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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Note Data and transcript from

                      #CHSOCM Report

345 tweets generated 381,956 impressions, reaching an audience of 42,687 followers
within the past 24 hours. Calculated from up to about 1000 tweets | Generated Wed Jul 27
2011 00:50:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Top 10 by number of impressions                 Top 10 by number of tweets
   iamepiscopalian: 122,429                       chsocm: 43
   meredithgould: 116,928                         meredithgould: 32
   denise205: 25,622                              rev_david: 25
   rampracer: 21,540                              fsantoni: 24
   mwecker: 17,056                                iamepiscopalian: 23
   rev_david: 15,500                              denise205: 23
   catholicmeme: 8,450                            trinitylimerock: 22
   chsocm: 6,364                                  revweb: 17
   expatminister: 6,186                           theologybird: 14
   danielswall: 4,136                             mwecker: 13

                  Transcript has been edited by chat moderator,
                  Meredith Gould (@meredithgould).

chsocm            Good evening & welcome to (church & social media). Everyone ready for
                  this week's fun?

                  As always, we begin with prayer & then some quick housekeeping. First, let
                  us pray

catholicsme       @chsocm yes, i won't be able to stay too long but definitely happy to be
                  here ) - Hugh

chsocm            Almighty & everlasting God, we ask that our time together as people of
                  faith be holy, creative & guided by your Holy Spirit. Amen

RevWeb            Amen

edrescherphd      Just stopping by briefly, then back to work on @Click2SaveBook. What
                  Qs/issues should @prkanderson & I be addressing?

Denise205         Amen.

chsocm            Join when you can and depart when you need to! Remember, you'll be able
                  to review the live stream & a transcript will be available

                  We also start with brief self-introductions.

                  <--moderating this chat. Sociologist, author, keen on using social media to
                  build faith and community.

Denise205         Work with web content for a Catholic publisherand glad to be back for
                  another chat

iamepiscopalian   <-- the Episcopal Church

catholicsme       i'm with vmr communications and the association of catholics exploring
                  social media

rev_david         David Hansen, Lutheran pastor in rural Texas. Juggling a toddler once again
                  this evening.

sinden            I'm the director of music @stpaulsrva (Richmond, Va.)

CharlotteElia     <---- Candidate for ministry, student in liturgical studies

chsocm            Great to see folks returning & some new people joining us.

rev_david         @MeredithGould Wait ... You think it's just a metaphor? )

chsocm            If you're new to tweetchatting on Twitter, you might want to use TweetChat,
                  the platform, which adds the hashtag automagically

claytonfaulkner   director of worship/technology@ elca Lutheran church in Houston.

catholicsme       @fsantoni curious to know more about @techreligious

Denise205         @BarbaraKB Twitter is better for conversation. I'm over in one on right
                  now, in fact!

chsocm            T1 Thinking about using social media at the local church/parish level, what
                  needs to be in place for it to work well?

theologybird      rector of cluster of small parishes in MT

fsantoni          @catholicsme I call it a "chronicle of faith and social media" I track news &
                  interesting uses of SM for religious ends

megbeugg          Catholic St. Louisan inspired by social media in ministry

rev_david         T1 - Must have a clear sense of who your audience is, and what is the goal of
                  your SM use

fsantoni          T1 - Understanding of the two way nature of social media + good content +

RevWeb            T1 A good team of social media minister. Training people to use SM. Getting
                  into users' networks.

iamepiscopalian   T1 Innovation should usually carry the stamp of approval of senior leaders
                  for starters.

rev_david         T1 - sounds like a no-brainer, but it is not in all rural locations Must be
                  willing to spend $$ on a decent internet connection

theologybird      @rev_david And if you're mobile, know how to pick the right gear

fsantoni          @rev_david agree too that goals is key. What do you hope to accomplish?

mwecker           joining in

catholicsme       T1 - Understanding the enormous power of listening when it comes to the
                  social web. growing bigger ears as @chrisbrogan says
ohxjulie          Anyone have tips on following a twitter conversation? One aspect of social
                  media I haven't delved into yet...

RevWeb            @ohxjulie Folo on Much easier.

mwecker           @ohxjulie use Hootsuite and create a column for it!

theologybird      T1-yes, good articulation of both what you are saying and on whose behalf
                         you are saying it. We lose so much comm w/only words

rev_david         @fsantoni @rev_david E.g., I have no members on Twitter. If I am using it to
                  spread newsletter-style info, I'm doing it wrong.

mwecker           totally agree w @catholicsme's point on about "enormous power of
                  listening when it comes to the social web."

MeredithGould     Remember that Twitter, FB, blogs are only tools & must be used strategically
                  w/other tools (e.g. print newsletters)

catholicsme       T1 letting go of control of the message. and focusing on the messages of
                  others before sending msg. "seek first to understand"

ecwiscott         digital and social media is a must. replaces newspaper and phonebook ads.

RevWeb            We use SM to advise attendees of tailgate Eucharist location in Ravens'
                  parking lot at Sunday a.m. home games.

catholicsme       @MeredithGould i agree. print still matters. various media ought to
                  complement each other. some prefer print, some online.

iamepiscopalian   RT @catholicsme T letting go of control of the message. and focusing on the
                  messages of others before sending msg. // Hmm.

mwecker           wonder if folks have double challenge. not only balancing messaging w
                  being SEO, but also having messages that can't be compromised

theologybird      Are there messages that can't be compromised? Seems like history, and
                  current news, is full of exceptions.

fsantoni          It's nice when social media leads us affinity groups like this , but none of us
                  would call this "community" in the faith sense

pinkpaddler       print a total waste of my pledge dollars

iamepiscopalian   @rev_david People used to say, why use the ATM? I can just walk in to the
                  teller and get money. Change comes hard to some.

ecwiscott         @theologybird previous administration at my church scolded us for using
                  social media in the home.
MeredithGould     @fsantoni "none of us"? Maybe not a faith community but a community
                  building around communicating faith, I believe

TrinityLimeRock   @fsantoni Dunno about that. I'm not sure why not. Can you explain further?

TrinityLimeRock   @pinkpaddler that's been my recent experience as well

fsantoni          @MeredithGould sure, but not the "Christian community" folks in pastoral
                  roles hope to cultivate...

theologybird      @mwecker @theologybird It's a good goal, I just also see it as unlikely. fund
                  problem with communication. what I say/you hear stuff

MeredithGould     @fsantoni And you know that....because? how?

pinkpaddler       @TrinityLimeRock I now refuse to design print ads

rev_david         @fsantoni @MeredithGould I have had members & neighbors request
                  pastoral convos over SM - intimate, important conversations

TrinityLimeRock   @pinkpaddler YES!!!!

RevWeb            Defo community. Found that w/emails years ago. Met folks IRL after months
                  online. Like meeting and old friend.

fsantoni          @TrinityLimeRock at its best SM ought to help express a shared life that
                  exists in community. SM allows for public witness of it.

iamepiscopalian   @pinkpaddler @TrinityLimeRock Printed materials are a tough call. So
                  many are still doing bulletins for Sundays.

fsantoni          @rev_david I had those late night convos via Facebook with college students
                  looking for support, encouragement <--- sacred moments

chsocm            Well, T1 has morphed into a lively discussion! T2 is akin to the question
                  about what needs to be in place.

TrinityLimeRock   @iamepiscopalian @pinkpaddler Bulletins are once thing. We no longer
                  have inserts. Bulletins help newcomers.

pinkpaddler       @iamepiscopalian @trinitylimerock I am talking about some still wanting to
                  do newspaper ads or service listings

fsantoni          @MeredithGould Ahh, the limits of 140 characters! My intent was not to
                  diminish the "community" formed by affinity groups like ours

pinkpaddler       I am a former print journalist who never reads the ads

MeredithGould     @fsantoni ;-) I'm a short-copy kind of gal, so I adore the 140 char limit!!

ecwiscott                 @theologybird new administration is 0 degrees different. Trying to
                          blend SM and technology.

mwecker           T1 as someone always on lookout for good podcasted sermons, it'd help if
                  those were prominent & easy to find...

adambowersmedia   @ T2 when you feel like you need help getting started or just have no
                  interest in doing social media yourself

fsantoni          @MeredithGould I'm long-winded & wordy! I was trying make point abt
                  "content marketing" having value churches...never got there

RevWeb            T2 May not be professional consultant. That may be the younger members
                  as example to others on how SM works.

TrinityLimeRock   @mwecker unfortunately the statistics don't show people read the sermons
                  at our house. Maybe podcasts?

iamepiscopalian   T2Likely not at all. Just sayin.

rev_david         T2 That would be the pastor )

TrinityLimeRock   @theologybird I will suggest that to our Vicar.....thx!!

MeredithGould     @iamepiscopalian Interesting because...oh, never mind! ;-)

adambowersmedia   @chsocm T2 even when you don't feel like you have the expertise or

iamepiscopalian   @MeredithGould What?

RevWeb            @rev_david TMaybe not pastor. May be SM users become leaders in using
                  this new ministry w/out pastor's imprimatur.

MeredithGould     @iamepiscopalian Don't national churches and dioceses routinely hire
                  consultants? I was hired by a RC diocese years ago.

mwecker           T2 the folks @marshill (or @pastormark) could confirm this, but I think they
                  get congregants to donate their time as consultants

sinden            T2 I think many of the "outside consultants" may be youth and young adults
                  in our parishes who understand SM and can teach

theologybird      @TrinityLimeRock no problem! the link on my profile goes to the site which
                  hosts my podcasts.

MeredithGould     @iamepiscopalian But that was for a huge project that they knew they
                  couldn't handle in-house.

fsantoni          T2 I'm banking on it. Hung my shingle months ago!

iamepiscopalian   @MeredithGould Oh, sure. If there is $$ sure. We're talking local church level
                  and budget.

rev_david         T- I'm doing a series of workshops for other leaders in the synod, teaching
                  other leaders about SM

TrinityLimeRock   @ecwiscott Yup I am heavy into stats and have a pretty good grasp of who is
                  reading what. Maybe just an unholy crew

fsantoni          Parish hired me to strategize& implement online tools for community
                  sharing photo directory, small groups, social media

rev_david         T2 Would not call myself a consultant or expert, but happy to share what I

adambowersmedia   T2 It's becoming more and more apparent to me that churches want to do
                  this themselves, don't trust outsiders, view it as ministry

skypilotofhope    RT @rev_david I'm doing a series of workshops for other leaders in the
                  synod, teaching other leaders about SM // Can u come my way?

MeredithGould     I've worked at parishes where communications professionals donated time
                  as ministry & service.

iamepiscopalian   @MeredithGould T2 We have contracted with a few vendors for
                  development and media monitoring.

fsantoni          T2 I think there is value to the consultant that can "speak church"

TrinityLimeRock   @adambowersmedia Yup, insider, doing it as ministry. Feel some
                  affirmation at that.

sinden            Jamie Coats of @SSJE spoke of young people as “an ‘Altar Guild’ of nerds” at
                  @endowedparishes conference

Denise205         @adambowersmedia And it should be a ministry! But some ministers are
                  professionals and others volunteers.

iamepiscopalian   RT @fsantoni TI think there is value to the consultant that can "speak
                  church" // That's tough to find one.

MeredithGould     @rev_david Just don't call yourself a guru, ninja or Jedi.

DanielsWall       T2 when you want/need extremely effective social media. Church plants

Denise205         @sinden We can't limit the ministry to young people though. I know some
                  older people doing social media well too!

TrinityLimeRock   @sinden @SSJE @endowedparishes I like the altar guild of nerds. Been
                  using kids for this as long as I've been involved.

Denise205         That said, it might be a way to invite younger people into new ministry roles.

expatminister     @rev_david no. Only if you put "guru." or "futurist."

TrinityLimeRock   @Denise205 @sinden THX Denise, turned 70 last week.

iamepiscopalian   Uh, how do we feel about sales bots in here? #NotDiggingIt

rev_david         T2 On synodical/diocesan level, a consultant makes sense. Hard to justify for
                  most congregations.

iamepiscopalian   RT @rev_david "Altar Guild of Nerds" may be my new favorite phrase.

Denise205         @theologybird @MeredithGould Exactly! This is not an age-specific

rev_david         @iamepiscopalian I haven't seen them. Sales bots are an abomination unto
                  the Lord

adambowersmedia   @fsantoni That's awesome. There's definitely a huge need for that!

rmkinma           A great way to get the new generation involved in church ministry is to ask
                  them for help in steering twitter and FB presence.

fsantoni          @MeredithGould bingo.

MeredithGould     @fsantoni Talk Catholic to me!

TrinityLimeRock   @chsocm I would like to learn more - have not used them

bmerer            @ I'll go there.

mwecker           @chscom would be interested to hear who's using them (and wonder if any
                  "pretty" ones like these http// w church themes)

chsocm            Will post info on the blogsite about QR codes, meanwhile

rev_david         re QR Codes - it intrigues me, but I haven't tried anything with them yet.

iamepiscopalian   Here is one from us from last week http// Scroll down to

chsocm            T3 QR codes (quick response) that cell phones can scan to read info are
                  being adopted. How might churches use them?

TrinityLimeRock   @ our prob lousy cell reception in area, many including me do not have
                  much besides basic cell svc.

Denise205         @iamepiscopalian and what did that open for QR users?

theologybird      What if you had a pretty QR code on your business card instead of just the

TrinityLimeRock   @ OK we are across street from Lime Rock Park (car race track) and lots
                  check in there but few at our house. any help?

iamepiscopalian   @Denise205 Detailed info from the article in the insert. We've done video,
                  art, etc.

rev_david         T 3 My prob with QR codes is that so many of my ppl use very basic cell
                  phones (Did you know you can make phone calls on them?!?)

CatholicMeme      T2 Consultant needs to work w/church leadership *and* current SM users in
                  church. Decide plan, strategy & tactics all together.

fsantoni          @iamepiscopalian Compliments u your folks re your recent whitepaper on
                  SM & deal with Ekklesia 3600...would love hear more

pinkpaddler       if your church is into social media, do people show up at your church
                  expecting PowerPoint and light shows?

theologybird      @rev_david Wait! My hand computer makes phone calls too! What a gadget.

klamach           T3 flyers for events at your church

Anj               T3 I put a QR on my office door and waited for co-workers to ask me what it
                  was. Most didn't know but gr convo starter!

iamepiscopalian   @TrinityLimeRock Yeah, and we're trying to experiment with all this cool

Denise205         @TrinityLimeRock @iamepiscopalian Definite learning curve on that, but
                  for those who are tech-saavy, QR worth trying.

mwecker           @anjha! did any try 5o scan after the conversation?

pinkpaddler       @MeredithGould my point is we still have a fairly trad worship experience

Anj               We created a poster for parishes/schools of all our media sites. I intended to
                  include the QR Code but maybe next time.

MeredithGould     @pinkpaddler it.

mwecker           @anjha! did any try to scan after the conversation?

Denise205         @AnjFun idea!

Anj               @mwecker Yes! I was a great way to teach the curious with smart phones!

DanielsWall       @pinkpaddler I don't think so... I think social media can be a reflection of
                  your church culture

mwecker           @anjand what did you have the code point them to? do you have colleagues
                  who also use them or just you?

Denise205         @iamepiscopalian I'm with you on that. And QR can take people to deep
                  links, not just home page, which is big benefit!

TrinityLimeRock   @rmkinma @iamepiscopalian Good. Tell me where I can take it if I do it.

iamepiscopalian   @Denise205 Bingo.

Chsocm            Coming up on the hour in minutes. Closing thoughts?

Anj               @mwecker It pointed to our website. I have a couple of others who are
                  trying to push the ceiling and I have a supportive boss!

TrinityLimeRock   @chsocm WOW! Glad I stopped by! THX to all!

Denise205         Thanks to @chsocm and all participants for a fast-moving hour!

RevWeb            Bottom line tonite seems website is the driving force that SM supports.

StJon             @iamepiscopalian I smite them regularly

iamepiscopalian   Anyone wanting to chat about QR stuff, ping me tomorrow in the daylight.
                  IT'S EASY!

chsocm            Great chat, everyone. CoverIt Live feed will be at http//
                  later tonight.


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7.26.11 CHSOCM Tweetchat Transcript

  • 1. Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Note Data and transcript from #CHSOCM Report 345 tweets generated 381,956 impressions, reaching an audience of 42,687 followers within the past 24 hours. Calculated from up to about 1000 tweets | Generated Wed Jul 27 2011 00:50:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Top 10 by number of impressions Top 10 by number of tweets  iamepiscopalian: 122,429  chsocm: 43  meredithgould: 116,928  meredithgould: 32  denise205: 25,622  rev_david: 25  rampracer: 21,540  fsantoni: 24  mwecker: 17,056  iamepiscopalian: 23  rev_david: 15,500  denise205: 23  catholicmeme: 8,450  trinitylimerock: 22  chsocm: 6,364  revweb: 17  expatminister: 6,186  theologybird: 14  danielswall: 4,136  mwecker: 13 1
  • 2. Transcript Transcript has been edited by chat moderator, Meredith Gould (@meredithgould). chsocm Good evening & welcome to (church & social media). Everyone ready for this week's fun? As always, we begin with prayer & then some quick housekeeping. First, let us pray catholicsme @chsocm yes, i won't be able to stay too long but definitely happy to be here ) - Hugh chsocm Almighty & everlasting God, we ask that our time together as people of faith be holy, creative & guided by your Holy Spirit. Amen RevWeb Amen edrescherphd Just stopping by briefly, then back to work on @Click2SaveBook. What Qs/issues should @prkanderson & I be addressing? Denise205 Amen. chsocm Join when you can and depart when you need to! Remember, you'll be able to review the live stream & a transcript will be available We also start with brief self-introductions. <--moderating this chat. Sociologist, author, keen on using social media to build faith and community. Denise205 Work with web content for a Catholic publisherand glad to be back for another chat iamepiscopalian <-- the Episcopal Church catholicsme i'm with vmr communications and the association of catholics exploring social media rev_david David Hansen, Lutheran pastor in rural Texas. Juggling a toddler once again this evening. sinden I'm the director of music @stpaulsrva (Richmond, Va.) CharlotteElia <---- Candidate for ministry, student in liturgical studies 2
  • 3. chsocm Great to see folks returning & some new people joining us. rev_david @MeredithGould Wait ... You think it's just a metaphor? ) chsocm If you're new to tweetchatting on Twitter, you might want to use TweetChat, the platform, which adds the hashtag automagically claytonfaulkner director of worship/technology@ elca Lutheran church in Houston. catholicsme @fsantoni curious to know more about @techreligious Denise205 @BarbaraKB Twitter is better for conversation. I'm over in one on right now, in fact! chsocm T1 Thinking about using social media at the local church/parish level, what needs to be in place for it to work well? theologybird rector of cluster of small parishes in MT fsantoni @catholicsme I call it a "chronicle of faith and social media" I track news & interesting uses of SM for religious ends megbeugg Catholic St. Louisan inspired by social media in ministry rev_david T1 - Must have a clear sense of who your audience is, and what is the goal of your SM use fsantoni T1 - Understanding of the two way nature of social media + good content + staffing RevWeb T1 A good team of social media minister. Training people to use SM. Getting into users' networks. iamepiscopalian T1 Innovation should usually carry the stamp of approval of senior leaders for starters. rev_david T1 - sounds like a no-brainer, but it is not in all rural locations Must be willing to spend $$ on a decent internet connection theologybird @rev_david And if you're mobile, know how to pick the right gear fsantoni @rev_david agree too that goals is key. What do you hope to accomplish? mwecker joining in catholicsme T1 - Understanding the enormous power of listening when it comes to the social web. growing bigger ears as @chrisbrogan says ohxjulie Anyone have tips on following a twitter conversation? One aspect of social media I haven't delved into yet... 3
  • 4. RevWeb @ohxjulie Folo on Much easier. mwecker @ohxjulie use Hootsuite and create a column for it! theologybird T1-yes, good articulation of both what you are saying and on whose behalf you are saying it. We lose so much comm w/only words rev_david @fsantoni @rev_david E.g., I have no members on Twitter. If I am using it to spread newsletter-style info, I'm doing it wrong. mwecker totally agree w @catholicsme's point on about "enormous power of listening when it comes to the social web." MeredithGould Remember that Twitter, FB, blogs are only tools & must be used strategically w/other tools (e.g. print newsletters) catholicsme T1 letting go of control of the message. and focusing on the messages of others before sending msg. "seek first to understand" ecwiscott digital and social media is a must. replaces newspaper and phonebook ads. RevWeb We use SM to advise attendees of tailgate Eucharist location in Ravens' parking lot at Sunday a.m. home games. catholicsme @MeredithGould i agree. print still matters. various media ought to complement each other. some prefer print, some online. iamepiscopalian RT @catholicsme T letting go of control of the message. and focusing on the messages of others before sending msg. // Hmm. mwecker wonder if folks have double challenge. not only balancing messaging w being SEO, but also having messages that can't be compromised theologybird Are there messages that can't be compromised? Seems like history, and current news, is full of exceptions. fsantoni It's nice when social media leads us affinity groups like this , but none of us would call this "community" in the faith sense pinkpaddler print a total waste of my pledge dollars iamepiscopalian @rev_david People used to say, why use the ATM? I can just walk in to the teller and get money. Change comes hard to some. ecwiscott @theologybird previous administration at my church scolded us for using social media in the home. MeredithGould @fsantoni "none of us"? Maybe not a faith community but a community building around communicating faith, I believe 4
  • 5. TrinityLimeRock @fsantoni Dunno about that. I'm not sure why not. Can you explain further? TrinityLimeRock @pinkpaddler that's been my recent experience as well fsantoni @MeredithGould sure, but not the "Christian community" folks in pastoral roles hope to cultivate... theologybird @mwecker @theologybird It's a good goal, I just also see it as unlikely. fund problem with communication. what I say/you hear stuff MeredithGould @fsantoni And you know that....because? how? pinkpaddler @TrinityLimeRock I now refuse to design print ads rev_david @fsantoni @MeredithGould I have had members & neighbors request pastoral convos over SM - intimate, important conversations TrinityLimeRock @pinkpaddler YES!!!! RevWeb Defo community. Found that w/emails years ago. Met folks IRL after months online. Like meeting and old friend. fsantoni @TrinityLimeRock at its best SM ought to help express a shared life that exists in community. SM allows for public witness of it. iamepiscopalian @pinkpaddler @TrinityLimeRock Printed materials are a tough call. So many are still doing bulletins for Sundays. fsantoni @rev_david I had those late night convos via Facebook with college students looking for support, encouragement <--- sacred moments chsocm Well, T1 has morphed into a lively discussion! T2 is akin to the question about what needs to be in place. TrinityLimeRock @iamepiscopalian @pinkpaddler Bulletins are once thing. We no longer have inserts. Bulletins help newcomers. pinkpaddler @iamepiscopalian @trinitylimerock I am talking about some still wanting to do newspaper ads or service listings fsantoni @MeredithGould Ahh, the limits of 140 characters! My intent was not to diminish the "community" formed by affinity groups like ours pinkpaddler I am a former print journalist who never reads the ads MeredithGould @fsantoni ;-) I'm a short-copy kind of gal, so I adore the 140 char limit!! 5
  • 6. ecwiscott @theologybird new administration is 0 degrees different. Trying to blend SM and technology. mwecker T1 as someone always on lookout for good podcasted sermons, it'd help if those were prominent & easy to find... adambowersmedia @ T2 when you feel like you need help getting started or just have no interest in doing social media yourself fsantoni @MeredithGould I'm long-winded & wordy! I was trying make point abt "content marketing" having value churches...never got there RevWeb T2 May not be professional consultant. That may be the younger members as example to others on how SM works. TrinityLimeRock @mwecker unfortunately the statistics don't show people read the sermons at our house. Maybe podcasts? iamepiscopalian T2Likely not at all. Just sayin. rev_david T2 That would be the pastor ) TrinityLimeRock @theologybird I will suggest that to our Vicar.....thx!! MeredithGould @iamepiscopalian Interesting because...oh, never mind! ;-) adambowersmedia @chsocm T2 even when you don't feel like you have the expertise or interest? iamepiscopalian @MeredithGould What? RevWeb @rev_david TMaybe not pastor. May be SM users become leaders in using this new ministry w/out pastor's imprimatur. MeredithGould @iamepiscopalian Don't national churches and dioceses routinely hire consultants? I was hired by a RC diocese years ago. mwecker T2 the folks @marshill (or @pastormark) could confirm this, but I think they get congregants to donate their time as consultants sinden T2 I think many of the "outside consultants" may be youth and young adults in our parishes who understand SM and can teach theologybird @TrinityLimeRock no problem! the link on my profile goes to the site which hosts my podcasts. 6
  • 7. MeredithGould @iamepiscopalian But that was for a huge project that they knew they couldn't handle in-house. fsantoni T2 I'm banking on it. Hung my shingle months ago! iamepiscopalian @MeredithGould Oh, sure. If there is $$ sure. We're talking local church level and budget. rev_david T- I'm doing a series of workshops for other leaders in the synod, teaching other leaders about SM TrinityLimeRock @ecwiscott Yup I am heavy into stats and have a pretty good grasp of who is reading what. Maybe just an unholy crew fsantoni Parish hired me to strategize& implement online tools for community sharing photo directory, small groups, social media rev_david T2 Would not call myself a consultant or expert, but happy to share what I know adambowersmedia T2 It's becoming more and more apparent to me that churches want to do this themselves, don't trust outsiders, view it as ministry skypilotofhope RT @rev_david I'm doing a series of workshops for other leaders in the synod, teaching other leaders about SM // Can u come my way? MeredithGould I've worked at parishes where communications professionals donated time as ministry & service. iamepiscopalian @MeredithGould T2 We have contracted with a few vendors for development and media monitoring. fsantoni T2 I think there is value to the consultant that can "speak church" TrinityLimeRock @adambowersmedia Yup, insider, doing it as ministry. Feel some affirmation at that. sinden Jamie Coats of @SSJE spoke of young people as “an ‘Altar Guild’ of nerds” at @endowedparishes conference Denise205 @adambowersmedia And it should be a ministry! But some ministers are professionals and others volunteers. iamepiscopalian RT @fsantoni TI think there is value to the consultant that can "speak church" // That's tough to find one. MeredithGould @rev_david Just don't call yourself a guru, ninja or Jedi. DanielsWall T2 when you want/need extremely effective social media. Church plants specifically. 7
  • 8. Denise205 @sinden We can't limit the ministry to young people though. I know some older people doing social media well too! TrinityLimeRock @sinden @SSJE @endowedparishes I like the altar guild of nerds. Been using kids for this as long as I've been involved. Denise205 That said, it might be a way to invite younger people into new ministry roles. expatminister @rev_david no. Only if you put "guru." or "futurist." TrinityLimeRock @Denise205 @sinden THX Denise, turned 70 last week. iamepiscopalian Uh, how do we feel about sales bots in here? #NotDiggingIt rev_david T2 On synodical/diocesan level, a consultant makes sense. Hard to justify for most congregations. iamepiscopalian RT @rev_david "Altar Guild of Nerds" may be my new favorite phrase. Denise205 @theologybird @MeredithGould Exactly! This is not an age-specific ministry! rev_david @iamepiscopalian I haven't seen them. Sales bots are an abomination unto the Lord adambowersmedia @fsantoni That's awesome. There's definitely a huge need for that! rmkinma A great way to get the new generation involved in church ministry is to ask them for help in steering twitter and FB presence. fsantoni @MeredithGould bingo. MeredithGould @fsantoni Talk Catholic to me! TrinityLimeRock @chsocm I would like to learn more - have not used them bmerer @ I'll go there. mwecker @chscom would be interested to hear who's using them (and wonder if any "pretty" ones like these http// w church themes) chsocm Will post info on the blogsite about QR codes, meanwhile rev_david re QR Codes - it intrigues me, but I haven't tried anything with them yet. iamepiscopalian Here is one from us from last week http// Scroll down to bottom. chsocm T3 QR codes (quick response) that cell phones can scan to read info are being adopted. How might churches use them? 8
  • 9. TrinityLimeRock @ our prob lousy cell reception in area, many including me do not have much besides basic cell svc. Denise205 @iamepiscopalian and what did that open for QR users? theologybird What if you had a pretty QR code on your business card instead of just the website? TrinityLimeRock @ OK we are across street from Lime Rock Park (car race track) and lots check in there but few at our house. any help? iamepiscopalian @Denise205 Detailed info from the article in the insert. We've done video, art, etc. rev_david T 3 My prob with QR codes is that so many of my ppl use very basic cell phones (Did you know you can make phone calls on them?!?) CatholicMeme T2 Consultant needs to work w/church leadership *and* current SM users in church. Decide plan, strategy & tactics all together. fsantoni @iamepiscopalian Compliments u your folks re your recent whitepaper on SM & deal with Ekklesia 3600...would love hear more pinkpaddler if your church is into social media, do people show up at your church expecting PowerPoint and light shows? theologybird @rev_david Wait! My hand computer makes phone calls too! What a gadget. klamach T3 flyers for events at your church Anj T3 I put a QR on my office door and waited for co-workers to ask me what it was. Most didn't know but gr convo starter! iamepiscopalian @TrinityLimeRock Yeah, and we're trying to experiment with all this cool stuff. Denise205 @TrinityLimeRock @iamepiscopalian Definite learning curve on that, but for those who are tech-saavy, QR worth trying. mwecker @anjha! did any try 5o scan after the conversation? pinkpaddler @MeredithGould my point is we still have a fairly trad worship experience Anj We created a poster for parishes/schools of all our media sites. I intended to include the QR Code but maybe next time. MeredithGould @pinkpaddler it. mwecker @anjha! did any try to scan after the conversation? 9
  • 10. Denise205 @AnjFun idea! Anj @mwecker Yes! I was a great way to teach the curious with smart phones! DanielsWall @pinkpaddler I don't think so... I think social media can be a reflection of your church culture mwecker @anjand what did you have the code point them to? do you have colleagues who also use them or just you? Denise205 @iamepiscopalian I'm with you on that. And QR can take people to deep links, not just home page, which is big benefit! TrinityLimeRock @rmkinma @iamepiscopalian Good. Tell me where I can take it if I do it. iamepiscopalian @Denise205 Bingo. Chsocm Coming up on the hour in minutes. Closing thoughts? Anj @mwecker It pointed to our website. I have a couple of others who are trying to push the ceiling and I have a supportive boss! TrinityLimeRock @chsocm WOW! Glad I stopped by! THX to all! Denise205 Thanks to @chsocm and all participants for a fast-moving hour! RevWeb Bottom line tonite seems website is the driving force that SM supports. StJon @iamepiscopalian I smite them regularly iamepiscopalian Anyone wanting to chat about QR stuff, ping me tomorrow in the daylight. IT'S EASY! chsocm Great chat, everyone. CoverIt Live feed will be at http// later tonight. 10