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Why Jesus is Coming Soon – Series
In the coming struggle, it
“will be marked with a
terrible intensity such as
the world has never
witnessed. Satan’s deceptions will be
more subtle, his assaults more
determined. If it were possible, he
would lead astray the elect.”
(The Great Controversy, p. xi)
“Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy
positions of trust and authority, thinking men
and women of all classes, have their
attention fixed upon the events taking place
about us. They are watching the relations
that exist among the nations. They observe
the intensity that is taking possession of
every earthly element, and they recognize
that something great and decisive is about to
take place, – that the world is on the verge of
a stupendous crisis. (Evangelism, p. 194)
Do YOU sense that we are moving into that
period of time?
For many Christians a New World Order
[NWO] is only a conspiracy theory. It
appears to be in the realm of fantasy,
certainly not prophecy!
But – the Bible warns us differently!
A changed geopolitical world is at
the center of apocalyptic prophecy. It forms
shortly before the second return of Jesus,
when the world will be in awe over a “harlot”
and a “beast” – symbols for a “church” and a
“nation.” (Rev. 12:17, Dan. 7:17)
Expositors have noted that great
changes would take place in our
world just before the end. Those
changes relate to a coalition of
earth’s leaders wanting to centralize the
world’s powers. (9T 11)
The Bible notes that the papacy will become
its “head.” BUT – that won’t occur easily:
She will employ “every device to extend
her influence and increase her power in
preparation for a fierce and determined
conflict to regain control of the world.” (GC 565)
That coalition is represented by
“ten horns” on the “Vatican beast,”
which that harlot (an unfaithful
church) is riding.
Horns are a symbol of strength to
whatever beast is represented. They give
power to defeat its enemies. (Deut. 33:17)
“And the ten horns which thou sawest are
ten kings … these have one mind and shall
give their power and strength unto the
beast.” (Rev. 17:12-13) That’s the prophecy!
This all represents an amazing timing issue
of when a geopolitical order of ten powers
emerges, then gives power to the Holy See
(Catholic Church and the Vatican).
As you will soon discover,
these divisions have already
been created!
Here, now, is where our story begins:
Those ten horns symbolize not only
“kings” or leaders but ten end-time
geopolitical divisions or regions of
the world, which support that beast.
The Roman Catholic Church began to
aggressively define their global “social
agenda” after their land (Papal States) was
confiscated by the new Italian government
(1870)! Restoration of power and even
geopolitical control was foremost in their
thinking. We want to analyze several of their
documents. It will become apparent that
their “geo-religious” interest meshes with
the “geo-secular” trends that
we see today!
You’re going to be amazed!
Pope Leo XIII (1878–1903) laid the
foundation for all subsequent Catholic
“social” teaching. His passion was to
see a new global “economic order.” He
presented an array of social directives, veiled in
a cloak of concern for the “workers rights.” But it
was an appeal to man’s innate covetousness.
“You have the right to have … !”
Leo denigrated capitalism! His philosophy
was not unlike the concepts of Karl Marx
(Das Kapital). (Inside the Vatican, America and Catholic Social
Teaching, Dr. Rupert J. Ederer, Oct. 2012, p. 42) (Pope Francis’
concepts are the same.)
Leo’s encyclical, Rerum Novarum, declared:
1. The poor everywhere are being
dealt with unjustly by employers.
2. They should be able to live in a
comfortable house, be clothed, be
financially secure and have no hardship!
3. The poor should stand up for their rights
and use labor unions to protect their
interests (having a job, decent pay and a
proper work environment).
4. The government should be the poor’s ally
by protecting their rights.
5. Labor disputes should be settled by the
government and/or the Catholic Church.
6. The wealth of the employer should be
shared with the poor, including property.
7. Wages should be enough to comfortably
support the worker, his wife and children.
8. A worker should not labor more than six
days per week. One day should be for rest
and religion.
The winner would always be the “working poor.”
The looser would always be the “rich” and/or
the employers. Does it sound familiar to you to
take more from the “rich” to give to the poor?
Economic security for the majority at the
expense of a few is socialism! It was a covert
reach by the Roman Catholic Church to
manipulate and be a part of the State!
Please observe: At a time of weakness, when
all their land had been confiscated, the papacy
proposed a secular ideal that would permit them
to “side with” the “working class” and influence
world powers!
Pope Pius XI (1922–1939) was the
leader that guided the Catholic
Church back into a world-
recognized church–state in 1929
(the harlot and the beast!).
His “genius” didn’t stop there. To commemorate
the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum of Leo
XIII, he published Quadragesimo Anno (1931),
embellishing Catholic “social justice” ideals.
For the “common good,” “unrestrained
competition” and “capitalism” must be
curtailed! Labor unions must be encouraged!
Then: Alice A. Bailey, a well-known
spiritualist, published a book, The
Externalization of the Hierarchy
(1934). She was “told” that 1934
would mark the beginning of:
“organizing … men and women …[into] a
new order ... the world of the Brotherhood ...
[a] new world order.”
Intriguingly, the following year (1935) the
Roman Catholic Church published a book on
how that would be done: Rome Stoops to
Conquer. (Jesuit E. Boyd Barrett, Julian Messner, Inc., N.Y.)
By 1940 the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace forwarded a plan
for a “new world order.” It was soon adopted
by the State Department (USA) and matured
into a geopolitical strategy – allegedly to
prevent any further wars.
Of interest: Lucis Trust published Bailey’s
book. It was previously known as the Lucifer
Publishing Company. Intriguingly, the Lucis
Trust was and remains an NGO member of
the United Nations!
A Pennsylvania cartographer, Maurice Gomberg
drew up a map for those agencies, showing a
coalition of regions that anticipated a “New
World Moral Order.” It was published on
February 25, 1942. GUESS HOW MANY REGIONS?
Ten Regions
that would
fulfill the
prophecy for
“ten” horns!
Something very mysterious must be noted
about this map:
1. Historically, the nation of Israel wouldn’t
arise for another seven years, yet it is
printed on the map as a country!
2. The move toward a North American
Union wouldn’t emerge until 1994
(NAFTA), yet it appears there.
How did that “come together?”
Fulfillment of prophecy was
in anticipation!
Historian Thomas Moriarty, Ph.D.
(professor at Our Lady of the Elms
College, Chicopee, MA), while
researching for a book on the U.S. wartime
global ambitions, found Gomberg’s map. He
was stunned:
“Either the U.S. State Department had
someone who could see into the future OR
they meticulously planned to redraw the entire
map of the world” by some mysterious
geopolitical sensitivity.”
Do you think that the mysticism
projected by Alice Bailey was at work?
Pope Pius XII then came to
power (1939–1958). He
honored the 50th anniversary of
Rerum Novarum by another encyclical. He
claimed that capitalism subordinates its citizens
to the “stimulus of gain!” Catholic
social dogma had not changed.
Pius XII became so powerful he
put out feelers in 1944 to become
a member of the United Nations! The Holy See
would eventually be granted a “permanent
observer” status in 1964 (i.e., the Catholic
Church plus the Vatican State)!
Within six years of the 1942
geopolitical map, other
influences began to shatter
social and moral “norms” that
were almost unthinkable!
In July, 1948, Britain’s Sir Harold Butler,
wrote in the CFR’s magazine, Foreign
Affairs, “A New World Order” is taking
shape: “How far are they [the nations of the
world] prepared to sacrifice a part of their
sovereignty without which there can be no
effective economic or political union? ... Out of
the prevailing confusion a new world is taking
shape ... [pointing] toward the new order....
That will be the beginning of a real United
Nations, … held together by a common faith.”
1950 – In testimony before the
Senate Foreign Relations
Committee (USA), international
financier James P. Warburg said:
“We shall have a world government,
whether or not we like it. The question is only
whether it will be achieved by consent or by
conquest.” !!!
On February 9, that subcommittee introduced
Senate Resolution 66: “Whereas, in order
to achieve universal peace and justice, the
present Charter of the United Nations should
be changed to provide a true world government
Meanwhile, in 1954, Roman
Catholic, Vatican confidant,
Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands established the
Bilderbergers organization.
It was comprised of bankers and international
politicians who have met secretly each year
Objective – lay plans to achieve a New World
That year, 1954, Senator William
Jenner said: “Today the path to total
dictatorship in the United States can
be laid by strictly legal means, unseen
and unheard by the Congress, the President,
or the people.… outwardly we have a
Constitutional government. We have operating
within our government and political system,
another body representing another form of
government, a bureaucratic elite which believes
our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it
is the winning side.... All the strange
developments in the foreign policy agreements
may be traced to this group who are going to
make us over to suit their pleasure.... This
political action group has its own local political
support organizations, its own pressure groups,
its own vested interests, its foothold within our
government, and its own propaganda
apparatus.” (
Do you see what he is saying? All branches
of government could be bypassed for a NWO!
Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), the
leader that initially presided over
Vatican II, noted in 1961 in Mater et
Magistra that:
“The unregulated competition which so-called
liberals espoused, ... [is] utterly opposed to
Christian teaching and also to the very nature
of man.” (p. 23)
Though denied by Rome, their collective
economic documents are Marxist, favoring
centralization of world power.
Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) came
to power at the untimely death
of John XXIII. He completed the
work of Vatican II and was highly
respected in the international
He published a controversial document
Populorum Progressio. In all these “papal
encyclicals” the United States is denigrated!
He called for the redistribution of wealth.
The Wall Street Journal noted that it was
nothing more than “warmed over Marxism.”
(Quoted from Inside the Vatican, October 2012, p. 44)
Do you see what is evolving?
• Promotion of worker rights
• Increase of their time and money
• Support labor unions
• Economy controlled by central power
• This is all “social justice,” which is a
Christian teaching
• It is accomplished by redistribution
of wealth
The Roman Catholic Church, under the
ruse of a Christian “moral base,” is stepping
into the circle of secular government.
There were thinking people
observing what the Vatican
was saying and publishing!
One outspoken social scientist
and genius of public thought, Ayn Rand,
wrote: A Requiem for Man, Capitalism:
The Unkown Ideal – an answer to the Papal
encyclical Progressio” (1967).
She could see through the aspirations of
the Roman Catholic papacy. Her words
unveiled Rome’s sinister drive for power:
“The encyclical is the manifesto of
an impassioned hatred for capitalism;
but its evil is much more profound and
its target is more than mere politics.”
Later, John Robbins observed: “The Catholic
church has never given up the hope to re-
establish the medieval union of church and
state, with a global state and a global theocracy
as its ultimate goal. This is the spectacle of
religion climbing … in a desperate attempt to
recapture the power it lost.”
“The Roman church–state is a hybrid – a
monster of ecclesiastical and political power.
Its political thought is totalitarian and whenever
it has had the opportunity to apply
its principles, the result has
been bloody repression.
“The Roman church–state … is an institution
recovering from a mortal wound. If and when
it regains its full power and authority it will
impose a regime more sinister than any the
planet has yet seen.”
(Robbins, Ecceleastical Megalomania, p. 315 – 1995)
Springing on the world scene
in April of 1968 came The Club
of Rome, formed as an alleged
“think tank” to address global problems! BUT
it was an international Roman Catholic agency
that would help facilitate a geopolitical world
Unphased by these public denunciations,
long-repressed emotions broke out into the
open. Rome’s defenses suddenly came alive!
Captivating is a world map that the Club
developed which could regionally “address”
each world problem! Again, ten global divisions
were made – paralleling the ten horns giving
power to the Roman beast.
The Club published this book in 1972, which
outlines potential geopolitical crises that they
claimed were pending. This is where the real
modern-day momentum began for:
• Global warming
• Population growth
• Eliminating world hunger
• Dwindling oil reserves
• Lack of fresh water
• Transportation problems
• Arms control
These should be regulated through collectivist
global ideals (Marxism).
When Pope John Paul II (1978-2005)
was inaugurated, he already had a
keen interest in geopolitics!
He quickly added weight to the voluminous
“social dogma” through three encyclicals on:
Human Work
Conflict Between Labor and Capital
The Rights of Workers
Once again, he used the “cultural tool” by
appealing to the working class. “This is
what you really deserve!”
In each document he noted that “solidarity” among
the laboring class was a “Christian virtue” [labor
unions] which can benefit the “social order.” Later,
he stated: “The Church does not propose economic
and political systems and programs, nor does she
show preference for one or the other, provided that
[1] human dignity is properly respected and
promoted, [which she rarely perceives occurs] and
[2] provided that she herself is allowed the room she
needs to exercise her ministry in the world.”
(Sollicitudeo Rei Socialis, p. 41)
Her geopolitical way of saying: “We want control.”
John noted: “… all the world wondered after
the beast.” (Rev. 13:3) The “beast” – that
rebellious “nation,” the Vatican, which a
“harlot” rides on and controls!
Prophecy foretells her power will
be restored! (The Faith I Live By, p. 329)
She will regain “control of the
world.” (The Great Controversy, p. 565)
Everything we have reviewed to this point is
a preface to that prophetic fulfillment!
During this time two arrogant but
pertinent “laws” came out of Rome.
Pope John Paul II revised the 1917
Code of Canon Law by adding to the laws
of the Roman Catholic Church. This was one:
“The Church has an innate and proper
right to coerce offending members of the
Christian faithful [any church] by means of
penal sanctions…. The following are to be
punished with a just penalty: A person who
… teaches a doctrine condemned by the
Roman Pontiff.” (Canon 1312)
Other agencies began to show interest in a
centralized world by publishing world maps,
dividing planet earth into ten regions.
Textbooks began to print the anticipated ten
geopolitical regions of earth – a “plan” devised
by the “trilateral” commission.
World Trade Organization
United Nations
The number of “elite”
voices calling for a NWO
rapidly increased: The
Twilight of Sovereignty
by Walter Writson, CFR member and former
Citicorp Chairman, was published in 1992, in
which he stated:
“A truly global economy will require ...
compromises of national sovereignty...
There is no escaping [this anticipated
In 1994 , The Pontifical Academy of Social
Sciences began annual Plenary Sessions on
Globalization. Outcome?
1. The “goods of the world” belong
to everyone.
2. The “common good” must drive all
national/international decisions.
3. “Global solidarity” means everyone
benefits from every one else’s “money”
under a world government headed by
a “moral leader.”
That’s Fascism!
“Globalization, despite some of its negative
aspects, is unifying peoples more and
prompting them to move towards a new ‘rule
of law’ on the supranational level…. World
peace can be ours if we only submit to a one-
world government that manages our lives and
our finances.” (Pope Benedict XVI – 2009)
Interesting, isn’t it?
Pope Benedict began in
2005 to publically support a
unified geopolitical world!
July 7, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI
published his third encyclical,
Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth).
This was a bombshell to the world.
He urged the world community to adopt a
centralized blend of free-market and social
welfare ideals, and again called for a world
authority to “manage the economy,” to bring
about “timely disarmament” and “food
security and peace” to the world.
Who might Benedict
be thinking that leader
“authority” might be?
The papacy –
the “Holy See.”
He went on to say that such a leader would
“guarantee the protection of the environment
and to regulate immigration: for all this, there
is urgent need of a true world political
Pope Benedict XVI’s social “encyclical is a
deeply troubling document” said journalist Rod
Dreher. “Why? Because it attempts to ally
religious authority to the creation of globally
centralized political and economic power, with
the idea that if only we rationalize our political
and economic relationships, and put them
under the authority of a wise Authority, we’ll
all be better off … in political and economic
matters, it is a temptation to tyranny.”
(Rod Dreher, The American Conservative,
October 24, 2011, Reuters)
Jesuit Pope Francis enters the
world scene, March, 2013. He
noted, before 200,000 faithful on
May 18, 2013, that the Church must do more
to help the poor and not speak so much about
theology. (Reuters) That was Catholic social
doctrine “speak.” That was New World Order
“speak.” Prophecy makes clear that under
Rome’s central leadership, world leaders will
soon have tight control of the lives of
humanity. Francis is positioning himself for
On November 24, 2013,
Francis published Evangilii
Gaudium – in English:
“The Joy of the Gospel.”
It had little to do with the gospel and
much to do with Jesuit Marxism.
In this document he invoked the moral
roots of socialism as of international
value. In a veiled attempt, he sought to
place the Holy See as a solution-filled
agency for the world’s geopolitical ills!
Roman Catholic, Christine Lagarde,
Director of The International Monetary
Fund, said on October 3, 2013, that the answer
to burgeoning debt-based currencies was to
“repudiate public debt,” “inflate away” money,
and/or transfer wealth to the governments,
even private equities. Then she said,
consumption taxes should be increased to
“mobilize domestic revenue.” Her
recommendations came from the “play book”
of Catholic social doctrine (which despises
The G20 met on April
11, 2014, and pressed
Lagarde to implement
her agenda by the end
of the year!
Easter, 2014, Pope Francis
asked the “world” to deal
with hunger, the poor, war
and called for a new
economic world order.
Alejandro Chafuen, Ph.D., a Catholic
economic scholar said that we now
have a “Pope Francis economic
doctrine.” (CNN, 4-20-14)
“But he [“king of the north” or papacy] shall
have power over the treasures of gold and
of silver, and over all the precious things of
Egypt [sinful world].” (Dan. 11:43)
Then – it will be wealth upon wealth!
Prophecy ties the “power wielding” papacy
with geopolitical “cover” from the United
States, the “earth beast.” (Rev. 13). In fact, the
USA is depicted as a violent, hateful and
hurtful country in that chapter. Is that really
possible? Is the White House coordinating
a geopolitical tie with Rome?
Headline – April 18, 2014:
“Pope Francis: ‘Inequality Is the Root of
Social Evil.’” (Britbart News) President Obama said
virtually the same thing on December 4, 2013!
They share a common agenda!
Stanley Kurtz, investigative journalist wrote in
“Radical In-Chief” (October 2010) that Barack
Obama is bringing Marxist socialism into
America. The Social Doctrines
of the Roman Catholic Church
follow the same ideology.
In May, 2013, President Obama
told a small gathering of “progressive elitists”
that he wanted to “institutionalize a crises
atmosphere in America.”
Daniel Ellsberg reported in the Huffington
Post, August 21, 2013, “We have not only
the capability of a police state, but certain
beginnings of it right now.”
Recall the “testing,” “tolerance”
activities of the Federal Government since this
president has been in office:
“Occupy Movement,” the “standoff” with the Nevada
cattle rancher, Cliven Bundy, the IRS “attack” on the Tea
Party, tax returns that must identify IF there is proper
health insurance, unbridled printing of money, purchasing
of treasury debts, manipulating the financial markets
through the purchasing of equities, promoting voting
without ID’s.
Rush Limbaugh (February 2014)
warned that what President
Obama is doing is “unchartered
territory.” It is “way beyond a
banana republic now. This is
The Supreme Court’s refusal to
hear a religious liberty case from
New Mexico Human Rights Commission
clearly revels that freedom of conscience is
being tampered with here in the United States
(April 2014)!
Adding to the deepening concerns
over legal coercion, Justice Antonin
Scalia noted on February 4, 2014,
in a speech at the University of Hawaii Law
School, that “internment camps” like those of
WWII, may happen again.
Jonathan Turley, recognized legal
scholar, George Washington
University, told congress in March,
2014, “The problem with what the president is
doing … is he’s becoming the very danger the
Constitution was designed to avoid.”
In the “earth beast” prophecy of
Revelation 13, how “nice” was
this symbol of the United States?
• “he spake as a dragon”
• “causeth the earth and them which dwell
therein to worship the first beast”
• “deceiveth them that dwell on the earth”
• “cause that as many as would not worship
the image of the beast should be killed”
Did you know all that was there? Incidentally,
the Greek word for “beast” is therion. It means
malicious, violent and horrifying!
Recall the text: “And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings
one hour with the beast. These have one mind,
and shall give their power and strength unto
the beast.” (Rev. 17:12-13)
May 9, 2014, over 75 heads of the administra-
tive divisions of the United Nations, under the
leadership of the Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon, flew to the Vatican to confer with
Pope Francis!
Francis addressed that administrative body. He
urged rapid acceleration of many global
objectives to improve school education and a
deepening commitment to respect life.
AND THEN – !!!
Francis was critical
of capitalism and
urged a global effort
at the redistribution of the world’s wealth! In
the sympathetic ear of earth’s leaders, he called
once again, for global Marxism!!!
“We are standing upon the threshold of
great and solemn events. Prophecies are
fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being
recorded in the books of heaven. Everything
in our world is in agitation…. Events are
changing.” (6T 14)
How prepared are you for the emerging crises.
Liberty is now a relative issue. Religious
freedom is being compromised on many
fronts. God requires brave, unyielding activists
to finish the work. Will you be one?
The End
“What I say, I say unto all, ‘Watch.’” (Mark 13:37)

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2016 geopolitical order - brief - 7-2016

  • 1. Why Jesus is Coming Soon – Series 1
  • 2. In the coming struggle, it “will be marked with a terrible intensity such as the world has never witnessed. Satan’s deceptions will be more subtle, his assaults more determined. If it were possible, he would lead astray the elect.” (The Great Controversy, p. xi) 2
  • 3. “Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us. They are watching the relations that exist among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element, and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place, – that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. (Evangelism, p. 194) 3
  • 4. Do YOU sense that we are moving into that period of time? For many Christians a New World Order [NWO] is only a conspiracy theory. It appears to be in the realm of fantasy, certainly not prophecy! But – the Bible warns us differently! A changed geopolitical world is at the center of apocalyptic prophecy. It forms shortly before the second return of Jesus, when the world will be in awe over a “harlot” and a “beast” – symbols for a “church” and a “nation.” (Rev. 12:17, Dan. 7:17) 4
  • 5. Expositors have noted that great changes would take place in our world just before the end. Those changes relate to a coalition of earth’s leaders wanting to centralize the world’s powers. (9T 11) The Bible notes that the papacy will become its “head.” BUT – that won’t occur easily: She will employ “every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world.” (GC 565) 5
  • 6. That coalition is represented by “ten horns” on the “Vatican beast,” which that harlot (an unfaithful church) is riding. Horns are a symbol of strength to whatever beast is represented. They give power to defeat its enemies. (Deut. 33:17) “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings … these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” (Rev. 17:12-13) That’s the prophecy! 6
  • 7. This all represents an amazing timing issue of when a geopolitical order of ten powers emerges, then gives power to the Holy See (Catholic Church and the Vatican). As you will soon discover, these divisions have already been created! Here, now, is where our story begins: Those ten horns symbolize not only “kings” or leaders but ten end-time geopolitical divisions or regions of the world, which support that beast. 7
  • 8. The Roman Catholic Church began to aggressively define their global “social agenda” after their land (Papal States) was confiscated by the new Italian government (1870)! Restoration of power and even geopolitical control was foremost in their thinking. We want to analyze several of their documents. It will become apparent that their “geo-religious” interest meshes with the “geo-secular” trends that we see today! You’re going to be amazed! 8
  • 9. Pope Leo XIII (1878–1903) laid the foundation for all subsequent Catholic “social” teaching. His passion was to see a new global “economic order.” He presented an array of social directives, veiled in a cloak of concern for the “workers rights.” But it was an appeal to man’s innate covetousness. “You have the right to have … !” Leo denigrated capitalism! His philosophy was not unlike the concepts of Karl Marx (Das Kapital). (Inside the Vatican, America and Catholic Social Teaching, Dr. Rupert J. Ederer, Oct. 2012, p. 42) (Pope Francis’ concepts are the same.) 9
  • 10. Leo’s encyclical, Rerum Novarum, declared: 1. The poor everywhere are being dealt with unjustly by employers. 2. They should be able to live in a comfortable house, be clothed, be financially secure and have no hardship! 3. The poor should stand up for their rights and use labor unions to protect their interests (having a job, decent pay and a proper work environment). 10
  • 11. 4. The government should be the poor’s ally by protecting their rights. 5. Labor disputes should be settled by the government and/or the Catholic Church. 6. The wealth of the employer should be shared with the poor, including property. 7. Wages should be enough to comfortably support the worker, his wife and children. 8. A worker should not labor more than six days per week. One day should be for rest and religion. 11
  • 12. The winner would always be the “working poor.” The looser would always be the “rich” and/or the employers. Does it sound familiar to you to take more from the “rich” to give to the poor? Economic security for the majority at the expense of a few is socialism! It was a covert reach by the Roman Catholic Church to manipulate and be a part of the State! Please observe: At a time of weakness, when all their land had been confiscated, the papacy proposed a secular ideal that would permit them to “side with” the “working class” and influence world powers! 12
  • 13. Pope Pius XI (1922–1939) was the leader that guided the Catholic Church back into a world- recognized church–state in 1929 (the harlot and the beast!). His “genius” didn’t stop there. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII, he published Quadragesimo Anno (1931), embellishing Catholic “social justice” ideals. For the “common good,” “unrestrained competition” and “capitalism” must be curtailed! Labor unions must be encouraged! 13
  • 14. Then: Alice A. Bailey, a well-known spiritualist, published a book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy (1934). She was “told” that 1934 would mark the beginning of: “organizing … men and women …[into] a new order ... the world of the Brotherhood ... [a] new world order.” Intriguingly, the following year (1935) the Roman Catholic Church published a book on how that would be done: Rome Stoops to Conquer. (Jesuit E. Boyd Barrett, Julian Messner, Inc., N.Y.) 14
  • 15. By 1940 the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace forwarded a plan for a “new world order.” It was soon adopted by the State Department (USA) and matured into a geopolitical strategy – allegedly to prevent any further wars. Of interest: Lucis Trust published Bailey’s book. It was previously known as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Intriguingly, the Lucis Trust was and remains an NGO member of the United Nations! 15
  • 16. A Pennsylvania cartographer, Maurice Gomberg drew up a map for those agencies, showing a coalition of regions that anticipated a “New World Moral Order.” It was published on February 25, 1942. GUESS HOW MANY REGIONS? Ten Regions that would fulfill the end-time prophecy for “ten” horns! 16
  • 17. Something very mysterious must be noted about this map: 1. Historically, the nation of Israel wouldn’t arise for another seven years, yet it is printed on the map as a country! 2. The move toward a North American Union wouldn’t emerge until 1994 (NAFTA), yet it appears there. How did that “come together?” Fulfillment of prophecy was in anticipation! 17
  • 18. Historian Thomas Moriarty, Ph.D. (professor at Our Lady of the Elms College, Chicopee, MA), while researching for a book on the U.S. wartime global ambitions, found Gomberg’s map. He was stunned: “Either the U.S. State Department had someone who could see into the future OR they meticulously planned to redraw the entire map of the world” by some mysterious geopolitical sensitivity.” Do you think that the mysticism projected by Alice Bailey was at work? 18
  • 19. Pope Pius XII then came to power (1939–1958). He honored the 50th anniversary of Rerum Novarum by another encyclical. He claimed that capitalism subordinates its citizens to the “stimulus of gain!” Catholic social dogma had not changed. Pius XII became so powerful he put out feelers in 1944 to become a member of the United Nations! The Holy See would eventually be granted a “permanent observer” status in 1964 (i.e., the Catholic Church plus the Vatican State)! 19
  • 20. Within six years of the 1942 geopolitical map, other influences began to shatter social and moral “norms” that were almost unthinkable! 20
  • 21. In July, 1948, Britain’s Sir Harold Butler, wrote in the CFR’s magazine, Foreign Affairs, “A New World Order” is taking shape: “How far are they [the nations of the world] prepared to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty without which there can be no effective economic or political union? ... Out of the prevailing confusion a new world is taking shape ... [pointing] toward the new order.... That will be the beginning of a real United Nations, … held together by a common faith.” 21
  • 22. 1950 – In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (USA), international financier James P. Warburg said: “We shall have a world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether it will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” !!! On February 9, that subcommittee introduced Senate Resolution 66: “Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution.” 22
  • 23. Meanwhile, in 1954, Roman Catholic, Vatican confidant, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands established the Bilderbergers organization. It was comprised of bankers and international politicians who have met secretly each year since. Objective – lay plans to achieve a New World Order. 23
  • 24. That year, 1954, Senator William Jenner said: “Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people.… outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side.... All the strange 24
  • 25. developments in the foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure.... This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government, and its own propaganda apparatus.” ( Do you see what he is saying? All branches of government could be bypassed for a NWO! 25
  • 26. Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), the leader that initially presided over Vatican II, noted in 1961 in Mater et Magistra that: “The unregulated competition which so-called liberals espoused, ... [is] utterly opposed to Christian teaching and also to the very nature of man.” (p. 23) Though denied by Rome, their collective economic documents are Marxist, favoring centralization of world power. 26
  • 27. Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) came to power at the untimely death of John XXIII. He completed the work of Vatican II and was highly respected in the international community. He published a controversial document Populorum Progressio. In all these “papal encyclicals” the United States is denigrated! He called for the redistribution of wealth. The Wall Street Journal noted that it was nothing more than “warmed over Marxism.” (Quoted from Inside the Vatican, October 2012, p. 44) 27
  • 28. Do you see what is evolving? • Promotion of worker rights • Increase of their time and money • Support labor unions • Economy controlled by central power • This is all “social justice,” which is a Christian teaching • It is accomplished by redistribution of wealth The Roman Catholic Church, under the ruse of a Christian “moral base,” is stepping into the circle of secular government. 28
  • 29. There were thinking people observing what the Vatican was saying and publishing! One outspoken social scientist and genius of public thought, Ayn Rand, wrote: A Requiem for Man, Capitalism: The Unkown Ideal – an answer to the Papal encyclical Progressio” (1967). She could see through the aspirations of the Roman Catholic papacy. Her words unveiled Rome’s sinister drive for power: 29
  • 30. “The encyclical is the manifesto of an impassioned hatred for capitalism; but its evil is much more profound and its target is more than mere politics.” Later, John Robbins observed: “The Catholic church has never given up the hope to re- establish the medieval union of church and state, with a global state and a global theocracy as its ultimate goal. This is the spectacle of religion climbing … in a desperate attempt to recapture the power it lost.” (continued) 30
  • 31. “The Roman church–state is a hybrid – a monster of ecclesiastical and political power. Its political thought is totalitarian and whenever it has had the opportunity to apply its principles, the result has been bloody repression. “The Roman church–state … is an institution recovering from a mortal wound. If and when it regains its full power and authority it will impose a regime more sinister than any the planet has yet seen.” (Robbins, Ecceleastical Megalomania, p. 315 – 1995) 31
  • 32. Springing on the world scene in April of 1968 came The Club of Rome, formed as an alleged “think tank” to address global problems! BUT it was an international Roman Catholic agency that would help facilitate a geopolitical world order! Unphased by these public denunciations, long-repressed emotions broke out into the open. Rome’s defenses suddenly came alive! 32
  • 33. Captivating is a world map that the Club developed which could regionally “address” each world problem! Again, ten global divisions were made – paralleling the ten horns giving power to the Roman beast. 33
  • 34. The Club published this book in 1972, which outlines potential geopolitical crises that they claimed were pending. This is where the real modern-day momentum began for: • Global warming • Population growth • Eliminating world hunger • Dwindling oil reserves • Lack of fresh water • Transportation problems • Arms control These should be regulated through collectivist global ideals (Marxism). 34
  • 35. When Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) was inaugurated, he already had a keen interest in geopolitics! He quickly added weight to the voluminous “social dogma” through three encyclicals on: Human Work Conflict Between Labor and Capital The Rights of Workers Once again, he used the “cultural tool” by appealing to the working class. “This is what you really deserve!” 35
  • 36. In each document he noted that “solidarity” among the laboring class was a “Christian virtue” [labor unions] which can benefit the “social order.” Later, he stated: “The Church does not propose economic and political systems and programs, nor does she show preference for one or the other, provided that [1] human dignity is properly respected and promoted, [which she rarely perceives occurs] and [2] provided that she herself is allowed the room she needs to exercise her ministry in the world.” (Sollicitudeo Rei Socialis, p. 41) Her geopolitical way of saying: “We want control.” 36
  • 37. John noted: “… all the world wondered after the beast.” (Rev. 13:3) The “beast” – that rebellious “nation,” the Vatican, which a “harlot” rides on and controls! Prophecy foretells her power will be restored! (The Faith I Live By, p. 329) She will regain “control of the world.” (The Great Controversy, p. 565) Everything we have reviewed to this point is a preface to that prophetic fulfillment! 37
  • 38. During this time two arrogant but pertinent “laws” came out of Rome. Pope John Paul II revised the 1917 Code of Canon Law by adding to the laws of the Roman Catholic Church. This was one: “The Church has an innate and proper right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful [any church] by means of penal sanctions…. The following are to be punished with a just penalty: A person who … teaches a doctrine condemned by the Roman Pontiff.” (Canon 1312) 38
  • 39. Other agencies began to show interest in a centralized world by publishing world maps, dividing planet earth into ten regions. Textbooks began to print the anticipated ten geopolitical regions of earth – a “plan” devised by the “trilateral” commission. World Trade Organization United Nations 39
  • 40. The number of “elite” voices calling for a NWO rapidly increased: The Twilight of Sovereignty by Walter Writson, CFR member and former Citicorp Chairman, was published in 1992, in which he stated: “A truly global economy will require ... compromises of national sovereignty... There is no escaping [this anticipated change].” 40
  • 41. In 1994 , The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences began annual Plenary Sessions on Globalization. Outcome? 1. The “goods of the world” belong to everyone. 2. The “common good” must drive all national/international decisions. 3. “Global solidarity” means everyone benefits from every one else’s “money” under a world government headed by a “moral leader.” That’s Fascism! 41
  • 42. “Globalization, despite some of its negative aspects, is unifying peoples more and prompting them to move towards a new ‘rule of law’ on the supranational level…. World peace can be ours if we only submit to a one- world government that manages our lives and our finances.” (Pope Benedict XVI – 2009) Interesting, isn’t it? Pope Benedict began in 2005 to publically support a unified geopolitical world! 42
  • 43. July 7, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI published his third encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth). This was a bombshell to the world. He urged the world community to adopt a centralized blend of free-market and social welfare ideals, and again called for a world authority to “manage the economy,” to bring about “timely disarmament” and “food security and peace” to the world. 43
  • 44. Who might Benedict be thinking that leader “authority” might be? The papacy – the “Holy See.” He went on to say that such a leader would “guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate immigration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority.” 44
  • 45. Pope Benedict XVI’s social “encyclical is a deeply troubling document” said journalist Rod Dreher. “Why? Because it attempts to ally religious authority to the creation of globally centralized political and economic power, with the idea that if only we rationalize our political and economic relationships, and put them under the authority of a wise Authority, we’ll all be better off … in political and economic matters, it is a temptation to tyranny.” (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, October 24, 2011, Reuters) 45
  • 46. Jesuit Pope Francis enters the world scene, March, 2013. He noted, before 200,000 faithful on May 18, 2013, that the Church must do more to help the poor and not speak so much about theology. (Reuters) That was Catholic social doctrine “speak.” That was New World Order “speak.” Prophecy makes clear that under Rome’s central leadership, world leaders will soon have tight control of the lives of humanity. Francis is positioning himself for this! 46
  • 47. On November 24, 2013, Francis published Evangilii Gaudium – in English: “The Joy of the Gospel.” It had little to do with the gospel and much to do with Jesuit Marxism. In this document he invoked the moral roots of socialism as of international value. In a veiled attempt, he sought to place the Holy See as a solution-filled agency for the world’s geopolitical ills! 47
  • 48. Roman Catholic, Christine Lagarde, Director of The International Monetary Fund, said on October 3, 2013, that the answer to burgeoning debt-based currencies was to “repudiate public debt,” “inflate away” money, and/or transfer wealth to the governments, even private equities. Then she said, consumption taxes should be increased to “mobilize domestic revenue.” Her recommendations came from the “play book” of Catholic social doctrine (which despises capitalism)! 48
  • 49. The G20 met on April 11, 2014, and pressed Lagarde to implement her agenda by the end of the year! Easter, 2014, Pope Francis asked the “world” to deal with hunger, the poor, war and called for a new economic world order. Alejandro Chafuen, Ph.D., a Catholic economic scholar said that we now have a “Pope Francis economic doctrine.” (CNN, 4-20-14) 49
  • 50. “But he [“king of the north” or papacy] shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt [sinful world].” (Dan. 11:43) Then – it will be wealth upon wealth! 50
  • 51. Prophecy ties the “power wielding” papacy with geopolitical “cover” from the United States, the “earth beast.” (Rev. 13). In fact, the USA is depicted as a violent, hateful and hurtful country in that chapter. Is that really possible? Is the White House coordinating a geopolitical tie with Rome? Headline – April 18, 2014: “Pope Francis: ‘Inequality Is the Root of Social Evil.’” (Britbart News) President Obama said virtually the same thing on December 4, 2013! They share a common agenda! 51
  • 52. Stanley Kurtz, investigative journalist wrote in “Radical In-Chief” (October 2010) that Barack Obama is bringing Marxist socialism into America. The Social Doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church follow the same ideology. In May, 2013, President Obama told a small gathering of “progressive elitists” that he wanted to “institutionalize a crises atmosphere in America.” 52
  • 53. Daniel Ellsberg reported in the Huffington Post, August 21, 2013, “We have not only the capability of a police state, but certain beginnings of it right now.” Recall the “testing,” “tolerance” activities of the Federal Government since this president has been in office: “Occupy Movement,” the “standoff” with the Nevada cattle rancher, Cliven Bundy, the IRS “attack” on the Tea Party, tax returns that must identify IF there is proper health insurance, unbridled printing of money, purchasing of treasury debts, manipulating the financial markets through the purchasing of equities, promoting voting without ID’s. 53
  • 54. Rush Limbaugh (February 2014) warned that what President Obama is doing is “unchartered territory.” It is “way beyond a banana republic now. This is Stalinism.” The Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a religious liberty case from New Mexico Human Rights Commission clearly revels that freedom of conscience is being tampered with here in the United States (April 2014)! 54
  • 55. Adding to the deepening concerns over legal coercion, Justice Antonin Scalia noted on February 4, 2014, in a speech at the University of Hawaii Law School, that “internment camps” like those of WWII, may happen again. Jonathan Turley, recognized legal scholar, George Washington University, told congress in March, 2014, “The problem with what the president is doing … is he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.” 55
  • 56. In the “earth beast” prophecy of Revelation 13, how “nice” was this symbol of the United States? • “he spake as a dragon” • “causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast” • “deceiveth them that dwell on the earth” • “cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” Did you know all that was there? Incidentally, the Greek word for “beast” is therion. It means malicious, violent and horrifying!
  • 57. Recall the text: “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” (Rev. 17:12-13) May 9, 2014, over 75 heads of the administra- tive divisions of the United Nations, under the leadership of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, flew to the Vatican to confer with Pope Francis!
  • 58. Francis addressed that administrative body. He urged rapid acceleration of many global objectives to improve school education and a deepening commitment to respect life. AND THEN – !!! Francis was critical of capitalism and urged a global effort at the redistribution of the world’s wealth! In the sympathetic ear of earth’s leaders, he called once again, for global Marxism!!!
  • 59. “We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agitation…. Events are changing.” (6T 14) How prepared are you for the emerging crises. Liberty is now a relative issue. Religious freedom is being compromised on many fronts. God requires brave, unyielding activists to finish the work. Will you be one? 59
  • 60. The End “What I say, I say unto all, ‘Watch.’” (Mark 13:37) 60