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Written and edited by Glenn Pease 
I quote many authors both old and new, and if any I quote do not want their wisdom shared in 
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Sometimes I add an entire sermon because it gives more meaning to the text than can be found in 
any other source. 
For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. 
According to alamoth.[b] A song. 
1. Treasury of David, “Title. To the Chief Musician. He who could sing other Psalms so well was 
fitly entrusted with this noble ode. Trifles may be left to commoner songsters, but the most skilful 
musician in Israel must be charged with the due performance of this song, with the most 
harmonious voices and choicest music. For the Sons of Korah. One alone cannot fulfil the praise, 
there must be picked choristers under him, whose joyful privilege it shall be to celebrate the 
service of song in the house of the Lord. As to why the sons of Korah were selected, see our 
remarks at the head of Psalm 42. It may be well to add that they were a division of the Levites 
who took their turn in serving at the temple. All the works of holy service ought not to be 
monopolised by one order of talent, each company of believers should in due course enjoy the 
one ought to be without a share in the service of God. 
A Song upon Alamoth. Which may denote that the music was to be pitched high for the treble or 
soprano voices of the Hebrew virgins. They went forth in their dances to sing the praises of David 
when he smote the Philistine, it was meet that they should make merry and be glad when the 
victories of Jehovah became their theme. We need to praise God upon virgin hearts, with souls 
chaste towards his fear, with lively and exalted expressions, and happy strains. Or the word 
Alamoth may refer to shrill sounding instruments, as in 1 Chronicles 15:20 , where we read that 
Zechariah, and Eliab, and Benaiah were to praise the Lord "with psalteries on Alamoth." We are 
not always, in a slovenly manner, to fall into one key, but with intelligence are to modulate our 
praises and make them fittingly expressive of the occasion and the joy it creates in our souls. 
These old musical terms cannot be interpreted with certainty, but they are still useful because 
they show that care and skill should be used in our sacred music. 
Subject. Happen what may, the Lord's people are happy and secure, this is the doctrine of the 
Psalm, and it might, to help our memories, be called THE SO
were it not that from the great reformer's love to this soul-stirring hymn it will probably be best 
remembered as LUTHER'S PSALM.
Division. It is divided by inspired authority into three parts, each of which ends with Selah. 
Title. The LXX referring to the notion of the theme (~lc), occultavit, render it uper twn krufiwn, 
for the hidden; and the Latin, pro arcanis; and the rest of the ancient interpreters take the same 
course; the Chaldee referring it to Coreh, and those that were hidden, i.e., swallowed up, by the 
earth with him, whilst these sons of Coreh escaped; as if the mention of the sons of Coreh in the 
title, by whom this song was to be sung, referred the whole Psalm to that story. Accordingly, verse 
2, when the Hebrew reads, "Though the earth be removed," the paraphrase is, "When our 
fathers were changed from the earth." Henry Hammond. 
Title. The title is peculiar, "Upon Alamoth," suggesting "a choir of virgins," as if this virgin choir 
were selected to sing a Psalm that tells of perils and fears and alarms abounding, in order to show 
that even the feeble virgins may in that day sing without dread, because of "The Mighty One" on 
their side. Andrew A. Bonar. 
Title. -- "Upon Alamoth." (To be sung) en soprano. Armand de Mestral, quoted by Perowne. 
Whole Psalm. We sing this Psalm to the praise of God, because God is with us, and powerfully 
and miraculously preserves and defends his church and his word, against all fanatical spirits, 
against the gates of hell, against the implacable hatred of the devil, and against all the assaults of 
the world, the flesh and sin. Martin Luther. 
Whole Psalm. Luther and his companions, with all their bold readiness for danger and death in 
the cause of truth, had times when their feelings were akin to those of a divine singer, who said, 
"Why art thou cast down, O my soul?" But in such hours the unflinching Reformer would 
cheerily say to his friend Melancthon, "Come, Philip, let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm; and they 
could sing it in Luther's own characteristic version": -- 
A sure stronghold our God is He, 
A timely shield and weapon; 
Our help he will be, and set us free 
From every ill can happen. 
And were the world with devils filled, 
All eager to devour us, 
Our souls to fear shall little yield, 
They cannot overpower us. 
S. W. Christophers, in "Hymn Writers and their Hymns," 1866 
2. Calvin, “This psalm seems to be an expression of thanksgiving rather for some particular 
deliverance, than for the constant aid by which God has always protected and preserved his 
Church. It may be inferred from it that the city of Jerusalem. when stricken with great terror, 
and placed in extreme danger, was preserved, contrary to all expectation, by the unlooked for 
and miraculous power of God. The prophet, therefore, whoever composed the psalm, 
commending a deliverance so singularly vouchsafed by God, exhorts the faithful to commit 
themselves confidently to his protection, and not to doubt that, relying fearlessly upon him as 
their guardian and the protector of their welfare, they shall be continually preserved in safety 
from all the assaults of their enemies, because it is his peculiar office to quell all commotions. 
To the chief musician of the sons of Korah, a song upon Alamoth.
Interpreters are not agreed as to the alamoth; but without noticing all , עלמות meaning of the word 
the different opinions, I shall mention only two of them, namely, that it was either an instrument 
of music, or else the commencement of some common and well known song. The latter conjecture 
appears to me the most probable. As to the time when this psalm was written it is also uncertain, 
unless, perhaps, we might suppose that it was written when the siege of the city was suddenly 
raised by the terrible and sore destruction which God brought upon the army of Sennacherib, 
Others refer it, as Rosenmüller, to the victory of Jehoshaphat, which was celebrated with great 
rejoicing, 2 Chronicles 20:26-30. It is, however, difficult or impossible to ascertain with certainty 
the occasion on which it was composed. It seems rather the language of faith under threatened 
difficulties, than of triumph over vanquished foes. Thus, in the midst of threatened danger, it may 
be employed by Christians to support their faith, hope, and peace. This was Luther’s favorite 
psalm. He composed a famous version of it on his journey to the Diet at Worms, where he went 
boldly to defend the Reformation at the risk of his life; and he was wont to say when threatened 
with any fresh trouble, “Come, let us sing the 46th Psalm.” (2 Kings 19:35.) This opinion I readily 
admit, because it accords most with the whole scope of the psalm. It is abundantly manifest that 
.some favor of God, worthy of being held in remembrance, such as that was, is here commended 
3. F. B. Meyer, “The historical occasion of this Psalm cannot be certainly determined. But it is 
very probable that it was composed when Jerusalem was beleaguered by Sennacherib's hosts 
(Isa. 37). It fits every era in which the Church is in danger from her foes. It foretell the final 
destruction of Antichrist. It was Luther's favorite and is rendered into verse in his memorable 
hymn, Ein feste Burg. During the sitting of the Diet of Augsburg, he sang it every day to his lute, 
at the window, looking up to heaven. The security of God's people amid storms is elaborated in 
three divisions, each concluding with Selah. 
1. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in 
1. There are two things we need in this troubled world. We need a place to hide when we cannot 
face the attack of the enemy, and we need the strength to face that enemy when we are forced by 
circumstances to face them. Both of these resources are found in God, to whom we run, and with 
whose help we stand. Sometimes trouble is overwhelming even for great warriors like David, and 
he needed a place to hide in escaping from the battle. At many other times he was in the heart of 
the battle, and was strengthened to come out a winner every time. The best of God's people need 
times of escape, for no warrior can fight all the time. We get battle weary, and have a desperate 
need to flee from the battle field and enjoy a time of peace and quiet in the presence of the Lord. 
God welcomes us to that retreat, and also wages war with us as he is ever present in our time of 
There are some superficial optimist who think that Christians never need to have trouble. They 
are children of the King, and they should be protected from all the troubles of life. That is not 
what we read in the Bible or history. Believers have never been free of trouble. Much of it is due
to our ignorance, and much is due to a world of people whose goal in life is to not obey God's laws 
of life. The result is Christians bring trouble on themselves, and the world through plenty their 
way. This little note suggests that we should give more thought to the decisions we make, for bad 
decisions are a key factor in trouble coming our way. Someone wrote, “A colleague of mine at
ASA was assigned to prepare a presentation on lessons learned from our bad experiences with 
the Hubble Space Telescope. On his chart at the briefing, lesson
o. 1 read: "In naming your 
mission, never us a word that rhymes with trouble." Reader's Digest, March, 1993, Page 128. It is 
not likely that the name led to the problems, but there is no need to encourage it. Famous 
example of a major mistake in naming is this: “General Motors had a very famous fiasco in 
trying to market the
ova car in Central and South America. "
o va" in Spanish means, "It 
Doesn't Go". They brought trouble on themselves by this mistake, and so do all of us by opening 
out mouths at the wrong time, and then saying what out not to be said. Words are trouble 
makers, and none of us escape this reality. 
1B. When you blow it, run to the Lord, and let him be your refuge, for he is the God of all 
comfort, and he can forgive you, and assure you that being stupid and foolish does not rob you of 
his love, and of the hope that you can learn to be a more loving person yourself and cut down on 
the level of trouble you bring on yourself. We could go on an on about trouble for there are 172 
verses in the Bible that deal with the word trouble. That would be an enormous study in itself, 
and so face the reality that trouble is not one of the things we will escape by being God's children. 
Let me just share a few of these texts from the Psalms.Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the 
oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. 
Psalm 10:14 But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in 
hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. 
Psalm 22:11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. 
Psalm 25:17 Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. 
Psalm 25:22 Deliver Israel, O God, from all their troubles! 
Psalm 27:5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the 
shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. 
Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with 
songs of deliverance. 
Psalm 88:3 I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death. 
Psalm 90:10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best 
of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 
Psalm 90:15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we 
have seen trouble. 
1C. These kinds of texts go on an on through the Psalms making it clear that trouble is a part of 
every life, even one so loved by God as David, a man after God's own heart. But let me share just
a couple more that reveals again the reality that we are often the chief cause of our troubles. 
Psalm 38:18 I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. 
Psalm 40:12 For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I 
cannot see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. 
Psalm 55:2 hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught 
1D. Warren Wiersbe, “"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (v. 1). 
This assurance from the Lord ought to take care of all of our fears and problems. God is our 
refuge--He hides us. God is our strength--He helps us. These two go together. At times in our lives 
we need a refuge. The storm is blowing and the battle is raging, and we have to run somewhere to 
hide. It's not a sin to hide, but it is a sin to stay hidden. God hides us so that He can help us. Then 
we can return to the battle and face the storm. This is not escape but rejuvenation. 
The Old Testament contains 21 different Hebrew words for trouble. Here the word trouble means 
"in tight places." If you are in a tight place today, let me suggest that you run by faith to Jesus. 
But don't go to Him to escape. Go there and tell Him, "Lord, I want to go back to the battle. I 
want to go back to my work. I want to carry the burdens of life, but you have to give me the 
strength." Then you can claim this marvelous promise of verse 1.
otice the conclusion: "Therefore we will not fear" (v. 2). When God is available as your refuge 
and your strength, you have nothing to fear. Take time to run to the Lord. 
Are circumstances overwhelming you? Take refuge in the Lord. He will enable you to continue 
with renewed strength and confidence. 
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2. Barnes, “God is our refuge and strength - God is for us as a place to which we may flee for 
safety; a source of strength to us in danger. The first word, “refuge,” from a verb meaning to 
“flee,” and then “to flee to” - הסה châsâh - or to take shelter in - denotes a place to which one 
would flee in time of danger - as a lofty wall; a high tower; a fort; a fortress. See the notes at 
Psa_18:2. The idea here is, that the people of God, in time of danger, may find him to be what 
such a place of refuge would be. Compare Pro_18:10. The word “strength” implies that God is 
the source of strength to those who are weak and defenseless; or that we may rely on his strength 
“as if” it were our own; or that we may feel as safe in his strength as though we had that strength 
ourselves. We may make it the basis of our confidence as really as though the strength resided in 
our own arm. See the notes at Psa_18:2. 
A very present help - The word “help” here means aid, assistance. The word “trouble” would 
cover all that can come upon us which would give us anxiety or sorrow. The word rendered 
“present” - נמצא nimetsâ' - means rather, “is found,” or “has been found;” that is, he has 
“proved” himself to be a help in trouble. The word “present,” as if he were near to us, or close by 
us, does not accurately express the idea, which is rather, that “he has been found” to be such, or 
that he has always “proved” himself to be such a help, and that, therefore, we may now confide in 
him. The word “very,” or “exceedingly,” is added to qualify the whole proposition, as if this were
“emphatically true.” It was true in the most eminent sense that God had always been found to be 
such a helper, and, “therefore,” there was nothing to fear in the present distress. Psa_46:2. 
2B. Clarke, “God is our refuge - It begins abruptly, but nobly; ye may trust in whom and in what 
ye please: but God (Elohim) is our refuge and strength. 
A very present help - A help found to be very powerful and effectual in straits and difficulties. 
The words are very emphatic: עזרה בצרות נמצא מאד ezerah betsaroth nimtsa meod, “He is found 
an exceeding, or superlative help in difficulties.” Such we have found him, and therefore 
celebrate his praise. 
2C. Spurgeon, “God is our refuge and strength.
ot our armies, or our fortresses. Israel's boast is 
in Jehovah, the only living and true God. Others vaunt their impregnable castles, placed on 
inaccessible rocks, and secured with gates of iron, but God is a far better refuge from distress 
than all these: and when the time comes to carry the war into the enemy's territories, the Lord 
stands his people in better stead than all the valour of legions or the boasted strength of chariot 
and horse. Soldiers of the cross, remember this, and count yourselves safe, and make yourselves 
strong in God. Forget not the personal possessive word our; make sure each one of your portion 
in God, that you may say, "He is my refuge and strength."
either forget the fact that God is our 
refuge just now, in the immediate present, as truly as when David penned the word. God alone is 
our all in all. All other refuges are refuges of lies, all other strength is weakness, for power 
belongeth unto God: but as God is all sufficient, our defence and might are equal to all 
emergencies. A very present help in trouble, or in distress he has so been found, he has been tried 
and proved by his people. He never withdraws himself from his afflicted. He is their help, truly, 
effectually, constantly; he is present or near them, close at their side and ready for their succour, 
and this is emphasized by the word very in our version, he is more present than friend or relative 
can be, yea, more nearly present than even the trouble itself. To all this comfortable truth is 
added the consideration that his assistance comes at the needed time. He is not as the swallows 
that leave us in the winter; he is a friend in need and a friend indeed. When it is very dark with 
us, let brave spirits say, "Come, let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm." 
"A fortress firm, and steadfast rock, 
Is God in time of danger; 
A shield and sword in every shock, 
From foe well known or stranger." 
3. Gill, “God is our refuge and strength,.... That is, Christ, who is God as well as man, is the 
"refuge" for souls to fly unto for safety; as for sensible sinners, in a view of danger, wrath, and 
misery, so for saints, in every time of distress; typified by the cities of refuge, under the legal 
dispensation; See Gill on Psa_9:9; and he it is from whom they have all their spiritual strength, 
and every renewal and supply of it, to exercise grace, perform duties, withstand enemies, bear the 
cross patiently, show a fortitude of mind under the sorest distresses, and hold on and out unto the 
end: in short, he is the strength of their hearts, under the greatest trials, of their lives, amidst the 
greatest dangers; and of their salvation, notwithstanding all their enemies; 
a very present help in trouble; whether inward or outward, of soul or body; the Lord helps his 
people under it to bear it, and he helps them out of it in the most proper and seasonable time: 
they are poor helpless creatures in themselves; nor can any other help them but the Lord, who
made heaven and earth; and he helps presently, speedily, and effectually: in the Hebrew text it is, 
"he is found an exceeding help in trouble" (t); in all kind of trouble that the saints come into, the 
Lord has been found, by experience, to be an exceeding great helper of them; moreover, he is 
easily and always to be come at, and found by them for their help. 
4. Henry, “The psalmist here teaches us by his own example. 
I. To triumph in God, and his relation to us and presence with us, especially when we have had 
some fresh experiences of his appearing in our behalf (Psa_46:1): God is our refuge and strength; 
we have found him so, he has engaged to be so, and he ever will be so. Are we pursued? God is 
our refuge to whom we may flee, and in whom we may be safe and think ourselves so; secure 
upon good grounds, Pro_18:10. Are we oppressed by troubles? Have we work to do and enemies 
to grapple with? God is our strength, to bear us up under our burdens, to fit us for all our 
services and sufferings; he will by his grace put strength into us, and on him we may stay 
ourselves. Are we in distress? He is a help, to do all that for us which we need, a present help, a 
help found (so the word is), one whom we have found to be so, a help on which we may write 
Probatum est - It is tried, as Christ is called a tried stone, Isa_28:16. Or, a help at hand, one that 
never is to seek for, but that is always near. Or, a help sufficient, a help accommodated to every 
case and exigence; whatever it is, he is a very present help; we cannot desire a better help, nor 
shall ever find the like in any creature. 
II. To triumph over the greatest dangers: God is our strength and our help, a God all-sufficient 
to us; therefore will not we fear. Those that with a holy reverence fear God need not with any 
amazement to be afraid of the power of hell or earth. If God be for us, who can be against us; to 
do us any harm? It is our duty, it is our privilege, to be thus fearless; it is an evidence of a clear 
conscience, of an honest heart, and of a lively faith in God and his providence and promise: “We 
will not fear, though the earth be removed, though all our creature-confidences fail us and sink us; 
nay, though that which should support us threaten to swallow us up, as the earth did Korah,” for 
whose sons this psalm was penned, and, some think, by them; yet while we keep close to God, and 
have him for us, we will not fear, for we have no cause to fear; 
- Si fractus illabatur orbis, 
Impavidum ferient ruinae 
- Hor. 
- Let Jove's dread arm 
With thunder rend the spheres, 
Beneath the crush of worlds undaunted he appears. 
5. K&D, “The congregation begins with a general declaration of that which God is to them. This 
declaration is the result of their experience. Luther, after the lxx and Vulg., renders it, “in the 
great distresses which have come upon us.” As though נִמְצָא could stand for הַנִּמְצָעוֹת , and that this 
again could mean anything else but “at present existing,” to which מְאדֹ is not at all appropriate. 
God Himself is called נמצא מאד as being one who allows Himself to be found in times of distress 
(2Ch_15:4, and frequently) exceedingly; i.e., to those who then seek Him He reveals Himself and 
verifies His word beyond all measure. Because God is such a God to them, the congregation or 
church does not fear though a still greater distress than that which they have just withstood, 
should break in upon them: if the earth should change, i.e., effect, enter upon, undergo or suffer a 
change (an inwardly transitive Hiphil, Ges. §53, 2); and if the mountains should sink down into 
the heart ( בְּלֵ ב exactly as in Eze_27:27; Jon_2:4) of the sea (ocean), i.e., even if these should sink
back again into the waters out of which they appeared on the third day of the creation, so that 
consequently the old chaos should return. The church supposes the most extreme case, viz., the 
falling in of the universe which has been creatively set in order. We are no more to regard the 
language as being allegorical here (as Hengstenberg interprets it, the mountains being = the 
kingdoms of the world), than we would the language of Horace: si fractus illabatur orbis (Carm. 
iii. 3, 7). Since יַמִּים is not a numerical but amplificative plural, the singular suffixes in Psa_46:4 
may the more readily refer back to it. גַּֽאֲוָ ה , pride, self-exaltation, used of the sea as in Psa_89:10 
גֵּאוּת , and in Job_38:11 גָּאוֹן are used. The futures in Psa_46:4 do not continue the infinitive 
construction: if the waters thereof roar, foam, etc.; but they are, as their position and repetition 
indicate, intended to have a concessive sense. And this favours the supposition of Hupfeld and 
Ewald that the refrain, Psa_46:8, 12, which ought to form the apodosis of this concessive clause 
(cf. Psa_139:8-10; Job_20:24; Isa_40:30.) has accidentally fallen out here. In the text as it lies 
before us Psa_46:4 attaches itself to א־נִירָא v: (we do not fear), let its waters (i.e., the waters of the 
ocean) rage and foam continually; and, inasmuch as the sea rises high, towering beyond its 
shores, let the mountains threaten to topple in. The music, which here becomes forte, strengthens 
the believing confidence of the congregation, despite this wild excitement of the elements. 
6. The Scottish Psalter 
1 God is our refuge and our strength, 
in straits a present aid; 
Therefore, although the earth remove, 
we will not be afraid: 
2 Though hills amidst the seas be cast; 
Though waters roaring make, 
And troubled be; yea, though the hills, 
by swelling seas do shake. 
3 A river is, whose streams make glad 
the city of our God; 
The holy place, wherein the Lord 
most high hath his abode. 
5 God in the midst of her doth dwell; 
and nothing shall her move: 
The Lord to her an helper will, 
and that right early, prove. 
7. Spurgeon, “Covenant blessings are not meant to be looked at only, but to be appropriated. 
Even our Lord Jesus is given to us for our present use. Believer, thou dost not make use of Christ 
as thou oughtest to do. When thou art in trouble, why dost thou not tell him all thy grief? Has he 
not a sympathizing heart, and can he not comfort and relieve thee?
o, thou art going about to 
all thy friends, save thy best Friend, and telling thy tale everywhere except into the bosom of thy 
Lord. Art thou burdened with this day’s sins? Here is a fountain filled with blood: use it, saint,
use it. Has a sense of guilt returned upon thee? The pardoning grace of Jesus may be proved 
again and again. Come to him at once for cleansing. Dost thou deplore thy weakness? He is thy 
strength: why not lean upon him? Dost thou feel naked? Come hither, soul; put on the robe of 
Jesus’ righteousness. Stand not looking at it, but wear it. Strip off thine own righteousness, and 
thine own fears too: put on the fair white linen, for it was meant to wear. Dost thou feel thyself 
sick? Pull the night-bell of prayer, and call up the Beloved Physician! He will give the cordial that 
will revive thee. Thou art poor, but then thou hast “a kinsman, a mighty man of wealth.” What! 
wilt thou not go to him, and ask him to give thee of his abundance, when he has given thee this 
promise, that thou shalt be joint heir with him, and has made over all that he is and all that he 
has to be thine? There is nothing Christ dislikes more than for his people to make a show-thing of 
him, and not to use him. He loves to be employed by us. The more burdens we put on his 
shoulders, the more precious will he be to us. 
“Let us be simple with him, then,
ot backward, stiff, or cold, 
As though our Bethlehem could be 
What Sinai was of old.” 
7B. Spurgeon, “A help that is not present when we need it is of small value. The anchor which is 
left at home is of no use to the seaman in the hour of storm; the money which he used to have is of 
no worth to the debtor when a writ is out against him. Very few earthly helps could be called 
"very present": they are usually far in the seeking, far in the using, and farther still when once 
used. But as for the LORD our God, He is present when we seek Him, present when we need 
Him, and present when we have already enjoyed His aid. He is more than "present," He is very 
present. More present than the nearest friend can be, for He is in us in our trouble; more present 
than we are to ourselves, for sometimes we lack presence of mind. He is always present, 
effectually present, sympathetically present, altogether present. He is present now if this is a 
gloomy season. Let us rest ourselves upon Him. He is our refuge, let us hide in Him; He is our 
strength, let us array ourselves with Him; He is our help, let us lean upon Him; He is our very 
present help, let us repose in Him now. We need not have a moment's care or an instant's fear. 
"The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." 
8. Calvin, “God is our refuge and strength Here the Psalmist begins with a general expression or 
sentiment, before he comes to speak of the more particular deliverance. He begins by premising 
that God is sufficiently able to protect his own people, and that he gives them sufficient ground to 
expect it; for this the word מחסה , machaseh, properly signifies. In the second clause of the verse 
the verb he is found, which we translate in the present, is in the past tense, he has been found; 
and, indeed, there would be no impropriety in limiting the language to some particular 
deliverance which had already been experienced, just as others also have rendered it in the past 
tense. But as the prophet adds the term tribulations in the plural number, I prefer explaining it of 
a continued act, That God comes seasonably to our aid, and is never wanting in the time of need, 
as often as any afflictions press upon his people. If the prophet were speaking of the experience of 
God’s favor, it would answer much better to render the verb in the past tense. It is, however, 
obvious that his design is to extol the power of God and his goodness towards his people, and to 
show how ready God is to afford them assistance, that they may not in the time of their 
adversities gaze around them on every side, but rest satisfied with his protection alone. He 
therefore says expressly that God acts in such a manner towards them, to let the Church know
that he exercises a special care in preserving and defending her. There can be no doubt that by 
this expression he means to draw a distinction between the chosen people of God and other 
heathen nations, and in this way to commend the privilege of adoption which God of his goodness 
had vouchsafed to the posterity of Abraham. Accordingly, when I said before that it was a general 
expression, my intention was not to extend it to all manner of persons, but only to all times; for 
the object of the prophet is to teach us after what manner God is wont to act towards those who 
are his people. He next concludes, by way of inference, that the faithful nave no reason to be 
afraid, since God is always ready to deliver them, nay, is also armed with invincible power. He 
shows in this that the true and proper proof of our hope consists in this, that, when things are so 
confused, that the heavens seem as it were to fall with great violence, the earth to remove out of 
its place, and the mountains to be torn up from their very foundations, we nevertheless continue 
to preserve and maintain calmness and tranquillity of heart. It is an easy matter to manifest the 
appearance of great confidence, so long as we are not placed in imminent danger: but if, in the 
midst of a general crash of the whole world, our minds continue undisturbed and free of trouble, 
this is an evident proof that we attribute to the power of God the honor which belongs to him. 
When, however, the sacred poet says, We will not fear, he is not to be understood as meaning that 
the minds of the godly are exempt from all solicitude or fear, as if they were destitute of feeling, 
for there is a great difference between insensibility and the confidence of faith. He only shows 
that whatever may happen they are never overwhelmed with terror, but rather gather strength 
and courage sufficient to allay all fear. Though the earth be moved, and the mountains fall into the 
midst of the sea, are hyperbolical modes of expression, but they nevertheless denote a revolution, 
and turning upside down of the whole world. Some have explained the expression, the midst of 
the sea, as referring to the earth. I do not, however, approve of it. But in order more fully to 
understand the doctrine of the psalm, let us proceed to consider what follows. 
2. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 
1. This is quite a statement of confidence and faith in God, but most of us would have to be honest 
and confess that we cannot live up to this standard of faith. If the mountains were falling into the 
sea as the earth was crumbling because of 9.7 earthquake, we would not be fearless, but scared 
out of our wits. But here is a calm in the midst of calamity. The sky is not falling, but the ground 
beneath him is falling apart, and yet he is fearless. David is painting an extreme situation of 
danger to communicate his extreme assurance that he is always safe in the arms of God, for even 
if he perishes in the earthquake, he has no need to fear, for he will still have the security of being 
with his Lord. He is the perfect example of fearless faith. Even cataclysmic catastrophic calamity 
cannot crush his confidence. It is possible to experience tranquility in turbulent tumultuous 
times. Carlyle said, “We cannot stand firm in time until we have gained a foothold somewhere 
beyond time.” This is the security we have in Christ. An unknown poet put it- 
Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll, 
And shake the globe from pole to pole,
o flaming bolt shall daunt my face,
For Jesus is my hiding place. 
1B. Barnes, “Therefore will not we fear - Our confidence in God shall be unshaken and abiding. 
Having Him for our refuge and strength Psa_46:1, we can have nothing to fear. Compare 
Though the earth be removed - literally, “in the changing of the earth;” that is, though the 
earth should be changed. This may either mean, Though the earth should change its place or its 
very structure in these convulsions; or, though it should perish altogether. Compare Psa_102:26. 
The idea is, that they would not be afraid, though the convulsions then occurring in the world 
should be continued, and should be extended so far as to destroy the very earth itself. God would 
remain their friend and protector, and they would have nothing to fear. 
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea - Margin, as in Hebrew, “into 
the heart of the seas.” This may either be understood literally, as implying that they would “not” 
be afraid though the mountains, the most fixed and firm things of earth, should be uprooted and 
sunk in the ocean - implying that nothing earthly was stable; or, the mountains here may be 
referred to as emblems of that which seemed to be most settled and established on earth - the 
kingdoms of the world. The idea is, that in any convulsion - any change - any threatened danger - 
they would place confidence in God, who ruled over all, and who could not change. It will be seen 
at once that this entire description of trust and confidence in God is applicable to the time of 
Hezekiah, and to the feelings which he manifested when the land was invaded by the hosts of 
Sennacherib, and when wars and commotions were abroad among the kingdoms of the earth. See 
the introduction to the psalm. It was, also, eminently suited to console the mind in the 
circumstances to which Luther so often applied the psalm - the agitations, convulsions, wars, 
dangers in Europe, in the time of the Reformation. It is suited to any time of trouble, when 
commotions and revolutions are occurring in the earth, and when everything sacred, true, and 
valuable seems to be in danger. 
2. Clarke, “Therefore will not we fear - Let what commotions will take place in the earth, we will 
trust in the all-powerful arm of God. Probably the earthquake referred to, here means political 
commotions, such as those mentioned under the title; and by mountains, kings or secular states 
may be intended. 
2B. Spurgeon, “Therefore. How fond the psalmist is of therefores! his poetry is no poetic rapture 
without reason, it is as logical as a mathematical demonstration. The next words are a necessary 
inference from these. Will not we fear. With God on our side, how irrational would fear be! 
Where he is all power is, and all love, why therefore should we quail? Though the earth be 
removed, though the basis of all visible things should be so convulsed as to be entirely changed. 
And though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea; though the firmest of created 
objects should fall to headlong ruin, and be submerged in utter destruction. The two phrases set 
forth the most terrible commotions within the range of imagination, and include the overthrow of 
dynasties, the destruction of nations, the ruin of families, the persecutions of the church, the reign 
of heresy, and whatever else may at any time try the faith of believers. Let the worst come to the 
worst, the child of God should never give way to mistrust; since God remaineth faithful there can 
be no danger to his cause or people. When the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the 
heavens and the earth shall pass away in the last general conflagration, we shall serenely behold 
"the wreck of matter, and the crash of worlds," for even then our refuge shall preserve us from 
all evil, our strength shall prepare us for all good.
2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 2. Though the earth be removed. John Wesley preached in Hyde 
park, on the occasion of the earthquake felt in London, March 8, 1750, and repeated these words. 
Charles Wesley composed Hymn 67, Wesley's Collection, the following lines of which illustrate 
this verse: -- 
How happy then are we, 
Who build, O Lord, on thee! 
What can our foundation shock? 
Though the shattered earth remove, 
Stands our city on a rock, 
On the rock of heavenly love. 
Verse 2-3. The earth thrown into a state of wild confusion, the mountains hurled into the mighty 
deep, the sea tossed into a tempest, and the everlasting hills drifting on its foaming billows, are 
the vivid images by which the divine judgments on wicked and persecuting nations are described 
in the language of the prophets. John Morison. 
Verse 2-3,5. Palestine was frequently subject to earthquakes, as might have been expected from its 
physical character and situation; and it is a remarkable circumstance, that although all other 
parts of the land seem to have been occasionally the scene of those terrible convulsions, the 
capital was almost wholly free from them. Mount Moriah, or the hill of vision, was so called from 
its towering height, which made it a conspicuous object in the distance. It stands in the centre of a 
group of hills, which surround it in the form of an amphitheatre, and it was chiefly to this 
position, under the special blessing of God, that it stood firm and immoveable amid the frequent 
earthquakes that agitated and ravaged the Holy Land. Paxton's Illustrations of Scripture. 
3. Gill, “Therefore will not we fear,...., The consideration of the Lord's being the refuge, strength, 
and help of his people, in all times of trouble and distress, has a great influence on their faith and 
confidence, and makes them intrepid and fearless in the midst of the greatest dangers: nor indeed 
have they any reason to be afraid of men or devils, since the Lord is on their side; nor should they 
indulge a slavish fear on any account whatever; 
though the earth be removed; or "changed" (u), as to its position or fruitfulness; or whatever 
changes, vicissitudes, and revolutions may be in the kingdoms, nations, and among the 
inhabitants of the earth, through wars and desolations made thereby; 
and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; so the destruction of kingdoms, 
empires, and cities, is expressed by a like phrase; as of Babylon, Jer_51:25; and of the Roman 
and Pagan empire, Rev_6:12, and of the city of Rome, Rev_8:8. 
4. Biblical examples of a fearless trust in God. 
Exodus 14:13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the 
LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see 
them again no more for ever. 
14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 
2 Chronicles 20:14 Then upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel,
the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, came the Spirit of the LORD in the midst of 
the congregation; 
15 And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king 
Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great 
multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's. 
16 To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find 
them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. 
17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of 
the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out 
against them: for the LORD will be with you. 
3. though its waters roar and foam 
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c] 
1. David is describing things like earthquakes and tsunamis with a confidence that sounds like he 
feels invincible and unable to be touched by natural disasters. This is not how most of us would 
face such things. 
Barnes, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled - The waters of the sea. The idea is, that 
they would not be afraid though everything should be in commotion, and be as unsettled as the 
restless waves of the ocean. The earth might be changed, the mountains removed, the agitated sea 
roar and dash against the shore, but their minds would be calm. The word rendered “be 
troubled” means to boil; to ferment; to foam; and here it refers to the ocean as agitated and 
lashed into foam.
othing is more sublime and fearful than the ocean in a storm; nothing 
furnishes a better illustration of the peace produced by confidence in God amid the agitations 
which occur in the world, than the mind of a seaman that is calm when the ocean is heaved in 
wild commotion. 
Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof - The rolling ocean breaking against; the 
sides of the mountains on its shore, and seeming to shake them to their foundation. The word 
rendered “swelling” means properly majesty, glory; then pride, haughtiness, insolence. Literally, 
“though the mountains tremble through their pride.” Compare Psa_124:5. On the word “Selah,” 
see the notes at Psa_3:2. 
2. Clarke, “Though the waters thereof roar - Waters, in prophetic language, signify people; and, 
generally, people in a state of political commotion, here signified by the term roar. And by these 
strong agitations of the people, the mountains - the secular rulers, shake with the swelling thereof 
- tremble, for fear that these popular tumults should terminate in the subversion of the state. This 
very people had seen all Asia in a state of war. The Persians had overturned Asia Minor, and 
destroyed the Babylonian empire: they had seen Babylon itself sacked and entered by the 
Persians; and Cyrus, its conqueror, had behaved to them as a father and deliverer. While their
oppressors were destroyed, themselves were preserved, and permitted to return to their own 
2B. Spurgeon, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled. When all things are excited to fury, and reveal 
their utmost power to disturb, faith smiles serenely. She is not afraid of noise, nor even of real force, she knows that 
the Lord stilleth the raging of the sea, and holdeth the waves in the hollow of his hand. Though the mountains shake 
with the swelling thereof. Alps and Andes may tremble, but faith rests on a firmer basis, and is not to be moved by 
swelling seas. Evil may ferment, wrath may boil, and pride may foam, but the brave heart of holy confidence 
trembles not. Great men who are like mountains may quake for fear in times of great calamity, but the man whose 
trust is in God needs never to be dismayed. 
Selah. In the midst of such a hurly burly the music may well come to a pause, both to give the singers breath, and 
ourselves time for meditation. We are in no hurry, but can sit us down and wait while earth dissolves, and mountains 
rock, and oceans roar. Ours is not the headlong rashness which passes for courage, we can calmly confront the 
danger, and meditate upon terror, dwelling on its separate items and united forces. The pause is not an exclamation 
of dismay, but merely a rest in music; we do not suspend our song in alarm, but tune our harps again with 
deliberation amidst the tumult of the storm. It were well if all of us could say, Selah, under tempestuous trials, but 
alas! too often we speak in our haste, lay our trembling hands bewildered among the strings, strike the lyre with a 
rude crash, and mar the melody of our life song. 
3. Gill, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,.... The noise of which causes men's 
hearts to fail them for fear, Luk_21:25; 
though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. All these figurative expressions denote the 
hurlyburlies, confusions, and disorders that have been or will be in the world; amidst all which 
the people of God have no reason to fear; for it is always well with the righteous, let it go how it 
will with others. The passage may be applied to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the wars 
preceding it, and the dispersion of the Jews upon it; when true believers in Christ found him to 
be their refuge, strength, and help in that time of trouble, such as never was the like, and were 
safe and without fear; and Aben Ezra, a Jewish commentator, thinks it is right to interpret this 
psalm concerning the wars of Jerusalem: moreover, these words may be applied to any other time 
of calamity, through war or persecution, that has been since; as also to any that is to come; as to 
the slaying of the witnesses, the hour of temptation that will try all that are upon the earth; and 
even to the day of judgment, when heaven and earth shall flee away from the face of the Judge; 
when the heavens shall be folded up as a garment, and the earth, and all that is therein, shall be 
burnt up, and the whole world of the ungodly shall be thrown into the utmost panic, the saints 
will be safe with Christ, and ever happy with him; and, in the worst of times in this world, God is 
always their covenant God, their shield, portion, and exceeding great reward; Christ is their 
Redeemer and Saviour, their city of refuge, and strong hold; and though they may be plundered 
of their goods and property, they have a better and a more enduring substance in heaven; an 
estate, an inheritance there, that can never be taken away; and even should their enemies kill the 
body, that is the utmost they can do; their souls are safe in the hands of Christ; their life is hid 
with him; and when he shall appear, they shall appear with him in glory; and therefore they may 
well say, "we will not fear" (w). 
Selah; on this word; see Gill on Psa_3:2. 
4. Henry, “Observe here, 1. How threatening the danger is. We will suppose the earth to be 
removed, and thrown into the sea, even the mountains, the strongest and firmest parts of the
earth, to lie buried in the unfathomed ocean; we will suppose the sea to roar and rage, and make 
a dreadful noise, and its foaming billows to insult the shore with so much violence as even to 
shake the mountains, Psa_46:3. Though kingdoms and states be in confusion, embroiled in wars, 
tossed with tumults, and their governments in continual revolution - though their powers 
combine against the church and people of God, aim at no less than their ruin, and go very near to 
gain their point - yet will not we fear, knowing that all these troubles will end well for the church. 
See Psa_93:4. If the earth be removed, those have reason to fear who have laid up their treasures 
on earth, and set their hearts upon it; but not those who have laid up for themselves treasures in 
heaven, and who expect to be most happy when the earth and all the works that are therein shall 
be burnt up. Let those be troubled at the troubling of the waters who build their confidence on 
such a floating foundation, but not those who are led to the rock that is higher than they, and find 
firm footing upon that rock.” 
5. Calvin, “Though the waters thereof roar, etc This verse ought to be read in connection with the 
verse which follows, because it is necessary to complete the sense, as if it had been said: Though 
the waters of the sea roar and swell, and by their fierce impetuosity shake the very mountains — 
even in the midst of these dreadful tumults, the holy city of God will continue to enjoy comfort 
and peace, satisfied with her small streams. The relative pronoun her, according to the common 
usage of the Hebrew language, is superfluous in this place. The prophet intended simply to say, 
that the small streams of a river would afford to the holy city abundant cause of rejoicing, though 
the whole world should be moved and destroyed. I have already mentioned shortly before how 
profitable is the doctrine taught us in this place, that our faith is really and truly tested only when 
we are brought into very severe conflicts, and when even hell itself seems opened to swallow us 
up. In like manner, we have portrayed to us the victory of faith over the whole world, when, in 
the midst of the utmost confusion, it unfolds itself, and begins to raise its head in such a manner 
as that although the whole creation seem to be banded together, and to have conspired for the 
destruction of the faithful, it nevertheless triumphs over all fear.
ot that the children of God, 
when placed in peril, indulge in jesting or make a sport of death, but the help which God has 
promised them more than overbalances, in their estimation, all the evils which inspire them with 
fear. The sentiment of Horace is very beautiful, when, speaking of the righteous man and the man 
who feels conscious of no guilt, he says, (Car., Lib. iii., Od. 3,) 
“Dux inquieti turbidus Adriae,
ec fulminantis magna Jovis manus, 
Si fractus illabitur orbis, 
Impavidum ferient ruinae.” 
“Let the wild winds that rule the seas, 
Tempestuous, all their horrors raise; 
Let Jove’s dread arm with thunders rend the spheres; 
Beneath the crush of worlds undaunted he appears.” 176 176 Francis’ Translation of Horace. 
But as no such person as he imagines could ever be found, he only trifles in speaking as he does. 
Their fortitude, therefore, has its foundation in the assurance of the divine protection alone, so 
that they who rely upon God, and put their trust in him, may truly boast, not only that they shall 
be undismayed, but also that they shall be preserved in security and safety amidst the ruins of a 
falling world. 
The prophet says expressly, that the city of God shall be glad, although it had no raging sea, but 
only a gently flowing stream, to set for its defense against those waves of which he has made 
mention. By this mode of expression he alludes to the stream which flowed from Shiloah, and
passed through the city of Jerusalem. Further, the prophet, I have no doubt, here indirectly 
rebukes the vain confidence of those who, fortified by earthly assistance, imagine that they are 
well protected, and beyond the reach of all danger. Those who anxiously seek to strengthen 
themselves on all sides with the invincible helps of the world, seem, indeed, to imagine that they 
are able to prevent their enemies from approaching them, just as if they were environed on all 
sides with the sea; but it often happens that the very defenses which they had reared turn to their 
own destruction, even as when a tempest lays waste and destroys an island by overflowing it. But 
they who commit themselves to the protection of God, although in the estimation of the world 
they are exposed to every kind of injury, and are not sufficiently able to repel the assaults made 
upon them, nevertheless repose in security. On this account, Isaiah (Isaiah 8:6) reproves the Jews 
because they despised the gently flowing waters of Shiloah, and longed for deep and rapid rivers. 
In that passage, there is an elegant antithesis between the little brook Shiloah on the one hand, 
and the
ile and Euphrates on the other; as if he had said, They defraud God of his honor by the 
unworthy reflection, that when he made choice of the city of Jerusalem, he had not made the 
necessary provision in respect of strength and fortifications for its defense and preservation. And 
certainly, if this psalm was written after the slaughter and flight of the army of Sennacherib, it is 
probable that the inspired writer purposely made use of the same metaphor, to teach the faithful 
in all ages, that the grace of God alone would be to them a sufficient protection, independent of 
the assistance of the world. In like manner, the Holy Spirit still exhorts and encourages us to 
cherish the same confidence, that, despising all the resources of those who proudly magnify 
themselves against us, we may preserve our tranquillity in the midst of disquietude and trouble, 
and not be grieved or ashamed on account of our defenseless condition, so long as the hand of 
God is stretched out to save us. Thus, although the help of God comes to our aid in a secret and 
gentle manner, like the still flowing streams, yet it imparts to us more tranquillity of mind than if 
the whole power of the world were gathered together for our help. In speaking of Jerusalem as 
the sanctuary of the tabernacles of the Most High, the prophet makes a beautiful allusion to the 
circumstances or condition of that time: for although God exercised authority over all the tribes 
of the people, yet he made choice of that city as the seat of royalty, from which he might govern 
the whole nation of Israel. The tabernacles of the Most High were scattered throughout all Judea, 
but still it was necessary that they should be gathered together and united in one sanctuary, that 
they might be under the dominion of God. 
4. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of 
God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 
1. Barnes, “There is a river - There is no allusion here to any particular stream or river, but the 
image is designed to represent a state of peace and calm security in contrast with the rough and 
troubled ocean. While the ocean rages, and foams, and dashes against the mountains as if it 
would overturn them, the state of Jerusalem, the city of God, was well represented by a calm and
gently-flowing river; a river of full banks, diffusing joy and fertility and beauty wherever it 
flowed. This image, to represent happiness, abundance, peace, joy, is one that is often employed 
in the Scriptures. Compare Isa_32:2; Isa_33:21; Isa_41:18; Psa_1:3; Rev_22:1; Psa_36:8. The 
“idea” here is simply that Jerusalem would be calm and serene amidst all the external agitations 
in the world - calm as a gently-flowing stream. The streams - the canals - the water-courses of 
such a river flowing around each dwelling and along each garden, would diffuse happiness and 
beauty everywhere. 
The streams whereof - The allusion here is undoubtedly to the canals, watercourses, or rivulets 
that were led off from the main stream for the purpose of supplying fountains and watering 
gardens. Thus the city of Damascus is watered by streams or canals cut from the river Barrady, 
that flows down from the regions of Anti-Libanus. The greenness - the beauty - the fertility - of 
Damascus is owing wholly to the waters of the river thus conducted to every house and garden in 
the city. Compare introduction to Isa_17:1-14. So here, the flowing river of divine mercy and 
goodness is conveyed, as in smaller canals or streams, to each home and heart, producing peace, 
calmness, joy - while the world around is full of commotion and trouble. 
Shall make glad the city of God - Jerusalem, considered as the place where God was 
worshipped, and where he was supposed especially to dwell: Psa_48:1. 
The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High - Of the “tent” where the Most High is 
supposed to abide. The word is applicable to any habitation or dwelling-place; but in the 
Scriptures it is applied especially to the sacred tent erected by Moses in the wilderness, and 
ultimately removed to Mount Zion by David, as the divine abode on earth. It is sometimes, also, 
applied to the temple; and if this psalm was written, as I have supposed, in the time of Hezekiah, 
it would be applicable to that. Compare Psa_84:2; Psa_132:5. The tabernacle and the temple 
were alike divided into two parts - the holy and the most holy place - and hence the “plural” term 
is sometimes applied to them. Compare the notes at Heb_9:2-3. 
2. Clarke, “There is a river, the streams whereof - The Chaldee understands the river, and its 
streams or divisions, as pointing out various peoples who should be converted to the faith and 
thus make glad the city of God, Jerusalem by their flowing together to the worship of the true 
But the river may refer to the vast Medo-Persian army and its divisions: those branches which 
took Babylon; and, instead of ruining and destroying the poor Jews, preserved them alive, and 
gave them their liberty; and thus the city of God, and the tabernacle of the Most High, were 
2B. Spurgeon, “There is a river. Divine grace like a smoothly flowing, fertilising, full, and never 
failing river, yields refreshment and consolation to believers. This is the river of the water of life, 
of which the church above as well as the church below partakes evermore. It is no boisterous 
ocean, but a placid stream, it is not stayed in its course by earthquakes or crumbling mountains, 
it follows its serene course without disturbance. Happy are they who know from their own 
experience that there is such a river of God. The streams whereof in their various influences, for 
they are many, shall make glad the city of God, by assuring the citizens that Zion's Lord will 
unfailingly supply all their needs. The streams are not transient like Cherith, nor muddy like the
ile, nor furious like Kishon, nor treacherous like Job's deceitful brooks, neither are their waters 
"naught" like those of Jericho, they are clear, cool, fresh, abundant, and gladdening. The great 
fear of an Eastern city in time of war was lest the water supply should be cut off during a siege; if
that were secured the city could hold out against attacks for an indefinite period. In this verse, 
Jerusalem, which represents the church of God, is described as well supplied with water, to set 
forth the fact that in seasons of trial all sufficient grace will be given to enable us to endure unto 
the end. The church is like a well ordered city, surrounded with mighty walls of truth and justice, 
garrisoned by omnipotence, fairly built and adorned by infinite wisdom: its burgesses the saints 
enjoy high privileges; they trade with far off lands, they live in the smile of the King; and as a 
great river is the very making and mainstay of a town, so is the broad river of everlasting love, 
and grace their joy and bliss. The church is peculiarly the City of God, of his designing, building, 
election, purchasing and indwelling. It is dedicated to his praise, and glorified by his presence. 
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. This was the peculiar glory of Jerusalem, that 
the Lord within her walls had a place where he peculiarly revealed himself, and this is the choice 
privilege of the saints, concerning which we may cry with wonder, "Lord, how is it that thou wilt 
manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" To be a temple for the Holy Ghost is the 
delightful portion of each saint, to be the living temple for the Lord our God is also the high 
honour of the church in her corporate capacity. Our God is here called by a worthy title, 
indicating his power, majesty, sublimity, and excellency; and it is worthy of note that under this 
character he dwells in the church. We have not a great God in nature, and a little God in grace; 
no, the church contains as clear and convincing a revelation of God as the works of nature, and 
even more amazing in the excellent glory which shines between the cherubim overshadowing that 
mercy seat which is the centre and gathering place of the people of the living God. To have the 
Most High dwelling within her members, is to make the church on earth like the church in 
2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 4. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of 
God. What is the river that makes glad the city of God? I answer, God himself is the river, as in 
the following verse, "God is in the midst of her." 
1. God the Father is the river: "For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken 
me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can 
hold no water." Jeremiah 2:13. 
2. God the Son is the river, the fountain of salvation: "In that day there shall be a fountain 
opened to the house of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for 
uncleanness." Zechariah 13:1. 
3. God the Spirit is the river: "He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his 
belly shall flow rivers of living water." "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give 
him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be a well of water springing 
up into everlasting life." John 7:38 4:14. What are the streams of this river? Answer -- the 
perfections of God, the fulness of Christ, the operations of the Spirit, and these running in 
the channel of the covenant of promise. Ralph Erskine. 
Verse 4. There is a river, etc. This is that flood which Ezekiel beheld in vision, the waters that 
came down from the right side of the house, and rising first to the ankles -- then as the prophet 
passed onward, to the knees -- then to the loins -- became afterwards a river that he could not 
pass over; for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over. 
Shall we see in this, with the angelic doctor, the river of grace which burst forth from Mount 
Calvary? streams branching off hither and thither, the pelagim of the Hebrew -- "to satisfy the 
desolate and waste ground, and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth." Job 38:1-41. 
O "fountain of gardens," "well of living waters," "streams from Lebanon," how do you, the 
"nether springs" of this world, bring to us something of the everlasting loveliness and peace of 
those "upper springs," by which the beautiful flock now feed and lie down, none making them
afraid! Or with S. Ambrose and S. Bernard, understand the verse of the "river of water of life, 
clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb." And then the rivers of that 
flood shall indeed make glad the city of God, the house not made with hands, eternal in the 
heavens, where is the tree of life, that beareth twelve manner of fruits, and yieldeth her fruit 
every month; that country and that river of which the old liturgies say, "They who rest in the 
bosom of Abraham are in the tabernacle of joy and rest, in the dwellings of light, in the world of 
pleasure, in the church of the true Jerusalem, where there is no place for affliction, nor way of 
sadness, where there are no wars with the flesh, and no resistance to temptation, where sin is 
forgotten, and past danger is only remembered as a present pleasure." Thomas Aquinas, 
Ambrose, and Bernard, in
eale's Commentary. 
Verse 4. There is a river. The river of God that flows from his throne.
o enemy can cut off this 
stream from the church of Christ. Observe the reference to Isaiah 36:2 37:25, compared with 
2 Chronicles 32:2-4 . These gently flowing, but full streams, are contrasted with the roaring waves 
of the sea. T. C. Barth. 
Verse 4. There is a river, etc. The allusion is either to the river Kidron, which ran by Jerusalem, or 
to the waters of Shiloah, which by different courses and branches ran through the city of 
Jerusalem, and supplied the several parts of it with water, to the joy and comfort of its 
inhabitants. But the words are to be understood in a figurative sense, as applicable to gospel 
times; and this river either designs the gospel, the streams of which are its doctrines, which are 
living waters, that went out from Jerusalem, and which publish glad tidings of great joy to all 
sensible sinners; or the Spirit and his graces, which are compared to a well and rivers of living 
water, in the exercises of which the saints have much joy and peace; or else the Lord himself, who 
is the place of broad rivers and streams to his people, and is both their refreshment and 
protection; or rather his everlasting love to them is here intended. John Gill. 
Verse 4. Compared with the waterless deserts around, Judaea and Jerusalem were well watered, 
and drought pressed more severely on the besiegers than the besieged. The allusion here is to the 
well known rill and pool of Siloam. So in Isaiah 8:6, the blessing of God's protection is 
represented by the waters of Shiloah, which go softly. From "The psalms Chronologically 
arranged. By Four Friends," 1867. 
Verse 4. The city. The church of God is like a city, 
1. Because a city is a place of security. 
2. A place of society: what one wants another supplies; they have mutual fellowship. 
3. A place of unity, that people may therein live in peace and concord. 
4. A place of trade and traffic. Here is the market of free grace: "Ho, every one that 
thirsteth," etc. Here is the pearl of great price exposed for sale. 
5. A place of freedom and liberty, freedom from the guilt of sin, wrath of God, curse of the 
law, present evil world, bondage to Satan, etc., etc. 
6. A place of order and regularity; it hath its constitutions and ordinances. 
7. A place of rest, and commodious to live in, and thus it is opposed to the wilderness. 
8. A place of privileges. 
9. A place of pomp and splendour; there is the king, the court, the throne. 
10.A place of pleasure and beauty; Psalms 48:2. Ralph Erskine. 
3. Gill, “There is a river,.... The allusion is either to the river Kidron, which ran by Jerusalem; or 
to the waters of Shiloah, which by different courses and branches, ran through the city of
Jerusalem, and supplied the several parts of it with water, to the joy and comfort of its 
inhabitants: but the words are to be understood in a figurative sense, as applicable to Gospel 
times; and this river either designs the Gospel, the streams of which are its doctrines, which are 
living waters that went out from Jerusalem, and which publish glad tidings of great joy to all 
sensible sinners; or the Spirit and his graces, which are compared to a well, and rivers of living 
water, in the exercise of which the saints have much joy and peace; or else the Lord himself, who 
is a place of broad rivers and streams to his people, and is both their refreshment and protection; 
or rather his everlasting love to them is here intended; see Psa_36:8; The head of this river is the 
heart of God, his sovereign goodwill and pleasure; the channel through which it runs is Christ 
Jesus; the rise of it was in eternity, when, like a river that runs underground, it flowed secretly, as 
it does before the effectual calling; when it breaks up, and appears in large streams, and flows, 
and so it proceeds running on to all eternity. It is a river that is unfathomable, and cannot be 
passed over; it has heights and depths, and lengths and breadths, which cannot be fully 
comprehended: as for the quality of it, it is a pure river, clear as crystal; free of all dissimulation 
in the heart of God, and clear of all motives and conditions in the creature. Its water is living 
water; which quickens dead sinners, revives drooping saints, secures from the second death, and 
gives eternal life; it makes all fruitful about it, or that are planted by it; 
the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God; the "streams" of this river are eternal 
election; the covenant of grace its blessings and promises; the provision and mission of Christ as 
a Saviour, and redemption by him; justification, pardon, adoption, regeneration, perseverance in 
grace, and eternal life; called "streams", because they flow from the fountain of divine love; and 
because of the rapidity, force, and power of the grace of God, in the application of them in 
conversion, which carries all before it; and because of the abundance, continuance, and freeness 
of them, and the gratefulness and acceptableness of them to those who see the worth of them, and 
their interest in them; see Son_4:15; and these, when made known and applied, "make glad" the 
hearts of God's people under a sense of sin and guilt, under divine desertions, the temptations of 
Satan, and the various afflictions they meet with; for these are intended by "the city of God", as 
the church is often called, because of his building, and where he dwells, and where the saints are 
fellow citizens. And the same are signified by 
the holy place; being an holy temple to God, consisting of holy persons, such who are sanctified 
by the Spirit of God, and live holy lives and conversations: and 
of the tabernacles of the most High; being the dwelling places of God, Father, Son, and Spirit. All 
which is a reason why the saints should not fear in the worst of times. 
4. Henry, “Here is, (1.) Joy to the church, even in the most melancholy and sorrowful times 
(Psa_46:4): There is a river the streams whereof shall make it glad, even then when the waters of 
the sea roar and threaten it. It alludes to the waters of Siloam, which went softly by Jerusalem 
(Isa_8:6, Isa_8:7): though of no great depth or breadth, yet the waters of it were made serviceable 
to the defence of Jerusalem in Hezekiah's time, Isa_22:10, Isa_22:11. But this must be understood 
spiritually; the covenant of grace is the river, the promises of which are the streams; or the Spirit 
of grace is the river (Joh_7:38, Joh_7:39), the comforts of which are the streams, that make glad 
the city of our God. God's word and ordinances are rivers and streams with which God makes his 
saints glad in cloudy and dark days. God himself is to his church a place of broad rivers and 
streams, Isa_33:21. The streams that make glad the city of God are not rapid, but gentle, like 
those of Siloam.
ote, The spiritual comforts which are conveyed to the saints by soft and silent 
whispers, and which come not with observation, are sufficient to counterbalance the most loud
and noisy threatenings of an angry and malicious world. 
5. Jamison, “God’s favor is denoted by a river (compare Psa_36:8; Zec_14:8; Rev_22:1). 
city of God, the holy place — His earthly residence, Jerusalem and the temple (compare 
Psa_2:6; Psa_3:4; Psa_20:2; Psa_48:2, etc.). God’s favor, like a river whose waters are conducted 
in channels, is distributed to all parts of His Church. 
most High — denoting His supremacy (Psa_17:2). 
5B. Warren Wiersbe, “God is our Refuge, so we need not fear. But He is also our River, so we 
need not faint. "There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of 
the tabernacle of the Most High" (v. 4). 
Until I visited the Holy Land, I had no idea how critical water is there. Without water almost 
nothing can exist there. Jerusalem is one of the great ancient cities that was not founded on a 
river. It wasn't until Hezekiah dug his famous tunnel that Jerusalem had a water source within 
the city walls. The psalmist says here that though Jerusalem is not situated beside a river, it has a 
River. And it comes from the Holy Place, from the throne of God. "God is in the midst of her, she 
shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn" (v. 5). 
Our Lord said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink" John 7:37). The rivers of 
Living Water, the rivers of joy, flow out from His throne. In the Bible, water for washing is a 
picture of the Word of God. But water for drinking is a picture of the Spirit of God. We may 
drink from this hidden River. And because we drink at this River, we have the joy, the 
refreshment and the empowerment of the Lord. 
The psalmist continues, "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge" (v. 7). He 
is the Lord of the armies. All the armies of heaven and earth belong to the Lord Jesus Christ 
because He has all authority. He is with us, not against us. He is Immanuel, "God with us." 
Take time to drink at the River. Let God refresh you and restore you and strengthen you for the 
Hidden resources are as critical to spiritual well-being as they are to physical well-being. If you 
want to work and not faint, you must depend on God's provisions. His people have the Holy 
Spirit within them to refresh and strengthen them. When you drink from the rivers of water He 
provides, you find strength and the joy of the Lord. 
Back to the Bible Copyright © 1996-2011 The Good
ews Broadcasting Association, Inc. All 
rights reserved. 
6. K&D 4-7, “Just as, according to Gen_2:10, a stream issued from Eden, to water the whole 
garden, so a stream makes Jerusalem as it were into another paradise: a river - whose streams 
make glad the city of Elohim (Psa_87:3; Psa_48:9, cf. Psa_101:8); פְּלָגָיו (used of the windings and 
branches of the main-stream) is a second permutative subject (Psa_44:3). What is intended is the 
river of grace, which is also likened to a river of paradise in Psa_36:9. When the city of God is 
threatened and encompassed by foes, still she shall not hunger and thirst, nor fear and despair; 
for the river of grace and of her ordinances and promises flows with its rippling waves through 
the holy place, where the dwelling-place or tabernacle of the Most High is pitched. קְדשֹׁ , Sanctum 
(cf. el-Ḳuds as a name of Jerusalem), as in Psa_65:5, Isa_57:15; גְּדלֹ , Exo_15:16. מִשְׁכְּנֵ י , dwellings, 
like מִשְׁכְּנוֹ ת , Psa_43:3; Psa_84:2; Psa_132:5, Psa_132:7, equivalent to “a glorious dwelling.” In 
Psa_46:6 in the place of the river we find Him from whom the river issues forth. Elohim helps her
לִפְנוֹתבּקֶֹר - there is only a night of trouble, the return of the morning is also the sunrise of speedy 
help. The preterites in Psa_46:7 are hypothetical: if peoples and kingdoms become enraged with 
enmity and totter, so that the church is in danger of being involved in this overthrow - all that 
God need to is to make a rumbling with His almighty voice of thunder ( וv נָתַן בְּקוֹ , as in Psa_68:34; 
Jer_12:8, cf. הֵרִים בַּמַּטֶּה , to make a lifting with the rod, Exo_7:20), and forthwith the earth melts 
(muwg, as in Amo_9:5, +iph. Isa_14:31, and frequently), i.e., their titanic defiance becomes 
cowardice, the bonds of their confederation slacken, and the strength they have put forth is 
destroyed - it is manifest that Jahve Tsebaoth is with His people. This name of God is, so to speak, 
indigenous to the Korahitic Psalms, for it is the proper name of God belonging to the time of the 
kings (vid., on Psa_24:10; Psa_59:6), on the very verge of which it occurs first of all in the mouth 
of Hannah (1Sa_1:11), and the Korahitic Psalms have a royal impress upon them. In the God, at 
whose summons all created powers are obliged to marshal themselves like the hosts of war, Israel 
has a steep stronghold, מִשְׂגָּ ב , which cannot be scaled by any foe - the army of the confederate 
peoples and kingdoms, ere it has reached Jerusalem, is become a field of the dead. 
5. God is within her, she will not fall; 
God will help her at break of day. 
1. Barnes, “God is in the midst of her - God is in the midst of the “city” referred to above - the 
“city of God.” That is, 
(a) he dwelt there by the visible symbol of his presence, the Shekinah; 
(b) he was there “actually” as a help and a protector. 
It was his chosen abode, and as long as such a Being dwelt in the city, they had nothing to fear. 
God shall help her - That is, in her danger, he will interpose to save her. This is language such 
as would be used in reference to a place that was besieged, and would well apply to the state of 
things when Jerusalem was besieged by the armies of Assyria under Sennacherib. The language 
expresses the confidence of the people in the time of the impending danger. 
And that right early - Margin, “when the morning appeareth.” Literally, “in the faces of the 
morning,” as the word is commonly used; or, more literally, in the “turning” of the morning - for 
the verb from which the word is derived means properly “to turn,” and then “to turn to or from 
any one.” The noun is applied to the face or countenance, because the person is “turned” to us 
when we see his countenance. The poetic idea here seems to refer to the day as having turned 
away “from” us at night, and then as turning about “toward” us in the morning, after having 
gone, as it were, to the greatest distance from us. “Possibly” there may be an allusion here to 
what occurred in the camp of the Assyrians, when the discovery that the angel of the Lord had 
smitten them was made early in the morning, or when men arose in the morning: “The angel of 
the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred and fourscore and five 
thousand: and when they arose in the morning” (that is, when men arose in the morning), 
“behold, they were all dead corpses,” Isa_37:36.
2. Clarke, “God is in the midst of her - God will not abandon them that trust in him; he will 
maintain his own cause; and, if his Church should at any time be attacked, he will help her and 
that right early - with the utmost speed. As soon as the onset is made, God is there to resist. As by 
the day-break the shadows and darkness are dissipated; so by the bright rising of Jehovah, the 
darkness of adversity shall be scattered. 
2B. Spurgeon, “God is in the midst of her. His help is therefore sure and near. Is she besieged, 
then he is himself besieged within her, and we may be certain that he will break forth upon his 
adversaries. How near is the Lord to the distresses of his saints, since he sojourns in their midst! 
Let us take heed that we do not grieve him; let us have such respect to him as Moses had when he 
felt the sand of Horeb's desert to be holy, and put off his shoes from off his feet when the Lord 
spake from the burning bush. She shall not be moved. How can she be moved unless her enemies 
move her Lord also? His presence renders all hope of capturing and demolishing the city utterly 
ridiculous. The Lord is in the vessel, and she cannot, therefore, be wrecked. God shall help her. 
Within her he will furnish rich supplies, and outside her walls he will lay her foes in heaps like 
the armies of Sennacherib, when the angel went forth and smote them. And that right early. As 
soon as the first ray of light proclaims the coming day, at the turning of the morning God's right 
arm shall be outstretched for his people. The Lord is up betimes. We are slow to meet him, but he 
is never tardy in helping us. Impatience complains of divine delays, but in very deed the Lord is 
not slack concerning his promise. Man's haste is often folly, but God's apparent delays are ever 
wise; and when rightly viewed, are no delays at all. Today the bands of evil may environ the 
church of God, and threaten her with destruction; but ere long they shall pass away like the foam 
on the waters, and the noise of their tumult shall be silent in the grave. The darkest hour of the 
night is just before the turning of the morning; and then, even then, shall the Lord appear as the 
great ally of his church. 
2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 5. God is in the midst of her. It is the real presence of Christ, and 
the supernatural power of his Spirit, which makes the church mighty to the conquest of souls. 
The church spreads because her God is in the midst of her. When at any time she has forgotten 
her dependence on the invisible intercession of her Head, and the gracious energy of his Spirit, 
she has found herself shorn of the locks of her great strength, and has become the laughing stock 
of the Philistines. William Binnie, D.D. 
Verse 5. God is in the midst of her, etc. The enemies of the church may toss her as waves, but they 
shall not split her as rocks. She may be dipped in water as a feather, but shall not sink therein as 
lead. He that is a well of water within her to keep her from fainting, will also prove a wall of fire 
about her to preserve her from falling. Tried she may be, but destroyed she cannot be. Her 
foundation is the Rock of Ages, and her defence the everlasting Arms. It is only such fabrics as 
are bottomed upon the sand, that are overthrown by the wind. The adversaries of God's people 
will push at them as far as their horns will go, but when they have scoured them by persecution, 
as tarnished vessels, then God will throw such wisps into the fire. William Secker. 
Verse 5. When the Papists were in their ruff, and Melancthon began sometimes to fear lest the 
infant Reformation should be stifled in the birth, Luther was wont to comfort him with these 
words: "Si nos ruemus, ruet Christus und, scilicet ille regnator mundi, esto ruat, malo ego cum 
Christo rures, quam cum Caesare stare;" that is, If we perish, Christ must fall too (he is in the 
midst of us), and if it must be so, be it so; I had rather perish with Christ, that great Ruler of the 
world, than prosper with Caesar. John Collings. 
Verse 5. And that right early. Therefore, notice that all the great deliverances wrought in Holy
Scripture, were wrought so early, as to have been brought to pass in the middle of the night. So 
Gideon, with his pitchers and lamps against the Midianites; so Saul, when he went forth against
ahash, the Ammonite; so Joshua, when he went up to succour Gibeon; so Samson, when he 
carried off in triumph the gates of Gaza; so also the associate kings, under the guidance of Elisha, 
in their expedition against the Moabites, when they, according to God's command, filled the 
wilderness with ditches, and then beheld their enemies drawn to their destruction, by the 
reflection of the rising sun upon the water. Michael Ayguan. 
Verse 5. Right early. Rather, with the margin, when the morning appeareth. The restoration of the 
Jews will be one of the first things at the season of the second advent. It will be accomplished in 
the very dawning of that day, "when the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing on his 
wings." Samuel Horsley. 
3. Gill, “God is in the midst of her,.... The church and people of God; not merely by his essence, 
power, and providence, as he is in the midst of the world; but by his gracious presence, and which 
always continues, though not always perceived; and is a sufficient antidote against all fear of men 
and devils; 
she shall not be moved; though the earth may; and when it is, Psa_46:2, neither from the heart of 
God, on which his people are set as a seal; nor from the hands of Christ, from whence they can 
never be plucked; nor from the covenant of grace, which is immovable; nor off of the rock Christ, 
on which they are built; nor from the state of grace, of justification, adoption, and sanctification, 
in which they stand; nor out of the world, by all the cunning and power of antichrist; 
God shall help her, and that right early: or "when the morning looks out" (x). When it is night 
with the church, it is the hour and power of darkness with the enemies of it; and this is the time 
of the reign of antichrist, whose kingdom is a kingdom of darkness: but the "morning cometh, 
and also the night"; the former being about to break forth, and the latter to be at an end; yea, at 
eventide it shall be light: and the Lord will be a suitable, seasonable, and timely help to his 
people; for though weeping endures the night, joy comes in the morning. 
4. Henry, “Though heaven and earth are shaken, yet God is in the midst of her, she shall not be 
moved, Psa_46:5. God has assured his church of his special presence with her and concern for 
her; his honour is embarked in her, he has set up his tabernacle in her and has undertaken the 
protection of it, and therefore she shall not be moved, that is, [1.]
ot destroyed, not removed, as 
the earth may be Psa_46:2. The church shall survive the world, and be in bliss when that is in 
ruins. It is built upon a rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [2.]
ot disturbed, 
not much moved, with fears of the issue. If God be for us, if God be with us, we need not be 
moved at the most violent attempts made against us. (3.) Deliverance to the church, though her 
dangers be very great: God shall help her; and who then can hurt her? He shall help her under 
her troubles, that she shall not sink; nay, that the more she is afflicted the more she shall 
multiply. God shall help her out of her troubles, and that right early - when the morning appears; 
that is, very speedily, for he is a present help (Psa_46:1), and very seasonably, when things are 
brought to the last extremity and when the relief will be most welcome. This may be applied by 
particular believers to themselves; if God be in our hearts, in the midst of us, by his word 
dwelling richly in us, we shall be established, we shall be helped; let us therefore trust and not be 
afraid; all is well, and will end well.
5. Calvin, “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. The Psalmist now shows that the 
great security of the Church consists in this, that God dwells in the midst of her; for the verb 
which we translate, shall be moved, is of the feminine gender, nor can it be referred to God, as if it 
were designed to teach that God is immovable. The sentence must be explained in this way, The 
holy city shall not be moved or shaken, because God dwells there, and is always ready to help her. 
The expression, the dawn of the morning “At the looking forth of the morning; that is, as the 
Greek explaineth it, ‘very early;’ when the morning peereth or showeth the face.” — Ainsworth. 
“As soon as the morning appears [or shows] its face; i.e., God will come very early to her succor, 
before any enemy is awakened to annoy her.” — Mudge. “Before the dawn of the morning; i.e., 
with the utmost readiness and alacrity. The expression is borrowed from the conduct of a person 
who, in his anxiety to accomplish a favorite object, engages in it earlier than men ordinarily 
would. Jeremiah 7:13; and 7:25.” — French and Skinner. denotes daily, as soon as the sun rises 
upon the earth. The sum of the whole is, If we desire to be protected by the hand of God, we must 
be concerned above all things that he may dwell amongst us; for all hope of safety depends upon 
his presence alone. And he dwells amongst us for no other purpose than to preserve us uninjured. 
Moreover, although God does not always hasten immediately to our aid, according to the 
importunity of our desires, yet he will always come to us seasonably, so as to make apparent the 
truth of what is elsewhere said, “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,” 
(Psalm 121:4.) 
ations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; 
he lifts his voice, the earth melts. 
1. Barnes, “The heathen raged - The nations were in commotion, or were agitated like the waves 
of the sea. This language would well describe the consternation of the nations when the Assyrians 
went forth to conquest, and when, having subdued so many other kingdoms, they made war on 
Jerusalem. Compare Isa_36:18-20. 
The kingdoms were moved - That is, those who were invaded, as well as those that made the 
invasion. There was a general convulsion or shaking among the nations of the earth. 
He uttered his voice - God spoke; he gave command; he expressed his will. Compare Gen_1:3; 
The earth melted - The very earth seemed to melt or dissolve before him. Everything became 
still. The danger passed away at his command, and the raging world became calm. The Bible 
abounds in language of this kind, showing the absolute power of God, or his power to control all 
the raging elements on land and ocean by a word. Compare the notes at Psa_33:9. See also 
Psa_107:25, Psa_107:29; Mat_8:26. 
2. Clarke, “The heathen raged - There had been terrible wars on all hands, and mighty states

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52248798 psalm-46-commentary

  • 2. TARY Written and edited by Glenn Pease PREFACE I quote many authors both old and new, and if any I quote do not want their wisdom shared in this way they can let me know and I will remove it. My e-mail is Sometimes I add an entire sermon because it gives more meaning to the text than can be found in any other source. For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth.[b] A song. I
  • 4. 1. Treasury of David, “Title. To the Chief Musician. He who could sing other Psalms so well was fitly entrusted with this noble ode. Trifles may be left to commoner songsters, but the most skilful musician in Israel must be charged with the due performance of this song, with the most harmonious voices and choicest music. For the Sons of Korah. One alone cannot fulfil the praise, there must be picked choristers under him, whose joyful privilege it shall be to celebrate the service of song in the house of the Lord. As to why the sons of Korah were selected, see our remarks at the head of Psalm 42. It may be well to add that they were a division of the Levites who took their turn in serving at the temple. All the works of holy service ought not to be monopolised by one order of talent, each company of believers should in due course enjoy the privilege.
  • 5. one ought to be without a share in the service of God. A Song upon Alamoth. Which may denote that the music was to be pitched high for the treble or soprano voices of the Hebrew virgins. They went forth in their dances to sing the praises of David when he smote the Philistine, it was meet that they should make merry and be glad when the victories of Jehovah became their theme. We need to praise God upon virgin hearts, with souls chaste towards his fear, with lively and exalted expressions, and happy strains. Or the word Alamoth may refer to shrill sounding instruments, as in 1 Chronicles 15:20 , where we read that Zechariah, and Eliab, and Benaiah were to praise the Lord "with psalteries on Alamoth." We are not always, in a slovenly manner, to fall into one key, but with intelligence are to modulate our praises and make them fittingly expressive of the occasion and the joy it creates in our souls. These old musical terms cannot be interpreted with certainty, but they are still useful because they show that care and skill should be used in our sacred music. Subject. Happen what may, the Lord's people are happy and secure, this is the doctrine of the Psalm, and it might, to help our memories, be called THE SO
  • 8. CE, were it not that from the great reformer's love to this soul-stirring hymn it will probably be best remembered as LUTHER'S PSALM.
  • 9. Division. It is divided by inspired authority into three parts, each of which ends with Selah. Title. The LXX referring to the notion of the theme (~lc), occultavit, render it uper twn krufiwn, for the hidden; and the Latin, pro arcanis; and the rest of the ancient interpreters take the same course; the Chaldee referring it to Coreh, and those that were hidden, i.e., swallowed up, by the earth with him, whilst these sons of Coreh escaped; as if the mention of the sons of Coreh in the title, by whom this song was to be sung, referred the whole Psalm to that story. Accordingly, verse 2, when the Hebrew reads, "Though the earth be removed," the paraphrase is, "When our fathers were changed from the earth." Henry Hammond. Title. The title is peculiar, "Upon Alamoth," suggesting "a choir of virgins," as if this virgin choir were selected to sing a Psalm that tells of perils and fears and alarms abounding, in order to show that even the feeble virgins may in that day sing without dread, because of "The Mighty One" on their side. Andrew A. Bonar. Title. -- "Upon Alamoth." (To be sung) en soprano. Armand de Mestral, quoted by Perowne. Whole Psalm. We sing this Psalm to the praise of God, because God is with us, and powerfully and miraculously preserves and defends his church and his word, against all fanatical spirits, against the gates of hell, against the implacable hatred of the devil, and against all the assaults of the world, the flesh and sin. Martin Luther. Whole Psalm. Luther and his companions, with all their bold readiness for danger and death in the cause of truth, had times when their feelings were akin to those of a divine singer, who said, "Why art thou cast down, O my soul?" But in such hours the unflinching Reformer would cheerily say to his friend Melancthon, "Come, Philip, let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm; and they could sing it in Luther's own characteristic version": -- A sure stronghold our God is He, A timely shield and weapon; Our help he will be, and set us free From every ill can happen. And were the world with devils filled, All eager to devour us, Our souls to fear shall little yield, They cannot overpower us. S. W. Christophers, in "Hymn Writers and their Hymns," 1866 2. Calvin, “This psalm seems to be an expression of thanksgiving rather for some particular deliverance, than for the constant aid by which God has always protected and preserved his Church. It may be inferred from it that the city of Jerusalem. when stricken with great terror, and placed in extreme danger, was preserved, contrary to all expectation, by the unlooked for and miraculous power of God. The prophet, therefore, whoever composed the psalm, commending a deliverance so singularly vouchsafed by God, exhorts the faithful to commit themselves confidently to his protection, and not to doubt that, relying fearlessly upon him as their guardian and the protector of their welfare, they shall be continually preserved in safety from all the assaults of their enemies, because it is his peculiar office to quell all commotions. To the chief musician of the sons of Korah, a song upon Alamoth.
  • 10. Interpreters are not agreed as to the alamoth; but without noticing all , עלמות meaning of the word the different opinions, I shall mention only two of them, namely, that it was either an instrument of music, or else the commencement of some common and well known song. The latter conjecture appears to me the most probable. As to the time when this psalm was written it is also uncertain, unless, perhaps, we might suppose that it was written when the siege of the city was suddenly raised by the terrible and sore destruction which God brought upon the army of Sennacherib, Others refer it, as Rosenmüller, to the victory of Jehoshaphat, which was celebrated with great rejoicing, 2 Chronicles 20:26-30. It is, however, difficult or impossible to ascertain with certainty the occasion on which it was composed. It seems rather the language of faith under threatened difficulties, than of triumph over vanquished foes. Thus, in the midst of threatened danger, it may be employed by Christians to support their faith, hope, and peace. This was Luther’s favorite psalm. He composed a famous version of it on his journey to the Diet at Worms, where he went boldly to defend the Reformation at the risk of his life; and he was wont to say when threatened with any fresh trouble, “Come, let us sing the 46th Psalm.” (2 Kings 19:35.) This opinion I readily admit, because it accords most with the whole scope of the psalm. It is abundantly manifest that .some favor of God, worthy of being held in remembrance, such as that was, is here commended 3. F. B. Meyer, “The historical occasion of this Psalm cannot be certainly determined. But it is very probable that it was composed when Jerusalem was beleaguered by Sennacherib's hosts (Isa. 37). It fits every era in which the Church is in danger from her foes. It foretell the final destruction of Antichrist. It was Luther's favorite and is rendered into verse in his memorable hymn, Ein feste Burg. During the sitting of the Diet of Augsburg, he sang it every day to his lute, at the window, looking up to heaven. The security of God's people amid storms is elaborated in three divisions, each concluding with Selah. 1. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 1. There are two things we need in this troubled world. We need a place to hide when we cannot face the attack of the enemy, and we need the strength to face that enemy when we are forced by circumstances to face them. Both of these resources are found in God, to whom we run, and with whose help we stand. Sometimes trouble is overwhelming even for great warriors like David, and he needed a place to hide in escaping from the battle. At many other times he was in the heart of the battle, and was strengthened to come out a winner every time. The best of God's people need times of escape, for no warrior can fight all the time. We get battle weary, and have a desperate need to flee from the battle field and enjoy a time of peace and quiet in the presence of the Lord. God welcomes us to that retreat, and also wages war with us as he is ever present in our time of trouble. There are some superficial optimist who think that Christians never need to have trouble. They are children of the King, and they should be protected from all the troubles of life. That is not what we read in the Bible or history. Believers have never been free of trouble. Much of it is due
  • 11. to our ignorance, and much is due to a world of people whose goal in life is to not obey God's laws of life. The result is Christians bring trouble on themselves, and the world through plenty their way. This little note suggests that we should give more thought to the decisions we make, for bad decisions are a key factor in trouble coming our way. Someone wrote, “A colleague of mine at
  • 12. ASA was assigned to prepare a presentation on lessons learned from our bad experiences with the Hubble Space Telescope. On his chart at the briefing, lesson
  • 13. o. 1 read: "In naming your mission, never us a word that rhymes with trouble." Reader's Digest, March, 1993, Page 128. It is not likely that the name led to the problems, but there is no need to encourage it. Famous example of a major mistake in naming is this: “General Motors had a very famous fiasco in trying to market the
  • 14. ova car in Central and South America. "
  • 15. o va" in Spanish means, "It Doesn't Go". They brought trouble on themselves by this mistake, and so do all of us by opening out mouths at the wrong time, and then saying what out not to be said. Words are trouble makers, and none of us escape this reality. 1B. When you blow it, run to the Lord, and let him be your refuge, for he is the God of all comfort, and he can forgive you, and assure you that being stupid and foolish does not rob you of his love, and of the hope that you can learn to be a more loving person yourself and cut down on the level of trouble you bring on yourself. We could go on an on about trouble for there are 172 verses in the Bible that deal with the word trouble. That would be an enormous study in itself, and so face the reality that trouble is not one of the things we will escape by being God's children. Let me just share a few of these texts from the Psalms.Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 10:14 But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. Psalm 22:11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. Psalm 25:17 Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. Psalm 25:22 Deliver Israel, O God, from all their troubles! Psalm 27:5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 88:3 I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death. Psalm 90:10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. Psalm 90:15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble. 1C. These kinds of texts go on an on through the Psalms making it clear that trouble is a part of every life, even one so loved by God as David, a man after God's own heart. But let me share just
  • 16. a couple more that reveals again the reality that we are often the chief cause of our troubles. Psalm 38:18 I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. Psalm 40:12 For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. Psalm 55:2 hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught 1D. Warren Wiersbe, “"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (v. 1). This assurance from the Lord ought to take care of all of our fears and problems. God is our refuge--He hides us. God is our strength--He helps us. These two go together. At times in our lives we need a refuge. The storm is blowing and the battle is raging, and we have to run somewhere to hide. It's not a sin to hide, but it is a sin to stay hidden. God hides us so that He can help us. Then we can return to the battle and face the storm. This is not escape but rejuvenation. The Old Testament contains 21 different Hebrew words for trouble. Here the word trouble means "in tight places." If you are in a tight place today, let me suggest that you run by faith to Jesus. But don't go to Him to escape. Go there and tell Him, "Lord, I want to go back to the battle. I want to go back to my work. I want to carry the burdens of life, but you have to give me the strength." Then you can claim this marvelous promise of verse 1.
  • 17. otice the conclusion: "Therefore we will not fear" (v. 2). When God is available as your refuge and your strength, you have nothing to fear. Take time to run to the Lord. Are circumstances overwhelming you? Take refuge in the Lord. He will enable you to continue with renewed strength and confidence. Back to the Bible Copyright © 1996-2011 The Good
  • 18. ews Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 2. Barnes, “God is our refuge and strength - God is for us as a place to which we may flee for safety; a source of strength to us in danger. The first word, “refuge,” from a verb meaning to “flee,” and then “to flee to” - הסה châsâh - or to take shelter in - denotes a place to which one would flee in time of danger - as a lofty wall; a high tower; a fort; a fortress. See the notes at Psa_18:2. The idea here is, that the people of God, in time of danger, may find him to be what such a place of refuge would be. Compare Pro_18:10. The word “strength” implies that God is the source of strength to those who are weak and defenseless; or that we may rely on his strength “as if” it were our own; or that we may feel as safe in his strength as though we had that strength ourselves. We may make it the basis of our confidence as really as though the strength resided in our own arm. See the notes at Psa_18:2. A very present help - The word “help” here means aid, assistance. The word “trouble” would cover all that can come upon us which would give us anxiety or sorrow. The word rendered “present” - נמצא nimetsâ' - means rather, “is found,” or “has been found;” that is, he has “proved” himself to be a help in trouble. The word “present,” as if he were near to us, or close by us, does not accurately express the idea, which is rather, that “he has been found” to be such, or that he has always “proved” himself to be such a help, and that, therefore, we may now confide in him. The word “very,” or “exceedingly,” is added to qualify the whole proposition, as if this were
  • 19. “emphatically true.” It was true in the most eminent sense that God had always been found to be such a helper, and, “therefore,” there was nothing to fear in the present distress. Psa_46:2. 2B. Clarke, “God is our refuge - It begins abruptly, but nobly; ye may trust in whom and in what ye please: but God (Elohim) is our refuge and strength. A very present help - A help found to be very powerful and effectual in straits and difficulties. The words are very emphatic: עזרה בצרות נמצא מאד ezerah betsaroth nimtsa meod, “He is found an exceeding, or superlative help in difficulties.” Such we have found him, and therefore celebrate his praise. 2C. Spurgeon, “God is our refuge and strength.
  • 20. ot our armies, or our fortresses. Israel's boast is in Jehovah, the only living and true God. Others vaunt their impregnable castles, placed on inaccessible rocks, and secured with gates of iron, but God is a far better refuge from distress than all these: and when the time comes to carry the war into the enemy's territories, the Lord stands his people in better stead than all the valour of legions or the boasted strength of chariot and horse. Soldiers of the cross, remember this, and count yourselves safe, and make yourselves strong in God. Forget not the personal possessive word our; make sure each one of your portion in God, that you may say, "He is my refuge and strength."
  • 21. either forget the fact that God is our refuge just now, in the immediate present, as truly as when David penned the word. God alone is our all in all. All other refuges are refuges of lies, all other strength is weakness, for power belongeth unto God: but as God is all sufficient, our defence and might are equal to all emergencies. A very present help in trouble, or in distress he has so been found, he has been tried and proved by his people. He never withdraws himself from his afflicted. He is their help, truly, effectually, constantly; he is present or near them, close at their side and ready for their succour, and this is emphasized by the word very in our version, he is more present than friend or relative can be, yea, more nearly present than even the trouble itself. To all this comfortable truth is added the consideration that his assistance comes at the needed time. He is not as the swallows that leave us in the winter; he is a friend in need and a friend indeed. When it is very dark with us, let brave spirits say, "Come, let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm." "A fortress firm, and steadfast rock, Is God in time of danger; A shield and sword in every shock, From foe well known or stranger." 3. Gill, “God is our refuge and strength,.... That is, Christ, who is God as well as man, is the "refuge" for souls to fly unto for safety; as for sensible sinners, in a view of danger, wrath, and misery, so for saints, in every time of distress; typified by the cities of refuge, under the legal dispensation; See Gill on Psa_9:9; and he it is from whom they have all their spiritual strength, and every renewal and supply of it, to exercise grace, perform duties, withstand enemies, bear the cross patiently, show a fortitude of mind under the sorest distresses, and hold on and out unto the end: in short, he is the strength of their hearts, under the greatest trials, of their lives, amidst the greatest dangers; and of their salvation, notwithstanding all their enemies; a very present help in trouble; whether inward or outward, of soul or body; the Lord helps his people under it to bear it, and he helps them out of it in the most proper and seasonable time: they are poor helpless creatures in themselves; nor can any other help them but the Lord, who
  • 22. made heaven and earth; and he helps presently, speedily, and effectually: in the Hebrew text it is, "he is found an exceeding help in trouble" (t); in all kind of trouble that the saints come into, the Lord has been found, by experience, to be an exceeding great helper of them; moreover, he is easily and always to be come at, and found by them for their help. 4. Henry, “The psalmist here teaches us by his own example. I. To triumph in God, and his relation to us and presence with us, especially when we have had some fresh experiences of his appearing in our behalf (Psa_46:1): God is our refuge and strength; we have found him so, he has engaged to be so, and he ever will be so. Are we pursued? God is our refuge to whom we may flee, and in whom we may be safe and think ourselves so; secure upon good grounds, Pro_18:10. Are we oppressed by troubles? Have we work to do and enemies to grapple with? God is our strength, to bear us up under our burdens, to fit us for all our services and sufferings; he will by his grace put strength into us, and on him we may stay ourselves. Are we in distress? He is a help, to do all that for us which we need, a present help, a help found (so the word is), one whom we have found to be so, a help on which we may write Probatum est - It is tried, as Christ is called a tried stone, Isa_28:16. Or, a help at hand, one that never is to seek for, but that is always near. Or, a help sufficient, a help accommodated to every case and exigence; whatever it is, he is a very present help; we cannot desire a better help, nor shall ever find the like in any creature. II. To triumph over the greatest dangers: God is our strength and our help, a God all-sufficient to us; therefore will not we fear. Those that with a holy reverence fear God need not with any amazement to be afraid of the power of hell or earth. If God be for us, who can be against us; to do us any harm? It is our duty, it is our privilege, to be thus fearless; it is an evidence of a clear conscience, of an honest heart, and of a lively faith in God and his providence and promise: “We will not fear, though the earth be removed, though all our creature-confidences fail us and sink us; nay, though that which should support us threaten to swallow us up, as the earth did Korah,” for whose sons this psalm was penned, and, some think, by them; yet while we keep close to God, and have him for us, we will not fear, for we have no cause to fear; - Si fractus illabatur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruinae - Hor. - Let Jove's dread arm With thunder rend the spheres, Beneath the crush of worlds undaunted he appears. 5. K&D, “The congregation begins with a general declaration of that which God is to them. This declaration is the result of their experience. Luther, after the lxx and Vulg., renders it, “in the great distresses which have come upon us.” As though נִמְצָא could stand for הַנִּמְצָעוֹת , and that this again could mean anything else but “at present existing,” to which מְאדֹ is not at all appropriate. God Himself is called נמצא מאד as being one who allows Himself to be found in times of distress (2Ch_15:4, and frequently) exceedingly; i.e., to those who then seek Him He reveals Himself and verifies His word beyond all measure. Because God is such a God to them, the congregation or church does not fear though a still greater distress than that which they have just withstood, should break in upon them: if the earth should change, i.e., effect, enter upon, undergo or suffer a change (an inwardly transitive Hiphil, Ges. §53, 2); and if the mountains should sink down into the heart ( בְּלֵ ב exactly as in Eze_27:27; Jon_2:4) of the sea (ocean), i.e., even if these should sink
  • 23. back again into the waters out of which they appeared on the third day of the creation, so that consequently the old chaos should return. The church supposes the most extreme case, viz., the falling in of the universe which has been creatively set in order. We are no more to regard the language as being allegorical here (as Hengstenberg interprets it, the mountains being = the kingdoms of the world), than we would the language of Horace: si fractus illabatur orbis (Carm. iii. 3, 7). Since יַמִּים is not a numerical but amplificative plural, the singular suffixes in Psa_46:4 may the more readily refer back to it. גַּֽאֲוָ ה , pride, self-exaltation, used of the sea as in Psa_89:10 גֵּאוּת , and in Job_38:11 גָּאוֹן are used. The futures in Psa_46:4 do not continue the infinitive construction: if the waters thereof roar, foam, etc.; but they are, as their position and repetition indicate, intended to have a concessive sense. And this favours the supposition of Hupfeld and Ewald that the refrain, Psa_46:8, 12, which ought to form the apodosis of this concessive clause (cf. Psa_139:8-10; Job_20:24; Isa_40:30.) has accidentally fallen out here. In the text as it lies before us Psa_46:4 attaches itself to א־נִירָא v: (we do not fear), let its waters (i.e., the waters of the ocean) rage and foam continually; and, inasmuch as the sea rises high, towering beyond its shores, let the mountains threaten to topple in. The music, which here becomes forte, strengthens the believing confidence of the congregation, despite this wild excitement of the elements. 6. The Scottish Psalter 1 God is our refuge and our strength, in straits a present aid; Therefore, although the earth remove, we will not be afraid: 2 Though hills amidst the seas be cast; Though waters roaring make, And troubled be; yea, though the hills, by swelling seas do shake. 3 A river is, whose streams make glad the city of our God; The holy place, wherein the Lord most high hath his abode. 5 God in the midst of her doth dwell; and nothing shall her move: The Lord to her an helper will, and that right early, prove. 7. Spurgeon, “Covenant blessings are not meant to be looked at only, but to be appropriated. Even our Lord Jesus is given to us for our present use. Believer, thou dost not make use of Christ as thou oughtest to do. When thou art in trouble, why dost thou not tell him all thy grief? Has he not a sympathizing heart, and can he not comfort and relieve thee?
  • 24. o, thou art going about to all thy friends, save thy best Friend, and telling thy tale everywhere except into the bosom of thy Lord. Art thou burdened with this day’s sins? Here is a fountain filled with blood: use it, saint,
  • 25. use it. Has a sense of guilt returned upon thee? The pardoning grace of Jesus may be proved again and again. Come to him at once for cleansing. Dost thou deplore thy weakness? He is thy strength: why not lean upon him? Dost thou feel naked? Come hither, soul; put on the robe of Jesus’ righteousness. Stand not looking at it, but wear it. Strip off thine own righteousness, and thine own fears too: put on the fair white linen, for it was meant to wear. Dost thou feel thyself sick? Pull the night-bell of prayer, and call up the Beloved Physician! He will give the cordial that will revive thee. Thou art poor, but then thou hast “a kinsman, a mighty man of wealth.” What! wilt thou not go to him, and ask him to give thee of his abundance, when he has given thee this promise, that thou shalt be joint heir with him, and has made over all that he is and all that he has to be thine? There is nothing Christ dislikes more than for his people to make a show-thing of him, and not to use him. He loves to be employed by us. The more burdens we put on his shoulders, the more precious will he be to us. “Let us be simple with him, then,
  • 26. ot backward, stiff, or cold, As though our Bethlehem could be What Sinai was of old.” 7B. Spurgeon, “A help that is not present when we need it is of small value. The anchor which is left at home is of no use to the seaman in the hour of storm; the money which he used to have is of no worth to the debtor when a writ is out against him. Very few earthly helps could be called "very present": they are usually far in the seeking, far in the using, and farther still when once used. But as for the LORD our God, He is present when we seek Him, present when we need Him, and present when we have already enjoyed His aid. He is more than "present," He is very present. More present than the nearest friend can be, for He is in us in our trouble; more present than we are to ourselves, for sometimes we lack presence of mind. He is always present, effectually present, sympathetically present, altogether present. He is present now if this is a gloomy season. Let us rest ourselves upon Him. He is our refuge, let us hide in Him; He is our strength, let us array ourselves with Him; He is our help, let us lean upon Him; He is our very present help, let us repose in Him now. We need not have a moment's care or an instant's fear. "The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." 8. Calvin, “God is our refuge and strength Here the Psalmist begins with a general expression or sentiment, before he comes to speak of the more particular deliverance. He begins by premising that God is sufficiently able to protect his own people, and that he gives them sufficient ground to expect it; for this the word מחסה , machaseh, properly signifies. In the second clause of the verse the verb he is found, which we translate in the present, is in the past tense, he has been found; and, indeed, there would be no impropriety in limiting the language to some particular deliverance which had already been experienced, just as others also have rendered it in the past tense. But as the prophet adds the term tribulations in the plural number, I prefer explaining it of a continued act, That God comes seasonably to our aid, and is never wanting in the time of need, as often as any afflictions press upon his people. If the prophet were speaking of the experience of God’s favor, it would answer much better to render the verb in the past tense. It is, however, obvious that his design is to extol the power of God and his goodness towards his people, and to show how ready God is to afford them assistance, that they may not in the time of their adversities gaze around them on every side, but rest satisfied with his protection alone. He therefore says expressly that God acts in such a manner towards them, to let the Church know
  • 27. that he exercises a special care in preserving and defending her. There can be no doubt that by this expression he means to draw a distinction between the chosen people of God and other heathen nations, and in this way to commend the privilege of adoption which God of his goodness had vouchsafed to the posterity of Abraham. Accordingly, when I said before that it was a general expression, my intention was not to extend it to all manner of persons, but only to all times; for the object of the prophet is to teach us after what manner God is wont to act towards those who are his people. He next concludes, by way of inference, that the faithful nave no reason to be afraid, since God is always ready to deliver them, nay, is also armed with invincible power. He shows in this that the true and proper proof of our hope consists in this, that, when things are so confused, that the heavens seem as it were to fall with great violence, the earth to remove out of its place, and the mountains to be torn up from their very foundations, we nevertheless continue to preserve and maintain calmness and tranquillity of heart. It is an easy matter to manifest the appearance of great confidence, so long as we are not placed in imminent danger: but if, in the midst of a general crash of the whole world, our minds continue undisturbed and free of trouble, this is an evident proof that we attribute to the power of God the honor which belongs to him. When, however, the sacred poet says, We will not fear, he is not to be understood as meaning that the minds of the godly are exempt from all solicitude or fear, as if they were destitute of feeling, for there is a great difference between insensibility and the confidence of faith. He only shows that whatever may happen they are never overwhelmed with terror, but rather gather strength and courage sufficient to allay all fear. Though the earth be moved, and the mountains fall into the midst of the sea, are hyperbolical modes of expression, but they nevertheless denote a revolution, and turning upside down of the whole world. Some have explained the expression, the midst of the sea, as referring to the earth. I do not, however, approve of it. But in order more fully to understand the doctrine of the psalm, let us proceed to consider what follows. 2. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 1. This is quite a statement of confidence and faith in God, but most of us would have to be honest and confess that we cannot live up to this standard of faith. If the mountains were falling into the sea as the earth was crumbling because of 9.7 earthquake, we would not be fearless, but scared out of our wits. But here is a calm in the midst of calamity. The sky is not falling, but the ground beneath him is falling apart, and yet he is fearless. David is painting an extreme situation of danger to communicate his extreme assurance that he is always safe in the arms of God, for even if he perishes in the earthquake, he has no need to fear, for he will still have the security of being with his Lord. He is the perfect example of fearless faith. Even cataclysmic catastrophic calamity cannot crush his confidence. It is possible to experience tranquility in turbulent tumultuous times. Carlyle said, “We cannot stand firm in time until we have gained a foothold somewhere beyond time.” This is the security we have in Christ. An unknown poet put it- Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole,
  • 28. o flaming bolt shall daunt my face,
  • 29. For Jesus is my hiding place. 1B. Barnes, “Therefore will not we fear - Our confidence in God shall be unshaken and abiding. Having Him for our refuge and strength Psa_46:1, we can have nothing to fear. Compare Psa_56:3. Though the earth be removed - literally, “in the changing of the earth;” that is, though the earth should be changed. This may either mean, Though the earth should change its place or its very structure in these convulsions; or, though it should perish altogether. Compare Psa_102:26. The idea is, that they would not be afraid, though the convulsions then occurring in the world should be continued, and should be extended so far as to destroy the very earth itself. God would remain their friend and protector, and they would have nothing to fear. And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea - Margin, as in Hebrew, “into the heart of the seas.” This may either be understood literally, as implying that they would “not” be afraid though the mountains, the most fixed and firm things of earth, should be uprooted and sunk in the ocean - implying that nothing earthly was stable; or, the mountains here may be referred to as emblems of that which seemed to be most settled and established on earth - the kingdoms of the world. The idea is, that in any convulsion - any change - any threatened danger - they would place confidence in God, who ruled over all, and who could not change. It will be seen at once that this entire description of trust and confidence in God is applicable to the time of Hezekiah, and to the feelings which he manifested when the land was invaded by the hosts of Sennacherib, and when wars and commotions were abroad among the kingdoms of the earth. See the introduction to the psalm. It was, also, eminently suited to console the mind in the circumstances to which Luther so often applied the psalm - the agitations, convulsions, wars, dangers in Europe, in the time of the Reformation. It is suited to any time of trouble, when commotions and revolutions are occurring in the earth, and when everything sacred, true, and valuable seems to be in danger. 2. Clarke, “Therefore will not we fear - Let what commotions will take place in the earth, we will trust in the all-powerful arm of God. Probably the earthquake referred to, here means political commotions, such as those mentioned under the title; and by mountains, kings or secular states may be intended. 2B. Spurgeon, “Therefore. How fond the psalmist is of therefores! his poetry is no poetic rapture without reason, it is as logical as a mathematical demonstration. The next words are a necessary inference from these. Will not we fear. With God on our side, how irrational would fear be! Where he is all power is, and all love, why therefore should we quail? Though the earth be removed, though the basis of all visible things should be so convulsed as to be entirely changed. And though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea; though the firmest of created objects should fall to headlong ruin, and be submerged in utter destruction. The two phrases set forth the most terrible commotions within the range of imagination, and include the overthrow of dynasties, the destruction of nations, the ruin of families, the persecutions of the church, the reign of heresy, and whatever else may at any time try the faith of believers. Let the worst come to the worst, the child of God should never give way to mistrust; since God remaineth faithful there can be no danger to his cause or people. When the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the heavens and the earth shall pass away in the last general conflagration, we shall serenely behold "the wreck of matter, and the crash of worlds," for even then our refuge shall preserve us from all evil, our strength shall prepare us for all good.
  • 30. 2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 2. Though the earth be removed. John Wesley preached in Hyde park, on the occasion of the earthquake felt in London, March 8, 1750, and repeated these words. Charles Wesley composed Hymn 67, Wesley's Collection, the following lines of which illustrate this verse: -- How happy then are we, Who build, O Lord, on thee! What can our foundation shock? Though the shattered earth remove, Stands our city on a rock, On the rock of heavenly love. Verse 2-3. The earth thrown into a state of wild confusion, the mountains hurled into the mighty deep, the sea tossed into a tempest, and the everlasting hills drifting on its foaming billows, are the vivid images by which the divine judgments on wicked and persecuting nations are described in the language of the prophets. John Morison. Verse 2-3,5. Palestine was frequently subject to earthquakes, as might have been expected from its physical character and situation; and it is a remarkable circumstance, that although all other parts of the land seem to have been occasionally the scene of those terrible convulsions, the capital was almost wholly free from them. Mount Moriah, or the hill of vision, was so called from its towering height, which made it a conspicuous object in the distance. It stands in the centre of a group of hills, which surround it in the form of an amphitheatre, and it was chiefly to this position, under the special blessing of God, that it stood firm and immoveable amid the frequent earthquakes that agitated and ravaged the Holy Land. Paxton's Illustrations of Scripture. 3. Gill, “Therefore will not we fear,...., The consideration of the Lord's being the refuge, strength, and help of his people, in all times of trouble and distress, has a great influence on their faith and confidence, and makes them intrepid and fearless in the midst of the greatest dangers: nor indeed have they any reason to be afraid of men or devils, since the Lord is on their side; nor should they indulge a slavish fear on any account whatever; though the earth be removed; or "changed" (u), as to its position or fruitfulness; or whatever changes, vicissitudes, and revolutions may be in the kingdoms, nations, and among the inhabitants of the earth, through wars and desolations made thereby; and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; so the destruction of kingdoms, empires, and cities, is expressed by a like phrase; as of Babylon, Jer_51:25; and of the Roman and Pagan empire, Rev_6:12, and of the city of Rome, Rev_8:8. 4. Biblical examples of a fearless trust in God. Exodus 14:13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. 14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 2 Chronicles 20:14 Then upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel,
  • 31. the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, came the Spirit of the LORD in the midst of the congregation; 15 And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's. 16 To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. 17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you. 3. though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.[c] 1. David is describing things like earthquakes and tsunamis with a confidence that sounds like he feels invincible and unable to be touched by natural disasters. This is not how most of us would face such things. Barnes, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled - The waters of the sea. The idea is, that they would not be afraid though everything should be in commotion, and be as unsettled as the restless waves of the ocean. The earth might be changed, the mountains removed, the agitated sea roar and dash against the shore, but their minds would be calm. The word rendered “be troubled” means to boil; to ferment; to foam; and here it refers to the ocean as agitated and lashed into foam.
  • 32. othing is more sublime and fearful than the ocean in a storm; nothing furnishes a better illustration of the peace produced by confidence in God amid the agitations which occur in the world, than the mind of a seaman that is calm when the ocean is heaved in wild commotion. Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof - The rolling ocean breaking against; the sides of the mountains on its shore, and seeming to shake them to their foundation. The word rendered “swelling” means properly majesty, glory; then pride, haughtiness, insolence. Literally, “though the mountains tremble through their pride.” Compare Psa_124:5. On the word “Selah,” see the notes at Psa_3:2. 2. Clarke, “Though the waters thereof roar - Waters, in prophetic language, signify people; and, generally, people in a state of political commotion, here signified by the term roar. And by these strong agitations of the people, the mountains - the secular rulers, shake with the swelling thereof - tremble, for fear that these popular tumults should terminate in the subversion of the state. This very people had seen all Asia in a state of war. The Persians had overturned Asia Minor, and destroyed the Babylonian empire: they had seen Babylon itself sacked and entered by the Persians; and Cyrus, its conqueror, had behaved to them as a father and deliverer. While their
  • 33. oppressors were destroyed, themselves were preserved, and permitted to return to their own land. 2B. Spurgeon, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled. When all things are excited to fury, and reveal their utmost power to disturb, faith smiles serenely. She is not afraid of noise, nor even of real force, she knows that the Lord stilleth the raging of the sea, and holdeth the waves in the hollow of his hand. Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Alps and Andes may tremble, but faith rests on a firmer basis, and is not to be moved by swelling seas. Evil may ferment, wrath may boil, and pride may foam, but the brave heart of holy confidence trembles not. Great men who are like mountains may quake for fear in times of great calamity, but the man whose trust is in God needs never to be dismayed. Selah. In the midst of such a hurly burly the music may well come to a pause, both to give the singers breath, and ourselves time for meditation. We are in no hurry, but can sit us down and wait while earth dissolves, and mountains rock, and oceans roar. Ours is not the headlong rashness which passes for courage, we can calmly confront the danger, and meditate upon terror, dwelling on its separate items and united forces. The pause is not an exclamation of dismay, but merely a rest in music; we do not suspend our song in alarm, but tune our harps again with deliberation amidst the tumult of the storm. It were well if all of us could say, Selah, under tempestuous trials, but alas! too often we speak in our haste, lay our trembling hands bewildered among the strings, strike the lyre with a rude crash, and mar the melody of our life song. 3. Gill, “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,.... The noise of which causes men's hearts to fail them for fear, Luk_21:25; though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. All these figurative expressions denote the hurlyburlies, confusions, and disorders that have been or will be in the world; amidst all which the people of God have no reason to fear; for it is always well with the righteous, let it go how it will with others. The passage may be applied to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the wars preceding it, and the dispersion of the Jews upon it; when true believers in Christ found him to be their refuge, strength, and help in that time of trouble, such as never was the like, and were safe and without fear; and Aben Ezra, a Jewish commentator, thinks it is right to interpret this psalm concerning the wars of Jerusalem: moreover, these words may be applied to any other time of calamity, through war or persecution, that has been since; as also to any that is to come; as to the slaying of the witnesses, the hour of temptation that will try all that are upon the earth; and even to the day of judgment, when heaven and earth shall flee away from the face of the Judge; when the heavens shall be folded up as a garment, and the earth, and all that is therein, shall be burnt up, and the whole world of the ungodly shall be thrown into the utmost panic, the saints will be safe with Christ, and ever happy with him; and, in the worst of times in this world, God is always their covenant God, their shield, portion, and exceeding great reward; Christ is their Redeemer and Saviour, their city of refuge, and strong hold; and though they may be plundered of their goods and property, they have a better and a more enduring substance in heaven; an estate, an inheritance there, that can never be taken away; and even should their enemies kill the body, that is the utmost they can do; their souls are safe in the hands of Christ; their life is hid with him; and when he shall appear, they shall appear with him in glory; and therefore they may well say, "we will not fear" (w). Selah; on this word; see Gill on Psa_3:2. 4. Henry, “Observe here, 1. How threatening the danger is. We will suppose the earth to be removed, and thrown into the sea, even the mountains, the strongest and firmest parts of the
  • 34. earth, to lie buried in the unfathomed ocean; we will suppose the sea to roar and rage, and make a dreadful noise, and its foaming billows to insult the shore with so much violence as even to shake the mountains, Psa_46:3. Though kingdoms and states be in confusion, embroiled in wars, tossed with tumults, and their governments in continual revolution - though their powers combine against the church and people of God, aim at no less than their ruin, and go very near to gain their point - yet will not we fear, knowing that all these troubles will end well for the church. See Psa_93:4. If the earth be removed, those have reason to fear who have laid up their treasures on earth, and set their hearts upon it; but not those who have laid up for themselves treasures in heaven, and who expect to be most happy when the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burnt up. Let those be troubled at the troubling of the waters who build their confidence on such a floating foundation, but not those who are led to the rock that is higher than they, and find firm footing upon that rock.” 5. Calvin, “Though the waters thereof roar, etc This verse ought to be read in connection with the verse which follows, because it is necessary to complete the sense, as if it had been said: Though the waters of the sea roar and swell, and by their fierce impetuosity shake the very mountains — even in the midst of these dreadful tumults, the holy city of God will continue to enjoy comfort and peace, satisfied with her small streams. The relative pronoun her, according to the common usage of the Hebrew language, is superfluous in this place. The prophet intended simply to say, that the small streams of a river would afford to the holy city abundant cause of rejoicing, though the whole world should be moved and destroyed. I have already mentioned shortly before how profitable is the doctrine taught us in this place, that our faith is really and truly tested only when we are brought into very severe conflicts, and when even hell itself seems opened to swallow us up. In like manner, we have portrayed to us the victory of faith over the whole world, when, in the midst of the utmost confusion, it unfolds itself, and begins to raise its head in such a manner as that although the whole creation seem to be banded together, and to have conspired for the destruction of the faithful, it nevertheless triumphs over all fear.
  • 35. ot that the children of God, when placed in peril, indulge in jesting or make a sport of death, but the help which God has promised them more than overbalances, in their estimation, all the evils which inspire them with fear. The sentiment of Horace is very beautiful, when, speaking of the righteous man and the man who feels conscious of no guilt, he says, (Car., Lib. iii., Od. 3,) “Dux inquieti turbidus Adriae,
  • 36. ec fulminantis magna Jovis manus, Si fractus illabitur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruinae.” “Let the wild winds that rule the seas, Tempestuous, all their horrors raise; Let Jove’s dread arm with thunders rend the spheres; Beneath the crush of worlds undaunted he appears.” 176 176 Francis’ Translation of Horace. But as no such person as he imagines could ever be found, he only trifles in speaking as he does. Their fortitude, therefore, has its foundation in the assurance of the divine protection alone, so that they who rely upon God, and put their trust in him, may truly boast, not only that they shall be undismayed, but also that they shall be preserved in security and safety amidst the ruins of a falling world. The prophet says expressly, that the city of God shall be glad, although it had no raging sea, but only a gently flowing stream, to set for its defense against those waves of which he has made mention. By this mode of expression he alludes to the stream which flowed from Shiloah, and
  • 37. passed through the city of Jerusalem. Further, the prophet, I have no doubt, here indirectly rebukes the vain confidence of those who, fortified by earthly assistance, imagine that they are well protected, and beyond the reach of all danger. Those who anxiously seek to strengthen themselves on all sides with the invincible helps of the world, seem, indeed, to imagine that they are able to prevent their enemies from approaching them, just as if they were environed on all sides with the sea; but it often happens that the very defenses which they had reared turn to their own destruction, even as when a tempest lays waste and destroys an island by overflowing it. But they who commit themselves to the protection of God, although in the estimation of the world they are exposed to every kind of injury, and are not sufficiently able to repel the assaults made upon them, nevertheless repose in security. On this account, Isaiah (Isaiah 8:6) reproves the Jews because they despised the gently flowing waters of Shiloah, and longed for deep and rapid rivers. In that passage, there is an elegant antithesis between the little brook Shiloah on the one hand, and the
  • 38. ile and Euphrates on the other; as if he had said, They defraud God of his honor by the unworthy reflection, that when he made choice of the city of Jerusalem, he had not made the necessary provision in respect of strength and fortifications for its defense and preservation. And certainly, if this psalm was written after the slaughter and flight of the army of Sennacherib, it is probable that the inspired writer purposely made use of the same metaphor, to teach the faithful in all ages, that the grace of God alone would be to them a sufficient protection, independent of the assistance of the world. In like manner, the Holy Spirit still exhorts and encourages us to cherish the same confidence, that, despising all the resources of those who proudly magnify themselves against us, we may preserve our tranquillity in the midst of disquietude and trouble, and not be grieved or ashamed on account of our defenseless condition, so long as the hand of God is stretched out to save us. Thus, although the help of God comes to our aid in a secret and gentle manner, like the still flowing streams, yet it imparts to us more tranquillity of mind than if the whole power of the world were gathered together for our help. In speaking of Jerusalem as the sanctuary of the tabernacles of the Most High, the prophet makes a beautiful allusion to the circumstances or condition of that time: for although God exercised authority over all the tribes of the people, yet he made choice of that city as the seat of royalty, from which he might govern the whole nation of Israel. The tabernacles of the Most High were scattered throughout all Judea, but still it was necessary that they should be gathered together and united in one sanctuary, that they might be under the dominion of God. 4. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 1. Barnes, “There is a river - There is no allusion here to any particular stream or river, but the image is designed to represent a state of peace and calm security in contrast with the rough and troubled ocean. While the ocean rages, and foams, and dashes against the mountains as if it would overturn them, the state of Jerusalem, the city of God, was well represented by a calm and
  • 39. gently-flowing river; a river of full banks, diffusing joy and fertility and beauty wherever it flowed. This image, to represent happiness, abundance, peace, joy, is one that is often employed in the Scriptures. Compare Isa_32:2; Isa_33:21; Isa_41:18; Psa_1:3; Rev_22:1; Psa_36:8. The “idea” here is simply that Jerusalem would be calm and serene amidst all the external agitations in the world - calm as a gently-flowing stream. The streams - the canals - the water-courses of such a river flowing around each dwelling and along each garden, would diffuse happiness and beauty everywhere. The streams whereof - The allusion here is undoubtedly to the canals, watercourses, or rivulets that were led off from the main stream for the purpose of supplying fountains and watering gardens. Thus the city of Damascus is watered by streams or canals cut from the river Barrady, that flows down from the regions of Anti-Libanus. The greenness - the beauty - the fertility - of Damascus is owing wholly to the waters of the river thus conducted to every house and garden in the city. Compare introduction to Isa_17:1-14. So here, the flowing river of divine mercy and goodness is conveyed, as in smaller canals or streams, to each home and heart, producing peace, calmness, joy - while the world around is full of commotion and trouble. Shall make glad the city of God - Jerusalem, considered as the place where God was worshipped, and where he was supposed especially to dwell: Psa_48:1. The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High - Of the “tent” where the Most High is supposed to abide. The word is applicable to any habitation or dwelling-place; but in the Scriptures it is applied especially to the sacred tent erected by Moses in the wilderness, and ultimately removed to Mount Zion by David, as the divine abode on earth. It is sometimes, also, applied to the temple; and if this psalm was written, as I have supposed, in the time of Hezekiah, it would be applicable to that. Compare Psa_84:2; Psa_132:5. The tabernacle and the temple were alike divided into two parts - the holy and the most holy place - and hence the “plural” term is sometimes applied to them. Compare the notes at Heb_9:2-3. 2. Clarke, “There is a river, the streams whereof - The Chaldee understands the river, and its streams or divisions, as pointing out various peoples who should be converted to the faith and thus make glad the city of God, Jerusalem by their flowing together to the worship of the true God. But the river may refer to the vast Medo-Persian army and its divisions: those branches which took Babylon; and, instead of ruining and destroying the poor Jews, preserved them alive, and gave them their liberty; and thus the city of God, and the tabernacle of the Most High, were gladdened. 2B. Spurgeon, “There is a river. Divine grace like a smoothly flowing, fertilising, full, and never failing river, yields refreshment and consolation to believers. This is the river of the water of life, of which the church above as well as the church below partakes evermore. It is no boisterous ocean, but a placid stream, it is not stayed in its course by earthquakes or crumbling mountains, it follows its serene course without disturbance. Happy are they who know from their own experience that there is such a river of God. The streams whereof in their various influences, for they are many, shall make glad the city of God, by assuring the citizens that Zion's Lord will unfailingly supply all their needs. The streams are not transient like Cherith, nor muddy like the
  • 40. ile, nor furious like Kishon, nor treacherous like Job's deceitful brooks, neither are their waters "naught" like those of Jericho, they are clear, cool, fresh, abundant, and gladdening. The great fear of an Eastern city in time of war was lest the water supply should be cut off during a siege; if
  • 41. that were secured the city could hold out against attacks for an indefinite period. In this verse, Jerusalem, which represents the church of God, is described as well supplied with water, to set forth the fact that in seasons of trial all sufficient grace will be given to enable us to endure unto the end. The church is like a well ordered city, surrounded with mighty walls of truth and justice, garrisoned by omnipotence, fairly built and adorned by infinite wisdom: its burgesses the saints enjoy high privileges; they trade with far off lands, they live in the smile of the King; and as a great river is the very making and mainstay of a town, so is the broad river of everlasting love, and grace their joy and bliss. The church is peculiarly the City of God, of his designing, building, election, purchasing and indwelling. It is dedicated to his praise, and glorified by his presence. The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. This was the peculiar glory of Jerusalem, that the Lord within her walls had a place where he peculiarly revealed himself, and this is the choice privilege of the saints, concerning which we may cry with wonder, "Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" To be a temple for the Holy Ghost is the delightful portion of each saint, to be the living temple for the Lord our God is also the high honour of the church in her corporate capacity. Our God is here called by a worthy title, indicating his power, majesty, sublimity, and excellency; and it is worthy of note that under this character he dwells in the church. We have not a great God in nature, and a little God in grace; no, the church contains as clear and convincing a revelation of God as the works of nature, and even more amazing in the excellent glory which shines between the cherubim overshadowing that mercy seat which is the centre and gathering place of the people of the living God. To have the Most High dwelling within her members, is to make the church on earth like the church in heaven. 2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 4. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God. What is the river that makes glad the city of God? I answer, God himself is the river, as in the following verse, "God is in the midst of her." 1. God the Father is the river: "For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:13. 2. God the Son is the river, the fountain of salvation: "In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness." Zechariah 13:1. 3. God the Spirit is the river: "He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 7:38 4:14. What are the streams of this river? Answer -- the perfections of God, the fulness of Christ, the operations of the Spirit, and these running in the channel of the covenant of promise. Ralph Erskine. Verse 4. There is a river, etc. This is that flood which Ezekiel beheld in vision, the waters that came down from the right side of the house, and rising first to the ankles -- then as the prophet passed onward, to the knees -- then to the loins -- became afterwards a river that he could not pass over; for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over. Shall we see in this, with the angelic doctor, the river of grace which burst forth from Mount Calvary? streams branching off hither and thither, the pelagim of the Hebrew -- "to satisfy the desolate and waste ground, and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth." Job 38:1-41. O "fountain of gardens," "well of living waters," "streams from Lebanon," how do you, the "nether springs" of this world, bring to us something of the everlasting loveliness and peace of those "upper springs," by which the beautiful flock now feed and lie down, none making them
  • 42. afraid! Or with S. Ambrose and S. Bernard, understand the verse of the "river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb." And then the rivers of that flood shall indeed make glad the city of God, the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, where is the tree of life, that beareth twelve manner of fruits, and yieldeth her fruit every month; that country and that river of which the old liturgies say, "They who rest in the bosom of Abraham are in the tabernacle of joy and rest, in the dwellings of light, in the world of pleasure, in the church of the true Jerusalem, where there is no place for affliction, nor way of sadness, where there are no wars with the flesh, and no resistance to temptation, where sin is forgotten, and past danger is only remembered as a present pleasure." Thomas Aquinas, Ambrose, and Bernard, in
  • 43. eale's Commentary. Verse 4. There is a river. The river of God that flows from his throne.
  • 44. o enemy can cut off this stream from the church of Christ. Observe the reference to Isaiah 36:2 37:25, compared with 2 Chronicles 32:2-4 . These gently flowing, but full streams, are contrasted with the roaring waves of the sea. T. C. Barth. Verse 4. There is a river, etc. The allusion is either to the river Kidron, which ran by Jerusalem, or to the waters of Shiloah, which by different courses and branches ran through the city of Jerusalem, and supplied the several parts of it with water, to the joy and comfort of its inhabitants. But the words are to be understood in a figurative sense, as applicable to gospel times; and this river either designs the gospel, the streams of which are its doctrines, which are living waters, that went out from Jerusalem, and which publish glad tidings of great joy to all sensible sinners; or the Spirit and his graces, which are compared to a well and rivers of living water, in the exercises of which the saints have much joy and peace; or else the Lord himself, who is the place of broad rivers and streams to his people, and is both their refreshment and protection; or rather his everlasting love to them is here intended. John Gill. Verse 4. Compared with the waterless deserts around, Judaea and Jerusalem were well watered, and drought pressed more severely on the besiegers than the besieged. The allusion here is to the well known rill and pool of Siloam. So in Isaiah 8:6, the blessing of God's protection is represented by the waters of Shiloah, which go softly. From "The psalms Chronologically arranged. By Four Friends," 1867. Verse 4. The city. The church of God is like a city, 1. Because a city is a place of security. 2. A place of society: what one wants another supplies; they have mutual fellowship. 3. A place of unity, that people may therein live in peace and concord. 4. A place of trade and traffic. Here is the market of free grace: "Ho, every one that thirsteth," etc. Here is the pearl of great price exposed for sale. 5. A place of freedom and liberty, freedom from the guilt of sin, wrath of God, curse of the law, present evil world, bondage to Satan, etc., etc. 6. A place of order and regularity; it hath its constitutions and ordinances. 7. A place of rest, and commodious to live in, and thus it is opposed to the wilderness. 8. A place of privileges. 9. A place of pomp and splendour; there is the king, the court, the throne. 10.A place of pleasure and beauty; Psalms 48:2. Ralph Erskine. 3. Gill, “There is a river,.... The allusion is either to the river Kidron, which ran by Jerusalem; or to the waters of Shiloah, which by different courses and branches, ran through the city of
  • 45. Jerusalem, and supplied the several parts of it with water, to the joy and comfort of its inhabitants: but the words are to be understood in a figurative sense, as applicable to Gospel times; and this river either designs the Gospel, the streams of which are its doctrines, which are living waters that went out from Jerusalem, and which publish glad tidings of great joy to all sensible sinners; or the Spirit and his graces, which are compared to a well, and rivers of living water, in the exercise of which the saints have much joy and peace; or else the Lord himself, who is a place of broad rivers and streams to his people, and is both their refreshment and protection; or rather his everlasting love to them is here intended; see Psa_36:8; The head of this river is the heart of God, his sovereign goodwill and pleasure; the channel through which it runs is Christ Jesus; the rise of it was in eternity, when, like a river that runs underground, it flowed secretly, as it does before the effectual calling; when it breaks up, and appears in large streams, and flows, and so it proceeds running on to all eternity. It is a river that is unfathomable, and cannot be passed over; it has heights and depths, and lengths and breadths, which cannot be fully comprehended: as for the quality of it, it is a pure river, clear as crystal; free of all dissimulation in the heart of God, and clear of all motives and conditions in the creature. Its water is living water; which quickens dead sinners, revives drooping saints, secures from the second death, and gives eternal life; it makes all fruitful about it, or that are planted by it; the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God; the "streams" of this river are eternal election; the covenant of grace its blessings and promises; the provision and mission of Christ as a Saviour, and redemption by him; justification, pardon, adoption, regeneration, perseverance in grace, and eternal life; called "streams", because they flow from the fountain of divine love; and because of the rapidity, force, and power of the grace of God, in the application of them in conversion, which carries all before it; and because of the abundance, continuance, and freeness of them, and the gratefulness and acceptableness of them to those who see the worth of them, and their interest in them; see Son_4:15; and these, when made known and applied, "make glad" the hearts of God's people under a sense of sin and guilt, under divine desertions, the temptations of Satan, and the various afflictions they meet with; for these are intended by "the city of God", as the church is often called, because of his building, and where he dwells, and where the saints are fellow citizens. And the same are signified by the holy place; being an holy temple to God, consisting of holy persons, such who are sanctified by the Spirit of God, and live holy lives and conversations: and of the tabernacles of the most High; being the dwelling places of God, Father, Son, and Spirit. All which is a reason why the saints should not fear in the worst of times. 4. Henry, “Here is, (1.) Joy to the church, even in the most melancholy and sorrowful times (Psa_46:4): There is a river the streams whereof shall make it glad, even then when the waters of the sea roar and threaten it. It alludes to the waters of Siloam, which went softly by Jerusalem (Isa_8:6, Isa_8:7): though of no great depth or breadth, yet the waters of it were made serviceable to the defence of Jerusalem in Hezekiah's time, Isa_22:10, Isa_22:11. But this must be understood spiritually; the covenant of grace is the river, the promises of which are the streams; or the Spirit of grace is the river (Joh_7:38, Joh_7:39), the comforts of which are the streams, that make glad the city of our God. God's word and ordinances are rivers and streams with which God makes his saints glad in cloudy and dark days. God himself is to his church a place of broad rivers and streams, Isa_33:21. The streams that make glad the city of God are not rapid, but gentle, like those of Siloam.
  • 46. ote, The spiritual comforts which are conveyed to the saints by soft and silent whispers, and which come not with observation, are sufficient to counterbalance the most loud
  • 47. and noisy threatenings of an angry and malicious world. 5. Jamison, “God’s favor is denoted by a river (compare Psa_36:8; Zec_14:8; Rev_22:1). city of God, the holy place — His earthly residence, Jerusalem and the temple (compare Psa_2:6; Psa_3:4; Psa_20:2; Psa_48:2, etc.). God’s favor, like a river whose waters are conducted in channels, is distributed to all parts of His Church. most High — denoting His supremacy (Psa_17:2). 5B. Warren Wiersbe, “God is our Refuge, so we need not fear. But He is also our River, so we need not faint. "There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High" (v. 4). Until I visited the Holy Land, I had no idea how critical water is there. Without water almost nothing can exist there. Jerusalem is one of the great ancient cities that was not founded on a river. It wasn't until Hezekiah dug his famous tunnel that Jerusalem had a water source within the city walls. The psalmist says here that though Jerusalem is not situated beside a river, it has a River. And it comes from the Holy Place, from the throne of God. "God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn" (v. 5). Our Lord said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink" John 7:37). The rivers of Living Water, the rivers of joy, flow out from His throne. In the Bible, water for washing is a picture of the Word of God. But water for drinking is a picture of the Spirit of God. We may drink from this hidden River. And because we drink at this River, we have the joy, the refreshment and the empowerment of the Lord. The psalmist continues, "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge" (v. 7). He is the Lord of the armies. All the armies of heaven and earth belong to the Lord Jesus Christ because He has all authority. He is with us, not against us. He is Immanuel, "God with us." Take time to drink at the River. Let God refresh you and restore you and strengthen you for the day. Hidden resources are as critical to spiritual well-being as they are to physical well-being. If you want to work and not faint, you must depend on God's provisions. His people have the Holy Spirit within them to refresh and strengthen them. When you drink from the rivers of water He provides, you find strength and the joy of the Lord. Back to the Bible Copyright © 1996-2011 The Good
  • 48. ews Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 6. K&D 4-7, “Just as, according to Gen_2:10, a stream issued from Eden, to water the whole garden, so a stream makes Jerusalem as it were into another paradise: a river - whose streams make glad the city of Elohim (Psa_87:3; Psa_48:9, cf. Psa_101:8); פְּלָגָיו (used of the windings and branches of the main-stream) is a second permutative subject (Psa_44:3). What is intended is the river of grace, which is also likened to a river of paradise in Psa_36:9. When the city of God is threatened and encompassed by foes, still she shall not hunger and thirst, nor fear and despair; for the river of grace and of her ordinances and promises flows with its rippling waves through the holy place, where the dwelling-place or tabernacle of the Most High is pitched. קְדשֹׁ , Sanctum (cf. el-Ḳuds as a name of Jerusalem), as in Psa_65:5, Isa_57:15; גְּדלֹ , Exo_15:16. מִשְׁכְּנֵ י , dwellings, like מִשְׁכְּנוֹ ת , Psa_43:3; Psa_84:2; Psa_132:5, Psa_132:7, equivalent to “a glorious dwelling.” In Psa_46:6 in the place of the river we find Him from whom the river issues forth. Elohim helps her
  • 49. לִפְנוֹתבּקֶֹר - there is only a night of trouble, the return of the morning is also the sunrise of speedy help. The preterites in Psa_46:7 are hypothetical: if peoples and kingdoms become enraged with enmity and totter, so that the church is in danger of being involved in this overthrow - all that God need to is to make a rumbling with His almighty voice of thunder ( וv נָתַן בְּקוֹ , as in Psa_68:34; Jer_12:8, cf. הֵרִים בַּמַּטֶּה , to make a lifting with the rod, Exo_7:20), and forthwith the earth melts (muwg, as in Amo_9:5, +iph. Isa_14:31, and frequently), i.e., their titanic defiance becomes cowardice, the bonds of their confederation slacken, and the strength they have put forth is destroyed - it is manifest that Jahve Tsebaoth is with His people. This name of God is, so to speak, indigenous to the Korahitic Psalms, for it is the proper name of God belonging to the time of the kings (vid., on Psa_24:10; Psa_59:6), on the very verge of which it occurs first of all in the mouth of Hannah (1Sa_1:11), and the Korahitic Psalms have a royal impress upon them. In the God, at whose summons all created powers are obliged to marshal themselves like the hosts of war, Israel has a steep stronghold, מִשְׂגָּ ב , which cannot be scaled by any foe - the army of the confederate peoples and kingdoms, ere it has reached Jerusalem, is become a field of the dead. 5. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. 1. Barnes, “God is in the midst of her - God is in the midst of the “city” referred to above - the “city of God.” That is, (a) he dwelt there by the visible symbol of his presence, the Shekinah; (b) he was there “actually” as a help and a protector. It was his chosen abode, and as long as such a Being dwelt in the city, they had nothing to fear. God shall help her - That is, in her danger, he will interpose to save her. This is language such as would be used in reference to a place that was besieged, and would well apply to the state of things when Jerusalem was besieged by the armies of Assyria under Sennacherib. The language expresses the confidence of the people in the time of the impending danger. And that right early - Margin, “when the morning appeareth.” Literally, “in the faces of the morning,” as the word is commonly used; or, more literally, in the “turning” of the morning - for the verb from which the word is derived means properly “to turn,” and then “to turn to or from any one.” The noun is applied to the face or countenance, because the person is “turned” to us when we see his countenance. The poetic idea here seems to refer to the day as having turned away “from” us at night, and then as turning about “toward” us in the morning, after having gone, as it were, to the greatest distance from us. “Possibly” there may be an allusion here to what occurred in the camp of the Assyrians, when the discovery that the angel of the Lord had smitten them was made early in the morning, or when men arose in the morning: “The angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose in the morning” (that is, when men arose in the morning), “behold, they were all dead corpses,” Isa_37:36.
  • 50. 2. Clarke, “God is in the midst of her - God will not abandon them that trust in him; he will maintain his own cause; and, if his Church should at any time be attacked, he will help her and that right early - with the utmost speed. As soon as the onset is made, God is there to resist. As by the day-break the shadows and darkness are dissipated; so by the bright rising of Jehovah, the darkness of adversity shall be scattered. 2B. Spurgeon, “God is in the midst of her. His help is therefore sure and near. Is she besieged, then he is himself besieged within her, and we may be certain that he will break forth upon his adversaries. How near is the Lord to the distresses of his saints, since he sojourns in their midst! Let us take heed that we do not grieve him; let us have such respect to him as Moses had when he felt the sand of Horeb's desert to be holy, and put off his shoes from off his feet when the Lord spake from the burning bush. She shall not be moved. How can she be moved unless her enemies move her Lord also? His presence renders all hope of capturing and demolishing the city utterly ridiculous. The Lord is in the vessel, and she cannot, therefore, be wrecked. God shall help her. Within her he will furnish rich supplies, and outside her walls he will lay her foes in heaps like the armies of Sennacherib, when the angel went forth and smote them. And that right early. As soon as the first ray of light proclaims the coming day, at the turning of the morning God's right arm shall be outstretched for his people. The Lord is up betimes. We are slow to meet him, but he is never tardy in helping us. Impatience complains of divine delays, but in very deed the Lord is not slack concerning his promise. Man's haste is often folly, but God's apparent delays are ever wise; and when rightly viewed, are no delays at all. Today the bands of evil may environ the church of God, and threaten her with destruction; but ere long they shall pass away like the foam on the waters, and the noise of their tumult shall be silent in the grave. The darkest hour of the night is just before the turning of the morning; and then, even then, shall the Lord appear as the great ally of his church. 2C. Treasury of David, “Verse 5. God is in the midst of her. It is the real presence of Christ, and the supernatural power of his Spirit, which makes the church mighty to the conquest of souls. The church spreads because her God is in the midst of her. When at any time she has forgotten her dependence on the invisible intercession of her Head, and the gracious energy of his Spirit, she has found herself shorn of the locks of her great strength, and has become the laughing stock of the Philistines. William Binnie, D.D. Verse 5. God is in the midst of her, etc. The enemies of the church may toss her as waves, but they shall not split her as rocks. She may be dipped in water as a feather, but shall not sink therein as lead. He that is a well of water within her to keep her from fainting, will also prove a wall of fire about her to preserve her from falling. Tried she may be, but destroyed she cannot be. Her foundation is the Rock of Ages, and her defence the everlasting Arms. It is only such fabrics as are bottomed upon the sand, that are overthrown by the wind. The adversaries of God's people will push at them as far as their horns will go, but when they have scoured them by persecution, as tarnished vessels, then God will throw such wisps into the fire. William Secker. Verse 5. When the Papists were in their ruff, and Melancthon began sometimes to fear lest the infant Reformation should be stifled in the birth, Luther was wont to comfort him with these words: "Si nos ruemus, ruet Christus und, scilicet ille regnator mundi, esto ruat, malo ego cum Christo rures, quam cum Caesare stare;" that is, If we perish, Christ must fall too (he is in the midst of us), and if it must be so, be it so; I had rather perish with Christ, that great Ruler of the world, than prosper with Caesar. John Collings. Verse 5. And that right early. Therefore, notice that all the great deliverances wrought in Holy
  • 51. Scripture, were wrought so early, as to have been brought to pass in the middle of the night. So Gideon, with his pitchers and lamps against the Midianites; so Saul, when he went forth against
  • 52. ahash, the Ammonite; so Joshua, when he went up to succour Gibeon; so Samson, when he carried off in triumph the gates of Gaza; so also the associate kings, under the guidance of Elisha, in their expedition against the Moabites, when they, according to God's command, filled the wilderness with ditches, and then beheld their enemies drawn to their destruction, by the reflection of the rising sun upon the water. Michael Ayguan. Verse 5. Right early. Rather, with the margin, when the morning appeareth. The restoration of the Jews will be one of the first things at the season of the second advent. It will be accomplished in the very dawning of that day, "when the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing on his wings." Samuel Horsley. 3. Gill, “God is in the midst of her,.... The church and people of God; not merely by his essence, power, and providence, as he is in the midst of the world; but by his gracious presence, and which always continues, though not always perceived; and is a sufficient antidote against all fear of men and devils; she shall not be moved; though the earth may; and when it is, Psa_46:2, neither from the heart of God, on which his people are set as a seal; nor from the hands of Christ, from whence they can never be plucked; nor from the covenant of grace, which is immovable; nor off of the rock Christ, on which they are built; nor from the state of grace, of justification, adoption, and sanctification, in which they stand; nor out of the world, by all the cunning and power of antichrist; God shall help her, and that right early: or "when the morning looks out" (x). When it is night with the church, it is the hour and power of darkness with the enemies of it; and this is the time of the reign of antichrist, whose kingdom is a kingdom of darkness: but the "morning cometh, and also the night"; the former being about to break forth, and the latter to be at an end; yea, at eventide it shall be light: and the Lord will be a suitable, seasonable, and timely help to his people; for though weeping endures the night, joy comes in the morning. 4. Henry, “Though heaven and earth are shaken, yet God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved, Psa_46:5. God has assured his church of his special presence with her and concern for her; his honour is embarked in her, he has set up his tabernacle in her and has undertaken the protection of it, and therefore she shall not be moved, that is, [1.]
  • 53. ot destroyed, not removed, as the earth may be Psa_46:2. The church shall survive the world, and be in bliss when that is in ruins. It is built upon a rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [2.]
  • 54. ot disturbed, not much moved, with fears of the issue. If God be for us, if God be with us, we need not be moved at the most violent attempts made against us. (3.) Deliverance to the church, though her dangers be very great: God shall help her; and who then can hurt her? He shall help her under her troubles, that she shall not sink; nay, that the more she is afflicted the more she shall multiply. God shall help her out of her troubles, and that right early - when the morning appears; that is, very speedily, for he is a present help (Psa_46:1), and very seasonably, when things are brought to the last extremity and when the relief will be most welcome. This may be applied by particular believers to themselves; if God be in our hearts, in the midst of us, by his word dwelling richly in us, we shall be established, we shall be helped; let us therefore trust and not be afraid; all is well, and will end well.
  • 55. 5. Calvin, “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. The Psalmist now shows that the great security of the Church consists in this, that God dwells in the midst of her; for the verb which we translate, shall be moved, is of the feminine gender, nor can it be referred to God, as if it were designed to teach that God is immovable. The sentence must be explained in this way, The holy city shall not be moved or shaken, because God dwells there, and is always ready to help her. The expression, the dawn of the morning “At the looking forth of the morning; that is, as the Greek explaineth it, ‘very early;’ when the morning peereth or showeth the face.” — Ainsworth. “As soon as the morning appears [or shows] its face; i.e., God will come very early to her succor, before any enemy is awakened to annoy her.” — Mudge. “Before the dawn of the morning; i.e., with the utmost readiness and alacrity. The expression is borrowed from the conduct of a person who, in his anxiety to accomplish a favorite object, engages in it earlier than men ordinarily would. Jeremiah 7:13; and 7:25.” — French and Skinner. denotes daily, as soon as the sun rises upon the earth. The sum of the whole is, If we desire to be protected by the hand of God, we must be concerned above all things that he may dwell amongst us; for all hope of safety depends upon his presence alone. And he dwells amongst us for no other purpose than to preserve us uninjured. Moreover, although God does not always hasten immediately to our aid, according to the importunity of our desires, yet he will always come to us seasonably, so as to make apparent the truth of what is elsewhere said, “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,” (Psalm 121:4.) 6.
  • 56. ations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. 1. Barnes, “The heathen raged - The nations were in commotion, or were agitated like the waves of the sea. This language would well describe the consternation of the nations when the Assyrians went forth to conquest, and when, having subdued so many other kingdoms, they made war on Jerusalem. Compare Isa_36:18-20. The kingdoms were moved - That is, those who were invaded, as well as those that made the invasion. There was a general convulsion or shaking among the nations of the earth. He uttered his voice - God spoke; he gave command; he expressed his will. Compare Gen_1:3; Hab_3:6. The earth melted - The very earth seemed to melt or dissolve before him. Everything became still. The danger passed away at his command, and the raging world became calm. The Bible abounds in language of this kind, showing the absolute power of God, or his power to control all the raging elements on land and ocean by a word. Compare the notes at Psa_33:9. See also Psa_107:25, Psa_107:29; Mat_8:26. 2. Clarke, “The heathen raged - There had been terrible wars on all hands, and mighty states
  • 57. were crushed, when the poor Jews were, by the especial favor of God, kept in peace and safety. Kingdoms were moved while they were preserved. He uttered his voice - These words seem to refer to thunder, lightning, and earthquake. The expressions, however, may be figurative, and refer to the wars and desolations already mentioned. God gave the command; and one empire was cast down, and another was raised up. 2B. Spurgeon, “The heathen raged. The nations were in a furious uproar, they gathered against the city of the Lord like wolves ravenous for their prey; they foamed, and roared, and swelled like a tempestuous sea. The kingdoms were moved. A general confusion seized upon society; the fierce invaders convulsed their own dominions by draining the population to urge on the war, and they desolated other territories by their devastating march to Jerusalem. Crowns fell from royal heads, ancient thrones rocked like trees driven of the tempest, powerful empires fell like pines uprooted by the blast: everything was in disorder, and dismay seized on all who knew not the Lord. He uttered his voice, the earth melted. With no other instrumentality than a word the Lord ruled the storm. He gave forth a voice and stout hearts were dissolved, proud armies were annihilated, conquering powers were enfeebled. At first the confusion appeared to be worse confounded, when the element of divine power came into view; the very earth seemed turned to wax, the most solid and substantial of human things melted like the fat of rams upon the altar; but anon peace followed, the rage of man subsided, hearts capable of repentance relented, and the implacable were silenced. How mighty is a word from God! How mighty the Incarnate Word. O that such a word would come from the excellent glory even now to melt all hearts in love to Jesus, and to end for ever all the persecutions, wars, and rebellions of men! 3. Gill, “The Heathen raged,.... As they did at Christ's first coming, against him, his Gospel, and people; and which continued during the three first centuries; and then the Pagan kingdoms belonging to the Roman empire were removed; since then another sort of Heathens, the Papists, have raged, in violent persecutions and bloodshed of the saints and martyrs of Jesus, and will rage again, about and at the downfall of Babylon; see Rev_11:18; the kingdoms were moved; either from their Pagan or Papal religion, and became subject to Christ. So it was at the downfall of Rome Pagan; and so it will be at the downfall of Rome Papal; when the kings of the earth shall hate the whore, make her desolate, and burn her flesh with fire. Or they shall be destroyed; that is, those that shall be gathered together in Armageddon, to make war with the Lamb; see Rev_16:14; he uttered his voice, the earth melted; like wax, as the inhabitants of the earth do at the voice of his thunder, and as antichrist will at the breath of his mouth; and all within the Romish jurisdiction, signified by "the earth", as it often is in the book of the Revelation, when the voice of the mighty angel shall be heard, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen", Rev_18:1. 4. Henry, “These verses give glory to God both as King of nations and as King of saints. I. As King of nations, ruling the world by his power and providence, and overruling all the affairs of the children of men to his own glory; he does according to his will among the inhabitants of the earth, and none may say, What doest thou? 1. He checks the rage and breaks the power of the nations that oppose him and his interests in the world (Psa_46:6): The heathen raged at David's coming to the throne, and at the setting up of the kingdom of the Son of David; compare Psa_2:1, Psa_2:2. The kingdoms were moved with indignation, and rose in a tumultuous
  • 58. furious manner to oppose it; but God uttered his voice, spoke to them in his wrath, and they were moved in another sense, they were struck into confusion and consternation, put into disorder, and all their measures broken; the earth itself melted under them, so that they found no firm footing; their earthly hearts failed them for fear, and dissolved like snow before the sun. Such a melting of the spirits of the enemies is described, Jdg_5:4, Jdg_5:5; and see Luk_21:25, Luk_21:26. 5. Calvin, “The peoples raged Since the Church of God is never without enemies, and these very powerful, and such as consequently fight against her with cruel and unbridled fury, the prophet now confirms from experience the doctrine which he had advanced concerning the impregnable character of the divine protection. He then deduces from it this general ground of consolation, That it belongs continually to God to restrain and quell all commotions, and that his arm is strong enough to break all the efforts of the enemy. This passage, I admit, might be understood in a more general sense, as meaning that the city of God is liable to be assailed by many storms and tempests; but that by the favor of God she is, nevertheless, always preserved in safety. It is, however, more probable, as I have already said at the beginning, that the Psalmist is here speaking of some notable deliverance, in which God had given a striking proof of the power and favor which he exercises in the constant preservation of the Church. Accordingly, he relates what had taken place, namely, that the enemies of the Church came with a dreadful host to waste and destroy it; but that immediately, by the voice of God, they, as it were, melted and vanished away. From this we derive an invaluable ground of consolation, when it is said, That although the whole world rise up against us, and confound all things by their increased madness, they can be brought to nought in a moment, as soon as God shows himself favorable towards us. The voice of God, no doubt, signifies his will or command; but the prophet, by this expression, seems to have an eye to the promises of God, by which he has declared, that he will be the guardian and defender of the Church. At the same time, let us observe the contrast which is here stated between the voice of God and the turbulent commotions of the kingdoms of this world. 7. Jehovah of armies is with us. In this verse we are taught how we shall be able to apply to our own use the things which the Scriptures everywhere record concerning the infinite power of God. We shall be able to do this when we believe ourselves to be of the number of those whom God has embraced with his fatherly love, and whom he will cherish. The Psalmist again alludes, in terms of commendation, to the adoption by which Israel was separated from the common condition of all the other nations of the earth. And, indeed, apart from this, the description of the power of God would only inspire us with dread. Confident boasting, then, arises from this, that God has chosen us for his peculiar people, to show forth his power in preserving and defending us. On this account, the prophet, after having celebrated the power of God by calling him the God of armies, immediately adds another epithet, the God of Jacob, by which he confirms the covenant made of old time with Abraham, that his posterity, to whom the inheritance of the promised grace belongs, should not doubt that God was favorable to them also. That our faith may rest truly and firmly in God, we must take into consideration at the same time these two parts of his character — his immeasurable power, by which he is able to subdue the whole world under him; and his fatherly love which he has manifested in his word. When these two things are joined together, there is nothing which can hinder our faith from defying all the enemies which may rise up against us, nor must we doubt that God will succor us, since he has promised to do it; and as to power, he is sufficiently able also to fulfill his promise, for he is the God of armies. From this we learn, that those persons err egregiously in the interpretation of Scripture, who leave in entire suspense the application of all that is said concerning the power of God, and do not rest assured that he will be a Father to them, inasmuch as they are of his flock, and partakers of the adoption.