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MS 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                          Course Summary

In this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms applications using .NET
Framework 4 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and
scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that
students know when each should/could be used. This will also prepare the student for exam 70-515.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

      •      Describe the underlying architecture and                                                          •      Ensure quality by debugging, unit testing,
             design of a Web application.                                                                             and refactoring.
      •      Apply best practices and make appropriate                                                         •      Secure a Web application.
             trade-offs based on business requirements                                                         •      Apply Master Pages and CSS for a
             when designing a Web application.                                                                        consistent application UI.
      •      Develop MVC models.                                                                               •      Develop client-side scripts and services for a
      •      Develop MVC controllers.                                                                                 responsive, rich, and interactive UI.
      •      Develop MVC views.                                                                                •      Implement advanced AJAX in a Web
      •      Optimize the design of a Web application for                                                             application.
             discoverability by search engines.                                                                •      Deploy a Web application.
      •      Write server-side code for Web Forms.                                                             •      Develop a Web application by using
      •      Optimize data management for Web Forms.                                                                  Silverlight.


      •      Overview of Web Application                                                                       •      Ensuring Quality by Debugging, Unit
      •      Designing a Web Application                                                                              Testing, and Refactoring
      •      Developing MVC Models                                                                             •      Securing a Web Application
      •      Developing MVC Controllers                                                                        •      Applying Master Pages and CSS
      •      Developing MVC Views                                                                              •      Developing Client Side Scripts and Services
      •      Designing for Discoverability                                                                     •      Implementing Advanced AJAX in a Web
      •      Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms
                                                                                                               •      Deploying a Web Application
      •      Optimizing Data Management for Web
             Forms                                                                                             •      Developing a Web Application by Using


This course is intended for professional Web developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio in a team-based,
medium-sized to large development environment. Members of the audience have a minimum of two to three years
of experience developing Web-based applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET.

 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

Members of the audience are experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and newer releases of the
Visual Studio product. The audience understands how to use the new features of Visual Studio 2010.

MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                 Course Summary (cont’d)

In addition to their professional Web development experience, students who attend this training should have the
following technical knowledge:

      •      An understanding of the problem-solving                                                                  o  Using arithmetic, relational, and logical
             techniques that apply to software                                                                           operators in code statements
             development, including the following                                                                     o Using branching statements to control
             principles of software development:                                                                         code execution
             o modern software development model                                                                      o Using looping statements to iterate
             o typical phases of a software                                                                              through collections or repeat steps until
                  development lifecycle                                                                                  a specified condition is met
             o concepts of event-driven programming                                                                   o Creating classes and methods to
             o concepts of object-oriented                                                                               establish the basic structure of an
                  programming                                                                                            application
             o creating use-case diagrams                                                                             o Using methods and events to implement
             o designing and building a user interface                                                                   the programming logic of an application
             o developing a structured application                                                                    o Identifying syntax and logic errors
      •      A basic understanding of the following                                                                   o Accessing and managing data from a
             scripting techniques and some hands-on                                                                      data source
             experience writing scripts:                                                                       •      Experience in object oriented design and
             o Web scripting techniques                                                                               development as follows:
             o Macro scripting techniques                                                                             o Creating and accessing classes and
             o Windows scripting techniques                                                                              class properties
      •      A general understanding of the purpose,                                                                  o Creating and accessing methods and
             function, and features of following .NET                                                                    overloaded methods
             Framework topics:                                                                                        o Implementing inheritance, base classes,
             o Common Language Runtime                                                                                   and abstract classes
             o .NET Framework class library                                                                           o Declaring, raising, and handling events
             o Common Type System                                                                                     o Responding to and throwing exceptions
             o Component interoperation                                                                               o Implementing interfaces and
             o Cross-Language Interoperability                                                                           polymorphism
             o Assemblies in the Common Language                                                                      o Implementing shared and static
                  Runtime                                                                                                members
             o Application Domains                                                                                    o Implementing generics
             o Runtime hosts supported by the .NET                                                                    o Creating components and class libraries
                  Framework                                                                                    •      Experience in N-Tier application design and
      •      Experience using Visual Studio 2008 in the                                                               development as follows:
             following task areas:                                                                                    o Managing a software development
             o Declaring and initializing typed variables                                                                process
                  using the Camel case naming                                                                         o Controlling input at the user interface
                  convention                                                                                             level in Windows Client and Web
 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

o      Debugging, tracing, and profiling .NET                                                            o      Implementing basic testing best
                    applications                                                                                             practices
             o      Monitoring and logging .NET                                                                       o

MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                 Course Summary (cont’d)

             o      Performing basic Data Access tasks                                                                o      Implementing basic service calls
                    with LINQ                                                                                         o      Using .NET Configuration Files
             o      Implementing basic security best                                                                  o      Deploying .NET Framework Applications
                    practices in .NET Applications                                                                           using ClickOnce and the MS Installer


Five days

 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                             Course Outline

I.Overview of Web Application Design
This module describes the underlying architecture                                                       Lab: Redesigning the Adventure Works Web site
and design of a Web application                                                                            • Exercise 1: Reviewing the Adventure Works
    A. Overview of IIS 7.0                                                                                    Web site
    B. Overview of ASP.NET 4.0                                                                             • Exercise 2: Redesigning the Adventure
    C. Introduction to the MVC Framework                                                                      Works Web site
    D. Overview of the Request Life Cycle                                                                  • Exercise 3: Adding MVC Capabilities to the
                                                                                                              Adventure Works Web site
Lab: Exploring the Adventure Works Web Site
   • Exercise 1: Explore the Adventure Works                                                            After completing this module, students will be
      Web Site                                                                                          able to:
   • Exercise 2: Comparing Web Forms and                                                                    • Explain the different types of web
      MVC                                                                                                        applications and their characteristics.
   • Exercise 3: Working with the Web Forms                                                                 • Choose the correct design based on the on
      Page Life Cycle                                                                                            business requirements, utilizing Web Forms
                                                                                                                 and MVC based.
After completing this module, students will be                                                              • Explain the different tools and technologies
able to:                                                                                                         and best practices around each.
    • Describe the underlying architecture of
         ASP.NET 4.0.                                                                                   III.Developing MVC Models
    • Identify new features in ASP.NET 4.0.                                                             This module describes the MVC development model
    • Describe the components of the MVC                                                                (Models, Controllers, and Views) and how to create
         framework.                                                                                     the Models that are used to access and modify the
    • Describe the structure of an MVC                                                                  data in a data source.
         application.                                                                                        A. Exploring Ways to Create MVC Models
    • Describe the life cycle of a Web Forms                                                                 B. Creating a Data Repository
    • Describe the life cycle of an MVC page.                                                           Lab: Developing MVC Models
    • Describe the differences between the life                                                            • Exercise 1: Exploring Ways to Create MVC
         cycle of a Web Forms page and an MVC                                                                 Models
         page                                                                                              • Exercise 2: Creating Data Repository

II.Designing a Web Application                                                                          After completing this module, students will be
This module describes the best practices and trade-                                                     able to:
offs that you need to make when designing a Web                                                             • Create MVC models by using classes and
application.                                                                                                     data mapping tools.
     A. Web Applications: Case Studies                                                                      • Create a data repository
     B. Web Application Design Essentials
     C. Guidelines for Determining When to Use                                                          IV.Developing MVC Controllers
         Web Forms and MVC                                                                              This module describes how to create the Controllers
     D. Visual Studio 2010 Tools and Technologies                                                       that are used to respond to communications from the
         for Web Application Design                                                                     user and how to implement the application flow and
 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

A. Implementing MVC Controllers
      B. Creating Action Methods
MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                   Course Outline (cont’d)

Lab: Developing MVC Controllers
   • Exercise 1: Creating an MVC Controller                                                             Designing for Discoverability
   • Exercise 2: Adding Code to List the Blog                                                           This module describes how to implement the
      Entries                                                                                           navigational design and also how discoverability will
   • Exercise 3: Adding Code to Create a New                                                            be achieved through content keywords and page
      Blog Entry                                                                                        URLs.
   • Exercise 4: Adding Code to Edit a Blog                                                                 A. Overview of Search Engine Optimization
      Entry                                                                                                 B. Creating the Robots and Sitemap Files
   • Exercise 5: Adding Code to Delete a Blog                                                               C. Using ASP.NET Routing
                                                                                                        Lab: Designing for Discoverability
After completing this module, students will be                                                             • Exercise 1: Mapping URLs of Web Forms
able to:                                                                                                      Pages
    • Implement MVC controllers.                                                                           • Exercise 2: Creating a Sitemap File
    • Create action methods                                                                                • Exercise 3: Building the Application
V.Developing MVC Views
This module describes how to create the Views that                                                      After completing this module, students will be
are used to expose the application UI. The module                                                       able to:
also covers how to manage pre-action and post-                                                              • Describe the need to optimize the design of
action behavior of Controller action methods using                                                               a Web site for discoverability by search
the included action filters are provided as part of                                                              engines and how the IIS SEO Toolkit helps
MVC                                                                                                              in optimization.
     A. Implementing MVC Views                                                                              • Create robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.
     B. Implementing Strongly-Typed MVC Views                                                               • Use ASP.NET with Web Forms and MVC
     C. Implementing Partial MVC Views                                                                           pages.

Lab: Developing MVC Views                                                                               VI.Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms
   • Exercise 1: Develop a List MVC View                                                                This module describes the advanced features of
   • Exercise 2: Develop a Details MVC View                                                             server-side coding and technologies. The module
   • Exercise 3: Develop a Create MVC View                                                              describes how to allow the website to move into a
   • Exercise 4: Develop an Edit MVC View                                                               global and web farm environment through
   • Exercise 5: Develop a Delete MVC View                                                              localization, shared sessions, and custom user
                                                                                                        controls. The module will also cover how to use the
After completing this module, students will be                                                          custom validator and regular expressions.
able to:                                                                                                    A. Overview of the Structure of a Web
    • Describe what an MVC view is and the                                                                       Application
         varied types of views.                                                                             B. Controlling ViewState
    • Create an MVC view.                                                                                   C. Localizing a Web Application
    • Implement strongly typed MVC views.                                                                   D. Persisting Data on a Web Forms Page
                                                                                                            E. Validating User Input
    • Implement partial MVC views

                                                                                                        Lab: Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms
 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

•      Exercise 1: Modifying a Web Forms Page to
             Display Localized Content
MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                   Course Outline (cont’d)

      •      Exercise 2: Persisting data on a Web Forms                                                        •      Use data source and data bound controls in
             Page                                                                                                     Web Forms.
      •      Exercise 3: Exploring Viewstate                                                                   •      Use ASP.NET Dynamic Data in Web Forms.
      •      Exercise 4: Adding Validation to Web Forms
             Pages                                                                                      VIII.Ensuring Quality by Debugging, Unit Testing,
                                                                                                        and Refactoring
After completing this module, students will be                                                          This module describes how to perform check-in
able to:                                                                                                testing for their Web Forms and MVC applications as
    • Describe the structure of a Web application.                                                      well as how to use the built-in debugging capabilities
    • Control ViewState based on performance                                                            of VS2010.
         requirements.                                                                                       A. Debugging and Refactoring Code
    • Localize a Web application by using                                                                    B. Unit Testing Code
         resource files.                                                                                     C. Processing Unhandled Exceptions
    • Describe the techniques used to persist user                                                           D. Test Driven Development
         information. Describe the different
         technologies used in web farms.                                                                Lab: Debugging, Unit Testing and Refactoring
    • Validate user input in Web Forms and MVC                                                             • Exercise 1: Configuring Error Handling
         pages.                                                                                            • Exercise 2: Debugging Code
                                                                                                           • Exercise 3: Logging
VII.Optimizing Data Management for Web Forms                                                               • Exercise 4: Creating Unit Tests
This module describes how to optimize and display                                                          • Exercise 5: Implementing the Test-First
data management tasks for a Web Forms-based                                                                   Development Methodology
application using Dynamic Data, Data Binding,
LinqToEntities, server side controls, and server-side                                                   After completing this module, students will be
code.                                                                                                   able to:
    A. Managing Data by Using LINQ to Entities                                                              • Debug and refactor code
    B. Using Data Source Controls                                                                           • Unit test code.
    C. Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data                                                                           • Describe how to log information to a file,
                                                                                                                 database, event or other, including best
Lab: Optimizing Data Management for Web                                                                          practices.
Forms                                                                                                       • Describe the Test-Driven Development
   • Exercise 1: Managing Data by Using LINQ                                                                     methodology.
      to Entities
   • Exercise 2: Customizing the GridView                                                               Securing a Web Application
   • Exercise 3: Using ListView, DetailsView &                                                          This module describes how to mitigate common
      Charts                                                                                            security threats and to implement the essentials
   • Exercise 4: Managing Data by Using                                                                 (must haves) of Web security in both MVC and Web
      ASP.NET Dynamic Data                                                                              Forms applications.
                                                                                                            A. Configuring Authentication
After completing this module, students will be                                                              B. Configuring ASP.NET Membership
able to:                                                                                                    C. Managing Authorization by Using ASP.NET
    • Use the LINQtoEntities framework to                                                                        Roles
         manage data
 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                   Course Outline (cont’d)

Lab: Securing a Web Application                                                                         Lab: Developing Client Side Scripts and
   • Exercise 1: Configuring ASP.NET                                                                    Services
      Membership and Roles                                                                                 • Exercise 1: Creating Client-Side Script
   • Exercise 2: Authentication                                                                            • Exercise 2: Advanced JQuery
   • Exercise 3: Authorization                                                                             • Exercise 3: Creating a WCF Service

After completing this module, students will be                                                          After completing this module, students will be
able to:                                                                                                able to:
    • Configure authentication                                                                              • Develop client-side scripts
    • Configure ASP.NET Membership                                                                          • Implement advanced JQuery
    • Manage authorization by using ASP.NET                                                                 • Create services
                                                                                                        X.Implementing Advanced AJAX in a Web
Applying Master Pages and CSS                                                                           Application
This module describes how to achieve a consistent                                                       This module describes the programmatic side of
UI in a reusable manner.                                                                                AJAX enabled controls (as well as extending server
     A. Applying Master Pages                                                                           controls to include AJAX functionality) on a Web
     B. Applying CSS, Skins, and Themes                                                                 Forms page as well as implementing AJAX on a
                                                                                                        MVC page
Lab: Applying Master Pages and CSS                                                                          A. Implementing Ajax in ASP.NET MVC Pages
   • Exercise 1: Modify a Master Page                                                                           Using Microsoft Ajax
   • Exercise 2: Create Nested Master Page                                                                  B. Implementing Ajax in ASP.NET MVC Pages
   • Exercise 3: Integrating a Master Page                                                                      Using jQuery
                                                                                                            C. Working With jQuery and Ajax Events
   • Exercise 4: Control Skins
   • Exercise 5: Applying Styles & Themes
                                                                                                        Lab: Implementing Advanced Ajax for the
After completing this module, students will be                                                          AdventureWorks web application
able to:                                                                                                   • Exercise 1: Using AJAX in an MVC Page
    • Identify challenges in developing a Web                                                                  Scenario
         application that is compatible across a wide                                                      • Exercise 2: Using jQuery in an MVC Page
         range of browsers and ways to address                                                             • Exercise 3: Handling jQuery Ajax Events
         these challenges.
    • Apply master pages for a consistent                                                               After completing this module, students will be
         application UI.                                                                                able to:
    • Apply CSS for a consistent application UI.                                                            • Manage browser history
                                                                                                            • Implement AJAX in MVC pages
IX.Developing Client Side Scripts and Services                                                              • Implement jQuery
This module described how to develop client-side
scripts and services for a responsive, rich, and                                                        XI.Deploying a Web Application
interactive application UI.                                                                             This module describes how to plan, configure, and
     A. Developing Client-Side Scripts                                                                  perform deployment tasks associated with a
     B. Implementing AJAX                                                                               production Web site. The module also describes the
     C. Creating Services                                                                               Web site lifecycle as it pertains to deployment.
                                                                                                            A. Overview of Web Application Deployments
                                                                                                            B. Overview of Web Site Deployments
 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically

MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
                                                                   Course Outline (cont’d)

      C. Deploying AdventureWorks                                                                       After completing this module, students will be
                                                                                                        able to:
Lab: Deploying AdventureWorks                                                                               • Describe the characteristics of RIAs and the
   • Exercise 1: Deploying a Web Application                                                                     technologies for building them.
      Project Using One-Click Publish                                                                       • Describe the features of Silverlight, its
   • Exercise 2: Deploying a Web Application                                                                     architecture, and the use of XAML for
      Using a Web Deployment Package                                                                             developing Silverlight applications
   • Exercise 3: Deploying a Web Site with the                                                              • Create a Silverlight application.
      Copy Web Site Tool
   • Exercise 4: Deploying a Web Site with the
      Publish Web Site Utility

After completing this module, students will be
able to:
    • Identify challenges in deploying Web
         applications and describe varied target
    • Describe Web application compilation
         methods and tools.
    • Transform the web.config file when
         deploying a Web application

Developing a Web Application by Using
This module introduces students to Silverlight by
having them integrate a Silverlight module into an
existing ASP.NET application. Students will learn
how to add a Silverlight project to an existing
solution, leverage the existing Web application by
calling a WCF service, and display the information in
     A. Introduction to Rich Internet Applications
     B. Overview of Silverlight
     C. Creating a Silverlight Application

Lab: Developing a Web Application by Using
    • Exercise 1: Creating a Silverlight Project
    • Exercise 2: Creating a Silverlight WCF
    • Exercise 3: Displaying Data by Using
         Silverlight Controls

 Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational
   purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically


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10264 developing web applications with microsoft visual studio 2010

  • 1. MS 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Summary Description In this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms applications using .NET Framework 4 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used. This will also prepare the student for exam 70-515. Objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to: • Describe the underlying architecture and • Ensure quality by debugging, unit testing, design of a Web application. and refactoring. • Apply best practices and make appropriate • Secure a Web application. trade-offs based on business requirements • Apply Master Pages and CSS for a when designing a Web application. consistent application UI. • Develop MVC models. • Develop client-side scripts and services for a • Develop MVC controllers. responsive, rich, and interactive UI. • Develop MVC views. • Implement advanced AJAX in a Web • Optimize the design of a Web application for application. discoverability by search engines. • Deploy a Web application. • Write server-side code for Web Forms. • Develop a Web application by using • Optimize data management for Web Forms. Silverlight. Topics • Overview of Web Application • Ensuring Quality by Debugging, Unit • Designing a Web Application Testing, and Refactoring • Developing MVC Models • Securing a Web Application • Developing MVC Controllers • Applying Master Pages and CSS • Developing MVC Views • Developing Client Side Scripts and Services • Designing for Discoverability • Implementing Advanced AJAX in a Web Application • Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms • Deploying a Web Application • Optimizing Data Management for Web Forms • Developing a Web Application by Using Silverlight Audience This course is intended for professional Web developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio in a team-based, medium-sized to large development environment. Members of the audience have a minimum of two to three years of experience developing Web-based applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET. Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 2. Members of the audience are experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and newer releases of the Visual Studio product. The audience understands how to use the new features of Visual Studio 2010. MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Summary (cont’d) Prerequisites In addition to their professional Web development experience, students who attend this training should have the following technical knowledge: • An understanding of the problem-solving o Using arithmetic, relational, and logical techniques that apply to software operators in code statements development, including the following o Using branching statements to control principles of software development: code execution o modern software development model o Using looping statements to iterate o typical phases of a software through collections or repeat steps until development lifecycle a specified condition is met o concepts of event-driven programming o Creating classes and methods to o concepts of object-oriented establish the basic structure of an programming application o creating use-case diagrams o Using methods and events to implement o designing and building a user interface the programming logic of an application o developing a structured application o Identifying syntax and logic errors • A basic understanding of the following o Accessing and managing data from a scripting techniques and some hands-on data source experience writing scripts: • Experience in object oriented design and o Web scripting techniques development as follows: o Macro scripting techniques o Creating and accessing classes and o Windows scripting techniques class properties • A general understanding of the purpose, o Creating and accessing methods and function, and features of following .NET overloaded methods Framework topics: o Implementing inheritance, base classes, o Common Language Runtime and abstract classes o .NET Framework class library o Declaring, raising, and handling events o Common Type System o Responding to and throwing exceptions o Component interoperation o Implementing interfaces and o Cross-Language Interoperability polymorphism o Assemblies in the Common Language o Implementing shared and static Runtime members o Application Domains o Implementing generics o Runtime hosts supported by the .NET o Creating components and class libraries Framework • Experience in N-Tier application design and • Experience using Visual Studio 2008 in the development as follows: following task areas: o Managing a software development o Declaring and initializing typed variables process using the Camel case naming o Controlling input at the user interface convention level in Windows Client and Web applications Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 3. o Debugging, tracing, and profiling .NET o Implementing basic testing best applications practices o Monitoring and logging .NET o applications MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Summary (cont’d) o Performing basic Data Access tasks o Implementing basic service calls with LINQ o Using .NET Configuration Files o Implementing basic security best o Deploying .NET Framework Applications practices in .NET Applications using ClickOnce and the MS Installer Duration Five days Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 4. MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Outline I.Overview of Web Application Design This module describes the underlying architecture Lab: Redesigning the Adventure Works Web site and design of a Web application • Exercise 1: Reviewing the Adventure Works A. Overview of IIS 7.0 Web site B. Overview of ASP.NET 4.0 • Exercise 2: Redesigning the Adventure C. Introduction to the MVC Framework Works Web site D. Overview of the Request Life Cycle • Exercise 3: Adding MVC Capabilities to the Adventure Works Web site Lab: Exploring the Adventure Works Web Site • Exercise 1: Explore the Adventure Works After completing this module, students will be Web Site able to: • Exercise 2: Comparing Web Forms and • Explain the different types of web MVC applications and their characteristics. • Exercise 3: Working with the Web Forms • Choose the correct design based on the on Page Life Cycle business requirements, utilizing Web Forms and MVC based. After completing this module, students will be • Explain the different tools and technologies able to: and best practices around each. • Describe the underlying architecture of ASP.NET 4.0. III.Developing MVC Models • Identify new features in ASP.NET 4.0. This module describes the MVC development model • Describe the components of the MVC (Models, Controllers, and Views) and how to create framework. the Models that are used to access and modify the • Describe the structure of an MVC data in a data source. application. A. Exploring Ways to Create MVC Models • Describe the life cycle of a Web Forms B. Creating a Data Repository page. • Describe the life cycle of an MVC page. Lab: Developing MVC Models • Describe the differences between the life • Exercise 1: Exploring Ways to Create MVC cycle of a Web Forms page and an MVC Models page • Exercise 2: Creating Data Repository II.Designing a Web Application After completing this module, students will be This module describes the best practices and trade- able to: offs that you need to make when designing a Web • Create MVC models by using classes and application. data mapping tools. A. Web Applications: Case Studies • Create a data repository B. Web Application Design Essentials C. Guidelines for Determining When to Use IV.Developing MVC Controllers Web Forms and MVC This module describes how to create the Controllers D. Visual Studio 2010 Tools and Technologies that are used to respond to communications from the for Web Application Design user and how to implement the application flow and logic. Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 5. A. Implementing MVC Controllers B. Creating Action Methods MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Outline (cont’d) Lab: Developing MVC Controllers • Exercise 1: Creating an MVC Controller Designing for Discoverability • Exercise 2: Adding Code to List the Blog This module describes how to implement the Entries navigational design and also how discoverability will • Exercise 3: Adding Code to Create a New be achieved through content keywords and page Blog Entry URLs. • Exercise 4: Adding Code to Edit a Blog A. Overview of Search Engine Optimization Entry B. Creating the Robots and Sitemap Files • Exercise 5: Adding Code to Delete a Blog C. Using ASP.NET Routing Entry Lab: Designing for Discoverability After completing this module, students will be • Exercise 1: Mapping URLs of Web Forms able to: Pages • Implement MVC controllers. • Exercise 2: Creating a Sitemap File • Create action methods • Exercise 3: Building the Application Infrastructure V.Developing MVC Views This module describes how to create the Views that After completing this module, students will be are used to expose the application UI. The module able to: also covers how to manage pre-action and post- • Describe the need to optimize the design of action behavior of Controller action methods using a Web site for discoverability by search the included action filters are provided as part of engines and how the IIS SEO Toolkit helps MVC in optimization. A. Implementing MVC Views • Create robots.txt and sitemap.xml files. B. Implementing Strongly-Typed MVC Views • Use ASP.NET with Web Forms and MVC C. Implementing Partial MVC Views pages. Lab: Developing MVC Views VI.Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms • Exercise 1: Develop a List MVC View This module describes the advanced features of • Exercise 2: Develop a Details MVC View server-side coding and technologies. The module • Exercise 3: Develop a Create MVC View describes how to allow the website to move into a • Exercise 4: Develop an Edit MVC View global and web farm environment through • Exercise 5: Develop a Delete MVC View localization, shared sessions, and custom user controls. The module will also cover how to use the After completing this module, students will be custom validator and regular expressions. able to: A. Overview of the Structure of a Web • Describe what an MVC view is and the Application varied types of views. B. Controlling ViewState • Create an MVC view. C. Localizing a Web Application • Implement strongly typed MVC views. D. Persisting Data on a Web Forms Page E. Validating User Input • Implement partial MVC views Lab: Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 6. Exercise 1: Modifying a Web Forms Page to Display Localized Content MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Outline (cont’d) • Exercise 2: Persisting data on a Web Forms • Use data source and data bound controls in Page Web Forms. • Exercise 3: Exploring Viewstate • Use ASP.NET Dynamic Data in Web Forms. • Exercise 4: Adding Validation to Web Forms Pages VIII.Ensuring Quality by Debugging, Unit Testing, and Refactoring After completing this module, students will be This module describes how to perform check-in able to: testing for their Web Forms and MVC applications as • Describe the structure of a Web application. well as how to use the built-in debugging capabilities • Control ViewState based on performance of VS2010. requirements. A. Debugging and Refactoring Code • Localize a Web application by using B. Unit Testing Code resource files. C. Processing Unhandled Exceptions • Describe the techniques used to persist user D. Test Driven Development information. Describe the different technologies used in web farms. Lab: Debugging, Unit Testing and Refactoring • Validate user input in Web Forms and MVC • Exercise 1: Configuring Error Handling pages. • Exercise 2: Debugging Code • Exercise 3: Logging VII.Optimizing Data Management for Web Forms • Exercise 4: Creating Unit Tests This module describes how to optimize and display • Exercise 5: Implementing the Test-First data management tasks for a Web Forms-based Development Methodology application using Dynamic Data, Data Binding, LinqToEntities, server side controls, and server-side After completing this module, students will be code. able to: A. Managing Data by Using LINQ to Entities • Debug and refactor code B. Using Data Source Controls • Unit test code. C. Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data • Describe how to log information to a file, database, event or other, including best Lab: Optimizing Data Management for Web practices. Forms • Describe the Test-Driven Development • Exercise 1: Managing Data by Using LINQ methodology. to Entities • Exercise 2: Customizing the GridView Securing a Web Application • Exercise 3: Using ListView, DetailsView & This module describes how to mitigate common Charts security threats and to implement the essentials • Exercise 4: Managing Data by Using (must haves) of Web security in both MVC and Web ASP.NET Dynamic Data Forms applications. A. Configuring Authentication After completing this module, students will be B. Configuring ASP.NET Membership able to: C. Managing Authorization by Using ASP.NET • Use the LINQtoEntities framework to Roles manage data Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 7. MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Outline (cont’d) Lab: Securing a Web Application Lab: Developing Client Side Scripts and • Exercise 1: Configuring ASP.NET Services Membership and Roles • Exercise 1: Creating Client-Side Script • Exercise 2: Authentication • Exercise 2: Advanced JQuery • Exercise 3: Authorization • Exercise 3: Creating a WCF Service After completing this module, students will be After completing this module, students will be able to: able to: • Configure authentication • Develop client-side scripts • Configure ASP.NET Membership • Implement advanced JQuery • Manage authorization by using ASP.NET • Create services Roles X.Implementing Advanced AJAX in a Web Applying Master Pages and CSS Application This module describes how to achieve a consistent This module describes the programmatic side of UI in a reusable manner. AJAX enabled controls (as well as extending server A. Applying Master Pages controls to include AJAX functionality) on a Web B. Applying CSS, Skins, and Themes Forms page as well as implementing AJAX on a MVC page Lab: Applying Master Pages and CSS A. Implementing Ajax in ASP.NET MVC Pages • Exercise 1: Modify a Master Page Using Microsoft Ajax • Exercise 2: Create Nested Master Page B. Implementing Ajax in ASP.NET MVC Pages • Exercise 3: Integrating a Master Page Using jQuery C. Working With jQuery and Ajax Events • Exercise 4: Control Skins • Exercise 5: Applying Styles & Themes Lab: Implementing Advanced Ajax for the After completing this module, students will be AdventureWorks web application able to: • Exercise 1: Using AJAX in an MVC Page • Identify challenges in developing a Web Scenario application that is compatible across a wide • Exercise 2: Using jQuery in an MVC Page range of browsers and ways to address • Exercise 3: Handling jQuery Ajax Events these challenges. • Apply master pages for a consistent After completing this module, students will be application UI. able to: • Apply CSS for a consistent application UI. • Manage browser history • Implement AJAX in MVC pages IX.Developing Client Side Scripts and Services • Implement jQuery This module described how to develop client-side scripts and services for a responsive, rich, and XI.Deploying a Web Application interactive application UI. This module describes how to plan, configure, and A. Developing Client-Side Scripts perform deployment tasks associated with a B. Implementing AJAX production Web site. The module also describes the C. Creating Services Web site lifecycle as it pertains to deployment. A. Overview of Web Application Deployments B. Overview of Web Site Deployments Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC
  • 8. MOC 10264 Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course Outline (cont’d) C. Deploying AdventureWorks After completing this module, students will be able to: Lab: Deploying AdventureWorks • Describe the characteristics of RIAs and the • Exercise 1: Deploying a Web Application technologies for building them. Project Using One-Click Publish • Describe the features of Silverlight, its • Exercise 2: Deploying a Web Application architecture, and the use of XAML for Using a Web Deployment Package developing Silverlight applications • Exercise 3: Deploying a Web Site with the • Create a Silverlight application. Copy Web Site Tool • Exercise 4: Deploying a Web Site with the Publish Web Site Utility After completing this module, students will be able to: • Identify challenges in deploying Web applications and describe varied target environments. • Describe Web application compilation methods and tools. • Transform the web.config file when deploying a Web application Developing a Web Application by Using Silverlight This module introduces students to Silverlight by having them integrate a Silverlight module into an existing ASP.NET application. Students will learn how to add a Silverlight project to an existing solution, leverage the existing Web application by calling a WCF service, and display the information in Silverlight. A. Introduction to Rich Internet Applications B. Overview of Silverlight C. Creating a Silverlight Application Lab: Developing a Web Application by Using Silverlight • Exercise 1: Creating a Silverlight Project • Exercise 2: Creating a Silverlight WCF Service • Exercise 3: Displaying Data by Using Silverlight Controls Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trade names. References to other companies and their products are for informational purposes only, and all trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. It is not the intent of ProTech Professional Technical Services, Inc. to use any of these names generically 10264DEVELOPINGWEBAPPLICATIONSWITHMICROSOFTVISUALSTUDIO2010-110311182359-PHPAPP01.DOC