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First India Bureau
New Delhi:Ontheocca-
sion of International
Women’s Day, Rakesh
Asthana, Delhi Police
Commissioner, interact-
ed with around 50,000
women from 1,784 police
beats across the city
through a hybrid plat-
form ‘Tarangini’. It was
Asthana’s first ever in-
teraction with women
on such a large scale
through video-confer-
encing to discuss their
concerns, Delhi police
statement said. The pro-
gramme was beamed
live through Youtube
The event saw the par-
ticipation of a large
number of women from
Resident Welfare Asso-
ciations’ (RWA) and
working professionals at
the Adarsh Hall. Astha-
Police in the field of
women’s safety and
women empowerment.
Addressing thou-
sands of women on be-
half of thepolice,theCP
underlined that Wom-
en’s Day should not re-
main limited to being
just a specific day in the
year, rather should be
observed every day in
order to foster the val-
uesof dignityandequal-
ity towards them.
Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana at the event on Tuesday.
Asthana lauds female cops’ role in
protecting people and said that Delhi
Police is committed to women’s safety
BPR&D planning self-defence camps for women in every dist: Irani
New Delhi (PTI): Un-
ion Minister Smriti
Irani said one-stop
centres are planning
to organise self-de-
fence camps for wom-
en and girls in every
district in collabora-
tion with the Bureau
of Police Research
and Development
Addressing the Na-
tional Conference on
Safety and Security of
Women at Public and
Workplaces organised
by the BPR&D, Irani
said the government
is working towards
linking mahila help-
desk at every police
station with one-stop
“One-stop centres
in collaboration with
the Bureau of Police
Research and Develop-
ment are planning to
organise self-defence
camps for women and
girls in every dis-
trict,” she said in her
speech at the confer-
ence organised on the
occasion of the Inter-
national Women’s Day.
Irani also put for-
ward a number of pro-
posals where collabo-
ration can take place
between BPR&D and
the Women and Child
Development Minis-
try. She said BPR&D
and NIMHANS, which
is among the coun-
try’s apex centre for
mental health and
neuroscience educa-
tion, can collaborate
to provide counselling
for women police per-
sonnel who are
She also proposed
that the BPR&D and
the Women and Child
Development Minis-
try can have a special
crèche facility for
women personnel in
every district. Irani
said that under the
Nirbhaya fund, the
government wants to
empower women. She
said, “4,000 crore
have been given to
various States and I
request BPR&D if
they wish to propose
any new projects un-
der the fund then we
welcome it.”
Union Minister also put forward a number of proposals where collaboration can take place between BPR&D and the Women and Child Development Ministry
NEW DELHI l WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNITITLE NO.DELENG/2021/19840 lVol 1 l Issue No.189
India on Tuesday, after a gap of two years, lifted the
ban on international flights. The overseas flights,
suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic, will
be available from March 27. Air Bubble arrangements
also stand revoked, announced Civil Aviation Ministry.
A special court in Madurai sentenced ten people in a
dishonour killing case to life imprisonment. 21-year-old
Gokulraj, who belonged to Dalit community, was killed in
2015 for his relationship with an upper-caste woman.
India will hold the next round of top-level military talks
with China on March 11 in yet another bid to defuse
the 22-month long troop confrontation in eastern
Ladakh, after the last such dialogue in January failed
to break the deadlock in the high-altitude region.
Oppn moves no-confidence
motion,Imran Khan on edge
Islamabad (Agencies):
tion parties on Tuesday
submitted a no-confi-
dence motion against
Prime Minister Imran
him from office after
holding his government
responsible for the un-
controlled inflation.
The motion, signed
by about 100 lawmakers
from the Pakistan Mus-
lim League-Nawaz
(PML-N) and Pakistan
Peoples Party (PPP),
was submitted to the
National Assembly Sec-
retariat, PML-N spokes-
person Marriyum Au-
rangzeb said.
As per rules, signa-
tures of at least 68 Mem-
bers of Parliament are
required to force the
Speaker to summon a
session, which should
be convened between
three to seven days to
conduct a vote on a no-
confidence motion.
n the house of 342,
the opposition needed
the support of 172 mem-
bers to remove the
Prime Minister and his
Khan, 69, is heading a
coalition government
and he can be removed
if some of the partners
decide to switch sides,
which is not unusual in
parliamentary democ-
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Samajwadi
Party President Akhile-
sh Yadav, on Tuesday,
alleged that a top official
in the Chief Minister’s
secretariat was tele-
phoning District Magis-
trates across UP and
asking them to slow
down counting process
on Thursday if BJP is
losing. Addressing a
hurriedly convened
press conference, he al-
leged that a truck carry-
ing EVMs had been in-
tercepted by party work-
ers in Varanasi while
two other trucks man-
aged to speed away
. He
appealed to his party
workers to keep a vigil
on strong rooms.
Kyiv (Agencies): Civil-
ians fleeing the Russian
invasion in Ukraine left
two embattled cities
along safe corridors
Tuesday, even as offi-
cials said the exodus of
refugees from the coun-
try reached 2 million.
The evacuation of
around 600 Indian stu-
dents stranded in
Ukraine’s Sumy began
on Tuesday
. Union min-
ister Hardeep Singh
Puri told reporters that
all 694 Indian students,
who were stranded in
Sumy, have left for Pol-
tava in buses.
Meanwhile, Presi-
dent Joe Biden an-
nounced a ban on US
imports of Russian oil
on Tuesday, in the ad-
ministration’s most far-
reaching action yet to
punish Moscow for in-
vading Ukraine.
“We’re banning all
imports of Russian oil
and gas and energy.
That means Russian oil
will no longer be accept-
able at US ports ,” Biden
said in an address.
All 694 Indian students stuck in
US Prez Biden bans Russian oil
imports over Ukraine invasion
NATO won’t fight Russia,
don’t want to join alliance,
says Ukraine President Zelenskyy
Will not buy
Russian oil:
Shell company
Decision on fuel prices to be based
on public interest, oil companies to
determine fuel prices: Hardeep Singh Puri
1 2 3
‘Vote machines
stolen in UP’
Who is paying for exit polls?:
Yadav on BJP win in prediction
“If the EVMs were being moved, then the candidates concerned
should have been informed as per the Election Commission
guidelines. We have videos to prove what we are saying,” SP
chief Akhilesh Yadav said in a press conference.
500-KG BOMBS, 18
On the brink of the result of
the 2022 Assembly election,
the Congress top leadership
has started to implement
its post-poll strategies and
has opened backchannels
for post-poll alliances with
like-minded parties. In UP,
Congress general secretary
Priyanka Gandhi herself is
holding the fort.
India is a critical ally of the US and it would be “extraor-
dinarily foolhardy” to impose any sanctions on New Delhi
under the punitive CAATSA law for its purchase of the
S-400 missile defence system from Russia, said a top
Republican Senator. The US administration is required
under law to impose sanctions on any country that has
significant transactions with Iran, North Korea or Russia.
Sainikesh Ravichandran, a 21-year-old student from Co-
imbatore district in Tamil Nadu has joined the paramilitary
forces in Ukraine to fight against Russia. Officials visited
his residence and inquired his parents about it. They
discovered that he had applied to join the Indian Army but
was rejected. In 2018, Sainikesh went to Ukraine to study
at the National Aerospace University in Kharkiv.
Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs of Ukraine Dmytro
Kuleba said Russia holds
300,000 civilians hostage
in Ukraine’s besieged city
of Mariupol and a child has
died from dehydration in
Mariupol after spending
several days with no water.
Dmytro also accused Rus-
sia of violating the ceasefire
agreements and shelling
humanitarian corridor.
A claim to that actors
are being used to act out
scenes from an attack to
prove that the war is a
hoax is in the form of a
video circulating showing
a young man having fake
blood applied. The video is
from Ukrainian TV series
‘Contamin’ in 2020.
Ukraine’s Ministry of
Culture and Information
Policy has said 18 people
including two children were
killed after Russia allegedly
dropped 500-kg bombs
on residential buildings
in Sumy city. The Minis-
try tweeted, “Last night
Russian pilots dropped
500-kilogram bombs on
residential buildings. 18
civilian died in attack”.
TV series pics go
viral as war images
of Russia-Ukraine
With the Goa Assembly poll
results out on March 10, the
Trinamool Congress (TMC)
is staying on its toes. As per
sources, the TMC has al-
ready deployed its top guns
to secure its candidates who
might emerge victorious and
to review any proposal of
alliance that might come
from Congress.
Ukrainian soldiers
and militiamen
carry a woman in
a wheelchair as
the artillery echoes
nearby, while
people flee Irpin
on the outskirts of
Kyiv in Ukraine.
Pakistan PM Imran Khan
02 I I I I
We need to change the thought process that women cannot go out, says NCW
New Delhi (ANI): On
the eve of International
Women’s Day, Delhi Po-
lice organised an All
India Women’s Karate
Championship at Talk-
atora Stadium in New
Delhi on Tuesday.
Delhi Police Commis-
sioner Rakesh Asthana
and National Commis-
sion for Women Chair-
person (NCW) Rekha
Sharma inaugurated
the program.
The NCW’s Chairper-
son congratulated the
men and women and
said, “We need to
change the thought pro-
cess that women cannot
go out.
There is a need to
change the mentality of
men, it is important to
teach men what their
responsibility towards
women is. Girls should
learn self-defence.”
“Till now, there was a
mentality that a woman
must go out in the com-
pany of their brothers
and fathers. I think
women who can learn
self-defence can protect
even their brothers. I
think we need to people
need to give respect to
women the same way
they respect their sis-
ters at their homes.
Only then the atmos-
phere for the women
must change,” she
added. International
Women’s Day is cele-
brated on March 8 eve-
ry year.
New Delhi: The DDA launched a web portal (dalop. displaying layout plans of various regions in
the Delhi to make old records
accessible to people. “The DDA
got all the layout plans collect-
ed from the 17 planning zones
of Delhi for an area of 1,483
sqkm. These layouts are 40-70
years old. The latest approved layouts were identified,
scanned and digitised for which a consultancy firm
was awarded the work,” said a senior DDA official.
Gurgaon: A 28-year-
old personal security
officer (PSO) allegedly
shot himself with his
licensed gun near a
society in Sector 84
on Monday morning.
Police have registered a
case of abetment of sui-
cide against two people.
According to police,
the deceased has been
identified as Ravi Singh
alias Chintu. He had
been working as a PSO
for a Sector 82 resident
for the past one year.
In the police complaint,
the victim’s brother,
Ashish, said that at 9.10
am, he received a video
on WhatsApp from his
brother. He added that
after a few minutes,
he got a call from his
friend informing him
that his brother had
shot himself.
New Delhi: A fire
broke out at a plastic
factory in outer
Delhi’s Bawana area
Tuesday morning.
Delhi Fire Service
said they deployed 25
fire tenders and 100
firemen to the spot. Of-
ficials said they’re also
using a drone in the
firefighting operation.
No casualties have
been reported so far.
Meanwhile, Delhi on
Monday recorded 158
fresh Covid-19 cases
and 3 deaths, while
the positivity rate
stood at 0.46 per cent,
the city health
department notified.
The city conducted
32,469 Coronavi-
rus tests the previous
day, the notification
New Delhi (Agencies):
Despite over 77 govern-
ment-run veterinary
facilities, including
hospitals, dispensaries
and polyclinics, in the
Capital, an audit has
found that not even a
single one has an in-
patient department
(IPD), where animals
can be admitted for
treatment. The audit re-
port, conducted by vol-
unteers part of the
‘Ahimsa’ fellowship
(supported by a group
of animal welfare
NGOs each year), also
found some facilities
were lacking basic med-
icines and medical sup-
“Delhi has 49 veteri-
nary hospitals, 26 vet-
erinary dispensaries, a
first-aid centre and a
veterinary polyclinic.
Many of these institu-
tions were found to be
in poor condition, with
dilapidated infrastruc-
ture, insufficient staff-
ing and severe shortage
of equipment and con-
sumables. Out of the 77
facilities, four hospitals
and six dispensaries
were found to be de-
funct,” said the report.
The report classified
facilities as defunct if
they were completely
shut or did not have any
veterinary staff.
The audit also found
most facilities were
only open from 9am to
1pm for outpatient
(OPD) services, with
trained veterinary staff
found missing in some
facilities. “Instead of
trained professionals,
sometimes, treatment
was being administered
by unlicensed para-vets
and multi-tasking staff
(MTS), including sani-
tation workers,” said
the report.A senior ani-
mal husbandry depart-
ment official, when con-
tacted, said, “We al-
ready know which facil-
ity requires infrastruc-
ture upgradation,
which needs more
equipment and which
ones are short on staff.
Public vet centres lack basic supplies: Report
HC seeks reply of KVS, Centre
over Class I admission age issue
New Delhi (ANI): The
Delhi High Court on
Tuesday sought re-
sponses of Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan
(KVS) and the Union of
India on a plea chal-
lenging KVS Class I ad-
mission criteria 2022-23
laying down the mini-
mum age of a child to
six years, instead of five
The bench of Justice
Rekha Palli on Tuesday
also asked the Counsel
for respondents to
take instructions and
also said that on 10
March, the next date of
hearing, it would con-
sider passing of
interim order in the
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hands over awards to Indian women’s hockey team players Rani (2L) and Namita Toppo (R) during Delhi
Commission for Women (DCW) Awards 2022 on International Women’s Day, at India Habitat Center in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi (PTI): The
State Election Commis-
sion (SEC) has released
guidelines for the up-
coming municipal elec-
tions in New Delhi.
The SEC is yet to an-
nounce the schedule for
the elections to the three
municipal bodies, after
which the MCC will
come into force.
The guidelines state
that “no rallies and pub-
lic meetings” will be al-
lowed between 8 pm and
8 am on any campaign
day. For door-to-door
of five persons including
candidates, excluding se-
curity personnel, if any,
shall be allowed”, it says.
“Further, rallies and
meetings shall be al-
lowed only in earmarked
places and with prior
permissions of district
administration… Nuk-
kad Sabhas (meeting)
will not be allowed on
public roads, rounda-
bouts or public streets or
corners. Further, politi-
cal parties and candi-
dates are advised to con-
duct their campaign as
much as possible
through digital/virtual/
media platforms/mo-
bile-based mode instead
of physical mode ensur-
ing strict compliance of
Covid safety norms,” it
Two held for
duping people
in Najafgarh
New Delhi (ANI): Two
persons were arrested in
the Delhi’s Najafgarh
area for allegedly duping
people in lieu of redemp-
tion of credit card points,
Delhi Police said.
According to Delhi Po-
lice, the complainant
who has been identified
as Hetram alleged that
his credit card was used
for three fraud transac-
tions of Rs 44,000 and he
has not received or
shared any OTP for the
same and money was
transferred to a wallet,
an online rent payment
website and a shopping
2 teenagers thrashed
outside school in city
New Delhi (PTI): Two
students, both aged 13,
were allegedly thrashed
by a group of boys out-
side their school in the
Delhi Cantonment area,
the police said, adding
that the victims study
at Kendriya Vidyalaya
No. 2 and were return-
ing home when the ac-
cused beat them up.
No arrests have been
made in the case yet.
While one of the boys
sustained injuries on
his head and abdomen,
his classmate had mi-
nor injuries, the police
On February 28, the
victims were outside
the school around 3.30
pm when a group of
boys, who are not stu-
dents of the school, al-
legedly waylaid them.
An FIR was lodged on
the basis of a complaint
by the 13-year-old boy.
“After classes got over, I
left with my friend.
Around 3.30 pm, when
we were outside the
school, a group of boys
came and held me and
my friend. They all
started to beat me and
my friend. My friend
managed to escape after
some time, they beat me
up and I suffered inju-
ries,” he said in the FIR.
Delhi will witness
rise in temperature
New Delhi (PTI): The
national capital has
been seeing an increase
in the day-time temper-
ature, with the maxi-
mum temperature hit-
ting 30.6 degrees Celsi-
us on Monday, two de-
grees above the normal.
The IMD has predict-
ed a further rise in max-
imum temperatures
over the next six days. It
is likely to climb up to
about 32 degrees Celsi-
us on March 13, and fur-
ther to 34 degrees Cel-
sius by March 14.
This month, till Mon-
day, the maximum tem-
perature had remained
below 30 degrees Celsi-
us.Meanwhile, the min-
imum temperature re-
corded early on Tues-
day was 13.6 degrees
It is also likely to in-
crease to around 17 de-
grees Celsius by March
14, the IMD forecast has
indicated. The mini-
mum temperature, for
the first seven days of
the month, has re-
mained below 16 de-
grees Celsius.
Meanwhile, partly
cloudy skies are on the
forecast for Tuesday,
while a relative humid-
ity of 89 per cent was
recorded at 8.30 am. The
temperature at 8.30 am
was 16.6 degrees Celsi-
The rest of the week
is likely to remain dry.
Though a western dis-
turbance is set to affect
the Western Himalayan
Region from tonight,
rainfall is no longer on
the forecast for Delhi.
NCRTC to use
unique tech
for rapid rail
New Delhi (PTI): To
have an efficient and
qualified rail track sys-
tem to run the high-
speed rapid rail, the
National Capital Re-
gional Transport Cor-
poration (NCRTC) has
decided to construct a
unique Precast Slab
Track System for the
upcoming RRTS, offi-
cials have said.
The technology is be-
ing used for the first
time in India in the con-
struction of the first
regional rail of the
country. The Precast
Track Slab technology
produces high-capacity
ballastless track slabs
that have a longer life
cycle and require less
New Delhi (PTI): The
Delhi High Court on
Tuesday asked the
Delhi Development Au-
thority (DDA) to check
allegations made in a
PIL against encroach-
ment of the Cultural
Centre of Sahitya Kala
Parishad on the land
allocated for a pond of
Budhela Village in city.
The Division Bench
of Justice DN Patel
and Justice Neena
Bansal Krishna today
after noting down the
submissions disposed
of the petition and
asked the DDA to look
into the grievances
raised by the petitioner
and decide it accord-
ing to the law, rules
and regulations and
Government policies
as expeditiously as
All India Women’s Karate Championship-2022 was launched by Delhi Police at Talkatora Stadium.
New Delhi (ANI): On
the occasion of Inter-
national Women’s Day,
Delhi Police dedicated
Defence Colony Police
Station to all women
officers. They will
operate all the depart-
ments of Defence
Colony Police Station
today from handling
cases to attending
calls. Speaking to ANI,
South DCP Benita Mary
Jaikar said, “Today,
Defence Colony Police
Station is dedicated
to the women. We will
serve you to the best of
our capabilities across
all ranks right from the
SHO to the beat staff to
the division and patrol-
ling staff, PCR will be
women. Whether it’s
a case, whether it’s
a call, whether it’s a
complainant, lady staff
will handle it today.”
“Delhi Police would like
to send a message to
citizens of the national
capital that the officers
and staff here are well
equipped and very
capable of handling
all your matters, DCP
added. DCP South has
also given flowers and
chocolates to all the
women officers at the
police station.
SEC releases guidelines for
New Delhi municipal polls
03 I I I I
Sena’s Aaditya Thackeray’s
close aide raided by I-T dept
Mumbai (PTI): The
Shiv Sena on Tuesday
accused the Centre of
selectively targeting op-
position-ruled Bengal
and Maharashtra, after
the Income Tax Depart-
ment conducted a series
of raids of people linked
to state ministers Aadi-
tya Thackeray and Anil
ernment of misusing
the Central agencies,
Thackeray said this
“happened in Bengal,
Andhra Pradesh and
nowif electionsaretobe
held in Maharashtra, it
is happening here too”.
Sources said raids
were conducted today at
the home of Shiv Sena
office-bearer and Shirdi
Trust member Rahul
Kanal, who is consid-
ered close to Maharash-
tra Minister Aaditya
Thackeray. Locations
liked to cable operator
Sadanand Kadam and
Bajrang Kharmate
were also subjected to
search and seizure op-
eration, sources said.
Sadanand Kadam
and Bajrang Kharmate
are allegedly linked to
Shiv Sena Minister
Anil Parab.
Linking the raids to
the approaching elec-
tions at the Mumbai
civic body Brihanmum-
bai Corporation — the
richest in the country
— senior Shiv Sena
leader Sanjay Raut
said, “Till the BMC elec-
tions are not held, every
ward of Mumbai will be
raided. Now the IT De-
partment is now left
with only this work”.
“Why are people be-
ing targeted only in Ma-
harashtra and West
Bengal? Only Shiv Sena
and Trinamool Con-
gress are being raided.
The government is do-
ing this to create pres-
sure so that the state
governments can be
toppled,” Raut said.
Most of the raids, he
said, are happening in
Maharashtra. “There
have been raids on 14
prominent people in
Maharashtra, seven
more in West Bengal.
There is no action
against BJP people.
Are they begging on
the streets?” Raut de-
The Sena, he said, has
sent 50 names to Income
Tax Department and the
Enforcement Directo-
rate, but “no action is
being taken even at the
behest of an MP”.
The Central agencies
have been misused in
the past too. It hap-
pened in West Bengal, Andhra
Pradesh and now it’s happen-
ing in Maharashtra. Maha-
rashtra will not bow down.
Aditya Thackeray,
Tourism Minister, Maharashtra
Mumbai (ANI): Following
Income Tax Department
raids on premises of
close aides of Shiv Sena
leaders, Rajya Sabha
MP Sanjay Raut on
Tuesday said that central
agencies are targeting
select people from states
like West Bengal and
Maharashtra. He said the
raids are tactics to “pres-
surise and destabilise”
the Maha Vikas Aghadi
(MVA) government in
Maharashtra. Briefing
mediapersons, Raut said,
“Why are central agen-
cies targetting a selected
few from states like West
Bengal and Maharashtra.
Do not they get anybody
else from other states?
It is a tactic to pressurise
and destabilise MVA
33% quota for women in
govt jobs: Shah in Tripura
Agartala (ANI): On
the occasion of Interna-
tional Women’s Day
, Un-
ion Home Minister
Amit Shah on Tuesday
announced that 33 per
cent of government
jobs in Tripura would
be reserved for women.
“33 per cent reserva-
tion in jobs in Tripura
administration is going
to be reserved for wom-
en”, said Shah. He was
addressing a public
rally in Agartala on the
completion of four
years of the BJP gov-
ernment in Tripura.
Attacking the previ-
ous CPI-M government
in Tripura, Shah said
that Chief Minister Bi-
plab Deb has put a com-
plete stop to political
killings in the state
while the previous CPI-
M government played
Holi with Opposition’s
blood during their rule.
“Wherever there is
Communist govern-
ment, Holi is played
with the blood of politi-
cal opponents. But I can
proudly say that our
Chief Minister Biplab
Dev has put a complete
stop to the political kill-
ings in Tripura. I assure
you that in the last four
years we have taken
Tripura’s responsibili-
ty”, said Shah, adding
that more than 39 work-
ers of BJP and other
parties were killed.
He said, “Give BJP
one more chance after it
completes its tenure, we
will make Tripura the
number one state in the
According to Shah,
CPI-M in Tripura ruled
for 25 years in the name
of poor but did nothing
for their upliftment.
He said, “For 25 years,
the communists ruled
here in the name of the
poor. But did nothing
for the poor.”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb wave at the supporters, during
Tripura Government’s 4th-anniversary celebrations, in Agartala on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
Karnataka Cong
leader arrested
in Hyderabad
Bengaluru: The Kar-
nataka Police on Tues-
day arrested Congress
leader Mukarram Khan
in Hyderabad for mak-
ing a controversial
statement on hijab.
Khan had given pro-
vocative statements
during the protests on
the hijab row, which
had gone viral. In the
video, he had said that
those who oppose stu-
dents wearing hijab
will be ‘chopped to piec-
es’ and had urged the
government to permit
the hijab-wearing stu-
dents to attend classes
in Sedam city
A case was lodged in
the Sedam police sta-
tion on February 16
against him.
As soon as the case
was lodged, Khan went
into hiding and moved
bail petition in the
Kalaburagi District
Court. The police ar-
rested him in Hy-
derabad, but was later
admitted to a private
hospital because of his
his health condition.
The Hijab row, which
started as a protest by
six students of Udupi
Pre-University Girl’s
College, turned to be a
major crisis in the state
threatening law and or-
der situation.
Mukarram Khan
Will KCR’s efforts ever bear result to
bring all Opposition on one platform?
Mahesh Sharma
New Delhi: Telangana
Chief Minister K Chan-
drashekhar Rao’s at-
tempt to form a federal
front has not been suc-
cessful. Chandrashek-
har Rao sat camping in
Delhi for two days but
did not meet any big
leader. It was later said
that he and his wife had
gone to Delhi for check-
up and treatment. The
question is, when he
came to Delhi for treat-
ment, what was the need
to put up his posters all
over Delhi? He used to
come to Delhi earlier
also but this time the
journey was perhaps for
a different purpose and
end. This time his party
to meet the leaders but
no one came. However,
BJP MP Subramanian
, who is retiring
from Rajya Sabha, and
farmer leader Rakesh
Tikait met him.
After staying in Delhi
for two days, Chan-
drashekhar Rao went
on a tour of Jharkhand.
There he met Chief
Minister Hemant Sor-
en. What happened be-
tween the two was not
made public. But ac-
cording to informed
sources, there was dis-
cussion about forming
a front against the cen-
tral government. Many
states are angry with
the Center over the re-
duction in the powers
of the states and the de-
creasing share of the
states in the central
taxes. That is why the
Chief Minister of
Jharkhand is with Rao
on this issue but he is
not in favor of forming
any front without Con-
gress. As such, his gov-
ernment rests on the
support of 18 Congress
MLAs. Shiv Sena is say-
ing the same thing and
DMK has to say the
same thing. Therefore,
apart from opposing the
policies of the Center,
Rao is not going to get
much success in form-
ing a new front.
Telangana CM KCR with Maharashtra counterpart Uddhav.
No agitation on roads, Cong's preferred
mode of agitation is the virtual ground!
Sharat K Verma
New Delhi: The Con-
gress party is waiting
for the assembly elec-
end and if the price of
petrol, diesel starts in-
creasing, it will protest.
This has been clearly
stated by the party
. The
party has said that if the
government increases
the price of oil, then
there will be a demon-
stration in the whole
. In view of the
height at which the
price of crude oil has
reached in the interna-
tional market, everyone
is sure that the retail
priceof oilwillincrease.
Even Rahul Gandhi
took a jibe and advised
the people of the coun-
try to get their tanks full
because the central gov-
ernment’s election
scheme is about to end.
gress party not perform-
ing now? Are the prices
of petrol and diesel low
in the country right
of petrol is around or
above Rs 90 per liter in
most of the states. In
some states, even now it
is close to a hundred ru-
pees a liter. The price of
diesel is also around 80
rupees a liter in almost
performance of Con-
gress regarding such a
high price? Did the Con-
gress protest when the
price of petrol reached
Rs 120 and diesel was be-
90 a liter? Last week, the
government increased
the price of a 19 kg LPG
cylinder by Rs 105, so
what did the Congress
do? The entire protest
and agitation of Con-
gress is also on Twitter.
Therefore, the future
‘movements’ will also
happen on Twitter and
Facebook itself!
Rahul Gandhi took a jibe at the BJP-led Central Government on Saturday over rising fuel prices and
advised people to fill up their fuel tanks. —REPRESENTATIONAL PHOTO
Prashant, Mamata
on stage together,
scotch rift rumours
Kolkata: Poll strategist
Prashant Kishor shared
stage on Tuesday with
Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee and
her nephew Abhishek
Banerjee at a Trina-
mool Congress meeting,
projecting “all-is-well”
vibes amid fierce specu-
lation of his break-up
with the party
On stage at a Trina-
mool meeting in Kolka-
ta, Prashant Kishor’s
presence was an at-
of his rift with Mamata
Mamata Banerjee
has reportedly been
upset with Prashant
Kishor’s outfit IPAC.
Mr Kishor is close to
her increasingly ambi-
tious nephew, who has
been advocating chang-
es in the party. He is
also going with Ab-
hishek Banerjee to
Goa, where the possi-
bility of a hung verdict
has galvanised parties
into seeking alliances
and pacts.
Abhishek Banerjee is
seen as the main liaison
between the party and
I-PAC, which has
worked with the Trina-
mool since its spectacu-
lar victory in the Ben-
gal election last year.
Kolkata (PTI): Jay Prakash
Majumdar, who was sus-
pended from the Bharatiya
Janata Party in January,
joined the Trinamool
Congress on Tuesday. Jay
Prakash Majumdar was
formally inducted into the
TMC during a meeting at
Nazrul Mancha in Kolkata.
The latest development
comes just a day after BJP
MP Locket Chatterjee met
suspended BJP leaders
Jay Prakash Majumdar
and Ritesh Tiwari who are
known to be unhappy with
the party leadership.
IOC plant in Gkp shut after mishap
First India Bureau
Gorakhpur: After
death of security super-
gate of bottling plant fell
on him in Indian Oil
plant in Sector 15 under
Geeda Industrial area,
the plant was shut. The
workers went on strike
scarcity of LPG during
festival time.
Sources said Deena
Nath Yadav (55) of Net-
security supervisor in
theplant here. The gate
of his cabin fell on him
on Monday and he was
severely injured in the
accident. Late he suc-
cumbed to during treat-
ment in hospital.
After the death of the
supervisor, workers
therehaltedall workand
plant was shut. It was re-
to 17 districts and plant
seizure can create prob-
Meanwhile, workers al-
leged that some miscre-
footage and installed
cameras about the inci-
Sarvajeet Singh, PRO
IOC said theplant was
shut for a day after the
be working with full ca-
pacity from Wednesday
Congress open
to alliance with
parties in Goa
Panaji (ANI): Congress
Goa in-charge Dinesh
Gundu Rao on Tuesday
said that in case there is
a hung assembly in the
state, Congress would
be open to alliance with
anti-BJP parties.
“If any anti-BJP Par-
ty wants to come for-
ward and support us,
we are ready to take
them along,” said Gun-
du Rao on being asked
whether he is open to a
post-poll alliance with
Aam Aadmi Party
Even though Exit
polls predict that no
party will get the clear
majority, the Congress
leader said, “We are con-
fident Congress will get
an absolute majority
04 I I I I
 Vol 1  Issue No. 189
 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840
Printed and published by
Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of
First Express Publishers. Printed at
Impressions Printing and Packaging
Limited, C-21, 22 Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published at G-20,
3rd Floor, 309, Preet Vihar, New
Delhi-110092. Phone 011-49846474.
Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra.
Editor: Sharat K Verma
responsible for selection of news
under the PRB Act
he CSS, being the most criti-
cal supporting tier of the gov-
ernment, it goes without say-
ing that the deserves con-
stant grooming and its offic-
ers better career opportuni-
ties. However CS-1 division
in DoPT which is Cadre
Controlling Authority of CSS
is alleged to have never seri-
ously looked into the cadre
issues of CSS officers. The
prime reason is the Director
level post at the CS-1 division
being manned by non-CSS of-
ficers for many years who
does not understand the in-
tricacy of issues of CSS and
its repercussions in the func-
tioning of Central Govern-
ment. Many times it is due to
the wrong advice of Director
CS-1 to the senior level offic-
ers of DoPT, which leads to
the avoidable delay in solving
even the minor issues.
At present, CSS is facing
acute stagnation due to the
stoppage of promotions in
each grade. Regular promo-
tion orders in CSS were last
issued in December 2015 and
since then CS-1 division is
continuously taking the
stand that promotions in CSS
can’t be done just because of
the pendency of the ‘reserva-
tion in promotion’ case in
Apex Court.
However, even after the
clear judgment of Apex
Court in the above matter,
and instructions of Hon’ble
MoS to senior officers, no ac-
tion was taken by the CS-1
division with regard to regu-
lar promotions in CSS. It is
also ironic that even during
the pendency of reservation
in promotion matter in the
Court, DoPT in mid-2018 is-
sued instructions to all Cadre
Controlling Authorities to go
ahead with promotions sub-
ject to the outcome of the
court case, and in all other
services regular promotions
are going on except in CSS.
Further, while regular pro-
motions were halted by
DoPT, agitations were made
by CSS Forum, due to which,
DoPT resorted to ad-hoc
promotions and in December
2018 mass promotions
were done on an ad-hoc
basis. In, 2020, DoPT
again stopped ad-hoc pro-
motions. Then after much
pressure from the CSS fo-
rum, DoPT took advice
from the Attorney General
of India and started pro-
motion again. Now in 2021,
a contempt petition was
filed in Apex Court for the
promotions made in DS to
Director grade in CSS.
Though no directions were
issued in the impugned peti-
tion, only on the apprehen-
sion of contempt, DoPT of-
ficers stalled even the adhoc
promotions in CSS despite
the fact that adhoc promo-
tion is a temporary provision
and no officer can claim ad-
hoc post as his right.
The moot question here is
whether an eligible officer
can be denied promotion cit-
ing the reason of pendency of
any case in Court. Stagnation
in CSS can be understood
from the fact that Direct Re-
cruit Assistant Section Offic-
ers of 2012 batch are yet to be
promoted to the post of Sec-
tion Officer and Under Secre-
tary of 2011 batch are yet to
be promoted to Deputy Secre-
tary grade while eligibility
from the US to DS is only 5
years of service in US grade.
Second, the long-pending
issue of CSS is an extension
of all benefits of Organised
Group ‘A’ Service. It has been
a fact that CSS is the earliest
organized Group ‘A’ service
in the country. Same has
been established in DoPT’s
Cadre Review Division note
dated 19th March 2018 (CR
Division is the Nodal Depart-
ment for deciding the status
of any service as Organised
Group A Service). Further, in
a reply to Lok Sabha uns-
tarred question no. 3744,
DoPT has stated that one of
the benefits of organized
Group –A service i.e. Non-
Functional Upgrade (NFU)
can not be acceded to CSS
since there has been a status
quo on grant of NFU to any
service by the Ministry of
Finance since July 2016.
However, even after 2016,
DOPT has agreed to grant
NFU to many other services
i.e. CAPFs, Indian Railway
Management Services, Indi-
an Naval Material Manage-
ment Service.
It is surprising that when a
service can rise to the levels
of Secretary to Government
of India on a functional basis
why pay upgradation can not
be given on a nonfunctional
basis especially when such
facilities are available to oth-
er similar services which are
participating in Central
Staffing Scheme.
Further, the CS-1 division,
DoPT, has issued orders re-
stricting CSS officers to go
on deputation even in Cen-
tral Government till 9 years
of service in Cadre. However,
DoPT’s own guidelines
which are applicable to all
other Central Government
officers do not put any such
restrictions. On seeing the
noting of file on this issue
which has been accessed by
CSS forum through RTI, it
seems that this issue is un-
necessarily being delayed by
DOPT officers without any
Also, there has been a de-
mand by CSS Forum to offi-
cially announce 1st October
as CSS day since CSS Rules
were first notified on 1st Octo-
ber 1962. There has been a
practice in Central Govern-
ment to celebrate different
service days to boost the mo-
rale of officers and highlight
the importance of different
services. Civil Services Day
Indian Defence Account
Service Day, Audit day,
AFHQ day are being cele-
brated by different Cadre
Controlling Authorities
however DoPT has been
reluctant on even official
announcementof CSSday
There are many issues
in different grades which
have plagued an other-
wise prestigious service.
Recently, CSS Forum has
made several representa-
tions to seniors level officers
of DoPT. In the months of
September and October 2021,
the Additional Secretary of
DoPT held meetings with
CSS Forum to look into the
issues of CSS. However, the
process was stalled from No-
vember when she got the
charge of Establishment Of-
ficer, and she could not give
much time for meetings.
However, even after her in-
structions, her subordinate
Joint Secretary did not give
time for monthly meetings.
Aggrieved with such a sit-
uation, CSS officers started a
led to the Minister initiating
a meeting with the CSS fo-
rum and assuring them of
full cooperating in attending
to their problems. However,
even after 20 days, DoPT Of-
ficers took no action which
ignited frustration among of-
ficers of CSS who have been
constantly working for im-
provement in Central Gov-
ernment functioning even
after being denied promo-
tions for years by DoPT.
This further inaction by
the CS-1 division and senior
officers of DoPT left CSS of-
ficers with no other option
but to meet the Minister in
charge. As per media reports,
on 25th Feb, when CSS offic-
ers gathered to meet Minis-
ter Dr. Jitendra Singh, the
minister was not available in
his office. His PS, after hav-
ing a discussion with the
Minister, assured the CSS
Forum that the Minister is
very positive on their issues
and has instructed Secretary
DoPT to immediately look
into the issues of CSS offic-
ers and issue promotion or-
ders by 10th March.
So the CSS officers are now
keeping their fingers crossed
and hoping for the best and
preparing for the worst.
There are many issues in
different grades which
have plagued an
otherwise prestigious
service. Recently, CSS
Forum has made several
representations to seniors
level officers of DoPT. In
the months of September
and October 2021, the
Additional Secretary of
DoPT held meetings
with CSS Forum to look
into the issues of CSS.
However, the process was
stalled from November
when she got the charge of
Establishment Officer,
and she could not give
much time for meetings.
However, even after her
instructions, her
subordinate Joint
Secretary did not give
time for monthly meetings
The author is a senior journalist
 CEO, New Media Network
2018 mass promotions
were done on an ad-hoc
basis. In, 2020, DoPT
again stopped ad-hoc pro-
motions. Then after much
pressure from the CSS fo-
rum, DoPT took advice
from the Attorney General
of India and started pro-
motion again. Now in 2021,
a contempt petition was
filed in Apex Court for the
promotions made in DS to
the importance of different
services. Civil Services Day
Indian Defence Account
Service Day, Audit day,
AFHQ day are being cele-
brated by different Cadre
Controlling Authorities
however DoPT has been
MARCH 8, 2022
Regular promotion
orders in CSS were
last issued in Dec
2015 and since then
CS-1 division is
continuously taking the
stand that promotions
in CSS can’t be
done just because
of the pendency of
the ‘reservation in
promotion’ case in
Apex Court
However many holy words you
read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if
you do not act on upon them?
Narendra Modi
On Women’s Day, I salute our Nari
Shakti and their accomplishments
in diverse fields. The Government of
India will keep focusing on women
empowerment through its various
schemes with an emphasis on dignity
as well as opportunity.
Amit Shah
On ‘International Women’s Day’,
salute to women power, the epitome
of courage and bravery. Human
development is incomplete without
women empowerment. The Modi
government is instilling new confidence
in the mother power by making them
strong and strong, due to which they
are making the country proud with their
achievements in every field.
nternational Wom-
en’s Day has been cel-
ebrated with much-
deserved eulogies for
the fairer sex. Is a
day’s celebration enough to as-
sure lakhs of women of their
safety and well-being in the
country? Not just safety, wom-
en’s health issues and their edu-
cation should be prioritised as a
mark of respect to womanhood.
Maternal mortality ratio in
states like Assam (237) and Uttar
Pradesh (201) is far too high than
the national ratio of 130. Bring-
ing this ratio down will be a real
tribute to our womenfolk.
On the education front, an es-
timated four lakh adolescent
girls are out of schools and ef-
forts are on to bring them back.
At 70.3 percent the female litera-
cy rate is way below 84.7 percent
of males. The low female literacy
girls’ education. States like Ra-
jasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand
have poor female literacy rates.
Changing patriarchal mind-
sets will perhaps be the biggest
honour to women. Society must
strive towards it
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05 I I I I
Moni Sharma
New Delhi: Karnataka
Chief Minister Basa-
varaj S Bommai is wor-
riedabouthisChief Min-
isterial chair. It is being
said that whatever may
be the election results of
Uttar Pradesh and four
other states, there will
definitely be a change in
Karnataka. Although
there is talk of change in
one or two more states,
but Karnataka is more
talked about because the
BJP is doing new experi-
ments of Hindutva, in
which Basavaraj Bom-
mai’s place is not being
made. Informed leaders
say that the BJP needs a
face that polarizes votes
. The BJP has
tageof theongoinghijab
controversy in schools
and colleges.
Keep in mind that the
BJP came to power in
this southern state only
after the movement to
hoist the tricolor at the
Idgah ground. Uma
Bharti was arrested on
thepretextof trialinthe
same movement. She
post of Chief Minister
of Madhya Pradesh.
However, it looks like
the hijab controversy or
some such new contro-
versy will continue till
the assembly elections
to be held in May next
year and therefore, a
face that can give maxi-
mum benefit to BJP is
being found.
Meanwhile, Bommai
claims that many Con-
gress and JD(S) leaders
will join the BJP. Al-
though it is not known
as to how many leaders
will switch sides, but by
mentioning them, Bom-
mai is trying to save
himself. On the other
hand BS Yediyurappa is
still roaming across the
state and claiming to
bring BJP back to power
next year. If BJP loses in
Uttar Pradesh, Yeddy-
urappa’s claim will have
a substantial base.
Nawab Malik urges
court to quash arrest
‘Navy to induct
women into
three branches
through NDA’ Mumbai (PTI): Maha-
tionalist Congress Party
(NCP) leader Nawab
Malik onTuesdayurged
the Bombay High Court
to set aside his arrest by
the Enforcement Direc-
torate claiming it violat-
to life and liberty
Malik’s counsel,
senior advocate Amit
Desai, told the High
Court the NIA was try-
ing to connect the min-
ister with gangster
Dawood Ibrahim and
cases related to the fu-
gitive, even though his
client had nothing to
do with them.
“My remand paper
deals all with the Da-
wood gang even though
I am not related to it.
They (ED) have tried to
suggest that on Feb 3,
2022, they had regis-
tered an FIR against
Dawood Ibrahim
Kaskar. It goes into folk-
lore around Dawood
and into incidents go-
ing back to 30 years
ago,” Mr Desai said.
New Delhi (Agencies):
The Centre on Tuesday
told the Supreme Court
that the Indian Navy has
es or cadres through the
National Defence Acad-
emy (NDA). The Indian
, in an affidavit,
said: “Given the intent
of theinterimdirections
into three Branches/
Cadres through NDA.
There are total of four
Branches and four Cad-
res in the Navy which
are further sub-divided
into 23 sub specialisa-
New Delhi (PTI):
Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi on Tuesday
said that the ongoing
war between Russia
and Ukraine, two of the
biggest wheat exporters
in the world, has in-
creased the demand for
India’s wheat in global
markets and this oppor-
tunity could be used to
provide the best-quality
product globally
Speaking at a webi-
nar ‘Financing for
Growth  Aspirational
Economy’ organised by
the finance ministry, he
said that the financial
institutions and the
government depart-
ments should work to
meet different financ-
ing needs of exporters.
He said there is now a
renewed push towards
self-dependence in
meeting the country’s
requirements, while at
the same time also on
seizing opportunities
of boosting growth.
FinMin airs concern over
rising crude oil price
New Delhi: Informing about Naveen Shekharappa, the
MBBS student who died during shelling in Ukraine, Kar-
nataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said, “External
Affairs Minister (EAM) Dr S Jaishankar has informed
us that Naveen’s body has been embalmed and kept
in a mortuary in Ukraine. His body will be brought to
India once shelling stops there.” Naveen Shekharappa
Gyanagoudar, a student at the Kharkiv National Medical
University, was standing in a queue to buy groceries at
a supermarket in Kharkiv when Russian shelling began
in the city on the morning of 1 March.
New Delhi (PTI): Fi-
nance minister Nirmala
Sitharaman on Tuesday
expressed concern over
rising crude prices due
to the Ukraine crisis
and indicated that the
central government is
looking to tap alterna-
tive sources.
At an interactive ses-
sion organised by BJP’s
asked about the impact
of rising crude prices
and war in Ukraine on
the Indian economy
“It will certainly have
an impact on Indian
economy”, the finance
minister said. “How
much we are going to be
prepared to take it as a
challenge and mitigate
the impact is something
which we will have see
as we go (along),” she
added further.
Noting that India im-
ports more than 85 per
cent of its crude oil re-
quirements, she said
when oil prices go up, it
is a matter of concern
see how it pans out”.
She pointed out that
oil marketing compa-
nies fix pump prices
based on 15-day average.
“But now averages and
beyond averages are the
numbers that we are
talking about”.
Terrorists responsible for
attack identified: DGP
Kathua/Jammu (PTI):
The terrorists responsi-
ble for a recent grenade
attack in Srinagar have
been identified and the
case will be solved soon,
Jammu and Kashmir
Director General of Po-
lice (DGP) Dilbag Singh
said on Tuesday
Two people, includ-
ing a 19-year-old wom-
an, were killed and 32
others injured when
terrorists exploded a
grenade in the crowded
Hari Singh High Street,
near Amirakadal, in
the heart of Srinagar
on Sunday
“The enemies of
peace are doing such
kind of cowardly acts.
We have achieved suc-
cess against them in the
past by busting all the
modules created by the
enemy forces to carry
out civilian killings and
throw grenades to harm
the public,” Singh told
reporters on the side-
lines of a function in
Kathua distirct.
New Delhi (ANI): The National Investigation Agency
(NIA) conducted raids at the residence of Talha
Khan, a resident of Pune in connection with a case
related to Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP).
The case was initially registered as an FIR dated
March 8, 2020, in the Special Cell of Lodhi Colony
Police Station after the arrest of a Kashmiri couple
Jahanzaib Sami Wani and his wife Hina Bashir
Beigh from Okhla Vihar, Jamia Nagar in Delhi. NIA
had re-registered the case on March 20, 2020. Dur-
ing the investigation, four accused persons namely
Abdullah Basith, Sadia Anwar Shaikh, Nabeel
Siddick Khatri and Abdur Rahman were arrested,
the official release by the NIA reads. Till now, six
accused have been chargesheeted in this case for
conspiring to propagate the ideology of ISIS by
garnering the support of like-minded people to carry
out terrorist activities in India, raising funds, collect-
ing weapons, and execute target killings.
President Kovind confers ‘Nari
Shakti Puraskars’ on 29 women
Haryana CM Khattar
presents over `1.77
lakh crore Budget
Chandigarh (Agen-
cies): Haryana Chief
Minister Manohar Lal
Khattar, who also holds
the finance portfolio,
proposed a Budget of Rs
2022-23, a rise of 15.6 per
cent over 2021-22(RE) of
Rs 1,53,384 crore.
Thanks to robust rev-
enue growth, no new
tax was introduced the
The chief minister
announced Tablets to
all students from class-
es 10th 12th, a scheme to
provide soft loans to
women entrepreneurs,
besides setting up three
dedicated funds to ac-
celerate growth in vari-
ous sectors.
The Budget outlay
comprises 34.4 per cent
as capital expenditure
of Rs 61,057.36 crore
and 65.6 per cent as rev-
enue expenditure of Rs
1,16,198.63 crore.
Presenting the
budget, the chief min-
ister said that the state
has laid special em-
phasis on increasing
capital infrastructure
investment to boost
demand, which holds a
key role in speedy eco-
nomic revival with
multiplier effect.
New Delhi: On Interna-
tional Women’s Day on
, President Ram
Nath Kovind conferred
the ‘Nari Shakti Puras-
kars’ on 29 outstanding
individuals for 2020 and
2 0 2 1 . T we n t y - e i g h t
awards - 14 each for 2020
and 2021 - were given to
the women in recogni-
tion of their exceptional
work towards women
ly the vulnerable and
and Child Development
Ministry initiative to ac-
knowledge exceptional
contribution made by
individuals and institu-
tions, and to celebrate
women as game-chang-
ers and catalysts of posi-
tive change in society
fields such as entrepre-
neurship, agriculture,
innovation, social work,
education and litera-
ture, linguistics, arts
and crafts, STEM (sci-
ence, technology, engi-
neering, and mathemat-
ics), disability rights,
merchant navy and
wildlife conservation.
New Delhi (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to chair Union Cabinet meet on
Wednesday. The cabinet meeting comes amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and evacu-
ations of Indian citizens via neighbouring countries. According to the Ministry of Civil
Aviation on Monday, more than 17,400 Indians have been brought back under ‘Opera-
tion Ganga’ since special flights began on February 22 this year. The number of Indians
airlifted by 73 special civilian flights have gone up to 15,206.
Karnataka CM Bommai with Former CM BS Yediyurappa.
SC seeks Centre response on
plea over Judicial Vista
New Delhi (ANI): The Supreme Court on Tuesday
asked the Home Secretary to file an affidavit on
extradited gangster Abu
Salem’s plea raising the
issue that as per the ex-
tradition treaty between
India and Portugal, his
jail terms cannot extend
beyond 25 years. A
bench of justices Sanjay
Kishan Kaul and MM Sundresh asked Home Sec-
retary to file an affidavit in the matter.
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined
a request to urgently list and hear a plea to verify
Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slips with
EVMs before the counting of votes. The Election
Commission of India (ECI) informed the court that
the directions in an April 2019 judgment were al-
ready being followed as regards the verification.
New Delhi (ANI): The
Supreme Court on
Tuesday sought the
Centre’s response on a
petition seeking direc-
tion to prepare the layout
and execute the work of
construction of “Judicial
Vista” over the land adjoining the present premises
of the apex court. A bench of Justices Vineet Saran
and Aniruddha Bose asked the Centre to file a reply
on the petition.
Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar presents State Budget.
President Ram Nath Kovind, First Lady Savita Kovind and WCD Minister Smriti Irani in a group
picture with the recipients of the Nari Shakti Award, on the occasion of the International Women’s
Day, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
06 I I I I
Promoted by
AU Small Finance Bank
Sensex leaps 1,163 pts from day's
low, ends 581 pts up; Nifty tops 16K
Mumbai (PTI): Snap-
ping four sessions los-
ing streak, the domes-
tic benchmarks closed
higher in choppy trade
on Tuesday, led by
gains in realty, IT, tech-
nology, and pharma
stocks. Markets opened
lower today, in line
with Asian peers and
negative finish at Wall
Street overnight, but
rebounded strongly in
the final-hour trade fol-
lowing positive cues
from European mar-
kets. The continued rise
in commodity prices,
especially Brent crude,
as well as drop in the
Indian rupee against
the US dollar capped the
market’s gain.
The BSE Sensex ral-
lied as much as 1,163
points from the day’s
low to end 581 points or
1.1% higher at 53,424
levels. In a similar
trend, the Nifty50 index
rebounded from its in-
traday low of 15,671 to
settle at 16,013, up 150
points or 0.95%.
“Domestic indices
reversed their trend
and traded with gains
led by export-oriented
sectors like pharma
and IT which witnessed
buying interest as the
rupee fell to its record
lows. Favourable exit
poll results of state
election and low-level
buying seen in mid and
small caps also helped
in adding optimism in
the domestic market,”
says Vinod Nair, head
of research at Geojit
Financial Services.
He further says, “Ma-
jor western markets
were also trading in the
green while other
Asian peers continued
to trade in negative ter-
ritory on fear of the
impact of global infla-
tionary pressure due to
the ban on Russia’s oil
In line with bench-
mark indices, the
broader markets also
ended higher.
The market staged a strong
recovery in the final hours of
the day’s trade with most of the
sectoral indices ending higher.
The information technology
and realty space gained the
most, while metal and oil  gas
sectors were among the worst
performers. The BSE realty
index closed 3.2% higher, led
by Sobha, DLF, Oberoi Realty,
Godrej Industries and Mac-
rotech Developers. The realty
sector was followed by BSE IT
index--closed 2.44% higher.
Global equity markets witnessed mixed trade on
Tuesday, with Asian shares closing in red, while
European shares edge higher in early deals. In
the overnight trade, all three major U.S. indices
closed lower as reports of a ban on oil imports
from Russia pushed crude prices to record high,
reigniting concerns about rising inflation. In the
Asia-Pacific region, Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped
1.7%, the Hang Seng index in Hong Kong fell
1.4%, and the Straits Times Index in Singapore
dipped 1.2%.
The BSE barometer Sensex swung between gains
and losses during the session, with 24 of top 30
shares ending in the green zone. The top gainer
on the Sensex pack was Sun Pharmaceutical
Industries -- ended 4% higher. Among others,
TCS, NTPC, Wipro and Tech Mahindra rose in the
range of 3.3% to 2.7%. On the losing side, Tata
Steel topped the chart with a 1.73% loss. The
other notable losers were Power Grid Corporation
of India, Titan Company, Nestle India and Reliance
Industries, which fell up to 0.5%.
Adani-IOC ink pact
for augmenting
crude volumes
New Delhi (PTI):
Adani Ports and Spe-
cial Economic Zone
Ltd (APSEZ) has
signed an agreement
with IOCL towards
augmentation of IOC’s
crude oil volumes at
the Mundra port.
The state-run refin-
er shall expand its ex-
isting crude oil tank
farm at APSEZ’s Mun-
dra Port, thus ena-
bling it to handle and
blend an additional 10
million metric tons
crude oil per annum at
This will support
IOCL’s expansion of
its Panipat Refinery
(Haryana). IOCL is
raising the capacity at
its Panipat Refinery
by 66% to 25 MMPTA.
As IOCL’s trusted
long-term partner,
APSEZ is well
equipped to handle the
additional 10 MMTPA
crude oil at our exist-
ing single buoy moor-
ing (SBM) at Mundra.”
said Karan Adani,
CEO and Whole Time
Director of APSEZ.
IOCL, which ac-
counts for nearly half
of India’s petroleum
products, has a refining
capacity of 80.55 MMT-
PA and over 15,000 kilo-
meter of pipeline net-
work. Part of IOCL’s
current crude oil re-
quirement of 15 MMT-
PA for its Panipat Re-
finery is handled at
Mundra Port.
Future Enterprises can
sell stake in insurance JV
Mumbai (PTI): The
allowed Future Enter-
prises to sell its stake in
insurance joint venture
Future Generali to Ital-
ian partner Generali,
the company said in a
regulatory filing on
A local city court in
Mumbai, following ob-
jections raised by some
bold holders of Future
companies, had last
month put on hold the
plan of the cash-starved
Future Enterprises to
sell 25 percent of its
stake in Future Gener-
ali India Insurance
Company to Generali
for about Rs 1,252 crore.
The Bombay High
Court has allowed Fu-
ture Enterprises to sell
its stake in insurance
joint venture Future
Generali to Italian part-
ner Generali, the com-
pany said in a regula-
tory filing on Tuesday.
A local city court in
Mumbai, following ob-
jections raised by some
bold holders of Future
companies, had last
month put on hold the
plan of the cash-starved
Future Enterprises to
sell 25 percent of its
stake in Future Gener-
ali India Insurance
Company to Generali
for about Rs 1,252 crore.
Ban on oil imports will double
price to $300 a barrel: Russia
Moscow: A Western ban
on Russian oil imports
may more than double
the price to $300 a barrel
and prompt the closure
of the main gas pipeline
to Germany, Moscow
warned on Monday, as
talks on Ukraine hardly
advanced amid efforts to
agree on civilian safe
Russia’s invasion, the
biggest attack on a Euro-
pean state since World
War Two, has created 1.7
million refugees, a raft
of sanctions on Moscow,
and fears of wider con-
flict in the West
of for dec-
S i e g e s
and the
b o m b i n g
c o n t i n -
ued as
Kyiv re-
ble hu-
m a n i -
t a r i a n
to Russia
and Belarus, but
said some limited
progress had been made
on agreeing logistics for
the evacuation of civil-
Moscow would give
the residents of the
Ukrainian cities of
Sumy and Mariupol the
choice of
moving elsewhere in
Ukraine on Tuesday, set-
ting a deadline in the
early hours for Kyiv to
agree, Russian news
agencies reported.
Seeking to ratchet up
the pressure on Russian
President Vladimir Pu-
tin, the United States
said Washington and its
European allies were
considering banning
Russian oil imports. Oil
prices spiked to their
highest levels since 2008.
“A rejection of Rus-
sian oil would lead to
c a t a -
c o n s e -
for the
m a r -
k e t , ”
s a i d
R u s -
s i a n
Prime Minis-
ter Alexander
Novak, saying
the price
could more
than double to
over $300 per
New Delhi: As the Ashneer-BharatPe fight now on a
legal course, the Board of the company is not going
to intervene in a new controversy regarding the
fintech company’s original founder Bhavik Koladi-
ya and his stake in the firm. Sources told IANS on
Tuesday that this is something Bhavik and Ashneer have
to sort out among each other and the Board will stick to the inter-
nal governance review done by third-party law and risk assessment firms.
Another co-founder Shashvat Nakrani has written a fresh letter to employees,
saying that Ashneer tried to create a false narrative about the company that
‘we have built together with the right spirit’.
New Delhi: German
auto major Volk-
swagen on Tues-
day unveiled new
mid-sized sedan
‘Virtus’ for the
Indian market. The
company has commenced pre-book-
ings for the new model which com-
petes with the likes of Honda City,
Hyundai Verna, Maruti Suzuki Ciaz
and Skoda Slavia. Volkswagen plans
to launch the model in the later part
of May this year. The Virtus carries
the global sedan lineage of the Volk-
swagen brand, selling over 129 mod-
els across our 61 years of presence
in the sedan segment world over. A
truly global carline that will redefine,
re-energise and set new benchmarks
in the premium mid-sized sedan
segment in India,” Volkswagen
Passenger Cars India Brand Director
Ashish Gupta said while unveiling the
New Delhi:
steel products
maker Good-
luck India on
Tuesday said it
exported goods
worth Rs 1,000 crore during the
ongoing financial year, mainly to
its customers in Europe and North
America, registering a 100 per cent.
The New Delhi-based company had
made exports valuing Rs 475 crore
in the entire 2020-21 financial year.
Homegrown steel products maker
Goodluck India on Tuesday said
it exported goods worth Rs 1,000
crore during the ongoing financial
year, mainly to its customers in
Europe and North America, reg-
istering a 100 per cent. The New
Delhi-based company had made
exports valuing Rs 475 crore in the
entire 2020-21 financial year.
MEIL to commission 15 oil
 gas rigs for ONGC by May
New Delhi (PTI):
Megha Engineering
and Infrastructures
Limited (MEIL), which
has secured an order
from ONGC Limited to
s u p -
ply 47 oil and gas rigs,
expects commission-
ing of 15 of them by
May end, a senior offi-
cial of the infra major
said on Tuesday
K Satyanarayana,
Technical Head, Rigs
Project, MEIL, said
most of the 15 rigs
have reached the re-
spective locations
and commissioning
will be expedited
“The total order
from ONGC was for 47
rigs-20 are workover
rigs, and 27 are land
drilling rigs. We will
be able to commission
the first lot, 15 rigs (10
Drilling Rigs and five
Workover Rigs by May
end,” he told reporters.
The capacity of the 20
Workover Rigs ranges
from 50 to 150 tonnes
while the Land Drill-
ing Rigs have a capac-
ity of 1500HP to 2000
HP, he noted.
Working from home in coronavirus
pandemic is a breeze, but for men: Study
New Delhi (PTI): It’s
great to be able to work
from home, but even
better if you’re a man.
That’s according to a
New Zealand study,
which found that while
most people liked work-
ing from home during
the pandemic, wom-
en still did the lion’s
share of the housework
and childcare.
“Our study makes it
clear that although flex-
ible working has many
benefits, it also high-
lights the difference
between what men
and women are expect-
ed to do around the
home,” said Vittoria
Shortt, chief executive
at ASB Bank, which
commissioned the sur-
vey. “With women still
taking on responsibili-
ty for the bulk of do-
mestic chores, the risk
is that they are being
disadvantaged both at
work and in the home.”
New Zealand was al-
ready adopting more
flexible working ar-
rangements before the
pandemic, including
discussions about
shorter working weeks,
but the strict nation-
wide lockdown in 2020
accelerated the trend
toward working from
home. As the country’s
surging omicron out-
break takes hold, more
employers are encour-
aging staff to stay away
from workplaces, while
school closures and dis-
ruptions require par-
ents to be on hand for
their children.
The study, conducted
by the New Zealand In-
stitute of Economic Re-
search, shows more
than 60% of those sur-
veyed thought working
from home was posi-
tive. However, when it
came to juggling that
with household respon-
sibilities, women were
significantly more like-
ly to report doing all or
most of the housework
and childcare.
Only 22% of respond-
ents felt the home-
schooling load was
shared fairly
Women were also
less likely than men to
report having the ideal
equipment and space to
work from home, ASB
A rejection of Russian
oil would lead to
consequences for the
global market.
Lucknow (PTI): Con-
gress General Secre-
tary Priyanka Gandhi
Vadra on Tuesday led a
march here on Interna-
tional Women’s Day, a
day after voting for the
seventh and final phase
of Uttar Pradesh As-
sembly election con-
out from 1090 crossing
to Veerangana Uda
Devi (Sikanderbagh)
crossing.The Congress
has come out with the
slogan ‘Ladki Hun Lad
Sakti Hun (I am a girl, I
can fight) and given 40
per cent tickets to wom-
en candidates in the as-
sembly polls.
The march was
named after this slo-
gan. Carrying pink bal-
loons and flags with
“Ladki Hun Lad Sakti
hun” written on them,
thousands of people,
including women from
across the state, gath-
ered for the march.
Besides the 159 wom-
the party in the assem-
bly polls, women MLAs
as well as MPs and lead-
ing women from differ-
ent walks of life were
invited for the march.
All India Mahila Con-
gress President Netta
D’Souza said ‘Ladki
Thieves throw
bag with
jewels in river
First India Bureau
Surat: The Amaroli po-
lice registered a pecu-
liar case of robbery on
Monday. The thieves,
Ajay alias Bodo Ramub-
hai Vasava and Mukesh
alias Pappu Ram Shi-
romani Morya, robbed
the house of diamond
trader Hardik Zaverb-
hai Vasoya. Upon their
arrest, they confessed
that they threw the lap-
top bag in the Tapi riv-
er, thinking it was emp-
ty. The next day’s news-
paper report made
them realise that the
bag contained dia-
monds worth Rs15 lakh.
On February 28, Hardik
took 13 diamonds worth
Rs15 lakh in a laptop
bag from office to home
and kept the bag in his
bedroom, with the win-
dow open for some
fresh air.
AIWOT for 79th Round of
NSS starts at Greater Noida
First India Bureau
Greater Noida: The
National Statistical Of-
fice (NSO) (erstwhile
NSSO), Ministry of
Statistics and Pro-
gramme Implementa-
tion, Government of
India is organising an
All India Workshop of
Trainers (AIWOT) for
the NSS 79th Round of
its Socio-Economic
Survey at National Sta-
tistical System Train-
ing Academy (NSSTA),
Greater Noida from
March 8 to 10. The sub-
jects under coverage in
this Round are Compre-
hensive Annual Modu-
lar Survey (CAMS) and
AYUSH Survey. The
NSO and the State Di-
rectorates of Econom-
ics  Statistics will
carry out the 79th
Round survey pro-
gramme jointly for a
period of one year.
Prof Bimal Kumar
Roy, Chairman, Nation-
al Statistical Commis-
sion (NSC), MoSPI, GoI
inaugurated the work-
shop on Tuesday.
Pravin Srivastava,
Chairman, Working
Group of NSS 79th
Round, Ex. CSI  Secre-
tary (SPI) also ad-
dressed the partici-
pants on the occasion.
Dr GP Samantha, CSI
cum Secretary(SPI),
GoI gave inaugural ad-
dress before the par-
ticipants. Other digni-
taries include Dr Kiran
Pandya, Member, NSC;
SL Menaria, Director
General (NSS). Apart
from this, more than
100 officials from sev-
eral States/UTs also
graced the occasion.
Itanagar (PTI): A traf-
ficked woman has reu-
nited with her biologi-
cal family in Arunachal
Pradesh after 12 long
Her return, which
took place a day before
the International Wom-
en’s Day, was facilitated
by Arunachal Women
Helpline (WHL-181),
which had received in-
formation about a sur-
vivor of child traffick-
ing and domestic vio-
lence in an area under
the Papu Hill police sta-
tion on February 19 this
year. She was provided
with protection, coun-
selling and shelter at
Swadhar Greh (Short
Stay Home) run by a
welfare body
State Legal Service Au-
took up the matter to
ensure that she was reu-
nited with her biologi-
cal family
According to the
woman’s statement, her
father was lured by a
trafficker with false
promises of education
for her when she was
just eight and her step
mother sold her to a per-
son in Assam. Within a
few hours the trafficker
took her to Banderdewa
Assam border and sold
her as a domestic help to
a local.
She was resold by the
local person after just a
few weeks.
Kumar Prabodh
Patna: Paralympics
Silver Medallist Yogesh
Kathuniya on Tuesday,
March 8 visited Patna’s
Government Girls Sen-
ior Secondary School
and kicked off PM
Modi’s school visit cam-
paign to create aware-
ness among students
about the importance
of balanced diet and fit-
ness in the eastern re-
gion of the country. Ti-
tled Meet the Champi-
ons, Tokyo 2020 Olympi-
ans are visiting schools
across the country, as
partof thisprogramme.
Yogesh, whose moth-
er played a huge role in
his recovery during his
childhood, also took the
occasion to wish all
those who were present
there a very Happy In-
ternational Women’s
Day and said “she has
always been there with
me from the start and
always supported me,
so I especially dedicate
this women’s day to
He then went on to
talk about his paralym-
pic journey and said
“though the journey
only started in 2017 for
me, I was quick to real-
ise that this was the
sport for me and the ca-
reer I want to be in, and
have since then dedi-
cated myself fully to
this sport.”
Meet the Champions’
initiative is part of the
government’s ‘Azaadi
ka Amrit Mahotsav’
that was kicked off by
Olympic Gold medal-
list Neeraj Chopra in
December 2021.
So far 9 Olympians
and Paralympians have
met student represent-
atives of over 600
Schools over the past
few months and shared
their life experiences,
lessons, tips on how to
eat right and also give
an overall inspiration-
al boost to school chil-
During Yogesh’s
event in Patna, the
State Education board
also invited Divyang
students from various
schools, so Yogesh can
interact with them and
motivate them to take
up sports.
Addressing the kids
on how a balanced diet
is important for every-
one Yogesh said “we
need to have all food
items, even sugar, but
in the right amount
and from right food
Paralympics Silver Medallist Kathuniya kicks off PM’s meet in Bihar
Yogesh Kathuniya interacting with girls’ in Patna on Tuesday.
visits Patna’s
local all girls’
on the
SP-RLD claim they would win 300 seats while Cong is confident of improving its seats’ tally
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Opposition
leaders on Tuesday re-
jected the exit polls for
Uttar Pradesh, which
have predicted that the
BJP would return to
power in the state, say-
ing that they were
“misleading” and did
not “reflect the ground
.” SP president
Akhilesh Yadav said
that his party-led alli-
polls, winning over 300
seats. “Let the TV chan-
nels show whatever
they wish... We are sure
of winning over 300
seats,” he said. The SP
president also accused
the BJP of presenting
“false data” to the pub-
lic during its election
campaigns in the state.
“The people of the state
are capable of differen-
tiating between facts
and fiction,” he said.
Akhilesh’s alliance
partner  RLD presi-
also rejected the exit
polls and exuded confi-
dence that the SP-RLD
alliance would get a
majority in the polls. “I
don’t agree with the
exit polls... They have
proved wrong on many
resentment that I wit-
nessed among the peo-
ple against the BJP will
surely get reflected in
the polls,” Chaudhary
SBSP president Om
Prakash Rajbhar, who
had allied with the SP,
also echoed a similar
sentiment. “Many sen-
ior BJP leaders will
bite the dust in the
polls... Exit polls are
completely against the
ground reality in the
state,” Rajbhar said.
tary Priyanka Gandhi
V also exuded confi-
dence that her party
would do well in the
polls. “We are hopeful
of abetterperformance
in the polls,” she said.
First India Bureau
Lucknow: The exit
poll results for UP do
not bode well for the
farmers’ leaders who
the now-repealed
three farm laws.
These farmer leaders
were on forefront of
anti-BJP campaign in
the state.
If the exit poll re-
sults hold, those lead-
ers who had assumed
a larger than life im-
age during the agita-
tion may find them-
While one may have
to wait until March 10
to know officially
where they stand po-
litically in west UP
, if
the exit poll predic-
tions are any yard-
stick, it may once
again prove that lead-
ing a seemingly mass
agitation is no pass-
port to success in
In western Uttar
Pradesh, the hub of
the farmers’ agita-
tion, the BJP has
been projected as
winning far more
seats compared to the
Samajwadi Party-
Rashtriya Lok Dal
(RLD) alliance. How-
ever, their poor per-
formance may not
impact Akhilesh Ya-
dav and his RLD
counterpart Jayant
Chaudhary as much
as it might the BKU
leader Rakesh Tikait.
Some exit polls
have projected the
BJP winning up to 50
out of 58 seats falling
under West UP which
went to polls in the
first phase of elec-
tions on February 10.
Asheesh Goyal
Dehradun: Ahead
of the election
results of Uttara-
khand Assembly,
Congress is seri-
ously considering
making the Chief
Minister as well
as the Deputy
Chief Minister if
the party comes
to power in the
state, sources
said. Today, this
formula was dis-
cussed in a closed
room meeting of
veteran leaders in
Dehradun’s Hotel.
Rupesh Samant
Panaji: With
just two days to
go for the Goa
Assembly polls
counting, Chief
Minister Pramod
Sawant has said
the central BJP
leadership is
already in talks
with the MGP to
seek its support,
if the saffron
outfit falls short of
a few numbers to
form government.
Elections to the
40-member Goa
Assembly were
held on February
14 and the results
will be declared
on March 10.
Dr G.P. Samantha, CSI  Secretary (SPI) with other dignitaries at
All India Workshop of Trainers.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addressing ‘Ladki Hoon Lad Sakta Hoon’ march in Lucknow. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra clicking a selfie with girls.
Akhilesh Yadav with
Jayant Chaudhary.
Jagdeesh Chandra, who was on a day’s visit to Srinagar on Tuesday, visited the historic
Lal Chowk, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with senior BJP leader Murli
Manohar Joshi hoisted the Tricolour on January 26, 1992, defying all terror threats. Today,
in the Modi-Shah rule in Jammu and Kashmir, life is back to normal with the usual traffic
and school-going children being seen in Srinagar.
Channi and Capt’s meets with
Shah betrayal to Punjab: AAP
Mahesh Kumar
Chandigarh: The Pun-
jab unit of the Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) has
termed the recent meet-
ings of Punjab Chief
Minister Charanjit Sin-
gh Channi and former
CM Capt Amarinder
Singh a betrayal to the
interests of Punjab.
Senior Punjab AAP
leader and Leader of
Opposition (LoP) Har-
pal Singh Cheema said
on Tuesday that the
meeting between offici-
ating Chief Minister
Charanjit Singh Chan-
ni and former CM Capt
Amarinder Singh with
Union Home Minister
Amit Shah as ‘betrayal
to Punjab’ and said that
the Congress, Capt Am-
arinder, Bharatiya Ja-
nata Party and Badals
have always pursued
anti-Punjab policies
and conspiracies. Chee-
ma alleged that Bhakra
Beas Management
Committee and the
Chandigarh issue was
an excuse, the agenda
of meetings of Channi
and Captain with Amit
Shah was to stop the
formation of AAP gov-
ernment in Punjab.
In a statement issued
on Tuesday, Cheema
said that the issue of
ending Punjab’s share
in Bhakra Beas Man-
agement Board and
Chandigarh has been
on the minds of the peo-
ple for a long time now,
because BJP used Pun-
jab Assembly Elections
as distraction to imple-
ment many anti-Punjab
decisions. He said that
the Chief Minister
Charanjit Singh Chan-
ni, Capt. Amarinder
Singh and Sukhdev
Singh Dhindsa re-
mained silent against
the tyranny of the Cen-
tre. Now that all exit
polls are indicating the
formation of the Aam
Aadmi Party govern-
ment in Punjab, the
leaders of these tradi-
tional parties are again
coming together to
hatch conspiracies
against Punjab and
Aam Aadmi Party
Cheema said if CM
Channi had talked to
Amit Shah about the is-
sues of Punjab, then he
should inform the peo-
ple about solutions of
those issues, because in
his last meeting with
Shah, Channi handed
over half of Punjab to
the Union Government
and BSF’s ambit was
expanded to 50 KMs.
Chandigarh: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab
senior leader and MLA Kultar Singh Sandhwan,
responding to the exit poll trends, said that the exit
poll results made clear that the people of Punjab
have rejected the corrupt politics of Congress, BJP
and Akali Dal (Badal). Sandhwan claimed that just
like Delhi, the corrupt and nepotism-based politics
of Congress, BJP and SAD will be wiped out of
Punjab on March 10. In a statement issued on
Tuesday, Sandhwan said that the people of Punjab
have voted for the change and chose the Aam
Aadmi Party, which was contesting election on the
agenda of development and upliftment of common
people. Sandhwan said that not only Punjab but
the people of every state want change. People
are fed up with the corruption and nepotism of
BJP-Congress and other traditional parties and
want to get rid of them.
Road safety top priority of
NDA Govt: Nitin Gadkari
New Delhi (ANI):
Road Transport and
tin Gadkari has raised
concern over the road
accidents in India and
accounts for 5 lakh
road accidents every
est in the world.
Speaking at the In-
ternational Confer-
ence on Machine Vi-
sion and Augmented
Intelligence (MAI)
2022 via video confer-
encing, Gadkari said
that road safety is a
major concern across
the world and has be-
come a challenge for
developing countries
like India. “India ac-
counts for 5 lakh road
accidents every year,
which is the highest
across the world and
leads to about 1.5 lakh
deaths and 3 lakh are
seriously injured in
these accidents. It is
centof deathsoccurin
the age group of 18 to
the top priority of our
government,” he said.
He said there is a
need for artificial in-
telligence to remove
human interfer-
ence and the
of errors.
“My vision
is to use AI for en-
forcement purposes
in cities where state
governments or mu-
nicipal authorities
are falling short due
to a variety of rea-
sons. There is a need
for extensive integra-
tion of AI-based tech-
, which will re-
move human interfer-
ence and the possibil-
ity of errors,” Gad-
kari said.
The Union Minis-
ter identified high
priority areas that
could benefit from AI-
based technology -- fo-
rensic post-crash in-
vestigations, the pat-
tern of accidents due
to black spots, fatigue
indicators, and sleep
detectors for the driv-
er, and advanced ve-
hicle collision avoid-
ance sys-
Nitin Gadkari said that the Central government
has rolled out an advanced traffic monitoring
system (ATMS) to avoid road accidents.
Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash
Satyarthi felicitates 2 real-life
heroes who saved daughters
First India Bureau
New Delhi: On Interna-
tional Women’s day
, No-
bel Peace Laureate
Kailash Satyarthi felici-
e-rickshaw driver who
saved two girls from be-
ing kidnapped and a
woman cop who had
traced 73 missing chil-
dren in last eight
Lauding their efforts,
Nobel Peace Laureate
Satyarthi said, “What
Bramhadutt and Sunita
have done is exemplary
They listened to their
inner voice and stood
up for what is right and
saved children from
clutches of traffickers.
They are role models,
standing tall in their
own right. For me they
are real heroes who in-
spire thousands across
the country
On March 5, Bram-
hadutt Rajput, a resi-
dent of Farukkhabad
who lives in Jhilmil,
was waiting for passen-
gers near Balaji temple
in Vivek Vihar. A man
along with two girls
boarded his e-rickshaw
and asked to be dropped
at Chintamani chowk.
However, Bramhadutt
could sense something
. The man was car-
rying two rubbish-filled
polybags. Inside the e-
rickshaw, the two girls,
aged 7 and 4 years,
asked the man to drop
them home only after
providing food. Bram-
hadutt then asked the
girls whether they
knew the man and both
said no. An alert Bram-
hadutt then stopped his
e-rickshaw near a traf-
fic official and ex-
plained the situation.
The police then took
the man into custody
After being interro-
gated, the man revealed
that he was Sanjay, a
vagabond and a drug
addict and had kid-
napped the girls to force
them into beggary. The
two girls were later
united with their par-
ents, who were con-
struction workers.
First India Bureau
New Delhi: Ministry of
Ayush has signed a tri-
Understanding with
Council of Scientific 
Industrial Research
(CSIR), and Indian
Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) for In-
tion for the promotion
and facilitation of re-
search and develop-
ment, validation, and
deploymentof agri-tech-
nologies related to me-
dicinal plants and their
value-added products of
benefit to humans,
plants and animals.
The MoU was signed
by Vaidya Rajesh Kote-
cha, Secretary
, Ministry
of Ayush, Dr Trilochan
Mohapatra, Director
,Departmentof Agri-
cultural Research and
Education, and Dr Shek-
har C Mande, Director
of senior officials from
the three organizations
in New Delhi.
Kailash Satyarthi with woman
cop Sunita who reunited 73
missing kids with their families.
Officials signing the tripartite MoU, in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Good health and financial
comfort become all the more
important with years.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO  Editor-in-Chief, First India
ink MoU in areas of
common interest I I I 09
MARCH 9, 2022
he First India
Woman of Sub-
stance Awards
2022 was or-
ganised at the
channel office
on the occa-
sion of Women’s Day,
on Tuesday. Diya Ku-
mari; MP Rajsamand
was the Chief Guest
while Dr Somya; Mayor
Jaipur Heritage,
Munesh Gurjar; Mayor
Jaipur Greater, Rehana
Riyaz; Chairperson
State Women Commis-
sion and Suman Choud-
hary; Addl DCP Jaipur
North graced the occa-
sion as Guests of Hon-
20 women from vari-
ous fields were hon-
oured and the award
ceremony was followed
by a ritual cake cutting
to celebrate the special
day after which a panel
discussion on Empow-
ering Women in Digital
Era was held with emi-
nent women guests and
awardees. Senior Editor
Sudhanshu Mathur, An-
ita Hada and Gaurav
Gaur, Director Elite
Miss Rajasthan wel-
comed all the guests.
Shweta Mishra an-
chored the show with
her usual aplomb and
grace, winning the
hearts of one and all.
Diya Kumari appreci-
ated the initiative by
Jagdeesh Chandra and
First India for empow-
ering women and recog-
nition of their efforts.
She said this was a one-
of-a-kind event and fur-
ther emphasised that
why celebrate women
only on one day? “In my
opinion, every day is
special. Women should
get equal pay in every
field because they are
no less than men. Wom-
en do not want more or
less, just equality, Diya
Kumari added. She also
conveyed her congratu-
lations to all the women
Munesh Gurjar, May-
or Jaipur Greater ex-
pressed her gratitude to
Jagdeesh Chandra for
this unique initiative
and said we cannot
measure the tolerance
of a woman because
compassion and toler-
ance are the greatest
power of a woman.
Dr Somya thanked
First India for the
chance to interact with
such special women
and congratulated the
Team for this wonder-
ful gesture on Women’s
Rehana Riyaz, Chair-
person of State Women
Commission on the oc-
casion said “Katil ji ka
Katilana Andaaz bohot
ki unique hain. Wo hi
aisa kuch kar sakte
hain. Women are born
with special powers and
the world should appre-
ciate their hard work
and efforts”.
Suman Choudhary,
Addl DCP Jaipur North
said “Yeh din nhi ek
ehsaas hain. Nature
has created us repro-
ductively different and
stronger than man.
Women are warriors
and can perform any
task without any prob-
lem. just this world has
to learn the importance
of a woman.
Senior Editor Sud-
hanshu Mathur gave
the Vote of Thanks and
conveyed gratitude to
all the guests and wom-
en awardees.
Diya Kumari with the awardees and the First India team (L-R) Moon Bohra, Toshi Vijay, Bhavya Chhabra, Dr Sushila Nagar, Mona Gautam, Priya Singh, Poonam Madan,
Charvi Dutta, Isha Agarwal, Suman Choudhary, Marcela Baur, Munesh Gurjar, Mani Devi, Rehana Riyaz, Sudhanshu Mathur, Gaurav Gaur, Bhavna Jagwani,
Urvashi Warman, Anita Hada, Dr Rita Taneja, Rashmi Kuchhal, Ajit Maan, Suheb Aghwani, Aditi Dhabhai, Tusharika Singh and Shweta Mishra
Diya Kumari cuts the celebratory cake along with Anita Hada, Suman Choudhary, Rehana Riyaaz,
Munesh Gurjar, Shweta Mishra, Sudhanshu Mathur, Gaurav Gaur and Jinendra Shekhawat
Anita Hada, Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Dr Somya,
Shweta Mishra and Sudhanshu Mathur during the event Shweta Mishra
Diya Kumari

Diya Kumari confers the First India Woman of Substance award on Bhavna Jagwani for Social Service and Organ
Donation work, also seen are Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Sudhanshu Mathur, Anita Hada  Gaurav Gaur.
Dr Pushpa Nagar receives the award in the field of medical and health.
Mani Devi, widow of Martyr Late Naiik Ishwar Singh of 5 Jat who lost his life in Kargil, receives the award for
Inspirational life.After her husband’s demise she single handedly brought up 9 daughters and today all are well settled.
Ajit Maan receives the award on behalf of his daughter Sanjeela Maan, for Sports. Sanjeela is polo player.
Rashmi Kuchhal receives the award for Social Service for her work for HIV positive children.
Moon Bohra receives the award for Fashion in the field of Designer Indo Western.
As First India conferred the Woman of Substance awards
2022 to these amazing women from various fields on March
8, women power was celebrated in it’s true essence. It was a
treat to watch all these super women- guests and awardees-
stand strong for each other and for women in general.
Women’s Day was celebrated in true spirit at First India!
Diya Kumari confers the First India Woman of Substance award on Urvashi Warman in the field of Education,
also seen are Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Rehana Riyaz, Anita Hada, Sudhanshu Mathur  Gaurav Gaur.
Aditi Dabhai receives the award for Fashion-Styling and Makeup.
Mona Gautam receives the award for Dance in the Art and Culture field.
Poonam Madan receives the award for Agent of Change.
Charvi Dutta receives the award for Acting, in the field of Entertainment.
Diya Kumari being accorded a floral welcome by Gaurav Gaur, also seen are Anita Hada and Sudhanshu Mathur.
Toshi Vijay receives the award for Entrepreneurship in the field of Public Relations.
Isha Agarwal receives the award for Fashion in the area of Modelling.
Madhu Bhatt receives the award for Singing in the field of Art  Culture.
Tusharika Singh receives the award for her work in the field of Public Relations.
Bhavya Chhabra receives the award for her Singing in the field of Art and Culture.
Dr Rita Taneja receives the award in the field of Education.
Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness.
Marcela Baur receives the award for Social Media influencer.
Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Diya Kumari being accorded a floral welcome by Gaurav Gaur, also seen are Anita Hada and Sudhanshu Mathur.
Isha Agarwal receives the award for Fashion in the area of Modelling.
Madhu Bhatt receives the award for Singing in the field of Art  Culture.
Tusharika Singh receives the award for her work in the field of Public Relations.
Bhavya Chhabra receives the award for her Singing in the field of Art and Culture.
Dr Rita Taneja receives the award in the field of Education.
Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness.
Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness.
Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness.
Marcela Baur receives the award for Social Media influencer.
Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Shweta Mishra moderates the panel discussion, seen here are (L-R) Priya Singh, Urvashi Warman, Rita Taneja, Toshi Vijay, Dr Sushila Nagar, Bhavna Jagwani, Poonam Madan and Charvi Dutta

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09032022 first india new delhi (1)

  • 1. DELHI TOP COP INTERACTS WITH 50K WOMEN THROUGH ‘TARANGINI’ EVENT INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY First India Bureau New Delhi:Ontheocca- sion of International Women’s Day, Rakesh Asthana, Delhi Police Commissioner, interact- ed with around 50,000 women from 1,784 police beats across the city through a hybrid plat- form ‘Tarangini’. It was Asthana’s first ever in- teraction with women on such a large scale through video-confer- encing to discuss their concerns, Delhi police statement said. The pro- gramme was beamed live through Youtube andFacebookplatforms. The event saw the par- ticipation of a large number of women from Resident Welfare Asso- ciations’ (RWA) and working professionals at the Adarsh Hall. Astha- naalsoreleased‘Vivarni- ka’,containingdetailsof initiativestakenbyDelhi Police in the field of women’s safety and women empowerment. Addressing thou- sands of women on be- half of thepolice,theCP underlined that Wom- en’s Day should not re- main limited to being just a specific day in the year, rather should be observed every day in order to foster the val- uesof dignityandequal- ity towards them. Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana at the event on Tuesday. Asthana lauds female cops’ role in protecting people and said that Delhi Police is committed to women’s safety BPR&D planning self-defence camps for women in every dist: Irani New Delhi (PTI): Un- ion Minister Smriti Irani said one-stop centres are planning to organise self-de- fence camps for wom- en and girls in every district in collabora- tion with the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D). Addressing the Na- tional Conference on Safety and Security of Women at Public and Workplaces organised by the BPR&D, Irani said the government is working towards linking mahila help- desk at every police station with one-stop centres. “One-stop centres in collaboration with the Bureau of Police Research and Develop- ment are planning to organise self-defence camps for women and girls in every dis- trict,” she said in her speech at the confer- ence organised on the occasion of the Inter- national Women’s Day. Irani also put for- ward a number of pro- posals where collabo- ration can take place between BPR&D and the Women and Child Development Minis- try. She said BPR&D and NIMHANS, which is among the coun- try’s apex centre for mental health and neuroscience educa- tion, can collaborate to provide counselling for women police per- sonnel who are stressed. She also proposed that the BPR&D and the Women and Child Development Minis- try can have a special crèche facility for women personnel in every district. Irani said that under the Nirbhaya fund, the government wants to empower women. She said, “4,000 crore have been given to various States and I request BPR&D if they wish to propose any new projects un- der the fund then we welcome it.” Union Minister also put forward a number of proposals where collaboration can take place between BPR&D and the Women and Child Development Ministry CRECHE FACILITY FOR WOMEN COPS NEW DELHI l WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNITITLE NO.DELENG/2021/19840 lVol 1 l Issue No.189 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD, LUCKNOW & NEW DELHI I I I I India on Tuesday, after a gap of two years, lifted the ban on international flights. The overseas flights, suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic, will be available from March 27. Air Bubble arrangements also stand revoked, announced Civil Aviation Ministry. INDIA TO RESUME SCHEDULED INT’L FLIGHT SERVICES FROM MARCH 27 10 GET LIFE IN DISHONOUR KILLING CASE A special court in Madurai sentenced ten people in a dishonour killing case to life imprisonment. 21-year-old Gokulraj, who belonged to Dalit community, was killed in 2015 for his relationship with an upper-caste woman. India will hold the next round of top-level military talks with China on March 11 in yet another bid to defuse the 22-month long troop confrontation in eastern Ladakh, after the last such dialogue in January failed to break the deadlock in the high-altitude region. INDIA, CHINA TO HOLD 15TH ROUND OF TALKS ON MARCH 11 Oppn moves no-confidence motion,Imran Khan on edge Islamabad (Agencies): Pakistan’smajoropposi- tion parties on Tuesday submitted a no-confi- dence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan,seekingtoremove him from office after holding his government responsible for the un- controlled inflation. The motion, signed by about 100 lawmakers from the Pakistan Mus- lim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), was submitted to the National Assembly Sec- retariat, PML-N spokes- person Marriyum Au- rangzeb said. As per rules, signa- tures of at least 68 Mem- bers of Parliament are required to force the Speaker to summon a session, which should be convened between three to seven days to conduct a vote on a no- confidence motion. n the house of 342, the opposition needed the support of 172 mem- bers to remove the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Khan, 69, is heading a coalition government and he can be removed if some of the partners decide to switch sides, which is not unusual in parliamentary democ- racies. First India Bureau Lucknow: Samajwadi Party President Akhile- sh Yadav, on Tuesday, alleged that a top official in the Chief Minister’s secretariat was tele- phoning District Magis- trates across UP and asking them to slow down counting process on Thursday if BJP is losing. Addressing a hurriedly convened press conference, he al- leged that a truck carry- ing EVMs had been in- tercepted by party work- ers in Varanasi while two other trucks man- aged to speed away . He appealed to his party workers to keep a vigil on strong rooms. Kyiv (Agencies): Civil- ians fleeing the Russian invasion in Ukraine left two embattled cities along safe corridors Tuesday, even as offi- cials said the exodus of refugees from the coun- try reached 2 million. The evacuation of around 600 Indian stu- dents stranded in Ukraine’s Sumy began on Tuesday . Union min- ister Hardeep Singh Puri told reporters that all 694 Indian students, who were stranded in Sumy, have left for Pol- tava in buses. Meanwhile, Presi- dent Joe Biden an- nounced a ban on US imports of Russian oil on Tuesday, in the ad- ministration’s most far- reaching action yet to punish Moscow for in- vading Ukraine. “We’re banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. That means Russian oil will no longer be accept- able at US ports ,” Biden said in an address. CIVILIANSFLEE BESIEGEDSUMY All 694 Indian students stuck in Ukraine’sSumymovedout:Govt US Prez Biden bans Russian oil imports over Ukraine invasion NATO won’t fight Russia, don’t want to join alliance, says Ukraine President Zelenskyy Will not buy Russian oil: Shell company Decision on fuel prices to be based on public interest, oil companies to determine fuel prices: Hardeep Singh Puri 1 2 3 ‘Vote machines stolen in UP’ Who is paying for exit polls?: Yadav on BJP win in prediction AKHILESH YADAV’S VIDEO SHOCKER BEFORE COUNTING “If the EVMs were being moved, then the candidates concerned should have been informed as per the Election Commission guidelines. We have videos to prove what we are saying,” SP chief Akhilesh Yadav said in a press conference. CONGRESS INITIATES BACKCHANNEL TALKS SANCTIONS ON INDIA FOR RUSSIA DEAL “EXTRAORDINARILY FOOLHARDY”: US TAMIL NADU STUDENT JOINS UKRAINE FORCES TO FIGHT RUSSIAN INVASION UKRAINE ACCUSES RUSSIA OF HOLDING CIVILIANS HOSTAGE RUSSIA DROPPED 500-KG BOMBS, 18 DEAD, SAYS UKRAINE TMC DEPLOYS TOP GUNS IN GOA On the brink of the result of the 2022 Assembly election, the Congress top leadership has started to implement its post-poll strategies and has opened backchannels for post-poll alliances with like-minded parties. In UP, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi herself is holding the fort. India is a critical ally of the US and it would be “extraor- dinarily foolhardy” to impose any sanctions on New Delhi under the punitive CAATSA law for its purchase of the S-400 missile defence system from Russia, said a top Republican Senator. The US administration is required under law to impose sanctions on any country that has significant transactions with Iran, North Korea or Russia. Sainikesh Ravichandran, a 21-year-old student from Co- imbatore district in Tamil Nadu has joined the paramilitary forces in Ukraine to fight against Russia. Officials visited his residence and inquired his parents about it. They discovered that he had applied to join the Indian Army but was rejected. In 2018, Sainikesh went to Ukraine to study at the National Aerospace University in Kharkiv. Minister of Foreign Af- fairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba said Russia holds 300,000 civilians hostage in Ukraine’s besieged city of Mariupol and a child has died from dehydration in Mariupol after spending several days with no water. Dmytro also accused Rus- sia of violating the ceasefire agreements and shelling humanitarian corridor. A claim to that actors are being used to act out scenes from an attack to prove that the war is a hoax is in the form of a video circulating showing a young man having fake blood applied. The video is from Ukrainian TV series ‘Contamin’ in 2020. Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has said 18 people including two children were killed after Russia allegedly dropped 500-kg bombs on residential buildings in Sumy city. The Minis- try tweeted, “Last night Russian pilots dropped 500-kilogram bombs on residential buildings. 18 civilian died in attack”. TV series pics go viral as war images of Russia-Ukraine With the Goa Assembly poll results out on March 10, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) is staying on its toes. As per sources, the TMC has al- ready deployed its top guns to secure its candidates who might emerge victorious and to review any proposal of alliance that might come from Congress. Ukrainian soldiers and militiamen carry a woman in a wheelchair as the artillery echoes nearby, while people flee Irpin on the outskirts of Kyiv in Ukraine. FACT CHECK Pakistan PM Imran Khan
  • 2. CAPITOL NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 02 I I I I We need to change the thought process that women cannot go out, says NCW INT’L WOMEN’S DAY: DELHI POLICE ORGANISES KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP New Delhi (ANI): On the eve of International Women’s Day, Delhi Po- lice organised an All India Women’s Karate Championship at Talk- atora Stadium in New Delhi on Tuesday. Delhi Police Commis- sioner Rakesh Asthana and National Commis- sion for Women Chair- person (NCW) Rekha Sharma inaugurated the program. The NCW’s Chairper- son congratulated the men and women and said, “We need to change the thought pro- cess that women cannot go out. There is a need to change the mentality of men, it is important to teach men what their responsibility towards women is. Girls should learn self-defence.” “Till now, there was a mentality that a woman must go out in the com- pany of their brothers and fathers. I think women who can learn self-defence can protect even their brothers. I think we need to people need to give respect to women the same way they respect their sis- ters at their homes. Only then the atmos- phere for the women must change,” she added. International Women’s Day is cele- brated on March 8 eve- ry year. CRUCIAL READ DDA LAUNCHES WEB PORTAL SHOWING LAYOUT PLANS OF DELHI New Delhi: The DDA launched a web portal (dalop. displaying layout plans of various regions in the Delhi to make old records accessible to people. “The DDA got all the layout plans collect- ed from the 17 planning zones of Delhi for an area of 1,483 sqkm. These layouts are 40-70 years old. The latest approved layouts were identified, scanned and digitised for which a consultancy firm was awarded the work,” said a senior DDA official. GURGAON: PSO SHOOTS SELF, TWO BOOKED FOR ABETMENT Gurgaon: A 28-year- old personal security officer (PSO) allegedly shot himself with his licensed gun near a society in Sector 84 on Monday morning. Police have registered a case of abetment of sui- cide against two people. According to police, the deceased has been identified as Ravi Singh alias Chintu. He had been working as a PSO for a Sector 82 resident for the past one year. In the police complaint, the victim’s brother, Ashish, said that at 9.10 am, he received a video on WhatsApp from his brother. He added that after a few minutes, he got a call from his friend informing him that his brother had shot himself. FIRE AT PLASTIC FACTORY, NO CASUALTIES REPORTED New Delhi: A fire broke out at a plastic factory in outer Delhi’s Bawana area Tuesday morning. Delhi Fire Service said they deployed 25 fire tenders and 100 firemen to the spot. Of- ficials said they’re also using a drone in the firefighting operation. No casualties have been reported so far. Meanwhile, Delhi on Monday recorded 158 fresh Covid-19 cases and 3 deaths, while the positivity rate stood at 0.46 per cent, the city health department notified. The city conducted 32,469 Coronavi- rus tests the previous day, the notification added. New Delhi (Agencies): Despite over 77 govern- ment-run veterinary facilities, including hospitals, dispensaries and polyclinics, in the Capital, an audit has found that not even a single one has an in- patient department (IPD), where animals can be admitted for treatment. The audit re- port, conducted by vol- unteers part of the ‘Ahimsa’ fellowship (supported by a group of animal welfare NGOs each year), also found some facilities were lacking basic med- icines and medical sup- plies. “Delhi has 49 veteri- nary hospitals, 26 vet- erinary dispensaries, a first-aid centre and a veterinary polyclinic. Many of these institu- tions were found to be in poor condition, with dilapidated infrastruc- ture, insufficient staff- ing and severe shortage of equipment and con- sumables. Out of the 77 facilities, four hospitals and six dispensaries were found to be de- funct,” said the report. The report classified facilities as defunct if they were completely shut or did not have any veterinary staff. The audit also found most facilities were only open from 9am to 1pm for outpatient (OPD) services, with trained veterinary staff found missing in some facilities. “Instead of trained professionals, sometimes, treatment was being administered by unlicensed para-vets and multi-tasking staff (MTS), including sani- tation workers,” said the report.A senior ani- mal husbandry depart- ment official, when con- tacted, said, “We al- ready know which facil- ity requires infrastruc- ture upgradation, which needs more equipment and which ones are short on staff. Public vet centres lack basic supplies: Report FURRY FRIENDS —REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE HC seeks reply of KVS, Centre over Class I admission age issue New Delhi (ANI): The Delhi High Court on Tuesday sought re- sponses of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) and the Union of India on a plea chal- lenging KVS Class I ad- mission criteria 2022-23 laying down the mini- mum age of a child to six years, instead of five years. The bench of Justice Rekha Palli on Tuesday also asked the Counsel for respondents to take instructions and also said that on 10 March, the next date of hearing, it would con- sider passing of interim order in the matter. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hands over awards to Indian women’s hockey team players Rani (2L) and Namita Toppo (R) during Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) Awards 2022 on International Women’s Day, at India Habitat Center in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi (PTI): The State Election Commis- sion (SEC) has released guidelines for the up- coming municipal elec- tions in New Delhi. The SEC is yet to an- nounce the schedule for the elections to the three municipal bodies, after which the MCC will come into force. The guidelines state that “no rallies and pub- lic meetings” will be al- lowed between 8 pm and 8 am on any campaign day. For door-to-door campaigns,“amaximum of five persons including candidates, excluding se- curity personnel, if any, shall be allowed”, it says. “Further, rallies and meetings shall be al- lowed only in earmarked places and with prior permissions of district administration… Nuk- kad Sabhas (meeting) will not be allowed on public roads, rounda- bouts or public streets or corners. Further, politi- cal parties and candi- dates are advised to con- duct their campaign as much as possible through digital/virtual/ media platforms/mo- bile-based mode instead of physical mode ensur- ing strict compliance of Covid safety norms,” it states. Two held for duping people in Najafgarh New Delhi (ANI): Two persons were arrested in the Delhi’s Najafgarh area for allegedly duping people in lieu of redemp- tion of credit card points, Delhi Police said. According to Delhi Po- lice, the complainant who has been identified as Hetram alleged that his credit card was used for three fraud transac- tions of Rs 44,000 and he has not received or shared any OTP for the same and money was transferred to a wallet, an online rent payment website and a shopping website. 2 teenagers thrashed outside school in city New Delhi (PTI): Two students, both aged 13, were allegedly thrashed by a group of boys out- side their school in the Delhi Cantonment area, the police said, adding that the victims study at Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 and were return- ing home when the ac- cused beat them up. No arrests have been made in the case yet. While one of the boys sustained injuries on his head and abdomen, his classmate had mi- nor injuries, the police said. On February 28, the victims were outside the school around 3.30 pm when a group of boys, who are not stu- dents of the school, al- legedly waylaid them. An FIR was lodged on the basis of a complaint by the 13-year-old boy. “After classes got over, I left with my friend. Around 3.30 pm, when we were outside the school, a group of boys came and held me and my friend. They all started to beat me and my friend. My friend managed to escape after some time, they beat me up and I suffered inju- ries,” he said in the FIR. Delhi will witness rise in temperature New Delhi (PTI): The national capital has been seeing an increase in the day-time temper- ature, with the maxi- mum temperature hit- ting 30.6 degrees Celsi- us on Monday, two de- grees above the normal. The IMD has predict- ed a further rise in max- imum temperatures over the next six days. It is likely to climb up to about 32 degrees Celsi- us on March 13, and fur- ther to 34 degrees Cel- sius by March 14. This month, till Mon- day, the maximum tem- perature had remained below 30 degrees Celsi- us.Meanwhile, the min- imum temperature re- corded early on Tues- day was 13.6 degrees Celsius. It is also likely to in- crease to around 17 de- grees Celsius by March 14, the IMD forecast has indicated. The mini- mum temperature, for the first seven days of the month, has re- mained below 16 de- grees Celsius. Meanwhile, partly cloudy skies are on the forecast for Tuesday, while a relative humid- ity of 89 per cent was recorded at 8.30 am. The temperature at 8.30 am was 16.6 degrees Celsi- us. The rest of the week is likely to remain dry. Though a western dis- turbance is set to affect the Western Himalayan Region from tonight, rainfall is no longer on the forecast for Delhi. NCRTC to use unique tech for rapid rail New Delhi (PTI): To have an efficient and qualified rail track sys- tem to run the high- speed rapid rail, the National Capital Re- gional Transport Cor- poration (NCRTC) has decided to construct a unique Precast Slab Track System for the upcoming RRTS, offi- cials have said. The technology is be- ing used for the first time in India in the con- struction of the first regional rail of the country. The Precast Track Slab technology produces high-capacity ballastless track slabs that have a longer life cycle and require less maintenance. New Delhi (PTI): The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the Delhi Development Au- thority (DDA) to check allegations made in a PIL against encroach- ment of the Cultural Centre of Sahitya Kala Parishad on the land allocated for a pond of Budhela Village in city. The Division Bench of Justice DN Patel and Justice Neena Bansal Krishna today after noting down the submissions disposed of the petition and asked the DDA to look into the grievances raised by the petitioner and decide it accord- ing to the law, rules and regulations and Government policies as expeditiously as possible. HC: DDA TO CHECK ALLEGED ENCROACHMENT ON POND LAND All India Women’s Karate Championship-2022 was launched by Delhi Police at Talkatora Stadium. New Delhi (ANI): On the occasion of Inter- national Women’s Day, Delhi Police dedicated Defence Colony Police Station to all women officers. They will operate all the depart- ments of Defence Colony Police Station today from handling cases to attending calls. Speaking to ANI, South DCP Benita Mary Jaikar said, “Today, Defence Colony Police Station is dedicated to the women. We will serve you to the best of our capabilities across all ranks right from the SHO to the beat staff to the division and patrol- ling staff, PCR will be women. Whether it’s a case, whether it’s a call, whether it’s a complainant, lady staff will handle it today.” “Delhi Police would like to send a message to citizens of the national capital that the officers and staff here are well equipped and very capable of handling all your matters, DCP added. DCP South has also given flowers and chocolates to all the women officers at the police station. DEFENCE COLONY STATION DEDICATED TO WOMEN OFFICIALS SEC releases guidelines for New Delhi municipal polls
  • 3. INDIA NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 03 I I I I Sena’s Aaditya Thackeray’s close aide raided by I-T dept Mumbai (PTI): The Shiv Sena on Tuesday accused the Centre of selectively targeting op- position-ruled Bengal and Maharashtra, after the Income Tax Depart- ment conducted a series of raids of people linked to state ministers Aadi- tya Thackeray and Anil Parab.Accusingthegov- ernment of misusing the Central agencies, Thackeray said this “happened in Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and nowif electionsaretobe held in Maharashtra, it is happening here too”. Sources said raids were conducted today at the home of Shiv Sena office-bearer and Shirdi Trust member Rahul Kanal, who is consid- ered close to Maharash- tra Minister Aaditya Thackeray. Locations liked to cable operator Sadanand Kadam and Bajrang Kharmate were also subjected to search and seizure op- eration, sources said. Sadanand Kadam and Bajrang Kharmate are allegedly linked to Shiv Sena Minister Anil Parab. Linking the raids to the approaching elec- tions at the Mumbai civic body Brihanmum- bai Corporation — the richest in the country — senior Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said, “Till the BMC elec- tions are not held, every ward of Mumbai will be raided. Now the IT De- partment is now left with only this work”. “Why are people be- ing targeted only in Ma- harashtra and West Bengal? Only Shiv Sena and Trinamool Con- gress are being raided. The government is do- ing this to create pres- sure so that the state governments can be toppled,” Raut said. Most of the raids, he said, are happening in Maharashtra. “There have been raids on 14 prominent people in Maharashtra, seven more in West Bengal. There is no action against BJP people. Are they begging on the streets?” Raut de- manded. The Sena, he said, has sent 50 names to Income Tax Department and the Enforcement Directo- rate, but “no action is being taken even at the behest of an MP”. The Central agencies have been misused in the past too. It hap- pened in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and now it’s happen- ing in Maharashtra. Maha- rashtra will not bow down. Aditya Thackeray, Tourism Minister, Maharashtra RAUT SAYS CENTRE USING TACTICS TO DESTABILISE MVA Mumbai (ANI): Following Income Tax Department raids on premises of close aides of Shiv Sena leaders, Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut on Tuesday said that central agencies are targeting select people from states like West Bengal and Maharashtra. He said the raids are tactics to “pres- surise and destabilise” the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in Maharashtra. Briefing mediapersons, Raut said, “Why are central agen- cies targetting a selected few from states like West Bengal and Maharashtra. Do not they get anybody else from other states? It is a tactic to pressurise and destabilise MVA government.” 33% quota for women in govt jobs: Shah in Tripura Agartala (ANI): On the occasion of Interna- tional Women’s Day , Un- ion Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday announced that 33 per cent of government jobs in Tripura would be reserved for women. “33 per cent reserva- tion in jobs in Tripura administration is going to be reserved for wom- en”, said Shah. He was addressing a public rally in Agartala on the completion of four years of the BJP gov- ernment in Tripura. Attacking the previ- ous CPI-M government in Tripura, Shah said that Chief Minister Bi- plab Deb has put a com- plete stop to political killings in the state while the previous CPI- M government played Holi with Opposition’s blood during their rule. “Wherever there is Communist govern- ment, Holi is played with the blood of politi- cal opponents. But I can proudly say that our Chief Minister Biplab Dev has put a complete stop to the political kill- ings in Tripura. I assure you that in the last four years we have taken Tripura’s responsibili- ty”, said Shah, adding that more than 39 work- ers of BJP and other parties were killed. He said, “Give BJP one more chance after it completes its tenure, we will make Tripura the number one state in the country .” According to Shah, CPI-M in Tripura ruled for 25 years in the name of poor but did nothing for their upliftment. He said, “For 25 years, the communists ruled here in the name of the poor. But did nothing for the poor.” Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb wave at the supporters, during Tripura Government’s 4th-anniversary celebrations, in Agartala on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI HIJAB ROW Karnataka Cong leader arrested in Hyderabad Bengaluru: The Kar- nataka Police on Tues- day arrested Congress leader Mukarram Khan in Hyderabad for mak- ing a controversial statement on hijab. Khan had given pro- vocative statements during the protests on the hijab row, which had gone viral. In the video, he had said that those who oppose stu- dents wearing hijab will be ‘chopped to piec- es’ and had urged the government to permit the hijab-wearing stu- dents to attend classes in Sedam city . A case was lodged in the Sedam police sta- tion on February 16 against him. As soon as the case was lodged, Khan went into hiding and moved bail petition in the Kalaburagi District Court. The police ar- rested him in Hy- derabad, but was later admitted to a private hospital because of his his health condition. The Hijab row, which started as a protest by six students of Udupi Pre-University Girl’s College, turned to be a major crisis in the state threatening law and or- der situation. Mukarram Khan Will KCR’s efforts ever bear result to bring all Opposition on one platform? Mahesh Sharma New Delhi: Telangana Chief Minister K Chan- drashekhar Rao’s at- tempt to form a federal front has not been suc- cessful. Chandrashek- har Rao sat camping in Delhi for two days but did not meet any big leader. It was later said that he and his wife had gone to Delhi for check- up and treatment. The question is, when he came to Delhi for treat- ment, what was the need to put up his posters all over Delhi? He used to come to Delhi earlier also but this time the journey was perhaps for a different purpose and end. This time his party hadputuppostersacross Delhi.Raoevensatdown to meet the leaders but no one came. However, BJP MP Subramanian Swamy , who is retiring from Rajya Sabha, and farmer leader Rakesh Tikait met him. After staying in Delhi for two days, Chan- drashekhar Rao went on a tour of Jharkhand. There he met Chief Minister Hemant Sor- en. What happened be- tween the two was not made public. But ac- cording to informed sources, there was dis- cussion about forming a front against the cen- tral government. Many states are angry with the Center over the re- duction in the powers of the states and the de- creasing share of the states in the central taxes. That is why the Chief Minister of Jharkhand is with Rao on this issue but he is not in favor of forming any front without Con- gress. As such, his gov- ernment rests on the support of 18 Congress MLAs. Shiv Sena is say- ing the same thing and DMK has to say the same thing. Therefore, apart from opposing the policies of the Center, Rao is not going to get much success in form- ing a new front. Telangana CM KCR with Maharashtra counterpart Uddhav. No agitation on roads, Cong's preferred mode of agitation is the virtual ground! Sharat K Verma New Delhi: The Con- gress party is waiting for the assembly elec- tionsinUttarPradeshto end and if the price of petrol, diesel starts in- creasing, it will protest. This has been clearly stated by the party . The party has said that if the government increases the price of oil, then there will be a demon- stration in the whole country . In view of the height at which the price of crude oil has reached in the interna- tional market, everyone is sure that the retail priceof oilwillincrease. Even Rahul Gandhi took a jibe and advised the people of the coun- try to get their tanks full because the central gov- ernment’s election scheme is about to end. Think,whyistheCon- gress party not perform- ing now? Are the prices of petrol and diesel low in the country right now?Evennowtheprice of petrol is around or above Rs 90 per liter in most of the states. In some states, even now it is close to a hundred ru- pees a liter. The price of diesel is also around 80 rupees a liter in almost allthestates.Whatisthe performance of Con- gress regarding such a high price? Did the Con- gress protest when the price of petrol reached Rs 120 and diesel was be- ingsoldformorethanRs 90 a liter? Last week, the government increased the price of a 19 kg LPG cylinder by Rs 105, so what did the Congress do? The entire protest and agitation of Con- gress is also on Twitter. Therefore, the future ‘movements’ will also happen on Twitter and Facebook itself! Rahul Gandhi took a jibe at the BJP-led Central Government on Saturday over rising fuel prices and advised people to fill up their fuel tanks. —REPRESENTATIONAL PHOTO Prashant, Mamata on stage together, scotch rift rumours Kolkata: Poll strategist Prashant Kishor shared stage on Tuesday with Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her nephew Abhishek Banerjee at a Trina- mool Congress meeting, projecting “all-is-well” vibes amid fierce specu- lation of his break-up with the party . On stage at a Trina- mool meeting in Kolka- ta, Prashant Kishor’s presence was an at- tempttotacklerumours of his rift with Mamata Banerjee. Mamata Banerjee has reportedly been upset with Prashant Kishor’s outfit IPAC. Mr Kishor is close to her increasingly ambi- tious nephew, who has been advocating chang- es in the party. He is also going with Ab- hishek Banerjee to Goa, where the possi- bility of a hung verdict has galvanised parties into seeking alliances and pacts. Abhishek Banerjee is seen as the main liaison between the party and I-PAC, which has worked with the Trina- mool since its spectacu- lar victory in the Ben- gal election last year. SUSPENDED BENGAL BJP LEADER JAY PRAKASH JOINS TMC Kolkata (PTI): Jay Prakash Majumdar, who was sus- pended from the Bharatiya Janata Party in January, joined the Trinamool Congress on Tuesday. Jay Prakash Majumdar was formally inducted into the TMC during a meeting at Nazrul Mancha in Kolkata. The latest development comes just a day after BJP MP Locket Chatterjee met suspended BJP leaders Jay Prakash Majumdar and Ritesh Tiwari who are known to be unhappy with the party leadership. IOC plant in Gkp shut after mishap First India Bureau Gorakhpur: After death of security super- visorwhenaguardroom gate of bottling plant fell on him in Indian Oil plant in Sector 15 under Geeda Industrial area, the plant was shut. The workers went on strike andcylinderrefilingwas stoppedwhichcancreate scarcity of LPG during festival time. Sources said Deena Nath Yadav (55) of Net- warPattiwasworkingas security supervisor in theplant here. The gate of his cabin fell on him on Monday and he was severely injured in the accident. Late he suc- cumbed to during treat- ment in hospital. After the death of the supervisor, workers therehaltedall workand plant was shut. It was re- portedthattheplantwas supplyingLPGcylinders to 17 districts and plant seizure can create prob- lemaroundfestivaltime. Meanwhile, workers al- leged that some miscre- antshaveremovedCCTV footage and installed cameras about the inci- dent. Sarvajeet Singh, PRO IOC said theplant was shut for a day after the tragicincidentanditwill be working with full ca- pacity from Wednesday . Congress open to alliance with anti-BJP parties in Goa Panaji (ANI): Congress Goa in-charge Dinesh Gundu Rao on Tuesday said that in case there is a hung assembly in the state, Congress would be open to alliance with anti-BJP parties. “If any anti-BJP Par- ty wants to come for- ward and support us, we are ready to take them along,” said Gun- du Rao on being asked whether he is open to a post-poll alliance with Aam Aadmi Party . Even though Exit polls predict that no party will get the clear majority, the Congress leader said, “We are con- fident Congress will get an absolute majority .” ‘NO SHORTAGE’
  • 4. PERSPECTIVE NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 04 I I I I Vol 1 Issue No. 189 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Impressions Printing and Packaging Limited, C-21, 22 Sector-59, Noida-201301. Published at G-20, 3rd Floor, 309, Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110092. Phone 011-49846474. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Sharat K Verma responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act he CSS, being the most criti- cal supporting tier of the gov- ernment, it goes without say- ing that the deserves con- stant grooming and its offic- ers better career opportuni- ties. However CS-1 division in DoPT which is Cadre Controlling Authority of CSS is alleged to have never seri- ously looked into the cadre issues of CSS officers. The prime reason is the Director level post at the CS-1 division being manned by non-CSS of- ficers for many years who does not understand the in- tricacy of issues of CSS and its repercussions in the func- tioning of Central Govern- ment. Many times it is due to the wrong advice of Director CS-1 to the senior level offic- ers of DoPT, which leads to the avoidable delay in solving even the minor issues. At present, CSS is facing acute stagnation due to the stoppage of promotions in each grade. Regular promo- tion orders in CSS were last issued in December 2015 and since then CS-1 division is continuously taking the stand that promotions in CSS can’t be done just because of the pendency of the ‘reserva- tion in promotion’ case in Apex Court. However, even after the clear judgment of Apex Court in the above matter, and instructions of Hon’ble MoS to senior officers, no ac- tion was taken by the CS-1 division with regard to regu- lar promotions in CSS. It is also ironic that even during the pendency of reservation in promotion matter in the Court, DoPT in mid-2018 is- sued instructions to all Cadre Controlling Authorities to go ahead with promotions sub- ject to the outcome of the court case, and in all other services regular promotions are going on except in CSS. Further, while regular pro- motions were halted by DoPT, agitations were made by CSS Forum, due to which, DoPT resorted to ad-hoc promotions and in December 2018 mass promotions were done on an ad-hoc basis. In, 2020, DoPT again stopped ad-hoc pro- motions. Then after much pressure from the CSS fo- rum, DoPT took advice from the Attorney General of India and started pro- motion again. Now in 2021, a contempt petition was filed in Apex Court for the promotions made in DS to Director grade in CSS. Though no directions were issued in the impugned peti- tion, only on the apprehen- sion of contempt, DoPT of- ficers stalled even the adhoc promotions in CSS despite the fact that adhoc promo- tion is a temporary provision and no officer can claim ad- hoc post as his right. The moot question here is whether an eligible officer can be denied promotion cit- ing the reason of pendency of any case in Court. Stagnation in CSS can be understood from the fact that Direct Re- cruit Assistant Section Offic- ers of 2012 batch are yet to be promoted to the post of Sec- tion Officer and Under Secre- tary of 2011 batch are yet to be promoted to Deputy Secre- tary grade while eligibility from the US to DS is only 5 years of service in US grade. Second, the long-pending issue of CSS is an extension of all benefits of Organised Group ‘A’ Service. It has been a fact that CSS is the earliest organized Group ‘A’ service in the country. Same has been established in DoPT’s Cadre Review Division note dated 19th March 2018 (CR Division is the Nodal Depart- ment for deciding the status of any service as Organised Group A Service). Further, in a reply to Lok Sabha uns- tarred question no. 3744, DoPT has stated that one of the benefits of organized Group –A service i.e. Non- Functional Upgrade (NFU) can not be acceded to CSS since there has been a status quo on grant of NFU to any service by the Ministry of Finance since July 2016. However, even after 2016, DOPT has agreed to grant NFU to many other services i.e. CAPFs, Indian Railway Management Services, Indi- an Naval Material Manage- ment Service. It is surprising that when a service can rise to the levels of Secretary to Government of India on a functional basis why pay upgradation can not be given on a nonfunctional basis especially when such facilities are available to oth- er similar services which are participating in Central Staffing Scheme. Further, the CS-1 division, DoPT, has issued orders re- stricting CSS officers to go on deputation even in Cen- tral Government till 9 years of service in Cadre. However, DoPT’s own guidelines which are applicable to all other Central Government officers do not put any such restrictions. On seeing the noting of file on this issue which has been accessed by CSS forum through RTI, it seems that this issue is un- necessarily being delayed by DOPT officers without any reason. Also, there has been a de- mand by CSS Forum to offi- cially announce 1st October as CSS day since CSS Rules were first notified on 1st Octo- ber 1962. There has been a practice in Central Govern- ment to celebrate different service days to boost the mo- rale of officers and highlight the importance of different services. Civil Services Day , Indian Defence Account Service Day, Audit day, AFHQ day are being cele- brated by different Cadre Controlling Authorities however DoPT has been reluctant on even official announcementof CSSday . There are many issues in different grades which have plagued an other- wise prestigious service. Recently, CSS Forum has made several representa- tions to seniors level officers of DoPT. In the months of September and October 2021, the Additional Secretary of DoPT held meetings with CSS Forum to look into the issues of CSS. However, the process was stalled from No- vember when she got the charge of Establishment Of- ficer, and she could not give much time for meetings. However, even after her in- structions, her subordinate Joint Secretary did not give time for monthly meetings. Aggrieved with such a sit- uation, CSS officers started a relaytwittercampaignwhich led to the Minister initiating a meeting with the CSS fo- rum and assuring them of full cooperating in attending to their problems. However, even after 20 days, DoPT Of- ficers took no action which ignited frustration among of- ficers of CSS who have been constantly working for im- provement in Central Gov- ernment functioning even after being denied promo- tions for years by DoPT. This further inaction by the CS-1 division and senior officers of DoPT left CSS of- ficers with no other option but to meet the Minister in charge. As per media reports, on 25th Feb, when CSS offic- ers gathered to meet Minis- ter Dr. Jitendra Singh, the minister was not available in his office. His PS, after hav- ing a discussion with the Minister, assured the CSS Forum that the Minister is very positive on their issues and has instructed Secretary , DoPT to immediately look into the issues of CSS offic- ers and issue promotion or- ders by 10th March. So the CSS officers are now keeping their fingers crossed and hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. STAGNATION IGNITES FRUSTRATION IN CSS CADRE INSENSITIVE DoPT? T There are many issues in different grades which have plagued an otherwise prestigious service. Recently, CSS Forum has made several representations to seniors level officers of DoPT. In the months of September and October 2021, the Additional Secretary of DoPT held meetings with CSS Forum to look into the issues of CSS. However, the process was stalled from November when she got the charge of Establishment Officer, and she could not give much time for meetings. However, even after her instructions, her subordinate Joint Secretary did not give time for monthly meetings RAKESH RANJAN The author is a senior journalist CEO, New Media Network 2018 mass promotions were done on an ad-hoc basis. In, 2020, DoPT again stopped ad-hoc pro- motions. Then after much pressure from the CSS fo- rum, DoPT took advice from the Attorney General of India and started pro- motion again. Now in 2021, a contempt petition was filed in Apex Court for the promotions made in DS to the importance of different services. Civil Services Day , Indian Defence Account Service Day, Audit day, AFHQ day are being cele- brated by different Cadre Controlling Authorities however DoPT has been YOU READ IT IN FIRST INDIA MARCH 8, 2022 Regular promotion orders in CSS were last issued in Dec 2015 and since then CS-1 division is continuously taking the stand that promotions in CSS can’t be done just because of the pendency of the ‘reservation in promotion’ case in Apex Court SPIRITUAL SPEAK However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? —Buddha IN-DEPTH Narendra Modi @narendramodi On Women’s Day, I salute our Nari Shakti and their accomplishments in diverse fields. The Government of India will keep focusing on women empowerment through its various schemes with an emphasis on dignity as well as opportunity. Amit Shah @AmitShah On ‘International Women’s Day’, salute to women power, the epitome of courage and bravery. Human development is incomplete without women empowerment. The Modi government is instilling new confidence in the mother power by making them strong and strong, due to which they are making the country proud with their achievements in every field. TOP TWEETS LOT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR WOMEN FOR A GENUINE TRIBUTE TO THEM nternational Wom- en’s Day has been cel- ebrated with much- deserved eulogies for the fairer sex. Is a day’s celebration enough to as- sure lakhs of women of their safety and well-being in the country? Not just safety, wom- en’s health issues and their edu- cation should be prioritised as a mark of respect to womanhood. Maternal mortality ratio in states like Assam (237) and Uttar Pradesh (201) is far too high than the national ratio of 130. Bring- ing this ratio down will be a real tribute to our womenfolk. On the education front, an es- timated four lakh adolescent girls are out of schools and ef- forts are on to bring them back. At 70.3 percent the female litera- cy rate is way below 84.7 percent of males. The low female literacy ratereflectssociety’sbiasagainst girls’ education. States like Ra- jasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand have poor female literacy rates. Changing patriarchal mind- sets will perhaps be the biggest honour to women. Society must strive towards it I
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  • 6. INDIA NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 05 I I I I Moni Sharma New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basa- varaj S Bommai is wor- riedabouthisChief Min- isterial chair. It is being said that whatever may be the election results of Uttar Pradesh and four other states, there will definitely be a change in Karnataka. Although there is talk of change in one or two more states, but Karnataka is more talked about because the BJP is doing new experi- ments of Hindutva, in which Basavaraj Bom- mai’s place is not being made. Informed leaders say that the BJP needs a face that polarizes votes completely . The BJP has totakemaximumadvan- tageof theongoinghijab controversy in schools and colleges. Keep in mind that the BJP came to power in this southern state only after the movement to hoist the tricolor at the Idgah ground. Uma Bharti was arrested on thepretextof trialinthe same movement. She wasdischargedfromthe post of Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. However, it looks like the hijab controversy or some such new contro- versy will continue till the assembly elections to be held in May next year and therefore, a face that can give maxi- mum benefit to BJP is being found. Meanwhile, Bommai claims that many Con- gress and JD(S) leaders will join the BJP. Al- though it is not known as to how many leaders will switch sides, but by mentioning them, Bom- mai is trying to save himself. On the other hand BS Yediyurappa is still roaming across the state and claiming to bring BJP back to power next year. If BJP loses in Uttar Pradesh, Yeddy- urappa’s claim will have a substantial base. BOMMAI WORRIED ABOUT SAVING THE CHAIR AS YEDDY LURKS AROUND! Nawab Malik urges court to quash arrest ‘Navy to induct women into three branches through NDA’ Mumbai (PTI): Maha- rashtraministerandNa- tionalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Nawab Malik onTuesdayurged the Bombay High Court to set aside his arrest by the Enforcement Direc- torate claiming it violat- edhisfundamentalright to life and liberty . Malik’s counsel, senior advocate Amit Desai, told the High Court the NIA was try- ing to connect the min- ister with gangster Dawood Ibrahim and cases related to the fu- gitive, even though his client had nothing to do with them. “My remand paper deals all with the Da- wood gang even though I am not related to it. They (ED) have tried to suggest that on Feb 3, 2022, they had regis- tered an FIR against Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar. It goes into folk- lore around Dawood and into incidents go- ing back to 30 years ago,” Mr Desai said. New Delhi (Agencies): The Centre on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that the Indian Navy has decidedtoinductwomen cadetsintothreebranch- es or cadres through the National Defence Acad- emy (NDA). The Indian Navy , in an affidavit, said: “Given the intent of theinterimdirections fromthecourt,Navyhas decidedtoinductwomen into three Branches/ Cadres through NDA. There are total of four Branches and four Cad- res in the Navy which are further sub-divided into 23 sub specialisa- tions.” DEMAND SURGES AMID RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR CASH IN ON BIG OPPORTUNITY BY EXPORTING WHEAT GLOBALLY: PM New Delhi (PTI): Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi on Tuesday said that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, two of the biggest wheat exporters in the world, has in- creased the demand for India’s wheat in global markets and this oppor- tunity could be used to provide the best-quality product globally . Speaking at a webi- nar ‘Financing for Growth Aspirational Economy’ organised by the finance ministry, he said that the financial institutions and the government depart- ments should work to meet different financ- ing needs of exporters. He said there is now a renewed push towards self-dependence in meeting the country’s requirements, while at the same time also on seizing opportunities of boosting growth. FinMin airs concern over rising crude oil price NAVEEN’S BODY WILL BE BROUGHT BACK AFTER SHELLING STOPS: CM New Delhi: Informing about Naveen Shekharappa, the MBBS student who died during shelling in Ukraine, Kar- nataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said, “External Affairs Minister (EAM) Dr S Jaishankar has informed us that Naveen’s body has been embalmed and kept in a mortuary in Ukraine. His body will be brought to India once shelling stops there.” Naveen Shekharappa Gyanagoudar, a student at the Kharkiv National Medical University, was standing in a queue to buy groceries at a supermarket in Kharkiv when Russian shelling began in the city on the morning of 1 March. New Delhi (PTI): Fi- nance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday expressed concern over rising crude prices due to the Ukraine crisis and indicated that the central government is looking to tap alterna- tive sources. At an interactive ses- sion organised by BJP’s Karnatakaunit,shewas asked about the impact of rising crude prices and war in Ukraine on the Indian economy . “It will certainly have an impact on Indian economy”, the finance minister said. “How much we are going to be prepared to take it as a challenge and mitigate the impact is something which we will have see as we go (along),” she added further. Noting that India im- ports more than 85 per cent of its crude oil re- quirements, she said when oil prices go up, it is a matter of concern and“nowwewillhaveto see how it pans out”. She pointed out that oil marketing compa- nies fix pump prices based on 15-day average. “But now averages and beyond averages are the numbers that we are talking about”. Terrorists responsible for attack identified: DGP SRINAGAR GRENADE BLAST Kathua/Jammu (PTI): The terrorists responsi- ble for a recent grenade attack in Srinagar have been identified and the case will be solved soon, Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Po- lice (DGP) Dilbag Singh said on Tuesday . Two people, includ- ing a 19-year-old wom- an, were killed and 32 others injured when terrorists exploded a grenade in the crowded Hari Singh High Street, near Amirakadal, in the heart of Srinagar on Sunday . “The enemies of peace are doing such kind of cowardly acts. We have achieved suc- cess against them in the past by busting all the modules created by the enemy forces to carry out civilian killings and throw grenades to harm the public,” Singh told reporters on the side- lines of a function in Kathua distirct. NIA RAIDS PUNE RESIDENT IN CONNECTION WITH ISKP CASE New Delhi (ANI): The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted raids at the residence of Talha Khan, a resident of Pune in connection with a case related to Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP). The case was initially registered as an FIR dated March 8, 2020, in the Special Cell of Lodhi Colony Police Station after the arrest of a Kashmiri couple Jahanzaib Sami Wani and his wife Hina Bashir Beigh from Okhla Vihar, Jamia Nagar in Delhi. NIA had re-registered the case on March 20, 2020. Dur- ing the investigation, four accused persons namely Abdullah Basith, Sadia Anwar Shaikh, Nabeel Siddick Khatri and Abdur Rahman were arrested, the official release by the NIA reads. Till now, six accused have been chargesheeted in this case for conspiring to propagate the ideology of ISIS by garnering the support of like-minded people to carry out terrorist activities in India, raising funds, collect- ing weapons, and execute target killings. President Kovind confers ‘Nari Shakti Puraskars’ on 29 women Haryana CM Khattar presents over `1.77 lakh crore Budget Chandigarh (Agen- cies): Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who also holds the finance portfolio, proposed a Budget of Rs 1,77,256crorefortheyear 2022-23, a rise of 15.6 per cent over 2021-22(RE) of Rs 1,53,384 crore. Thanks to robust rev- enue growth, no new tax was introduced the budget. The chief minister announced Tablets to all students from class- es 10th 12th, a scheme to provide soft loans to women entrepreneurs, besides setting up three dedicated funds to ac- celerate growth in vari- ous sectors. The Budget outlay comprises 34.4 per cent as capital expenditure of Rs 61,057.36 crore and 65.6 per cent as rev- enue expenditure of Rs 1,16,198.63 crore. Presenting the budget, the chief min- ister said that the state has laid special em- phasis on increasing capital infrastructure investment to boost demand, which holds a key role in speedy eco- nomic revival with multiplier effect. New Delhi: On Interna- tional Women’s Day on Tuesday , President Ram Nath Kovind conferred the ‘Nari Shakti Puras- kars’ on 29 outstanding individuals for 2020 and 2 0 2 1 . T we n t y - e i g h t awards - 14 each for 2020 and 2021 - were given to the women in recogni- tion of their exceptional work towards women empowerment,especial- ly the vulnerable and marginalised. TheawardisaWomen and Child Development Ministry initiative to ac- knowledge exceptional contribution made by individuals and institu- tions, and to celebrate women as game-chang- ers and catalysts of posi- tive change in society . Itsrecipientsarefrom fields such as entrepre- neurship, agriculture, innovation, social work, education and litera- ture, linguistics, arts and crafts, STEM (sci- ence, technology, engi- neering, and mathemat- ics), disability rights, merchant navy and wildlife conservation. PM MODI LIKELY TO CHAIR UNION CABINET MEET TODAY New Delhi (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to chair Union Cabinet meet on Wednesday. The cabinet meeting comes amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and evacu- ations of Indian citizens via neighbouring countries. According to the Ministry of Civil Aviation on Monday, more than 17,400 Indians have been brought back under ‘Opera- tion Ganga’ since special flights began on February 22 this year. The number of Indians airlifted by 73 special civilian flights have gone up to 15,206. Karnataka CM Bommai with Former CM BS Yediyurappa. IN THE COURTYARD SC seeks Centre response on plea over Judicial Vista SC ASKS HOME SECRETARY TO FILE AFFIDAVIT ON ABU SALEM’S PLEA LET COUNTING OF VOTES GO ON AS PER ESTABLISHED PRACTICE: TOP COURT New Delhi (ANI): The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Home Secretary to file an affidavit on extradited gangster Abu Salem’s plea raising the issue that as per the ex- tradition treaty between India and Portugal, his jail terms cannot extend beyond 25 years. A bench of justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and MM Sundresh asked Home Sec- retary to file an affidavit in the matter. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined a request to urgently list and hear a plea to verify Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slips with EVMs before the counting of votes. The Election Commission of India (ECI) informed the court that the directions in an April 2019 judgment were al- ready being followed as regards the verification. New Delhi (ANI): The Supreme Court on Tuesday sought the Centre’s response on a petition seeking direc- tion to prepare the layout and execute the work of construction of “Judicial Vista” over the land adjoining the present premises of the apex court. A bench of Justices Vineet Saran and Aniruddha Bose asked the Centre to file a reply on the petition. Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar presents State Budget. President Ram Nath Kovind, First Lady Savita Kovind and WCD Minister Smriti Irani in a group picture with the recipients of the Nari Shakti Award, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
  • 7. BIZ BUZZ NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 06 I I I I Promoted by AU Small Finance Bank Sensex leaps 1,163 pts from day's low, ends 581 pts up; Nifty tops 16K Mumbai (PTI): Snap- ping four sessions los- ing streak, the domes- tic benchmarks closed higher in choppy trade on Tuesday, led by gains in realty, IT, tech- nology, and pharma stocks. Markets opened lower today, in line with Asian peers and negative finish at Wall Street overnight, but rebounded strongly in the final-hour trade fol- lowing positive cues from European mar- kets. The continued rise in commodity prices, especially Brent crude, as well as drop in the Indian rupee against the US dollar capped the market’s gain. The BSE Sensex ral- lied as much as 1,163 points from the day’s low to end 581 points or 1.1% higher at 53,424 levels. In a similar trend, the Nifty50 index rebounded from its in- traday low of 15,671 to settle at 16,013, up 150 points or 0.95%. “Domestic indices reversed their trend and traded with gains led by export-oriented sectors like pharma and IT which witnessed buying interest as the rupee fell to its record lows. Favourable exit poll results of state election and low-level buying seen in mid and small caps also helped in adding optimism in the domestic market,” says Vinod Nair, head of research at Geojit Financial Services. He further says, “Ma- jor western markets were also trading in the green while other Asian peers continued to trade in negative ter- ritory on fear of the impact of global infla- tionary pressure due to the ban on Russia’s oil export.” In line with bench- mark indices, the broader markets also ended higher. The market staged a strong recovery in the final hours of the day’s trade with most of the sectoral indices ending higher. The information technology and realty space gained the most, while metal and oil gas sectors were among the worst performers. The BSE realty index closed 3.2% higher, led by Sobha, DLF, Oberoi Realty, Godrej Industries and Mac- rotech Developers. The realty sector was followed by BSE IT index--closed 2.44% higher. I-T AND REALTY SECTORS LEAD RALLY Global equity markets witnessed mixed trade on Tuesday, with Asian shares closing in red, while European shares edge higher in early deals. In the overnight trade, all three major U.S. indices closed lower as reports of a ban on oil imports from Russia pushed crude prices to record high, reigniting concerns about rising inflation. In the Asia-Pacific region, Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped 1.7%, the Hang Seng index in Hong Kong fell 1.4%, and the Straits Times Index in Singapore dipped 1.2%. ASIAN STOCKS EXTEND LOSS The BSE barometer Sensex swung between gains and losses during the session, with 24 of top 30 shares ending in the green zone. The top gainer on the Sensex pack was Sun Pharmaceutical Industries -- ended 4% higher. Among others, TCS, NTPC, Wipro and Tech Mahindra rose in the range of 3.3% to 2.7%. On the losing side, Tata Steel topped the chart with a 1.73% loss. The other notable losers were Power Grid Corporation of India, Titan Company, Nestle India and Reliance Industries, which fell up to 0.5%. TOP GAINERS AND LOSERS Adani-IOC ink pact for augmenting crude volumes New Delhi (PTI): Adani Ports and Spe- cial Economic Zone Ltd (APSEZ) has signed an agreement with IOCL towards augmentation of IOC’s crude oil volumes at the Mundra port. The state-run refin- er shall expand its ex- isting crude oil tank farm at APSEZ’s Mun- dra Port, thus ena- bling it to handle and blend an additional 10 million metric tons crude oil per annum at Mundra. This will support IOCL’s expansion of its Panipat Refinery (Haryana). IOCL is raising the capacity at its Panipat Refinery by 66% to 25 MMPTA. As IOCL’s trusted long-term partner, APSEZ is well equipped to handle the additional 10 MMTPA crude oil at our exist- ing single buoy moor- ing (SBM) at Mundra.” said Karan Adani, CEO and Whole Time Director of APSEZ. IOCL, which ac- counts for nearly half of India’s petroleum products, has a refining capacity of 80.55 MMT- PA and over 15,000 kilo- meter of pipeline net- work. Part of IOCL’s current crude oil re- quirement of 15 MMT- PA for its Panipat Re- finery is handled at Mundra Port. Future Enterprises can sell stake in insurance JV Mumbai (PTI): The BombayHighCourthas allowed Future Enter- prises to sell its stake in insurance joint venture Future Generali to Ital- ian partner Generali, the company said in a regulatory filing on Tuesday. A local city court in Mumbai, following ob- jections raised by some bold holders of Future companies, had last month put on hold the plan of the cash-starved Future Enterprises to sell 25 percent of its stake in Future Gener- ali India Insurance Company to Generali for about Rs 1,252 crore. The Bombay High Court has allowed Fu- ture Enterprises to sell its stake in insurance joint venture Future Generali to Italian part- ner Generali, the com- pany said in a regula- tory filing on Tuesday. A local city court in Mumbai, following ob- jections raised by some bold holders of Future companies, had last month put on hold the plan of the cash-starved Future Enterprises to sell 25 percent of its stake in Future Gener- ali India Insurance Company to Generali for about Rs 1,252 crore. BOMBAY HC Ban on oil imports will double price to $300 a barrel: Russia Moscow: A Western ban on Russian oil imports may more than double the price to $300 a barrel and prompt the closure of the main gas pipeline to Germany, Moscow warned on Monday, as talks on Ukraine hardly advanced amid efforts to agree on civilian safe passage. Russia’s invasion, the biggest attack on a Euro- pean state since World War Two, has created 1.7 million refugees, a raft of sanctions on Moscow, and fears of wider con- flict in the West unthought- of for dec- ades. S i e g e s and the b o m b i n g c o n t i n - ued as Kyiv re- jected possi- ble hu- m a n i - t a r i a n corridors to Russia and Belarus, but said some limited progress had been made on agreeing logistics for the evacuation of civil- ians. Moscow would give the residents of the Ukrainian cities of Sumy and Mariupol the choice of moving elsewhere in Ukraine on Tuesday, set- ting a deadline in the early hours for Kyiv to agree, Russian news agencies reported. Seeking to ratchet up the pressure on Russian President Vladimir Pu- tin, the United States said Washington and its European allies were considering banning Russian oil imports. Oil prices spiked to their highest levels since 2008. “A rejection of Rus- sian oil would lead to c a t a - strophic c o n s e - quences for the global m a r - k e t , ” s a i d R u s - s i a n Deputy Prime Minis- ter Alexander Novak, saying the price could more than double to over $300 per barrel. New Delhi: As the Ashneer-BharatPe fight now on a legal course, the Board of the company is not going to intervene in a new controversy regarding the fintech company’s original founder Bhavik Koladi- ya and his stake in the firm. Sources told IANS on Tuesday that this is something Bhavik and Ashneer have to sort out among each other and the Board will stick to the inter- nal governance review done by third-party law and risk assessment firms. Another co-founder Shashvat Nakrani has written a fresh letter to employees, saying that Ashneer tried to create a false narrative about the company that ‘we have built together with the right spirit’. BHARATPE’S BOARD WILL NOT INTERVENE IN BHAVIK-ASHNEER STAKE ISSUE New Delhi: German auto major Volk- swagen on Tues- day unveiled new mid-sized sedan ‘Virtus’ for the Indian market. The company has commenced pre-book- ings for the new model which com- petes with the likes of Honda City, Hyundai Verna, Maruti Suzuki Ciaz and Skoda Slavia. Volkswagen plans to launch the model in the later part of May this year. The Virtus carries the global sedan lineage of the Volk- swagen brand, selling over 129 mod- els across our 61 years of presence in the sedan segment world over. A truly global carline that will redefine, re-energise and set new benchmarks in the premium mid-sized sedan segment in India,” Volkswagen Passenger Cars India Brand Director Ashish Gupta said while unveiling the model. VOLKSWAGEN UNVEILS NEW MID-SIZED SEDAN VIRTUS; LAUNCH IN MAY New Delhi: Homegrown steel products maker Good- luck India on Tuesday said it exported goods worth Rs 1,000 crore during the ongoing financial year, mainly to its customers in Europe and North America, registering a 100 per cent. The New Delhi-based company had made exports valuing Rs 475 crore in the entire 2020-21 financial year. Homegrown steel products maker Goodluck India on Tuesday said it exported goods worth Rs 1,000 crore during the ongoing financial year, mainly to its customers in Europe and North America, reg- istering a 100 per cent. The New Delhi-based company had made exports valuing Rs 475 crore in the entire 2020-21 financial year. GOODLUCK INDIA EXPORTS `1,000-CR GOODS DURING ONGOING FISCAL MEIL to commission 15 oil gas rigs for ONGC by May New Delhi (PTI): Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (MEIL), which has secured an order from ONGC Limited to s u p - ply 47 oil and gas rigs, expects commission- ing of 15 of them by May end, a senior offi- cial of the infra major said on Tuesday . K Satyanarayana, Technical Head, Rigs Project, MEIL, said most of the 15 rigs have reached the re- spective locations and commissioning will be expedited soon. “The total order from ONGC was for 47 rigs-20 are workover rigs, and 27 are land drilling rigs. We will be able to commission the first lot, 15 rigs (10 Drilling Rigs and five Workover Rigs by May end,” he told reporters. The capacity of the 20 Workover Rigs ranges from 50 to 150 tonnes while the Land Drill- ing Rigs have a capac- ity of 1500HP to 2000 HP, he noted. Working from home in coronavirus pandemic is a breeze, but for men: Study New Delhi (PTI): It’s great to be able to work from home, but even better if you’re a man. That’s according to a New Zealand study, which found that while most people liked work- ing from home during the pandemic, wom- en still did the lion’s share of the housework and childcare. “Our study makes it clear that although flex- ible working has many benefits, it also high- lights the difference between what men and women are expect- ed to do around the home,” said Vittoria Shortt, chief executive at ASB Bank, which commissioned the sur- vey. “With women still taking on responsibili- ty for the bulk of do- mestic chores, the risk is that they are being disadvantaged both at work and in the home.” New Zealand was al- ready adopting more flexible working ar- rangements before the pandemic, including discussions about shorter working weeks, but the strict nation- wide lockdown in 2020 accelerated the trend toward working from home. As the country’s surging omicron out- break takes hold, more employers are encour- aging staff to stay away from workplaces, while school closures and dis- ruptions require par- ents to be on hand for their children. The study, conducted by the New Zealand In- stitute of Economic Re- search, shows more than 60% of those sur- veyed thought working from home was posi- tive. However, when it came to juggling that with household respon- sibilities, women were significantly more like- ly to report doing all or most of the housework and childcare. Only 22% of respond- ents felt the home- schooling load was shared fairly . Women were also less likely than men to report having the ideal equipment and space to work from home, ASB said. A rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market.
  • 8. NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 07 NEWS I I I I InternationalWomen’sDay:PriyankaleadsmarchinLucknow Lucknow (PTI): Con- gress General Secre- tary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Tuesday led a march here on Interna- tional Women’s Day, a day after voting for the seventh and final phase of Uttar Pradesh As- sembly election con- cluded. Themarchwastaken out from 1090 crossing to Veerangana Uda Devi (Sikanderbagh) crossing.The Congress has come out with the slogan ‘Ladki Hun Lad Sakti Hun (I am a girl, I can fight) and given 40 per cent tickets to wom- en candidates in the as- sembly polls. The march was named after this slo- gan. Carrying pink bal- loons and flags with “Ladki Hun Lad Sakti hun” written on them, thousands of people, including women from across the state, gath- ered for the march. Besides the 159 wom- encandidatesfieldedby the party in the assem- bly polls, women MLAs as well as MPs and lead- ing women from differ- ent walks of life were invited for the march. All India Mahila Con- gress President Netta D’Souza said ‘Ladki HunLadsaktiHun’was Thieves throw bag with jewels in river First India Bureau Surat: The Amaroli po- lice registered a pecu- liar case of robbery on Monday. The thieves, Ajay alias Bodo Ramub- hai Vasava and Mukesh alias Pappu Ram Shi- romani Morya, robbed the house of diamond trader Hardik Zaverb- hai Vasoya. Upon their arrest, they confessed that they threw the lap- top bag in the Tapi riv- er, thinking it was emp- ty. The next day’s news- paper report made them realise that the bag contained dia- monds worth Rs15 lakh. On February 28, Hardik took 13 diamonds worth Rs15 lakh in a laptop bag from office to home and kept the bag in his bedroom, with the win- dow open for some fresh air. AIWOT for 79th Round of NSS starts at Greater Noida First India Bureau Greater Noida: The National Statistical Of- fice (NSO) (erstwhile NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Pro- gramme Implementa- tion, Government of India is organising an All India Workshop of Trainers (AIWOT) for the NSS 79th Round of its Socio-Economic Survey at National Sta- tistical System Train- ing Academy (NSSTA), Greater Noida from March 8 to 10. The sub- jects under coverage in this Round are Compre- hensive Annual Modu- lar Survey (CAMS) and AYUSH Survey. The NSO and the State Di- rectorates of Econom- ics Statistics will carry out the 79th Round survey pro- gramme jointly for a period of one year. Prof Bimal Kumar Roy, Chairman, Nation- al Statistical Commis- sion (NSC), MoSPI, GoI inaugurated the work- shop on Tuesday. Pravin Srivastava, Chairman, Working Group of NSS 79th Round, Ex. CSI Secre- tary (SPI) also ad- dressed the partici- pants on the occasion. Dr GP Samantha, CSI cum Secretary(SPI), GoI gave inaugural ad- dress before the par- ticipants. Other digni- taries include Dr Kiran Pandya, Member, NSC; SL Menaria, Director General (NSS). Apart from this, more than 100 officials from sev- eral States/UTs also graced the occasion. Traffickedwoman reunitedwithfamily Itanagar (PTI): A traf- ficked woman has reu- nited with her biologi- cal family in Arunachal Pradesh after 12 long years. Her return, which took place a day before the International Wom- en’s Day, was facilitated by Arunachal Women Helpline (WHL-181), which had received in- formation about a sur- vivor of child traffick- ing and domestic vio- lence in an area under the Papu Hill police sta- tion on February 19 this year. She was provided with protection, coun- selling and shelter at Swadhar Greh (Short Stay Home) run by a welfare body . Thecasewasforward- edtoArunachalPradesh State Legal Service Au- thority(APSLSA)which took up the matter to ensure that she was reu- nited with her biologi- cal family . According to the woman’s statement, her father was lured by a trafficker with false promises of education for her when she was just eight and her step mother sold her to a per- son in Assam. Within a few hours the trafficker took her to Banderdewa ontheontheArunachal- Assam border and sold her as a domestic help to a local. She was resold by the local person after just a few weeks. Kumar Prabodh Patna: Paralympics Silver Medallist Yogesh Kathuniya on Tuesday, March 8 visited Patna’s Government Girls Sen- ior Secondary School and kicked off PM Modi’s school visit cam- paign to create aware- ness among students about the importance of balanced diet and fit- ness in the eastern re- gion of the country. Ti- tled Meet the Champi- ons, Tokyo 2020 Olympi- ans are visiting schools across the country, as partof thisprogramme. Yogesh, whose moth- er played a huge role in his recovery during his childhood, also took the occasion to wish all those who were present there a very Happy In- ternational Women’s Day and said “she has always been there with me from the start and always supported me, so I especially dedicate this women’s day to her.” He then went on to talk about his paralym- pic journey and said “though the journey only started in 2017 for me, I was quick to real- ise that this was the sport for me and the ca- reer I want to be in, and have since then dedi- cated myself fully to this sport.” Meet the Champions’ initiative is part of the government’s ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ that was kicked off by Olympic Gold medal- list Neeraj Chopra in December 2021. So far 9 Olympians and Paralympians have met student represent- atives of over 600 Schools over the past few months and shared their life experiences, lessons, tips on how to eat right and also give an overall inspiration- al boost to school chil- dren. During Yogesh’s event in Patna, the State Education board also invited Divyang students from various schools, so Yogesh can interact with them and motivate them to take up sports. Addressing the kids on how a balanced diet is important for every- one Yogesh said “we need to have all food items, even sugar, but in the right amount and from right food items.” Paralympics Silver Medallist Kathuniya kicks off PM’s meet in Bihar CREATING AWARNESS Yogesh Kathuniya interacting with girls’ in Patna on Tuesday. lll Yogesh Kathuniya visits Patna’s local all girls’ school on the International Women’s Day SP-RLD claim they would win 300 seats while Cong is confident of improving its seats’ tally UP OPPOSITION PARTIES REJECT EXIT POLLS First India Bureau Lucknow: Opposition leaders on Tuesday re- jected the exit polls for Uttar Pradesh, which have predicted that the BJP would return to power in the state, say- ing that they were “misleading” and did not “reflect the ground reality .” SP president Akhilesh Yadav said that his party-led alli- ancewould“sweep”the polls, winning over 300 seats. “Let the TV chan- nels show whatever they wish... We are sure of winning over 300 seats,” he said. The SP president also accused the BJP of presenting “false data” to the pub- lic during its election campaigns in the state. “The people of the state are capable of differen- tiating between facts and fiction,” he said. Akhilesh’s alliance partner RLD presi- dentJayantChaudhary also rejected the exit polls and exuded confi- dence that the SP-RLD alliance would get a majority in the polls. “I don’t agree with the exit polls... They have proved wrong on many occasions...Thekindof resentment that I wit- nessed among the peo- ple against the BJP will surely get reflected in the polls,” Chaudhary said. SBSP president Om Prakash Rajbhar, who had allied with the SP, also echoed a similar sentiment. “Many sen- ior BJP leaders will bite the dust in the polls... Exit polls are completely against the ground reality in the state,” Rajbhar said. Congressgeneralsecre- tary Priyanka Gandhi V also exuded confi- dence that her party would do well in the polls. “We are hopeful of abetterperformance in the polls,” she said. ‘‘ Exitpollresultsindicatenoiseonfarm lawsfailedtoyieldpositiveresults First India Bureau Lucknow: The exit poll results for UP do not bode well for the farmers’ leaders who spearheadedtheyear- longagitationagainst the now-repealed three farm laws. These farmer leaders were on forefront of anti-BJP campaign in the state. If the exit poll re- sults hold, those lead- ers who had assumed a larger than life im- age during the agita- tion may find them- selvesintheshadows. While one may have to wait until March 10 to know officially where they stand po- litically in west UP , if the exit poll predic- tions are any yard- stick, it may once again prove that lead- ing a seemingly mass agitation is no pass- port to success in politics. In western Uttar Pradesh, the hub of the farmers’ agita- tion, the BJP has been projected as winning far more seats compared to the Samajwadi Party- Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) alliance. How- ever, their poor per- formance may not impact Akhilesh Ya- dav and his RLD counterpart Jayant Chaudhary as much as it might the BKU leader Rakesh Tikait. Some exit polls have projected the BJP winning up to 50 out of 58 seats falling under West UP which went to polls in the first phase of elec- tions on February 10. CLOSE RACE IN U’KHAND EXIT POLLS ‘WILL SEEK MGP’S SUPPORT’ Asheesh Goyal Dehradun: Ahead of the election results of Uttara- khand Assembly, Congress is seri- ously considering making the Chief Minister as well as the Deputy Chief Minister if the party comes to power in the state, sources said. Today, this formula was dis- cussed in a closed room meeting of veteran leaders in Dehradun’s Hotel. Rupesh Samant Panaji: With just two days to go for the Goa Assembly polls counting, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has said the central BJP leadership is already in talks with the MGP to seek its support, if the saffron outfit falls short of a few numbers to form government. Elections to the 40-member Goa Assembly were held on February 14 and the results will be declared on March 10. Dr G.P. Samantha, CSI Secretary (SPI) with other dignitaries at All India Workshop of Trainers. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addressing ‘Ladki Hoon Lad Sakta Hoon’ march in Lucknow. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra clicking a selfie with girls. Akhilesh Yadav with Jayant Chaudhary.
  • 9. COVID-19 UPDATE WORLD 60,29,874 TOTAL DEATHS 38,28,65,150 TOTAL RECOVERED 5,97,29,168 ACTIVE CASES 44,86,24,192 TOTAL CASES INDIA 5,15,241 TOTAL DEATHS 4,24,06,150 TOTAL RECOVERED 49,917 ACTIVE CASES 4,29,71,308 TOTAL CASES NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 08 2NDFRONT I I I I A MODI-SHAH MIRACLE: LIFE BACK TO NORMAL AT LAL CHOWK! Jagdeesh Chandra, who was on a day’s visit to Srinagar on Tuesday, visited the historic Lal Chowk, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi hoisted the Tricolour on January 26, 1992, defying all terror threats. Today, in the Modi-Shah rule in Jammu and Kashmir, life is back to normal with the usual traffic and school-going children being seen in Srinagar. Channi and Capt’s meets with Shah betrayal to Punjab: AAP Mahesh Kumar Chandigarh: The Pun- jab unit of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has termed the recent meet- ings of Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Sin- gh Channi and former CM Capt Amarinder Singh a betrayal to the interests of Punjab. Senior Punjab AAP leader and Leader of Opposition (LoP) Har- pal Singh Cheema said on Tuesday that the meeting between offici- ating Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Chan- ni and former CM Capt Amarinder Singh with Union Home Minister Amit Shah as ‘betrayal to Punjab’ and said that the Congress, Capt Am- arinder, Bharatiya Ja- nata Party and Badals have always pursued anti-Punjab policies and conspiracies. Chee- ma alleged that Bhakra Beas Management Committee and the Chandigarh issue was an excuse, the agenda of meetings of Channi and Captain with Amit Shah was to stop the formation of AAP gov- ernment in Punjab. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Cheema said that the issue of ending Punjab’s share in Bhakra Beas Man- agement Board and Chandigarh has been on the minds of the peo- ple for a long time now, because BJP used Pun- jab Assembly Elections as distraction to imple- ment many anti-Punjab decisions. He said that the Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Chan- ni, Capt. Amarinder Singh and Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa re- mained silent against the tyranny of the Cen- tre. Now that all exit polls are indicating the formation of the Aam Aadmi Party govern- ment in Punjab, the leaders of these tradi- tional parties are again coming together to hatch conspiracies against Punjab and Aam Aadmi Party . Cheema said if CM Channi had talked to Amit Shah about the is- sues of Punjab, then he should inform the peo- ple about solutions of those issues, because in his last meeting with Shah, Channi handed over half of Punjab to the Union Government and BSF’s ambit was expanded to 50 KMs. Chandigarh: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab senior leader and MLA Kultar Singh Sandhwan, responding to the exit poll trends, said that the exit poll results made clear that the people of Punjab have rejected the corrupt politics of Congress, BJP and Akali Dal (Badal). Sandhwan claimed that just like Delhi, the corrupt and nepotism-based politics of Congress, BJP and SAD will be wiped out of Punjab on March 10. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Sandhwan said that the people of Punjab have voted for the change and chose the Aam Aadmi Party, which was contesting election on the agenda of development and upliftment of common people. Sandhwan said that not only Punjab but the people of every state want change. People are fed up with the corruption and nepotism of BJP-Congress and other traditional parties and want to get rid of them. ‘AAP TO BECOME A BETTER ALTERNATIVE TO BJP-CONGRESS AT NATIONAL LEVEL’ EYES ON MAR 10 Road safety top priority of NDA Govt: Nitin Gadkari New Delhi (ANI): Road Transport and HighwaysMinisterNi- tin Gadkari has raised concern over the road accidents in India and statedthatthecountry accounts for 5 lakh road accidents every year,whichisthehigh- est in the world. Speaking at the In- ternational Confer- ence on Machine Vi- sion and Augmented Intelligence (MAI) 2022 via video confer- encing, Gadkari said that road safety is a major concern across the world and has be- come a challenge for developing countries like India. “India ac- counts for 5 lakh road accidents every year, which is the highest across the world and leads to about 1.5 lakh deaths and 3 lakh are seriously injured in these accidents. It is unfortunatethat70per centof deathsoccurin the age group of 18 to 45years.Roadsafetyis the top priority of our government,” he said. He said there is a need for artificial in- telligence to remove human interfer- ence and the possibility of errors. “My vision is to use AI for en- forcement purposes in cities where state governments or mu- nicipal authorities are falling short due to a variety of rea- sons. There is a need for extensive integra- tion of AI-based tech- nology , which will re- move human interfer- ence and the possibil- ity of errors,” Gad- kari said. The Union Minis- ter identified high priority areas that could benefit from AI- based technology -- fo- rensic post-crash in- vestigations, the pat- tern of accidents due to black spots, fatigue indicators, and sleep detectors for the driv- er, and advanced ve- hicle collision avoid- ance sys- tems. Nitin Gadkari said that the Central government has rolled out an advanced traffic monitoring system (ATMS) to avoid road accidents. Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi felicitates 2 real-life heroes who saved daughters First India Bureau New Delhi: On Interna- tional Women’s day , No- bel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi felici- tatedtwoindividuals,an e-rickshaw driver who saved two girls from be- ing kidnapped and a woman cop who had traced 73 missing chil- dren in last eight months. Lauding their efforts, Nobel Peace Laureate Satyarthi said, “What Bramhadutt and Sunita have done is exemplary . They listened to their inner voice and stood up for what is right and saved children from clutches of traffickers. They are role models, standing tall in their own right. For me they are real heroes who in- spire thousands across the country .” On March 5, Bram- hadutt Rajput, a resi- dent of Farukkhabad who lives in Jhilmil, was waiting for passen- gers near Balaji temple in Vivek Vihar. A man along with two girls boarded his e-rickshaw and asked to be dropped at Chintamani chowk. However, Bramhadutt could sense something fishy . The man was car- rying two rubbish-filled polybags. Inside the e- rickshaw, the two girls, aged 7 and 4 years, asked the man to drop them home only after providing food. Bram- hadutt then asked the girls whether they knew the man and both said no. An alert Bram- hadutt then stopped his e-rickshaw near a traf- fic official and ex- plained the situation. The police then took the man into custody . After being interro- gated, the man revealed that he was Sanjay, a vagabond and a drug addict and had kid- napped the girls to force them into beggary. The two girls were later united with their par- ents, who were con- struction workers. GIVING THEIR DUE First India Bureau New Delhi: Ministry of Ayush has signed a tri- partiteMemorandumof Understanding with Council of Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR), and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for In- ter-Ministerialco-opera- tion for the promotion and facilitation of re- search and develop- ment, validation, and deploymentof agri-tech- nologies related to me- dicinal plants and their value-added products of benefit to humans, plants and animals. The MoU was signed by Vaidya Rajesh Kote- cha, Secretary , Ministry of Ayush, Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Director General,ICARandSecre- tary ,Departmentof Agri- cultural Research and Education, and Dr Shek- har C Mande, Director General,CSIRandSecre- tary ,DSIRinthepresence of senior officials from the three organizations in New Delhi. Kailash Satyarthi with woman cop Sunita who reunited 73 missing kids with their families. Officials signing the tripartite MoU, in New Delhi on Tuesday. OBJECTIVE OF THE TRIPARTITE MOU Good health and financial comfort become all the more important with years. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO Editor-in-Chief, First India Ayush, CSIR ICAR ink MoU in areas of common interest
  • 10. I I I 09 NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 he First India Woman of Sub- stance Awards 2022 was or- ganised at the channel office on the occa- sion of Women’s Day, on Tuesday. Diya Ku- mari; MP Rajsamand was the Chief Guest while Dr Somya; Mayor Jaipur Heritage, Munesh Gurjar; Mayor Jaipur Greater, Rehana Riyaz; Chairperson State Women Commis- sion and Suman Choud- hary; Addl DCP Jaipur North graced the occa- sion as Guests of Hon- our. 20 women from vari- ous fields were hon- oured and the award ceremony was followed by a ritual cake cutting to celebrate the special day after which a panel discussion on Empow- ering Women in Digital Era was held with emi- nent women guests and awardees. Senior Editor Sudhanshu Mathur, An- ita Hada and Gaurav Gaur, Director Elite Miss Rajasthan wel- comed all the guests. Shweta Mishra an- chored the show with her usual aplomb and grace, winning the hearts of one and all. Diya Kumari appreci- ated the initiative by Jagdeesh Chandra and First India for empow- ering women and recog- nition of their efforts. She said this was a one- of-a-kind event and fur- ther emphasised that why celebrate women only on one day? “In my opinion, every day is special. Women should get equal pay in every field because they are no less than men. Wom- en do not want more or less, just equality, Diya Kumari added. She also conveyed her congratu- lations to all the women awardees. Munesh Gurjar, May- or Jaipur Greater ex- pressed her gratitude to Jagdeesh Chandra for this unique initiative and said we cannot measure the tolerance of a woman because compassion and toler- ance are the greatest power of a woman. Dr Somya thanked First India for the chance to interact with such special women and congratulated the Team for this wonder- ful gesture on Women’s Day. Rehana Riyaz, Chair- person of State Women Commission on the oc- casion said “Katil ji ka Katilana Andaaz bohot ki unique hain. Wo hi aisa kuch kar sakte hain. Women are born with special powers and the world should appre- ciate their hard work and efforts”. Suman Choudhary, Addl DCP Jaipur North said “Yeh din nhi ek ehsaas hain. Nature has created us repro- ductively different and stronger than man. Women are warriors and can perform any task without any prob- lem. just this world has to learn the importance of a woman. Senior Editor Sud- hanshu Mathur gave the Vote of Thanks and conveyed gratitude to all the guests and wom- en awardees. T UTTKARSHA SHEKHAR THE FIRST INDIA WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE AWARDS 2022 WERE HELD ON MARCH 8, TUESDAY AT THE CHANNEL OFFICE, AN EFFORT TO HONOUR THE WOMEN WHO INSPIRE US AND ARE TORCH BEARERS OF SOCIETY NAARI SHAKTI Diya Kumari with the awardees and the First India team (L-R) Moon Bohra, Toshi Vijay, Bhavya Chhabra, Dr Sushila Nagar, Mona Gautam, Priya Singh, Poonam Madan, Charvi Dutta, Isha Agarwal, Suman Choudhary, Marcela Baur, Munesh Gurjar, Mani Devi, Rehana Riyaz, Sudhanshu Mathur, Gaurav Gaur, Bhavna Jagwani, Urvashi Warman, Anita Hada, Dr Rita Taneja, Rashmi Kuchhal, Ajit Maan, Suheb Aghwani, Aditi Dhabhai, Tusharika Singh and Shweta Mishra Diya Kumari cuts the celebratory cake along with Anita Hada, Suman Choudhary, Rehana Riyaaz, Munesh Gurjar, Shweta Mishra, Sudhanshu Mathur, Gaurav Gaur and Jinendra Shekhawat Anita Hada, Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Dr Somya, Shweta Mishra and Sudhanshu Mathur during the event Shweta Mishra Diya Kumari —PHOTOS BY SANTOSH SHARMA SUNIL SHARMA
  • 11. 10-11 ETC NEW DELHI | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 I I I I HONOURING THE ICONS! Diya Kumari confers the First India Woman of Substance award on Bhavna Jagwani for Social Service and Organ Donation work, also seen are Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Sudhanshu Mathur, Anita Hada Gaurav Gaur. Dr Pushpa Nagar receives the award in the field of medical and health. Mani Devi, widow of Martyr Late Naiik Ishwar Singh of 5 Jat who lost his life in Kargil, receives the award for Inspirational life.After her husband’s demise she single handedly brought up 9 daughters and today all are well settled. Ajit Maan receives the award on behalf of his daughter Sanjeela Maan, for Sports. Sanjeela is polo player. Rashmi Kuchhal receives the award for Social Service for her work for HIV positive children. Moon Bohra receives the award for Fashion in the field of Designer Indo Western. As First India conferred the Woman of Substance awards 2022 to these amazing women from various fields on March 8, women power was celebrated in it’s true essence. It was a treat to watch all these super women- guests and awardees- stand strong for each other and for women in general. Women’s Day was celebrated in true spirit at First India! Diya Kumari confers the First India Woman of Substance award on Urvashi Warman in the field of Education, also seen are Suman Choudhary, Munesh Gurjar, Rehana Riyaz, Anita Hada, Sudhanshu Mathur Gaurav Gaur. Aditi Dabhai receives the award for Fashion-Styling and Makeup. Mona Gautam receives the award for Dance in the Art and Culture field. Poonam Madan receives the award for Agent of Change. Charvi Dutta receives the award for Acting, in the field of Entertainment. Diya Kumari being accorded a floral welcome by Gaurav Gaur, also seen are Anita Hada and Sudhanshu Mathur. Toshi Vijay receives the award for Entrepreneurship in the field of Public Relations. Isha Agarwal receives the award for Fashion in the area of Modelling. Madhu Bhatt receives the award for Singing in the field of Art Culture. Tusharika Singh receives the award for her work in the field of Public Relations. Bhavya Chhabra receives the award for her Singing in the field of Art and Culture. Dr Rita Taneja receives the award in the field of Education. Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness. Marcela Baur receives the award for Social Media influencer. Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship. Diya Kumari being accorded a floral welcome by Gaurav Gaur, also seen are Anita Hada and Sudhanshu Mathur. Isha Agarwal receives the award for Fashion in the area of Modelling. Madhu Bhatt receives the award for Singing in the field of Art Culture. Tusharika Singh receives the award for her work in the field of Public Relations. Bhavya Chhabra receives the award for her Singing in the field of Art and Culture. Dr Rita Taneja receives the award in the field of Education. Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness. Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness. Priya Singh, a body-builder receives the award in the field of fitness. Marcela Baur receives the award for Social Media influencer. Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship. Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship. Suheb Aghwani receives the award in the field of Entrepreneurship. Shweta Mishra moderates the panel discussion, seen here are (L-R) Priya Singh, Urvashi Warman, Rita Taneja, Toshi Vijay, Dr Sushila Nagar, Bhavna Jagwani, Poonam Madan and Charvi Dutta —PHOTOS BY SANTOSH SHARMA SUNIL SHARMA