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                                    For your next mock “meatloaf,”                                                                                         Recipes Inside!
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                                                                                                                         Starter Kit
                                                                                                        VEG297 1/08
                                                                                                                          Everything you need to eat right for your
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 • 757-622-PETA • •                                                    health, for animals, and for the Earth
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Russell Simmons:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Carrie Underwood:                                                                                          “Chickens raised

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “I do it because I                                                                                        for food today are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      really love animals                                             James Cromwell:                          covered in excrement,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and [killing animals                                            “So-called farms                       they’re diseased, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for meat] just                                                 today treat animals                  they’re drugged up with all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         makes me sad.”                                             like so many boxes in                 sorts of toxins that you are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a warehouse, chopping              ingesting if you eat chickens. One

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photo © Ebert Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                off beaks and              recent study found that chicken
    By opening this guide, you’ve just taken the first step toward one of the best choices that you                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tails and               flesh in this country has four times as much
    can make for yourself, animals, and the planet. The pages that follow are packed with important                                                                                                                                                                                                                   genitals                arsenic—yes, arsenic, the poison (which is used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with no                  in the drugs the chickens are given) as any other
    information, tips, and recipes to help you establish eating habits that you’ll feel great about.                                                                                                                                             Forest                                                                painkillers at             meat … I have been a vegan for
    It’s easy to live and let live, and this guide will show you how. Dig in!                                                                                                                                                              Whitaker:                                                                   all, inflicting                many years.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “Life is full of                                                              third-degree burns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     choices, and                                                                repeatedly by branding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   many years ago,                                                            cows, ripping out the teeth
                Portraits © Associated Press

                                               • Carl Lewis, “Olympian of the Century,”                     Sir Paul McCartney:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I chose to become                                                               of pigs, and just a horrible catalog
                                                 Olympic medalist in track (top left)                   “I am a vegetarian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a vegetarian, and it                                                               of abuses that, if done to dogs
                                                                                                    because I realize that even
                                               • Robert Parish, one of the “50 Greatest                                                                                                                                           was one of the best                                                                or cats, would be illegal on grounds
                                                                                                 little chickens suffer pain and
                                                 Players in NBA History”                                                                                                                                                            choices I’ve ever made.”                                                                           of animal cruelty.”
                                                                                               fear, experience a range
                                               • Desmond Howard, Heisman trophy               of feelings and emotions,
                                                 winner and Super Bowl MVP (center left)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alec Baldwin:
                                                                                              and are as intelligent as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Every time we sit down               Natalie Portman:
                                               • Bill Pearl, professional bodybuilder          mammals, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to eat, we make a choice:               “I am a very strict
                                                 and four-time “Mr. Universe”                   dogs, cats, and even
                                                                                                                                                         Constance Marie:                                                                                                                                       Please choose vegetarianism.        vegetarian. … I just really,
                                               • Keith Holmes, boxing champion                      some primates.”
                                                                                                                                                    “I stopped eating meat … when                                                                                                                                Do it for … animals. Do it for       really love animals and
                                                                                                                                                 I was working on the movie Selena.                                                                                                                                the environment and do            I act on my values. … I
                                               • Chris Evert, tennis champion (bottom left)
                                                                                                                                                During the shoot, I had to hold a                                                         Kristen Bell:                                                               it for your health.”          am really against cruelty
                                               • Edwin Moses, two-time Olympic                                                                    chicken for five hours—if you hold it                                              “I have always been                                                                                                   [to] animals.”
                                                 gold medalist in hurdles
                                                                                                      Casey Affleck:                                 and feel its little heart beating for                                         an animal lover. I had
                                                                                                                                                        hours, you just can’t think                                              a hard time disassociating                                          His Holiness
                                                                                                   “I don’t eat                                                                                                                                                                                     the Dalai Lama:                                  Joaquin Phoenix:
                                               Vegetarian Athletes                              meat or any other
                                                                                                                                                          about eating it.”                                                     the animals I cuddled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “I have been                                      “Animal rights is a part of my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                with—dogs and cats, for
                     Why are vegetarian athletes always at the                                 animal products...                                                                                                                                                                                particularly concerned                               everyday life. When you live
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 example—from the animals on
                     top of their game? One reason is because                                 because they’re                                                                                                                                                                               with the sufferings                                        by example, you create
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  my plate, and I never really cared
                     plant foods provide athletes with all the                                unhealthy and they’re                                                                                                                                                                of chickens for many years.                                          a certain level of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for the taste of meat. I always
                     nutrients that they need to stay healthy and                             the product of                                                                                                                                                                It was the death of a chicken                                               awareness. Friends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        loved my Brussels sprouts!”
                     strong, minus all the saturated fat,                                       a violent and                                                                                                                                                               that finally strengthened my resolve                                        of mine, people I have
                     cholesterol, and contaminants found in                                       inhumane                                                                                                                                                                   to become vegetarian. These days,                                          never discussed animal
                     meat and dairy products that can slow them                                      industry.”                                                                                                                                                                when I see a row of plucked chickens                                    rights or vegetarianism
    down. Carl Lewis, perhaps the greatest Olympic athlete ever,                                                                                                                                                                                                                hanging in a meat shop it hurts.                                      with, are adopting
    says, “[M]y best year of track competition was the first                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I find it unacceptable that                                       vegetarian habits
    year I ate a vegan diet.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          violence is the basis of some                                 because they
       Besides receiving optimal nutrition from plant foods,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of our food habits.”                                    see it.”
    vegetarians also weigh less, on average, and have                                                              Tobey Maguire:
    better cardiovascular health and more stamina than                                                                “I just never really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pamela Anderson:
    meat-eaters—and all these things help athletes                                                                      liked meat. I had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “Chickens, pigs, and
    perform at their peak potential. Physician and author                                                                 a really tough time             Alicia Silverstone:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         other animals? They are interesting
    Dr. Neal Barnard explains that “a healthy vegan diet                                                                  even eating             “Since I’ve gone vegetarian, my
                                                                                                                                                                                             Celebrity photos © STARMAX, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            individuals with personalities                                                         Clint Eastwood:
    gives important advantages over a meaty diet,                                                                         chicken. I would     body has never felt better and my taste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and intelligence. What people                                                        “I try to stick to
    which is why many Olympic and professional                                                                            start imagining      buds have been opened up to a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               need to understand is that                                                          a vegan diet—heavy
    athletes are vegetarians. A healthy vegan diet                                                                      what I was eating     new world. It’s one of the most rewarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               if they’re eating animals,                                                          on fruit, vegetables,
    will give you the strength and stamina you need                                                                   and the life of the      choices I’ve ever made and I invite you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                they are promoting                                                                 tofu, and other
    to leave those sluggish meat-eaters in the dust.”                                                              animals and all that             to join me in living a healthy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cruelty to animals.”                                                           soy products.”
    Learn more at                                                                               kind of stuff.”                          cruelty-free lifestyle.”

2   eating for life                                                         FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HEALTHY VEGETARIAN EATING AND GET                                                            MEAL PLANS AND HUNDREDS OF FREE RECIPES AT VEGCOOKING.COM                                                                                                              eating for life                                    3
Q& A                                                     The Hazards of Eating Chicken

                                            Eating forLife                                                                                                                     Ask the Experts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Because chickens are now bred and drugged to grow so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       large, chicken flesh today contains three times as much
                                                                                                                                                                “What do you think of                                                  fat as it did just 35 years ago. The most toxic form of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       poison arsenic is used in chicken feed because it promotes
                                                                                                                                                            ‘low-carb,’ meat-based diets?”                                             faster growth. The National Institutes of Health warns that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       this cancer-causing chemical is then ingested by people
                                                                                                                                                                            I call them “the ‘make yourself sick’ diets”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       who eat chicken flesh. Men’s Health magazine ranked
    Leading health experts agree that a vegetarian diet provides optimal nutrition for both children                                                                        because they cause the body to go into ketosis—            chicken as the number one food you should never eat
                                                                                                                                                                            a state that occurs when we are seriously ill.             because of its high rate of bacterial contamination.
    and adults. The largest nutritional and medical organizations, including the American Dietetic                                                                          I also use that designation because the very foods
    Association, confirm that balanced plant-based diets are healthier than diets that include meat.                                                                        recommended—meat, chicken, bacon, eggs, and
                                                                                                                                                                            cheeses—are the foods the Heart Association
                                                                                                                                                                            and the Cancer Society say cause our most
    According to Dr. T. Colin Campbell,          What About Protein,                                  Savory Pot Pie                                       dreaded diseases. ... There is only one way to fully satisfy your         plant foods,
    nutritional researcher at Cornell            Iron, and Vitamin B12?                                     Get the recipe at
                                                                                                                                                            appetite with delicious foods and stay trim and healthy                 including
    University and director of the                                                                                                                             for a lifetime—that’s a low-fat vegetarian diet with                beans, nuts,
    largest epidemiological study in             According to medical authorities,                                                                                fruits and vegetables and a bit of exercise.                   whole grains,
    history, “The vast majority of all           vegetarians get plenty of protein without                                                                             Dr. John McDougall, medical director                    and leafy green
    cancers, cardiovascular diseases,            having to pay particular attention to                                                                                        of the McDougall program                      vegetables.
    and other forms of degenerative              their diets. Healthy vegetarian protein                                                                                                                                       Fifty years
    illness can be prevented simply              sources include whole grains, oatmeal,                                                                                                                             ago, most people got their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Delicious Dairy Alternatives
    by adopting a plant-based diet.”             beans, peanut butter, brown rice, peas,                                                                                                                    vitamin B12 from bacteria in their             You can get all the calcium that
    The American Heart Association               lentils, tofu, soy milk, nuts, seeds,                                                                    “Eating a high-protein diet                      drinking water or on their fruits                           you need from the
    reports that vegetarians “have               mushrooms, and vegetarian burgers and                                                                    is like pouring acid rain on your                and vegetables. Now that water
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       plant world—
    a lower risk of obesity, coronary            hot dogs. By contrast, consuming too                                                                     bones,” according to one researcher.             is purified and vegetables are so
    heart disease (which causes                  much animal protein has been                                                                             When you get your protein from plant             thoroughly washed, most people get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       broccoli, beans,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       many leafy green
    heart attack), high blood pressure,
    diabetes mellitus, and some
    forms of cancer.”
                                                 scientifically linked to osteoporosis
                                                 —according to a 2003 U.S.
                                                 Department of Agriculture
                                                                                           Q& A                                                           sources, you get all the amino acids
                                                                                                                                                          that you need, without all the saturated
                                                                                                                                                          fat and cholesterol found in meat,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           their B12 from the bacteria on meat
                                                                                                                                                                                                           or in dairy products, but all common
                                                                                                                                                                                                           multivitamins have ample amounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       almonds, soy
        Scientists have found that               (USDA) report,                               Ask the Experts                                             eggs, and dairy products.                        of B12 (all of them from non-animal                         milk, tofu, and
    vegetarians have stronger immune             vegetarian women                                                                                              According to a study published              sources), as do fortified foods like                        calcium-fortified
    systems than meat-eaters do;
    this means that they are less
                                                 had stronger
                                                 bones than
                                                                                 “Isn’t fish a health food?”                                              in the American Journal of Clinical
                                                                                                                                                          Nutrition, vegetarians do not have
                                                                                                                                                                                                           breakfast cereals and soy milk. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                           B12 in pill form and fortified foods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       orange juice are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       all good sources.
    susceptible to everyday illnesses            women                 Anyone who eats fish for health reasons should                                     higher levels of anemia than meat-               is actually much better absorbed
    like the flu. Vegetarians are also far       who ate             think again: The Environmental Protection Agency                                     eaters do. Iron is found in numerous             than that found in animal products.
    less likely to be overweight; in fact,       meat.             (EPA) revealed that women who ate fish just twice a
    meat-eaters are nine times more                                                                                                                                       Vegetable Spring Rolls
                                                                  week had blood mercury concentrations that were seven
    likely to be obese than vegans.                             times higher than those of women who didn’t eat fish.                                                           Get the recipe at   What’s Wrong With
        Meat, dairy products, and                              A woman who eats just one can of tuna per week will be                                                                                              Milk and Eggs?                                                         actually
    eggs are completely devoid of                                 30 percent over the EPA cutoff for safe mercury levels. Dr. Neal Barnard, author                                                                                                                                         causes
    fiber and complex carbohydrates,                                   Mercury is known to cause severe health problems of Foods That Fight Pain                                                                   No species naturally drinks milk                                        calcium
    the nutrients that we’re                                              for humans, including brain damage, memory                                                                                               beyond the age of weaning, and                                         to be
    supposed to consume                                                      loss, and damage to a developing fetus. One study showed that                                                                         no species would naturally drink                                     leached
    more of for good health,                                                   women who regularly ate fish were more likely to have babies who                                                                    the milk of a different species.                                  from the body.
    and they are loaded with                                                   were sluggish at birth, had small head circumferences, and had                                                                         For humans, drinking cow’s                              According
    saturated fat and                                                          developmental problems. Women who consume even low levels                                                                           milk has been linked to heart               to a Harvard Medical School
    cholesterol, which can                                                     of fish contaminated with PCBs, mercury, or other toxins have                                                                       disease, some types of cancer,              analysis of the evidence, milk does
    make us overweight and                                                    a more difficult time conceiving. Some of these chemicals                                                                            diabetes, and even osteoporosis,            not protect against osteoporosis.
    tired in the short term and                                            remain in the body for many years. Plant foods like walnuts                                                                             the very disease that the dairy             One egg contains a staggering 220
    lead to clogged arteries and                                            and flax seeds and and vegetarian DHA capsules contain                                                                                 industry claims its products are            milligrams of cholesterol, which
                                       Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
    heart attacks in the long term.                                              the essential fatty acids that we need without the                                                                                supposed to prevent! The high               clogs your arteries and leads to
                                              Get the recipe at                                                                                                                                     animal-protein content of milk              heart disease.
                                                                                    harmful toxins found in fish flesh.

4   eating for life                          FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HEALTHY VEGETARIAN EATING AND GET                                                   MEAL PLANS AND HUNDREDS OF FREE RECIPES AT VEGCOOKING.COM                                                           eating for life              5
Raising                                                                                                                Weight Loss
                                               Vegan Kids
                                                 by Shelly Davis
                                                                                                                                                                          Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the United States
                                                                                                                                                                          and will soon become the country’s leading cause of preventable deaths.

                                                                                                                                                                           by Deborah Wilson, M.D.
                                                   all the protein, iron, and calcium that                                                                                  Despite the growing    foods are naturally                                       Dr. Wilson’s
                                                   they need by eating plant foods. He      Ziti With Sun-Dried Tomato Cream                                               number of “diets”       low in fat, so                                           Weight-Loss Book
                                                   gave me confidence and some high-                                                                                     that are being touted     quantity and calorie
                                                   powered backup by referring me to the
                                                                                                        Get the recipe at
                                                                                                                                                                      throughout the country,      restrictions are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Eat More, Weigh Less
                                                   seventh edition of the world-famous            pregnancy, lactation,                                            Americans just keep getting     unnecessary. My
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          by Dr. Dean Ornish
                                                   Baby and Child Care, in which Dr.              infancy, childhood, and                                     fatter. A government review of all   colleague Dr. Dean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • The McDougall
                                                   Benjamin Spock agreed, writing,                adolescence.”                                        studies on weight loss found that two-      Ornish calls it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Program for Women
                                                   “Children who grow up getting their                 The meat in our supermarkets today           thirds of dieters gain all the weight back     the “eat more, weigh less” diet
                      The Davis Family                                                                                                                                                                                                         by Dr. John
                                                   nutrition from plant foods rather than         is loaded with antibiotics, artificial            within a year, and a whopping 97 percent       (and he even wrote a wonderful
    When you replace meat, dairy products,         meats have a tremendous health                 hormones, heavy metals, and a host                gain it all back within five years. This       book with that title).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • A Physician’s
    and eggs in your children’s diet with          advantage.” He also wrote, “Animals            of other toxins—none of which are                 yo-yo weight fluctation is worse than              Because vegetarian diets are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Slimming Guide
    healthy plant-based foods, you are             tend to concentrate pesticides and other       found in any plant-based foods. Even              being overweight: These dieters would          the only diets that work for long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               by Dr. Neal
    starting them off with a significant           chemicals in their meat and milk. Traces       pesticides and herbicides, the only               have been better off if they hadn’t            term weight loss, it’s no surprise
    health advantage, lowering their risk          of these chemicals can easily end up in        two classes of chemicals found in                 even bothered.                                 that population studies show that
    for a host of adult diseases that have         a mother’s breast milk if she eats these       plant foods, are far more concentrated                There has not been a single study          meat-eaters have three times the
    been linked to animal products,                products. Plant foods have much less           in meat and dairy products, because               indicating that high-protein diets like        obesity rate of vegetarians and nine
    including heart disease, obesity,              contamination, even if they are not            farmed animals eat contaminated plant             Atkins work for more than a year; in           times the obesity rate of vegans. It’s
    diabetes, and several types of cancer.         organically grown.”                            foods and then the pesticides and                 fact, two studies showed that weight           possible to be an overweight or obese
    Animal products are also linked to                  The American Dietetic Association         herbicides become concentrated in                 loss on the Atkins diet reversed or            vegan, of course, just as it’s possible
    many of the ailments that tend to affect       agrees, stating, “Well-planned vegan …         their flesh. These contaminants are               stalled after just six months, and             to be a thin meat-eater, but adult
    children. Indeed, when my daughter Lilly       diets are appropriate for all stages           bad enough for adults, but they can               Atkins himself died at 258 pounds.             vegans are, on average, 10 to 20
    was a baby, she never had colic, ear           of the life cycle, including during            be especially harmful to children, whose              The only weight-loss plan that has         pounds lighter than adult meat-eaters.
    infections, flu, or any serious illness.                                                      bodies are small and still developing.            been scientifically proved to take weight          Adopting a vegan diet won’t just             health in
    My younger daughter, Hailey, is now                                                                Lilly is now 4 years old. She can            off and keep it off for more than a year       help you slim down, it will also help            comparison to both vegetarians and
    following her example.                                                                        identify dozens of dinosaurs, was taking          is a vegan diet. Many delicious vegan          you fight an array of ailments,                  nonvegetarians.” I couldn’t have said
        Although I’ve given my kids                                                               gymnastics and dance classes at the age                                                          including heart disease, cancer,                 it better myself.
                                                                                                                                                   A vegan diet—particularly
    a better start in life than the                                                                of 3, and has never had bronchitis or                                                           diabetes, arthritis, and more. Dr.
    majority of children get, I confess                                                               strep throat. Her baby sister, who
                                                                                                                                                   one that is low in fat—                         T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mediterranean Tofurky ‘Rolls’
    that I had moments of doubt                                                                         is growing at a rate that astounds         will substantially reduce                       arguably the foremost epidemiologist               Get the recipe at
    in the beginning. I had                                                                               her doctors, was speaking clearly        disease risks.                                  in the world, states, “Quite simply, the
    been a vegetarian for years,                                                                           at 10 months and was performing                                                             more you substitute plant foods for
                                                                                                                                               Green Beans With Cranberries
    but were children different?                                                                            somersaults in her gymnastics                                                              animal foods, the healthier you are
                                                                                                                                              Get the recipe at
        I was fortunate to have                                                                             class at only 18 months of age.                                                            likely to be. I now consider
    the full support of my                                                                                  Best of all, I don’t have any                                                              veganism to be the ideal diet.
    pediatrician, who confirmed                                                                            trouble convincing my girls                                                                 A vegan diet—particularly one
    that kids not only don’t need                                                                         to eat their veggies—Lilly’s                                                                 that is low in fat—will substantially
    any animal products, they’re                                                                        favorite dish is tofu and                                                                      reduce disease risks. Plus, we’ve
    also much better off without                                  Papaya-and-Mango Salsa              broccoli—which makes the parents                                                                 seen no disadvantages from
    them, and they can easily get                                                                  of the girls’ friends green with envy!                                                              veganism. In every respect, vegans
                                                                 Get the recipe at
                                                                                                                                                                                                       appear to enjoy equal or better

6   eating for life                            CHECK OUT GOVEG.COM FOR A VEGETARIAN WEIGHT-LOSS GUIDE, REAL-LIFE TESTIMONIALS, TIPS FOR VEGETARIAN ATHLETES, AND MORE!                                                                                           eating for life            7
Turkeys and chickens have their wings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and legs broken when they are shoved into

                                                                                                                                                                                                           transport trucks, and they are shipped through all weather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  extremes with no food or water.

                                             Your Meat                                                                                                                                                                    “Farmed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    animals today are

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo © Compassion Over Killing
    More than 30 billion animals are killed by the American meat industry each year—in ways that would                                Hens are crammed by the tens of                                            sick—these are sick and
                                                                                                                                             thousands into filthy sheds, with five to 11 hens
    horrify any compassionate person and that would be illegal if cats or dogs were the victims.                                      per cage—the cages are so small that the birds                           diseased chickens, pigs, fish,
                                                                                                                                           can’t spread even one wing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and cows, producing diseased and
                                             Chickens                                        After six weeks in these horrible
                                                                                         conditions, the birds are roughly
                                                                                                                                           wire cages that are so small that they
                                                                                                                                           don’t have enough room to spread even
                                                                                                                                                                                          animal food.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            bacteria-laden flesh and pus-filled
                                                                                                                                                                                                            milk that even industry standards
                                             What Happens                                thrown into cages that are stacked on             a single wing. Their wings and legs               Male                   call ‘unhealthful.’”
                                                                                         the back of a truck, and then they are            atrophy from disuse, and their legs and        chicks are
                                             to Chickens?                                                                                                                                                        —Michael Greger,
                                                                                         shipped through all weather extremes              feet become deformed from standing on          worthless to the
                                             More chickens are raised and killed for     to the slaughterhouse.                            slanted wire cage bottoms. The tip of          egg industry because            M.D.
                                             food than every other farmed animal         At slaughter, workers violently grab             each hen’s sensitive beak is cut off with         they don’t lay eggs and
                                             combined, yet not a single federal law      them and hang them upside-down                   a burning-hot blade. It takes 34 hours to         because their breed is too
     Chicks have their sensitive beaks
        cut off without any painkillers.     protects chickens from abuse—even           by their legs, which they force into             produce just one egg. After about two             small to be raised for flesh.
                                             though two-thirds of Americans say          shackles, breaking many of them in the           years of confinement, they are violently          The egg industry kills millions
    Most small farms have been               that they would support such a law.         process. Then, the chickens’ throats             pulled from their cages and shipped               of newborn male chicks every year
    replaced by massive corporate-run            Chickens raised and killed for their    are slit, and they are dragged through           to slaughter. Their bodies are already            by suffocating them to death in bags
    “factory farms” in which chickens,       flesh spend their entire lives in filthy,   tanks of scalding-hot water, often while         so battered and emaciated that they               or by dropping them alive into high-
    pigs, turkeys, and cows are treated      ammonia-laden sheds with tens of            they are still conscious.                        can only be used for soup or                      speed grinders.
    like machines instead of living,         thousands of other birds. They are              Birds who are raised for their eggs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chickens are genetically manipulated
    feeling individuals. Now, virtually      dosed with a steady stream of drugs         are packed, five to 11 at a time, into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and dosed with antibiotics to make
    all the meat, eggs, and dairy            and bred to grow so large so fast that                                                         Undercover Investigations Workers at a Pilgrim’s Pride slaughterhouse                       them grow so large so quickly that they
    products purchased in supermarkets       many become crippled under their own                                                           (the largest chicken supplier in the United States) were documented stomping on live         become crippled under their own weight.
    and restaurants come from animals        weight or suffer organ failure.                                                                chickens, spray-painting their faces, and slamming them into walls. Workers at a
    raised on such farms. The giant              A New Yorker writer who visited                                                            Butterball slaughterhouse were documented punching and stomping on live turkeys
    corporations that profit from factory    a major chicken factory farm wrote,                                                            and even sexually assaulting them. Chickens and turkeys have no federal legal
    farming spend millions trying to         “I was almost knocked to the ground                                                            protection. Watch the undercover videos at
    obscure reality with images of           by the overpowering smell of feces
    animals who are living peacefully        and ammonia. My eyes burned and
    in an idyllic barnyard. Unfortunately,   so did my lungs, and I could neither
    this pretty picture couldn’t be any      see nor breathe.”                                                                              Amazing Animals: Chickens
    further from the truth.                      Many chickens suffer from                                                                  Research has proved that chickens are smarter than
                                             chronic respiratory diseases,
                                             weakened immune systems, and                                                                   dogs, cats, and even some primates. In a natural setting,
                                             bronchitis. According to a report                                                              a mother hen begins to teach her chicks various calls before
                                             by the USDA, more than 99
                                             percent of chicken carcasses are            Ammonia levels in chicken farms
                                                                                                                                            they even hatch—she clucks softly to them while sitting
                                             contaminated with E. coli bacteria            are so high that the corrosive                   on the eggs, and they chirp back to her and to each other
                                             by the time they reach the market,          substance burns the birds’ lungs
                                             largely because of the filthy conditions    and skin.                                          from inside their shells. Unfortunately, chickens in factory
                                             in the sheds in which they are raised.                                                         farms never meet their mothers.

8   meet your meat                                                         EVERY VEGETARIAN SAVES MORE THAN 100                     ANIMALS A YEAR. LEARN MORE AT GOVEG.COM                                                                   meet your meat                 9
Amazing Animals: Cows                                                      Downed Cow:
                                                                                                       Scientists in the United
                                                                                                       Kingdom discovered                                                         The True Story of One Anonymous
                                                                                                       that cows enjoy solving
                                                                                                       problems and even
                                                                                                                                                                                  Animal Born Into the Meat Industry
     Cows                                                                                              experience “Eureka!”
     Down on the                                                                                       moments (in which their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         stockyard deserted. Three dogs were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         attacking the cow, who was still alive.
     Dairy Farm
                                                                                                       heart rate speeds up, their                                                                                                                                       She had suffered a number of bite
     The corporate-owned dairy factories                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 wounds, and her drinking water had
     that have replaced most small farms           Cows spend their lives in cramped sheds
                                                                                                       adrenaline flows, and they                                                                                                                                        been removed. Jessie contacted the
     treat cows like milk machines. To boost           and fenced-in enclosures, mired in              jump) when they are                                                                                                                                               state police. Four officers arrived at
     production, many farmers inject cows          mud and their own waste.                                                                                                                                                                                              5:30 p.m. State trooper Jan Wuchner
     with synthetic growth hormones, which
                                                                                                       successful—just like human                                                                                                                                        wanted to shoot the cow but was told
     increase the cows’ risk of developing
                                                      What Happens                                     beings. Cows also interact                                                                                                                                        that a veterinarian should kill her. The
     mastitis, a painful infection. Cows                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 two veterinarians at the facility would
     produce milk for the same reason                 to ‘Beef Cattle’?                                in socially complex ways,                                                                                                                                         not euthanize her, claiming that in
     that humans do: to nourish their                “Beef cattle” spend most of their                 so that a herd of cows is                                                                                                                                         order to preserve the value of the
     babies. Their calves are traumatically          lives on extremely crowded feedlots.                                                                                                                                                                                meat, she could not be destroyed.
     taken from them shortly after birth.            Ranchers have found that they can
                                                                                                       very much like a pack of                                                                                                                                          The butcher eventually arrived at 7:30
     Female calves are added to the dairy            maximize profits by giving each steer             wolves, with alpha animals                                                                                                                                        p.m. and shot the cow. Her body was

                                                                                                                                                         Photo: © Jessie Pierce
     herd or are slaughtered for the enzyme          less than 20 square feet of living                                                                                                                                                                                  purchased for $307.50.
     rennet in their stomachs (used to make          space—the equivalent of putting
                                                                                                       and complex social dynamics,                                                                                                                                          When the stockyard operator
     cheese). When their milk production              a dozen half-ton steers in a typical             including friendships that                                                                                                                                        was questioned by a reporter from
     wanes after about four or five years, the       American bedroom! Steers undergo                  develop over time.                                                                                                                                                The Kentucky Post, he stated, “We
     mother cows are killed and ground up            painful procedures like branding,                                                                                                                                                                                   didn’t do a damned thing to it,” and
     to make burgers.                                castration, and dehorning without pain                                                                                       The truck carrying this cow was            spot. She also tried to crawl to            referred to the attention given to the

     The Link Between
                                                     relief. They often die of pneumonia,
                                                     dehydration, or heat exhaustion
                                                     from spending long periods
                                                                                                    Q& A                                                                          unloaded at Walton Stockyards in
                                                                                                                                                                                  Kentucky one September morning.
                                                                                                                                                                                  After the other animals were removed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a shaded area but couldn’t move
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             far enough. Altogether, she managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to crawl a painful 13 to 14 yards. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cow by humane workers and police
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         as “bullcrap.” He laughed throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the interview, saying that he found
     Dairy Products and Veal                         without food or water in                       Ask the Experts                                                               from the truck, she was left behind,       stockyard employees wouldn’t allow          nothing wrong with the way that
     Even on small family dairy farms,
     unwanted male calves are sold to the
                                                     crowded trucks while
                                                     being transported
                                                                                       “Aren’t there laws that                                                                    unable to move. The stockyard workers
                                                                                                                                                                                  used their customary electric prods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             her any drinking water; the only water
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             she received was given to her by Jessie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the cow was treated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This is not an isolated case. It is so
     veal industry. Chained by their necks           to feedlots or                   protect farmed animals?”                                                                    in her ear to try to get her out of the    Pierce, a local animal rights activist,     common that animals in this condition
     inside tiny stalls that reek of ammonia         slaughterhouses.                                                                                                             truck, then beat and kicked her in         who had been contacted by a woman           are known in the meat industry
                                                                                The array of abuses that are inflicted on animals in factory farms,
     from accumulated waste, they are unable                                                                                                                                      the face, ribs, and back, but still she    who witnessed the incident. Jessie          as “downers.” After PETA brought
                                                                                  from mutilating pigs’ ears and teeth to chopping off the beaks
     to take even one step in any direction,    Veal calves are                                                                                                                   didn’t move. They tied a rope around       arrived at noon. After receiving no         much-needed attention to this issue,
                                                                                of chickens and turkeys to castrating animals without pain relief,
     turn around, or lie down comfortably.    confined to                                                                                                                         her neck, tied the other end to a post     cooperation from stockyard workers,         the Kenton County Police Department
                                                                                 as well as the ways in which they’re crammed into these farms,
     Calves raised for veal are killed when crates so small that                                                                                                                  in the ground, and drove the truck         she called the Kenton County Police.        adopted a policy requiring that all
                                                                               transported, and slaughtered, would be illegal if dogs or cats were
     they’re just a few months old.            they can’t even                                                                                                                    away. The cow was dragged along the        A police officer arrived but was            downed animals be immediately
                                                                           the victims. Unfortunately, there is not a single federal law that protects
                                             turn around.                                                                                                                         floor of the truck and fell to the         instructed by his superiors to do           euthanized, whether they are on
                                                                            farmed animals in factory farms. While a recent Gallup survey showed
                                                                                                                                                                                  ground, landing with both hind legs        nothing; he left at 1 p.m.                  the farm, in transit, or at the
                                                                                 that 96 percent of Americans believe that animals deserve legal
                                                                                                                                                                                  and her pelvis broken. She remained            The stockyard operator informed         slaughterhouse. Sadly, other law
                                                                             protection, the massive meat, dairy, and egg industries give millions
                                                                                                                                                                                  like that until 7:30 that evening.         Jessie that he had permission from          enforcement agencies don’t have such
                                                                                    of dollars every year to politicians to prevent the enactment
                                                                                                                                                                                      For the first three hours, she lay     the insurance company to kill the           policies, and downed animals continue
                                                                                    or enforcement of laws that would protect farmed animals.
                                                                                                                                                                                  in the hot sun crying out. Periodically,   cow but wouldn’t do it until Jessie left.   to suffer everywhere. It is up to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  when she urinated or defecated, she        Although doubtful that he would keep        public to demand change, and it is
                                                                                           Professor Ned Buyukmihci, D.V.M.,                                                      used her front legs to drag herself        his word, Jessie left at 3 p.m. She         up to consumers to refuse to purchase
                                                                                           University of California-Davis School                                                  along the gravel roadway to a clean        returned at 4:30 p.m. and found the         the products of this miserable industry.
                                                                                                  of Veterinary Medicine

10   meet your meat                              FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FACTORY-FARM CRUELTY AND CHECK OUT                                                  VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS AT GOVEG.COM                                                              meet your meat                               11

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  • 1. Great Cookbooks! With all the great cookbooks available today, now it’s easier than ever to go vegetarian with a diet full of flavor and versatility as well as compassion. FREE For your next mock “meatloaf,” Recipes Inside! “chicken” pot pie, veggie ground tacos, chocolate tofu pie, and more, visit the Cookbook section at Or call us toll-free at 1-800-483-4366. Vegetarian Starter Kit VEG297 1/08 Everything you need to eat right for your People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 • 757-622-PETA • • health, for animals, and for the Earth PETA Headquarters NONPROFIT 501 Front St. ORGANIZATION Norfolk, VA 23510 U.S. POSTAGE U.S.A. PAID PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL Postage required unless mailed by PETA TREATMENT OF ANIMALS
  • 2. Russell Simmons: Carrie Underwood: “Chickens raised Congratulations! “I do it because I for food today are really love animals James Cromwell: covered in excrement, and [killing animals “So-called farms they’re diseased, and for meat] just today treat animals they’re drugged up with all makes me sad.” like so many boxes in sorts of toxins that you are a warehouse, chopping ingesting if you eat chickens. One Photo © Ebert Roberts off beaks and recent study found that chicken By opening this guide, you’ve just taken the first step toward one of the best choices that you tails and flesh in this country has four times as much can make for yourself, animals, and the planet. The pages that follow are packed with important genitals arsenic—yes, arsenic, the poison (which is used with no in the drugs the chickens are given) as any other information, tips, and recipes to help you establish eating habits that you’ll feel great about. Forest painkillers at meat … I have been a vegan for It’s easy to live and let live, and this guide will show you how. Dig in! Whitaker: all, inflicting many years.” “Life is full of third-degree burns choices, and repeatedly by branding many years ago, cows, ripping out the teeth Portraits © Associated Press • Carl Lewis, “Olympian of the Century,” Sir Paul McCartney: I chose to become of pigs, and just a horrible catalog Olympic medalist in track (top left) “I am a vegetarian a vegetarian, and it of abuses that, if done to dogs because I realize that even • Robert Parish, one of the “50 Greatest was one of the best or cats, would be illegal on grounds little chickens suffer pain and Players in NBA History” choices I’ve ever made.” of animal cruelty.” fear, experience a range • Desmond Howard, Heisman trophy of feelings and emotions, winner and Super Bowl MVP (center left) Alec Baldwin: and are as intelligent as “Every time we sit down Natalie Portman: • Bill Pearl, professional bodybuilder mammals, including to eat, we make a choice: “I am a very strict and four-time “Mr. Universe” dogs, cats, and even Constance Marie: Please choose vegetarianism. vegetarian. … I just really, • Keith Holmes, boxing champion some primates.” “I stopped eating meat … when Do it for … animals. Do it for really love animals and I was working on the movie Selena. the environment and do I act on my values. … I • Chris Evert, tennis champion (bottom left) During the shoot, I had to hold a Kristen Bell: it for your health.” am really against cruelty • Edwin Moses, two-time Olympic chicken for five hours—if you hold it “I have always been [to] animals.” gold medalist in hurdles Casey Affleck: and feel its little heart beating for an animal lover. I had hours, you just can’t think a hard time disassociating His Holiness “I don’t eat the Dalai Lama: Joaquin Phoenix: Vegetarian Athletes meat or any other about eating it.” the animals I cuddled “I have been “Animal rights is a part of my with—dogs and cats, for Why are vegetarian athletes always at the animal products... particularly concerned everyday life. When you live example—from the animals on top of their game? One reason is because because they’re with the sufferings by example, you create my plate, and I never really cared plant foods provide athletes with all the unhealthy and they’re of chickens for many years. a certain level of for the taste of meat. I always nutrients that they need to stay healthy and the product of It was the death of a chicken awareness. Friends loved my Brussels sprouts!” strong, minus all the saturated fat, a violent and that finally strengthened my resolve of mine, people I have cholesterol, and contaminants found in inhumane to become vegetarian. These days, never discussed animal meat and dairy products that can slow them industry.” when I see a row of plucked chickens rights or vegetarianism down. Carl Lewis, perhaps the greatest Olympic athlete ever, hanging in a meat shop it hurts. with, are adopting says, “[M]y best year of track competition was the first I find it unacceptable that vegetarian habits year I ate a vegan diet.” violence is the basis of some because they Besides receiving optimal nutrition from plant foods, of our food habits.” see it.” vegetarians also weigh less, on average, and have Tobey Maguire: better cardiovascular health and more stamina than “I just never really Pamela Anderson: meat-eaters—and all these things help athletes liked meat. I had “Chickens, pigs, and perform at their peak potential. Physician and author a really tough time Alicia Silverstone: other animals? They are interesting Dr. Neal Barnard explains that “a healthy vegan diet even eating “Since I’ve gone vegetarian, my Celebrity photos © STARMAX, Inc. individuals with personalities Clint Eastwood: gives important advantages over a meaty diet, chicken. I would body has never felt better and my taste and intelligence. What people “I try to stick to which is why many Olympic and professional start imagining buds have been opened up to a whole need to understand is that a vegan diet—heavy athletes are vegetarians. A healthy vegan diet what I was eating new world. It’s one of the most rewarding if they’re eating animals, on fruit, vegetables, will give you the strength and stamina you need and the life of the choices I’ve ever made and I invite you they are promoting tofu, and other to leave those sluggish meat-eaters in the dust.” animals and all that to join me in living a healthy, cruelty to animals.” soy products.” Learn more at kind of stuff.” cruelty-free lifestyle.” 2 eating for life FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HEALTHY VEGETARIAN EATING AND GET MEAL PLANS AND HUNDREDS OF FREE RECIPES AT VEGCOOKING.COM eating for life 3
  • 3. Q& A The Hazards of Eating Chicken Eating forLife Ask the Experts ! Because chickens are now bred and drugged to grow so large, chicken flesh today contains three times as much “What do you think of fat as it did just 35 years ago. The most toxic form of the poison arsenic is used in chicken feed because it promotes ‘low-carb,’ meat-based diets?” faster growth. The National Institutes of Health warns that this cancer-causing chemical is then ingested by people I call them “the ‘make yourself sick’ diets” who eat chicken flesh. Men’s Health magazine ranked Leading health experts agree that a vegetarian diet provides optimal nutrition for both children because they cause the body to go into ketosis— chicken as the number one food you should never eat a state that occurs when we are seriously ill. because of its high rate of bacterial contamination. and adults. The largest nutritional and medical organizations, including the American Dietetic I also use that designation because the very foods Association, confirm that balanced plant-based diets are healthier than diets that include meat. recommended—meat, chicken, bacon, eggs, and cheeses—are the foods the Heart Association and the Cancer Society say cause our most According to Dr. T. Colin Campbell, What About Protein, Savory Pot Pie dreaded diseases. ... There is only one way to fully satisfy your plant foods, nutritional researcher at Cornell Iron, and Vitamin B12? Get the recipe at appetite with delicious foods and stay trim and healthy including University and director of the for a lifetime—that’s a low-fat vegetarian diet with beans, nuts, largest epidemiological study in According to medical authorities, fruits and vegetables and a bit of exercise. whole grains, history, “The vast majority of all vegetarians get plenty of protein without Dr. John McDougall, medical director and leafy green cancers, cardiovascular diseases, having to pay particular attention to of the McDougall program vegetables. and other forms of degenerative their diets. Healthy vegetarian protein Fifty years illness can be prevented simply sources include whole grains, oatmeal, ago, most people got their Delicious Dairy Alternatives by adopting a plant-based diet.” beans, peanut butter, brown rice, peas, vitamin B12 from bacteria in their You can get all the calcium that The American Heart Association lentils, tofu, soy milk, nuts, seeds, “Eating a high-protein diet drinking water or on their fruits you need from the reports that vegetarians “have mushrooms, and vegetarian burgers and is like pouring acid rain on your and vegetables. Now that water plant world— a lower risk of obesity, coronary hot dogs. By contrast, consuming too bones,” according to one researcher. is purified and vegetables are so heart disease (which causes much animal protein has been When you get your protein from plant thoroughly washed, most people get broccoli, beans, many leafy green heart attack), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and some forms of cancer.” scientifically linked to osteoporosis —according to a 2003 U.S. Department of Agriculture Q& A sources, you get all the amino acids that you need, without all the saturated fat and cholesterol found in meat, their B12 from the bacteria on meat or in dairy products, but all common multivitamins have ample amounts vegetables, almonds, soy Scientists have found that (USDA) report, Ask the Experts eggs, and dairy products. of B12 (all of them from non-animal milk, tofu, and vegetarians have stronger immune vegetarian women According to a study published sources), as do fortified foods like calcium-fortified systems than meat-eaters do; this means that they are less had stronger bones than “Isn’t fish a health food?” in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vegetarians do not have breakfast cereals and soy milk. The B12 in pill form and fortified foods orange juice are all good sources. susceptible to everyday illnesses women Anyone who eats fish for health reasons should higher levels of anemia than meat- is actually much better absorbed like the flu. Vegetarians are also far who ate think again: The Environmental Protection Agency eaters do. Iron is found in numerous than that found in animal products. less likely to be overweight; in fact, meat. (EPA) revealed that women who ate fish just twice a meat-eaters are nine times more Vegetable Spring Rolls week had blood mercury concentrations that were seven likely to be obese than vegans. times higher than those of women who didn’t eat fish. Get the recipe at What’s Wrong With Meat, dairy products, and A woman who eats just one can of tuna per week will be Milk and Eggs? actually eggs are completely devoid of 30 percent over the EPA cutoff for safe mercury levels. Dr. Neal Barnard, author causes fiber and complex carbohydrates, Mercury is known to cause severe health problems of Foods That Fight Pain No species naturally drinks milk calcium the nutrients that we’re for humans, including brain damage, memory beyond the age of weaning, and to be supposed to consume loss, and damage to a developing fetus. One study showed that no species would naturally drink leached more of for good health, women who regularly ate fish were more likely to have babies who the milk of a different species. from the body. and they are loaded with were sluggish at birth, had small head circumferences, and had For humans, drinking cow’s According saturated fat and developmental problems. Women who consume even low levels milk has been linked to heart to a Harvard Medical School cholesterol, which can of fish contaminated with PCBs, mercury, or other toxins have disease, some types of cancer, analysis of the evidence, milk does make us overweight and a more difficult time conceiving. Some of these chemicals diabetes, and even osteoporosis, not protect against osteoporosis. tired in the short term and remain in the body for many years. Plant foods like walnuts the very disease that the dairy One egg contains a staggering 220 lead to clogged arteries and and flax seeds and and vegetarian DHA capsules contain industry claims its products are milligrams of cholesterol, which Roasted Red Pepper Hummus heart attacks in the long term. the essential fatty acids that we need without the supposed to prevent! The high clogs your arteries and leads to Get the recipe at animal-protein content of milk heart disease. harmful toxins found in fish flesh. 4 eating for life FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HEALTHY VEGETARIAN EATING AND GET MEAL PLANS AND HUNDREDS OF FREE RECIPES AT VEGCOOKING.COM eating for life 5
  • 4. Raising Weight Loss Vegan Kids by Shelly Davis Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the United States and will soon become the country’s leading cause of preventable deaths. by Deborah Wilson, M.D. all the protein, iron, and calcium that Despite the growing foods are naturally Dr. Wilson’s they need by eating plant foods. He Ziti With Sun-Dried Tomato Cream number of “diets” low in fat, so Weight-Loss Book gave me confidence and some high- that are being touted quantity and calorie powered backup by referring me to the Get the recipe at throughout the country, restrictions are Recommendations • Eat More, Weigh Less seventh edition of the world-famous pregnancy, lactation, Americans just keep getting unnecessary. My by Dr. Dean Ornish Baby and Child Care, in which Dr. infancy, childhood, and fatter. A government review of all colleague Dr. Dean • The McDougall Benjamin Spock agreed, writing, adolescence.” studies on weight loss found that two- Ornish calls it Program for Women “Children who grow up getting their The meat in our supermarkets today thirds of dieters gain all the weight back the “eat more, weigh less” diet The Davis Family by Dr. John nutrition from plant foods rather than is loaded with antibiotics, artificial within a year, and a whopping 97 percent (and he even wrote a wonderful McDougall When you replace meat, dairy products, meats have a tremendous health hormones, heavy metals, and a host gain it all back within five years. This book with that title). • A Physician’s and eggs in your children’s diet with advantage.” He also wrote, “Animals of other toxins—none of which are yo-yo weight fluctation is worse than Because vegetarian diets are Slimming Guide healthy plant-based foods, you are tend to concentrate pesticides and other found in any plant-based foods. Even being overweight: These dieters would the only diets that work for long- by Dr. Neal starting them off with a significant chemicals in their meat and milk. Traces pesticides and herbicides, the only have been better off if they hadn’t term weight loss, it’s no surprise Barnard health advantage, lowering their risk of these chemicals can easily end up in two classes of chemicals found in even bothered. that population studies show that for a host of adult diseases that have a mother’s breast milk if she eats these plant foods, are far more concentrated There has not been a single study meat-eaters have three times the been linked to animal products, products. Plant foods have much less in meat and dairy products, because indicating that high-protein diets like obesity rate of vegetarians and nine including heart disease, obesity, contamination, even if they are not farmed animals eat contaminated plant Atkins work for more than a year; in times the obesity rate of vegans. It’s diabetes, and several types of cancer. organically grown.” foods and then the pesticides and fact, two studies showed that weight possible to be an overweight or obese Animal products are also linked to The American Dietetic Association herbicides become concentrated in loss on the Atkins diet reversed or vegan, of course, just as it’s possible many of the ailments that tend to affect agrees, stating, “Well-planned vegan … their flesh. These contaminants are stalled after just six months, and to be a thin meat-eater, but adult children. Indeed, when my daughter Lilly diets are appropriate for all stages bad enough for adults, but they can Atkins himself died at 258 pounds. vegans are, on average, 10 to 20 was a baby, she never had colic, ear of the life cycle, including during be especially harmful to children, whose The only weight-loss plan that has pounds lighter than adult meat-eaters. infections, flu, or any serious illness. bodies are small and still developing. been scientifically proved to take weight Adopting a vegan diet won’t just health in My younger daughter, Hailey, is now Lilly is now 4 years old. She can off and keep it off for more than a year help you slim down, it will also help comparison to both vegetarians and following her example. identify dozens of dinosaurs, was taking is a vegan diet. Many delicious vegan you fight an array of ailments, nonvegetarians.” I couldn’t have said Although I’ve given my kids gymnastics and dance classes at the age including heart disease, cancer, it better myself. A vegan diet—particularly a better start in life than the of 3, and has never had bronchitis or diabetes, arthritis, and more. Dr. majority of children get, I confess strep throat. Her baby sister, who one that is low in fat— T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University, Mediterranean Tofurky ‘Rolls’ that I had moments of doubt is growing at a rate that astounds will substantially reduce arguably the foremost epidemiologist Get the recipe at in the beginning. I had her doctors, was speaking clearly disease risks. in the world, states, “Quite simply, the been a vegetarian for years, at 10 months and was performing more you substitute plant foods for Green Beans With Cranberries but were children different? somersaults in her gymnastics animal foods, the healthier you are Get the recipe at I was fortunate to have class at only 18 months of age. likely to be. I now consider the full support of my Best of all, I don’t have any veganism to be the ideal diet. pediatrician, who confirmed trouble convincing my girls A vegan diet—particularly one that kids not only don’t need to eat their veggies—Lilly’s that is low in fat—will substantially any animal products, they’re favorite dish is tofu and reduce disease risks. Plus, we’ve also much better off without Papaya-and-Mango Salsa broccoli—which makes the parents seen no disadvantages from them, and they can easily get of the girls’ friends green with envy! veganism. In every respect, vegans Get the recipe at appear to enjoy equal or better 6 eating for life CHECK OUT GOVEG.COM FOR A VEGETARIAN WEIGHT-LOSS GUIDE, REAL-LIFE TESTIMONIALS, TIPS FOR VEGETARIAN ATHLETES, AND MORE! eating for life 7
  • 5. Turkeys and chickens have their wings and legs broken when they are shoved into Meet transport trucks, and they are shipped through all weather extremes with no food or water. Your Meat “Farmed animals today are Photo © Compassion Over Killing More than 30 billion animals are killed by the American meat industry each year—in ways that would Hens are crammed by the tens of sick—these are sick and thousands into filthy sheds, with five to 11 hens horrify any compassionate person and that would be illegal if cats or dogs were the victims. per cage—the cages are so small that the birds diseased chickens, pigs, fish, can’t spread even one wing. and cows, producing diseased and Chickens After six weeks in these horrible conditions, the birds are roughly wire cages that are so small that they don’t have enough room to spread even companion- animal food. bacteria-laden flesh and pus-filled milk that even industry standards What Happens thrown into cages that are stacked on a single wing. Their wings and legs Male call ‘unhealthful.’” the back of a truck, and then they are atrophy from disuse, and their legs and chicks are to Chickens? —Michael Greger, shipped through all weather extremes feet become deformed from standing on worthless to the More chickens are raised and killed for to the slaughterhouse. slanted wire cage bottoms. The tip of egg industry because M.D. food than every other farmed animal At slaughter, workers violently grab each hen’s sensitive beak is cut off with they don’t lay eggs and combined, yet not a single federal law them and hang them upside-down a burning-hot blade. It takes 34 hours to because their breed is too Chicks have their sensitive beaks cut off without any painkillers. protects chickens from abuse—even by their legs, which they force into produce just one egg. After about two small to be raised for flesh. though two-thirds of Americans say shackles, breaking many of them in the years of confinement, they are violently The egg industry kills millions Most small farms have been that they would support such a law. process. Then, the chickens’ throats pulled from their cages and shipped of newborn male chicks every year replaced by massive corporate-run Chickens raised and killed for their are slit, and they are dragged through to slaughter. Their bodies are already by suffocating them to death in bags “factory farms” in which chickens, flesh spend their entire lives in filthy, tanks of scalding-hot water, often while so battered and emaciated that they or by dropping them alive into high- pigs, turkeys, and cows are treated ammonia-laden sheds with tens of they are still conscious. can only be used for soup or speed grinders. like machines instead of living, thousands of other birds. They are Birds who are raised for their eggs Chickens are genetically manipulated feeling individuals. Now, virtually dosed with a steady stream of drugs are packed, five to 11 at a time, into and dosed with antibiotics to make all the meat, eggs, and dairy and bred to grow so large so fast that Undercover Investigations Workers at a Pilgrim’s Pride slaughterhouse them grow so large so quickly that they products purchased in supermarkets many become crippled under their own (the largest chicken supplier in the United States) were documented stomping on live become crippled under their own weight. and restaurants come from animals weight or suffer organ failure. chickens, spray-painting their faces, and slamming them into walls. Workers at a raised on such farms. The giant A New Yorker writer who visited Butterball slaughterhouse were documented punching and stomping on live turkeys corporations that profit from factory a major chicken factory farm wrote, and even sexually assaulting them. Chickens and turkeys have no federal legal farming spend millions trying to “I was almost knocked to the ground protection. Watch the undercover videos at obscure reality with images of by the overpowering smell of feces animals who are living peacefully and ammonia. My eyes burned and in an idyllic barnyard. Unfortunately, so did my lungs, and I could neither this pretty picture couldn’t be any see nor breathe.” Amazing Animals: Chickens further from the truth. Many chickens suffer from Research has proved that chickens are smarter than chronic respiratory diseases, weakened immune systems, and dogs, cats, and even some primates. In a natural setting, bronchitis. According to a report a mother hen begins to teach her chicks various calls before by the USDA, more than 99 percent of chicken carcasses are Ammonia levels in chicken farms they even hatch—she clucks softly to them while sitting contaminated with E. coli bacteria are so high that the corrosive on the eggs, and they chirp back to her and to each other by the time they reach the market, substance burns the birds’ lungs largely because of the filthy conditions and skin. from inside their shells. Unfortunately, chickens in factory in the sheds in which they are raised. farms never meet their mothers. 8 meet your meat EVERY VEGETARIAN SAVES MORE THAN 100 ANIMALS A YEAR. LEARN MORE AT GOVEG.COM meet your meat 9
  • 6. Amazing Animals: Cows Downed Cow: Scientists in the United Kingdom discovered The True Story of One Anonymous that cows enjoy solving problems and even Animal Born Into the Meat Industry Cows experience “Eureka!” Down on the moments (in which their stockyard deserted. Three dogs were attacking the cow, who was still alive. Dairy Farm heart rate speeds up, their She had suffered a number of bite The corporate-owned dairy factories wounds, and her drinking water had that have replaced most small farms Cows spend their lives in cramped sheds adrenaline flows, and they been removed. Jessie contacted the treat cows like milk machines. To boost and fenced-in enclosures, mired in jump) when they are state police. Four officers arrived at production, many farmers inject cows mud and their own waste. 5:30 p.m. State trooper Jan Wuchner with synthetic growth hormones, which successful—just like human wanted to shoot the cow but was told increase the cows’ risk of developing What Happens beings. Cows also interact that a veterinarian should kill her. The mastitis, a painful infection. Cows two veterinarians at the facility would produce milk for the same reason to ‘Beef Cattle’? in socially complex ways, not euthanize her, claiming that in that humans do: to nourish their “Beef cattle” spend most of their so that a herd of cows is order to preserve the value of the babies. Their calves are traumatically lives on extremely crowded feedlots. meat, she could not be destroyed. taken from them shortly after birth. Ranchers have found that they can very much like a pack of The butcher eventually arrived at 7:30 Female calves are added to the dairy maximize profits by giving each steer wolves, with alpha animals p.m. and shot the cow. Her body was Photo: © Jessie Pierce herd or are slaughtered for the enzyme less than 20 square feet of living purchased for $307.50. rennet in their stomachs (used to make space—the equivalent of putting and complex social dynamics, When the stockyard operator cheese). When their milk production a dozen half-ton steers in a typical including friendships that was questioned by a reporter from wanes after about four or five years, the American bedroom! Steers undergo develop over time. The Kentucky Post, he stated, “We mother cows are killed and ground up painful procedures like branding, didn’t do a damned thing to it,” and to make burgers. castration, and dehorning without pain The truck carrying this cow was spot. She also tried to crawl to referred to the attention given to the The Link Between relief. They often die of pneumonia, dehydration, or heat exhaustion from spending long periods Q& A unloaded at Walton Stockyards in Kentucky one September morning. After the other animals were removed a shaded area but couldn’t move far enough. Altogether, she managed to crawl a painful 13 to 14 yards. The cow by humane workers and police as “bullcrap.” He laughed throughout the interview, saying that he found Dairy Products and Veal without food or water in Ask the Experts from the truck, she was left behind, stockyard employees wouldn’t allow nothing wrong with the way that Even on small family dairy farms, unwanted male calves are sold to the crowded trucks while being transported “Aren’t there laws that unable to move. The stockyard workers used their customary electric prods her any drinking water; the only water she received was given to her by Jessie the cow was treated. This is not an isolated case. It is so veal industry. Chained by their necks to feedlots or protect farmed animals?” in her ear to try to get her out of the Pierce, a local animal rights activist, common that animals in this condition inside tiny stalls that reek of ammonia slaughterhouses. truck, then beat and kicked her in who had been contacted by a woman are known in the meat industry The array of abuses that are inflicted on animals in factory farms, from accumulated waste, they are unable the face, ribs, and back, but still she who witnessed the incident. Jessie as “downers.” After PETA brought from mutilating pigs’ ears and teeth to chopping off the beaks to take even one step in any direction, Veal calves are didn’t move. They tied a rope around arrived at noon. After receiving no much-needed attention to this issue, of chickens and turkeys to castrating animals without pain relief, turn around, or lie down comfortably. confined to her neck, tied the other end to a post cooperation from stockyard workers, the Kenton County Police Department as well as the ways in which they’re crammed into these farms, Calves raised for veal are killed when crates so small that in the ground, and drove the truck she called the Kenton County Police. adopted a policy requiring that all transported, and slaughtered, would be illegal if dogs or cats were they’re just a few months old. they can’t even away. The cow was dragged along the A police officer arrived but was downed animals be immediately the victims. Unfortunately, there is not a single federal law that protects turn around. floor of the truck and fell to the instructed by his superiors to do euthanized, whether they are on farmed animals in factory farms. While a recent Gallup survey showed ground, landing with both hind legs nothing; he left at 1 p.m. the farm, in transit, or at the that 96 percent of Americans believe that animals deserve legal and her pelvis broken. She remained The stockyard operator informed slaughterhouse. Sadly, other law protection, the massive meat, dairy, and egg industries give millions like that until 7:30 that evening. Jessie that he had permission from enforcement agencies don’t have such of dollars every year to politicians to prevent the enactment For the first three hours, she lay the insurance company to kill the policies, and downed animals continue or enforcement of laws that would protect farmed animals. in the hot sun crying out. Periodically, cow but wouldn’t do it until Jessie left. to suffer everywhere. It is up to the when she urinated or defecated, she Although doubtful that he would keep public to demand change, and it is Professor Ned Buyukmihci, D.V.M., used her front legs to drag herself his word, Jessie left at 3 p.m. She up to consumers to refuse to purchase University of California-Davis School along the gravel roadway to a clean returned at 4:30 p.m. and found the the products of this miserable industry. of Veterinary Medicine 10 meet your meat FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FACTORY-FARM CRUELTY AND CHECK OUT VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS AT GOVEG.COM meet your meat 11