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18 To 21 Persuasive Essay. >>> How to write an essay? Order on the website HelpWriting.Net <<< .
18 To 21 Persuasive Essay
Research Essay Outline
(Submitted in Week 2)
Thesis Statement: Alcohol drinking age should be raised from 18 to 21 in Australia for many
reasons. Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: Drinking alcohol at adolescents cause psychological and physical health problems.
Supporting idea #1: Alcohol weakens body
Supporting idea #2:Bad influence on brain function
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: May lead to death
Supporting idea #1:Motor accidents
Supporting idea #2: emotional + drunk = suicide
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence:
Supporting idea #1:
Supporting idea #2:
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Persuasive Essay On Ocean Pollution
Earth's oceans are dying. "About 80% of the ocean around the world is polluted with chemicals industrial and residential waste,
all of which comes from the land" ("Marine Problems..."). Pollution is mainly coming from the people. Marine pollution should
be stopped because it is the cause of many problems and if something is done about it, people will see an increase in sea life and
healthier waters. It makes its way into the ocean and kills marine life. Ocean pollution is affecting the way of fisherman and
their everyday lives. It is also very bad on the community because pollution is very bad on tourism. Ocean pollution should be
stopped because it is poorly affecting marine life, it is not good for fishermen, and is very bad on tourism. ... Show more content
on ...
Some ways that plastic enters the marine environment can be through improper waste management, intentional or accidental
dumping and littering near shorelines or at sea, or it could even be through stormwater runoff carrying them to sea. "Plastics are
used in many aspects of daily life and are a big part of our waste stream. Many plastics are colorful and will float in water,
which makes plastic debris a very visible part of the marine debris problem."(OR&R's Marine Debris)". Plastic is used by
humans everyday because it is in mostly everything. From phones to water bottles to your toothbrush. Plastic comes in many
colors and can easily seen floating on the water's surface. That means that it is even easier for fish to see and be mistaken for
food. Coral reef destruction is a big deal. There are many environmental threats on coral reefs which means they are slowly
dying. Coral reefs play a very important part in marine ecosystems. Sea creatures depend on them for protection, camouflage, as
a home, and also for food. Scientists believe this could be from natural causes like erosion, and global warming as reasons that
coral reefs die off but one of the main reasons is pollution. There are many different ways pollution can affect coral reefs. There
is a chemical in sunscreen called oxybenzone that may be contributing to the destruction of coral reefs as swimmers are trying
to protect their skin. This chemical has toxic effects on young coral that can damage their DNA,
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Best Essay Writing Service Canada - " HelpWriting.Net " .
An Act of Kindness: A Persuasive Essay
An Act of Kindness
(Order #A2071175) There is a commercial on television, I forget what for, where one person performs a small act of kindness
towards another, followed by that person helping someone else, and so on. The message here is that each act of kindness has a
ripple effect throughout society and can effect people who we do not even know exist. There is also a secondary lesson of this
commercial: eventually the acts of kindness return to the original person, indicating that kindness can be circular and if we want
to live in a society where people do nice things for one another, then it begins and ends with us. This commercial indicates that
acts of kindness are a way to improve society and an individual's overall life. With this is mind, I would like to convey an
example of how I have been able to do my part in the overall circle of kindness by aiding a stranger who's car battery had died
and needed a jump. It began on my way home one day when I was forced to stop for gas. At the gas station I was minding my
own business when a stranger approached me and asked if I had a set of jumper cables and if I could give him a jump. As a
teenager being approached by a grown man asking for help, thoughts of being kidnapped, tortured and murdered filled my
imagination. As he approached, my immediate reaction was to hope he would leave me alone and continue walking, but he did
not. Instead he came straight up to me and asked for my help. I wanted to say that I did not have a
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Essays On Community Service - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Lying Essay
Persuasive Lying Essay
People often say that honesty is the best policy. You should listen to them they know what they're talking about. Lying. In the
dictionary the definition of lying is an "intentionally told false statement" but the dictionary doesn't list the consequences of a lie
or why said false statements were used. So, I'll have to do it.
I know that no one wants to hear that they look fat or grotesque , or that the ugly sweater they gave someone for Christmas will
never see anything but the inside of a closet. We as humans believe that telling a lie will avoid unnecessary conflict. Does it
though? They also think lying could gain themselves attention. But would they want the attention after a while? Some people
also believe ... Show more content on ...
Or to you having a boyfriend or girlfriend before they think your old enough? Each parent in the world is different but they all
have some form of punishment. One other example would be lying to a teacher, someone with a position of authority in a school.
A student can lie about the reason they were late to class to the old "my dog ate my homework" excuse. This kind of lying is
very difficult for the person telling the lie, because it involves telling someone who is in a position of authority what he or she
wants to hear. The student lying doesn't tell the truth to avoid unnecessary conflict and it is studied that always telling the truth
leads to more bad than good. Another example would be those who lie to a police officer or any person related to the law. You
could tell him or her you didn't murder your algebra teacher just because you hate math but you actually did or you could be
selling drugs and telling them you aren't. If you do it once whose to say you won't do it again? These things are very serious as
well as having serious consequences. So just tell them the truth. At the very least you'll feel better without the heavy burden of
knowing that you've lied. Lying to avoid conflict will only result in an even bigger confrontation of what it could've been if you
had told the truth in the first place.
Another reason someone might lie is to gain attention. It can be from parents, strangers, and even your friends. Children. From
the day they're born
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Persuasive Essay On Agriculture
Seventeen years ago, when I was born, the world population was 6 billion. By the time I started kindergarten, the population
increased 9% to 6.6 billion. When I passed my driver's test, the population grew to 7.4 billion which is another 10.8% increase.
So it is safe to say the statistic "The population expectancy is going to reach 9.7 Billion people by the year 2050" ("United
Nations"), is more than just an over repeated prediction, it is a reality my generation will be faced with. "In one minute there are
250 children born, which correlates to one birth every eight seconds" ("Census Bureau"). Meaning the demand for agriculture is
only increasing to keep up with this growing population. Producing more food requires higher yield, precision agriculture, and
perhaps finding creative ways to grow more food in less space. One important way to ensure maximum agriculture production
is with healthy soils that are full of life.
In today's society we face many problems as a nation and as a world, from economics, to war, to famine. These issues often
cause us to overlook the most basic need: to look out for our planet's well being. Our main goal should be to conserve our
natural resources such as soil and water. Agriculture, ironically, is often one of the factors that is contributing to the destruction
of our soil and water. Farmers apply fertilizer, pesticides and many other chemicals to use on their fields. Fertilizer stimulates
soil microbes, which consume organic
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Persuasive Essay London
Chic, opulent and convenient only touch the surface of what you can expect if you stay in the Knightsbridge retail district of
London. Top dining options, unbeatable amenities and, of course, some of the best shopping in the city, will pull you towards
the area around Harvey Nichols. Harvey Nichols is a classic and historic department store. Plus, there's a french style diner on
the fifth floor called Burgers & Lobster you should visit. Here, you can take a break from shopping with a Japanese lobster roll
or a "Beast" Burger. Staying near this locale sets the stage for an incredible London experience, filled with incredible shopping
opportunities, including at the famous Harrods. Centrally located– only minutes away from a tube stop and filled
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Essay Writing Services Singapore - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Essay On Gun Laws
Guns laws in America are one of the most controversial topics today that are dividing many U.S. citizens. Many people are
ignorant to what new gun laws will enforce and what statistical data shows about gun violence. Future Gun laws will be used to
control guns in America, making it restricted to own and buy weapons. Although some people say that stricter gun laws will
protect people more than concealed carry laws, the reality is that concealed carry laws allow individuals to better defend
themselves and their families.
There are many types of gun laws in America, one of the most important is the right to conceal carry. The law states that the,
"...bill amends the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed
handgun in another state that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms."(public law). The reason this law is so important is
it gives the citizen the right to defend his or her self and family from attackers in public. Many people think that the police will
arrive and stop a lone gunman but the truth is that, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a
gun,''( LaPierre) said Wayne LaPierre, a top executive at the NRA. Although some people say guns laws help America recent
studies find that gun laws actually do nothing to help stop the flow of buying, selling, and carrying guns.
Many people think that gun control laws pushed by the Democratic Party will help reduce the amount of guns bought, this a very
big misconception. The gun laws that are in effect now require a background check and age requirement, but according to Junior
Scholastic there are,"major holes in it. Perhaps the biggest is that many small –scale sellers, who claim to be "hobbyists," aren't
required to conduct background checks" this example shows that nearly anyone can buy a gun and do not have to have a
background check. Another reason why gun control does not work is that,"A criminal could also resort to a method other than a
firearm "(NRA). Before this great country was created men used swords, axes, daggers, bows and many other types of weapons
to inflict terror, murder, and other horrid acts. The guns and other weapons are not what kill
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Law School Essay Editing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Essay On Gender Equality
We all as human beings deserve gender equality, equal rights and we need to be unified as one. What I mean by that is, it is too
much hate already going on in this world and we do not need anymore of it. We all need to love and respect each other no
matter what. No matter race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed or ethnicity we, all need to love one another like brothers
and sisters. If you do not agree with who a person chooses to be, the least you can do is respect their decision. Women and men
should be treated equally as well. If they are in the same work place they should be getting equal pay. We all bleed the same, so
their should not be a reason to be treated differently from each other. Over, the years woman and men had very different roles to
play in society. Women in the past were expected to cook and clean and take care of the children, while men would go to work
bring home the money and discipline the children. Now "Women have virtually all professional and social roles, including those
once dominated by men, and men have taken on many roles, such as raising a child, that were formerly occupied mostly by
women"(Living With Diversity 9.2). Roles have been switched in the this society of men and women working. Women and men
should be allowed to work in whichever workforce that they choose. No one should be afraid to say what they want to
accomplish in the future. If a woman wants to be a firefighter she should be able to do that without anyones remarks. It
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English Literature Essay Help - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Essay On LGBT
Olabode Adimula
LLA 201
Essay Assignment #2 The LGBT community in the United States has always had massive difficulty fitting into our society. For
many years they put up with constant mistreatment and other forms of abuse coming from the those who do not agree with their
lifestyle. They have for long advocated for the acceptance of their existence and punishment for crimes committed against them.
One of the hardest battles the community has had to face was the right to marry in a society that still holds the values of a
traditional relationship which is between a male and female. The struggle was quite harsh but it all paid off by 2015 when the
supreme court granted gay couples the right to marry. This historical decision did not go without outcry and criticisms. Most of
the dissatisfaction came from those who hold very religious values and beliefs that claims homosexuality is a sin. Religion has
always been a part of the American way of life since the nation's founding and with that homosexuality has been demonized
throughout our society. Now that gay couple possess the legal rights to have a marriage license, religious companies and/or
stores are now denying service to LGBT couples as they believe it sinful on their behalf to even take part. Many people gay or
straight who fought for gay rights believe these is pure discrimination and that stores should not have the right to deny service
for any customer for any reason. However, this belief is unconstitutional and goes
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Custom Essays Toronto - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Your junior year, when all of the adults are asking the same question, "What college are you going to?" Fast forward to your
senior year and college applications are due. It seems as if all that is expected of highschoolers is to go to college. Four, or more,
years of torcherous education that you are "supposed" to want. However, college is more that that. Along with monetary benefits
such as a superior job and lower unemployment rates, college is an opportunity to learn more about the world and yourself.
College is a profitable choice because even though it might not seem like it in the beginning, college helps with securing a
better job. According to How College Shapes Lives: Understanding the Issues, from , the text
states that, "In 2011, median earnings for 35– to 44–year– olds working full time who's highest degree was a bachelor's degree
were $62,700, compared to $34,900 for high schools graduates (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011; calculations by the authors)." It is
disclosed that these workers have a gap of $27,800 in their annual pay, just because of their education level. All of that money
can be used to pay off loans, debts, pay for a house, car, and even be used to your freewill, like traveling or treats. Additionally,
in The (Non– Monetary) Values of a College Degree, Elia Powers writes, "More than 66 percent of full– time employers with at
least a bachelor's degree have access to pension plans, while only 53 percent of high school
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Persuasive Essay On Suicide
In today's society, suicide can be a multifaceted issue, sometimes an act of heroism, selfishness, love, or a brave choice. I am
arguing against suicide because it is not a solution to a problem, it should not even be included as an option. Suicide is simply
defined as "the deliberate taking of one's own life, usually the result of a psychiatric disorder, although sometimes deliberated
in the face of life –threatening physical illness, significant interpersonal stress, or when under the influence of one or more
substances of abuse" (Piotrowski). This topic interests me because of the fact that the rates are increasing year after year and it
can happen to someone close to me at any moment. This topic should interest you too because someone close to you can show
warning signs, which can be subtle or more discernible. Also if you are reading this as a parent, you should know "suicide is
the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of ten and fourteen, and it is the second leading cause of death for
those ages fifteen to thirty –four" (Goff). Yet the factors that play into a someone's decision is anything but simple. The most
obvious and severe effect of suicide is the loss of a meaningful, valuable human life. "In the United States in 2013, according
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41,149 individuals committed suicide and approximately 494,169
received medical treatment for self– inflicted injuries. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported an estimated 800,000
suicides worldwide in 2016, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among fifteen – to twenty– nine–year –olds
worldwide. Women attempt suicide more often than men, but men complete suicide more often than women because men tend
to use more lethal means, such as a firearm" (Piotrowski). With suicide rates on a continuous rise in America, society must ask
what can be done to save lives.
The main argument against suicide is that it is selfish, which is true. By you killing yourself, it causes a lot of pain to those left
behind, like your family, loved ones, friends, etc. They tend to blame themselves for your death. Even if you feel like nobody
in the whole world cares about you, you are wrong. When you think
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Argumentative Essay Help - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Essay On Internet Privacy
In today's world, our activities are mostly dependent on internet. In our daily life we browse many websites for our different
activities. Mostly we use Google as a search engine for browsing various webpage. It works as a web crawling which visits and
read the pages and store the information in its index. According to Google's Privacy Policy, it uses cookies for improving user
experience and provides user with services and advertising. So when we visit a site which we had visited before, our browser
automatically sends the original stored cookie. By doing this, website remembers our computer and track our online activities.
That means it stores our personal information without our permission which is a privacy issue for us. Because we don't know
what they do with our information, where they sell these etc. So many of us don't want that Google remember our information
without our consent.
II.RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN DEFINITION The right to be forgotten is an rising legal concept. People demand to remove
certain information by the internet search engines and thus control their online activities. Judges in Argentina, European Court
of Justice and some European data protection regulators have supported this right. After many debates, European Union has a
new law on data privacy where "Right to be forgotten" is a key concept. If a person requests to delete his or her data then all his
or her old, inaccurate or irrelevant data should be taken out of search
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Persuasive Essay On Vacations
Most of the people take a vacation because they want to take a break from their routine life. Last summer, my husband I desired
to take a break from our exhausted life. We started digging website for the place for a vacation. My kids want to go to Pakistan
as usual yet I wanted to discover new county. I was bored of visiting Pakistan repeatedly. Although it always good to meet
families and friends, this time I want to discover something new.Since I hate surprises so I made sure I plan vacation ahead of
time. Planning and organizing the vacation reduces the chances of my mood swings. So, I started browsing for exotic vacation
places and started gathering the information of Australia, Bank Kok, South Africa and New Zealand. The information we had
gathered for our vacation destinations were weather forecast, events, and places of attraction. My preference was ocean and my
husband wanted to do scuba diving so, after gathering all the information about our interesting destination, it wasn't easy to opt
out any one of them. After weeks of argument, we had resolved the issue and decided to visit the place which I had chosen.
Australia was a place which I always aim to visit. Staggering seascape and spectacular beauty of Australia are the main
attraction for visitors. Since we are USA citizen we don't need to obtain a visa to enter in Australia; however, we do require to
obtain Electronic Travel Authority(ETA) which can be obtained online after paying $20.Excursion to Australia was well
planned from having an adequate amount of money, getting the car from the airport to booking the hotel online. We departed
from Chicago (ORD) to Australia (SYD)and collected the hire car from Sydney Airport and with the help of our GPS, we
reached to our hotel. The weather was extremely pleasant as compared to Chicago, we didn't need to wear jacket throughout our
whole trip. The next day we visited Opera House which was shaped like a huge shell, we had a lunch there and took a tour of
that huge building. Australia has all unique thing animals, historical places, ocean, forests, and deserts. Our next destination
was Great Barrier Reef we decided to go by road Great
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Persuasive Essay On Online School
Should online school continue? What is so wonderful that it presents? So many students are turning to digital courses for their
education, leaving many people frazzled, chin rubbing, blatantly seeking why? As shown through a recent study conducted in
early 2016, one in four students take an online course, and the numbers are increasing. Online schools are growing in popularity,
causing numerous amounts of schools to turn to internet– based courses. Why? Despite how some may argue that it's harder for
students to receive help and more challenging, in an online school , students are taught how to have self reliance, be their own
cheerleader and they present a larger variety of options to learn from. Via this, online schooling is an effective system and
should continue. To launch off, there will always be people who argue that it's harder for students to work with an online
school."Online schooling will always have it's critics." (Barker); regardless, this doesn't mean that it's a terrible– death at every
corner –curriculum. Similar to any movie, many people will enjoy or love it well others ferociously abhor it– there is no
in– between. Furthermore, online school is an effective system through the easy access (teachers are online, other sources for
help, it can be mobile, etc.) for it's students as well as the seemingly unlimited sources of knowledge. Since it is taught online,
the teachers have more data to work with that public school's do not. This gives the teachers a chance
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Persuasive Essay On Save Water
Water is something no one can live without. In fact, human bodies are about sixty– five percent water. Therefore, water
conservation is a project everyone should be willing to participate in. Specifically, in the Logan, Utah area, water conservation
is an important topic, as the citizens use water every day. "In an interview with The Herald Journal, USU sociology professor
Douglas Jackson –Smith said the city's water concerns have the potential to increase, based on Logan's anticipated population
growth by 2050" (Peikes). There is a growing concern about the amount of water the city will have or be able to produce for the
growing population. Although it is important that each citizen is staying hydrated and being hygienic, people do not need to use
so much water in doing so. Many people have cut back on watering their lawns, or started to take shorter showers, but there are
more options to choose from and ways to conserve water. This problem is solvable, if only more people would participate and
take steps to conserve water.
First, the citizens of Logan, Utah should act in conserving the water supply in Logan for now and for the future. The actions
they can take are simple, and come down to the basic rule "stop using so much/ wasting water". Each individual resident can
take steps to conserve water within their homes. That is usually the easy part. The hard part about conserving water is getting
businesses and the city itself to conserve water. Businesses waste a substantial
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Persuasive Essay About Pizza
Did you know that in America, we consume about 251,770,000 pounds of pizza in a year? Approximately three billion pizzas
are sold each year in the U.S. alone. Of course, ordering pizza from your favorite restaurant is not the only way to enjoy the
culinary staple. Many people choose to make their own pizza in the comfort of their own kitchen. Making your own pizza is a
healthier and more affordable option for most people, so I feel it is important to share the process of how to prepare a
homemade pizza. The very first step of the process is to purchase or gather your ingredients. Some of the things needed would
be toppings, cheese, sauce, and either prepared dough or ingredients to make dough. During this step, it is important to keep
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To put on the sauce you should put small amounts on at a time until you have enough. You can always put more on, but you
cannot take it back off. I suggest using a spoon or spatula to spread the sauce rather than a knife, because a knife tends to get
caught in the dough. After the sauce comes the cheese. This is my favorite part of the pizza. There are many options when it
comes to the cheese because you can create different combinations of textures and taste by using more than one type. It is
easiest to use either shredded cheese so that you can simply sprinkle it over the pizza, or a block of cheese so that you can slice
or shred it onto the pizza. The next step is probably the most fun. Putting on the toppings. This is the part where you really get
your money's worth. Most pizza chains are stingy with their ingredients so you do not get a lot of toppings for what you pay. At
home, you can put as much or as little of something as you want and you know that it is being prepares the way you want it to
be. The most common ingredient among Americans is pepperoni, but do not be afraid to try new flavor combinations. One of
the key toppings to include is the seasoning. It is not required, but it will make quite the difference in the flavor of your pizza. I
like to use Garlic and butter on the crust of my pizza so it will have flavor. Spices like Oregano and Basil are delicious options
too. Part of the fun in making pizza at home is that everyone
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Admission Essay Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " .
Persuasive Essay
"Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay and present it to the class in a week. You will be graded based on how
convincing it is. Today we will be choosing topics," announced Mr. Bowerbank, my 7th grade English teacher and ruler of
classroom 110. My class simultaneously groaned at the prospect of work. I simply lifted my head with intrigue as it was already
May and about time we had our first essay. He then proceeded to give examples of topics we could choose and gave us some
time to think before we had to tell him our topic. My classmates were already rushing to tell the teacher their idea lest someone
else steal it. That meant the usual abortion, death penalty, or drug use topics were out. I really couldn't think of anything and the
teacher was slowly making his way through the remaining students like an executioner beheading criminals in a line. I have
always thought that he would make a marvelous supervillain if he had a curly mustache, a tophat, and a cape. Eventually my
name was called. I slowly dragged myself over to his desk. Even sitting down, he still seemed to tower over me. "What is your
topic Cindy?" As usual in such desperate times, my mind turned to food. "Waffles are better than pancakes." I figured that a
waffle was just a differently shaped pancake with a nicer texture. "Hmm. Excellent topic. I look forward to your essay!" I
survived to live yet another day. As I walked to lunch, I went around and asked everyone the age old question: "Do you like
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Persuasive Speech On Animal Rights
Do animals have the right to a certain quality of life? How would your views change if our cooks got treated the same way cattle
and poultry do? How would you feel about them being beaten and brought to their knees just to be detained to know how to cook
todays specials? You might think that the food industry has no issues and no faults behind their tasty food, but when you open up
the meat curtain, there is a different kind of world out there that is cruel and inhumane. In Robert Kenner's 2008 film, Food, Inc.,
He shows the conditions that cows, chickens, and pigs have to live in. The dark and closeted homes in which the animals are
closely compacted together and eating, sleeping, and walking in their own manure. As a person who would consider themselves
an animal rights activist, most people would agree that the food industry treats their animals like products instead of living things.
Let's take chicken farming as an example. Chickens are injected with growth hormones to make their breasts bigger for human
consumption. The film showed chickens that were abnormally large. These modified chickens can only walk a few steps before
having to sit back down because they can't carry their own weight for too long. Some farmers will recycle the dead carcasses of
the animals into the feed for herbivores on the farm. So plant eating animals will be eating the meat of a dead carcass. Animals
could get sick or contract a disease from the dead animals. This infection would soon get
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Persuasive Essay On Dogs
Dogs are man's best friend, except when they drive you crazy, like creating a mess in your house and barking excessively.
Speaking of excessive barking, nothing can be more annoying that a dog that barks as if there's no tomorrow –– much more
when you are about to sleep –– and that offending dog happens to be your neighbor's pet .
Dealing with a neighbor's noisy pet
Handling this noisy situation can be quite hard especially if they are owned by your friendly and well–loved neighbors, or you
don't want any kind of confrontations yourself. So, how are you going to deal with this problem without sounding like an
arrogant and insensitive human being?
Mary Randolph, a former attorney and author of Every Dog's Legal Guide: A Must–Have Book for ... Show more content on ...
This way, the two parties can better understand the issue and better resolved in person.
Another reason why your neighbor's dog is constantly barking is because of what it sees outside –– including you. Because
dogs are naturally territorial, it is understandable that they would bark on someone or something that may seem to offend them.
In this case, you can consider putting up a fence screen, or plant some trees or shrubs between you and your neighbor's property.
You can also make the first move if you are used to handling dogs. Jen DeHaan, founder of and a dog trainer
suggests making friends with the dog. Ask your neighbor if you can meet their dog and get to know their pet so that the later
will get used to your presence and your scent. You can also suggest to your neighbor to bring their pet to your yard for it to be
familiarized with it. You can also give treats to their dog, as long as you ask permission to give one, of course.
What if YOUR dog is the offender?
When someone complains to you about your noisy pet, the first thing that may come into mind is to get defensive and get
offended as if you are thought of as an irresponsible pet owner.
First of all, don't get offended nor place yourself into defensive mode, or risk having hostility issues with your neighbor. After
all, your neighbor is most probably just telling the truth, even if it does hurt.
Instead of getting too emotional out of
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  • 1. 18 To 21 Persuasive Essay. >>> How to write an essay? Order on the website HelpWriting.Net <<< . 18 To 21 Persuasive Essay Research Essay Outline (Submitted in Week 2) Thesis Statement: Alcohol drinking age should be raised from 18 to 21 in Australia for many reasons. Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: Drinking alcohol at adolescents cause psychological and physical health problems. Supporting idea #1: Alcohol weakens body Evidence: Result: Supporting idea #2:Bad influence on brain function Evidence: Result: Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence: May lead to death Supporting idea #1:Motor accidents Evidence: Result: Supporting idea #2: emotional + drunk = suicide
  • 2. Evidence: Result: Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence: Supporting idea #1: Evidence: Result: Supporting idea #2: Evidence: Result: >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 3. Write My Essay Website - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Ocean Pollution Earth's oceans are dying. "About 80% of the ocean around the world is polluted with chemicals industrial and residential waste, all of which comes from the land" ("Marine Problems..."). Pollution is mainly coming from the people. Marine pollution should be stopped because it is the cause of many problems and if something is done about it, people will see an increase in sea life and healthier waters. It makes its way into the ocean and kills marine life. Ocean pollution is affecting the way of fisherman and their everyday lives. It is also very bad on the community because pollution is very bad on tourism. Ocean pollution should be stopped because it is poorly affecting marine life, it is not good for fishermen, and is very bad on tourism. ... Show more content on ... Some ways that plastic enters the marine environment can be through improper waste management, intentional or accidental dumping and littering near shorelines or at sea, or it could even be through stormwater runoff carrying them to sea. "Plastics are used in many aspects of daily life and are a big part of our waste stream. Many plastics are colorful and will float in water, which makes plastic debris a very visible part of the marine debris problem."(OR&R's Marine Debris)". Plastic is used by humans everyday because it is in mostly everything. From phones to water bottles to your toothbrush. Plastic comes in many colors and can easily seen floating on the water's surface. That means that it is even easier for fish to see and be mistaken for food. Coral reef destruction is a big deal. There are many environmental threats on coral reefs which means they are slowly dying. Coral reefs play a very important part in marine ecosystems. Sea creatures depend on them for protection, camouflage, as a home, and also for food. Scientists believe this could be from natural causes like erosion, and global warming as reasons that coral reefs die off but one of the main reasons is pollution. There are many different ways pollution can affect coral reefs. There is a chemical in sunscreen called oxybenzone that may be contributing to the destruction of coral reefs as swimmers are trying to protect their skin. This chemical has toxic effects on young coral that can damage their DNA, >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 4. Best Essay Writing Service Canada - " HelpWriting.Net " . An Act of Kindness: A Persuasive Essay An Act of Kindness (Order #A2071175) There is a commercial on television, I forget what for, where one person performs a small act of kindness towards another, followed by that person helping someone else, and so on. The message here is that each act of kindness has a ripple effect throughout society and can effect people who we do not even know exist. There is also a secondary lesson of this commercial: eventually the acts of kindness return to the original person, indicating that kindness can be circular and if we want to live in a society where people do nice things for one another, then it begins and ends with us. This commercial indicates that acts of kindness are a way to improve society and an individual's overall life. With this is mind, I would like to convey an example of how I have been able to do my part in the overall circle of kindness by aiding a stranger who's car battery had died and needed a jump. It began on my way home one day when I was forced to stop for gas. At the gas station I was minding my own business when a stranger approached me and asked if I had a set of jumper cables and if I could give him a jump. As a teenager being approached by a grown man asking for help, thoughts of being kidnapped, tortured and murdered filled my imagination. As he approached, my immediate reaction was to hope he would leave me alone and continue walking, but he did not. Instead he came straight up to me and asked for my help. I wanted to say that I did not have a >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 5. Essays On Community Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Lying Essay Persuasive Lying Essay People often say that honesty is the best policy. You should listen to them they know what they're talking about. Lying. In the dictionary the definition of lying is an "intentionally told false statement" but the dictionary doesn't list the consequences of a lie or why said false statements were used. So, I'll have to do it. I know that no one wants to hear that they look fat or grotesque , or that the ugly sweater they gave someone for Christmas will never see anything but the inside of a closet. We as humans believe that telling a lie will avoid unnecessary conflict. Does it though? They also think lying could gain themselves attention. But would they want the attention after a while? Some people also believe ... Show more content on ... Or to you having a boyfriend or girlfriend before they think your old enough? Each parent in the world is different but they all have some form of punishment. One other example would be lying to a teacher, someone with a position of authority in a school. A student can lie about the reason they were late to class to the old "my dog ate my homework" excuse. This kind of lying is very difficult for the person telling the lie, because it involves telling someone who is in a position of authority what he or she wants to hear. The student lying doesn't tell the truth to avoid unnecessary conflict and it is studied that always telling the truth leads to more bad than good. Another example would be those who lie to a police officer or any person related to the law. You could tell him or her you didn't murder your algebra teacher just because you hate math but you actually did or you could be selling drugs and telling them you aren't. If you do it once whose to say you won't do it again? These things are very serious as well as having serious consequences. So just tell them the truth. At the very least you'll feel better without the heavy burden of knowing that you've lied. Lying to avoid conflict will only result in an even bigger confrontation of what it could've been if you had told the truth in the first place. Another reason someone might lie is to gain attention. It can be from parents, strangers, and even your friends. Children. From the day they're born >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 6. Buy Cheap Essays Online - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Agriculture Seventeen years ago, when I was born, the world population was 6 billion. By the time I started kindergarten, the population increased 9% to 6.6 billion. When I passed my driver's test, the population grew to 7.4 billion which is another 10.8% increase. So it is safe to say the statistic "The population expectancy is going to reach 9.7 Billion people by the year 2050" ("United Nations"), is more than just an over repeated prediction, it is a reality my generation will be faced with. "In one minute there are 250 children born, which correlates to one birth every eight seconds" ("Census Bureau"). Meaning the demand for agriculture is only increasing to keep up with this growing population. Producing more food requires higher yield, precision agriculture, and perhaps finding creative ways to grow more food in less space. One important way to ensure maximum agriculture production is with healthy soils that are full of life. In today's society we face many problems as a nation and as a world, from economics, to war, to famine. These issues often cause us to overlook the most basic need: to look out for our planet's well being. Our main goal should be to conserve our natural resources such as soil and water. Agriculture, ironically, is often one of the factors that is contributing to the destruction of our soil and water. Farmers apply fertilizer, pesticides and many other chemicals to use on their fields. Fertilizer stimulates soil microbes, which consume organic >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 7. Custom Essay - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay London Chic, opulent and convenient only touch the surface of what you can expect if you stay in the Knightsbridge retail district of London. Top dining options, unbeatable amenities and, of course, some of the best shopping in the city, will pull you towards the area around Harvey Nichols. Harvey Nichols is a classic and historic department store. Plus, there's a french style diner on the fifth floor called Burgers & Lobster you should visit. Here, you can take a break from shopping with a Japanese lobster roll or a "Beast" Burger. Staying near this locale sets the stage for an incredible London experience, filled with incredible shopping opportunities, including at the famous Harrods. Centrally located– only minutes away from a tube stop and filled >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 8. Essay Writing Services Singapore - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Gun Laws Guns laws in America are one of the most controversial topics today that are dividing many U.S. citizens. Many people are ignorant to what new gun laws will enforce and what statistical data shows about gun violence. Future Gun laws will be used to control guns in America, making it restricted to own and buy weapons. Although some people say that stricter gun laws will protect people more than concealed carry laws, the reality is that concealed carry laws allow individuals to better defend themselves and their families. There are many types of gun laws in America, one of the most important is the right to conceal carry. The law states that the, "...bill amends the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms."(public law). The reason this law is so important is it gives the citizen the right to defend his or her self and family from attackers in public. Many people think that the police will arrive and stop a lone gunman but the truth is that, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,''( LaPierre) said Wayne LaPierre, a top executive at the NRA. Although some people say guns laws help America recent studies find that gun laws actually do nothing to help stop the flow of buying, selling, and carrying guns. Many people think that gun control laws pushed by the Democratic Party will help reduce the amount of guns bought, this a very big misconception. The gun laws that are in effect now require a background check and age requirement, but according to Junior Scholastic there are,"major holes in it. Perhaps the biggest is that many small –scale sellers, who claim to be "hobbyists," aren't required to conduct background checks" this example shows that nearly anyone can buy a gun and do not have to have a background check. Another reason why gun control does not work is that,"A criminal could also resort to a method other than a firearm "(NRA). Before this great country was created men used swords, axes, daggers, bows and many other types of weapons to inflict terror, murder, and other horrid acts. The guns and other weapons are not what kill >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 9. Law School Essay Editing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Gender Equality We all as human beings deserve gender equality, equal rights and we need to be unified as one. What I mean by that is, it is too much hate already going on in this world and we do not need anymore of it. We all need to love and respect each other no matter what. No matter race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed or ethnicity we, all need to love one another like brothers and sisters. If you do not agree with who a person chooses to be, the least you can do is respect their decision. Women and men should be treated equally as well. If they are in the same work place they should be getting equal pay. We all bleed the same, so their should not be a reason to be treated differently from each other. Over, the years woman and men had very different roles to play in society. Women in the past were expected to cook and clean and take care of the children, while men would go to work bring home the money and discipline the children. Now "Women have virtually all professional and social roles, including those once dominated by men, and men have taken on many roles, such as raising a child, that were formerly occupied mostly by women"(Living With Diversity 9.2). Roles have been switched in the this society of men and women working. Women and men should be allowed to work in whichever workforce that they choose. No one should be afraid to say what they want to accomplish in the future. If a woman wants to be a firefighter she should be able to do that without anyones remarks. It >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 10. English Literature Essay Help - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On LGBT Olabode Adimula LLA 201 Essay Assignment #2 The LGBT community in the United States has always had massive difficulty fitting into our society. For many years they put up with constant mistreatment and other forms of abuse coming from the those who do not agree with their lifestyle. They have for long advocated for the acceptance of their existence and punishment for crimes committed against them. One of the hardest battles the community has had to face was the right to marry in a society that still holds the values of a traditional relationship which is between a male and female. The struggle was quite harsh but it all paid off by 2015 when the supreme court granted gay couples the right to marry. This historical decision did not go without outcry and criticisms. Most of the dissatisfaction came from those who hold very religious values and beliefs that claims homosexuality is a sin. Religion has always been a part of the American way of life since the nation's founding and with that homosexuality has been demonized throughout our society. Now that gay couple possess the legal rights to have a marriage license, religious companies and/or stores are now denying service to LGBT couples as they believe it sinful on their behalf to even take part. Many people gay or straight who fought for gay rights believe these is pure discrimination and that stores should not have the right to deny service for any customer for any reason. However, this belief is unconstitutional and goes >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 11. Custom Essays Toronto - " HelpWriting.Net " . Your junior year, when all of the adults are asking the same question, "What college are you going to?" Fast forward to your senior year and college applications are due. It seems as if all that is expected of highschoolers is to go to college. Four, or more, years of torcherous education that you are "supposed" to want. However, college is more that that. Along with monetary benefits such as a superior job and lower unemployment rates, college is an opportunity to learn more about the world and yourself. College is a profitable choice because even though it might not seem like it in the beginning, college helps with securing a better job. According to How College Shapes Lives: Understanding the Issues, from , the text states that, "In 2011, median earnings for 35– to 44–year– olds working full time who's highest degree was a bachelor's degree were $62,700, compared to $34,900 for high schools graduates (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011; calculations by the authors)." It is disclosed that these workers have a gap of $27,800 in their annual pay, just because of their education level. All of that money can be used to pay off loans, debts, pay for a house, car, and even be used to your freewill, like traveling or treats. Additionally, in The (Non– Monetary) Values of a College Degree, Elia Powers writes, "More than 66 percent of full– time employers with at least a bachelor's degree have access to pension plans, while only 53 percent of high school >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 12. Custom Essay Writing Service Toronto - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Suicide In today's society, suicide can be a multifaceted issue, sometimes an act of heroism, selfishness, love, or a brave choice. I am arguing against suicide because it is not a solution to a problem, it should not even be included as an option. Suicide is simply defined as "the deliberate taking of one's own life, usually the result of a psychiatric disorder, although sometimes deliberated in the face of life –threatening physical illness, significant interpersonal stress, or when under the influence of one or more substances of abuse" (Piotrowski). This topic interests me because of the fact that the rates are increasing year after year and it can happen to someone close to me at any moment. This topic should interest you too because someone close to you can show warning signs, which can be subtle or more discernible. Also if you are reading this as a parent, you should know "suicide is the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of ten and fourteen, and it is the second leading cause of death for those ages fifteen to thirty –four" (Goff). Yet the factors that play into a someone's decision is anything but simple. The most obvious and severe effect of suicide is the loss of a meaningful, valuable human life. "In the United States in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41,149 individuals committed suicide and approximately 494,169 received medical treatment for self– inflicted injuries. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported an estimated 800,000 suicides worldwide in 2016, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among fifteen – to twenty– nine–year –olds worldwide. Women attempt suicide more often than men, but men complete suicide more often than women because men tend to use more lethal means, such as a firearm" (Piotrowski). With suicide rates on a continuous rise in America, society must ask what can be done to save lives. The main argument against suicide is that it is selfish, which is true. By you killing yourself, it causes a lot of pain to those left behind, like your family, loved ones, friends, etc. They tend to blame themselves for your death. Even if you feel like nobody in the whole world cares about you, you are wrong. When you think >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 13. Argumentative Essay Help - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Internet Privacy I.INTRODUCTION In today's world, our activities are mostly dependent on internet. In our daily life we browse many websites for our different activities. Mostly we use Google as a search engine for browsing various webpage. It works as a web crawling which visits and read the pages and store the information in its index. According to Google's Privacy Policy, it uses cookies for improving user experience and provides user with services and advertising. So when we visit a site which we had visited before, our browser automatically sends the original stored cookie. By doing this, website remembers our computer and track our online activities. That means it stores our personal information without our permission which is a privacy issue for us. Because we don't know what they do with our information, where they sell these etc. So many of us don't want that Google remember our information without our consent. II.RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN DEFINITION The right to be forgotten is an rising legal concept. People demand to remove certain information by the internet search engines and thus control their online activities. Judges in Argentina, European Court of Justice and some European data protection regulators have supported this right. After many debates, European Union has a new law on data privacy where "Right to be forgotten" is a key concept. If a person requests to delete his or her data then all his or her old, inaccurate or irrelevant data should be taken out of search >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 14. Cheap Custom Essay Writing Services - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Vacations Most of the people take a vacation because they want to take a break from their routine life. Last summer, my husband I desired to take a break from our exhausted life. We started digging website for the place for a vacation. My kids want to go to Pakistan as usual yet I wanted to discover new county. I was bored of visiting Pakistan repeatedly. Although it always good to meet families and friends, this time I want to discover something new.Since I hate surprises so I made sure I plan vacation ahead of time. Planning and organizing the vacation reduces the chances of my mood swings. So, I started browsing for exotic vacation places and started gathering the information of Australia, Bank Kok, South Africa and New Zealand. The information we had gathered for our vacation destinations were weather forecast, events, and places of attraction. My preference was ocean and my husband wanted to do scuba diving so, after gathering all the information about our interesting destination, it wasn't easy to opt out any one of them. After weeks of argument, we had resolved the issue and decided to visit the place which I had chosen. Australia was a place which I always aim to visit. Staggering seascape and spectacular beauty of Australia are the main attraction for visitors. Since we are USA citizen we don't need to obtain a visa to enter in Australia; however, we do require to obtain Electronic Travel Authority(ETA) which can be obtained online after paying $20.Excursion to Australia was well planned from having an adequate amount of money, getting the car from the airport to booking the hotel online. We departed from Chicago (ORD) to Australia (SYD)and collected the hire car from Sydney Airport and with the help of our GPS, we reached to our hotel. The weather was extremely pleasant as compared to Chicago, we didn't need to wear jacket throughout our whole trip. The next day we visited Opera House which was shaped like a huge shell, we had a lunch there and took a tour of that huge building. Australia has all unique thing animals, historical places, ocean, forests, and deserts. Our next destination was Great Barrier Reef we decided to go by road Great >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 15. Reliable Essay Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Online School Should online school continue? What is so wonderful that it presents? So many students are turning to digital courses for their education, leaving many people frazzled, chin rubbing, blatantly seeking why? As shown through a recent study conducted in early 2016, one in four students take an online course, and the numbers are increasing. Online schools are growing in popularity, causing numerous amounts of schools to turn to internet– based courses. Why? Despite how some may argue that it's harder for students to receive help and more challenging, in an online school , students are taught how to have self reliance, be their own cheerleader and they present a larger variety of options to learn from. Via this, online schooling is an effective system and should continue. To launch off, there will always be people who argue that it's harder for students to work with an online school."Online schooling will always have it's critics." (Barker); regardless, this doesn't mean that it's a terrible– death at every corner –curriculum. Similar to any movie, many people will enjoy or love it well others ferociously abhor it– there is no in– between. Furthermore, online school is an effective system through the easy access (teachers are online, other sources for help, it can be mobile, etc.) for it's students as well as the seemingly unlimited sources of knowledge. Since it is taught online, the teachers have more data to work with that public school's do not. This gives the teachers a chance >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 16. Best Article Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Save Water Water is something no one can live without. In fact, human bodies are about sixty– five percent water. Therefore, water conservation is a project everyone should be willing to participate in. Specifically, in the Logan, Utah area, water conservation is an important topic, as the citizens use water every day. "In an interview with The Herald Journal, USU sociology professor Douglas Jackson –Smith said the city's water concerns have the potential to increase, based on Logan's anticipated population growth by 2050" (Peikes). There is a growing concern about the amount of water the city will have or be able to produce for the growing population. Although it is important that each citizen is staying hydrated and being hygienic, people do not need to use so much water in doing so. Many people have cut back on watering their lawns, or started to take shorter showers, but there are more options to choose from and ways to conserve water. This problem is solvable, if only more people would participate and take steps to conserve water. First, the citizens of Logan, Utah should act in conserving the water supply in Logan for now and for the future. The actions they can take are simple, and come down to the basic rule "stop using so much/ wasting water". Each individual resident can take steps to conserve water within their homes. That is usually the easy part. The hard part about conserving water is getting businesses and the city itself to conserve water. Businesses waste a substantial >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 17. Best Essay Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay About Pizza Did you know that in America, we consume about 251,770,000 pounds of pizza in a year? Approximately three billion pizzas are sold each year in the U.S. alone. Of course, ordering pizza from your favorite restaurant is not the only way to enjoy the culinary staple. Many people choose to make their own pizza in the comfort of their own kitchen. Making your own pizza is a healthier and more affordable option for most people, so I feel it is important to share the process of how to prepare a homemade pizza. The very first step of the process is to purchase or gather your ingredients. Some of the things needed would be toppings, cheese, sauce, and either prepared dough or ingredients to make dough. During this step, it is important to keep in ... Show more content on ... To put on the sauce you should put small amounts on at a time until you have enough. You can always put more on, but you cannot take it back off. I suggest using a spoon or spatula to spread the sauce rather than a knife, because a knife tends to get caught in the dough. After the sauce comes the cheese. This is my favorite part of the pizza. There are many options when it comes to the cheese because you can create different combinations of textures and taste by using more than one type. It is easiest to use either shredded cheese so that you can simply sprinkle it over the pizza, or a block of cheese so that you can slice or shred it onto the pizza. The next step is probably the most fun. Putting on the toppings. This is the part where you really get your money's worth. Most pizza chains are stingy with their ingredients so you do not get a lot of toppings for what you pay. At home, you can put as much or as little of something as you want and you know that it is being prepares the way you want it to be. The most common ingredient among Americans is pepperoni, but do not be afraid to try new flavor combinations. One of the key toppings to include is the seasoning. It is not required, but it will make quite the difference in the flavor of your pizza. I like to use Garlic and butter on the crust of my pizza so it will have flavor. Spices like Oregano and Basil are delicious options too. Part of the fun in making pizza at home is that everyone >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 18. Admission Essay Writing Service - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay "Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay and present it to the class in a week. You will be graded based on how convincing it is. Today we will be choosing topics," announced Mr. Bowerbank, my 7th grade English teacher and ruler of classroom 110. My class simultaneously groaned at the prospect of work. I simply lifted my head with intrigue as it was already May and about time we had our first essay. He then proceeded to give examples of topics we could choose and gave us some time to think before we had to tell him our topic. My classmates were already rushing to tell the teacher their idea lest someone else steal it. That meant the usual abortion, death penalty, or drug use topics were out. I really couldn't think of anything and the teacher was slowly making his way through the remaining students like an executioner beheading criminals in a line. I have always thought that he would make a marvelous supervillain if he had a curly mustache, a tophat, and a cape. Eventually my name was called. I slowly dragged myself over to his desk. Even sitting down, he still seemed to tower over me. "What is your topic Cindy?" As usual in such desperate times, my mind turned to food. "Waffles are better than pancakes." I figured that a waffle was just a differently shaped pancake with a nicer texture. "Hmm. Excellent topic. I look forward to your essay!" I survived to live yet another day. As I walked to lunch, I went around and asked everyone the age old question: "Do you like >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 19. Personal Statement Essay Help - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Speech On Animal Rights Do animals have the right to a certain quality of life? How would your views change if our cooks got treated the same way cattle and poultry do? How would you feel about them being beaten and brought to their knees just to be detained to know how to cook todays specials? You might think that the food industry has no issues and no faults behind their tasty food, but when you open up the meat curtain, there is a different kind of world out there that is cruel and inhumane. In Robert Kenner's 2008 film, Food, Inc., He shows the conditions that cows, chickens, and pigs have to live in. The dark and closeted homes in which the animals are closely compacted together and eating, sleeping, and walking in their own manure. As a person who would consider themselves an animal rights activist, most people would agree that the food industry treats their animals like products instead of living things. Let's take chicken farming as an example. Chickens are injected with growth hormones to make their breasts bigger for human consumption. The film showed chickens that were abnormally large. These modified chickens can only walk a few steps before having to sit back down because they can't carry their own weight for too long. Some farmers will recycle the dead carcasses of the animals into the feed for herbivores on the farm. So plant eating animals will be eating the meat of a dead carcass. Animals could get sick or contract a disease from the dead animals. This infection would soon get >>> Get more content on <<<
  • 20. I Need Help To Write An Essay - " HelpWriting.Net " . Persuasive Essay On Dogs Dogs are man's best friend, except when they drive you crazy, like creating a mess in your house and barking excessively. Speaking of excessive barking, nothing can be more annoying that a dog that barks as if there's no tomorrow –– much more when you are about to sleep –– and that offending dog happens to be your neighbor's pet . Dealing with a neighbor's noisy pet Handling this noisy situation can be quite hard especially if they are owned by your friendly and well–loved neighbors, or you don't want any kind of confrontations yourself. So, how are you going to deal with this problem without sounding like an arrogant and insensitive human being? Mary Randolph, a former attorney and author of Every Dog's Legal Guide: A Must–Have Book for ... Show more content on ... This way, the two parties can better understand the issue and better resolved in person. Another reason why your neighbor's dog is constantly barking is because of what it sees outside –– including you. Because dogs are naturally territorial, it is understandable that they would bark on someone or something that may seem to offend them. In this case, you can consider putting up a fence screen, or plant some trees or shrubs between you and your neighbor's property. You can also make the first move if you are used to handling dogs. Jen DeHaan, founder of and a dog trainer suggests making friends with the dog. Ask your neighbor if you can meet their dog and get to know their pet so that the later will get used to your presence and your scent. You can also suggest to your neighbor to bring their pet to your yard for it to be familiarized with it. You can also give treats to their dog, as long as you ask permission to give one, of course. What if YOUR dog is the offender? When someone complains to you about your noisy pet, the first thing that may come into mind is to get defensive and get offended as if you are thought of as an irresponsible pet owner.
  • 21. First of all, don't get offended nor place yourself into defensive mode, or risk having hostility issues with your neighbor. After all, your neighbor is most probably just telling the truth, even if it does hurt. Instead of getting too emotional out of >>> Get more content on <<<