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If	you	think	you	may	be	suffering	from	any	medical	condition	you	should	seek
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You	 should	 never	 delay	 seeking	 medical	 advice,	 disregard	 medical	 advice,	 or
discontinue	medical	treatment	because	of	information	in	this	book.
Table	of	Contents
Secret	#1:	Why	Low-Fat	Isn’t	Always	the	Best	Option
Secret	#2:	Spices	Are	Metabolism’s	Best	Friend
Secret	#3:	Eat	Foods	With	Negative	Calories
Secret	#4:	Why	Fasting	Isn’t	Necessary
Secret	#5:	Avoid	“Bad”	Fat
Secret	#6:	Not	All	Fruit	Is	Created	Equal
Secret	#7:	One	Way	to	Gain	Weight	is	to	Eat	“Diet”	Food
Secret	#8:	Increased	Protein	Equals	Reduced	Fat
Secret	#9:	Eat	Foods	That	Boost	Your	Metabolism
Secret	#10:	Improve	Your	Sluggish	Metabolism
Secret	#11:	Cut	Down	On	Butter	Using	These	Substitutes
Secret	#12:	Cut	Fat	in	Your	Favorite	Foods
Secret	#13:	Drink	More	Water,	Lose	More	Weight
Secret	#14:	Why	Veggies	Are	Best	When	Not	Consumed	Alone
Secret	#15:	How	to	Beat	Belly	Bulge
Secret	#16:	Have	a	Cup	of	Tea,	Green	Please!
Secret	#17:	Fast	Food	Doesn’t	Have	to	Be	Fat	Food
Secret	#18:	Surviving	Dining	Out
Secret	#19:	Keep	Snacks	Low-Calorie
Secret	#20:	Yummy	Sweets	That	Are	Low-Fat
Secret	#21:	Surviving	the	Holidays
Secret	#22:	Buffet	Eating	for	the	Weight	Watcher
Secret	#23:	Which	is	Worse:	Carbs	or	Fat?
Secret	#24:	Practice	Mindful	Eating
Secret	#25:	Combat	Food	Boredom
Secret	#26:	Get	Your	RDA	of	Vitamins	and	Minerals
Secret	#27:	The	Truth	About	Carb	Blockers
Secret	#28:	Natural,	Ephedra-Like	Herbs
Secret	#29:	Lose	Weight	in	Intervals
Secret	#30:	Increase	Muscle,	Improve	Metabolism
Secret	#31:	Know	Your	Calorie	Requirements
Secret	#32:	Exercise	in	Your	Target	Heart	Zone
Secret	#33:	High	Intensity	Exercises	to	Ignite	Weight	Loss
Secret	#34:	Yoga	for	Weight	Loss
Secret	#35:	Get	Sculpted	Arms	for	Max	Calorie	Burn
Secret	#36:	Your	Legs	Can	Burn	Calories	Too!
Secret	#37:	Whittle	Your	Waist
Secret	#38:	Kids	Shouldn’t	Be	Workout	Stoppers
Secret	#39:	Sneak	in	Extra	Daily	Activity
Secret	#40:	Don’t	be	Derailed	by	a	Desk	Job
Secret	#41:	Green	Thumbs	Use	More	Calories
Secret	#42:	Keep	Exercise	Fun
Secret	#43:	Your	Extra-Curricular	Behaviors	Can	Increase	Your	Waistline
Secret	#44:	Dealing	With	Emotional	Eating
Secret	#45:	Use	Visual	Motivators
Bonus	Secret:	Kick	your	Workouts	into	Calorie	Burning	Gear!
Calorie-burning	is	two-fold.	Physiology	determines	how	you	burn	calories,	but
there	are	things	you	can	do	to	kick	your	fat-burning	into	high	gear.	So,	once	you
know	what	it	takes	to	get	results	and	how	to	improve	those	results	dramatically,
you’re	on	the	fast	track	to	weight	loss!
That’s	the	goal	of	this	e-book.	How	would	it	feel	to	kick	your	metabolism	into
overdrive?	Imagine	learning	what	you	need	to	know	to	burn	maximum	amounts
of	calories	even	while	you	sleep!
Once	you’re	done	reading	this	eBook,	you	will	know	how	to:
Burn	a	ton	of	calories	even	if	your	work	requires	you	to	sit	all	day
Lower	the	fat	content	of	foods	you	just	can’t	live	without
Get	physical	activity	in,	regardless	of	your	other	home	and	work	obligations
Kick	your	exercise	sessions	into	calorie-burning	overdrive
Boost	your	metabolism	by	eating	specific	foods
Lose	weight	easily	by	drinking	the	‘right’	beverages
Deal	with	food	buffets	without	anxiety	and	stress
This	eBook	will	teach	you	how	to	burn	calories	all	hours	of	the	day	and	night!
Yes,	it	is	possible	if	you	know	how	and,	once	you	read	this	book,	you’ll	know
Are	you	ready	to	begin	your	weight	loss	success	journey?	Good	–	let’s	go!
Note:	This	e-book	makes	specific	recommendations	to	help	you	increase	your
metabolism.	If	you	have	a	health	condition,	please	check	with	your	doctor	before
beginning	 any	 sort	 of	 diet	 or	 exercise	 program	 to	 avoid	 any	 unintended
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Secret	#1:	Why	Low-Fat	Isn’t	Always	the	Best	Option
Low-fat	foods	seem	like	they	should	be	a	great	choice	when	it	comes	to	weight
loss,	 but	 that	 isn’t	 always	 the	 case.	 Sometimes	 full-fat	 foods	 make	 the	 most
shows	that	low-fat	diets	can	hurt	you	more	than	help.	They	may	increase	your
risk	 of	 health	 conditions	 such	 diabetes	 (due	 to	 their	 large	 carbohydrate
consumption)	and	heart	disease.	They	also	impact	your	cholesterol	levels,	raising
your	“bad”	cholesterol	and	lowering	your	“good”.
Ever	 notice	 that	 when	 you	 eat	 low-fat	 foods,	 you’re	 hungrier	 sooner	 than	 if
you’d	 eaten	 a	 high	 fat	 meal?	 That’s	 because	 eating	 fat	 keeps	 your	 tummy
satisfied	longer.	This	allows	you	to	easily	control	your	portion	sizes	when	you
do	eat	and	reduces	the	likelihood	of	those	uncomfortable,	hard-to-beat	cravings.
According to Dr. Walter Willett at the Harvard School of Public Health, research
Secret	#2:	Spices	Are	Metabolism’s	Best	Friend
When	 you	 eat	 foods	 that	 are	 spicy-hot,	 essentially	 it’s	 like	 adding	 gas	 to	 fire
causing	it	to	go	from	smoldering	embers	to	flames	that	shoot	into	the	air.	Your
body	 has	 the	 same	 result	 to	 some	 spices.	 They	 cause	 it	 to	 burn	 calories	 at	 a
higher	rate,	which	means	that	your	metabolism	is	increased.	This	is	known	as	the
thermogenic	effect.
also	reduces	your	craving	for	foods	high	in	salt,	sugar	and	fat.
If	you’re	already	eating	high-spiced	foods,	you	probably	won’t	notice	much	of
an	effect	because	your	body	has	adapted	itself	to	that	type	of	diet.	But,	if	you’re
the	 person	 who	 normally	 eats	 a	 pretty	 bland	 diet	 and	 you	 begin	 to	 introduce
spices,	you’ll	likely	see	an	increase	in	the	amount	of	fat	you	burn!
increases the temperature of your body resulting in an increased calorie burn. It
Research published in Physiology & Behavior reports that eating red pepper
Secret	#3:	Eat	Foods	With	Negative	Calories
Have	you	ever	heard	of	negative	calorie	foods?	These	are	foods	that	take	more
calories	to	digest	than	they	contain,	which	means	that	you	end	up	with	a	calorie
deficit.	A	lot	of	negative	calorie	foods	are	in	this	category	due	to	their	high	fiber
Some	foods	that	qualify	for	this	title	include:
Eat	these	types	of	foods	and	you’ll	be	setting	your	calorie	meter	back	instead	of
ahead.	How	great	is	that?
Secret	#4:	Why	Fasting	Isn’t	Necessary
Although	fasting	does	normally	result	in	fast	loss	of	weight,	the	results	aren’t	the
kind	that	most	dieter	is	seeking	to	find.	The	scale	goes	down	simply	because
your	body	has	suddenly	had	its	food	intake	restricted.	Why	does	this	happen?
A	lot	of	foods	you	eat	have	high	water	content.	So,	when	you	reduce	the	amount
of	food	you	consume	as	a	whole,	you	get	less	hydration.	The	result	is	a	loss	in
weight	–	but	it’s	only	water	weight	so	the	results	don’t	last.
Some	people	feel	that	fasting	is	beneficial	in	that	it	gives	their	body	a	rest	from
processing	foods.	However,	the	human	body	is	extremely	adept	at	its	functions
and	no	rest	is	necessary	for	it	to	work	as	intended.
Still,	if	you’re	insistent	on	fasting,	choose	one	that	focuses	on	raw	foods.	This	is
a	fast	that	involves	eating	foods	in	their	natural	state,	forcing	you	to	give	up	your
beloved	fast	food	and	foods	that	have	been	processed	to	the	point	where	their
nutrition	is	gone.	Who	knows,	you	may	find	out	that	you	are	sensitive	to	some	of
the	additives	that	are	often	added	to	food.
Make	sure	that	if	you	do	fast,	you	get	a	lot	of	water.	Your	body	will	thank	you
for	the	hydration!
Secret	#5:	Avoid	“Bad”	Fat
There	is	fat	that	is	relatively	healthy	for	you	and	there’s	fat	that	can	put	you	at
higher	risk	of	disease	and	illness.	The	latter	are	called	trans	fats	and	are	in	a	lot
of	processed	foods	such	as	baked	goods,	cereal	and	snack	crackers.
do	this	because	they	affect	your	cholesterol	levels,	raising	your	“bad”	cholesterol
and	lowering	your	“good”.
To	give	you	an	idea	of	how	much	they	affect	your	body,	health	professionals
believe	that	health	care	costs	would	reduce	over	the	next	two	decades	by	$56
billion	if	trans	fats	were	not	available	for	consumption.
Make	sure	you	read	ingredient	labels	on	foods	before	you	eat	them	(preferably
before	 you	 even	 purchase	 them).	 Trans	 fats	 have	 many	 names,	 such	 as
hydrogenated	oil	and	margarine,	so	be	aware	of	this	when	you’re	looking	for
According to the Mayo Clinic, trans fats increase your risk of heart attack. They
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Secret	#6:	Not	All	Fruit	Is	Created	Equal
When	 it	 comes	 to	 getting	 vitamins	 and	 minerals,	 fruit	 is	 right	 up	 there	 with
vegetables.	However,	that	doesn’t	mean	that	you	can	eat	unlimited	quantities	of
every	fruit	available.	There	are	some	fruits	that	have	an	elevated	sugar	content,
which	can	leave	you	fighting	cravings	because	they	send	your	blood	sugar	on	a
roller	coaster.
Try	to	stick	with	the	fruits	that	are	lower	in	sugar.		Some	options	include:
Apples	are	a	little	higher	in	sugar,	but	they’re	also	higher	in	fiber	so	they’re	a
great	alternative.	Try	to	stay	away	from	bananas,	grapes,	mangos	and	tangerines
because	their	sugar	content	is	through	the	roof.
Secret	#7:	One	Way	to	Gain	Weight	is	to	Eat	“Diet”
If	you	want	to	reduce	calories,	you	stock	up	on	“diet”	food,	right?	Those	who
manufacture	foods	and	drinks	for	the	diet	industry	would	like	you	to	think	so.
What	if	you	found	out,	though,	that	this	isn’t	the	case?
There	are	two	substances	most	dieters	want	removed	from	their	food:	sugar	and
fat.	 When	 you	 remove	 sugar,	 most	 manufacturers	 replace	 it	 with	 artificial
sweeteners.	However,	your	body	reacts	to	them	the	same	way	it	does	to	the	real
thing	 by	 creating	 insulin.	 The	 bad	 thing	 is	 that	 your	 insulin	 has	 no	 purpose
because	there	is	no	real	sugar	for	it	to	counteract.	What	happens?
You	lose	energy	and	your	appetite	swells,	causing	you	to	take	in	more	calories
than	you	need.	Also,	if	you	continue	to	put	your	body	through	the	production	of
insulin	when	there	was	no	real	need,	eventually	you	could	find	yourself	with	a
diabetes	diagnosis.
If	you	feel	that	removing	the	fat	from	your	food	is	better	than	removing	sugar,
think	again.	To	make	the	fat-free	food	more	pleasing	to	the	palate,	manufacturers
add	MSG	and,	likely,	sugar.	That	means	you	still	end	up	with	high	blood	sugar
and	 sometimes	 high	 blood	 pressure.	 Either	 way,	 your	 overall	 health	 is
Secret	#8:	Increased	Protein	Equals	Reduced	Fat
Why	does	an	increase	in	protein	consumption	cause	a	reduction	in	fat?	The	more
muscle	your	body	has,	the	more	calories	it	burns	on	a	day-to-day	basis.	Since
one	 of	 protein’s	 primary	 functions	 is	 to	 help	 your	 muscles	 repair	 and	 grow,
you’re	essentially	turning	your	body	into	a	fat-burning	machine.
The	 best	 protein	 sources	 are	 those	 that	 are	 high	 quality	 and	 low-fat,	 such	 as
chicken	and	turkey,	fish	and	shellfish,	lean	beef	and	pork	and	nuts.	One	thing	to
remember	 though	 is	 that	 nuts	 have	 a	 higher	 fat	 content,	 so	 eat	 them	 in
Don’t	think	that	eating	a	lot	of	protein	is	going	to	make	you	look	like	a	pro	body
builder	 because	 it	 won’t.	 It	 will	 just	 trim	 and	 tone	 you	 and	 make	 you	 burn
calories	all	day	and	night.	So,	eat	your	protein	ladies!
Secret	#9:	Eat	Foods	That	Boost	Your	Metabolism
To	reiterate	what	was	slightly	covered	in	the	second	secret,	you’re	your	body
uses	its	fat	stores	for	energy,	its	called	thermogenesis.	So,	the	key	to	boosting
your	metabolism	is	to	incorporate	foods	that	fuel	this	process.
There	 are	 products	 on	 the	 market,	 like	 ephedra,	 that	 claim	 to	 have	 the	 same
effect	but	their	safety	is	questionable.	Therefore,	it’s	best	to	just	stick	with	foods
that	are	thermogenic	as	they’re	natural	and	won’t	hurt	your	body.	What	foods
fall	into	this	category?
Ginger	is	one	of	them.	While	research	is	contradictory	as	to	how	well	it	helps
your	 body	 get	 rid	 of	 unwanted	 fat,	 it	 does	 have	 positive	 benefits	 on	 your
circulatory	 system.	 The	 more	 blood	 you	 can	 get	 to	 your	 liver	 so	 that	 it
effectively	 processes	 fat,	 the	 better	 off	 you	 are.	 It	 also	 eases	 your	 digestive
system	 functions,	 so	 adding	 it	 to	 your	 meals	 or	 pre-workout	 tea	 will	 do	 your
body	good.
Ginger	isn’t	the	only	food	that’s	good	for	your	body.	Increase	your	metabolism
by	eating	more	fruits	(of	the	citrus	variety),	peppers	loaded	with	heat	and	sipping
on	some	tea,	preferably	green.	When	you	heat	up	your	insides,	it	melts	the	fat	off
your	outsides!
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Secret	#10:	Improve	Your	Sluggish	Metabolism
If	 you’re	 a	 yo-yo	 dieter,	 you	 probably	 understand	 what	 it	 means	 to	 have	 a
sluggish	metabolism.	Every	time	you	lose	weight,	it	gets	it	harder	to	keep	off
and	easier	to	regain,	right?	That’s	because	your	metabolism	isn’t	functioning	at
maximum	capacity.
When	you	get	used	to	a	restricted	calorie	intake	(as	you	do	with	a	diet)	and	then
increase	your	calories	(what	you	do	when	you	go	off	your	diet),	your	body	still
thinks	it’s	being	restricted	leading	it	to	store	the	food	as	fat.	It	doesn’t	realize
that	it	should	be	burning	more	calories	with	your	increased	consumption.
If	this	is	you,	all	is	not	lost.	You	aren’t	stuck	with	a	faulty	metabolism.	In	fact,
you	can	repair	it	quite	easily	by	eating	several	mini-meals	throughout	the	day.
Just	let	go	of	the	three-meals-a-day	mentality	and	instead	aim	for	five	or	six	little
Even	though	you’ll	be	eating	several	times	a	day,	you	still	want	to	aim	for	a
restricted	calorie	intake	in	the	process.	So,	until	your	body	adjusts	by	burning
more	calories,	don’t	worry	about	a	little	gain	in	weight.	Once	your	body	gets
used	to	eating	this	way,	it	will	begin	to	metabolize	the	fat	at	an	increased	rate
and	you’ll	start	to	drop	the	weight.
Also,	 make	 sure	 you	 stay	 hydrated	 for	 proper	 kidney	 function.	 If	 you	 don’t,
they’ll	 rely	 on	 your	 liver.	 And,	 if	 your	 liver	 is	 too	 busy	 doing	 the	 job	 of	 the
kidneys,	it	can’t	do	what	you	want	it	to	do	–	which	is	burn	fat!
You	can	also	increase	your	level	of	physical	activity	to	boost	your	metabolism.
Do	all	these	things	and	you’ll	drop	your	weight	in	no	time!
Secret	#11:	Cut	Down	On	Butter	Using	These
When	it	comes	to	butter,	and	margarine	for	that	matter,	they	are	high	in	trans
fats,	 which	 you’ve	 already	 learned	 is	 bad	 for	 your	 body.	 So,	 instead	 of
continuing	to	keep	butter	in	your	diet,	try	these	healthy	alternatives:
Olive	oil.	Try	regular	virgin	olive	oil,	or	choose	a	flavored	variety.	If	you
keep	it	cold	in	the	fridge,	you’ll	be	able	to	easily	put	it	on	toast	or	any	other
manner	which	you	normally	use	butter.
Hummus	and	tahini.	These	make	great,	flavorful	alternatives	to	butter.	You
can	find	them	in	most	grocery	or	health	stores.
Applesauce.	This	is	a	great	substitute	for	butter	in	baking	recipes.	Don’t
have	applesauce?	You	can	also	puree	fruit	such	as	bananas.	In	addition	to
cutting	trans	fat,	they’ll	also	make	your	baked	goods	extra	moist!
Secret	#12:	Cut	Fat	in	Your	Favorite	Foods
Take	cheese,	for	instance.	Although	most	people	love	it,	most	people	watching
their	 weight	 don’t	 eat	 it	 because	 it	 is	 high	 in	 saturated	 fat	 and	 also	 high	 in
calories.	Eat	an	overabundance	of	cheese	and	you’ll	risk	heart	problems.
However,	you	don’t	have	to	avoid	cheese	forever	to	have	a	healthy	diet.	Simply
choose	cheeses	that	are	healthier	for	you,	such	as	cheeses	made	from	fat-free	or
low-fat	milk.	That	way	you	have	fewer	calories	and	still	get	to	eat	one	of	your
favorite	foods	without	sacrificing	the	taste.
Of	 course,	 you	 can	 still	 use	 regular	 cheese	 if	 you	 wish.	 Just	 throw	 it	 in	 the
microwave	for	a	few	seconds	and	remove	any	excess	oil.	You’ll	still	have	the
taste	of	regular	cheese	without	all	the	heart-damaging	fat.
If	you’re	kitchen	savvy	and	want	to	make	your	own	low-fat	cheese,	here	is	a
video that will get you on your way!
Secret	#13:	Drink	More	Water,	Lose	More	Weight
When	it	comes	to	beverages	that	promote	weight	loss,	water	wins	hands	down.	It
keeps	your	body	running	effectively	so	that	nothing	health-wise	will	stop	your
weight	loss	efforts.
Drinking	at	meal	time	will	benefit	you	two	ways.	First,	it	helps	fill	you	up	so	it
takes	less	food	to	satisfy	you.	Second,	it	helps	your	body	better	digest	your	meal
and	metabolize	all	those	calories	you	just	took	in.
In	addition,	drinking	in	between	meals	is	important	because	it’s	easy	to	confuse
feelings	of	thirst	for	feelings	of	hunger.	Therefore,	when	you	make	sure	your
feelings	of	thirst	are	satisfied	throughout	the	day,	you’re	less	likely	to	eat	in	an
attempt	to	satisfy	a	hunger	that	doesn’t	even	exist.
Try	to	drink	at	least	eight	8	ounce	glasses	of	water	daily	to	help	you	shed	excess
pounds.	 And,	 don’t	 try	 to	 down	 excessive	 amount	 of	 water	 to	 increase	 your
metabolism	 as	 there	 is	 such	 a	 thing	 as	 too	 much	 water	 harming	 your	 body
instead	of	helping	it.
What	about	the	theory	that	cold	water	is	better	to	drink	than	room	temperature
water?	 According	 to	 Dr.	 Roger	 Clemens	 from	 the	 USC	 School	 of	 Pharmacy,
there	is	truth	that	drinking	water	that	is	cold	does	burn	more	calories	but	not
enough	to	really	matter.
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Secret	#14:	Why	Veggies	Are	Best	When	Not
Consumed	Alone
Some	 people	 eat	 veggie	 sandwiches	 in	 an	 attempt	 to	 lose	 weight.	 However,
while	 they	 may	 be	 low	 in	 calories,	 they’re	 also	 low	 in	 fat	 and	 protein	 –	 two
things	that	will	satisfy	your	hunger,	keep	you	full	and	build	your	muscles.
Remember	that	these	two	nutrients	also	help	keep	your	blood	sugar	from	going
on	 those	 craving-inducing	 spikes	 and	 lows.	 So,	 if	 you	 want	 to	 make	 losing
weight	and	staying	in	shape	easy,	you’re	going	to	want	to	add	them	to	your	diet.
Some	healthy	protein	and	fat	options	to	add	to	veggie	sandwiches	are	lean	ham,
shredded	 chicken	 breast	 and	 canned	 tuna.	 Choosing	 a	 sandwich	 with	 more
sustenance	will	keep	your	hunger	at	bay	longer!
Are	 you	 a	 vegetarian	 and	 want	 non-meat	 options?	 You	 can	 always	 add	 heart
healthy	avocado,	olives,	low-fat	or	fat-free	cheese	or	an	olive	oil	based	spread
for	the	same	benefits.
Secret	#15:	How	to	Beat	Belly	Bulge
When	it	comes	to	fat,	abdominal	fat	is	the	most	damaging	to	your	health.	The
more	fat	you	carry	in	your	mid-section,	the	greater	your	risk	of	certain	serious
How	do	you	fight	this	dangerous	fat?	Try	eating	foods	such	as	these:
Chicken,	turkey,	fish,	lean	beef	and	lean	pork
Olive	oil,	avocado	and	olives
Fruits	and	veggies	–	the	more	the	better
Almonds	and	walnuts
Low-fat	milk,	cheese	and	yogurt
Basically,	you	want	to	limit	your	intake	of	carbohydrates	that	contain	a	lot	of
sugar	and	flour.	Eating	in	this	way	will	encourage	your	body	to	lose	the	fat!
diseases and illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition cites a study that suggests that it also puts you at risk of type 2
Secret	#16:	Have	a	Cup	of	Tea,	Green	Please!
Does	green	tea	live	up	to	its	reputation	as	a	weight	loss	guru?	A	lot	of	studies,
Khon	Kaen	University	in	Thailand,	give	a	resounding	‘yes’.	What	makes	green
tea	so	great	when	it	comes	to	weight	loss?	
It	 has	 caffeine	 which	 is	 known	 to	 reduce	 your	 appetite,	 give	 you	 energy	 and
make	 it	 easier	 to	 accomplish	 your	 daily	 to-do	 list.	 It	 elevates	 your	 heart	 rate
slightly	when	you’re	engaged	in	physical	activity,	such	as	doing	your	exercise
In	addition,	Swiss	researchers	state	that	it	is	full	of	different	natural	ingredients
that	increase	your	body’s	calorie	burning	potential	–	up	to	60	extra	daily.	So,	you
can	melt	fat	off	your	body	just	by	sipping	a	few	cups	of	the	green	stuff	daily!
Plus,	if	you	regularly	choose	green	tea	(preferably	at	least	two	cups	a	day)	over
some	 other	 not-so-healthy	 beverages,	 such	 as	 sodas	 and	 lattes,	 you’ll	 likely
consumer	fewer	high	sugar	calories	and	fat.	The	more	you	drink,	the	more	you
like one conducted at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine at
Secret	#17:	Fast	Food	Doesn’t	Have	to	Be	Fat	Food
Most	people	watching	their	weight	try	to	avoid	fast	food	restaurants.	Not	only	do
their	foods	contain	the	very	things	that	most	dieters	avoid,	such	as	sugar	and	fat,
but	the	portion	sizes	are	enough	to	make	weight	gain	absolutely	inevitable.
However,	you	don’t	have	to	absolutely	eliminate	fast	food	restaurants	from	your
future	 when	 you’re	 trying	 to	 watch	 your	 waistline.	 Just	 make	 these	 simple
suggestions	part	of	your	fast	food	ordering	agenda:
Choose	grilled	over	fried	when	it	comes	to	sandwiches.	Also,	load	it	with
veggies	and	steer	clear	of	high	fat	condiments.
To	practice	portion	control,	order	the	smallest	possible	size	you	can	get	–
even	if	it	means	that	you’re	looking	at	the	kid’s	menu.	Speaking	of	kid’s
menu,	the	sides	are	usually	healthier	so	they’re	a	great	place	to	purchase
Choose	a	beverage	that	is	sugar-free,	such	as	tea,	coffee	or	water.	It’s	not
that	diet	sodas	are	bad,	but	the	artificial	sweeteners	in	them	may	lead	to
cravings,	making	it	harder	to	stick	to	a	healthy	diet	the	rest	of	the	day.
Secret	#18:	Surviving	Dining	Out
Watching	 your	 diet	 shouldn’t	 mean	 that	 you’re	 stuck	 at	 home.	 You	 can	 still
enjoy	your	favorite	restaurant,	but	you	may	have	to	tweak	the	way	you	order.
Here	are	some	calorie-saving	options:
Tell	the	waitress	or	waiter	to	not	even	bring	the	bread	basket.	You’ll
remove	the	temptation	for	carbs	that	will	bulge	you	up,	not	slim	you	down.
·									Choose	foods	that	are	cooked	healthy;	think	grilled,	broiled	and	baked.
And	pick	sides	just	as	healthy,	such	as	vegetables	that	are	steamed.
·									Stay	away	from	buttery	sauces	and	fried	appetizers	and	entrees.	It’s	not
that	you	can	never	eat	them,	but	eat	them	too	much	and	your	waist	will	get
bigger	instead	of	smaller.
·									Practice	portion	control.	Split	your	meal	with	someone	else	or	take	half
home.	Save	yourself	the	extra	calories	and	you’ll	arrive	at	your	weight	loss
goal	faster	than	ever!
Secret	#19:	Keep	Snacks	Low-Calorie
If	 you’re	 eating	 to	 stoke	 your	 metabolism,	 you’re	 eating	 several	 mini-meals
daily.	But,	remember	that	you	still	want	to	watch	your	calorie	intake.	The	best
way	to	do	this	is	to	have	some	of	your	mini-meals	lower	in	calorie.	Here	are
some	great	options	that	will	reduce	your	calories	without	sacrificing	taste:
Veggies	(such	as	cucumbers,	broccoli	and	cauliflower)
Fruits	(like	as	apples,	berries	and	melons)
Sugar-free	Jell-O	cups
Low-fat	cheese	wedges	or	cheese	sticks
Low-fat	yogurt	or	frozen	yogurt
Air	popped	or	microwave	popcorn
While	it	may	be	tempting	to	go	for	the	low	calorie	‘treat’	packs	of	cookies	and
crackers,	save	those	for	times	when	you’re	trying	to	satisfy	a	craving,	not	true
hunger.	Options	like	the	ones	above	will	keep	hunger	at	bay	longer	and	make
weight	loss	easier	than	ever!
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Secret	#20:	Yummy	Sweets	That	Are	Low-Fat
Losing	 weight	 doesn’t	 have	 to	 mean	 never	 enjoying	 something	 sweet	 and
savory.	You	still	have	plenty	of	options	that	will	satisfy	your	sweet	tooth	and
keep	your	waistline	in	check.	They	include:
Weight	Watchers	frozen	desserts
Full-fat	versions	of	desserts	served	in	portion	controlled	packages
Low-fat	snack	cakes
Sugar-free	pudding	with	whipped	topping
Reduced-calorie	pound	cake	with	berries	and	sugar-free	Cool	Whip
If	 you’re	 going	 to	 eat	 something	 sweet,	 do	 it	 after	 you’ve	 already	 eaten
something	 substantial.	 This	 will	 help	 keep	 your	 blood	 sugar	 stable	 and	 keep
cravings	at	bay.	
The	main	thing	to	remember	is	that	you	can	have	the	pleasure	of	an	occasional
dessert	as	long	as	it	is	occasional,	portion	controlled	and	eaten	in	conjunction
with	a	food	that	will	help	stabilize	your	blood	sugar.
Secret	#21:	Surviving	the	Holidays
There’s	 no	 worst	 time	 to	 be	 trying	 to	 slim	 down	 than	 when	 food	 is	 most
abundant.	Not	only	do	you	have	those	cherished	seasonal	meals,	but	you	have
leftovers	 for	 days	 on	 end.	 Trying	 to	 commit	 to	 healthy	 eating	 can	 become	 a
You	have	to	look	at	the	big	picture.	You	can	eat	however	you	want	over	the
holidays,	but	you’re	only	going	to	end	up	with	more	weight	to	lose.	Why	take
that	route?
Enjoy	time	with	your	family	and	friends	and	keep	your	weight	under	control	by
doing	things	such	as	these:
Allow	yourself	one	or	two	indulgences	so	you	don’t	feel	restricted.
Never	go	to	a	holiday	party	famished.	Eat	something	light	beforehand.
Watch	your	portions	and	keep	yourself	hydrated,	preferably	with	water.
Increase	your	time	at	the	gym	during	the	holiday	season.
Secret	#22:	Buffet	Eating	for	the	Weight	Watcher
If	you	are	watching	your	weight,	a	buffet	is	probably	your	nightmare	scenario.
Not	only	do	you	have	too	many	choices,	but	you	are	responsible	for	your	own
portion	sizes.	While	it	may	be	a	little	more	difficult	when	you’re	prevented	with
a	plethora	of	food,	there	are	still	things	you	can	do	to	escape	the	situation	with
your	weight	relatively	intact.	They	are:
Eat	something	small	before	you	go	so	you’re	not	over-hungry.
Load	your	plate	with	veggies	and	salads,	not	bread	and	breadsticks.
Choose	quality	proteins,	such	as	roast	beef,	baked	fish	and	grilled	chicken
Select	beverages	that	are	sugar-free	such	as	tea,	coffee	and	water.	
Go	for	the	lowest	fat	dessert	option	available,	such	as	frozen	yogurt.	Some
places	 even	 have	 sugar-free	 options	 which	 are	 healthier	 than	 the	 full	 fat
Secret	#23:	Which	is	Worse:	Carbs	or	Fat?
Since	there	are	many	proponents	of	each,	it	can	be	hard	to	decide	which	you
need	to	avoid	more:	carbs	or	fat.	Some	health	experts	suggest	that	you	should
opt	 for	 low-fat	 because	 it’s	 better	 for	 your	 heart.	 Others	 would	 lead	 you	 to
believe	 that	 carbs	 are	 the	 enemy	 as	 they	 are	 often	 high	 in	 sugar	 and	 have
profound	effects	on	your	blood	sugar	levels.	Who	wins?
Shockingly	 enough	 -	 neither.	 If	 you	 eat	 low-fat,	 you	 risk	 consuming	 more
calories	to	try	to	quench	your	hunger.	In	addition,	you	don’t	want	to	eliminate	all
fat	 because	 some	 is	 necessary	 for	 your	 body	 to	 function	 efficiently	 and
If	you	eat	low-carb,	on	the	other	hand,	you	likely	have	reduced	energy,	feel	a
little	sad	and	may	even	feel	upset	to	your	stomach.
If	you	want	to	lose	weight	and	make	the	loss	permanent,	you	have	to	live	and	eat
in	 a	 way	 that	 includes	 all	 sorts	 of	 foods.	 It	 has	 to	 fit	 into	 your	 lifestyle	 and
budget	and	not	make	you	feel	like	you’re	withholding	from	yourself.	For	this
reason,	you’re	going	to	want	to	practice	selectivity	and	moderation.
Enjoy	foods	that	have	both	fat	and	carbs,	but	select	ones	that	are	healthier	for
you.	Eat	complex	carbohydrates,	such	as	oatmeal,	fruits	and	whole	wheat	and
pick	foods	that	contain	unsaturated	fats,	such	as	olive	oil,	fish	and	avocado.
The	best	diet	to	follow	is	one	that	you’re	willing	to	follow	forever!
Secret	#24:	Practice	Mindful	Eating
When	it	comes	to	eating,	there	are	things	you	can	do	to	make	weight	loss	easier
and	more	sustainable.	And,	the	more	mindful	you	are	when	you	eat,	the	more
satisfied	you	are	with	less	food.
Try	 these	 tricks	 that	 will	 not	 only	 have	 you	 eating	 less	 but,	 subsequently,
weighing	less:
Sit	 down	 when	 you	 eat.	 Eating	 on	 the	 go	 often	 results	 in	 eating	 more
because	you’re	not	paying	attention	to	what	you’re	putting	in	your	mouth.
Eat	slowly.	Take	the	time	to	actually	taste	your	food	so	your	body	can	fully
understand	that	it	has	just	eaten.
Don’t	multitask.	When	you	eat,	just	eat.	Don’t	read	the	paper	or	watch	TV
so	you’re	fully	engaged	in	the	process.
Pretend	someone	is	watching	you.	We	tend	to	make	better	choices	and	eat
more	 rationally	 when	 we	 feel	 like	 we’re	 being	 scrutinized.	 So,	 eat	 as	 if
someone,	maybe	even	me,	is	there	with	you.
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Secret	#25:	Combat	Food	Boredom
One	of	the	biggest	reasons	that	people	give	up	on	eating	healthy	is	that	they	get
bored.	You	can’t	eat	the	same	foods	day	in	and	day	out	without	getting	burnt	out
on	them.	So,	how	do	you	add	gusto	to	your	eating	plan?
Add	variety.	Eat	as	many	different	types	of	foods	as	possible.	Make	it	a
goal	to	add	one	new	food	to	your	diet	weekly.	Either	decide	what	you’re
going	to	get	before	you	go	grocery	shopping,	or	just	pick	something	up	and
look	it	up	on	the	internet	when	you	get	home	to	figure	out	what	to	do	with
it.	You	may	be	pleasantly	surprised!
Use	spices.	Experiment	with	your	spice	rack	to	make	your	food	stand	out.
For	example,	it’s	amazing	how	different	chicken	breast	tastes	when	it	has
some	cumin	and	chili	powder	on	it	as	opposed	to	garlic	and	onion	powder.
Cook	 using	 different	 methods.	 There	 are	 many	 healthy	 cooking	 options.
You	can	broil,	boil,	bake	and	grill.	Each	one	adds	different	texture	and	a
different	 taste	 dimension	 to	 food.	 If	 you	 want	 help	 in	 this	 area,	 consider
taking	a	cooking	class	to	expand	your	culinary	horizons.
Secret	#26:	Get	Your	RDA	of	Vitamins	and	Minerals
Don’t	 skip	 getting	 your	 Recommended	 Daily	 Allowance	 (RDA)	 of	 necessary
vitamins	 and	 minerals	 to	 help	 your	 body	 process	 and	 metabolize	 your	 foods.
Some	nutrients	that	enhance	weight	loss	include:
Vitamin	A	–	Promotes	a	healthy	immune	system	functioning,	keeping	you
away	 from	 colds	 and	 illnesses	 that	 can	 slow	 or	 stop	 your	 weight	 loss
Vitamin	B	–	Improves	metabolism	which	means	more	calories	burned	on	a
day-to-day	basis.
Vitamin	 C	 –	 Limits	 the	 body’s	 exposure	 to	 stress	 effects	 and	 enhances
metabolic	function.
Calcium	 –	 Studies	 show	 that	 this	 people	 who	 have	 adequate	 amounts	 of
calcium	 in	 their	 diet	 lose	 more	 weight.	 Choose	 a	 multi-vitamin	 that	 has
100%	of	your	daily	calcium	and	drink	your	milk!
Secret	#27:	The	Truth	About	Carb	Blockers
While	it’s	easy	to	fall	prey	to	carb	blockers,	also	known	as	cortisol	blockers,
their	idea	is	much	better	than	their	reality	as	there	hasn’t	been	adequate	research
to	show	that	their	claims	are	valid.	Also,	they	create	some	pretty	uncomfortable
side	gastrointestinal	effects,	such	as	gas	and	diarrhea.
increase	your	fiber	intake.	It	satisfies	your	hunger	and	stops	your	cravings	to	eat
foods	that	won’t	make	you	healthy.
If	you	want	to	digest	less	carbs,	just	eat	less.	Stay	away	from	foods	make	with
sugar	and	white	flour	and	focus	on	healthy	foods	such	as	lean	proteins,	fruits,
veggies	and	low-fat	dairy.
And,	if	you	want	to	lower	your	cortisol	levels,	you	need	to	lower	your	stress.	Get
in	regular	physical	activity,	make	sure	you	have	adequate	sleep	and	participate	in
any	relaxation	exercise	that	gives	you	peace	and	contentment.
An alternative to these questionable supplements, according to WebMD, is to
Secret	#28:	Natural,	Ephedra-Like	Herbs
Because	of	its	negative	side	effects,	Ephedra	was	banned	by	the	FDA.	But,	you
can	 still	 get	 metabolism	 boosting	 results	 from	 natural	 substances	 such	 as
guarana,	ma	huang	and	bitter	orange	peel	extract.	
Even	 though	 they’re	 natural,	 you	 still	 need	 to	 realize	 that	 these	 types	 of
substances	 can	 have	 negative	 consequences,	 particularly	 for	 someone	 with	 a
problematic	heart	as	they	increase	your	blood	pressure.	It’s	always	advisable	to
get	the	green	light	from	your	doctor	before	taking	any	supplement,	especially
one	like	this.
Secret	#29:	Lose	Weight	in	Intervals
There’s	no	doubt	that	walking	and	running	both	are	very	good	for	you.	But,	if
you	want	to	kick	your	burn	into	overdrive,	it’s	best	to	combine	them.	This	is
called	interval	training.
interval	training	as	it	increases	the	amount	of	calories	you	burn,	improves	your
level	of	fitness	and	doesn’t	let	you	get	bored	with	your	exercise	routine.	What
exactly	is	it?
When	you	exercise	using	interval	training,	you	change	the	intensity	many	times
during	 the	 course	 of	 your	 exercise	 session.	 For	 instance,	 you	 may	 follow	 a
routine	such	as	this:
Walk	for	5	minutes	at	a	relaxed	pace
Lightly	jog	for	4	minutes
Walk	for	3	minutes
Sprint	for	2	minutes
Walk	for	3	minutes
Lightly	jog	for	5	more;	and	so	on.
Interval	training	stops	your	body	from	becoming	used	to	your	workout	and	it
kicks	your	metabolism	up.	And,	since	you’re	not	consistently	working	at	a	high
intensity,	you	can	do	the	exercise	for	longer	periods	of	time.
Well respected institutions such as the Mayo Clinic are huge proponents of
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Secret	#30:	Increase	Muscle,	Improve	Metabolism
Just	 as	 with	 cardio,	 when	 you	 do	 the	 same	 weight	 training	 routine	 time	 after
time,	your	muscles	quit	progressing.	They	don’t	grow	and	strengthen	like	they
did	in	the	beginning.	How	do	you	stop	this	effect?
Work	your	muscles	in	a	sequence,	not	the	same	ones	day	after	day.	For	example,
you	might	work	your	upper	body	on	Monday,	your	mid-section	on	Wednesday
and	lower	body	on	Friday.	Do	aerobic	exercises	on	the	in-between	days	so	that
you’re	 still	 burning	 calories	 but	 not	 overworking	 your	 muscles	 and	 stopping
their	growth.
By	varying	your	weight	lifting	regimen,	you’ll	continue	to	see	muscle	gaining
results.	 And,	 as	 you	 learned	 above,	 the	 greater	 your	 muscle	 mass	 the	 greater
number	of	calories	you	burn	even	when	you	aren’t	doing	anything	active.
Move	your	muscles	and	they’ll	move	the	fat!
Secret	#31:	Know	Your	Calorie	Requirements
Before	you	can	know	how	many	calories	you	have	to	burn	to	lose	weight,	you
have	to	know	how	many	calories	you	burn	while	at	rest.	This	is	called	your	basal
metabolic	rate,	or	BMR.
A	simple	calculation	is:
If	you	want	weight	loss,	you	have	to	consumer	12-13	calories	per	pound	of
body	weight.
If	you	want	weight	maintenance,	you	must	have	15-16	calories	per	pound.
If	it’s	weight	gain	you	seek,	you	need	18-19	calories	per	pound	of	body
So,	if	you	weigh	150	pounds,	you	need	to	limit	your	daily	calorie	consumption
to	1,800	calories	to	effectively	drop	weight.
There	are	other	factors	to	consider	such	as	gender,	age,	medical	conditions	and
activity	level.	If	you	want	an	amount	that	is	specific	for	you,	you	may	decide	to
use an online BMR calculator or find a health and fitness professional for help.
Secret	#32:	Exercise	in	Your	Target	Heart	Zone
agree	that	the	best	way	to	get	results	when	you	exercise	is	to	keep	your	heart	rate
in	what’s	called	your	target	heart	rate	range.	This	amount	is	the	rate	of	your
heart	at	rest	plus	50-85%.
provided	courtesy	of	the	Mayo	Clinic.
If	 you	 don’t	 have	 a	 heart	 monitor,	 you	 can	 also	 use	 the	 AHA	 endorsed
“conversation	 pace”	 measurement.	 If	 you	 can	 keep	 a	 conversation	 while
exercising,	you’re	likely	at	a	good	intensity.	However,	if	you’re	able	to	sing	then
you’re	not	working	out	hard	enough.	On	the	other	hand,	if	you	can	barely	get
one	or	two	words	out	without	feeling	winded,	you	need	to	tone	it	down	a	little.
Health professionals, such as those at the American Heart Association (AHA),
You can figure yours out by hand or use online calculator, such as this one
Secret	#33:	High	Intensity	Exercises	to	Ignite	Weight
There	 are	 a	 rare	 set	 of	 people	 that	 truly	 like	 to	 exercise.	 Then	 there	 is	 most
everyone	else.	So,	how	do	you	get	the	most	calorie	burning	benefits	in	less	time?
high	net	burn	per	hour.	They	include:	(the	amounts	are	for	1	hour	of	activity	and	are	estimates)
Running		–	850	calories
Rollerblading	–	550	calories
Tae	Kwon	Do	–	750	calories
Stair	Treadmill	–	650	calories
Basketball	or	Singles	Tennis	–	580	calories
Just	 for	 reference,	 the	 calories	 given	 above	 are	 for	 a	 person	 that	 weighs	 160
pounds.	Weigh	more	than	that	and	the	amount	of	calories	you’ll	use	if	you	do
these	exercises	is	even	more	than	listed!
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are quite a few activities that will result in
Secret	#34:	Yoga	for	Weight	Loss
Are	you	sick	of	aches	and	pains?	By	participating	in	regular	yoga	exercises,	not
only	 will	 you	 make	 them	 go	 away,	 but	 you’ll	 also	 rev	 up	 your	 metabolism.
Besides,	if	you	have	a	hard	time	getting	out	of	bed,	yoga	can	help	with	that	too.
Try	to	begin	your	day	with	a	Cat	Pose	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
like	this…
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Then	move	to	a	Child	Pose	stretch	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)	which
will	ease	your	back.
Do	a	Downward	Facing	Dog	-	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
…then	go	into	the	Runner’s	Pose	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration).
Once	you’ve	completed	them,	do	them	backwards.
When	you	do	these,	breathe	eight	to	ten	times	per	pose,	taking	deep	breaths	for
maximum	effectiveness.
Yoga	will	help	you	relax	your	body	and	you’ll	feel	more	energized	to	go	about
your	day!
Secret	#35:	Get	Sculpted	Arms	for	Max	Calorie	Burn
Yes,	doing	arm	exercises	will	create	ultra-sexy	biceps,	but	it	will	also	increase
your	 calorie	 burn.	 This	 happens	 because	 you’re	 not	 only	 using	 calories	 to
complete	the	workout,	but	(remember	from	earlier)	the	more	muscle	you	have,
the	more	calories	you	burn	at	rest.
For	amazing	biceps	and	triceps,	try	this	great	upper	body	workout:
1.	Push-ups	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
2.	Pull-ups	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
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3.	Bicep	Curls	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
4.	Tricep	Kickbacks	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
5.	And,	finally,	Arm	Rows	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
Commit	 to	 working	 your	 arms	 on	 alternate	 days	 to	 tone	 them	 and	 burn	 the
maximum	amount	of	calories!
Secret	#36:	Your	Legs	Can	Burn	Calories	Too!
On	days	when	you’re	not	working	your	upper	body,	start	working	on	those	legs.
Just	as	with	your	upper	body,	when	you	work	your	lower	body,	it	doesn’t	take	a
bunch	of	fancy,	expensive	equipment.
Try	 these	 lower	 body	 building	 exercises	 that	 use	 your	 body	 weight	 for
1.	Squats	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
2.	Wall-sits	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
How to Achieve Muscle Elasticity & Remove Cellulitis in 4 Weeks
3.	Walking	Lunges	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
While	you	can	get	a	great	workout	at	home,	without	any	equipment,	if	you’d
rather	work	your	lower	body	at	a	recreation	center,	add	these	fun-to-do	exercises
to	your	routine:
4.	Leg	Presses	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
5.	Leg	Curls	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
Stair	Climber	machine
Any	time	you	use	equipment	that	focuses	on	your	thighs	as	a	whole	(inner	and
outer),	 you’re	 getting	 a	 complete	 workout.	 You’ll	 tone	 up	 and	 build	 muscle,
resulting	in	turning	your	body	into	a	calorie	burning	machine!
Secret	#37:	Whittle	Your	Waist
Six-pack	abdominal	muscles	are	the	goal	of	most	dieters.	The	truth	is	that	not
everyone	can	have	them	(blame	genetics),	but	that	doesn’t	mean	that	you	can’t
get	the	maximum	results	possible	for	your	body	type.	The	way	to	do	that	is	to
drop	your	body	fat	percentage	and	work	those	abs	through	specific	exercises.
If	 you	 want	 to	 have	 a	 gold-medal	 mid-section,	 it	 requires	 doing	 a	 variety	 of
different	 crunches	 to	 target	 different	 stomach	 muscles	 and	 leg-lifts	 to	 build	 a
strong	 core.	 Here	 are	 five	 ab-worthy	 exercises,	 endorsed	 by	 ACE	 (American
Council	on	Exercise),	for	the	waistline	of	your	dreams:
1.	The	Bicycle	Exercise	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
2.	Vertical	Leg	Crunch	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
Learn How To Lose 10 Pounds in 1Week
3.	Long	Arm	Crunch	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
4.	Reverse	Crunch	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
5.	Plank	Position	(click	here	for	a	video	demonstration)
As	you	can	see,	you	don’t	need	any	fancy	equipment	for	these	either,	so	there’s
no	reason	you	can’t	start	doing	them!
Secret	#38:	Kids	Shouldn’t	Be	Workout	Stoppers
Yes,	when	you	have	kids	you’re	already	leading	a	busy	lifestyle.	However,	new
parents	should	use	kids	as	an	incentive	to	lead	a	healthier	lifestyle	not	only	to	be
around	for	their	children	but	also	to	promote	good	behaviors.
When	it	comes	to	working	out	when	little	ones	are	around,	you’ve	got	a	couple
choices.	Find	someone	to	take	care	of	them	while	you	get	your	much	needed
exercise	or	let	them	help	you	burn	calories!
Some	parents	feel	guilty	leaving	their	children	with	someone	else	while	going	to
work	out,	but	finding	a	sitter	for	a	little	bit	isn’t	a	bad	thing.	Not	only	is	time
alone	good,	it	also	gives	someone	else	the	opportunity	to	build	a	loving	bond
with	your	children.
However,	if	this	isn’t	an	option	for	you,	you	can	always	incorporate	your	little
one	into	your	exercise	routine.	If	they’re	super	little,	you	can	walk	with	them	in
a	stroller.	If	they’re	a	little	older,	swim	with	them	or	play	with	them	at	the	park.
Not	 only	 will	 you	 lose	 weight,	 but	 you’ll	 also	 strengthen	 your	 parent-child
Secret	#39:	Sneak	in	Extra	Daily	Activity
You	 can	 sneak	 in	 additional	 activity	 at	 times	 not	 associated	 with	 “exercise”.
Actually,	the	more	active	you	are	from	sun	up	to	sun	down,	the	more	calories
you’ll	burn	in	total!	When	you	pay	attention	to	how	much	time	you	waste	doing
things	like	being	stuck	in	traffic,	waiting	in	line	and	things	like	that,	you	realize
how	much	time	you	can	free	up	to	sneak	in	a	few	calorie	burning	moves.
When	 you’re	 stuck	 in	 your	 car,	 practice	 good	 posture	 by	 keeping	 your	 back
straight	 and	 pulling	 your	 tummy	 in.	 Picture	 a	 rubber	 band	 pulling	 your
bellybutton	and	spine	together.	Hold	for	8	seconds,	and	release.	Repeat	during
the	course	of	your	commute.
If	you	can	get	past	the	name,	butt-squeezes	are	very	effective	at	giving	you	a
great	 bottom.	 The	 nice	 thing	 is	 that	 you	 can	 do	 them	 and	 no	 one	 will	 know!
Whether	you’re	standing	or	sitting,	squeeze	your	butt	muscles	(your	glutes)	and
hold	it	for	8	seconds.	Release	and	do	it	again.	Keep	working	at	them	until	you
can	hold	for	24	seconds.
Find	 opportunities	 to	 sneak	 in	 daily	 activity.	 Choose	 stairs	 over	 the	 elevator;
park	so	you	have	to	walk	further	to	get	where	you	want	to	go.	It	all	adds	up!
How to Achieve Muscle Elasticity & Remove Cellulitis in 4 Weeks
Secret	#40:	Don’t	be	Derailed	by	a	Desk	Job
Does	your	work	day	consist	of	being	stuck	by	a	desk	with	rarely	any	opportunity
to	move?	While	a	job	like	that	may	make	it	harder	to	burn	a	ton	of	calories,	it
doesn’t	make	it	impossible.	Try	these	behind	the	desk	tricks:
·									Take	the	time	to	stretch	your	upper	body	muscles	to	keep	yourself
limber	and	keep	your	metabolism	going.
·									Use	fidgeting	to	your	advantage.	When	you	keep	moving	your	feet,
hands	and	any	other	area	of	your	body,	you’re	increasing	the	amount	of
calories	your	body	uses.
·									Pop	in	a	stick	of	gum.	According	to	researchers	at	the	Mayo	Clinic,
gum	chewers	burn	around	11	additional	calories	hourly.
·									Got	room	under	your	desk?	Get	a	little	exercise	bike	and	burn	an
additional	250	calories	per	hour	while	you	pedal	your	way	to	fitness.
Secret	#41:	Green	Thumbs	Use	More	Calories
If	you’ve	ever	gardened,	then	you	know	it	can	be	hard	physical	labor.	In	fact,	if
you	weigh	around	150	pounds,	you	can	burn	around	270	calories	per	hour	just
by	doing	some	general	gardening.	But,	you	can	also	burn	by	doing	these	specific
gardening	activities	for	an	hour:
Picking	vegetation	burns	around	210	calories.
Raking	the	lawn	gets	rid	of	292	calories.
Trimming	shrubs	and	trees	or	weeding	burns	306	calories.
Planting	landscape	requires	310	calories	of	your	energy.
Digging	and	spading	or	laying	sod	burns	around	340	calories.
If	you	want	ultimate	calorie	burn,	try	push	mowing	for	an	hour!	Not	only
will	your	yard	look	phenomenal,	you’ll	also	burn	around	400	calories!
Secret	#42:	Keep	Exercise	Fun
Doing	cardiovascular	exercise	shouldn’t	be	something	you	despise.	Some	people
get	bored	from	doing	the	same	routine	day	in	and	day	out.	But,	that	isn’t	the	way
it	has	to	be!
In	 fact,	 a	 lot	 of	 fun	 activities	 also	 happen	 to	 burn	 a	 lot	 of	 calories!	 Consider
adding	one	or	more	of	these	to	your	exercise	routine	to	increase	your	fun	factor
as	well	as	your	calorie	burn:	(calorie	counts	are	for	a	150	pound	person	per	hour)
Some	3-on-3	basketball	–	408	calories
Releasing	your	frustrations	on	a	punching	bag	–	400	calories
Playing	games	at	the	playground	with	your	kids	–	340	calories
A	 fun	 game	 of	 football	 (touch	 football	 so	 there	 are	 less	 injuries)	 –	 544
Horseback	riding	–	270	calories	(the	amount	jumps	to	over	500	if	you	care
for	the	horse	when	you’re	done	by	removing	the	saddle	and	grooming	it)
Motocross	–	270	calories
Roller-skating	(wear	your	pads)	–	476	calories
Softball	or	baseball	with	a	bunch	of	friends	–	340	calories
Racquetball,	if	you’d	prefer	to	be	alone	–	476	calories;	and
Jump	roping	–	680	calories
Secret	#43:	Your	Extra-Curricular	Behaviors	Can
Increase	Your	Waistline
Some	people	don’t	want	to	quit	smoking	because	they’re	afraid	that	they’ll	eat
more	and	gain	weight.	While	it	is	true	that	smoking	temporarily	reduces	your
appetite	 making	 you	 weigh	 less,	 it	 actually	 makes	 you	 gain	 weight	 because
nicotine	stimulates	your	body	which	increases	your	production	of	cortisol.	The
more	 cortisol	 you	 have,	 the	 greater	 the	 likelihood	 that	 you’re	 going	 to	 carry
excess	pounds	in	your	midsection	–	the	worst	place	you	can	carry	it.
Alcohol	also	increases	your	waistline.	Alcohol	is	high	in	sugar	which	increases
your	insulin	production.	Insulin	reduces	your	blood	sugar	and	you	get	hungry.	If
you’re	a	regular	alcohol	drinker,	you	may	even	develop	insulin	resistance.
The	best	thing	you	can	do	for	your	health	and	waistline	is	abstain,	especially
when	it	comes	to	smoking.	Is	it	hard	to	quit?	Yes.	But,	isn’t	it	harder	to	die	of
lung	cancer?
Learn How To Lose 10 Pounds in 1Week
Secret	#44:	Dealing	With	Emotional	Eating
How	often	do	you	eat	out	of	physical	hunger	as	opposed	to	emotional	hunger?
Do	 you	 find	 yourself	 at	 the	 fridge	 or	 cupboard	 you’re	 happy,	 sad,	 frustrated,
angry,	depressed,	nervous	or	tired?
Emotional	 eating	 is	 something	 that	 plagues	 a	 lot	 of	 us.	 And,	 because	 food	 is
always	 available	 it	 adds	 an	 extra	 challenge.	 How,	 then,	 do	 you	 deal	 with
emotional	eating	when	you’re	trying	to	lose	weight?
Try	taking	these	steps	the	next	time	you	find	yourself	in	the	kitchen	when	you’re
not	physically	hungry:
Step	1:	Before	you	put	one	morsel	of	food	in	your	mouth,	ask	yourself
what	happened	just	prior	to	you	deciding	you	wanted	to	eat?	Was	it	a	phone
call	or	a	visit?	Were	you	thinking	about	something	that	is	causing	you
stress?	Try	to	figure	out	what	triggered	your	desire	to	eat.
Step	2:	Figure	out	how	you	feel.	What	emotions	are	you	feeling?	Happy?
Sad?	Disappointed?	Scared?	Isolate	the	one	or	two	primary	emotions	that
you’re	experiencing.
Step	3:	Ask	yourself	what	you	can	do,	other	than	eat,	to	deal	with	your
emotion.	For	instance,	if	you’re	tired,	can	you	take	a	nap?	If	you’re	angry,
would	a	walk	cool	you	down?	Find	a	non-food	action	that	will	resolve	the
Here’s	the	deal,	food	will	never	solve	anything	other	than	physical	hunger.	It
can’t.	The	only	way	to	get	over	emotional	eating	is	to	resolve	whatever	issue	is
driving	you	to	eat	in	the	first	place.
This	 can	 be	 extremely	 difficult	 because	 it	 forces	 you	 to	 deal	 with	 things	 that
you’ve	 been	 avoiding,	 usually	 for	 quite	 some	 time.	 However,	 with	 a	 little
persistence	and	patience,	emotional	eating	can	become	a	thing	of	the	past.
Just	keep	working	at	it	and	you’ll	get	there.
Secret	#45:	Use	Visual	Motivators
Nothing	can	kill	your	motivation	to	lose	weight	more	than	feeling	like	you’re	not
progressing	fast	enough.	Sure,	maybe	you’ve	already	lost	five	pounds,	but	all
you	can	see	is	the	forty-five	you	have	to	go.	When	it	feels	like	you	have	a	long
battle	in	front	of	you,	it’s	easy	to	get	sidelined.
The	key	to	staying	motivated	is	to	use	something	visual;	something	tangible	that
inspires	you	to	keep	going.	Here	are	a	few	ideas	to	get	you	started:
Create	a	goal	board.	Cover	it	in	pictures	that	represent	what	meeting	your
goal	means	to	you.	For	instance,	if	you’re	trying	to	drop	some	extra	pounds
for	a	tropical	vacation	you	have	planned,	you	might	want	to	put	up	a	picture
of	a	beach	scene	or	a	woman	looking	confident	in	a	swimsuit.	Look	at	your
goal	board	every	day	so	that	you	keep	reminding	yourself	why	you	want	to
make	positive	changes.
Use	goal	jars.	Set	two	jars	or	glasses	next	to	each	other.	In	the	first	one,	put
a	stone,	coin	or	decorative	piece	in	there	for	every	pound	that	you	want	to
lose.	Each	time	you	do	lose,	transfer	one	piece	for	each	pound	to	the	other
jar.	As	you	begin	to	watch	your	progress,	it	will	help	you	see	that	you’re
moving	in	the	right	direction.
Use	past	photos.	This	suggestion	comes	with	a	bit	of	caution.	Some	people
find	that	looking	at	photos	of	themselves	motivates	them;	while	others	feel
so	bad	looking	at	them	that	they	have	the	opposite	effect.	So,	you	have	to
decide	if	this	is	a	good	option	for	you	or	not.	Of	course,	you	could	always
use	 positive	 past	 photos.	 If	 there	 was	 a	 time	 when	 you	 were	 in	 shape,	 a
photo	may	motivate	you	to	get	back	to	the	old	habits	that	got	you	there	to
begin	with.
How to Achieve Muscle Elasticity & Remove Cellulitis in 4 Weeks
Bonus	Secret:	Kick	your	Workouts	into	Calorie
Burning	Gear!
If	you	want	your	exercise	routines	to	be	a	little	more	effective,	you	can	do	a	few
things.	For	instance,	when	you	run,	do	so	on	dirt	or	grass;	something	different
than	concrete.	The	resistance	will	kick	your	calorie	burn	up	a	notch	or	two.	Or,
try	 using	 wrist	 and	 ankle	 weights.	 The	 more	 weight	 you	 have	 to	 move,	 the
greater	the	calorie	burn!
So,	to	go	over	everything	you’ve	just	learned,	here	are	some	things	you	can	do	to
increase	the	amount	of	calories	you	burn	on	a	daily	basis:
Eat	several	mini-meals	containing	fat-fighting	foods
Increase	your	metabolism	with	things	like	green	tea	and	ginger
Get	rid	of	trans	fats	and	choose	heart-healthy	fats	instead
Choose	foods	from	all	food	groups
Drink	lots	of	water
Relax	your	body	through	stretching
Kick	up	your	workouts	by	taking	your	resistance	up	a	notch	or	two
Keep	exercise	fun
Get	all	your	vitamins	and	minerals,	such	as	vitamin	A,	B,	C	and	calcium
Get	plenty	of	sleep
Be	familiar	with	how	many	calories	you	need	to	meet	your	goals
Don’t	let	holidays,	buffets	and	having	children	derail	your	efforts
Work	your	arms,	legs	and	abs	effectively
Use	your	desk	time	to	get	in	shape
Stay	active	all	day	long	for	maximum	calorie	burn
Eat	lots	of	protein	so	your	muscles	grow	big	and	strong!
Simple	daily	activities	such	as	gardening	are	great	for	weight	loss
Now	 that	 you	 know	 how	 many	 calories	 you	 should	 consume	 every	 day,	 try
keeping	a	journal.	The	only	way	you’ll	know	if	you’re	eating	too	much	or	not
enough	is	by	writing	it	down.	Also	log	your	exercise	so	you	know	how	many
calories	you’ve	burned!
If	you	want	to	lose	a	pound	a	week,	you	have	to	get	rid	of	3,500	calories	in	that
time	frame.	Although	it	may	seem	slow,	you	don’t	want	to	push	it	more	than	that
or	you	risk	losing	the	weight	only	to	regain	it	in	the	future.
This	is	everything	you	need	to	drop	the	weight	you	so	desperately	want	to	lose.
Refer	to	this	guide	often	to	make	sure	you’re	doing	all	you	can	to	reach	your
Good	luck!
Learn How To Lose 10 Pounds in 1Week
How to Achieve Muscle Elasticity & Remove Cellulitis in 4 Weeks

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