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12 proven ways on how to stop addictions
How to stop addictions
TANIMOLA SAMUEL SUNDAY May 14 · 15 min read
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What Exactly Is Addiction?
Anything that activates the reward circuits in the brain has the potential to become
Addiction is a dynamic, persistent brain disease characterized by drug use or
compulsive behaviours that persist despite negative e몭ects. Genes and the atmosphere
a몭ect it.
Compulsive behaviours toward a drug or activity that provides satisfaction or
grati몭cation are known as addictions.
Addiction is more than just a problem with drugs and alcohol. Excessive shopping,
video games, sex, and gambling may all be classi몭ed as addictions. An addiction is a
medical disorder that needs medication, not just a bad habit.
Hormones that cause addictions
What hormone is the cause of addiction?
According to a review, people with high levels of the brain hormone dopamine and low
sensitivity to it are more risk-takers and may be more vulnerable to addictive behaviour,
substance addiction, and gambling.
Addictions and their types, with examples
Addictions can be divided into two categories:
a. Addiction to drugs and alcohol
b. Addiction to behaviour
a. Addiction to drugs and alcohol It is also known as substance addiction and it refers to
the indiscriminate use of any substance, including illicit substances, over-the-counter
drugs, prescription medications, food, co몭ee, and even sugar, ignoring the adverse
e몭ects and negative outcomes that may occur.
b. Behavioral addiction, also known as a process addiction, is described as self-
destructive, addictive, persistent behaviour such as betting, using the web, having a
몭ing in love, making love, enjoying video/internet gaming, continuing to work, eating,
and functioning out to the point that it negatively impacts the person’s personal and
professional life, but also emotional health.
Addiction’s Stages
Except for those who become addicted by mistake — typically as a result of taking a
prescription drug — opioid abuse follows a predictable pattern. What begins as
enjoyable or soothing can quickly turn traumatic and even deadly. It’s bene몭cial to be
mindful of these stages and to use the experience to avoid the addiction’s ultimate
Addiction progresses through four phases. They are as follows:
Phase 1: Experimentation is the 몭rst phase.
Just a small percentage of people set out to become addicted. A more popular scenario
is when a friend or family member o몭ers the user a product, ideally intending to make
it enjoyable or bene몭cial. The 몭rst time a candidate gets high may seem to be a one-
time thing, but it is the 몭rst time that can lead to the downward spiral of addiction.
In this form of exploration, peer pressure is a major factor. When it comes to the desire
to be accepted by their peers, young people, in particular, are at a critical
developmental stage. Although teenagers have a reputation for following the crowd,
even adults are subject to peer pressure. When we feel unaccepted in a group, our stress
levels rise in measurable ways for all. Many who do not have a strong defence against
social rejection will often take a medication given to them to feel better. When peer
pressure isn’t a factor, it’s more likely that the person is experiencing some kind of
mental distress. The medications are being used to relieve occupational stress, social
phobia, or to deal with a di몭cult life situation. If the substances are e몭ective at
alleviating these symptoms, the urge to use them daily increases.
Others would start taking a drug if it is given as a way to relieve physical pain. Although
pain relievers are supposedly safe when used as required, using them without a
recommendation is actually the leading cause of addiction. The abuse of prescription
medications is cited by the vast majority of current opioid users as the catalyst for any
opioid overdose.
Phase 2: Consistent Usage & Abuse
Anything that was once deemed recreational or transient becomes a way of life at this
point on the path to addiction. The patient starts to use the drug as an excuse to get on
with daily life because life is no longer as easy or enjoyable without this. Users may not
see any real solutions for changing their sober conditions if they evaluate their
encounters even without medication. Unsurprisingly, what starts as a way to escape
boredom or tension can end up being the very thing that causes it. New users also
complain that they are no longer associated with behaviours that once provided
pleasure, and they can experience exaggerated mood changes between the levels
depending on the nature of the drugs. While some people begin abusing drugs to
relieve anxiety and stress, they soon discover that their chances of feeling these bad
feelings have intensi몭ed while on the medication. As a true dependence on the drug
develops, this process is becoming more obvious.
Phase 3: Tolerance and Reliance
Physically and mentally reliance on the medication develops as daily use advances. The
brain no longer releases chemicals on its own, relying instead on an external substance
to regulate it. The body can cease to function naturally, necessitating the use of even
more drugs to reestablish homeostasis.
more drugs to reestablish homeostasis.
Emotionally, the user may begin to have become intolerable now that they are sober.
Tolerance to the drug develops over time, with the brain requiring increasing amounts
of the drug to regain a sense of proper functioning. After an individual develops a
tolerance to a medication, they will need higher or more regular doses to achieve the
desired relief.
Along the way, there are also rises in risk-taking behaviours as a sub-category of this
method. Users can be shocked by their own behaviour once dependence and tolerance
have taken e몭ect. Money planned for bills could be diverted to the purchase of the
drug. The consumer may discover that he or she is connecting with people who are not
the best social partners. Users can begin to justify risky behaviours, like driving while
drunk, as required activities. Work commitments may be deferred or ignored instead of
getting big, and interactions may su몭er greatly from violence and abuse.
Phase 4: Addiction is the fourth stage.
The consumer has grown used to the above enhancements as a result of their strong
usage. Since most thoughts are focused on how to achieve the next level, less time will
be spent on ego. An addict may not even look like the person you once knew.
Furthermore, consumers will believe that they are powerless to stop using the drug.
They can decide to leave, only to be disappointed when they relapse. They may be
conscious of their dear ones’ su몭ering, but that does not negate the need to use. Friends
and relatives can assume a backseat to interact with some other drug users and
In the throes of opioid abuse, a person’s basic needs may be neglected. Without such a
drug’s power to dictate the routine, grooming routines will degrade, meals may be
missed, and sleep may become di몭cult. It is possible that jobs would be lost, causing a
loss of income. Without a source of income, people are more likely to engage in illicit
acts and pursue charity, and it could become a key link to hardship.
12 Proven ways to stop addictions
Addiction a몭ects one out of every eight people. Our list of the 11 most popular
addictions is as follows:
1• Video game addiction: Addiction to video games is common in both younger and
older people, and it can harm family and mental health. However, according to experts,
about 10% of players su몭er from habitual addiction.
2. Web or Social Media addiction: People who are addicted to technology and social
media spend a lot of their time on their computers or phones linked to the Web. They
risk having relationship issues because they are unable to communicate socially by
physical contact with their peers, families, and loved ones. Spending too much time
online could cost them their jobs and cause them to drop out of school. Prolonged use
of social media may cause anxiety in individuals who report feelings of anxiety and
agitation when they are unable to communicate, which could be a withdrawal
symptom. The reluctance to disconnect from social platforms, despite the detrimental
consequences of its use, is a symptom of addiction.
3. Alcoholic addiction: According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is
responsible for 20 to 30 per cent of all cases of liver cirrhosis, disease, car collisions,
murder, liver cancer, and oesophagal cancer globally. Approximately one in every eight
people is an alcoholic at any given time.
“Whisky is the commodity with the most problems in addition to the size percentage of
addicted consumers,” one else claims.
4. Tobacco addiction: Tobacco is the leading cause of death and disease in the world.
Tobacco usage kills 1.3 billion people per year. Over than 34 million Americans smoke
cigarettes and 16 million have a smoking-related illness, based on the current Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco is still a major industry, due to the
inherent threat. The tobacco industry is estimated to be valued at $878.35 billion in
2021, according to experts. Nicotine, an addictive chemical present in tobacco products
such as cigarettes, has the same addictive properties as heroin and cocaine.
5• Drugs addiction: Both illicit and legal drug consumption is on the rise all over the
world. Heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and methamphetamines are the most widely abused
drugs. Analysts claim that more than 21 million Americans su몭er from some kind of
opioid addiction.
6• Shopping addiction: Shopping abusers can experience an initial rush of pleasure
after purchasing something, but this is quickly followed by remorse. As a result of these
bad emotions, more shopping is done. Although “retail therapy” can seem to be a
bad emotions, more shopping is done. Although “retail therapy” can seem to be a
healthy way to deal with your issues and can have serious e몭ects, especially when it
comes to 몭nancial management. While there are few studies on this addiction,
researchers suggest that it a몭ects anywhere from 1.8 per cent to 16 per cent of the
elderly population of the World.
7• Sex addiction: Many people use sex as a means of reliving compulsions, reducing
anxiety, or escaping reality. In the Western World alone, upwards of 30 million people
su몭er from some kind of sexual addiction. Furthermore, sex addiction has the power to
ruin a person’s mental health and career, as well as their civil, social, and emotional
8• Food addiction: Media depictions of unrealistic body shapes and fast-food
commercials can contribute to unhealthy eating habits that can cause food addictions.
About 5% of the world su몭ers from food addiction. Food addiction commonly includes
high-fat, high-sugar snacks and meals, even though it isn’t deemed an eating disorder.
These chemicals boost the reward system in the brain, gradually replacing the body’s
natural cues to avoid feeding.
9• Gambling addiction: Gambling is becoming more common as a source of income
for some social and humanitarian programs. Horse racing, casino gaming, national
jackpots and lotto tickets, bingo, pub fruit games, soccer pools, and other jackpots and
ra몭es are among the most common types of gambling. Gambling addiction a몭ects 2.6
per cent of the population today.
10. Addiction to work: Workaholics, or people who are addicted to their jobs, are a
real mental health issue. Work addiction is described as the failure to handle working to
be successful or to work excessively to avoid an emotional, physical, or psychological
crisis. Perfectionists are particularly prone to this problem. Despite physical or mental
health problems, these workaholics can continue to work.
11• Addiction To Plastic Surgery: Some people go under the knife again and again…
and again to change their appearance. People who have a strong desire for plastic
surgery can go from hospital to hospital in search of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist
who will treat them. The reality is that these people are much more likely to su몭er from
psychosis ( or dysmorphic disorder) than from adherence to cosmetic procedures.
According to the International Foundation, body dysmorphic disorder a몭ects 1 to 2% of
the population, with the disorder becoming several times more common in plastic
surgery users. People who su몭er from this condition are obsessed with their
appearance and think they are hideous or deformed.
Anything and everything that activates the pleasure circuits in the brain has the
potential to become addictive. These are the most common forms of addiction found
Addiction symptoms
The signs and symptoms of addiction di몭er depending on the form of addiction, but
here are some common ones:
• Unwillingness to resist
• Mood, appetite, and sleep disturbances
• Unwillingness to resist
• Legal and 몭nancial issues
• Legal and 몭nancial issues
• Prioritizing the substance or action over other aspects of life, such as family, jobs, and
other obligations
• Secrecy and denial
• Prioritizing the substance or action over other aspects of life, such as family, jobs, and
other obligations
• Withdrawal signs and symptoms
Taking more of the drug than you wanted to
5 Main Causes of addictions
Physical and psychological highs can be induced by substances and behaviours. People
gain tolerance over time, which means that it takes more of anything to produce the
very same initial e몭ects. The following are some of the factors that can lead to
a• The brain factor: Addiction causes an increase in the reward circuits of the brain
with time.
b• Addiction in the family: If you have family members that are also addicted, you
may be more likely to become addicted.
c• Genetics factor: Research shows that having a family history of addiction raises the
risk of developing one.
d• Environment factor: Addictions can be worsened by exposure to addictive drugs,
societal strain, a lack of social support, and poor coping skills.
e• Use frequency and duration: The more often and for how long someone takes a
drug, the more probably they are to become hooked to it.
Addictions evolve. While it is rare that an individual will become addicted after only
one use of a drug, it is possible to design a mental health disorder or die of addiction or
other complications.
Addicts also have one or more co-occurring health problems, such as lung or
cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer, or mental issues. Research studies, chest X-rays,
and genetic testing will reveal the lengthy e몭ects of substance use all over the body.
Stopping or quitting an addiction is never an easy job or a simple procedure. It
necessarily requires determined e몭ort, and e몭ort.
There are however 12 proven ways for anyone in the world on how to stop addictions. If
you will adhere to them to the letter, they can greatly assist you in overcoming any
addiction you may have.
1. Admit that you have a problem.
First and foremost, you must acknowledge that you have an addiction.
It’s time to seek treatment if you’re experiencing stress or shame as a result of your
behaviour, or if your bad behaviours are interfering with or restricting your daily
activities. Quitting is di몭cult due to a variety of human, emotional, and psychological
needs, which is why so many individuals feel that therapy assists them in navigating the
di몭cult task of quitting.
2. Have someone to answer to.
Find a mentor at your nearby rehabilitation centre, or enlist the help of a relative or
friend. You’ll be less likely to be subject to your addiction if you know someone is
keeping an eye on you.
3. Workout
“For me, a workout is the most e몭ective antidepressant; can indeed you boost your
overall wellness and really well by getting sweaty, so you can also feel healthy
endorphin secretion.
4. Break the bad habit.
Notify yourself of why you would want to, and, perhaps speci몭cally, why you’d want to,
kick the habit. Practice mindfulness and maintain a laser-like concentration on the task
at hand.
5. Use Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that when you have a craving,
you may choose to keep your focus on something else instead of distracting yourself
before the craving passes. You may also use imagery methods to help you relax during a
craving by picturing yourself in a calming environment.
6. Take up a new hobby
Establishing a better hobby can enable you not only to develop your character, but it
can also serve as a great diversion throughout a drug or alcohol addiction.
7. Take care of yourself.
“We’ve all made mistakes in the past,” reads a single line from a well-known Addiction
Center blog. This day is the perfect opportunity to select their brains.” You won’t be
able to sense the necessity of your abuse until you start living your existence without it.
Take charge. You are in control. You have the ability and the right to be free of
8. Make a list of the negative consequences of your alcohol or opioid abuse.
This isn’t going to be a happy exercise, but having the list written down out of your own
handwriting will help you resolve to avoid the addiction phase in your life.
Take a few minutes to come up with a list close to this one with as many negative e몭ects
as you can remember.
9. Make a vow to yourself to stop smoking.
Providing a list of compelling reasons to leave can aid you in sticking to your strategy
over time. Your motives for leaving must outweigh your desire to continue with your
addictive conduct.
This mental barrier is di몭cult to overcome, but it is a crucial 몭rst step in overcoming
any addiction. You are the only one that can make you leave. Make a list of the true,
strong reasons you’re quitting this habit. Users are just aware of their existence. Only
several case studies are mentioned below:
• Intend to quit when you want to reclaim your vitality and enjoy life to the fullest.
• Intend to quit because you don’t have enough money to sustain your habit.
• Decide to leave so you can be a better companion to your family.
• Decide to retire because you want to see your grandkids moments later.
10. Seek both professional and personal help.
You’ll need all the help you can get during your journey to learn how to stop addiction,
even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. Since so many people struggle with
addiction, there are several great institutions needed to support you stay on track,
provide progress tips, and encourage you to try again if you have a kicko몭 return. If
possible, locate a psychiatrist or mental health specialist in your area who can assist
you in developing the right recovery plan and support system for your speci몭c needs.
• Look at local and virtual treatment centres for people dealing with the sort of
addiction you’re dealing with. Most programs are provided for free.
addiction you’re dealing with. Most programs are provided for free.
• Make an appointment with a doctor who deals with alcohol rehab. Locate someone
with whom you feel at ease so that you can depend on them in the months ahead.
Cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, Behavioral Interviewing, Gestalt approaches,
and life skills development are only a few of the techniques which have been shown to
help people overcome their addictions. You will have anonymity in a therapy
environment, and the care will be tailored to your speci몭c objectives and aspirations.
• Seek help from your nearest family and friends. Lets them understand and appreciate
it. If you’re addicted to a drug, tell them they can’t do it around you. People who are
e몭ective in stopping addictions for a long time usually have a support circle of loved
ones who help them regularly.
11. Begin to wean yourself o몭 of your addictive behaviour.
Instead of instantly leaving, begin by reducing your use. This makes it much easier for
other people to leave. Reduce how much you consume, and progressively reduce it as
your day to leave for successful running.
12. Alter the surroundings.
Remove all reminders of your addiction from your house, car, and place of business.
Remove any things associated with the habit, and certain other items that serve as
reminders of the addiction.
• Replace the artefacts with things that make you feel happy and relaxed. Fill your
fridge with nutritious foods. Purchase a few nice textbooks or DVDs for yourself.
Decorate your home with candles and other visually beautiful objects. You should
try redecorating your home, reorganizing your furniture, or simply purchasing
some new bedspreads. Modifying your surroundings will bring a feeling of a new
Get all the tools you’ll need to solve your addictions right now!
Take into account a cigar, a swig of whiskey, a giggle of cocaine, a slip of narcotics, or a
hit of marijuana. Put aside the question not on whether narcotics are legitimate.
hit of marijuana. Put aside the question not on whether narcotics are legitimate.
Focus solely on the structure for the time being. Trillions of powerful molecules pass
across your blood before hitting your brain the time you leave that pu몭, a certain slug,
that swallow, that shot, that pu몭.
These substances will cause a chain reaction of electrical and chemical events that will
bounce through your skull and reorganize your mind’s inner reality after they have
settled there. You’ll be hooked once you recognize it.
Everyone has their own addictions in this country. When your addictions go too far, you
will know it’s necessary to end them before they seize control of your life and you hit
the dead end.
Go for my $30 recommended eBook on how to overcome addictions today.
In this $30 book which I am giving out for free for a limited time, expect to discover the
most powerful and practical strategies for breaking away from dangerous addictive
habits so that you really can enjoy your life and be happy. You will learn the following
in this $30 free eBook:
• Addiction Fundamentals
• Recognizing the Addiction
• Being Rational
• Learning Coping Skills
• What the Triggers are
• Changes in Lifestyle
• Being Accountable
• Having Support in Place
• Rewarding Accomplishments
• And there’s a lot more…
• And there’s a lot more…
Disclosure: This article contains links to my $30 eBook which I am giving out for free
for a limited time. This means if you click on the link, you will get the $30 eBook for
free. I won’t put anything here which I haven’t personally veri몭ed or used myself.
Solution To Addictions Addiction Recovery Addict Addiction Treatment How To Stop Addiction
Hi friends! I'm an article writer, online business promoter and affiliate with 6 yrs of online experience. Get my
latest articles on make money, addictions etc.
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  • 1. TANIMOLA SAMUEL SUNDAY About 12 proven ways on how to stop addictions How to stop addictions TANIMOLA SAMUEL SUNDAY May 14 · 15 min read Get started Open in app
  • 2. Introduction What Exactly Is Addiction? Anything that activates the reward circuits in the brain has the potential to become addictive. Addiction is a dynamic, persistent brain disease characterized by drug use or compulsive behaviours that persist despite negative e몭ects. Genes and the atmosphere a몭ect it. Compulsive behaviours toward a drug or activity that provides satisfaction or grati몭cation are known as addictions. Addiction is more than just a problem with drugs and alcohol. Excessive shopping, video games, sex, and gambling may all be classi몭ed as addictions. An addiction is a medical disorder that needs medication, not just a bad habit. Hormones that cause addictions What hormone is the cause of addiction?
  • 3. According to a review, people with high levels of the brain hormone dopamine and low sensitivity to it are more risk-takers and may be more vulnerable to addictive behaviour, substance addiction, and gambling. Addictions and their types, with examples Addictions can be divided into two categories: a. Addiction to drugs and alcohol b. Addiction to behaviour a. Addiction to drugs and alcohol It is also known as substance addiction and it refers to the indiscriminate use of any substance, including illicit substances, over-the-counter drugs, prescription medications, food, co몭ee, and even sugar, ignoring the adverse e몭ects and negative outcomes that may occur. b. Behavioral addiction, also known as a process addiction, is described as self- destructive, addictive, persistent behaviour such as betting, using the web, having a 몭ing in love, making love, enjoying video/internet gaming, continuing to work, eating, and functioning out to the point that it negatively impacts the person’s personal and professional life, but also emotional health.
  • 4. Addiction’s Stages Except for those who become addicted by mistake — typically as a result of taking a prescription drug — opioid abuse follows a predictable pattern. What begins as enjoyable or soothing can quickly turn traumatic and even deadly. It’s bene몭cial to be mindful of these stages and to use the experience to avoid the addiction’s ultimate result. Addiction progresses through four phases. They are as follows: Phase 1: Experimentation is the 몭rst phase. Just a small percentage of people set out to become addicted. A more popular scenario is when a friend or family member o몭ers the user a product, ideally intending to make it enjoyable or bene몭cial. The 몭rst time a candidate gets high may seem to be a one- time thing, but it is the 몭rst time that can lead to the downward spiral of addiction.
  • 5. In this form of exploration, peer pressure is a major factor. When it comes to the desire to be accepted by their peers, young people, in particular, are at a critical developmental stage. Although teenagers have a reputation for following the crowd, even adults are subject to peer pressure. When we feel unaccepted in a group, our stress levels rise in measurable ways for all. Many who do not have a strong defence against social rejection will often take a medication given to them to feel better. When peer pressure isn’t a factor, it’s more likely that the person is experiencing some kind of mental distress. The medications are being used to relieve occupational stress, social phobia, or to deal with a di몭cult life situation. If the substances are e몭ective at alleviating these symptoms, the urge to use them daily increases. Others would start taking a drug if it is given as a way to relieve physical pain. Although pain relievers are supposedly safe when used as required, using them without a recommendation is actually the leading cause of addiction. The abuse of prescription medications is cited by the vast majority of current opioid users as the catalyst for any opioid overdose. Phase 2: Consistent Usage & Abuse Anything that was once deemed recreational or transient becomes a way of life at this point on the path to addiction. The patient starts to use the drug as an excuse to get on with daily life because life is no longer as easy or enjoyable without this. Users may not see any real solutions for changing their sober conditions if they evaluate their encounters even without medication. Unsurprisingly, what starts as a way to escape boredom or tension can end up being the very thing that causes it. New users also complain that they are no longer associated with behaviours that once provided pleasure, and they can experience exaggerated mood changes between the levels depending on the nature of the drugs. While some people begin abusing drugs to relieve anxiety and stress, they soon discover that their chances of feeling these bad feelings have intensi몭ed while on the medication. As a true dependence on the drug develops, this process is becoming more obvious. Phase 3: Tolerance and Reliance Physically and mentally reliance on the medication develops as daily use advances. The brain no longer releases chemicals on its own, relying instead on an external substance to regulate it. The body can cease to function naturally, necessitating the use of even more drugs to reestablish homeostasis.
  • 6. more drugs to reestablish homeostasis. Emotionally, the user may begin to have become intolerable now that they are sober. Tolerance to the drug develops over time, with the brain requiring increasing amounts of the drug to regain a sense of proper functioning. After an individual develops a tolerance to a medication, they will need higher or more regular doses to achieve the desired relief. Along the way, there are also rises in risk-taking behaviours as a sub-category of this method. Users can be shocked by their own behaviour once dependence and tolerance have taken e몭ect. Money planned for bills could be diverted to the purchase of the drug. The consumer may discover that he or she is connecting with people who are not the best social partners. Users can begin to justify risky behaviours, like driving while drunk, as required activities. Work commitments may be deferred or ignored instead of getting big, and interactions may su몭er greatly from violence and abuse. Phase 4: Addiction is the fourth stage. The consumer has grown used to the above enhancements as a result of their strong usage. Since most thoughts are focused on how to achieve the next level, less time will be spent on ego. An addict may not even look like the person you once knew. Furthermore, consumers will believe that they are powerless to stop using the drug. They can decide to leave, only to be disappointed when they relapse. They may be conscious of their dear ones’ su몭ering, but that does not negate the need to use. Friends and relatives can assume a backseat to interact with some other drug users and suppliers. In the throes of opioid abuse, a person’s basic needs may be neglected. Without such a drug’s power to dictate the routine, grooming routines will degrade, meals may be missed, and sleep may become di몭cult. It is possible that jobs would be lost, causing a loss of income. Without a source of income, people are more likely to engage in illicit acts and pursue charity, and it could become a key link to hardship.
  • 7. 12 Proven ways to stop addictions 11 MOST COMMON EXPERIENCED ADDICTIONS THAT PEOPLE FOUND DIFFICULT TO STOP IN THEIR LIVES Addiction a몭ects one out of every eight people. Our list of the 11 most popular addictions is as follows:
  • 8. 1• Video game addiction: Addiction to video games is common in both younger and older people, and it can harm family and mental health. However, according to experts, about 10% of players su몭er from habitual addiction. 2. Web or Social Media addiction: People who are addicted to technology and social media spend a lot of their time on their computers or phones linked to the Web. They risk having relationship issues because they are unable to communicate socially by physical contact with their peers, families, and loved ones. Spending too much time online could cost them their jobs and cause them to drop out of school. Prolonged use of social media may cause anxiety in individuals who report feelings of anxiety and agitation when they are unable to communicate, which could be a withdrawal symptom. The reluctance to disconnect from social platforms, despite the detrimental consequences of its use, is a symptom of addiction. 3. Alcoholic addiction: According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is responsible for 20 to 30 per cent of all cases of liver cirrhosis, disease, car collisions, murder, liver cancer, and oesophagal cancer globally. Approximately one in every eight people is an alcoholic at any given time. “Whisky is the commodity with the most problems in addition to the size percentage of addicted consumers,” one else claims. 4. Tobacco addiction: Tobacco is the leading cause of death and disease in the world. Tobacco usage kills 1.3 billion people per year. Over than 34 million Americans smoke cigarettes and 16 million have a smoking-related illness, based on the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco is still a major industry, due to the inherent threat. The tobacco industry is estimated to be valued at $878.35 billion in 2021, according to experts. Nicotine, an addictive chemical present in tobacco products such as cigarettes, has the same addictive properties as heroin and cocaine. 5• Drugs addiction: Both illicit and legal drug consumption is on the rise all over the world. Heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and methamphetamines are the most widely abused drugs. Analysts claim that more than 21 million Americans su몭er from some kind of opioid addiction. 6• Shopping addiction: Shopping abusers can experience an initial rush of pleasure after purchasing something, but this is quickly followed by remorse. As a result of these bad emotions, more shopping is done. Although “retail therapy” can seem to be a
  • 9. bad emotions, more shopping is done. Although “retail therapy” can seem to be a healthy way to deal with your issues and can have serious e몭ects, especially when it comes to 몭nancial management. While there are few studies on this addiction, researchers suggest that it a몭ects anywhere from 1.8 per cent to 16 per cent of the elderly population of the World. 7• Sex addiction: Many people use sex as a means of reliving compulsions, reducing anxiety, or escaping reality. In the Western World alone, upwards of 30 million people su몭er from some kind of sexual addiction. Furthermore, sex addiction has the power to ruin a person’s mental health and career, as well as their civil, social, and emotional status. 8• Food addiction: Media depictions of unrealistic body shapes and fast-food commercials can contribute to unhealthy eating habits that can cause food addictions. About 5% of the world su몭ers from food addiction. Food addiction commonly includes high-fat, high-sugar snacks and meals, even though it isn’t deemed an eating disorder. These chemicals boost the reward system in the brain, gradually replacing the body’s natural cues to avoid feeding. 9• Gambling addiction: Gambling is becoming more common as a source of income for some social and humanitarian programs. Horse racing, casino gaming, national jackpots and lotto tickets, bingo, pub fruit games, soccer pools, and other jackpots and ra몭es are among the most common types of gambling. Gambling addiction a몭ects 2.6 per cent of the population today. 10. Addiction to work: Workaholics, or people who are addicted to their jobs, are a real mental health issue. Work addiction is described as the failure to handle working to be successful or to work excessively to avoid an emotional, physical, or psychological crisis. Perfectionists are particularly prone to this problem. Despite physical or mental health problems, these workaholics can continue to work. 11• Addiction To Plastic Surgery: Some people go under the knife again and again… and again to change their appearance. People who have a strong desire for plastic surgery can go from hospital to hospital in search of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist who will treat them. The reality is that these people are much more likely to su몭er from psychosis ( or dysmorphic disorder) than from adherence to cosmetic procedures. According to the International Foundation, body dysmorphic disorder a몭ects 1 to 2% of the population, with the disorder becoming several times more common in plastic
  • 10. surgery users. People who su몭er from this condition are obsessed with their appearance and think they are hideous or deformed. Anything and everything that activates the pleasure circuits in the brain has the potential to become addictive. These are the most common forms of addiction found worldwide. Addiction symptoms The signs and symptoms of addiction di몭er depending on the form of addiction, but here are some common ones: • Unwillingness to resist • Mood, appetite, and sleep disturbances • Unwillingness to resist • Legal and 몭nancial issues • Legal and 몭nancial issues • Prioritizing the substance or action over other aspects of life, such as family, jobs, and other obligations • Secrecy and denial • Prioritizing the substance or action over other aspects of life, such as family, jobs, and other obligations • Withdrawal signs and symptoms Taking more of the drug than you wanted to 5 Main Causes of addictions Physical and psychological highs can be induced by substances and behaviours. People gain tolerance over time, which means that it takes more of anything to produce the very same initial e몭ects. The following are some of the factors that can lead to addiction:
  • 11. a• The brain factor: Addiction causes an increase in the reward circuits of the brain with time. b• Addiction in the family: If you have family members that are also addicted, you may be more likely to become addicted. c• Genetics factor: Research shows that having a family history of addiction raises the risk of developing one. d• Environment factor: Addictions can be worsened by exposure to addictive drugs, societal strain, a lack of social support, and poor coping skills. e• Use frequency and duration: The more often and for how long someone takes a drug, the more probably they are to become hooked to it. Addictions evolve. While it is rare that an individual will become addicted after only one use of a drug, it is possible to design a mental health disorder or die of addiction or other complications. UNAVOIDABLE ADDICTION EFFECTS Addicts also have one or more co-occurring health problems, such as lung or cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer, or mental issues. Research studies, chest X-rays, and genetic testing will reveal the lengthy e몭ects of substance use all over the body. 12 PROVEN WAYS ON HOW TO STOP ADDICTIONS Stopping or quitting an addiction is never an easy job or a simple procedure. It necessarily requires determined e몭ort, and e몭ort. There are however 12 proven ways for anyone in the world on how to stop addictions. If you will adhere to them to the letter, they can greatly assist you in overcoming any addiction you may have. 1. Admit that you have a problem. First and foremost, you must acknowledge that you have an addiction. It’s time to seek treatment if you’re experiencing stress or shame as a result of your behaviour, or if your bad behaviours are interfering with or restricting your daily
  • 12. activities. Quitting is di몭cult due to a variety of human, emotional, and psychological needs, which is why so many individuals feel that therapy assists them in navigating the di몭cult task of quitting. 2. Have someone to answer to. Find a mentor at your nearby rehabilitation centre, or enlist the help of a relative or friend. You’ll be less likely to be subject to your addiction if you know someone is keeping an eye on you. 3. Workout “For me, a workout is the most e몭ective antidepressant; can indeed you boost your overall wellness and really well by getting sweaty, so you can also feel healthy endorphin secretion. 4. Break the bad habit. Notify yourself of why you would want to, and, perhaps speci몭cally, why you’d want to, kick the habit. Practice mindfulness and maintain a laser-like concentration on the task at hand. 5. Use Cognitive Behavioral therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that when you have a craving, you may choose to keep your focus on something else instead of distracting yourself before the craving passes. You may also use imagery methods to help you relax during a craving by picturing yourself in a calming environment. 6. Take up a new hobby Establishing a better hobby can enable you not only to develop your character, but it can also serve as a great diversion throughout a drug or alcohol addiction. 7. Take care of yourself. “We’ve all made mistakes in the past,” reads a single line from a well-known Addiction Center blog. This day is the perfect opportunity to select their brains.” You won’t be able to sense the necessity of your abuse until you start living your existence without it.
  • 13. Take charge. You are in control. You have the ability and the right to be free of addiction. 8. Make a list of the negative consequences of your alcohol or opioid abuse. This isn’t going to be a happy exercise, but having the list written down out of your own handwriting will help you resolve to avoid the addiction phase in your life. Take a few minutes to come up with a list close to this one with as many negative e몭ects as you can remember. 9. Make a vow to yourself to stop smoking. Providing a list of compelling reasons to leave can aid you in sticking to your strategy over time. Your motives for leaving must outweigh your desire to continue with your addictive conduct. This mental barrier is di몭cult to overcome, but it is a crucial 몭rst step in overcoming any addiction. You are the only one that can make you leave. Make a list of the true, strong reasons you’re quitting this habit. Users are just aware of their existence. Only several case studies are mentioned below: • Intend to quit when you want to reclaim your vitality and enjoy life to the fullest. • Intend to quit because you don’t have enough money to sustain your habit. • Decide to leave so you can be a better companion to your family. • Decide to retire because you want to see your grandkids moments later. 10. Seek both professional and personal help. You’ll need all the help you can get during your journey to learn how to stop addiction, even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. Since so many people struggle with addiction, there are several great institutions needed to support you stay on track, provide progress tips, and encourage you to try again if you have a kicko몭 return. If possible, locate a psychiatrist or mental health specialist in your area who can assist you in developing the right recovery plan and support system for your speci몭c needs. • Look at local and virtual treatment centres for people dealing with the sort of addiction you’re dealing with. Most programs are provided for free.
  • 14. addiction you’re dealing with. Most programs are provided for free. • Make an appointment with a doctor who deals with alcohol rehab. Locate someone with whom you feel at ease so that you can depend on them in the months ahead. Cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, Behavioral Interviewing, Gestalt approaches, and life skills development are only a few of the techniques which have been shown to help people overcome their addictions. You will have anonymity in a therapy environment, and the care will be tailored to your speci몭c objectives and aspirations. • Seek help from your nearest family and friends. Lets them understand and appreciate it. If you’re addicted to a drug, tell them they can’t do it around you. People who are e몭ective in stopping addictions for a long time usually have a support circle of loved ones who help them regularly. 11. Begin to wean yourself o몭 of your addictive behaviour. Instead of instantly leaving, begin by reducing your use. This makes it much easier for other people to leave. Reduce how much you consume, and progressively reduce it as your day to leave for successful running. 12. Alter the surroundings. Remove all reminders of your addiction from your house, car, and place of business. Remove any things associated with the habit, and certain other items that serve as reminders of the addiction. • Replace the artefacts with things that make you feel happy and relaxed. Fill your fridge with nutritious foods. Purchase a few nice textbooks or DVDs for yourself. Decorate your home with candles and other visually beautiful objects. You should try redecorating your home, reorganizing your furniture, or simply purchasing some new bedspreads. Modifying your surroundings will bring a feeling of a new beginning. Conclusion Get all the tools you’ll need to solve your addictions right now! Take into account a cigar, a swig of whiskey, a giggle of cocaine, a slip of narcotics, or a hit of marijuana. Put aside the question not on whether narcotics are legitimate.
  • 15. hit of marijuana. Put aside the question not on whether narcotics are legitimate. Focus solely on the structure for the time being. Trillions of powerful molecules pass across your blood before hitting your brain the time you leave that pu몭, a certain slug, that swallow, that shot, that pu몭. These substances will cause a chain reaction of electrical and chemical events that will bounce through your skull and reorganize your mind’s inner reality after they have settled there. You’ll be hooked once you recognize it. Everyone has their own addictions in this country. When your addictions go too far, you will know it’s necessary to end them before they seize control of your life and you hit the dead end. Recommendation Go for my $30 recommended eBook on how to overcome addictions today. In this $30 book which I am giving out for free for a limited time, expect to discover the most powerful and practical strategies for breaking away from dangerous addictive habits so that you really can enjoy your life and be happy. You will learn the following in this $30 free eBook: • Addiction Fundamentals • Recognizing the Addiction • Being Rational • Learning Coping Skills • What the Triggers are • Changes in Lifestyle • Being Accountable • Having Support in Place • Rewarding Accomplishments • And there’s a lot more…
  • 16. • And there’s a lot more… CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR OWN FREE COPY NOW! Disclosure: This article contains links to my $30 eBook which I am giving out for free for a limited time. This means if you click on the link, you will get the $30 eBook for free. I won’t put anything here which I haven’t personally veri몭ed or used myself.
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