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Shabbat Planning
Lesson 5                                             Included in GLTI Combined Training Resources
Length: 90 minutes                                   •   Common Shabbat Practices and Observances

Materials                                            Prepare before Session
•    Note cards                                      •   Shabbat Schedule poster
•    Pens                                            •   Copies of Environmental Scan worksheet
•    Chart paper
•    Manuals
•    Shabbat and Social Justice document

Established Outcomes
•    GLs will begin to plan and create a GLTI Shabbat experience that is pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee
•    On programs, GLs will prepare program groups for Shabbat planning by facilitating a discussion or activity that heightens awareness
     and sensitivity to Jewish pluralism in the group and the diversity of Shabbat needs.
•    GLs will facilitate their program groups to plan and create a Shabbat experience that is engaging, pluralistically welcoming and
     inclusive, using the committee method.

1.   Opening
2.   Baseline Expectations
3.   Pre-Planning (Needs and Wants)
4.   Environment Scan—optional
5.   Planning Time
6.   Going Meta

Special Notes: Be intentional when planning this lesson into the curriculum. Facilitating this session on Wednesday will allow committees
more time to plan and prepare; however, facilitating this session on Thursday will allow the group to develop more trust prior to these
conversations. This session only allows for the very beginning of actual Shabbat planning and preparation, so make sure your schedule
allows committees time to meet again (even if only during meals and breaks) between this session and sundown Friday.

It may be helpful for new groups to discuss what the words “needs” and “wants” mean before doing the Needs and Wants written activity
to make sure the group is thinking in terms of common interpretations before reflecting and sharing. It is not uncommon for individuals

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Shabbat Planning
who have never planned a Shabbat (or a pluralistic Shabbat) before to realize their needs only after the first Shabbat experience. You can
choose to address this in advance or consider bringing it up in a post-Shabbat discussion debriefing their experience.

  Time/Materials                                                             Content
                   (Note: Just prior to this learning session (at dinner), a facilitator led an optional discussion about traditional Shabbat
                      rules and practices to provide useful background information which will not be covered in this session.)
                   It is very important that this session begin with everyone present and gathered in an organized, focused fashion. A
                        staggered or loose start is likely to lead to confusion throughout the session.
   Opening         1.   Refer to Shabbat and Social Justice document, indicating the observance and celebration of Shabbat is a
                        powerful way to reflect on and enact the social justice values that unite the GLs as a community. Encourage
     7 min.             GLs to read the document after the session and as they continue to plan Shabbat together.
                   2. Explain that this session has a dual purpose:
   Shabbat                 a. We are going to experience and practice the same goals and processes we wish to model when our
   Schedule                   participant groups plan and prepare their Shabbat experiences on their programs.
                           b. We are planning and beginning preparations for our own GLTI Shabbat experience.
                   3. Reveal Shabbat schedule poster.
                           a. Color code the aspects that GLs will plan and lead.
                           b. Color code individual choice/free time.
                   4. Say: “On Shabbat we will continue with our learning sessions but on an altered schedule. We are asking that you
                        use the committee planning method in small groups, dividing up tasks among pairs and triads, allowing for
                        equal participation/ownership and lots of creativity. We will practice using that model today to prepare for our
                        own communal, pluralistic Shabbat.
                   5. Ask: “Has anyone here been part of a Shabbat or seen a group where a few people do the planning for
                        everyone? What are some of the impacts?” If not mentioned, add:
                           a. Easier/ Faster.
                           b. Less investment from non-planners.
                           c. Less of a learning experience.
                           d. People are surprised if they don’t like what was planned.
                           e. Planners feel disappointed and rejected if others don’t want to join what they created.
                           f.   The few planners stress out.
                           g. A missed opportunity to create a true community experience.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Shabbat Planning
                6. In addition to requiring that everyone help in the planning process by serving on committees, we also require
                    that everyone participate in all parts of the Shabbat schedule. This is for your own learning and the learning of
                    your colleagues. Learning might come in the form of content or feelings, both which we will discuss and debrief
                    afterwards so we can learn more about the power and practice of this group planning process.
   Baseline     1. We will meet non-ritual/logistical needs (food will not be cooked on Shabbat, there will be lights on in the main
 Expectations       building, and there will be at least one common space without musical instruments/ electricity changes).
                2. In any of the communal activity/spaces there should always be an option to participate that does not involve
    3 min.          violating an aspect of halachic (Jewish law) Shabbat practice (e.g., playing instruments).
                3. Say: “If you have concerns about these expectations, please talk to staff individually because we want you to feel
 Pre-Planning   (Note: Opening this conversation to discuss Shabbat practices as a whole can be very interesting for the group, but
  (Needs and       it does not serve the purposes of this planning process. Indicate this to participants if they push for whole group
    Wants)         discussion of Shabbat practices)
                (Note: A returning, prepped program leader can be assigned to facilitate this conversation.)
   25 min.
                (Note: This activity focuses around planning specifically for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah, however, all
                   committee members should pay attention and feel empowered to apply the stated needs and wants to any
  Notecards,       Shabbat-related programming they are working on.)
                1. Go around the circle and have each person share one to three words that they associate with Shabbat.
                2. Say: “Having seen the Shabbat schedule, you can see the amount of time and the aspects of Shabbat that we,
                    as a group, are empowered to shape to make Shabbat a positive, communal and inclusive experience. Soon we
                    will be splitting into smaller groups, or committees, that will be responsible for planning and creating parts of
                    this experience.
                    “As we are a diverse community, and it is best to assume our participant groups will be equally if not more
                    diverse in their practice and experiences, we need to be sensitive and aware before we start planning. First, we
                    need to be aware of our own needs and wants and also aware and sensitive to the needs and wants of others in
                    our community. When doing such an activity with your groups, it can be a good idea to warm them up with
                    something like the four corners activity we did in the pluralism session.
                    “Let’s start just by taking time to reflect inward on what we need specifically from Kabbalat Shabbat and
                    Havdallah on this Shabbat, not Shabbat in general. At home some of us have our familiar candlesticks, favorite
                    songs and most importantly, our friends and family who celebrate like we do. Others of us don’t celebrate at all.
                    Right now reflect on what you need to have a positive Shabbat here in a diverse community and within the
                    framework of this training.”
                3. Distribute two notecards and a pen to each participant. Instruct GLs to write the word “needs” on one card and
                    the word “wants” on the second card. Tell them to anonymously write their needs for Kabbalat Shabbat and
                    Havdallah on this Shabbat on the “needs” card and their wants for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah this

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Shabbat Planning
                    Shabbat on the “wants”. Instruct them to write clearly so someone else can read it. [Note to the group that
                    anonymity is a method for hearing from quieter voices or minorities and that making us advocate for one
                    another stretches perspectives and can build trust if done well.] However, indicate that if a question arises about
                    a particular need or want, it would be helpful for the person who wrote it to speak up about that need or want at
                    a later time so that it can be adequately addressed.
                 4. Collect the cards. Pose the question and discuss: “How can Shabbat be simultaneously about staying
                    connected to community and meeting individual needs if the two are not the same?” Our goal is not to find the
                    most perfect compromise but for everyone in the group to be able to participate and feel welcome and
                 5. Shuffle and have someone read all of the ” needs.” Ask the group if there are any questions about the needs
                    listed. Tell them that anyone can answer; you are not expected to have to defend your own needs.
                 6. Repeat with the “wants” cards. Give the group time to respond.
                 7. Ask GLs if they want to add anything that has not already been said. Highlight that leaders should listen to and
                    be aware of misunderstandings or what was not on people’s radars.
                 8. Present the categories for committees (listed below) and have volunteers sign up until all committees have at
                    least two leaders. Avoid allowing anyone to be on more than one committee—they must trust others to step
                    up—and don’t let anyone be on a committee of one. Collaboration is key to this learning experience. (Note: An
                    alternative can be to coordinate committee sign-ups so that each committee has a representative from each
                    Needs/Wants discussion group.)
                        a.   Lighting Shabbat candles
                        b.   Kabbalat Shabbat
                        c.   Ritual and spirit at meal times
                        d.   Beautifying the mitzvah
                        e.   Shabbat oneg/Structured Friday night fun
                        f.   Havdallah
Environmental    1. Say: “In a small group, such as on our programs, we want you to facilitate an activity or discussion that broadens
     Scan           awareness about the diversity of backgrounds and practices in the group before you ask them to start planning
 (optional –        anything. This is an important step to:
best for large          a. Begin to understand the variety of possibilities the people in your group are used to.
                        b. Bring many perspectives into your decision-making process.
   15 min.              c. Act with and demonstrating a true spirit of curiosity.”
                 2. Distribute the Environmental Scan worksheet, a tool we will use to gather ideas and learn more about the people
This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Shabbat Planning
Environmental       for whom we are planning.
     Scan       3. The Environmental Scan sheet has four boxes for the GL to find four different ideas about how to implement
 worksheet,         his/her committee’s whole-group aspect of Shabbat. GLs have five minutes to talk to two to three people
     Pens           outside of their planning committee to learn up to four different ideas about how they can plan their part of
Planning Time   1. Say: “Committees have 25 minutes to begin planning their aspect of the shared Shabbat time. Please
   25 min.             a. This should be considered a teaching Shabbat. All Hebrew terms and words should be translated and
                           transliterated. All rituals should be introduced with an explanation of purpose and how-to. All songs,
                           tunes and activities should be taught and demonstrated to the group before asking the whole group to
                           participate. This same framing and expectation should be presented to their program groups in the field
                           as well, as a method for supporting positive pluralistic experiences.
                       b. Committees should brainstorm lots of ideas for the first five minutes before planning.
                       c. Remember to think about (and ask for) what supplies you will need in advance!”
 Going Meta     1. Ask returning GLs how similar conversations have gone for them on other programs. Who commonly
                    dominates? Who is often not heard or complains later? What tools or solutions have they used successfully?
   15 min.      2. Ask all group members how this conversation felt and if they would have done anything differently if this were a
                    group they were leading.
                3. Offer to speak with anyone individually about the group’s basic expectations for planning or anything else that
                    may feel unresolved.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
UbD, Lesson 5: Shabbat Planning
                                          Stage 1 – Desired Results
                                               Established Outcomes
    •   GLs will begin to plan and create a GLTI Shabbat experience that is pluralistically welcoming and
        inclusive, using the committee method.
    • On programs, GLs will prepare program groups for Shabbat planning by facilitating a discussion or
        activity that heightens awareness and sensitivity to Jewish pluralism in the group and the diversity of
        Shabbat needs.
    • GLs will facilitate their program groups to plan and create a Shabbat experience that is engaging,
        pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee method.
         Concepts to be Covered During the Session                       Key Questions to Ask Learners
    Big Ideas presented:                                      1. Has anyone here been part of a Shabbat or seen
    1. Shabbat planning and celebration as part of the           a group where a few people do the planning for
        learning program                                         everyone? What are some of the impacts?
    2. Personally ideal Shabbat vs. positive community
    Specific ideas/concepts to learn/remember:
    1. Basic expectations for GLTI Shabbat
    2. Basic rules for committee planning method
    Predictable misunderstandings
    1. My needs will be compromised in order to create
        a shared, pluralistic Shabbat experience.
    2. Shabbat is solely a religious ritual and not
        connected to social justice.
                                            Stage 2 – Assessment
       How Will We Check for Understanding at GLTI               Field Work/Performance Assessment Methods
    Demonstrate:                                            1.    GL post-program report
    1. Plan an aspect of GLTI Shabbat                       2.    Program debrief with supervisor
    Ask direct questions:                                   3.    GL log book or in-field tracking
    1. What are your needs and wants around                 4.    Co-leader debrief
       Shabbat?                                             5.    Cohen Center report
    2. How have similar conversations gone for you on       6.    Participant survey
    3. Who commonly dominates these conversations?
    4. Who is often not heard or complains later?
    5. What tools or solutions have you had success
                                      Stage 3 – Lesson Plan Checklist
    •   Materials and pre-session prep list.                •    Use 2-3 different modalities (not just
    •   Each part of lesson has an assigned time limit.          talk/listen/discuss; reflection/writing, small group
                                                                 presentations/poster making, theater games,
    •   The presentation is significantly different from         partners/smaller groups, art).
        past versions in order to maintain returning GL’s
        interest.                                           •    Check for understanding (e.g., ask direct
                                                                 questions, use group discussion to gauge, have
    •   Taps into learners’ previous                             learners practice/demonstrate).
    •   Provides new content/information.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for
Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.


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5 shabbat planning lesson plan and ub-d

  • 1. Shabbat Planning Lesson 5 Included in GLTI Combined Training Resources Length: 90 minutes • Common Shabbat Practices and Observances Materials Prepare before Session • Note cards • Shabbat Schedule poster • Pens • Copies of Environmental Scan worksheet • Chart paper • Manuals • Shabbat and Social Justice document Established Outcomes • GLs will begin to plan and create a GLTI Shabbat experience that is pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee method. • On programs, GLs will prepare program groups for Shabbat planning by facilitating a discussion or activity that heightens awareness and sensitivity to Jewish pluralism in the group and the diversity of Shabbat needs. • GLs will facilitate their program groups to plan and create a Shabbat experience that is engaging, pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee method. Flow 1. Opening 2. Baseline Expectations 3. Pre-Planning (Needs and Wants) 4. Environment Scan—optional 5. Planning Time 6. Going Meta Special Notes: Be intentional when planning this lesson into the curriculum. Facilitating this session on Wednesday will allow committees more time to plan and prepare; however, facilitating this session on Thursday will allow the group to develop more trust prior to these conversations. This session only allows for the very beginning of actual Shabbat planning and preparation, so make sure your schedule allows committees time to meet again (even if only during meals and breaks) between this session and sundown Friday. It may be helpful for new groups to discuss what the words “needs” and “wants” mean before doing the Needs and Wants written activity to make sure the group is thinking in terms of common interpretations before reflecting and sharing. It is not uncommon for individuals This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 2. Shabbat Planning who have never planned a Shabbat (or a pluralistic Shabbat) before to realize their needs only after the first Shabbat experience. You can choose to address this in advance or consider bringing it up in a post-Shabbat discussion debriefing their experience. Time/Materials Content (Note: Just prior to this learning session (at dinner), a facilitator led an optional discussion about traditional Shabbat rules and practices to provide useful background information which will not be covered in this session.) It is very important that this session begin with everyone present and gathered in an organized, focused fashion. A staggered or loose start is likely to lead to confusion throughout the session. Opening 1. Refer to Shabbat and Social Justice document, indicating the observance and celebration of Shabbat is a powerful way to reflect on and enact the social justice values that unite the GLs as a community. Encourage 7 min. GLs to read the document after the session and as they continue to plan Shabbat together. 2. Explain that this session has a dual purpose: Shabbat a. We are going to experience and practice the same goals and processes we wish to model when our Schedule participant groups plan and prepare their Shabbat experiences on their programs. poster b. We are planning and beginning preparations for our own GLTI Shabbat experience. 3. Reveal Shabbat schedule poster. a. Color code the aspects that GLs will plan and lead. b. Color code individual choice/free time. 4. Say: “On Shabbat we will continue with our learning sessions but on an altered schedule. We are asking that you use the committee planning method in small groups, dividing up tasks among pairs and triads, allowing for equal participation/ownership and lots of creativity. We will practice using that model today to prepare for our own communal, pluralistic Shabbat. 5. Ask: “Has anyone here been part of a Shabbat or seen a group where a few people do the planning for everyone? What are some of the impacts?” If not mentioned, add: a. Easier/ Faster. b. Less investment from non-planners. c. Less of a learning experience. d. People are surprised if they don’t like what was planned. e. Planners feel disappointed and rejected if others don’t want to join what they created. f. The few planners stress out. g. A missed opportunity to create a true community experience. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 3. Shabbat Planning 6. In addition to requiring that everyone help in the planning process by serving on committees, we also require that everyone participate in all parts of the Shabbat schedule. This is for your own learning and the learning of your colleagues. Learning might come in the form of content or feelings, both which we will discuss and debrief afterwards so we can learn more about the power and practice of this group planning process. Baseline 1. We will meet non-ritual/logistical needs (food will not be cooked on Shabbat, there will be lights on in the main Expectations building, and there will be at least one common space without musical instruments/ electricity changes). 2. In any of the communal activity/spaces there should always be an option to participate that does not involve 3 min. violating an aspect of halachic (Jewish law) Shabbat practice (e.g., playing instruments). 3. Say: “If you have concerns about these expectations, please talk to staff individually because we want you to feel comfortable.” Pre-Planning (Note: Opening this conversation to discuss Shabbat practices as a whole can be very interesting for the group, but (Needs and it does not serve the purposes of this planning process. Indicate this to participants if they push for whole group Wants) discussion of Shabbat practices) (Note: A returning, prepped program leader can be assigned to facilitate this conversation.) 25 min. (Note: This activity focuses around planning specifically for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah, however, all committee members should pay attention and feel empowered to apply the stated needs and wants to any Notecards, Shabbat-related programming they are working on.) Pens 1. Go around the circle and have each person share one to three words that they associate with Shabbat. 2. Say: “Having seen the Shabbat schedule, you can see the amount of time and the aspects of Shabbat that we, as a group, are empowered to shape to make Shabbat a positive, communal and inclusive experience. Soon we will be splitting into smaller groups, or committees, that will be responsible for planning and creating parts of this experience. “As we are a diverse community, and it is best to assume our participant groups will be equally if not more diverse in their practice and experiences, we need to be sensitive and aware before we start planning. First, we need to be aware of our own needs and wants and also aware and sensitive to the needs and wants of others in our community. When doing such an activity with your groups, it can be a good idea to warm them up with something like the four corners activity we did in the pluralism session. “Let’s start just by taking time to reflect inward on what we need specifically from Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah on this Shabbat, not Shabbat in general. At home some of us have our familiar candlesticks, favorite songs and most importantly, our friends and family who celebrate like we do. Others of us don’t celebrate at all. Right now reflect on what you need to have a positive Shabbat here in a diverse community and within the framework of this training.” 3. Distribute two notecards and a pen to each participant. Instruct GLs to write the word “needs” on one card and the word “wants” on the second card. Tell them to anonymously write their needs for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah on this Shabbat on the “needs” card and their wants for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah this This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 4. Shabbat Planning Shabbat on the “wants”. Instruct them to write clearly so someone else can read it. [Note to the group that anonymity is a method for hearing from quieter voices or minorities and that making us advocate for one another stretches perspectives and can build trust if done well.] However, indicate that if a question arises about a particular need or want, it would be helpful for the person who wrote it to speak up about that need or want at a later time so that it can be adequately addressed. 4. Collect the cards. Pose the question and discuss: “How can Shabbat be simultaneously about staying connected to community and meeting individual needs if the two are not the same?” Our goal is not to find the most perfect compromise but for everyone in the group to be able to participate and feel welcome and included. 5. Shuffle and have someone read all of the ” needs.” Ask the group if there are any questions about the needs listed. Tell them that anyone can answer; you are not expected to have to defend your own needs. 6. Repeat with the “wants” cards. Give the group time to respond. 7. Ask GLs if they want to add anything that has not already been said. Highlight that leaders should listen to and be aware of misunderstandings or what was not on people’s radars. 8. Present the categories for committees (listed below) and have volunteers sign up until all committees have at least two leaders. Avoid allowing anyone to be on more than one committee—they must trust others to step up—and don’t let anyone be on a committee of one. Collaboration is key to this learning experience. (Note: An alternative can be to coordinate committee sign-ups so that each committee has a representative from each Needs/Wants discussion group.) a. Lighting Shabbat candles b. Kabbalat Shabbat c. Ritual and spirit at meal times d. Beautifying the mitzvah e. Shabbat oneg/Structured Friday night fun f. Havdallah Environmental 1. Say: “In a small group, such as on our programs, we want you to facilitate an activity or discussion that broadens Scan awareness about the diversity of backgrounds and practices in the group before you ask them to start planning (optional – anything. This is an important step to: best for large a. Begin to understand the variety of possibilities the people in your group are used to. groups) b. Bring many perspectives into your decision-making process. 15 min. c. Act with and demonstrating a true spirit of curiosity.” 2. Distribute the Environmental Scan worksheet, a tool we will use to gather ideas and learn more about the people This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 5. Shabbat Planning Environmental for whom we are planning. Scan 3. The Environmental Scan sheet has four boxes for the GL to find four different ideas about how to implement worksheet, his/her committee’s whole-group aspect of Shabbat. GLs have five minutes to talk to two to three people Pens outside of their planning committee to learn up to four different ideas about how they can plan their part of Shabbat. Planning Time 1. Say: “Committees have 25 minutes to begin planning their aspect of the shared Shabbat time. Please remember: 25 min. a. This should be considered a teaching Shabbat. All Hebrew terms and words should be translated and transliterated. All rituals should be introduced with an explanation of purpose and how-to. All songs, tunes and activities should be taught and demonstrated to the group before asking the whole group to participate. This same framing and expectation should be presented to their program groups in the field as well, as a method for supporting positive pluralistic experiences. b. Committees should brainstorm lots of ideas for the first five minutes before planning. c. Remember to think about (and ask for) what supplies you will need in advance!” Going Meta 1. Ask returning GLs how similar conversations have gone for them on other programs. Who commonly dominates? Who is often not heard or complains later? What tools or solutions have they used successfully? 15 min. 2. Ask all group members how this conversation felt and if they would have done anything differently if this were a group they were leading. 3. Offer to speak with anyone individually about the group’s basic expectations for planning or anything else that may feel unresolved. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 6. UbD, Lesson 5: Shabbat Planning Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Outcomes • GLs will begin to plan and create a GLTI Shabbat experience that is pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee method. • On programs, GLs will prepare program groups for Shabbat planning by facilitating a discussion or activity that heightens awareness and sensitivity to Jewish pluralism in the group and the diversity of Shabbat needs. • GLs will facilitate their program groups to plan and create a Shabbat experience that is engaging, pluralistically welcoming and inclusive, using the committee method. Concepts to be Covered During the Session Key Questions to Ask Learners Big Ideas presented: 1. Has anyone here been part of a Shabbat or seen 1. Shabbat planning and celebration as part of the a group where a few people do the planning for learning program everyone? What are some of the impacts? 2. Personally ideal Shabbat vs. positive community Shabbat Specific ideas/concepts to learn/remember: 1. Basic expectations for GLTI Shabbat 2. Basic rules for committee planning method Predictable misunderstandings 1. My needs will be compromised in order to create a shared, pluralistic Shabbat experience. 2. Shabbat is solely a religious ritual and not connected to social justice. Stage 2 – Assessment How Will We Check for Understanding at GLTI Field Work/Performance Assessment Methods Demonstrate: 1. GL post-program report 1. Plan an aspect of GLTI Shabbat 2. Program debrief with supervisor Ask direct questions: 3. GL log book or in-field tracking 1. What are your needs and wants around 4. Co-leader debrief Shabbat? 5. Cohen Center report 2. How have similar conversations gone for you on 6. Participant survey programs? 3. Who commonly dominates these conversations? 4. Who is often not heard or complains later? 5. What tools or solutions have you had success with? Stage 3 – Lesson Plan Checklist • Materials and pre-session prep list. • Use 2-3 different modalities (not just • Each part of lesson has an assigned time limit. talk/listen/discuss; reflection/writing, small group presentations/poster making, theater games, • The presentation is significantly different from partners/smaller groups, art). past versions in order to maintain returning GL’s interest. • Check for understanding (e.g., ask direct questions, use group discussion to gauge, have • Taps into learners’ previous learners practice/demonstrate). knowledge/experience. • Provides new content/information. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World. !