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                                                                   [Training Manual]
                                                                         The Client Affiliate Opportunity

                                                          “Team Work Makes the Dream


The materials presented herein are for general reference only. Federal, state or local laws or
individual circumstances may require the addition of policies, amendment of individual policies
and/or the entire manual to meet specific situations. These materials are intended to be used
only as guides and should not be used, adopted or modified without express permission from
the M.R.S. Business Center

These materials are presented, therefore, with the understanding that there are no guarantees
regarding income and/or the success or failure of each Independent Affiliate. Like any other
business, results depend on each individual Affiliate’s own skill and personal effort. The income
model referenced in these materials represents projections and in no way is meant to indicate
actual income earned while participating in this program.
Money Mastery for Life and MRS Business Center

The Multiple Revenue Stream Business Center (MRSBC) a division of Money
Mastery for Life is a concierge service providing access to free and discounted
business products and services offered by our affiliates. Money Mastery/MRSBC
negotiates with our affiliates to benefit our clients. One of those current and
critical services is credit restoration.

Money Mastery for Life/MRS Business Center (Money Mastery/MRSBC) has
prioritized the financial education of our members so that they may create a
positive overall balance in all areas of their lives. Accordingly, we believe that
achieving balance is imperative in leading to a more positive and productive life.

In our quest for peace of mind, we acknowledge that both mastering personal
and business finances are an essential element of success. For this reason, our
commitment to providing the groundwork for financial literacy and wealth creation
is our chief endeavor.

The Money Mastery /MRSBC solid foundation begins with our combined alliance
of extensive experience and years of specializing in financial management, credit
restoration, Business Loans, Business Credit and other financial services.

 We will also assist you with business development, marketing, and personal
growth trainings. These services and many others make our team's success rate
second to none. These powerful entities are dedicated to help guide and educate
our most valuable commodity, our Members. We will help them toward achieving
their dreams.

We will continue to grow our roster of business experts from numerous
professional fields so that we may better meet the needs of our Members. These
benefits and much more are made available exclusively to our Members because
we sincerely pledge to fulfill our motto which is,


Why Money Mastery for Life / MRSBC?

In an effort to better the lives of all our clients when it comes to the credit and financial
world, we’ve created a process that mimics the philosophy that “Life can be better if you
really want it to be”. Our exclusive counseling program focuses on helping people get the
things in life which we all desire. People want to have a home, car, credit lines, their own
business, etc. Everyone wants to be approved in all areas of life. We want all our clients to
obtain their dreams and do so without running into any complications, embarrassments or
hardships. Money Mastery/MRSBC does not want anyone to become victims of high
interest rates and fees because they’ve had some challenges or unfortunate occurrences in
their lives. It is our firm belief that we all deserve to have the finer things in life. Our
program can help you fulfill your dreams. At Money Mastery/MRSBC, we assist you in
getting where you want to be. We create a feeling of hope through our most valuable
service, our Three Phase program delivered with precision, stability, and determination.
Group dynamics allows Money Mastery/MRSBC the ability to negotiate with affiliate’s for
products and services that are needed to build your business. Members are also offered an
opportunity to be compensated for contributions and growth within the Three Phase

How will Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC help you develop multiple
revenue streams?

First let’s address some of the biggest problems in business. 1) Most businesses need
financial knowledge but don’t know how to acquire what they need on a consistent basis.
This is a major reason why 95% of businesses fail within the first 3 years. 2) They lack
ability to create additional revenue streams. What’s the solution? Money Mastery for
Life/MRSBC offering counseling, financial knowledge, business financing and the capability
to create additional revenue streams. It’s where average folks can get the financial
education to be successful in life and in business. While getting compensated and helping
other Future and Present Entrepreneurs get ahead. Money Mastery for Life / MRSBC has
an incredible Financial Education and Compensation plan; with our “3 Phase Business
Builder Program” you will have an opportunity for success and additional revenue streams.
The more businesses you develop for yourself and the more people you help develop their
businesses, the higher you move up on the financial ladder. In time you will have multiple
revenues streams like the rich.

With over one million people laid off from the workplace every year since 2001, there are
many displaced, yet talented and motivated people looking for a new way to earn income.
They have seen first hand that there is no security left in corporate America. There is an
even larger group of people who are employed, but desire to have a far more rewarding
career. Taking these and many other factors into consideration, we at Money Mastery/MRS
Business Center instituted our company with multi-million dollar technology, and a direct
Affiliate compensation program to allow individuals to start a business from the comfort of
their home or office.

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                        [July 23, 2009]
Products and Services provided by Money Mastery/MRSBC
Credit Restoration - Having multiple proven credit repair companies, this helps build the
foundation to enhancing your business and getting the money you need to move forward.
Credit Consultation - With so many foreclosures and the current state of the economy, millions of
people are experiencing credit challenges. Having the ability to consult with a professional can
alleviate the stress and worry that comes with credit challenges.
Credit Building Consultation - Not only do people need credit repair, but there is a large number
of individuals who have never built their credit, or never built it correctly. Being able to consult a
professional about the correct way is invaluable.
Small Business Consultation - 95% of businesses fail in the first 3 years. High schools and
colleges do not teach the principles that are needed to successfully run your small business. We
make sure those principles are covered and stay with you as you build your business.
Home Loan Consultation – With the record number of foreclosures, many individuals don’t know
what options are available. A large group of individuals could have avoided any problems if they
had someone to go over the documents with them before they purchased, and others who just
didn’t know their options once they fell behind.
Video Business Coaching – It’s great to receive emails and have time to talk over the phone with
professionals, but it is even better to be able to see exactly what someone is explaining to you.
Incorporating – Every business needs to be structured properly and with the variety of business
structures available, assistance with putting together the right one can mean the difference between
success or failure for your business.
Business Credit Enhancement Programs – For individuals who have not yet built their business
credit profiles, we are able to position your business to receive the money you need to move

Business Lines of Credit
($25k-$50k-$100k-$250k-$500k-or more…) – What almost every business in the country needs,
MORE MONEY. Being able to get more money for your business, and being able to raise it through
your business, is invaluable to succeeding.

Private Funding – It is vital to have options when you are looking for funding for your business.
Along with the banks, private funding is a great option to get the money you need.
Non – Personal Guarantee Funding – The ability to use OPE (Other People’s Efforts), and in this
case, OPC (Other People’s Credit), is another great tool to put in your arsenal.
Business Travel – In most businesses, there is a need to travel at some point. Why not get that
business travel at a discount.
Small Business Assistance Programs – Having a variety of different sources to help you with all
aspects of your business just skyrockets your chances of succeeding in this, and any economy.
Financial & Personal Growth Seminars – With receiving emails, talking on the phone, and
being able to see someone explain everything to you over the computer, you have built a solid
foundation for financial and personal growth. There is still one more level of consultation with
professionals that will put you over the edge, that will send your business to the next level and
get you out of the 95% of businesses that fail in the first 3 years, and move you into the 5% of
successful businesses. Being able to sit down face to face with the professionals and have the
ability to listen and ask them specific questions about your financial and personal growth is a
very powerful tool every individual should take advantage of.

*We will introduce many new Products and Services in the future

How we market our products and services
[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                               [July 23, 2009]
Our Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC Member Affiliates have the option of marketing our
products and services to clients, family, and friends. We have also developed an Educational
Lead Program that teaches our associates how to generate real time leads. Who are these

Example, an auto dealership owner who was recently interviewed shared that 90% of the
people who walk into his showroom today are not financially qualified to buy a car from him. By
learning about our program and using our proven system, would it not be in this dealer's best
interest to make these “potential” customers, his “real” clients? Therefore, by utilizing our
program, he now has the opportunity to help these 90% qualify for an auto loan or lease, so
they CAN buy a car from him. As a Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate the auto
dealership owner, could provide our Program to these customers channeling them to our Credit
Restoration Affiliates Program. The customer can now take advantage of the credit restoration
and credit building services, for successful purchase/lease of an automobile. At the same time
the auto dealer is making residual income because of the customer joined the program. It’s a
win for the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member (customer) and Client Affiliate (auto dealership
owner). The same scenario would exist for a real estate company who would like to help more
individuals become qualified buyers with the ability to purchase homes or commercial property.

Your marketing possibilities are endless when you understand that our program can help over
100 million consumers who have less than perfect credit as well as millions who need funding
for their businesses. Earning income via the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's Direct
Sales Compensation Program is quite simple. Every time you refer someone to the Money
Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliates Program, you will earn an awesome referral bonus that is
by far one of the highest in the industry! The compensation plan, in all its simplicity, not only
allows someone to earn an enormous income, but also allows the more serious minded person
the ability to earn revenue sharing on top of his or her base referral bonus. For a small monthly
investment of only $59.95, you can start taking advantage of the Money Mastery/MRSBC
Member Affiliate's program. Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's has proudly created a
win-win scenario for all our independent business owners. Given all the options available,
failure is not an option. We give our Affiliates great latitude in marketing our products and
services to build their businesses. They may run classified ads, do a radio commercial,
infomercial, or advertise by word of mouth (all marketing materials to be approved by Money
Mastery for Life/MRSBC prior to usage). They may participate in the Money Mastery/MRSBC
Member Affiliate's real time lead service. This is undoubtedly the industry’s Success Plan of the

Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC Member Affiliate Program

To become a Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate, all positions require a desire to
succeed. You will need to be self motivated as you are now running your own successful
business. There are a few different positions that you can accept in the company depending on
your time commitment and desire, but no matter where you start, the sky is the limit as to where
you can end up. You can start as a part-time Stage 1 Business Rep, or full-time Stage 2
Business Representative (Working 2 hours or more per day). Once you start, you will have the
opportunity to advance in the company to a Senior Business Representative, Executive
Business Counselor, and finally, a Director. Each position comes with its own requirements
and compensation. Here is a description of what each position entails.

Stage 1 Business Representative

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                           [July 23, 2009]
This position includes the smallest time commitment from an individual. This is for someone
who is currently employed somewhere else and/or has other personal responsibilities that only
allow them a small amount of time to commit to the business.

Stage 2 Business Representative (Working 2 hours or more a day)
With this position, the compensation package really starts to increase. You will be given access
to our lead generating program. Individuals are able to make a part-time or full-time income,
and really make this a strong income source. With the training provided, and the time
commitment from the individual, you will be able to start seeing the difference in your bank
account very quickly.

Senior Business Representative (Help 10 people to a Stage 2 Business Rep.)
Now this individual has taken the time to learn the system, apply it, and make substantial
income from it. This individual is ready to start taking a leadership role in the company. As a
Senior Business Representative, you will not only be working with your own referrals in the
business, but will now have a group of people you will be teaching and mentoring, that will also
be working on your behalf. This is where the compensation package can really start making a
significant difference in someone’s life.

Executive Business Counselor (Help 100 people with your leaders to Stage 2)
Once the individual has learned how to become a leader in the company, the next step is to get
more involved in the processes of the company and greatly expand the number of people who
will be in your group. You will need to be a leader, mentor, and integral part of the company’s
philosophy and vision. Once you qualify for this position, you will be able to fulfill a lot of your
own dreams with the compensation you have earned.

Director (Help 1000 people with your leaders to Stage 2)
Only a few individuals have the desire and leadership abilities to reach this level. At this point,
your main responsibilities will be your group. You will have so many individuals to work with,
that you will spend most of your time helping everyone else move up in the company and
achieve their dreams. By this time, you will be participating in company profit sharing along
with all the other compensation you receive from the success of the group you have built. Now
you can sit back, relax, and enjoy helping other individuals achieve their dreams and desires.

Requirements and Compensation
Business Representative (Stage 1)
   ‐  Requirements: (Every Client Affiliate must meet these initial requirements to proceed to the next level)
   ‐ Sign Business Representative agreement
   ‐ Join Money Mastery for Life
   ‐  Complete 18 training modules for Money Mastery for Life
  ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program*
    $5.00 per lead in 1st month joined and every month after that.
  ‐ MRS Business Center
        $25.00 per lead

Business Representative (Stage 2)
   ‐ Commit to working 2 hours or more a day
[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                                         [July 23, 2009]
  ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program*
    $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that.
  ‐ MRS Business Center
     $30.00 per lead
     $300.00 back end commission

Senior Business Representative
   ‐ Personally recruit 10 Stage 2 Business Representatives
   ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program*
      $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that.
   ‐ MRS Business Center
       $30.00 per lead
       $400.00 back end commission

Executive Business Counselor
   ‐ Personally recruit 100 Stage 2 Business Representatives
   ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program*
      $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that.
   ‐ MRS Business Center
       $30.00 per lead
       $500.00 back end commission
   ‐ With Leaders recruit 1000 Stage 2 Business Representatives
   ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program*
      $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that.
   ‐ MRS Business Center
       $30.00 per lead
       $500.00 back end commission
   ‐ Company profit sharing

A Closer Look at the Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC
Compensation Program

With millions of consumers who need access to our services, you can start earning
substantially right away. We have the most generous pay structure in the industry for a
minimum investment that is unbeatable. Our unique Client Affiliate Position allows you develop
multiple revenue streams. We provide the support and materials to help you start spreading the
word and plant seeds of success.

The 5 Star Residual Program (is based on "3 Levels" however there are "6 Levels" in the
[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                              [July 23, 2009]
program). You receive a residual bonus every month for each qualified Money Mastery
Qualified: Member pays $59.95 every month.
1 Star: = You receive $500.00- every month (We will show you how in a few short months)
2 Star: = You receive $1000.00- every month
3 Star: = You receive $3000.00- every month
4 Star: = You receive $6000.00- every month
5 Star: = You receive $12,000.00- every month
(Our goal is to work with you to achieve 5 Star level in 12 to 24 months)

Simple theoretical example on how to become a 5 Star in 12 months

Help 10 new members your 1st month. Help your 10 new members get ten in 4 months (That
equals 100 members in your group). For 8 months with your group (Other Peoples Efforts) help
your 100 members get 10 each. That’s 1000 members and $12,000.00 a month.
NOTE: This is based on just "3 Levels" there are "6 Levels" in the program. That’s right more
money ☺!!!!


Once you are accepted into a position with the company, you will receive extensive training to
make sure you are successful in your new endeavor. The company has set up a training
course to make sure that whether you are a beginner or already a seasoned veteran that you
will succeed and make money. Not only will you have live conference calls weekly, but you will
be assigned a personal trainer that you will have email and telephone access to. You will learn
our Lead Generation Program, listen to numerous live phone calls, and make numerous calls
yourself while your trainer is listening and coaching you through the whole process. The
company wants to make sure that you will have the necessary skills to obtain all your income

Lead Generation Program (Setting up accounts)
Setting up your Craigslist account

   1. Go to
   2. Click on “my account” in the upper left hand corner
[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                          [July 23, 2009]
3. You are setting up a new account so you will need to click on “Click here to sign up”
   4. Enter the “email address” you wish to use for your account
          a. Enter the “verification word” as it appears in the box
          b. Click on “create account” just underneath
   5. A link will be sent to the email address you entered to open the account
   6. Go to your email account and open the email from
          a. Subject: “ New Craigslist Account”
   7. Click on the link to log into your account
          a. For some reason if the link does not work, just copy and paste it into your web
   8. Enter your password for the account
   9. Click on the link “Submit Password and Log in”
   10. Scroll to the bottom and click “I ACCEPT” to the Craigslist: terms of use

Now your account is set up. To run most ads, you will still need to verify your account by
phone. Once this is complete, you will be able to run ads in all cities, and most all categories.

Verify Craigslist account by phone

   1. In the top right corner there is a scroll down box labeled “post new ad in:”
           a. Click on the arrow to scroll down to your desired city and click “go”
   2. Craigslist will ask you “What type of posting is this:”
           a. Click on “service offered”
   3. Next, you need to “Please choose a category:”
           a. Click on “financial services”
   4. Now you will need to verify your account by phone
           a. Click on “Go To Phone Authentication”
   5. You will need to log into your account again
           a. Enter your “email” and “password” and click “Log In”
   6. Enter your “phone number” in the box
   7. You have the choice to get the verification code via “voice” or “text”
   8. Make sure “Send verification code in:” is marked for “English”
   9. Click on “verify”
   10. You will be sent a code via voice or text to enter in the box
   11. Enter the code in the box
   12. Click on “verify”
   13. Your account is now ready to place ads

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                             [July 23, 2009]
We have found through trial and error that it is best to place ads twice per week. The best
response was received placing ads on Thursday and Sunday night from 10 pm – 6 am. You
will need to rotate your ads and by placing them on Thursday and Sunday night, you will leave
enough time in between placement so your account does not get flagged. Also, when you
place ads, place 1 different ad in 3 different cities. So for the week, you will be placing a total of
6 ads, 1 ad in 6 different cities. The time commitment is minimal, at most it will take you 30
minutes to place all of your ads for the week. You should expect to receive at least 20
responses per month to your ads if you are consistent and rotate your ads.

I know the tendency is to place more ads. If you can receive 20 responses by placing ads
twice a week, why not place ads every day and get 60, 70, even 80 responses? Through
testing, we have found that placing ads more than twice a week will get your account flagged
and put on hold. Once your account is put on hold, you will have to open up another account
with another email address and phone number.

Other individuals looking through ads on Craigslist have the ability to flag your ads, even if
there is nothing wrong with it, and if Craigslist gets numerous alerts from people flagging your
ads, they can put your account on hold. If you are placing ads everyday, there is a greater
chance that people will flag your ads. Also, if you don’t follow the terms of use agreement for
Craigslist or other internet ad sites, you can also be flagged and your account put on hold.

Lastly, you may see a number of ads on Craigslist that have links to other websites. Recently,
Craigslist changed its terms of use to stop links from being used in ads. There are still a
number of ads that do use links, but if Craigslist wishes to enforce this, that is another way that
your account can get flagged and put on hold.

Included in this manual are actual ads that we placed on Craigslist. These are the ads that we
base our response projections on. If you rotate these ads and only place ads twice a week,
you should have no problem with your account getting flagged. You are always encouraged to
change the wording and try your own ads to see how they respond. The new ads just need to
be approved by the company before you actually place them in any advertising.

Included in the following pages are the phone scripts that we will use during training when
calling leads. There is one phone script for leaving a message and another when you reach
the individual on the phone. You will use these same phone scripts when you begin making
calls to prospective clients.

The goal for every potential client is to complete the following 3 steps in 7 days:
1. Join the Money Mastery/MRSBC Training Program
2. Join the Credit Help Program
3. Develop Multiple Revenue Streams

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                               [July 23, 2009]
Sample Ads

1. Get the $$$$ You Need!! Biz Credit from $22k-152k-300k or More!

Your choice -22k-152k-200k-or More Biz Credit! ~~ USA
Your choice -22k-152k-200k-or More Biz Credit! ~~ USA

Establish good credit and business credit!!

Show me your commitment and I will show you the money!!
Can you walk the walk? Just give me 40 minutes and have a desire to make thing happen.
E-mail me :)
Leave your name, business number, and the best time to reach you. I will e-mail you with more
Please Only Serious Players!!!

2. Need Financing For Your Business!! GET $22k-$152k-$252k or More!!!
Our company's solid foundation begins with our combined alliance of extensive experience and
years of specializing in financial services. Our team's success rate second to none. These
powerful entities are dedicated to help guide and educate our most valuable commodity, our
Members, toward achieving business success.

If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!!
You must give me 40 minutes and have a desire to make things happen.
Note: Leave your name, phone number, and the best time to reach you. I will e-mail you
promptly with additional details.
Serious players only reply

3. Personal and Biz Credit!!!
Get Business Credit for expanded Advertising, Inventory, and other expansion your competitors
can’t get. If you want me to show you the money!! Show me your commitment. Just give
me 40 minutes and a desire to make things happen. Email me with your name and
business phone number and I will forward you more details. “Please Only Serious

4. Success is yours w/ Personal Credit and Business Credit!!
Establish business credit that’s good even if you have poor personal credit. You must have an
Attitude for Success!! E-mail me your name and business number for more information.

“Serious Players Only Reply”

5. Be Your Own Donald Trump!! With Biz Credit Power!! Get $50K-$100K or more
[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                [July 23, 2009]
What do Donald Trump and other massively successful business people have in common?
Business Credit!! Get $50k-100k or more !!!What do good business people do with Good
Credit and Corporate credit? They have it done right!!!
                             “Only Serious Players Respond”
For more information email your name and business number and I will email you promptly with
                                     additional details.

6. Personal Credit Help and Business Credit Power!!! Get Back into the Game 22k –

Separate your personal credit from your new shiny business credit profile.
Business Coaches
Business Credit Brokers
Financial Institutions

Your first step requires 40 minutes of your time and an unstoppable desire to make things

Email your name and business number for more information.

“Only Serious Players Respond”

7. ~ Looking for the solution? 52k-152k-252k +Biz Credit

~ Looking for help? 52k-152k-252k +BIZ Credit!!!
~ Looking for me? 52k-152k-252k +BIZ Credit!!!

*Attitude Is Everything

If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!!
Looking for players not talkers. You must give me 40 minutes and a desire to makes thing
E-mail me your name and your business number.

8. Get back into the game!! 50k-250k

Attitude Is Everything!!

If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!!
You must give me 40 minutes and have a desire to makes thing happen.
E-mail me :)

Note: Leave your name and business number and I will e-mail you back with more

Please Only Serious Players!!!

Phone Script Templates

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                                                 [July 23, 2009]
Business Credit Phone Script Outline – Leave a Message

Hello______________________ this is ______________________ from the MRS Business
Center. Recently, you went on line and inquired about information for Credit Restoration
 and business funding, an opportunity to get 25K -50k, 200k, or more in business or personal

The answer is yes we can help you.

Feel free to contact the MRS Business Center for more information at 310-237-5591 Ext. ____.
Also, let us know how much you need and how fast you need it. In 48 to 72 hours a Business
Rep will call you to help you get started.

We are here to help you develop…
1. A Successful Life and
2. A Successful Business and
3. Peace of mind

Once again for further questions you can call the MRS Business Center at 310-237-5591 Ext.
____ and ask for (Your Name)

Thank You and Have a Great Day

Business Credit Phone Script Outline - If I Contact Client

Hello______________________ this is ______________________ from the MRS Business
Center. Recently, you went on line and inquired about information for Credit Restoration And
Business Funding, an opportunity to get 25K -50k, 200k, or more in business or personal credit.

Do have 5 minutes to talk? I would like to give you some information and ask you a few
questions and then when I’m finished I can set you up with a appointment with our
Executive Business Counselor so you can get more information.

· We are counselors. Our goal is to help with your personal credit and your business.
· What does your credit look like currently? (Yes we can help!)
· Are you in business? (Great we can help you!)
· What funding amounts are you looking for and how soon do you need it? (Yes we can

We have a 3 phase program -Phase #1. Counsel - Money Management.
Phase #2. Connect-Credit Restoration. -Phase #3. Help you develop multiple revenue streams

Steps to getting the information to help you get started started:
Step #1 Listen to the information recording at (Edify the call)
Step #2 Set up an appointment with a Executive Business Counselor (Edify the counselor)

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                          [July 23, 2009]
Q and A
MRS Financial Literacy and Wealth Program
We are here to help you develop…
1. A Successful Life and
2. A Successful Business and
3. Peace of mind

There are 3 steps to getting started…..

Business Counseling and Coaching

- Lets review all three parts…

1st Step is Money Mastery/MRSBC-We are a Principle Based Business and Personal
Financial Management Company. We have some of the Top Business Counselors in the
country. With our consulting program you will work with a Business Rep and an Executive
Business Counselor. They are affiliated with a variety of wholesale financial vendors across
the country

Our company believes in OPE- Other Peoples Efforts.-OPM- Other People’s Money and
MRS- Multiple Revenue Streams.

2nd Step Credit Restoration

3rd Step: MRS- Multiple Revenue Streams. Our company believes in OPE- Other Peoples
Efforts.-OPM- Other People’s Money. It is better to get 1% of a hundred peoples efforts
than 100% of you own.

Why Money Mastery/MRSBC?
· With the default rate so high our funding sources are more motivated to lend money to a
  Money Mastery/MRSBC Member.
· You will have your own money management coach.
· They will help you set up a spending plan by teaching you how to prioritize spending.
· They will teach you Taxation Fundamentals for your business
· If you aren’t tracking your spending it’s impossible to manage your money.
· You will have on-line training.
· They also are one of our vendors and will help you get funding.
· With their program you could make an extra $200 a month to $12k a month with their
  residual income program.

[Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center]                        [July 23, 2009]

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72309 Mrsbc Training Manual

  • 1. M.R.S. BUSINESS CENTER [Training Manual] The Client Affiliate Opportunity “Team Work Makes the Dream Work” LEGAL DISCLAIMER TO USERS OF THIS FORM TRAINING MANUAL: The materials presented herein are for general reference only. Federal, state or local laws or individual circumstances may require the addition of policies, amendment of individual policies and/or the entire manual to meet specific situations. These materials are intended to be used only as guides and should not be used, adopted or modified without express permission from the M.R.S. Business Center These materials are presented, therefore, with the understanding that there are no guarantees regarding income and/or the success or failure of each Independent Affiliate. Like any other business, results depend on each individual Affiliate’s own skill and personal effort. The income model referenced in these materials represents projections and in no way is meant to indicate actual income earned while participating in this program.
  • 2. Money Mastery for Life and MRS Business Center The Multiple Revenue Stream Business Center (MRSBC) a division of Money Mastery for Life is a concierge service providing access to free and discounted business products and services offered by our affiliates. Money Mastery/MRSBC negotiates with our affiliates to benefit our clients. One of those current and critical services is credit restoration. Money Mastery for Life/MRS Business Center (Money Mastery/MRSBC) has prioritized the financial education of our members so that they may create a positive overall balance in all areas of their lives. Accordingly, we believe that achieving balance is imperative in leading to a more positive and productive life. In our quest for peace of mind, we acknowledge that both mastering personal and business finances are an essential element of success. For this reason, our commitment to providing the groundwork for financial literacy and wealth creation is our chief endeavor. The Money Mastery /MRSBC solid foundation begins with our combined alliance of extensive experience and years of specializing in financial management, credit restoration, Business Loans, Business Credit and other financial services. We will also assist you with business development, marketing, and personal growth trainings. These services and many others make our team's success rate second to none. These powerful entities are dedicated to help guide and educate our most valuable commodity, our Members. We will help them toward achieving their dreams. We will continue to grow our roster of business experts from numerous professional fields so that we may better meet the needs of our Members. These benefits and much more are made available exclusively to our Members because we sincerely pledge to fulfill our motto which is, “TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK”. [2]
  • 3. Why Money Mastery for Life / MRSBC? In an effort to better the lives of all our clients when it comes to the credit and financial world, we’ve created a process that mimics the philosophy that “Life can be better if you really want it to be”. Our exclusive counseling program focuses on helping people get the things in life which we all desire. People want to have a home, car, credit lines, their own business, etc. Everyone wants to be approved in all areas of life. We want all our clients to obtain their dreams and do so without running into any complications, embarrassments or hardships. Money Mastery/MRSBC does not want anyone to become victims of high interest rates and fees because they’ve had some challenges or unfortunate occurrences in their lives. It is our firm belief that we all deserve to have the finer things in life. Our program can help you fulfill your dreams. At Money Mastery/MRSBC, we assist you in getting where you want to be. We create a feeling of hope through our most valuable service, our Three Phase program delivered with precision, stability, and determination. Group dynamics allows Money Mastery/MRSBC the ability to negotiate with affiliate’s for products and services that are needed to build your business. Members are also offered an opportunity to be compensated for contributions and growth within the Three Phase Program. How will Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC help you develop multiple revenue streams? First let’s address some of the biggest problems in business. 1) Most businesses need financial knowledge but don’t know how to acquire what they need on a consistent basis. This is a major reason why 95% of businesses fail within the first 3 years. 2) They lack ability to create additional revenue streams. What’s the solution? Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC offering counseling, financial knowledge, business financing and the capability to create additional revenue streams. It’s where average folks can get the financial education to be successful in life and in business. While getting compensated and helping other Future and Present Entrepreneurs get ahead. Money Mastery for Life / MRSBC has an incredible Financial Education and Compensation plan; with our “3 Phase Business Builder Program” you will have an opportunity for success and additional revenue streams. The more businesses you develop for yourself and the more people you help develop their businesses, the higher you move up on the financial ladder. In time you will have multiple revenues streams like the rich. With over one million people laid off from the workplace every year since 2001, there are many displaced, yet talented and motivated people looking for a new way to earn income. They have seen first hand that there is no security left in corporate America. There is an even larger group of people who are employed, but desire to have a far more rewarding career. Taking these and many other factors into consideration, we at Money Mastery/MRS Business Center instituted our company with multi-million dollar technology, and a direct Affiliate compensation program to allow individuals to start a business from the comfort of their home or office. [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [3]
  • 4. Products and Services provided by Money Mastery/MRSBC Vendors DISCOUNTED- Credit Restoration - Having multiple proven credit repair companies, this helps build the foundation to enhancing your business and getting the money you need to move forward. Credit Consultation - With so many foreclosures and the current state of the economy, millions of people are experiencing credit challenges. Having the ability to consult with a professional can alleviate the stress and worry that comes with credit challenges. Credit Building Consultation - Not only do people need credit repair, but there is a large number of individuals who have never built their credit, or never built it correctly. Being able to consult a professional about the correct way is invaluable. Small Business Consultation - 95% of businesses fail in the first 3 years. High schools and colleges do not teach the principles that are needed to successfully run your small business. We make sure those principles are covered and stay with you as you build your business. Home Loan Consultation – With the record number of foreclosures, many individuals don’t know what options are available. A large group of individuals could have avoided any problems if they had someone to go over the documents with them before they purchased, and others who just didn’t know their options once they fell behind. Video Business Coaching – It’s great to receive emails and have time to talk over the phone with professionals, but it is even better to be able to see exactly what someone is explaining to you. Incorporating – Every business needs to be structured properly and with the variety of business structures available, assistance with putting together the right one can mean the difference between success or failure for your business. Business Credit Enhancement Programs – For individuals who have not yet built their business credit profiles, we are able to position your business to receive the money you need to move forward. Business Lines of Credit ($25k-$50k-$100k-$250k-$500k-or more…) – What almost every business in the country needs, MORE MONEY. Being able to get more money for your business, and being able to raise it through your business, is invaluable to succeeding. Private Funding – It is vital to have options when you are looking for funding for your business. Along with the banks, private funding is a great option to get the money you need. Non – Personal Guarantee Funding – The ability to use OPE (Other People’s Efforts), and in this case, OPC (Other People’s Credit), is another great tool to put in your arsenal. Business Travel – In most businesses, there is a need to travel at some point. Why not get that business travel at a discount. Small Business Assistance Programs – Having a variety of different sources to help you with all aspects of your business just skyrockets your chances of succeeding in this, and any economy. Financial & Personal Growth Seminars – With receiving emails, talking on the phone, and being able to see someone explain everything to you over the computer, you have built a solid foundation for financial and personal growth. There is still one more level of consultation with professionals that will put you over the edge, that will send your business to the next level and get you out of the 95% of businesses that fail in the first 3 years, and move you into the 5% of successful businesses. Being able to sit down face to face with the professionals and have the ability to listen and ask them specific questions about your financial and personal growth is a very powerful tool every individual should take advantage of. *We will introduce many new Products and Services in the future How we market our products and services [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [4]
  • 5. Our Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC Member Affiliates have the option of marketing our products and services to clients, family, and friends. We have also developed an Educational Lead Program that teaches our associates how to generate real time leads. Who are these leads? Example, an auto dealership owner who was recently interviewed shared that 90% of the people who walk into his showroom today are not financially qualified to buy a car from him. By learning about our program and using our proven system, would it not be in this dealer's best interest to make these “potential” customers, his “real” clients? Therefore, by utilizing our program, he now has the opportunity to help these 90% qualify for an auto loan or lease, so they CAN buy a car from him. As a Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate the auto dealership owner, could provide our Program to these customers channeling them to our Credit Restoration Affiliates Program. The customer can now take advantage of the credit restoration and credit building services, for successful purchase/lease of an automobile. At the same time the auto dealer is making residual income because of the customer joined the program. It’s a win for the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member (customer) and Client Affiliate (auto dealership owner). The same scenario would exist for a real estate company who would like to help more individuals become qualified buyers with the ability to purchase homes or commercial property. Your marketing possibilities are endless when you understand that our program can help over 100 million consumers who have less than perfect credit as well as millions who need funding for their businesses. Earning income via the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's Direct Sales Compensation Program is quite simple. Every time you refer someone to the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliates Program, you will earn an awesome referral bonus that is by far one of the highest in the industry! The compensation plan, in all its simplicity, not only allows someone to earn an enormous income, but also allows the more serious minded person the ability to earn revenue sharing on top of his or her base referral bonus. For a small monthly investment of only $59.95, you can start taking advantage of the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's program. Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's has proudly created a win-win scenario for all our independent business owners. Given all the options available, failure is not an option. We give our Affiliates great latitude in marketing our products and services to build their businesses. They may run classified ads, do a radio commercial, infomercial, or advertise by word of mouth (all marketing materials to be approved by Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC prior to usage). They may participate in the Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate's real time lead service. This is undoubtedly the industry’s Success Plan of the Century. Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC Member Affiliate Program To become a Money Mastery/MRSBC Member Affiliate, all positions require a desire to succeed. You will need to be self motivated as you are now running your own successful business. There are a few different positions that you can accept in the company depending on your time commitment and desire, but no matter where you start, the sky is the limit as to where you can end up. You can start as a part-time Stage 1 Business Rep, or full-time Stage 2 Business Representative (Working 2 hours or more per day). Once you start, you will have the opportunity to advance in the company to a Senior Business Representative, Executive Business Counselor, and finally, a Director. Each position comes with its own requirements and compensation. Here is a description of what each position entails. Stage 1 Business Representative [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [5]
  • 6. This position includes the smallest time commitment from an individual. This is for someone who is currently employed somewhere else and/or has other personal responsibilities that only allow them a small amount of time to commit to the business. Stage 2 Business Representative (Working 2 hours or more a day) With this position, the compensation package really starts to increase. You will be given access to our lead generating program. Individuals are able to make a part-time or full-time income, and really make this a strong income source. With the training provided, and the time commitment from the individual, you will be able to start seeing the difference in your bank account very quickly. Senior Business Representative (Help 10 people to a Stage 2 Business Rep.) Now this individual has taken the time to learn the system, apply it, and make substantial income from it. This individual is ready to start taking a leadership role in the company. As a Senior Business Representative, you will not only be working with your own referrals in the business, but will now have a group of people you will be teaching and mentoring, that will also be working on your behalf. This is where the compensation package can really start making a significant difference in someone’s life. Executive Business Counselor (Help 100 people with your leaders to Stage 2) Once the individual has learned how to become a leader in the company, the next step is to get more involved in the processes of the company and greatly expand the number of people who will be in your group. You will need to be a leader, mentor, and integral part of the company’s philosophy and vision. Once you qualify for this position, you will be able to fulfill a lot of your own dreams with the compensation you have earned. Director (Help 1000 people with your leaders to Stage 2) Only a few individuals have the desire and leadership abilities to reach this level. At this point, your main responsibilities will be your group. You will have so many individuals to work with, that you will spend most of your time helping everyone else move up in the company and achieve their dreams. By this time, you will be participating in company profit sharing along with all the other compensation you receive from the success of the group you have built. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy helping other individuals achieve their dreams and desires. Requirements and Compensation Business Representative (Stage 1) ‐ Requirements: (Every Client Affiliate must meet these initial requirements to proceed to the next level) ‐ Sign Business Representative agreement ‐ Join Money Mastery for Life ‐ Complete 18 training modules for Money Mastery for Life Compensation: ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program* $5.00 per lead in 1st month joined and every month after that. ‐ MRS Business Center $25.00 per lead Business Representative (Stage 2) Requirements: ‐ Commit to working 2 hours or more a day [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [6]
  • 7. Compensation: ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program* $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that. ‐ MRS Business Center $30.00 per lead $300.00 back end commission Senior Business Representative Requirements: ‐ Personally recruit 10 Stage 2 Business Representatives Compensation: ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program* $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that. ‐ MRS Business Center $30.00 per lead $400.00 back end commission Executive Business Counselor Requirements: ‐ Personally recruit 100 Stage 2 Business Representatives Compensation: ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program* $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that. ‐ MRS Business Center $30.00 per lead $500.00 back end commission Director Requirements: ‐ With Leaders recruit 1000 Stage 2 Business Representatives Compensation: ‐ Money Mastery for Life Compensation Program* $5.00 per lead in 1st month they join and every month after that. ‐ MRS Business Center $30.00 per lead $500.00 back end commission ‐ Company profit sharing A Closer Look at the Money Mastery for Life/MRSBC Compensation Program With millions of consumers who need access to our services, you can start earning substantially right away. We have the most generous pay structure in the industry for a minimum investment that is unbeatable. Our unique Client Affiliate Position allows you develop multiple revenue streams. We provide the support and materials to help you start spreading the word and plant seeds of success. The 5 Star Residual Program (is based on "3 Levels" however there are "6 Levels" in the [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [7]
  • 8. program). You receive a residual bonus every month for each qualified Money Mastery Member. Qualified: Member pays $59.95 every month. 1 Star: = You receive $500.00- every month (We will show you how in a few short months) 2 Star: = You receive $1000.00- every month 3 Star: = You receive $3000.00- every month 4 Star: = You receive $6000.00- every month 5 Star: = You receive $12,000.00- every month (Our goal is to work with you to achieve 5 Star level in 12 to 24 months) Simple theoretical example on how to become a 5 Star in 12 months Help 10 new members your 1st month. Help your 10 new members get ten in 4 months (That equals 100 members in your group). For 8 months with your group (Other Peoples Efforts) help your 100 members get 10 each. That’s 1000 members and $12,000.00 a month. NOTE: This is based on just "3 Levels" there are "6 Levels" in the program. That’s right more money ☺!!!! THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES REGARDING INCOME AND/OR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF EACH INDEPENDENT AFFILIATE. LIKE ANY OTHER BUSINESS IT DEPENDS ON EACH INDIVIDUAL AFFILIATE’S OWN SKILLS AND PERSONAL EFFORT. THE INCOME SHOWN REPRESENTS PROJECTIONS AND IN NO WAY INDICATES WHAT AN AFFILIATE WILL ACTUALLY EARN BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROGRAM. Training Once you are accepted into a position with the company, you will receive extensive training to make sure you are successful in your new endeavor. The company has set up a training course to make sure that whether you are a beginner or already a seasoned veteran that you will succeed and make money. Not only will you have live conference calls weekly, but you will be assigned a personal trainer that you will have email and telephone access to. You will learn our Lead Generation Program, listen to numerous live phone calls, and make numerous calls yourself while your trainer is listening and coaching you through the whole process. The company wants to make sure that you will have the necessary skills to obtain all your income goals. Lead Generation Program (Setting up accounts) Example Setting up your Craigslist account 1. Go to 2. Click on “my account” in the upper left hand corner [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [8]
  • 9. 3. You are setting up a new account so you will need to click on “Click here to sign up” 4. Enter the “email address” you wish to use for your account a. Enter the “verification word” as it appears in the box b. Click on “create account” just underneath 5. A link will be sent to the email address you entered to open the account 6. Go to your email account and open the email from a. Subject: “ New Craigslist Account” 7. Click on the link to log into your account a. For some reason if the link does not work, just copy and paste it into your web browser 8. Enter your password for the account 9. Click on the link “Submit Password and Log in” 10. Scroll to the bottom and click “I ACCEPT” to the Craigslist: terms of use Now your account is set up. To run most ads, you will still need to verify your account by phone. Once this is complete, you will be able to run ads in all cities, and most all categories. Verify Craigslist account by phone 1. In the top right corner there is a scroll down box labeled “post new ad in:” a. Click on the arrow to scroll down to your desired city and click “go” 2. Craigslist will ask you “What type of posting is this:” a. Click on “service offered” 3. Next, you need to “Please choose a category:” a. Click on “financial services” 4. Now you will need to verify your account by phone a. Click on “Go To Phone Authentication” 5. You will need to log into your account again a. Enter your “email” and “password” and click “Log In” 6. Enter your “phone number” in the box 7. You have the choice to get the verification code via “voice” or “text” 8. Make sure “Send verification code in:” is marked for “English” 9. Click on “verify” 10. You will be sent a code via voice or text to enter in the box 11. Enter the code in the box 12. Click on “verify” 13. Your account is now ready to place ads [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [9]
  • 10. We have found through trial and error that it is best to place ads twice per week. The best response was received placing ads on Thursday and Sunday night from 10 pm – 6 am. You will need to rotate your ads and by placing them on Thursday and Sunday night, you will leave enough time in between placement so your account does not get flagged. Also, when you place ads, place 1 different ad in 3 different cities. So for the week, you will be placing a total of 6 ads, 1 ad in 6 different cities. The time commitment is minimal, at most it will take you 30 minutes to place all of your ads for the week. You should expect to receive at least 20 responses per month to your ads if you are consistent and rotate your ads. I know the tendency is to place more ads. If you can receive 20 responses by placing ads twice a week, why not place ads every day and get 60, 70, even 80 responses? Through testing, we have found that placing ads more than twice a week will get your account flagged and put on hold. Once your account is put on hold, you will have to open up another account with another email address and phone number. Other individuals looking through ads on Craigslist have the ability to flag your ads, even if there is nothing wrong with it, and if Craigslist gets numerous alerts from people flagging your ads, they can put your account on hold. If you are placing ads everyday, there is a greater chance that people will flag your ads. Also, if you don’t follow the terms of use agreement for Craigslist or other internet ad sites, you can also be flagged and your account put on hold. Lastly, you may see a number of ads on Craigslist that have links to other websites. Recently, Craigslist changed its terms of use to stop links from being used in ads. There are still a number of ads that do use links, but if Craigslist wishes to enforce this, that is another way that your account can get flagged and put on hold. Included in this manual are actual ads that we placed on Craigslist. These are the ads that we base our response projections on. If you rotate these ads and only place ads twice a week, you should have no problem with your account getting flagged. You are always encouraged to change the wording and try your own ads to see how they respond. The new ads just need to be approved by the company before you actually place them in any advertising. Included in the following pages are the phone scripts that we will use during training when calling leads. There is one phone script for leaving a message and another when you reach the individual on the phone. You will use these same phone scripts when you begin making calls to prospective clients. The goal for every potential client is to complete the following 3 steps in 7 days: 1. Join the Money Mastery/MRSBC Training Program 2. Join the Credit Help Program 3. Develop Multiple Revenue Streams [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [10]
  • 11. Sample Ads 1. Get the $$$$ You Need!! Biz Credit from $22k-152k-300k or More! Your choice -22k-152k-200k-or More Biz Credit! ~~ USA Your choice -22k-152k-200k-or More Biz Credit! ~~ USA Establish good credit and business credit!! Show me your commitment and I will show you the money!! Can you walk the walk? Just give me 40 minutes and have a desire to make thing happen. E-mail me :) Leave your name, business number, and the best time to reach you. I will e-mail you with more details. Please Only Serious Players!!! 2. Need Financing For Your Business!! GET $22k-$152k-$252k or More!!! Our company's solid foundation begins with our combined alliance of extensive experience and years of specializing in financial services. Our team's success rate second to none. These powerful entities are dedicated to help guide and educate our most valuable commodity, our Members, toward achieving business success. If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!! You must give me 40 minutes and have a desire to make things happen. Note: Leave your name, phone number, and the best time to reach you. I will e-mail you promptly with additional details. Serious players only reply 3. Personal and Biz Credit!!! Get Business Credit for expanded Advertising, Inventory, and other expansion your competitors can’t get. If you want me to show you the money!! Show me your commitment. Just give me 40 minutes and a desire to make things happen. Email me with your name and business phone number and I will forward you more details. “Please Only Serious Players”!! 4. Success is yours w/ Personal Credit and Business Credit!! Establish business credit that’s good even if you have poor personal credit. You must have an Attitude for Success!! E-mail me your name and business number for more information. “Serious Players Only Reply” 5. Be Your Own Donald Trump!! With Biz Credit Power!! Get $50K-$100K or more [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [11]
  • 12. What do Donald Trump and other massively successful business people have in common? Business Credit!! Get $50k-100k or more !!!What do good business people do with Good Credit and Corporate credit? They have it done right!!! “Only Serious Players Respond” For more information email your name and business number and I will email you promptly with additional details. 6. Personal Credit Help and Business Credit Power!!! Get Back into the Game 22k – 200K Separate your personal credit from your new shiny business credit profile. Attorneys Business Coaches Business Credit Brokers Financial Institutions Your first step requires 40 minutes of your time and an unstoppable desire to make things happen. Email your name and business number for more information. “Only Serious Players Respond” 7. ~ Looking for the solution? 52k-152k-252k +Biz Credit ~ Looking for help? 52k-152k-252k +BIZ Credit!!! ~ Looking for me? 52k-152k-252k +BIZ Credit!!! *Attitude Is Everything If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!! Looking for players not talkers. You must give me 40 minutes and a desire to makes thing happen. E-mail me your name and your business number. 8. Get back into the game!! 50k-250k Attitude Is Everything!! If you want me to show you the money!! You need to show me your commitment!! You must give me 40 minutes and have a desire to makes thing happen. E-mail me :) Note: Leave your name and business number and I will e-mail you back with more details. Please Only Serious Players!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone Script Templates [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [12]
  • 13. Business Credit Phone Script Outline – Leave a Message Hello______________________ this is ______________________ from the MRS Business Center. Recently, you went on line and inquired about information for Credit Restoration and business funding, an opportunity to get 25K -50k, 200k, or more in business or personal credit. The answer is yes we can help you. Feel free to contact the MRS Business Center for more information at 310-237-5591 Ext. ____. Also, let us know how much you need and how fast you need it. In 48 to 72 hours a Business Rep will call you to help you get started. We are here to help you develop… 1. A Successful Life and 2. A Successful Business and 3. Peace of mind Once again for further questions you can call the MRS Business Center at 310-237-5591 Ext. ____ and ask for (Your Name) Thank You and Have a Great Day Business Credit Phone Script Outline - If I Contact Client Hello______________________ this is ______________________ from the MRS Business Center. Recently, you went on line and inquired about information for Credit Restoration And Business Funding, an opportunity to get 25K -50k, 200k, or more in business or personal credit. Do have 5 minutes to talk? I would like to give you some information and ask you a few questions and then when I’m finished I can set you up with a appointment with our Executive Business Counselor so you can get more information. · We are counselors. Our goal is to help with your personal credit and your business. · What does your credit look like currently? (Yes we can help!) · Are you in business? (Great we can help you!) · What funding amounts are you looking for and how soon do you need it? (Yes we can help!) We have a 3 phase program -Phase #1. Counsel - Money Management. Phase #2. Connect-Credit Restoration. -Phase #3. Help you develop multiple revenue streams .) Steps to getting the information to help you get started started: Step #1 Listen to the information recording at (Edify the call) Step #2 Set up an appointment with a Executive Business Counselor (Edify the counselor) [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [13]
  • 14. Q and A MRS Financial Literacy and Wealth Program We are here to help you develop… 1. A Successful Life and 2. A Successful Business and 3. Peace of mind There are 3 steps to getting started….. Business Counseling and Coaching - Lets review all three parts… 1st Step is Money Mastery/MRSBC-We are a Principle Based Business and Personal Financial Management Company. We have some of the Top Business Counselors in the country. With our consulting program you will work with a Business Rep and an Executive Business Counselor. They are affiliated with a variety of wholesale financial vendors across the country Our company believes in OPE- Other Peoples Efforts.-OPM- Other People’s Money and MRS- Multiple Revenue Streams. 2nd Step Credit Restoration 3rd Step: MRS- Multiple Revenue Streams. Our company believes in OPE- Other Peoples Efforts.-OPM- Other People’s Money. It is better to get 1% of a hundred peoples efforts than 100% of you own. Why Money Mastery/MRSBC? · With the default rate so high our funding sources are more motivated to lend money to a Money Mastery/MRSBC Member. · You will have your own money management coach. · They will help you set up a spending plan by teaching you how to prioritize spending. · They will teach you Taxation Fundamentals for your business · If you aren’t tracking your spending it’s impossible to manage your money. · You will have on-line training. · They also are one of our vendors and will help you get funding. · With their program you could make an extra $200 a month to $12k a month with their residual income program. [Money Mastery for life/MRS Business Center] [July 23, 2009] [14]