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Come Explore Nature’s Kitchen!<br />A Workshop Series Booklet<br />for <br /> 4-H Camp, July 24-28, 2011<br />Presented by<br />Keeley Bruce,<br />Teacher, Master Aesthetician, Herbalist<br />Let’s Make Bug Spray and Homemade Scents!<br />There are plants in nature that act as a natural repellent to bugs. Making your own safe non-toxic bug spray is easy and fun! Remember, your skin is the largest organ in your body and what we put on it is absorbed into our blood stream. In this workshop we will create our own unique bug spray and body scent. You will create your own recipe after becoming familiar with essential oils (the purest form of plant extracts) but here is some information about essential oils and helpful formulas to get you started.<br />Oils to Wake up or Increase Alertness: Peppermint, Lemon, Red Mandarin, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Basil, Ginger and Ylang Ylang<br />Oils for Pain Relief: Sweet Birch, Peppermint, Corn Mint, Rosemary, Wintergreen, Lavender, Clove, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Boswellia, Curcumin, and Ginger.<br />Oils for Tension Relief: Bergamot, Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, Blue Tansy, Tangerine, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Labrador Tea, Ginger Lily.<br />Oils to Repel Insects (Bug Spray): Citronella, Clove Bud, Catnip, Spearmint, Peppermint, Geranium, Sage, Lavender, Pennyroyal, Lemon Lemongrass, Rosemary and Cedarwood.<br />Formulas<br />Essential Oils are so concentrated, they must be mixed in carrier oils like sweet almond, jojoba, apricot grapeseed oil or distilled water for safety and proper effectiveness. Body scents and sprays are best mixed in de-ionized or distilled water while carrier oils create soothing massage oils. The following recipes are meant to be mixed with either carrier oil or distilled water.<br />Bug Sprays (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Citronella (4 drops), Geranium (2 drop), Cedarwood (4 drops), lemon grass (3 drops)<br />Formula B: Catnip (4 drops), lemon grass (2 drops), Cedarwood (4 drops), Basil (2 drops)<br />Wide Awake Formulas (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Rosemary, Lemon, and Peppermint Mix in equal parts (2:2:2)<br />Formula B: Basil (1), Ginger (2), Clary Sage (3)<br />Formula C: Lemon (2), Rosemary (4), Basil (2)<br />Pain Relief Formulas (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Sweet Birch (2 drops), Boswellia (3 drops), Helichrysum (1 drop)<br />Formula B: Clove (2), Rosemary (3), Sweet Birch (2)<br />Now choose up to 3 scents and create your own formula using no more than 2-3 drops of each scent in carrier oil or water!<br />No Such Thing as a Safe Tan!<br />To protect your skin from harmful UVA radiation, use a suntan lotion with a high sun protection factor. Lotions with plant-based oils, such as vitamin E-rich avocado oil, have enhanced effectiveness. Vitamin E helps prevent premature skin aging due to sun exposure. Remember, there is no such thing as a safe tan. Use common sense, and always avoid any overexposure to the sun.<br />Organic Natural Sunscreen Recipe<br />Zinc oxide lies on the skin without being absorbed, is completely safe.  You will need: <br />Electric Mixer and Double Boiler <br />2 ½ oz. unscented sesame oil or grapeseed oil<br />1 ½ oz. coconut oil <br />1 ½ oz. beeswax <br />4 oz. distilled water <br />4 tbsp. of zinc oxide <br />1 tbsp. wheat germ oil <br />Place the double boiler on the oven to medium temperature. Mix sesame oil, coconut oil and beeswax in the double boiler and warm over medium heat. Remove from heat and add distilled water. Mix with the mixer until the ingredients are thick and smooth. Add zinc oxide and wheat germ oil. Pour into storage jar and leave to set. <br />After Sun Recipes<br />The following recipe will NOT protect your skin against the sun's rays but will help to nourish and condition it after exposure, minimizing immediate discomfort and long-term damage. <br /> Rose oil is good for after sun intensive moisturizing, as it helps to improve the skin's natural elasticity. Jojoba oil is very easily absorbed by the skin, leaving a soft, non-greasy base for make-up. <br />You will need: <br />50ml jojoba  or grapeseed oil  <br />7 drops pure rose essential oil <br />3 drops pure frankincense essential oil <br />5 ml wheat germ oil <br />Shake all the ingredients together in a colored glass bottle. Apply small amounts to the skin using gentle massage movements.<br />Alternative after Sun Recipes<br />1.  To help reduce inflammation and cool and moisturize sunburned skin, apply a thin coat of yogurt or aloe-vera gel to reddened areas. <br />2.  Spray pure lavender water or hydrosol freely on sun-damaged skin to keep skin hydrated, help prevent peeling and promote the regeneration of cells. <br />3.  Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to 1 tsp. of carrier oil, such as sweet-almond oil, and massage onto affected area. Or apply diluted St. John's Wort oil. <br />The Science of Soap Making!<br />There are many recipes for making soap. Some can be found on the websites listed below. For all soap making, you will need access to a microwave or double boiler, hardy soap molds and your choice of ingredients. By creating custom made soap blends, one can make healthy choices by controlling what is used to clean, hydrate and nourish the skin.  The following recipes use a glycerin base.<br />Basic Ingredients: <br />Glycerin Soap<br />Essential Oils<br />*Exfoliating Agents (optional)<br />*Consider using a small amount of exfoliating agents in recipes which detoxify, regenerate and moisturize the skin.  Sample Exfoliating Agents: Finely Ground Pumpkin Seed, Sea Salt, Dried Milk (goat or cow), dehydrated and ground pumpkin, cranberry, pineapple, papaya or strawberry or avocado, Honey Granules, Apricot Seed, Walnut Shells, dried herbs.<br />Using double boiler or microwave, melt glycerin being careful not to boil. Add mixture of essential oils. Pour into soap mold and let set. Freezing mold will quicken in the setting process (about 20 minutes). <br />Acne Blend #1 (per 1.5 pounds melted glycerin):<br />10 drops Lavender oil<br />7 drops Tea Tree or new Zealand Tea Tree (Manuka) essential oil<br />2 drops Bergamot essential oil (avoid sun exposure for 12 hours since it is a phototoxic oil)-OPTIONAL<br />1 drop Geranium essential oil<br />Acne Blend #2<br />5 drops Geranium essential oil<br />2 drops Balsam Fir essential oil<br />8 drops Orange essential oil<br />2 drops of Lemon essential oil<br />7 drops of Lavender essential oil<br />2 drops Cedarwood essential oil<br />4 drops Tea Tree oil<br />10 drops Vitamin E oil<br />Other great oils and herbs to blend in soaps for acne or congested conditions include: Clary Sage, Rosemary, Grapeseed, Olive Leaf, Usnea, Myrrh, Sage, Thyme, Alfalfa, Devil’s Claw, White Willow, Witch hazel, Yarrow, Dandelion Root, Calendula, Chamomile and Burdock.<br />Lightly Exfoliating or Moisturizing Blend (per 1.5 pounds of melted glycerin)<br />7 drops Geranium or Rose oil<br />15 drops Lavender oil<br />10 drops Vitamin E<br />Vitamin K (for signs of distended capillaries)<br />1 Tablespoon Powdered or granular honey<br />1 Tablespoon Powdered Milk<br />Check out this website for more fun soap, balm, scrub and lotion recipes!<br /><br />Source for Natural Glycerin:<br />Salves and Lip Balms<br />Making Salves and Lip Balms is simple and fun! The beeswax and extra virgin olive oil base makes them easy to apply and a great occlusive agent to provide an effective moisture barrier for the skin.<br />To Make Salves and Lip Balm, you will need a microwave, beeswax, extra virgin olive oil or other carrier oil like coconut, sweet almond, grapeseed, or jojoba, containers and your choice of ingredients.<br />Recipe:<br />½ oz beeswax to 2-3 oz. extra virgin olive oil<br />(a harder wax requires 1 oz. beeswax to 3 oz. oil; a softer wax requires 1 oz. beeswax to 8 oz oil)<br />Essential Oils and Herbs (Herbs for salves if desired)<br />Sample Chamomile Skin Tonic Balm (great for skin chaffing and soothing burns)<br />Extracts and Herbs of Chamomile, Plantain, Comfrey Root and Calendula mixed in melted beeswax and oil. Pour into container, let set until hardened, cap.<br />Healing Salve Treatment Balm can be made by including 15 drops lavender, 10 drops of Helichrysum, and 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil.<br />Anti-inflammatory Tonic Balm can be made by including oils and herbs with anti-inflammatory properties like Devil’s Claw, Myrrh, Oregon Grape, Alfalfa, White Willow, Witch Hazel and Yarrow. Olive Leaf is also great for those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.<br />Pain Relief Tonic Balm can be made by including oils and herbs like Arnica, White Willow, Sweet Birch, Peppermint, Corn Mint, Rosemary, Wintergreen, Lavender, Clove, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Boswellia, Curcumin, and Ginger.<br />Sample Lip Balm<br />Extracts of Peppermint (1-2 drops), Lanolin and Vitamin E. Zinc Oxide (small amount) can be added to provide sunscreen protection. Mix in melted beeswax and oil. Pour into container, let set until hardened. Cap.<br />Anti-Aging Eye Serum<br />2 tablespoons hazelnut, sweet almond, jojoba, coconut, or grapeseed oil<br />6 drops Borage seed oil<br />3 drops Chamomile German essential oil<br />3 drops Carrot oil essential oil<br />¼ tsp Emu Oil<br />Mix together in 1 oz. jar. Re-mix before each use. Apply a tiny amount under eyes before bed.<br />Healthy Natural Snacks and Refreshing Drinks<br />Following each workshop, students will learn about good nutrition by experiencing and discussing pre-made healthy snack choices they can make at home. <br />Day 1: The Art of Vegetables<br />1905034290Ingredients (for 10)<br />1 red, green and yellow pepper<br />1 cucumber<br />1 head broccoli<br />1 head purple cauliflower<br />Grape tomatoes<br />1 bag radishes<br />1 bag carrots<br />Wooden skewers<br />Directions:  Thoroughly wash all vegetables. Slice Cucumbers and use mold cutter to cut red, green and yellow peppers. Cut up broccoli and cauliflower flowerets. Flower cut radishes. Place all but eight flowerets of broccoli and cauliflower in bucket for base. Thread vegetables on wooden skewers alternating by type and color with Floral pepper on top of each skewer. Place skewer in bucket & enjoy!<br />-57150159385Day 2: Smoothies the Healthy Way!<br />Ingredients (for 8-10)<br />5 Bananas (frozen)<br />32 oz. Strawberries (frozen)<br />Orange Juice<br />Directions:  Using blender, blend frozen fruit. Gradually add orange juice to achieve desired thickness.<br />Day 3: The Healthy Bug!<br />026035Ingredients (for 2)<br />2 red apples<br />1/4 cup raisins<br />1 tablespoon peanut butter or whipped cream cheese<br />8 thin pretzel sticks<br />Directions: Slice apples in half from top to bottom. Scoop out the cores using a knife or melon baller. If you have an apple corer, core first, then slice. Place each apple half flat side down on a small plate. <br />Dab peanut butter or cream cheese if allergy to peanuts on to the back of the 'lady bug', then stick raisins onto the dabs for spots. Use this method to make eyes too. Stick one end of each pretzel stick into a raisin, then press the other end into the apples to make antennae. <br />Day 4: Tea Time (Cleansing and Refreshing Tea)<br />19050635Ingredients (1-10 oz glass)<br />2 Tbsp Lemon or Lime Juice (approx ½ lemon)<br />2 Tbsp genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored)<br />1/10 Tsp Cayenne pepper to taste<br />Water (hot or cold)<br />Directions: Mix first three ingredients. Stir in water.<br />Serve with petite healthy grain based sandwiches, oat based cookies, or whole grain pin-wheel rolls.<br />
4 H  Camp  Workshop  Recipes
4 H  Camp  Workshop  Recipes
4 H  Camp  Workshop  Recipes
4 H  Camp  Workshop  Recipes
4 H  Camp  Workshop  Recipes

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4 H Camp Workshop Recipes

  • 1. Come Explore Nature’s Kitchen!<br />A Workshop Series Booklet<br />for <br /> 4-H Camp, July 24-28, 2011<br />Presented by<br />Keeley Bruce,<br />Teacher, Master Aesthetician, Herbalist<br />Let’s Make Bug Spray and Homemade Scents!<br />There are plants in nature that act as a natural repellent to bugs. Making your own safe non-toxic bug spray is easy and fun! Remember, your skin is the largest organ in your body and what we put on it is absorbed into our blood stream. In this workshop we will create our own unique bug spray and body scent. You will create your own recipe after becoming familiar with essential oils (the purest form of plant extracts) but here is some information about essential oils and helpful formulas to get you started.<br />Oils to Wake up or Increase Alertness: Peppermint, Lemon, Red Mandarin, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Basil, Ginger and Ylang Ylang<br />Oils for Pain Relief: Sweet Birch, Peppermint, Corn Mint, Rosemary, Wintergreen, Lavender, Clove, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Boswellia, Curcumin, and Ginger.<br />Oils for Tension Relief: Bergamot, Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, Blue Tansy, Tangerine, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Labrador Tea, Ginger Lily.<br />Oils to Repel Insects (Bug Spray): Citronella, Clove Bud, Catnip, Spearmint, Peppermint, Geranium, Sage, Lavender, Pennyroyal, Lemon Lemongrass, Rosemary and Cedarwood.<br />Formulas<br />Essential Oils are so concentrated, they must be mixed in carrier oils like sweet almond, jojoba, apricot grapeseed oil or distilled water for safety and proper effectiveness. Body scents and sprays are best mixed in de-ionized or distilled water while carrier oils create soothing massage oils. The following recipes are meant to be mixed with either carrier oil or distilled water.<br />Bug Sprays (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Citronella (4 drops), Geranium (2 drop), Cedarwood (4 drops), lemon grass (3 drops)<br />Formula B: Catnip (4 drops), lemon grass (2 drops), Cedarwood (4 drops), Basil (2 drops)<br />Wide Awake Formulas (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Rosemary, Lemon, and Peppermint Mix in equal parts (2:2:2)<br />Formula B: Basil (1), Ginger (2), Clary Sage (3)<br />Formula C: Lemon (2), Rosemary (4), Basil (2)<br />Pain Relief Formulas (1 oz)<br />Formula A: Sweet Birch (2 drops), Boswellia (3 drops), Helichrysum (1 drop)<br />Formula B: Clove (2), Rosemary (3), Sweet Birch (2)<br />Now choose up to 3 scents and create your own formula using no more than 2-3 drops of each scent in carrier oil or water!<br />No Such Thing as a Safe Tan!<br />To protect your skin from harmful UVA radiation, use a suntan lotion with a high sun protection factor. Lotions with plant-based oils, such as vitamin E-rich avocado oil, have enhanced effectiveness. Vitamin E helps prevent premature skin aging due to sun exposure. Remember, there is no such thing as a safe tan. Use common sense, and always avoid any overexposure to the sun.<br />Organic Natural Sunscreen Recipe<br />Zinc oxide lies on the skin without being absorbed, is completely safe. You will need: <br />Electric Mixer and Double Boiler <br />2 ½ oz. unscented sesame oil or grapeseed oil<br />1 ½ oz. coconut oil <br />1 ½ oz. beeswax <br />4 oz. distilled water <br />4 tbsp. of zinc oxide <br />1 tbsp. wheat germ oil <br />Place the double boiler on the oven to medium temperature. Mix sesame oil, coconut oil and beeswax in the double boiler and warm over medium heat. Remove from heat and add distilled water. Mix with the mixer until the ingredients are thick and smooth. Add zinc oxide and wheat germ oil. Pour into storage jar and leave to set. <br />After Sun Recipes<br />The following recipe will NOT protect your skin against the sun's rays but will help to nourish and condition it after exposure, minimizing immediate discomfort and long-term damage. <br /> Rose oil is good for after sun intensive moisturizing, as it helps to improve the skin's natural elasticity. Jojoba oil is very easily absorbed by the skin, leaving a soft, non-greasy base for make-up. <br />You will need: <br />50ml jojoba or grapeseed oil <br />7 drops pure rose essential oil <br />3 drops pure frankincense essential oil <br />5 ml wheat germ oil <br />Shake all the ingredients together in a colored glass bottle. Apply small amounts to the skin using gentle massage movements.<br />Alternative after Sun Recipes<br />1. To help reduce inflammation and cool and moisturize sunburned skin, apply a thin coat of yogurt or aloe-vera gel to reddened areas. <br />2. Spray pure lavender water or hydrosol freely on sun-damaged skin to keep skin hydrated, help prevent peeling and promote the regeneration of cells. <br />3. Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to 1 tsp. of carrier oil, such as sweet-almond oil, and massage onto affected area. Or apply diluted St. John's Wort oil. <br />The Science of Soap Making!<br />There are many recipes for making soap. Some can be found on the websites listed below. For all soap making, you will need access to a microwave or double boiler, hardy soap molds and your choice of ingredients. By creating custom made soap blends, one can make healthy choices by controlling what is used to clean, hydrate and nourish the skin. The following recipes use a glycerin base.<br />Basic Ingredients: <br />Glycerin Soap<br />Essential Oils<br />*Exfoliating Agents (optional)<br />*Consider using a small amount of exfoliating agents in recipes which detoxify, regenerate and moisturize the skin. Sample Exfoliating Agents: Finely Ground Pumpkin Seed, Sea Salt, Dried Milk (goat or cow), dehydrated and ground pumpkin, cranberry, pineapple, papaya or strawberry or avocado, Honey Granules, Apricot Seed, Walnut Shells, dried herbs.<br />Using double boiler or microwave, melt glycerin being careful not to boil. Add mixture of essential oils. Pour into soap mold and let set. Freezing mold will quicken in the setting process (about 20 minutes). <br />Acne Blend #1 (per 1.5 pounds melted glycerin):<br />10 drops Lavender oil<br />7 drops Tea Tree or new Zealand Tea Tree (Manuka) essential oil<br />2 drops Bergamot essential oil (avoid sun exposure for 12 hours since it is a phototoxic oil)-OPTIONAL<br />1 drop Geranium essential oil<br />Acne Blend #2<br />5 drops Geranium essential oil<br />2 drops Balsam Fir essential oil<br />8 drops Orange essential oil<br />2 drops of Lemon essential oil<br />7 drops of Lavender essential oil<br />2 drops Cedarwood essential oil<br />4 drops Tea Tree oil<br />10 drops Vitamin E oil<br />Other great oils and herbs to blend in soaps for acne or congested conditions include: Clary Sage, Rosemary, Grapeseed, Olive Leaf, Usnea, Myrrh, Sage, Thyme, Alfalfa, Devil’s Claw, White Willow, Witch hazel, Yarrow, Dandelion Root, Calendula, Chamomile and Burdock.<br />Lightly Exfoliating or Moisturizing Blend (per 1.5 pounds of melted glycerin)<br />7 drops Geranium or Rose oil<br />15 drops Lavender oil<br />10 drops Vitamin E<br />Vitamin K (for signs of distended capillaries)<br />1 Tablespoon Powdered or granular honey<br />1 Tablespoon Powdered Milk<br />Check out this website for more fun soap, balm, scrub and lotion recipes!<br /><br />Source for Natural Glycerin:<br />Salves and Lip Balms<br />Making Salves and Lip Balms is simple and fun! The beeswax and extra virgin olive oil base makes them easy to apply and a great occlusive agent to provide an effective moisture barrier for the skin.<br />To Make Salves and Lip Balm, you will need a microwave, beeswax, extra virgin olive oil or other carrier oil like coconut, sweet almond, grapeseed, or jojoba, containers and your choice of ingredients.<br />Recipe:<br />½ oz beeswax to 2-3 oz. extra virgin olive oil<br />(a harder wax requires 1 oz. beeswax to 3 oz. oil; a softer wax requires 1 oz. beeswax to 8 oz oil)<br />Essential Oils and Herbs (Herbs for salves if desired)<br />Sample Chamomile Skin Tonic Balm (great for skin chaffing and soothing burns)<br />Extracts and Herbs of Chamomile, Plantain, Comfrey Root and Calendula mixed in melted beeswax and oil. Pour into container, let set until hardened, cap.<br />Healing Salve Treatment Balm can be made by including 15 drops lavender, 10 drops of Helichrysum, and 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil.<br />Anti-inflammatory Tonic Balm can be made by including oils and herbs with anti-inflammatory properties like Devil’s Claw, Myrrh, Oregon Grape, Alfalfa, White Willow, Witch Hazel and Yarrow. Olive Leaf is also great for those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.<br />Pain Relief Tonic Balm can be made by including oils and herbs like Arnica, White Willow, Sweet Birch, Peppermint, Corn Mint, Rosemary, Wintergreen, Lavender, Clove, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Boswellia, Curcumin, and Ginger.<br />Sample Lip Balm<br />Extracts of Peppermint (1-2 drops), Lanolin and Vitamin E. Zinc Oxide (small amount) can be added to provide sunscreen protection. Mix in melted beeswax and oil. Pour into container, let set until hardened. Cap.<br />Anti-Aging Eye Serum<br />2 tablespoons hazelnut, sweet almond, jojoba, coconut, or grapeseed oil<br />6 drops Borage seed oil<br />3 drops Chamomile German essential oil<br />3 drops Carrot oil essential oil<br />¼ tsp Emu Oil<br />Mix together in 1 oz. jar. Re-mix before each use. Apply a tiny amount under eyes before bed.<br />Healthy Natural Snacks and Refreshing Drinks<br />Following each workshop, students will learn about good nutrition by experiencing and discussing pre-made healthy snack choices they can make at home. <br />Day 1: The Art of Vegetables<br />1905034290Ingredients (for 10)<br />1 red, green and yellow pepper<br />1 cucumber<br />1 head broccoli<br />1 head purple cauliflower<br />Grape tomatoes<br />1 bag radishes<br />1 bag carrots<br />Wooden skewers<br />Directions: Thoroughly wash all vegetables. Slice Cucumbers and use mold cutter to cut red, green and yellow peppers. Cut up broccoli and cauliflower flowerets. Flower cut radishes. Place all but eight flowerets of broccoli and cauliflower in bucket for base. Thread vegetables on wooden skewers alternating by type and color with Floral pepper on top of each skewer. Place skewer in bucket & enjoy!<br />-57150159385Day 2: Smoothies the Healthy Way!<br />Ingredients (for 8-10)<br />5 Bananas (frozen)<br />32 oz. Strawberries (frozen)<br />Orange Juice<br />Directions: Using blender, blend frozen fruit. Gradually add orange juice to achieve desired thickness.<br />Day 3: The Healthy Bug!<br />026035Ingredients (for 2)<br />2 red apples<br />1/4 cup raisins<br />1 tablespoon peanut butter or whipped cream cheese<br />8 thin pretzel sticks<br />Directions: Slice apples in half from top to bottom. Scoop out the cores using a knife or melon baller. If you have an apple corer, core first, then slice. Place each apple half flat side down on a small plate. <br />Dab peanut butter or cream cheese if allergy to peanuts on to the back of the 'lady bug', then stick raisins onto the dabs for spots. Use this method to make eyes too. Stick one end of each pretzel stick into a raisin, then press the other end into the apples to make antennae. <br />Day 4: Tea Time (Cleansing and Refreshing Tea)<br />19050635Ingredients (1-10 oz glass)<br />2 Tbsp Lemon or Lime Juice (approx ½ lemon)<br />2 Tbsp genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored)<br />1/10 Tsp Cayenne pepper to taste<br />Water (hot or cold)<br />Directions: Mix first three ingredients. Stir in water.<br />Serve with petite healthy grain based sandwiches, oat based cookies, or whole grain pin-wheel rolls.<br />