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February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
21 Online Marketing Tips:
Simple Practical Help for
Entrepreneurs and Webshop Operators!
With these practice tips for online marketing
become more cost-effective
in the network known and gain more coverage!
Do you know that? You have an innovative product, a great online store, only
● unfortunately not the desired number of customer inquiries, or
● Your sales leave much to be desired?
Then one of your first thoughts will be:
"I have to advertise!"
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Now this can be a sensible idea, for example, to increase your sales or to become generally better
But do not fall into the following trap: In order to use your advertising budget or your invested
working time in such a way that they are also successful, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Otherwise you run the risk of "half throwing your money out of the window and then not knowing
which half you're wasting uselessly" (free after Henry Ford).
Whether you are a self-employed person or a small to medium-sized business leader, this article will
give you helpful tips and tricks to help you target your (probably already tight) advertising budget.
It's designed to make you better known on the internet for a small budget and boost your sales and
profits. But what are the best online marketing tools?
The possibilities in the digital marketing of products and services are manifold. Often it is not easy
for small and medium-sized companies to choose the best instruments from the almost
unmanageable number of marketing options.
The marketing of your products should cost as little money as possible, but still be effective. To help
you master this difficult task today, we have put together the best online marketing tips that you can
put into practice right away.
And all this without much human and financial effort. In the following, we will describe how you can
get your online marketing up to speed and increase your company's success.
With these 21 online marketing tricks, you will easily and cost-
effectively become even more successful Contents:
The measures we have put together for efficient and cost-effective Internet advertising are divided
into 4 subject areas.
Part 1: The A& O of Online Marketing: The all-important tip!
Part 2: Social Media Marketing Tips and Practical Help
Part 3: The Most Important Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Part 4: Paid Advertising (PPC):The Best Tips For Effective Click Advertising
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Part 1: The A & O of Online Marketing: The
all-important tip!
Practice tip number 1 - General Online Marketing Tip:
Formulate Clear Goals!
It may sound trivial, but it's more common in practice than you think: companies and the self-
employed make (Internet) advertising without a clear goal in mind. And that is usually the main
reason for the failure of marketing activities and advertising.
This tip is therefore crucial for effective online marketing, because without a clear goal, the same
cannot be achieved. Before you select the appropriate advertising channels, you become aware of
your goals and answer the following questions:
● What do you want to achieve? To what extent? In which time?
● Do you want to expand your image, build a brand or generate sales?
● For which target group is your advertising intended? Who do you want to address
with your advertising?
To help answer these questions, you should take your time before starting an online marketing
campaign and write down your ideas.
It's best to formulate your goals according to the SMART principle. This stands for:
● Specific: Your goals should be precise and clear.
● Measurable: Your goals should be measurable.
● Accepted: Your goals should be accepted (by you) and understood (by your
● Realistic: Your goals should be realistic.
● Scheduled: Set a fixed date for achieving your goals.
The clearer your goals are formulated, the easier it will be to derive the necessary steps to achieve
them. Once the goals are set, set priorities. All at once you will not be able to implement. Therefore,
go step-by-step within the scope of your financial and temporal possibilities.
And remember that you should also adequately measure and evaluate your online marketing efforts.
To create an Internet marketing strategy that helps you to keep track of and reach your intended
Check regularly whether and how you have achieved your goals - or not. With the lessons learned,
you can make the necessary adjustments to make your online marketing even more effective (if
that's even possible �).
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Keep an eye on your competitors!
Take a look at your biggest competitors. It makes sense to pay special attention to companies and
competitors who are more successful at the present time than you.
See what the competition uses for online marketing and adapt it to your business. Learn from the
best. Because what works for your competitors will work for you as well. Ideally, you will continue to
improve these measures over time.
Part 2: Social Media Marketing Tips and
Practical Help
Practice tip number 2 - Social Media Marketing: Focus
on 1 (!) Social Media Platform!
Better to be well present on a social media platform than mediocre "active" on all social media
Instead of being on the go and being less active on all platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
Google+, Instagram, Snapchat & Co., you better choose 1 social media platform and become really
Choosing the right social media platform depends on your goals and your target audience. Every
platform has its own formats, its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own target
So ask yourself the question:
On which platform are
my potential customers most likely to be active?
Demographic data are a good guide. For example, while younger people were more active on
Facebook years ago, this has meanwhile changed and there are also a large number of older users
In contrast to Instagram. The majority of users are under 35 years old. If your target group is rather
young, this is the right platform for you.
Therefore, find out about the user structures of the various platforms so that you can target your
target group and potential customers in a targeted manner.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Whether a platform
is right for you depends on your goals.
Do you want to, for example
● establish as an expert or
● improve customer support,
The news service Twitter might be suitable for you.
Do you want, however
● Improve your image or
● build a brand,
you will most likely not get around the leader Facebook.
And another tip: The platforms on which your competitors are most active can also provide
information. Look again at these again.
Start with a platform that promises you the greatest success and focus fully on it.
After creating your profile, maintain this:
● Post regularly interesting content (= contents),
● Interact with your audience (= fans, followers ...) and
● Respond to inquiries and comments in a timely manner! (That means ideally within 24
Over time, you can gradually become active on other platforms to become even better known. But
of course only if you have the necessary resources available and also real added value for you is to
be expected.
Practical tip number 3 - Social Media Marketing: Post
An effective social media presence means, among other things, regularly posting relevant content.
Depending on the social media platform, at least 3-7 posts per week are recommended.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
The bigger the fan base, the more often you should post. Keep in mind that posted content should
be business-specific. Weigh in your contributions between information and entertainment. It is
important that your contributions are interesting for your readership.
On the one hand, you can find out which content is interesting for your target group and which
contributions promise good success if you look around at your biggest competitors.
A good orientation option is: Go through the posts and see which posts get the best response (likes,
shares, comments).
On the other hand, just try different content and time for your contributions. What is proven to be
maintained, which does not work does not continue.
Additional Tip: If you use Twitter as a social media channel, look for old tweets that have been
particularly successful. You can reuse these tweets and post again. Using Google Analytics tools,
you can find out which content was most popular in the past and are the most suitable for a retweet.
Practical tip number 4 - Social Media Marketing: Videos
are the most effective!
From the mass of posts that each user sees on their social media profiles, you want to stand out
and grab the attention of your followers. Videos are the most popular on most social media
platforms. Users like to interact with them. In addition, social media platforms play videos preferred.
Important: Again, ask to what extent a contribution is useful to your goals. (see tip number 1)
It is important that you always
remain authentic with your videos!
Look again at the competition where the benchmark of video production lies. This can give you
good clues and inspiration for your own video contributions.
Your videos do not have to compete with Hollywood productions. A good smartphone camera with
clip-on microphone is often sufficient to meet the "normal" demands of the audience.
Do not get too bothered by the optical quality. Concentrate on the content and what it should do to
the viewer.
Additional tip: Pay special attention to an exciting and enticing introduction.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
The same applies to the preview image with which your video is to be displayed. The better the
preview image, the higher the chance of users clicking on your video.
If you want to support your videos with paid advertising to get even more reach, then video
promotion is usually cheaper than classic text & image ads.
Practice tip number 5 - Social Media Marketing: answer
every comment!
It is important that you respond to every comment, as this leads to increased commitment and
satisfaction with your brand. Invite your fans to a conversation by, for example, asking questions
The more interaction you have with your fans,
the more visibility you get.
In addition, you will get to know your fans, followers and potential customers better and better
through the exchange. So you can improve your brand, products and / or services.
Get to know your target group. Search for contact with your "audience" and connect with your
Practical tip number 6 - Social media marketing: look
at the competition, which is well received!
Keep an eye on your competition, your competition and see what they post. For particularly popular
contributions, consider how to adapt them in your own way. Above all, stick to posts that have many
"shares", "likes" and comments. Compare your publications with others in your field.
This gives you a feel for the benchmark. Remember, you do not always have to create your own
posts, but you can share them with others. Preferably post pictures and videos instead of "boring"
text ads. You will find that your interaction rate will increase.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Practice tip number 7 - Social Media Marketing: Use
For many social media platforms, "#" hashtags (also known as the "hash key") are possible.
Hashtags work especially well on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags should include keywords that
potential customers or potential fans / followers would look for.
Orient yourself with the market leaders in your industry, and use them for hashtags. Hashtags can
not use spaces. Also, hashtags should not be long sentences. An example of a hashtag would be
Practice tip number 8 - Social Media Marketing: Create
Facebook Group!
"Fanpages" are losing more and more visibility. Having your own Facebook group is a great addition
and can help you get more visibility. In your Facebook group, the community has the opportunity to
participate more. In the best case, lively exchange takes place.
So you have the chance to get to know
potential customers better.
Your Facebook group should be related to a relevant topic (such as Greek food) and not directly to
your brand. Topic-relevant content is important for a successful Facebook group.
Do not sell actively! Build trust, create valuable content. Give the group added value - reasons why
you should get involved and not leave the group. Here are the same tips, as with a fan page.
Practice tip number 9 - Social Media Marketing: Use
Business Profiles instead of Private Profiles!
A business profile is more professional and also offers advantages over private profiles.
How to promote posts (shown as "sponsored"). This is also possible on a small budget.
A big advantage of business profiles: You have the possibility to evaluate statistics (eg which post
was the most popular one of the week). You can turn that into reality Draw conclusions and thus
adapt and improve your future actions on the platform.
Give your business profile a face and describe your page clearly
(Who? What? Where? + Link to the website).
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Part 3: The Most Important Tips for Search
Engine Optimization (SEO)
Practice Tip Number 10 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Enter in important business books!
If you have a local business with a location and visitors, sign up for the most important business
books. Complete the profiles in as much detail as possible, mentioning key terms that potential
customers would look for.
Here are some examples of quality business books and catalog entries:
Usually a free registration is sufficient. It should be noted that you must make exactly the same
information in all business books in terms of company name, address, phone number, URL, etc. But
if a short text (for example, with your company idea) is required, then you should vary this with each
And: do not forget to create a Google My Business entry.
Practice Tip Number 11 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Enter in industry-specific web catalogs!
Above all, you should also subscribe to web catalogs that are only relevant for your very specific
industry. Search for relevant industry books on the first two pages of the search results.
Just enter a few key words and see which yellow pages can be found on Google's first pages.
Take a close look at your competitors and find out in which business directory these are listed. Then
you also contribute to this.
Examples of industry-specific web catalogs are:
● , for law firms
● , for craftsmen or
●, for SEO agencies.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Also sign up for comparison platforms that are relevant to you. For online shops, especially and would be interesting.
Practice Tip Number 12 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Deliver the best content!
"(Awesome) Content is King"
Consider which topics and search terms are relevant to you. Think about the keywords for which
you want to get to page 1 of the search results. What kind of content appears on specific keywords
on the first page? Their content must be better than that of all other competitors.
This means, for example:
● More multimedia: photos, videos, graphics etc.
● More detailed, better to the point and better explained.
● More tips & tricks.
The length of stay of website visitors is one of the most important ranking factors. Website visitors
spend more time on your website, the more relevant content can be found.
Ask yourself the following question: How do you manage to give your site visitors the perfect result
for their search query? So what can you do to create the most relevant content for your visitors?
Practice Tip Number 13 - Search engine optimization
(SEO): content on pages 2 & 3 "boost"!
Your search engine optimization activities should start with search terms that you already see on
pages 2 & 3 of the search results. Start optimizing with the subpages of your website or online shop
appearing there.
If you revise these subpages, improve them, and re-share them on your social media platforms,
that's often enough to jump to the first page (see tip 12 on reworking your content).
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Practice Tip Number 14 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): How to re-market your subpages and encourage
users to share?
The goal is to get maximum attention for the content of these subpages. This is best achieved by
implementing the following:
● Share the contents of your subpage in social media.
● Switch on paid advertising to get even more coverage.
● Send out newsletters with the contents of your subpages and
● ask friends, acquaintances, and other contacts to share your post.
Extra tip: Use the "Mark" function on Facebook to draw your attention to your post.
Practice Tip Number 15 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Backlinks from competitors take over!
For example, use:
●, the free analysis tool for backlinks or
●, the tool that also gives you information about your competitors,
to find the backlinks of your competitors.
Backlinks are a guide to the popularity of your website. That is, if other sites link to yours, they are
more likely to think your site is interesting.
Backlinks are therefore a decisive factor
for your search engine ranking!
Try to replicate as many backlinks as possible from your competitors. This could be, for example, an
entry in a business directory. Contact websites where your competitors can be found and try to get a
backlink as well.
Take a look at what content your competitors shared. Create even better content and in this way
also try to attract the backlinks of your competitors.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
But be careful: you will soon see that there are some providers who offer backlinks for a fee. And in
large quantities. Stay away from such offers, because the shot can backfire quickly. Not only would
your money be lost, but your search engine ranking would suffer as well.
The more natural you get your backlinks, the better for your ranking. Therefore, think about which
websites would make sense to link to you.
Expert Tip: It is very important to note that quality is more important than quantity. A high-quality
backlink from a high-quality site is worth more than 100 inferior backlinks from equally inferior sites.
Always ask yourself the following questions when assessing a website:
1. Would you visit the site to find out about interesting topics?
2. Would you entrust personal information to the site?
3. Would you recommend this page to friends and family?
If you cannot answer yes to these questions without a doubt, then you should also abandon the idea
of placing a backlink on this page.
Practice Tip Number 16 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Maintain "Google-MyBusiness" profile!
Set up a free Google MyBusiness profile.
And complete it as completely as possible:
Address, opening hours, telephone number and photos are the minimum information that you
should not only offer to your customers, but also to the search engines
● In addition, use the opportunity to post contributions to your company.
● Extend and / or swap your corporate images from time to time.
● It's important that Google recognizes that you are actively working on your profile!
Practice tip number 17 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Collect customer reviews!
Reviews and testimonials from customers are extremely important! Google reviews are especially
valuable. Point out your customers' ability to rate through the Google Rating System. If you have
done a good job, they will reward you as well. If not, you may have to live with negative feedback.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
In addition, it is recommended that you register with other independent review platforms. On the one
hand, the resulting reviews can be integrated into your website, on the other hand, they will
automatically be added to your My Business profile (after some time).
Recommended here are for example:
● ProvenExpert, for authentic valuation marketing
●, the seal of approval for more customer confidence
You can also use industry-specific rating platforms. For doctors, Jameda is very important. For
online shops, reviews in conjunction with trusted shops are a crucial factor in gaining the trust of
their visitors. Find out which rating platforms are relevant to your industry and register them, if
Practice tip number 18 - Search Engine Optimization
(SEO): Answer all received reviews quickly!
Remember to respond promptly to your customer reviews. This applies to Google reviews as well as
to feedback on Facebook or other social media platforms.
Google likes to see it respond to their reviews. Thank you for the reviews and go to the reviewer.
Despite the effectiveness, very few companies do so. Hereby, they can obtain a not insignificant
competitive advantage in a simple way.
Part 4: Paid Advertising (PPC): The Best Tips
For Effective Click Advertising
Practice Tip Number 19 - Paid Advertising (PPC): Use
Remarketing / Retargeting!
Remarketing / Retargeting (eg Google AdWords & Facebook Ads) is the most effective form of paid
advertising. Your advertisements are targeted to former website visitors. For example, if Facebook
users have interacted with your brand, they will see that ad.
The following scenario is certainly familiar to you: After you have viewed (but not bought) a certain
product in an online shop, you will soon be getting targeted advertising in your social media
networks (and often not just in these) displayed in this product.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Prerequisite is a tracking pixel, which you integrate on
your website or in your online shop.
It is also possible to remarketing with e-mail addresses. It is recommended to have a minimum of
1,000 email addresses for effective remarketing (though sometimes it can be as high as 100). You
can encourage visitors to visit your website or online store again.
Practice Tip Number 20 - Paid Advertising (PPC):
Create larger Google ads by expanding your ad!
Use the free ad extensions on Google Ads (formerly) AdWords to increase the effectiveness of your
ads. Your Google ads will appear "bigger" and "more powerful" with ad extensions, and your click
through rate (CTR) will increase as your ads stand out from the competition.
Unless everyone in your area works with this ad extension. However, many companies are not yet
using the opportunities offered by the ad extension. This is the opportunity for you.
For example, add your ads:
● snippets
● Further information,
● Sitelinks
● Phone numbers,
● add an app download.
Practice Tip Number 21 - Paid Advertising (PPC):
Create and maintain a list of negative keywords!
Choosing the right keywords poses a big challenge for Google AdWords.
You know that if you want to advertise on the regular Google Search Network, you'll need to define
keywords (keywords that your ads should be displayed on).
Take advantage of the
opportunity to exclude inappropriate keywords.
Make a list of keywords for which your ad should not be played. For example, with certain
competitors or obscenities.
February 1,
©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer
Also for keywords like,
"Free" or
Most advertisers do not want to be found. After all, you want to sell and not give away your products
or services. Once you've created such a list of negative keywords, you can gradually expand them
with hands-on experience.
First, AdWords will tell you which keywords your ads really played.
Add keywords that match your strategy.
Inappropriate keywords exclude you.
Because whenever you play ads to inappropriate keywords, you burn unnecessary money!
You see, the possibilities to improve your visibility on the Internet are manifold. Decide on the
aforementioned tips for online marketing, which are particularly useful for you. Start with Tip # 1 and
then those that are the easiest to implement and that will give you the most value. Over time, you
can work your way through the list and improve bit by bit.
The best for last:
It is not always possible without support. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us. Be it for questions
about the presented tips or if you need more online marketing advice.
We are happy to advise you!
M.A. Khan Internet Marketer

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21 Online Marketing Tips - Simple Practical Help for Entrepreneurs and Webshop Operators!

  • 1.
  • 2. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 1 21 Online Marketing Tips: Simple Practical Help for Entrepreneurs and Webshop Operators! With these practice tips for online marketing become more cost-effective in the network known and gain more coverage! Do you know that? You have an innovative product, a great online store, only ● unfortunately not the desired number of customer inquiries, or ● Your sales leave much to be desired? Then one of your first thoughts will be: "I have to advertise!"
  • 3. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 2 Now this can be a sensible idea, for example, to increase your sales or to become generally better known. But do not fall into the following trap: In order to use your advertising budget or your invested working time in such a way that they are also successful, there are a few things to keep in mind. Otherwise you run the risk of "half throwing your money out of the window and then not knowing which half you're wasting uselessly" (free after Henry Ford). Whether you are a self-employed person or a small to medium-sized business leader, this article will give you helpful tips and tricks to help you target your (probably already tight) advertising budget. It's designed to make you better known on the internet for a small budget and boost your sales and profits. But what are the best online marketing tools? The possibilities in the digital marketing of products and services are manifold. Often it is not easy for small and medium-sized companies to choose the best instruments from the almost unmanageable number of marketing options. The marketing of your products should cost as little money as possible, but still be effective. To help you master this difficult task today, we have put together the best online marketing tips that you can put into practice right away. And all this without much human and financial effort. In the following, we will describe how you can get your online marketing up to speed and increase your company's success. With these 21 online marketing tricks, you will easily and cost- effectively become even more successful Contents: The measures we have put together for efficient and cost-effective Internet advertising are divided into 4 subject areas. Part 1: The A& O of Online Marketing: The all-important tip! Part 2: Social Media Marketing Tips and Practical Help Part 3: The Most Important Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Part 4: Paid Advertising (PPC):The Best Tips For Effective Click Advertising
  • 4. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 3 Part 1: The A & O of Online Marketing: The all-important tip! Practice tip number 1 - General Online Marketing Tip: Formulate Clear Goals! It may sound trivial, but it's more common in practice than you think: companies and the self- employed make (Internet) advertising without a clear goal in mind. And that is usually the main reason for the failure of marketing activities and advertising. This tip is therefore crucial for effective online marketing, because without a clear goal, the same cannot be achieved. Before you select the appropriate advertising channels, you become aware of your goals and answer the following questions: ● What do you want to achieve? To what extent? In which time? ● Do you want to expand your image, build a brand or generate sales? ● For which target group is your advertising intended? Who do you want to address with your advertising? To help answer these questions, you should take your time before starting an online marketing campaign and write down your ideas. It's best to formulate your goals according to the SMART principle. This stands for: ● Specific: Your goals should be precise and clear. ● Measurable: Your goals should be measurable. ● Accepted: Your goals should be accepted (by you) and understood (by your employees). ● Realistic: Your goals should be realistic. ● Scheduled: Set a fixed date for achieving your goals. The clearer your goals are formulated, the easier it will be to derive the necessary steps to achieve them. Once the goals are set, set priorities. All at once you will not be able to implement. Therefore, go step-by-step within the scope of your financial and temporal possibilities. And remember that you should also adequately measure and evaluate your online marketing efforts. To create an Internet marketing strategy that helps you to keep track of and reach your intended goals. Check regularly whether and how you have achieved your goals - or not. With the lessons learned, you can make the necessary adjustments to make your online marketing even more effective (if that's even possible �).
  • 5. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 4 Keep an eye on your competitors! Take a look at your biggest competitors. It makes sense to pay special attention to companies and competitors who are more successful at the present time than you. See what the competition uses for online marketing and adapt it to your business. Learn from the best. Because what works for your competitors will work for you as well. Ideally, you will continue to improve these measures over time. Part 2: Social Media Marketing Tips and Practical Help Practice tip number 2 - Social Media Marketing: Focus on 1 (!) Social Media Platform! Better to be well present on a social media platform than mediocre "active" on all social media platforms. Instead of being on the go and being less active on all platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram, Snapchat & Co., you better choose 1 social media platform and become really present. Choosing the right social media platform depends on your goals and your target audience. Every platform has its own formats, its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own target group. So ask yourself the question: On which platform are my potential customers most likely to be active? Demographic data are a good guide. For example, while younger people were more active on Facebook years ago, this has meanwhile changed and there are also a large number of older users there. In contrast to Instagram. The majority of users are under 35 years old. If your target group is rather young, this is the right platform for you. Therefore, find out about the user structures of the various platforms so that you can target your target group and potential customers in a targeted manner.
  • 6. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 5 Whether a platform is right for you depends on your goals. Do you want to, for example ● establish as an expert or ● improve customer support, The news service Twitter might be suitable for you. Do you want, however ● Improve your image or ● build a brand, you will most likely not get around the leader Facebook. And another tip: The platforms on which your competitors are most active can also provide information. Look again at these again. Start with a platform that promises you the greatest success and focus fully on it. After creating your profile, maintain this: ● Post regularly interesting content (= contents), ● Interact with your audience (= fans, followers ...) and ● Respond to inquiries and comments in a timely manner! (That means ideally within 24 hours). Over time, you can gradually become active on other platforms to become even better known. But of course only if you have the necessary resources available and also real added value for you is to be expected. Practical tip number 3 - Social Media Marketing: Post regularly! An effective social media presence means, among other things, regularly posting relevant content. Depending on the social media platform, at least 3-7 posts per week are recommended.
  • 7. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 6 The bigger the fan base, the more often you should post. Keep in mind that posted content should be business-specific. Weigh in your contributions between information and entertainment. It is important that your contributions are interesting for your readership. On the one hand, you can find out which content is interesting for your target group and which contributions promise good success if you look around at your biggest competitors. A good orientation option is: Go through the posts and see which posts get the best response (likes, shares, comments). On the other hand, just try different content and time for your contributions. What is proven to be maintained, which does not work does not continue. Additional Tip: If you use Twitter as a social media channel, look for old tweets that have been particularly successful. You can reuse these tweets and post again. Using Google Analytics tools, you can find out which content was most popular in the past and are the most suitable for a retweet. Practical tip number 4 - Social Media Marketing: Videos are the most effective! From the mass of posts that each user sees on their social media profiles, you want to stand out and grab the attention of your followers. Videos are the most popular on most social media platforms. Users like to interact with them. In addition, social media platforms play videos preferred. Important: Again, ask to what extent a contribution is useful to your goals. (see tip number 1) It is important that you always remain authentic with your videos! Look again at the competition where the benchmark of video production lies. This can give you good clues and inspiration for your own video contributions. Your videos do not have to compete with Hollywood productions. A good smartphone camera with clip-on microphone is often sufficient to meet the "normal" demands of the audience. Do not get too bothered by the optical quality. Concentrate on the content and what it should do to the viewer. Additional tip: Pay special attention to an exciting and enticing introduction.
  • 8. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 7 The same applies to the preview image with which your video is to be displayed. The better the preview image, the higher the chance of users clicking on your video. If you want to support your videos with paid advertising to get even more reach, then video promotion is usually cheaper than classic text & image ads. Practice tip number 5 - Social Media Marketing: answer every comment! It is important that you respond to every comment, as this leads to increased commitment and satisfaction with your brand. Invite your fans to a conversation by, for example, asking questions themselves. The more interaction you have with your fans, the more visibility you get. In addition, you will get to know your fans, followers and potential customers better and better through the exchange. So you can improve your brand, products and / or services. Get to know your target group. Search for contact with your "audience" and connect with your customers. Practical tip number 6 - Social media marketing: look at the competition, which is well received! Keep an eye on your competition, your competition and see what they post. For particularly popular contributions, consider how to adapt them in your own way. Above all, stick to posts that have many "shares", "likes" and comments. Compare your publications with others in your field. This gives you a feel for the benchmark. Remember, you do not always have to create your own posts, but you can share them with others. Preferably post pictures and videos instead of "boring" text ads. You will find that your interaction rate will increase.
  • 9. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 8 Practice tip number 7 - Social Media Marketing: Use hashtags! For many social media platforms, "#" hashtags (also known as the "hash key") are possible. Hashtags work especially well on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags should include keywords that potential customers or potential fans / followers would look for. Orient yourself with the market leaders in your industry, and use them for hashtags. Hashtags can not use spaces. Also, hashtags should not be long sentences. An example of a hashtag would be #SocialMediaMarketing Practice tip number 8 - Social Media Marketing: Create Facebook Group! "Fanpages" are losing more and more visibility. Having your own Facebook group is a great addition and can help you get more visibility. In your Facebook group, the community has the opportunity to participate more. In the best case, lively exchange takes place. So you have the chance to get to know potential customers better. Your Facebook group should be related to a relevant topic (such as Greek food) and not directly to your brand. Topic-relevant content is important for a successful Facebook group. Do not sell actively! Build trust, create valuable content. Give the group added value - reasons why you should get involved and not leave the group. Here are the same tips, as with a fan page. Practice tip number 9 - Social Media Marketing: Use Business Profiles instead of Private Profiles! A business profile is more professional and also offers advantages over private profiles. How to promote posts (shown as "sponsored"). This is also possible on a small budget. A big advantage of business profiles: You have the possibility to evaluate statistics (eg which post was the most popular one of the week). You can turn that into reality Draw conclusions and thus adapt and improve your future actions on the platform. Give your business profile a face and describe your page clearly (Who? What? Where? + Link to the website).
  • 10. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 9 Part 3: The Most Important Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Practice Tip Number 10 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enter in important business books! If you have a local business with a location and visitors, sign up for the most important business books. Complete the profiles in as much detail as possible, mentioning key terms that potential customers would look for. Here are some examples of quality business books and catalog entries: ● ● ● ● ● Usually a free registration is sufficient. It should be noted that you must make exactly the same information in all business books in terms of company name, address, phone number, URL, etc. But if a short text (for example, with your company idea) is required, then you should vary this with each entry. And: do not forget to create a Google My Business entry. Practice Tip Number 11 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enter in industry-specific web catalogs! Above all, you should also subscribe to web catalogs that are only relevant for your very specific industry. Search for relevant industry books on the first two pages of the search results. Just enter a few key words and see which yellow pages can be found on Google's first pages. Take a close look at your competitors and find out in which business directory these are listed. Then you also contribute to this. Examples of industry-specific web catalogs are: ● , for law firms ● , for craftsmen or ●, for SEO agencies.
  • 11. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 10 Also sign up for comparison platforms that are relevant to you. For online shops, especially and would be interesting. Practice Tip Number 12 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Deliver the best content! "(Awesome) Content is King" Consider which topics and search terms are relevant to you. Think about the keywords for which you want to get to page 1 of the search results. What kind of content appears on specific keywords on the first page? Their content must be better than that of all other competitors. This means, for example: ● More multimedia: photos, videos, graphics etc. ● More detailed, better to the point and better explained. ● More tips & tricks. The length of stay of website visitors is one of the most important ranking factors. Website visitors spend more time on your website, the more relevant content can be found. Ask yourself the following question: How do you manage to give your site visitors the perfect result for their search query? So what can you do to create the most relevant content for your visitors? Practice Tip Number 13 - Search engine optimization (SEO): content on pages 2 & 3 "boost"! Your search engine optimization activities should start with search terms that you already see on pages 2 & 3 of the search results. Start optimizing with the subpages of your website or online shop appearing there. If you revise these subpages, improve them, and re-share them on your social media platforms, that's often enough to jump to the first page (see tip 12 on reworking your content).
  • 12. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 11 Practice Tip Number 14 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): How to re-market your subpages and encourage users to share? The goal is to get maximum attention for the content of these subpages. This is best achieved by implementing the following: ● Share the contents of your subpage in social media. ● Switch on paid advertising to get even more coverage. ● Send out newsletters with the contents of your subpages and ● ask friends, acquaintances, and other contacts to share your post. Extra tip: Use the "Mark" function on Facebook to draw your attention to your post. Practice Tip Number 15 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Backlinks from competitors take over! For example, use: ●, the free analysis tool for backlinks or ●, the tool that also gives you information about your competitors, to find the backlinks of your competitors. Backlinks are a guide to the popularity of your website. That is, if other sites link to yours, they are more likely to think your site is interesting. Backlinks are therefore a decisive factor for your search engine ranking! Try to replicate as many backlinks as possible from your competitors. This could be, for example, an entry in a business directory. Contact websites where your competitors can be found and try to get a backlink as well. Take a look at what content your competitors shared. Create even better content and in this way also try to attract the backlinks of your competitors.
  • 13. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 12 But be careful: you will soon see that there are some providers who offer backlinks for a fee. And in large quantities. Stay away from such offers, because the shot can backfire quickly. Not only would your money be lost, but your search engine ranking would suffer as well. The more natural you get your backlinks, the better for your ranking. Therefore, think about which websites would make sense to link to you. Expert Tip: It is very important to note that quality is more important than quantity. A high-quality backlink from a high-quality site is worth more than 100 inferior backlinks from equally inferior sites. Always ask yourself the following questions when assessing a website: 1. Would you visit the site to find out about interesting topics? 2. Would you entrust personal information to the site? 3. Would you recommend this page to friends and family? If you cannot answer yes to these questions without a doubt, then you should also abandon the idea of placing a backlink on this page. Practice Tip Number 16 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Maintain "Google-MyBusiness" profile! Set up a free Google MyBusiness profile. And complete it as completely as possible: Address, opening hours, telephone number and photos are the minimum information that you should not only offer to your customers, but also to the search engines ● In addition, use the opportunity to post contributions to your company. ● Extend and / or swap your corporate images from time to time. ● It's important that Google recognizes that you are actively working on your profile! Practice tip number 17 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Collect customer reviews! Reviews and testimonials from customers are extremely important! Google reviews are especially valuable. Point out your customers' ability to rate through the Google Rating System. If you have done a good job, they will reward you as well. If not, you may have to live with negative feedback.
  • 14. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 13 In addition, it is recommended that you register with other independent review platforms. On the one hand, the resulting reviews can be integrated into your website, on the other hand, they will automatically be added to your My Business profile (after some time). Recommended here are for example: ● ProvenExpert, for authentic valuation marketing ●, the seal of approval for more customer confidence You can also use industry-specific rating platforms. For doctors, Jameda is very important. For online shops, reviews in conjunction with trusted shops are a crucial factor in gaining the trust of their visitors. Find out which rating platforms are relevant to your industry and register them, if applicable. Practice tip number 18 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Answer all received reviews quickly! Remember to respond promptly to your customer reviews. This applies to Google reviews as well as to feedback on Facebook or other social media platforms. Google likes to see it respond to their reviews. Thank you for the reviews and go to the reviewer. Despite the effectiveness, very few companies do so. Hereby, they can obtain a not insignificant competitive advantage in a simple way. Part 4: Paid Advertising (PPC): The Best Tips For Effective Click Advertising Practice Tip Number 19 - Paid Advertising (PPC): Use Remarketing / Retargeting! Remarketing / Retargeting (eg Google AdWords & Facebook Ads) is the most effective form of paid advertising. Your advertisements are targeted to former website visitors. For example, if Facebook users have interacted with your brand, they will see that ad. The following scenario is certainly familiar to you: After you have viewed (but not bought) a certain product in an online shop, you will soon be getting targeted advertising in your social media networks (and often not just in these) displayed in this product.
  • 15. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 14 Prerequisite is a tracking pixel, which you integrate on your website or in your online shop. It is also possible to remarketing with e-mail addresses. It is recommended to have a minimum of 1,000 email addresses for effective remarketing (though sometimes it can be as high as 100). You can encourage visitors to visit your website or online store again. Practice Tip Number 20 - Paid Advertising (PPC): Create larger Google ads by expanding your ad! Use the free ad extensions on Google Ads (formerly) AdWords to increase the effectiveness of your ads. Your Google ads will appear "bigger" and "more powerful" with ad extensions, and your click through rate (CTR) will increase as your ads stand out from the competition. Unless everyone in your area works with this ad extension. However, many companies are not yet using the opportunities offered by the ad extension. This is the opportunity for you. For example, add your ads: ● snippets ● Further information, ● Sitelinks ● Phone numbers, ● add an app download. Practice Tip Number 21 - Paid Advertising (PPC): Create and maintain a list of negative keywords! Choosing the right keywords poses a big challenge for Google AdWords. You know that if you want to advertise on the regular Google Search Network, you'll need to define keywords (keywords that your ads should be displayed on). Take advantage of the opportunity to exclude inappropriate keywords. Make a list of keywords for which your ad should not be played. For example, with certain competitors or obscenities.
  • 16. February 1, 2019 21 ONLINE MARKETING TIPS: SIMPLE PRACTICAL HELP FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND WEBSHOP OPERATORS! ©Copyrights 2019 M.A. Khan Internet Marketer 15 Also for keywords like, "free", "Free" or "cheap" Most advertisers do not want to be found. After all, you want to sell and not give away your products or services. Once you've created such a list of negative keywords, you can gradually expand them with hands-on experience. First, AdWords will tell you which keywords your ads really played. Add keywords that match your strategy. Inappropriate keywords exclude you. Because whenever you play ads to inappropriate keywords, you burn unnecessary money! Conclusion: You see, the possibilities to improve your visibility on the Internet are manifold. Decide on the aforementioned tips for online marketing, which are particularly useful for you. Start with Tip # 1 and then those that are the easiest to implement and that will give you the most value. Over time, you can work your way through the list and improve bit by bit. The best for last: It is not always possible without support. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us. Be it for questions about the presented tips or if you need more online marketing advice. We are happy to advise you! M.A. Khan Internet Marketer