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Distribution	and	Marketing	Plan	for		
James	Lyell	
Lamont	Johnson	
Dean	Klimeck	
Jesus	Cruz-Otero	
Tarik	Gilyard	
EBBS	Project	&	Portfolio	V	
I.		Executive	Summary	
The	Company:		
Anavrin	Production	is	an	entertainment	agency	that	focuses	on	helping	our	clients	scale	
through	means	of	targeted	distribution	and	marketing.	
The	Project:		
The	project	for	this	plan	is	called	Soiled-it.	It	is	a	video	game	that	utilizes	a	strategy/	
combat	genre.	“Farmer	by	day,	Killer	by	night”,	In	a	world	where	nothing	is	safe,	a	farmer	
must	stand	up	to	defend	his	home,	his	family,	and	his	crops	from	continual	attack.	Risking	
everything	for	a	chance	to	survive	in	this	new	world.	
Sales	Projections	/	Return	on	Investment:		
An	ROI	of	695%	based	on	the	profit	of	$10,421.50	is	projected	by	the	close	of	the	
investment.	This	range	was	based	on	capturing	100%	of	sponsorship	donations.	The	ROI	
will	decrease	to	528%	if	estimated	sponsorship	donations	are	not	achieved.	Based	on	a	
profit	of	$7921.50	on	the	lower	end	and	increase	ROI	of	861%	based	on	the	profit	of	
$12,921.50	on	the	higher	end	if	estimated	sponsorships	are	doubled.		
Target	Market:		
The	overall	target	audience	for	the	first	year	of	release	should	be	focused	toward	males	
ages	18-23	who	are	specifically	interested	in	Top-Down	Strategy	and	RTS	style	games.	
These	young	men	will	be	finishing	up	high	school	or	working	through	college	and	are	in	the	
common	age	range	of	video	game	players
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The	pre-release	strategy	is	to	build	consumer	awareness	by	utilizing	website	email	
lists,	social	media	tactics	and	boots-on-the-ground	marketing/promotions	which	includes	
flyers	and	panels	for	the	creators	of	Soiled-It!	A	social	media	ad	campaign;	post	release	will	
focus	mainly	on	social	media	ads	to	get	the	impact	the	most	people.	These	ads	will	be	
included	but	will	not	be	limited	to	video	ad’s	like	trailers	and	gameplay,	and	also	banner	
based	ad’s.
II.		Company	Information	
Anavrin	Production	
Anavrin	Production	is	an	entertainment	agency	that	focuses	on	helping	our	clients	scale	
through	means	of	targeted	distribution	and	marketing.	
Leadership	Team	
Anavrin	Production	consists	of	a	team	holding	a	multitude	of	talents	to	bring	the	best	to	their	
clients.	James	Lyell	oversees	target	marketing	and	distribution	for	Anavrin	Production	based	
on	 experience	 with	 full	 cycle	 recruitment	 and	 succeeding	 in	 his	 marketing	 and	 digital	
marketing	 classes	 while	 studying	 for	 his	 Bachelor	 of	 Science	 in	 Entertainment	 Business	
degree	at	Full	Sail	University.	
Lamont	 Johnson	 oversees	 company	 information	 and	 marketing	 for	 Anavrin	 Production	
based	on	experience	as	a	Section	Leader	in	the	United	States	Army	and	succeeding	in	his	
marketing,	 digital	 marketing,	 and	 business	 management	 classes	 while	 studying	 for	 his	
Bachelor	of	Science	in	Entertainment	Business	degree	at	Full	Sail	University.			
Tarik	Gilyard	oversees	distribution/marketing	goals	and	sales	projections	/	ROI	for	Anavrin	
Production	based	on	experience	during	5	years	of	retail	and	succeeding	in	his	marketing,	
economics,	and	business	accounting	classes	while	studying	for	his	Bachelor	of	Science	in	
Entertainment	Business	degree	at	Full	Sail	University.
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Jesus	Cruz-Otero	oversees	project	information	and	marketing	for	Anavrin	Production	based	
on	succeeding	in	his	marketing,	digital	marketing	and	business	management	classes	while	
studying	for	his	Bachelor	of	Science	in	Entertainment	Business	degree	at	Full	Sail	University.	
Dean	Kilmeck	oversees	target	marketing	and	distribution	for	Anavrin	Production	based	on	
succeeding	in	his	marketing	and	digital	marketing	classes	while	studying	for	his	Bachelor	of	
Science	in	Entertainment	Business	degree	at	Full	Sail	University.	
Company	Ideals	
Anavrin	Production	is	an	entertainment	agency	that	focuses	on	helping	our	clients	scale	
through	means	of	targeted	distribution	and	marketing.	We	not	only	create	the	plans,	but	we	
also	implement	them.	We	do	this	by	implementing	our	company	values	(Ambition,	Loyalty,	
Respect,	Integrity,	and	Courage)	into	everything	we	do.	In	20	years,	we	see	ourselves	as	one	
of	the	premier	distributions	and	marketing	agencies	across	the	globe.		
Anavrin	Production	sees	itself	working	again	with	Soiled-it	on	a	national	campaign	targeting	
some	of	the	biggest	cities	in	the	country	(New	York	City,	Los	Angeles,	Miami,	etc.).	
Anavrin	Production	also	sees	itself	moving	into	the	music	and	film	industries	while	
working	with	some	of	the	world’s	greatest	talents	and	film	production	companies.
III.		Project	Information	
Creators:		Big	Taco	Salads:	David	Philipos,	Anh	Nguyen,	Zachary	Jones,	Logan	
Maturski,	Daikee	Jackson,	Jarick	Rivers,	and	Josh	Packard.	
Title:	Soiled-It!	
Media:	Video	Game	
Genre:	strategy/combat	video	game	
“Farmer	by	day,	Killer	by	night!”	
“Steal	from	me	and	you	will	become	feed.”	
“Always	looking	for	new	scarecrows,	apply	at	night.”			
“A	Dollar	could	save	your	life.”	
“White	fences	turn	red	at	night!”	
“If	you	steal	from	me,	I	hope	your	ready	to	meet	your	maker.”	
In	a	world	where	nothing	is	safe,	a	farmer	must	stand	up	to	defend	his	home,	his	family,	
and	his	crops	from	continual	attack.	Risking	everything	for	a	chance	to	survive	in	this	new	
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A	farmer	must	stand	up	to	protect	his	farm	from	continual	attacks	from	the	local	smugglers,	
that	want	to	steal	his	crops	and	destroy	his	home.	Building	new	defenses	is	the	only	way	to	
stop	them	and	prevent	the	loss	of	crops	and	most	importantly	the	safety	of	his	family.	In	
this	new	changing	world	where	nothing	is	safe,	you	must	learn	how	to	adapt.	

IV.		Distribution	&	Marketing	Goals	
Anavrin	Productions	is	distributing	and	marketing	a	mobile	app	known	as	Soiled-It.	
This	video	game	app	is	similar	to	Farmville.	Farmville	is	an	agriculture	simulation	social	
network	game	that	allows	players	to	cultivate	their	farms	by	plowing,	planting,	and	
harvesting	crops	and	trees.	Soiled-it	is	based	on	producing	and	protecting	resources	with	
the	capability	to	add	extra	contents	while	playing.	
In	this	plan,	the	company’s	goal	is	to	get	its	product	into	the	hands	of	new	
customers,	while	expanding	its	to	new	sectors	of	the	mobile	application	world.	The	
objective	is	to	utilize	PC's	and	mobile	platforms	to	reach	our	target	audience.	Local	
advertising	will	be	used	in	areas	that	teens	and	young	adults	frequent	as	this	will	allow	our	
product	to	be	show	cased.	Another	marketing	tool	the	company	will	utilize	is	Social	Media.	
This	tool	allows	around	the	clock	visibility	for	global	advertisement	and	is	very	cost	
effective.	Once	this	distribution	and	marketing	plan	is	in	place,	Soiled-it	will	continue	to	
grow,	allowing	for	their	audience	to	expand	as	well	as	reach	farther	into	the	entertainment	
market.	Online	radio	platforms	offer	many	different	stations,	and	by	creating	an	ad	for	
family	stations	this	will	assist	us	with	diversifying	our	market.	After	one-	year,	Anavrin	
objective	is	that	Soiled-It	will	become	world-renowned	in	the	production	business	and	a	
top	seller.	This	plan	will	ensure	the	company	thrives	and	as	a	result,	Anavrin	will	become	a	
leader	in	the	business	world	known	for	its	quality	product	and	customer	service.
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V.		Target	Markets		
Primary	Target	Audience	
The	overall	target	audience	for	the	first	year	of	release	should	be	focused	toward	
males	ages	18-23	who	are	specifically	interested	in	Top-Down	Strategy	and	RTS	style	
games.	These	young	men	will	be	finishing	up	high	school	or	working	through	college	and	
are	in	the	common	age	range	of	video	game	players.	Soiled	It!	should	target	fans	of	games	
such	as	Age	of	Empires	and	StarCraft	II,	which	have	similar	mechanics	of	creating	and	
managing	resources	to	start	and	then	battling	your	enemies	at	a	later	point	of	the	game.	
The	popularity	of	certain	video	games	is	heavily	dependent	on	their	mechanics	and	how	
their	target	audience	responds	to	those	mechanics	(brownbear,	2017).	Players	who	are	
drawn	to	this	type	of	game	should	be	heavily	targeted	through	social	media	to	focus	on	
people	who	“like”	or	“follow”	these	types	of	games.	The	main	focus	should	be	in	the	
Orlando,	Florida	area	to	effectively	work	within	the	budget	and	not	overextend.	This	game	
is	a	strategy	game	and	should	be	focused	on	analytical	people	who	enjoy	thinking	
strategically	and	attacking	problems	in	multiple	ways.		
Alternatively,	to	fit	more	into	the	notes	provided	by	the	client,	it	would	be	beneficial	
to	target	game	developers.	For	this	the	main	focus	would	be	men	ages	29-35	who	work	in	
the	Game	Design	and	Development	Industry	(Terdiman,	2005).	They	will	be	heads	of	teams	
or	companies	looking	for	highly	motivated	and	intelligent	individuals	to	fill	their	teams	and	
work	on	projects.	These	men	will	focus	on	the	intricacies	of	game	design	and	understand	
the	complexity	of	the	development	process.	They	will	expect	strong	attention	to	detail	and	
excellent	communication	skills	(,	2020).	It	will	be	critical	to	showcase	what	the	
developers	have	to	offer	in	terms	of	skill	and	heavily	focus	on	the	fact	that	they	built	a	game
engine	from	the	ground	up.	Geographically	it	would	be	beneficial	to	focus	on	San	Francisco	
as	the	have	107	video	game	design	companies,	which	is	more	than	any	other	city	in	the	
United	States	(,	2019).	
Secondary	Target	Audience	
Once	our	product	is	launched	it	will	be	pivotal	to	looking	into	secondary	markets	to	
expand	the	target	market	into	new	and	exciting	avenues.	Looking	at	expanding	on	our	
primary	target	the	first	area	one	would	look	at	expanding	would	be	the	region	of	the	
country.	Primarily	due	to	budget	reasons	we	chose	Orlando	FL	which	according	to	the	
WalletHub	is	the	fourth	best	city	for	gamers	due	to	various	criteria.	Looking	at	this	same	
chart	given	any	additional	revenue	or	profits	earned	from	Soiled-it	in	year	one	it	would	be	
beneficial	to	expand	into	the	other	top	markets	for	video	games.	These	cities	in	order	from	
first	to	third	would	include	Seattle	WA,	Irvine,	CA	and	Los	Angeles	CA	as	new	markets	for	
Soiled-it	(McCann,	2019).	Looking	at	our	current	target	males	between	18-23	years	old	it	
would	make	logical	sense	to	expand	that	into	females	as	our	next	target	market	as	well.	
Looking	at	research	done	by	Pew	Research,	around	49%	of	women	between	the	age	of	18-
29	say	they	often	or	sometimes	play	video	games	on	a	computer,	tv,	game	console	or	
portable	device	(“5	facts	about	Americans	and	Video	games,	“2018).	Using	this	same	data	
expanding	into	a	broader	age	range	of	18-29	will	tap	into	new	income	level	of	gamers	who	
are	more	established	in	the	workplace	and	have	increased	discretionary	income.	According	
to	the	U.S.	Department	of	Labor	Bureau	of	Labor	Statistics	individuals	under	the	age	of	35	
on	average	spend	$1,528	of	their	average	yearly	income	of	$34,487.	This	comes	out	to	be	
around	$.4%	of	their	yearly	incomes	compared	to	people	between	the	age	of	35-64	who	
spend	4%,	and	4.7%	for	people	above	65	and	older.	(BLS,	2020).
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VI.		Distribution	-	Year	One:	
Self-Distribution	Plan	
Brick	and	Mortar	Outlets		
There	are	a	number	of	brick	and	mortar	stores	in	the	Orlando	area	that	can	be	
targeted	for	distribution.	While	the	plan	is	to	mainly	distribute	online,	these	stores	present	
a	unique	opportunity	to	advertise	on	a	local	level	and	are	a	viable	option	if	a	physical	
version	of	the	game	is	sold	in	the	future.	Stores	to	focus	on	are	the	locally	owned,	non-chain	
stores	such	as	Gamer’s	Inc.,	Cybertron	Video	Games,	Royal	Empire	Gaming,	and	Coliseum	of	
Comics	(Yelp,	2020).	There	is	not	much	room	in	the	budget	for	major	advertising	at	these	
venues	but	using	flyers	and	posters	wherever	allowed	could	help	draw	exposure	to	Soiled	
It!	and	driving	home	the	point	that	it	was	developed	locally	should	create	greater	
opportunity.	Other	forms	of	advertisement	such	as	character	cutouts	to	display	and	setting	
up	Q/A	type	events	in	these	venues	could	promote	Soiled	It!	
The	aggregator	that	is	going	to	provide	the	best	opportunity	for	success	is	Steam.	
Steam	has	a	massive	following	which	will	provide	the	best	chance	for	overall	exposure	for	
the	game.	The	price	point	for	a	game	launched	on	Steam	is	decided	by	the	developer	and	
there	is	a	revenue	split	(70/30	in	favor	of	the	developer)	(Steamworks,	2020).	There	would	
normally	be	a	$100	deposit	to	put	the	game	on	Steam	but	since	the	development	team	are
all	students	at	Full	Sail,	they	get	their	first	year	free.	The	price	point	should	be	set	at	$20,	
which	would	take	90	downloads	for	the	game	to	reach	$1000	in	revenue	for	the	team.	The	
more	downloads	the	more	popular	the	game	will	become	which	will	lead	to	even	more	
downloads.	This	is	the	easiest	metric	to	track	and	show	potential	employers	about	the	
success	of	the	games	release.	There	are	many	other	aggregators	that	could	be	expanded	to	
such	as	Green	Man	Gaming,	or	EPIC	Games,	but	the	initial	focus	should	be	on	Steam.	
Project	Website	
The	domain	name	is	currently	available	on	Go	Daddy	for	$10.98	
for	the	first	two	years.	This	will	cover	the	domain	name	and	hosting	for	those	two	years	
(GoDaddy,	2020).	There	are	many	independent	developers	available	on	sites	such	as	Stack	
Overflow	or	Upwork	that	could	be	hired	for	the	$150	budget	allocated	for	the	website.	
Asking	any	of	the	developers	of	the	game	who	may	have	website	design	experience	may	
also	be	beneficial.	Opening	the	website	should	bring	you	to	the	home	page	which	will	have	
the	trailer	for	the	game	front	and	center.	At	the	bottom	of	the	page	should	be	links	to	the	
games	Facebook,	Twitter,	YouTube,	Twitch,	and	Instagram	accounts.	There	should	also	be	a	
link	to	the	game	on	Steam.		On	top	should	be	links	to	other	pages	on	the	site.	The	About	
page	will	tell	about	the	game	and	the	development	team.	An	FAQ	page	that	will	answer	
common	questions	about	the	game	or	development	team.	There	will	be	a	forum	which	will	
allow	players	and	developers	to	interact	directly.	Finally,	there	will	be	a	Contact	page	that	
will	allow	people	to	directly	contact	the	developers.	This	page	will	also	include	a	link	to	
sign	up	for	email	updates	from	the	developers.
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Customer	Relationship	Management	Systems	
Customer	relationships	are	the	most	important	aspect	of	successful	game	design	
and	development.	Without	a	strong	relationship	with	customers	a	game	will	surely	fail.	
Soiled	It!	will	use	social	media	accounts	such	as	Facebook,	Twitter,	Instagram,	and	Twitch	
to	collect	data	and	user	feedback.	This	used	in	conjunction	with	data	collected	on	the	
game’s	official	website	should	provide	adequate	feedback	as	to	areas	that	can	be	improved.	
Members	of	the	development	team	and	marketing	team	will	be	able	to	monitor	not	only	the	
website,	but	also	the	social	media	accounts	to	directly	communicate	with	customers,	
provide	feedback,	and	build	relationships	which	will	help	make	the	experience	become	
more	personable.	The	website	will	be	the	baseline	for	all	communication	and	major	issues	
expressed	on	social	media	should	be	directed	to	the	website	which	has	more	resources	for	
support	and	feedback.	The	Frequently	Asked	Questions	portion	of	the	website	will	cover	
basic,	quick,	and	easy	to	answer	topics	that	can	easily	be	solved	at	a	glance.	The	forum	
section	of	the	website	will	be	the	main	hub	where	fans	can	ask	each	other	and	developers	
questions.	This	allows	the	fans	to	not	only	take	a	role	in	playing	the	game	but	helping	
others	and	building	a	community	surrounding	the	game.	Major	questions,	concerns,	and	
feedback	can	be	written	out	in	more	detail	on	the	forums	and	fans	and	developers	alike	will	
be	able	to	directly	communicate	and	answer	questions.	This	will	also	provide	the	
opportunity	to	collect	data	and	suggestions	that	can	later	be	implemented	and	updated	into	
the	game.
VII.	Distribution	-	Year	Two:		
Finding	a	Large	Distributor	or	Publisher	
Year	one	of	the	distribution	plan	relies	heavily	on	using	the	platform	Steamworks	to	
promote	and	distribute	the	content.	Year	two	of	distribution	there	are	two	solid	options	for	
Soiled-it	to	being	moving	into	larger	distribution	options.	Soiled-it	according	to	the	
developers	is	a	strategy	and	combat	video	game	with	the	additional	twist	of	the	main	
character	a	farmer	building	up	crops,	making	money,	and	buying	defense	before	nightfall	
before	fighting	off	enemies	stealing	crops	and	attacking	the	farm.	Farmville	by	Zynga	is	a	
very	similar	type	of	farming	game	to	that	so	Soiled-it.	Farmville	according	to	the	Zynga	
website	is	a	game	where	players	cultivate	farms	by	plowing,	planting,	and	harvesting	crops	
and	trees	along	with	caring	for	animals	and	collecting	eggs.	With	the	similarity	in	these	
games	one	would	believe	that	reaching	out	to	work	with	Zynga	as	a	larger	distribution	
partner	would	be	an	appropriate	next	move.	Zynga	again	according	to	its	website	offers	
some	of	the	most	popular	games	in	history	when	it	comes	to	Facebook	platforms	and	
mobile	devices.	Currently,	on	mobile	apps	there	are	134	total	apps	from	Zynga	and	looking	
at	the	top	three	grossing	games	for	them	are	Wizard	of	Oz	Slots	bringing	in	over	$3	million	
dollars,	Words	with	friends	bringing	in	$2	million	and	FarmVille	2	bring	in	$1	million	last	
month.	Partnering	with	Zynga	would	create	a	tremendous	opportunity	for	Soiled-it	to	
break	into	mobile	gaming	along	with	the	PC	version	originally	created.	
Another	option	for	Soiled-it	would	be	to	look	at	another	similar	style	combat	game	
that	started	off	small	and	has	exploded	in	popularity	and	that	is	Fortnite.	Fortnite	is	owned	
by	EPIC	games	which	is	a	digital	storefront	for	PC	and	MAC	which	is	focused	on	developers	
at	large	offering	88%	cut	on	games	sold	through	their	site	compared	to	an	industry
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standard	of	70%	according	to	the	EPIC	games	website.	Getting	connected	with	EPIC	games	
although	not	a	physical	distributor	is	a	great	avenue	for	Soiled-it	moving	into	the	next	year	
of	distribution.	Fortnite	alone	last	year	2019	according	to	the	BusinessofApps	website	had	
250	million	players	in	March	2019,	78.3	million	users	in	the	month	of	August	2018,	and	
reached	100	million	iOS	downloads	within	five	months.	These	statistics	and	the	total	traffic	
EPIC	games	get	through	their	site	would	allow	Soiled-it	to	tap	into	a	large	pool	of	potential	
revenue	along	with	a	worldwide	audience	as	EPIC	games	offer	services	all	across	the	world.	
With	a	very	open	chart	displaying	the	revenue	split	between	EPIC	games	and	the	
developers	who	create	content	on	their	site	I	believe	utilizing	this	distribution	tactic	would	
be	beneficial	to	Soiled-it.	
A	nice	perk	of	EPIC	games	as	well	as	the	cost	associated	with	uploading	content	to	
the	website	is	free.	EPIC	games	due	to	the	success	of	Fortnite	have	the	opportunity	to	off	
these	services	for	free	to	developers	while	giving	them	the	best	revenue	cut	in	the	industry	
at	88%.	According	to	the	Developer	site	for	EPIC	games	they	also	offer	online	support	
services	for	free	and	with	the	ability	to	work	with	cross-platform	consoles	such	as	mobile,	
PlayStation,	Xbox,	and	Nintendo	switch.	Now	looking	at	Zynga	I	believe	this	will	require	
more	networking	sources	which	I	believe	the	best	way	to	begin	this	process	would	be	to	
attend	trade	shows	across	the	United	States.	I	believe	to	get	involved	with	EPIC	games	
would	be	a	fantastic	online	distributor	combing	that	with	the	trade	show	such	as	E3	would	
give	the	ability	for	our	marketing	and	distribution	teams	at	Anavrin	to	explore	new	
opportunities	for	Soiled-it.	Looking	at	E3	statistically	one	of	the	premier	gaming	
conventions	in	the	entire	world	with	visitors	from	over	100	different	countries.	This	
conference	would	allow	Soiled-it	and	Anavrin	to	connect	with	the	industry's	top	talent	and
top	companies	in	the	industry	such	as	Nintendo,	CAPCOM,	SQUARE	CNIX,	UBISOFT	and	
Bandai	NACMO	to	name	a	few.
8/4/20 17
VIII.		Sales	Projections	
Price	and	Sales	Projections	(based	on	$1,500	budget)	
Even	though	the	Soiled-It	App	is	free,	the	budget	for	advertising	is	$1500.	Anavrin	
productions	must	utilize	as	many	outlets	as	possible	to	get	our	newest	videogame,	Soiled-It	
to	as	many	potential	customers	as	possible.	This	app	is	free,	so	to	obtain	revenue	and	or	
profit	utilizing	In-app	Purchases,	Subscriptions,	Advertisement,	and	sponsors	will	help.	
Additionally,	these	sources	are	cost-effective	and	will	generate	income.	
The	retail	section	of	the	chart	what	users	are	purchasing	while	using	the	app	at	their	
own	expense.	The	unit	projected	is	the	number	of	people	who	are	buying	within	the	first	
The	wholesale	section	of	the	chart	is	what	the	Soiled-It	app	allows	users	to	purchase	
while	using	the	app.			
		 Price	 Projected	
Projected	Net	
Retail	(Mobile	App	Store)	
In-App	Purchases	 $.99	 250	 $148.50	
Subscriptions $5.99	 500	 $1797.00	
Advertising	 $100	 15	 $900.00	
Sponsorships	 $500	 5	 $1500.00	
Wholesale/Dealer	Price****	(Providers)	
STEAM	 				$35.99	 20	 $503.86	
Gamer’s	INC	 $39.00	 40	 $1092.00	
Cybertron	Video	Games	 $29.99	 80	 $1679.44
Projected	Total	Net	Sales	Revenue	 104.98												 140	 	
Projected	Net	Profit	 		 		 $7620.80																						
*	Sponsorships	Priced	by	1	Year	Increments	
**	Advertising	Priced	by	Amount	of	Providers	Locations	
***	70/30	Split	with	Wholesalers	
Return	on	Investment	(ROI)	
An	ROI	of	695%	based	on	the	profit	of	10421.50	is	projected	by	the	close	of	the	
investment.	This	range	was	based	on	capturing	100%	of	sponsorship	donations.	The	ROI	
will	decrease	to	528%	if	estimated	sponsorship	donations	are	not	achieved.	Based	on	a	
profit	of	$7921.50	on	the	lower	end	and	increase	ROI	of	861%	based	on	the	profit	of	
$12,921.50	on	the	higher	end	if	estimated	sponsorships	are	doubled.		
This	range	decrease	was	based	on	not	achieving	100%	of	sponsorship	goals.	The	increase	
was	based	on	making	an	additional	100%	of	sponsorship	projections.	
IX.		Marketing		
Marketing	Tools	
• Website,		
• social	media,		
• radio	ads,		
• google	ads,
8/4/20 19
• twitch	ads,		
• ads	in	other	apps,		
• video	conferences,		
• email	lists,		
• promotional	videos,		
• boots-on-ground,		
• monthly	social	media	posts	
Pre-Release	(June	through	December	2020)	
The	pre-release	strategy	is	to	build	consumer	awareness	by	utilizing	website	email	
lists,	social	media	tactics	and	boots-on-the-ground	marketing/promotions	which	
includes	flyers	and	panels	for	the	creators	of	Soiled-It!.		
June	1st	–	Launch	Soiled-It!	Facebook,	Twitter,	Instagram,	YouTube	and	Tik-Tok	
social	media	pages.
June	14th	–	Launch	of	Soiled-It!	website	with	promo	video.	Included	under	the	video	
will	be	“subscribe”	to	capture	emails.		
June	15th	–	Launch	Soiled-It!	promotion	video	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter,	YouTube	
and	Instagram	with	link	to	Soiled-It!	website.		
June	21st	–	Launch	Father’s	Day	tribute	posts	on	IG	and	FB.	
July	4th	-	Launch	Soiled-It!	July	4th	promotion	video	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter,	
YouTube	and	Instagram	with	link	to	Soiled-It!	website.		
July	6th-	Begin	weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
July	13th	–	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Updates	will	include	
information	about	the	upcoming	release	and	what	consumers	can	do	to	help	prior	to	
release	including	reposting	on	social	media.		
July	20th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	Instagram.		
July	27th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	Facebook,	Twitter	and	Instagram.		
August	3rd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	Facebook,	Twitter	and	Instagram.
8/4/20 21
August	10th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	Facebook,	Twitter	and	Instagram.		
August	17th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	to	included	information	about	
speaking	at	Gamescom	digital	conference.	
August	24th	–	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Update	will	include	next	date	
information	on	how	to	participate	in	Gamescom	digital	conference.			
August	25th	–	Gamescom	digital	panel	for	Soiled-It!	speaker.	Gamescom	is	one	of	the	
premier	video	game	conferences	in	the	world,	but,	due	to	COVID-19,	it	will	be	
cancelled	this	year.	Instead,	it	will	be	hosted	digitally	and	the	plan	to	speak	is	
contingent	on	being	able	to	get	a	slot	on	one	of	the	panels	(gamescom,	n.d.).		
August	31st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
September	7th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
September	14th	–	Dave	&	Buster’s	Orlando	IG	Live	(IG:	davebusterorlando)	takeover	
(Contingent	on	sponsorship	placement).	
September	21st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
September	28th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
October	5th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Updates	will	include	
information	about	the	upcoming	release	and	what	consumers	can	do	to	help	prior	to	
release	including	reposting	on	social	media.		
October	12th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
October	19th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
October	26th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
October	31st	–	Halloween	Soiled-It	social	media	posts.	The	posts	will	consist	of	the	
Soiled-It!	staff	playing	the	video	game	and	the	company	representative	wishing	
everyone	a	safe	and	Happy	Halloween.		
November	2nd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
8/4/20 23
November	5th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Updates	will	include	
information	about	the	upcoming	release	and	what	consumers	can	do	to	help	prior	to	
release	including	reposting	on	social	media.		
November	9th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
November	16th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
November	23rd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
November	26th	–	Thanksgiving	Soiled-It	social	media	posts	including	Thanksgiving	
Promotion	video.	Route	back	viewers	to	website	to	sign-up	
November	30th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	5th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Updates	will	include	
information	about	the	upcoming	release	and	what	consumers	can	do	to	help	prior	to	
release	including	reposting	on	social	media.
December	7th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	14th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	21st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	25th	-	Christmas	Soiled-It	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	28th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
December	28th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists.	Updates	will	include	
information	about	the	upcoming	release	at	the	beginning	of	the	year!!!		
December	31st	–	Happy	New	Year	social	media	posts	on	on	Facebook,	Twitter	and	
Instagram	including	promotional	video	on	YouTube	for	release	day	the	following	
Release	(January	2021)
8/4/20 25
The	Release	Strategy	for	Soiled	it!	Is	to	launch	in	the	following	countries	USA,	
Canada,	the	Netherlands,	Sweden,	The	EU.	Launching	in	limited	markets	will	allow	Soiled	it!	
to	focus	it	limited	budget	to	make	the	greater	impact.			 	
First	Tactic:	Press	Kits;	Releasing	a	press	kit	will	be	a	great	tool	on	launch	date	to	
give	influencers	and	bloggers	that	could	be	interested	in	reviewing	Soiled	it!	This	press	kit	
will	include	all	the	basic	information	that	is	needed	to	understand	Soiled	it!	
Second	Tactic:	Virtual	launch	party;	Hosting	a	Virtual	Launch	party	is	not	only	free	
for	the	developers,	but	it	gives	the	player	base	a	place	to	meet	other	people	that	are	
interested	in	the	game.	The	launch	party	could	be	the	base	to	the	start	a	community	group.	
To	encourage	people	to	come	to	the	launch	party	Soiled	it!	will	be	offering	free	copies	to	the	
50	random	people	that	join	the	Party.	
Third	Tactic:	In	game	giveaway’s:	During	the	launch	weekend	Soiled	it!	will	be	
offering	in	game	giveaway	to	anyone	who	invites	a	friend	to	download	the	app.	The	
giveaway	will	range	from	in	game	items	to	in	game	currency.
Fourth	Tactic:	Weeklong	release	event;	During	this	week	of	the	launch	event	there	
will	be	a	series	of	event	that	will	be	used	to	get	limited	edition	items	that	will	not	be	
available	to	people	that	start	to	play	after	the	first	week.		
Fifth	Tactic:	Mailing	list	gifts;	anyone	that	signs	up	for	the	mailing	list	will	receive	a	
special	gift	for	being	part	of	the	list	also	they	will	have	the	ability	to	vote	for	new	items	that	
will	be	added	into	the	game.	
January	4th	–	Press	Kits	will	be	emailed	out	to	influencers		
January	4th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
January	6th	–	Social	media	event	will	be	set	up	and	invites	will	be	sent	out	via	email	
January	11th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
January	15th	–	Virtual	launch	party	with	giveaways	at	noon	
January	15th	–	Start	of	launch	weekend	giveaways	
January	15th	–	Soiled	it!	Launches		
January	17th	–	end	of	launch	weekend	giveaways;	ends	at	12:00	a.m.	PST	
January	18th	–	Start	of	weeklong	release	celebration	with	a	series	of	event	that	will	
be	used	to	get	limited	edition	items	that	will	not	be	available	to	people	that	start	to	play	
after	the	first	weekend	post.	
January	18th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
January	25th	–	End	of	weeklong	release	celebration.	
January	25th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
Post-Release	(February	through	July	2021)
8/4/20 27
The	Strategy	for	the	post	release	is	to	expand	the	game	to	a	worldwide	audience,	as	
well	as	grow	our	community.	The	six	months	following	the	release	soiled	up	will	focus	on	a	
social	media	Ad’s	campaign	and	continue	the	In	game	Giveaway	for	invites.	
First	Tactic:	Worldwide	Audiences;	expanding	into	a	worldwide	Audiences	
will	allow	Soiled	it!	to	gain	a	larger	audience	that	will	also	open	up	many	of	the	
giveaways	that	was	offered	in	the	first	launch.	This	will	allow	the	community	to	
expand	and	have	a	worldwide	impacted.		
Second	Tactic:	social	media	ad	campaign;	post	release	will	focus	mainly	on	
social	media	ads	to	get	the	impact	the	most	people.	These	ads	will	included	but	will	
not	be	limited	to	video	ad’s	like	trailers	and	gameplay,	and	also	banner	based	ad’s.			
Third	Tactic:	Invite	base	giveaway;	The	invite	base	giveaways	will	be	a	way	
to	keep	getting	people	involved	in	the	game	and	having	their	friends	join	in.	The	
invite	system	will	be	a	tier	based	that	will	offer	better	rewards	based	on	the	amount	
of	people	that	you	invite.
Fourth	Tactic:	Word	of	month;	Reviews	are	the	best	form	of	marketing	and	
getting	people	to	leave	reviews.	One	way	to	get	people	to	leave	feedback	is	to	give	
them	rewards,	much	like	fast	food	places	offer	free	meals.	The	reward	will	not	be	
based	on	if	it	a	good	or	bad	review	but	more	on	the	fact	of	the	person	leaving	
Fifth	Tactic:	Expo’s;	Taking	part	in	expo’s	will	promote	Soiled	it!	it	will	help	
reach	our	target	audience	and	will	be	a	form	of	targeted	marketing.	Expo’s	have	a	
wide	audience	and	will	be	great	investment	for	Soiled	it!	
February	1st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
February	2nd	–	Launch	of	post-release	social	media	ad	campaign;	
One	week	long	
February	8th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
February	14th	–	Valentine’s	day	tribute	post		
February	15th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
February	18th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists;	including	
Updates	on	future	events	and	in	game	promotions.		
February	22nd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
March	1st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
March	3rd	–	social	media	post	covering	the	invite	system	and	the	
rewards	available	from	it.
8/4/20 29
March	8th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
March	10th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists;	Including	
information	on	the	Global	release	that	is	set	for	next	month.	
March	15th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
March	18th	–	Promote	the	new	feedback	system	and	cove	the	
perks	that	are	included.	
March	22nd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
March	29th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
April	1st	-April	fool’s	day	post	and	event	
April	5th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
April	9th	–	International	social	media	ad	introducing	the	global	
release;	ad	will	run	for	10	days.	
April	12th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
April	19th	-	Global	Release!!	
April	22nd	–	Earth	Day	Soiled-it!	Post	
April	26th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
May	3rd	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
May	5th-	Cinco	de	Mayo	Soiled-it!	tribute	post	
May	9th	–	Mother	Day	tribute	post	
May	10th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.
May	14th-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists;	Including	
information	on	the	Gaming	Community	Expo	that	is	set	for	next	month.	
May	17th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
May	20th	–	Social	media	post	announcing	Gaming	Community	
May	24th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
May	31st	–	Memorial	day	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
June	7th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
June	12th	–	Gaming	Community	Expo	Day	1	
June	13th	–	Gaming	Community	Expo	Day	2	
June	14th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
June	20th	-	Father’s	Day	tribute	posts	
June	21st	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
June	28th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
July	4th	-	July	4th	promotion	video	posts	on	Facebook,	Twitter,	
YouTube	and	Instagram	with	link	to	Soiled-It!	website	
July	5th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
July	12th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.	
July	15th	-	Send	out	Soiled-It!	updates	to	email	lists;	including	what	
is	Soiled-It!	plan	for	the	next	6	months.	
July	19th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.
8/4/20 31
July	26th	-	Weekly	Soiled-It!	social	media	posts.
X.		Budget		
Promotional	Videos	 4	 $150.00	
Character	cut	outs	
2	 $70.00	
Video	Company	(upwork)	
1	 $150.00	
2000	per	box	
1	Box	
11X17	(100	per	box)	
1	Box				
Website	Domain	
1	 $10.98	
Annual	Fee	
																				$	10.98	
		 Price	 Projected	
Projected	Net	
Retail	(Mobile	App	Store)	
In-App	Purchases	 $.99	 250	 $148.50	
Subscriptions $5.99	 500	 $1797.00	
Advertising	 $100	 15	 $900.00	
Sponsorships	 $500	 5	 $1500.00	
Wholesale/Dealer	Price****	(Providers)	
STEAM	 				$35.99	 20	 $503.86	
Gamer’s	INC	 $39.00	 40	 $1092.00	
Cybertron	Video	Games	 $29.99	 80	 $1679.44	
Projected	Total	Net	Sales	Revenue	 104.98												 140	 	
Projected	Net	Profit	 		 		 $7620.80																						
*	Sponsorships	Priced	by	1	Year	
8/4/20 33
**	Advertising	Priced	by	Amount	of	
Providers	Locations	
***	70/30	Split	with	Wholesalers	
XI.		Appendices		
Brownbear,	director.	StarCraft	II	Design	-	Target	Audience	and	StarCraft	as	a	Game	vs.	
StarCraft	as	a	Product.	StarCraft	II	Design	-	Youtube	Series,	17	Aug.	2017,	
Game	Designing.	“The	10	Best	Cities	for	Aspiring	Game	Designers.”	The	Ultimate	Resource	
for	Video	Game	Design,	15	Dec.	2019,	“Game	Designer:	Job	Info	and	Requirements	for	Becoming	a	Game	Designer.”	
STUDY.COM,	Jan.	2020,
Terdiman,	Daniel.	“Surprise!	Game	Designers	Not	so	Diverse.”	CNET,	CNET,	19	Oct.	2005,	
Steamworks.	“Pricing	(Steamworks	Documentation).”	Steamworks,	2020,	
Yelp.	“THE	BEST	10	Video	Game	Stores	in	Orlando,	FL	-	Updated	COVID-19	Hours	&	
Services	-	Last	Updated.”	Yelp,	2020,	
GoDaddy.	“Domain	Name	Availability.”	GoDaddy	Domain	Name	Search,	2020,
8/4/20 35
Calvin,	J.	(2018	September	27).	When	not	to	release	your	indie	game.	Retrieved	from	
shoeb07.	(n.d.).	I	will	create	video	trailer	for	the	game.	Retrieved	from
Gamescom.	(n.d.).	Become	an	official	partner	of	Gamescom	2020.	Retrieved	from
Johnson,	T.	(2020	January	24).	How	Much	Do	Influencers	Charge?.	Retrieved	from	
Ad	Products:	Twitch	Advertising.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	May	23,	2020,	from	
Knezovic,	A.	(2020,	February	14).	Mobile	Game	Launch	Strategy:	How	to	Launch	Your	First	
Mobile	Game?	Retrieved	May	23,	2020,	from
Knezovic,	A.	(2020,	February	25).	Indie	Mobile	Game	Marketing:	Best	Strategies	for	2020.	
Retrieved	May	23,	2020,	from
Gaming	Community	Expo	2021.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	June	01,	2020,	from	
Calvin,	J.	(2018	September	27).	When	not	to	release	your	indie	game.	Retrieved	from	
shoeb07.	(n.d.).	I	will	create	video	trailer	for	the	game.	Retrieved	from
Gamescom.	(n.d.).	Become	an	official	partner	of	Gamescom	2020.	Retrieved	from
Johnson,	T.	(2020	January	24).	How	Much	Do	Influencers	Charge?.	Retrieved	from	
Davebusterorlando.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	from
8/4/20 37
Schroeder,	B.	(2018	March	01).	What	Does	a	Marketing	Agency	Do?.	Retrieved	from	
Big	or	small,	we	can	handle	it	all.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	from	
Farmville.	(2018,	November	16).	Retrieved	from	
Social	Media	Marketing	Services	for	Small	Businesses.	(2020,	March	17).	Retrieved	from	
Tips	for	Marketing	Video	Games	Across	Social	Media.	(2019,	October	23).	Retrieved	from	
Brownbear,	director.	StarCraft	II	Design	-	Target	Audience	and	StarCraft	as	a	Game	vs.	
StarCraft	as	a	Product.	StarCraft	II	Design	-	Youtube	Series,	17	Aug.	2017,	
Game	Designing.	“The	10	Best	Cities	for	Aspiring	Game	Designers.”	The	Ultimate	Resource	
for	Video	Game	Design,	15	Dec.	2019,	“Game	Designer:	Job	Info	and	Requirements	for	Becoming	a	Game	Designer.”	
STUDY.COM,	Jan.	2020,
Terdiman,	Daniel.	“Surprise!	Game	Designers	Not	so	Diverse.”	CNET,	CNET,	19	Oct.	2005,	
5	facts	about	Americans	and	video	games.	(2018,	September	17).	Retrieved	from
Retrieved	from	
Which	Americans	play	video	games	and	who	identifies	as	a	“gamer”.	(2019,	December	31).	
Retrieved	from
McCann,	A.	(2019,	5).	Best	cities	for	gamers.	Retrieved	from	
Steamworks.	“Pricing	(Steamworks	Documentation).”	Steamworks,	2020,	
Yelp.	“THE	BEST	10	Video	Game	Stores	in	Orlando,	FL	-	Updated	COVID-19	Hours	&	
Services	-	Last	Updated.”	Yelp,	2020,
8/4/20 39
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