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A critical research study on the impact of virtual reality in relation to
interaction desighn Applicatiobn
University of Plymouth
School of Art,Design and Architecture
BA Digital Media Design
A critical research study on the impact of virtual reality
Yuting Chen
Table of Contents
Excutive summary............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.0 The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Interaction Design............................................................... 5
1.2 introduction............................................................................................................................................... 5
Virtual reality technology and interaction design........................................................................................... 5
1.3 Structural background study summary ..................................................................................................... 5
1.4 The impact of virtual reality technology on interaction design ................................................................ 6
Literature review......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 The concept and application of interaction design................................................................................... 7
1.6 The connection between virtual reality technology and interaction design ......................................... 8
2. Application to the game field.......................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Application in the medical field............................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Application in the field of bulding and construction............................................................................... 12
Analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Architecture................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Application in the military field............................................................................................................... 15
2.6 VR Interaction Design in the military field............................................................................................... 16
2.7 The role and influence of virtual reality technology on interaction design in multiple fields ................ 16
3.1 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Analysis................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Discussion............................................................................................................................................ 19
5. prospects....................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Application and prospects in animation displays.................................................................................... 21
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 24
References......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Excutive summary
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated model. An individual can connect with a three-
dimensional virtual world through digital equipment such as specialized glasses with a monitor or
gloves embedded with sensors. The user may have an authentic view of this modeled artificial world.
Augmented reality (AR) differs from virtual reality (VR) in that it augments the physical world with
digital overlays rather than creating a completely interactive environment. They have a long history of
application dating from the 150s. This paper analyses the impacts of virtual reality on interaction
design. It has enabled the development of gadgets that enhance customer engagement. Virtual reality
has also gained application in various fields like sports, medical, and military construction. The study
analyzed the impacts of virtual reality on interaction design through qualitative analysis. From the
finding which was collected by the use of reaserch questions distributed electronically.
The analysiss presented presents the practicability of the technology in fields like, medical
applications, e-commerce application,military application,bulding and construction application among
other essential areas.
This study therefore, according to the presented analysis affirms that virtual reality technology greatly
complements with interaction design. Compared to traditional technologies, virtual reality technology
brings a relatively convenient and high sense of experience to interaction design. Whether in modern
times or in the future, this technology has a broad potential to positively impact te ineteraction
desighns in more advanced way than it is today.
1.0 The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Interaction Design
1.2 introduction
Virtual reality technology and interaction design
The concept and development history of virtual reality technology Virtual reality is thought to have
started in the 1950s, but it only became common in the late 1980s and 1990s. It can be credited to
Jaron Lanier, a visionary software engineer who coined the word "virtual reality" in 1987. Virtual
reality work progressed into the 1990s, and the advent of movies like The Lawnmower Man aided in
raising its popularity (Errichiello et al, 2019.pp,590). Ivan Sutherland suggested the first definition in
1965: "make the (virtual) world in the window look authentic, sounds real, feel real, and react
objectively to the audience's actions" ( Yildirim et al., 2008). During this perid, there are multiple
identifyable advance which have been modified as the technology advances and more reaserches are
put in place to make good look better and more useful.the study will focus on varios literal analysis
of how the interaction desighn correlate with virtual reality and thus draw a critical analysis of
how the technological model has gradually been modified over time and applied in various
industrial uses in specific data presentation.
1.3 Structural background study summary
The majority of virtual reality worlds are mainly visual simulations, viewed on a computer monitor or
with unique stereoscopic displays. Auditory enhancement via speakers or headphones can also be used
in virtual reality. Users can communicate with the simulated world using accessories such as a
keyboard, mouse, or connected glove. Virtual reality's past has been chiefly one of the efforts to make
an interaction more possible. The bulk of historical representations are optical, with a few exceptions
being audible. This is since, of all the human senses, vision offers far the most knowledge, preceded
by listening (Bijsterveld, et al, 2019.pp, 174). About 90% of our experience of the universe is visual or
auditory (Boas, 2013).
VR technology has evolved way from its inauguration, and recent developments have been even more
inspiring. Several vital advances in virtual reality and mixed reality technologies have occurred over
the past 15 years. In the last two decades, the industry has significantly gained from the remarkable
rise of VR and AR in entertainment and other uses (Ryan, 2015). The purchase of Oculus by Facebook
in 2014 was a massive success for the Virtual reality industry. Google, for example, has launched
temporary augmented reality devices such as the 'do it yourself' goggles, which utilize Google
Cardboard and Google Daydream for smartphones.
Brands such as Google have expanded on this principle with devices such as the Galaxy Gear, which
has advanced features like gesture control. It appears that the next few years will be crucial for the
Virtual reality industries. Although these innovations have improved a lot from their introduction,
recent developments have been even more promising. The current everyday products include the
organizational use of outpaces, entertainment, and gaming, attracting many people. introduction of 5g
also has made it easier for AR and VR enabling the more effortless transfer of information
1.4 The impact of virtual reality technology on interaction design
Literature review
Blom & Beckhaus, 2014; Essabbah et al., 2014) have focused on studying VE interface elements in
taxonomies grouped in functional categories or ranks, such as navigation, collection, control,
instruments, graphical environments, and so on. Despite the extensive usage of computers in industry
professionals', artists', and engineers' routines, emerging methods of depiction and simulation such as
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) remain underutilized (AR). By evaluating the previous
works, its reported that virtual Reality tools can encourage design review thus improving the
presentation. Indeed, the fall in prices and the improvement of hardware and software quality have led
to the widespread use of VR in the car industry. The bulk of experimental works look at the promise
of augmented reality. Many scientific works examine VR's capacity using usage tests in a lab
environment in the form of survey questions and empirical functionality studies.
The latter work (Madathil and Greenstein (2001)is the only one that has taken a quantitative research
approach, contrasting the number of faults found in VR and a conventional design evaluation method.
Nonetheless, more research into VR-supported design analysis in real-world industrial environments
focused on legitimate CAD models is required before businesses can ultimately capitalize on the
technology's potential.
1.5 The concept and application of interaction design
Interaction design could be described in basic definitions: it is the design of user-product interactions
(Yin et al, 2021.pp,31) When people speak about interaction design, they typically refer to digital items
such as apps or websites. Interaction design aims to develop solutions to help users accomplish their
goal(s) in the most successful possible manner. The five dimensions of interaction design are vital
when making any analytical discussion on VR. For instance taking a case of two students who study
online in the same school receives different form presentations. This is an affirmation which reflects
how video annotation as part of the five principal dimensions has taken a lot of virtual skills from
various experts in the industry (Piot et al., 2019). Other cases examples which affirms the
correlation between virtual reality and interaction desighn would include: the 2D visual
representation, and how it deals with components such as images and icons used by the users. The
main feature is the enhancement of the words used to relay information to consumers. The other one
is the 3D physical objects which determine how the user interacts with a gadget such as smartphones
and telephones. The third one is time (4D). It is media that evolves with time. They include animations,
videos, and sounds. Video and sound provide a better interaction for the users. It is also concerned
with the quantity of time the user spends on interaction with the product. The last one is five 5D which
is the behavior of the users with the product.
1.6 The connection between virtual reality technology and interaction design
The challenge of modern product virtual reality (VR) systems involves creative solutions, interaction
designs, and enhanced customer engagement. With VR predicted to become more available (i.e.,
affordable) in the coming years, customers will be able to indulge themselves in this emerging
environment (Stein, 2015). VR, including smartphones and social media, would be a fundamentally
transformative technology as more people believe it has the power to transform the environment
(Rosdale, 2016). Because of the variety of technologies and implementations, it is difficult to predict
which technology/method would be the best fit for each interface design in terms of immersion.
Although concepts of immersion vary and are multidimensional, it is generally assumed that
immersion offers boundaries within the central framework of VR, namely the element of existence
(Slater, 2009). Although immersion catalyzes suspension of disbelief, allowing users to transcend
these barriers, several issues arise: What are these limits made of? How can users get immersed in
VR? What is the relationship between interaction design, user needs, and immersion?
1. Application and influence of virtual reality technology in various fields (five)
2. Application to the game field
Virtual reality is transforming the games industry for gamers, coaches, and spectators. Coaches and
players can use virtual reality technology to prepare more productively across various games because
they can view and encounter specific circumstances repetitively and enhance each time (Zhang and
Ho, 2015). It is primarily used as a training aid to measure sports performance and the analysis of
technique. Some claim that it can also boost athletes' thinking skills when they are injured, as it helps
them virtually simulate gaming situations. Likewise, virtual reality has been used to improve the
audience's perception of a sports competition.
Broadcasters are also broadcasting video games in virtual reality and planning to sell online tickets to
actual games so that everyone in the world can 'join' any sporting event. It will potentially allow anyone
who cannot possibly spend money on watching live sporting events to feel involved because they will
have the same experience online, whether for free or at a reduced cost. 2.2 Application in the field of
The use of 360-degree cameras to catch and broadcast football games in VR is becoming increasingly
popular. It is a boon to all sports enthusiasts who cannot afford to travel halfway around the globe to
watch their favorite clubs and athletes compete (Yates et., 2016). In most situations, all you'll need is
a VR headset and an application to be transported to the arena and look about for yourself as the action
unfolds, all without leaving the safety of your own home. It is the most authentic feeling you can get
by seeing a sporting event without ever being there in person.
NextVR is a virtual reality media startup investing big in primary league sports coverage and
improving the audience experience. The company has also provided VR coverage for several major
sporting activities, including the 2015 NBA opening game between the Golden State Warriors and the
New Orleans Pelicans last fall. Although the increased freedom is essential, computer-generated
images will not cater to the vast majority of fans. Nevertheless, the platform can be highly beneficial
to sports leagues, replaying and evaluating games from various viewpoints (Ferguson et al., 2015).
VR Interaction Design in-game field
As the random change of technology keeps expanding,
there is a significant change of the
services. Almost all organizational groups are working extra hard to add value to the experiences by
advocating using the technology. The service designers have acquired a new technology to improve
the interaction between one service circle to the other. For instance, the designers have adapted the use
of orchestrating advanced systems to develop a well-innovated
platforms where the people will interact. The adjustment has specifically focused on advancing the
HR functionality and other management gigs which lie in the same field by accepting and designing a
transformative plan.
2.3 Application in the medical field
VR technology has evolved as a critical means of treating post-traumatic stress disorder. An individual
uses VR exposure therapy to enter a re-enactment of a stressful experience to come to terms with it
and recover. Similarly, it's been used to relieve paranoia, phobias, and anxiety. For instance, some
anxious patients feel that meditating with Virtual reality is a crucial way to manage stress responses
and improve coping strategies. Virtual reality technology will provide a fun atmosphere for patients to
interact with something they are afraid of while being in a secure and secure environment.
Because of its immersive existence, health and dental learners have started to use VR to perform
procedures and treatments, countenancing for a risk-free educational environment; the danger of
causing injury or acting irresponsibly when working on actual patients is removed. Virtual patients are
used to encouraging students to practice techniques that can be useful in the real world. Using Virtual
reality in the medical sector is an excellent way to increase the quality of students in practice and
provide a tremendous opportunity to reduce costs, which is particularly important given that health
facilities are increasingly under pressure with small budgets.
VR is a new 3D computing system that can be used in various surgical procedures and therapies. A
surgeon can also clearly see the skeleton, blood vessels, and other body pieces. This technology is used
in surgical operations for medication management and risk reduction. As a result, physicians will see
any medical operation and other health conditions in great detail. VR technologies can help alleviate
the patient's cognitive discomfort while still relieving stress (Rashevska, 2018). In cardiology, VR
should be used to prescribe chemotherapy. It aids in the careful preparation of cardiac surgery and the
knowledge of patient anatomy. It creates a three-dimensional virtual reality for constructive
Virtual reality has also been shown to help pain relief and recovery of patients with severe pain, such
as those suffering from a skin transplant, during the everyday washing of burn injuries, or to make
regular shots more tolerable for infants. Immersive VR has successfully inhibited and alleviated certain
patients' pain, mainly when anesthesia or anesthesia is not an option. During active recuperation,
computer-generated reality permits the shortening of recuperation times by making it more
straightforward for patients to do their activities (Maples-Keller et al., 2017). It is because the VR
dismisses the patient's consideration from the agony, giving a retaining elective reality that all the
while passageways, persuades, and urges them to finish the action. Accordingly, moderation endeavors
from a stroke can perform complex motions without bringing about additional injury from a fall. It
would give them more mental fortitude with regards to getting around in their genuine climate.VR
Interaction Design in the medical field
The development of technology services has played a significant role in medical institutions and
innovation. The use of the health care robots, for instance, can be used to show an interaction created
through virtue reality skill to bring aid to issues concerning health. . they have been used to replace
the workers from the routine work which a times overload them. This includes the nurses and other
medical practitioners.
2.4 Application in the field of bulding and construction
In a survey, the IT systems used during product design, production modeling, and distribution in the
British house construction industry were studied. More than half of the questioner participants had
already seen a VR presentation in the building industry. Enterprise, 82 percent said it might be
beneficial for their businesses, and 76 percent said it would take few years. Whyte and Bourchlaghem
(2010) described a research trip to Japan during which three cases were performed to examine Japanese
house construction companies' use of Virtual reality. According to the results, Japanese home builders
have recognized the advantages of virtual reality in building and have been using VR technology for
three to four years.
Safety training in construction
According to Neville (2011), education is necessary for rehearsal reasons and preventing accidents
and injuries. Safety in Building Using Virtual Reality is an immersive virtual simulation model created
to educate laborers on avoiding falling from interface railings. Users can communicate with the VE
using HMDs to identify dangerous situations and attempt to remove them. Participants' success is
measured using a ranking system. SAVR was made up of two primary modules: an erect module and
an examination module. The suspension module is used to illustrate scaffolding erecting practices. The
examination module is used to classify and fix possible slip causes. Soedarmono et al. (2009) have
designed a new Virtual reality model for teaching construction workers to prevent falls. Legislation
from the Occupational Safety and Health Act was incorporated into the model as 2D text and audio
data. When a customer moves closer to a structural framework in Value engineering, they may fall,
alerting texts are showcased or revealed.
Project planning and monitoring
While current project management helps create and evaluate project schedules, coordination among
the people involved is challenging and error-prone due to their 2D physical manifestation. Retik [44]
devised a solution to resolve these problems using a computer-based framework for visual preparation
and control of building processes. The technology enables developing a 'virtual building project' from
a timeline and visual tracking and engagement with the projected project status.
The Virtual Building Site, a model framework for evaluating, visualizing, and optimizing project
schedules within a VR framework, is being developed at the University of Teesside in the United
Kingdom. The ZIRCON program's design is composed of three major modules: A task database,
research methods, and predictive analytics elements to manage time and space-sensitive projects, as
well as a visualization element to convey the project database and research outcomes through a series
of integrated graphic windows. A task database, research methods, and predictive analytics elements
to manage time and space-sensitive projects and a visualization element to convey the project database
and research outcomes through a series of integrated graphic windows.
A Building Visualization Method was introduced by Kim et al. (2001). The framework was designed
to be used on massive, complex projects that necessitate milestone scheduling and comprehensive
operation monitoring. The device's technical framework consists of five modules:
 3D CAD modeling
 VR modeling
 Program information analysis
 Linking graphic data with schedule data
 Visualization performance modules
VR Interaction Design in the construction field
The trip in the construction field has been acquired through progressive advancement in construction
and engineering. The introduction of VR targeted the civil engineering students to be part of the
advanced innovation knowledge and understand the significance. The development and the link
created through the VR targeted in facilitating the engineering theories and how they are implemented.
Dawood and Marasini (2001) created a visualization and modeling model to resolve the pre-cast
concrete goods industry's crisis. Place constraints and lengthy vehicle hold lists on the stockyard for
both access and processing of concrete materials are issues.
Several ventures and scientific research have used augmented reality for architectural restoration and
reference manual applications, such as the VRND project (founded by Digitalo Inc. and sponsored by
UNESCO to conserve the cathedral's cultural and archaeological values digitally) and the Virtual Graz
project created by Bong-fish. Like WS Atkins in the United Kingdom, many firms have illustrated VR
for visualization in the industry. Several requirements were designed for feasibility analysis,
external/internal examination, below surface examination, land take and room use evaluation,
sightlines, and building sequencing. VE apps are generated by importing 3D models into native
2.5 Application in the military field
The military in the United Kingdom and the United States have both embraced augmented reality in
their preparation because it enables them to do a wide variety of exercises. Virtual reality is used in all
military parts, including the army, naval, air force, navy seals, and border patrol. In a society where
technology is embraced at a young age and children are exposed to video games and computers, virtual
reality (VR) proves to be an effective form of training. Virtual reality can transfer a trainee into various
circumstances, settings, and conditions for various training activities. It is used by the military for
multiple purposes, including flight simulations, war simulations, medic preparation, car simulation,
and virtual boot camp.
It may also be used to educate troops on delicate skills, such as communicating with residents or
foreign counterparts when deployed. Another use is for curing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
in veterans who have recovered from war who need support readjusting to everyday life situations;
this is known as Augmented Reality Immersion Counseling (VRET). VR will reconstruct missions
that take place in a glacial world of the jungle. Besides that, this form of preparation allows the military
to replicate situations while preventing fatalities. It saves money, reduces costs, and improves trainee
wellbeing. Virtual reality (VR) enables soldiers to experience extremely precarious or unsafe
situations, such as equipment failure or other unexpected conditions.
Military preparation is heavily reliant on augmented reality modeling and is used in a variety of
military settings. For example, it can model specialized land vehicles, simulating any vehicle and
allowing soldiers to observe its form and maneuverability. It also encourages soldiers to play whatever
role they may have in the car, like driver or gunner (Velichko 2018). To summarise, virtual training
will not substitute live training, but it will play a growing role in the military training market. Without
question, it will help soldiers learn skills and situational understanding while decreasing training costs
and increasing training protection.
2.6 VR Interaction Design in the military field
Implementation of the interaction targeted in conducting regular research on security matters. The
surveillance from VR has dramatically expanded the militia groups in advancing the security search
through cyber databases. The monitoring system, which is stored by individual information, has played
a vital role in improving the previous skill that the militia team used in promising a secure and safe
country. The use of VR targeted in sensing the areas of weakness in security issues and also helping
in researching how well to get prepared in case of a terror attack.
2.7 The role and influence of virtual reality technology on interaction design in multiple fields
The digital environment can interact in an infinite number of ways thanks to virtual reality
technologies. Digital reality innovation ushers in a modern platform, presenting new obstacles for user
experience designers in terms of encounters and experiences. User experience experts previously
developed types, blogs, and smartphone apps. It is now necessary to re-learn the marketable skills used
to create applications and occasions for VR. Interaction can be described as the mechanism that allows
the recipient (user) to assume the sender's position and manipulate the medium. In basic terms,
connectivity in virtual reality is the capacity of the user to travel inside the digital environment and
communicate with the item in that world. Because the user is absorbed in a 3D world, these relations
are referred to as immersive interaction.
According to the above example, it is concluded that virtual reality technology has a certain degree of
influence and effect on interaction design.
3.1 Methodology
Data used in this study were derived from both primary and secondary sources. Ford preliminary data,
the study evaluated various sources like the journals from the expert, the information in social blogs
like Twitter, and different innovation recommendation letters. On the other hand, the secondary
sources used include the previously published work from various scholars, electronic materials, and
innovation articles. Data collection was conducted using phone calls in conducting the interviews since
a survey was problematic from the present restrictions on the pandemic. Othe methods used included
the review of blog responses and the analysis conducted by the global virtual experts.
A wide variety of surveying instruments were used as part of this mixed methodology research design.
Before the experiment's commencement, all participants completed a basic self scale, a ten-item
quantitative scale intended to measure the positive self-beliefs used to deal with a range of challenging
life decisions (Coxon et al., 2016). The scale's elements focused on the principle of presumed self-
efficacy and stressed human agency and accountability for good results in uncertain circumstances.
Demographic information was collected to evaluate the respondents' age, gender, and previous gaming
experience. The critical evaluation tool was an interview questionnaire that was given after each
encounter. The interviews were held one at a time and lasted about 10 minutes on average. The
questions included hard questions that specifically concentrated on the user's interactions during the
Virtual reality session, for instance, "What did you witness?" "Did you have the sense of being in a
different place?" "How and why was that?" How did you feel in your (virtual) body?") with user
experiments in the form of q in a laboratory setup.
Respondents were asked to explain the variations in their views of both demonstrations after their
second encounter in the VR environment. Following their discussions with our study team, both
participants were drawn to an interactive community dialogue to capture social sense mechanisms. A
presence question was sent out after each interview. It consisted of ten sentences adapted from Witmer
and Singer (2018) that measured the users' sense of presence in a simulated world. Participants were
asked to rate their agreement on a score of 1–5, with responses ranging from "I disagree at all" to "I
agree." The findings of the users' survey questions were cross-checked to ensure continuity with the
users' comments in the interview.
To record their gestures and physical behaviors on a more realistic basis, all of the study participants
were filmed during their encounters in Virtual reality. The tapes recorded both synthetic and actual
gestures as well as some utterances at the same time. The researchers spent a total of 15 minutes in the
Virtual reality surroundings.
3.2 Analysis
The qualitative approach provides a more in-depth comprehension of a subject's impressions and
interactions during their first encounter with a virtual reality environment. As opposed to statistical
evidence, qualitative results can reveal not only what but also how appearance and contact are viewed.
Qualitative research asserts that what a topic says orally is not the only important aspect of the
scientific analysis; instead, the researcher must decode the implicit context underlying what a subject
The Documentary from Bohnsack (2010) was used in this analysis. It contrasts between the two
previously described levels of meaning by relating to the first as deliberate expressive meaning and
the latter as documentary meaning (Nohl, 2010). As a result, user interview analysis precludes a
difference between a structured evaluation, which summarises topics, and a conveyed understanding
of the configuration setting, elaborating on issues. The above description offers details on a person's
accustomed orientation mechanisms, which correspond to a taxonomy of immersion expectations.
3.3 Discussion
This analysis's qualitative evidence offers a more detailed comprehension of human desires about the
importance of contact and its relationship to immersion. It is anticipated that these results would lead
to a more distributed worldwide of applications and interactions in the long term. From the viewpoint
of a Virtual reality creator, the suggested typology can help create virtual worlds since, consider
individual variations, and there appears to be a shared ground with the users' interactions. About their
first encounter with virtual reality, all participants asked themselves the subsequent statements in
virtual reality.
What effect do I have on the world?
What effect does this world have on me?
Different groups of consumers appear to gravitate toward various types of immersion by addressing
these questions. Even so, there is one restriction: human users cannot be limited to either one of these
types of interests. There will still be those that exhibit several dispositions simultaneously and are thus
classified in various ways. This research demonstrates that effective immersion depends on the
configurations of the participants and interactive content and the layout of virtual worlds. In other
words, neither interaction design nor colorful graphics are enough to create immersion. There is no
uniformly standard access to soaking; different forms of consumers are submerged in various ways.
As a result, an interactive experience can be determined by the users' primal orientations instead of the
degree of contact in a simulated world.
Although this can seem to be a minor detail at first glimpse, it is likely to significantly impact the
developer side of Virtual reality for the development of computer-generated imagery. Since Virtual
reality is a target of Biocca (2011) rather than software, it is unknown how this new frontier will
develop. If it is the next transformative technology Kalisbary et al. (2004) or not, one thing is sure.
Now that user VR is available, there will be increased interest in these innovations' human facets. What
are the social consequences of these devices? How does the industry build customized experiences for
various types of users?
Virtual reality needs immersive environments that elicit feelings and make consumers feel like they
are in an unrestrained environment with unexpected outcomes. Although present consumer technology
is technically adequate for absorption, it does not guarantee good immersion personally. As a result,
similar to Bartle's (2014) categorization of player styles in interactive games, Virtual reality developers
can consider the variations in users' tastes for immersion. Only then can Virtual customer reality be
appealing to a wide range of user groups in the long term
5. prospects
In addition to the ideas of VR and AR, new similar ideas such as virtual reality (Alalwan et al. (, 2020)
and extended reality (XR) Burke (2018) have arisen in recent times. MR is fundamentally a variant of
AR in that it helps users communicate with simulated knowledge reflected in the physical world. It
has the potential to improve the user experience. XR is a revolutionary term that combines VR, AR,
and MR technologies. Users of XR devices could openly swap between modes such as VR, AR, and
MR, as seen in Fig. 1. Devices in the future will be able to transform from one phase to the next
From the previous description, VR offers details on a person's accustomed orientation mechanisms,
which correspond to a taxonomy of immersion expectations. Many virtual reality headsets use
smartphones to view content. Although these devices are a decent way to get started with VR, they
lack the visual consistency needed to have an engaging experience. Headsets are also heavy, making
extended use impractical.
In the future, virtual and augmented reality devices will be consolidated into two forms: tethered
devices and integrated units. Tethered devices will consist of a machine or wearable on the head
connected by a wire to a processing network. Standalone units will include all systems, from view to
processing, and will be wearable.
It's no secret that augmented reality has the power to change people's lives. Consumer applications,
such as gaming, continue to dominate headlines as businesses compete to grab the public interest and
propel Virtual reality into the forefront. However, the focus on consumer-oriented, interactive virtual
reality technologies obscures Virtual reality technology's ability to make a splash in the business sector
and shape the future of work more broadly. Various virtual reality technologies have the potential to
profoundly shape a variety of industries, including healthcare, engineering, journalism, and others.
3.4 Application and prospects in animation displays
It is possible to access architectural impact graphs in a more extensive and informative way using
virtual reality technologies, including different architectural details at a glance. Simultaneously, it will
instinctively and three-dimensionally present architectural architecture in the context of three-
dimensional models. Furthermore, it is practicable to use VR equipment to convert the architectural
impact map into a simulated architectural space system, providing people with a sense of actual space
reality and deepening their knowledge and control of architectural design details.
Using terrain design, landscape planning, road construction, and so on as examples, virtual reality
technology can be used to create a three-dimensional architectural model that allows you to examine
the architectural design system from any perspective and identify flaws to enhance and refine it.
With the convergence of augmented reality and virtual reality, technologies will construct an
environment for people in which we will be unable to discern the difference between the virtual and
physical worlds in just two years. Michael Abrash, the Oculus principal investigator who founded this
forecast, discusses the difficulties of rebuilding the physical world and predicts that augmented reality
will be an essential part of virtual reality. Abrash also believes that combining both would result in a
technology used for much longer and for far other purposes than it is now.
Although further research is required, Abrash is adamant that software will evolve in which the line
between virtual reality and real-life will be even more fuzzy and undefined.' Virtual reality is expected
to help the healthcare sector handle and resolve these fears by 2030. VR would virtually transfer the
patient into a stressful event, bringing them face to face with the same problem they are trying to stop.
This will benefit both the medical community and the patient by significantly assisting patients in
managing and potentially resolving their concerns.
Internet shopping has increased dramatically over the past century, which is not surprising given that
people can shop for clothing from the convenience of their own homes. One of the current drawbacks
of online retail shopping is purchasing anything that does not suit or does not look right, but augmented
reality is set to eliminate this. By 2050, shoppers will be able to put on clothes in augmented reality
dressing rooms, where they'll see how things look on them and are informed by AI store clerks who
will appeal to your exact preferences. You will have your shopping helper in your existence.
While the VR/AR industry has made significant strides, it is still in its early growth stages. Many flaws
remain unresolved, such as high costs, a lack of information, and poor image quality. Fortunately, the
mobile industry's growth has resulted in cost savings, size reduction, and enhanced display devices
and sensors, laying a firm basis for future VR/AR advancements. The VR/AR industry would
undoubtedly accelerate growth. As per Goldman (2013), the value generated by the VR/AR sector will
primarily focus on four elements: high-quality screen technology, elevated processors, movement-
tracking systems, and tactile feedback products.
According to Jessica Lowry, a UX Designer reporting for the Next Web, augmented reality (AR) is
the potential of architecture, and we seem to agree. Already, cell phones have been such an essential
part of our lives that they might be considered parts of our bodies. When technology becomes more
embedded into our lives without being invasive, augmented reality would undoubtedly offer ways to
enrich consumer interactions past measure.
It will almost definitely see substantial advancements in the much-touted yet still-unseen Internet of
Things. Software developers in the AR area will need to carefully examine how AR can change
conventional environments – just having the cooker worthy of using computer upgrades is not enough;
consumers must think about healthy eating or better-prepared food.
AR would have a bright future whether it increases job performance or the consistency of an interface
for the customer. It is the primary obstacle of the UX career in the twenty-first century. In little over a
century, virtual reality has progressed from pipe dream to reality. There are many AR implementations
in use or production today. Still, the term can only become widely adopted as UX designers consider
how they can incorporate AR into everyday life to increase effectiveness, reliability, or the quality of
The development of virtual reality technology is becoming more and more rapid, and it has a specific
good influence on various fields and has a particular connection with real life. Therefore, virtual reality
technology lays a specific foundation for augmented reality technology and is relevant to interactive
design. Some of the products or systems have relatively important influences and functions.
4.1 Conclusion
The results show that FL educators in higher education are increasingly able to provide language
teaching using VR technologies. In terms of methodologies, qualitative and quantitative-qualitative
approaches of triangulated data collection can provide a systematic and in-depth study of language
learning in VLEs. We expect that more sophisticated and novel data collection approaches, such as
brain function and eye-tracker data, and casual reading ability, will develop to capture in-world
language behaviors more reliably.
Nevertheless, the content review conducted in this study showed many places where significant efforts
are urgently required. First, only a limited percentage of the included papers investigated teachers'
experiences and work design comprehension. As Peterson (2011) found out, the instructor's most
important role in VLEs is still unknown. Consequently, longitudinal studies on how trainers' functions
shift in a Virtual reality classroom, teachers' choice on how to adapt pedagogical practices into VLEs
by using the strengths of Virtual reality, and how to inspire teachers to accept and continue using VLEs
while teaching is limited.
Its application to architecture animation shows, plan comparison, renovation, real estate transactions,
and other factors will significantly increase the performance, design level, and design consistency of
the design and architecture while ensuring the architecture and design's technical and operability
scheme to the maximum degree possible.
Construction project management is highly specialized, the whole design process is nuanced, the total
expense is substantial, and the features are permanent. There are technological flaws or errors, which
leads to more extensive damages and severe consequences and the successful use of virtual reality
technologies. Such issues are avoidable.
Virtual reality technology and interaction design complement each other, and compared to traditional
technologies, virtual reality technology brings a relatively convenient and high sense of experience to
interaction design. Whether in modern times or in the future, this technology will bring interaction
design to Comes with certain benefits.
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  • 1. 1 A critical research study on the impact of virtual reality in relation to interaction desighn Applicatiobn
  • 2. 2 University of Plymouth School of Art,Design and Architecture BA Digital Media Design A critical research study on the impact of virtual reality Yuting Chen 10693669
  • 3. 3 Table of Contents Excutive summary............................................................................................................................................... 4 1.0 The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Interaction Design............................................................... 5 1.2 introduction............................................................................................................................................... 5 Virtual reality technology and interaction design........................................................................................... 5 1.3 Structural background study summary ..................................................................................................... 5 1.4 The impact of virtual reality technology on interaction design ................................................................ 6 Literature review......................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 The concept and application of interaction design................................................................................... 7 1.6 The connection between virtual reality technology and interaction design ......................................... 8 2. Application to the game field.......................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Application in the medical field............................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Application in the field of bulding and construction............................................................................... 12 Analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Architecture................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5 Application in the military field............................................................................................................... 15 2.6 VR Interaction Design in the military field............................................................................................... 16 2.7 The role and influence of virtual reality technology on interaction design in multiple fields ................ 16 3.1 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Analysis................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Discussion............................................................................................................................................ 19 5. prospects....................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Application and prospects in animation displays.................................................................................... 21 4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 24 References......................................................................................................................................................... 26
  • 4. 4 Excutive summary Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated model. An individual can connect with a three- dimensional virtual world through digital equipment such as specialized glasses with a monitor or gloves embedded with sensors. The user may have an authentic view of this modeled artificial world. Augmented reality (AR) differs from virtual reality (VR) in that it augments the physical world with digital overlays rather than creating a completely interactive environment. They have a long history of application dating from the 150s. This paper analyses the impacts of virtual reality on interaction design. It has enabled the development of gadgets that enhance customer engagement. Virtual reality has also gained application in various fields like sports, medical, and military construction. The study analyzed the impacts of virtual reality on interaction design through qualitative analysis. From the finding which was collected by the use of reaserch questions distributed electronically. The analysiss presented presents the practicability of the technology in fields like, medical applications, e-commerce application,military application,bulding and construction application among other essential areas. This study therefore, according to the presented analysis affirms that virtual reality technology greatly complements with interaction design. Compared to traditional technologies, virtual reality technology brings a relatively convenient and high sense of experience to interaction design. Whether in modern times or in the future, this technology has a broad potential to positively impact te ineteraction desighns in more advanced way than it is today.
  • 5. 5 1.0 The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Interaction Design 1.2 introduction Virtual reality technology and interaction design The concept and development history of virtual reality technology Virtual reality is thought to have started in the 1950s, but it only became common in the late 1980s and 1990s. It can be credited to Jaron Lanier, a visionary software engineer who coined the word "virtual reality" in 1987. Virtual reality work progressed into the 1990s, and the advent of movies like The Lawnmower Man aided in raising its popularity (Errichiello et al, 2019.pp,590). Ivan Sutherland suggested the first definition in 1965: "make the (virtual) world in the window look authentic, sounds real, feel real, and react objectively to the audience's actions" ( Yildirim et al., 2008). During this perid, there are multiple identifyable advance which have been modified as the technology advances and more reaserches are put in place to make good look better and more useful.the study will focus on varios literal analysis of how the interaction desighn correlate with virtual reality and thus draw a critical analysis of how the technological model has gradually been modified over time and applied in various industrial uses in specific data presentation. 1.3 Structural background study summary The majority of virtual reality worlds are mainly visual simulations, viewed on a computer monitor or with unique stereoscopic displays. Auditory enhancement via speakers or headphones can also be used in virtual reality. Users can communicate with the simulated world using accessories such as a keyboard, mouse, or connected glove. Virtual reality's past has been chiefly one of the efforts to make an interaction more possible. The bulk of historical representations are optical, with a few exceptions being audible. This is since, of all the human senses, vision offers far the most knowledge, preceded
  • 6. 6 by listening (Bijsterveld, et al, 2019.pp, 174). About 90% of our experience of the universe is visual or auditory (Boas, 2013). VR technology has evolved way from its inauguration, and recent developments have been even more inspiring. Several vital advances in virtual reality and mixed reality technologies have occurred over the past 15 years. In the last two decades, the industry has significantly gained from the remarkable rise of VR and AR in entertainment and other uses (Ryan, 2015). The purchase of Oculus by Facebook in 2014 was a massive success for the Virtual reality industry. Google, for example, has launched temporary augmented reality devices such as the 'do it yourself' goggles, which utilize Google Cardboard and Google Daydream for smartphones. Brands such as Google have expanded on this principle with devices such as the Galaxy Gear, which has advanced features like gesture control. It appears that the next few years will be crucial for the Virtual reality industries. Although these innovations have improved a lot from their introduction, recent developments have been even more promising. The current everyday products include the organizational use of outpaces, entertainment, and gaming, attracting many people. introduction of 5g also has made it easier for AR and VR enabling the more effortless transfer of information 1.4 The impact of virtual reality technology on interaction design Literature review Blom & Beckhaus, 2014; Essabbah et al., 2014) have focused on studying VE interface elements in taxonomies grouped in functional categories or ranks, such as navigation, collection, control, instruments, graphical environments, and so on. Despite the extensive usage of computers in industry professionals', artists', and engineers' routines, emerging methods of depiction and simulation such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) remain underutilized (AR). By evaluating the previous
  • 7. 7 works, its reported that virtual Reality tools can encourage design review thus improving the presentation. Indeed, the fall in prices and the improvement of hardware and software quality have led to the widespread use of VR in the car industry. The bulk of experimental works look at the promise of augmented reality. Many scientific works examine VR's capacity using usage tests in a lab environment in the form of survey questions and empirical functionality studies. The latter work (Madathil and Greenstein (2001)is the only one that has taken a quantitative research approach, contrasting the number of faults found in VR and a conventional design evaluation method. Nonetheless, more research into VR-supported design analysis in real-world industrial environments focused on legitimate CAD models is required before businesses can ultimately capitalize on the technology's potential. 1.5 The concept and application of interaction design Interaction design could be described in basic definitions: it is the design of user-product interactions (Yin et al, 2021.pp,31) When people speak about interaction design, they typically refer to digital items such as apps or websites. Interaction design aims to develop solutions to help users accomplish their goal(s) in the most successful possible manner. The five dimensions of interaction design are vital when making any analytical discussion on VR. For instance taking a case of two students who study online in the same school receives different form presentations. This is an affirmation which reflects how video annotation as part of the five principal dimensions has taken a lot of virtual skills from various experts in the industry (Piot et al., 2019). Other cases examples which affirms the correlation between virtual reality and interaction desighn would include: the 2D visual representation, and how it deals with components such as images and icons used by the users. The main feature is the enhancement of the words used to relay information to consumers. The other one
  • 8. 8 is the 3D physical objects which determine how the user interacts with a gadget such as smartphones and telephones. The third one is time (4D). It is media that evolves with time. They include animations, videos, and sounds. Video and sound provide a better interaction for the users. It is also concerned with the quantity of time the user spends on interaction with the product. The last one is five 5D which is the behavior of the users with the product. 1.6 The connection between virtual reality technology and interaction design The challenge of modern product virtual reality (VR) systems involves creative solutions, interaction designs, and enhanced customer engagement. With VR predicted to become more available (i.e., affordable) in the coming years, customers will be able to indulge themselves in this emerging environment (Stein, 2015). VR, including smartphones and social media, would be a fundamentally transformative technology as more people believe it has the power to transform the environment (Rosdale, 2016). Because of the variety of technologies and implementations, it is difficult to predict which technology/method would be the best fit for each interface design in terms of immersion. Although concepts of immersion vary and are multidimensional, it is generally assumed that immersion offers boundaries within the central framework of VR, namely the element of existence (Slater, 2009). Although immersion catalyzes suspension of disbelief, allowing users to transcend these barriers, several issues arise: What are these limits made of? How can users get immersed in VR? What is the relationship between interaction design, user needs, and immersion? 1. Application and influence of virtual reality technology in various fields (five) 2. Application to the game field Virtual reality is transforming the games industry for gamers, coaches, and spectators. Coaches and players can use virtual reality technology to prepare more productively across various games because
  • 9. 9 they can view and encounter specific circumstances repetitively and enhance each time (Zhang and Ho, 2015). It is primarily used as a training aid to measure sports performance and the analysis of technique. Some claim that it can also boost athletes' thinking skills when they are injured, as it helps them virtually simulate gaming situations. Likewise, virtual reality has been used to improve the audience's perception of a sports competition. Broadcasters are also broadcasting video games in virtual reality and planning to sell online tickets to actual games so that everyone in the world can 'join' any sporting event. It will potentially allow anyone who cannot possibly spend money on watching live sporting events to feel involved because they will have the same experience online, whether for free or at a reduced cost. 2.2 Application in the field of construction The use of 360-degree cameras to catch and broadcast football games in VR is becoming increasingly popular. It is a boon to all sports enthusiasts who cannot afford to travel halfway around the globe to watch their favorite clubs and athletes compete (Yates et., 2016). In most situations, all you'll need is a VR headset and an application to be transported to the arena and look about for yourself as the action unfolds, all without leaving the safety of your own home. It is the most authentic feeling you can get by seeing a sporting event without ever being there in person. NextVR is a virtual reality media startup investing big in primary league sports coverage and improving the audience experience. The company has also provided VR coverage for several major sporting activities, including the 2015 NBA opening game between the Golden State Warriors and the New Orleans Pelicans last fall. Although the increased freedom is essential, computer-generated images will not cater to the vast majority of fans. Nevertheless, the platform can be highly beneficial to sports leagues, replaying and evaluating games from various viewpoints (Ferguson et al., 2015).
  • 10. 10 VR Interaction Design in-game field As the random change of technology keeps expanding, there is a significant change of the services. Almost all organizational groups are working extra hard to add value to the experiences by advocating using the technology. The service designers have acquired a new technology to improve the interaction between one service circle to the other. For instance, the designers have adapted the use of orchestrating advanced systems to develop a well-innovated platforms where the people will interact. The adjustment has specifically focused on advancing the HR functionality and other management gigs which lie in the same field by accepting and designing a transformative plan. 2.3 Application in the medical field VR technology has evolved as a critical means of treating post-traumatic stress disorder. An individual uses VR exposure therapy to enter a re-enactment of a stressful experience to come to terms with it and recover. Similarly, it's been used to relieve paranoia, phobias, and anxiety. For instance, some anxious patients feel that meditating with Virtual reality is a crucial way to manage stress responses and improve coping strategies. Virtual reality technology will provide a fun atmosphere for patients to interact with something they are afraid of while being in a secure and secure environment. Because of its immersive existence, health and dental learners have started to use VR to perform procedures and treatments, countenancing for a risk-free educational environment; the danger of causing injury or acting irresponsibly when working on actual patients is removed. Virtual patients are used to encouraging students to practice techniques that can be useful in the real world. Using Virtual reality in the medical sector is an excellent way to increase the quality of students in practice and
  • 11. 11 provide a tremendous opportunity to reduce costs, which is particularly important given that health facilities are increasingly under pressure with small budgets. VR is a new 3D computing system that can be used in various surgical procedures and therapies. A surgeon can also clearly see the skeleton, blood vessels, and other body pieces. This technology is used in surgical operations for medication management and risk reduction. As a result, physicians will see any medical operation and other health conditions in great detail. VR technologies can help alleviate the patient's cognitive discomfort while still relieving stress (Rashevska, 2018). In cardiology, VR should be used to prescribe chemotherapy. It aids in the careful preparation of cardiac surgery and the knowledge of patient anatomy. It creates a three-dimensional virtual reality for constructive interaction. Virtual reality has also been shown to help pain relief and recovery of patients with severe pain, such as those suffering from a skin transplant, during the everyday washing of burn injuries, or to make regular shots more tolerable for infants. Immersive VR has successfully inhibited and alleviated certain patients' pain, mainly when anesthesia or anesthesia is not an option. During active recuperation, computer-generated reality permits the shortening of recuperation times by making it more straightforward for patients to do their activities (Maples-Keller et al., 2017). It is because the VR dismisses the patient's consideration from the agony, giving a retaining elective reality that all the while passageways, persuades, and urges them to finish the action. Accordingly, moderation endeavors from a stroke can perform complex motions without bringing about additional injury from a fall. It would give them more mental fortitude with regards to getting around in their genuine climate.VR Interaction Design in the medical field
  • 12. 12 The development of technology services has played a significant role in medical institutions and innovation. The use of the health care robots, for instance, can be used to show an interaction created through virtue reality skill to bring aid to issues concerning health. . they have been used to replace the workers from the routine work which a times overload them. This includes the nurses and other medical practitioners. 2.4 Application in the field of bulding and construction In a survey, the IT systems used during product design, production modeling, and distribution in the British house construction industry were studied. More than half of the questioner participants had already seen a VR presentation in the building industry. Enterprise, 82 percent said it might be beneficial for their businesses, and 76 percent said it would take few years. Whyte and Bourchlaghem (2010) described a research trip to Japan during which three cases were performed to examine Japanese house construction companies' use of Virtual reality. According to the results, Japanese home builders have recognized the advantages of virtual reality in building and have been using VR technology for three to four years. Safety training in construction According to Neville (2011), education is necessary for rehearsal reasons and preventing accidents and injuries. Safety in Building Using Virtual Reality is an immersive virtual simulation model created to educate laborers on avoiding falling from interface railings. Users can communicate with the VE using HMDs to identify dangerous situations and attempt to remove them. Participants' success is measured using a ranking system. SAVR was made up of two primary modules: an erect module and an examination module. The suspension module is used to illustrate scaffolding erecting practices. The examination module is used to classify and fix possible slip causes. Soedarmono et al. (2009) have
  • 13. 13 designed a new Virtual reality model for teaching construction workers to prevent falls. Legislation from the Occupational Safety and Health Act was incorporated into the model as 2D text and audio data. When a customer moves closer to a structural framework in Value engineering, they may fall, alerting texts are showcased or revealed. Project planning and monitoring While current project management helps create and evaluate project schedules, coordination among the people involved is challenging and error-prone due to their 2D physical manifestation. Retik [44] devised a solution to resolve these problems using a computer-based framework for visual preparation and control of building processes. The technology enables developing a 'virtual building project' from a timeline and visual tracking and engagement with the projected project status. The Virtual Building Site, a model framework for evaluating, visualizing, and optimizing project schedules within a VR framework, is being developed at the University of Teesside in the United Kingdom. The ZIRCON program's design is composed of three major modules: A task database, research methods, and predictive analytics elements to manage time and space-sensitive projects, as well as a visualization element to convey the project database and research outcomes through a series of integrated graphic windows. A task database, research methods, and predictive analytics elements to manage time and space-sensitive projects and a visualization element to convey the project database and research outcomes through a series of integrated graphic windows. A Building Visualization Method was introduced by Kim et al. (2001). The framework was designed to be used on massive, complex projects that necessitate milestone scheduling and comprehensive operation monitoring. The device's technical framework consists of five modules:  3D CAD modeling  VR modeling
  • 14. 14  Program information analysis  Linking graphic data with schedule data  Visualization performance modules VR Interaction Design in the construction field The trip in the construction field has been acquired through progressive advancement in construction and engineering. The introduction of VR targeted the civil engineering students to be part of the advanced innovation knowledge and understand the significance. The development and the link created through the VR targeted in facilitating the engineering theories and how they are implemented. Analysis Dawood and Marasini (2001) created a visualization and modeling model to resolve the pre-cast concrete goods industry's crisis. Place constraints and lengthy vehicle hold lists on the stockyard for both access and processing of concrete materials are issues. Architecture Several ventures and scientific research have used augmented reality for architectural restoration and reference manual applications, such as the VRND project (founded by Digitalo Inc. and sponsored by UNESCO to conserve the cathedral's cultural and archaeological values digitally) and the Virtual Graz project created by Bong-fish. Like WS Atkins in the United Kingdom, many firms have illustrated VR for visualization in the industry. Several requirements were designed for feasibility analysis, external/internal examination, below surface examination, land take and room use evaluation, sightlines, and building sequencing. VE apps are generated by importing 3D models into native VRML.
  • 15. 15 2.5 Application in the military field The military in the United Kingdom and the United States have both embraced augmented reality in their preparation because it enables them to do a wide variety of exercises. Virtual reality is used in all military parts, including the army, naval, air force, navy seals, and border patrol. In a society where technology is embraced at a young age and children are exposed to video games and computers, virtual reality (VR) proves to be an effective form of training. Virtual reality can transfer a trainee into various circumstances, settings, and conditions for various training activities. It is used by the military for multiple purposes, including flight simulations, war simulations, medic preparation, car simulation, and virtual boot camp. It may also be used to educate troops on delicate skills, such as communicating with residents or foreign counterparts when deployed. Another use is for curing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in veterans who have recovered from war who need support readjusting to everyday life situations; this is known as Augmented Reality Immersion Counseling (VRET). VR will reconstruct missions that take place in a glacial world of the jungle. Besides that, this form of preparation allows the military to replicate situations while preventing fatalities. It saves money, reduces costs, and improves trainee wellbeing. Virtual reality (VR) enables soldiers to experience extremely precarious or unsafe situations, such as equipment failure or other unexpected conditions. Military preparation is heavily reliant on augmented reality modeling and is used in a variety of military settings. For example, it can model specialized land vehicles, simulating any vehicle and allowing soldiers to observe its form and maneuverability. It also encourages soldiers to play whatever role they may have in the car, like driver or gunner (Velichko 2018). To summarise, virtual training will not substitute live training, but it will play a growing role in the military training market. Without
  • 16. 16 question, it will help soldiers learn skills and situational understanding while decreasing training costs and increasing training protection. 2.6 VR Interaction Design in the military field Implementation of the interaction targeted in conducting regular research on security matters. The surveillance from VR has dramatically expanded the militia groups in advancing the security search through cyber databases. The monitoring system, which is stored by individual information, has played a vital role in improving the previous skill that the militia team used in promising a secure and safe country. The use of VR targeted in sensing the areas of weakness in security issues and also helping in researching how well to get prepared in case of a terror attack. 2.7 The role and influence of virtual reality technology on interaction design in multiple fields The digital environment can interact in an infinite number of ways thanks to virtual reality technologies. Digital reality innovation ushers in a modern platform, presenting new obstacles for user experience designers in terms of encounters and experiences. User experience experts previously developed types, blogs, and smartphone apps. It is now necessary to re-learn the marketable skills used to create applications and occasions for VR. Interaction can be described as the mechanism that allows the recipient (user) to assume the sender's position and manipulate the medium. In basic terms, connectivity in virtual reality is the capacity of the user to travel inside the digital environment and communicate with the item in that world. Because the user is absorbed in a 3D world, these relations are referred to as immersive interaction. According to the above example, it is concluded that virtual reality technology has a certain degree of influence and effect on interaction design.
  • 17. 17 3.1 Methodology Data used in this study were derived from both primary and secondary sources. Ford preliminary data, the study evaluated various sources like the journals from the expert, the information in social blogs like Twitter, and different innovation recommendation letters. On the other hand, the secondary sources used include the previously published work from various scholars, electronic materials, and innovation articles. Data collection was conducted using phone calls in conducting the interviews since a survey was problematic from the present restrictions on the pandemic. Othe methods used included the review of blog responses and the analysis conducted by the global virtual experts. A wide variety of surveying instruments were used as part of this mixed methodology research design. Before the experiment's commencement, all participants completed a basic self scale, a ten-item quantitative scale intended to measure the positive self-beliefs used to deal with a range of challenging life decisions (Coxon et al., 2016). The scale's elements focused on the principle of presumed self- efficacy and stressed human agency and accountability for good results in uncertain circumstances. Demographic information was collected to evaluate the respondents' age, gender, and previous gaming experience. The critical evaluation tool was an interview questionnaire that was given after each encounter. The interviews were held one at a time and lasted about 10 minutes on average. The questions included hard questions that specifically concentrated on the user's interactions during the Virtual reality session, for instance, "What did you witness?" "Did you have the sense of being in a different place?" "How and why was that?" How did you feel in your (virtual) body?") with user experiments in the form of q in a laboratory setup. Respondents were asked to explain the variations in their views of both demonstrations after their second encounter in the VR environment. Following their discussions with our study team, both
  • 18. 18 participants were drawn to an interactive community dialogue to capture social sense mechanisms. A presence question was sent out after each interview. It consisted of ten sentences adapted from Witmer and Singer (2018) that measured the users' sense of presence in a simulated world. Participants were asked to rate their agreement on a score of 1–5, with responses ranging from "I disagree at all" to "I agree." The findings of the users' survey questions were cross-checked to ensure continuity with the users' comments in the interview. To record their gestures and physical behaviors on a more realistic basis, all of the study participants were filmed during their encounters in Virtual reality. The tapes recorded both synthetic and actual gestures as well as some utterances at the same time. The researchers spent a total of 15 minutes in the Virtual reality surroundings. 3.2 Analysis The qualitative approach provides a more in-depth comprehension of a subject's impressions and interactions during their first encounter with a virtual reality environment. As opposed to statistical evidence, qualitative results can reveal not only what but also how appearance and contact are viewed. Qualitative research asserts that what a topic says orally is not the only important aspect of the scientific analysis; instead, the researcher must decode the implicit context underlying what a subject says. The Documentary from Bohnsack (2010) was used in this analysis. It contrasts between the two previously described levels of meaning by relating to the first as deliberate expressive meaning and the latter as documentary meaning (Nohl, 2010). As a result, user interview analysis precludes a difference between a structured evaluation, which summarises topics, and a conveyed understanding of the configuration setting, elaborating on issues. The above description offers details on a person's accustomed orientation mechanisms, which correspond to a taxonomy of immersion expectations.
  • 19. 19 3.3 Discussion This analysis's qualitative evidence offers a more detailed comprehension of human desires about the importance of contact and its relationship to immersion. It is anticipated that these results would lead to a more distributed worldwide of applications and interactions in the long term. From the viewpoint of a Virtual reality creator, the suggested typology can help create virtual worlds since, consider individual variations, and there appears to be a shared ground with the users' interactions. About their first encounter with virtual reality, all participants asked themselves the subsequent statements in virtual reality. What effect do I have on the world? What effect does this world have on me? Different groups of consumers appear to gravitate toward various types of immersion by addressing these questions. Even so, there is one restriction: human users cannot be limited to either one of these types of interests. There will still be those that exhibit several dispositions simultaneously and are thus classified in various ways. This research demonstrates that effective immersion depends on the configurations of the participants and interactive content and the layout of virtual worlds. In other words, neither interaction design nor colorful graphics are enough to create immersion. There is no uniformly standard access to soaking; different forms of consumers are submerged in various ways. As a result, an interactive experience can be determined by the users' primal orientations instead of the degree of contact in a simulated world. Although this can seem to be a minor detail at first glimpse, it is likely to significantly impact the developer side of Virtual reality for the development of computer-generated imagery. Since Virtual reality is a target of Biocca (2011) rather than software, it is unknown how this new frontier will develop. If it is the next transformative technology Kalisbary et al. (2004) or not, one thing is sure.
  • 20. 20 Now that user VR is available, there will be increased interest in these innovations' human facets. What are the social consequences of these devices? How does the industry build customized experiences for various types of users? Virtual reality needs immersive environments that elicit feelings and make consumers feel like they are in an unrestrained environment with unexpected outcomes. Although present consumer technology is technically adequate for absorption, it does not guarantee good immersion personally. As a result, similar to Bartle's (2014) categorization of player styles in interactive games, Virtual reality developers can consider the variations in users' tastes for immersion. Only then can Virtual customer reality be appealing to a wide range of user groups in the long term 5. prospects In addition to the ideas of VR and AR, new similar ideas such as virtual reality (Alalwan et al. (, 2020) and extended reality (XR) Burke (2018) have arisen in recent times. MR is fundamentally a variant of AR in that it helps users communicate with simulated knowledge reflected in the physical world. It has the potential to improve the user experience. XR is a revolutionary term that combines VR, AR, and MR technologies. Users of XR devices could openly swap between modes such as VR, AR, and MR, as seen in Fig. 1. Devices in the future will be able to transform from one phase to the next efficiently. From the previous description, VR offers details on a person's accustomed orientation mechanisms, which correspond to a taxonomy of immersion expectations. Many virtual reality headsets use smartphones to view content. Although these devices are a decent way to get started with VR, they lack the visual consistency needed to have an engaging experience. Headsets are also heavy, making extended use impractical.
  • 21. 21 In the future, virtual and augmented reality devices will be consolidated into two forms: tethered devices and integrated units. Tethered devices will consist of a machine or wearable on the head connected by a wire to a processing network. Standalone units will include all systems, from view to processing, and will be wearable. It's no secret that augmented reality has the power to change people's lives. Consumer applications, such as gaming, continue to dominate headlines as businesses compete to grab the public interest and propel Virtual reality into the forefront. However, the focus on consumer-oriented, interactive virtual reality technologies obscures Virtual reality technology's ability to make a splash in the business sector and shape the future of work more broadly. Various virtual reality technologies have the potential to profoundly shape a variety of industries, including healthcare, engineering, journalism, and others. 3.4 Application and prospects in animation displays It is possible to access architectural impact graphs in a more extensive and informative way using virtual reality technologies, including different architectural details at a glance. Simultaneously, it will instinctively and three-dimensionally present architectural architecture in the context of three- dimensional models. Furthermore, it is practicable to use VR equipment to convert the architectural impact map into a simulated architectural space system, providing people with a sense of actual space reality and deepening their knowledge and control of architectural design details. Using terrain design, landscape planning, road construction, and so on as examples, virtual reality technology can be used to create a three-dimensional architectural model that allows you to examine the architectural design system from any perspective and identify flaws to enhance and refine it. With the convergence of augmented reality and virtual reality, technologies will construct an environment for people in which we will be unable to discern the difference between the virtual and
  • 22. 22 physical worlds in just two years. Michael Abrash, the Oculus principal investigator who founded this forecast, discusses the difficulties of rebuilding the physical world and predicts that augmented reality will be an essential part of virtual reality. Abrash also believes that combining both would result in a technology used for much longer and for far other purposes than it is now. Although further research is required, Abrash is adamant that software will evolve in which the line between virtual reality and real-life will be even more fuzzy and undefined.' Virtual reality is expected to help the healthcare sector handle and resolve these fears by 2030. VR would virtually transfer the patient into a stressful event, bringing them face to face with the same problem they are trying to stop. This will benefit both the medical community and the patient by significantly assisting patients in managing and potentially resolving their concerns. Internet shopping has increased dramatically over the past century, which is not surprising given that people can shop for clothing from the convenience of their own homes. One of the current drawbacks of online retail shopping is purchasing anything that does not suit or does not look right, but augmented reality is set to eliminate this. By 2050, shoppers will be able to put on clothes in augmented reality dressing rooms, where they'll see how things look on them and are informed by AI store clerks who will appeal to your exact preferences. You will have your shopping helper in your existence. While the VR/AR industry has made significant strides, it is still in its early growth stages. Many flaws remain unresolved, such as high costs, a lack of information, and poor image quality. Fortunately, the mobile industry's growth has resulted in cost savings, size reduction, and enhanced display devices and sensors, laying a firm basis for future VR/AR advancements. The VR/AR industry would undoubtedly accelerate growth. As per Goldman (2013), the value generated by the VR/AR sector will
  • 23. 23 primarily focus on four elements: high-quality screen technology, elevated processors, movement- tracking systems, and tactile feedback products. According to Jessica Lowry, a UX Designer reporting for the Next Web, augmented reality (AR) is the potential of architecture, and we seem to agree. Already, cell phones have been such an essential part of our lives that they might be considered parts of our bodies. When technology becomes more embedded into our lives without being invasive, augmented reality would undoubtedly offer ways to enrich consumer interactions past measure. It will almost definitely see substantial advancements in the much-touted yet still-unseen Internet of Things. Software developers in the AR area will need to carefully examine how AR can change conventional environments – just having the cooker worthy of using computer upgrades is not enough; consumers must think about healthy eating or better-prepared food. AR would have a bright future whether it increases job performance or the consistency of an interface for the customer. It is the primary obstacle of the UX career in the twenty-first century. In little over a century, virtual reality has progressed from pipe dream to reality. There are many AR implementations in use or production today. Still, the term can only become widely adopted as UX designers consider how they can incorporate AR into everyday life to increase effectiveness, reliability, or the quality of interactions. The development of virtual reality technology is becoming more and more rapid, and it has a specific good influence on various fields and has a particular connection with real life. Therefore, virtual reality technology lays a specific foundation for augmented reality technology and is relevant to interactive design. Some of the products or systems have relatively important influences and functions.
  • 24. 24 4.1 Conclusion The results show that FL educators in higher education are increasingly able to provide language teaching using VR technologies. In terms of methodologies, qualitative and quantitative-qualitative approaches of triangulated data collection can provide a systematic and in-depth study of language learning in VLEs. We expect that more sophisticated and novel data collection approaches, such as brain function and eye-tracker data, and casual reading ability, will develop to capture in-world language behaviors more reliably. Nevertheless, the content review conducted in this study showed many places where significant efforts are urgently required. First, only a limited percentage of the included papers investigated teachers' experiences and work design comprehension. As Peterson (2011) found out, the instructor's most important role in VLEs is still unknown. Consequently, longitudinal studies on how trainers' functions shift in a Virtual reality classroom, teachers' choice on how to adapt pedagogical practices into VLEs by using the strengths of Virtual reality, and how to inspire teachers to accept and continue using VLEs while teaching is limited. Its application to architecture animation shows, plan comparison, renovation, real estate transactions, and other factors will significantly increase the performance, design level, and design consistency of the design and architecture while ensuring the architecture and design's technical and operability scheme to the maximum degree possible. Construction project management is highly specialized, the whole design process is nuanced, the total expense is substantial, and the features are permanent. There are technological flaws or errors, which leads to more extensive damages and severe consequences and the successful use of virtual reality technologies. Such issues are avoidable.
  • 25. 25 Virtual reality technology and interaction design complement each other, and compared to traditional technologies, virtual reality technology brings a relatively convenient and high sense of experience to interaction design. Whether in modern times or in the future, this technology will bring interaction design to Comes with certain benefits.
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