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Design – Build – Balance
设计 – 建造 – 平衡
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Sandra Costa
Design Group
公司简介及服务 - Company Profile			 3
项目及服务 - Projects & Services			 4
主要设计师一览 - Principals				5
设计团队--全球合作伙伴---荣誉奖项 -		 6
Design Team - Global Partners - Awards
酒店项目 - Hospitality					9
餐厅项目 - Restaurants					31
楼宇设计项目 - Building Design				51
创新娱乐项目 - Innovative Entertainment		 59
建筑设计项目 - Architectural Design			 67
定制家具项目 - Custom Furnishings			 71
作品陈列 - Glossary					78
Sandra Costa Design Group
承创意,均衡模式及可持续理念,使“设计 - 建造 - 平衡”成为其公司的主要驱
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Global Design Consultants
我们提供方案及专业知识来完成这项工作! 基于社会因素、经济和环境对设
Sandra Costa
Design Group
设计开发项目 Design Development Projects:
布伦特伍德庄园 (北京)、布伦特伍德壮元(加利福尼亚)、天府绿河康体中心、迈阿密机
场、Legendary Megacorp、Wokcano酒店、BLLA公司办事处、天际(Skyline)度假公寓业主
协会、Don Be Mea有限公司项目开发、希尔顿开发、金童 (Golden Boy)、创意合作伙伴
(Cre8tive)、Bar Method公司、泛亚餐饮集团和中国董事会公司, 华光海运, 罗伊·罗杰斯
(Roy Rogers) 牧场、电影福利院 (Motion Picture Welfare Home), MCA唱片公司开发、斯坦
布莱施尔及合伙人公司 (Steinbrecher & Associates), 超 (Chao) 陵墓。
餐厅及咨询项目 Restaurant & Consultant Projects:
洛杉矶Wokcano餐厅、利科 (LE KA) 国际、Gyoro Gyoro国际、墨西哥里维拉法国 (Riviera
French) 面包房、洛杉矶Otto Otto、洛杉矶Tatou餐厅、洛杉矶Tsunamis餐厅、洛杉矶世
纪俱乐部, 四橡树贝尔艾尔(Four oaks Bel Air)餐馆, 美国拉姆斯拉 (Ramsla) 有限公司。
修复项目 Restoration Projects:
洛杉矶布里特 (Britt) 宅邸, 利兰·斯坦福宅邸及萨克拉门托总督、赫斯特农场参议员宅
邸、茱莉亚·摩根 (Julia Morgan) 牛仔别墅/旧世纪牧场、茱莉亚·摩根 (Julia Morgan)
圣西蒙海滩别墅, 保罗·威廉姆斯帕萨迪纳宅邸, 比佛利山庄灰石城堡, 及洛杉矶剧院。
娱乐项目 Entertainment Projects:
哈拉里 (Harary) 魔术体验、澳门项目、迪拜六旗游乐园、上海迪斯尼乐园、拉斯维加斯
地(Elim Resort Bible land Korea)、中国抚顺梦幻世界主题公园 (热高乐园)、卡塔尔 (Al
Wakra) 水上公园、大狼屋水上乐园、SkyZone, 柯契拉网游 (Coachella) 游戏世界, 英特尔
科技论坛, 亚马逊网络服务 。
建筑规划和概念构思 - Architectural Plans & Concepts
建筑投影贴图 - Architectural Projection Mapping
建设咨询 - Construction Consultation
定制家具 - Custom Furniture
定制装饰墙布 - Custom Wallcoverings
专项项目管理 - Dedicated Project Management
环境视觉及标识设计 - Environmental Graphics and Signage
软装艺术设计配饰/艺术品设计 - FF&E Specifications & Art /Artifact Design
健康中心及医院设计 - Health Center and Hospital Design
古迹修复 - Historic Restoration
酒店设计 - Hospitality Design
酒店设施 - Hospitality Amenities
室内建筑与设计 - Interior Architecture & Design
室内及室外效果图 - Interior & Exterior Perspectives
景观设计 - Landscape Design
灯光照明设计 - Lighting Design
总体规划 - Master Planning
采购 - Procurement
采购代理 - Purchasing Agent
餐厅和酒店设计 - Restaurant & Hotel Design
分包商谈判 - Sub-Contractor Negotiations
技术规范 - Technology Specifications
纺织品和地毯设计 - Textile and Carpet Design
主题公园计划及设计 - Theme Park Plan & Design
3D 概念效果图呈现 - 3D Conceptual Renderings
Sandra Costa
Design Group
桑德拉・科斯塔 Sandra Costa
保罗・勒伯朗斯 Paul L’Esperance
戴伦・克里 Daelen Cory
Sandra Costa
Design Group
瑟瓦克・佩特罗申 Sevak Petrosian
瑟瓦克·佩特罗申是一位国际上十分活跃, 声誉卓著的建筑设
计师及总体规划师, 在大型综合娱乐设施, 度假村,主题公园和
水上乐园项目概念开发、计划、生产组织, 艺术指导和跨领域
国际品牌项目, 以保证设计和理念的一致性, 同时负责协调包括
付莹 Melody Fu
萨莱蒂・科拉沃 Salete Cravo
公共住宅和公共设备等工作。萨莱蒂 (Salete) 的论文在意大利
埃德温 伊 奥贵凌 Edwin E. Aguiling
Sandra Costa
Design Group
普里西拉・派克 Priscilla A. Pyrk
商业战略咨询服务;她过去曾与ICON Jests 公司、联合国妇女
发展基金、W酒店集团(W Hotel Group)、URi 奢侈品营销公
司、Dama tequila,及百事可乐公司合作。
雷伊・卡拉斯科 Rey Carrasco
公室和多功能开发项目。 从整修到新建项目,雷伊为住宅和
赵慧恩 Elaine Chiu
梁慈生 Leong Chee Seng (Vincent)
Sandra Costa
Design Group
设计团队 Design Group
Founder & Chief Designer : Sandra Costa
Restoration Director & Principal Designer : Paul L’Esperance
Global Project Designer & Master Planner : Sevak Petrosian
Project Management & Director of Imagination : Daelen Cory
建筑师与规划师:埃德温 伊 奥贵凌
Architecture & Planning : Edwin E. Aguiling, FPIA
国际项目管理: 梁慈生
International Project Management : Vincent Leong Chee Seng
Design Director/Consultant : Rey Carrasco
Creative Director/Consultant : Elaine Chiu
Project & Scientific Research : Salete Cravo
Chinese Interpreter and Asian Contract Negotiations : Melody Fu
Senior Draftsman : Ganie Isaqani
Interior Designer 3D artis : Fadi Soudi
Rendering Design : Shirley One
Website Online Store - Adriano Costa
Director of Photography - Angelo Costa
全球合作伙伴 Global Partners
国际业务执行总监 :普里西拉·派克
Executive Director of International Business Development : Priscilla A. Pyrk
海外业务运行及开发副总裁 : 雷吉·普纳
VP Overseas Operations and Developments : Reggie Punna
执行业务咨询顾问 : 理查德·乌尔夫
Executive Business Advisory Consultant : Richard Wolfe
中东业务主管—阿联酋—印度 : 阿廷·莫妮卡·阿加瓦尔
Executive Management Middle East - UAE - India : ARTIN Monika Agarwal
中东业务联络处—阿联酋—印度 : 史蒂芬·阿尔文
Middle East Liaison - UAE - India : Stephen Alwyn
Strategic Business Development : Neal Sperling
国际业务联络处 : 马尔科·德里
International Liaison : Marco Derhy
2014 Houzz Award - 2014 Houzz 奖
IIDA Design Award - 国际室内设计协会 IIDA 设计奖
AIA Best House Award - AIA 最佳房屋奖
2012 Diners Choice Award - 2012 食客选择奖
ASID Design Journal Award - ASID 设计期刊奖
The California Preservation Award - 加州历史遗产保护奖
The California Heritage Council Award - 加州文物局奖
The Governor’s Historic Preservation Award - 总督历史文物保护奖
2013 BLLA Hospitality Person of the Year Award - 2013 BLLA 酒店设计人年度大奖
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Corporate Villa Westlake, California, USA 公司别墅, 加利福尼亚西湖
Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China 中国沈阳五星级酒店Hengsheng International Four Star Hotel, China 中国恒升国际四星级酒店
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Corporate Villa Malibu, California, USA 美国加州马里布公司别墅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Conceptual Botique Hotel, New York, USA 美国纽约概念精品酒店
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
The Leland Stanford Mansion 22 Million Dollar Restoration, Sacramento, California, USA 美国加州 利兰德·斯坦福宅邸修复及室内设计
Zang Toi Fashion Collection - Zang Toi 时尚收藏-, Malaysia, New York
运用来自Eadweard Muybridge的原版照片进行再创作和设计,精确打造地毯,
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
c. 1877 Eadeard Muybridge
运用来自 Eadweard Muybridge 的原版照片进行再创作和设计,精确打造地毯,窗帘和家具的每一个细节。所有房间
在项目开始时空无一物,如今则重现辉煌。利兰德·斯坦福宅邸修复 会客大厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Greystone Mansion State Park - Restoration & Interior Design, Beveryly Hills, California, USA 美国加州比华利山庄 灰石城堡国家公园修复,及室内设计
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Greystone Mansion State Park - Custom Printed Wallcoverings and Ceiling Projection Mapping, Beveryly Hills, California, USA
美国加州比华利山庄 灰石城堡国家定制印图壁纸及天花板投影图
Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China 中国沈阳五星级酒店
Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Four Star Hotel in Dalian 中国大连四星级酒店
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Private Corporate Residences, Brentwood, California, USA 美国加州布伦特伍德私人公司住宅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Private Corporate Residences, Brentwood, California, USA 美国加州布伦特伍德私人公司住宅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Private Corporate Residences, Dana Point, California, USA 美国加州 私人公司住宅, 加利福尼亚,丹纳岬
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Private Corporate Residences, Dana Point, California, USA 美国加州 私人公司住宅, 加利福尼亚,丹纳岬
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Tian Fu Green River Wellness Center, China 天府绿河康体中心
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa
Design Group
French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Building Design
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Restaurant Building Design & Brand Development 餐厅楼宇设计,及品牌开发
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Hospitality & Hotel Building Design 酒店楼宇设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Corporate Building Design 公司楼宇设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Conceptual Building Design 概念楼宇设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Mausoleum Design 陵墓设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Mausoleum Design 陵墓设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Innovative Entertainment
Sandra Costa
Design Group
City of Lights, Master Plan & Overall Concept, Changdu, China 中国成都光之城之总体规划及整体概念设计 Nextep 国际设计公司
Elim Resort Hotel, Master Plan & Architectural Concept, Sankcho, S. Korea 韩国以琳(Elim)度假酒店总体规划及建筑概念设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Nextep 国际设计公司
Promenade Corniche, Master Plan & Attraction Planning, Conakry, Guinea 几内亚科纳克里总体规划及观光规划
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Nextep 国际设计公司
Aquador WaterPark, Master Plan & Architectural Concept, Qatar, Asia 亚洲卡塔尔Aquador水上乐园总体规划及建筑概念设计
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Nextep 国际设计公司
Aureate Sea Hotel Resort & Casino, Master Plan & Overall Concept, Hainan, China 中国海南金色海滨酒店度假村及赌场总体规划及整体概念
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Nextep 国际设计公司
The New Tradition Hotel Resort, Concept Design & DD, Acapulco, Mexico 几内亚科纳克里总体规划及观光规划
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Nextep 国际设计公司
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Architectural Design
Sandra Costa
Design Group
PAGCOR Headquarters, Manila, Philippines 菲律宾马尼拉 PAGCOR 总部The Miren, Quezon City, Philippines 菲律宾奎松市米人(Miren)酒店
Sandra Costa
Design Group
46 Story Lancaster Hotel, Mandaluyong, Philippines
SSS Corporate Center Building, Quezon City, Philippines
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Sandra Costa
Design Group
Custom Furnishings
Sandra Costa
Design Group
House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列
Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
Sandra Costa
Design Group
House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列
Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
Sandra Costa
Design Group
House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列
Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
Sandra Costa
Design Group
House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列
Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
Sandra Costa
Design Group
L'Esperance Chrome Collection Furniture 勒博朗系列家具
Reproductions from original 19th Century hand carved wooden Furniture in Chrome Silver Finish 以19世纪手工木制家具为原型镀以金银精心打造
Sandra Costa
Design Group
L'Esperance Chrome Collection Furniture 勒博朗系列家具
Reproductions from original 19th Century hand carved wooden Furniture in Chrome Silver Finish 以19世纪手工木制家具为原型镀以金银精心打造
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Page 10
Interior Design: Corporate Villa located in Westlake Ca, USA. French Inspired. An
ornate, fanciful and decorative style. Characterized by rich details and extensive use of
gold, bronze and gilt. Antique and heirloom furniture, layered dramatic window
treatments of imported silks. Interior Design includes the Architectural details,
coloration, specification, and procurement of furniture, antiques, and fabrics.
Page 11 Left
Interior Design: Corporate Villa located in Westlake Ca, USA: Hengsheng Peninsula
International Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs,
visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale
plans for foundations, buildings, and structures, based on preliminary concepts,
sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data. Layout and
plan interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of
technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials
to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and
instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required
materials. Create drawings and lettering to accompany drawings. Prepare colored
drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Build architectural and display
Page 11 Right
Interior Design: Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to
complete architectural designs, visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary.
Draw rough and detailed scale plans for foundations, buildings, and structures, based
on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and
other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and
inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check
dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine
procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and
quantity of required materials. Create freehand drawings and lettering to accompany
drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Build
architectural and display models.
Page 12
Interior Design: Corporate Villa, Malibu Ca. USA. Interior Design and Specifications:
Draw preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets, and other interior data.
Layout and plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and
drawings, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists
on construction projects. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed,
according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create CD
drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select
all materials and colors. Design custom and procure furnishings. Oversee construction.
Page 13
Interior Design: Boutique Hotel Concept. Plans and Rendering Design Concept. Define
the problem. Research – Investigate the industry looking at competing brands to
understand more. Develop the idea and turn it into viable working concept. Style/motif,
Color Schemes, Textures, Shapes and Layout.
Page 14
Interior Design: Estate Museum., Sacramento Ca., USA. All aspects of the historical
design project. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning,
aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered
practical considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety
considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom
wall finishes, fabrics, carpets, and furniture.
Page 15
Interior Design: Zang Toi Fashion Collection. All aspects of the historical design project.
Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and
technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered practical
considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety
considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom
wall finishes, fabrics, carpets and furniture.
Page 16
Interior Design: Estate Museum Sacramento, Ca. USA. All aspects of the historical
design project. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning,
aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered
practical considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety
considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom
wall finishes, fabrics, carpets, and furniture.
Page 17
Interior Design: Custom design of carpets.
Page 18 – 21
Interior Design: The Los Angeles Theater, Los Angeles, a. Plans, drawings, layout, color
coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and technical solutions applied to
achieve the desired result. Considered practical considerations, including access, light,
health, and safety considerations, attention to special needs, coordination interior
architectural details, and custom wall finishes.
Page 22
Interior Design: Greystone Mansion State Park, Beverly Hills Ca, USA. Obtain and
assemble data to complete architectural designs, visiting job sites to compile
measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale plans based on preliminary
concepts, sketches, lighting engineering calculations, specification sheets and other data.
Layout and plan interior room arrangements, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work
of technicians, and technologists on the project. Check dimensions of materials to be
used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to
be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials.
Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select all hard
surfaces, design custom furnishings.
Page 23
Interior Design: Greystone Mansion State Park, Beverly Hills Ca, USA. All aspects of
design including projection mapping, the ultimate fusion of art, fashion & technology.
Custom printed wall fabrics manufactured in United States.
Page 24
Interior Design: Shenyang Five Star Hotel., China. Obtain and assemble data to complete
architectural designs, visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough
and detailed scale plans for interior design and structures, based on preliminary concepts,
sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data. Layout and plan
interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians,
and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and
assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be
followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create
freehand drawings and lettering to accompany drawings. Prepare colored drawings of
interior designs for presentation to client. Build architectural and display models.
Page 25
Interior Design: Dalian Harbor View Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to complete
architectural designs, attend job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw
preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets and other interior data. Layout and
plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and drawings,
supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on
construction projects. Oversee furniture installations.
Page 26 – 27
Interior and Exterior Design: Private Corporate Residences Brentwood Ca, USA. Draw
preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets, and other interior data. Layout and
plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and drawings,
supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on
construction projects. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to
design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create CD drawings. Prepare
colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select all materials and
colors. Oversee construction. Design all architectural elements, secure antique interior
construction items, coordinate new applications with antique. Design interior and exterior
of project.
Page 28 – 29
Interior Design: Private Corporate Residence Dana Point Ca, USA. Prepare drawings, floor
plans, reflective ceiling plans. Design architectural elements. Specify all fabrics and
furniture. Purchase furnishings, lighting, and bedding. Oversee all aspects of the
construction and build out.
Page 32 – 35
Interior Design: Le Ka, Los Angeles Ca, USA. Asian Fusion Brand. Obtain and
assemble data to create original presentation of architectural design. Layout and plan
interior room arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design.
Work throughout project with , construction of project. Check dimensions of materials
to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and
instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required
materials. Select and provide interior furnishings, wall coverings, and materials.
Page 37
Interior Design: Tian Fu Green River Wellness Center, China. Design Concept based
on Nurture through Nature considering nature promotes healing. Creating a feeling of
nurturing through design elements including materials and features that reduce
physiological changes in blood pressure, muscle tension and heart electrical activity. By
using color and rhythm that stimulate natural surroundings. Scale is used to uplift
spirits through open spaces with natural light. Textures mimic natural forms and
organic materials throughout the center while balance and harmony evoke a sense of
health and peace of mind. Worked closely with developer and architect to create the
peaceful design environment focusing around the main CHICKEN SOUP dining house.
Concept built on healthy recovery. Private concept for exclusive Asian patient. Design
included materials, planning, layout, clean air, amenities.
Page 38 - 41
Interior Design: Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant Brand, Ramsla USA Japan - Los Angles.
Created the USA brand. Architectural drawings, details, lighting and planning. Obtain
and assemble data to create architectural design. Draw rough and detailed scale plans
for buildings and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering
calculations, specification sheets and other data. Layout and plan interior room
arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design. Inspect the work
of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of
materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures
and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of
required materials. Create freehand, arch cad and cad drawings. Design concept
including furnishings.
Page 42 – 45
Interior and Exterior Design: Ludwig Beirgarten, Los Angeles, Ca, USA. Created the
USA brand concept. Architectural drawings, details, lighting and planning. Obtain and
assemble data to create architectural design. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for
buildings and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering
calculations, specification sheets and other data. Layout and plan interior room
arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design. Inspect the work of
technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials
to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and
instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required
materials. Create freehand, arch cad and cad drawings. Design concept including
furnishings. Project completed and is in operation.
Page 47 – 49
Interior and Exterior Design: French Riveria Bakery, Del Cabo, Mexico. Created brand
concept. Determine project goals and objectives. Generation of ideas for the functional
and aesthetic possibilities of the space, environment and location. Creation of
illustrations and renderings. Development of documents and specifications relative to
the interior spaces in compliance with local building and safety codes. Allocation,
arrangement and organization of the kitchen and space to suit its function. Monitor and
manage construction and installation of interior elements. Selection of furnishings,
fixtures, lighting, materials and colors. Purchasing of products designing and managing
fabrication of custom details, furnishings and lighting
Page 52
Building Design: Wokcano International. Project included full documentation on
operational procedures, Financing, Developers and projection. Wokcano Hotel and
Restaurant chain. The Wokcano Restaurant Group is a contemporary Asian Restaurant
and Lounge venue with 12 locations currently operating throughout Southern
California. Innovative signature incorporating the vivid regional and multicultural
currents that make up modern Asian and corporate dinning. The restaurants are located
throughout the Los Angeles area. The hotel is a design concept.
Page 53
Building and Interior Design: Master planning. Concept Project.
Page 54
Corporate Building and Interior Design: BLLA Headquaters (Boutique Life and Leisure
Association.) Master planning. Interior design, layout, and brand development.
Page 55
Building and Interior Design: Private residence Scotland. Concept Project.
Page 56 – 57
Project: M Wuxi, Shang hi. Master planning. Conceptual project created for
Mausoleum. Master planning, drawings and material specifications.
Page 60
Project: City Of Lights, Changdu, China. Master plan and Overall Concept.
Page 61
Project: Elim Resort and Bible land. Sankcho Korea. Concept Design. Master Plan,
Architectural Design, & Overall Concept.
Page 62
Project: Promenade Corniche, Conakry Guinea. Brand and Environment Design.
Master Plan and Attraction Planning.
Page 62 Right
Project: Bin Hai District, China Tianjin. Responsibility Concept Design.
Page 63
Project: Aquador Park/Water park, Al Khawr, Qatar. Design Concept. Master Plan &
Overall Concept
Page 64
Project: Aureate Sea Hotel and Resort, Hainan China. Master Plan and Overall Concept.
Page 65
Project: New Tradition Hotel and Resort, Acapulco Mexico. Concept Design and DD.
Page 68-69
Full Architectural and Design Service: The Miren, Quezon City, Philippines, Lancaster
Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Conceptual Design Services: PAGCOR Headquarters, Manila, Philippines, SSS Corporate
Center Building, Quezon City, Philippines
Page 72-77
Furnishings: Custom designed and manufactured furnishing. Antique and Art
Design Group
Sandra Costa
© 2015 Sandra Costa Design Group. All Rights Reserved
Design Group
Sandra Costa
thank you for your consideration
Sandra Costa
Sandra Costa Design Group
Global Office
505 N. Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90048 USA
+1 323-932-0223

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  • 1. Design – Build – Balance 设计 – 建造 – 平衡 Sandra Costa Design Group 桑德拉·科斯塔 设计集团
  • 2. Sandra Costa Design Group 目录 INDEX 公司简介及服务 - Company Profile 3 项目及服务 - Projects & Services 4 主要设计师一览 - Principals 5 设计团队--全球合作伙伴---荣誉奖项 - 6 Design Team - Global Partners - Awards 酒店项目 - Hospitality 9 餐厅项目 - Restaurants 31 楼宇设计项目 - Building Design 51 创新娱乐项目 - Innovative Entertainment 59 建筑设计项目 - Architectural Design 67 定制家具项目 - Custom Furnishings 71 作品陈列 - Glossary 78 2015 EDITION V 2
  • 3. 桑德拉・科斯塔设计集团 Sandra Costa Design Group 桑德拉·科斯塔设计集团SCDG的协同领导力使其卓尔不凡,引领我们成为客 户的全球战略合作伙伴和设计业界的开拓者。通过不断向SCDG集团公司每个 设计环节中注入新的理念和尖端技术,桑德拉·科斯塔将其集团缔造成全球成 功的精品公司。我集团公司为客户实现建筑,室内设计和建造的完美整合。桑 德拉·科斯塔设计集团是由多位优秀资深设计师,注册建筑师和工程师所组成 的团队,团队成员与木匠,手工艺者和建筑工人彼此尊重。 目前,桑德拉·科斯塔设计集团与全球多个领域的客户展开合作,项目包括: 高层住宅、度假村、餐厅、酒店,临海及临空设施以及个人宅邸。集团公司秉 承创意,均衡模式及可持续理念,使“设计 - 建造 - 平衡”成为其公司的主要驱 动力的同时引领变革成果。 首席设计师桑德拉·科斯塔以一流的服务和产品赢得了卓著声誉,同时持续创 新求变。她在大型国际及国内项目愿景和生产过程中做为专家顾问贡献出其宝 贵经验。这些包括:宅邸和陵墓、建筑修复和新型建筑、建筑规划和前沿技术 介绍,夜总会和餐厅。 在设计业界,桑德拉·科斯塔设计集团拥有35年以上的经验,堪称业界翘楚。 Sandra Costa Design Group 3 全球设计顾问专家 Global Design Consultants 我们提供方案及专业知识来完成这项工作! 基于社会因素、经济和环境对设 计业的影响,桑德拉·科斯塔集团SCDG旨在最大化使用人才资源进而为人 类、社会,及地球创造一个效益可观的高层次生存空间。对项目每一个环节 的每一个决定都可以提升工作绩效和设计质量。我们的工作范围涵盖:为当 地工匠创造就业机会,根据项目所在国确定相应的产品和服务。 SCDG是一个推崇品牌的集团,其承诺不但要改进我们的工作,更要和您的 团队合作去创造卓越设计的新标准。从开始的项目目标制定、到持续的战略 部署,及最后的业绩成果,SCDG集团可适应任何项目的独特性,并根据团 队及客户所需提供支持服务。通过这样的方式,我们的客户视我们为专家设 计、专业建设,品牌专家,并被本地建筑商所标榜以达到最佳业绩成果。 SCDG集团作为全球设计公司的先驱者,对国家的建筑环境有着极大的影 响,这使我们肩负重任也同时给予我们机会为社区、建筑业,室内设计和产 品创造对世界产生持久的积极影响。我们努力来实现这一目标,使SCDG集 团成为您的一个由众多资质人才所组成的公认团队,并使之成为世界瞩目的 顶尖设计公司之一。 SCDG集团根据客户及所服务社区的特殊需求提供量身定制的设计解决方 案,旨在提供价值最大化的服务。基于社会因素、经济和环境对设计业的影 响,SCDG集团旨在最大化使用人才资源及教育机会为人类、社会,及地球 创造一个效益可观的强大设计艺术。
  • 4. Sandra Costa Design Group 设计开发项目 Design Development Projects: 布伦特伍德庄园 (北京)、布伦特伍德壮元(加利福尼亚)、天府绿河康体中心、迈阿密机 场、Legendary Megacorp、Wokcano酒店、BLLA公司办事处、天际(Skyline)度假公寓业主 协会、Don Be Mea有限公司项目开发、希尔顿开发、金童 (Golden Boy)、创意合作伙伴 (Cre8tive)、Bar Method公司、泛亚餐饮集团和中国董事会公司, 华光海运, 罗伊·罗杰斯 (Roy Rogers) 牧场、电影福利院 (Motion Picture Welfare Home), MCA唱片公司开发、斯坦 布莱施尔及合伙人公司 (Steinbrecher & Associates), 超 (Chao) 陵墓。 餐厅及咨询项目 Restaurant & Consultant Projects: 洛杉矶Wokcano餐厅、利科 (LE KA) 国际、Gyoro Gyoro国际、墨西哥里维拉法国 (Riviera French) 面包房、洛杉矶Otto Otto、洛杉矶Tatou餐厅、洛杉矶Tsunamis餐厅、洛杉矶世 纪俱乐部, 四橡树贝尔艾尔(Four oaks Bel Air)餐馆, 美国拉姆斯拉 (Ramsla) 有限公司。 修复项目 Restoration Projects: 洛杉矶布里特 (Britt) 宅邸, 利兰·斯坦福宅邸及萨克拉门托总督、赫斯特农场参议员宅 邸、茱莉亚·摩根 (Julia Morgan) 牛仔别墅/旧世纪牧场、茱莉亚·摩根 (Julia Morgan) 圣西蒙海滩别墅, 保罗·威廉姆斯帕萨迪纳宅邸, 比佛利山庄灰石城堡, 及洛杉矶剧院。 娱乐项目 Entertainment Projects: 哈拉里 (Harary) 魔术体验、澳门项目、迪拜六旗游乐园、上海迪斯尼乐园、拉斯维加斯 星际迷航体验、拉斯维加斯热带赌场度假村、多伦多奥林匹精神中心、韩国以琳度假圣 地(Elim Resort Bible land Korea)、中国抚顺梦幻世界主题公园 (热高乐园)、卡塔尔 (Al Wakra) 水上公园、大狼屋水上乐园、SkyZone, 柯契拉网游 (Coachella) 游戏世界, 英特尔 科技论坛, 亚马逊网络服务 。 4 服务范围 SERVICES 建筑规划和概念构思 - Architectural Plans & Concepts 建筑投影贴图 - Architectural Projection Mapping 建设咨询 - Construction Consultation 定制家具 - Custom Furniture 定制装饰墙布 - Custom Wallcoverings 专项项目管理 - Dedicated Project Management 环境视觉及标识设计 - Environmental Graphics and Signage 软装艺术设计配饰/艺术品设计 - FF&E Specifications & Art /Artifact Design 健康中心及医院设计 - Health Center and Hospital Design 古迹修复 - Historic Restoration 酒店设计 - Hospitality Design 酒店设施 - Hospitality Amenities 室内建筑与设计 - Interior Architecture & Design 室内及室外效果图 - Interior & Exterior Perspectives 景观设计 - Landscape Design 灯光照明设计 - Lighting Design 总体规划 - Master Planning 采购 - Procurement 采购代理 - Purchasing Agent 餐厅和酒店设计 - Restaurant & Hotel Design 分包商谈判 - Sub-Contractor Negotiations 技术规范 - Technology Specifications 纺织品和地毯设计 - Textile and Carpet Design 主题公园计划及设计 - Theme Park Plan & Design 3D 概念效果图呈现 - 3D Conceptual Renderings
  • 5. Sandra Costa Design Group 桑德拉・科斯塔 Sandra Costa 集团创始人,业务开发顾问和首席设计师 桑德拉·科斯塔崇尚经典的生活方式和设计工作,这体现在 她“奢华无关价格,而在于洞察力和情感”的信念中。富于直 感的表达使桑德拉致力于在室内和室外设计项目中实现独一 无二的创意愿景,甚至超越了“使多变与复杂性完美融合”的 目标。 1989年,她在风景如画的新西兰成立了桑德拉·科斯塔设计 集团,在洛杉矶的首个设计展室于加利福尼亚州西好莱坞的 地标建筑——太平洋设计中心开幕。桑德拉的公司定位精品 保罗・勒伯朗斯 Paul L’Esperance 修复总监&主设计师 保罗将他25年的历史建筑保护经验注入其高端豪宅、博物 馆,及建筑恢复设计之中。保罗擅长对建筑恢复、建筑 保护,及新设计提供富于创意,科技和艺术元素的解决方 案。他拥有经典而精致的品味。对商用和住宅项目的改造 能力促使他不断扩展涉及范围,从富于前瞻性的当代风格 到洛可可时代的华丽繁复。保罗负责从建筑到竣工整个设 计过程的各个步骤,从而保证每个环节都无懈可击。 戴伦・克里 Daelen Cory 项目管理&创意副总监 戴伦·克里前瞻性的思路和创新设计涵盖了从历史古 迹修复到未来主义概念的广阔领域。无论是对空间的改 造还是如同魔法般为已有的建筑赋予新的氛围,他力求 反映出客户独特的个性和品味以及项目的优先关注点。 戴伦擅长在高端定制印花织物,定制设计家具和引人遐 思,令人瞩目的室内装潢中,使技术与装饰融为一体。 路线,理念是“将繁复艳丽的装饰和负责任的可持续性相融 合”,在设计业内崭露头角并在亚洲,中东、南太平洋,欧 洲和美国积累了众多国际高端客户。桑德拉的工作范围包 括:酒店、商业设施、主题公园、住宅和娱乐项目的设计, 管理和建造。 她认为流畅的设计过程在于创意协作。她的才能涵盖了从构 想到项目完成的全过程,包括满足技术难度较大的要求,安 装高级安全配置以及实际项目设计和管理工作。她的企业家 精神和商业头脑与设计,科学和工程界广泛的人脉相得益 彰。她谨慎把握设计与文化之间的平衡,同时强调国际商业 惯例,理念和视野构成中,文化差异带来的挑战居于重要地 位。桑德拉的领导力也将一批文化背景多样的设计,技术和 社交媒体界精英召聚到麾下。 5
  • 6. Sandra Costa Design Group 瑟瓦克・佩特罗申 Sevak Petrosian 全球项目设计师&总体规划师 瑟瓦克·佩特罗申是一位国际上十分活跃, 声誉卓著的建筑设 计师及总体规划师, 在大型综合娱乐设施, 度假村,主题公园和 水上乐园项目概念开发、计划、生产组织, 艺术指导和跨领域 协调上拥有完美的履历并屡获殊荣。瑟瓦克致力于于多个大型 国际品牌项目, 以保证设计和理念的一致性, 同时负责协调包括 运营和管理在内的整个技术层面。过去20年中,娱乐建筑,项 目管理和高效设计方面的专业知识以及更重要的团队协作能力 使瑟瓦克将每个项目打造成独一无二的解决方案。 付莹 Melody Fu 中文翻译 近十年来,付莹一直为国内外政府及知名企业提供公司服务及 翻译服务。她服务的领域涉及:金融、市场营销和商业谈判、 建筑设计、工程设计和环境平面设计、人类资源、医疗制药、 法律合同、核电站、化工及能源,政治等领域。 她曾服务过的国内外VIP客户:英国驻北京大使馆、英国投 资署、德国马格德堡市长、丹麦奥胡斯市总理、丹麦外事部秘 书处、经济学家罗伯特·蒙代尔、路易斯威登全球总裁、爱马 仕在亚太区总裁、亚洲开发银行、黑龙江省副省长、及各个中 国其他城市的市委书记,市长和副市长。 萨莱蒂・科拉沃 Salete Cravo 项目师&科研家 具有10多年的传统城市建筑项目与科研经验,并致力于可持续 建筑,及城市设计与城市可持续发展等领域项目。她曾在里斯 本、几内亚,安哥拉和莫桑比克参与城市规划、住宅建筑,及 公共住宅和公共设备等工作。萨莱蒂 (Salete) 的论文在意大利 佛罗伦萨大学及德国魏玛包豪斯大学发表;目前,萨莱蒂正在 完成其《现代都市领域建筑学》的博士学位论文;其论文重点 研究“联合国住宅区人类规划署”所倡导的在更多城市可持续发 展中所需解决的难题的跨领域研究。 埃德温 伊 奥贵凌 Edwin E. Aguiling 建筑师与规划师 埃德温具有超过30年的建筑和规划实践经验,他与众多顾问之 间的积极合作使其突破了高端市场领域。因此,他的丰富经验 为其完成更具挑战性的项目铺平了道路。他涉及的领域包括: 酒店、公寓、住宅公寓、公司办公室、商场,以及混合用途建 筑开发项目。目前,他继续提供建筑领域里的设计顾问,设计 文案和现场管理方面的综合服务。随着埃德温不断地涉及越来 越多的不同领域服务,他在当地开创了总体规划业务并将其设 计顾问服务拓展到中国,新加坡以及中东。 6
  • 7. Sandra Costa Design Group 7 普里西拉・派克 Priscilla A. Pyrk 国际商务开发常务董事 普里西拉·派克凭借她10多年的专业经验和强大的商业关系网 推进了桑德拉科斯塔设计集团在美国、亚洲、欧洲、俄罗斯, 及中东的业务发展。普里西拉在国际关系领域、全球营销,奢 侈品市场战略发展及品牌营销有着丰富经验,同时具有强大的 银行业、金融和资本业的背景。普里西拉同时也组织世界级别 的现场活动、全球营销活动,及通过把知名公司、组织,及世 界500强企业与各类慈善组织、团体,及政府联系到一起提供 商业战略咨询服务;她过去曾与ICON Jests 公司、联合国妇女 发展基金、W酒店集团(W Hotel Group)、URi 奢侈品营销公 司、Dama tequila,及百事可乐公司合作。 雷伊・卡拉斯科 Rey Carrasco 设计总监/顾问 作为设计概念开发者和企划师,雷伊拥有20余年的经验。他 在美国、东南亚、香港,中国大陆和中东完成了多个项目。 其中包括:酒店/赌场、高端住宅、零售购物广场,公司办 公室和多功能开发项目。 从整修到新建项目,雷伊为住宅和 商业内部设计项目提供的设计和空间规划屡获大奖,他对细 节的强调在不同的环境下焕发出光彩。 赵慧恩 Elaine Chiu 创意总监/顾问 赵慧恩拥有超过14年丰富的创意设计和管理经验。她在该领 域丰富的专业技能包括:品牌推广、创意美术指导、平面视 觉传播、流行趋势研究和介绍,和视觉造型等。她曾做过多 领域项目包括:精品零售商店和餐馆,以及高端奢华服饰和 海外食品及零售连锁店项目。她广泛的天赋加之其对微细节 的敏锐眼光使她成为团队在所有项目中必不可少的成员。 梁慈生 Leong Chee Seng (Vincent) 国际项目管理 梁慈生具有技术教育机构的专业背景,及家具设计和家具 生产所需的工业技师证书。此外,他所受的培训包括:城 市与行业协会的伦敦学院(英国)皇家特许FDP和义安理 工学院的建筑空调系统设计。他涉及的项目国家包括:中 国、马尔代夫、马来西亚、加纳、多哥、泰国、印尼,菲 律宾及新加坡。他精通的语言包括:英语、汉语,马来西 亚语和中国方言。
  • 8. Sandra Costa Design Group 8 设计团队 Design Group 创始人兼首席设计师:桑德拉·科斯塔 Founder & Chief Designer : Sandra Costa 修复总监&主设计师:保罗·勒伯朗斯 Restoration Director & Principal Designer : Paul L’Esperance 全球项目设计师&总体规划师:瑟瓦克·佩特罗申 Global Project Designer & Master Planner : Sevak Petrosian 项目管理&创意副总裁:戴伦·克里 Project Management & Director of Imagination : Daelen Cory 建筑师与规划师:埃德温 伊 奥贵凌 Architecture & Planning : Edwin E. Aguiling, FPIA 国际项目管理: 梁慈生 International Project Management : Vincent Leong Chee Seng 设计总监/顾问:雷伊·卡拉斯科 Design Director/Consultant : Rey Carrasco 美术指导:赵慧恩 Creative Director/Consultant : Elaine Chiu 项目师及科研家:萨莱蒂·科拉沃 Project & Scientific Research : Salete Cravo 中文翻译:付莹 Chinese Interpreter and Asian Contract Negotiations : Melody Fu 高级绘图师:贾尼·伊萨卡尼 Senior Draftsman : Ganie Isaqani 效果图设计师:法蒂·苏迪 Interior Designer 3D artis : Fadi Soudi 效果图设计师:雪莉·万恩 Rendering Design : Shirley One 在线网店:亚德里亚诺·科斯塔 Website Online Store - Adriano Costa 摄影总监:安杰洛哥·科斯塔 Director of Photography - Angelo Costa 全球合作伙伴 Global Partners 国际业务执行总监 :普里西拉·派克 Executive Director of International Business Development : Priscilla A. Pyrk 海外业务运行及开发副总裁 : 雷吉·普纳 VP Overseas Operations and Developments : Reggie Punna 执行业务咨询顾问 : 理查德·乌尔夫 Executive Business Advisory Consultant : Richard Wolfe 中东业务主管—阿联酋—印度 : 阿廷·莫妮卡·阿加瓦尔 Executive Management Middle East - UAE - India : ARTIN Monika Agarwal 中东业务联络处—阿联酋—印度 : 史蒂芬·阿尔文 Middle East Liaison - UAE - India : Stephen Alwyn 战略业务发展:尼尔·斯伯凌 Strategic Business Development : Neal Sperling 国际业务联络处 : 马尔科·德里 International Liaison : Marco Derhy Awards 2014 Houzz Award - 2014 Houzz 奖 IIDA Design Award - 国际室内设计协会 IIDA 设计奖 AIA Best House Award - AIA 最佳房屋奖 2012 Diners Choice Award - 2012 食客选择奖 ASID Design Journal Award - ASID 设计期刊奖 The California Preservation Award - 加州历史遗产保护奖 The California Heritage Council Award - 加州文物局奖 The Governor’s Historic Preservation Award - 总督历史文物保护奖 2013 BLLA Hospitality Person of the Year Award - 2013 BLLA 酒店设计人年度大奖
  • 9. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Hospitality 酒店设计项目 9
  • 10. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Corporate Villa Westlake, California, USA 公司别墅, 加利福尼亚西湖 10
  • 11. Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China 中国沈阳五星级酒店Hengsheng International Four Star Hotel, China 中国恒升国际四星级酒店 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 11
  • 12. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 12 Corporate Villa Malibu, California, USA 美国加州马里布公司别墅
  • 13. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Conceptual Botique Hotel, New York, USA 美国纽约概念精品酒店 13
  • 14. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group The Leland Stanford Mansion 22 Million Dollar Restoration, Sacramento, California, USA 美国加州 利兰德·斯坦福宅邸修复及室内设计 14
  • 15. Zang Toi Fashion Collection - Zang Toi 时尚收藏-, Malaysia, New York 运用来自Eadweard Muybridge的原版照片进行再创作和设计,精确打造地毯, 窗帘和家具的每一个细节。所有房间在项目开始时空无一物,如今则重现辉煌 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 15
  • 16. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group c. 1877 Eadeard Muybridge 运用来自 Eadweard Muybridge 的原版照片进行再创作和设计,精确打造地毯,窗帘和家具的每一个细节。所有房间 在项目开始时空无一物,如今则重现辉煌。利兰德·斯坦福宅邸修复 会客大厅 16
  • 17. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 布林斯顿·艾克斯敏斯特定制地图设计 17
  • 18. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计 18
  • 19. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 19 The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
  • 20. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 20 The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
  • 21. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 21 The Los Angeles Theatre 洛杉矶剧院修复及室内设计
  • 22. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Greystone Mansion State Park - Restoration & Interior Design, Beveryly Hills, California, USA 美国加州比华利山庄 灰石城堡国家公园修复,及室内设计 22
  • 23. ARCHITECTURAL, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DESIGN GROUPSandra Costa Design Group 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 23 Greystone Mansion State Park - Custom Printed Wallcoverings and Ceiling Projection Mapping, Beveryly Hills, California, USA 美国加州比华利山庄 灰石城堡国家定制印图壁纸及天花板投影图
  • 24. Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 24 Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China 中国沈阳五星级酒店
  • 25. Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 25 Four Star Hotel in Dalian 中国大连四星级酒店
  • 26. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 26 Private Corporate Residences, Brentwood, California, USA 美国加州布伦特伍德私人公司住宅
  • 27. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 27 Private Corporate Residences, Brentwood, California, USA 美国加州布伦特伍德私人公司住宅
  • 28. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Private Corporate Residences, Dana Point, California, USA 美国加州 私人公司住宅, 加利福尼亚,丹纳岬 28
  • 29. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 29 Private Corporate Residences, Dana Point, California, USA 美国加州 私人公司住宅, 加利福尼亚,丹纳岬
  • 30. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 30
  • 31. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group Restaurants 餐厅设计项目 31
  • 32. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 32 Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
  • 33. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 33 Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
  • 34. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 34 Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
  • 35. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 35 Le Ka Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶利科(LE KA)餐厅
  • 36. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 36
  • 37. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 37 Tian Fu Green River Wellness Center, China 天府绿河康体中心
  • 38. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 38 Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
  • 39. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 39 Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
  • 40. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 40 Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
  • 41. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 41 Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉 GYORO GYORO 餐厅
  • 42. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 42 Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅 LUDWIG BIERGARTEN
  • 43. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 43 Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
  • 44. Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 44 Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
  • 45. Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 45 Ludwig Biergarten Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加州洛杉矶路德维格啤酒花园餐厅
  • 46. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 46
  • 47. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 47 French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
  • 48. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 48 French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
  • 49. 室内设计 Interior DesignSandra Costa Design Group 49 French Riviera Bakery, Mexico 墨西哥里维拉法国(Riviera French )面包房
  • 51. Sandra Costa Design Group Building Design 楼宇设计项目 51
  • 52. Sandra Costa Design Group Restaurant Building Design & Brand Development 餐厅楼宇设计,及品牌开发 52
  • 53. Sandra Costa Design Group Hospitality & Hotel Building Design 酒店楼宇设计 53
  • 54. Sandra Costa Design Group Corporate Building Design 公司楼宇设计 54
  • 55. Sandra Costa Design Group Conceptual Building Design 概念楼宇设计 55
  • 56. Sandra Costa Design Group Mausoleum Design 陵墓设计 56
  • 57. Sandra Costa Design Group Mausoleum Design 陵墓设计 57
  • 59. Sandra Costa Design Group Innovative Entertainment 创新娱乐项目 59
  • 60. Sandra Costa Design Group 60 City of Lights, Master Plan & Overall Concept, Changdu, China 中国成都光之城之总体规划及整体概念设计 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 61. Elim Resort Hotel, Master Plan & Architectural Concept, Sankcho, S. Korea 韩国以琳(Elim)度假酒店总体规划及建筑概念设计 Sandra Costa Design Group 61 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 62. Promenade Corniche, Master Plan & Attraction Planning, Conakry, Guinea 几内亚科纳克里总体规划及观光规划 Sandra Costa Design Group 62 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 63. Aquador WaterPark, Master Plan & Architectural Concept, Qatar, Asia 亚洲卡塔尔Aquador水上乐园总体规划及建筑概念设计 Sandra Costa Design Group 63 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 64. Aureate Sea Hotel Resort & Casino, Master Plan & Overall Concept, Hainan, China 中国海南金色海滨酒店度假村及赌场总体规划及整体概念 Sandra Costa Design Group 64 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 65. The New Tradition Hotel Resort, Concept Design & DD, Acapulco, Mexico 几内亚科纳克里总体规划及观光规划 Sandra Costa Design Group 65 Nextep 国际设计公司
  • 67. Sandra Costa Design Group Architectural Design 建筑设计项目 67
  • 68. Sandra Costa Design Group 68 PAGCOR Headquarters, Manila, Philippines 菲律宾马尼拉 PAGCOR 总部The Miren, Quezon City, Philippines 菲律宾奎松市米人(Miren)酒店
  • 69. Sandra Costa Design Group 69 46 Story Lancaster Hotel, Mandaluyong, Philippines 菲律宾曼达卢永46层兰开斯特(Lancaster)酒店 SSS Corporate Center Building, Quezon City, Philippines 菲律宾奎松市商业中心楼宇
  • 71. Sandra Costa Design Group Custom Furnishings 定制家具项目 71
  • 72. Sandra Costa Design Group 72 House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列 Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
  • 73. Sandra Costa Design Group 73 House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列 Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
  • 74. Sandra Costa Design Group 74 House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列 Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
  • 75. Sandra Costa Design Group 75 House of Costa Furniture 家具---科斯塔系列 Design and Manufacturing of Period and Classic Furniture for Hospitality, Commercial and Residential 面向酒店,商业和住宅,设计并制造现代及古典家具
  • 76. Sandra Costa Design Group L'Esperance Chrome Collection Furniture 勒博朗系列家具 Reproductions from original 19th Century hand carved wooden Furniture in Chrome Silver Finish 以19世纪手工木制家具为原型镀以金银精心打造 76
  • 77. Sandra Costa Design Group 77 L'Esperance Chrome Collection Furniture 勒博朗系列家具 Reproductions from original 19th Century hand carved wooden Furniture in Chrome Silver Finish 以19世纪手工木制家具为原型镀以金银精心打造
  • 78. ARCHITECTURAL, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DESIGN GROUP Glossary DESIGN Page 1 - 9 Information Page 10 Interior Design: Corporate Villa located in Westlake Ca, USA. French Inspired. An ornate, fanciful and decorative style. Characterized by rich details and extensive use of gold, bronze and gilt. Antique and heirloom furniture, layered dramatic window treatments of imported silks. Interior Design includes the Architectural details, coloration, specification, and procurement of furniture, antiques, and fabrics. Page 11 Left Interior Design: Corporate Villa located in Westlake Ca, USA: Hengsheng Peninsula International Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for foundations, buildings, and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create drawings and lettering to accompany drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Build architectural and display models. Page 11 Right Interior Design: Shenyang Five Star Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for foundations, buildings, and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create freehand drawings and lettering to accompany drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Build architectural and display models. Page 12 Interior Design: Corporate Villa, Malibu Ca. USA. Interior Design and Specifications: Draw preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets, and other interior data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and drawings, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create CD drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select all materials and colors. Design custom and procure furnishings. Oversee construction. Page 13 Interior Design: Boutique Hotel Concept. Plans and Rendering Design Concept. Define the problem. Research – Investigate the industry looking at competing brands to understand more. Develop the idea and turn it into viable working concept. Style/motif, Color Schemes, Textures, Shapes and Layout. Page 14 Interior Design: Estate Museum., Sacramento Ca., USA. All aspects of the historical design project. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered practical considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom wall finishes, fabrics, carpets, and furniture. Page 15 Interior Design: Zang Toi Fashion Collection. All aspects of the historical design project. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered practical considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom wall finishes, fabrics, carpets and furniture. 78
  • 79. Page 16 Interior Design: Estate Museum Sacramento, Ca. USA. All aspects of the historical design project. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered practical considerations, including access, light, acoustics, seating health and safety considerations, attention to special needs, coordination, architectural details, custom wall finishes, fabrics, carpets, and furniture. Page 17 Interior Design: Custom design of carpets. Page 18 – 21 Interior Design: The Los Angeles Theater, Los Angeles, a. Plans, drawings, layout, color coordination. Interior conceptual planning, aesthetic and technical solutions applied to achieve the desired result. Considered practical considerations, including access, light, health, and safety considerations, attention to special needs, coordination interior architectural details, and custom wall finishes. Page 22 Interior Design: Greystone Mansion State Park, Beverly Hills Ca, USA. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visiting job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale plans based on preliminary concepts, sketches, lighting engineering calculations, specification sheets and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on the project. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select all hard surfaces, design custom furnishings. Page 23 Interior Design: Greystone Mansion State Park, Beverly Hills Ca, USA. All aspects of design including projection mapping, the ultimate fusion of art, fashion & technology. Custom printed wall fabrics manufactured in United States. Page 24 Interior Design: Shenyang Five Star Hotel., China. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visit job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for interior design and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements. Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create freehand drawings and lettering to accompany drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Build architectural and display models. Page 25 Interior Design: Dalian Harbor View Hotel, China. Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, attend job sites to compile measurements as necessary. Draw preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets and other interior data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and drawings, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Oversee furniture installations. Page 26 – 27 Interior and Exterior Design: Private Corporate Residences Brentwood Ca, USA. Draw preliminary concepts, sketches, specification sheets, and other interior data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements, provide all wall and ceiling details and drawings, supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create CD drawings. Prepare colored drawings of interior designs for presentation to client. Select all materials and colors. Oversee construction. Design all architectural elements, secure antique interior construction items, coordinate new applications with antique. Design interior and exterior of project. Page 28 – 29 Interior Design: Private Corporate Residence Dana Point Ca, USA. Prepare drawings, floor plans, reflective ceiling plans. Design architectural elements. Specify all fabrics and furniture. Purchase furnishings, lighting, and bedding. Oversee all aspects of the 79
  • 80. construction and build out. Page 32 – 35 Interior Design: Le Ka, Los Angeles Ca, USA. Asian Fusion Brand. Obtain and assemble data to create original presentation of architectural design. Layout and plan interior room arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design. Work throughout project with , construction of project. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Select and provide interior furnishings, wall coverings, and materials. Page 37 Interior Design: Tian Fu Green River Wellness Center, China. Design Concept based on Nurture through Nature considering nature promotes healing. Creating a feeling of nurturing through design elements including materials and features that reduce physiological changes in blood pressure, muscle tension and heart electrical activity. By using color and rhythm that stimulate natural surroundings. Scale is used to uplift spirits through open spaces with natural light. Textures mimic natural forms and organic materials throughout the center while balance and harmony evoke a sense of health and peace of mind. Worked closely with developer and architect to create the peaceful design environment focusing around the main CHICKEN SOUP dining house. Concept built on healthy recovery. Private concept for exclusive Asian patient. Design included materials, planning, layout, clean air, amenities. Page 38 - 41 Interior Design: Gyoro Gyoro Restaurant Brand, Ramsla USA Japan - Los Angles. Created the USA brand. Architectural drawings, details, lighting and planning. Obtain and assemble data to create architectural design. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for buildings and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design. Inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create freehand, arch cad and cad drawings. Design concept including furnishings. Page 42 – 45 Interior and Exterior Design: Ludwig Beirgarten, Los Angeles, Ca, USA. Created the USA brand concept. Architectural drawings, details, lighting and planning. Obtain and assemble data to create architectural design. Draw rough and detailed scale plans for buildings and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets and other data. Layout and plan interior room arrangements for restaurant and provide interior and exterior design. Inspect the work of technicians, and technologists on construction projects. Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials. Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials. Create freehand, arch cad and cad drawings. Design concept including furnishings. Project completed and is in operation. Page 47 – 49 Interior and Exterior Design: French Riveria Bakery, Del Cabo, Mexico. Created brand concept. Determine project goals and objectives. Generation of ideas for the functional and aesthetic possibilities of the space, environment and location. Creation of illustrations and renderings. Development of documents and specifications relative to the interior spaces in compliance with local building and safety codes. Allocation, arrangement and organization of the kitchen and space to suit its function. Monitor and manage construction and installation of interior elements. Selection of furnishings, fixtures, lighting, materials and colors. Purchasing of products designing and managing fabrication of custom details, furnishings and lighting Page 52 Building Design: Wokcano International. Project included full documentation on operational procedures, Financing, Developers and projection. Wokcano Hotel and Restaurant chain. The Wokcano Restaurant Group is a contemporary Asian Restaurant and Lounge venue with 12 locations currently operating throughout Southern California. Innovative signature incorporating the vivid regional and multicultural currents that make up modern Asian and corporate dinning. The restaurants are located throughout the Los Angeles area. The hotel is a design concept. 80
  • 81. Page 53 Building and Interior Design: Master planning. Concept Project. Page 54 Corporate Building and Interior Design: BLLA Headquaters (Boutique Life and Leisure Association.) Master planning. Interior design, layout, and brand development. Page 55 Building and Interior Design: Private residence Scotland. Concept Project. Page 56 – 57 Project: M Wuxi, Shang hi. Master planning. Conceptual project created for Mausoleum. Master planning, drawings and material specifications. Page 60 Project: City Of Lights, Changdu, China. Master plan and Overall Concept. Page 61 Project: Elim Resort and Bible land. Sankcho Korea. Concept Design. Master Plan, Architectural Design, & Overall Concept. Page 62 Project: Promenade Corniche, Conakry Guinea. Brand and Environment Design. Master Plan and Attraction Planning. Page 62 Right Project: Bin Hai District, China Tianjin. Responsibility Concept Design. Page 63 Project: Aquador Park/Water park, Al Khawr, Qatar. Design Concept. Master Plan & Overall Concept Page 64 Project: Aureate Sea Hotel and Resort, Hainan China. Master Plan and Overall Concept. Page 65 Project: New Tradition Hotel and Resort, Acapulco Mexico. Concept Design and DD. Page 68-69 Full Architectural and Design Service: The Miren, Quezon City, Philippines, Lancaster Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines Conceptual Design Services: PAGCOR Headquarters, Manila, Philippines, SSS Corporate Center Building, Quezon City, Philippines Page 72-77 Furnishings: Custom designed and manufactured furnishing. Antique and Art Procurement. 81
  • 82. 我们致力于建筑科学性和可持续性 我们力图减少建筑在地球上的碳足迹,因此,我们的项目设计注重优化楼宇配合 景观的潜力,而不是对景观造成影响。每个项目都是探索建造科学和建筑方法新 路径的机遇。我们的口号是:“智能设计、强固建造,完美竣工!”在我们的建筑 设计中,每个元素都体现了智能科技,从而使楼宇可以直观感知周围环境并应机 而变。直观感知技术使楼宇作为一个设备齐全,独立运行的结构而存在。这项技 术为住宅客户提供家庭操作系统的无缝整合,包括太阳能电池板、太阳能供暖和 制冷、高绝热值保温系统、节能墙壁和天花板系统、自动窗帘和自动窗设备、一 键链接视音频/家庭剧院/安保系统、中水灌溉和雨水收集,山地水管理和排水系 统。我们的建筑不止于华丽的外观!而是全方位的智能楼宇。 Design Group Sandra Costa
  • 83. © 2015 Sandra Costa Design Group. All Rights Reserved Design Group Sandra Costa thank you for your consideration 感谢您的惠顾 Sandra Costa Sandra Costa Design Group 全球办公室 Global Office 505 N. Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90048 USA +1 323-932-0223