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A Higher Degree of Indulgence.
who we are:
Dimension One Spas was founded by Bob

and Linda Hallam in 1977 and has grown
to become one of the world’s leading
manufacturers of hot tubs and aquatic fitness
systems. The company was first established
as a chain of retail hot tub stores. But because
Bob and wife Linda Hallam received requests
from their retail customers that were not being
fulfilled by hot tub makers at the time, they
refocused the company into manufacturing.

In less than 10 years the company established
itself as a major industry player, necessitating
the construction of an advanced 135,000
sq. ft. manufacturing plant and corporate
headquarters. Always at the forefront of spa
industry innovation, D1’s products are uniquely

Dimension One products are sold around the

world and in 2007 D1 was awarded the Silver
Medal Shingo Prize, becoming the world’s first
and only hot tub manufacturer to receive the
distinguished award. D1’s hot tubs have also
achieved the Spasearch Buyer Guide’s highest
“Certified” rating since its inception in 2006.

                 04 10
                 live the life   the innovation center
                                                              the bay collection
01. who we are   04. play        10. in the water             24. sarena bay
                 06. heal        12. in the backyard          26. amoré bay
                 08. relax       14. in intuitive operation   28. lotus bay
                                 16. in the environment       30. dupree bay
                                 18. in maintenance
                                 20. in science
reflections spas
                   @home hot tubs
34. chairman       38. venture
34. diplomat       39. sojourn
35. californian    39. wayfarer
35. nautilus       39. dream
36. aurora         39. cove
36. nautique
37. seville
37. arena
37. triad
live the life: play

Human beings are social creatures. And for         For these families the hot tub becomes the
optimum health, humans need genuine social         central gathering place in the home. Members
connection. These social bonds, connections        are plugged into each others’ lives and a
or networks involve family, friends, significant   healthy, natural family bond is established and
others, the broader community and, ultimately,     nurtured.
all of humanity.
                                                   Enhancing Friendships
Using a hot tub encourages “play.”
                                                   A hot tub provides the perfect venue to entertain
Family Bonds                                       guests in small social gatherings and get-
Millions of families have learned that a
magnificent way to encourage the development
of a positive bond between parents and their
children is through the use of a family hot tub!

                                                   Friends are thrilled to be invited to a backyard
                                                   retreat to relax in the warming, calming
                                                   waters of a hot tub. And if you own one, by
                                                   all means fire up your barbecue as the perfect
For many families, without forethought or          complement to the affair.
planning, the hot tub morphs into the family’s
official “neutral zone,” where members spend       Engage in the lost art of conversation and
quality time together, away from spending          reconnect with the people who mean so much
hours in separate rooms, watching television,      to you.
listening to iPods, surfing the web or otherwise
totally disconnected from one another.
live the life: heal

Millions of hot tub owners from around the            Foundation (NSF) reveal that 60 percent of
world can attest to the multitude of benefits         adults report having sleep problems at least a
they derive from using their hot tubs.                few nights a week. Further studies suggest that
                                                      soaking in hot water before sleep can ease the
Hot Tubs & Arthritis Relief                           transition into deeper sleep. Researchers say
                                                      that this may be due to a temperature shift,
Sitting in warm or hot water can do wonders           when the core body temperature drops after
for arthritis sufferers. According to The Arthritis   leaving the tub, which, they believe, may signal
Foundation, in 2005 there were more than 46           the body that it’s time to sleep.
million people in the US suffering from some
form of arthritis pain. Hot tub water is a safe,      Using the “Waters” for Back Pain Relief
ideal medium for relieving arthritis pain and
stiffness. That’s why the Arthritis Foundation        For back pain sufferers, nothing beats a warm
developed its Aquatic Program, which is               water massage. According to the American
designed to help relieve stiff joints, keep them      College of Sports Medicine, ACSM, 60 to 80
moving, increasing their range of motion and          percent of the population in North America
maintain muscle strength.                             will suffer from back pain or injuries at some
                                                      point during their lives, with one in five people
                                                      suffering chronic back pain that lasts six
                                                      months or longer. Recent research published
                                                      in the Journal of Rheumatology studied the
                                                      effectiveness of hot water therapy for treating
                                                      back pain. The control group used only
                                                      medication for back pain relief while a second
                                                      group used a combination of medication and
                                                      hot water treatments. After three weeks of
Use a Hot Tub & Sleep Better                          regular hydrotherapy sessions, the group that
                                                      used regular hot water treatments showed more
Exercise plus warm water equals a good night’s        improvement in health status (as measured
rest! Getting enough sleep is vital to our overall    in pain duration, intensity and back flexibility)
health and well-being. Nevertheless, millions of      versus the group that used only medication.
people either do not get enough sleep or suffer       After six months, significant improvement
from other sleep-related problems.                    progressed in the hydrotherapy group and their
                                                      use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs
Surveys conducted by the National Sleep               decreased.
live the life: relax

For stress relief today, spending time in your     helping to melt away any aches and pains.
own hot tub is the modern equivalent to            The overall effect leaves you feeling physically,
spending time at an ancient Greek or Roman         mentally and emotionally relaxed and refreshed.
hot water bath or hospital-based physical
therapy pool.                                      The relaxation effect also helps deaden muscle
                                                   pain by easing any pinched nerves and helps
For a natural and cost-effective solution to       muscles rid themselves of lactic acid or other
easing away the stresses of the day, soak in a     metabolic wastes.
hot tub’s hot water (temperature-controlled by
you) while being gently roiled by massaging jets
(also controlled by you).

It’s no secret that many people today
throughout the world suffer from some form
of stress-related condition such as anxiety or
insomnia.                                          In addition, your warmed blood travels even
                                                   deeper into your body, bringing in even more
                                                   oxygen. Your body thus becomes more efficient
                                                   at removing carbon dioxide and your immune
                                                   system kicks in as well, increasing antibody

                                                   Think about it: Our first months of life are spent
Buoyancy created by the water reduces              in the warm watery world of the
your body weight by almost 90%, which              womb. Indeed we are mostly water and our
relieves pressure on your joints and muscles,      bodies are naturally tuned to it!
and creates the relaxing sensation of
weightlessness.                                    Maybe that’s another reason why we relax
                                                   whenever we get into a hot tub!
The jet massaging action is created by
combining hot water with air bubbles and
moving the mixture at high speeds through jet
nozzles. These “energized” streams of water
loosen tight muscles and stimulate the release
of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers,
NeckFlex Jet System

     In the anatomy of aquatic massage, the NeckFlex Jet

     System provides you with the ultimate in a precision massage
     experience. The NeckFlex Jet System features four powerful,

     user-adjustable jets, which are ergonomically seated in a
     curved, padded head cradle. The height of the padded head
     cradle is also user adjustable to five different locations to
     achieve the perfect fit.

innovation: in the water

D1’s product innovations are unmatched in the       Dynamic Massage Sequencer
hot tub industry. No company delivers more
“in-the-water” features and benefits than D1.       With the Dynamic Massage
Here’s proof:                                       Sequencer, a user can
                                                    choose from six pre-
BioForm Seating
                                                    programmed, automated
                                                    massage sequences that
What’s the most important part of a hot             turn an ordinary hot tub
tub? You! With that in mind, the human bio-         soak into a extraordinary, full-body hydrotherapy
mechanics design team at Dimension One              experience.
Spas applied the principles of Hydronomics
to develop exclusive “no-float” seating angles
that keep you pleasantly, pleasingly in your seat   Tactile Therapy
instead of aimlessly, randomly drifting about.
                                                    D1’s Tactile Therapy takes form in the provision
                                                    of various sized therapeutic “bumps” that have
                                                    been grouped together at key acupressure
                                                    points for the arms, hands, wrists and feet. The
                                                    raised Tactile Therapy bumps stimulate trigger
                                                    points in these key areas, providing you with an
                                                    acupressure massage.

UltraLounge   ®

D1 activates the
power of water with
UltraLounge, the
“spa-within-a-spa”                                  Massage Jets
massage seat that
delivers head-to-toe                                D1 Jets blend human interface with aesthetic
massage action, washing away tensions and           appeal. Its angled face is designed to offer
concerns, providing the ultimate in whole-body      unparalleled tactile user control. So, say
hydrotherapy.                                       goodbye to slippery underwater jets and say
                                                    hello to personal control, no matter your hand
                                                    size or strength.
Liquid FX ™

     LFX provides an interplay of light and
     shadow and sight and sound through
     the use of gravity-defying fountains and
     exquisite lighting effects. The unique LFX
     Water Fountains blend art and style to
     create wonderful, evocative moods.

innovation: in the backyard

A hot tub should provide you with a positive         D1 offers several spa cabinets from which
“in-the-water” experience, of course. But here’s     to choose. The Sommerset option features

a quick run-down on how D1’s breakthrough            a beautiful, artistic cattails design while the
product innovations also deliver ultra-exclusive     Terracina™ option, which means “of the Earth,”
ownership experiences “in the backyard”:             features a choice of either simulated woodgrain
                                                     or simulated stone. Each is available in three
                                                     different colors to match any backyard decor.

                                                     D1 offers the beautiful, rugged and recycled
                                                     Envirotect cabinets as well, also in three colors.
                                                     Whether you choose Sommerset, Terracina or
                                                     Envirotect, all are built from extremely rugged,
Curvilinear Design                                   durable, all-weather material that retains its
                                                     beauty for years, requiring no waterproofing,
In 2002, D1 didn’t just break the mold, we           staining or other maintenance other than an
shattered it! We unveiled the world’s first hot      occasional washing with water.
tub that features an organic, curvaceous
shape...a unique curvilinear design that’s           Standout Stereo
closely attuned to the exacting standards
of our most discerning customers. Found              It’s said that music soothes
exclusively on D1’s Bay Collection line of hot       the savage beast. We don’t
tubs, these babies are built with the most           know any savage beasts, but we do know
luxurious backyards in mind. There is no finer       how to soothe the mind and body. With a
mix of style and function in the hot tub industry.   marine-grade outdoor stereo complete with
                                                     CD, auxiliary inputs and high-quality speakers,
Architectural Trim                                   setting the mood for your outdoor experience
                                                     has never been easier.
Dimension One delivers on
the promise that you can                             D1 factory installs the optional Poly Planar®

relax in your hot tub and                            stereo system on its hot tubs in the Bay
enjoy looking at it too! With unique looks to fit    Collection and Reflections series.
the landscape of any backyard, side yard or
imaginary yard, your hot tub cabinet – what
D1 calls Architectural Trim – provides you with
aesthetic luxurious design.
M•Drive  ™

     Gadgets. Whizbangs. Contraptions. Whatever you call them,
     they can be confusing and won’t live up to their potential unless
     you can control them...easily! That’s what D1’s M•Drive hot

     tub controller is all about. Featuring big buttons, a large backlit
     screen, a scrolling message center and an intuitive menu
     structure, the M•Drive is the simplest and easiest way

     to effortlessly control virtually every aspect of your spa’s
     operations and functions.

innovation: in intuitive operation

Okay. It feels great. And it looks great. But is it   germicidal. Minimize chemical use and cost.
a pain to operate? A pain to maintain? Not with       Limit the amount of time you spend on water
D1!                                                   maintenance. Get ultra clean, crystal-clear
                                                      water and peace of mind. UltraPure PLUS

                                                      is a standard feature on hot tubs in D1’s Bay

UltraPure PLUS®

D1’s UltraPure Water Management System
                                                      UltraLife   ®

has been the industry’s premier ozone-based
hot tub water management system since it was          Because the surface of the spa is the most
first invented and introduced by D1 in 1996.          exposed and most touched part of a hot tub,
It represents the world’s first UL-approved           it should be the most durable and comfy.
system that ozonates water while users occupy         D1’s exclusive UltraLife material satisfies both

the hot tub!                                          needs! It’s extremely durable, carries a lifetime
                                                      warranty and is so comfortable that you’ll want
In D1’s UltraPure System, water travels
                                                      to hop in and have a seat as often and as long
through the hot tub’s plumbing where the              as possible! Plus it’s safe: UltraLife features a
meticulous scrubbing and polishing process            unique, slip-resistant material unmatched by any
begins. Twin filters start the cleansing              other hot tub material worldwide.
by picking up large debris. Water then
moves through an ozone infusion chamber               Magnetic Switching
where ozone gas mingles with the water,
disintegrating organic matter in a natural            For the ultimate in convenience,
“burning” process.                                    D1’s exclusive Magnetic
                                                      Switching System gives you
UltraPure PLUS offers a double-dose
                                                      underwater fingertip control
of microorganism destruction, once with               of your hot tub’s major functions! Keep your
ozone (the patented D1 process) and once              hands and arms underwater where they can
with D1’s new patent pending UV light                 stay warm and cozy!
Energy Efficient

     A recent Arthur D. Little study found that portable hot
     tubs account for less than 1 percent of the energy
     consumed in residential homes. In addition, D1 hot tubs
     and swim spas use up to 85% less energy than traditional
     in-ground pools!

innovation: in the environment

Many hot tub and swim spa manufacturers            Eco-Friendly Water Management
have not seriously embraced “going green.”
We have. Here’s proof:                             D1’s patented 10-step water management
                                                   systems, UltraPure and UltraPure PLUS, use
                                                                         ®            ®

       Recycled Materials                          earth-friendly technologies like ozonation, UV
                                                   light, a zinc and silver mineral cartridge, and
D1 first offered Envirotect Architectural
                                                   filter. The system allows you to significantly
Trim cabinets in 2001. These skirts are            reduce chemical usage. It requires less chlorine
mostly made from recycled, post-consumer           than is contained in most city drinking water!
recycled milk cartons called HDPE, or high-        The system also returns 84% of its power back
density polyethylene. It’s environmentally         to the water in the form of heat and uses less
stable, does not give off harmful fumes and        electricity than a 100-watt light bulb! UltraPure

is recommended by the Healthy Building             and UltraPure PLUS purify the spa water 24/7

Network, a national organization of green          for the cleanest, clearest water in the industry.
building professionals and environmental
health activists. Envirotect is the most
                                                   Vision Sanitation Cartridge

environmentally friendly skirting material
available today. The all-weather Envirotect also
                                                   The Vision Sanitation Cartridge offers D1

requires no staining or painting.                  spa users a natural and effective alternative
                                                   to harsh, chemically based water sanitation
       Energy Efficiency                           systems. Used in combination with D1 ozone
                                                   systems, the Vision Cartridge uses silver

D1’s products are engineered                       catalyst technology that kills 99.96% of bacteria
to be the best insulated, most                     on contact. One Vision Cartridge lasts up to

energy efficient spas in the                       6 months and significantly reduces the need
industry. In 1981 D1 Spas                          for extra chemicals. In addition, Vision does

was the first company to                           not create any potentially harmful by-products.
manufacture a fully insulated                      Vision and D1’s patented water management

spa for in-ground or above-ground use. The         systems provide up to a 60% reduction in
spas are fully insulated with urethane foam        the use of harsh chemicals and fewer pH
-- used in commercial freezers -- and come         adjustments resulting in healthier, cleaner and
complete with insulated foam covers, which         softer-feeling water.
are precision fitted with linear heat-seal seams
to prevent heat loss.
innovation: in maintenance

D1 Accents                                           Mood Enhancers

Whether indoors or outdoors, we all seek             Dimension One Spa’s Mood Enhancers create a
to accent our purchase decisions with extra          soothing play of light and shadow for
options that customize our experience from the       total relaxation and well-being. Choose from
mundane into the magic. D1 Spas has crafted          among four unique designs: Swirl, Stars, Starship
a line of features to do just that. These are just   and Starfish.
a few samples of ways to accent your new
backyard lifestyle.

E-Z Lifter Spa Cover Lift

The industry standard
in cover lifts lets you
remove the cover in
one smooth motion
that lifts and stores
the cover behind your
spa, reducing normal
wear and tear. The E-Z Lifter installs easily and
fits all D1 spas.

Vision Cartridge

The Vision Cartridge

offers a natural clean
water alternative to harsh
chemical-based systems.
The cartridge fits atop your
existing D1 filter and uses
silver catalyst technology to kill 99.96% of
bacteria on contact, and a single cartridge lasts
up to six months.
innovation: in science

Hydronomics   ™
                                                  Intelligent Engineering

Invented and pioneered by D1 science and          Not all of our systems are designed to take care
design experts, Hydronomics is the study
                                                  of your hot tub. Some of them are designed
of human energy transfer within an aquatic        to take care of you. D1’s exclusive magnetic
environment. All D1 spas are built from the       switching system gives you underwater fingertip
ground up and engineered to the exacting          control of your hot tub’s major functions.
standards of Hydronomics . This ensures a hot
                                                  The ergonomic flow control valves give you
tub experience best described as “the perfect     the freedom to fine tune the strength of your
fit.” This means more to us than jet placement    massage by diverting water to or away from
or water velocity; it means the creation of a     your seat. All that’s left is to rub the stress out
product that fits your body, your backyard and    of your feet on our patented Tactile Therapy
your life.                                        locations.


The yin and yang of form and function blend
seamlessly in the new Accent Ring Jet System.
Functional artwork blends human interface
with aesthetic appeal. The Accent Ring Jet
may look elegant, but the angled face was
also designed to give unparalleled tactile
control to the user. Additionally, the Accent
Ring Jet System retains all the interchangeable
functions of the VCR Jet System.
the bay collection
D1’s Bay Collection is the industry’s first and only family of
curvilinear hot tubs. Each spa features distinctive, organic shapes,
sensuous designs, engaging fountains, accent lights, and the
unique interplay of water, light, color and sound. The unique design
pampers your body, relaxes your mind, lifts your spirit and
soothes your soul.
Sarena Bay
the bay collection

The Sarena Bay is the most luxurious hot tub in the world. Unlike
ordinary, square hot tubs, its patented, curvilinear design will add an
eye-catching centerpiece to your backyard retreat. A pair of his and
her UltraLounges , each equipped with a programmable Dynamic

Massage Sequencer, offers a professional, day-spa massage.
Three powerful pumps, 86 strategically placed jets and the optional
HydroSport exercise gear make the Sarena Bay the most versatile

hydrotherapy machine ever created. The soothing interplay of water
and light from the Umbrella fountain sets the stage for a spectacular
evening that you and your guests will never forget.

     Dimensions 10’ x 7’8” x 40”                    Seating 7

           Weight 1,320 lbs. Dry                     Layout 2 UltraLounges® with
                  5,400 lbs. Wet                            2 NFJ™ Systems and 2
                                                            Dynamic Massage Sequencers,
         Capacity 500 Gallons                               1 SportZone™ Seat,
                                                            1 MaxTherapy® Seat,
                Jets 86 Accent Ring Jets                    2 High Performance Seats,
                                                            1 Pivot Seat
   Water Feature 1 Umbrella Fountain
                                                      Cover 4” w/child lock

   Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management,
                     2 Dynamic Massage Sequencers, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary
                     Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor

               Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service

                 Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed.
                        2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity
                       Circulation Pumps
Amoré Bay
the bay collection

The Amoré Bay is the newest entrant to Dimensions One Spas’
prestigious Bay Collection. To create this masterful blend of old
world wisdom and modern knowledge, D1 engineers have applied
the fluid dynamic principles of rocket science with the ancient art of
proportion and balance. This unlikely combination is the magic and
inspiration behind the most inclusive, sumptuous, and hydronomically
designed hot tub ever to bring wellness into your backyard. Say
“hello” to the newest member of our family.

     Dimensions 9’ x 7’8” x 40”                     Seating 7

          Weight 1,011 lbs. Dry                     Layout 2 UltraLounges® with
                 4,467 lbs. Wet                            NeckFlex™ Jet Systems,
                                                           1 SportZone™ Seat,
         Capacity 415 Gallons                              Multi-Level Barrier-Free
              Jets 62 Accent Ring Jets
                                                     Cover 4” w/child lock
   Water Feature 3 LFX Fountains

   Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management,
                     1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 6 Auxiliary
                     Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor

             Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service

                Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed.
                      2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity
                      Circulation Pumps
Lotus Bay
the bay collection

Inspired by the Asian water lily, the Lotus Bay is known for its
delicate beauty. Subtle curves accompanied by the peaceful sounds
of a babbling brook and the warm romantic glow of its unique
lighting system will soothe your mind, body and spirit. Step up to a
higher degree of indulgence with features such as dual, patented
NeckFlex Jet Pillows , Dynamic Massage Sequencer, Tactile

Therapy and unique underwater controls that lie at your fingertips.
The Lotus Bay offers an exquisite balance of style and performance
for six people.

     Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 40”                 Seating 6

          Weight 1,100 lbs. Dry                    Layout 1 High Performance Seat
                 4,225 lbs. Wet                           with NFJ™ System and
                                                          Dynamic Massage Sequencer,
         Capacity 375 Gallons                             1 MaxTherapy® Seat with
                                                          NeckFlex™ Jet System,
              Jets 71 Accent Ring Jets                    2 SportZone™ Seats,1 Pivot
                                                          Seat and Tactile Therapy®
   Water Feature 1 Wave Fountain
                                                    Cover 4” w/child lock

   Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management,
                     1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary
                     Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor

             Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service

                Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed.
                      2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity
                      Circulation Pumps
Dupree Bay
the bay collection

Imagine an exclusive place where you and your soulmate can
share private moments together while melting away the cares of
the day. The Dupree Bay is the most luxurious two-seater hot tub
ever created. Beneath the sight and sound of its exquisite beauty,
lies a powerful, high performance hydrotherapy machine. Dual
UltraLounges provide complete head-to-toe massage from its

patented NeckFlex Jet Pillows to high-volume VCR jets in the foot
                               ™                  ®


     Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 40”                 Seating 2

          Weight 835 lbs. Dry                     Layout 2 UltraLounges® with 2
                 2709 lbs. Wet                           NeckFlex™ Jet Systems and
                                                         1 Dynamic Massage
         Capacity 225 Gallons                            Sequencer, 1 SportZone™
                                                         Seat and Tactile Therapy®
                 Jets 46 Accent Ring Jets
                                                   Cover 4” w/child lock
   Water Feature 1 Wave Fountain

   Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management,
                     1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary
                     Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor

             Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service

                  Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 4.0(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed.
                        2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity
                        Circulation Pumps
reflections spas
Advanced engineering. A legacy of quality. The science of
Hydronomics . D1 Reflections showcase the heritage of thinking
            ™                ®

and design that made D1 hot tubs the leader in the spa industry.
Chairman                                                 Californian
     reflections spas                                         reflections spas

               Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36”                            Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36”
                  Weight 920 lbs. Dry                                     Weight 882 lbs. Dry
                          4,260 lbs. Wet                                          3,800 lbs. Wet
                 Capacity 400 Gallons                                    Capacity 350 Gallons

                    Seating 6                                               Seating 6
                     Layout 1 UltraLounge® with a                            Layout 1 High Performance Lounge,
                            NeckFlex™ Jet System and                                1 Contoured Hydrotherapy
                            Dynamic Massage Sequencer,                              Seat with a NeckFlex™ Jet
                            1 MaxTherapy® Seat,                                     System, Multi-Level Barrier
                            1 SportZone™ Seat,                                      Free Hydrotherapy Seats and
                            3 Contoured Hydrotherapy                                Tactile Therapy®
                            Seats and Tactile Therapy®
                                                                                   Jets 39 VCR® Jets
                          Jets 51 VCR Jets

                                                                     Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with
             Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with                                 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump
                           1 High Velocity Circulation Pump
                                                                Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
        Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water                               Management, 1 Auxiliary
                          Management, 1 Dynamic                                   Control, IR Sensor
                          Massage Sequencer,
                          1 Auxiliary Control, IR Sensor                  Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service

                                                                             Pumps 3-Pump System:
                  Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service                        2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                                                                                   1, High Velocity Circulation
                        Pumps 3-Pump System:                                       Pumps
                              2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                              1, High Velocity Circulation                       Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks

                        Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
Diplomat                                                 Nautilus
reflections spas                                         reflections spas

          Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36”                             Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36”
             Weight 900 lbs. Dry                                      Weight 885 lbs. Dry
                     3,610 lbs. Wet                                           3,967 lbs. Wet
            Capacity 325 Gallons                                     Capacity 370 Gallons

               Seating 5                                                Seating 7
                Layout 1 UltraLounge® with a                             Layout 1 MaxTherapy® Seat with a
                       NeckFlex™ Jet System,                                    NeckFlex™ Jet System,
                       1 High Performance Lounge,                               1 SportZone™ Seat, Multi-Level
                       1 SportZone™ Seat,                                       Barrier-Free Hydrotherapy
                       2 Contoured Hydrotherapy                                 Seating and Tactile Therapy®
                       Seats and Tactile Therapy®
                                                                              Jets 44 VCR® Jets
                     Jets 45 VCR® Jets
                                                                Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with
       Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with                                  1 High Velocity Circulation Pump
                     1 High Velocity Circulation Pump
                                                           Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
   Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
                                                                             Management, 1 Auxiliary
                     Management, 1 Auxiliary                                 Control, IR Sensor
                     Control, IR Sensor
                                                                      Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service
             Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service
                                                                        Pumps 3-Pump System:
                   Pumps 3-Pump System:
                                                                              2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                         2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed                         1, High Velocity Circulation
                         1, High Velocity Circulation                         Pumps
                                                                            Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
                   Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
Aurora                                               Nautique
     reflections spas                                     reflections spas

                                                          NEW FOR 2009
                                                          *concept art shown in catalog. please see dealer for
                                                          specific features and appearance options.

           Dimensions 7’ x 7’ x 36”
              Weight 670 lbs. Dry
                                                                Dimensions 7’ x 7’ x 36”
                      3,086 lbs. Wet                               Weight 670 lbs. Dry
             Capacity 290 Gallons
                                                                           3,290 lbs. Wet
                                                                  Capacity 310 Gallons
                Seating 5
                 Layout 1 UltraLounge®, 1 Countoured
                                                                     Seating 5
                        Hydrotherapy Seat with a                      Layout 4 Countoured Hydrotherapy
                        NeckFlex™ Jet System, Multi-
                                                                             Seat with NeckFlex™ Jet
                        Level Barrier-Free
                        Hydrotherapy Seating and
                        Tactile Therapy®                                 Jets 43 Accent Ring Jets

                                                              Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with
                    Jets 35 Accent Ring Jets
                                                                            1 High Velocity Circulation Pump
         Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with            Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
                       1 High Velocity Circulation Pump                     Management, IR Sensor
     Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
                                                                   Electrical 240V, 50/40/30A, 4 Wire
                       Management, 1 Auxiliary
                       Control, IR Sensor

              Electrical 240V, 50/40/30A, 4 Wire                      Pumps 3-Pump System:
                         Service                                            2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                                                                            1, High Velocity Circulation
                 Pumps 3-Pump System:                                       Pumps
                       2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed                    Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
                       1, High Velocity Circulation

                 Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks

reflections spas

                   Dimensions     7’ x 6’6” x 30”
                      Weight      670 lbs. Dry, 2,840 lbs. Wet
                     Capacity     260 Gallons
                      Seating     5
                       Layout     1 High Performance Lounge with a NeckFlex™ Jet
                                  System and 1 Pivot Seat

                                  41 VCR® Jets
                                  M•Drive, UltraPure® Water
                    Operating     Management, IR Sensor
                                  240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service
                                  2-Pump System:
                       Pumps      1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                                  1, High Velocity Circulation Pump

                        Cover     4” - 2.5” tapered with locks

reflections spas

                   Dimensions     7’3” diameter x 36”
                      Weight      560 lbs. Dry, 3,395 lbs. Wet
                     Capacity     340 Gallons
                      Seating     7
                       Layout     Multi-Level Barrior Free Hydrotherapy Seating

                           Jets   16 VCR® Jets

                    Operating     Scrolling Message Center, CrystalZone® Water
                     Systems      Management, IR Sensor

                     Electrical   240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service

                       Pumps      2-Pump System:
                                  1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                                  1, High Velocity Circulation Pump

                        Cover     4” - 2.5” tapered with locks

reflections spas   Dimensions     7’ x 5’6” x 30”
                      Weight      640 lbs. Dry, 2,310 lbs. Wet
                     Capacity     200 Gallons
                      Seating     3
                       Layout     1 UltraLounge® Lounge with a NeckFlex™ Jet System and
                                  Dynamic Massage Sequencer, 2 Hydrotherapy Seats and
                                  Tactile Therapy

                           Jets   23 VCR® Jets

                    Operating     M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Management, IR Sensor

                     Electrical   240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service

                       Pumps      2-Pump System:
                                  1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed
                                  1, High Velocity Circulation Pump

                        Cover     4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
@home hot tubs
     Step up, step in, start living. D1 found the right way to combine
     affordable enjoyment, luxury, and performance. Whether it’s for
     healing, relaxing, family fun or creating uncompromising intimacy
     and romance, the @Home Hot Tub does it all.

      @home hot tubs

               Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” / 370 Gallons
                    Seating 6
                        Jets 44 VCR® Jets
                  Fountain Twin Pop-up
                  Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service
                    Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed
                          1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed

@home hot tubs

       Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 340 Gallons
           Seating 7
                 Jets 42 VCR® Jets
         Fountain Adjustable Wave
         Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service
           Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed
                 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed

@home hot tubs

       Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 275 Gallons
           Seating 6
                 Jets 42 VCR® Jets
         Fountain Adjustable Wave
         Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service
           Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed
                 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed

@home hot tubs

       Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 300 Gallons
           Seating 6
                 Jets 31 VCR® Jets
         Fountain Adjustable Wave
         Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service
           Pumps 1, 3.0/(1.5)* HP, Single Speed

@home hot tubs

       Dimensions 7’0” x 6’5” x 30” / 245 Gallons
           Seating 5
                 Jets 22 VCR® Jets
         Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service
            Pumps 1, 3.0/(1.5)* HP, Dual Speed
For more information, please visit your local dealer:

           Or visit us online at

Product specifications and features are subject to change without notice. Specifications on
international models may vary. Copyright 2009 Dimension One Spas. All right’s reserved.
P/N 1523-0058
Rev 09/08

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2009 D1 Brochure

  • 1. A Higher Degree of Indulgence. ™
  • 2. who we are: Dimension One Spas was founded by Bob ® and Linda Hallam in 1977 and has grown to become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of hot tubs and aquatic fitness systems. The company was first established as a chain of retail hot tub stores. But because Bob and wife Linda Hallam received requests from their retail customers that were not being fulfilled by hot tub makers at the time, they refocused the company into manufacturing. In less than 10 years the company established itself as a major industry player, necessitating the construction of an advanced 135,000 sq. ft. manufacturing plant and corporate headquarters. Always at the forefront of spa industry innovation, D1’s products are uniquely different. Dimension One products are sold around the ® world and in 2007 D1 was awarded the Silver Medal Shingo Prize, becoming the world’s first and only hot tub manufacturer to receive the distinguished award. D1’s hot tubs have also achieved the Spasearch Buyer Guide’s highest “Certified” rating since its inception in 2006. 01
  • 3. 01 introduction 04 10 live the life the innovation center 22 the bay collection 01. who we are 04. play 10. in the water 24. sarena bay 06. heal 12. in the backyard 26. amoré bay 08. relax 14. in intuitive operation 28. lotus bay 16. in the environment 30. dupree bay 18. in maintenance 20. in science
  • 4. 32 reflections spas 38 @home hot tubs 34. chairman 38. venture 34. diplomat 39. sojourn 35. californian 39. wayfarer 35. nautilus 39. dream 36. aurora 39. cove 36. nautique 37. seville 37. arena 37. triad
  • 5. 04
  • 6. live the life: play Human beings are social creatures. And for For these families the hot tub becomes the optimum health, humans need genuine social central gathering place in the home. Members connection. These social bonds, connections are plugged into each others’ lives and a or networks involve family, friends, significant healthy, natural family bond is established and others, the broader community and, ultimately, nurtured. all of humanity. Enhancing Friendships Using a hot tub encourages “play.” A hot tub provides the perfect venue to entertain Family Bonds guests in small social gatherings and get- togethers! Millions of families have learned that a magnificent way to encourage the development of a positive bond between parents and their children is through the use of a family hot tub! Friends are thrilled to be invited to a backyard retreat to relax in the warming, calming waters of a hot tub. And if you own one, by all means fire up your barbecue as the perfect For many families, without forethought or complement to the affair. planning, the hot tub morphs into the family’s official “neutral zone,” where members spend Engage in the lost art of conversation and quality time together, away from spending reconnect with the people who mean so much hours in separate rooms, watching television, to you. listening to iPods, surfing the web or otherwise totally disconnected from one another.
  • 7. 06
  • 8. live the life: heal Millions of hot tub owners from around the Foundation (NSF) reveal that 60 percent of world can attest to the multitude of benefits adults report having sleep problems at least a they derive from using their hot tubs. few nights a week. Further studies suggest that soaking in hot water before sleep can ease the Hot Tubs & Arthritis Relief transition into deeper sleep. Researchers say that this may be due to a temperature shift, Sitting in warm or hot water can do wonders when the core body temperature drops after for arthritis sufferers. According to The Arthritis leaving the tub, which, they believe, may signal Foundation, in 2005 there were more than 46 the body that it’s time to sleep. million people in the US suffering from some form of arthritis pain. Hot tub water is a safe, Using the “Waters” for Back Pain Relief ideal medium for relieving arthritis pain and stiffness. That’s why the Arthritis Foundation For back pain sufferers, nothing beats a warm developed its Aquatic Program, which is water massage. According to the American designed to help relieve stiff joints, keep them College of Sports Medicine, ACSM, 60 to 80 moving, increasing their range of motion and percent of the population in North America maintain muscle strength. will suffer from back pain or injuries at some point during their lives, with one in five people suffering chronic back pain that lasts six months or longer. Recent research published in the Journal of Rheumatology studied the effectiveness of hot water therapy for treating back pain. The control group used only medication for back pain relief while a second group used a combination of medication and hot water treatments. After three weeks of Use a Hot Tub & Sleep Better regular hydrotherapy sessions, the group that used regular hot water treatments showed more Exercise plus warm water equals a good night’s improvement in health status (as measured rest! Getting enough sleep is vital to our overall in pain duration, intensity and back flexibility) health and well-being. Nevertheless, millions of versus the group that used only medication. people either do not get enough sleep or suffer After six months, significant improvement from other sleep-related problems. progressed in the hydrotherapy group and their use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs Surveys conducted by the National Sleep decreased.
  • 9. 08
  • 10. live the life: relax For stress relief today, spending time in your helping to melt away any aches and pains. own hot tub is the modern equivalent to The overall effect leaves you feeling physically, spending time at an ancient Greek or Roman mentally and emotionally relaxed and refreshed. hot water bath or hospital-based physical therapy pool. The relaxation effect also helps deaden muscle pain by easing any pinched nerves and helps For a natural and cost-effective solution to muscles rid themselves of lactic acid or other easing away the stresses of the day, soak in a metabolic wastes. hot tub’s hot water (temperature-controlled by you) while being gently roiled by massaging jets (also controlled by you). It’s no secret that many people today throughout the world suffer from some form of stress-related condition such as anxiety or insomnia. In addition, your warmed blood travels even deeper into your body, bringing in even more oxygen. Your body thus becomes more efficient at removing carbon dioxide and your immune system kicks in as well, increasing antibody production. Think about it: Our first months of life are spent Buoyancy created by the water reduces in the warm watery world of the your body weight by almost 90%, which womb. Indeed we are mostly water and our relieves pressure on your joints and muscles, bodies are naturally tuned to it! and creates the relaxing sensation of weightlessness. Maybe that’s another reason why we relax whenever we get into a hot tub! The jet massaging action is created by combining hot water with air bubbles and moving the mixture at high speeds through jet nozzles. These “energized” streams of water loosen tight muscles and stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers,
  • 11. NeckFlex Jet System ™ In the anatomy of aquatic massage, the NeckFlex Jet ™ System provides you with the ultimate in a precision massage experience. The NeckFlex Jet System features four powerful, ™ user-adjustable jets, which are ergonomically seated in a curved, padded head cradle. The height of the padded head cradle is also user adjustable to five different locations to achieve the perfect fit. 10
  • 12. innovation: in the water D1’s product innovations are unmatched in the Dynamic Massage Sequencer hot tub industry. No company delivers more “in-the-water” features and benefits than D1. With the Dynamic Massage Here’s proof: Sequencer, a user can choose from six pre- BioForm Seating ™ programmed, automated massage sequences that What’s the most important part of a hot turn an ordinary hot tub tub? You! With that in mind, the human bio- soak into a extraordinary, full-body hydrotherapy mechanics design team at Dimension One experience. Spas applied the principles of Hydronomics to develop exclusive “no-float” seating angles that keep you pleasantly, pleasingly in your seat Tactile Therapy instead of aimlessly, randomly drifting about. D1’s Tactile Therapy takes form in the provision of various sized therapeutic “bumps” that have been grouped together at key acupressure points for the arms, hands, wrists and feet. The raised Tactile Therapy bumps stimulate trigger points in these key areas, providing you with an acupressure massage. UltraLounge ® D1 activates the power of water with UltraLounge, the “spa-within-a-spa” Massage Jets massage seat that delivers head-to-toe D1 Jets blend human interface with aesthetic massage action, washing away tensions and appeal. Its angled face is designed to offer concerns, providing the ultimate in whole-body unparalleled tactile user control. So, say hydrotherapy. goodbye to slippery underwater jets and say hello to personal control, no matter your hand size or strength.
  • 13. Liquid FX ™ LFX provides an interplay of light and shadow and sight and sound through the use of gravity-defying fountains and exquisite lighting effects. The unique LFX Water Fountains blend art and style to create wonderful, evocative moods. 12
  • 14. innovation: in the backyard A hot tub should provide you with a positive D1 offers several spa cabinets from which “in-the-water” experience, of course. But here’s to choose. The Sommerset option features ™ a quick run-down on how D1’s breakthrough a beautiful, artistic cattails design while the product innovations also deliver ultra-exclusive Terracina™ option, which means “of the Earth,” ownership experiences “in the backyard”: features a choice of either simulated woodgrain or simulated stone. Each is available in three different colors to match any backyard decor. D1 offers the beautiful, rugged and recycled Envirotect cabinets as well, also in three colors. Whether you choose Sommerset, Terracina or Envirotect, all are built from extremely rugged, Curvilinear Design durable, all-weather material that retains its beauty for years, requiring no waterproofing, In 2002, D1 didn’t just break the mold, we staining or other maintenance other than an shattered it! We unveiled the world’s first hot occasional washing with water. tub that features an organic, curvaceous shape...a unique curvilinear design that’s Standout Stereo closely attuned to the exacting standards of our most discerning customers. Found It’s said that music soothes exclusively on D1’s Bay Collection line of hot the savage beast. We don’t tubs, these babies are built with the most know any savage beasts, but we do know luxurious backyards in mind. There is no finer how to soothe the mind and body. With a mix of style and function in the hot tub industry. marine-grade outdoor stereo complete with CD, auxiliary inputs and high-quality speakers, Architectural Trim setting the mood for your outdoor experience has never been easier. Dimension One delivers on the promise that you can D1 factory installs the optional Poly Planar® relax in your hot tub and stereo system on its hot tubs in the Bay enjoy looking at it too! With unique looks to fit Collection and Reflections series. the landscape of any backyard, side yard or imaginary yard, your hot tub cabinet – what D1 calls Architectural Trim – provides you with aesthetic luxurious design.
  • 15. M•Drive ™ Gadgets. Whizbangs. Contraptions. Whatever you call them, they can be confusing and won’t live up to their potential unless you can control them...easily! That’s what D1’s M•Drive hot ™ tub controller is all about. Featuring big buttons, a large backlit screen, a scrolling message center and an intuitive menu structure, the M•Drive is the simplest and easiest way ™ to effortlessly control virtually every aspect of your spa’s operations and functions. 14
  • 16. innovation: in intuitive operation Okay. It feels great. And it looks great. But is it germicidal. Minimize chemical use and cost. a pain to operate? A pain to maintain? Not with Limit the amount of time you spend on water D1! maintenance. Get ultra clean, crystal-clear water and peace of mind. UltraPure PLUS ® is a standard feature on hot tubs in D1’s Bay Collection. UltraPure PLUS® D1’s UltraPure Water Management System ® UltraLife ® has been the industry’s premier ozone-based hot tub water management system since it was Because the surface of the spa is the most first invented and introduced by D1 in 1996. exposed and most touched part of a hot tub, It represents the world’s first UL-approved it should be the most durable and comfy. system that ozonates water while users occupy D1’s exclusive UltraLife material satisfies both ® the hot tub! needs! It’s extremely durable, carries a lifetime warranty and is so comfortable that you’ll want In D1’s UltraPure System, water travels ® to hop in and have a seat as often and as long through the hot tub’s plumbing where the as possible! Plus it’s safe: UltraLife features a meticulous scrubbing and polishing process unique, slip-resistant material unmatched by any begins. Twin filters start the cleansing other hot tub material worldwide. by picking up large debris. Water then moves through an ozone infusion chamber Magnetic Switching where ozone gas mingles with the water, disintegrating organic matter in a natural For the ultimate in convenience, “burning” process. D1’s exclusive Magnetic Switching System gives you UltraPure PLUS offers a double-dose ® underwater fingertip control of microorganism destruction, once with of your hot tub’s major functions! Keep your ozone (the patented D1 process) and once hands and arms underwater where they can with D1’s new patent pending UV light stay warm and cozy!
  • 17. Energy Efficient A recent Arthur D. Little study found that portable hot tubs account for less than 1 percent of the energy consumed in residential homes. In addition, D1 hot tubs and swim spas use up to 85% less energy than traditional in-ground pools! 16
  • 18. innovation: in the environment Many hot tub and swim spa manufacturers Eco-Friendly Water Management have not seriously embraced “going green.” We have. Here’s proof: D1’s patented 10-step water management systems, UltraPure and UltraPure PLUS, use ® ® Recycled Materials earth-friendly technologies like ozonation, UV light, a zinc and silver mineral cartridge, and D1 first offered Envirotect Architectural ™ filter. The system allows you to significantly Trim cabinets in 2001. These skirts are reduce chemical usage. It requires less chlorine mostly made from recycled, post-consumer than is contained in most city drinking water! recycled milk cartons called HDPE, or high- The system also returns 84% of its power back density polyethylene. It’s environmentally to the water in the form of heat and uses less stable, does not give off harmful fumes and electricity than a 100-watt light bulb! UltraPure ® is recommended by the Healthy Building and UltraPure PLUS purify the spa water 24/7 ® Network, a national organization of green for the cleanest, clearest water in the industry. building professionals and environmental health activists. Envirotect is the most ™ Vision Sanitation Cartridge ® environmentally friendly skirting material available today. The all-weather Envirotect also ™ The Vision Sanitation Cartridge offers D1 ® requires no staining or painting. spa users a natural and effective alternative to harsh, chemically based water sanitation Energy Efficiency systems. Used in combination with D1 ozone systems, the Vision Cartridge uses silver ® D1’s products are engineered catalyst technology that kills 99.96% of bacteria to be the best insulated, most on contact. One Vision Cartridge lasts up to ® energy efficient spas in the 6 months and significantly reduces the need industry. In 1981 D1 Spas for extra chemicals. In addition, Vision does ® was the first company to not create any potentially harmful by-products. manufacture a fully insulated Vision and D1’s patented water management ® spa for in-ground or above-ground use. The systems provide up to a 60% reduction in spas are fully insulated with urethane foam the use of harsh chemicals and fewer pH -- used in commercial freezers -- and come adjustments resulting in healthier, cleaner and complete with insulated foam covers, which softer-feeling water. are precision fitted with linear heat-seal seams to prevent heat loss.
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  • 20. innovation: in maintenance D1 Accents Mood Enhancers Whether indoors or outdoors, we all seek Dimension One Spa’s Mood Enhancers create a to accent our purchase decisions with extra soothing play of light and shadow for options that customize our experience from the total relaxation and well-being. Choose from mundane into the magic. D1 Spas has crafted among four unique designs: Swirl, Stars, Starship a line of features to do just that. These are just and Starfish. a few samples of ways to accent your new backyard lifestyle. E-Z Lifter Spa Cover Lift The industry standard in cover lifts lets you remove the cover in one smooth motion that lifts and stores the cover behind your spa, reducing normal wear and tear. The E-Z Lifter installs easily and fits all D1 spas. Vision Cartridge ® The Vision Cartridge ® offers a natural clean water alternative to harsh chemical-based systems. The cartridge fits atop your existing D1 filter and uses silver catalyst technology to kill 99.96% of bacteria on contact, and a single cartridge lasts up to six months.
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  • 22. innovation: in science Hydronomics ™ Intelligent Engineering Invented and pioneered by D1 science and Not all of our systems are designed to take care design experts, Hydronomics is the study ™ of your hot tub. Some of them are designed of human energy transfer within an aquatic to take care of you. D1’s exclusive magnetic environment. All D1 spas are built from the switching system gives you underwater fingertip ground up and engineered to the exacting control of your hot tub’s major functions. standards of Hydronomics . This ensures a hot ™ The ergonomic flow control valves give you tub experience best described as “the perfect the freedom to fine tune the strength of your fit.” This means more to us than jet placement massage by diverting water to or away from or water velocity; it means the creation of a your seat. All that’s left is to rub the stress out product that fits your body, your backyard and of your feet on our patented Tactile Therapy your life. locations. Ergonomics The yin and yang of form and function blend seamlessly in the new Accent Ring Jet System. Functional artwork blends human interface with aesthetic appeal. The Accent Ring Jet may look elegant, but the angled face was also designed to give unparalleled tactile control to the user. Additionally, the Accent Ring Jet System retains all the interchangeable functions of the VCR Jet System. ®
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  • 24. the bay collection D1’s Bay Collection is the industry’s first and only family of curvilinear hot tubs. Each spa features distinctive, organic shapes, sensuous designs, engaging fountains, accent lights, and the unique interplay of water, light, color and sound. The unique design pampers your body, relaxes your mind, lifts your spirit and soothes your soul.
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  • 26. Sarena Bay the bay collection The Sarena Bay is the most luxurious hot tub in the world. Unlike ordinary, square hot tubs, its patented, curvilinear design will add an eye-catching centerpiece to your backyard retreat. A pair of his and her UltraLounges , each equipped with a programmable Dynamic ® Massage Sequencer, offers a professional, day-spa massage. Three powerful pumps, 86 strategically placed jets and the optional HydroSport exercise gear make the Sarena Bay the most versatile ™ hydrotherapy machine ever created. The soothing interplay of water and light from the Umbrella fountain sets the stage for a spectacular evening that you and your guests will never forget. Dimensions 10’ x 7’8” x 40” Seating 7 Weight 1,320 lbs. Dry Layout 2 UltraLounges® with 5,400 lbs. Wet 2 NFJ™ Systems and 2 Dynamic Massage Sequencers, Capacity 500 Gallons 1 SportZone™ Seat, 1 MaxTherapy® Seat, Jets 86 Accent Ring Jets 2 High Performance Seats, 1 Pivot Seat Water Feature 1 Umbrella Fountain Cover 4” w/child lock Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management, 2 Dynamic Massage Sequencers, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed. 2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity Circulation Pumps
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  • 28. Amoré Bay the bay collection The Amoré Bay is the newest entrant to Dimensions One Spas’ prestigious Bay Collection. To create this masterful blend of old world wisdom and modern knowledge, D1 engineers have applied the fluid dynamic principles of rocket science with the ancient art of proportion and balance. This unlikely combination is the magic and inspiration behind the most inclusive, sumptuous, and hydronomically designed hot tub ever to bring wellness into your backyard. Say “hello” to the newest member of our family. Dimensions 9’ x 7’8” x 40” Seating 7 Weight 1,011 lbs. Dry Layout 2 UltraLounges® with 4,467 lbs. Wet NeckFlex™ Jet Systems, 1 SportZone™ Seat, Capacity 415 Gallons Multi-Level Barrier-Free Bench Jets 62 Accent Ring Jets Cover 4” w/child lock Water Feature 3 LFX Fountains Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management, 1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 6 Auxiliary Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed. 2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity Circulation Pumps
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  • 30. Lotus Bay the bay collection Inspired by the Asian water lily, the Lotus Bay is known for its delicate beauty. Subtle curves accompanied by the peaceful sounds of a babbling brook and the warm romantic glow of its unique lighting system will soothe your mind, body and spirit. Step up to a higher degree of indulgence with features such as dual, patented NeckFlex Jet Pillows , Dynamic Massage Sequencer, Tactile ™ Therapy and unique underwater controls that lie at your fingertips. The Lotus Bay offers an exquisite balance of style and performance for six people. Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 40” Seating 6 Weight 1,100 lbs. Dry Layout 1 High Performance Seat 4,225 lbs. Wet with NFJ™ System and Dynamic Massage Sequencer, Capacity 375 Gallons 1 MaxTherapy® Seat with NeckFlex™ Jet System, Jets 71 Accent Ring Jets 2 SportZone™ Seats,1 Pivot Seat and Tactile Therapy® Water Feature 1 Wave Fountain Cover 4” w/child lock Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management, 1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed. 2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity Circulation Pumps
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  • 32. Dupree Bay the bay collection Imagine an exclusive place where you and your soulmate can share private moments together while melting away the cares of the day. The Dupree Bay is the most luxurious two-seater hot tub ever created. Beneath the sight and sound of its exquisite beauty, lies a powerful, high performance hydrotherapy machine. Dual UltraLounges provide complete head-to-toe massage from its ® patented NeckFlex Jet Pillows to high-volume VCR jets in the foot ™ ® well. Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 40” Seating 2 Weight 835 lbs. Dry Layout 2 UltraLounges® with 2 2709 lbs. Wet NeckFlex™ Jet Systems and 1 Dynamic Massage Capacity 225 Gallons Sequencer, 1 SportZone™ Seat and Tactile Therapy® Jets 46 Accent Ring Jets Cover 4” w/child lock Water Feature 1 Wave Fountain Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® PLUS Water Management, 1 Dynamic Massage Sequencer, iWatch, 4 Auxiliary Magnetic Switches, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40, 4 Wire Service Pumps 5-Pump System: 1, 4.0(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed. 2, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed. 2, High Velocity Circulation Pumps
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  • 34. reflections spas Advanced engineering. A legacy of quality. The science of Hydronomics . D1 Reflections showcase the heritage of thinking ™ ® and design that made D1 hot tubs the leader in the spa industry.
  • 35. Chairman Californian reflections spas reflections spas Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” Weight 920 lbs. Dry Weight 882 lbs. Dry 4,260 lbs. Wet 3,800 lbs. Wet Capacity 400 Gallons Capacity 350 Gallons Seating 6 Seating 6 Layout 1 UltraLounge® with a Layout 1 High Performance Lounge, NeckFlex™ Jet System and 1 Contoured Hydrotherapy Dynamic Massage Sequencer, Seat with a NeckFlex™ Jet 1 MaxTherapy® Seat, System, Multi-Level Barrier 1 SportZone™ Seat, Free Hydrotherapy Seats and 3 Contoured Hydrotherapy Tactile Therapy® Seats and Tactile Therapy® Jets 39 VCR® Jets Jets 51 VCR Jets ® Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Management, 1 Auxiliary Management, 1 Dynamic Control, IR Sensor Massage Sequencer, 1 Auxiliary Control, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service Pumps 3-Pump System: Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Pumps 3-Pump System: Pumps 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks Pumps Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks 34
  • 36. Diplomat Nautilus reflections spas reflections spas Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” Weight 900 lbs. Dry Weight 885 lbs. Dry 3,610 lbs. Wet 3,967 lbs. Wet Capacity 325 Gallons Capacity 370 Gallons Seating 5 Seating 7 Layout 1 UltraLounge® with a Layout 1 MaxTherapy® Seat with a NeckFlex™ Jet System, NeckFlex™ Jet System, 1 High Performance Lounge, 1 SportZone™ Seat, Multi-Level 1 SportZone™ Seat, Barrier-Free Hydrotherapy 2 Contoured Hydrotherapy Seating and Tactile Therapy® Seats and Tactile Therapy® Jets 44 VCR® Jets Jets 45 VCR® Jets Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Management, 1 Auxiliary Management, 1 Auxiliary Control, IR Sensor Control, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service Electrical 240V, 50/40/30, 4 Wire Service Pumps 3-Pump System: Pumps 3-Pump System: 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation 1, High Velocity Circulation Pumps Pumps Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
  • 37. Aurora Nautique reflections spas reflections spas NEW FOR 2009 *concept art shown in catalog. please see dealer for specific features and appearance options. Dimensions 7’ x 7’ x 36” Weight 670 lbs. Dry Dimensions 7’ x 7’ x 36” 3,086 lbs. Wet Weight 670 lbs. Dry Capacity 290 Gallons 3,290 lbs. Wet Capacity 310 Gallons Seating 5 Layout 1 UltraLounge®, 1 Countoured Seating 5 Hydrotherapy Seat with a Layout 4 Countoured Hydrotherapy NeckFlex™ Jet System, Multi- Seat with NeckFlex™ Jet Level Barrier-Free Systems Hydrotherapy Seating and Tactile Therapy® Jets 43 Accent Ring Jets Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with Jets 35 Accent Ring Jets 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump Water Feature OPTIONAL Liquid FX with Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water 1 High Velocity Circulation Pump Management, IR Sensor Operating Systems M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Electrical 240V, 50/40/30A, 4 Wire Management, 1 Auxiliary Service Control, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 50/40/30A, 4 Wire Pumps 3-Pump System: Service 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Pumps 3-Pump System: Pumps 2, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks 1, High Velocity Circulation Pumps Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks 36
  • 38. Seville reflections spas Dimensions 7’ x 6’6” x 30” Weight 670 lbs. Dry, 2,840 lbs. Wet Capacity 260 Gallons Seating 5 Layout 1 High Performance Lounge with a NeckFlex™ Jet System and 1 Pivot Seat 41 VCR® Jets Jets M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Operating Management, IR Sensor Systems 240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service Electrical 2-Pump System: Pumps 1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Pump Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks Arena reflections spas Dimensions 7’3” diameter x 36” Weight 560 lbs. Dry, 3,395 lbs. Wet Capacity 340 Gallons Seating 7 Layout Multi-Level Barrior Free Hydrotherapy Seating Jets 16 VCR® Jets Operating Scrolling Message Center, CrystalZone® Water Systems Management, IR Sensor Electrical 240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service Pumps 2-Pump System: 1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Pump Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks Triad reflections spas Dimensions 7’ x 5’6” x 30” Weight 640 lbs. Dry, 2,310 lbs. Wet Capacity 200 Gallons Seating 3 Layout 1 UltraLounge® Lounge with a NeckFlex™ Jet System and Dynamic Massage Sequencer, 2 Hydrotherapy Seats and Tactile Therapy Jets 23 VCR® Jets Operating M•Drive, UltraPure® Water Management, IR Sensor Systems Electrical 240V, 40/30, 4 Wire Service Pumps 2-Pump System: 1, 4.0/(2.5)* HP, Dual Speed 1, High Velocity Circulation Pump Cover 4” - 2.5” tapered with locks
  • 39. @home hot tubs Step up, step in, start living. D1 found the right way to combine affordable enjoyment, luxury, and performance. Whether it’s for healing, relaxing, family fun or creating uncompromising intimacy and romance, the @Home Hot Tub does it all. Venture @home hot tubs Dimensions 7’8” x 7’8” x 36” / 370 Gallons Seating 6 Jets 44 VCR® Jets Fountain Twin Pop-up Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed 38
  • 40. Sojourn @home hot tubs Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 340 Gallons Seating 7 Jets 42 VCR® Jets Fountain Adjustable Wave Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed Wayfarer @home hot tubs Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 275 Gallons Seating 6 Jets 42 VCR® Jets Fountain Adjustable Wave Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service Pumps 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Dual Speed 1, 3.6/(2.0)* HP, Single Speed Dream @home hot tubs Dimensions 7’0” x 7’0” x 36” / 300 Gallons Seating 6 Jets 31 VCR® Jets Fountain Adjustable Wave Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service Pumps 1, 3.0/(1.5)* HP, Single Speed Cove @home hot tubs Dimensions 7’0” x 6’5” x 30” / 245 Gallons Seating 5 Jets 22 VCR® Jets Electrical 240V, 40/30A, 4 Wire Service Pumps 1, 3.0/(1.5)* HP, Dual Speed
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  • 43. For more information, please visit your local dealer: Or visit us online at Product specifications and features are subject to change without notice. Specifications on international models may vary. Copyright 2009 Dimension One Spas. All right’s reserved. P/N 1523-0058 Rev 09/08