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A leading center of excellence in clinical nutrition
specialist program in 2025
Clinical Nutrition Specialist Program will provide a
comprehensive clinical training program that embodies
the following characteristic:
1. Uphold scientific and medical profession ethic
2. Meet national & international standard of clinical
3. Implement research in contribution towards basic and
clinical nutrition science
4. Provide high quality clinical nutrition service
Surgery Ward, November 17th 2022
dr. Indrawaty Alimuddin
dr. Tien Muliawati
dr. Ruwiyatul Aliyah*
dr. Christine Rogahang
dr. Utami Handayani
dr. Kaslan
dr. Meylisa
Patient Identity
MR number
July 1st , 1999
Date of birth
November 12th , 2022
Admission Date
Consultation Date November 14th , 2022
Mr. F, 23 y.o. (Female)
Medical diagnosis
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score C)
Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low Back Pain due to destruction lumbal III due to suspect infection
process + paravertebral abscess as level as lumbal III – lumbal V + Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue
Right Knee Suspect Benign
Pulmonology Diagnosis : Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra ec suspect infection dd malignancy
Main Complaint
Weight loss
Fever and Seizure
There was fever since 2 days ago and no seizure
Nausea & Vomiting
Cough and Shortness of Breath
There was cough since 10 days ago with white
phlegm. There was shortness of breath sometimes
fixed without modalities
(History taking)
Swallowing Disorders
History taking
No History
No History
since 5 months ago because of intermittent low back
pain accompanied with lump on right knee that bigger
over time. worsened in the last 2 months because of
the worsened pain and difficulty walking
There were history of nausea and vomiting since 4
days ago
No History
Decreased of oral intake
There was unintentional weight loss since 4 months
ago ± 6 kg from Initial Body Weight 45 kg (13.3%)
Epigastric and Abdominal Pain
Last defecation this morning, solid
consistency, yellowish
Via diapers, changed 2 times/ day.
Seems full
(History taking)
Patient Family
No history
Cerebrovascular disease
No history
Cardiovascular disease, DM
No History
Kidney and urinary disease
No History
Cerebrovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease, DM
No history
Kidney and urinary disease
No history
Hyperuricemia, hypercholesterolemia
Others Malignancy
No history
No History
lump in right knee since 5 months ago
No history
Hyperuricemia, hypercholesterolemia
History of PRESENT Illness
patient complain that
there is mass at right
knee. Patient underwent
a biopsy suergry at Wajo
Hospital, but the family
did not bring the tissue to
be checked
4 months
patient start to control at
orthopaedic polyclinic of
UNHAS Hospital. Diagnosis:
low back pain due to
destruction on Lumbal III due
to suspect infection process
+ soft tissue tumor right knee
susp benign. Patient
complained that the pain was
getting worse. Patient was
then brought to the
emergency room of Unhas
Hospital and being
hospitalized for 2 days
2 days
patient had intermittent
low back pain. There is
mass reappear at right
knee accompanied with
pain. Patient was
hospitalized at
Hospital for 3 days and
then underoing
outpatient treatment at
polyclinic. Patient then
was referred to
Polyclinic of UNHAS
Hospital for further
1 week ago
3 months
patient was referred to
RSWS and being
hospitalized at
Orthopaedic Ward
(Lontara) until now.
Patient was planned
for decompression and
posterior stabilization
surgery + culture
biopsy but still wait for
schedule from
orthopedic surgeon
Occupation and Habit
Psychosocial history
Drugs and alcohol
No history
She is a student
No History
Dietary History
Typical intake and usual amount of food: (before admitted to the hospital)
Via oral
She eats regularly 3 times/day, 1 cups of white rice with 1 medium chunck of varied of animal side
dishes,and 1 small bowl of vegetables,1 portion of fruit
She likes almost every food
 4 months ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/2 serving of white rice, 1/2 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/2
serving of side dishes of plant origin and 1/2 small bowl of vegetables
 3 months ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/2 serving of porridge , 1/2 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/2
serving of side dishes of plant origin
 1 week ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/4 serving of porridge , 1/4 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/4
serving of side dishes of plant origin, 1/4 small bowl of vegetables and fruit
 4 days ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/4 serving of porridge , 1/4 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/4
serving of side dishes of plant origin, 1/4 small bowl of vegetables and fruit
 Neither food allergies nor lactose intolerance
Intake & Fluid Analysis
Last intake Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate(g) Fat (g)
Intake before sick 1837 66.72 339.50 22.56
4 Months Ago 343.75 24.5 68 7.5
3 Months Ago 306.24 23 60.5 7.7
1 Week Ago 271.875 12.25 23 3.75
24 hours food recall 391.75 (20.61%) 14.50 (14.81%) 72.10 (73.62%) 4.83 (11.08%)
• Input : Intravenous and Medication 1850 cc
• Output : urine + IWL ( 1400 +390)
• Fluid Balance : 60 cc/24 hours
Body Lenght : 162 cm
IBW : 55.8 kg
MUAC : 18 cm
Estimated MUAC BW : 39 kg
Abdominal circumference : 64 cm
Blood pressure : 120/70 mmHg
Pulse : 110 beats/minute
Respiratory rate : 23 times/minute
Temperature : 36.1°C
MAP : 86.6 mmHg
Vital signs
01 02
Handgrip Strength: 3.2 kg
Functional Status :
Physical examination
Conjunctivawas anemic,Sclerawas noticteric.
Therewas noenlargementoflymphnodesand thyroid gland
Inspection :Symmetric ,there was loss of subcutaneous fat.
Palpation :No tenderness
Percussion :Sonor
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound. No Rhonchi and wheezing, regular heart sounds
and no murmurs
Inspection :concave appearance
Auscultation :Normal Bowel Sound
Palpation :No tenderness
Percussion :Tympanic
Physical examination
There was wasting at all extremities and there was edema
at lower extremities (there is a 4x4 cm mass in the right knee, painful and fixed)
Orthopedic (November 14th, 2022)
 PRC transfusion 2 bags/day
 Paracetamol 500mg/Oral (When fever)
 Ranitidin 50 mg/ 12 hours / Intravenous
 Ketorolac 30 mg/24 hours/ Intravenous
Pulmonologist (November 14th, 2022)
 Oxygen 5lpm via nasal cannule
 Ambroxol 30mg/8 hours / Oral
12th, 2022
13th, 2022
Normal Value
WBC 9.400 4,0 - 10,0 x 103/μL
TLC 1870.6 1.5 - 4 x 103/μL
PLT 63.00 150-400 x 103 /μL
HGB 6.6 12.0 -16.0 gr/dl
MCV 78 80 – 100 μm3
MCH 26 27.0 – 32.0 pg
MCHC 34 32.0-36.0 g/dl
Neutrofil 66.6 52.0-75.0%
Lymfosit 19.9 20.0-40.0%
Random Plasma
117 < 200 mg/dl
Urea 16 10- 50 mg/dl
Creatinine 0.46 M:(<1.3) ; F:(<1.1)
Sodium 134 135 – 145 mmol/L
Potassium 4.6 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L
Chloride 98 97 – 111 mmol/L
NLR 3.3 < 3.13
12th, 2022
13th, 2022
Normal Value
Procalcitonin 0.42 <0.05ng/ml
AST 80 <38 U/L
ALT 18 <41 U/L
Total Protein 5.6 6.6-8.7 g/dl
Albumin 3.1 3.5-5g/dl
Globulin 2.5 1.5-5g/dl
HbsAg Non-Reactive <0.13 (non-Reactive)
PT 10.8 10-14 second
INR 1.00 0.8-1.1 second
APTT 19.6 22-30 Second
Thorax Photo PA/AP (November 12th 2022)
- Right pleural effusion
- Normal cardio
Lumbosacral Photo AP Lateral (November 12th 2022 )
- Lumbosacral lordotic curve extends (Muscle spasm)
- Intak bones
Genu Photo AP Lateral Dextra (November 12th 2022 )
- No radiological abnormalities appear in the genu joint dextra
MRI Lumbosacral (November 8th 2022 )
- Paravertebrae masses of L2-L4 and L5 extending to intradural and subarachnoid space L3, posterior
elements of bilateral musculus psoas vertebrae, bilateral quadratus lumborum musculus accompanied by
bone marrow edema suspect DD abscess/metastasis.
- Solid mass of left adneksa
- Ascites
November 12th, 2022
• Mild hyponatremia 134
November 13th , 2022
• Hypochrome Microcytic Anemia 6.6
• Thrombocytopenia 63.000
• Mild hypoalbuminemia 3.1
• Increased Procalcitonin 0.42
• Increased of NLR 3.3
Metabolical status
GI- Tract status
Functional Status ECOG SCORE III
Diagnosis & Prognosis
Vitam: Dubia ad bonam
Functionam: Dubia ad bonam
Sanactionam: Dubia ad bonam
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score C)
Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low Back Pain due to destruction lumbal III due to suspect infection
process + paravertebral abscess as level as lumbal III – lumbal V + Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue
Right Knee Suspect Benign
Pulmonology Diagnosis : Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra ec suspect infection dd malignancy
Basal Energy Expenditure : 1220 Kcal
Total Energy Expenditure : 1900 Kcal
Macronutrient Composition:
• Protein 1.5 g/kgIBW/day : 83.7 g (17.6%)
• Carbohydrate 50% : 237.5 g
• Fat 32.4% : 68.6 g
Medical Nutrition Therapy is given according to the management of refeeding syndrome 15
Kcal/kgBW/day = 585 Kcal (Equivalent to 30% TEE) via enteral:
- Blenderized food 246 Kcal
- ONS Peptisol 250 Kcal
- VCO 80 Kcal
Fluid requirements 1200 - 1400 cc/24 hours
Correction of hyponatremia by sodium intake (Deficit 117 + 78 = 195 mEq)
correction of hypoalbuminemia with protein intake of 1.5 g/kgBW
• Supplementation via enteral :
 B. Complex 2 tabs/8 hours
 Zinc 20mg/ 24 hours
 Curcuma 400mg/8 hours
 Thiamin 100mg/8 hours
• Monitoring and evaluation
 Haemodynamic
 Daily intake
 Gastrointestinal tolerance
• Nutritional education:
 Follow the meal according to the schedule
 Insert NGT when there are no contraindications
• Lab : UUN, Magnecium, Calcium, Phosphat
• Agree to join multidisciplinary care
13th, 2022
14th, 2022
Normal Value
Lactat 1.8 0.5-2.2 mmol
Sodium 137 135 – 145 mmol/L
Potassium 3.9 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L
Chloride 103 97 – 111 mmol/L
CRP 59.2 <5mg/l
PT 10.3 10-14 second
INR 0.95 0.8-1.1 second
APTT 20.2 22-30 Second
Subjective Objective Assessment Planning
Intake via oral, There
was no nausea and
Vomiting. There was
low back pain
Defecation was
yesterday, seem to
be normal
Urination : Via diapers,
3 times change
1st day
Follow Up
(November 15th,
General Condition :MODERATE ILLNESS GCS E4M6V5
Vital sign :
Blood pressure : 120/60 mmHg
Pulse : 109 beats/minute
Respiratory rate : 23 times/minute
Temperature : 37.1°C
Body Length : 162 cm
Actual Body Weight : 44 kg
Ideal Body Weight : 55.8 kg
Estimated MUAC BW : 39 kg
MUAC : 18 cm
Food Recall 24 hours via Oral
Energy : 287.5 Kcal (15%)
Protein : 13.75 gr (19.1%)
Carbohydrate : 49 gr (68.2%)
Fat : 3.75 gr (11.7%)
Physical Examination:
Conjunctiva was anemic, Sclera was not icteric
Oxygen was not supported
Nasogastric tube was not inserted
There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland
Inspection : Symmetric, There was loss of subcutaneous fat
Palpation : No tenderness
Percussion : Sonor
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound.There was no rhonchi and
wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs
Inspection : Concave Appearance
Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound
Palpation : Liver and spleen was not pappable
Percussion : Tympanic
There was wasting in all extremities and there was edema
At lower extremities (there is a 4 x4 cm mass in the right knee, painful and
November 14th , 2022
• Increased CRP 59.2
• Improve of sodium 137 134
November 13th , 2022
• Hypochrome Microcytic
Anemia 6.6
• Thrombocytopenia 63.000
• Mild hypoalbuminemia 3.1
• Increased Procalcitonin 0.42
• Increased of NLR 3.3
Medical Nutrition Diagnosis:
Severe Protein Energy
Malnutrition (SGA Score C)
Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low
Back Pain due to destruction
lumbal III due to suspect
infection process +
paravertebral abscess as level
as lumbal III – lumbal V +
Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue
Right Knee Suspect Benign
Pulmonology Diagnosis :
Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra
ec suspect infection dd
BEE : 1220 Kcal
TEE : 1900 Kcal (1.2/1.3)
Macronutrient Composition:
Protein 1.7 g/kgIBW/day : 95.2 g (20.0%)
Carbohydrate 45% : 214 g
Fat 35% : 74 g
Medical Nutrition Therapy is given according to the
management of refeeding syndrome 15 Kcal/kgBW/day
= 585 Kcal (Equivalent to 30% TEE) via enteral:
- Blenderized food 246.7 Kcal
- ONS Peptisol 250 Kcal
- Egg white 37.5 Kcal
- VCO 120 Kcal
Fluid requirements 1600 cc/24 hours
correction of hypoalbuminemia with protein intake of 1.7
Supplementation via Enteral :
-Zinc 20mg/24jam/oral
- B comp 2 tab/8 hours
-Curcuma 400mg/8 hours
-Thiamin 100mg/8 hours
-Antasida Syrup 10ml/8 hours
Monitoring and evaluation
-Daily intake
-Gastrointestinal tolerance
Nutritional education:
Follow the meal according to the schedule
Insert NGT
Lab : Waiting for Magnecium, Calcium, Phosphat and UUN
Thank you

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Cell Therapy Expansion and Challenges in Autoimmune Disease


  • 1. A leading center of excellence in clinical nutrition specialist program in 2025 Clinical Nutrition Specialist Program will provide a comprehensive clinical training program that embodies the following characteristic: 1. Uphold scientific and medical profession ethic 2. Meet national & international standard of clinical competence 3. Implement research in contribution towards basic and clinical nutrition science 4. Provide high quality clinical nutrition service
  • 2. CLINICAL NUTRITION CONFERENCE Surgery Ward, November 17th 2022 dr. Indrawaty Alimuddin dr. Tien Muliawati dr. Ruwiyatul Aliyah* dr. Christine Rogahang dr. Utami Handayani dr. Kaslan dr. Meylisa
  • 3. Patient Identity . 999473 MR number July 1st , 1999 Date of birth November 12th , 2022 Admission Date Consultation Date November 14th , 2022 Mr. F, 23 y.o. (Female) Medical diagnosis Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score C) Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low Back Pain due to destruction lumbal III due to suspect infection process + paravertebral abscess as level as lumbal III – lumbal V + Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue Right Knee Suspect Benign Pulmonology Diagnosis : Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra ec suspect infection dd malignancy
  • 4. Main Complaint Weight loss Fever and Seizure There was fever since 2 days ago and no seizure Nausea & Vomiting Cough and Shortness of Breath There was cough since 10 days ago with white phlegm. There was shortness of breath sometimes fixed without modalities Subjective (History taking) Swallowing Disorders History taking No History Headache No History since 5 months ago because of intermittent low back pain accompanied with lump on right knee that bigger over time. worsened in the last 2 months because of the worsened pain and difficulty walking There were history of nausea and vomiting since 4 days ago No History Decreased of oral intake There was unintentional weight loss since 4 months ago ± 6 kg from Initial Body Weight 45 kg (13.3%) Epigastric and Abdominal Pain
  • 5. Defecation Last defecation this morning, solid consistency, yellowish Via diapers, changed 2 times/ day. Seems full Urination Subjective (History taking)
  • 6. Patient Family No history Cerebrovascular disease No history Cardiovascular disease, DM No History Kidney and urinary disease No History Cerebrovascular disease Cardiovascular disease, DM No history Kidney and urinary disease No history Hyperuricemia, hypercholesterolemia Others Malignancy No history No History lump in right knee since 5 months ago No history Hyperuricemia, hypercholesterolemia
  • 7. History of PRESENT Illness patient complain that there is mass at right knee. Patient underwent a biopsy suergry at Wajo Hospital, but the family did not bring the tissue to be checked 4 months ago patient start to control at orthopaedic polyclinic of UNHAS Hospital. Diagnosis: low back pain due to destruction on Lumbal III due to suspect infection process + soft tissue tumor right knee susp benign. Patient complained that the pain was getting worse. Patient was then brought to the emergency room of Unhas Hospital and being hospitalized for 2 days 2 days ago patient had intermittent low back pain. There is mass reappear at right knee accompanied with pain. Patient was hospitalized at Lamadukelleng Hospital for 3 days and then underoing outpatient treatment at polyclinic. Patient then was referred to Polyclinic of UNHAS Hospital for further treatment. 1 week ago 3 months ago patient was referred to RSWS and being hospitalized at Orthopaedic Ward (Lontara) until now. Patient was planned for decompression and posterior stabilization surgery + culture biopsy but still wait for schedule from orthopedic surgeon
  • 8. 01 02 03 Occupation and Habit Psychosocial history Smoking Drugs and alcohol No history She is a student No History
  • 9. Dietary History Typical intake and usual amount of food: (before admitted to the hospital) Intake: Via oral Quantity: She eats regularly 3 times/day, 1 cups of white rice with 1 medium chunck of varied of animal side dishes,and 1 small bowl of vegetables,1 portion of fruit Quality: She likes almost every food  4 months ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/2 serving of white rice, 1/2 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/2 serving of side dishes of plant origin and 1/2 small bowl of vegetables  3 months ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/2 serving of porridge , 1/2 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/2 serving of side dishes of plant origin  1 week ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/4 serving of porridge , 1/4 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/4 serving of side dishes of plant origin, 1/4 small bowl of vegetables and fruit  4 days ago, she ate 3 times/day, 1/4 serving of porridge , 1/4 serving of side dishes of animal origin and 1/4 serving of side dishes of plant origin, 1/4 small bowl of vegetables and fruit  Neither food allergies nor lactose intolerance
  • 10. Intake & Fluid Analysis Last intake Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate(g) Fat (g) Intake before sick 1837 66.72 339.50 22.56 4 Months Ago 343.75 24.5 68 7.5 3 Months Ago 306.24 23 60.5 7.7 1 Week Ago 271.875 12.25 23 3.75 24 hours food recall 391.75 (20.61%) 14.50 (14.81%) 72.10 (73.62%) 4.83 (11.08%) 10 • Input : Intravenous and Medication 1850 cc • Output : urine + IWL ( 1400 +390) • Fluid Balance : 60 cc/24 hours
  • 11. GCS E4M6V5 Body Lenght : 162 cm IBW : 55.8 kg MUAC : 18 cm Estimated MUAC BW : 39 kg Abdominal circumference : 64 cm Anthropometry Blood pressure : 120/70 mmHg Pulse : 110 beats/minute Respiratory rate : 23 times/minute Temperature : 36.1°C MAP : 86.6 mmHg Vital signs 01 02 OBJECTIVE MODERATE ILLNESS Handgrip Strength: 3.2 kg Functional Status : ECOG Score III 03
  • 12. Physical examination HEAD AND NECK Conjunctivawas anemic,Sclerawas noticteric. Therewas noenlargementoflymphnodesand thyroid gland CHEST Inspection :Symmetric ,there was loss of subcutaneous fat. Palpation :No tenderness Percussion :Sonor Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound. No Rhonchi and wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs ABDOMEN Inspection :concave appearance Auscultation :Normal Bowel Sound Palpation :No tenderness Percussion :Tympanic
  • 13. Physical examination EXTREMITY There was wasting at all extremities and there was edema at lower extremities (there is a 4x4 cm mass in the right knee, painful and fixed)
  • 14. MEDICATION FROM OTHER DIVISION 16 Orthopedic (November 14th, 2022)  PRC transfusion 2 bags/day  Paracetamol 500mg/Oral (When fever)  Ranitidin 50 mg/ 12 hours / Intravenous  Ketorolac 30 mg/24 hours/ Intravenous Pulmonologist (November 14th, 2022)  Oxygen 5lpm via nasal cannule  Ambroxol 30mg/8 hours / Oral
  • 15. LABORATORY FINDINGS Laboratory November 12th, 2022 November 13th, 2022 Normal Value WBC 9.400 4,0 - 10,0 x 103/μL TLC 1870.6 1.5 - 4 x 103/μL PLT 63.00 150-400 x 103 /μL HGB 6.6 12.0 -16.0 gr/dl MCV 78 80 – 100 μm3 MCH 26 27.0 – 32.0 pg MCHC 34 32.0-36.0 g/dl Neutrofil 66.6 52.0-75.0% Lymfosit 19.9 20.0-40.0% Random Plasma Glucose 117 < 200 mg/dl Urea 16 10- 50 mg/dl Creatinine 0.46 M:(<1.3) ; F:(<1.1) mg/dL Sodium 134 135 – 145 mmol/L Potassium 4.6 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L Chloride 98 97 – 111 mmol/L NLR 3.3 < 3.13
  • 16. LABORATORY FINDINGS Laboratory November 12th, 2022 November 13th, 2022 Normal Value Procalcitonin 0.42 <0.05ng/ml AST 80 <38 U/L ALT 18 <41 U/L Total Protein 5.6 6.6-8.7 g/dl Albumin 3.1 3.5-5g/dl Globulin 2.5 1.5-5g/dl HbsAg Non-Reactive <0.13 (non-Reactive) PT 10.8 10-14 second INR 1.00 0.8-1.1 second APTT 19.6 22-30 Second
  • 17. Thorax Photo PA/AP (November 12th 2022) - Right pleural effusion - Normal cardio Lumbosacral Photo AP Lateral (November 12th 2022 ) - Lumbosacral lordotic curve extends (Muscle spasm) - Intak bones Genu Photo AP Lateral Dextra (November 12th 2022 ) - No radiological abnormalities appear in the genu joint dextra MRI Lumbosacral (November 8th 2022 ) - Paravertebrae masses of L2-L4 and L5 extending to intradural and subarachnoid space L3, posterior elements of bilateral musculus psoas vertebrae, bilateral quadratus lumborum musculus accompanied by bone marrow edema suspect DD abscess/metastasis. - Solid mass of left adneksa - Ascites RADIOLOGIC FINDINGS
  • 18. November 12th, 2022 • Mild hyponatremia 134 November 13th , 2022 • Hypochrome Microcytic Anemia 6.6 • Thrombocytopenia 63.000 • Mild hypoalbuminemia 3.1 • Increased Procalcitonin 0.42 • Increased of NLR 3.3 Metabolical status Functional GI- Tract status Functional Status ECOG SCORE III HYDRATION STATUS Normovolemic Assesment
  • 19. Diagnosis & Prognosis Prognosis Vitam: Dubia ad bonam Functionam: Dubia ad bonam Sanactionam: Dubia ad bonam 22 Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score C) Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low Back Pain due to destruction lumbal III due to suspect infection process + paravertebral abscess as level as lumbal III – lumbal V + Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue Right Knee Suspect Benign Pulmonology Diagnosis : Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra ec suspect infection dd malignancy
  • 20. Basal Energy Expenditure : 1220 Kcal Total Energy Expenditure : 1900 Kcal Macronutrient Composition: • Protein 1.5 g/kgIBW/day : 83.7 g (17.6%) • Carbohydrate 50% : 237.5 g • Fat 32.4% : 68.6 g Medical Nutrition Therapy is given according to the management of refeeding syndrome 15 Kcal/kgBW/day = 585 Kcal (Equivalent to 30% TEE) via enteral: - Blenderized food 246 Kcal - ONS Peptisol 250 Kcal - VCO 80 Kcal Fluid requirements 1200 - 1400 cc/24 hours Correction of hyponatremia by sodium intake (Deficit 117 + 78 = 195 mEq) correction of hypoalbuminemia with protein intake of 1.5 g/kgBW Planning 23
  • 21. • Supplementation via enteral :  B. Complex 2 tabs/8 hours  Zinc 20mg/ 24 hours  Curcuma 400mg/8 hours  Thiamin 100mg/8 hours • Monitoring and evaluation  Haemodynamic  Daily intake  Gastrointestinal tolerance • Nutritional education:  Follow the meal according to the schedule  Insert NGT when there are no contraindications • Lab : UUN, Magnecium, Calcium, Phosphat • Agree to join multidisciplinary care Planning 24
  • 23. LABORATORY FINDINGS Laboratory November 13th, 2022 November 14th, 2022 Normal Value Lactat 1.8 0.5-2.2 mmol Sodium 137 135 – 145 mmol/L Potassium 3.9 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L Chloride 103 97 – 111 mmol/L CRP 59.2 <5mg/l PT 10.3 10-14 second INR 0.95 0.8-1.1 second APTT 20.2 22-30 Second
  • 24. Subjective Objective Assessment Planning Intake via oral, There was no nausea and Vomiting. There was low back pain Defecation was yesterday, seem to be normal Urination : Via diapers, 3 times change 1st day Follow Up (November 15th, 2022) General Condition :MODERATE ILLNESS GCS E4M6V5 Vital sign : Blood pressure : 120/60 mmHg Pulse : 109 beats/minute Respiratory rate : 23 times/minute Temperature : 37.1°C Anhtropometry Body Length : 162 cm Actual Body Weight : 44 kg Ideal Body Weight : 55.8 kg Estimated MUAC BW : 39 kg MUAC : 18 cm Food Recall 24 hours via Oral Energy : 287.5 Kcal (15%) Protein : 13.75 gr (19.1%) Carbohydrate : 49 gr (68.2%) Fat : 3.75 gr (11.7%) Physical Examination: HEAD AND NECK Conjunctiva was anemic, Sclera was not icteric Oxygen was not supported Nasogastric tube was not inserted There was no enlargement of lymph nodes and thyroid gland CHEST Inspection : Symmetric, There was loss of subcutaneous fat Palpation : No tenderness Percussion : Sonor Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound.There was no rhonchi and wheezing, regular heart sounds and no murmurs ABDOMEN Inspection : Concave Appearance Auscultation : Normal Bowel Sound Palpation : Liver and spleen was not pappable Percussion : Tympanic EXTREMITY There was wasting in all extremities and there was edema At lower extremities (there is a 4 x4 cm mass in the right knee, painful and fixed) November 14th , 2022 • Increased CRP 59.2 • Improve of sodium 137 134 November 13th , 2022 • Hypochrome Microcytic Anemia 6.6 • Thrombocytopenia 63.000 • Mild hypoalbuminemia 3.1 • Increased Procalcitonin 0.42 • Increased of NLR 3.3 Medical Nutrition Diagnosis: Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (SGA Score C) Orthopedic Diagnosis : Low Back Pain due to destruction lumbal III due to suspect infection process + paravertebral abscess as level as lumbal III – lumbal V + Anemia + Primary Soft Tissue Right Knee Suspect Benign Pulmonology Diagnosis : Pleural effusion dexta et sinistra ec suspect infection dd malignancy BEE : 1220 Kcal TEE : 1900 Kcal (1.2/1.3) Macronutrient Composition: Protein 1.7 g/kgIBW/day : 95.2 g (20.0%) Carbohydrate 45% : 214 g Fat 35% : 74 g Medical Nutrition Therapy is given according to the management of refeeding syndrome 15 Kcal/kgBW/day = 585 Kcal (Equivalent to 30% TEE) via enteral: - Blenderized food 246.7 Kcal - ONS Peptisol 250 Kcal - Egg white 37.5 Kcal - VCO 120 Kcal Fluid requirements 1600 cc/24 hours correction of hypoalbuminemia with protein intake of 1.7 g/kgBW Supplementation via Enteral : -Zinc 20mg/24jam/oral - B comp 2 tab/8 hours -Curcuma 400mg/8 hours -Thiamin 100mg/8 hours -Antasida Syrup 10ml/8 hours Monitoring and evaluation -Haemodynamic -Daily intake -Gastrointestinal tolerance Nutritional education: Follow the meal according to the schedule Insert NGT Lab : Waiting for Magnecium, Calcium, Phosphat and UUN
  • 25. SGA

Editor's Notes

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