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A PHP Christmas Miracle
                A story of deception, wisdom, and finding our
                              common interface

                                  Ryan Weaver

Saturday, December 3, 11
Who is this dude?
                  • Co-author of the Symfony2 Docs
                  • Core Symfony2 contributor
                  • Co-owner of KnpLabs US
                  • Fiancee of the much more
                       talented @leannapelham

Saturday, December 3, 11
Act 1:

                           A History of modern PHP

Saturday, December 3, 11
First, the facts

Saturday, December 3, 11
To put it politely...

Saturday, December 3, 11
We have a surplus of PHP

Saturday, December 3, 11
To put it honestly...

Saturday, December 3, 11
We have a sh*tload

Saturday, December 3, 11
‣ Symfony
                      ‣ Zend Framework
                      ‣ Lithium
                      ‣ Aura (formerly Solar)
                      ‣ Code Igniter
                      ‣ Yii
                      ‣ Cake
                      ‣ Fuel
                      ‣ Akelos
                      ‣ Kohana
                      ‣ Flow3
                      ‣ ...
Saturday, December 3, 11
And we solve common problems

Saturday, December 3, 11
Common Problems
                     ‣ HTTP classes (e.g. request, response)
                     ‣ Routing
                     ‣ Controllers               ‣ Forms
                     ‣ Templates                 ‣ Events
                     ‣ Loggers                   ‣ Mailing
                     ‣ Database tools            ‣ Validation
                     ‣ Service containers        ‣ Pagination
                     ‣ Security                  ‣ Menus
                     ‣ Serialization             ‣ Search
Saturday, December 3, 11
Lack of sharing means
                             duplicated efforts

Saturday, December 3, 11
But, there is some hope...

Saturday, December 3, 11

                     • The PHP community came together, sang
                     Kumbaya and wrote up some class-naming

                     • PSR-0 isn’t a library, it’s just an agreement to
                     name your classes in one of two ways

Saturday, December 3, 11
PSR-0 with namespaces
             Namespace your classes and have the namespaces
                     follow the directory structure

   class: SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest

   path: vendor/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php

Saturday, December 3, 11
PSR-0 with underscores
                 Use underscores in your classes and follow the
                             directory structure

   class: Twig_Extension_Core

   path: vendor/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php

Saturday, December 3, 11
But what does this mean?
                   • An "autoloader" is a tool you can use so that
                   you don't have to worry about “including”
                   classes before you use them

                   • Use anyone’s autoloader

                   • We're all still duplicating each other's work,
                   but at least everyone’s autoloader does the
                   same thing

Saturday, December 3, 11
What else can we agree on?

Saturday, December 3, 11
So far, not much

Saturday, December 3, 11
But we’ll see how all the
                            libraries can still work

Saturday, December 3, 11
And we can always hope for
                    a Christmas miracle

Saturday, December 3, 11
Act 2:

                   Starting with a Horrible App

Saturday, December 3, 11
How many of you use a
                           framework on a regular

Saturday, December 3, 11
How many of you have been
              told that it's a bad idea to not
                     use a framework?

Saturday, December 3, 11
Was I the one who told you

Saturday, December 3, 11
Today we’re going to break
                          the rules...

Saturday, December 3, 11
... build a framework from
                                “scratch” ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
... and see why that’s no
                           longer necessarily a bad

Saturday, December 3, 11
Today’s 2 goals:
                  • Refactor a crappy flat PHP application into a
                  framework that makes sense

                  • Use as many libraries from as many quarreling
                  PHP tribes as possible
                   ‣ Symfony
                   ‣ Zend Framework
                   ‣ Lithium
                   ‣ ... only lack of time prevents more...

Saturday, December 3, 11
Our starting point

                  • Following along with the code of our app at:

            • Our app is a single file that fuels two pages

Saturday, December 3, 11
Saturday, December 3, 11
• Shucks, we even have a database connection

Saturday, December 3, 11
Open our Database connection

   // index.php

   try {
       $dbPath = __DIR__.'/data/database.sqlite';
       $dbh = new PDO('sqlite:'.$dbPath);
   } catch(PDOException $e) {
       die('Panic! '.$e->getMessage());

Saturday, December 3, 11
Try to get a clean URI

      // index.php

      $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
      if ($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) {
          $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);

Saturday, December 3, 11
Render the homepage

   // index.php
  if ($uri == '/' || $uri == '') {
      echo '<h1>Welcome to PHP Santa</h1>';
      echo '<a href="/letters">Readletters</a>';
      if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
          echo sprintf(
              '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>',
Saturday, December 3, 11
Print out some letters
   // index.php
  if ($uri == '/letters') {

              $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters';
              echo '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>';
              echo '<ul>';
              foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
                  echo sprintf(
                      '<li>%s - dated %s</li>',
              echo '</ul>';
Saturday, December 3, 11
Got it?

Saturday, December 3, 11
Great, let’s clean this mess up

Saturday, December 3, 11
Act 3:

                Symfony's HTTP Foundation

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Our code for trying to get a clean URL is a bit
                  archaic and probably error prone

                  • We're echoing content from our controllers,
                  maybe we can evolve

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Symfony’s HttpFoundation Component

                  • Gives us (among other things) a solid Request
                  and Response class

Saturday, December 3, 11
Bring in HttpFoundation

        mkdir -p vendors/Symfony/Component

        git submodule add 

        git submodule add 

Saturday, December 3, 11
Current Status

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • No matter what framework or libraries you use,
                  you’ll need an autoloader

                  • We’ll use Symfony’s “ClassLoader”

                  • Each PSR-0 autoloader is very similar

Saturday, December 3, 11
Create a bootstrap file
  // bootstrap.php

  require __DIR__.'/vendors/Symfony/Component/
  use SymfonyComponentClassLoaderUniversalClassLoader;

  // setup the autoloader
  $loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
      'Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors'

Saturday, December 3, 11
... and include it

                           // index.php
                           require 'bootstrap.php';

                           // ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
So how does this help?

Saturday, December 3, 11
         if ($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) {
             $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);

                           ... becomes ...
         use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
         $request = Request::createFromGlobals();

         // the clean URI - a lot of logic behind it!!!
         $uri = $request->getPathInfo();

Saturday, December 3, 11
if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
             echo sprintf(
                 '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>',
                           ... becomes ...
     if ($name = $request->query->get('name')) {
         echo sprintf(
              '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>',

Saturday, December 3, 11
The “Request” object
              • Normalizes server variables across systems

              • Shortcut methods to common things like
              getClientIp(), getHost(), getContent(), etc

              • Nice object-oriented interface

Saturday, December 3, 11
The “Response” object
                  • We also have a Response object

                  • Instead of echoing out content, we populate
                  this fluid object

Saturday, December 3, 11
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
      echo '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>';
      echo '<p>This is most certainly *not* an xmas

                           ... becomes ...
    $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>';
    $content .= '<p>This is most certainly *not*
    an xmas miracle</p>';

    $response = new Response($content);

Saturday, December 3, 11
Act 4:


Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Our app is a giant gross “if” statement
                           if ($uri == '/' || $uri == '') {
                               // ...
                           } elseif ($uri == '/letters') {
                               // ...
                           } else {
                               // ...

                • Grabbing a piece from the URL like
                       /blog/my-blog-post will take some work
Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Lithium’s Routing library

                  • Routing matches URIs (e.g. /foo) and returns
                  information we attached to that URI pattern

                  • All the nasty regex matching is out-of-sight

Saturday, December 3, 11
3 Steps to Bringing in an
                                 external tool

Saturday, December 3, 11
#1 Download the library

        git submodule add git://
        lithium.git vendors/lithium

Saturday, December 3, 11
#2 Configure the autoloader
  // bootstrap.php
  // ...

  $loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
  $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors');
  $loader->registerNamespace('lithium', __DIR__.'/vendors');


Saturday, December 3, 11
#3 Celebrate!

  use lithiumnethttpRouter;
  $router = new Router();
  // ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
Current Status

Saturday, December 3, 11
So how do we use the router?

Saturday, December 3, 11
Full disclosure: “use”
           statements I’m hiding from the
                      next page

  use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
  use lithiumnethttpRouter;
  use lithiumactionRequest as Li3Request;

Saturday, December 3, 11
a) Map URI to “controller”
   $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
   $li3Request = new Li3Request();
   // get the URL from Symfony's request, give it to lithium
   $li3Request->url = $request->getPathInfo();

    // create a router, build the routes, and then execute it
    $router = new Router();
    $router->connect('/letters', array('controller' => 'letters'));
    $router->connect('/', array('controller' => 'homepage'));

    if (isset($li3Request->params['controller'])) {
        $controller = $li3Request->params['controller'];
    } else {
        $controller = 'error404';
Saturday, December 3, 11
b) Execute the controller*

   // execute the controller, send the request, get the response
   $response = call_user_func_array($controller, array($request));
   if (!$response instanceof Response) {
       throw new Exception(sprintf(
           'WTF! Your controller "%s" didn't return a response!!',


      * each controller is a flat function
Saturday, December 3, 11
The Controllers
 function homepage(Request $request) {
     $content = '<h1>Welcome to PHP Santa</h1>';
     $content .= '<a href="/letters">Read the letters</a>';
     if ($name = $request->query->get('name')) {
         $content .= sprintf(
             '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>',

             return new Response($content);

Saturday, December 3, 11
The Controllers
 function letters(Request $request)
     global $dbh;                                 $kitten--
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters';
            $content = '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>';
            $content .= '<ul>';
            foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
                $content .= sprintf(
                    '<li>%s - dated %s</li>',
            $content .= '</ul>';

            return new Response($content);
Saturday, December 3, 11
The Controllers

 function error404(Request $request)
     $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>';
     $content .= 'This is most certainly *not* an xmas miracle';

            $response = new Response($content);

            return $response;

Saturday, December 3, 11
The Big Picture
                    1. Request cleans the URI
                    2. Router matches the URI to a route, returns a
                    “controller” string
                    3. We execute the controller function
                    4. The controller creates a Response object
                    5. We send the Response headers and content

Saturday, December 3, 11
Your 20 line framework

Saturday, December 3, 11
Act 5:


Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • We’ve got lots of random, disorganized
                  objects floating around

                  • And we can’t easily access them from within
                  our controllers
                           function letters(Request $request)
                               global $dbh;

                               // ....
Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Pimple! - a Dependency Injection Container

                  • Dependency Injection Container:
                           the scariest word we could think of to
                           describe an array of objects on steroids

Saturday, December 3, 11
Remember: 3 Steps to
                     bringing in an external tool

Saturday, December 3, 11
#1 Download the library

        git submodule add git://
        Pimple.git vendors/Pimple

Saturday, December 3, 11
#2 Configure the autoloader

  // bootstrap.php
  // ...

  require __DIR__.'/vendors/Pimple/lib/Pimple.php';

       actually, it’s only one file - so just require it!

Saturday, December 3, 11
#3 Celebrate!

  $c = new Pimple();

Saturday, December 3, 11
Pimple Creates Objects
                  • Use Pimple to create and store your objects in
                  a central place

                  • If you have the Pimple container object, then
                  you have access to every other object in your

Saturday, December 3, 11
Centralize the db connection

   $c = new Pimple();

   $c['connection'] = $c->share(function() {
       $dsn = 'sqlite:'.__DIR__.'/data/database.sqlite';
       return new PDO($dsn);

Saturday, December 3, 11
Centralize the db connection

       $c1 = $c['connection'];
       $c2 = $c['connection'];

       // they are the same - only one object is created!
       $c1 === $c2

Saturday, December 3, 11
Centralize the db connection

       $c1 = $c['connection'];
       $c2 = $c['connection'];

       // they are the same - only one object is created!
       $c1 === $c2

Saturday, December 3, 11
Access to what we need
                  • So far, we’re using a “global” keyword to
                  access our database connection

                  • But if we pass around our Pimple container,
                  we always have access to anything we need -
                  including the database connection

Saturday, December 3, 11
Pass the container to the
       $c = new Pimple();

       // ...

       $response = call_user_func_array(
           array($request, $c)

Saturday, December 3, 11
function letters(Request $request, Pimple $c)
     $dbh = $c['connection'];                  $kitten++
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters';
             $content = '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>';
             $content .= '<ul>';
             foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
                 // ...
             // ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
What else?

                      How about configuration?

Saturday, December 3, 11
$c = new Pimple();

 // configuration
 $c['connection_string'] = 'sqlite:'.__DIR__

 $c['connection'] = $c->share(function(Pimple $c) {
     return new PDO($c['connection_string']);

Saturday, December 3, 11

                  What about dependencies?

Saturday, December 3, 11
$c['request'] = $c->share(function() {
      return Request::createFromGlobals();

  $c['li3_request'] = $c->share(function($c) {
      $li3Request = new Li3Request();
      $li3Request->url = $c['request']->getPathInfo();

               return $li3Request;

  // ...
  $li3Request = $c['li3_request'];

Saturday, December 3, 11
With everything in the
                    container, our “framework”
                          just got skinny

Saturday, December 3, 11
$c = new Pimple();
  // create objects in Pimple

  // execute our routing, merge attributes to request
  $result = $c['router']->parse($c['li3_request']);

  // get controller and execute!
  $controller = $c['request']->attributes
      ->get('controller', 'error404');
  $response = call_user_func_array(
      array($c['request'], $c)

Saturday, December 3, 11
Logging with ZF2

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • I don’t have enough frameworks in my

                  • Oh yeah, and we need logging...

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Zend Framework2

                  • ZF2 has a ton of components, including a

Saturday, December 3, 11
3 Steps to bringing in an
                                 external tool

Saturday, December 3, 11
#1 Download the library

        git submodule add git://
        zendframework/zf2.git vendors/zf2

Saturday, December 3, 11
#2 Configure the autoloader
  // bootstrap.php
  // ...

  $loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
  $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors');
  $loader->registerNamespace('lithium', __DIR__.'/vendors');


Saturday, December 3, 11
#3 Celebrate!

  use ZendLogLogger;
  use ZendLogWriterStream;

  $logger = Logger($pimple['logger_writer']);

         Yes we did just bring in a 100k+ lines of
               code for a simple logger :)

Saturday, December 3, 11
Current Status

Saturday, December 3, 11
Create the Logger in our
                              Fancy Container
   use ZendLogLogger;
   use ZendLogWriterStream;

   $c['log_path'] = __DIR__.'/data/web.log';
   $c['logger_writer'] = $c->share(function($pimple) {
       return new Stream($pimple['log_path']);

   $c['logger'] = $c->share(function($pimple) {
       return new Logger($pimple['logger_writer']);

Saturday, December 3, 11
And use it anywhere
   function error404(Request $request, Pimple $c)
           'Crap, 404 for '.$request->getPathInfo(),

                $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>';
                // ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
Getting kinda easy, right?

Saturday, December 3, 11
What other libraries can you
                     think to integrate?

Saturday, December 3, 11
Getting Organized

Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Our application has 4 major parts:
                           1) autoloading setup
                           2) Creation of container
                           3) Definition of routes
                           4) Definition of controllers
                           5) The code that executes everything

                  • For our business, only #3 and #4 are important

                  • ... but it’s all jammed together
Saturday, December 3, 11
                  • Some definitions

                           “Application” - the code that makes you money

                           “Framework” - under-the-hood code that
                           impresses your geek friends

                  • To be productive, let’s “hide” the framework

Saturday, December 3, 11
Starting point
                  • Our app basically has 2 files

                           ‣ bootstrap.php: holds autoloading
                           ‣ index.php: holds
                             - container setup
                             - definition of routes
                             - definition of controllers
                             - the code that executes it all

Saturday, December 3, 11
Ending point
                           ‣ bootstrap.php: holds
                             - autoloading
                             - container setup
                             - the code that executes it all
                                (as a function called _run_application())
                           ‣ controllers.php: holds controllers
                           ‣ routes.php: holds routes

                           ‣ index.php: pulls it all together
Saturday, December 3, 11
Nothing to see here...

   // index.php
   $c = require 'bootstrap.php';
   require 'routing.php';
   require 'controllers.php';

   $response = _run_application($c);

Saturday, December 3, 11
“Framework” hidden away...
  // bootstrap.php
  function _run_application(Pimple $c)

              $controller = $c['request']->attributes
                  ->get('controller', 'error404');

              return call_user_func_array(
                  array($c['request'], $c)
Saturday, December 3, 11
Routes have a home
   // routing.php
       array('controller' => 'letters')

           'controller' => 'homepage',
           'name' => null
Saturday, December 3, 11
Controllers have a home
   // controllers.php
   use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
   use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;

   function homepage(Request $request) {
       // ...

   function letters(Request $request, $c)
       // ...

   function error404(Request $request)
       // ...
Saturday, December 3, 11
To make $$$, work in
          routes.php and controllers.php

Saturday, December 3, 11
Final Thoughts

Saturday, December 3, 11
It doesn’t matter if you use a

Saturday, December 3, 11
... inherited a legacy spaghetti

Saturday, December 3, 11
... or practice “not-invented-
                       here” development

Saturday, December 3, 11 innumerable number of
                      tools are available...

Saturday, December 3, 11
... so you can stop writing
                            your framework ...

Saturday, December 3, 11
... and start writing your

Saturday, December 3, 11
What’s available? Search GitHub

Saturday, December 3, 11

                           Ryan Weaver

Saturday, December 3, 11
                         And if we had more time...
Saturday, December 3, 11

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A PHP Christmas Miracle - 3 Frameworks, 1 app

  • 1. A PHP Christmas Miracle A story of deception, wisdom, and finding our common interface Ryan Weaver @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 2. Who is this dude? • Co-author of the Symfony2 Docs • Core Symfony2 contributor • Co-owner of KnpLabs US • Fiancee of the much more talented @leannapelham @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 3. Act 1: A History of modern PHP @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 4. First, the facts Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 5. To put it politely... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 6. We have a surplus of PHP frameworks Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 7. To put it honestly... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 8. We have a sh*tload Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 9. ‣ Symfony ‣ Zend Framework ‣ Lithium ‣ Aura (formerly Solar) ‣ Code Igniter ‣ Yii ‣ Cake ‣ Fuel ‣ Akelos ‣ Kohana ‣ Flow3 ‣ ... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 10. And we solve common problems @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 11. Common Problems ‣ HTTP classes (e.g. request, response) ‣ Routing ‣ Controllers ‣ Forms ‣ Templates ‣ Events ‣ Loggers ‣ Mailing ‣ Database tools ‣ Validation ‣ Service containers ‣ Pagination ‣ Security ‣ Menus ‣ Serialization ‣ Search @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 12. Lack of sharing means duplicated efforts Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 13. But, there is some hope... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 14. PSR-0 • The PHP community came together, sang Kumbaya and wrote up some class-naming standards • PSR-0 isn’t a library, it’s just an agreement to name your classes in one of two ways @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 15. PSR-0 with namespaces Namespace your classes and have the namespaces follow the directory structure class: SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest path: vendor/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 16. PSR-0 with underscores Use underscores in your classes and follow the directory structure class: Twig_Extension_Core path: vendor/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 17. But what does this mean? • An "autoloader" is a tool you can use so that you don't have to worry about “including” classes before you use them • Use anyone’s autoloader • We're all still duplicating each other's work, but at least everyone’s autoloader does the same thing @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 18. What else can we agree on? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 19. So far, not much Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 20. But we’ll see how all the libraries can still work together Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 21. And we can always hope for a Christmas miracle Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 22. Act 2: Starting with a Horrible App @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 23. How many of you use a framework on a regular basis? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 24. How many of you have been told that it's a bad idea to not use a framework? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 25. Was I the one who told you that? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 26. Today we’re going to break the rules... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 27. ... build a framework from “scratch” ... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 28. ... and see why that’s no longer necessarily a bad thing. Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 29. Today’s 2 goals: • Refactor a crappy flat PHP application into a framework that makes sense • Use as many libraries from as many quarreling PHP tribes as possible ‣ Symfony ‣ Zend Framework ‣ Lithium ‣ ... only lack of time prevents more... @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 30. Our starting point • Following along with the code of our app at: • Our app is a single file that fuels two pages Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 32. • Shucks, we even have a database connection Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 33. Open our Database connection // index.php try { $dbPath = __DIR__.'/data/database.sqlite'; $dbh = new PDO('sqlite:'.$dbPath); } catch(PDOException $e) { die('Panic! '.$e->getMessage()); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 34. Try to get a clean URI // index.php $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) { $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 35. Render the homepage // index.php if ($uri == '/' || $uri == '') { echo '<h1>Welcome to PHP Santa</h1>'; echo '<a href="/letters">Readletters</a>'; if (isset($_GET['name'])) { echo sprintf( '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>', $_GET['name'] ); } } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 36. Print out some letters // index.php if ($uri == '/letters') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters'; echo '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) { echo sprintf( '<li>%s - dated %s</li>', $row['content'], $row['received_at'] ); } echo '</ul>'; } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 38. Great, let’s clean this mess up Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 39. Act 3: Symfony's HTTP Foundation @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 40. Problems • Our code for trying to get a clean URL is a bit archaic and probably error prone • We're echoing content from our controllers, maybe we can evolve @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 41. Solution • Symfony’s HttpFoundation Component • Gives us (among other things) a solid Request and Response class @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 42. Bring in HttpFoundation mkdir -p vendors/Symfony/Component git submodule add git:// vendors/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/ git submodule add git:// vendors/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 44. Autoloading • No matter what framework or libraries you use, you’ll need an autoloader • We’ll use Symfony’s “ClassLoader” • Each PSR-0 autoloader is very similar @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 45. Create a bootstrap file <?php // bootstrap.php require __DIR__.'/vendors/Symfony/Component/ ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php'; use SymfonyComponentClassLoaderUniversalClassLoader; // setup the autoloader $loader = new UniversalClassLoader(); $loader->registerNamespace( 'Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors' ); $loader->register(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 46. ... and include it <?php // index.php require 'bootstrap.php'; // ... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 47. So how does this help? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 48. $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) { $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos); } ... becomes ... use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); // the clean URI - a lot of logic behind it!!! $uri = $request->getPathInfo(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 49. if (isset($_GET['name'])) { echo sprintf( '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>', $_GET['name'] ); } ... becomes ... if ($name = $request->query->get('name')) { echo sprintf( '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>', $name ); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 50. The “Request” object • Normalizes server variables across systems • Shortcut methods to common things like getClientIp(), getHost(), getContent(), etc • Nice object-oriented interface @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 51. The “Response” object • We also have a Response object • Instead of echoing out content, we populate this fluid object @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 52. header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); echo '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>'; echo '<p>This is most certainly *not* an xmas miracle</p>'; ... becomes ... $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>'; $content .= '<p>This is most certainly *not* an xmas miracle</p>'; $response = new Response($content); $response->setStatusCode(404); $response->send(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 53. Act 4: Routing @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 54. Problems • Our app is a giant gross “if” statement if ($uri == '/' || $uri == '') { // ... } elseif ($uri == '/letters') { // ... } else { // ... } • Grabbing a piece from the URL like /blog/my-blog-post will take some work @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 55. Solution • Lithium’s Routing library • Routing matches URIs (e.g. /foo) and returns information we attached to that URI pattern • All the nasty regex matching is out-of-sight @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 56. 3 Steps to Bringing in an external tool Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 57. #1 Download the library git submodule add git:// lithium.git vendors/lithium Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 58. #2 Configure the autoloader // bootstrap.php // ... $loader = new UniversalClassLoader(); $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors'); $loader->registerNamespace('lithium', __DIR__.'/vendors'); $loader->register(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 59. #3 Celebrate! use lithiumnethttpRouter; $router = new Router(); // ... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 61. So how do we use the router? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 62. Full disclosure: “use” statements I’m hiding from the next page use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; use lithiumnethttpRouter; use lithiumactionRequest as Li3Request; Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 63. a) Map URI to “controller” $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $li3Request = new Li3Request(); // get the URL from Symfony's request, give it to lithium $li3Request->url = $request->getPathInfo(); // create a router, build the routes, and then execute it $router = new Router(); $router->connect('/letters', array('controller' => 'letters')); $router->connect('/', array('controller' => 'homepage')); $router->parse($li3Request); if (isset($li3Request->params['controller'])) { $controller = $li3Request->params['controller']; } else { $controller = 'error404'; } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 64. b) Execute the controller* // execute the controller, send the request, get the response $response = call_user_func_array($controller, array($request)); if (!$response instanceof Response) { throw new Exception(sprintf( 'WTF! Your controller "%s" didn't return a response!!', $controller )); } $response->send(); * each controller is a flat function Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 65. The Controllers function homepage(Request $request) { $content = '<h1>Welcome to PHP Santa</h1>'; $content .= '<a href="/letters">Read the letters</a>'; if ($name = $request->query->get('name')) { $content .= sprintf( '<p>Oh, and hello %s!</p>', $name ); } return new Response($content); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 66. The Controllers function letters(Request $request) { global $dbh; $kitten-- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters'; $content = '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>'; $content .= '<ul>'; foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) { $content .= sprintf( '<li>%s - dated %s</li>', $row['content'], $row['received_at'] ); } $content .= '</ul>'; return new Response($content); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 67. The Controllers function error404(Request $request) { $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>'; $content .= 'This is most certainly *not* an xmas miracle'; $response = new Response($content); $response->setStatusCode(404); return $response; } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 68. The Big Picture 1. Request cleans the URI 2. Router matches the URI to a route, returns a “controller” string 3. We execute the controller function 4. The controller creates a Response object 5. We send the Response headers and content @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 69. Your 20 line framework Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 70. Act 5: Pimple! @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 71. Problems • We’ve got lots of random, disorganized objects floating around • And we can’t easily access them from within our controllers function letters(Request $request) { global $dbh; // .... } @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 72. Solution • Pimple! - a Dependency Injection Container • Dependency Injection Container: the scariest word we could think of to describe an array of objects on steroids @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 73. Remember: 3 Steps to bringing in an external tool Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 74. #1 Download the library git submodule add git:// Pimple.git vendors/Pimple Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 75. #2 Configure the autoloader // bootstrap.php // ... require __DIR__.'/vendors/Pimple/lib/Pimple.php'; actually, it’s only one file - so just require it! Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 76. #3 Celebrate! $c = new Pimple(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 77. Pimple Creates Objects • Use Pimple to create and store your objects in a central place • If you have the Pimple container object, then you have access to every other object in your application @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 78. Centralize the db connection $c = new Pimple(); $c['connection'] = $c->share(function() { $dsn = 'sqlite:'.__DIR__.'/data/database.sqlite'; return new PDO($dsn); }); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 79. Centralize the db connection $c1 = $c['connection']; $c2 = $c['connection']; // they are the same - only one object is created! $c1 === $c2 Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 80. Centralize the db connection $c1 = $c['connection']; $c2 = $c['connection']; // they are the same - only one object is created! $c1 === $c2 Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 81. Access to what we need • So far, we’re using a “global” keyword to access our database connection • But if we pass around our Pimple container, we always have access to anything we need - including the database connection @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 82. Pass the container to the controller $c = new Pimple(); // ... $response = call_user_func_array( $controller, array($request, $c) ); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 83. function letters(Request $request, Pimple $c) { $dbh = $c['connection']; $kitten++ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM php_santa_letters'; $content = '<h1>Read the letters to PHP Santa</h1>'; $content .= '<ul>'; foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) { // ... } // ... } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 84. What else? How about configuration? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 85. $c = new Pimple(); // configuration $c['connection_string'] = 'sqlite:'.__DIR__ .'/data/database.sqlite'; $c['connection'] = $c->share(function(Pimple $c) { return new PDO($c['connection_string']); }); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 86. Further? What about dependencies? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 87. $c['request'] = $c->share(function() { return Request::createFromGlobals(); }); $c['li3_request'] = $c->share(function($c) { $li3Request = new Li3Request(); $li3Request->url = $c['request']->getPathInfo(); return $li3Request; }); // ... $li3Request = $c['li3_request']; Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 88. With everything in the container, our “framework” just got skinny Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 89. $c = new Pimple(); // create objects in Pimple // execute our routing, merge attributes to request $result = $c['router']->parse($c['li3_request']); $c['request']->attributes ->add($c['li3_request']->params); // get controller and execute! $controller = $c['request']->attributes ->get('controller', 'error404'); $response = call_user_func_array( $controller, array($c['request'], $c) ); $response->send(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 90. Logging with ZF2 @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 91. Problems • I don’t have enough frameworks in my framework • Oh yeah, and we need logging... @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 92. Solution • Zend Framework2 • ZF2 has a ton of components, including a logger @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 93. 3 Steps to bringing in an external tool Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 94. #1 Download the library git submodule add git:// zendframework/zf2.git vendors/zf2 Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 95. #2 Configure the autoloader // bootstrap.php // ... $loader = new UniversalClassLoader(); $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__.'/vendors'); $loader->registerNamespace('lithium', __DIR__.'/vendors'); $loader->registerNamespace( 'Zend', __DIR__.'/vendors/zf2/library' ); $loader->register(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 96. #3 Celebrate! use ZendLogLogger; use ZendLogWriterStream; $logger = Logger($pimple['logger_writer']); Yes we did just bring in a 100k+ lines of code for a simple logger :) Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 98. Create the Logger in our Fancy Container use ZendLogLogger; use ZendLogWriterStream; $c['log_path'] = __DIR__.'/data/web.log'; $c['logger_writer'] = $c->share(function($pimple) { return new Stream($pimple['log_path']); }); $c['logger'] = $c->share(function($pimple) { return new Logger($pimple['logger_writer']); }); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 99. And use it anywhere function error404(Request $request, Pimple $c) { $c['logger']->log( 'Crap, 404 for '.$request->getPathInfo(), Logger::ERR ); $content = '<h1>404 Page not Found</h1>'; // ... } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 100. Getting kinda easy, right? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 101. What other libraries can you think to integrate? Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 102. Getting Organized @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 103. Problems • Our application has 4 major parts: 1) autoloading setup 2) Creation of container 3) Definition of routes 4) Definition of controllers 5) The code that executes everything • For our business, only #3 and #4 are important • ... but it’s all jammed together @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 104. Solution • Some definitions “Application” - the code that makes you money “Framework” - under-the-hood code that impresses your geek friends • To be productive, let’s “hide” the framework @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 105. Starting point • Our app basically has 2 files ‣ bootstrap.php: holds autoloading ‣ index.php: holds - container setup - definition of routes - definition of controllers - the code that executes it all @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 106. Ending point ‣ bootstrap.php: holds - autoloading - container setup - the code that executes it all (as a function called _run_application()) ‣ controllers.php: holds controllers ‣ routes.php: holds routes ‣ index.php: pulls it all together @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 107. Nothing to see here... <?php // index.php $c = require 'bootstrap.php'; require 'routing.php'; require 'controllers.php'; $response = _run_application($c); $response->send(); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 108. “Framework” hidden away... // bootstrap.php function _run_application(Pimple $c) { $c['router']->parse($c['li3_request']); $c['request']->attributes ->add($c['li3_request']->params); $controller = $c['request']->attributes ->get('controller', 'error404'); return call_user_func_array( $controller, array($c['request'], $c) ); } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 109. Routes have a home // routing.php $c['router']->connect( '/letters', array('controller' => 'letters') ); $c['router']->connect( '/{:name}', array( 'controller' => 'homepage', 'name' => null ) ); Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 110. Controllers have a home // controllers.php use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; function homepage(Request $request) { // ... } function letters(Request $request, $c) { // ... } function error404(Request $request) { // ... } Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 111. To make $$$, work in routes.php and controllers.php Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 112. Final Thoughts @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 113. It doesn’t matter if you use a framework... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 114. ... inherited a legacy spaghetti system... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 115. ... or practice “not-invented- here” development Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 116. innumerable number of tools are available... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 117. ... so you can stop writing your framework ... Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 118. ... and start writing your application Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 119. What’s available? Search GitHub Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 120. Thanks! Questions? Ryan Weaver @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11
  • 121. References • • • • • And if we had more time... • • • • @weaverryan Saturday, December 3, 11