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“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha,
Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha
said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. And he said,
Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken
from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so. And it came
to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a
chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah
went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My
father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he
saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two
pieces”. 2Ki 2:9-12
Each year comes with its own uniqueness. With the prophetic declarations for
Year 2023, and because of the anointing for double portion that has been
released for greater exploits, the year has promised to be a season of Wonderful
encounters. However, from the above passage, there is no glory without a price:
Elisha paid the price to receive his own double portion. The table is now set for
every one of us to receive our own portions as much as we desire - beginning
with the 50 days fasting announced by our General Overseer, Daddy E. A
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 136: 1–End, Psa 101, 105. 1Chr 16:8.
INTRODUCTION: Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the
demonstration or show of gratitude for His goodness and mercies. It is good to
give thanks unto the Lord. Psalms 92:1. Hannah expressed her appreciation to
God in 1Samuel 2: 1 – 10.
1. Father, I thank You for Your mercy endures forever over my life,
in Jesus name
2. Thank You Father for creating me in Your own image in Jesus name Gen.
3. Father; I thank You for declaring me good after creating me in Jesus name
Gen. 1:31
4. Father; I thank You for giving me dominion over all the works of Your hands
in Jesus name Gen. 1:26.
5. Father; I thank You for saving my soul by your mercy, in Jesus name
Lamentations 3:22.
6. Father; I thank You for renewing Your mercies every morning over my
life, in Jesus name. Lamentation 3:23
7. Father; I thank You for the ability to sleep and wake up every
day, in Jesus name. Psalms 3:5
8. Father; I thank You for the gift of salvation for mankind among whom I am
one, in Jesus name. John 3:16-18.
9. Father; I thank You for drawing me to Jesus, Your only begotten Son ,
in Jesus name. John 14:6. John 3:27.
10.Father; I thank you for my sanctification in Jesus name. 2Thes. 2:13
11.Father I thank you for open doors, in Jesus name. Rev 3:8
12.Father; I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus
name. Eccl 9:4
13.Father I thank you for divine protection and provision, in Jesus name.
Gen 47:12
14.Father I thank you for divine visitation, in Jesus name. Job 10:12
15.Father I thank you for divine healing, in Jesus name. Job 10:12
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 51: 1-end, Hab 3:2
God created man in his image and likeness. Man was enjoying smooth
fellowship with God before man sinned and fell short of the glory and mercy of
God, but God’s thought towards man is of good and not of evil. God sent His
only son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for the sin of man through His mercy,
therefore as many that will confess and forsake their sins, the Lord is ready to
forgive by His mercy. It is time to cry to God for mercy and forgiveness.
1. Father please have mercy on me and forgive me my sin , in Jesus name.
Rom 9:15
2. Father, let mercy reign over judgment in my life, in Jesus name.
3. Father have mercy on me and forgive me my iniquities, in Jesus name.
4. Father let your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life, in
Jesus name. Psa 23:6
5. Father hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2
6. Father at every location I have lost your mercy, please Lord forgive me and
restore your mercy back into my life, in Jesus name.
7. Father I confess and forsake my sin, please Lord let me obtain mercy and
forgiveness, in Jesus name. Prov 28:13
8. Father with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my
fathers, in Jesus name. Psa 130:4
9. Father, mercy and forgiveness belongs unto you, have mercy and forgive
me my sins, in Jesus name. Dan 9:9
10.Father, because your son’s blood was shed for me, use the blood of your
son to
cleanse me, in Jesus name. Heb 9:28.
11.Father, let my case with you be a personal affair, do not leave my
judgment in
the hands of my enemies, in Jesus name. 2Sam 24:14
12.Father, because you are the God of love and righteousness, forgive us our
iniquities and show your people mercy, in Jesus name.
13.Lord let your mercy be available for me and set me free from where the j
judgement of the enemy had tied me in Jesus name.
14.Oh my God, in the multitudes of your mercies please let me obey and serve
you like I have never done before, in Jesus name.
15.Father, we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in
your church and our gatherings, in Jesus name. Psalm 85:2
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 91:1-end
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy
keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee
by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he
shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in
from this time forth, and even for evermore.
1. Father, we thank you for your beloved son, Pastor Enoch, Adejare Adeboye, we
thank you for your call upon his life, in Jesus name. Romans 8:30.
2. Father, we thank you for bringing him out of darkness into your marvellous
light, in Jesus name. 1 Peter 2:9.
3. Father, we thank you for enabling your son to enter into a great covenant with
you, in Jesus name. Genesis 9:9.
4. We thank you for anointing him so powerfully and making him a blessing to
this generation, in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 2:35
5. Father, we thank you for using him to spread the gospel through your Church,
RCCG to over 180 Countries of the world, in Jesus name. 1 Thessalonians 1:8
6. Father we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for
the support she is giving to the Ministry of your son, in Jesus name. Psalms
7. Father, we thank you for your divine protection and provision over Pastor E.A
Adeboye and his family, in Jesus name. Psalms 35:2
8. Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for your son, in Jesus name.
Psalms 91:16
9. Father, let your son fulfill all his assignments in his life time, in Jesus name. 2
Timothy 4:7
10.Father, please let Pastor E. A Adeboye and Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye finish
well and strong in Jesus name Psalms 1:3
11.Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task
ahead in Jesus name. Exodus 15:13
12.Father, never let any of his words fall to the ground in Jesus name,
1Sam 3:19
13.Father, Let your son grow from glory to greater glory, in Jesus name.
2Cor 3:18.
14.Father, please do not let there be separation between you and your son,
jealously guide your relationship with him in Jesus name Hebrew 13:5.
15.Father, never let there be a better yesterday in this life in Jesus name.Hag 2:9
BIBLE TEXT(S) 2Chr 29:11, Psa 104:4, Isa 61:6
Prayer is essential in the life of every child of God for effective ministerial life.
1. Father, we thank you for the lives of your true ministers and church workers
in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 2:2
2. Father, let your ministers and church workers answer the call to repentance,
in Jesus name. Joe 1:13, 2:17
3. Father, make your ministers sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant
and not of the law but of the spirit, in Jesus name. 2Cor 3:6
4. Father, please keep your promise to make your minister flame of fire to
come to pass in our time, in Jesus name, Heb 1:7
5. Father, give all your ministers the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, in Jesus
name. Isaiah 11:2.
6. Lord, give your ministers the three-fold Spirit of Power, Love and of a sound
mind in the process of serving you, in Jesus name, 2 Tim 1:7
7. Father, let your church continue to march on and never let the gate of hell
overcome your church, in Jesus name, Mat 16:18
8. Father, let every ungodly power sitting in the position of authority in your
Holy church be exposed, disgraced and uprooted, in Jesus name, Acts 16:
16 - 18
9. Every plant you have not planted in your church, Lord let them be uprooted
by Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name. Mat 15:13
10.Father let your ministers seek to depend on you alone, (God the father)
and not on god fathers, in Jesus name. Psalms 18:2
11.Father never let your light that is shining upon your church go dim or fade
in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 3:1.
12.Father let every satanic altar erected against your ministers and church be
demolished by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Numbers 23:1-2.
13.In the mighty name of Jesus, I render every evil, aggressive altars
impotent in the name of Jesus. Numbers 23:7-8.
14.Father, let every altar erected against your ministers and the church be
disgraced, in Jesus name. 1king 13:5
15.Father, let your hammer smash every evil altar erected against your
ministers and church workers in the name of Jesus. 1 Samuel 5:4
BIBLE TEXT(S) Luk.1:45, Phil 4:7.
Luke.1:45. Tells us that, "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a
performance of those things which were told her from the Lord".
1. Father, thank you for all you did for us last years, it is by Your mercy that we
have all come to see this year. Accept our thanks in Jesus name.
Lam. 3:22-23.
2. Father we are sorry for every of our act of disobedience towards you and
lack of trust in You. Please forgive us in Jesus name.
3. Father, let our biggest challenge of 2022 be turned to our biggest
testimonies this year in Jesus' name.
4. We decree that the Egyptians we saw last year, we shall not see them again
forever in Jesus name. Exodus.14:13.
5. Father, for everything that brought shame to us last year, give us double
breakthroughs in Jesus name. Isaiah.61:7.
6. Father, you said in the prophecy that You will speak peace to some troubled
homes. Please Lord, speak peace to our troubled homes in Jesus name.
7. Father, in Your mercy, let there be restoration of my lost glories in a Jesus
name. Joel.2:25.
8. Oh Lord, have compassion on us, throw our sins in the ocean, trample then
under your feet and redeem Nigeria in Jesus name. Habakkuk.7:17-18.
9. Father, by Your power, let all the trouble maker in our nation lose the ability
to make trouble from now on in Jesus name.
10.Lord, let all the trouble makers in our families lose the ability to make
trouble from now on in Jesus name.
11.Father, in this Year 2023, do mighty miracles that will make men crawl out
of their groves and sanctums like snakes, and surrender unto You in Jesus
name. Habakkuk.7:17.
12.Father, let the balloons of the wicked in Nigeria and in the nations of the
world be deflated in Jesus name.
13.The silver is Yours and the gold is Yours, Haggai.2:8. Let there be wealth
transfer to your Church this year in Jesus name.
14.Father, raise for us battle axes that You will use to fulfill Your prophecies
over nations in Jesus name. Jeremiah.51:20.
15.Father, raise the company of the Cyruses to crumble every Babylonian
empire in our nation in Jesus name. Isaiah.45:1-5.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Hab 3:2
For there to be revival in the church of God, the church must become very
prayerful. It is only prayer that can bring about the expected revival that will
make the church stand out in Jesus name.
1. Father send down the fire of revival in your church again, like the days of old ,
in Jesus name. Habakkuk 3:2
2. Father, awake your church from deep slumber in Jesus name. Isaiah 56:10
3. Father let there be fresh Holy Ghost fire, fresh anointing, fresh unction upon
your church, in Jesus name. Acts 2:1-4
4. Father give new strength, new live, new energy to your church at this end
time, in Jesus name. Acts 4:29
5. Holy Spirit, send down your Holy Ghost fire to our revival programs, in Jesus
name. Acts 4:30
6. Father let there be live miracles that will make people believe you and you
alone, in Jesus name. John 4:48, 5:1-9
7. Father, release your anointing of healing into your church, let the blind see, let
the lame work, let the dumb speak, let the deaf hear and the dead rise in
Jesus name. Acts 19:11
8. Father, let our mind be genuinely renewed for your Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.
Romans 12:2
9. Father you are the portal of our lives, remold us to your desire and your will in
Jesus name. Jer 18:3-4
10.Every power working to make us what you have not created us to be, Holy
Ghost deal with it in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:16 - 17
11.Every Inherited strange behavior and habits in our lives working against our
personal revival be destroyed in Jesus name. Jeremiah 31:29
12.Father, every virtue, blessings, I had lost before I gave my life to you be
restored in Jesus name. Joel 2:25
13.Father, whatever the enemy has stolen from me become too hot for my
enemies to keep in their camp and be returned to me in Jesus name.
1Sam 5:2-5
14.Father, restore to me every divine virtue, I and every member of my family
have lost for the past years, in Jesus name. Joel 2:25
15.Powers in (put your country) working against the revival of the church be
destroyed in Jesus name. Dan 10:13
BIBLE TEXT(S) Mat 28:19-20; Mat 4:19
In Luke 10:2, It is the desire of our Lord Jesus for the Church to grow because
the harvest is great but many obstacles and factors are preventing this promise
from coming to past. We need to stand against these obstacles in our prayers.
1. Father, we thank you for the early revival of the church, which brought about
explosive church growth, in Jesus name. Acts 2:47
2. Father, we thank you for taking RCCG from 44 parishes in Nigeria to over 180
countries all over the world, in Jesus name. Genesis 9:19
3. Father, we thank you for the salvation of thousands of souls who were on their
way to hell, but you have helped them to make a U-turn to heaven, using your
church as an instrument of salvation. Mat 16:18
4. Father, we thank you for making several accesses to many unreached lands, in
Jesus name. Exodus 14:21 - 22
5. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and
countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of
salvation to perishing souls, in Jesus name. Mat 28:19-20, Mat 4:19
6. Father, we thank you for urgent interventions with which you delivered your
missionaries in times of persecution and peril, in Jesus name. Acts 12:8
7. Father, let the power of the Holy Ghost manifest in your church like the days of
old, in Jesus name. Acts 23: 6 - 7
8. Father cover your church and let the blood of Jesus, speak for your church, in
Jesus name. Hebrew 12:24
9. Father, let your fire of deliverance be rekindled in your church, in Jesus name.
Obadiah 1:17.
10.Father renew and refresh, your ministers so that they can flee from carnality
in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities, in Jesus name. Ezekiel
11.Father, every seed you have not planted into your church uproot in Jesus
name. Mat 15:13.
12.Father, every ungodly power that has penetrated to the position of authority
in the church expose and disgrace them and if they fail to repent, uproot
them, in Jesus name. Mat7:15
13.Father every ungodly power working against church growth be consumed by
the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Matthew 12:30
14.Lord give your church divine direction, in Jesus name. Psalm 23:2
15.Father, sow into our branches across the globe, ideas, knowledge, strategies,
wisdom we need to move your church forward in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17.
BIBLE TEXT(S) Matt. 16:19, 18:18-20
Prayer is communication between humanity and divinity. When prayer is
effective, it avails much. God want to do many things on the earth today, but it
can only be accomplished through active prayer ministry of the church. Through
prayers we bring to pass the will of God on earth.
1. Father we thank you for instituting the ministry of prayers and teaching us how
to pray. Luke 18:1
2. Father we thank you for who you are, the Almighty, the one who speak of a
thing and it comes into existence. Genesis 35:11
3. We thank you for answering our prayers whenever we call upon you Psalms
4. Father, we thank you because there is none like unto Thee, glorious in Holiness
fearful in praises in Jesus name. Ex 15:11
5. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy we thank you for
saving us, in Jesus name. 1 Sam. 2:1-10, 1Pet 1:1-3.
6. Father thank you for saving us and giving us your wisdom to know the truth.
Thank you for the revelation of knowing you in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17
7. Father, please remove the spirit of pride and stubbornness in our life, In Jesus
name. Matt. 5:5.
8. Father, force us to remove all idols and be clean always in the name of Jesus
Gen. 35:24
9. Father, let the gift of the spirit be made manifest in the body of Christ in the
name of Jesus. 1 Tim. 4:14.
10.Father, as heaven bound Christians in the ministry, teach us to hate all you
hate in Jesus name. Prov. 6:16.
11.Father, in the prayer ministry please teach us the virtue of faith and complete
surrender to you in Jesus name. Heb. 11:6.
12.Father plant in us the spirit of obedience like the Rechabites so as to be your
peculiar treasure Exo. 19:5, Jer. 35:1-8.
13.Father enlighten our heart with understanding that we may know you and
grow everyday spiritually from glory to glory in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17
14.Father empower the Pastors to preach the word of God without diluting it in
Jesus name. 2 Tim. 4:2
15.Father keep the Pastors blameless before you, raise them to be truly men
and women after your own heart in Jesus name. Jeremiah 3:15
BIBLE TEXT(S): Mat. 6:9-13, 25:34 – 36; 18:21 – 3, Joh 18:36
The kingdom of God is where God rules and reigns. It’s a peaceful kingdom
devoid of any evil. It’s our duty to pray for the kingdom to come early as this is
the only final solution to world chaos and troubles.
1. Father I thank you for your word and your kingdom. Psalm 98:1
2. Father whatever I have done that will make me not to be part of this your
kingdom, please have mercy and forgive me in the name of Jesus. Psalm 98:3
3. Father give me a generous heart and the grace to do your will at all times in
Jesus name Ezekiel 36:27
4. Father let your kingdom come and your perfect will be done on earth in Jesus
name. Matthew 6:10
5. Father deliver me from every work of the flesh in the name of Jesus. Romans
6. Father give me the grace to forgive all that have offended me; and cause all
those I have offended to forgive me as well in Jesus name. Matthew 6:12
7. Father make me an addicted soul winner to keep populating your kingdom in
Jesus name. Prov. 11:30
8. Father I cast out every root of bitterness in me in Jesus name Job 7:11
9. Father please draw more people to your kingdom in Jesus name Acts 14:3
10.Father take away from us everything that will make it impossible for us to
enter into your kingdom in Jesus mighty name Lk. 18:24-25
11.Father help your church to understand that your kingdom is not meat and
drink; but in righteousness and peace in Jesus name. Rom 14:17
12.Father give us the grace to serve you wholeheartedly in Jesus name Deut. 6:5
13.Father we abort every plan of the enemy to depopulate your kingdom in Jesus
name Isa 54:15
14.Father cause my life to always bring joy to your kingdom in Jesus name
Isa 60:15
15.Thank you, father, for answers to prayers Psa 33:21
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 133:1-3, Heb 13:1, Gen 11:4-5, Jn 17:21, Mat 12:25
If the Church of Jesus Christ must operate positively and successfully in this end
times she must be united in serious prayer continually, there must be love and
unity. It is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity.
1. Father we thank you for your love and faithfulness towards your church.
Psa 92:1
2. Father we repent of all our sins of strife, enmity, un-forgiveness, bitterness,
resentment, please, father have mercy on your Church in Jesus name.
Psa 86:3
3. Father, release your warring angel to break down every denominational wall
dividing the body of Christ in Jesus name. Ephesians 2:14
4. Father paralyze every power of disunity in your Church and let your Spirit bind
us together in Jesus name Ephesians 4:13
5. Father every gate of disunity militating against your Church, let them collapse
in Jesus name 1Corinth 3:4
6. Father by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in the
body of Christ in Jesus name
7. Father please let there be unity and oneness in your church in Jesus name.
Psa 133:1
8. Father let your church speak with one voice in Jesus name Act 2:1
9. Oh God arise and let all the enemies of your Church be scattered in Jesus
name. Psa 68:1
10.Father in this season of trials and persecution of your Church, the gate of hell
will not prevail in Jesus name. Matt. 16:18.
11.Every arrow of disunity fired against your Church from the pit of hell, back to
your sender in Jesus name. Prov. 26:27
12.Lord let all Political gang up against your Church be frustrated in Jesus name.
Isa 54:15
13.Every anti-gospel law, regulations, policies, and agenda against your church,
be destroyed in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:17
14.Let the troublers of the RCCG be put to shame in Jesus name. 1Chr 2:7
15.Thank you, father, for answers to our prayers in Jesus name. Psalms 89:5
BIBLE TEXT(s): Hag 2:1-9
The exponential growth the church is experiencing necessitated building a bigger
auditorium to accommodate the ever-increasing growth of RCCG. When the old
Arena became inadequate to house the attendants in major programmes, God
instructed our Daddy G.O. to build a 3KM by 3KM auditorium. This project
requires huge capital and requires payers to remove all forms of obstacles and
1. We thank God for how far He’s has helped the project. Psalm 18:2
2. Father send help for the completion of this noble project. Psalms 121:1-2
3. Father, release the skill needed to complete the project as you want it. Phil
4. We condemn any tongue speaking against the project. Isaiah 54:17
5. Father, open the windows of heaven and bless your children for the
completion of this project. Psalm 115:13
6. Thank God for the progress being recorded in the 3x3 Auditorium project
Psalm 135:20
7. Let us thank God for the vision for this project How it has brought about
speedy development to the entire Agunfoye localities.
8. Let us thank God the author and finisher of our faith for protection over all
the workers on site. Psalms 91:4
9. O! Lord my Father let the four winds of the earth begin to blow in FAVOUR,
of all the camp projects in Jesus name. Ezra 1:4
10.Father scatter every conspiracy of Hell against the completion of 3x3
auditorium, in Jesus name. Isaiah 19:2
11.Father, please raise more helpers for the work Psa 20:2
12.Father, we thank you for members of team Nehemiah for their diligence
and commitment to the project. Help them the more and bless them
1Chr 5:20
13.O! Lord empower this project to move faster and prosper in Jesus name
Ezra 5:1-8
14.Any strange altar resisting the progress of this project, scatter now in Jesus
name. Deut. 7:5
15.The new Auditorium project, “Arise, Shine”! In Jesus name. Attract
resources and finances in Jesus name. Gain unusual speed in Jesus
name. Isa 60:1–end
BIBLE TEXT(S) Mat 24:78, Psa 33:12, Isa14:26, Psa 22:8, Joel 3:1-14
According to prophesy, we are witnesses to the reality of nations rising up against
nations, troubles and killings in almost every continents of the World. In the
midst of these turbulences, we need to pray for peace of God to reign.
1. Father; we thank you for the relative peace that the nations of the world are
enjoying now in Jesus name. Psalms 103:2
2. Father, we pray for your peace to reign in all our Nations, all over the world, in
Jesus name. Psalms 85:8.
3. Father, let those who cause conflicts all over the world repent and seeks
peace, in Jesus name. 1 Tim 2:2
4. Father please raise peace loving people and nations to work against conflicts,
aggressions in the world , in Jesus name. Gen. 37:22
5. Father, let your people all over the world be peace loving citizens so that your
gospel can be spread across the globe , in Jesus name.
6. Father, let your Word have it rightful place in the hearts of our world leaders to
foster world peace and unity in Jesus name. Prov 21:1.
7. Father, disappoint the devices of the crafty and don’t allow their hands to
perform their enterprise, in Jesus name. Job 5:12
8. Father by your mercy, intervene in the conflicts going on between terrorist
organizations and the government all over the world in Jesus name. 2 Kings
9. Oh Lord, prevail and silent all terrorist groups all over the world, let there be
confusion among them in Jesus name. Gen 11:1-9
10.Father, please by your mighty power let there be peace movements across
the nations and continents to bring about an end to the regime of nuclear and
chemical weapons designed for human destruction in Jesus name. Isa. 65:25.
11.Lord Jesus, you are the prince of peace, kings of kings , come and reign all
over the whole universe , in Jesus name.
12.The voice of the enemies will not prevail over your Church in our nation in
Jesus name. Exo 5:2
13.Father, we come against every witchcraft power and their altars that are
afflicting the lives of the innocent people in our nations in Jesus name.
Exo 34:13
14. Father, let every power of other gods that represent dagon, and being worshiped in
our nations collapse and break to pieces in Jesus name.
1Sam 5:3-4
15. Father; let all the idols of the nations be confounded and let their images be broken
into pieces, in Jesus name. Jer 50:2
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 91:1- end
Terrorism is a major challenge today in many nations of the world. These are the
Antichrist spirits at work against the Church of Christ at this end time. We need to
arise and pray that Jesus will reign and prevail in our nation.
1. Father, we thank you for delivering us from the activities of these evil men, we
will only hear of them from afar but never allow them to come near us, in
Jesus name. Psa 91:5-7
2. We cover ourselves, our family members and brethren in the blood of Jesus.
3. Father, let there be confusion in the camp of the insurgents, set them against
one another to help destroy themselves in Jesus name. 2 Chr.20:23
4. Father your word says those who live by the sword shall die by the sword, let
the terrorists die by their own weapons, in Jesus name. Matt. 26:52
5. O Lord, strive with them that strive with us, let the destroyers destroy
themselves, in Jesus name. Psa. 35:1-6
6. Father, arise against those sponsoring terrorism and their supporters, destroy
the sources of their incomes in Jesus name.
7. Father, the blood of the innocent is crying for vengeance, arise and bring an
end to the plaques on the land as a result of these evil acts in Jesus name.
8. Father, destroys all the weapons of violence and evil perpetuators in our
nations, in Jesus name. Isa 54:16
9. In Jesus name; I reject and resist every weapon fashioned against me and my
family, they shall not prosper. Isa 54:17.
10.Father, let the ways of the terrorists be slippery and let the angels of the Lord
persecute them in Jesus name. Psa 35:6
11.Father; send deliverance now and cause us to laugh at the fall of the
strongman of insurgences and terrorist groups in Jesus name. Job 5:22
12.Father, redeem us from deaths in famine and war in Jesus name. Job 5:20
13.Father, let all perpetrators of insurgences sleep the sleep of death in
Jesus name.
14.Father, let the captives of the mighty be set free and the let those in the camp
of insurgences be delivered in Jesus name. Isa 49:25
15.Father, let the eaters of flesh be fed with their own flesh and be drunken with
their own blood in Jesus name. Isa 49:26.
BIBLE TEXTS: Pro 29:2, Gen 37:28
INTRODUCTION: Many nations are looking ahead for a period of general
elections in 2023 including Nigeria. Knowing well that, though man may plan and
prepare, but the outcome of a matter is of God. Let us pray for Nigeria and other
nations holding elections this year.
1. Praise and worship
2. Let us thank God for the success of all previous elections in nations
3. Let us thank God for keeping the nation together in spite of various challenges
that had beguiled many of our past elections
4. Let us pray for free, fair and peaceful elections in all our nations
5. Let us pray that the electoral institutions will not compromise standard at the
expense of free and fair election. Job 5:12
6. Let us pray that God will guide and take control of the whole process, from
beginning to the end and frustrate every plan to manipulate. Job 5:12
7. Let us pray that God will continue to guide the electorate not to be deceived,
and to make wise and godly decisions.
8. Let us pray that God will continue to guide the electorate not to sell out their
future. Pro 23:23
9. Let us pray that all those who are seeking power by fetish means will be
disappointed. Job 5:12
10. Let us pray that God will choose for us leaders that will rule in righteousness
and fear of God. (Pro 14:34, Pro 29:2)
11. Father let all government officials walk in Your fear, doing what is right for the
good of our nation
12. Father use this coming election to cleanse our nation of corrupt leaders
13. Father we decree and declare that: Nigeria will come out of her troubles and
take its place in the commonwealth of nations
14. Father let Nigeria and other nations experience good governance from this
time forward.
15. Father help all our leaders to walk in your fear, wisdom, knowledge and
BIBLE TEXT(S): Dan2:20-21, Luk.1:45, Joel.2:20, 1st Cor.14:3
At the beginning of this year 2023, like every other year, God gave prophesies
about future events likely in the international, national scenes and also as it
concerns the Church and individual. It is our duty to pray in order to reap the
positive sides of those prophesies
1. Father, we thank you for the gift of prophecy that you have given to your son
and the church as a whole in Jesus' name.
2. Thank you, Lord, for the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy.
3. Father, we thank you for You are the God of times and seasons, our times and
seasons are in your hands in Jesus' name.
4. Father, we thank you for the nice weather wherever we find ourselves this year
in Jesus' name.
5. Father, by the authority and dominion you have given to us, we command that
the weather will favour your church always throughout this year in Jesus'
name. Gen.1:26.
6. Father, frustrate and disappoint every plan of the enemy to attack or afflict
your children with bad weather in Jesus' name. Isa.44:25, Job.5:12.
7. We come against every form of flood disaster, tornados, tsunamis, and
earthquakes etc. programmed for this year in Jesus' name.
8. Father, no matter how unpredictable the weather may be this year, we decree
that the sun will not smite us by day nor the moon by night in Jesus' name.
9. Father please, by your mercy preserve our souls and preserve our going out
and coming in, in Jesus' name. Psalm.121:7-8.
10.Father, we thank you for the gift of the 'Prince of Peace' to the world in Jesus'
name. Isaiah.9:6.
11.Father, in this year 2023, let the world experience your peace that will result
in the growth of the church in Jesus' name.
12.Father, in this year 2023, let every family in the world enjoy your peace that
passeth all understanding in Jesus' name. Philippians.4:6.
13.Lord Jesus, you came that we might have peace, send your spirit into the
hearts of all men that the world might know true peace through your
abundant mercy in Jesus' name. John.14:27.
14.Father, raise peacemakers for the world in Jesus' name. Matthew.5:9.
15.Father, please bless your church with peace this year in Jesus' name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 6:17, Psa 46:1-3
Natural disasters are destructive events, calamities that happen by nature. Such
as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fire, tsunami, landslide, plaques, etc. Men
regard their occurrence as an act of God or by some strange powers, hence there
is a need to pray for God’s mercy and against their disasters from time to time.
1. Father; have mercy on us your people, deliver us from natural disasters in
Jesus name. Psa 57:1
2. Father, I your mercy, reverse the disaster that you spoke of bringing to us
because of our iniquities. Exo 32:14
3. Father; we humble ourselves and seek your face, please hear us from heaven,
heal our land and deliver us from natural disasters in Jesus name. 2Chro 7:13-
4. Father; have mercy on us and forgive us for abandoning the only living God to
serve and worship other gods in Jesus name. 2Chro 7:22
5. Father hear us and save us from impending disaster and even the ones that
have already happened which has led to food crises all over the Continent of
Africa in Jesus name. 2Chro 20:9
6. Father; bring disaster upon all the enemies of peace and righteousness in our
nation in Jesus name. 2Chro 34:24
7. Father; give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely
and secure in Jesus name. Prov 1:33
8. Father; forgive us, our sins, so that disasters will not pursue us in Jesus
name. Prov 13:21
9. Father, in your mercy, terminate every disaster that your judgement brought
upon our nation in Jesus name. Isa 47:11
10.Father, by your mercies do not let disaster come upon us out of the north (put
trouble spots in your country) according to your word in Jer 1:14, 4:6, in
Jesus name.
11.Father, remember your word in Jer 2:3 and bring disaster upon those killing
your children in our lands, in Jesus name.
12.Father, do not let the errors of our leaders bring disasters upon us , in Jesus
name. Eze 7:26
13. Father; please have mercy on us for breaking your covenant that can
bring disasters upon us in Jesus name.
14. Father in the days of Jonah, you had mercy on the people of Nineveh, please
have mercy on us too in Jesus name. Jonah 3:6-10
15. Father, let us find favour in your sight and do not allow disasters destroy our
nation in Jesus name
BIBLE TEXT(S) : 2Ti 2:15
Education is a process of systematic giving or receiving instructions, especially at
school. When our educational system meets with international standards, instils
discipline and allows for the fear of God, it will raise up a learned and godly
generation. Every child of God must be teachable and willing to learn.
1. Father, we thank you for the opportunity you have given unto us to learn.
Psa. 103:2
2. Father, we thank you for the level our educational standard has reached now.
Joh 15:5
3. Father, thank you for giving us room for improvement in our educational
4. Father, we sanitize all learning environments in our nation with the blood of
Jesus Christ Heb. 13:12
5. Father, please make learning environments in our nation conducive for our
children to study in Jesus name. Psa. 127:1
6. Father, l pray that schools in my nation will be diligent and faithful in
discharging their duties in Jesus name. Deu. 5:1
7. Father, help the teachers to be able to balance mercy and discipline in the
right way in Jesus name.
8. Father, help all parents to provide adequately for their children education in
Jesus name. Phi. 4:19
9. Father deliver our children from ungodly friends that will truncate their destiny
in Jesus name. 2 Sam.13:5
10.Father, help all our students to learn with humility and submissiveness in
Jesus name. Mat.10:24
11.Father, raise up our children with wisdom that come from above that they will
know and understand the core values of education in Jesus name.
12.Father, teach them by yourself that they will have the fear of the Lord in their
heart in Jesus name Isa. 54:13.
13.Teach the student love and respect and deliver them from the lust of the eyes,
the flesh and pride of life. 1 John 2:15-17.
14.Father, we thank you for the opportunity of learning in your household to
rightly divide the word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15.
15.Father, please help the teachers to teach with love and, cloth them with
wisdom and good knowledge of what they have to teach in Jesus Name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 95,107:23, Joh 16:5-15, Prov 22:29, Deu 8:18
The power and influence of a nation depend on her business and economy. It is
an entire regime and networking of production, distributions to the end
consumers of goods and services at local, regional national and international
markets. God is interested that our economy and business activities are carried
out in a decent and godly environment.
1. Father we thank you for the economy of our nations. Psa. 24:1
2. Father we thank you for the privilege of being a partaker of your kingdom
economy Isa. 38:19
3. Thank you, father, for being in control of the economy and businesses of our
nations. Joh. 15:5
4. We thank you God that the economy of your church is standing. Mat. 16:18
5. Father deliver us from all forms of evil and unrighteousness in business life in
Jesus name. Lev. 19:35-37.
6. Father help the economy and businesses in our nation to be done in
righteousness in Jesus name. Prov 14:34
7. Father, help us to put you first in our business life in Jesus name. 1 Kings
8. Father, give us the wisdom to trust you with all our hearts never to lean on our
own understanding in our business pursuits Prov. 3:5-6.
9. Father never allow us to be greedy in our business, help us to always pay our
first fruit, tithe and offering. Mal. 3:10
10.Father give us faith that can banish fear of failure in our business,
11.Father, give us great attitude to move forward in the name of Jesus. James
12.Father, it does not matter what the economy of my nation says, make a way
for us. Isa. 43:19.
13.Father, give us strength to pray every day for the success of our businesses in
the name of Jesus.
14.Father, please, I release unto us every idea we needed to advance in our
business in the name of Jesus. Det. 8:18.
15.Father, do not let our business become a distraction to our heavenly goal in
Jesus name. Gen. 45:3-5.
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 91:1-16, 2Sam 22: 3-20
Psa 91:1-2. “He that dwelled in the secret place of the most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my
fortress; my God in him will I trust.”
1. Thank you, heavenly Father, for your divine protection upon everything that
concerns us, in Jesus name. Psa. 103:2
2. Father, please cover us under your Mighty wings as eagle covers its young
ones, wherever we go, in Jesus name. Exo19:4
3. Father, please in the day of trouble keep us safe in your dwelling place, in
Jesus name. Psa 27:5
4. Father, please preserve us from any form of unexpected accident on the road,
air and sea, in Jesus name. Psa116:6
5. Father, every level of blood shed the enemy has planned for us and our
family be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Job16:18
6. Father, we refuse to be a victim of sudden accident in all our ways, in Jesus
name. Job 1:14-19
7. Father, please disappoint all devices of the enemies that assigned to cause
accident upon our roads, sea and air, in Jesus name. Job5:12
8. Father, please open our eyes, so we can see ahead of time the impending
evenly and move away from destruction, in Jesus name. 2Ki 6:15-17
9. Father, please don’t allow any evil to befall us in any journey we embark
upon, in Jesus name. Psa 91:10
10. 10. Father, please preserve our going out and coming in from this time
forth and evermore, in Jesus name. Psa 121:8
11. Father, please let your goodness and mercy surround us wherever we go, in
Jesus name. Psa 23:6
12. Father, please don’t let death and accident be our portion now and forever, in
Jesus name. Psa118:17
13. Father, please deliver us from any unforeseen dangers of accident in all our
ways, in Jesus name. Psam34:17
14. Father, please be our Defense from all from of harm, in Jesus name. Psa 7:10
15. Father, please take charge and control over our roads against every force of
darkness, in Jesus name. Eph 6:12
BIBLE TEXT(s): Job 37:10-13, Deut 28:33, Levi 26:19, Psa 147:15-20
Why do we need to pray for climate change? Rising global temperatures, caused
by climate change, is bringing major changes across the world. Changes to
weather patterns disrupt harvests and put seasons out of balance. It makes
weather unpredictable, which include more frequent and heavy rain, intense heat
of the sun, more floods, and more droughts. These can cause shortage of food
and eventually result into famine.
1. Father we thank you for creating and controlling times and seasons.
2. Father, we thank you for your help in ages past over turbulent climate
change in Jesus name.
3. Father in Your mercy gives us favorable climate in Jesus name. Mat.8:26
4. Lord forgive our sins that have led to unfavorable climate and weather
conditions, in Jesus name.
5. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and renew this damaged world, in Jesus name.
6. Father, raise for us generation of leaders that will cooperate with you to
correct all the errors of climate change, in Jesus name.
7. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name
8. Lord, in your mercy, lead our scientists and engineers to new discoveries
that will result to a healthier climate on the Earth, in Jesus name.
9. Lord motivate our Leaders in government to take fresh action that will bring
relief from adverse climate change, in Jesus name.
10.Lord send help to those affected by adverse climate change, in Jesus name.
11.Lord we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on
climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
12.Lord Jesus, teach us how to make the world a better place of living before
your return, in Jesus name.
13.Our Father in Heaven we ask that you will grant wisdom and courage to the
world leaders on climate and weather management, in Jesus name.
14.Father let every spirit of fear of climate change, shifting our focus from
your kingdom be terminated by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
15.Every power in the sea making the snow, sea, rivers, oceans
uncooperative, we terminate your operation in the mighty name of Jesus.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 122:6-8, Isa 45:13
The Bible in Psalm 122:6 commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Moreover, we know that it for our own good, because whatever happens in
Jerusalem radiates across the whole world.Zech.12:2-3
1. Lord we thank you for your present peace in Jerusalem, in Jesus name.
2. Lord arise and have mercy upon your city, Jerusalem, in Jesus name.
3. Lord by your Holy Spirit convict all the people of Jerusalem of their sins, and
give them the grace to repent so they can find truth and forgiveness, in Jesus
name. John 16:8
4. Lord we pray against violence in your city, Jerusalem, in Jesus name.
5. Lord we pray that more and more will come to trust in God, find peace and
love that casts out fear, in Jesus name. 1 Joh.4:18
6. Oh God continue to raise up men and women who in the Mission field of Israel,
in Jesus name.
7. Father let the Government of Israel support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus
in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
8. Lord all global alienation against Jerusalem be terminated by your mighty
hand, in Jesus name.
9. Lord send your peace to the Middle east in Jesus name.
10.Oh Lord let your love and peace reign among the Arabians and the Jews in
Israel in Jesus name.
11.All the destructive plans of the enemy against Jerusalem be thwarted,
cancelled with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
12.Daddy let your perfect plans come to pass for Jerusalem in Jesus name.
13.Lord let every internal and external powers frustrating your will and return to
Jerusalem be destroyed in Jesus name.
14.Lord let every anti-gospel agent in Jerusalem fade away in Jesus name.
15.Lord let every ancient strong hold and ignorance about the coming our Lord
Jesus be terminated in Jesus name.
BIBLE REFERENCE: Dan 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov 18:9
Social media clearly has some positive aspects but there is a dark side of social
media that has been gradually emerging for years and its effect has been visible
through the rising number of cyber bulling, revenge porn, cyber-crime, addiction,
and mental issues that appear to be growing as a result of excessive and
improper use of social media. Let us arise to pray that our people will not be
victims of these vices in Jesus name
1. Lord we thank you for the fulfillment of increase of knowledge in this
generation. Dan 12:4
2. Lord we thank you for the release of knowledge for providing solutions to all
our challenges in Jesus name.
3. Lord we will thank you for your excellent spirit Dan 5:12, that you have made
our portion, in Jesus name.
4. Thank you, father, for not just giving us wisdom but understanding and helping
us in the application of this wisdom, in Jesus name. Dan 2:21
5. Lord we rely on you for long lasting solution to all the vices, atrocities that
social media, technology has brought to us in Jesus name.
6. Father, we agree that knowledge is from you, every demon manipulating your
original intention of knowledge increase, be frustrated and disgraced in Jesus
name. Jas 1:17
7. Let Every power that has turned your good gift to mankind to bad gift be
disgraced now in Jesus name. Jas 1:17
8. Lord arise and save our children from the spirit of worldliness in Jesus name.
9. Every demon in charge of the social media manipulation we dethrone you in
the name of Jesus.
10.Every evil intention behind social media and technology be exposed and
disgraced in Jesus name, Job 5:12
11.My children (names of your children) will not be a victim of social media
destruction in Jesus name. Prov 18:9
12.Lord deliver our children and youths from the foolishness of social media in
Jesus name. Prov 18:2
13.Lord help our people to be more diligent, dedicated and committed to their
jobs, careers, ministry, family, etc. than social media, in Jesus name.
14.Lord we pull down and destroy every evil altar that social media has erected in
the hearts of our people in Jesus name.
15.Lord help our people to devote more time and energy to bible study, prayers,
praises, and things of your kingdom than social media, in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen1:26-28, Gen2: 18
Family is a social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or
adoption. God is the originator of the family. The enemies are working tirelessly
to make sure our families are not at peace with God and fulfil the purpose of God.
1. Thank God Almighty for all the benefit your family has receive from Him.
Psa 103:1-2
2. Father, please let your spirit of unity reign in our families, in Jesus name.
Psa 133:1
3. Father, let every yoke of disunity and misunderstanding in our families be
broken now, in the name of Jesus. Isa 10:27
4. Father, please don’t ever allow your divine presence to depart from my family,
in Jesus name. Exo 33:15
5. Father, I break by the fire of Holy Ghost, every chains of afflictions in my
family, in Jesus name. Nah1:9
6. Lord Jesus, by the power of your resurrection, I dismantle every satanic altar
erected to other gods in past generations from my maternal and paternal side,
in Jesus name. Jug 6:25
7. Father, please don’t let any of my family member experience bitterness in their
lives, in Jesus name. Rut1:20
8. Father, visit the foundation of my family and destroy every spirit of hardship,
in Jesus name. Psa 11:3
9. Father, please let every battle of life that wants to destroy anyone in my
family, receive the judgment of death, in Jesus name. Ruth 1:21
10.Father, by the power in the blood of Jesus, I break any covenant made in my
blood line (lineage) with any other gods, in Jesus name. Isa 28:15
11.Father, please don’t let my family ever lack good things of life, in Jesus name.
12.Father, please trouble every troublers of my family, in Jesus name. Jos 7:25
13.Father, I break by the blood of Jesus any generational curse affecting my
family, in Jesus name. Jere31:29, Col.2:13-14, Lam5:7
14.Father, please bless all our family members with your divine health, in Jesus
name. Exo 23:25
15.Father, I cancel by the blood of Jesus any evil covenant affecting my family, in
Jesus name. Jer 31:29, Lam5:7
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 127:3-5, Eph 1:3, Jas 1:17.
Children are the heritage of the Lord; they are the hope of our future and the
home we build. Children also are spiritual blessing from God. They are a good and
perfect gift from the Almighty God. God is the original giver of children. They are
easy target of the enemy so we need to arise and pray to secure their life and
1. Thank God Almighty who is the giver of good and perfect gifts Jam1:17
2. Thank the good God for His grace upon you to release unto you, what money
cannot buy for free of charge, in Jesus name. Psa 127:1-3
3. Father, please don’t let any forces of darkness harm our children, in Jesus
name. Mat19:14
4. Father, please make our children mighty vessels in your hand, in Jesus name.
5. Father, please give parents divine wisdom to raise their children in your way,
in Jesus name. Prov 22:6
6. Father, we come against any hindrance that would stand in the way of our
children climbing to the top, in Jesus name. Mat19:14
7. Father, please destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every snare of the enemy set
to trap our children, in Jesus name. Psa 124:7
8. Father, I command every evil plantation upon the life of our children, be rooted
OUT and be destroyed, in Jesus name. Mat15:13
9. Father, please arise and do a new thing in the life of our children, in Jesus
name. Isa 43:19
10.Father, please terminate any evil transfer from parents to their children, in
Jesus name. 1kings 21:28-29
11.Father, I decree that the power that stopped parents from fulfilling destiny will
not stop their children, in Jesus name. Jer 35:6-7
12.Father, please let my children possess the gates of their enemies, in Jesus
name. Psa 127:5
13.Father, I command the spirit of laziness to get out of the life of our children, in
Jesus name. Prov 6:9-10
14.Father, please let the joy of salvation enter into the lives of our children, in
Jesus name. Psa 51:12
15.Let us thank God specially for all our children in RCCG
BIBLE TEXT(S): Mat 19:3
Couple (Male and Female) in any marriage are two individuals with different
background coming together as one, hence, occasional differences is inevitable.
Submission to scriptural principles, however, keeps the relationship strong and
vibrant till the end.
1. Thank God for His faithfulness over every home that is maintaining their
marriages Gen 2:22-24
2. Thank God Almighty who is the originator of marriage in the garden of Eden
Gen 2:22-24
3. Father, please take away every spirit of barrenness in our lives Deut 7:15
4. Father, please uproot by the fire of Holy Ghost every seed of bareness in our
lives Mat 15
5. Father, every satanic covenant that is going against your covenant of blessing
in our marriage, I command the Holy Ghost fire to consume them Rev 20:19
6. Father, I come against every spirit of lack in my marriage to be destroyed now
2Cor 3:5
7. Father, please by your power reverse every evil curse place upon my marriage
by household enemies Prov 3:33-35
8. Father, I take authority over every outside influence that is polluting my
marriage Matt: 19:6
9. Father, I command every seed of separation that has been sown upon our
marriage be uprooted by the fire of Holy Ghost Matt 15:13
10.Father, consume by the fire of Holy Ghost every garment of strife and violence
that enemies have put on our marriage Matt12:16
11.Father, I decree every arrow shot to destabilize my marriage is broken into
pieces Isa 54:17
12.Father, break them into pieces every oppressor of joy and peace in my
marriage Psa 72:4
13.Father, please destroy every spirit of unforgiveness causing problems in our
marriage Matt 6:14-15
14.Father, I decree my marriage shall fulfill divine purposes in Jesus name.
Matt. 18:18
15.I speak peace, unity and love into my marriage in Jesus name. Job 22:28
BIBLE TEXT(S) Pro 20:29
Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and
adulthood and the glory of young men is their strength. It’s a time that young
fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and live a
fulfilled life. Ecc. 12:1
1. Father, God, thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon
our youths. Psa103:1-5
2. Father, please increase the faith of all our youths in you, in Jesus name.
Luk 17:5
3. Father, please guide and protect our young people from the path of destruction
and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name. Psa 32:8
4. Father, please every battle acquired from birth that is affecting our youths, be
destroyed, in Jesus name. John 9:1-9,
5. Father, please endow all out youths with power from on high Luk2 4:49
6. Father, please as David defeated Goliath in his days let all our youths defeat
every Goliath assigned against them 1sam 17
7. Father, please satisfy the youths with good things of life Psa 103:5
8. Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our
youths. Isa 40:30
9. Father, please release your divine strength upon our youths, in Jesus name.
10.Father, please I retrieve back my glory from the hand of household and
territorial enemies, in Jesus name.
11.Father, please help our youths to obey and work for you at this young age, in
Jesus name. Lam 3:27
12.Father, please make our youths relevant in their generation, in Jesus name.
Psa 71:7
13.Father, please deliver all our youths from the hand of the wicked, the
unrighteous and cruel men of this world, in Jesus name. Psa 71:4
14.Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youths, in Jesus
15.Father, please cloth all our youths with the garment of humility, in Jesus
name. 1Pe 5:5
BIBLE TEXT(S): Deut 28:12, Prov 6:6-11
Unemployment is one of the major problems we have in Several Nations of the
World, many students graduate from school with the hope of getting a good job
but are often disappointed and frustrated. People want to work but can’t find any
job. Those employed or running a business are not doing well, nothing to show
that you are gainfully employed.
1. Let us thank God for being alive, only the living can work.
2. Lord arise deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their
3. Oh Lord open my eyes and show me the secrets to make wealth, in Jesus
4. Father I refuse to serve those that are supposed to be serving me, in Jesus
5. Father connect me to those that can lift me up, in Jesus name.
6. You raised kingmakers for Uzziah, Oh Lord raise king makers for me and my
family (children name) in Jesus name.
7. Lord let every power making it difficult for me to get a good job be disgraced
out of my life in Jesus name.
8. Father I ask for a supernatural divine connection that is bigger than my age,
my family’s name, my qualification, in Jesus name.
9. You devil, in the name of Jesus, loose your grip over my career, destiny,
business, academics, qualifications in Jesus name.
10.Lord I refuse to be disqualified when I apply for any job in Jesus name.
11.Father, let your favour single me out for miraculous employment in Jesus
12.Holy Spirit, help me to remember all I have known at the interviews in Jesus
13.Holy Spirit, let my appearance, presentations etc., work for my favour in Jesus
14.Holy Spirit guide me to be well equipped for that good job you have reserved
for me in Jesus name.
15.Father, as you helped Joseph in the presence of Pharaoh, help me in the
presence of my employer in Jesus name
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 1:28, Joh 15:5
Productivity is one of the mandate God gave to His children. it is not negotiable;
it is a command. and if you are a true child of God all you need to do in order to
be productive is to abide in the Lord who gave the command.
1. Father, let the anointing for obedience and prosperity fall upon me as it was
with Abraham in Jesus name Gen. 24:35.
2. Father, please deliver me and my family from the spirit of nonproductive in the
name of Jesus Deut. 1:40-46.
3. Father, you are the source of productivity, l hide in you; help me to be
productive in my career in Jesus name.
4. Father, in my career help me to be faithful, for it is required of a steward to be
found faithful in Jesus name. 1 Cor. 4:2.
5. Father, help me to pursue my career according to your standard for the glory
of Your name in Jesus name Col. 3:17, 23.
6. Father, in all my career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first in the name of
Jesus. Matt. 6: 33.
7. Father, help me to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to
disconnect me in Jesus name John. 15:5.
8. Father, in these evil days, please strengthen me to walk wisely making the
best use of my time in Jesus name. Phil 4:13, Eph. 1:5.
9. Father, in my career grant me wisdom so that my light will shine brighter and
brighter to the glory of Your Name in Jesus name. Dan 1:20, Matt. 5:16.
10.Father, as your hand was with Isaac let your hand be with me for favour in
Jesus name. Gen 26:2
11.Father, in my career help me to always have a positive influence on the
people in Jesus name.
12.Father, help me to always think of being a blessing to others in the name of
Jesus. Ep. 2:10.
13.Father, give me a heart that is committed to serve like Jesus, in Jesus name
Matt. 20:26-28.
14.Father, in my career help me to enjoy the fruit of my labour, may l not
disappear before my glory will appear in the name of Jesus. Ecc. 3:13.
15.Father, no matter how hard the situation, may I never quit or give up in
trusting in you in Jesus name Prov 24:10, 2 Chro. 15:7, Heb 10:38
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 28:1-6. Prov 22:6
God expect us as parents to train our children in the fear of God. in Psam127:3 –
the word of God says children are the heritage of the Lord. They are special to
the Almighty God.
1. Father, whatever sin in my life and family lineage that will want to affect my
children destiny, I repent of it today and let the blood of Jesus wash us clean
in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, please show your mercy upon all the children you have given me in
Jesus Name.
3. Father, the wisdom I need for me to train up my children in the fear of God, i
receive it in the name of Jesus. Prov 22:6
4. Father, plant your fear in the heart of all our children in the mission all over
the world Jesus name Psalm128:6.
5. Father, liberate all our children that are still under satanic influence that will
work against their destiny Obad 1:17, John8:.32
6. Father, restore to your church, the spirit of excellence in the lives of all our
children in RCCG. in Jesus name Joel2:25
7. Father every power assigned to destroy the destiny of our children be bound in
the name of Jesus Matt18v18
8. Father, bestow upon all our parents the grace to be a good example to our
children in the mirror of the word of God in Jesus Name.
9. Father, let all our children in the mission grow in the word of God in the name
of Jesus.
10.Father let there be agreement and love in all our homes in RCCG worldwide in
Jesus name Amos 3:3.
11.Father, let every arrow of disagreement fired into marriages in your Church go
back to sender in the name of Jesus
12.Father, every satanic power that have join hands together that our children
will never succeed in life be disappointed in the name of Jesus
13.Father, let there be divine separation from every lot that will not allow our
children fulfill destiny in the name of Jesus
14.Father establish the heart of all our children in your precepts in the name of
15.Lord Jesus please direct the path of our children to serve and please you.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 11:3, 1Cor 3:11
How far a man will go in life depends on his foundation. Abraham was from a
family of unbelievers that is, idol worshippers but God called him out in Genesis
12:1 to walk before Him. The sure foundation of our life is Jesus Christ.
1. Father, I thank You for the family through which You brought me to this world.
2. Father I repent of every generational sin committed by my ancestors. Let the
blood of Jesus watch us clean in Jesus Name.
3. Father, please show me Your mercy and touch the foundation of my life with
Your hand of power in Jesus Name. Romans 9:15-16
4. Father, please visit my family with Your mercy in Jesus Name Lam. 3:22
5. Father, please break the stronghold of sin in my family lineage in Jesus Name.
6. Father, every curse upon my life as a result of my family background, let it
break in the name of Jesus. Joshua 6:26
7. Father, every tree of non-achievement in my family background let it be
uprooted by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Matthew 13:25
8. Father, every foundational serpent that is operating against the glory of my
family, let it be destroyed in Jesus name. Isaiah 27:1-3
9. Father, every evil pattern of my father household that is about to manifest in
my life, break in the name of Jesus. John 4:18
10.Father, every idol claiming ownership over the foundation of my life be
destroyed in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:16.
11.Father, visit the foundation of my family and let our glory begin to shine in the
name of Jesus. 2Sam 22:16
12.Father, visit the foundation of all our parishes in RCCG worldwide in the name
of Jesus. Matthew 16:18
13.Father, visit the foundations of our nations and let Your glory begin to
manifest in the name of Jesus.
14.Lord Jesus, be the foundation of my life from now henceforth. 1Ki 7:10
15.Father, visit the foundation of my father’s household and let every error that
have attracted curses be wiped off by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
1Ki 16:34
BIBLE TEXT(S): Prov 10:15, 20:13, 23:21, 28:19., Deut. 11:14-15, 2Cor 8:2,9,
Rev 2:9
Poverty is the state of being poor. Poverty exist when people lack the means to
satisfy their basic needs.
1. Father, thank you for provisions for my life
2. Father thank you for becoming poor that I may be rich
3. Father, thank you for supplying my needs according to your riches in glory
4. Power sponsoring poverty in my life be rooted by the fire of Holy Ghost.
5. Every garment of poverty in my life catch fire in Jesus name
6. Poverty in my foundation die in Jesus name
7. Father, silence every voice of poverty speaking against my life
8. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I come against the spirit of poverty in my
life by the fire of Holy Ghost
9. Oh Lord arise and deliver me and my family from poverty by the fire of Holy
10.Father please in your anger, destroy poverty in my foundation
11.Father restore to me my financial Glory in Jesus Name
12.Root of poverty in my foundation be uprooted and wither by the fire of Holy
Ghost in Jesus name
13.In the name of Jesus Christ oh Lord destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every
weapon of poverty fired against my life
14.Every dark power sitting on my prosperity die in Jesus name
15.Satanic priest ministering poverty into my life die by the fire of Holy Ghost
in Jesus name
BIBLE TEXT(S): Jas 1:2-3
Trials and tribulations are all part of what we experience as Children of God.
Every believer has his/her own share of trials and tribulations, but we must be
strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We must never stop praying as
prayer is the only sure way to escape the trials of life. When we pray, we
generate spiritual energy to overcome trials and temptations.
Through these prayer points we are going to be engaging spiritual warfare as we
battle our way out of the trials that plague our lives.
1. Lord I thank you for live, only the living can face trials and overcome.
2. Lord I thank you because you are bigger than the biggest of my trials and
3. Lord I thank you because everything is created by you and you have not
created anything you cannot control; I know you are capable of my present
4. My father have mercy and forgive me of all my unfaithfulness, in Jesus name.
5. Lord have mercy and deliver me from every self-imposed trial in Jesus name.
6. Father, your word says, I can do all things through Christ (your son) that
strengthens me, Lord help me to live above sin, in Jesus name.
7. Lord, by your Holy Spirit, help me out of every thought and heart desire that is
making me to sin against you, in Jesus name.
8. Lord guide me by your Holy Spirit and help me to guide my heart against all
temptations in Jesus name. Eph 6:16, Prov 4:23
9. Father, strengthens my spirit above my flesh in Jesus name. Mat 26:41
10.Lord just like you stood for Job against the accuser, father stay and fight for
me in my days of trials in Jesus name.
11.Arrow of afflictions GO back to sender in Jesus name.
12.Every garment of reproach in my life catch FIRE and be consumed by the fire
of Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
13.Everything cooperating with afflictions in my life be consumed by the fire of
Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.
14.Lord arise in your power and let all the people behind the problems of my life
commit suicide, in Jesus name.
15.Every problem and affliction that has mastered my prayer methods and has
developed immunity against my prayers be consumed by the fire of Holy
Ghost in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 121:1-8, Jer 32:27, Joh 5:2-9, Isa 49:8
Every Child of God has the right to live a good life, but when individual efforts will
not be sufficient to yield result, when specialist cannot help us, when no human
like you can help, then we need to turn to God in our prayers for help from
1. Father thank you for all your assistance in my life in ages past.
2. Powers frustrating my efforts be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus
3. Every ancestral secret retarding my progress, be revealed, in Jesus’ name.
4. Evil secret activities currently affecting my life, be exposed and disgraced, in
the name of Jesus.
5. Every secret I need to know to excel spiritually and financially, be revealed, in
the name of Jesus. Deu 29:29
6. Every secret hidden in the marine kingdom, affecting my elevation, be exposed
and let their kingdom be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every secret hidden in the satanic archive, crippling my elevation, be exposed
and disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every secret I need to know about my environment, be revealed, in Jesus’
9. Every secret I need to know about my father’s lineage, be revealed, in the
name of Jesus.
10.Every secret I need to know about the work I am doing, be revealed, in the
name of Jesus.
11.Oh Lord give unto me the Spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of
yourself, in Jesus name.
12.Oh Lord, remove spiritual cataract from my eyes, in Jesus name.
13.Every counsel of evil against my rising, be scattered, in Jesus’ name.
14.Fresh glory of the living God and fresh fire from heaven envelope me now, in
Jesus name.
15.King Uzziah of this world will not waste my glory, my kingdom and my life, in
the name of Jesus.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 75:3-7
True promotion comes from God. When God promotes, neither man nor any
power can bring down because God is the pillar upon which the promoted is
sustained. It is the one God promotes that can help to lift others up without
1. Father, I thank you for promoting your people in their various positions.
2. Father, you are the pillar that hold my life, give me grace never to fall down in
Jesus name
3. Father, you promoted Esther, please grant me favour and lift up my head.
Take me to the place of honour in Jesus name.
4. Overnight you change the destiny of Esther, Father change my story for good
very soon in Jesus name Father, raise up as many of your children, my fellow
brethren whose head were bowed down in Jesus name
5. Father, do not allow me to make any mistake like Queen Vashti such that will
take me out of your presence, glory and honour in Jesus name. Esther 1:19
6. Father, I am tired of the valley, by your power take me to the mountain top of
my life, ministry and career in Jesus name.
7. Esther was promoted for a deliverance of many; Father please promote me for
the deliverance of those who are connected to my lifting in Jesus name
8. Father, prepare me for the challenges and responsibilities associated with the
higher position you have ordained for me in Jesus name.
9. Father, equip me with spiritual, moral and intellectual virtues required to rise
and excel into the higher level of responsibility in Jesus name.
10.Father according to your word in Deut 28:13, I shall be the head never the tail
in Jesus name.
11.Father, open the book of remembrance concerning me as You did for Mordecai
and reward me for all my good deeds in Jesus name Est: 6:1-3
12.Father, please put spirit of error upon my enemy that will overturn their
wicked devise upon their own head in Jesus name. Est 6:4-14
13.Father deliver me from spirit of foolishness and wickedness that will bring
down my life in Jesus name Est 7:7-9
14.As Haman fell from grace to grass and to the grave, let my unrepentant
enemies fall in Jesus name. Est 7:10
15.I command all oppositions against my promotion to lose their power of
influence in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(s): Gen 17:19, Exo 3:16 , 7:9 , Jer 23:2 Luk 1:68, 7:1
Anytime when God visits people, it is either to fulfill promises, to bless, for
instruction or judgments: Today God is still in the business of visiting people,
families, churches and nations.
1. Father, thank you for your Divine visitation upon our life
2. Thank you for that visitation that brought your salvation to my life
3. Father, I thank you for your ever-abiding presence I enjoyed in all my ways in
Jesus name.
4. Those that wait on God shall never be ashamed; Isa 49:23b Pray for the grace
to remain in Christ no matter the challenge in Jesus name s
5. Pray that God will visit all our brethren who are being afflicted to deliver them
from their troubles in Jesus name
6. Pray that God will visit all those oppressing and persecuting believers with
judgment as He visited Pharaoh in Jesus name
7. Father, do not visit me in your anger as you visited Korah, Dathan and Abiram
and others in Jesus name. Num.16:29
8. Father grant me life and favour, and let thy visitation preserved my spirit from
evil in Jesus name Job10:12
9. Father, visit all my strong enemies with your judgments in Jesus name
10.Father, visit every power resisting me from serving you in spirit and truth with
your wrath in Jesus name
11.Father, visit all workers of evil in our land with judgment. Jer 10:15, 23:12
12.Father, your blessings makes rich, please visit my family with your blessings
this season in Jesus name
13.Father, I am tired of the valley, visit me O Lord and take me to the mountain
top of my life in Jesus name.
14.Father, visits all pastors and ministers that are agents in your church with
judgment that will provoke them into true repentance in Jesus name
15.Father, when you visited Moses in the bush, his life was translated from
wondering to wonder, visit my life and family and make us a wonder to the
world in Jesus name
BIBLE Text(s): Mar 16:17 -18, Deut 29:3, Acts 2:22, 8:13, 10:38, Heb 2:4
A sign is an evidential proof of something to be true. Pharaoh doubted God in
Exo 5:1-2 but he bowed after he encountered God in Signs and wonder in Exo
12:29-32. A wonder is an unusual occurrence, a miracle that make people to
marvel. In Acts 3:1-10 when the man who has been lame for 40 years suddenly
began to walk, leap and praise God, everybody around looked and rejoiced at him
in amazement.
1. Father, I thank you for the whole world is full of your wonders, in Jesus name.
2. Father. I thank you for the miracle, signs and wonder that the birth, death and
resurrection of Jesus has brought to the whole, in Jesus name.
3. Lord. I thank you for the salvation of my soul making me a partaker of the
wonder of Your resurrection, in Jesus name.
4. Father I want to be a holy and be a sanctified vessel like Mary, Joseph, Samuel
etc. in order to be a candidate of signs and wonders in Jesus name
5. Father; Whenever I face challenges of life, always strengthen me with fresh
memory of the past miracles, signs and your wonders you did in my life in
Jesus name
6. Father make me a candidate of your wonder to my generation in Jesus name
7. Father; Let your light shine in me to the world around me, to give you glory in
all that I do, and wherever I go in Jesus name. Matt 5:16
8. Father: Make me truly like Jesus going about with power of the Holy Ghost
doing good, healing the oppressed and setting the captives free in Jesus name
9. My father, make my life a wonder to my generation in Jesus name.
10.Except by signs and miracles, many will not believe, Father restore the era of
sign, miracles and wonder in your church in Jesus name
11.Father show all my oppressors signs, so that they will leave me alone
permanently in Jesus name.
12.Father, please perform a miracle in my body so that i will never be sick again
in Jesus name.
13.Father! Please perform miracles in my marriage to be fruitful and that joy will
overflow in my home in Jesus name.
14.Father, let there be signs and wonder in my family so that we will never lack
anything good in Jesus name.
15.Father, perform a wonder in my career, business and finances so that I will be
blessings to many in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(s) : Gen 37:15 -18
The life of a man is not in himself. Jer 10:23. For any man to reach the peak of
his destiny there is need for the guidance of the Almighty. However, when God
guide, we must trust Him enough that all things will work for our good Rom
1. Father I thank for your hand mighty upon my life up to this day.
2. Father I thank you for ordering my steps into the right paths of destiny
3. Father. Without you I can do nothing, please guide my steps in the journey of
this life in Jesus name.
4. Father, the way to everlasting life is narrow, no man walks through by himself.
Guide me O thou great Jehovah in Jesus name.
5. Father whenever I pass through the valleys of the shadows of death gives me
grace to know that you are with me to trust you till the end in Jesus name.
6. Father, give us the right attitude to handle trials coming our ways not to lose
the Crown of glory that follows in Jesus name.
7. Father help me in all my decisions to depend on your counsel in Jesus name.
8. Father; the meek you will guide in judgment: and the meek you will teach your
way. Please give me a humble and a teachable heart in Jesus name. Psa_25:9
9. The brothers of Joseph took away his coat of many colours, but were not able
to take away the garment of his glory; I Pray that trials of life will not rip me of
my glory in Jesus name.
10.As brothers of Joseph were not able to abort his dream, I pray that all my
ambition and God given dreams shall not be aborted in Jesus name.
11.Father, as Joseph was connected in the prison, guide and connect us with
the helpers of our destiny in Jesus name.
12.Father, give our divine helpers a reminder and a push that will propel them
to deliver their mandate concerning us in Jesus name.
13.I destroy the power of every dream killer operating against my good and
godly dreams in Jesus name.
14.Father: I commit to acknowledging You in all my ways, I trust also you with all
my heart, don’t let me rely on my own understanding in Jesus name.
15.I trust in You Lord to make straight my paths never to walk out of your will in
Jesus name. Pro 3:6
BIBLE TEXT(s): Jer 1:4-5, Eph. 2:10
You are here on earth for a special purpose, you are specially designed by God to
fulfil a purpose. In Jer. 1:4-5 we see that there were lots of things that happened
before you were conceived. You are not designed to live ordinary life or to be a
victim of circumstances. You are here to fulfil destiny. Destiny is God’s purpose
for your life.
1. Father I thank you for the salvation of my soul
2. Father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins of disobedience and Luke
warmness in Jesus name
3. Oh God arise for me this day, arise and destroy every evil force assigned to
waste and destroy my destiny and the destinies of the members of my family
in the name of Jesus.
4. According to Jer. 30:16-17, Father devour the devourers of my destiny and the
destiny of your church in the name of Jesus.
5. Oh God empower me to overcome every temptation that will hinder me like
Reuben from fulfilling my destiny in the name of Jesus name.
6. Father please restore unto me the joy of my salvation in the name of Jesus.
7. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, I command every buried destiny in
my family to rise up in Jesus name, father renew my foundation
8. Oh Lord you enabled Esther, Joseph, Levi to fulfil their destinies, please help
me to fulfil my destiny in you in the name of Jesus.
9. Father I thank you for making me your special master piece in Jesus name.
10.Oh God open the heaven and come down for my sake in Jesus name.
11.Father let that your very purpose for my life be accomplished in Jesus name
12.Father arise and contend with every enemy of my destiny in Jesus name.
13.Oh, my star come out of obscurity and shine for the glory of the Lord has
risen upon you in Jesus name.
14.Father frustrate every evil plan of the enemy to abort your purpose for my
life, in Jesus name.
15.I refuse to be a failure in life in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Mar 16:17,20, Heb 2:4, Acts 4:30, 2:43.
INTRODUCTION: The Holy Ghost Service is a monthly program in the RCCG that
is held in the first Friday of every month. The one in March is always special
because we gather together to appreciate God for the birthday of daddy GO; our
esteem father in the Lord and the commencement of the SPECIAL HOLY GHOST
1. Let us thank God for all the past annual Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s
Ps. 127:1-3
2. Father we thank you for the success and the glory revealed in the past annual
Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s
3. We thank you Lord for the anointing upon Daddy GO and all other officiating
4. Father we thank you for the unprecedented number of souls won during the
past annual Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s
5. Let us thank God for all the unusual miracles He has done in the past and that
which He is going to do this time around Deut. 11:3; Jn.6:2
6. Pray for forgiveness of all our sins that may hinder the move of God this year
Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) Psalm 79:9
7. Let us pray for the grace to be holy and the desire to follow peace with all men
8. Pray for provisions and divine supply of all needs for this year Special Holy
Ghost Service in abundance in Jesus name Phil 4:19
9. Let us Decree against every powers, principalities and blood sucking demons
causing accident and delay on our roads, airports before, during and after this
year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)
10. Father in the name of Jesus, grant as many that will be attending this year Special
Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) favour and provisions for their journeys.
11. Let us pray that God will keep and watch over homes and belongings of all
participants as we attend this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS). Psa.16:8
12. Father, have compassion and turn the tears and pain of all participants in this year
Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) to Joy and laughter Rev. 21:4, Psa 30:5
13. Let us pray that God will confirm the words of Daddy G.O with signs and wonders.
Acts 14:3
14. Let us pray that God will be merciful and remember the barren and those suffering
from secondary infertility. 1Sam. 1:16-20.
15. Pray that there shall be unprecedented harvest of Souls Miracles, signs and wonders
during this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) .Acts 2:41, Matt 10:1
BIBLE TEXT(s): Jeremiah 32:27
INTRODUCTION: The God of flesh is the God of all possibilities, let us arise and
cry to this God to turn around all impossibilities in our lives to testimonies and
1. Oh God of all flesh, let every delay in my life and destiny cease now, in the
name of Jesus.
2. Oh God of all flesh, let every gate in the heavenlies, on the earth, under the
earth and under the water standing against my destiny, be shattered by the
fire of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
3. Oh God of all flesh, arise and silence forever every evil mouth pronouncing evil
into my destiny, in the name of Jesus
4. Oh God of all flesh, please turn my impossibility to possibility in the name of
5. Oh God of all flesh, please remember me for good today, in the name of Jesus.
6. Heavenly judge, swallow the judgement of the wicked over my life now in the
name of Jesus.
7. Every power that is stagnating my life and my miracle, receive the stone of
destruction now in the name of Jesus.
8. Oh God of all flesh, let every arrow of impossibility fired into my life catch fire
now in the name of Jesus.
9. Every mark of wastage and unfruitfulness in my life, be destroyed in the name
of Jesus.
10.Oh God of all flesh, let every judgment that wants to turn me into nothing be
turn around for my good in the name of Jesus.
11.Father let every power that is making my testimonies impossible be destroyed
in the name of Jesus.
12.Oh God of all flesh, please let every good thing the enemies have stolen from
me be returned to me now in the name of Jesus
13.Oh God of all flesh, I need help now, please send Angel of good news to me,
in the name of Jesus.
14.Every mystery battle in my life, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
15.You the glory of my life that the wicked have turned to grass, change now and
become fire and shine for others to see in the name of Jesus.
BIBLE TEXT(S) : Exo 15:26, Jas 5:15, Psa 107 :20-21, 1Pet 2:24
It is never the will of God for any of His children to be sick, 3Jn 1:2. It is sin that
brought sickness into the world, we need to repent and turn to God in our prayers
of faith to get out of the wilderness of sicknesses and disease
1. Thank God for His healing power that is available for His Children, in Jesus
name. Psam103:3
2. Father, please forgive me all my sins both known and unknown that have
brought this sickness and diseases (mention the name of sickness) upon me,
in Jesus name. Psa 103:3, James 5:15
3. Father, by your mercy, please take away from me every inherited sickness and
diseases, in Jesus name. Exo15:26
4. Father, please destroy every yoke of sickness and diseases in my life, in Jesus
name. Acts 10:38, Isa 10:27
5. Lord Jesus, by your resurrection power, I overcome every sickness and
diseases unto death upon my life, in Jesus name. Joh11:4, Isa 28:1
6. Father, please put an end to every form of sickness and diseases outbreak in
my country (put your country), in Jesus name. Prov 23:18
7. Father, please by your mighty hand of power, terminate every spirit of
infirmity upon my life, in Jesus name. Luke 13:11-12, Joh 5:1-9
8. Father, please heal every damage done in my body as a result of sicknesses
and diseases, in Jesus name. Jere17:14
9. Father, I decree every arrow of sickness and diseases targeted against my
country (put your country), church, family, etc., go back to your sender, in
Jesus name. Psa 18:14
10.Father, arise and let the source of the sickness in my body dry up by the fire
of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Psa.107:20
11.Let every germ, virus, bacteria and poison working against my health be
neutralized by the blood of Jesus. Rev. 12:11
12.Father as I serve thee, bless my bread and take sickness away from my family
in Jesus Name. Exodus 23:25
13.Father, put off every garment of sickness and diseases from me, in Jesus
name Mar 10:50
14.Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that by your stripes I am totally
healed. 1Pet2:24
15.Father, every evil plantation of sickness and diseases in my life be uprooted
by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Mat 15:13
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 91:16, 118:17, Exo 23:26, Hosea 13:14, Job 5:26
Death is the departure of life from the body. It comes to many when they are not
prepared. Though death is a sure appointment. Heb. 9:27. But God desires that
all His children fulfil their destiny and be satisfied with long life. That is why we
need to pray against premature death.
1. Father thank you for the gift of life Deut. 30:19
2. Father remove premature death and sickness from us in Jesus name
Exo. 23:25-27.
3. Every death sentence against any member of my family be cancelled by the
blood of Jesus in Jesus name Rev. 12:11
4. Father, I destroy upon this mountain, the spirit of premature death that is
following your people about in Jesus name Isa. 25:8.
5. Every platform of death the enemy has constructed for me and my family
collapse in Jesus name Ps. 83:1-5.
6. Every power that has entered into the church to snatch life, Father stop them
in Jesus name Ex. 23:26.
7. By the power in the Word and the Blood of Jesus, I put an hedge of protection
to preserve those that are appointed to die prematurely in my family and the
church in Jesus name. Ps. 79:11.
8. I declare in the name of Jesus that l will not die prematurely, but live to
declare the works of God in the land of the living. Ps. 118:17.
9. By the blood of Jesus, I erase my name from the register of untimely death in
Jesus name.
10.I destroy every arrow of death targeted against me and any member of my
family in Jesus name Amen. Gal 6: 17
11.I refuse to sleep the sleep of death without fulfilling the purpose of God in my
life in Jesus name Ps. 13:3, Acts 20:9.
12.I pray that every good thing the Lord has given to me will not become idol
and lead me to untimely death in Jesus name.
13.I have chosen life; therefore, I and every member of my family shall live in
Jesus name. Deut. 30:19
14.I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of Lord, in Jesus name.
15.Father, by your mercy deliver us from destruction and deliver all who are
appointed to die prematurely, in Jesus name. Ps 102:17-20
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 55:22, 1Pet 5:7
Depression is a state of being downcast or in deep sorrow. Sometimes it leads to
suicide. Believers have the grace of His word that cheers us up whenever
depression is about to set in. That is why we must not stop meditating on His
1. Father, thank you for your promises to terminate every spirit of depression in
Jesus name. Isa. 41:10
2. Father, thank you for making me righteous and hearing my cry and saving
me from every trouble in Jesus name Ps. 34:17.
3. 3.Father, thank you for saving me from the spirit of depression you did not
allow me to die in it you heard my cry and came for my rescue in Jesus name
Ps. 4:1-3.
4. Father, please deliver us from the spirit of depression in Jesus name Ps.
5. Father help us to maintain the right spirit you have given us in Jesus name. 2
Tim 1:7
6. Father, let every spirit of retardation that causes depression in my family be
destroyed in Jesus name Gen 42:38, 44:29
7. Father, because You are the way go before me and be with me, do not fail nor
forsake me in Jesus name. John 14:6, Isa 45:1-3.
8. Father, terminate fear and depression in my life and family in Jesus
name. Deut. 31:8
9. Father, you are my shield and the lifter up of my head, therefore I decree:
depression shall not have dominion over me in Jesus name Ps. 3:3.
10. My Father, by the power in the death and resurrection of Jesus, I overcome
every spirit of depression or defeat in Jesus name. Ps. 42:11.
11. Father from now on deliver me from the spirit of anxieties and depression
that can cause suicide in the name of Jesus. 1 Peter 5:7.
12. Father, because of your word in John 16:33 to me, I therefore exercise
dominion over every spirit of failure, defeat and depression, and suicide in
Jesus Name.
13. Father because greater is the one that is in me than the demons responsible
for depression and suicide, I am victorious in Jesus Name 1 John 4:4.
14. The Lord is with me like a mighty terrible one, so I reject depression and
suicide in Jesus Name Jer. 20:11.
15. You spirit of depression and suicide; I dismiss you from my life now in Jesus
Name. Mark 11:23-24
BIBLE TEXT(S) Rev. 14:8, 17:2, 18:3, Matt. 5:32, 1Cor. 6:18
INTRODUCTION: Sin of sexual immorality is a sin against one’s body. God
detests this sin in all its ramifications because our body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit. Sexual sins include: Fornication, adultery, sexual lust, incest,
homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, prostitution etc.
1. Thank God for the “Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus” has set you free
from the law of sin and death Rom. 8:2
2. Go before God sincerely with a contrite or repentant heart, confess and
repent of all sexual sins Ps. 51:17
3. Father, deliver me from any kind of impurity like sexual immorality, Eph. 5:3
in Jesus name.
4. Father, help me not to indulge in sexual immorality or any sin that will rob me
of heaven in the name of Jesus 1 Cor. 6:9.
5. father, do not let me drive your Spirit away by committing sexual sin and
polluting my body in Jesus name 1Cor. 6:18
6. Father, deliver me from committing sexual sin with my eyes Matt. 5:28 in
Jesus name.
7. Father, purge my heart from every impurity that defiles a man in Jesus name
Mar 7:22-23.
8. Father, help me to do your will at all time and to find pleasure in doing it in
Jesus name 1Thess. 4:3-5
9. Father by the power in the blood of Jesus I separate myself spiritually and
physically from every former sexual partner in Jesus Name. 1Cor 15:17
10. Every evil covenant we have entered into through sexual sin break now in
Jesus name 1Cor. 6:15-17.
11. Father, cause your children to be satisfied with their own spouse in Jesus
name Prov 5:15-19.
12. Father arise and destroy every power of sexual sin that is insisting that your
children must see shame and be reduced to a piece of bread, in the name of
Jesus Prov 6:26
13. Father arise and destroy every spirit of whoredom assigned to reduce you
children to a piece of bread and bring shame to them in Jesus Name. Father
by your mercy deliver our minds and hearts from all evil thoughts in Jesus
Name. 1Cor 6:18
14. I destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every spirit of sexual sin that refuses to
leave your children in the name of Jesus. 1Cor. 6:19-20
15. Oh Lord sanctify my body to be your sanctuary. Tested and Proofed, Tried
and true.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Lev 10:9, Num 6:3
Alcoholism can be referred as the act of addiction to alcoholic consumption.
Taking alcohol is against the counsel of God. It is a sin for anyone to take in
strong drink or wine.
1. Father thank you for your mercies that endures forever in Jesus name.
Psa 136:1
2. Father, I confess and repent of every sin of alcoholism in my life, please show
me your mercy in the name of Jesus 1Joh 1:9-10.
3. Father, I break and loose myself from every stronghold of in my life in the
mighty name of Jesus. Mat 18:18
4. Father, deliver me from the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Psa 18:50
5. Father, give me the grace to separate myself from all alcoholic friends in Jesus
name. Amo 3:3
6. Father, as many that secretly take in alcohol in your church, arrest and save
their souls in Jesus name. Pro 28:13
7. Father any spirit of shame and disgrace programmed against me and my
family through alcohol be destroyed in Jesus name. Genesis 19:33-36.
8. Father, I refuse to be a slave to the spirit of alcohol in Jesus name.
9. I will not sell my children for drinks in Jesus name. Joe 3:3
10.Father, put your light into my life to put in order, every disorderliness caused
by the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Mat 24:48-49
11.My father, by your grace, I refuse to be deceived by strong drinks in Jesus
name. Pro. 20:1
12.Father every spirit assigned to empty my life be bound and casted out in the
name of Jesus. Nah 2:10.
13.Father, every curse attracted into my life as a result of alcoholism be broken
by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Rev 12:11, Exo 12:13.
14.Father, arise in your mercy and rescue my glory that have been shattered by
alcoholic consumption in Jesus name. Col 1:27.
15.Father, every spirit of alcoholism assigned to expose me to ridicule be
paralyzed in Jesus name. Gen 9:20-22
BIBLE TEXT(S): 2Tim 1:7, Psa 27:1-3, 118:6, Heb 13:6
Fear is the opposite of faith. It has been described as false evidence appearing
real. Fear is a strong unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or
threat. Fear is defined as a distressing emotion aroused by threats of impending
danger, pain, evil etc. whether the threat is real or imagined. The evil of fear
cannot be under estimated in the life of man.
1. Father, I thank you that you have not given me the spirit of fear but of
power, of love and of sound mind in the name of Jesus. 2Tim 1:7
2. Father, uproot every spirit of worry and fear in my life in the name of Jesus.
Rom 8:15
3. Father, the wisdom to fear you release upon my life in the name of Jesus.
Prov 14:16, 9:10
4. Father, by your love, cast out every spirit of fear tormenting me in Jesus.
1Joh 4:18
5. Oh Lord, put inside of me the fear of God that will prolong my days on
earth. Prov 10:27, 9:10-11
6. I come against every spirit of fear in my life in Jesus name. Psa 27:1-3
7. Every spirit of fear and worry, lose your hold over my family in Jesus name.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I break out from the bondage of fear and
worry. Rom 3:15
8. Father, deliver me from the bondage of the fear of death in Jesus name.
Heb 2:15
9. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I receive deliverance from the
spirit of fear in Jesus name. Psa 23:4
10. Father, wipe away every agent of fear from your church in Jesus name.
Exo 14:13
11. Father, increase faith in your church in the name of Jesus. Rom1:17
12. Father, please restore back all we have lost to the devil through fear in
Jesus name. Joe 2:25
13. In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall not fall into the bondage of fear again.
Rom 8:15
14. I bind every spirit of fear, timidity and unbelief attacking my faith.
Rom 8:15
15. I reject the spirit of fear in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
BIBLE TEXT(S): Isa 22:25, 54:17, Psa 24:1-10, 124:7
Limitation is a restriction caused by some forces that oftentimes, cannot be
explained. Limitation is a state of being limited. Outcomes of limitations are
failure, impossibility, unfruitful efforts, retardations etc.
1. Father, I thank you for removing every walls of limitations against my
progress on the cross in Jesus name. Heb 11:30
2. In the name of Jesus every wall of darkness limiting my destiny fall down
and collapse in Jesus name. Jos 6:11-20
3. By the power in the name of Jesus, I pull down every ancient gates of
limitation in Jesus name. Psa 24:7-10
4. Father in the name of Jesus, I scatter and destroy dark foundation limiting
my Glory in Jesus name. Psa 11:3
5. My father, my father, remove and pull out any nail fastened into any place
to limit my star. Isa 22:25
6. Father in the name of Jesus, give us rest from sorrow and bondage limiting
my family. Isa 14:3
7. All limitations passed on me by my ancestors, oh Lord, Destroy them in
Jesus name. Jud 6:25-28
8. Every yoke of debt limiting my life be destroyed in Jesus name. Rom13:8
9. Father, put an end to every battle of impossibility and limitation in my life in
Jesus name. Eph 2:10
10. Father, in the name of Jesus, reverse every impossibility in my life in Jesus
name. Luk 10:27, Luke 18:27, Mat 19:26
11. By the power in the name of Jesus, I uproot the spirit of impossibility in my
life now, in Jesus name. Mat15:13
12. Cage of impossibility in my life break and release me in Jesus name.
Heb .2:15
13. Father in the name of Jesus, uproot the spirit of limitation in my life.
Mat 17:20
14. I declare in the name of Jesus that there shall be no more limitation against
me and my family in Jesus name. Romans 8:1
15. Father, give me uncommon victory over limitations in Jesus name.
1Cor 15:57

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  • 1.
  • 2. PREAMBLE BIBLE TEXT “And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces”. 2Ki 2:9-12 Each year comes with its own uniqueness. With the prophetic declarations for Year 2023, and because of the anointing for double portion that has been released for greater exploits, the year has promised to be a season of Wonderful encounters. However, from the above passage, there is no glory without a price: Elisha paid the price to receive his own double portion. The table is now set for every one of us to receive our own portions as much as we desire - beginning with the 50 days fasting announced by our General Overseer, Daddy E. A Adeboye.
  • 3. DAY 1: WED 11TH JAN THANKSGIVING BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 136: 1–End, Psa 101, 105. 1Chr 16:8. INTRODUCTION: Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the demonstration or show of gratitude for His goodness and mercies. It is good to give thanks unto the Lord. Psalms 92:1. Hannah expressed her appreciation to God in 1Samuel 2: 1 – 10. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, I thank You for Your mercy endures forever over my life, in Jesus name 2. Thank You Father for creating me in Your own image in Jesus name Gen. 1:27. 3. Father; I thank You for declaring me good after creating me in Jesus name Gen. 1:31 4. Father; I thank You for giving me dominion over all the works of Your hands in Jesus name Gen. 1:26. 5. Father; I thank You for saving my soul by your mercy, in Jesus name Lamentations 3:22. 6. Father; I thank You for renewing Your mercies every morning over my life, in Jesus name. Lamentation 3:23 7. Father; I thank You for the ability to sleep and wake up every day, in Jesus name. Psalms 3:5 8. Father; I thank You for the gift of salvation for mankind among whom I am one, in Jesus name. John 3:16-18. 9. Father; I thank You for drawing me to Jesus, Your only begotten Son , in Jesus name. John 14:6. John 3:27. 10.Father; I thank you for my sanctification in Jesus name. 2Thes. 2:13 11.Father I thank you for open doors, in Jesus name. Rev 3:8 12.Father; I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus name. Eccl 9:4 13.Father I thank you for divine protection and provision, in Jesus name. Gen 47:12 14.Father I thank you for divine visitation, in Jesus name. Job 10:12 15.Father I thank you for divine healing, in Jesus name. Job 10:12
  • 4. DAY 2: THUR 12TH JAN MERCY AND FORGIVENESS BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 51: 1-end, Hab 3:2 INTRODUCTION: God created man in his image and likeness. Man was enjoying smooth fellowship with God before man sinned and fell short of the glory and mercy of God, but God’s thought towards man is of good and not of evil. God sent His only son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for the sin of man through His mercy, therefore as many that will confess and forsake their sins, the Lord is ready to forgive by His mercy. It is time to cry to God for mercy and forgiveness. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father please have mercy on me and forgive me my sin , in Jesus name. Rom 9:15 2. Father, let mercy reign over judgment in my life, in Jesus name. 3. Father have mercy on me and forgive me my iniquities, in Jesus name. 4. Father let your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6 5. Father hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2 6. Father at every location I have lost your mercy, please Lord forgive me and restore your mercy back into my life, in Jesus name. 7. Father I confess and forsake my sin, please Lord let me obtain mercy and forgiveness, in Jesus name. Prov 28:13 8. Father with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my fathers, in Jesus name. Psa 130:4 9. Father, mercy and forgiveness belongs unto you, have mercy and forgive me my sins, in Jesus name. Dan 9:9 10.Father, because your son’s blood was shed for me, use the blood of your son to cleanse me, in Jesus name. Heb 9:28. 11.Father, let my case with you be a personal affair, do not leave my judgment in the hands of my enemies, in Jesus name. 2Sam 24:14 12.Father, because you are the God of love and righteousness, forgive us our iniquities and show your people mercy, in Jesus name. 13.Lord let your mercy be available for me and set me free from where the j judgement of the enemy had tied me in Jesus name. 14.Oh my God, in the multitudes of your mercies please let me obey and serve you like I have never done before, in Jesus name. 15.Father, we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in your church and our gatherings, in Jesus name. Psalm 85:2
  • 5. DAY 3: FRI 13TH JAN DADDY GO AND FAMILY BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 91:1-end INTRODUCTION: He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, we thank you for your beloved son, Pastor Enoch, Adejare Adeboye, we thank you for your call upon his life, in Jesus name. Romans 8:30. 2. Father, we thank you for bringing him out of darkness into your marvellous light, in Jesus name. 1 Peter 2:9. 3. Father, we thank you for enabling your son to enter into a great covenant with you, in Jesus name. Genesis 9:9. 4. We thank you for anointing him so powerfully and making him a blessing to this generation, in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 2:35 5. Father, we thank you for using him to spread the gospel through your Church, RCCG to over 180 Countries of the world, in Jesus name. 1 Thessalonians 1:8 6. Father we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to the Ministry of your son, in Jesus name. Psalms 105:1 7. Father, we thank you for your divine protection and provision over Pastor E.A Adeboye and his family, in Jesus name. Psalms 35:2 8. Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for your son, in Jesus name. Psalms 91:16 9. Father, let your son fulfill all his assignments in his life time, in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 4:7 10.Father, please let Pastor E. A Adeboye and Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye finish well and strong in Jesus name Psalms 1:3 11.Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task ahead in Jesus name. Exodus 15:13 12.Father, never let any of his words fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1Sam 3:19 13.Father, Let your son grow from glory to greater glory, in Jesus name. 2Cor 3:18. 14.Father, please do not let there be separation between you and your son, jealously guide your relationship with him in Jesus name Hebrew 13:5. 15.Father, never let there be a better yesterday in this life in Jesus name.Hag 2:9
  • 6. DAY 4: SAT 14TH JAN MINISTERS AND CHURCH WORKERS BIBLE TEXT(S) 2Chr 29:11, Psa 104:4, Isa 61:6 INTRODUCTION: Prayer is essential in the life of every child of God for effective ministerial life. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, we thank you for the lives of your true ministers and church workers in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 2:2 2. Father, let your ministers and church workers answer the call to repentance, in Jesus name. Joe 1:13, 2:17 3. Father, make your ministers sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant and not of the law but of the spirit, in Jesus name. 2Cor 3:6 4. Father, please keep your promise to make your minister flame of fire to come to pass in our time, in Jesus name, Heb 1:7 5. Father, give all your ministers the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, in Jesus name. Isaiah 11:2. 6. Lord, give your ministers the three-fold Spirit of Power, Love and of a sound mind in the process of serving you, in Jesus name, 2 Tim 1:7 7. Father, let your church continue to march on and never let the gate of hell overcome your church, in Jesus name, Mat 16:18 8. Father, let every ungodly power sitting in the position of authority in your Holy church be exposed, disgraced and uprooted, in Jesus name, Acts 16: 16 - 18 9. Every plant you have not planted in your church, Lord let them be uprooted by Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name. Mat 15:13 10.Father let your ministers seek to depend on you alone, (God the father) and not on god fathers, in Jesus name. Psalms 18:2 11.Father never let your light that is shining upon your church go dim or fade in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 3:1. 12.Father let every satanic altar erected against your ministers and church be demolished by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Numbers 23:1-2. 13.In the mighty name of Jesus, I render every evil, aggressive altars impotent in the name of Jesus. Numbers 23:7-8. 14.Father, let every altar erected against your ministers and the church be disgraced, in Jesus name. 1king 13:5 15.Father, let your hammer smash every evil altar erected against your ministers and church workers in the name of Jesus. 1 Samuel 5:4
  • 7. DAY 5: SUN 15TH JAN PROPHECIES FOR INDIVIDUALS AND GENERAL BIBLE TEXT(S) Luk.1:45, Phil 4:7. INTRODUCTION: Luke.1:45. Tells us that, "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord". PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, thank you for all you did for us last years, it is by Your mercy that we have all come to see this year. Accept our thanks in Jesus name. Lam. 3:22-23. 2. Father we are sorry for every of our act of disobedience towards you and lack of trust in You. Please forgive us in Jesus name. 3. Father, let our biggest challenge of 2022 be turned to our biggest testimonies this year in Jesus' name. 4. We decree that the Egyptians we saw last year, we shall not see them again forever in Jesus name. Exodus.14:13. 5. Father, for everything that brought shame to us last year, give us double breakthroughs in Jesus name. Isaiah.61:7. 6. Father, you said in the prophecy that You will speak peace to some troubled homes. Please Lord, speak peace to our troubled homes in Jesus name. Philippians.4:7. 7. Father, in Your mercy, let there be restoration of my lost glories in a Jesus name. Joel.2:25. 8. Oh Lord, have compassion on us, throw our sins in the ocean, trample then under your feet and redeem Nigeria in Jesus name. Habakkuk.7:17-18. 9. Father, by Your power, let all the trouble maker in our nation lose the ability to make trouble from now on in Jesus name. 10.Lord, let all the trouble makers in our families lose the ability to make trouble from now on in Jesus name. 11.Father, in this Year 2023, do mighty miracles that will make men crawl out of their groves and sanctums like snakes, and surrender unto You in Jesus name. Habakkuk.7:17. 12.Father, let the balloons of the wicked in Nigeria and in the nations of the world be deflated in Jesus name. 13.The silver is Yours and the gold is Yours, Haggai.2:8. Let there be wealth transfer to your Church this year in Jesus name. 14.Father, raise for us battle axes that You will use to fulfill Your prophecies over nations in Jesus name. Jeremiah.51:20. 15.Father, raise the company of the Cyruses to crumble every Babylonian empire in our nation in Jesus name. Isaiah.45:1-5.
  • 8. DAY 6: MON 16TH JAN REVIVAL BIBLE TEXT(S): Hab 3:2 INTRODUCTION: For there to be revival in the church of God, the church must become very prayerful. It is only prayer that can bring about the expected revival that will make the church stand out in Jesus name. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father send down the fire of revival in your church again, like the days of old , in Jesus name. Habakkuk 3:2 2. Father, awake your church from deep slumber in Jesus name. Isaiah 56:10 3. Father let there be fresh Holy Ghost fire, fresh anointing, fresh unction upon your church, in Jesus name. Acts 2:1-4 4. Father give new strength, new live, new energy to your church at this end time, in Jesus name. Acts 4:29 5. Holy Spirit, send down your Holy Ghost fire to our revival programs, in Jesus name. Acts 4:30 6. Father let there be live miracles that will make people believe you and you alone, in Jesus name. John 4:48, 5:1-9 7. Father, release your anointing of healing into your church, let the blind see, let the lame work, let the dumb speak, let the deaf hear and the dead rise in Jesus name. Acts 19:11 8. Father, let our mind be genuinely renewed for your Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. Romans 12:2 9. Father you are the portal of our lives, remold us to your desire and your will in Jesus name. Jer 18:3-4 10.Every power working to make us what you have not created us to be, Holy Ghost deal with it in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:16 - 17 11.Every Inherited strange behavior and habits in our lives working against our personal revival be destroyed in Jesus name. Jeremiah 31:29 12.Father, every virtue, blessings, I had lost before I gave my life to you be restored in Jesus name. Joel 2:25 13.Father, whatever the enemy has stolen from me become too hot for my enemies to keep in their camp and be returned to me in Jesus name. 1Sam 5:2-5 14.Father, restore to me every divine virtue, I and every member of my family have lost for the past years, in Jesus name. Joel 2:25 15.Powers in (put your country) working against the revival of the church be destroyed in Jesus name. Dan 10:13
  • 9. DAY 7: TUE 17TH JAN CHURCH GROWTH BIBLE TEXT(S) Mat 28:19-20; Mat 4:19 INTRODUCTION : In Luke 10:2, It is the desire of our Lord Jesus for the Church to grow because the harvest is great but many obstacles and factors are preventing this promise from coming to past. We need to stand against these obstacles in our prayers. PRAYERS POINTS: 1. Father, we thank you for the early revival of the church, which brought about explosive church growth, in Jesus name. Acts 2:47 2. Father, we thank you for taking RCCG from 44 parishes in Nigeria to over 180 countries all over the world, in Jesus name. Genesis 9:19 3. Father, we thank you for the salvation of thousands of souls who were on their way to hell, but you have helped them to make a U-turn to heaven, using your church as an instrument of salvation. Mat 16:18 4. Father, we thank you for making several accesses to many unreached lands, in Jesus name. Exodus 14:21 - 22 5. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of salvation to perishing souls, in Jesus name. Mat 28:19-20, Mat 4:19 6. Father, we thank you for urgent interventions with which you delivered your missionaries in times of persecution and peril, in Jesus name. Acts 12:8 7. Father, let the power of the Holy Ghost manifest in your church like the days of old, in Jesus name. Acts 23: 6 - 7 8. Father cover your church and let the blood of Jesus, speak for your church, in Jesus name. Hebrew 12:24 9. Father, let your fire of deliverance be rekindled in your church, in Jesus name. Obadiah 1:17. 10.Father renew and refresh, your ministers so that they can flee from carnality in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities, in Jesus name. Ezekiel 36:27 11.Father, every seed you have not planted into your church uproot in Jesus name. Mat 15:13. 12.Father, every ungodly power that has penetrated to the position of authority in the church expose and disgrace them and if they fail to repent, uproot them, in Jesus name. Mat7:15 13.Father every ungodly power working against church growth be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Matthew 12:30 14.Lord give your church divine direction, in Jesus name. Psalm 23:2 15.Father, sow into our branches across the globe, ideas, knowledge, strategies, wisdom we need to move your church forward in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17.
  • 10. DAY 8: WED 18TH JAN PRAYER MINISTRY BIBLE TEXT(S) Matt. 16:19, 18:18-20 INTRODUCTION: Prayer is communication between humanity and divinity. When prayer is effective, it avails much. God want to do many things on the earth today, but it can only be accomplished through active prayer ministry of the church. Through prayers we bring to pass the will of God on earth. PRAYER POINTS 1. Father we thank you for instituting the ministry of prayers and teaching us how to pray. Luke 18:1 2. Father we thank you for who you are, the Almighty, the one who speak of a thing and it comes into existence. Genesis 35:11 3. We thank you for answering our prayers whenever we call upon you Psalms 50:15 4. Father, we thank you because there is none like unto Thee, glorious in Holiness fearful in praises in Jesus name. Ex 15:11 5. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy we thank you for saving us, in Jesus name. 1 Sam. 2:1-10, 1Pet 1:1-3. 6. Father thank you for saving us and giving us your wisdom to know the truth. Thank you for the revelation of knowing you in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17 7. Father, please remove the spirit of pride and stubbornness in our life, In Jesus name. Matt. 5:5. 8. Father, force us to remove all idols and be clean always in the name of Jesus Gen. 35:24 9. Father, let the gift of the spirit be made manifest in the body of Christ in the name of Jesus. 1 Tim. 4:14. 10.Father, as heaven bound Christians in the ministry, teach us to hate all you hate in Jesus name. Prov. 6:16. 11.Father, in the prayer ministry please teach us the virtue of faith and complete surrender to you in Jesus name. Heb. 11:6. 12.Father plant in us the spirit of obedience like the Rechabites so as to be your peculiar treasure Exo. 19:5, Jer. 35:1-8. 13.Father enlighten our heart with understanding that we may know you and grow everyday spiritually from glory to glory in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17 14.Father empower the Pastors to preach the word of God without diluting it in Jesus name. 2 Tim. 4:2 15.Father keep the Pastors blameless before you, raise them to be truly men and women after your own heart in Jesus name. Jeremiah 3:15
  • 11. DAY 9: THUR 19TH JAN KINGDOM OF GOD BIBLE TEXT(S): Mat. 6:9-13, 25:34 – 36; 18:21 – 3, Joh 18:36 INTRODUCTION: The kingdom of God is where God rules and reigns. It’s a peaceful kingdom devoid of any evil. It’s our duty to pray for the kingdom to come early as this is the only final solution to world chaos and troubles. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father I thank you for your word and your kingdom. Psalm 98:1 2. Father whatever I have done that will make me not to be part of this your kingdom, please have mercy and forgive me in the name of Jesus. Psalm 98:3 3. Father give me a generous heart and the grace to do your will at all times in Jesus name Ezekiel 36:27 4. Father let your kingdom come and your perfect will be done on earth in Jesus name. Matthew 6:10 5. Father deliver me from every work of the flesh in the name of Jesus. Romans 8:6 6. Father give me the grace to forgive all that have offended me; and cause all those I have offended to forgive me as well in Jesus name. Matthew 6:12 7. Father make me an addicted soul winner to keep populating your kingdom in Jesus name. Prov. 11:30 8. Father I cast out every root of bitterness in me in Jesus name Job 7:11 9. Father please draw more people to your kingdom in Jesus name Acts 14:3 10.Father take away from us everything that will make it impossible for us to enter into your kingdom in Jesus mighty name Lk. 18:24-25 11.Father help your church to understand that your kingdom is not meat and drink; but in righteousness and peace in Jesus name. Rom 14:17 12.Father give us the grace to serve you wholeheartedly in Jesus name Deut. 6:5 13.Father we abort every plan of the enemy to depopulate your kingdom in Jesus name Isa 54:15 14.Father cause my life to always bring joy to your kingdom in Jesus name Isa 60:15 15.Thank you, father, for answers to prayers Psa 33:21
  • 12. DAY 10: FRI 20TH JAN UNITY IN THE CHURCH. BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 133:1-3, Heb 13:1, Gen 11:4-5, Jn 17:21, Mat 12:25 INTRODUCTION: If the Church of Jesus Christ must operate positively and successfully in this end times she must be united in serious prayer continually, there must be love and unity. It is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father we thank you for your love and faithfulness towards your church. Psa 92:1 2. Father we repent of all our sins of strife, enmity, un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment, please, father have mercy on your Church in Jesus name. Psa 86:3 3. Father, release your warring angel to break down every denominational wall dividing the body of Christ in Jesus name. Ephesians 2:14 4. Father paralyze every power of disunity in your Church and let your Spirit bind us together in Jesus name Ephesians 4:13 5. Father every gate of disunity militating against your Church, let them collapse in Jesus name 1Corinth 3:4 6. Father by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in the body of Christ in Jesus name 7. Father please let there be unity and oneness in your church in Jesus name. Psa 133:1 8. Father let your church speak with one voice in Jesus name Act 2:1 9. Oh God arise and let all the enemies of your Church be scattered in Jesus name. Psa 68:1 10.Father in this season of trials and persecution of your Church, the gate of hell will not prevail in Jesus name. Matt. 16:18. 11.Every arrow of disunity fired against your Church from the pit of hell, back to your sender in Jesus name. Prov. 26:27 12.Lord let all Political gang up against your Church be frustrated in Jesus name. Isa 54:15 13.Every anti-gospel law, regulations, policies, and agenda against your church, be destroyed in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:17 14.Let the troublers of the RCCG be put to shame in Jesus name. 1Chr 2:7 15.Thank you, father, for answers to our prayers in Jesus name. Psalms 89:5
  • 13. DAY 11: SAT 21ST JAN CAMP DEVELOPMENT (3KM BY 3KM AUDITORIUM) BIBLE TEXT(s): Hag 2:1-9 INTRODUCTION: The exponential growth the church is experiencing necessitated building a bigger auditorium to accommodate the ever-increasing growth of RCCG. When the old Arena became inadequate to house the attendants in major programmes, God instructed our Daddy G.O. to build a 3KM by 3KM auditorium. This project requires huge capital and requires payers to remove all forms of obstacles and delays. PRAYERS POINTS: 1. We thank God for how far He’s has helped the project. Psalm 18:2 2. Father send help for the completion of this noble project. Psalms 121:1-2 3. Father, release the skill needed to complete the project as you want it. Phil 4:19 4. We condemn any tongue speaking against the project. Isaiah 54:17 5. Father, open the windows of heaven and bless your children for the completion of this project. Psalm 115:13 6. Thank God for the progress being recorded in the 3x3 Auditorium project Psalm 135:20 7. Let us thank God for the vision for this project How it has brought about speedy development to the entire Agunfoye localities. 8. Let us thank God the author and finisher of our faith for protection over all the workers on site. Psalms 91:4 9. O! Lord my Father let the four winds of the earth begin to blow in FAVOUR, of all the camp projects in Jesus name. Ezra 1:4 10.Father scatter every conspiracy of Hell against the completion of 3x3 auditorium, in Jesus name. Isaiah 19:2 11.Father, please raise more helpers for the work Psa 20:2 12.Father, we thank you for members of team Nehemiah for their diligence and commitment to the project. Help them the more and bless them 1Chr 5:20 13.O! Lord empower this project to move faster and prosper in Jesus name Ezra 5:1-8 14.Any strange altar resisting the progress of this project, scatter now in Jesus name. Deut. 7:5 15.The new Auditorium project, “Arise, Shine”! In Jesus name. Attract resources and finances in Jesus name. Gain unusual speed in Jesus name. Isa 60:1–end
  • 14. DAY 12: SUN 22ND JAN NATIONS AND CONTINENTS BIBLE TEXT(S) Mat 24:78, Psa 33:12, Isa14:26, Psa 22:8, Joel 3:1-14 INTRODUCTION: According to prophesy, we are witnesses to the reality of nations rising up against nations, troubles and killings in almost every continents of the World. In the midst of these turbulences, we need to pray for peace of God to reign. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father; we thank you for the relative peace that the nations of the world are enjoying now in Jesus name. Psalms 103:2 2. Father, we pray for your peace to reign in all our Nations, all over the world, in Jesus name. Psalms 85:8. 3. Father, let those who cause conflicts all over the world repent and seeks peace, in Jesus name. 1 Tim 2:2 4. Father please raise peace loving people and nations to work against conflicts, aggressions in the world , in Jesus name. Gen. 37:22 5. Father, let your people all over the world be peace loving citizens so that your gospel can be spread across the globe , in Jesus name. 6. Father, let your Word have it rightful place in the hearts of our world leaders to foster world peace and unity in Jesus name. Prov 21:1. 7. Father, disappoint the devices of the crafty and don’t allow their hands to perform their enterprise, in Jesus name. Job 5:12 8. Father by your mercy, intervene in the conflicts going on between terrorist organizations and the government all over the world in Jesus name. 2 Kings 6:23 9. Oh Lord, prevail and silent all terrorist groups all over the world, let there be confusion among them in Jesus name. Gen 11:1-9 10.Father, please by your mighty power let there be peace movements across the nations and continents to bring about an end to the regime of nuclear and chemical weapons designed for human destruction in Jesus name. Isa. 65:25. 11.Lord Jesus, you are the prince of peace, kings of kings , come and reign all over the whole universe , in Jesus name. 12.The voice of the enemies will not prevail over your Church in our nation in Jesus name. Exo 5:2 13.Father, we come against every witchcraft power and their altars that are afflicting the lives of the innocent people in our nations in Jesus name. Exo 34:13 14. Father, let every power of other gods that represent dagon, and being worshiped in our nations collapse and break to pieces in Jesus name. 1Sam 5:3-4 15. Father; let all the idols of the nations be confounded and let their images be broken into pieces, in Jesus name. Jer 50:2
  • 15. DAY 13: MON 23RD JAN GLOBAL INSURGENCES BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 91:1- end INTRODUCTION: Terrorism is a major challenge today in many nations of the world. These are the Antichrist spirits at work against the Church of Christ at this end time. We need to arise and pray that Jesus will reign and prevail in our nation. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, we thank you for delivering us from the activities of these evil men, we will only hear of them from afar but never allow them to come near us, in Jesus name. Psa 91:5-7 2. We cover ourselves, our family members and brethren in the blood of Jesus. Exo.12:23. 3. Father, let there be confusion in the camp of the insurgents, set them against one another to help destroy themselves in Jesus name. 2 Chr.20:23 4. Father your word says those who live by the sword shall die by the sword, let the terrorists die by their own weapons, in Jesus name. Matt. 26:52 5. O Lord, strive with them that strive with us, let the destroyers destroy themselves, in Jesus name. Psa. 35:1-6 6. Father, arise against those sponsoring terrorism and their supporters, destroy the sources of their incomes in Jesus name. 7. Father, the blood of the innocent is crying for vengeance, arise and bring an end to the plaques on the land as a result of these evil acts in Jesus name. 8. Father, destroys all the weapons of violence and evil perpetuators in our nations, in Jesus name. Isa 54:16 9. In Jesus name; I reject and resist every weapon fashioned against me and my family, they shall not prosper. Isa 54:17. 10.Father, let the ways of the terrorists be slippery and let the angels of the Lord persecute them in Jesus name. Psa 35:6 11.Father; send deliverance now and cause us to laugh at the fall of the strongman of insurgences and terrorist groups in Jesus name. Job 5:22 12.Father, redeem us from deaths in famine and war in Jesus name. Job 5:20 13.Father, let all perpetrators of insurgences sleep the sleep of death in Jesus name. 14.Father, let the captives of the mighty be set free and the let those in the camp of insurgences be delivered in Jesus name. Isa 49:25 15.Father, let the eaters of flesh be fed with their own flesh and be drunken with their own blood in Jesus name. Isa 49:26.
  • 16. DAY 14: TUE 24TH JAN PRAYER FOR ELECTIONS IN 2023 BIBLE TEXTS: Pro 29:2, Gen 37:28 INTRODUCTION: Many nations are looking ahead for a period of general elections in 2023 including Nigeria. Knowing well that, though man may plan and prepare, but the outcome of a matter is of God. Let us pray for Nigeria and other nations holding elections this year. PRAYER POINTS 1. Praise and worship 2. Let us thank God for the success of all previous elections in nations 3. Let us thank God for keeping the nation together in spite of various challenges that had beguiled many of our past elections 4. Let us pray for free, fair and peaceful elections in all our nations 5. Let us pray that the electoral institutions will not compromise standard at the expense of free and fair election. Job 5:12 6. Let us pray that God will guide and take control of the whole process, from beginning to the end and frustrate every plan to manipulate. Job 5:12 7. Let us pray that God will continue to guide the electorate not to be deceived, and to make wise and godly decisions. 8. Let us pray that God will continue to guide the electorate not to sell out their future. Pro 23:23 9. Let us pray that all those who are seeking power by fetish means will be disappointed. Job 5:12 10. Let us pray that God will choose for us leaders that will rule in righteousness and fear of God. (Pro 14:34, Pro 29:2) 11. Father let all government officials walk in Your fear, doing what is right for the good of our nation 12. Father use this coming election to cleanse our nation of corrupt leaders 13. Father we decree and declare that: Nigeria will come out of her troubles and take its place in the commonwealth of nations 14. Father let Nigeria and other nations experience good governance from this time forward. 15. Father help all our leaders to walk in your fear, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
  • 17. DAY 15: WED 25TH JAN FULFILLMENT PROPHECIES FOR 2023 BIBLE TEXT(S): Dan2:20-21, Luk.1:45, Joel.2:20, 1st Cor.14:3 INTRODUCTION: At the beginning of this year 2023, like every other year, God gave prophesies about future events likely in the international, national scenes and also as it concerns the Church and individual. It is our duty to pray in order to reap the positive sides of those prophesies PRAYER POINTS: FOR THE WORLD 1. Father, we thank you for the gift of prophecy that you have given to your son and the church as a whole in Jesus' name. 2. Thank you, Lord, for the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. Rev.19:9-10. 3. Father, we thank you for You are the God of times and seasons, our times and seasons are in your hands in Jesus' name. 4. Father, we thank you for the nice weather wherever we find ourselves this year in Jesus' name. 5. Father, by the authority and dominion you have given to us, we command that the weather will favour your church always throughout this year in Jesus' name. Gen.1:26. 6. Father, frustrate and disappoint every plan of the enemy to attack or afflict your children with bad weather in Jesus' name. Isa.44:25, Job.5:12. 7. We come against every form of flood disaster, tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes etc. programmed for this year in Jesus' name. 8. Father, no matter how unpredictable the weather may be this year, we decree that the sun will not smite us by day nor the moon by night in Jesus' name. Psalm.121:6. 9. Father please, by your mercy preserve our souls and preserve our going out and coming in, in Jesus' name. Psalm.121:7-8. 10.Father, we thank you for the gift of the 'Prince of Peace' to the world in Jesus' name. Isaiah.9:6. 11.Father, in this year 2023, let the world experience your peace that will result in the growth of the church in Jesus' name. 12.Father, in this year 2023, let every family in the world enjoy your peace that passeth all understanding in Jesus' name. Philippians.4:6. 13.Lord Jesus, you came that we might have peace, send your spirit into the hearts of all men that the world might know true peace through your abundant mercy in Jesus' name. John.14:27. 14.Father, raise peacemakers for the world in Jesus' name. Matthew.5:9. 15.Father, please bless your church with peace this year in Jesus' name. Psalm.29:11.
  • 18. DAY 16: THUR 26TH JAN NATURAL DISASTERS BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 6:17, Psa 46:1-3 INTRODUCTION: Natural disasters are destructive events, calamities that happen by nature. Such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fire, tsunami, landslide, plaques, etc. Men regard their occurrence as an act of God or by some strange powers, hence there is a need to pray for God’s mercy and against their disasters from time to time. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father; have mercy on us your people, deliver us from natural disasters in Jesus name. Psa 57:1 2. Father, I your mercy, reverse the disaster that you spoke of bringing to us because of our iniquities. Exo 32:14 3. Father; we humble ourselves and seek your face, please hear us from heaven, heal our land and deliver us from natural disasters in Jesus name. 2Chro 7:13- 14 4. Father; have mercy on us and forgive us for abandoning the only living God to serve and worship other gods in Jesus name. 2Chro 7:22 5. Father hear us and save us from impending disaster and even the ones that have already happened which has led to food crises all over the Continent of Africa in Jesus name. 2Chro 20:9 6. Father; bring disaster upon all the enemies of peace and righteousness in our nation in Jesus name. 2Chro 34:24 7. Father; give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely and secure in Jesus name. Prov 1:33 8. Father; forgive us, our sins, so that disasters will not pursue us in Jesus name. Prov 13:21 9. Father, in your mercy, terminate every disaster that your judgement brought upon our nation in Jesus name. Isa 47:11 10.Father, by your mercies do not let disaster come upon us out of the north (put trouble spots in your country) according to your word in Jer 1:14, 4:6, in Jesus name. 11.Father, remember your word in Jer 2:3 and bring disaster upon those killing your children in our lands, in Jesus name. 12.Father, do not let the errors of our leaders bring disasters upon us , in Jesus name. Eze 7:26 13. Father; please have mercy on us for breaking your covenant that can bring disasters upon us in Jesus name. 14. Father in the days of Jonah, you had mercy on the people of Nineveh, please have mercy on us too in Jesus name. Jonah 3:6-10 15. Father, let us find favour in your sight and do not allow disasters destroy our nation in Jesus name
  • 19. DAY 17: FRI 27TH JAN EDUCATION BIBLE TEXT(S) : 2Ti 2:15 INTRODUCTION Education is a process of systematic giving or receiving instructions, especially at school. When our educational system meets with international standards, instils discipline and allows for the fear of God, it will raise up a learned and godly generation. Every child of God must be teachable and willing to learn. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, we thank you for the opportunity you have given unto us to learn. Psa. 103:2 2. Father, we thank you for the level our educational standard has reached now. Joh 15:5 3. Father, thank you for giving us room for improvement in our educational system. 4. Father, we sanitize all learning environments in our nation with the blood of Jesus Christ Heb. 13:12 5. Father, please make learning environments in our nation conducive for our children to study in Jesus name. Psa. 127:1 6. Father, l pray that schools in my nation will be diligent and faithful in discharging their duties in Jesus name. Deu. 5:1 7. Father, help the teachers to be able to balance mercy and discipline in the right way in Jesus name. 8. Father, help all parents to provide adequately for their children education in Jesus name. Phi. 4:19 9. Father deliver our children from ungodly friends that will truncate their destiny in Jesus name. 2 Sam.13:5 10.Father, help all our students to learn with humility and submissiveness in Jesus name. Mat.10:24 11.Father, raise up our children with wisdom that come from above that they will know and understand the core values of education in Jesus name. 12.Father, teach them by yourself that they will have the fear of the Lord in their heart in Jesus name Isa. 54:13. 13.Teach the student love and respect and deliver them from the lust of the eyes, the flesh and pride of life. 1 John 2:15-17. 14.Father, we thank you for the opportunity of learning in your household to rightly divide the word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15. 15.Father, please help the teachers to teach with love and, cloth them with wisdom and good knowledge of what they have to teach in Jesus Name.
  • 20. DAY 18: SAT 28TH JAN ECONOMY AND BUSINESS BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 95,107:23, Joh 16:5-15, Prov 22:29, Deu 8:18 INTRODUCTION: The power and influence of a nation depend on her business and economy. It is an entire regime and networking of production, distributions to the end consumers of goods and services at local, regional national and international markets. God is interested that our economy and business activities are carried out in a decent and godly environment. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father we thank you for the economy of our nations. Psa. 24:1 2. Father we thank you for the privilege of being a partaker of your kingdom economy Isa. 38:19 3. Thank you, father, for being in control of the economy and businesses of our nations. Joh. 15:5 4. We thank you God that the economy of your church is standing. Mat. 16:18 5. Father deliver us from all forms of evil and unrighteousness in business life in Jesus name. Lev. 19:35-37. 6. Father help the economy and businesses in our nation to be done in righteousness in Jesus name. Prov 14:34 7. Father, help us to put you first in our business life in Jesus name. 1 Kings 17:15. 8. Father, give us the wisdom to trust you with all our hearts never to lean on our own understanding in our business pursuits Prov. 3:5-6. 9. Father never allow us to be greedy in our business, help us to always pay our first fruit, tithe and offering. Mal. 3:10 10.Father give us faith that can banish fear of failure in our business, 11.Father, give us great attitude to move forward in the name of Jesus. James 2:26. 12.Father, it does not matter what the economy of my nation says, make a way for us. Isa. 43:19. 13.Father, give us strength to pray every day for the success of our businesses in the name of Jesus. 14.Father, please, I release unto us every idea we needed to advance in our business in the name of Jesus. Det. 8:18. 15.Father, do not let our business become a distraction to our heavenly goal in Jesus name. Gen. 45:3-5.
  • 21. DAY 19: SUN 29TH JAN ACCIDENT AND SAFETY BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 91:1-16, 2Sam 22: 3-20 INTRODUCTION: Psa 91:1-2. “He that dwelled in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in him will I trust.” PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank you, heavenly Father, for your divine protection upon everything that concerns us, in Jesus name. Psa. 103:2 2. Father, please cover us under your Mighty wings as eagle covers its young ones, wherever we go, in Jesus name. Exo19:4 3. Father, please in the day of trouble keep us safe in your dwelling place, in Jesus name. Psa 27:5 4. Father, please preserve us from any form of unexpected accident on the road, air and sea, in Jesus name. Psa116:6 5. Father, every level of blood shed the enemy has planned for us and our family be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Job16:18 6. Father, we refuse to be a victim of sudden accident in all our ways, in Jesus name. Job 1:14-19 7. Father, please disappoint all devices of the enemies that assigned to cause accident upon our roads, sea and air, in Jesus name. Job5:12 8. Father, please open our eyes, so we can see ahead of time the impending evenly and move away from destruction, in Jesus name. 2Ki 6:15-17 9. Father, please don’t allow any evil to befall us in any journey we embark upon, in Jesus name. Psa 91:10 10. 10. Father, please preserve our going out and coming in from this time forth and evermore, in Jesus name. Psa 121:8 11. Father, please let your goodness and mercy surround us wherever we go, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6 12. Father, please don’t let death and accident be our portion now and forever, in Jesus name. Psa118:17 13. Father, please deliver us from any unforeseen dangers of accident in all our ways, in Jesus name. Psam34:17 14. Father, please be our Defense from all from of harm, in Jesus name. Psa 7:10 15. Father, please take charge and control over our roads against every force of darkness, in Jesus name. Eph 6:12
  • 22. DAY 20: MON 30TH JAN GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE BIBLE TEXT(s): Job 37:10-13, Deut 28:33, Levi 26:19, Psa 147:15-20 INTRODUCTION: Why do we need to pray for climate change? Rising global temperatures, caused by climate change, is bringing major changes across the world. Changes to weather patterns disrupt harvests and put seasons out of balance. It makes weather unpredictable, which include more frequent and heavy rain, intense heat of the sun, more floods, and more droughts. These can cause shortage of food and eventually result into famine. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father we thank you for creating and controlling times and seasons. Psa.24:1 2. Father, we thank you for your help in ages past over turbulent climate change in Jesus name. 3. Father in Your mercy gives us favorable climate in Jesus name. Mat.8:26 4. Lord forgive our sins that have led to unfavorable climate and weather conditions, in Jesus name. 5. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and renew this damaged world, in Jesus name. 6. Father, raise for us generation of leaders that will cooperate with you to correct all the errors of climate change, in Jesus name. 7. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name 8. Lord, in your mercy, lead our scientists and engineers to new discoveries that will result to a healthier climate on the Earth, in Jesus name. 9. Lord motivate our Leaders in government to take fresh action that will bring relief from adverse climate change, in Jesus name. 10.Lord send help to those affected by adverse climate change, in Jesus name. 11.Lord we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 12.Lord Jesus, teach us how to make the world a better place of living before your return, in Jesus name. 13.Our Father in Heaven we ask that you will grant wisdom and courage to the world leaders on climate and weather management, in Jesus name. 14.Father let every spirit of fear of climate change, shifting our focus from your kingdom be terminated by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. 15.Every power in the sea making the snow, sea, rivers, oceans uncooperative, we terminate your operation in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • 23. DAY 21: TUE 31ST JAN PEACE OF JERUSALEM BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 122:6-8, Isa 45:13 INTRODUCTION: The Bible in Psalm 122:6 commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Moreover, we know that it for our own good, because whatever happens in Jerusalem radiates across the whole world.Zech.12:2-3 PRAYER POINTS: 1. Lord we thank you for your present peace in Jerusalem, in Jesus name. 2. Lord arise and have mercy upon your city, Jerusalem, in Jesus name. 3. Lord by your Holy Spirit convict all the people of Jerusalem of their sins, and give them the grace to repent so they can find truth and forgiveness, in Jesus name. John 16:8 4. Lord we pray against violence in your city, Jerusalem, in Jesus name. 5. Lord we pray that more and more will come to trust in God, find peace and love that casts out fear, in Jesus name. 1 Joh.4:18 6. Oh God continue to raise up men and women who in the Mission field of Israel, in Jesus name. 7. Father let the Government of Israel support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 8. Lord all global alienation against Jerusalem be terminated by your mighty hand, in Jesus name. 9. Lord send your peace to the Middle east in Jesus name. 10.Oh Lord let your love and peace reign among the Arabians and the Jews in Israel in Jesus name. 11.All the destructive plans of the enemy against Jerusalem be thwarted, cancelled with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 12.Daddy let your perfect plans come to pass for Jerusalem in Jesus name. 13.Lord let every internal and external powers frustrating your will and return to Jerusalem be destroyed in Jesus name. 14.Lord let every anti-gospel agent in Jerusalem fade away in Jesus name. 15.Lord let every ancient strong hold and ignorance about the coming our Lord Jesus be terminated in Jesus name.
  • 24. DAY 22: WED 1ST FEB NEGATIVE ASPECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA BIBLE REFERENCE: Dan 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov 18:9 INTRODUCTION: Social media clearly has some positive aspects but there is a dark side of social media that has been gradually emerging for years and its effect has been visible through the rising number of cyber bulling, revenge porn, cyber-crime, addiction, and mental issues that appear to be growing as a result of excessive and improper use of social media. Let us arise to pray that our people will not be victims of these vices in Jesus name PRAYER POINTS: 1. Lord we thank you for the fulfillment of increase of knowledge in this generation. Dan 12:4 2. Lord we thank you for the release of knowledge for providing solutions to all our challenges in Jesus name. 3. Lord we will thank you for your excellent spirit Dan 5:12, that you have made our portion, in Jesus name. 4. Thank you, father, for not just giving us wisdom but understanding and helping us in the application of this wisdom, in Jesus name. Dan 2:21 5. Lord we rely on you for long lasting solution to all the vices, atrocities that social media, technology has brought to us in Jesus name. 6. Father, we agree that knowledge is from you, every demon manipulating your original intention of knowledge increase, be frustrated and disgraced in Jesus name. Jas 1:17 7. Let Every power that has turned your good gift to mankind to bad gift be disgraced now in Jesus name. Jas 1:17 8. Lord arise and save our children from the spirit of worldliness in Jesus name. 9. Every demon in charge of the social media manipulation we dethrone you in the name of Jesus. 10.Every evil intention behind social media and technology be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name, Job 5:12 11.My children (names of your children) will not be a victim of social media destruction in Jesus name. Prov 18:9 12.Lord deliver our children and youths from the foolishness of social media in Jesus name. Prov 18:2 13.Lord help our people to be more diligent, dedicated and committed to their jobs, careers, ministry, family, etc. than social media, in Jesus name. 14.Lord we pull down and destroy every evil altar that social media has erected in the hearts of our people in Jesus name. 15.Lord help our people to devote more time and energy to bible study, prayers, praises, and things of your kingdom than social media, in Jesus name.
  • 25. DAY 23: THUR 2ND FEB FAMILY BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen1:26-28, Gen2: 18 INTRODUCTION: Family is a social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption. God is the originator of the family. The enemies are working tirelessly to make sure our families are not at peace with God and fulfil the purpose of God. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank God Almighty for all the benefit your family has receive from Him. Psa 103:1-2 2. Father, please let your spirit of unity reign in our families, in Jesus name. Psa 133:1 3. Father, let every yoke of disunity and misunderstanding in our families be broken now, in the name of Jesus. Isa 10:27 4. Father, please don’t ever allow your divine presence to depart from my family, in Jesus name. Exo 33:15 5. Father, I break by the fire of Holy Ghost, every chains of afflictions in my family, in Jesus name. Nah1:9 6. Lord Jesus, by the power of your resurrection, I dismantle every satanic altar erected to other gods in past generations from my maternal and paternal side, in Jesus name. Jug 6:25 7. Father, please don’t let any of my family member experience bitterness in their lives, in Jesus name. Rut1:20 8. Father, visit the foundation of my family and destroy every spirit of hardship, in Jesus name. Psa 11:3 9. Father, please let every battle of life that wants to destroy anyone in my family, receive the judgment of death, in Jesus name. Ruth 1:21 10.Father, by the power in the blood of Jesus, I break any covenant made in my blood line (lineage) with any other gods, in Jesus name. Isa 28:15 11.Father, please don’t let my family ever lack good things of life, in Jesus name. 12.Father, please trouble every troublers of my family, in Jesus name. Jos 7:25 13.Father, I break by the blood of Jesus any generational curse affecting my family, in Jesus name. Jere31:29, Col.2:13-14, Lam5:7 14.Father, please bless all our family members with your divine health, in Jesus name. Exo 23:25 15.Father, I cancel by the blood of Jesus any evil covenant affecting my family, in Jesus name. Jer 31:29, Lam5:7
  • 26. DAY 24: FRI 3RD FEB CHILDREN BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 127:3-5, Eph 1:3, Jas 1:17. INTRODUCTION: Children are the heritage of the Lord; they are the hope of our future and the home we build. Children also are spiritual blessing from God. They are a good and perfect gift from the Almighty God. God is the original giver of children. They are easy target of the enemy so we need to arise and pray to secure their life and future PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank God Almighty who is the giver of good and perfect gifts Jam1:17 2. Thank the good God for His grace upon you to release unto you, what money cannot buy for free of charge, in Jesus name. Psa 127:1-3 3. Father, please don’t let any forces of darkness harm our children, in Jesus name. Mat19:14 4. Father, please make our children mighty vessels in your hand, in Jesus name. 5. Father, please give parents divine wisdom to raise their children in your way, in Jesus name. Prov 22:6 6. Father, we come against any hindrance that would stand in the way of our children climbing to the top, in Jesus name. Mat19:14 7. Father, please destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every snare of the enemy set to trap our children, in Jesus name. Psa 124:7 8. Father, I command every evil plantation upon the life of our children, be rooted OUT and be destroyed, in Jesus name. Mat15:13 9. Father, please arise and do a new thing in the life of our children, in Jesus name. Isa 43:19 10.Father, please terminate any evil transfer from parents to their children, in Jesus name. 1kings 21:28-29 11.Father, I decree that the power that stopped parents from fulfilling destiny will not stop their children, in Jesus name. Jer 35:6-7 12.Father, please let my children possess the gates of their enemies, in Jesus name. Psa 127:5 13.Father, I command the spirit of laziness to get out of the life of our children, in Jesus name. Prov 6:9-10 14.Father, please let the joy of salvation enter into the lives of our children, in Jesus name. Psa 51:12 15.Let us thank God specially for all our children in RCCG
  • 27. DAY 25: SAT 4TH FEB MARITAL ISSUES BIBLE TEXT(S): Mat 19:3 INTRODUCTION: Couple (Male and Female) in any marriage are two individuals with different background coming together as one, hence, occasional differences is inevitable. Submission to scriptural principles, however, keeps the relationship strong and vibrant till the end. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank God for His faithfulness over every home that is maintaining their marriages Gen 2:22-24 2. Thank God Almighty who is the originator of marriage in the garden of Eden Gen 2:22-24 3. Father, please take away every spirit of barrenness in our lives Deut 7:15 4. Father, please uproot by the fire of Holy Ghost every seed of bareness in our lives Mat 15 5. Father, every satanic covenant that is going against your covenant of blessing in our marriage, I command the Holy Ghost fire to consume them Rev 20:19 6. Father, I come against every spirit of lack in my marriage to be destroyed now 2Cor 3:5 7. Father, please by your power reverse every evil curse place upon my marriage by household enemies Prov 3:33-35 8. Father, I take authority over every outside influence that is polluting my marriage Matt: 19:6 9. Father, I command every seed of separation that has been sown upon our marriage be uprooted by the fire of Holy Ghost Matt 15:13 10.Father, consume by the fire of Holy Ghost every garment of strife and violence that enemies have put on our marriage Matt12:16 11.Father, I decree every arrow shot to destabilize my marriage is broken into pieces Isa 54:17 12.Father, break them into pieces every oppressor of joy and peace in my marriage Psa 72:4 13.Father, please destroy every spirit of unforgiveness causing problems in our marriage Matt 6:14-15 14.Father, I decree my marriage shall fulfill divine purposes in Jesus name. Matt. 18:18 15.I speak peace, unity and love into my marriage in Jesus name. Job 22:28
  • 28. DAY 26: SUN 5TH FEB YOUTHS BIBLE TEXT(S) Pro 20:29 INTRODUCTION: Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and adulthood and the glory of young men is their strength. It’s a time that young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and live a fulfilled life. Ecc. 12:1 PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, God, thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon our youths. Psa103:1-5 2. Father, please increase the faith of all our youths in you, in Jesus name. Luk 17:5 3. Father, please guide and protect our young people from the path of destruction and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name. Psa 32:8 4. Father, please every battle acquired from birth that is affecting our youths, be destroyed, in Jesus name. John 9:1-9, 5. Father, please endow all out youths with power from on high Luk2 4:49 6. Father, please as David defeated Goliath in his days let all our youths defeat every Goliath assigned against them 1sam 17 7. Father, please satisfy the youths with good things of life Psa 103:5 8. Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our youths. Isa 40:30 9. Father, please release your divine strength upon our youths, in Jesus name. 10.Father, please I retrieve back my glory from the hand of household and territorial enemies, in Jesus name. 11.Father, please help our youths to obey and work for you at this young age, in Jesus name. Lam 3:27 12.Father, please make our youths relevant in their generation, in Jesus name. Psa 71:7 13.Father, please deliver all our youths from the hand of the wicked, the unrighteous and cruel men of this world, in Jesus name. Psa 71:4 14.Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youths, in Jesus name. 15.Father, please cloth all our youths with the garment of humility, in Jesus name. 1Pe 5:5
  • 29. DAY 27: MON 6TH FEB UNEMPLOYMENT BIBLE TEXT(S): Deut 28:12, Prov 6:6-11 Unemployment is one of the major problems we have in Several Nations of the World, many students graduate from school with the hope of getting a good job but are often disappointed and frustrated. People want to work but can’t find any job. Those employed or running a business are not doing well, nothing to show that you are gainfully employed. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Let us thank God for being alive, only the living can work. 2. Lord arise deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their lives. 3. Oh Lord open my eyes and show me the secrets to make wealth, in Jesus name. 4. Father I refuse to serve those that are supposed to be serving me, in Jesus name. 5. Father connect me to those that can lift me up, in Jesus name. 6. You raised kingmakers for Uzziah, Oh Lord raise king makers for me and my family (children name) in Jesus name. 7. Lord let every power making it difficult for me to get a good job be disgraced out of my life in Jesus name. 8. Father I ask for a supernatural divine connection that is bigger than my age, my family’s name, my qualification, in Jesus name. 9. You devil, in the name of Jesus, loose your grip over my career, destiny, business, academics, qualifications in Jesus name. 10.Lord I refuse to be disqualified when I apply for any job in Jesus name. 11.Father, let your favour single me out for miraculous employment in Jesus name 12.Holy Spirit, help me to remember all I have known at the interviews in Jesus name. 13.Holy Spirit, let my appearance, presentations etc., work for my favour in Jesus name. 14.Holy Spirit guide me to be well equipped for that good job you have reserved for me in Jesus name. 15.Father, as you helped Joseph in the presence of Pharaoh, help me in the presence of my employer in Jesus name
  • 30. DAY 28: TUE 7TH FEB PRODUCTIVITY AND CAREER BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 1:28, Joh 15:5 INTRODUCTION: Productivity is one of the mandate God gave to His children. it is not negotiable; it is a command. and if you are a true child of God all you need to do in order to be productive is to abide in the Lord who gave the command. PRAYER POINTS 1. Father, let the anointing for obedience and prosperity fall upon me as it was with Abraham in Jesus name Gen. 24:35. 2. Father, please deliver me and my family from the spirit of nonproductive in the name of Jesus Deut. 1:40-46. 3. Father, you are the source of productivity, l hide in you; help me to be productive in my career in Jesus name. 4. Father, in my career help me to be faithful, for it is required of a steward to be found faithful in Jesus name. 1 Cor. 4:2. 5. Father, help me to pursue my career according to your standard for the glory of Your name in Jesus name Col. 3:17, 23. 6. Father, in all my career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first in the name of Jesus. Matt. 6: 33. 7. Father, help me to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to disconnect me in Jesus name John. 15:5. 8. Father, in these evil days, please strengthen me to walk wisely making the best use of my time in Jesus name. Phil 4:13, Eph. 1:5. 9. Father, in my career grant me wisdom so that my light will shine brighter and brighter to the glory of Your Name in Jesus name. Dan 1:20, Matt. 5:16. 10.Father, as your hand was with Isaac let your hand be with me for favour in Jesus name. Gen 26:2 11.Father, in my career help me to always have a positive influence on the people in Jesus name. 12.Father, help me to always think of being a blessing to others in the name of Jesus. Ep. 2:10. 13.Father, give me a heart that is committed to serve like Jesus, in Jesus name Matt. 20:26-28. 14.Father, in my career help me to enjoy the fruit of my labour, may l not disappear before my glory will appear in the name of Jesus. Ecc. 3:13. 15.Father, no matter how hard the situation, may I never quit or give up in trusting in you in Jesus name Prov 24:10, 2 Chro. 15:7, Heb 10:38
  • 31. DAY 29: WED 8TH FEB GODLY PARENTING BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 28:1-6. Prov 22:6 INTRODUCTION: God expect us as parents to train our children in the fear of God. in Psam127:3 – the word of God says children are the heritage of the Lord. They are special to the Almighty God. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, whatever sin in my life and family lineage that will want to affect my children destiny, I repent of it today and let the blood of Jesus wash us clean in the name of Jesus. 2. Father, please show your mercy upon all the children you have given me in Jesus Name. 3. Father, the wisdom I need for me to train up my children in the fear of God, i receive it in the name of Jesus. Prov 22:6 4. Father, plant your fear in the heart of all our children in the mission all over the world Jesus name Psalm128:6. 5. Father, liberate all our children that are still under satanic influence that will work against their destiny Obad 1:17, John8:.32 6. Father, restore to your church, the spirit of excellence in the lives of all our children in RCCG. in Jesus name Joel2:25 7. Father every power assigned to destroy the destiny of our children be bound in the name of Jesus Matt18v18 8. Father, bestow upon all our parents the grace to be a good example to our children in the mirror of the word of God in Jesus Name. 9. Father, let all our children in the mission grow in the word of God in the name of Jesus. 10.Father let there be agreement and love in all our homes in RCCG worldwide in Jesus name Amos 3:3. 11.Father, let every arrow of disagreement fired into marriages in your Church go back to sender in the name of Jesus 12.Father, every satanic power that have join hands together that our children will never succeed in life be disappointed in the name of Jesus 13.Father, let there be divine separation from every lot that will not allow our children fulfill destiny in the name of Jesus 14.Father establish the heart of all our children in your precepts in the name of 15.Lord Jesus please direct the path of our children to serve and please you.
  • 32. DAY 30: THUR 9TH FEB FOUNDATIONS BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 11:3, 1Cor 3:11 INTRODUCTION: How far a man will go in life depends on his foundation. Abraham was from a family of unbelievers that is, idol worshippers but God called him out in Genesis 12:1 to walk before Him. The sure foundation of our life is Jesus Christ. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, I thank You for the family through which You brought me to this world. Psalm103:1-3. 2. Father I repent of every generational sin committed by my ancestors. Let the blood of Jesus watch us clean in Jesus Name. 3. Father, please show me Your mercy and touch the foundation of my life with Your hand of power in Jesus Name. Romans 9:15-16 4. Father, please visit my family with Your mercy in Jesus Name Lam. 3:22 5. Father, please break the stronghold of sin in my family lineage in Jesus Name. 6. Father, every curse upon my life as a result of my family background, let it break in the name of Jesus. Joshua 6:26 7. Father, every tree of non-achievement in my family background let it be uprooted by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Matthew 13:25 8. Father, every foundational serpent that is operating against the glory of my family, let it be destroyed in Jesus name. Isaiah 27:1-3 9. Father, every evil pattern of my father household that is about to manifest in my life, break in the name of Jesus. John 4:18 10.Father, every idol claiming ownership over the foundation of my life be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:16. 11.Father, visit the foundation of my family and let our glory begin to shine in the name of Jesus. 2Sam 22:16 12.Father, visit the foundation of all our parishes in RCCG worldwide in the name of Jesus. Matthew 16:18 13.Father, visit the foundations of our nations and let Your glory begin to manifest in the name of Jesus. 14.Lord Jesus, be the foundation of my life from now henceforth. 1Ki 7:10 15.Father, visit the foundation of my father’s household and let every error that have attracted curses be wiped off by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. 1Ki 16:34
  • 33. DAY 31: FRI 10TH FEB POVERTY BIBLE TEXT(S): Prov 10:15, 20:13, 23:21, 28:19., Deut. 11:14-15, 2Cor 8:2,9, Rev 2:9 INTRODUCTION: Poverty is the state of being poor. Poverty exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, thank you for provisions for my life 2. Father thank you for becoming poor that I may be rich 3. Father, thank you for supplying my needs according to your riches in glory 4. Power sponsoring poverty in my life be rooted by the fire of Holy Ghost. 5. Every garment of poverty in my life catch fire in Jesus name 6. Poverty in my foundation die in Jesus name 7. Father, silence every voice of poverty speaking against my life 8. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I come against the spirit of poverty in my life by the fire of Holy Ghost 9. Oh Lord arise and deliver me and my family from poverty by the fire of Holy Ghost 10.Father please in your anger, destroy poverty in my foundation 11.Father restore to me my financial Glory in Jesus Name 12.Root of poverty in my foundation be uprooted and wither by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name 13.In the name of Jesus Christ oh Lord destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every weapon of poverty fired against my life 14.Every dark power sitting on my prosperity die in Jesus name 15.Satanic priest ministering poverty into my life die by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name
  • 34. DAY 32: SAT 11TH FEB TEST, TRIALS AND TEMPTATION BIBLE TEXT(S): Jas 1:2-3 INTRODUCTION: Trials and tribulations are all part of what we experience as Children of God. Every believer has his/her own share of trials and tribulations, but we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We must never stop praying as prayer is the only sure way to escape the trials of life. When we pray, we generate spiritual energy to overcome trials and temptations. Through these prayer points we are going to be engaging spiritual warfare as we battle our way out of the trials that plague our lives. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Lord I thank you for live, only the living can face trials and overcome. 2. Lord I thank you because you are bigger than the biggest of my trials and challenges. 3. Lord I thank you because everything is created by you and you have not created anything you cannot control; I know you are capable of my present situation 4. My father have mercy and forgive me of all my unfaithfulness, in Jesus name. 5. Lord have mercy and deliver me from every self-imposed trial in Jesus name. 6. Father, your word says, I can do all things through Christ (your son) that strengthens me, Lord help me to live above sin, in Jesus name. 7. Lord, by your Holy Spirit, help me out of every thought and heart desire that is making me to sin against you, in Jesus name. 8. Lord guide me by your Holy Spirit and help me to guide my heart against all temptations in Jesus name. Eph 6:16, Prov 4:23 9. Father, strengthens my spirit above my flesh in Jesus name. Mat 26:41 10.Lord just like you stood for Job against the accuser, father stay and fight for me in my days of trials in Jesus name. 11.Arrow of afflictions GO back to sender in Jesus name. 12.Every garment of reproach in my life catch FIRE and be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. 13.Everything cooperating with afflictions in my life be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. 14.Lord arise in your power and let all the people behind the problems of my life commit suicide, in Jesus name. 15.Every problem and affliction that has mastered my prayer methods and has developed immunity against my prayers be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
  • 35. DAY 33: SUN 12TH FEB DIVINE PROVISION AND ASSISTANCE BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 121:1-8, Jer 32:27, Joh 5:2-9, Isa 49:8 INTRODUCTION: Every Child of God has the right to live a good life, but when individual efforts will not be sufficient to yield result, when specialist cannot help us, when no human like you can help, then we need to turn to God in our prayers for help from above. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father thank you for all your assistance in my life in ages past. 2. Powers frustrating my efforts be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. 3. Every ancestral secret retarding my progress, be revealed, in Jesus’ name. 4. Evil secret activities currently affecting my life, be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. 5. Every secret I need to know to excel spiritually and financially, be revealed, in the name of Jesus. Deu 29:29 6. Every secret hidden in the marine kingdom, affecting my elevation, be exposed and let their kingdom be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every secret hidden in the satanic archive, crippling my elevation, be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. 8. Every secret I need to know about my environment, be revealed, in Jesus’ name. 9. Every secret I need to know about my father’s lineage, be revealed, in the name of Jesus. 10.Every secret I need to know about the work I am doing, be revealed, in the name of Jesus. 11.Oh Lord give unto me the Spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of yourself, in Jesus name. 12.Oh Lord, remove spiritual cataract from my eyes, in Jesus name. 13.Every counsel of evil against my rising, be scattered, in Jesus’ name. 14.Fresh glory of the living God and fresh fire from heaven envelope me now, in Jesus name. 15.King Uzziah of this world will not waste my glory, my kingdom and my life, in the name of Jesus.
  • 36. DAY 34: MON 13TH FEB DIVINE PROMOTION BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 75:3-7 INTRODUCTION: True promotion comes from God. When God promotes, neither man nor any power can bring down because God is the pillar upon which the promoted is sustained. It is the one God promotes that can help to lift others up without falling. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, I thank you for promoting your people in their various positions. 2. Father, you are the pillar that hold my life, give me grace never to fall down in Jesus name 3. Father, you promoted Esther, please grant me favour and lift up my head. Take me to the place of honour in Jesus name. 4. Overnight you change the destiny of Esther, Father change my story for good very soon in Jesus name Father, raise up as many of your children, my fellow brethren whose head were bowed down in Jesus name 5. Father, do not allow me to make any mistake like Queen Vashti such that will take me out of your presence, glory and honour in Jesus name. Esther 1:19 6. Father, I am tired of the valley, by your power take me to the mountain top of my life, ministry and career in Jesus name. 7. Esther was promoted for a deliverance of many; Father please promote me for the deliverance of those who are connected to my lifting in Jesus name 8. Father, prepare me for the challenges and responsibilities associated with the higher position you have ordained for me in Jesus name. 9. Father, equip me with spiritual, moral and intellectual virtues required to rise and excel into the higher level of responsibility in Jesus name. 10.Father according to your word in Deut 28:13, I shall be the head never the tail in Jesus name. 11.Father, open the book of remembrance concerning me as You did for Mordecai and reward me for all my good deeds in Jesus name Est: 6:1-3 12.Father, please put spirit of error upon my enemy that will overturn their wicked devise upon their own head in Jesus name. Est 6:4-14 13.Father deliver me from spirit of foolishness and wickedness that will bring down my life in Jesus name Est 7:7-9 14.As Haman fell from grace to grass and to the grave, let my unrepentant enemies fall in Jesus name. Est 7:10 15.I command all oppositions against my promotion to lose their power of influence in Jesus name.
  • 37. DAY 35: TUE 14TH FEB DIVINE VISITATION BIBLE TEXT(s): Gen 17:19, Exo 3:16 , 7:9 , Jer 23:2 Luk 1:68, 7:1 INTRODUCTION: Anytime when God visits people, it is either to fulfill promises, to bless, for instruction or judgments: Today God is still in the business of visiting people, families, churches and nations. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, thank you for your Divine visitation upon our life 2. Thank you for that visitation that brought your salvation to my life 3. Father, I thank you for your ever-abiding presence I enjoyed in all my ways in Jesus name. 4. Those that wait on God shall never be ashamed; Isa 49:23b Pray for the grace to remain in Christ no matter the challenge in Jesus name s 5. Pray that God will visit all our brethren who are being afflicted to deliver them from their troubles in Jesus name 6. Pray that God will visit all those oppressing and persecuting believers with judgment as He visited Pharaoh in Jesus name 7. Father, do not visit me in your anger as you visited Korah, Dathan and Abiram and others in Jesus name. Num.16:29 8. Father grant me life and favour, and let thy visitation preserved my spirit from evil in Jesus name Job10:12 9. Father, visit all my strong enemies with your judgments in Jesus name 10.Father, visit every power resisting me from serving you in spirit and truth with your wrath in Jesus name 11.Father, visit all workers of evil in our land with judgment. Jer 10:15, 23:12 12.Father, your blessings makes rich, please visit my family with your blessings this season in Jesus name 13.Father, I am tired of the valley, visit me O Lord and take me to the mountain top of my life in Jesus name. 14.Father, visits all pastors and ministers that are agents in your church with judgment that will provoke them into true repentance in Jesus name 15.Father, when you visited Moses in the bush, his life was translated from wondering to wonder, visit my life and family and make us a wonder to the world in Jesus name
  • 38. DAY 36: WED 15TH FEB MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS BIBLE Text(s): Mar 16:17 -18, Deut 29:3, Acts 2:22, 8:13, 10:38, Heb 2:4 INTRODUCTION: A sign is an evidential proof of something to be true. Pharaoh doubted God in Exo 5:1-2 but he bowed after he encountered God in Signs and wonder in Exo 12:29-32. A wonder is an unusual occurrence, a miracle that make people to marvel. In Acts 3:1-10 when the man who has been lame for 40 years suddenly began to walk, leap and praise God, everybody around looked and rejoiced at him in amazement. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, I thank you for the whole world is full of your wonders, in Jesus name. 2. Father. I thank you for the miracle, signs and wonder that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus has brought to the whole, in Jesus name. 3. Lord. I thank you for the salvation of my soul making me a partaker of the wonder of Your resurrection, in Jesus name. 4. Father I want to be a holy and be a sanctified vessel like Mary, Joseph, Samuel etc. in order to be a candidate of signs and wonders in Jesus name 5. Father; Whenever I face challenges of life, always strengthen me with fresh memory of the past miracles, signs and your wonders you did in my life in Jesus name 6. Father make me a candidate of your wonder to my generation in Jesus name 7. Father; Let your light shine in me to the world around me, to give you glory in all that I do, and wherever I go in Jesus name. Matt 5:16 8. Father: Make me truly like Jesus going about with power of the Holy Ghost doing good, healing the oppressed and setting the captives free in Jesus name 9. My father, make my life a wonder to my generation in Jesus name. 10.Except by signs and miracles, many will not believe, Father restore the era of sign, miracles and wonder in your church in Jesus name 11.Father show all my oppressors signs, so that they will leave me alone permanently in Jesus name. 12.Father, please perform a miracle in my body so that i will never be sick again in Jesus name. 13.Father! Please perform miracles in my marriage to be fruitful and that joy will overflow in my home in Jesus name. 14.Father, let there be signs and wonder in my family so that we will never lack anything good in Jesus name. 15.Father, perform a wonder in my career, business and finances so that I will be blessings to many in Jesus name.
  • 39. DAY 37: THUR 16TH FEB DIVINE DIRECTION AND GUIDANCE BIBLE TEXT(s) : Gen 37:15 -18 INTRODUCTION: The life of a man is not in himself. Jer 10:23. For any man to reach the peak of his destiny there is need for the guidance of the Almighty. However, when God guide, we must trust Him enough that all things will work for our good Rom 8:28 PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father I thank for your hand mighty upon my life up to this day. 2. Father I thank you for ordering my steps into the right paths of destiny fulfilment. 3. Father. Without you I can do nothing, please guide my steps in the journey of this life in Jesus name. 4. Father, the way to everlasting life is narrow, no man walks through by himself. Guide me O thou great Jehovah in Jesus name. 5. Father whenever I pass through the valleys of the shadows of death gives me grace to know that you are with me to trust you till the end in Jesus name. 6. Father, give us the right attitude to handle trials coming our ways not to lose the Crown of glory that follows in Jesus name. 7. Father help me in all my decisions to depend on your counsel in Jesus name. 8. Father; the meek you will guide in judgment: and the meek you will teach your way. Please give me a humble and a teachable heart in Jesus name. Psa_25:9 9. The brothers of Joseph took away his coat of many colours, but were not able to take away the garment of his glory; I Pray that trials of life will not rip me of my glory in Jesus name. 10.As brothers of Joseph were not able to abort his dream, I pray that all my ambition and God given dreams shall not be aborted in Jesus name. 11.Father, as Joseph was connected in the prison, guide and connect us with the helpers of our destiny in Jesus name. 12.Father, give our divine helpers a reminder and a push that will propel them to deliver their mandate concerning us in Jesus name. 13.I destroy the power of every dream killer operating against my good and godly dreams in Jesus name. 14.Father: I commit to acknowledging You in all my ways, I trust also you with all my heart, don’t let me rely on my own understanding in Jesus name. 15.I trust in You Lord to make straight my paths never to walk out of your will in Jesus name. Pro 3:6
  • 40. DAY 38: FRI 17TH FEB FULFILLING DIVINE PURPOSE BIBLE TEXT(s): Jer 1:4-5, Eph. 2:10 INTRODUCTION: You are here on earth for a special purpose, you are specially designed by God to fulfil a purpose. In Jer. 1:4-5 we see that there were lots of things that happened before you were conceived. You are not designed to live ordinary life or to be a victim of circumstances. You are here to fulfil destiny. Destiny is God’s purpose for your life. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father I thank you for the salvation of my soul 2. Father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins of disobedience and Luke warmness in Jesus name 3. Oh God arise for me this day, arise and destroy every evil force assigned to waste and destroy my destiny and the destinies of the members of my family in the name of Jesus. 4. According to Jer. 30:16-17, Father devour the devourers of my destiny and the destiny of your church in the name of Jesus. 5. Oh God empower me to overcome every temptation that will hinder me like Reuben from fulfilling my destiny in the name of Jesus name. 6. Father please restore unto me the joy of my salvation in the name of Jesus. 7. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, I command every buried destiny in my family to rise up in Jesus name, father renew my foundation 8. Oh Lord you enabled Esther, Joseph, Levi to fulfil their destinies, please help me to fulfil my destiny in you in the name of Jesus. 9. Father I thank you for making me your special master piece in Jesus name. 10.Oh God open the heaven and come down for my sake in Jesus name. 11.Father let that your very purpose for my life be accomplished in Jesus name 12.Father arise and contend with every enemy of my destiny in Jesus name. 13.Oh, my star come out of obscurity and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you in Jesus name. 14.Father frustrate every evil plan of the enemy to abort your purpose for my life, in Jesus name. 15.I refuse to be a failure in life in Jesus name.
  • 41. DAY 39: SAT 18TH FEB RCCG ANNUAL SPECIAL HOLY GHOST SERVICE (SHGS) SPECIAL HOLY GHOST SERVICES, BIBLE TEXT(S): Mar 16:17,20, Heb 2:4, Acts 4:30, 2:43. INTRODUCTION: The Holy Ghost Service is a monthly program in the RCCG that is held in the first Friday of every month. The one in March is always special because we gather together to appreciate God for the birthday of daddy GO; our esteem father in the Lord and the commencement of the SPECIAL HOLY GHOST SERVICE. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Let us thank God for all the past annual Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s Ps. 127:1-3 2. Father we thank you for the success and the glory revealed in the past annual Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s 3. We thank you Lord for the anointing upon Daddy GO and all other officiating ministers 4. Father we thank you for the unprecedented number of souls won during the past annual Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS)s 5. Let us thank God for all the unusual miracles He has done in the past and that which He is going to do this time around Deut. 11:3; Jn.6:2 6. Pray for forgiveness of all our sins that may hinder the move of God this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) Psalm 79:9 7. Let us pray for the grace to be holy and the desire to follow peace with all men Heb.12:14-15 8. Pray for provisions and divine supply of all needs for this year Special Holy Ghost Service in abundance in Jesus name Phil 4:19 9. Let us Decree against every powers, principalities and blood sucking demons causing accident and delay on our roads, airports before, during and after this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) 10. Father in the name of Jesus, grant as many that will be attending this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) favour and provisions for their journeys. 11. Let us pray that God will keep and watch over homes and belongings of all participants as we attend this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS). Psa.16:8 12. Father, have compassion and turn the tears and pain of all participants in this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) to Joy and laughter Rev. 21:4, Psa 30:5 13. Let us pray that God will confirm the words of Daddy G.O with signs and wonders. Acts 14:3 14. Let us pray that God will be merciful and remember the barren and those suffering from secondary infertility. 1Sam. 1:16-20. 15. Pray that there shall be unprecedented harvest of Souls Miracles, signs and wonders during this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) .Acts 2:41, Matt 10:1
  • 42. DAY 40: SUN 19TH FEB OH GOD OF ALL FLESH BIBLE TEXT(s): Jeremiah 32:27 INTRODUCTION: The God of flesh is the God of all possibilities, let us arise and cry to this God to turn around all impossibilities in our lives to testimonies and celebrations. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Oh God of all flesh, let every delay in my life and destiny cease now, in the name of Jesus. 2. Oh God of all flesh, let every gate in the heavenlies, on the earth, under the earth and under the water standing against my destiny, be shattered by the fire of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. 3. Oh God of all flesh, arise and silence forever every evil mouth pronouncing evil into my destiny, in the name of Jesus 4. Oh God of all flesh, please turn my impossibility to possibility in the name of Jesus. 5. Oh God of all flesh, please remember me for good today, in the name of Jesus. 6. Heavenly judge, swallow the judgement of the wicked over my life now in the name of Jesus. 7. Every power that is stagnating my life and my miracle, receive the stone of destruction now in the name of Jesus. 8. Oh God of all flesh, let every arrow of impossibility fired into my life catch fire now in the name of Jesus. 9. Every mark of wastage and unfruitfulness in my life, be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 10.Oh God of all flesh, let every judgment that wants to turn me into nothing be turn around for my good in the name of Jesus. 11.Father let every power that is making my testimonies impossible be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 12.Oh God of all flesh, please let every good thing the enemies have stolen from me be returned to me now in the name of Jesus 13.Oh God of all flesh, I need help now, please send Angel of good news to me, in the name of Jesus. 14.Every mystery battle in my life, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus. 15.You the glory of my life that the wicked have turned to grass, change now and become fire and shine for others to see in the name of Jesus.
  • 43. DAY 41: MON 20TH FEB SICKNESS AND DISEASES BIBLE TEXT(S) : Exo 15:26, Jas 5:15, Psa 107 :20-21, 1Pet 2:24 INTRODUCTION: It is never the will of God for any of His children to be sick, 3Jn 1:2. It is sin that brought sickness into the world, we need to repent and turn to God in our prayers of faith to get out of the wilderness of sicknesses and disease PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank God for His healing power that is available for His Children, in Jesus name. Psam103:3 2. Father, please forgive me all my sins both known and unknown that have brought this sickness and diseases (mention the name of sickness) upon me, in Jesus name. Psa 103:3, James 5:15 3. Father, by your mercy, please take away from me every inherited sickness and diseases, in Jesus name. Exo15:26 4. Father, please destroy every yoke of sickness and diseases in my life, in Jesus name. Acts 10:38, Isa 10:27 5. Lord Jesus, by your resurrection power, I overcome every sickness and diseases unto death upon my life, in Jesus name. Joh11:4, Isa 28:1 6. Father, please put an end to every form of sickness and diseases outbreak in my country (put your country), in Jesus name. Prov 23:18 7. Father, please by your mighty hand of power, terminate every spirit of infirmity upon my life, in Jesus name. Luke 13:11-12, Joh 5:1-9 8. Father, please heal every damage done in my body as a result of sicknesses and diseases, in Jesus name. Jere17:14 9. Father, I decree every arrow of sickness and diseases targeted against my country (put your country), church, family, etc., go back to your sender, in Jesus name. Psa 18:14 10.Father, arise and let the source of the sickness in my body dry up by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Psa.107:20 11.Let every germ, virus, bacteria and poison working against my health be neutralized by the blood of Jesus. Rev. 12:11 12.Father as I serve thee, bless my bread and take sickness away from my family in Jesus Name. Exodus 23:25 13.Father, put off every garment of sickness and diseases from me, in Jesus name Mar 10:50 14.Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that by your stripes I am totally healed. 1Pet2:24 15.Father, every evil plantation of sickness and diseases in my life be uprooted by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Mat 15:13
  • 44. DAY 42: TUE 21ST FEB PREMATURE DEATH BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 91:16, 118:17, Exo 23:26, Hosea 13:14, Job 5:26 INTRODUCTION: Death is the departure of life from the body. It comes to many when they are not prepared. Though death is a sure appointment. Heb. 9:27. But God desires that all His children fulfil their destiny and be satisfied with long life. That is why we need to pray against premature death. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father thank you for the gift of life Deut. 30:19 2. Father remove premature death and sickness from us in Jesus name Exo. 23:25-27. 3. Every death sentence against any member of my family be cancelled by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name Rev. 12:11 4. Father, I destroy upon this mountain, the spirit of premature death that is following your people about in Jesus name Isa. 25:8. 5. Every platform of death the enemy has constructed for me and my family collapse in Jesus name Ps. 83:1-5. 6. Every power that has entered into the church to snatch life, Father stop them in Jesus name Ex. 23:26. 7. By the power in the Word and the Blood of Jesus, I put an hedge of protection to preserve those that are appointed to die prematurely in my family and the church in Jesus name. Ps. 79:11. 8. I declare in the name of Jesus that l will not die prematurely, but live to declare the works of God in the land of the living. Ps. 118:17. 9. By the blood of Jesus, I erase my name from the register of untimely death in Jesus name. 10.I destroy every arrow of death targeted against me and any member of my family in Jesus name Amen. Gal 6: 17 11.I refuse to sleep the sleep of death without fulfilling the purpose of God in my life in Jesus name Ps. 13:3, Acts 20:9. 12.I pray that every good thing the Lord has given to me will not become idol and lead me to untimely death in Jesus name. 13.I have chosen life; therefore, I and every member of my family shall live in Jesus name. Deut. 30:19 14.I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of Lord, in Jesus name. Psa.118:17 15.Father, by your mercy deliver us from destruction and deliver all who are appointed to die prematurely, in Jesus name. Ps 102:17-20
  • 45. DAY 43: WED 22ND FEB DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 55:22, 1Pet 5:7 INTRODUCTION: Depression is a state of being downcast or in deep sorrow. Sometimes it leads to suicide. Believers have the grace of His word that cheers us up whenever depression is about to set in. That is why we must not stop meditating on His word. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, thank you for your promises to terminate every spirit of depression in Jesus name. Isa. 41:10 2. Father, thank you for making me righteous and hearing my cry and saving me from every trouble in Jesus name Ps. 34:17. 3. 3.Father, thank you for saving me from the spirit of depression you did not allow me to die in it you heard my cry and came for my rescue in Jesus name Ps. 4:1-3. 4. Father, please deliver us from the spirit of depression in Jesus name Ps. 42:11, 5. Father help us to maintain the right spirit you have given us in Jesus name. 2 Tim 1:7 6. Father, let every spirit of retardation that causes depression in my family be destroyed in Jesus name Gen 42:38, 44:29 7. Father, because You are the way go before me and be with me, do not fail nor forsake me in Jesus name. John 14:6, Isa 45:1-3. 8. Father, terminate fear and depression in my life and family in Jesus name. Deut. 31:8 9. Father, you are my shield and the lifter up of my head, therefore I decree: depression shall not have dominion over me in Jesus name Ps. 3:3. 10. My Father, by the power in the death and resurrection of Jesus, I overcome every spirit of depression or defeat in Jesus name. Ps. 42:11. 11. Father from now on deliver me from the spirit of anxieties and depression that can cause suicide in the name of Jesus. 1 Peter 5:7. 12. Father, because of your word in John 16:33 to me, I therefore exercise dominion over every spirit of failure, defeat and depression, and suicide in Jesus Name. 13. Father because greater is the one that is in me than the demons responsible for depression and suicide, I am victorious in Jesus Name 1 John 4:4. 14. The Lord is with me like a mighty terrible one, so I reject depression and suicide in Jesus Name Jer. 20:11. 15. You spirit of depression and suicide; I dismiss you from my life now in Jesus Name. Mark 11:23-24
  • 46. DAY 44: THUR 23RD FEB SEXUAL IMMORALITY BIBLE TEXT(S) Rev. 14:8, 17:2, 18:3, Matt. 5:32, 1Cor. 6:18 INTRODUCTION: Sin of sexual immorality is a sin against one’s body. God detests this sin in all its ramifications because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Sexual sins include: Fornication, adultery, sexual lust, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, prostitution etc. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Thank God for the “Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus” has set you free from the law of sin and death Rom. 8:2 2. Go before God sincerely with a contrite or repentant heart, confess and repent of all sexual sins Ps. 51:17 3. Father, deliver me from any kind of impurity like sexual immorality, Eph. 5:3 in Jesus name. 4. Father, help me not to indulge in sexual immorality or any sin that will rob me of heaven in the name of Jesus 1 Cor. 6:9. 5. father, do not let me drive your Spirit away by committing sexual sin and polluting my body in Jesus name 1Cor. 6:18 6. Father, deliver me from committing sexual sin with my eyes Matt. 5:28 in Jesus name. 7. Father, purge my heart from every impurity that defiles a man in Jesus name Mar 7:22-23. 8. Father, help me to do your will at all time and to find pleasure in doing it in Jesus name 1Thess. 4:3-5 9. Father by the power in the blood of Jesus I separate myself spiritually and physically from every former sexual partner in Jesus Name. 1Cor 15:17 10. Every evil covenant we have entered into through sexual sin break now in Jesus name 1Cor. 6:15-17. 11. Father, cause your children to be satisfied with their own spouse in Jesus name Prov 5:15-19. 12. Father arise and destroy every power of sexual sin that is insisting that your children must see shame and be reduced to a piece of bread, in the name of Jesus Prov 6:26 13. Father arise and destroy every spirit of whoredom assigned to reduce you children to a piece of bread and bring shame to them in Jesus Name. Father by your mercy deliver our minds and hearts from all evil thoughts in Jesus Name. 1Cor 6:18 14. I destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every spirit of sexual sin that refuses to leave your children in the name of Jesus. 1Cor. 6:19-20 15. Oh Lord sanctify my body to be your sanctuary. Tested and Proofed, Tried and true.
  • 47. DAY 45: FRI 24TH FEB ALCOHOLISM BIBLE TEXT(S): Lev 10:9, Num 6:3 INTRODUCTION Alcoholism can be referred as the act of addiction to alcoholic consumption. Taking alcohol is against the counsel of God. It is a sin for anyone to take in strong drink or wine. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father thank you for your mercies that endures forever in Jesus name. Psa 136:1 2. Father, I confess and repent of every sin of alcoholism in my life, please show me your mercy in the name of Jesus 1Joh 1:9-10. 3. Father, I break and loose myself from every stronghold of in my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Mat 18:18 4. Father, deliver me from the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Psa 18:50 5. Father, give me the grace to separate myself from all alcoholic friends in Jesus name. Amo 3:3 6. Father, as many that secretly take in alcohol in your church, arrest and save their souls in Jesus name. Pro 28:13 7. Father any spirit of shame and disgrace programmed against me and my family through alcohol be destroyed in Jesus name. Genesis 19:33-36. 8. Father, I refuse to be a slave to the spirit of alcohol in Jesus name. Pro25:29-35 9. I will not sell my children for drinks in Jesus name. Joe 3:3 10.Father, put your light into my life to put in order, every disorderliness caused by the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Mat 24:48-49 11.My father, by your grace, I refuse to be deceived by strong drinks in Jesus name. Pro. 20:1 12.Father every spirit assigned to empty my life be bound and casted out in the name of Jesus. Nah 2:10. 13.Father, every curse attracted into my life as a result of alcoholism be broken by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Rev 12:11, Exo 12:13. 14.Father, arise in your mercy and rescue my glory that have been shattered by alcoholic consumption in Jesus name. Col 1:27. 15.Father, every spirit of alcoholism assigned to expose me to ridicule be paralyzed in Jesus name. Gen 9:20-22
  • 48. DAY 46: SAT 25TH FEB FEAR AND WORRY BIBLE TEXT(S): 2Tim 1:7, Psa 27:1-3, 118:6, Heb 13:6 INTRODUCTION: Fear is the opposite of faith. It has been described as false evidence appearing real. Fear is a strong unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat. Fear is defined as a distressing emotion aroused by threats of impending danger, pain, evil etc. whether the threat is real or imagined. The evil of fear cannot be under estimated in the life of man. PRAYER POINT: 1. Father, I thank you that you have not given me the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of sound mind in the name of Jesus. 2Tim 1:7 2. Father, uproot every spirit of worry and fear in my life in the name of Jesus. Rom 8:15 3. Father, the wisdom to fear you release upon my life in the name of Jesus. Prov 14:16, 9:10 4. Father, by your love, cast out every spirit of fear tormenting me in Jesus. 1Joh 4:18 5. Oh Lord, put inside of me the fear of God that will prolong my days on earth. Prov 10:27, 9:10-11 6. I come against every spirit of fear in my life in Jesus name. Psa 27:1-3 7. Every spirit of fear and worry, lose your hold over my family in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus Christ, I break out from the bondage of fear and worry. Rom 3:15 8. Father, deliver me from the bondage of the fear of death in Jesus name. Heb 2:15 9. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I receive deliverance from the spirit of fear in Jesus name. Psa 23:4 10. Father, wipe away every agent of fear from your church in Jesus name. Exo 14:13 11. Father, increase faith in your church in the name of Jesus. Rom1:17 12. Father, please restore back all we have lost to the devil through fear in Jesus name. Joe 2:25 13. In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall not fall into the bondage of fear again. Rom 8:15 14. I bind every spirit of fear, timidity and unbelief attacking my faith. Rom 8:15 15. I reject the spirit of fear in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
  • 49. DAY 47: SUN 26TH FEB SPIRIT OF LIMITATION AND IMPOSSIBILITY BIBLE TEXT(S): Isa 22:25, 54:17, Psa 24:1-10, 124:7 INTRODUCTION: Limitation is a restriction caused by some forces that oftentimes, cannot be explained. Limitation is a state of being limited. Outcomes of limitations are failure, impossibility, unfruitful efforts, retardations etc. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, I thank you for removing every walls of limitations against my progress on the cross in Jesus name. Heb 11:30 2. In the name of Jesus every wall of darkness limiting my destiny fall down and collapse in Jesus name. Jos 6:11-20 3. By the power in the name of Jesus, I pull down every ancient gates of limitation in Jesus name. Psa 24:7-10 4. Father in the name of Jesus, I scatter and destroy dark foundation limiting my Glory in Jesus name. Psa 11:3 5. My father, my father, remove and pull out any nail fastened into any place to limit my star. Isa 22:25 6. Father in the name of Jesus, give us rest from sorrow and bondage limiting my family. Isa 14:3 7. All limitations passed on me by my ancestors, oh Lord, Destroy them in Jesus name. Jud 6:25-28 8. Every yoke of debt limiting my life be destroyed in Jesus name. Rom13:8 9. Father, put an end to every battle of impossibility and limitation in my life in Jesus name. Eph 2:10 10. Father, in the name of Jesus, reverse every impossibility in my life in Jesus name. Luk 10:27, Luke 18:27, Mat 19:26 11. By the power in the name of Jesus, I uproot the spirit of impossibility in my life now, in Jesus name. Mat15:13 12. Cage of impossibility in my life break and release me in Jesus name. Heb .2:15 13. Father in the name of Jesus, uproot the spirit of limitation in my life. Mat 17:20 14. I declare in the name of Jesus that there shall be no more limitation against me and my family in Jesus name. Romans 8:1 15. Father, give me uncommon victory over limitations in Jesus name. 1Cor 15:57