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            Not eren Chnirtnan Mtto could fovee the seeds to live...

                                                                                                                       PEAJRL S. BITCK

Wang Sart, headman in the village of San-li-       suits a year it meant millions of suits, for if he      So Wang San went on, although now a chill
wan-tse. hstened with altention. The young         had two suits, all other men must have two,          of fear crept into his heart. He wet his lips.
man who was speaking was an earnest young          not to mention the women and children. It               "You say the Americans plow their fields
man, even a good young man, bul his igno-          was impossible.                                      deeply and they get great harvests. You say
rance was pitiful. Most pitiable of all was ihe       Wang San replied to Comrade Li in his             they have machines that plow, and Chair-
evidence that he was too ignorant to know          usual loud clear voice. "I wish to say that this     man Mao has bought such machines from
that he was ignorant. But he musl be heard,        new way of planting rice will ruin our fields."      our Russian brothers. With these machines,
sitice he had been sent down from those               Comrade Li was a thin, tall young man. He         you tell us, we must now plow our fields
above, in Peking, and eeryone knows it is         had a long, thin face, and his lips and eyes         deeply. But the question is, do the Americans
best to listen to them, and if possible, without   were narrow. "Comrade Wang," he said                 plant rice in their deeply plowedfields?The
replying.                                          coldly, "is it possible that you believe you         question is      "
   So far Wang San had restratned himself.         know more than our Chairman Mao?"                        Comrade Li's patience broke. "The ques-
He had said nothing. Now, however, standing           Wang San felt a strong pull on the tail of        tion is whether you, Wang San, will do as you
here on the village threshing floor, surrounded    his jacket. He knew it to be the tug of his          are told. I will answer this question for you.
by silent neighbors, he felt determination         wife's admonishing hand. She had followed            You will do as you are told! All ofyou willdo
rising in his breast, an irrepressible reckless-   him. Be qiiiel, she was trying to tell him. Re-      as you are told. You are ignorant men. You
ness that amounted to desperation. It was all      nienibcr thai our village elders were shot for       cannot even write your names. You cannot
very well to lisien when the talk wab of how       ¡ess Ihuti Ihis ! He did not heed her. They could    read instructions. Therefore I have come to
fine a man Chairman Mao was, and how               live without the village ciders, but not without     your small village to tell you what you cannot
wicked were the American imperialists.             rice. He let his arms fall to his sides. He made     read. The whole region, from Wan-li-hsiang
Wang San had never seen Chairman Mao nor           his voice gentle and reasonable.                     to San-li-wan-tse is to become one great field
                                                      "Comrade Li, there are many things that           of rice. All boundaries are to be removed, and
had he ever seen an American. But rice he
                                                   Chairman Mao knows which 1 do not know.              the work will be done by the whole commune.
knew. Yes, he knew all about rice, the garner-
                                                   But rice is our livelihood and perhaps it is not      For the present you will be allowed to live in
ing of the special seed, ils planling in lhe
                                                   his. He is gentlefolk and I am not. His father       your own houses, but the land is no longer
narrow beds of rich earlh, the transplanting
                                                   was a landowner, but mine was a farmer.              yours. It belongs to all. You will receive in-
lo the watery fields and, at last lhe reaping of                                                         structions from men trained abroad in agri-
the harvest. No one could lell him anylhing        And my grandfather was a farmer and my
                                                   ancestral fathers before that. Thesefieldshave        culture. We can no longer leave our precious
about rice. He raised his voice,                                                                         soil to be tended by ignorant men. Is your
   "Comrade Li!"                                   been planted to rice for thousands of years.
                                                   And not just lo any rice but to the special           question answered. Comrade Wang?"
   The young man stopped talking and looked
about for the voice.                               rice which grows best in our earth here."               Wang San stared into the narrow eyes. In
   "It is I," Wang San said. He pushed his             He stamped his right foot on the earth.          his mind uncertainty mingled with fear. Per-
way through lhe crowd of country folk.             Comrade Li was listening, his mouth curved           haps the young man was right. This deep
   "Wliat do you uish lo say?" Comrade Li          in a thin downward smile.                            plowing had never been tried. There might
asked.                                                "Go on. Comrade Wang," he said with               be virtue in it. Yet had not his own father told
    Wang San slood with his legs apart and his     ostentatious patience.                               him that rice fields were never to be plowed
                                                      Comrade Li had been taught that he must           deeply? No more than enough for the roots of
arms folded across his breast. His blue-cotton
                                                   be patient with these land folk, but never           the rice plants to be in the water while their
jacket and trousers were clean but patched in
                                                   lenient. Let them talk and show their hearts.        heads stood above it, his father had said!
many places. One suit a year of blue cotton
                                                   Then let unrelenting judgment be made.               This and the careful choice of seeds were
 was alJ that could be expected nowadays, and
                                                      The crowd stood in silence, all eyes down-        what made a full harvest, "Rice is as willful
last year's suit had gone to patch this year's.                                                         as a woman," his father had told him often as
 But one suit is not enough. There was talk of     cast, A woman's wail broke the silence. Wang
                                                   San's wife had turned and run back through           they transplanted the young seedlings. "Treat
two sutts as a necessity. In old times, when                                                            rice in the way it likes best and you will never
every man v;as responsible for his own             the crowd to their small earthen house. There
                                                   was the sound of a wooden door slamming              starve. Forget what it wants and it will wither
clothes, it was easy enough to have several                                                             without harvest. The seed must be kept pure.
suits at a time. One could then think only of      and of a bar being drawn across it.
                                                                                                        Each region has its owii rice. Never mix the
himself and his family, in these new times             "Go on, Comrade Wang," Comrade Li                seed."
this was not possible. If a man asked for two       said again.

                                                                                                                                 ILLUSTRATION BY FRED MASON
36                                                                                                                                            The Saturday Evening PosI
                                               this was not the fault of Comrade Li.        Comrade Li had no parents? His own                "About the rice fields       -" He
                                               That young man was a patriot, laake no       father was dead of a fever, but his old        astonished to see what these few w o ^
                                               mistake. He could have sat in some com-      mother was still alive.                        could do.                                 %
                                               fortable city otiicc, but instead he was         "How did they die?" he asked gently.          Comrade Li had leaped to his feet,
             RICE                              here in the country, eating plain food           Comrade Li did not reply. He turned        made his hands into lists, and he rushed
   Remembering his father's words, Wang        and sleeping on boards, enduring the         his face away and stared at the earthen        at Wang San.
Snn wa5 about lo urge them upon Com-           cold and the stink of the village in order   wall. Wang San sighed In sympathy. "I             "Do you want to be shot ou t there on th(
rade Li. He would liiive done so if llic       lo serve his country. It was certain, how-   know how you feel. Comrade Li. A man           threshing floor?" His voice was a belloä
villagers h^id nol grown afraid. They          ever, that he knew nothing about farming.    without parents is a tree without roots.       so loud that it cracked as he went on'
hustled him away, crying out to Comrade            As he meditated Wang San decided to      And you are so young lo be an orphan!          "One word from me, you dog, and they*)!
Li ihiil Wang San would obey, that ihey        make one more effort. He would wait          You work too hard. You are very thin           stand you against the wall too! You ari
ould all obey. Only Ici Comrade Li           until nigjit and then, while the village     and pale, You are grieving for your            my responsibility. It is my duty to see thai
continue his instruciions and ihcy would       slept, he would seek out Comrade Li in       parents."                                      you obey orders. My duty! My duty!^
bo carried out.                                his room in the schoolmaster's poor               Comrade Li refused comfort. '"1 am           Wang San fled into the darkness, H(
   So Comrade Li coniinued. "The new           house and reason with him, alone and         not grieving," he muttered. "It was not        could do no more. It was all too clear thaj
pious will arne on Unie. With ihom will       wilh no villagers about lo spoil the          my fault that they—it was nothing that        Comrade Li couid not be changed. Ai
come insiruciori to teach you how to use       argument.                                     I—they were given the chance to           "   he had said, he was simply doing hii
them. Meanwhile NOU must dig up tJie               That nighl. Comrade Li sat by the             Wang San was all but overwhelmed.         duty. This matter of duty was dangerous;
paths between the licids and make these        wooden table in his room, writing a           He had seen something of life as it was       A man might commit any sort of crime'
petty bits ot" land into one vast plain,       report on the day's work. Wang San            lived these days. "You mean they          "   if he thought it was his duty. Yet Com-
read> for tlie plows. You will see such        came up to the open door and coughed.             Comrade Li turned on him. "My father      rade Li was at heart a good young man,
a harvest as you hae neer seen beTore."      Comrade Li looked up.                         was an absentee landov'ner. We lived in      a patriot in these new times. He was do- •
   Wang San was now at the edge of the             "Well?" he said curtly.                   the city. We were rich. He would not           ing his best. It was entirely possible that ;
crowd, still being pushed. He made a               "You are ery busy," Wang San said        reform. He would not confess. He would        be was doing his best even when he be-
Ijsl elTort 10 st;ind liis ground, "The         politely.                                    do nothing to change. He only laughed.        trayed his own father. It all depended
seed!" he shouted. "Where ^hall wt get             "I am always busy." Comrade Li re-        He said he did not want to live. Very          upon what one had been taught. Duty—a
the seed?"                                      plied. "What is It you want?"                well then—he died. And my m o t h e r -       dangerous word! It could fall upon a
                                                   Wang San edged into the room. It was      hung herself,"                                 man like a heavy sword and put an end
    "The seed will be provided!"' Com-
                                                a small room and he felt too big. He             Wang San was stricken. "What sor-          to him. It could drive a man into mad-
rade Li shouted back.
                                                laughed unhappily and scratched his head.    row-, what sorrow!" he groaned.                ness, thinking all the time that he was '
    "But—but          " Wang San could say                                                                                                  right and all others were wrong. As, for
no more. Strong hands pressed ocr his              "Aboul the rice ñelds." he began.            "1 tell you, he brought it on himself,"
                                                    Comrade Li slapped his pen down on       Comrade Li retorted with sudden vio-           e.xample, the matter of deep plowing in 
 mouih, and he uas hurried across the                                                                                                       the rice fields. Wang San shook his head,
din street and into the ricld beiiind the       the table. "What about the rice fields?"      lence. "It was not necessary for them to
                                                he barkeO.                                   die. They—it was cruel of them not to          sighed and gave up. There was no one ;
 houses.                                                                                                                                    now to whom he could protest. Even the
    "•> ou fool," a illager hissed at him.         Wang San hesitated. Why had he begun      think of me, their son. I explained to
                                                                                              them. 1 begged them. 1 got down on            gods were gone. The temple was empty of i
 "Are we all to be killed for your sake''"      with the rice fields? He should have made                                                   gods. Instead it was filled with soldiers. 
    '"You will starve." Wang San muttered.      the usual courteous inquiries about Com-      my—my knees. It makes me ashamed to
    "At least It will not be tomorrow," the     rade Li's home, his health and his            think ofthat.'"
 villager retorted, The left him there         parents' health. He began again.                 "Do not be ashamed," Wang San said.          Thereafter no one could have discerned
 alone.                                             "Comrade Li, where is your honorable      "It was correct of you to beg your           the slightest difference between Wang
    He squatted on his heels then, his back     residence?"                                   parents on your knees."                      San and the other villagers. Every morn-
 to the houses, jnd stared across the               Comrade Li stared at him. "What is           "It was not correct," Comrade Li          ing they rose at dawn and marched out j
 fields. It was nearly spring. The seed beds    that to vou?"                                 shouted. "It was bourgeois! 1 atoned for     tc the work of destroying the boundaries j
 must be prepared soon, and the rice                Wang San went bravely on. "And            it. I went to the—I told the authorities.    between the fields. Hoe and spade, they
 planted. He had his ow-n slore of seed,        how is >oLir honorable health?"               t denounced my father. They came and         worked without rest. Comrade Li driving
 hidden in a jar under the eaves ol his             •'Are you joking with me?" Comrade        got him."                                    them on, lhe soldiers behind him.
 house. Let it stay there. He would not          Ll asked sternly. "Why are you here in          •'Prison?" Wang San asked.                    "All must be ready for the transplant-
 give it to anyone. A year, two years, ten      the night, asking bourgeois questions?"          "No," Comrade Li said. "A trial in        ing of the riee," Comrade Li would shout.
 years, it would remain as it was, until            "These questions may not now be           our own house. It was all over in a few          The seedbeds were doing well enough.
 some day he himself would plant it. As         asked?" Wang San inquired.                    minutes—and—and he was shot in the           Rice had been planted early, thanks to
 Tor Comrade Li and all such comrades,              "Certainly not." Comrade Li snapped.      courtyard.'"                                 the early spring, and the beds were well
 if they would not listen to landlblk who        "My home is wherever I work. At present          "No wonder you are so thin," Wang        fertilized, not only with manure but with
 had been farmers for thousands of years,        it is this room. And my health does not      said, mourning. "You cannot eat. You          foreign fertilizer too. True, the seed was
 farmers who knew the soil as the> knew          matter so long as I am able io do tbe        are always thinking of him."                  mixed. That is to say. it was not pure. All
 their own ñesh, who could tell by the feel      work required of me."                            "You are wrong," Comrade Li snapped.      the local seed had been used, but to it
 of a grain of rice whether it was the right                                                   "1 never think of him. What happened         had been added seed from other parts of
                                                    "•> our parents      "                                                                  the country, for nowadays all the seed
 kind of seed, ihen let them slare loo.            "I have no parents," Comrade Li said       was right. I did my duty. Now go away
 Sooner or later they would learn by                                                           and leave me to continue doing my            was stored together in great bins at
                                                 coldly,                                                                                    central places. If a farmer had any seed,
 star'aiion.                                        "> ou mean       "                        duty."
                                                                                                  Wang San realized that he had not ac-     it was to be given over to the authorities,
   Nevertheless, Wang San felt a great               "Siniply that ! have no parents,"                                                      but Wang San had secretly disobeyed
pity for Comrade Li as he thought of                 Wang San was horrified. How could         complished what he came to do. He
                                                                                               began again.                                 and given only half of his store of seed.
him starlng. The young man was not a             u be pos-iible that a man as young as                                                     He wondered how many of his fellow
bad young man. On the contrary, he was                                                                                                      villagers had done the same thing, but
good, ll was simply that he wa.s mistaken.                                                                                                  none dared confide in any other. These
He Lhought he was doing righl, bul he                                                                                                       were not the old days when a friend and
was doing wrong. He had been mis-                                                                                                           neighbor could be trusted. It was not a
informed by someone above.                                                                                                                  matter of blame. It was a matter of tor-
   Sitting there in lhe mild sunshine of                                                                                                     lure and punishment. One lived as one
lhe late winter's day. a day on the edge                                                                                                    could. Better to keep one's secrets!
of spring, Wiing San considered Chair-                                                                                                         Enough of the local riee seed had been
man Mao. Had Chairman Mao ever                                                                                                              planted, however, so that the seedbeds
plowed a ñeld. follow ing behind an ox or                                                                                                   looked green. Vast seedbeds they were
a water bulTalo'' Or had he. as the son of a                                                                                                too, for there was a vast field to be
well-to-do farmcr.merely.vfcn the harvests                                                                                                  flooded for transplanting.
come in, heaps of rice being poured into                                                                                                       When all the boundaries had been
the bins of his father's storehouses, wheat                                                                                                 smoothed away and the land lay flat as
filling the vats, pigs slaughtered for win-                                                                                                 far as eye could see, the foreign plows
ter meat, cabbages salted down into                                                                                                         were brought in trucks. They were at-
greal pottery jars glazed inside to keep                                                                                                    tached to foreign tractors, and young
the vegetables swcct^ Ii made a great                                                                                                       men rode the tractors and set to work on
difference how one had learned, A^ lor                                                                                                      the great field. The villagers could only
those Western peoples and iheir deep                                                                                                        stand aside and watch, their faces anxious
plowing, who knew what they ate or                                                                                                          and full of wonder.
what they raised? Who knew anything
about Ihem? One heard nowadays that                                                                                                            "Ai ya," they groaned under their
the Americans were evil. So why deep-                                                                       THE S*TUnD*y CVENIMO POST        breath. "Ai ya, ai ya."
plow (he field.s here if that was what                                                                                                         For what was happening to the land
the Americans did over there? Yet all                                            ' I chickened out."                                         was happening to their very flesh. This
42                                                                                                                                          The Saturday Evening Post
                                                                                         and at last the rice no longer needed               "You cannot go to any city now,"
                                                      A                                  water. By then the roots were strong, and       Comrade Li said, "In the cities they de-
                                                                                         they held the plants until they had grown       pend on you, the farmers, for food. It is
                                                                                         yellow with hiirvcsl.                           no longer possible for each small com-
                                                                                             Now there was no clay bottom. The           munity to think only of itself. We must
                                           land, tended by human hands for thou-         earth dried long before the dry season,         think of the wbole. When there is not
                                           sands of years, uas now rent and tor-         and even tbe rains were not enough to           enough food we are all hungry."
                                           tured by machines. The rich topsoil was       keep the plants in water, As fast as the            "How are the harvests elsewhere?"
                                           tossed this way and that, and beneath         water fell in tbe sixth month, it seeped        Wang San inquired.
                                           the lopsoil, the six inches of heavy clay     away into lhe loose subsoil, and the river,         "Not good," Comrade Li said shortly.
                                           that sered as a bottom to hold the           though for a day or two it rose, could          "The seed was not good."
                                           nourishing water for lhe young rice           not maintain the level the rice plants              Wang San received this fresh blow.
                                           plants was cut into strips ibis way and       needed. The water ran down into the             The seed ! The seed gathered from all
                                           tbat. Beneath the clay vviis only the         cracked earth and flowed uselessly away.        parts of tbe country bad been stored to-
                                           porous subsoil.                               Before the grain could head, the plants         gether, hopele^ssly mixed. But rice, as
                                              "Never slice tbe skin of tho earth," the   withered and began to droop.                    his father bad always said, rice is as
                                           old farmers had told their sons, genera-          What was to be done now? The villag-        willful as a woman. Each kind of rice
                                                                                                                                         must be kept pure in the seed, or there
    HOW TO                                 tion after generaiion. "The skin of the
                                           earth is like the skin of our bodies. It
                                                                                         ers were mute. They shook tbeir heads.
                                                                                         Comrade Li forgot himself so far as to           is no harvest.
BECOME FAMOUS                              holds the eartb together as our skin holds
                                           our blood and bones,"
                                                                                         scream at them.
                                                                                             "Why did you not tell me? Blockheads!
                                                                                                                                              "The people are hungry everywhere?"
                                                                                                                                              It was a question, and Wang San knew
   FOR YOUR                                    Novv the skin was torn and useless,       Truiiors! Vou were silent on purpose!"           the answer. Comrade Li did not speak.
    COFFEE                                 and tbe subsoil came spilling out—gray
                                           sand and pebbled sione The illagers
                                                                                             Not one of them replied. Not one of
                                                                                          ihem reminded Comrade Li tbat he had
                                                                                                                                              Wang San hesitated. Did he dare? But
                                                                                                                                          life was worth litlle indeed if lhe rice
                                           watched with desolalion m their hearts.        been told but that he had not believed.         failed. Comrade Li was writing his re-
                                           Tbey knew what would happen. U would           Deep plowing might be all very well             ports again as though he were alone.
                                           be as their forefathers had said. But not      for foreign lands but not for this ancestral    Wang San drew in his breath and tried,
"Honestly, thii cofl'cc is the best I've   one villager spoke. Even Wang San was          earth. They were afraid of his anger, yet       in desperation, to say the one thing that
ever tasted' Mayl liac an^.ithcr cup?"    silent. Of vvh;it use to speak now, when       they were sorry for him. He had worked          shoLld not be said, that could not be
                                            Ehe worst hiid been done'.'                   far beyond his strength, this thin young        said.
Those are treasured words—and here's
                                               Listlessly tbe v illagcrs continued to     man. He had done his best. He had                   "In the old days," he said, his voice
how you can hear them often.                                                              obeyed his superiors, believing that they
                                            obey orders, und none worked more                                                             hoarse in bis throat, "the        '"
                                            doggedly than Wang San,                       knew w hat they were doing. The villagers           Comrade Li looked at him, bis narrow
         Ahen vou buy coffee:
                                               •"l'es. Comrade Li," he said a hundred     had no heart to reproach him. As for            eyes full of hate. "Say nothing of the
Pick the grind thtii ii^ right for your                                                   those oLhcrs who should be reproached,
                                            times a day unlil Comrade Li almost                                                            old days," be shouted.
type of coffee maker. Which brand is                                                      where were they? One could not see                   But Wang San could not stop. "In the
                                            approved of him. A faithful man, this
best'? The brand that t;istes best to       village headman, one who had learned          them anywhere.                                   old days," he said, very loud and fast,
you. Each brand is a blend of different     his lesson.                                      The day came when Comrade Li, too,            "wben we had no food, the Amerieans
coffees, each chosen for its distinctive       "Wang San. 1 «ill recommend you,"          could only remain silent. What was there         sent us wheat and corn and           "
fiavor quality. If you hae already         he said Lil last.                             to say? He was wrong. He could not                   He got no further. From under his
found the brand that seems blended             "Thank you. Comrade Li," Wang San          acknowledge it, but he knew it, and all         jacket Comrade Li took a small weapon.
just for your taste, ^tay with it.          said quietly. He had given up al! hope        the villagers knew that he knew il. ll was       scarcely bigger than bis hand. He leveled
                                            for the I'uture, The only question was        Wang San who finally mustered enough             it at Wang San, his finger on the trigger.
       When you meastjre coffee:            what would happen to Comrade Li when          courage to go to him, and even he did            Wang San stiffened in terror. This was
                                            the worst wjs known?                           not speak until the rice plants had be-         the moment of death! Then, as suddenly
Never skimp. The truth is that you                                                        come dry straws in the parched earth. He         as he had lifted it. Comrade Li lowered
                                               Mcver had there been so fair a spring.
just can't stretch coffeu flavor! Care-     Rains feli and the river swelled. When         went to Comrade Li one evening, as he           his band.
ful, consistent measuring i'i mo5t im-      early summer came, lhe seedbeds were           had gone before. In the little room Com-            "Why should 1 kill you? , . ." he
portant. Each serving requires one          full and green and then it was time tor        rade Li sat as usual at his unpainted           muttered, and he placed the little weapon
 Approved Coffee Measure of coffee          transpijntmg. In the old days ihc river        table, uriting reports. He looked up at         at his own right temple.
(or 2 level measuring tablespoons)    '     water had been turned into the fields by       Wang San.                                           Before he could pull the trigger, Wang
and th ree-q uarters of a meas-             hand, by banks of clay raised to guide            ••Well?" he inquired, but the sharpness      San leaped forward, lt was not a matter
 uring cup of vsater.                       tbc Wilier and keep il at the exact deptb      was gone from his voice.                        of thought. It was an impulse, ages old.
                                            needed for the rice. Now no hands were            Wang San coughed behind his hand.            He struck Comrade Li's hand and the
                                            needed. Three heay iron pumps were            "In the old days," he said, "once in a          weapon fell to the floor.
                                            brought m by trucks, and these were            score of years or so, the harvest also              "Why sbould you kill yourself?" Wang
                                            placed al various poinls along the river,      failed. It was nol a matter of water,           San asked gently.
                                            and from them the water spouted mio            but—it happened."                                   The two men gazed into each other's
                                            the vast field. In two days the vhole            For Ihc firsl time in many weeks Com-        eyes. "Forget the old days," Comrade Li
                                            countryside was a lake, and the ^¡llagc        rade Li showed interest.                        said at last, still muttering. "Go away."
                                            sat on an island in the middle, connected         "Well?" he 5aid again.                           Wang San burried out, and Comrade
                                            with the mainland only by the raised              Wang San continued. "In ihat time we          Li sat in silence, staring down at the table
         When you hre» coffee:              road. Inlo this lake swarmed hundreds                                                          where bis reports on tbe rice crop lay,
                                                                                           had nothing to eiit. We starved unless we
Always start with fresh, cold water         of workers, many o^ them also brought          went south to some great city."                  unfinished.                      THE END
in a clean coffee maker. If your coffee     in by truck. Everywhere the blue-clad
maker isn't automatic, timing is            workers stooped to transplant the rice,
important. Percolators should perk          and when they hiid finished, the lake was
gently 6 lo 8 minutes. In a vacuum          all a deliciite green with the young rice.
                                            Comrade Li was pleiised and proud. He
coffee maker, after the vsater has risen    spent much time gà7-mz over the new-
to the top section, it should be kept       landscape, and he did nol dci^in to speak
over low heat 1 to 3 minutes.               lo Wiinii San.
        When you serve coffee:                Ali might have gone well had it not
Immediately after brewing, it's at its     been for the river. The trouble was with
peak of flavor. If you must prepare        lhe river. Il was too sniüll. When the
                                           spring floods subsided, it became a creek,
coffee ahead of time, keep it over very    meandering among sandbanks. Tbe
low heat. Never let it boil!               pumps coughed up Lhe sandy water and
                                           then stopped, iheir inner parts clogged.
        When you judge coffee;             Even Ihen. all might have been well if
Put it to this test: Is the flavor rich,   the lieid could have held waier when rain
true coffee llavor? Does it have a         fell again. In tbe old days each small
heady, tempting aroma? is tbe color        field bad been a separate bowl, the clay
                                           bottom firm under the topsoil. Rain or
dark and clear? If the answers are all
                                           no rain, river or no river, the fields re-
"Yes," you're an e.Kpert, and your         mained Hooded long enough to nourish
friends will be asking how you do it!      the maturing rice. When the drought of                                                                            TIICBATunDAV EVENINO

                                           late summer came, the fields dried slowly                              'It has terrific pickup—watch this!"
              Pan-American Coffee Bureau
A fieldofrice buckps_1962

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A fieldofrice buckps_1962

  • 1. 34 Not eren Chnirtnan Mtto could fovee the seeds to live... PEAJRL S. BITCK Wang Sart, headman in the village of San-li- suits a year it meant millions of suits, for if he So Wang San went on, although now a chill wan-tse. hstened with altention. The young had two suits, all other men must have two, of fear crept into his heart. He wet his lips. man who was speaking was an earnest young not to mention the women and children. It "You say the Americans plow their fields man, even a good young man, bul his igno- was impossible. deeply and they get great harvests. You say rance was pitiful. Most pitiable of all was ihe Wang San replied to Comrade Li in his they have machines that plow, and Chair- evidence that he was too ignorant to know usual loud clear voice. "I wish to say that this man Mao has bought such machines from that he was ignorant. But he musl be heard, new way of planting rice will ruin our fields." our Russian brothers. With these machines, sitice he had been sent down from those Comrade Li was a thin, tall young man. He you tell us, we must now plow our fields above, in Peking, and eeryone knows it is had a long, thin face, and his lips and eyes deeply. But the question is, do the Americans best to listen to them, and if possible, without were narrow. "Comrade Wang," he said plant rice in their deeply plowedfields?The replying. coldly, "is it possible that you believe you question is " So far Wang San had restratned himself. know more than our Chairman Mao?" Comrade Li's patience broke. "The ques- He had said nothing. Now, however, standing Wang San felt a strong pull on the tail of tion is whether you, Wang San, will do as you here on the village threshing floor, surrounded his jacket. He knew it to be the tug of his are told. I will answer this question for you. by silent neighbors, he felt determination wife's admonishing hand. She had followed You will do as you are told! All ofyou willdo rising in his breast, an irrepressible reckless- him. Be qiiiel, she was trying to tell him. Re- as you are told. You are ignorant men. You ness that amounted to desperation. It was all nienibcr thai our village elders were shot for cannot even write your names. You cannot very well to lisien when the talk wab of how ¡ess Ihuti Ihis ! He did not heed her. They could read instructions. Therefore I have come to fine a man Chairman Mao was, and how live without the village ciders, but not without your small village to tell you what you cannot wicked were the American imperialists. rice. He let his arms fall to his sides. He made read. The whole region, from Wan-li-hsiang Wang San had never seen Chairman Mao nor his voice gentle and reasonable. to San-li-wan-tse is to become one great field "Comrade Li, there are many things that of rice. All boundaries are to be removed, and had he ever seen an American. But rice he Chairman Mao knows which 1 do not know. the work will be done by the whole commune. knew. Yes, he knew all about rice, the garner- But rice is our livelihood and perhaps it is not For the present you will be allowed to live in ing of the special seed, ils planling in lhe his. He is gentlefolk and I am not. His father your own houses, but the land is no longer narrow beds of rich earlh, the transplanting was a landowner, but mine was a farmer. yours. It belongs to all. You will receive in- lo the watery fields and, at last lhe reaping of structions from men trained abroad in agri- the harvest. No one could lell him anylhing And my grandfather was a farmer and my ancestral fathers before that. Thesefieldshave culture. We can no longer leave our precious about rice. He raised his voice, soil to be tended by ignorant men. Is your "Comrade Li!" been planted to rice for thousands of years. And not just lo any rice but to the special question answered. Comrade Wang?" The young man stopped talking and looked about for the voice. rice which grows best in our earth here." Wang San stared into the narrow eyes. In "It is I," Wang San said. He pushed his He stamped his right foot on the earth. his mind uncertainty mingled with fear. Per- way through lhe crowd of country folk. Comrade Li was listening, his mouth curved haps the young man was right. This deep "Wliat do you uish lo say?" Comrade Li in a thin downward smile. plowing had never been tried. There might asked. "Go on. Comrade Wang," he said with be virtue in it. Yet had not his own father told Wang San slood with his legs apart and his ostentatious patience. him that rice fields were never to be plowed Comrade Li had been taught that he must deeply? No more than enough for the roots of arms folded across his breast. His blue-cotton be patient with these land folk, but never the rice plants to be in the water while their jacket and trousers were clean but patched in lenient. Let them talk and show their hearts. heads stood above it, his father had said! many places. One suit a year of blue cotton Then let unrelenting judgment be made. This and the careful choice of seeds were was alJ that could be expected nowadays, and The crowd stood in silence, all eyes down- what made a full harvest, "Rice is as willful last year's suit had gone to patch this year's. as a woman," his father had told him often as But one suit is not enough. There was talk of cast, A woman's wail broke the silence. Wang San's wife had turned and run back through they transplanted the young seedlings. "Treat two sutts as a necessity. In old times, when rice in the way it likes best and you will never every man v;as responsible for his own the crowd to their small earthen house. There was the sound of a wooden door slamming starve. Forget what it wants and it will wither clothes, it was easy enough to have several without harvest. The seed must be kept pure. suits at a time. One could then think only of and of a bar being drawn across it. Each region has its owii rice. Never mix the himself and his family, in these new times "Go on, Comrade Wang," Comrade Li seed." this was not possible. If a man asked for two said again. ILLUSTRATION BY FRED MASON
  • 2.
  • 3. 36 The Saturday Evening PosI this was not the fault of Comrade Li. Comrade Li had no parents? His own "About the rice fields -" He That young man was a patriot, laake no father was dead of a fever, but his old astonished to see what these few w o ^ mistake. He could have sat in some com- mother was still alive. could do. % fortable city otiicc, but instead he was "How did they die?" he asked gently. Comrade Li had leaped to his feet, RICE here in the country, eating plain food Comrade Li did not reply. He turned made his hands into lists, and he rushed Remembering his father's words, Wang and sleeping on boards, enduring the his face away and stared at the earthen at Wang San. Snn wa5 about lo urge them upon Com- cold and the stink of the village in order wall. Wang San sighed In sympathy. "I "Do you want to be shot ou t there on th( rade Li. He would liiive done so if llic lo serve his country. It was certain, how- know how you feel. Comrade Li. A man threshing floor?" His voice was a belloä villagers h^id nol grown afraid. They ever, that he knew nothing about farming. without parents is a tree without roots. so loud that it cracked as he went on' hustled him away, crying out to Comrade As he meditated Wang San decided to And you are so young lo be an orphan! "One word from me, you dog, and they*)! Li ihiil Wang San would obey, that ihey make one more effort. He would wait You work too hard. You are very thin stand you against the wall too! You ari ould all obey. Only Ici Comrade Li until nigjit and then, while the village and pale, You are grieving for your my responsibility. It is my duty to see thai continue his instruciions and ihcy would slept, he would seek out Comrade Li in parents." you obey orders. My duty! My duty!^ bo carried out. his room in the schoolmaster's poor Comrade Li refused comfort. '"1 am Wang San fled into the darkness, H( So Comrade Li coniinued. "The new house and reason with him, alone and not grieving," he muttered. "It was not could do no more. It was all too clear thaj pious will arne on Unie. With ihom will wilh no villagers about lo spoil the my fault that they—it was nothing that Comrade Li couid not be changed. Ai come insiruciori to teach you how to use argument. I—they were given the chance to " he had said, he was simply doing hii them. Meanwhile NOU must dig up tJie That nighl. Comrade Li sat by the Wang San was all but overwhelmed. duty. This matter of duty was dangerous; paths between the licids and make these wooden table in his room, writing a He had seen something of life as it was A man might commit any sort of crime' petty bits ot" land into one vast plain, report on the day's work. Wang San lived these days. "You mean they " if he thought it was his duty. Yet Com- read> for tlie plows. You will see such came up to the open door and coughed. Comrade Li turned on him. "My father rade Li was at heart a good young man, a harvest as you hae neer seen beTore." Comrade Li looked up. was an absentee landov'ner. We lived in a patriot in these new times. He was do- • Wang San was now at the edge of the "Well?" he said curtly. the city. We were rich. He would not ing his best. It was entirely possible that ; crowd, still being pushed. He made a "You are ery busy," Wang San said reform. He would not confess. He would be was doing his best even when he be- Ijsl elTort 10 st;ind liis ground, "The politely. do nothing to change. He only laughed. trayed his own father. It all depended seed!" he shouted. "Where ^hall wt get "I am always busy." Comrade Li re- He said he did not want to live. Very upon what one had been taught. Duty—a the seed?" plied. "What is It you want?" well then—he died. And my m o t h e r - dangerous word! It could fall upon a Wang San edged into the room. It was hung herself," man like a heavy sword and put an end "The seed will be provided!"' Com- a small room and he felt too big. He Wang San was stricken. "What sor- to him. It could drive a man into mad- rade Li shouted back. laughed unhappily and scratched his head. row-, what sorrow!" he groaned. ness, thinking all the time that he was ' "But—but " Wang San could say right and all others were wrong. As, for no more. Strong hands pressed ocr his "Aboul the rice ñelds." he began. "1 tell you, he brought it on himself," Comrade Li slapped his pen down on Comrade Li retorted with sudden vio- e.xample, the matter of deep plowing in mouih, and he uas hurried across the the rice fields. Wang San shook his head, din street and into the ricld beiiind the the table. "What about the rice fields?" lence. "It was not necessary for them to he barkeO. die. They—it was cruel of them not to sighed and gave up. There was no one ; houses. now to whom he could protest. Even the "•> ou fool," a illager hissed at him. Wang San hesitated. Why had he begun think of me, their son. I explained to them. 1 begged them. 1 got down on gods were gone. The temple was empty of i "Are we all to be killed for your sake''" with the rice fields? He should have made gods. Instead it was filled with soldiers. '"You will starve." Wang San muttered. the usual courteous inquiries about Com- my—my knees. It makes me ashamed to "At least It will not be tomorrow," the rade Li's home, his health and his think ofthat.'" villager retorted, The left him there parents' health. He began again. "Do not be ashamed," Wang San said. Thereafter no one could have discerned alone. "Comrade Li, where is your honorable "It was correct of you to beg your the slightest difference between Wang He squatted on his heels then, his back residence?" parents on your knees." San and the other villagers. Every morn- to the houses, jnd stared across the Comrade Li stared at him. "What is "It was not correct," Comrade Li ing they rose at dawn and marched out j fields. It was nearly spring. The seed beds that to vou?" shouted. "It was bourgeois! 1 atoned for tc the work of destroying the boundaries j must be prepared soon, and the rice Wang San went bravely on. "And it. I went to the—I told the authorities. between the fields. Hoe and spade, they planted. He had his ow-n slore of seed, how is >oLir honorable health?" t denounced my father. They came and worked without rest. Comrade Li driving hidden in a jar under the eaves ol his •'Are you joking with me?" Comrade got him." them on, lhe soldiers behind him. house. Let it stay there. He would not Ll asked sternly. "Why are you here in •'Prison?" Wang San asked. "All must be ready for the transplant- give it to anyone. A year, two years, ten the night, asking bourgeois questions?" "No," Comrade Li said. "A trial in ing of the riee," Comrade Li would shout. years, it would remain as it was, until "These questions may not now be our own house. It was all over in a few The seedbeds were doing well enough. some day he himself would plant it. As asked?" Wang San inquired. minutes—and—and he was shot in the Rice had been planted early, thanks to Tor Comrade Li and all such comrades, "Certainly not." Comrade Li snapped. courtyard.'" the early spring, and the beds were well if they would not listen to landlblk who "My home is wherever I work. At present "No wonder you are so thin," Wang fertilized, not only with manure but with had been farmers for thousands of years, it is this room. And my health does not said, mourning. "You cannot eat. You foreign fertilizer too. True, the seed was farmers who knew the soil as the> knew matter so long as I am able io do tbe are always thinking of him." mixed. That is to say. it was not pure. All their own ñesh, who could tell by the feel work required of me." "You are wrong," Comrade Li snapped. the local seed had been used, but to it of a grain of rice whether it was the right "1 never think of him. What happened had been added seed from other parts of "•> our parents " the country, for nowadays all the seed kind of seed, ihen let them slare loo. "I have no parents," Comrade Li said was right. I did my duty. Now go away Sooner or later they would learn by and leave me to continue doing my was stored together in great bins at coldly, central places. If a farmer had any seed, star'aiion. "> ou mean " duty." Wang San realized that he had not ac- it was to be given over to the authorities, Nevertheless, Wang San felt a great "Siniply that ! have no parents," but Wang San had secretly disobeyed pity for Comrade Li as he thought of Wang San was horrified. How could complished what he came to do. He began again. and given only half of his store of seed. him starlng. The young man was not a u be pos-iible that a man as young as He wondered how many of his fellow bad young man. On the contrary, he was villagers had done the same thing, but good, ll was simply that he wa.s mistaken. none dared confide in any other. These He Lhought he was doing righl, bul he were not the old days when a friend and was doing wrong. He had been mis- neighbor could be trusted. It was not a informed by someone above. matter of blame. It was a matter of tor- Sitting there in lhe mild sunshine of lure and punishment. One lived as one lhe late winter's day. a day on the edge could. Better to keep one's secrets! of spring, Wiing San considered Chair- Enough of the local riee seed had been man Mao. Had Chairman Mao ever planted, however, so that the seedbeds plowed a ñeld. follow ing behind an ox or looked green. Vast seedbeds they were a water bulTalo'' Or had he. as the son of a too, for there was a vast field to be well-to-do farmcr.merely.vfcn the harvests flooded for transplanting. come in, heaps of rice being poured into When all the boundaries had been the bins of his father's storehouses, wheat smoothed away and the land lay flat as filling the vats, pigs slaughtered for win- far as eye could see, the foreign plows ter meat, cabbages salted down into were brought in trucks. They were at- greal pottery jars glazed inside to keep tached to foreign tractors, and young the vegetables swcct^ Ii made a great men rode the tractors and set to work on difference how one had learned, A^ lor the great field. The villagers could only those Western peoples and iheir deep stand aside and watch, their faces anxious plowing, who knew what they ate or and full of wonder. what they raised? Who knew anything about Ihem? One heard nowadays that "Ai ya," they groaned under their the Americans were evil. So why deep- THE S*TUnD*y CVENIMO POST breath. "Ai ya, ai ya." plow (he field.s here if that was what For what was happening to the land the Americans did over there? Yet all ' I chickened out." was happening to their very flesh. This
  • 4. 42 The Saturday Evening Post and at last the rice no longer needed "You cannot go to any city now," A water. By then the roots were strong, and Comrade Li said, "In the cities they de- they held the plants until they had grown pend on you, the farmers, for food. It is yellow with hiirvcsl. no longer possible for each small com- Now there was no clay bottom. The munity to think only of itself. We must land, tended by human hands for thou- earth dried long before the dry season, think of the wbole. When there is not sands of years, uas now rent and tor- and even tbe rains were not enough to enough food we are all hungry." tured by machines. The rich topsoil was keep the plants in water, As fast as the "How are the harvests elsewhere?" tossed this way and that, and beneath water fell in tbe sixth month, it seeped Wang San inquired. the lopsoil, the six inches of heavy clay away into lhe loose subsoil, and the river, "Not good," Comrade Li said shortly. that sered as a bottom to hold the though for a day or two it rose, could "The seed was not good." nourishing water for lhe young rice not maintain the level the rice plants Wang San received this fresh blow. plants was cut into strips ibis way and needed. The water ran down into the The seed ! The seed gathered from all tbat. Beneath the clay vviis only the cracked earth and flowed uselessly away. parts of tbe country bad been stored to- porous subsoil. Before the grain could head, the plants gether, hopele^ssly mixed. But rice, as "Never slice tbe skin of tho earth," the withered and began to droop. his father bad always said, rice is as old farmers had told their sons, genera- What was to be done now? The villag- willful as a woman. Each kind of rice must be kept pure in the seed, or there HOW TO tion after generaiion. "The skin of the earth is like the skin of our bodies. It ers were mute. They shook tbeir heads. Comrade Li forgot himself so far as to is no harvest. BECOME FAMOUS holds the eartb together as our skin holds our blood and bones," scream at them. "Why did you not tell me? Blockheads! "The people are hungry everywhere?" It was a question, and Wang San knew FOR YOUR Novv the skin was torn and useless, Truiiors! Vou were silent on purpose!" the answer. Comrade Li did not speak. COFFEE and tbe subsoil came spilling out—gray sand and pebbled sione The illagers Not one of them replied. Not one of ihem reminded Comrade Li tbat he had Wang San hesitated. Did he dare? But life was worth litlle indeed if lhe rice watched with desolalion m their hearts. been told but that he had not believed. failed. Comrade Li was writing his re- Tbey knew what would happen. U would Deep plowing might be all very well ports again as though he were alone. be as their forefathers had said. But not for foreign lands but not for this ancestral Wang San drew in his breath and tried, "Honestly, thii cofl'cc is the best I've one villager spoke. Even Wang San was earth. They were afraid of his anger, yet in desperation, to say the one thing that ever tasted' Mayl liac an^.ithcr cup?" silent. Of vvh;it use to speak now, when they were sorry for him. He had worked shoLld not be said, that could not be Ehe worst hiid been done'.' far beyond his strength, this thin young said. Those are treasured words—and here's Listlessly tbe v illagcrs continued to man. He had done his best. He had "In the old days," he said, his voice how you can hear them often. obeyed his superiors, believing that they obey orders, und none worked more hoarse in bis throat, "the '" doggedly than Wang San, knew w hat they were doing. The villagers Comrade Li looked at him, bis narrow Ahen vou buy coffee: •"l'es. Comrade Li," he said a hundred had no heart to reproach him. As for eyes full of hate. "Say nothing of the Pick the grind thtii ii^ right for your those oLhcrs who should be reproached, times a day unlil Comrade Li almost old days," be shouted. type of coffee maker. Which brand is where were they? One could not see But Wang San could not stop. "In the approved of him. A faithful man, this best'? The brand that t;istes best to village headman, one who had learned them anywhere. old days," he said, very loud and fast, you. Each brand is a blend of different his lesson. The day came when Comrade Li, too, "wben we had no food, the Amerieans coffees, each chosen for its distinctive "Wang San. 1 «ill recommend you," could only remain silent. What was there sent us wheat and corn and " fiavor quality. If you hae already he said Lil last. to say? He was wrong. He could not He got no further. From under his found the brand that seems blended "Thank you. Comrade Li," Wang San acknowledge it, but he knew it, and all jacket Comrade Li took a small weapon. just for your taste, ^tay with it. said quietly. He had given up al! hope the villagers knew that he knew il. ll was scarcely bigger than bis hand. He leveled for the I'uture, The only question was Wang San who finally mustered enough it at Wang San, his finger on the trigger. When you meastjre coffee: what would happen to Comrade Li when courage to go to him, and even he did Wang San stiffened in terror. This was the worst wjs known? not speak until the rice plants had be- the moment of death! Then, as suddenly Never skimp. The truth is that you come dry straws in the parched earth. He as he had lifted it. Comrade Li lowered Mcver had there been so fair a spring. just can't stretch coffeu flavor! Care- Rains feli and the river swelled. When went to Comrade Li one evening, as he his band. ful, consistent measuring i'i mo5t im- early summer came, lhe seedbeds were had gone before. In the little room Com- "Why should 1 kill you? , . ." he portant. Each serving requires one full and green and then it was time tor rade Li sat as usual at his unpainted muttered, and he placed the little weapon Approved Coffee Measure of coffee transpijntmg. In the old days ihc river table, uriting reports. He looked up at at his own right temple. (or 2 level measuring tablespoons) ' water had been turned into the fields by Wang San. Before he could pull the trigger, Wang and th ree-q uarters of a meas- hand, by banks of clay raised to guide ••Well?" he inquired, but the sharpness San leaped forward, lt was not a matter uring cup of vsater. tbc Wilier and keep il at the exact deptb was gone from his voice. of thought. It was an impulse, ages old. needed for the rice. Now no hands were Wang San coughed behind his hand. He struck Comrade Li's hand and the needed. Three heay iron pumps were "In the old days," he said, "once in a weapon fell to the floor. brought m by trucks, and these were score of years or so, the harvest also "Why sbould you kill yourself?" Wang placed al various poinls along the river, failed. It was nol a matter of water, San asked gently. and from them the water spouted mio but—it happened." The two men gazed into each other's the vast field. In two days the vhole For Ihc firsl time in many weeks Com- eyes. "Forget the old days," Comrade Li countryside was a lake, and the ^¡llagc rade Li showed interest. said at last, still muttering. "Go away." sat on an island in the middle, connected "Well?" he 5aid again. Wang San burried out, and Comrade with the mainland only by the raised Wang San continued. "In ihat time we Li sat in silence, staring down at the table When you hre» coffee: road. Inlo this lake swarmed hundreds where bis reports on tbe rice crop lay, had nothing to eiit. We starved unless we Always start with fresh, cold water of workers, many o^ them also brought went south to some great city." unfinished. THE END in a clean coffee maker. If your coffee in by truck. Everywhere the blue-clad maker isn't automatic, timing is workers stooped to transplant the rice, important. Percolators should perk and when they hiid finished, the lake was gently 6 lo 8 minutes. In a vacuum all a deliciite green with the young rice. Comrade Li was pleiised and proud. He coffee maker, after the vsater has risen spent much time gà7-mz over the new- to the top section, it should be kept landscape, and he did nol dci^in to speak over low heat 1 to 3 minutes. lo Wiinii San. When you serve coffee: Ali might have gone well had it not Immediately after brewing, it's at its been for the river. The trouble was with peak of flavor. If you must prepare lhe river. Il was too sniüll. When the spring floods subsided, it became a creek, coffee ahead of time, keep it over very meandering among sandbanks. Tbe low heat. Never let it boil! pumps coughed up Lhe sandy water and then stopped, iheir inner parts clogged. When you judge coffee; Even Ihen. all might have been well if Put it to this test: Is the flavor rich, the lieid could have held waier when rain true coffee llavor? Does it have a fell again. In tbe old days each small heady, tempting aroma? is tbe color field bad been a separate bowl, the clay bottom firm under the topsoil. Rain or dark and clear? If the answers are all no rain, river or no river, the fields re- "Yes," you're an e.Kpert, and your mained Hooded long enough to nourish friends will be asking how you do it! the maturing rice. When the drought of TIICBATunDAV EVENINO late summer came, the fields dried slowly 'It has terrific pickup—watch this!" Pan-American Coffee Bureau