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Control de Costos de
Alimentos y bebidAs

   Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                          Part 3

                   Managing the Cost
                       of Food

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                     Main Ideas
   •   Menu Item Forecasting
   •   Standardized Recipes
   •   Inventory Control
   •   Purchasing
   •   Receiving
   •   Storage
   •   Determining Actual Food Expense
   •   Technology Tools
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

           Menu Item Forecasting
   • Menu item forecasting addresses the
      – “How many people will I serve today?”

      – “What will they order?”

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

           Menu Item Forecasting
   • Popularity index is defined as the
     percentage of total guests choosing a
     given menu item from a list of alternatives.

   Popularity Index =Total Number of a Specific Menu Item Sold
                       Total Number of All Menu Items Sold

                                                    Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

           Menu Item Forecasting
   • Individual menu item forecasting, based
     on an item’s individual sales history:
        Number of Guests Expected
       x Item Popularity Index
       = Predicted Number of That Item to Be Sold

    • The predicted number to be sold is
      simply the quantity of a specific menu item
      likely to be sold given an estimate of the
      total number of guests expected.
                                                    Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

           Menu Item Forecasting
   • Factors influencing number of guests:
      – Competition, weather, special events in your
        area, facility occupancy, your own promotions,
        your competitor’s promotions, quality of
        service, and operational consistency.

   • Sales histories track only the general
     trends of an operation. They are not

                                            Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • The standardized recipe controls both
     the quantity and quality of what the kitchen
     will produce.

   • It consists of the procedures to be used in
     preparing and serving each of your menu

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • Good standardized recipes contain the
      1.Menu item name
      2.Total yield (number of servings)
      3.Portion size
      4.Ingredient list
      5.Preparation/method section
      6.Cooking time and temperature
      7.Special instructions, if necessary
      8.Recipe cost (optional)
                                             Materias primas
Receta estándar básica
      Platillo       Filete de res en salsa de nuez          Fecha                           15/11/2001       Folio             1036
Costo del platillo   $                             25,98 P. de venta                     $           75,00 % de costo          34,64%

                                 Ingredientes                Cantidad                  Unidad                                  Importe
                     2 rodajas filete de res                      0,180          1,000   kg                  $   106,00    $      19,08
                     Palmitos                                     0,100          0,300   Kg, en lata         $     13,00   $       4,33   =(cantidad/kg en lata)*precio lata
                     Salsa de nuez                                0,120          1,000                       $     13,63   $       1,64
                     Aceite para guisar                           0,010          1,000                       $      9,00   $       0,09
                     Sal de mesa                                  0,005          1,000   kg                  $      2,40   $       0,01
                     Pimienta blanca molida                       0,005          1,000   kg                  $     46,00   $       0,23
                     Perejil chino                                0,050          1,000   kg, en manojo       $     12,00   $       0,60
                                                                                                            Suma           $      25,98
Sistema de elaboración o presentación:
Pasos a seguir para elaborar el platillo, considerando 2 cosas: la forma de colocar los ingredientes terminados
en el plato o recipiente, si van a la izquierda o derecha e indicando si lleva salsa y como se coloca en el platillo;
 e indicar el nombre y medida del plato en que se entregará al cliente.
1. sazonar el filete con sal y pimienta, cocinarlo en la plancha
2. Cortar el palmito a lo largo en dos partes
3. Lavar y desinfectar el perejil chino                                                                                          Foto del platillo
4. Al montar el filete, colocar las dos rodajas juntas y bañarlas con salsa de nuez (esta sigue en la complement.)
5. Sírvase en un plato trinche de 27 cm
6. Ver la fotografía para la presentación

      Elaboró                                                Vo.Bo.                                                          Autorizó
       CAB                                                Chef ejecutivo                                                   Gte. De AyB

Explicación de conceptos:
Platillo           Tal y como aparece en la carta o menú
Fecha              De elaboración de la receta
Folio              Clave que incluya: área (de venta) , tiempo (entrada, sopa, fuerte, postre), número de platillo
% de costo         Costo entre precio de venta del platillo
Unidad             Sistema de conteo o medición del ingrediente: kilo, litro, lata de "X" gramos, botella de "X" mililitros, manojo, pieza, etc.
Precio unitario    Precio de la unidad de medición del ingrediente
Importe            Cantidad entre unidad por precio unitario
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • The following list contains arguments often
     used against standardized recipes:
      1.They take too long to use.
      2.My people don’t need recipes; they know how
        we do things here.
      3.My chef refuses to reveal his or her secrets.
      4.They take too long to write up.
      5.We tried them but lost some, so we stopped
        using them.
      6.They are too hard to read, or many of my
        people cannot read English (o simplemente
        no saben leer!!!!).                   Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • Reasons for incorporating a system of
     standardized recipes include:
      1.Accurate purchasing
      2.Dietary concerns are addressed-ingredients
      3.Accuracy in menu laws-ingredients identified
      4.Matching food used to cash sales
      5.Accurate recipe costing and menu pricing
      6.New employees can be better trained
      7.Computerization of a food service operation
        depends on them
                                            Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • When adjusting recipes for quantity (total
     yield), two general methods may be

   • They are:
      1.Factor Method
      2.Percentage Technique

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

            Standardized Recipes
   • Factor Method: recipe conversion factor:
           Yield Desired
           Current Yield = Conversion Factor

   • For example, a 50 portion recipe can be
     converted to a 125 portion recipe:
      2.5 is multiplied by each ingredient
     (except spices)                    Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

              Standardized Recipes
   • The percentage method deals with recipe
     weight, rather than with a conversion
        Ingredient Weight
       /Total Recipe Weight
       =% of Total
        % of Total
       x Total Amount Required
       = New Recipe Amount
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
• A desired inventory level is simply the
  answer to the question, “How much of each
  needed ingredient should I have on hand at
  any one time?”
• Working stock is the amount of an
  ingredient you anticipate using before
  purchasing that item again.
• Safety stock is the extra amount of that
  ingredient you decide to keep on hand to
  meet higher than anticipated demand.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
   • Inventory levels are determined by a variety of

      1. Storage Capacity
      2. Item perishability (elemento perecedero)
      3. Vendor delivery schedule (entrega del proveedor)
      4. Potential savings from increased purchase size
      5. Operating calendar
      6. Relative importance of stock outages (corte de
      7. Value of inventory dollars to the operator

                                               Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
   • Do not overload storage capacity. Leads to
     greater spoilage (deterioro u obsolescencia) and
     loss due to theft (robo).
   • Shelf life (vida útil) is the amount of time a food
     item retains its maximum freshness, flavor, and
     quality while in storage.
   • The cost to the vendor for frequent deliveries will
     be reflected in the cost of the goods to the
     operator (si compras poquito constantemente,
     es más caro que comprar mucho pocas veces o
     al mayoreo)

                                              Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
   • Volume or quantity discounts-savings.
      – Costs may include: storage costs, spoilage,
        deterioration, insect or rodent infestation or
   • The operating calendar plays a large part in
     determining desired inventory levels.
      – Less than seven days per week
      – Closed for seasonal purposes
   • Stock Outages (corte o quedarse sin
     existencias o materiales)
                                              Materias primas
División de los alimentos y bebidas
    Alimentos perecederos           Alimentos no perecederos
    - menor duración, más cuidado   - más duración, menos cuidado
    - rotación máxima: 72 hrs.      - rotación máxima: 15 días

          1.-   Carnes                   1.-   Frutas en almíbar
          2.-   Aves                     2.-   Mermeladas
          3.-   Pescados                 3.-   Galletas, pastas y dulces
          4.-   Mariscos                 4.-   Sopas, purés, carnes en lata
          5.-   Lácteos                  5.-   Cereales
          6.-   Frutas                   6.-   Aceites finos
          7.-   Verduras                 7.-   Especias y condimentos
          8.-   Huevos                   8.-   Vinagres
                                         9.-   Mayonesas y mostazas
                                        10.-   Chiles enlatados
                                        11.-   Aceites y grasas
                                        12.-   Pescados y mariscos en lata
                                        13.-   Vegetales en lata
                                        14.-   Jugos en lata o en frascos
                                        15.-   Azúcar, sal y harinas
                                        16.-   Arroz, frijol, etc.
                                        17.-   Vinos, licores, cervezas, refrescos
Formato de requisición de no perecederos
  Esta no deberá ser diaria!!!!!!

Determinación del stock de no perecederos óptimo:

Ingredientes de cada platillo, con base en las recetas estándar             Chícharos de lata de 375g. Herdez
Por: promedio de consumo por 15 días                                             60 unidades
Mínimo de existencia                                                             60 unidades

Por 1.5                                                                                  1,5

Igual a : máximo de existencia                                                  90 unidades
Más: mínimo de existencia                                                       60 unidades
Entre 2: Stock óptimo de no perecederos (promedio max. Y min.)                  75 unidades

Por tanto, si
                   La existencia actual fuesde de :                             63 unidades
                   Luego entonces, se deberán requerir no perecederos por       27 unidades
                     (máximo menos existencia actual)
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                       Inventory Control
   • Value of Inventory Dollars
       – Over-buy or “stockpile” inventory. An opportunity
         cost is the cost of foregoing (renunciar) the next best
         alternative when making a decision.

   • A state institution that is given its entire annual budget may find it
     advantageous to use its purchasing power to acquire large amounts of
     inventory at very low prices-stockpiling.
     – Fiscal year is 12 months long but may not follow the calendar year.

                                                                             Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
   • A purchase point is that point in time
     when an item should be reordered. This
     point is typically designated by one of two

      1.As needed (just in time)

      2.Par level

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Inventory Control
   • As needed, or just in time method of
     determining inventory levels.

      – Prediction of unit sales
      – Sum of the ingredients (from standardized
        recipes) necessary to produce those sales.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs
   Esta no deberá ser diaria!!!!!!
                                 Inventory Control
     • Par levels-predetermined purchase
 Determinación del stock de no perecederos óptimo:

 Ingredientes de cada platillo, con base en las recetas estándar
 Por: promedio de consumo por 15 días
                                                                             Chícharos de lata de 375g. Herdez
                                                                                  60 unidades

             – Minimum and maximum amounts
 Mínimo de existencia                                                             60 unidades

 Por 1.5                                                              1,5
             – Minimum-working stock
 Igual a : máximo de existencia                               90 unidades

             – óptimo de no perecederos (promedio max.tomin.)
 Entre 2: Stock Safety stock-25% Y 50% over
 Más: mínimo de existencia                                    60 unidades
                                                              75 unidades

             – 4+2=6 (purchase point), order 4 to max = 10
 Por tanto, si
                    La existencia actual fuesde de :                             63 unidades
                    Luego entonces, se deberán requerir no perecederos por       27 unidades
                      (máximo menos existencia actual)

     • Highly perishable items – as-needed basis
       (Altamente perecederos - según sea necesario)
     • Longer shelf life – par level
          (no perecederos o con mayor vida útil – por niveles)                        Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   •   Purchasing is essentially a matter of
       determining the following:
       1. What should be purchased?
       2. What is the best price to pay?
       3. How can a steady supply be assured? (Cómo
          puede uno tener la seguridad de suministro?

                                                    Materias primas

ALMACEN                REQUERIMIENTO              ALMACEN
ALIMENTOS              DE MERCANCIAS              BEBIDAS


 ALMACEN                 RECIBO DE                ALMACEN
 ALIMENTOS               MERCANCIA                BEBIDAS

                         DESPACHO DE


   VENTAS                REPORTE DE             VENTA
   ALIMENTOS             COSTOS                 BEBIDAS


Supervisar las necesidades de los almacenes de alimentos y bebidas de
   acuerdo con los mínimos, máximos y existencias establecidas.

Verifica que los formatos de requisición estén autorizados y con las
   mercancías debidamente determinadas con base en las
   especificaciones estándar.


Será responsable de que se lleven a efecto las políticas referentes a esta
   área, así como su objetivo.

Interviene en la realización de los estándares de compras.

Revisa que las órdenes de compra llenen todos los requisitos y estén
  debidamente autorizadas, para su entrega a los proveedores.


Revisa que las básculas funcionen con exactitud.

Verifica que las mercancías recibidas estén pesadas, contadas y revisadas

Verifica que las mercancías recibidas estén de acuerdo con las ordenes de
   compra en cuanto a cantidad, calidad y precio, y deberán coincidir con
   las facturas o remisiones del proveedor.

Revisa que las facturas o remisiones estén firmadas y selladas por el
  recepcionista al término de su revisión y aceptación.

Con base en las facturas, revisará que los informes de mercancías
  recibidas contengan los precios unitarios debidamente calculados, así
  como el detalle de cada una de las facturas o remisiones y su


Supervisa la adecuada distribución de los alimentos y bebidas en sus
   respectivos lugares de almacenamiento.

Para evitar pérdidas por descomposición de mercancías, verifica que
   estén con las temperaturas adecuadas y que usen las técnicas para
   conservación y manejo de las mismas.

Verifica las técnicas para el congelamiento de las carnes.

Revisa que se lleven a efecto los controles de las carnes por medio de sus
  etiquetas y de las tarjetas de inventarios perpetuos para las bebidas.


Verifica que los productos del almacén salgan únicamente por medio de
   documentos debidamente autorizados y especificados.

Revisa que los despachos de mercancías se hagan dentro de los horarios

Efectúa revisiones para que la rotación de mercancías sea adecuada y se
   eviten pérdidas.


Supervisa las porciones, guarniciones y presentaciones de los platillos,
   con base en las recetas estándar.

Revisa las cámaras de conservación para verificar si los alimentos se
  manejan adecuadamente.

Supervisa la elaboración de platillos con base en los formatos de órdenes
   de producción.

Revisa que el carnicero prepare los cortes y porciones previamente

Revisa que los alimentos de los empleados se elaboren según lo

Efectúa revisiones en los bares para verificar si se manejan las porciones,
   presentación y elaboración de las bebidas con base en recetas
Efectúa pruebas de calidad en las botellas de costo alto.


Se cerciora de que toda salida de alimentos o bebidas esté amparada por
   comandas o cheques-comandas debidamente registrados.

Efectúa o supervisa la rotación de platillos de la carta o menú.

Verifica que las cortesías, consumos de ejecutivos, intercambios y
   descuentos estén dentro de las normas establecidas”.
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • What Should Be Purchased?
   • Product specification (spec) – a detailed
     description of an ingredient or menu item.
      – Communicates in a very precise way with a
        vendor so that your operation receives the
        exact item requested every time.
   • Each menu item or ingredient should have
     its own spec.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • What to include in specs
      – Product name or specification number
      – Pricing unit
      – Standard or grade
      – Weight range/size – count
      – Processing and/or packaging
      – Container size
      – Intended use
      – Other information such as product yield

                                            Materias primas
Especificaciones estándar para productos

      Artículo                  Calidad                          Especificaciones                    Peso o cantidad
                                                       Semilimpia, pieza de 2.5 kg, fresca o
Caña de filete de res      Ganado Hereford             congelada, envuelta en vita film, sin            20 piezas
                                                                  exceso de grasa
                                                       Fresco o congelado, en porciones de
                                                    400gr, 1.5 cm de grueso, hueso en medio,
   T-bone steak            Ganado Hereford              en forma de T con grasa alrededor,          20 piezas o 26 kg
                                                      envuelto individualmente en papel vita
                                                     Fresco, pieza de 1.3 kg, piel amarilla, sin
       Pollo            Bachoco (tipo rosticería)                                                   20 piezas o 26 kg
                                                        menudencias ni troncos de plumas
                                                     Fresco, filete, porciones de 200 gr, 1 cm
                                                                                                   4 cajas de kg cada
   Filete de mero            De primera                  de grosor, sin espinas, envuelto
                                                     Maduro para 3 días, 15 cm de diámetro,
    Melón chino               De primera                                                            Caja con 25 piezas
                                                    sin golpes, superficie sin manchas y firme

                                                                                                   Visto Bueno
                                                                                                   Chef ejecutivo
Especificaciones de compra de abarrotes
  Costo por porción

                                                Marca o proveedor                         Unidad de uso en                 Rendimiento en    Costo por porción
  Descripción (A)     Unidad de compra (B)                          Precio unitario (D)                      Porción (F)
                                                       (C)                                preparación ( E)                 porciones (B/F)        (D/G)
Aceites y vinagres
  Aceite de oliva
                      lata de 800,0 gramos           Ibarra         $            70,00        Gramos          10,000            80,0         $                0,88
Aceite para cocinar     lata de 17,0 litros         La polar        $          102,00          Litro           0,010          1 700,0        $                0,06
   Vinagre blanco       botella de 1,0 litros       Herdez          $            20,00         Litro           0,002            500,0        $                0,04
   Vinagre de uva       botella de 1,0 litros       Domecq          $            30,00         Litro           0,002            500,0        $                0,06
Frutas en almíbar
    Duraznos en
                      lata de 800,0 gramos          Herdez          $            25,00        Gramos          50,000            16,0         $                1,56
 Piña en rebanadas    lata de 900,0 gramos          Herdez          $           20,00         Gramos          75,000             12,0        $                1,67
   Cerezas rojas   frasco de 2 000,0 gramos         Embasa          $          120,00         Gramos          10,000            200,0        $                0,60
     Mangos en
                      lata de 850,0 gramos          Embasa          $            28,00        Gramos          50,000            17,0         $                1,65
     Corn flakes       caja de 35,0 gramos          Kellog´s        $             2,50        Gramos          35,000            1,0          $                2,50
    Rice Krispies      caja de 35,0 gramos          Kellog´s        $             2,50        Gramos          35,000            1,0          $                2,50
       Avena          caja de 400,0 gramos          Duryea          $            15,00        Gramos          20,000            20,0         $                0,75
Aderezos y chiles
      Mostaza      frasco de 4 000,0 gramos         Herdez          $            85,00        Gramos          15,000            266,7        $                0,32
  Pimiento morrón     lata de 200,0 gramos          Herdez          $            13,00        Gramos          10,000             20,0        $                0,65
    Chiles largos     lata de 400,0 gramos          Herdez          $            18,00        Gramos          15,000             26,7        $                0,68
  Chiles jalapeños   lata de 2 900,0 gramos         Herdez          $            28,00        Gramos          20,000            145,0        $                0,19

                                                                                                                                             Visto Bueno
                                                                                                                                             Chef ejecutivo
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Product yield is the amount of product
     that you will have remaining after cooking,
     trimming, portioning or cleaning.

   (Rendimiento es la cantidad de producto
     que le queda después de la cocción,
     limpieza, corte o la limpieza)

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • What Is the Best Price to Pay?
   • The best price is more accurately stated
     as the lowest price that meets the long-
     term goals of both the foodservice
     operation and its vendor.
   • Make vs. Buy decisions
   • Bid sheet – comparison shopping
   • Price comparison sheet – after you have
     received bids from your suppliers, you can
     compare those bids                 Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Bid sheets and price comparison sheets
     are a good place to start.

   • Other determining factors: vendor
     dependability, quality of vendor service,
     and accuracy in delivery

                                           Materias primas
Formato de requisición de frescos (perecederos)
  Esta deberá ser diaria!!!!!!
                                   Nombre del restaurante:


                                                     Existencia según                    Último precio de                                                                No. De
     Clave        Unidad               Producto                            Solicitado                            Prov. 1           Prov. 2           Prov. 3
                                                        inventario                         adquisición                                                              proveedor elegido

                                                                           Acorde a
              Kg., litro, pieza,                         Unidades                                            Para comparar     Para comparar     Para comparar       Nombre o clave
                                     Carne, ave,                          existencia y    Precio última
     _001    manojo, paquete,                           verificadas                                         con precio última con precio última con precio última      del mejor
                                    pescado, etc.                       necesidades de      compra
                     etc.                              físicamente                                              compra            compra            compra             proveedor

             Autoriza                               Elaboró             Visto bueno                                           Realiza proceso de compra
             Gte. A y B                             Almacenista         Chef ejecutivo                                        Jefe de compras
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Minimum order requirement is the
     smallest order that can be placed with a
     vendor who delivers.
      – If the minimum order requirement cannot be
        met using the lowest prices, then the manager
        may have to choose the supplier with the next
        highest price to fill a complete order.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• How can a steady supply be assured?
• Suppliers have a variety of prices based on the
  customer to whom they are quoting them.
• It is simply in the best interest of a supplier to
  give a better price to a high volume customer.
• Cherry Pickers – how suppliers describe the
  customer who gets bids from multiple vendors,
  then buys only those items each vendor has
  “on sale” or for the lowest price.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Slow pay means high pay.

   • Vendors can be great source of
     information related to new products,
     cooking techniques, trends and alternative
     product usage.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • One vendor versus many vendors
   • Non-perishables are best purchased in
     bulk from one vendor.
   • Orders (órdenes) for meats, produce, and
     some bakery products (panadería) are
     best split among several vendors, perhaps
     with a primary and secondary vendor in
     each category so that you have a second
     alternative should the need arise.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Ethics have been defined as the choices
     of proper conduct made by an individual in
     his or her relationships with others.
      – Is it legal?
      – Does it hurt anyone?
      – Am I being honest?
      – Would I care if it happened to me?
      – Would I publicize my action?
   • Kickbacks (soborno) always hurt the
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Daily Inventory Sheet
      – Items listed in your storage areas
      – Unit of purchase
      – Par value
      – Columns-on-hand, special order, and order
      – All pre-printed on the sheet

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • The par value is listed so that you know
     how much inventory you should have in
     storage at any given time.
   • The amount to be ordered is calculated as
                  Par Value
                – On-Hand
                + Special Order
                = Order Amount
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Regardless of your communication
     method, it is critical that you prepare a
     written purchase order, or record of what
     you have decided to buy. The purchase
     order (PO) should be made out in triplicate
     (3 copies.)

                                           Materias primas
Orden de compra
 Nombre del restaurante:                                     Nombre, domicilio y teléfono
  Datos del proveedor:           Nombre, domicilio y teléfono, representante      No. De orden de compra          1
   Fecha de la orden de                                                         Fecha de entrega: (fecha prometida por
                                                           Fecha de entrega:
         compra                                                                             el proveedor)

                                                                               Pagado, en vehículo del proveedor o de
     Forma de pago:                                               Flete:
                                                                               la propia empresa, flete por cobrar, etc.

No. De factura o remisión                                                      Fecha de entrega: (fecha real de entrega
                                                           Fecha de entrega:
     del proveedor                                                                        por el proveedor)

                                                 Cantidad                        Precio
                                                                                                    Importe (a X b )
   Unidad        Artículo              Pedido (a)         Recibido              Unitario (b)

 Litro, lata,
              Cereal, vino,                                 Cantidad              Precio
  paquete,                         Cantidad solicitada                                            Cantidad pedida por
              mayonesa,                                realmente recibida      pactado por
botella, kg.,                       por el comprador                                                precio unitario
                  etc.                                  por almacenista        comprador
 bolsa, etc.

Instrucciones para la entrega:                                                 Suma
              a quien entregar, horarios, condiciones, calidad, etc.           Descuento
              Almacenista debe avisar de inmediato al proveedor                Impuesto
              en caso de alguna queja por la mercancía recibida                Total

                                   Vo.Bo.                                                      Gte. A y B
                                   Comprador           Recibido almacén                        Autorizó
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

       The written Purchase Order form should
     contain space for the following
                            Purchase Order Number
            Purchase Order Information
     Item Name
     Spec #, if appropriate      Date Ordered
     Quantity Ordered            Delivery Date
     Quoted Price                Name of Person who
                                 Placed Order
     Extension Price
     Total Price of Order        Name of Person who
                                 Received Order
     Vendor Information          Delivery Instructions

                                                   Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • The advantages of a written Purchase Order are
     many and include the following:
      1. Written verification of quoted price
      2. Written verification of quantity ordered
      3. Written verification of the receipt of all goods ordered
      4. Written and special instructions to the receiving clerk,
         as needed
      5. Written verification of conformance to product
      6. Written authorization to prepare vendor invoice for

                                                     Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • One individual places the order, while
     another individual is responsible for
     verifying delivery and acceptance of the

   • Auditors are individuals responsible for
     reviewing and evaluating proper
     operational procedures. They can
     determine the potential for fraud or theft.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Proper control procedures will minimize
   • Proper receiving includes all of the
     following features:
         •   Proper location
         •   Proper tools and equipment
         •   Proper delivery schedules
         •   Proper training

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• The receiving area must be large enough to
  allow for checking products delivered against
  both the invoice and purchase order.
• Accessibility to equipment required to move
  products to their proper storage area and to
  dispose of excess packaging is important.
  Make sure the area stays free of trash and
  clutter (desorden), as these make it too easy
  to hide delivered food items.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

 • Remember that the delivery person is also a
   potential thief.
 • The receiving area should be kept extremely
   clean, since you do not want to contaminate
   incoming food, or provide a carrying vehicle
   for pests. The area should be well lit and
   properly ventilated.
 • Receiving clerks should have the following
   equipment: scales(básculas), wheeled
   equipment, box cutter, thermometer,
   calculator and records area.        Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Scales should be of two types; those
     accurate to the fraction of a pound, and
     those accurate to the fraction of an ounce.
   • Some operators demand that deliveries be
     made only at certain times; these are
     called acceptance hours.
   • Refusal hours are the times that
     operators will not accept deliveries.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Receiving clerks should be trained to
     verify the following product characteristics:
      weight, quantity, quality, and price.
   • Receiving clerks should be required to
     weigh all meat, fish and poultry (aves de
     corral) delivered, with the exception of
     unopened Cryovac (sealed) packages.
   • When an item is ordered by weight, it
     should be verified by weight.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • The counting of boxes, cases, barrels, etc.
     should be routine. The counting of
     individual items in a box, such as lemons
     should be done periodically.
   • Checking for quality means checking the
     entire shipment for conformance to

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• In cases when the vendor is out of the spec
  item, clerks must know whether it is
  management’s preference to accept a
  product of higher quality, lower quality, or no
  product as a substitute.
• Clerks need to be trained in two areas
  regarding pricing: matching PO (purchase
  order) unit price to invoice unit price, and
  verifying price extensions and total.
• When the person responsible for purchasing
  food places an order, the confirmed quoted
  price should be written on the PO. Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

 • When a discrepancy is discovered,
   management should be notified immediately.
 • If management notification is not possible,
   both the driver and the receiving clerk should
   initial the “Comment” section of the PO,
   showing the difference in the two prices.
 • Shorting is the term used in the industry to
   indicate that an ordered item has not been
   delivered as promised.

                                           Materias primas
Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de alimentos
 Nombre del restaurante:                                                                            Nombre, domicilio y teléfono
Fecha y día de la semana:                                                  Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras

         Número:                Consecutivo de este reporte

                                                                                              columna 8       columna 9       columna 10      columna 11   columna 12 columna 13     columna 14
                 Número de
                                                                                                                              Pescados y        Frutas y                             Pan, tortillas
 Proveedor        factura o    Cantidad (a)        Unidad          Precio unitario (b)       Importe (aXb)      Carnes                                       Lácteos     Abarrotes
                                                                                                                               mariscos        verduras                                y otros
                                                                                                                Parte del       Parte del       Parte del    Parte del   Parte del   Parte del
                                                Lata de 200g,
                  La que                                          Precio de cada lata,                        importe que     importe que     importe que  importe que importe que importe que
 El que surtió                  Unidades       botella de 1 lt,                           Cantidad por
                 ampara el                                         botella, paquete,                         corresponde a   corresponde a   corresponde a corresponde corresponde corresponde
los productos                   recibidas     paquete, manojo,                           precio unitario
                   envío                                          manojo, pieza, etc.                         este tipo de    este tipo de    este tipo de  a este tipo a este tipo a este tipo
                                                 pieza, etc.
                                                                                                                producto        producto        producto   de producto de producto de producto

     Compras de hoy           (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma
                              de las cols. 9 a 14!!!!!)
                              También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los
                              importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe
   Compras Hasta ayer         Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente)
                              del reporte del día anterior!!!!
      Acumulado Hoy           Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el
                              renglón "compras hasta ayer"

Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de bebidas
 Nombre del restaurante:                                                      Nombre, domicilio y teléfono
Fecha y día de la semana:                            Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras

         Número:                Consecutivo de este reporte

                                                                                              columna 8       columna 9       columna 10     columna 11
                 Número de
                                                                                                                                             Refrescos y
 Proveedor        factura o    Cantidad (a)        Unidad          Precio unitario (b)       Importe (aXb)      Licores      Vinos de mesa
                                                                                                                Parte del       Parte del      Parte del
                                                Lata de 200g,
                  La que                                          Precio de cada lata,                        importe que     importe que    importe que
 El que surtió                  Unidades       botella de 1 lt,                           Cantidad por
                 ampara el                                         botella, paquete,                         corresponde a   corresponde a   corresponde
los productos                   recibidas     paquete, manojo,                           precio unitario
                   envío                                          manojo, pieza, etc.                         este tipo de    este tipo de    a este tipo
                                                 pieza, etc.
                                                                                                                producto        producto     de producto

     Compras de hoy           (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma
                              de las cols. 9 a 11!!!!!)
                              También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los
                              importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe
   Compras Hasta ayer         Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente)
                              del reporte del día anterior!!!!
      Acumulado Hoy           Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el
                              renglón "compras hasta ayer"

Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• A credit memo (nota de crédito) is simply a
  formal way of notifying the vendor that an
  item listed on the original invoice is missing,
  and thus the value of that item should be
  deducted from the invoice total.
• A contract price is simply an agreement
  between buyer and seller to hold the price of
  a product constant over a defined period of
• Extended price is simply the unit price
  multiplied by the number of units delivered.
                                           Materias primas
Nota de crédito (error en factura o remisión)
 Nombre del restaurante:                                          Nombre, domicilio y teléfono
  Datos del proveedor:                    a quien se le hace la correción: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono, representante
No. De factura o remisión                                      Fecha de elaboración de
     del proveedor                                                factura o remisión

                                                               Fecha de elaboración de
  No. De nota de crédito
                                                                  la nota de crédito

                                              Razón de la                                 Su importe      Importe        Diferencia
   Unidad       Cantidad       Artículo                         Precio unitario
                                              corrección                                      (a)      corregido (b)       (a-b)
                                                                                          Valor de los
 Litro, lata,
                             Cereal, vino, Error o causa de    El de la factura o         productos
  paquete,      Unidades a                                                                               Valor ya
                             mayonesa, la corrección por         remisión del                según
botella, kg.,    devolver                                                                               corregido
                                 etc.         producto            proveedor                factura o
 bolsa, etc.

                                                                                              Total correcciones
Recibió:                             Almacenista                                             Total de su factura
Corrigió:                            Contabilidad                                           Número total corregido
Autorizó proveedor:           Representante del proveedor
Vo.Bo. Contralor de AyB              Contrarl AyB
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Verifying price extensions is also important, but it is
     a part of the receiving verification process that need
     not be done at the time of delivery.
      – Never assume extensions are correct because a
        computer did them!
   • If a supplier consistently shorts your operation, that
     supplier is suspect both in terms of honesty and lack
     of concern for your operation’s long-term success.
   • Training your receiving clerk to assess and evaluate
     quality products is a continuous process.

                                                 Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Some large operations use a receiving
     record when receiving food.
   • A receiving record generally contains the
     following information: name of supplier,
     invoice number, item description, unit
     price, number of units delivered, total cost,
     storage area, and date of activity.
   • Receiving reports can be helpful if it is
     important to record where items are to be
     delivered, or have been delivered.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Remember that storage costs money, in
     terms of the space for items and the
     money that is tied up in inventory items.
   • In most establishments, the storage
     process consists of four parts: placing
     products in storage, maintaining product
     quality and safety, maintaining product
     security, and determining inventory value.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

  • Most often, in foodservice, the high
    perishability dictates that the same person
    responsible for receiving the items is the
    person responsible for their storage.
  • The two storage methods used are LIFO
    and FIFO.
  • When using the LIFO (last in, first out)
    method, the store-room operator intends to
    use the most recently delivered product
    before he or she uses any part of that same
    product previously on hand.          Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• FIFO (first in, first out) means that the
  operator intends to rotate stock in such a
  way that product already on hand is sold
  prior to the sale of more recently delivered
• FIFO is the preferred storage technique for
  most perishable and non-perishable items.
  Failure to use FIFO can result in excessive
  product loss due to spoilage, shrinkage
  (encogimiento), and deterioration of quality.
                                           Materias primas
Tarjeta de almacén (con precio unitario)
  Clave:                    Artículo
 Unidad:                    Estante               No. De kardex
Existencia:                 Mínimo                   Máximo

Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Some operators require the storeroom
     clerk to mark or tag (identificar) each
     delivered item with the date of delivery.
   • Some operators prefer to go even further
     when labeling some products for storage.
     These operators date the item and then
     also indicate the day (or hour) in which the
     product should be pulled from storage (ser
     sacados), thawed (ser descongelados), or
     even discarded (ser desechados).
                                           Materias primas
Cuadro de temperaturas ideales
                   Mercancías                            Temperaturas

1. Abarrotes                                20 a 26 grados centígrados (lugar ventilado y seco)

2. Frutas, verduras y vegetales frescos                  4 a 6 grados centígrados

3. Embutidos, huevos, lácteos y derivados                3 a 4 grados centígrados

4. Carnes, aves, pescados y mariscos                     0 a 1 grados centígrados

5. Productos precongelados                             -8 a -10 grados centígrados

6. Productos congelados                               -18 a -20 grados centígrados

  Periodos en los cuales pueden conservarse las carnes
                 Tipos de carnes                Periodos de congelación
1. Res y pollo                                                6 a 12 meses

2. Carnero y ternera                                           6 a 9 meses

3. Cerdo y pavos                                               3 a 6 meses

4. Embutidos                                                   1 a 3 meses
Formato de etiquetas de carnes

     Primera parte: Se ata al producto!!!!
            Etiqueta de carne número:                            1050
                      Corte:                             Pollo tipo rosticería
                       Peso:                              13 100,0 gramos
                  Costo unitario:                        $ ,025 por gramo
                     Importe:                                  $ 327,5
                    Proveedor:                                Bachoco
                Fecha de recibido:                           03/12/2008

     Segunda parte: Se entrega al contralor de AyB!!!!
           Etiqueta de carne número:                             1050
                      Corte:                             Pollo tipo rosticería
                      Peso:                               13 100,0 gramos
                 Costo unitario:                         $ ,025 por gramo
                     Importe:                                  $ 327,5
                   Proveedor:                                 Bachoco
               Fecha de recibido:                            03/12/2008
Periodo de almacenamiento de no perecederos
                          Duración de                        Características que presentan
                                           Duración en
   Productos              alimentos en                             los productos por                                  Observaciones
                          lugar fresco                       almacenamiento inadecuado

                                                                                                                  Son producidos por temperaturas
   Café instantáneo         7 a 12 meses        3 años              Apelmazamiento, pérdida de sabor

Café molido envasado al                                                                                           Que tenga ventilación, y esté lejos
                            7 a 12 meses     12 a 18 meses                   Pérdida de sabor
      alto vacío                                                                                                    de productos con olor fuerte

                                                                                                                     Evitar altas temperaturas y
    Té instantáneo          8 a 12 meses        3 años                       Pérdida de sabor
                                                                                                                         humedad excesiva

                                                             Pérdida de sabor, ablandamiento e hinchazón de la No exponerlas al sol, colocarlas en
   Frutas enlatadas            1 año            4 años
                                                                                    lata                              lugares ventilados

     Jugos de frutas                                                                                                 El ácido natural de los jugos
                            6 a 9 meses         3 años                   Pérdida de sabor y acidez
 enlatados o en frascos                                                                                           reduce la duración de los envases
                                                                                                                     El ácido natural de los jugos
Vegetales enlatados muy
                            7 a 12 meses      2 a 3 años                 Pérdida de sabor y acidez                reduce la duración de los envases
                                                                                                                      (jitomate, col fermentada)
                                                             Pérdida de sabor, ablandamiento e hinchazón de la No exponerlos al sol, colocarlas en
  Vegetales no ácidos          1 año            4 años
                                                                                    lata                              lugares ventilados

  Especias, hierbas                                                                                                 No dejar destapado el frasco,
                               1 año            2 años                    Pérdida de sabor y olor
  molidas, en frascos                                                                                             comprar en pequeñas cantidades

                                                             Evaporación y formación de nata llamada "madre         Por lo general producida por
  Vinagres en frascos          2 años           3 años
                                                                               de vinagre"                          almacenamiento inadecuado
                                                                                                                    Mantenerse en refrigeración,
                                                             Sabor rancio, color oscuro en la superficie, moho,
       Margarina               1 mes           2 meses                                                            envuelta con aluminio, ofrece más
                                                                              olores extraños

Aceites para ensaladas      6 a 9 meses        9 meses               Sabor rancio, similar a grasa vieja                  Evitar la luz solar
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• Products are generally placed in one of three
  major storage areas: dry storage,
  refrigerated storage, or frozen storage.
• Dry storage areas should generally be
  maintained at a temperature ranging
  between 65F (18 C) and 75F (24 C).
• Shelving (estantería) must be sturdy
  (resistente), easy to clean, and at least 6
  inches (pulgadas) above the ground to allow
  for proper cleaning beneath the shelving and
  to ensure proper ventilation.          Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Dry goods should never be stored directly
     on the floor. Labels should face out for
     easy identification.
   • Refrigerator temperatures should
     generally be maintained between 32F (0C)
     and 36F (2C). Refrigerators actually work
     by removing heat from the contents, rather
     than “making” food cold.
   • Shelving must be at least six inches off the
     floor and slotted (con ranuras) to allow for
     good air circulation.               Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Freezer temperatures should be
     maintained between 0F and -10F (-18C
     and -23C).
   • Freezers must be regularly maintained, a
     process that includes cleaning inside and
     out, and constant temperature monitoring
     to detect possible improper operation.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Regardless of the storage type, food and
     related products should be stored neatly
     (cuidadosamente) in some logical order.
   • Food product quality rarely improves with
     increased storage time.
   • The primary method for ensuring product
     quality while in storage is through proper
     product rotation and high standards of
     storeroom sanitation.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Storage areas are excellent breeding
     grounds (caldos de cultivo) for insects,
     some bacteria, and also rodents, so clean
   • Both refrigerators and freezers should be
     kept six to ten inches from walls to allow
     for the free circulation of air.
   • Drainage systems in refrigerators should
     be checked at least weekly.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Ideally, freezers and refrigerators should
     have externally visible internal
   • In larger storage areas, hallways (pasillos)
     should be kept clear and empty of storage
     materials or boxes.
   • Some employee theft is impossible to
     detect – eating on the job (e.g. uvas).
   • Make it difficult to remove food from
     storage without authorization.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Most foodservice operators attempt to
     control access to the location of stored
   • It is your responsibility to see to it that the
     storeroom clerk maintains good habits in
     securing product inventory.
   • As a general rule, if storerooms are to be
     locked, only one individual should have
     the key during any shift (cualquier
     cambio).                                Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • It is not possible to know your actual food
     expense without an accurate inventory.
   • Issuing (requisición de materiales) is
     the process of placing products into the
     production system.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • Valuing, or establishing a dollar value for
     your entire inventory is done by using the
     following inventory valuation formula:
       Item Amount x Item Value = Item Inventory Value

   • Item amount may be determined by
     counting the item, as in the case of cans,
     or by weighing items, as in the case of
                                                  Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

• If inventory amounts are overstated, or
  padded inventory (acolchado de
  inventario), costs will appear artificially low
  until the proper inventory values are
• Either the LIFO or FIFO method determines
  item value.
• When the LIFO method is used, the item’s
  value is said to be the price paid for the least
  recent (oldest) addition to item amount.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • If the FIFO method is used, the item value
     is said to be the price paid for the most
     recent (newest) product on hand.
   • FIFO is the more common method for
     valuing foodservice inventory.
   • The inventory valuation sheet should be
     completed each time the inventory is
     counted. It should be a preprinted form
     with all items listed.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   • It is recommended that one person takes
     the actual physical inventory, and a
     different person extends the value of that
   • A physical inventory, one in which the
     food products are actually counted, must
     be taken to determine your actual food

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Determining Actual Food Expense
  • Cost of food sold is the dollar amount of all
    food actually sold, thrown away, wasted or
    stolen. It is computed as follows:
                   Beginning Inventory
                   =Goods Available for Sale
                   Ending Inventory
                   =Cost of Food Consumed
                   Employee Meals
                   =Cost of Food Sold

                                               Materias primas
                                                            Costo bruto alimentos y bebidas:

Costo bruto                    $         420,00             Inventario inicial (todas las áreas: almacén, elaboración y otros)          $   500,00
Menos: Créditos (*)            $          30,00             Más: compras netas                                                          $   100,00
Costo neto de AyB              $         390,00             Igual a: total existencias o mercancías disponibles para la venta           $   600,00
                                                            Menos: inventario final (todas las áreas: almacén, elaboración** y otros)   $   180,00
                                                            Igual a: Costo bruto o de alimentos consumidos                              $   420,00

(*) Créditos: alimentos de empleados, cortesías, consumos gratis o de obsequio, etc.
(**) Areas de elaboración: cocinas y bares principalmente
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • Beginning inventory is the dollar value of
     all food on hand at the beginning of the
     accounting period.
   • Purchases are the sum cost of all food
     purchased during the accounting period.
   • Good available for sale is the sum of the
     beginning inventory and purchases.
   • Ending inventory refers to the dollar
     value of all food on hand at the end of the
     accounting period.                 Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • Cost of food consumed is the actual dollar value
     of all food used, or consumed, by the operation.
   • Employee meal cost is a labor-related, not food-
     related cost. Free or reduced-cost employee
     meals are a benefit much in the same manner as
     medical insurance or paid vacation.
   • It is important to note that ending inventory for one
     accounting period becomes the beginning
     inventory figure for the next period.

                                               Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • Food or beverage products may be
     transferred from one food service unit to
     another – kitchen to bar and vice versa.
   • Transfers out of the kitchen are subtracted
     from the cost of food sold and transfers
     into the kitchen are added to the cost of
     food sold.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • The formula used to compute actual food
     cost percentage is as follows:

            Cost of Food Sold
            Food Sales             = Food Cost%

                                                  Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • Food Cost % represents that portion of
     food sales that was spent on food

   • The physical inventory may be taken as
     often as desired to estimate the daily cost
     of food sold.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

          Determining Actual Food
   • Six-column form used to estimate food
     cost % on a daily or weekly basis.

            Six Column Food Cost % Estimate
               1. Purchases Today
                  Sales Today     = Cost % Today
               2. Purchases to Date
                  Sales to Date   = Cost % to Date

                                                     Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Technology Tools
   • This chapter focused on managing food-related costs by
     controlling the areas of purchasing, receiving, storage,
     and issuing.
   • There are a variety of software programs that are
     available that can assist in these areas such as:
      1. Recipe Software can maintain and cost standardized
         recipes as well as maintain and supply dietary
         information by portion.
      2. Menu Programs can create and print physical menus
         and even produce purchase orders based on selected

                                                  Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                Technology Tools
      3. Purchasing Software can compare bids and make
         purchase recommendations based on best cost/best
      4. Receiving Software can prepare a daily receiving
         report and maintain receiving histories.
      5. Storage/Inventory Assessment Programs can
         maintain product inventory values by food category
         and even compute LIFO or FIFO inventory values.
      6. Cost of Goods Sold Programs can compare
         forecasted to actual cost of goods sold as well as
         maintain employee meal records.

                                                 Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

   •   Menu Item Forecasting
   •   Standardized Recipes
   •   Inventory Control
   •   Purchasing
   •   Receiving
   •   Storage
   •   Determining Actual Food Expense
   •   Technology Tools
                                           Materias primas
Part 4

Managing the Cost of Beverages
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                     Main Ideas
    •   Serving Alcoholic Beverages
    •   Forecasting Beverage Sales
    •   Standardized Drink Recipes and Portions
    •   Purchasing Beverage Products
    •   Receiving Beverage Products
    •   Storing Beverage Products
    •   Bar Transfers
    •   Computing Cost of Beverages
    •   Special Features of Liquor Inventory
    •   Sales Mix
    •   Technology Tools
                                            Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Serving Alcoholic Beverages
   • Alcoholic beverages – a significant
     amount of ethyl alcohol content is present.

   • Alcoholic beverages are generally
     classified as beer, wine or spirits (vinos o

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Serving Alcoholic Beverages
        • Beer is a fermented beverage made
          from grain (a partir de cereales).
        • Wine is a fermented beverage made
          from grapes y fruits.
        • Spirits are fermented beverages
          that are distilled to increase the
          alcohol content of the product.

                                           Materias primas
Par Stock* del Bar: ___________________

                       Bebidas      Unidad            Cantidad   Observaciones

Whisky Escocés:
               Chivas Regal      Botella de 3/4          2,0
               Old Parr          Botella de 3/4          3,0
               Buchanan`s        Botella de 3/4          3,0
               J&B               Botella de 3/4          3,0
               Cutty Sark        Botella de 3/4          2,0
               Dimple            Botella de 3/4          2,0
Whisky Americano:
               Jack Daniel`s     Botella de 3/4          2,0
               Old Grand Dad     Botella de 3/4          2,0
               Four Roses        Botella de 3/4          2,0
Whisky Canadiense:
               Canadia Club      Botella de 3/4          2,0
               Hennessy          Botella de 3/4          1,0
Brandy importado:
Brandy nacional:
Vodka importado:
Vodka nacional:
Ginebra importada:
Ginebra nacional:
Ron importado:
Ron nacional:
Vinos espumosos:
Vinos tintos:
Vinos rosados:
Vinos blancos:
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Serving Alcoholic Beverages
     • These products will be specified,
       ordered, received, and stored much like
       food products. However, there are
       control issues that are much more
       difficult to handle.
     • Such controls must be modified to meet
       the characteristic and inherent
       increased responsibility created by the
       sale of alcoholic beverages.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Serving Alcoholic Beverages
     • Dramshop laws, passed in many
       states, shift the liability for acts
       committed by an individual under the
       influence of alcohol from that
       individual to the server or operation
       that supplied the intoxicating
     • License states versus control
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Forecasting Beverage Sales
    • BEER
    • Forecasting beer sales is basically the
      same as forecasting any regular menu
      item - use sales histories.
    • Keg beer is also know as draft beer
      (barril de cerveza), or beer in a form of
      packaging in which the beer is shipped
      to you in multi-gallon units for bulk sale
      (venta a granel).

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Forecasting Beverage Sales
      • WINE
      • Forecasting wine sales is divided into
        two parts: forecasting bottled-wine
        sales and forecasting wine-by-the-
        glass sales.
      • When forecasting sales by the bottle
        or glass - use sales histories.
      • House Wines – wine served to a
        guest who does not stipulate a specific
        brand when ordering.            Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Forecasting Beverage Sales
  • While the number of people who order a
    mixed drink can be tracked, the exact item
    the guests request is very difficult to
  • One method categorizes all drinks based on
    the spirit that forms the base of the drink.
  • Spirit sales can also be tracked by generic
    product name, specific product name, or
    specific drink requested.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Standardized Drink Recipes and
 • Control is more important at the bar than in the
   kitchen because the potential for waste and
   theft is greater.
 • For example:
    – Beverage operations are subject to tax audits
    – Beverage operations can be closed down for
    – Employees may bring their own products to sell
    – Detecting the disappearance of small amounts of
      beverage products is very difficult
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Standardized Drink Recipes and

     • The following is the beverage cost %

      Cost of Beverage Sold
       Beverage Sales           = Beverage Cost %

                                            Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

      Standardized Drink Recipes and
• Measuring devices (dipositivos de medición) –
  jigger, free pour, spout control, automated
• A standardized recipe sheet should be
  prepared for each drink item for costing
• While standardized recipes (including step-by-
  step prep methods) may only be necessary for
  a few drinks, recipes that detail alcoholic
  portions should be strictly adhered to.
                                           Materias primas
Receta estándar básica para bebidas
     Bebida        Martini seco                                Fecha                        15/11/2001       Folio               116
Costo de la bebida $                                6,46    P. de venta                 $           55,00 % de costo           11,75%

                                Ingredientes                 Cantidad                 Unidad                                   Importe
                    Ginebra nacional                              0,043         0,750   litros en botella $     69,00      $       3,96
                    Vermouth seco nacional                        0,040         1,000   litros en botella $     61,00      $       2,44
                    Hielo en cubos                                5,000         5,000   piezas            $        -       $        -
                    Aceituna verde                                0,003         0,500   kgs en frasco     $      9,00      $       0,05
                    Palillo redondo                               1,000       500,000   piezas en paquete $      5,00      $       0,01
                                                                                                          Suma             $       6,46

Sistema de elaboración o presentación:
Pasos a seguir para elaborar la bebida.

1. En el mezclador o coctelera, se coloca el hielo, la Ginebra y el Vermouth seco
2. Se mezclan o se baten
3. Se sirve en una copa martinera, previamente enfriada                                                                         Foto de la bebida
4. Al servirla, se usará la espumadera para no dejar pasar el hielo
5. Se atraviesa la aceituna con la punta del palillo
6. Se deposita en el fondo de la copa

     Elaboró                                                  Vo.Bo.                                                        Autorizó
      CAB                                                  Chef ejecutivo                                                 Gte. De AyB

Explicación de conceptos:
Bebida             Tal y como aparece en la carta o menú
Fecha              De elaboración de la receta
Folio              Clave que incluya: área (de venta o bar) y número de bebida
% de costo         Costo entre precio de venta del platillo
Unidad             Sistema de conteo o medición del ingrediente: kilo, litro, lata de "X" gramos, botella de "X" mililitros, manojo, pieza, etc.
Precio unitario    Precio de la unidad de medición del ingrediente
Importe            Cantidad entre unidad por precio unitario
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
• Beer product request log (registro de solicitud de
  compra) should be maintained so that guest requests
  that cannot be filled are noted and monitored by
• Beer is typically sold in cans, bottles or kegs.
• Draft beer (beer from kegs) is often the preferred
  choice and cheaper for operators to serve. However,
  special equipment and serving techniques are
• The shelf life of keg beer is the shortest of all
  packaging types, ranging from 30 to 45 days for an
  untapped keg and even fewer days for a keg that has
  been tapped (opened.)                        Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products

     • Wine must also be selected according
       to product and packaging.
     • Operators generally sell wine by the
       glass, bottle, and split or half bottle.
     • If wine is also purchased for cooking, it
       will generally not be of the same quality
       as that purchased for drinking.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
   • As a good manager, you will build a wine
     list that fits your own particular operation
     and guest expectations.
   • In developing a wine list, operators must
     offer choices for guests who want to spend
     a lot or a little.
   • A vintner (viticultor) is a wine producer.
   • Wines should either complement the food
     or, in the case of a bar, are popular with the
     guests.                              Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
     • Avoid the temptation to offer too
       many wines on a wine list –
       increases costs.
     • Wait staff should be trained to be
       knowledgeable but not intimidating to
     • Generally, if operators are having
       trouble selling wine, the difficulty lies
       in the delivery of the product rather
       than with the product selected. Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
     • Distilled spirits have an extremely
       long shelf life, therefore, a wrong
       purchase is not usually a disaster.
     • While packaging is not a major
       concern of the operator selecting a
       product, brand quality is crucial.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
   • In general, operators will select spirits in
     two major categories, well and call liquors.
   • Well liquors are those spirits that are
     poured when the customer does not
     specify a particular brand name.
   • Call liquors are those requested by brand
     name; extremely expensive call liquors are
     sometimes referred to as premium
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
    • Operators generally charge a higher
      price for call or premium liquors.
    • Remember, guests who order well
      liquors may be price conscious, but
      that does not mean they are not quality
      conscious also.
    • Quality spirit products at fair prices
      build customer loyalty.

                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

    Purchasing Beverage Products
 • Depending on the state and county, special
   laws may influence how beverage purchases
   are to be made or paid for.
 • The goal in purchasing beverages is to have
   an adequate, but not excessive amount of
   product on hand at all times.
 • A broken case occurs when several different
   brands or products are used to completely fill
   the case.
 • As a general rule, wine, beer, and spirits are
   purchased by the case.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

     Receiving Beverage Products
 • Since beverage products do not vary in
   quality, as does food, skill required to receive
   beverages is somewhat less.
 • As with food, the receiving clerk needs a
   proper location, tools, and equipment.
 • Proper delivery schedules must be
 • When matching the purchase order to the
   vendor invoice, only quantity ordered and
   price must be verified.                Materias primas
Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de bebidas
 Nombre del restaurante:                                                      Nombre, domicilio y teléfono
Fecha y día de la semana:                            Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras

         Número:                Consecutivo de este reporte

                                                                                              columna 8       columna 9       columna 10     columna 11
                 Número de
                                                                                                                                             Refrescos y
 Proveedor        factura o    Cantidad (a)        Unidad          Precio unitario (b)       Importe (aXb)      Licores      Vinos de mesa
                                                                                                                Parte del       Parte del      Parte del
                                                Lata de 200g,
                  La que                                          Precio de cada lata,                        importe que     importe que    importe que
 El que surtió                  Unidades       botella de 1 lt,                           Cantidad por
                 ampara el                                         botella, paquete,                         corresponde a   corresponde a   corresponde
los productos                   recibidas     paquete, manojo,                           precio unitario
                   envío                                          manojo, pieza, etc.                         este tipo de    este tipo de    a este tipo
                                                 pieza, etc.
                                                                                                                producto        producto     de producto

     Compras de hoy           (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma
                              de las cols. 9 a 11!!!!!)
                              También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los
                              importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe
   Compras Hasta ayer         Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente)
                              del reporte del día anterior!!!!
      Acumulado Hoy           Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el
                              renglón "compras hasta ayer"

Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

     Receiving Beverage Products
  • If beer is fresh dated, that is, a date is stamped on
    the product to indicate its freshness, very little
    inspection is required.
  • Key beverage receiving checkpoints are: correct
    brand, correct bottle size, no broken bottles,
    freshness dates (frescura en cervezas), correct
    vintage (vendimia), correct unit price, correct price
    extension, and correct invoice total.
  • If errors are detected, a credit memo should be filled
    out and signed by both the delivery person and the
    receiving clerk.

                                              Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

        Storing Beverage Products
   • Storage areas should be clean, free of
     infestation, and large enough to allow for
     easy rotation of stock.
   • Security is crucial. A two-key system is
     often used; the individual responsible for
     the beverage area has one key while the
     other key is kept in a sealed envelope in a
     secured area. In the event of emergency,
     the envelope can be opened.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

        Storing Beverage Products
 • Spirits should be stored in a relatively dry
   storage area between 70 and 80F (21 to 27C).
 • Beer in kegs or unpasteurized containers
   should be stored at refrigeration temperatures
   of 36 to 38F      (2 to 3C).
 • Canned beer should be covered when stored
   to prevent dirt from accumulating on the rim.
 • Pasteurized beer should be stored in a cool,
   dark room at 50 to 70F (10 to 21C).
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

        Storing Beverage Products
 • The three components critical to wine
   storage are temperature, light, and cork
   (corcho) condition.
 • A tremendously underutilized bottle size is a
   half-bottle or split, which is about half the
   size of the 750 ml bottle.
 • Generally, wines should be stored at a
   temperature of 50 to 65F (10 to 18C).
 • Heat is an enemy of effective wine storage.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

        Storing Beverage Products
 • When storing wine, it should be exposed
   only to the minimum amount of light
 • The cork protects wine from its greatest
   enemy, oxygen. Oxidation occurs when
   oxygen comes in contact with bottled wine –
   it smells somewhat like vinegar.
 • Wine should always be stored in such a way
   that the cork remains in contact with the wine
   to stay moist (húmedo), usually on its side.
 • Storage should keep the cork, and thus the
                                       Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

                   Bar Transfers
• As far as sprits are concerned, nonalcoholic
  food products may be served as a part of the
  drink order and must be transferred from the
  kitchen to bar.
• If transfers are not controlled and recorded, the
  restaurant’s food cost percentage will be
• Total beverage cost percentage will be
• Likewise (asimismo), bar items may be used in
  the kitchen and must also be properly noted.
                                           Materias primas
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

     Computing Cost of Beverages
     Beginning Inventory
     =Goods Available for Sale
     Ending Inventory
                                     no “employee meals”
     Transfers from Bar
     Transfers to Bar
     = Cost of Beverage Sold

                                             Materias primas
Formato de transferencias
Fecha:          del movimiento                          Folio:                consecutivo
Departamento solicitante:                  recibirá     Departamento remitente:                    enviará

                                  Requerido                                              Entregado                                Costo
     Clave              Unidad             Artículo         Cantidad            Unidad          Cantidad (a)       Unitario (b)       Importe (aXb)
                      kgs, lts, etc.     lo requerido    no. De unidades      kgs, lts, etc.   no. De unidades   precio del kardex


Elaboró:                               Vo.Bo.           Autorizó                               Entregó                               Recibió
responsable del                        Chef             Gerente de AyB                         Encargado área                        Quien recibe
 depto. Solicitante                    ejecutivo                                               remitente                             mercancía
Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs

               Special Features of
                Liquor Inventory
   • Opened containers must be counted.
     Three inventory methods are commonly
     in use to accomplish this goal. They are:
      1. Weight (pesar)

      2. Count (contar)

      3. Measure (medir)

                                           Materias primas
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos
2 3y4 materiasprimasalumnos

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  • 1. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Materias primas
  • 2. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Part 3 Managing the Cost of Food Materias primas
  • 3. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Main Ideas • Menu Item Forecasting • Standardized Recipes • Inventory Control • Purchasing • Receiving • Storage • Determining Actual Food Expense • Technology Tools Materias primas
  • 4. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Menu Item Forecasting • Menu item forecasting addresses the questions: – “How many people will I serve today?” – “What will they order?” Materias primas
  • 5. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Menu Item Forecasting • Popularity index is defined as the percentage of total guests choosing a given menu item from a list of alternatives. Popularity Index =Total Number of a Specific Menu Item Sold Total Number of All Menu Items Sold Materias primas
  • 6. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Menu Item Forecasting • Individual menu item forecasting, based on an item’s individual sales history: Number of Guests Expected x Item Popularity Index = Predicted Number of That Item to Be Sold • The predicted number to be sold is simply the quantity of a specific menu item likely to be sold given an estimate of the total number of guests expected. Materias primas
  • 7. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Menu Item Forecasting • Factors influencing number of guests: – Competition, weather, special events in your area, facility occupancy, your own promotions, your competitor’s promotions, quality of service, and operational consistency. • Sales histories track only the general trends of an operation. They are not precise. Materias primas
  • 8. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • The standardized recipe controls both the quantity and quality of what the kitchen will produce. • It consists of the procedures to be used in preparing and serving each of your menu items. Materias primas
  • 9. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • Good standardized recipes contain the following: 1.Menu item name 2.Total yield (number of servings) 3.Portion size 4.Ingredient list 5.Preparation/method section 6.Cooking time and temperature 7.Special instructions, if necessary 8.Recipe cost (optional) Materias primas
  • 10. Receta estándar básica Platillo Filete de res en salsa de nuez Fecha 15/11/2001 Folio 1036 Costo del platillo $ 25,98 P. de venta $ 75,00 % de costo 34,64% Precio Ingredientes Cantidad Unidad Importe unitario 2 rodajas filete de res 0,180 1,000 kg $ 106,00 $ 19,08 Palmitos 0,100 0,300 Kg, en lata $ 13,00 $ 4,33 =(cantidad/kg en lata)*precio lata Salsa de nuez 0,120 1,000 $ 13,63 $ 1,64 Aceite para guisar 0,010 1,000 $ 9,00 $ 0,09 Sal de mesa 0,005 1,000 kg $ 2,40 $ 0,01 Pimienta blanca molida 0,005 1,000 kg $ 46,00 $ 0,23 Perejil chino 0,050 1,000 kg, en manojo $ 12,00 $ 0,60 Suma $ 25,98 Sistema de elaboración o presentación: Pasos a seguir para elaborar el platillo, considerando 2 cosas: la forma de colocar los ingredientes terminados en el plato o recipiente, si van a la izquierda o derecha e indicando si lleva salsa y como se coloca en el platillo; e indicar el nombre y medida del plato en que se entregará al cliente. 1. sazonar el filete con sal y pimienta, cocinarlo en la plancha 2. Cortar el palmito a lo largo en dos partes 3. Lavar y desinfectar el perejil chino Foto del platillo 4. Al montar el filete, colocar las dos rodajas juntas y bañarlas con salsa de nuez (esta sigue en la complement.) 5. Sírvase en un plato trinche de 27 cm 6. Ver la fotografía para la presentación Elaboró Vo.Bo. Autorizó CAB Chef ejecutivo Gte. De AyB Explicación de conceptos: Platillo Tal y como aparece en la carta o menú Fecha De elaboración de la receta Folio Clave que incluya: área (de venta) , tiempo (entrada, sopa, fuerte, postre), número de platillo % de costo Costo entre precio de venta del platillo Unidad Sistema de conteo o medición del ingrediente: kilo, litro, lata de "X" gramos, botella de "X" mililitros, manojo, pieza, etc. Precio unitario Precio de la unidad de medición del ingrediente Importe Cantidad entre unidad por precio unitario
  • 11. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • The following list contains arguments often used against standardized recipes: 1.They take too long to use. 2.My people don’t need recipes; they know how we do things here. 3.My chef refuses to reveal his or her secrets. 4.They take too long to write up. 5.We tried them but lost some, so we stopped using them. 6.They are too hard to read, or many of my people cannot read English (o simplemente no saben leer!!!!). Materias primas
  • 12. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • Reasons for incorporating a system of standardized recipes include: 1.Accurate purchasing 2.Dietary concerns are addressed-ingredients identified 3.Accuracy in menu laws-ingredients identified 4.Matching food used to cash sales 5.Accurate recipe costing and menu pricing 6.New employees can be better trained 7.Computerization of a food service operation depends on them Materias primas
  • 13. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • When adjusting recipes for quantity (total yield), two general methods may be employed. • They are: 1.Factor Method 2.Percentage Technique Materias primas
  • 14. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • Factor Method: recipe conversion factor: Yield Desired Current Yield = Conversion Factor • For example, a 50 portion recipe can be converted to a 125 portion recipe: 125/50=2.5 2.5 is multiplied by each ingredient (except spices) Materias primas
  • 15. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Recipes • The percentage method deals with recipe weight, rather than with a conversion factor. Ingredient Weight /Total Recipe Weight =% of Total then % of Total x Total Amount Required = New Recipe Amount Materias primas
  • 16. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • A desired inventory level is simply the answer to the question, “How much of each needed ingredient should I have on hand at any one time?” • Working stock is the amount of an ingredient you anticipate using before purchasing that item again. • Safety stock is the extra amount of that ingredient you decide to keep on hand to meet higher than anticipated demand. Materias primas
  • 17. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • Inventory levels are determined by a variety of factors: 1. Storage Capacity 2. Item perishability (elemento perecedero) 3. Vendor delivery schedule (entrega del proveedor) 4. Potential savings from increased purchase size 5. Operating calendar 6. Relative importance of stock outages (corte de existencias) 7. Value of inventory dollars to the operator Materias primas
  • 18. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • Do not overload storage capacity. Leads to greater spoilage (deterioro u obsolescencia) and loss due to theft (robo). • Shelf life (vida útil) is the amount of time a food item retains its maximum freshness, flavor, and quality while in storage. • The cost to the vendor for frequent deliveries will be reflected in the cost of the goods to the operator (si compras poquito constantemente, es más caro que comprar mucho pocas veces o al mayoreo) Materias primas
  • 19. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • Volume or quantity discounts-savings. – Costs may include: storage costs, spoilage, deterioration, insect or rodent infestation or theft. • The operating calendar plays a large part in determining desired inventory levels. – Less than seven days per week – Closed for seasonal purposes • Stock Outages (corte o quedarse sin existencias o materiales) Materias primas
  • 20. División de los alimentos y bebidas Alimentos perecederos Alimentos no perecederos - menor duración, más cuidado - más duración, menos cuidado - rotación máxima: 72 hrs. - rotación máxima: 15 días 1.- Carnes 1.- Frutas en almíbar 2.- Aves 2.- Mermeladas 3.- Pescados 3.- Galletas, pastas y dulces 4.- Mariscos 4.- Sopas, purés, carnes en lata 5.- Lácteos 5.- Cereales 6.- Frutas 6.- Aceites finos 7.- Verduras 7.- Especias y condimentos 8.- Huevos 8.- Vinagres 9.- Mayonesas y mostazas 10.- Chiles enlatados 11.- Aceites y grasas 12.- Pescados y mariscos en lata 13.- Vegetales en lata 14.- Jugos en lata o en frascos 15.- Azúcar, sal y harinas 16.- Arroz, frijol, etc. 17.- Vinos, licores, cervezas, refrescos
  • 21. Formato de requisición de no perecederos Esta no deberá ser diaria!!!!!! Determinación del stock de no perecederos óptimo: Ingredientes de cada platillo, con base en las recetas estándar Chícharos de lata de 375g. Herdez Por: promedio de consumo por 15 días 60 unidades Mínimo de existencia 60 unidades Por 1.5 1,5 Igual a : máximo de existencia 90 unidades Más: mínimo de existencia 60 unidades Entre 2: Stock óptimo de no perecederos (promedio max. Y min.) 75 unidades Por tanto, si La existencia actual fuesde de : 63 unidades Luego entonces, se deberán requerir no perecederos por 27 unidades (máximo menos existencia actual)
  • 22. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • Value of Inventory Dollars – Over-buy or “stockpile” inventory. An opportunity cost is the cost of foregoing (renunciar) the next best alternative when making a decision. • A state institution that is given its entire annual budget may find it advantageous to use its purchasing power to acquire large amounts of inventory at very low prices-stockpiling. – Fiscal year is 12 months long but may not follow the calendar year. Materias primas
  • 23. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • A purchase point is that point in time when an item should be reordered. This point is typically designated by one of two methods: 1.As needed (just in time) 2.Par level Materias primas
  • 24. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Inventory Control • As needed, or just in time method of determining inventory levels. – Prediction of unit sales – Sum of the ingredients (from standardized recipes) necessary to produce those sales. Materias primas
  • 25. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Esta no deberá ser diaria!!!!!! Inventory Control • Par levels-predetermined purchase Determinación del stock de no perecederos óptimo: points. Ingredientes de cada platillo, con base en las recetas estándar Por: promedio de consumo por 15 días Chícharos de lata de 375g. Herdez 60 unidades – Minimum and maximum amounts Mínimo de existencia 60 unidades Por 1.5 1,5 – Minimum-working stock Igual a : máximo de existencia 90 unidades – óptimo de no perecederos (promedio max.tomin.) Entre 2: Stock Safety stock-25% Y 50% over Más: mínimo de existencia 60 unidades 75 unidades – 4+2=6 (purchase point), order 4 to max = 10 Por tanto, si La existencia actual fuesde de : 63 unidades Luego entonces, se deberán requerir no perecederos por 27 unidades (máximo menos existencia actual) • Highly perishable items – as-needed basis (Altamente perecederos - según sea necesario) • Longer shelf life – par level (no perecederos o con mayor vida útil – por niveles) Materias primas
  • 26. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Purchasing is essentially a matter of determining the following: 1. What should be purchased? 2. What is the best price to pay? 3. How can a steady supply be assured? (Cómo puede uno tener la seguridad de suministro? Materias primas
  • 28. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 1. - REQUISICIONES DEL ALMACEN. Supervisar las necesidades de los almacenes de alimentos y bebidas de acuerdo con los mínimos, máximos y existencias establecidas. Verifica que los formatos de requisición estén autorizados y con las mercancías debidamente determinadas con base en las especificaciones estándar. 2. – COMPRAS Será responsable de que se lleven a efecto las políticas referentes a esta área, así como su objetivo. Interviene en la realización de los estándares de compras. Revisa que las órdenes de compra llenen todos los requisitos y estén debidamente autorizadas, para su entrega a los proveedores.
  • 29. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 3. - RECEPCIÓN DE MERCANCÍAS Revisa que las básculas funcionen con exactitud. Verifica que las mercancías recibidas estén pesadas, contadas y revisadas adecuadamente. Verifica que las mercancías recibidas estén de acuerdo con las ordenes de compra en cuanto a cantidad, calidad y precio, y deberán coincidir con las facturas o remisiones del proveedor. Revisa que las facturas o remisiones estén firmadas y selladas por el recepcionista al término de su revisión y aceptación. Con base en las facturas, revisará que los informes de mercancías recibidas contengan los precios unitarios debidamente calculados, así como el detalle de cada una de las facturas o remisiones y su totalización.
  • 30. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 4. - ALMACENAMIENTO DE LAS MERCANCÍAS Supervisa la adecuada distribución de los alimentos y bebidas en sus respectivos lugares de almacenamiento. Para evitar pérdidas por descomposición de mercancías, verifica que estén con las temperaturas adecuadas y que usen las técnicas para conservación y manejo de las mismas. Verifica las técnicas para el congelamiento de las carnes. Revisa que se lleven a efecto los controles de las carnes por medio de sus etiquetas y de las tarjetas de inventarios perpetuos para las bebidas.
  • 31. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 5. - DESPACHO DE MERCANCÍAS Verifica que los productos del almacén salgan únicamente por medio de documentos debidamente autorizados y especificados. Revisa que los despachos de mercancías se hagan dentro de los horarios prefijados. Efectúa revisiones para que la rotación de mercancías sea adecuada y se eviten pérdidas.
  • 32. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 6. - PRODUCCIÓN Y ELABORACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS Supervisa las porciones, guarniciones y presentaciones de los platillos, con base en las recetas estándar. Revisa las cámaras de conservación para verificar si los alimentos se manejan adecuadamente. Supervisa la elaboración de platillos con base en los formatos de órdenes de producción. Revisa que el carnicero prepare los cortes y porciones previamente establecidos Revisa que los alimentos de los empleados se elaboren según lo establecido. Efectúa revisiones en los bares para verificar si se manejan las porciones, presentación y elaboración de las bebidas con base en recetas estándar. Efectúa pruebas de calidad en las botellas de costo alto.
  • 33. FUNCIONES GENERALES DEL CONTRALOR DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS 7. - VENTAS DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS Se cerciora de que toda salida de alimentos o bebidas esté amparada por comandas o cheques-comandas debidamente registrados. Efectúa o supervisa la rotación de platillos de la carta o menú. Verifica que las cortesías, consumos de ejecutivos, intercambios y descuentos estén dentro de las normas establecidas”.
  • 34. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • What Should Be Purchased? • Product specification (spec) – a detailed description of an ingredient or menu item. – Communicates in a very precise way with a vendor so that your operation receives the exact item requested every time. • Each menu item or ingredient should have its own spec. Materias primas
  • 35. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • What to include in specs – Product name or specification number – Pricing unit – Standard or grade – Weight range/size – count – Processing and/or packaging – Container size – Intended use – Other information such as product yield Materias primas
  • 36. Especificaciones estándar para productos perecederos Artículo Calidad Especificaciones Peso o cantidad Carnes: Semilimpia, pieza de 2.5 kg, fresca o Caña de filete de res Ganado Hereford congelada, envuelta en vita film, sin 20 piezas exceso de grasa Fresco o congelado, en porciones de 400gr, 1.5 cm de grueso, hueso en medio, T-bone steak Ganado Hereford en forma de T con grasa alrededor, 20 piezas o 26 kg envuelto individualmente en papel vita film Aves: Fresco, pieza de 1.3 kg, piel amarilla, sin Pollo Bachoco (tipo rosticería) 20 piezas o 26 kg menudencias ni troncos de plumas Pescados: Fresco, filete, porciones de 200 gr, 1 cm 4 cajas de kg cada Filete de mero De primera de grosor, sin espinas, envuelto una individualmente Frutas: Maduro para 3 días, 15 cm de diámetro, Melón chino De primera Caja con 25 piezas sin golpes, superficie sin manchas y firme Visto Bueno Chef ejecutivo
  • 37. Especificaciones de compra de abarrotes Costo por porción Marca o proveedor Unidad de uso en Rendimiento en Costo por porción Descripción (A) Unidad de compra (B) Precio unitario (D) Porción (F) (C) preparación ( E) porciones (B/F) (D/G) Aceites y vinagres Aceite de oliva lata de 800,0 gramos Ibarra $ 70,00 Gramos 10,000 80,0 $ 0,88 virgen Aceite para cocinar lata de 17,0 litros La polar $ 102,00 Litro 0,010 1 700,0 $ 0,06 Vinagre blanco botella de 1,0 litros Herdez $ 20,00 Litro 0,002 500,0 $ 0,04 Vinagre de uva botella de 1,0 litros Domecq $ 30,00 Litro 0,002 500,0 $ 0,06 Frutas en almíbar Duraznos en lata de 800,0 gramos Herdez $ 25,00 Gramos 50,000 16,0 $ 1,56 mitades Piña en rebanadas lata de 900,0 gramos Herdez $ 20,00 Gramos 75,000 12,0 $ 1,67 Cerezas rojas frasco de 2 000,0 gramos Embasa $ 120,00 Gramos 10,000 200,0 $ 0,60 Mangos en lata de 850,0 gramos Embasa $ 28,00 Gramos 50,000 17,0 $ 1,65 rebanadas Cereales Corn flakes caja de 35,0 gramos Kellog´s $ 2,50 Gramos 35,000 1,0 $ 2,50 Rice Krispies caja de 35,0 gramos Kellog´s $ 2,50 Gramos 35,000 1,0 $ 2,50 Avena caja de 400,0 gramos Duryea $ 15,00 Gramos 20,000 20,0 $ 0,75 Aderezos y chiles Mostaza frasco de 4 000,0 gramos Herdez $ 85,00 Gramos 15,000 266,7 $ 0,32 Pimiento morrón lata de 200,0 gramos Herdez $ 13,00 Gramos 10,000 20,0 $ 0,65 Chiles largos lata de 400,0 gramos Herdez $ 18,00 Gramos 15,000 26,7 $ 0,68 Chiles jalapeños lata de 2 900,0 gramos Herdez $ 28,00 Gramos 20,000 145,0 $ 0,19 Visto Bueno Chef ejecutivo
  • 38. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Product yield is the amount of product that you will have remaining after cooking, trimming, portioning or cleaning. (Rendimiento es la cantidad de producto que le queda después de la cocción, limpieza, corte o la limpieza) Materias primas
  • 39. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • What Is the Best Price to Pay? • The best price is more accurately stated as the lowest price that meets the long- term goals of both the foodservice operation and its vendor. • Make vs. Buy decisions • Bid sheet – comparison shopping • Price comparison sheet – after you have received bids from your suppliers, you can compare those bids Materias primas
  • 40. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Bid sheets and price comparison sheets are a good place to start. • Other determining factors: vendor dependability, quality of vendor service, and accuracy in delivery Materias primas
  • 41. Formato de requisición de frescos (perecederos) Esta deberá ser diaria!!!!!! Nombre del restaurante: Fecha: Cotizaciones Existencia según Último precio de No. De Clave Unidad Producto Solicitado Prov. 1 Prov. 2 Prov. 3 inventario adquisición proveedor elegido Acorde a Kg., litro, pieza, Unidades Para comparar Para comparar Para comparar Nombre o clave Carne, ave, existencia y Precio última _001 manojo, paquete, verificadas con precio última con precio última con precio última del mejor pescado, etc. necesidades de compra etc. físicamente compra compra compra proveedor producción Autoriza Elaboró Visto bueno Realiza proceso de compra Gte. A y B Almacenista Chef ejecutivo Jefe de compras
  • 42. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Minimum order requirement is the smallest order that can be placed with a vendor who delivers. – If the minimum order requirement cannot be met using the lowest prices, then the manager may have to choose the supplier with the next highest price to fill a complete order. Materias primas
  • 43. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • How can a steady supply be assured? • Suppliers have a variety of prices based on the customer to whom they are quoting them. • It is simply in the best interest of a supplier to give a better price to a high volume customer. • Cherry Pickers – how suppliers describe the customer who gets bids from multiple vendors, then buys only those items each vendor has “on sale” or for the lowest price. Materias primas
  • 44. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Slow pay means high pay. • Vendors can be great source of information related to new products, cooking techniques, trends and alternative product usage. Materias primas
  • 45. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • One vendor versus many vendors • Non-perishables are best purchased in bulk from one vendor. • Orders (órdenes) for meats, produce, and some bakery products (panadería) are best split among several vendors, perhaps with a primary and secondary vendor in each category so that you have a second alternative should the need arise. Materias primas
  • 46. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Ethics have been defined as the choices of proper conduct made by an individual in his or her relationships with others. – Is it legal? – Does it hurt anyone? – Am I being honest? – Would I care if it happened to me? – Would I publicize my action? • Kickbacks (soborno) always hurt the company Materias primas
  • 47. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Daily Inventory Sheet – Items listed in your storage areas – Unit of purchase – Par value – Columns-on-hand, special order, and order amount – All pre-printed on the sheet Materias primas
  • 48. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • The par value is listed so that you know how much inventory you should have in storage at any given time. • The amount to be ordered is calculated as follows: Par Value – On-Hand + Special Order = Order Amount Materias primas
  • 49. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • Regardless of your communication method, it is critical that you prepare a written purchase order, or record of what you have decided to buy. The purchase order (PO) should be made out in triplicate (3 copies.) Materias primas
  • 50. Orden de compra Nombre del restaurante: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono Datos del proveedor: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono, representante No. De orden de compra 1 Fecha de la orden de Fecha de entrega: (fecha prometida por Fecha de entrega: compra el proveedor) Pagado, en vehículo del proveedor o de Forma de pago: Flete: la propia empresa, flete por cobrar, etc. No. De factura o remisión Fecha de entrega: (fecha real de entrega Fecha de entrega: del proveedor por el proveedor) Cantidad Precio Importe (a X b ) Unidad Artículo Pedido (a) Recibido Unitario (b) Litro, lata, Cereal, vino, Cantidad Precio paquete, Cantidad solicitada Cantidad pedida por mayonesa, realmente recibida pactado por botella, kg., por el comprador precio unitario etc. por almacenista comprador bolsa, etc. Instrucciones para la entrega: Suma a quien entregar, horarios, condiciones, calidad, etc. Descuento Almacenista debe avisar de inmediato al proveedor Impuesto en caso de alguna queja por la mercancía recibida Total Vo.Bo. Gte. A y B Comprador Recibido almacén Autorizó
  • 51. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing The written Purchase Order form should contain space for the following information: Purchase Order Number Purchase Order Information Item Name Spec #, if appropriate Date Ordered Quantity Ordered Delivery Date Quoted Price Name of Person who Placed Order Extension Price Total Price of Order Name of Person who Received Order Vendor Information Delivery Instructions Comments Materias primas
  • 52. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing • The advantages of a written Purchase Order are many and include the following: 1. Written verification of quoted price 2. Written verification of quantity ordered 3. Written verification of the receipt of all goods ordered 4. Written and special instructions to the receiving clerk, as needed 5. Written verification of conformance to product specification 6. Written authorization to prepare vendor invoice for payment Materias primas
  • 53. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • One individual places the order, while another individual is responsible for verifying delivery and acceptance of the product. • Auditors are individuals responsible for reviewing and evaluating proper operational procedures. They can determine the potential for fraud or theft. Materias primas
  • 54. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Proper control procedures will minimize theft. • Proper receiving includes all of the following features: • Proper location • Proper tools and equipment • Proper delivery schedules • Proper training Materias primas
  • 55. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • The receiving area must be large enough to allow for checking products delivered against both the invoice and purchase order. • Accessibility to equipment required to move products to their proper storage area and to dispose of excess packaging is important. Make sure the area stays free of trash and clutter (desorden), as these make it too easy to hide delivered food items. Materias primas
  • 56. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Remember that the delivery person is also a potential thief. • The receiving area should be kept extremely clean, since you do not want to contaminate incoming food, or provide a carrying vehicle for pests. The area should be well lit and properly ventilated. • Receiving clerks should have the following equipment: scales(básculas), wheeled equipment, box cutter, thermometer, calculator and records area. Materias primas
  • 57. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Scales should be of two types; those accurate to the fraction of a pound, and those accurate to the fraction of an ounce. • Some operators demand that deliveries be made only at certain times; these are called acceptance hours. • Refusal hours are the times that operators will not accept deliveries. Materias primas
  • 58. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Receiving clerks should be trained to verify the following product characteristics: weight, quantity, quality, and price. • Receiving clerks should be required to weigh all meat, fish and poultry (aves de corral) delivered, with the exception of unopened Cryovac (sealed) packages. • When an item is ordered by weight, it should be verified by weight. Materias primas
  • 59. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • The counting of boxes, cases, barrels, etc. should be routine. The counting of individual items in a box, such as lemons should be done periodically. • Checking for quality means checking the entire shipment for conformance to specifications. Materias primas
  • 60. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • In cases when the vendor is out of the spec item, clerks must know whether it is management’s preference to accept a product of higher quality, lower quality, or no product as a substitute. • Clerks need to be trained in two areas regarding pricing: matching PO (purchase order) unit price to invoice unit price, and verifying price extensions and total. • When the person responsible for purchasing food places an order, the confirmed quoted price should be written on the PO. Materias primas
  • 61. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • When a discrepancy is discovered, management should be notified immediately. • If management notification is not possible, both the driver and the receiving clerk should initial the “Comment” section of the PO, showing the difference in the two prices. • Shorting is the term used in the industry to indicate that an ordered item has not been delivered as promised. Materias primas
  • 62. Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de alimentos Nombre del restaurante: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono Fecha y día de la semana: Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras Número: Consecutivo de este reporte columna 8 columna 9 columna 10 columna 11 columna 12 columna 13 columna 14 Número de Pescados y Frutas y Pan, tortillas Proveedor factura o Cantidad (a) Unidad Precio unitario (b) Importe (aXb) Carnes Lácteos Abarrotes mariscos verduras y otros remisión Parte del Parte del Parte del Parte del Parte del Parte del Lata de 200g, La que Precio de cada lata, importe que importe que importe que importe que importe que importe que El que surtió Unidades botella de 1 lt, Cantidad por ampara el botella, paquete, corresponde a corresponde a corresponde a corresponde corresponde corresponde los productos recibidas paquete, manojo, precio unitario envío manojo, pieza, etc. este tipo de este tipo de este tipo de a este tipo a este tipo a este tipo pieza, etc. producto producto producto de producto de producto de producto Compras de hoy (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma de las cols. 9 a 14!!!!!) También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe Compras Hasta ayer Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente) del reporte del día anterior!!!! Acumulado Hoy Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el renglón "compras hasta ayer" Elaboró: Almacenista
  • 63. Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de bebidas Nombre del restaurante: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono Fecha y día de la semana: Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras Número: Consecutivo de este reporte columna 8 columna 9 columna 10 columna 11 Número de Refrescos y Proveedor factura o Cantidad (a) Unidad Precio unitario (b) Importe (aXb) Licores Vinos de mesa cervezas remisión Parte del Parte del Parte del Lata de 200g, La que Precio de cada lata, importe que importe que importe que El que surtió Unidades botella de 1 lt, Cantidad por ampara el botella, paquete, corresponde a corresponde a corresponde los productos recibidas paquete, manojo, precio unitario envío manojo, pieza, etc. este tipo de este tipo de a este tipo pieza, etc. producto producto de producto Compras de hoy (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma de las cols. 9 a 11!!!!!) También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe Compras Hasta ayer Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente) del reporte del día anterior!!!! Acumulado Hoy Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el renglón "compras hasta ayer" Elaboró: Almacenista
  • 64. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • A credit memo (nota de crédito) is simply a formal way of notifying the vendor that an item listed on the original invoice is missing, and thus the value of that item should be deducted from the invoice total. • A contract price is simply an agreement between buyer and seller to hold the price of a product constant over a defined period of time. • Extended price is simply the unit price multiplied by the number of units delivered. Materias primas
  • 65. Nota de crédito (error en factura o remisión) Nombre del restaurante: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono Datos del proveedor: a quien se le hace la correción: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono, representante No. De factura o remisión Fecha de elaboración de del proveedor factura o remisión Fecha de elaboración de No. De nota de crédito la nota de crédito Razón de la Su importe Importe Diferencia Unidad Cantidad Artículo Precio unitario corrección (a) corregido (b) (a-b) Valor de los Litro, lata, Cereal, vino, Error o causa de El de la factura o productos paquete, Unidades a Valor ya mayonesa, la corrección por remisión del según botella, kg., devolver corregido etc. producto proveedor factura o bolsa, etc. remisión Total correcciones Recibió: Almacenista Total de su factura Corrigió: Contabilidad Número total corregido Autorizó proveedor: Representante del proveedor Vo.Bo. Contralor de AyB Contrarl AyB
  • 66. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Verifying price extensions is also important, but it is a part of the receiving verification process that need not be done at the time of delivery. – Never assume extensions are correct because a computer did them! • If a supplier consistently shorts your operation, that supplier is suspect both in terms of honesty and lack of concern for your operation’s long-term success. • Training your receiving clerk to assess and evaluate quality products is a continuous process. Materias primas
  • 67. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving • Some large operations use a receiving record when receiving food. • A receiving record generally contains the following information: name of supplier, invoice number, item description, unit price, number of units delivered, total cost, storage area, and date of activity. • Receiving reports can be helpful if it is important to record where items are to be delivered, or have been delivered. Materias primas
  • 68. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Remember that storage costs money, in terms of the space for items and the money that is tied up in inventory items. • In most establishments, the storage process consists of four parts: placing products in storage, maintaining product quality and safety, maintaining product security, and determining inventory value. Materias primas
  • 69. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Most often, in foodservice, the high perishability dictates that the same person responsible for receiving the items is the person responsible for their storage. • The two storage methods used are LIFO and FIFO. • When using the LIFO (last in, first out) method, the store-room operator intends to use the most recently delivered product before he or she uses any part of that same product previously on hand. Materias primas
  • 70. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • FIFO (first in, first out) means that the operator intends to rotate stock in such a way that product already on hand is sold prior to the sale of more recently delivered products. • FIFO is the preferred storage technique for most perishable and non-perishable items. Failure to use FIFO can result in excessive product loss due to spoilage, shrinkage (encogimiento), and deterioration of quality. Materias primas
  • 71. Tarjeta de almacén (con precio unitario) Clave: Artículo Unidad: Estante No. De kardex Existencia: Mínimo Máximo FECHA REFERENCIA PRECIO ENTRADAS SALIDAS SALDOS UNITARIO
  • 72. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Some operators require the storeroom clerk to mark or tag (identificar) each delivered item with the date of delivery. • Some operators prefer to go even further when labeling some products for storage. These operators date the item and then also indicate the day (or hour) in which the product should be pulled from storage (ser sacados), thawed (ser descongelados), or even discarded (ser desechados). Materias primas
  • 73. Cuadro de temperaturas ideales Mercancías Temperaturas 1. Abarrotes 20 a 26 grados centígrados (lugar ventilado y seco) 2. Frutas, verduras y vegetales frescos 4 a 6 grados centígrados 3. Embutidos, huevos, lácteos y derivados 3 a 4 grados centígrados 4. Carnes, aves, pescados y mariscos 0 a 1 grados centígrados 5. Productos precongelados -8 a -10 grados centígrados 6. Productos congelados -18 a -20 grados centígrados Periodos en los cuales pueden conservarse las carnes congeladas Tipos de carnes Periodos de congelación 1. Res y pollo 6 a 12 meses 2. Carnero y ternera 6 a 9 meses 3. Cerdo y pavos 3 a 6 meses 4. Embutidos 1 a 3 meses
  • 74. Formato de etiquetas de carnes Primera parte: Se ata al producto!!!! Etiqueta de carne número: 1050 Corte: Pollo tipo rosticería Peso: 13 100,0 gramos Costo unitario: $ ,025 por gramo Importe: $ 327,5 Proveedor: Bachoco Fecha de recibido: 03/12/2008 Segunda parte: Se entrega al contralor de AyB!!!! Etiqueta de carne número: 1050 Corte: Pollo tipo rosticería Peso: 13 100,0 gramos Costo unitario: $ ,025 por gramo Importe: $ 327,5 Proveedor: Bachoco Fecha de recibido: 03/12/2008
  • 75. Periodo de almacenamiento de no perecederos Duración de Características que presentan Duración en Productos alimentos en los productos por Observaciones refrigeración lugar fresco almacenamiento inadecuado Son producidos por temperaturas Café instantáneo 7 a 12 meses 3 años Apelmazamiento, pérdida de sabor altas Café molido envasado al Que tenga ventilación, y esté lejos 7 a 12 meses 12 a 18 meses Pérdida de sabor alto vacío de productos con olor fuerte Evitar altas temperaturas y Té instantáneo 8 a 12 meses 3 años Pérdida de sabor humedad excesiva Pérdida de sabor, ablandamiento e hinchazón de la No exponerlas al sol, colocarlas en Frutas enlatadas 1 año 4 años lata lugares ventilados Jugos de frutas El ácido natural de los jugos 6 a 9 meses 3 años Pérdida de sabor y acidez enlatados o en frascos reduce la duración de los envases El ácido natural de los jugos Vegetales enlatados muy 7 a 12 meses 2 a 3 años Pérdida de sabor y acidez reduce la duración de los envases ácidos (jitomate, col fermentada) Pérdida de sabor, ablandamiento e hinchazón de la No exponerlos al sol, colocarlas en Vegetales no ácidos 1 año 4 años lata lugares ventilados Especias, hierbas No dejar destapado el frasco, 1 año 2 años Pérdida de sabor y olor molidas, en frascos comprar en pequeñas cantidades Evaporación y formación de nata llamada "madre Por lo general producida por Vinagres en frascos 2 años 3 años de vinagre" almacenamiento inadecuado Mantenerse en refrigeración, Sabor rancio, color oscuro en la superficie, moho, Margarina 1 mes 2 meses envuelta con aluminio, ofrece más olores extraños protección Aceites para ensaladas 6 a 9 meses 9 meses Sabor rancio, similar a grasa vieja Evitar la luz solar
  • 76. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Products are generally placed in one of three major storage areas: dry storage, refrigerated storage, or frozen storage. • Dry storage areas should generally be maintained at a temperature ranging between 65F (18 C) and 75F (24 C). • Shelving (estantería) must be sturdy (resistente), easy to clean, and at least 6 inches (pulgadas) above the ground to allow for proper cleaning beneath the shelving and to ensure proper ventilation. Materias primas
  • 77. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Dry goods should never be stored directly on the floor. Labels should face out for easy identification. • Refrigerator temperatures should generally be maintained between 32F (0C) and 36F (2C). Refrigerators actually work by removing heat from the contents, rather than “making” food cold. • Shelving must be at least six inches off the floor and slotted (con ranuras) to allow for good air circulation. Materias primas
  • 78. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Freezer temperatures should be maintained between 0F and -10F (-18C and -23C). • Freezers must be regularly maintained, a process that includes cleaning inside and out, and constant temperature monitoring to detect possible improper operation. Materias primas
  • 79. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Regardless of the storage type, food and related products should be stored neatly (cuidadosamente) in some logical order. • Food product quality rarely improves with increased storage time. • The primary method for ensuring product quality while in storage is through proper product rotation and high standards of storeroom sanitation. Materias primas
  • 80. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Storage areas are excellent breeding grounds (caldos de cultivo) for insects, some bacteria, and also rodents, so clean regularly. • Both refrigerators and freezers should be kept six to ten inches from walls to allow for the free circulation of air. • Drainage systems in refrigerators should be checked at least weekly. Materias primas
  • 81. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Ideally, freezers and refrigerators should have externally visible internal thermometers • In larger storage areas, hallways (pasillos) should be kept clear and empty of storage materials or boxes. • Some employee theft is impossible to detect – eating on the job (e.g. uvas). • Make it difficult to remove food from storage without authorization. Materias primas
  • 82. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Most foodservice operators attempt to control access to the location of stored products. • It is your responsibility to see to it that the storeroom clerk maintains good habits in securing product inventory. • As a general rule, if storerooms are to be locked, only one individual should have the key during any shift (cualquier cambio). Materias primas
  • 83. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • It is not possible to know your actual food expense without an accurate inventory. • Issuing (requisición de materiales) is the process of placing products into the production system. Materias primas
  • 84. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • Valuing, or establishing a dollar value for your entire inventory is done by using the following inventory valuation formula: Item Amount x Item Value = Item Inventory Value • Item amount may be determined by counting the item, as in the case of cans, or by weighing items, as in the case of meats. Materias primas
  • 85. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • If inventory amounts are overstated, or padded inventory (acolchado de inventario), costs will appear artificially low until the proper inventory values are determined. • Either the LIFO or FIFO method determines item value. • When the LIFO method is used, the item’s value is said to be the price paid for the least recent (oldest) addition to item amount. Materias primas
  • 86. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • If the FIFO method is used, the item value is said to be the price paid for the most recent (newest) product on hand. • FIFO is the more common method for valuing foodservice inventory. • The inventory valuation sheet should be completed each time the inventory is counted. It should be a preprinted form with all items listed. Materias primas
  • 87. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storage • It is recommended that one person takes the actual physical inventory, and a different person extends the value of that inventory. • A physical inventory, one in which the food products are actually counted, must be taken to determine your actual food usage. Materias primas
  • 88. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Cost of food sold is the dollar amount of all food actually sold, thrown away, wasted or stolen. It is computed as follows: Beginning Inventory Plus Purchases =Goods Available for Sale Less Ending Inventory =Cost of Food Consumed Less Employee Meals =Cost of Food Sold Materias primas
  • 89. COSTO NETO DE ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS Costo bruto alimentos y bebidas: Costo bruto $ 420,00 Inventario inicial (todas las áreas: almacén, elaboración y otros) $ 500,00 Menos: Créditos (*) $ 30,00 Más: compras netas $ 100,00 Costo neto de AyB $ 390,00 Igual a: total existencias o mercancías disponibles para la venta $ 600,00 Menos: inventario final (todas las áreas: almacén, elaboración** y otros) $ 180,00 Igual a: Costo bruto o de alimentos consumidos $ 420,00 (*) Créditos: alimentos de empleados, cortesías, consumos gratis o de obsequio, etc. (**) Areas de elaboración: cocinas y bares principalmente
  • 90. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Beginning inventory is the dollar value of all food on hand at the beginning of the accounting period. • Purchases are the sum cost of all food purchased during the accounting period. • Good available for sale is the sum of the beginning inventory and purchases. • Ending inventory refers to the dollar value of all food on hand at the end of the accounting period. Materias primas
  • 91. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Cost of food consumed is the actual dollar value of all food used, or consumed, by the operation. • Employee meal cost is a labor-related, not food- related cost. Free or reduced-cost employee meals are a benefit much in the same manner as medical insurance or paid vacation. • It is important to note that ending inventory for one accounting period becomes the beginning inventory figure for the next period. Materias primas
  • 92. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Food or beverage products may be transferred from one food service unit to another – kitchen to bar and vice versa. • Transfers out of the kitchen are subtracted from the cost of food sold and transfers into the kitchen are added to the cost of food sold. Materias primas
  • 93. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • The formula used to compute actual food cost percentage is as follows: Cost of Food Sold Food Sales = Food Cost% Materias primas
  • 94. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Food Cost % represents that portion of food sales that was spent on food expenses. • The physical inventory may be taken as often as desired to estimate the daily cost of food sold. Materias primas
  • 95. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Determining Actual Food Expense • Six-column form used to estimate food cost % on a daily or weekly basis. Six Column Food Cost % Estimate 1. Purchases Today Sales Today = Cost % Today 2. Purchases to Date Sales to Date = Cost % to Date Materias primas
  • 96. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Technology Tools • This chapter focused on managing food-related costs by controlling the areas of purchasing, receiving, storage, and issuing. • There are a variety of software programs that are available that can assist in these areas such as: 1. Recipe Software can maintain and cost standardized recipes as well as maintain and supply dietary information by portion. 2. Menu Programs can create and print physical menus and even produce purchase orders based on selected menus. Materias primas
  • 97. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Technology Tools 3. Purchasing Software can compare bids and make purchase recommendations based on best cost/best value. 4. Receiving Software can prepare a daily receiving report and maintain receiving histories. 5. Storage/Inventory Assessment Programs can maintain product inventory values by food category and even compute LIFO or FIFO inventory values. 6. Cost of Goods Sold Programs can compare forecasted to actual cost of goods sold as well as maintain employee meal records. Materias primas
  • 98. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Summary • Menu Item Forecasting • Standardized Recipes • Inventory Control • Purchasing • Receiving • Storage • Determining Actual Food Expense • Technology Tools Materias primas
  • 99. Part 4 Managing the Cost of Beverages
  • 100. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Main Ideas • Serving Alcoholic Beverages • Forecasting Beverage Sales • Standardized Drink Recipes and Portions • Purchasing Beverage Products • Receiving Beverage Products • Storing Beverage Products • Bar Transfers • Computing Cost of Beverages • Special Features of Liquor Inventory • Sales Mix • Technology Tools Materias primas
  • 101. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Serving Alcoholic Beverages • Alcoholic beverages – a significant amount of ethyl alcohol content is present. • Alcoholic beverages are generally classified as beer, wine or spirits (vinos o licores). Materias primas
  • 102. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Serving Alcoholic Beverages • Beer is a fermented beverage made from grain (a partir de cereales). • Wine is a fermented beverage made from grapes y fruits. • Spirits are fermented beverages that are distilled to increase the alcohol content of the product. Materias primas
  • 103. Par Stock* del Bar: ___________________ Fecha: Autorizó Elaboró Bebidas Unidad Cantidad Observaciones Whisky Escocés: Chivas Regal Botella de 3/4 2,0 Old Parr Botella de 3/4 3,0 Buchanan`s Botella de 3/4 3,0 J&B Botella de 3/4 3,0 Cutty Sark Botella de 3/4 2,0 Dimple Botella de 3/4 2,0 Whisky Americano: Jack Daniel`s Botella de 3/4 2,0 Old Grand Dad Botella de 3/4 2,0 Four Roses Botella de 3/4 2,0 Whisky Canadiense: Canadia Club Botella de 3/4 2,0 Cognac: Hennessy Botella de 3/4 1,0 Brandy importado: Brandy nacional: Vodka importado: Vodka nacional: Ginebra importada: Ginebra nacional: Ron importado: Ron nacional: Tequila: Aperitivos: Cordiales: Vinos espumosos: Vinos tintos: Vinos rosados: Vinos blancos: Champañas: Cervezas:
  • 104. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Serving Alcoholic Beverages • These products will be specified, ordered, received, and stored much like food products. However, there are control issues that are much more difficult to handle. • Such controls must be modified to meet the characteristic and inherent increased responsibility created by the sale of alcoholic beverages. Materias primas
  • 105. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Serving Alcoholic Beverages • Dramshop laws, passed in many states, shift the liability for acts committed by an individual under the influence of alcohol from that individual to the server or operation that supplied the intoxicating beverage. • License states versus control states Materias primas
  • 106. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Forecasting Beverage Sales • BEER • Forecasting beer sales is basically the same as forecasting any regular menu item - use sales histories. • Keg beer is also know as draft beer (barril de cerveza), or beer in a form of packaging in which the beer is shipped to you in multi-gallon units for bulk sale (venta a granel). Materias primas
  • 107. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Forecasting Beverage Sales • WINE • Forecasting wine sales is divided into two parts: forecasting bottled-wine sales and forecasting wine-by-the- glass sales. • When forecasting sales by the bottle or glass - use sales histories. • House Wines – wine served to a guest who does not stipulate a specific brand when ordering. Materias primas
  • 108. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Forecasting Beverage Sales • SPIRITS • While the number of people who order a mixed drink can be tracked, the exact item the guests request is very difficult to determine. • One method categorizes all drinks based on the spirit that forms the base of the drink. • Spirit sales can also be tracked by generic product name, specific product name, or specific drink requested. Materias primas
  • 109. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Drink Recipes and Portions • Control is more important at the bar than in the kitchen because the potential for waste and theft is greater. • For example: – Beverage operations are subject to tax audits – Beverage operations can be closed down for violations – Employees may bring their own products to sell – Detecting the disappearance of small amounts of beverage products is very difficult Materias primas
  • 110. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Drink Recipes and Portions • The following is the beverage cost % formula: Cost of Beverage Sold Beverage Sales = Beverage Cost % Materias primas
  • 111. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Standardized Drink Recipes and Portions • Measuring devices (dipositivos de medición) – jigger, free pour, spout control, automated device • A standardized recipe sheet should be prepared for each drink item for costing purposes. • While standardized recipes (including step-by- step prep methods) may only be necessary for a few drinks, recipes that detail alcoholic portions should be strictly adhered to. Materias primas
  • 112. Receta estándar básica para bebidas Bebida Martini seco Fecha 15/11/2001 Folio 116 Costo de la bebida $ 6,46 P. de venta $ 55,00 % de costo 11,75% Precio Ingredientes Cantidad Unidad Importe unitario Ginebra nacional 0,043 0,750 litros en botella $ 69,00 $ 3,96 Vermouth seco nacional 0,040 1,000 litros en botella $ 61,00 $ 2,44 Hielo en cubos 5,000 5,000 piezas $ - $ - Aceituna verde 0,003 0,500 kgs en frasco $ 9,00 $ 0,05 Palillo redondo 1,000 500,000 piezas en paquete $ 5,00 $ 0,01 Suma $ 6,46 Sistema de elaboración o presentación: Pasos a seguir para elaborar la bebida. 1. En el mezclador o coctelera, se coloca el hielo, la Ginebra y el Vermouth seco 2. Se mezclan o se baten 3. Se sirve en una copa martinera, previamente enfriada Foto de la bebida 4. Al servirla, se usará la espumadera para no dejar pasar el hielo 5. Se atraviesa la aceituna con la punta del palillo 6. Se deposita en el fondo de la copa Elaboró Vo.Bo. Autorizó CAB Chef ejecutivo Gte. De AyB Explicación de conceptos: Bebida Tal y como aparece en la carta o menú Fecha De elaboración de la receta Folio Clave que incluya: área (de venta o bar) y número de bebida % de costo Costo entre precio de venta del platillo Unidad Sistema de conteo o medición del ingrediente: kilo, litro, lata de "X" gramos, botella de "X" mililitros, manojo, pieza, etc. Precio unitario Precio de la unidad de medición del ingrediente Importe Cantidad entre unidad por precio unitario
  • 113. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Beer product request log (registro de solicitud de compra) should be maintained so that guest requests that cannot be filled are noted and monitored by management. • Beer is typically sold in cans, bottles or kegs. • Draft beer (beer from kegs) is often the preferred choice and cheaper for operators to serve. However, special equipment and serving techniques are required. • The shelf life of keg beer is the shortest of all packaging types, ranging from 30 to 45 days for an untapped keg and even fewer days for a keg that has been tapped (opened.) Materias primas
  • 114. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Wine must also be selected according to product and packaging. • Operators generally sell wine by the glass, bottle, and split or half bottle. • If wine is also purchased for cooking, it will generally not be of the same quality as that purchased for drinking. Materias primas
  • 115. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • As a good manager, you will build a wine list that fits your own particular operation and guest expectations. • In developing a wine list, operators must offer choices for guests who want to spend a lot or a little. • A vintner (viticultor) is a wine producer. • Wines should either complement the food or, in the case of a bar, are popular with the guests. Materias primas
  • 116. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Avoid the temptation to offer too many wines on a wine list – increases costs. • Wait staff should be trained to be knowledgeable but not intimidating to guests. • Generally, if operators are having trouble selling wine, the difficulty lies in the delivery of the product rather than with the product selected. Materias primas
  • 117. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Distilled spirits have an extremely long shelf life, therefore, a wrong purchase is not usually a disaster. • While packaging is not a major concern of the operator selecting a product, brand quality is crucial. Materias primas
  • 118. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • In general, operators will select spirits in two major categories, well and call liquors. • Well liquors are those spirits that are poured when the customer does not specify a particular brand name. • Call liquors are those requested by brand name; extremely expensive call liquors are sometimes referred to as premium liquors. Materias primas
  • 119. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Operators generally charge a higher price for call or premium liquors. • Remember, guests who order well liquors may be price conscious, but that does not mean they are not quality conscious also. • Quality spirit products at fair prices build customer loyalty. Materias primas
  • 120. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Purchasing Beverage Products • Depending on the state and county, special laws may influence how beverage purchases are to be made or paid for. • The goal in purchasing beverages is to have an adequate, but not excessive amount of product on hand at all times. • A broken case occurs when several different brands or products are used to completely fill the case. • As a general rule, wine, beer, and spirits are purchased by the case. Materias primas
  • 121. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving Beverage Products • Since beverage products do not vary in quality, as does food, skill required to receive beverages is somewhat less. • As with food, the receiving clerk needs a proper location, tools, and equipment. • Proper delivery schedules must be maintained. • When matching the purchase order to the vendor invoice, only quantity ordered and price must be verified. Materias primas
  • 122. Reporte diario de mercancías recibidas de bebidas Nombre del restaurante: Nombre, domicilio y teléfono Fecha y día de la semana: Para saber que días de la semana hay mayor o menor movimiento de compras Número: Consecutivo de este reporte columna 8 columna 9 columna 10 columna 11 Número de Refrescos y Proveedor factura o Cantidad (a) Unidad Precio unitario (b) Importe (aXb) Licores Vinos de mesa cervezas remisión Parte del Parte del Parte del Lata de 200g, La que Precio de cada lata, importe que importe que importe que El que surtió Unidades botella de 1 lt, Cantidad por ampara el botella, paquete, corresponde a corresponde a corresponde los productos recibidas paquete, manojo, precio unitario envío manojo, pieza, etc. este tipo de este tipo de a este tipo pieza, etc. producto producto de producto Compras de hoy (la suma de la col. 8 debe ser igual a la suma de las cols. 9 a 11!!!!!) También, la col. 8 debe ser igual a sumar los importe de las facturas o remisiones incluidos en el informe Compras Hasta ayer Valor del rengón"Acumulado Hoy" (renglón siguiente) del reporte del día anterior!!!! Acumulado Hoy Suma de los renglones "compras de hoy" más el renglón "compras hasta ayer" Elaboró: Almacenista
  • 123. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Receiving Beverage Products • If beer is fresh dated, that is, a date is stamped on the product to indicate its freshness, very little inspection is required. • Key beverage receiving checkpoints are: correct brand, correct bottle size, no broken bottles, freshness dates (frescura en cervezas), correct vintage (vendimia), correct unit price, correct price extension, and correct invoice total. • If errors are detected, a credit memo should be filled out and signed by both the delivery person and the receiving clerk. Materias primas
  • 124. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storing Beverage Products • Storage areas should be clean, free of infestation, and large enough to allow for easy rotation of stock. • Security is crucial. A two-key system is often used; the individual responsible for the beverage area has one key while the other key is kept in a sealed envelope in a secured area. In the event of emergency, the envelope can be opened. Materias primas
  • 125. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storing Beverage Products • Spirits should be stored in a relatively dry storage area between 70 and 80F (21 to 27C). • Beer in kegs or unpasteurized containers should be stored at refrigeration temperatures of 36 to 38F (2 to 3C). • Canned beer should be covered when stored to prevent dirt from accumulating on the rim. • Pasteurized beer should be stored in a cool, dark room at 50 to 70F (10 to 21C). Materias primas
  • 126. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storing Beverage Products • The three components critical to wine storage are temperature, light, and cork (corcho) condition. • A tremendously underutilized bottle size is a half-bottle or split, which is about half the size of the 750 ml bottle. • Generally, wines should be stored at a temperature of 50 to 65F (10 to 18C). • Heat is an enemy of effective wine storage. Materias primas
  • 127. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Storing Beverage Products • When storing wine, it should be exposed only to the minimum amount of light necessary. • The cork protects wine from its greatest enemy, oxygen. Oxidation occurs when oxygen comes in contact with bottled wine – it smells somewhat like vinegar. • Wine should always be stored in such a way that the cork remains in contact with the wine to stay moist (húmedo), usually on its side. • Storage should keep the cork, and thus the Materias primas
  • 128. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Bar Transfers • As far as sprits are concerned, nonalcoholic food products may be served as a part of the drink order and must be transferred from the kitchen to bar. • If transfers are not controlled and recorded, the restaurant’s food cost percentage will be inflated. • Total beverage cost percentage will be understated. • Likewise (asimismo), bar items may be used in the kitchen and must also be properly noted. Materias primas
  • 129. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Computing Cost of Beverages Beginning Inventory PLUS Purchases =Goods Available for Sale Less Ending Inventory no “employee meals” Less Transfers from Bar Plus Transfers to Bar = Cost of Beverage Sold Materias primas
  • 130. Formato de transferencias Fecha: del movimiento Folio: consecutivo Departamento solicitante: recibirá Departamento remitente: enviará Requerido Entregado Costo Clave Unidad Artículo Cantidad Unidad Cantidad (a) Unitario (b) Importe (aXb) kgs, lts, etc. lo requerido no. De unidades kgs, lts, etc. no. De unidades precio del kardex Total Elaboró: Vo.Bo. Autorizó Entregó Recibió responsable del Chef Gerente de AyB Encargado área Quien recibe depto. Solicitante ejecutivo remitente mercancía
  • 131. Control de Costos de Alimentos y bebidAs Special Features of Liquor Inventory • Opened containers must be counted. Three inventory methods are commonly in use to accomplish this goal. They are: 1. Weight (pesar) 2. Count (contar) 3. Measure (medir) Materias primas