car how consumers perceive our brand in comparison with its competitors. market and 3rd in They know our name... but they don’t connect with us. Nissan lacks a strong brand identity or personality. Multicultural Millennials market share with 25% How do we expand sales By creating a distinctive with Multicultural Millennials brand personality and of its sales coming beyond 25 percent? How position, not just create from these prospects. } do we stand-out from our competitors? awareness of features.
  • 12. 10 THE COMPETITION The key to out performing our competition…. Central Edge used the Vehicle Innovation Strategy Framework to define the personalities of Nissan and its competitive set in order to clarify brand personas. We have developed a campaign designed to distinguish and create a distinctive brand personality for Nissan to build stronger and specific brand recall…a true competitive difference. This concept is based on a specialized application of Brand Archetypes and their ability to relate to car buyers. Create a distinct er er position and w ket ptosts o -m llo ar d c a bring the brand t F ss t As, Low er s a rketion uild ers B m position to life… Fa the m a va d sto s-Minno s t ran nd cu B e to Ma duc Thes, High zer ioni kets m - he lut evo t ro p me r s -ma ri ng isti ng iz ev olu tur al Rs- to niche b ex id-s tec mas rchi hifts from d es M an rov ions, A ns vat r ptimize io im p no tio n, S ov at a nd uct in s s inn ova -End Ohancement High nts en nn p ts ,p rod np roce one si da ted ely o d comp ve A n rg ms an ro - orie us es la ations by syste p nd Foc t, innov Im Bra roduc mium p Pre ialist Cost and Process Speccesses w manufacturing pro Innovations based on ne 1807 Vertical Kia Motors Logo 1/C - 100% Pantone Our campaign is carefully designed to shift Nissan’s brand perception with Multicultural Millinnials from the Fast Follower to the Architectural Revolutionizer. By stragicially positioning Nissans Innovation and building new relationships with MultiCultural Millinnials we will show them that Nissan does much more than make vehicles. They make vehicles to improve their lives and the way they move through the world.
  • 13. 11 THE DECISION TO BUY: THE PURCHASE INFLUENCERS It’s all about the brand.…it’s all about what Multicultural Millennials think about the brand. It’s about what happens when the decision to buy a new car is made. Central Edge research made us reconsider what Why isn’t Nissan at the top of Multicultural Mil- we thought we knew about buying a new car: lennial’s go to list? • We discovered that Nissan is in the evoked set… but, it is • Our prospects tell us they don’t have any perception of near the bottom of that list. Nissan that makes it stand out from the crowd. • Our prospects have a difficult time separating advertis- • They tell us increasingly features and claims have ing for one brand of car from another. blended into a muddle of confusion. They remind us that once one company has a new feature it is quickly • Prospects are confused about the features offered by copied. one brand compared to another. • It is true that all we can own is our consumer’s percep- • Two factors determine our prospect’s final decision: tion of our brand.. { } • Our first challenge is to create a distinctive personality that distinguishes Nissan from other brands…an identity 1 Desire for style but most our prospect’s can build a relationship and a trust. important are money and • Then Central Edge looked at biology to understand financing options. how we process, understand and respond to mes- sages. Part of or brain (the neocortex) is responsible 2 Lifestage needs…young for rational and analytical thought and language. The and single or settling down other two sections are responsible for all our feelings and language they are responsible for loyalty and trust with kids in the car. and for human behavior and decision making
  • 14. 12 What does that mean to our campaign and to Nissan? Then Central Edge looked at biology to understand how we process, understand, and respond to messages. Part of the brain (the Neocortex) is responsible for rational and analytical thought and language. The other two sections are responsible for all of our feelings and language, they are responsible for loyalty, trust in addition to human behavior and decision making. When we communicate from the Outside-In, we are talking to the neocortex - most car advertising that stresses lists of facts, features, and benefits is delivered there. People exposed to these messages can process complex advertisements, but those messages do not drive behavior. Advertising that is Inside-Out talks directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior. Inside-Out advertising is based on an emotional relationship - this is where gut decisions come from - it means breaking through to change perceptions with perceptual impact... if we can communicate to prospects why Nissan is a different company - why they do what they do and how that makes them distinctive... that causes consumers to respond through positive behavior. Our goal is not to sell to people who need a new car. Our goal is to sell to people who believe in what we are and why we do what we do. Nissan Buyer Decision Process: Talk to: Discover- Family, “I know Friends, Read what to Information Reviews Look at Look for do.” Dealers company I Search Literature - Evoked Set GET Ask “What believe in “I need a and trust CONFUSED brand do I Problem new car!” like & Why?” Recognition The NISSAN As the Multicultural Millennial new car buyer goes through the Buying Decision decision process and reaches process that final decision point… they will be able to say… “I know!”
  • 15. Marketing Objectives: • To increase enquiry to sales conversion rate from 4% to 7% 13 • To increase Nissan showroom and online enquiries among Communication Objective: Multicultural Millennials to Our communication objective is to build a 1,457,914 units distinctive and memorable persona among Multicultural Millennials by generating • To increase Nissan’s share of a carefully crafted relationship-oriented market with Multicultural Millennials brand identity. by 13% (15,187 units) Creative Objective: Our objective is to generate creative that doesn’t add to the existing clutter of car advertising. We will generate a brand personality that reflects the voice and attitude of Multicultural Millennials with ads that lead them to search for information about Nissan and why it is an innovative company that’s working to enrich peoples’ lives. OBJECTIVES
  • 16. 14 CAMPAIGN STRATEGY Multicultural Millennial Americans are very complex. They are tech savy, unique and know they are the future. Most importantly they don’t like advertising and they don’t trust companies. In our research it became more evident that, in order • In Today’s automotive market, consumers to break through and build a lasting relationship with are saturated with different styles, colors and them, we had to do two things: messages. Our campaign strategy does much more than advertise cars to Multicultural {1 } Millennial Americans. It is carefully designed to We had to break negative perceptions and create a new forge a new relationship with them. By relating perception of Nissan as a car company that does much more than just build vehicles. A perception that we are a INNOVATION for ALL to their everyday lives. company that enriches their lives by contributing to their communities,environment and their world. • From the beginning, Central Edge planners {2 } were more than convinced that adding “just another tag line” wouldn’t be successful. We have to move Nissan to the Top of MulitCultural Millennials evoked set, which ultimately will increase long lasting brand favorability for generations to come. • Plain and simple, it would just confuse them. • Our campaign is Carefully designed to impact $ and make the Innovation for All theme Long meaningful to Multicultural Millennials. Lasting = Sales = • Our campaign executions must reach millennials wherever they are, whatever they see, whenever they see it. IN SHORT we are working to be • We are using a combination of traditional, as Innovative as Nissan non-traditional and inventive communications strategies.
  • 17. 15 VISION LEADS TO EXECUTION How we got there Central Edge creative executions are from the point-of-view and in the voice of our prospects in personalized situations. Campaign executions Nissan’s Brand Idea: are designed to be distinctive and stand out from other car advertis- Enriching people’s lives. ing. All executions are interactive and created to utilize distinctive and engaging technology Central Edge Brand Idea: Multicultural Millennials seek to do business with companies that they trust and respect – companies that contribute to the world in which they Central Edge research confirms that the majority of Multicultural Millen- do business…companies that enrich their lives. nials are English language fluent and may or may-not read and write in their cultural language. However, our research also confirmed that spending some of our budget on Multicultural language specific ad Positioning: placements made sense. First of all, parents are of significant influence “To Multicultural Millennial’s Nissan is the company that goes beyond in the decision to purchase a new car among the lower age range expectations utilizing technology and innovation to enrich people’s of our prospect base. Many of this groups parents are first generation lives, connect individuals, our communities and the way we move American, utilize native language media and are most influenced by through the world. “ messages in their native language. Thus most advertising will be placed in English and in English language media, however we will utilize se- Big Idea: lected publications and broadcast media to specifically target Hispanic Innovation is more than a tagline – it is what we do.” language and Chinese language speaking prospects and their influen- tial. Specialized media will include Hispanic language magazines Innovation is a driver of how multicultural Millennnials think, what they and newspapers and magazines as well as Hispanic and Chinese lan- do and how they choose to spend their money. Self-focused, confident guage television and language specific out-of-home message place- that they can change the world, and eager to speak out they are the “I ments. in Innovation, they choose to do business with companies that do more than make a profit.” LIFESTYLLE / EVENT PROMOTIONS Key Demographic Areas: Concentrated DMA’s in four key states of New York Florida, California and Texas with some added areas in Illinois and Creative Vision: Georgia. Targeted DMA’s will be locations for special Evnets and Promo- • Central Edge creative focuses on giving our prospects a voice. tions: • Our campaign strives to assist Nissan in building a dynamic, interac- New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago and tive relationship with Multicultural Millennials. This relationship will Dallas initiate a dialogue in which Millennials can discuss their desires, their ALL SUB-SEGMENTS; Dealer After-Hours Concerts; Fast & Furious Movie Car needs, and their world, and provide them with the opportunity to Shows;; discover how truly innovative Nissan is. Creative Executions:
  • 20. 18 STORYBOARD :30 Second Spot “Wall of Innovation” The wall will be constructed in key DMA’s and allow millennials to come together and show their ideas of innovation. They will be able to write or draw whatever they feel belongs on the wall. It will be an all day process with a stationary camera that will show a fast forwarded time-lapse of people coming and going. At the end of the commercial the wall will drop to reveal a Nissan Altima. Placing the innovation is”sign Constructing the Wall Close-up of the construction atop the wall of the wall VO: Everyone has their own idea of innovation Close up of girl painting People begin to gather and First person taking the paint to get involved show their own idea of innovation VO: What does innovation mean to you? Close-up of people starting to The wall begins to fill with More people become involved peoples ideas of innovation join in on the wall Close-up of the art The walls fall to reveal a being painted One last display of the “innovation Nissan automobile is” sign after the wall is filled VO: At Nissan we believe in INNOVATION for ALL
  • 21. 19 PUBLIC RELATIONS • The challenge of public relations – building public relationships – demands that expenditure of PR efforts, time, and monies to be focused only on things that bring positive attention to the organization and brand, contribute to fulfilling the organization’s commitments, and help to build public awareness through positive publicity. • Nissan already has an established three-prong commitment to corporate citizenship involvement through humanitarian aid, education and environmental improvement – all with an on-going link to the corporate mindset of Innovation. • It is an essential mandate of Central Edge public relations programming that our campaign efforts maintain compatibility with that established focus. THE INNOVATION GENERATION All public relations efforts will function under the single voice umbrella of the Innovation Generation. All programming efforts will be publicized and implemented through use of the Innovation Generation website, Facebook page and social media publicity efforts. Public Relations Objective: • Expand Nissan’s core values of education, environmental awareness, and humanitarian aid and generate awareness of the Innovation Gen- eration as the voice of Nissan Multicultural Millennials. Acts of the Innovation Generation: • Prospects enrolled in one of the highly populated Multicultural institutions will have the opportunity to participate in a program designed to rec- ognize student participation efforts that bring enrichment to others’ lives. • On-campus publicity consisting of newspaper ads, posters and social media will urge eligible students to submit an online application consist- ing of a 60-to-90 second video summarizing previous involvement and efforts toward localized projects that relate to Nissan’s priorities of human- itarian assistance, environmental or educational improvement. • One representative from each of the colleges listed below would be awarded a $5,000.00 grant and become a finalist. { } • Finalist’s videos will be shown on Nissan’s Innovation Generation Webpage. Webpage visitors will be asked to vote for the best project. The win- ner will receive a $10,000.00 personal grant and $20,000.00 to be awarded to their local cause or focus. African American Hispanic American Chinese American • Howard University • Texas A&M International • University of California • Morehouse College • University of Phoenix • Riverside • Hampton University • University of Texas - Pan Am • Rutgers • Tuskegee University • Texas State Technical College • Polytechnic University NY • Xavier University of Louisiana • Boricia College • MIT • Florida A&M • Los Angeles Mission College • University of Pennsylvania • North Carolina A&T State • New Mexico State • Cornell University • North Carolina Central • Miami Dade College • Stanford • University of Maryland
  • 22. 20 GIVE GREEN EDUCATION INNOVATION : Nissan Mentorships. TO GO GREEN Nissan Foundation Local Grants • Nissan will provide “mentorships” for young Multicultural Mil- Under criteria of the Nissan Foundation, local dealer- lennial’s who participate in and are selected as winners in a ship boards will meet twice a year to fund grant ap- unique and innovative internship challenge. plications from local schools, civic groups and youth organizations that focus on developing environmen- tally positive initiatives and within the local setting • Nissan Design America is home to some of the most innovative that benefit needs of multicultural millennial areas. minds in the automotive industry of North America. They design everything from preschool furniture to golf clubs in order keep Grants will be weighted to favor activities within Mul- their design eyes sharp. ticultural residential/business areas in the 7 identified communities of NYC, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, • Prospective students will be encouraged to submit an innova- Chicago, and Los Angeles. tive creation of their own to compete against other entries and This concept will be implemented on a geographical for an opportunity to win a mentorship. roll-out plan initiating first in the DMA’s with the highest concentration of multicultural millennial populations. • The mentorships will take place at the Nissan Design America studio in California where the student winners will work along- Grants will fund green activities ranging from devel- side creative professionals to gain industry experience, learn oping sustainable green gardens to installation of new design techniques and explore other inventive avenues. solar power for local youth centers. Applications can be found online at the Innova- • Four winners will receive a paid trainee position for six-months tion Generation website. Grant amounts will range at a stipend of $30,000.00 and the opportunity to apply for a full- between $500.00 to $1,500.00 with a maximum of 5 time position at a Nissan entity. grants funded during each semi-annual meeting. Funding for the grants will come from Nissan ‘seed funds of $20,000.00 to each of the selected 10 DMA’s and through local fund-raising activities by local Nis- san dealers.
  • 23. 20GUERRILLA MARKETING Nissan Public transportation seat takeover Central Edge will place Nissan seats in multiple of our DMA’s replac- ing regular seats in subways and on public transit and giving Multicul- tural millennial the experience of riding and sitting in a Nissan vehicle. Vehicles will be placed in Key DMA’s such as NYC, LA, Houston, Miami, San Antonia, Dallas. Nissan Road Games Nissan will have 2 pathfinders that travel across country that engages multicultural millennial in special events such as basketball, soccer and golf tournaments. These pathfinders will be specifically altered to be apart of the tournament, such a clamp on expandable basketball goals, and trunk soccer goals. The participants will be given Nissan merchandise i.e soccer balls, basketball s, t-shirts and water bottles. The Road Games will take place as pre events at scheduled sporting events and randomly visit neighborhoods in key DMA’s, including, NYC, Washington D.C., Miami, Atlanta, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Chica- go, Albuquerque, L.A. To keep consumers aware the Road Games will be streamed live on the website along with a complete calen- dars of scheduled events. Promotional advertising will precede visits to DMA’s cities. Digital Graffiti Introduction of new Nissan models will be celebrated in our key cities with a rolling 3D projection Digital Graffiti Show. The rolling light show will be projected across main buildings in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, and Dallas. The computer augmented showcase of Nissan cars and music will be projected from a rolling van after dark. Production and projection costs are minimal. Projections will be planned for high concentration areas during eve- ning hours.
  • 24. 22 MEDIA PLAN MEDIA OBJECTIVES: 1. To create positive awareness within the Multicultural Millennial population that Nissan not only makes great cares but also uses technology and innovation to make the world a better place for all. 2. To promote Nissan through local media to Multicultural Millennials in the areas where they live. 3. To establish a unique brand presence and consumer awareness of Nissan’s role in innovation beyond the automobile industry. MEDIA STRATEGIES: 1. To utilize traditional and non-traditional media vehicles that reach our target in their residential or academic spheres and to deliver messages at times when the targets information and entertainment aperture is open. 2. To deliver media throughout the year in a pulsing pattern with heavy-ups in preparation for new product introduction and key sales periods - specifically during the third and fourth (September – December) quarters to reinforce awareness of new model introductions. 3. To utilize added impact, local advertising in densely populated Multicultural Millennial city areas - specifically New York City, Los Angeles, Hous- ton, Dallas, Chicago and Miami where the majority of our target market can be found. This includes out-of-home, theatre and special events. • Secondary high population metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio will be impacted through narrow national and cable ad buys, national publications, internet advertising. 4. To use an effective blend of magazines, outdoor, transit, spot and cable television and dedicated specific publications and broadcast media to deliver appropriate levels of reach, frequency and impressions to impact the market. 5. To utilize language specific media to deliver message content to culturally specific programming choices such as WWE and World Fútball (soc- cer) high priority viewing for Hispanic and Chinese markets. 6. To weight message delivery to sub-segment specific delivery vehicles with emphasis on Hispanics, African Americans and Chinese Americans. RECOMMENDED MEDIA SELECTION RATIONALE • The plan is designed to incorporate a variety of media to assure delivery of our message to our highly mobile and difficult to impact target seg- ments. o The plan is designed to expose Hispanic, African American and Chinese American Millennials to Nissan advertisements through out their daily lives and through media that they use frequently. • Included are magazines, Spanish magazines, Spanish newspapers, outdoor and transit media, Spanish language network TV, spot TV, cable TV, and the Internet. A significant percent of the budget is allocated to internet, network TV, cable TV, and magazines.. o Simmons data reports that Multicultural Millennials are 86 times more likely to spend time on the internet than other demographics. o Our three target sub-segments are also 107 times more likely than other targets to watch television for relaxation and information. o With Multiculturals, magazines have an amazing Simmons index of 643 which means the target is 543 times more likely than the rest of the population to read magazines.
  • 25. 23 MEDIA TACTICS AND JUSTIFICATIONS Network • Central Edge focused campaign for Multicultural Millennials will utilize minimal network television focusing instead on spot, cable and local placements. In part this decision is based on reliance on existing Nissan sponsorships and Television participation in sports programming, the Olympics and Nissan’s ongoing Heismann sponsorship. Spanish language • • Univision Telemundo television • Focused Buys will include: o European style football / World League Soccer o FCA Boxing o Wrestling • Simmons data verifies popularity of Spanish language programming among Multicultural Millennials. • Proposed buys recognize this and are focused on delivering Football/Soccer and FCA cage boxing in our buys as these are extremely popular with our prospects. Newspapers: • Spanish language newspapers are recommended in order to intensify focus on the Hispanic marketAds will be placed weekly in all 3 publications each ad will be 2/3rds of Page Spanish Magazines Placements will include 2-page spreads and full page, 4 color ads printed on recycled paper and bound into selected publications. • Selections are based on Simmons Choice 3 data which confirmed Multicultural Millennials read a wide variety of magazines. o 12-month placements are planned the following titles: Game Pro, AutoWeek, Glamour, In Touch and Men’s Fitness. • 6 ads for the year will run in the remaining selections, rotating months in magazines of similar genres. Out-of-Home • We recommend purchase of outdoor boards, mass transit signs and shelters to reach our prospects when they most wish they had a car or a new car. • A combination of subway posters, subway car wraps, billboards and bus advertisements will be used. • Simmons data indices among African American, Chinese and Hispanic millennials for use of public transportation are high: • African-American index of 244 • Chinese American average of 151 . • To best target the demographic, all outdoor advertisements will be run in California, New York, Texas, and Florida since these areas have the highest percent of the total target demographic living there. • Most placements seek the impact of a 25 showing. • Bus wraps will be designed to suggest oversized bright Nissan cars on the road. • Train Cars will be designed to replicate “an ideal environment to focus on Nissan’s commitment to the planet. Die-cut flowerstrees, animals will be used as will musical forest and animal sounds. • Shelters, train and bus cards will be interactive and feature Aurasma code keys that allow travelers to use their smart phones to activate commercials or Nissan car games while they travel
  • 26. 24 Cable Selections • • Multicultural Millennials are highly likely to watch selected cable television channels. African American Millennials are 391 times more likely thhannels: • an the average to watch MTV. • Chinese American Millennials are 165 times more likely than the average to watch MTV. • Hispanic American Millennials are 147 times more likely than the average to watch MTV. • KXLA and WMBC-TV-Sino Vision are selected cable channels that are geared toward the Chinese American millennial they are the most prominent Mandarin-speaking channels offered in the United States are KXLA and WMBC-TV-Sino Vision. • Non-specified time placements will be determined by ratings data related to programming preferred by members of the targeted Multicultural segments. CHANNELS: Spot Market Spot television buys are a key element in delivering reach to our prospects. • We will buy time in the four states with high Multicultural Millennial population density and also with the highest num- ber of Nissan dealerships. • Message delivery will impact on urban areas including additional cities in Texas. Georgia and Illinois. Internet The internet sites were chosen to provide wide reach across all three targets at an efficient price. Costs for Google and Facebook are based on cost are based on-per-click charges. Charges on other sites are based or Advertising costs on other sites and based on the placement and size of each adver- tisement. Multicultural Millennials are most likely to visit sites that allow them to to download music, movies, games, etc. such as WEBSITE SELECTION:
  • 27. 25 Movie-Theatre We will advertise in the top 10 Multicultural Millennial frequented movie theaters in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. Advertising Ad units are contextually adjusted to fit game units. Advertising will run from May – August and during November and December of 2013. Ads will break with a “Fast and Furious” Car Show and prize sponsorship that will coincide with theater openings of Fast & Furious 6 on May 24, 2013. Special Opening Event will take place only at the largest theater in each city for the film opening. Movie ads will run throughout the summer and pre-holiday on 10 screens in 6 cities for a run of 180 spots per day for x 163 day total resulting in a total of 29,340 spots at an average cost of $ 26.13 per :30 spot Video Games We will insert Nissan signs, posters and ads featuring Nissan core campaign cars into video games using Microsoft’s Xbox Live platform. We will engage in 5 games with appeal to our demographic and geographic areas. Average cost-per-click is .15. Projected reach 50,000 a month. Projected cost 50,000. x .15 = 7,500 x 12 = $90,000. Per year placement + 20,000 production costs = TOTAL COST: $ 110,000 Product • Central Edge suggests that Nissan continue to take advantage of its established link with the Fast and Furious film franchise and publicizes Nissans role in films 7 in this series. Although the cars featured in the film are outside the spe- Placement cific set included in this campaign because the core concept of the campaign is to sell brand Nissan linking to this visability makes marketing sense. • During Nissan sponsored openings a Nissan Car Show will take place including cars that appear in the film. A draw- ing will be held to give away decal kits that allow car owners to make their cars “Look like” the movie cars. • Television series product placement opportunities will be initiated including a commercial sponsorship of with a Nis- san car awarded to the winner of the competition. Central Edge recommends that Nissan participate as a gift and promotional sponsor with “The Voice” TV series. Rather than place ads we propose providing cars for the top ten final- ists and in-show mentions during the televisions shows regular season. • Placement costs average $ 250. per exposure plus $500. Per mention plus cost of product gift. • 16 weeks series 2 exposures and mentions per show: $750. 00 x 16 x 2 =$24,000. =45,000. = $69,000.00 • Cost of Car Giveaways – 10 cars x$20,000. = $200,000.00 Laundromats We will lease the rights to put washer and dryer wraps and signage in the ten largest laundries in the five cities with the largest concentration of Multicultural Millennials. Many of our prospects are apartment dwellers and frequent area laun- dries. When they are there they tend to look for something to do in response to that open aperture we will activate each poster and most wraps with Aurasma which will allow visitors to open interactive games, concerts or videos.