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No. _____________________________________

                                                      IN THE

                             SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES

                                           VOGEL DENISE NEWSOME

                                     STOR-ALL ALFRED, LLC;
                                    JUDGE JOHN ANDREW WEST/
                                       DOES 1 THROUGH 250

                                  IN RE VOGEL DENISE NEWSOME
                              ON PETITION FOR EXTRAORDINARY WRIT
                                    TO THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO

                     RESPONSE TO MARCH 17, 2011 AND APRIL 27, 2011
                      WRIT(S) UNDER ALL WRITS ACT TO BE FILED1

       COMES NOW Petitioner, Vogel Denise Newsome – a/k/a Denise V. Newsome (―Newsome‖


and DEFENSES raised and/or set forth in the October 9, 2010 “Emergency Motion to Stay;

Emergency Motion for Enlargement of Time and Other Relief The United States Supreme Court

Deems Appropriate To Correct The Legal Wrongs/Injustices Reported Herein” (―EM/ORS‖),

subsequent pleadings (i.e. which includes Petition for Extraordinary Writ [―PFEW‖]) submitted for

filing with the Supreme Court of the United States and provides this her Response To March 17,

2011 and April 27, 2011, Supreme Court Of The United States’ Letters – Identifying Extraordinary

Writ(s) To Be Filed and Writ(s) Under All Writs Act To Be Filed (―RT031711&042711SCL‖). This

           BOLDFACE, ITALICS, UNDERLINE, etc. added for emphasis.

                                                    Page 1 of 113
instant filing in response to this Court‘s March 17, 2011 and April 27, 2001, letters is submitted in

that the information contained herein supports the EXTRAORDINARY, EXCEPTIONAL and

CRITICAL/EXIGENT circumstances involved. Said March 17, 2011 letter which states in part:

                         "The above-entitled petition for an extraordinary writ seeking
                unspecified relief was received on March 17, 2011.

                         Please inform this office by letter, as soon as possible, what type of
                extraordinary writ you are seeking to file, i.e. extraordinary writ of mandamus,
                mandamus/prohibition, habeas corpus.

                        This office will retain all of the copies of the petition."

See EXHIBIT “1” – March 17, 2011 Letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set

forth in full herein. This Court‘s April 27, 2011 letter which states in part:

                        Your letter and attachments were received in this office on April 26,
                2011, and are returned for the reason set forth in my letter dated March 17,
                2011, copy enclosed.

                         You have failed to identify the type of extraordinary writ you are
                seeking to file.

See EXHIBIT “44” – April 27, 2011 Letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set

forth in full herein. In further support thereof,         Newsome REITERATES the following

EXTRAORDINARY Writ(s) and Writ(s) governed under the All Writs Act

(provided in her April 22, 2011 submittal) are being sought to be filed:

                1)    Original Writ                                 2)    Writ of Conspiracy
                3)    Writ of Course                                4)    Writ of Detinue
                5)    Writ of Entry                                 6)    Writ of Exigi Facias
                7)    Writ of Formedon                              8)    Writ of Injunction
                9)    Writ of Mandamus                              10)   Writ of Possession
                11)   Writ of Praecipe                              12)   Writ of Protection
                13)   Writ of Recaption                             14)   Writ of Prohibition
                15)   Writ of Review                                16)   Writ of Supersedeas
                17)   Writ of Supervisory Control                   18)   Writ of Securitate Pacis
                19)   Extraterritorial Writs

Rather than bring separate actions, Newsome believes that the statutes/laws will sustain that facts,

evidence and legal conclusions provided in this matter that the Extraordinary Writs/Writs provide

―causes of like nature, or relative to the same question‖ and that ―actions brought by Newsome

                                                    Page 2 of 113
against different Respondent(s) provide similar defenses‖ and consolidation requirements for

purposes of EXPEDITION of matters, avoiding UNNECESSARY COSTS or DELAYS as witnessed

so far in the Supreme Court of the United States‘ handling of this matter in its ATTEMPTS to


and DUE PROCESS OF LAWS in, it appears, to get her to only identify ―ONE‖ Extraordinary Writ

when there are SEVERAL involved in this legal action as set forth herein and in the Petition For

Extraordinary Writ (―PFEW‖) and EM/ORS to which this instant RT031711&042711SCL sustains.

Decisions (well OVER 100 years) of this Court will sustain the need to consolidate the Extraordinary

Writ(s)/Writs under the All Writs Act contained herein – and/or known to this Court to correct the

legal wrongs complained of herein:

               Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York v. Hillmon, 12 S.Ct. 909 (U.S.Kan.,1892) -
               Under Rev.St. § 921, 28 U.S.C.A. § 734, providing that ―causes of a like nature,
               or relative to the same question,‖ may be consolidated, for the purpose of
               avoiding unnecessary costs or delays, ―whenever it appears reasonable to do so,‖
               actions . . . by one plaintiff against different defendants, in which the defenses
               are the same, may be consolidated, but the causes of action must remain distinct,
               requiring separate verdicts, and no defendant must be deprived of any right
               material to his defense.

               Bowen v. Chase, 94 U.S. 812 (U.S.N.Y.,1876) - Actions depending between the
               same parties, and upon the same questions in controversy may be consolidated.

               Hines v. Anchor Motor Freight, Inc., 96 S.Ct. 1048 (U.S.Ohio,1976) - A suit
               against an employer for breach of collective bargaining agreement and a breach
               of contract suit against the labor union may be joined in one action.

               Baltimore & O.S.W.R. Co. v. U.S., 31 S.Ct. 368 (U.S.Ohio,1911) - The federal
               circuit court may properly consolidate. . . several actions brought by the United
               States against a carrier to recover the penalty prescribed by . . . for violations of
               its requirement . . .

               Bowen v. Chase, 94 U.S. 812 (U.S.N.Y.,1876) - Actions depending between the
               same parties, and upon the same questions in controversy may be consolidated.

       If the Supreme Court of the United States is DENYING

Newsome the right to bring these Extraordinary Writs and Writs under

the All Writs Act, it needs to state its reasons for FAILURE to comply

                                                   Page 3 of 113
with the statutes/laws governing said matters and why its handling of

this matter appears to be CONTRARY to decisions of this Court.

Furthermore, whether this Court is attempting to OBSTRUCT justice in its handling of this matter?

Thus, further REITERATING this Court advising of ALL “Conflict Of Interests” that exist (if any)

in its handling of this matter. Newsome further states the following:

                1.       This instant pleading is submitted in good faith and is not submitted
       for purposes of delay, harassment, hindering proceedings, embarrassment,
       obstructing the administration of justice, vexatious litigation, increasing the cost of
       litigation, etc. and is hereby filed to protect the rights of the Petitioner/Newsome and
       to provide the Supreme Court of the United States with a response to its March 17,
       2011 letter.

               2.      This instant pleading and legal action has been timely brought in
       accordance with the Rules and statutes/laws governing said matters and in accordance
       with this Court‘s March 17, 2011 and April 27, 2011, letters executed by Ruth Jones
       in the Clerk‘s Office on behalf of this Court and/or William K. Suter.

                3.     While this Court requested that Newsome provide a “letter” she
       believes the submittal of a response in form of pleading is appropriate and applicable
       out of concerns of the DILATORY tactics as well as further unlawful/illegal practices
       by members in this Court‘s Clerk‘s Office to attempt to USURP authority – i.e. little
       “Indians” wanting to be Chief and perform the role of the Justices of this Court;
       moreover, the DESPARATE attempts that may have been made by this Court in
       efforts to AID and ABET in the COVER-UP of the CRIMINAL and CIVIL WRONGS
       of its employees in efforts to shield/mask the ILLEGAL ANIMUS of President Barack
       Obama, his Administration and others leveled against Newsome. While it appears
       this Court may have been attempting to avoid being provided sufficient information
       to aid in the handling of this matter and advising Newsome that ―Motion for Leave‖
       would now not be required, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is hereto provided
       for purposes of clarifying and aiding this Court in the handling of this matter – i.e.
       providing information pertinent to March 17, 2011 request and reiterating pertinent
       information in the Motion for Leave Newsome previously provided this Court.

               4.      This instant RT031711&042711SCL is also filed because Newsome
       believes it is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE interest for citizens as well as Foreign
       Leaders/Nations to see just what she has had to endure in seeking justice for the legal
       wrongs complained of in the Petition for Extraordinary Writ (―PFEW‖) and
       EM/ORS. Moreover, concerns that the Courts and United States Government may
       have moved to COVER-UP the criminal acts/civil violations leveled against
       Newsome and/or citizen(s) of the United States in RETALIATION of having
       EXPOSED the CORRUPTION in the United States Government/Government

                                              Page 4 of 113
GOVERNMENT – It is time for the Barack Obama Regime to GO – STEP DOWN!!
As President Barack Obama has recently requested Foreign Leaders – i.e. for
instance, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Lybia’s Colonel Muammar el-
Qaddafi. See EXHIBITS “2” and “3” respectively– Articles regarding President
Obama‘s request that Foreign Leaders step down attached hereto and incorporated by
reference as if set forth in full herein.

                  Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc., 123 S.Ct. 1057
                  (U.S.,2003) - Crime of “coercion” is separate from extortion and
                  involves the use of force or threat of force to restrict another's
                  freedom of action.

             TERRORISM: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or
                an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating
                or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.2

             DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial
                jurisdiction of the United States. [18 USCA § 2331(5)] Terrorism that is carried
                out against one‘s own government or fellow citizens.3

             INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: Terrorism that occurs primarily outside the territorial
                 jurisdiction of the United States, or that transcends national boundaries by the
                 means in which it is carried out, the people it is intended to intimidate, or the
                 place where the perpetrators operate to seek asylum. 4

                  a) One who engage in acts or an act of terrorism. 5
                    b)    Somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence,
                          especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to
                          intimidate, often for political purposes.6
                  a) To fill or overpower, with terror; terrify.
                    b)    Coerce by intimidation or fear.7
                    c)    Motivate somebody by violence to intimidate or coerce
                          somebody with violence or the threat of violence.8
                    d)    Make somebody very fearful to fill somebody with feelings of
                          intense fear over a period of time.
                  TERRORIST - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually
                  organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for
                  terrorist activities. (EMPHASIS ADDED).

                  ACT OF TERRORISM, TERRORISM, TERRORIST ACT - the calculated use of
                  violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that

  The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4 th Edition).
  Black‘s Law Dictionary (8th Edition).
  The American Heritage. . .
  Encarta World English Dictionary (1999).
  The American Heritage. . .
  Encarta World. . .

                                                   Page 5 of 113
are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation
                              or coercion or instilling fear.

                              RADICAL CELL, TERRORIST CELL - a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members);
                              "to insure operational security the members of adjacent terrorist cells usually
                              don't know each other or the identity of their leadership."

                         1) A person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of a particular group, esp. a
                             racial group.9
                         2)   One who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme. 10
                         3)   Somebody who holds the view that a particular group is innately superior to
                              others and therefore, is entitled to dominate them.11
                              SUPREMACY: A position of superiority or authority over all others.12/13

                  6.     Foreign Leaders are NOT going to be deceived.
          They are aware of such SUPREMACIST and TERRORIST groups that are running
          the United States Government. For example, see the Interview Transcript with Iran
          President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wherein said knowledge is made known -

          Knowledge confirming statements in Newsome‘s July 13, 2010 Email.
            Random House Webster‘s Unabridged Dictionary (2nd Edition).
             The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4 th Edition).
             Encarta World English Dictionary (1999).
             Encarta World. . .
             This can be said of this instant lawsuit. If it had not been for Newsome‘s patience, diligence, research, etc. the United
States Supreme Court as well as United States citizens would not be aware of the TERRORISTIC acts and CONSPIRACY that has
been orchestrated and carried out under the Leadership/Direction of Baker Donelson, its client (Liberty Mutual) and others against
African-Americans and/or people of color; as well as smaller countries/nations. Why? Because this instant action will EXPOSE just
how subtle/elusive such SUPREMACIST/TERRORIST in not wanting to be detected and their intelligence/experience/expertise in
covering up their RACIST/DISCRMINATORY/ PREJUDICIAL motives/agenda – i.e. exchanging the white hoods for business suits
and judicial robes, etc. to AVOID detection. See EXHIBIT “I” – DAVID DUKE/KU KLUX KLAN attached hereto and incorporated
by reference as if set forth in full herein.
               Transcript: U.S. has 'hostility against our people,' Ahmadinejad says

           . . .And-- all-- these years, they-- stood against our people. They continued hostilities, and they cooperated with all of our
enemies. President Obama said, "We are going to make it-- to make it up." And we welcomed that idea and position. I sent a message
for him after his election. Of course, I received no answer. He just gave a general response. And that is not considered a response to my
message. We think maybe President Obama wants to do something, but there are pressures-- pressure groups in the United States who do
not allow him to do so. Even if he wants to do something, apparently there are certain groups who do not allow him to do it.

          Andrea Mitchell: You're suggesting that President Obama—

          President Ahmadinejad: We think they are –

           Andrea Mitchell: --doesn't have-- doesn't have-- the-- as Commander in Chief and leader of the United States does not have
the decision-making power over what he does?

          President Ahmadinejad: Do you really think President Obama can do anything he wishes to?

          Andrea Mitchell: Within-- within the—

          President Ahmadinejad: He does not—

         Andrea Mitchell: --the constructs of the United States Constitution. But what would you like to hear from President Obama?
And what would you like to say to him?

                                                              Page 6 of 113
Foreign Leaders/Countries are aware that the
         United States Citizens DO NOT elect the President/Vice
         President of the United States – Electoral Colleges do. President Barack
         Obama was placed in the United States White House for DECEPTIVE purposes and
         all is ―COMING OUT IN THE WASH!!‖

                  8.     FOREIGN LEADERS/CITIZENS are NOT DECEIVED. They have
         been made aware of the WILLIE LYNCH practices and realize that the United States
         DOES NOT have the likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X or Medgar Evers in
         the White House. NEITHER is that the likes of a NELSON MANDELA in
         the United States White House – i.e. Blacks WILLING/DETERMINED to put
         their lives on the line to assure FREEDOM and EQUALITY for ALL. Instead,
         products of the WILLIE LYNCH practices – United States President Barack Obama,
         United States Attorney General Eric Holder and President of the NAACP Benjamin
         Jealous - have been placed on DISPLAY as the NEW FACES of the African-
         American/Black male. See EXHIBIT “4” – Excerpt from the October PowerPoint
         Presentation entitled, “Clean Out Congress 2010 – Americans Take BACK Your
         Country/Government – Come November 2010 Vote OUT The Incumbents Career
         Politicians” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full

                 9.      It is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE interest for citizens and Foreign
         Nations/Leaders to see DEMOCRACY at work and see FIRST-HAND how the
         JUDICIAL system works in one of the MOST POWER COUNTRIES in the world.
         Moreover, how the Respondents and United States Government has resorted to
         CRIMINAL acts for purposes of OPPRESSION, THREATS, HARASSMENT,
         BLACKMAIL, EXTORTION, etc. against Newsome and/or citizens who engage in
         protected activities – i.e. file complaints EXPOSING Human/Civil Rights violations,
         Discrimination, Retaliation, Terrorism/Supremacist/Racism, etc.

                             Thank God, NATIONS – such as China and others - are
                             coming out to address the HUMAN RIGHTS and
                             CORRUPTION in the United States Government. Stands as
                             Newsome requested in her October 2010 PowerPoint
                             Presentation. See EXHIBIT “5” – 04/11/11 Article ―China
                             Report Criticizes U.S. Human Rights Record‖ attached
                             hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
                             herein. See EXHIBIT “6” October 2010 PowerPoint
                             Presentation entitled, “Clean Out Congress 2010 – Americans
                             Take BACK Your Country/Government – Come November
                             2010 Vote OUT The Incumbents Career Politicians” attached

           President Ahmadinejad: The Constitution is already on the [unintel]. What about the political scene? The reality on the
ground? Is he able to do everything he wishes to? Personally, it's not true. There are different political group, there are a lo—
different lobbyist pressure groups, and more important, there are Zionists there. We say, if he wants to do something, there are
certain groups who do not allow him to do so.

                                                          Page 7 of 113
hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full

               It is about time for Foreign Countries/Leaders and their
               citizens let the United States know that they have had enough
               of its CORRUPTION and INTERFERENCE. See EXHIBIT
               “7” – Meetings with Foreign Leaders attached hereto and
               incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.

         10.     United States President Barack Obama came out PUBLICLY and
requested that Foreign Leaders – such as for instance Egypt‘s President Hosni
Mubarak and Libya‘s Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - STEP DOWN. See EXHIBITS
“2” and “3” respectively attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth
in full herein. Now that Newsome has brought this legal action ADDRESSING THE
CORRUPTION, CONSPIRACIES and COVER-UP along with supporting evidence
as well as provided Exhibits/Appendices to sustain the EM/ORS and PFEW, ―WILL

       11.    The United States has a President (Barack Obama) who has recently
come under question regarding his CITIZENSHIP. Even under such SCRUTINY,
President Obama CANNOT and or WILL NOT produce his ―Birth Certificate.‖
Instead, information regarding a ―Certificate of LIVE Birth‖ NOT ―BIRTH
Certificate‖ is released to the PUBLIC. Furthermore, it appears that President Obama
is relying upon his Lawyers/Advisors (i.e. such as Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC (―Baker Donelson‖)) who have been shown to be
CORRUPT!! See EXHIBIT “8” – regarding Birther issue attached hereto and
incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Information which is
PERTINENT and RELEVANT because it goes to the United States President Barack

Obama‘s and his Administration‘s   CREDIBILITY!!!
                                       Which is
               Newsome believes it is also IMPORTANT for the
               PUBLIC/WORLD to see how Lawyers/Advisors for the
               United States President handle such issues. Newsome‘s
               experience with the likes of Baker Donelson and/or
               Respondents in this matter is that they NEVER produce ANY
               evidence to REBUT that is presented. ALL Respondents ever
               do is provide MERE ―WORDS‖ by way of rebuttal and
               ATTEMPT to MISLEAD the FACTFINDER away from the
               TRUTH!! See for instance EXHIBIT “9” – Obama‘s
               Response to Birther Issue attached hereto and incorporated by
               reference as if set forth in full herein. JUST WORDS –
               Surely if his Administration was willing to provide the
               ―Certificate of Live Birth,‖ President Obama should have a
               Birth Certificate. It is the BIRTH CERTIFICATE that the
               CITIZENS of the United States want to see.

                                      Page 8 of 113

     a) Newsome‘s FIRST response to this Court‘s March 17, 2011 letter was
        submitted on or about April 22, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED). See
        EXHIBITS “42” – United States Postal Service Mailing Receipts and
        “43” – April 22, 2011 Cover Letter submitted to the attention of Chief
        Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and William K. Suter (Clerk) respectively,
        attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.

     b) On or about April 22, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED), United States
        President Barack Obama allegedly advises one of his many attorneys
        (Judith Corley) to obtain ―CERTIFIED‖ copies (EMPHASIS ADDED) of
        his ―original certificate of live birth‖ - stating in part:

                    I am writing to request two certified copies of my original
                    certificate of live birth. With this letter, I hereby authorize my
                    personal counsel, Ms. Judith Corley of Perkins Coie in
                    Washington, D.C., to act on my behalf in providing any
                    additional information or paying any fees required by the
                    Department of Health to fulfill my request. Ms. Corley is also
                    authorized to make any necessary arrangements for delivery of
                    the certified copies from your office. . . .

        See EXHIBIT “50” – 04/22/11 Letter from President Obama to Loretta
        J. Fuddy (Director of Health, State of Hawaii – Department of Health)
        attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.

     c) From the April 22, 2011 (FRIDAY), letters of President Obama and his
        attorney (Judith Corley) they are requesting that Government
        Official(s) VIOLATE policies in place to extend to him
        SPECIAL FAVORS - for instance stating:
                    "As you know, several years ago, my client requested a
                    certified copy of his birth certificate and received, pursuant to
                    the policy and practice of the Hawaii Department of Health, a
                    Certification of Live Birth, sometimes referred to as a "short-
                    form" or abbreviated birth certificate. This Certification of
                    Live Birth is, of course, legally sufficient evidence of birth in
                    the State of Hawaii. Moreover, it is my understanding that it
                    is, and has been, the Department of Health's longstanding
                    policy and practice to provide only the "short-form" version
                    when a certified copy of a birth certificate is requested.

                    We understand that the Department of Health has adopted this
                    policy for sound administrative reasons. However, we are
                    writing to request a waiver of the Department of Health's
                    policy, so that my client can obtain two certified copies of his
                    original, "long form" birth certificate.       Waiver of the
                    Department's policy in this instance would allow my client to
                    make a certified copy of his original birth certificate publicly
                    available and would also relieve the burden currently being

                                     Page 9 of 113
placed on the Department of Health by the numerous inquiries
               it receives from the media and others relating to my client's
               birth record."

   See EXHIBIT “50” – April 22, 2011 correspondence of President
   Obama and his counsel (Corley) attached hereto and incorporated as if set
   forth in full herein. The State of Hawaii requires the completion of
   President Obama required to complete this Form? See EXHIBIT “53” –
   Request attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in
   full herein.

d) If indeed President Obama wanted a copy of his ―BIRTH‖ Certificate
   and/or ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ the State of Hawaii has a form that is to
   be used. Such requests are to be SUBMITTED TO:

               State Department of Health
               Office of Health Status Monitoring
               Issuance/Vital Statistics Section
               P.O. Box 3378
               Honolulu, HI 96801

   The State of Hawaii provides information on their website. Furthermore,
   has provided ACCESS to form to be completed and submitted.
   Nevertheless, President Obama merely relied upon an April 22, 2011
   letter – rather than the REQUIRED Form – to obtain a copy of the April
   25, 2011 release of Certification of Live Birth.

e) On or about April 25, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED), the Supreme Court of
   the United States receives Newsome‘s April 22, 2011, Response to March
   17, 2011 Supreme Court of the United States’ Letter. See EXHIBIT
   “42” attached hereto.

f) On or about April 25, 2011 (Monday) (EMPHASIS ADDED), the
   Governor for the State of Mississippi – Haley Barbour – announced that
   he would not be running for President in 2012. See EXHIBIT “55” -
   Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour Won't Run
   For President attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if
   set forth in full herein. What a COINCIDENT that such a MAJOR
   announcement comes on the SAME date that the Supreme Court of the
   United States received Newsome‘s April 22, 2011 submittal. A potential
   United States Presidential Candidate that may be linked to Baker
   Donelson and Ku Klux Klan ties:

               But the 63-year-old southerner with a syrupy drawl also faced
               unique obstacles that threatened to distract attention from his
               campaign message. As he began his campaign, he had to
               defend comments that suggested a lack of sensitivity about
               segregationist activities in his home town during the 1950s

                               Page 10 of 113
and about contemporary efforts to honor an early Ku Klux
               Klan leader with a commemorative license plate tied to the
               150th anniversary of the Civil War.

   Governor Haley Barbour (Republican) who also appears on the ―LIST‖ of
   positions that Obama‘s legal counsel/advisor Baker Donelson claims
   ENTITLEMENT to – ―Governor of Mississippi.‖ See EXHIBITS “10”
   and “27” respectively attached hereto and incorporated herein by
   reference as if set forth in full herein.

g) On or about April 25, 2011 (Monday) (EMPHASIS ADDED) the State of
   Hawaii Department of Health PROMPTLY releases an ALLEGED
   certified copy of President Obama‘s Certificate of Live Birth. See
   EXHIBIT “48” – Certificate of Live Birth information attached hereto
   and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. You may want
   to note the following:

                i. President Obama’s “alleged” Certificate of Live Birth
                   was PURPOSEFULLY placed and reproduced on
                   paper to “MATCH‖ the Background of Certificate of
                   Live Birth. Interesting how a ―REPRODUCED‖ copy can
                   have the ―SAME‖ Background as the Certificate. WOW
                   the wonders one can do to MANIPULATE a document.

                   In fact, President Obama‘s counsel/advisor Baker
                   Donelson also laid claims to ENTITLEMENT to
                   positions such as Chief Counsel, Acting Director,
                   and Acting Deputy Director of United States
                   Citizenship & Immigration Services within the
                   United States Department of Homeland
                   Security. See EXHIBITS “10” and “27” attached
                   hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
                   herein. Baker Donelson ONLY AFTER Newsome’s
                   going public having information SCRUBBED from

               ii. When documents, such as President Obama‘s “Certificate
                   of Live Birth,” are CERTIFIED copies, they are to
                   CONTAIN the ―OATH‖ of person preparing/producing
                   document “As Well As” the “SEAL.”               This
                   information is MISSING from President
                   Obama’s 2008 release as well as his recent
                   April 27, 2011 Release. Therefore, these documents
                   ARE NOT ―Authentic‖ nor can be received as
                   ―LEGALLY‖ sufficient. Even with an embossed seal,
                   may have been used, this is a Certificate and President
                   Obama and his counsel FAILED to REVEAL the seal as

                              Page 11 of 113
well as whether or not the PROPER signature(S) if more
    than one is required by Hawaii laws was provided.

    For instance, Vital Records such as the ―Certificate of
    Live Birth‖ may have a statement worded such as:

           WARNING: This certificate is not valid
           if it has been altered in any way
           whatsoever or if it does not bear the
           raised seal of the office of issuance.

    If you look at the April 27, 2011 ―Certificate of Live
    Birth‖ provided by President Barack Obama, notice that
    while ―Alvin T. Onaka, Ph.D.‖ provides a ―STAMP‖
    there is NO State ―SEAL‖ and ―DATE‖ stamp is
    questionable (i.e. for instance look at the ―2‖ in the 25
    and then look at the ―2‖ in the year 2011. Why could
    ―State Registrar‖ not simply ―WRITE‖ the date
    certifying when executed.

    Notice how the ―LOWER PORTION‖ of ―Certificate of
    Live Birth‖ is missing information which may contain
    ―FORM number‖ of this document, etc. as well as
    certification information required by Department of
    Health Official when this ALLEGED Certificate of
    Live Birth was filed (i.e. in 1961)

iii. How CONVENIENT it is that the ALLEGED doctor that
     was the Attendant and/or witness to President Obama‘s
     birth is DECEASED.

iv. TYPEWRITER was used to prepare document; however,
    NOTICE that the dates of ―8-7-61‖ and ―8-8-61‖ are
    HANDWRITTEN. Then for the ―Local Reg.‖ date is
    ―STAMPED‖ as well as the date for ―Reg. General.‖

    Now look at another “Certificate of Live Birth”
    provided for a person allegedly named ―ALAN‖
    claiming to also have been born in Hawaii. All
    ―PERTINENT‖ information is entered it appears with
    use of ―TYPEWRITER‖ – including dates for those
    signing document. Notice that DATES for those
    signing ―Alan‘s‖ Certificate of Live Birth appear to
    have all been present and the matter taken care on the

              Page 12 of 113
same date of “6 Sept 63” and then was forwarded on to
   the ―Reg. General‖ who provided ―Date Accepted‖ as
   “SEP 10 1963.” Note VARIATION in appearance of
   date stamp used (EMPHASIS ADDED).

              See EXHIBIT “54” – Hawaii Birth
              documents retrieved from the Internet
              attached hereto and incorporated by
              reference as if set forth in full herein.

   Looking at another “Certificate of Live Birth”
   provided with President Obama‘s adjacent, all
   ―PERTINENT‖ information is entered it appears with
   use of ―TYPEWRITER‖ – including dates for those
   signing document. Notice that DATES for those
   signing Certificate of Live Birth appear to have all been
   present and the matter taken care on the same date of
   “20 Feb 61” and then was forwarded on to the ―Reg.
   General‖ who provided ―LATER‖ date other than that
   of Local Reg. Then there is a Certification clause
   which appears to state:

            TRUE AND ___ (sic – illegible) COPY OF

   Being executed by TWO government officials.
   Nevertheless, President Obama gets SPECIAL attention
   and treatment and document appears to be in the custody
   of only ONE person (Alvin T. Oneka).

v. While Newsome has no children, her concerns as to how
   the Obama Certificate of Live Birth filing was handled.
   For instance, Obama‘s mother‘s alleged signature was
   provided on or about 8-7-61 and the Attendant‘s on or
   about 8-8-61 – the same date that it was provided to the
   Department of Health. So did the HOSPITAL submit his
   alleged document for filing or did the Attendant do a
   HAND DELIVERY and, if so, was this the doctor‘s
   normal way of handling business for births witnessed.
   Furthermore, the HOSPITAL should also have RECORDS
   of BIRTHS on the date President Obama is alleged to
   have been born there. A map of Hawaii is attached at
   EXHIBIT “52” of this instant filing and is incorporated
   herein by reference.

             Page 13 of 113
vi.   How CONVENIENT it was for President
       Barack Obama to get Loretta J. Fuddy
       (Director of Health) who was CONFIRMED on
       or about March 29, 2011 – See EXHIBIT “51” -
       Senate Confirms Topping, Fuddy, Lim attached hereto and
       incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Not
       ONLY that, LESS THAN A MONTH in Office and
       Fuddy clearly went AGAINST policies and procedures to
       accommodate        President       Obama          and     his
       attorney(s)/counsel/advisor(s), stating:

               "As director of health for the state of Hawaii, I
               have the legal authority to approve the process
               by which copies of such records are made.
               Through that authority, in recognition of your
               status as president of the United States, I am
               making an exception to the current departmental
               policy which is to issue a computer-generated
               certified copy," she wrote.

       See EXHIBIT “49” – Obama Birth Certificate Moved to
       More Secure Location Months Ago attached hereto and
       incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.
       Providing a hard copy rather than the ―computer-
       generated‖ copies which may leave one wondering
       whether this may be the reason why President Obama
       released the April 27, 2011, ―Certificate of Live Birth‖
       document – i.e. which appears may be a FAKE
       and FORGED from another document.
       Moreover, that FAILURE to provide a
       computer-generated copy may be due to
       President Obama and his attorneys/counselors/
       advisors have NOT been able to figure out how
       to get around that –i.e. in that the computer may
       not be able to generate a document from
       information that is NOT there.
vii. On or about April 27, 2011 (Thursday) (EMPHASIS
     ADDED), President Obama released document alleged to
     be his ―Certificate of Live Birth.‖ See EXHIBIT “49” –
     Articles on release attached hereto and incorporated by
     reference as if set forth in full herein.

viii. On or about April 27, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED) the
      Supreme Court of the United States returned Newsome‘s
      April 22, 2011 Response to March 17, 2011 Supreme
      Court of the United States’ Letter. See EXHIBIT “44” –

                 Page 14 of 113
04/27/11 Supreme Court of the United States‘ letter
                        executed by Ruth Jones attached hereto and incorporated
                        by reference as if set forth in full herein.

                        The record evidence will SUSTAIN that this Court has
                        been TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADQUATELY
                        requested to provide Newsome with information
                        regarding ―Conflict of Interests.‖ Such request being
                        made in GOOD-FAITH in that President
                        Obama’s        attorney/counsel/advisors (Baker
                        Donelson) have made known their TIES/
                        RELATIONSHIPS to KEY judicial officials in
                        which the Supreme Court of the United States has
                        been NAMED as well as President Obama since
                        being in office has NOMINATED two (2) Justices
                        (i.e. Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan) to this
                        Court which have been CONFIRMED and are
                        presently serving. Moreover, record evidence
                        will SUSTAIN that Baker Donelson is sure to see
                        that it is on Judicial NOMINATION Committees.
                        See for instance Exhibit “18” of EM/ORS incorporated
                        herein by reference as if set forth in full herein.
                        Furthermore, EXHIBITS “10” and “27” respectively of
                        this instant RT031711&042711SCL which provides the
                        following information in part:

                               Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court of the United
                               States; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice
                               of the United States; . . . United States Circuit Court
                               of Appeals Judge; United States District Court
                               Judges; United States Attorneys; Presidents of State
                               and Local Bar Associations

       12. President Obama in producing not only the recently
released April 25, 2011 “Certificate of Live Birth” and the 2008
“Certification of Live Birth,” has basically opened himself up to
“SUBPOENA(s)”, etc. and right of CITIZENS of the United States to
“Challenge” authenticity of the document he produced. He is a
sitting United States President who took an “OATH” of Office.

       13.    From media information, it appears President Obama is playing up
what may be a FRAUDULENTLY produced ―Certificate of Live Birth.‖ Going as
far as to make an appearance on Oprah Winfrey – one of President
Obama‘s TOP/KEY supporters and one that has been known to present and
entertain CRIMINALS on her show even going as far as to promote through her
―BOOK CLUB‖ works of Authors producing false/fraudulent and/or misleading

                                  Page 15 of 113
information. Now it appears that Oprah Winfrey may be using her
PLATFORM and CELEBRITY STATUS to help promote the most
recent CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of the United States
Government in the handling of President Barack Obama‘s Birth

      14. It is a GOOD THING President Obama and
Michelle Obama were NOT invited to the “Royal Wedding”
of Prince William and Kate on April 29, 2011. Newsome
knows she would NOT want a President claiming to be the
FIRST alleged African-American President of the United
States who appears to be engaged in the VERY practices
which have OPPRESSED and DISCRIMINATED against
African-Americans and/or people of color.
       15.    It is an INSULT and EMBARASSMENT that the United States
Government has allowed such firms as Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell &
Berkowitz, PC (―Baker Donelson‖) to assume KEY and CRITICAL positions for
government to INFLICT pain and suffering on its citizens and upon Foreign Nations
WITHOUT just cause to do so. Baker Donelson acknowledging their people in
PROMINENT positions as:

       Chief of Staff to the President of the United States; United States Secretary of State;
       United States Senate Majority Leader; Members of the
       United States Senate; Members of the United States
       House of Representatives; Director of the Office of
       Foreign    Assets   Control    for    United States;
       Department of Treasury; Director of the Administrative
       Office of the United States; Chief Counsel, Acting Director, and Acting Deputy
       Director of United States Citizenship & Immigration
       Services within the United States Department of
       Homeland Security; Majority and Minority Staff
       Director of the Senate Committee on Appropriations;
       Member of United States President‘s Domestic Policy
       Council; Counselor to the Deputy Secretary for the United States Department of
          Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court

       of the United States; Administrative
       Assistant to the Chief Justice of the

                                            Page 16 of 113
United States; Deputy under Secretary of International Trade for the
         United States Department of Commerce; Ambassador to Japan; Ambassador to Turkey;
         Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman; Governor of
         Tennessee; Governor of Mississippi; Deputy Governor and Chief of Staff for the
         Governor of Tennessee; Commissioner of Finance & Administration (Chief Operating
         Officer) - State of Tennessee; Special Counselor to the Governor of Virginia;

         United States Circuit Court of
         Appeals Judge; United States
         District Court Judges; United
         States Attorneys; Presidents of
         State and Local Bar Associations
However, upon Newsome‘s going PUBLIC and WORLDWIDE, Baker Donelson has
had this information SCRUBBED from the Internet. However, NOT before Newsome
could RETRIEVE such information to sustain its DOMINENCE and CONTROL in
HIGH POSITIONS – See EXHIBIT “10” attached hereto and incorporated by
reference as if set forth in full herein.

Baker Donelson being a law firm which has opposed and REPEATEDLY engaged in
criminal/civil wrongs leveled against Newsome for purposes of destroying her life as
well as other citizens. Furthermore, it is an EMBARASSMENT and INSULT to
the United States when it has been shown to the PUBLIC and WORLD that
such a CORRUPT law firm as Baker Donelson, its client (LIBERTY
MUTUAL INSURANCE) and those who conspire with them are
involving Newsome that they have to RESORT to criminal acts – i.e.
EXTORTION, etc. in efforts of obtaining an UNDUE/UNLAWFUL/
ILLEGAL advantage for itself and those they represent and/or conspire

                       IMPORTANT TO NOTE
      Citizens may want to know why the United States is LOSING the Wars/Battles
in IRAN, IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN – Look at the law firm (i.e. Baker Donelson)
Government Officials may receive counsel from. A Law Firm that
Supremacist/Racist behavior on those they want to CONTROL and OPPOSES or

               Recently a mother (Mary Tillman) of the late Football great (Pat
               Tillman) came out blasting the Obama Administration for

                                           Page 17 of 113
retaining retired General Stanley McChrystal for Co-Chair of
               the ―Joining Forces‖ Program. See EXHIBIT “11” – Article
               regarding Mary Tillman attached hereto and incorporated by
               reference as if set forth in full herein. What this mother may not
               know, is that this is not ONLY President Barack Obama but his
               Lawyers/Advisors (i.e. Baker Donelson) at work. They throw
               out people and/or just merely move them to another post;
               however, the PERPETRATORS/CONSPIRATORS and
               CRIMINALS are ALWAYS basically the same regardless
               which ADMINISTRATION (Republican or Democrat) is in the
               White House. Baker Donelson and their COHORTS are
               ROOTED DEEPLY in the Government, Government
               Corruption, and the COVER-UP by the Government. So when
               CITIZENS/PUBLIC hear for instance that there is ―Change‖ in
               the Obama Administration, it is merely President Obama, Baker
               Donelson, etc. merely PROJECTING information for
               DECEPTIVE           purposes;      however,    the    CRIMINAL/
               TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST/RACIST Regime players are
               still in office. See for instance EXHIBIT “12” – Change in
               Administration attached hereto and incorporated by reference as
               if set forth in full herein. However, in doing research you may
               find that ALL if not the MAJORITY are ASSOCIATED with
               Baker Donelson.

         Citizens may want to know why the ECONOMY of the United States is so bad –
Yes, look at who is sitting in the TOP/HEAD seat – BAKER DONELSON!!
Moreover, who may ACTUALLY be running the United States Government, Banks,
Real Estate, etc. See EXHIBIT “13” – The Hands Behind Government Operations
attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Now this
law firm has SCRUBBED information from the INTERNET as it attempts to TUCK-
TAIL and HIDE!! Well Newsome has News - - BUSTED. . . BUSTED. . . BUSTED.
Just as such law firms as Baker Donelson and those they have CONSPIRED with have
felt at LIBERTY to have information POSTED on the INTERNET regarding Newsome
known to be false, obtained and provided for CRIMINAL INTENT, MALICIOUSNESS
and DAMAGING; Newsome has taken the LIBERTY to GO PUBLIC and EXPOSE
such      CORRUPTION         in   the   United     States     Government      to   the

                 Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co., 110 S.Ct. 2695 (1990) - Where statement of
                 ―opinion‖ on matter of public concern reasonably implies false and
                 defamatory facts involving private figure, plaintiff must show that false
                 implications were made with some level of fault to support recovery. U.S.C.A.
                 Const.Amend. 1.

                 Paul proclaimed his innocence to . . . leaders. When is it wise to make
                 a public response to false accusations, and when should we just let
                 them go?
                          In the case of Paul, the gospel would have been discredited if
                 he had not spoken up. His circumstances made him look like a
                 criminal, and he had no history with these leaders to expect them to
                 assume otherwise without a proper defense.

                                            Page 18 of 113
If we have been publicly slandered by
                            credible sources, we should probably make a
                            public response. Otherwise our own witness will
                            be compromised. . . Jesus warned us that some
                            people will say all manner of evil against us
                            falsely, so we should not be surprised when it
                            happens. But we do need to exercise wisdom
                            when we become aware of it.15
                 16.     Newsome believes it is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE importance for
         citizens to see how President Barack Obama, his Administration and others who
         CONSPIRE with them have gone to great lengths to destroy Newsome‘s
         CHARACTER, REPUTATION, INTEGRITY. Moreover, the life of one who is:

                            a) Mississippi State Champion in Track & Field;
                            b) Has Ranked Amongst the United States Elite Athletes;
                            c) Who‘s Who Among American High School Students;
                            d) All-American;
                            e) Olympic Trials Qualifier/Participant, etc.
                            f) Member on One of the Fastest 4 x 400 Relay Teams in the
                               Nation consisted of one of the United States Top American
                               Sportscasters – Pamela Oliver (i.e. now currently with Fox
                               Sports – covered some of the 2011 Super Bowl Interviews with
                               Football Players).       See EXHIBITS “45” and “46”
                               respectively. Newsome also provides a web link Honoring
                               such successes of this Florida A&M University Relay Team

                            g) Having the Privilege of Attending Mississippi Valley State
                               University During the Time One of the Top National Football
                               League‘s ―Wide Receiver‖ – Jerry Rice – Era. See EXHIBIT
                               “47” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set
                               forth in full herein.
                            h) Acknowledgement of Newsome‘s work Ethics and Character
                               with statements such as:
                                              This letter is to confirm and recommend Ms. Vogel
                                     Newsome to a position of Executive Assistant, Administrative
                                     Assistant or greater. While working with Lash Marine, she
                                     performed the duties of Executive Assistant with skill and

             2009-2010 Standard Lesson Commentary (King James Version) - August 29, 2010 Lesson Entitled: ―Upheld By God‖ -
Subtitle: ―Let’s Talk It Over.‖

                                                       Page 19 of 113
energy. Her spirit and motivation acted as a beacon of light to
others. Her leadership and training of others was a great
service. Always willing to share; she possess a unique ability
to teach complex skills to the beginner and bring them quickly
up to speed. In addition, being a caring and concerned citizen
she put aside her time to train and work with Training, Inc.
employees to develop their office skills for a better future.
She is an asset and will be sorely missed at Lash Marine. - -

         I have been very, very pleased with Vogel, not only
in terms of her work product, but also in terms of her attitude
and personality. I would rate her as one of the best legal
secretaries with whom I have ever worked. I would highly
recommend her to anyone who is looking for a full-time legal
secretary. If my previous secretary were not rejoining me, I
would want Vogel to be my new permanent secretary.
         If anyone would care to discuss Vogel with me,
please do not hesitate to give them my name and number. I
will be more than happy to talk with them.
         I am not certain of the exact day when my previous
secretary will rejoin me. It could be immediately, or, it could
be a couple of weeks. In light of that, we would like to request
that we be allowed to continue to work with Vogel until
further notice. However, the last thing I want to do is have
Vogel miss another good opportunity that might lead to
permanent employment. Therefore, if she must be reassigned,
I will understand, but grudgingly so.. . . - - RALPH B.

         I was first introduced to Ms. Newsome over five (5)
years ago. Since that time, she has been a Woman of integrity
and intelligence. Ms. Newsome always has presented herself
in a professional manner and has always addressed me and
others with the uttermost of respect. Ms. Newsome outgoing
personality and personal strengths would make her an
excellent additional to anyone‘s staff. I have had the
opportunity to work with Ms. Newsome and she has
demonstrated flexibility in working outside of her field of
endeavor and doing an excellent job is a strong indicator of
how well she will do in her chosen field of endeavor. Ms.
Newsome demonstrated a willingness to perform any task
assigned to her promptly and correctly with little supervision.
Ms. Newsome is a very pleasant person to associate with,
works as a team player, and would truly be an ASSET to your
organization because she is the best one for the job. - - LISA J.

June 16, 2005, Email Exchange Between Tommy Page and

         Page:      You looked very smart &
         professional as you walked toward the

                Page 20 of 113
Newsome: Why thank you. I strive to dress
                               and carry myself in a manner in which PKH
                               requires. 

                               Page: You do it well.

                   See EXHIBIT “56” attached hereto and incorporated by
                   reference as if set forth in full herein as well as Exhibit “93” of
                   Newsome‘s EM/ORS.

     17.  United States President Abraham Lincoln issued and executed an
about January 1, 1863 – approximately 148 YEARS Ago – which ORDERED
the FREEDOM of Slaves. Nevertheless, 148 years later, the United States still have
the likes of Respondents and those who conspire with them DETERMINED to take
Newsome and members of her class BACK into SLAVERY!!! However, as
recent NEWS has shown and FOREIGN NATIONS have PROVEN,
Regimes (i.e. as the United States) is OVER!!! - - SAY,                      “NO
MORE!!”               Foreign Nations/Citizens making it KNOWN they do NOT want
OUTSIDE interference from the United States – THANK GOD!!!!! How can a
HYPOCRITICAL country like the United States minister to the needs of those who
have been OPPRESSED, ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE, when the United States
itself engage in such CRIMINAL and CORRUPTION against its citizens.


See how ELATED citizens in the Middle East are to be FREE and out of
BONDAGE, that many were willing to DIE (i.e. sacrifice their lives) rather than
remain ENSLAVED to a Terrorist/Supremacist regime. See EXHIBIT ―14‖ –
Photos of Citizens in the Middle East Celebrating their VICTORY attached hereto
and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. It may have only taken
seeing the SUCCESS on November 2, 2010 in the United States and the
encouragement from a Computer Website Executive, to take up the MANTLE and

        18.      Great SACRIFICES have been made by people such as
―Whistleblower‖ Army Spc. Bradley Manning (―Manning‖) - See EXHIBIT “15”
attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein - who has
risked his life to REPORT and EXPOSE the CORRUPTION and CRIMINAL/CIVIL
violations of the United States because he want the PUBLIC to know the TRUTH!
COURAGEOUS acts by a citizen it appears who could NOT look the other way and
allow INJUSTICES, CORRUPTION and CRIMES to continue WITHOUT making
the PUBLIC AWARE!        CHINA is correct in SPEAKING out and

                                      Page 21 of 113
SHINING THE LIGHT on the United States and its

Newsome believes a reasonable mind may conclude that
based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusions
contained herein, that had taken his concerns to the proper
government agency/authority, NOTHING would have been
done. Moreover, that to silence Manning and prevent
knowledge of the United States role in CORRUPTION and
COVER-UPS in criminal/civil wrongs may have had him
        19.    Great SACRIFICES have been made by people as WIKILEAKS‘
Julian Assange - See EXHIBIT “16” attached hereto and incorporated by reference
as if set forth in full herein - who has come under attacks for releasing such
regarding the United States CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of CRIMINAL/CIVIL

       20.    There are approximately TWO United States President (i.e. Abraham
Lincoln and John F. Kennedy) who were ASSASSINATED because of the likes of
Respondents, Obama Administration, etc. and others who did not want to move
FORWARD and INSISTED on keeping a RACE of people OPPRESSED and in

       21.    PROMINATE Civil Rights Leaders (i.e. Medgar Evers, Malcolm X,
Martin Luther King Jr.) were ASSASSINATED because of the likes of Respondents,
Obama Administration, etc. and others who did not want to move FORWARD and
INSISTED on keeping a RACE of people OPPRESSED and in BONDAGE!

       22.     As with Newsome, there are other African American women who
have come under attack for speaking out and/or exercising Rights secured under the
Constitution and/or laws of the United States. For instance:

a. In July 2010, Shirley Sherrod (―Sherrod‖) was UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY
   removed from her job – i.e. Obama Administration requesting that she
   RESIGN. See EXHIBIT “17” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as
   if set forth in full herein. It does NOT look good to the PUBLIC/WORLD when
   such attacks on Sherrod comes approximately 6 days AFTER Newsome‘s
   July 13, 2010 email entitled, ――U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The
   Downfall/Doom of the Obama Administration – Corruption/Conspiracy/Cover-
   Up/Criminal Acts Made Public‖ - which was received by United States
   President Barack Obama and those in his Administration (i.e. like Shirley

                                    Page 22 of 113
Sherrod‘s boss – Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack) – See EXHIBIT
               “18” – Excerpt of the July 13, 2010 email evidencing Thomas Vilsack as a

               Sherrod who is an ACTIVIST and a product of an HBCU (Historical Black
               College and University) – Albany State University. Newsome being an
               ACTIVIST and product of HBCU – Florida A&M University.

          b. In November 2010, Velma Hart was FIRED/TERMINATED/LAID OFF from
             her job as Chief Financial Officer for American Veterans AFTER being
             TELEVISED questioning President Obama stating for instance:

                    ―Quite frankly, I’m exhausted.           Exhausted of defending you, defending your
                    administration, defending the man for change I voted for, and deeply disappointed with
                    where we are right now. I‘ve been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to
                    change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I‘m one of those people and I‘m
                    waiting, sir, I‘m waiting. I don‘t feel it yet . . .‖

               See EXHIBIT “19” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth
               in full herein. Newsome knew that based upon the MEDIA coverage, that Hart’s
               employment days were NUMBERED. Sure enough ―acting TRUE to form‖ Hart
               may have been FIRED/TERMINATED/LAID OFF as a direct and proximate
               result of exercising her First Amendment Rights.

          c. Clearly under the Willie Lynch Practices one can see the concerns
             such OPPRESSORS had regarding the African-American/Black
             Woman. Such Oppressors thought that Malcolm X and Martin
             Luther King Jr. was a problem/threat so the United States
             Government was pleased with such Civil Rights Leaders’
             assassinations. Now they are finding out that Newsome and a
             number of other African-American/Black women are NOT
             remaining silent and giving into the WILLIE LYNCH practices.
                  23.    Newsome uses not only her own PERSONAL experiences but those
          of citizens such as ―Carl Brandon‖ and ―Omar Thornton‖ who were targeted and
          subjected to DISCRIMINATORY practices and CONSPIRACIES for purposes of
          forcing and driving them to commit criminal acts – See EXHIBITS “20” (Carl
          Brandon) and “21” (Omar Thornton)16 attached hereto and incorporated by reference


          Using the following excerpts:

          Some people don‘t want to discuss racism as being a form of violence because it would reveal that they themselves are in fact
extremely violent and in denial about it.
           Omar Thornton‘s incident has a host of websites spewing hate talk toward African-Americans. Hartford Distributors may
have used racism and gradually managed to kill Omar Thornton mentally and emotionally before the killing spree via attrition. Jessica
Anne Brocuglio, an ex-girlfriend of Omar Thornton, comes forward with character evidence:
           He always felt like he was being discriminated (against) because he was black[.]‖ ―Basically they wouldn’t give him pay
raises. He never felt like they accepted him as a hard working person.‖

                                                            Page 23 of 113
as if set forth in full herein. Newsome having gone PUBLIC and WORLDWIDE in
           showing how the ―WILLIE LYNCH‖17 practices are implemented by the likes of

            This statement corroborates with what Kristi Hannah, Omar Thornton‘s fiancée before his death, had been telling the
Manchester Police Department about Hartford Distributors treating him like a persona non grata.
            Plus, a fellow co-worker who was employed with Omar Thornton at Hartford Distributors has come forward stating that he
had seen the racist taunts: ―Stuff on walls. Racist comments. I saw with my own eyes.‖ More importantly, the fellow co-worker said
Mr. Thornton was hired as a truck driver; yet, he was assigned to loading boxes in the warehouse. Mr. Thornton had to fight to get
behind the wheel. The co-worker then states that Hartford Distributors are lying and the evidence is in Omar‘s cell phone. These
statements are serious and they are not based upon speculation. This places the co-worker in a position to be called as a key witness to
racism within Hartford Distributors. Although the co-worker is no longer under the employ of Hartford Distributors, he has witnessed
these incidents first-hand. These statements make it appear as if Hartford Distributors is deliberately being obtuse to shield themselves
from potential liability. As Marcellus said in William Shakespeare‘s play ―Hamlet,‖ ―[s]omething is rotten in the state of Denmark.‖
Thus far, the answers provided by Hartford Distributors just rubs me the wrong way.


           But underneath, Thornton seethed with a sense of racial injustice for years that culminated in a shooting rampage Tuesday in
which the Connecticut man killed eight and wounded two others at his job at Hartford Distributors in Manchester before killing himself.
            "I know what pushed him over the edge was all the racial stuff that was happening at work," said his girlfriend, Kristi
            Thornton, a black man, said as much in a chilling, four-minute 911 call.
            "You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up," Thornton said in a recording released Thursday. "This
place is a racist place. They're treating me bad over here. And treat all other black employees bad over here, too. So I took it to my
own hands and handled the problem. I wish I could have got more of the people." . . .
           One time Thornton had a confrontation with a white co-worker who used a racial slur against him, she said. Thornton changed
jobs a few times because he was not getting raises, Brocuglio said.
            "I'm sick of having to quit jobs and get another job because they can't accept me," she said he told her. . . .
            Brocuglio's sister, Toni, said Thornton would come home and say co-workers called him racial slurs. He was also upset by
comments made by passers-by about the interracial couple, she said.
            "He just didn't understand why people had so much hatred in their lives," Toni Brocuglio said. . . .
            But Hannah said he showed her cell phone photos of racist graffiti in the bathroom at the beer company and overheard a
company official using a racial epithet in reference to him, but a union representative did not return his phone calls. Police said they
recovered the phone and forensics experts would examine it.

           and Port Gibson Shooter (Carl Brandon) complained of:


            Apparently, the deadly shooting rampage was the culmination of years of anger and frustration over what the shooter believed
to be false accusations of sexual harassment. "I don't know how you can consider me a danger. I was made a criminal through the
system. . .


           ―I would put Carl Brandon as a model from my town. I think he was one of the more intellegent and well manners persons in
the class. i cannot imagine this guy walking up one morning to decide that he want to destroy his life and others.‖ – Sarah Kelly
(Chicago, IL)
            ―Some time a person try to walk away from a problem, but there are people in this world that want let them do that. This
man had left his job and move on, but that was not good enough. They had to call his job and tell them what happened 9 years ago,
and got this man fired. I hate that he let the devil take over him at the time, but I do understand . . . I hope we can learn something from
this tragedy.‖ – Shelly Jones (Nashville, TN)
            ―He had lost his job because someone said he had harassed them. He lost his reputation and the respect of some. When he
tried to move on some vindictive, vicious persons went to his next job and scandalized him. He fought through every legal avenue
available to him and found no justice.‖ – Cassandra Cook Butler (AOL)
              ―In my bag here, I have a foolproof [sic] method of controlling your black slaves. I guarantee every one of you that if
installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. . . Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. . . I use fear,
distrust and envy for control. . .

          The Breaking Process of the African Woman
          Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. TEST her in every way,
because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will,
do not hesitate to use the bull whip on her to extract the last bit of resistance out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you
spoil good economic. . . .‖

                                                                 Page 24 of 113
Respondents for purposes of breaking down Newsome and those of her Race for
purposes of keeping them OPPRESSED, ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE!
Moreover, to drive CITIZENS into committing criminal acts as a direct and
proximate result of CONSPIRACIES involving racially motivated violations of the
laws. See EXHIBIT “22” – Willie Lynch document attached hereto and
incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. So NO foreign citizens in
the MIDDLE EAST can clearly see from documentation and
EVIDENCE provided them that the “Obama Administration” is a
SHAM – i.e. CORRUPT as well as the United States JUDICIAL
SYSTEM. Clearly the United States can be NO role model in that it engages in
CORRUPTION and the COVER-UP of discriminatory practices, human/civil rights
violations, obstruction of justice, and other criminal/civil wrongs leveled against
African-Americans and/or people of color.

       24.     It was IMPORTANT to Newsome that the PUBLIC/WORLD saw
just how the First ALLEDGED African-American President (Barack Obama)
ABANDONED his Pastor Jeremiah Wright when EXCERPTS of his sermons (i.e.
SIMILAR practice as that used on Shirley Sherrod) were taken OUT-OF-
CONTEXT to makeWright appear as CRAZY, LUNATIC, and HOSTILE.
Moreover, how the WHITE candidates (i.e. Hilary Clinton – now Secretary of State
and Sarah Palin who was the Vice Presidential Candidate for Republican Party)
wanted to paint Wright as a TERRORIST!! IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It was a
good thing that Army Spc. Bradley Manning released information regarding the
United States Government‘s CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of crimes. Moreover,
WikiLeaks sharing information with the WORLD – then the coming of a release of
                                    ―U.S.: 1940s STD
an Article on or about October 1, 2010, entitled,
Experiments ―Clearly Unethical‖ SUPPORTING the United
States Government‘s role in UNETHICAL practices – i.e. as
that of the Tuskegee Test which were INFLICTED on
African-American men. See EXHIBIT “23” - “U.S.: 1940s STD
Experiments “Clearly Unethical” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if
set forth in full herein. So while the United States was trying to portray the preacher
(Jeremiah Wright) as being CRAZY, TERRORIST, etc. and taking EXCERPTS from
sermons to DECEIVE the Nation – LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!! The TRUTH is
surfacing and being released to the PUBLIC/WORLD as with that provided by

       25.   While President Obama and his Administration are attempting to
make it APPEAR that they were for the citizens of Egypt and other Foreign Nations
taking back their Government,  they were NOT.       President Obama and his
Administration CLEARLY are in FEAR now because they realize that the NEW
Foreign Governments being established by those who have been OPPRESSED,
ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE for DECADES (i.e. some over 40 Years) will NOT

                                      Page 25 of 113
allow the United States to DICTATE and continue to use their POWER to
TERRORIZE them as they have done to Newsome and others that SPEAK OUT and
Newsome believes it is President Obama‘s time to take his OWN advice:

                 STEP DOWN FROM OFFICE – i.e. in that he has known
                 of the CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of crimes and civil wrongs leveled not
                 only against Newsome but those of other citizens of the United States that were
                 TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATELY brought to his attention; however,
                 made a CONSCIOUS and WILLING decision to look the other way.
                 Leaving to question as with IMPEACHED
                 President Nixon – WHAT did President Barack
                 Obama know and WHEN did he know it? Newsome
                 believesit is time for President Obama and his
                 the White House. Therefore, Newsome has INITIATED the appropriate
                 legal action(s) – Petition for EXTRAORDINARY WRIT with the Supreme
                 Court of the United States for the CORRECTION and EXPOSURE of practices
                 OUTLAWED HUNDREDS of Years Ago.

       26.     President Obama‘s/United States Government‘s RECENTLY coming
out and speaking out as though they were for the citizens in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen,
Syria, Libya, etc. and other Foreign citizens taking ON/BACK their government is                   a
FARCE           and the Foreign Citizens/Leaders know it.                 Foreign
Leaders/Media/Citizens may be aware of the attacks on Newsome because she has
released information to be shared as to the OPPRESSIVE and ENSLAVEMENT
practices of the United States Government, employers and those who have conspired
with them to destroy her life. For instance leaders in EGYPT knew that
placing President Obama in the White House was a FRONT and merely
DECEPTIVE acts to mislead Foreign Countries, their Leaders and
        Muhammad Habib, first deputy to the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, said:
                                                  He said
        ―the US Administration employs all cards to serve its own interests.”

        that the speech that Obama intends to deliver in
        Egypt is “of no value.‖ He added: ―Statements and
        speeches must be associated with, or preceded by
        real change in policy on the ground, because
        policy is judged by deeds, not words.‖
See EXHIBIT “24”“EGYPT‘S Opposition Leaders Sound Off On
Upcoming Obama Visit” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set
forth in full herein. As well as the following information at:

                                            Page 26 of 113

                       . . . Bin Laden said that Obama's approach to the
                  Muslim world was no different from that of Bush18,
                  whose policies — from the invasion of Iraq to the use of some
                  interrogation methods widely considered torture — convinced many Muslims
                  that the United States had launched a war on Islam. . .

                  However, Gamal Eid, the head of the Arabic Network for Human Rights
                  Information, said he planned to decline the invitation. The Israeli ambassador to
                                          he didn't want to be in the same
                  Egypt also is invited, and Eid said
                  room as a representative of what he called a "criminal"
         See EXHIBIT “25” – “Obama to Lay Out Vision of Muslim’s World’s Future”
         Article attached hereto and incorporated by reference.        ALL FOR
         POLITICAL/POLL POINTS - - With ALL the Government INTELLIGENCE the
         United States has, how CONVENIENT it was that Bin Laden has been killed – 4
         days AFTER President Obama releases his ALLEDGED Birth Certificate. See
         EXHIBIT “6” at the 16th Page. President Obama TAKING CREDIT for ordering
         Bin Laden‘s death. LOOK AT THE TIMING of this News!!!!

                 27.      This Court has retained copies of the PFEW in this action as well as
         the $300 Filing Fee submitted. Newsome being a paying litigant in that it appeared
         to her that this Court may have attempted to try and get her to come before it in the
         “In Forma Pauperis” (―IFP‖) status to avoid having to address the issues presented
         therein – i.e. in that IFP pleadings/filings do NOT appear to be subject to the same
         standard of review as that of PAYING litigants.

                                     In re McDonald, 489 U.S. 180, 109 S.Ct. 993 (1989) Jessie
                           McDonald may well have abused his right to file petitions in this Court
                           without payment of the docketing fee; the Court's order documents that
                           fact. I do not agree, however, that he poses such a threat to the orderly
                           administration of justice that we should embark on the unprecedented and
                           dangerous course the Court charts today. . . . I am most concerned,
                           however, that if, as I fear, we continue on the course we chart today, we
                           will end by closing our doors to a litigant with a meritorious claim. It is
                           rare, but it does happen on occasion that we grant review and even
                           decide in favor of a litigant who previously had presented multiple
                           unsuccessful*188 petitions on the same issue. See, e.g., Chessman v.
                           Teets, 354
                           U.S. 156, 77 S.Ct. 1127, 1 L.Ed.2d 1253 (1957); see id., at 173-177, 77
                           S.Ct. at 1136-1138 (Douglas, J., dissenting).
                                     "Petitioner is no stranger to us. Since 1971, he has made 73
                           separate filings with the Court, not including this petition, which is his
                           eighth so far this Term. These include 4 appeals, 33 petitions for certiorari,
                           99 petitions for extraordinary writs, 7 applications for stay and other
                           injunctive relief, and 10 petitions for rehearing." Id. pp. 994- 995.

             PUBLIC/WORLD needs to know because President Obama may be relying upon the advice of the same counsel and/or
advisors used by President Bush.

                                                      Page 27 of 113
"But paupers filing pro se petitions are not subject to the financial
               considerations - filing fees and attorney's fees - that deter other litigants
               from filing frivolous petitions." Id. p. 996.
                         The Supreme Court (even after all of McDonald's filings) did not
               close the door to McDonald. A litigant who is identified as filing 73
               separate filings in a one-year period; however, ruled, "Petitioner remains
               free under the present order to file in forma pauperis requests for relief
               other than an extraordinary writ, if he qualifies under the Court's Rule 46
               and does not similarly abuse that privilege." Id. p. 996.

         28.     The EMERGENCY relief sought through EM/ORS and PFEW is that
which is required to deter and mitigate damages sustained by Newsome. Moreover,
is relief that should have been sought by the appropriate Government Agency(s) to
which matters were brought; however, failed to perform ministerial duties owed
Newsome in RETALIATION of her having brought legal action and/or knowledge of
her engagement in protected activities – i.e. active role in conspiracy(s) leveled
against Newsome.

         29.    Newsome would be prejudiced by this action should this Court deny
her EQUAL protection of the laws, EQUAL privileges and immunities of the laws
and DUE PROCESS of laws in the handling of this instant RT031711&042711SCL
to which it supports the PFEW and EM/ORS submitted to the attention of this Court
for filing. Therefore, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is being filed to preserve
the rights, arguments and defenses asserted by Newsome under the statutes/laws
governing said matters.

        30.     For the sake from having to reargue issues/arguments/defenses and
legal conclusions, Newsome incorporates by reference ―PFEW‖ and ―EM/ORS‖ as
well as their supporting Appendices/Exhibits submitted to the Supreme Court of the
United States for filing.

        31.    Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusions
provided herein as well as in ―PFEW‖ and ―EM/ORS‖ will sustain that the Supreme
Court of the United States MUST take jurisdiction in this matter; CANNOT pass it by
because it may be doubtful; MUST decide the issues/questions presented before this
Court; and CANNOT decline the exercise of jurisdiction to which Newsome is
               Ex parte Young, 209 U.S. 123, 165, 28 S.Ct. 441, 52 L.Ed.
               714 (1908) - [HN1] The United States Supreme Court will not
               take jurisdiction if it should not; but it is equally true that it
               MUST take jurisdiction if it should. The judiciary CANNOT,
               as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches
               the confines of the Constitution. The court CANNOT pass it
               by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with
               whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, the court MUST
               decide it, if it is brought before it. The court has NO more
               right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction, which is given,
               than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other
               would be TREASON to the Constitution. Questions may
               occur which the court would gladly avoid, but the court
               CANNOT avoid them. All the court can do is to exercise its
               best judgment, and conscientiously perform its duty.

                                          Page 28 of 113
for to do so would be TREASON to the Constitution. Therefore, Newsome seeks this
       Court‘s addressing issues/questions presented it and to perform the duties owed her
       as well as the citizens of the United States.

                                      I.      ALL WRITS ACT

       Newsome hopes that the Supreme Court of the United States understands that due to the

EXTRAORDINARY, EXCEPTIONAL and CRITICAL/EXIGENT circumstances involved in this

case, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is necessary in response its March 17, 2011 letter to her.

Newsome hopes that there is sufficient and adequate information contained herein as well as in

EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices to end concerns of what she believes may

be DILATORY practices by this Court in light of the DAMAGING information contained herein

which actually has LED back to its DOORSTEPS due to its FAILURE to act when Newsome first

began coming to this Court to address such HIDEOUS criminal behavior and civil violations. Due to

the extenuating factors involved and the impact such crimes/civil wrongs have had not only on

Newsome but the PUBLIC/WORLD at large, she request that her Petition for Extraordinary Writ be

filed and this Court issue the required legal process on Respondents. Newsome believes that there is

sufficient Respondent information – i.e. names, addresses, etc. - available in this EM/ORS, PFEW

and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices to move forward. Even if not, this Court has the proper

legal tools and resources to retain information to avoid any further delays in the PROSECUTION and


               28 USC § 1651 Writs:
                        (a)       The Supreme Court and all courts established by Act of
               Congress may issue ALL writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their
               respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and principles of law.

               Section 376 provided:
                        ―. . . The Supreme Court. . . shall have power to issue ALL writs NOT
               specifically provided for by statute, which may be NECESSARY for the
               exercise of their respective jurisdictions, and agreeable to the usages and
               principles of law.‖

                       Ex parte Fahey, 67 S.Ct. 1558 (1947) - United States Supreme
                       Court has power to issue extraordinary writs . . .but such

                                                Page 29 of 113
remedies should be resorted to only where appeal is clearly
                       inadequate, and they are reserved for really extraordinary

              Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Edition): All Writs Act – A federal statute that
              gives the U.S. Supreme Court and all courts established by Congress the power
              to issue writs in aid of their jurisdiction and in conformity with the usages and
              principles of law.

              Black’s Law Dictionary – Second Pocket Edition:
                       Writ: A court‘s written order, in the name of a state or other competent
              legal authority, commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some
              specified act.

                       Extraordinary Writ: A writ issued by a court exercising unusual or
              discretionary power.

                      Original Writ: A writ commencing an action and directing the
              defendant to appear and answer.

              U.S. v. Denedo, 129 S.Ct. 2213 (U.S.,2009) - Under the All Writs Act, a court's
              power to issue any form of relief, extraordinary or otherwise, is contingent on
              that court's subject-matter jurisdiction over the case or controversy. 28 U.S.C.A.
              § 1651(a).

              Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Federal Election Com'n, 125 S.Ct. 2 (U.S.,2004)
              - Authority granted to courts under the All Writs Act is to be used sparingly and
              only in the most critical and exigent circumstances. (Per Chief Justice
              Rehnquist, sitting as single Justice.) 28 U.S.C.A. § 1651(a).

              Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Federal Election Com'n, 125 S.Ct. 2 (U.S.,2004)
              - Authority granted to courts under the All Writs Act is appropriately exercised
              only: (1) when necessary or appropriate in aid of court's jurisdiction; and (2)
              when legal rights at issue are indisputably clear. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist,
              sitting as single Justice.) 28 U.S.C.A. § 1651(a).

       PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in compliance with the March 17, 2011 Letter issued by this

Court, and in furtherance of claims addressed in EM/ORS, PFEW and subsequent filings to said

pleadings, Newsome states:

              32.    Her concerns as to what she believes to be this Court‘s attempt to
       MISLEAD her and/or MISGUIDE her into thinking that the ONLY type of
       Extraordinary Writs this Court will address are: extraordinary writ of mandamus,
       mandamus/prohibition, habeas corpus – when it IS NOT!!

              33.     Newsome believes that a reasonable mind may conclude that the
       EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices clearly supports and
       provides this Court with ADEQUATE and SUFFICIENT information that it could
       have concluded that Newsome seeks to bring legal actions under the ―ALL WRITS
       ACT‖ and/or applicable statutes/laws governing claims addressed in EM/ORS and

                                                Page 30 of 113
PFEW. Furthermore, based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusions, this
Court having the DUTY and OBLIGATION to correct any/all miscarriage of justice
reported through this action and/or known to it.

          34.  Based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusion provided in
Newsome‘s EM/ORS and PFEW, she seeks legal relief under the All Writs Act and
any/all applicable statutes/laws to correct legal wrongs addressed and/or known to
this Court which may include the following (i.e. however, is not limited to said

              a. Original Writ

              b. Writ of Conspiracy

              c. Writ of Course

              d. Writ of Detinue

              e. Writ of Entry

              f. Writ of Exigi Facias

              g. Writ of Formedon

              h. Writ of Injunction

              i.   Writ of Mandamus

              j.   Writ of Possession

              k. Writ of Praecipe

              l.   Writ of Protection

              m. Writ of Recaption

              n. Writ of Prohibition

              o. Writ of Review

              p. Writ of Supersedeas

              q. Writ of SUPERVISORY CONTROL

              r. Writ of Securitate Pacis

              s. Extraterritorial Writs

                                    Page 31 of 113
35.     Newsome believes based upon the facts, evidence and legal
conclusions, that the record evidence will sustain that CRITICAL and EXIGENT
circumstances exist to support her EM/ORS and PFEW; moreover, relief under the
―All Writs Act.‖ Furthermore, Newsome‘s EM/ORS and PFEW sets forth evidence
and facts that authority under the ―All Writs Act‖ is warranted to aid in this Court‘s
Jurisdiction and that the Legal Rights at ISSUE are INDISPUTABLY clear.

               Wisconsin Right to Life v. Federal Election Com’n, 125 S.Ct. 2, 542
               U.S. 1305, 159 L.Ed.2d 805 (2004) – Authority granted to courts under
               the All Writs Act is to be used sparingly and only in the most
               CRITICAL and EXIGENT circumstances (Per Chief Justice
                         Authority granted under the All Rights Act is appropriately
               exercised only: (1) when necessary or appropriate to aid in court‘s
               jurisdiction; and (2) when legal rights at ISSUE are INDISPUTABLY
               clear. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist). Id.

         36.     Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusions
provided in EM/ORS and PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices will
sustain that the Writs sought as well as other applicable relief KNOWN to this Court
to correct the legal wrongs reported will sustain LEGISLATIVELY approved sources
of PROCEDURAL INSTRUMENTS designed to achieve RATIONAL ends of law
and may be used by this Court in ISSUING the APPROPRIATE Orders to assist it in
conducting FACTUAL INQUIRIES/INVESTIGATIONS into the Issues/Claims set
forth in EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices.

               Harris v. Nelson, 89 S.Ct. 1082, 394 U.S. 286, 22 L.Ed.2d 281,
               rehearing denied 89 S.Ct. 1623, 394 U.S. 1025, 23 L.Ed. 50 (1969) –
               All Writs Act serves as LEGISLATIVELY approved source of
               procedural instruments designed to achieve rational ends of law and
               may be relied on by courts in issuing order appropriate to ASSIST
               them in CONDUCTING FACTUAL INQUIRIES.

        37.    The Supreme Court of the United States have statutory authority as
well as inherent power to execute the applicable Orders that are necessary to
CORRECT the legal wrongs/injustices and prevent interference/obstruction of justice
to the implementation of said Orders sought.

               U.S. v. Wallace, 218 F.Supp. 290 (1963) – The courts of the United
               States have statutory authority as well as inherent power to enter such
               orders as may be necessary to effectuate their lawful decrees and to
               prevent interference with, and obstruction to, their implementation.

       38.     Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusion
provided in the EM/ORS and PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices will
sustain that this matter is of ―PUBLIC IMPORTANCE‖ and is of
PUBLIC/NATIONAL security in that it supports the COVER-UP of Respondents,
President Barack Obama, his Administration and the United States Government of
SUPREMACIST practices. Furthermore, the record evidence will SUPPORT a
WILLFUL disregard of legislative policy, rules of the Supreme Court of the United

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05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)
05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)

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05/03/11 U.S. Supreme Court Filing (Regarding President Obama-StorAll Matter)

  • 1.
  • 2. No. _____________________________________ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES VOGEL DENISE NEWSOME PETITIONER V. STOR-ALL ALFRED, LLC; JUDGE JOHN ANDREW WEST/ HAMILTON COUNTY (OHIO) COURT OF COMMON PLEAS; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 250 RESPONDENT(S) IN RE VOGEL DENISE NEWSOME ON PETITION FOR EXTRAORDINARY WRIT TO THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO RESPONSE TO MARCH 17, 2011 AND APRIL 27, 2011 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES’ LETTERS – IDENTIFYING EXTRAORDINARY WRIT(S) TO BE FILED AND WRIT(S) UNDER ALL WRITS ACT TO BE FILED1 COMES NOW Petitioner, Vogel Denise Newsome – a/k/a Denise V. Newsome (―Newsome‖ and/or ―Petitioner Newsome‖) – WITHOUT WAIVING HER RIGHTS and ARGUMENTS/ISSUES and DEFENSES raised and/or set forth in the October 9, 2010 “Emergency Motion to Stay; Emergency Motion for Enlargement of Time and Other Relief The United States Supreme Court Deems Appropriate To Correct The Legal Wrongs/Injustices Reported Herein” (―EM/ORS‖), subsequent pleadings (i.e. which includes Petition for Extraordinary Writ [―PFEW‖]) submitted for filing with the Supreme Court of the United States and provides this her Response To March 17, 2011 and April 27, 2011, Supreme Court Of The United States’ Letters – Identifying Extraordinary Writ(s) To Be Filed and Writ(s) Under All Writs Act To Be Filed (―RT031711&042711SCL‖). This 1 BOLDFACE, ITALICS, UNDERLINE, etc. added for emphasis. Page 1 of 113
  • 3. instant filing in response to this Court‘s March 17, 2011 and April 27, 2001, letters is submitted in that the information contained herein supports the EXTRAORDINARY, EXCEPTIONAL and CRITICAL/EXIGENT circumstances involved. Said March 17, 2011 letter which states in part: "The above-entitled petition for an extraordinary writ seeking unspecified relief was received on March 17, 2011. Please inform this office by letter, as soon as possible, what type of extraordinary writ you are seeking to file, i.e. extraordinary writ of mandamus, mandamus/prohibition, habeas corpus. This office will retain all of the copies of the petition." See EXHIBIT “1” – March 17, 2011 Letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. This Court‘s April 27, 2011 letter which states in part: Your letter and attachments were received in this office on April 26, 2011, and are returned for the reason set forth in my letter dated March 17, 2011, copy enclosed. You have failed to identify the type of extraordinary writ you are seeking to file. See EXHIBIT “44” – April 27, 2011 Letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. In further support thereof, Newsome REITERATES the following EXTRAORDINARY Writ(s) and Writ(s) governed under the All Writs Act (provided in her April 22, 2011 submittal) are being sought to be filed: 1) Original Writ 2) Writ of Conspiracy 3) Writ of Course 4) Writ of Detinue 5) Writ of Entry 6) Writ of Exigi Facias 7) Writ of Formedon 8) Writ of Injunction 9) Writ of Mandamus 10) Writ of Possession 11) Writ of Praecipe 12) Writ of Protection 13) Writ of Recaption 14) Writ of Prohibition 15) Writ of Review 16) Writ of Supersedeas 17) Writ of Supervisory Control 18) Writ of Securitate Pacis 19) Extraterritorial Writs Rather than bring separate actions, Newsome believes that the statutes/laws will sustain that facts, evidence and legal conclusions provided in this matter that the Extraordinary Writs/Writs provide ―causes of like nature, or relative to the same question‖ and that ―actions brought by Newsome Page 2 of 113
  • 4. against different Respondent(s) provide similar defenses‖ and consolidation requirements for purposes of EXPEDITION of matters, avoiding UNNECESSARY COSTS or DELAYS as witnessed so far in the Supreme Court of the United States‘ handling of this matter in its ATTEMPTS to deprive Newsome rights and EQUAL PROTECTION, EQUAL PRIVILEGES and IMMUNITIES and DUE PROCESS OF LAWS in, it appears, to get her to only identify ―ONE‖ Extraordinary Writ when there are SEVERAL involved in this legal action as set forth herein and in the Petition For Extraordinary Writ (―PFEW‖) and EM/ORS to which this instant RT031711&042711SCL sustains. Decisions (well OVER 100 years) of this Court will sustain the need to consolidate the Extraordinary Writ(s)/Writs under the All Writs Act contained herein – and/or known to this Court to correct the legal wrongs complained of herein: Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York v. Hillmon, 12 S.Ct. 909 (U.S.Kan.,1892) - Under Rev.St. § 921, 28 U.S.C.A. § 734, providing that ―causes of a like nature, or relative to the same question,‖ may be consolidated, for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary costs or delays, ―whenever it appears reasonable to do so,‖ actions . . . by one plaintiff against different defendants, in which the defenses are the same, may be consolidated, but the causes of action must remain distinct, requiring separate verdicts, and no defendant must be deprived of any right material to his defense. Bowen v. Chase, 94 U.S. 812 (U.S.N.Y.,1876) - Actions depending between the same parties, and upon the same questions in controversy may be consolidated. Hines v. Anchor Motor Freight, Inc., 96 S.Ct. 1048 (U.S.Ohio,1976) - A suit against an employer for breach of collective bargaining agreement and a breach of contract suit against the labor union may be joined in one action. Baltimore & O.S.W.R. Co. v. U.S., 31 S.Ct. 368 (U.S.Ohio,1911) - The federal circuit court may properly consolidate. . . several actions brought by the United States against a carrier to recover the penalty prescribed by . . . for violations of its requirement . . . Bowen v. Chase, 94 U.S. 812 (U.S.N.Y.,1876) - Actions depending between the same parties, and upon the same questions in controversy may be consolidated. If the Supreme Court of the United States is DENYING Newsome the right to bring these Extraordinary Writs and Writs under the All Writs Act, it needs to state its reasons for FAILURE to comply Page 3 of 113
  • 5. with the statutes/laws governing said matters and why its handling of this matter appears to be CONTRARY to decisions of this Court. Furthermore, whether this Court is attempting to OBSTRUCT justice in its handling of this matter? Thus, further REITERATING this Court advising of ALL “Conflict Of Interests” that exist (if any) in its handling of this matter. Newsome further states the following: 1. This instant pleading is submitted in good faith and is not submitted for purposes of delay, harassment, hindering proceedings, embarrassment, obstructing the administration of justice, vexatious litigation, increasing the cost of litigation, etc. and is hereby filed to protect the rights of the Petitioner/Newsome and to provide the Supreme Court of the United States with a response to its March 17, 2011 letter. 2. This instant pleading and legal action has been timely brought in accordance with the Rules and statutes/laws governing said matters and in accordance with this Court‘s March 17, 2011 and April 27, 2011, letters executed by Ruth Jones in the Clerk‘s Office on behalf of this Court and/or William K. Suter. 3. While this Court requested that Newsome provide a “letter” she believes the submittal of a response in form of pleading is appropriate and applicable out of concerns of the DILATORY tactics as well as further unlawful/illegal practices by members in this Court‘s Clerk‘s Office to attempt to USURP authority – i.e. little “Indians” wanting to be Chief and perform the role of the Justices of this Court; moreover, the DESPARATE attempts that may have been made by this Court in efforts to AID and ABET in the COVER-UP of the CRIMINAL and CIVIL WRONGS of its employees in efforts to shield/mask the ILLEGAL ANIMUS of President Barack Obama, his Administration and others leveled against Newsome. While it appears this Court may have been attempting to avoid being provided sufficient information to aid in the handling of this matter and advising Newsome that ―Motion for Leave‖ would now not be required, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is hereto provided for purposes of clarifying and aiding this Court in the handling of this matter – i.e. providing information pertinent to March 17, 2011 request and reiterating pertinent information in the Motion for Leave Newsome previously provided this Court. 4. This instant RT031711&042711SCL is also filed because Newsome believes it is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE interest for citizens as well as Foreign Leaders/Nations to see just what she has had to endure in seeking justice for the legal wrongs complained of in the Petition for Extraordinary Writ (―PFEW‖) and EM/ORS. Moreover, concerns that the Courts and United States Government may have moved to COVER-UP the criminal acts/civil violations leveled against Newsome and/or citizen(s) of the United States in RETALIATION of having EXPOSED the CORRUPTION in the United States Government/Government Officials. Page 4 of 113
  • 6. 5. THE UNITED STATES CITIZENS, PUBLIC/WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON AND WHAT TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST/ RACIST GROUP(S) APPEAR TO BE IN CONTROL OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT – It is time for the Barack Obama Regime to GO – STEP DOWN!! As President Barack Obama has recently requested Foreign Leaders – i.e. for instance, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Lybia’s Colonel Muammar el- Qaddafi. See EXHIBITS “2” and “3” respectively– Articles regarding President Obama‘s request that Foreign Leaders step down attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc., 123 S.Ct. 1057 (U.S.,2003) - Crime of “coercion” is separate from extortion and involves the use of force or threat of force to restrict another's freedom of action. TERRORISM: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.2 DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. [18 USCA § 2331(5)] Terrorism that is carried out against one‘s own government or fellow citizens.3 INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: Terrorism that occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or that transcends national boundaries by the means in which it is carried out, the people it is intended to intimidate, or the place where the perpetrators operate to seek asylum. 4 TERRORIST: a) One who engage in acts or an act of terrorism. 5 b) Somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to intimidate, often for political purposes.6 TERRORIZE: a) To fill or overpower, with terror; terrify. b) Coerce by intimidation or fear.7 c) Motivate somebody by violence to intimidate or coerce somebody with violence or the threat of violence.8 d) Make somebody very fearful to fill somebody with feelings of intense fear over a period of time. TERRORIST - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities. (EMPHASIS ADDED). ACT OF TERRORISM, TERRORISM, TERRORIST ACT - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that 2 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4 th Edition). 3 Black‘s Law Dictionary (8th Edition). 4 Id. 5 The American Heritage. . . 6 Encarta World English Dictionary (1999). 7 The American Heritage. . . 8 Encarta World. . . Page 5 of 113
  • 7. are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. RADICAL CELL, TERRORIST CELL - a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members); "to insure operational security the members of adjacent terrorist cells usually don't know each other or the identity of their leadership." SUPREMACIST: 1) A person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of a particular group, esp. a racial group.9 2) One who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme. 10 3) Somebody who holds the view that a particular group is innately superior to others and therefore, is entitled to dominate them.11 SUPREMACY: A position of superiority or authority over all others.12/13 6. Foreign Leaders are NOT going to be deceived. They are aware of such SUPREMACIST and TERRORIST groups that are running the United States Government. For example, see the Interview Transcript with Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wherein said knowledge is made known - Knowledge confirming statements in Newsome‘s July 13, 2010 Email. 9 Random House Webster‘s Unabridged Dictionary (2nd Edition). 10 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4 th Edition). 11 Encarta World English Dictionary (1999). 12 Encarta World. . . 13 This can be said of this instant lawsuit. If it had not been for Newsome‘s patience, diligence, research, etc. the United States Supreme Court as well as United States citizens would not be aware of the TERRORISTIC acts and CONSPIRACY that has been orchestrated and carried out under the Leadership/Direction of Baker Donelson, its client (Liberty Mutual) and others against African-Americans and/or people of color; as well as smaller countries/nations. Why? Because this instant action will EXPOSE just how subtle/elusive such SUPREMACIST/TERRORIST in not wanting to be detected and their intelligence/experience/expertise in covering up their RACIST/DISCRMINATORY/ PREJUDICIAL motives/agenda – i.e. exchanging the white hoods for business suits and judicial robes, etc. to AVOID detection. See EXHIBIT “I” – DAVID DUKE/KU KLUX KLAN attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. 14 Transcript: U.S. has 'hostility against our people,' Ahmadinejad says . . .And-- all-- these years, they-- stood against our people. They continued hostilities, and they cooperated with all of our enemies. President Obama said, "We are going to make it-- to make it up." And we welcomed that idea and position. I sent a message for him after his election. Of course, I received no answer. He just gave a general response. And that is not considered a response to my message. We think maybe President Obama wants to do something, but there are pressures-- pressure groups in the United States who do not allow him to do so. Even if he wants to do something, apparently there are certain groups who do not allow him to do it. Andrea Mitchell: You're suggesting that President Obama— President Ahmadinejad: We think they are – Andrea Mitchell: --doesn't have-- doesn't have-- the-- as Commander in Chief and leader of the United States does not have the decision-making power over what he does? President Ahmadinejad: Do you really think President Obama can do anything he wishes to? Andrea Mitchell: Within-- within the— President Ahmadinejad: He does not— Andrea Mitchell: --the constructs of the United States Constitution. But what would you like to hear from President Obama? And what would you like to say to him? Page 6 of 113
  • 8. Foreign Leaders/Countries are aware that the 7. United States Citizens DO NOT elect the President/Vice President of the United States – Electoral Colleges do. President Barack Obama was placed in the United States White House for DECEPTIVE purposes and all is ―COMING OUT IN THE WASH!!‖ 8. FOREIGN LEADERS/CITIZENS are NOT DECEIVED. They have been made aware of the WILLIE LYNCH practices and realize that the United States DOES NOT have the likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X or Medgar Evers in the White House. NEITHER is that the likes of a NELSON MANDELA in the United States White House – i.e. Blacks WILLING/DETERMINED to put their lives on the line to assure FREEDOM and EQUALITY for ALL. Instead, products of the WILLIE LYNCH practices – United States President Barack Obama, United States Attorney General Eric Holder and President of the NAACP Benjamin Jealous - have been placed on DISPLAY as the NEW FACES of the African- American/Black male. See EXHIBIT “4” – Excerpt from the October PowerPoint Presentation entitled, “Clean Out Congress 2010 – Americans Take BACK Your Country/Government – Come November 2010 Vote OUT The Incumbents Career Politicians” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. 9. It is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE interest for citizens and Foreign Nations/Leaders to see DEMOCRACY at work and see FIRST-HAND how the JUDICIAL system works in one of the MOST POWER COUNTRIES in the world. Moreover, how the Respondents and United States Government has resorted to CRIMINAL acts for purposes of OPPRESSION, THREATS, HARASSMENT, BLACKMAIL, EXTORTION, etc. against Newsome and/or citizens who engage in protected activities – i.e. file complaints EXPOSING Human/Civil Rights violations, Discrimination, Retaliation, Terrorism/Supremacist/Racism, etc. Thank God, NATIONS – such as China and others - are coming out to address the HUMAN RIGHTS and CORRUPTION in the United States Government. Stands as Newsome requested in her October 2010 PowerPoint Presentation. See EXHIBIT “5” – 04/11/11 Article ―China Report Criticizes U.S. Human Rights Record‖ attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. See EXHIBIT “6” October 2010 PowerPoint Presentation entitled, “Clean Out Congress 2010 – Americans Take BACK Your Country/Government – Come November 2010 Vote OUT The Incumbents Career Politicians” attached President Ahmadinejad: The Constitution is already on the [unintel]. What about the political scene? The reality on the ground? Is he able to do everything he wishes to? Personally, it's not true. There are different political group, there are a lo— different lobbyist pressure groups, and more important, there are Zionists there. We say, if he wants to do something, there are certain groups who do not allow him to do so. Page 7 of 113
  • 9. hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. It is about time for Foreign Countries/Leaders and their citizens let the United States know that they have had enough of its CORRUPTION and INTERFERENCE. See EXHIBIT “7” – Meetings with Foreign Leaders attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. 10. United States President Barack Obama came out PUBLICLY and requested that Foreign Leaders – such as for instance Egypt‘s President Hosni Mubarak and Libya‘s Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - STEP DOWN. See EXHIBITS “2” and “3” respectively attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Now that Newsome has brought this legal action ADDRESSING THE CORRUPTION, CONSPIRACIES and COVER-UP along with supporting evidence as well as provided Exhibits/Appendices to sustain the EM/ORS and PFEW, ―WILL PRESIDENT OBAMA and HIS ADMINISTRATION STEP DOWN? 11. The United States has a President (Barack Obama) who has recently come under question regarding his CITIZENSHIP. Even under such SCRUTINY, President Obama CANNOT and or WILL NOT produce his ―Birth Certificate.‖ Instead, information regarding a ―Certificate of LIVE Birth‖ NOT ―BIRTH Certificate‖ is released to the PUBLIC. Furthermore, it appears that President Obama is relying upon his Lawyers/Advisors (i.e. such as Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC (―Baker Donelson‖)) who have been shown to be CORRUPT!! See EXHIBIT “8” – regarding Birther issue attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Information which is PERTINENT and RELEVANT because it goes to the United States President Barack Obama‘s and his Administration‘s CREDIBILITY!!! Which is CRUCIAL and of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE interest! Newsome believes it is also IMPORTANT for the PUBLIC/WORLD to see how Lawyers/Advisors for the United States President handle such issues. Newsome‘s experience with the likes of Baker Donelson and/or Respondents in this matter is that they NEVER produce ANY evidence to REBUT that is presented. ALL Respondents ever do is provide MERE ―WORDS‖ by way of rebuttal and ATTEMPT to MISLEAD the FACTFINDER away from the TRUTH!! See for instance EXHIBIT “9” – Obama‘s Response to Birther Issue attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. JUST WORDS – Surely if his Administration was willing to provide the ―Certificate of Live Birth,‖ President Obama should have a Birth Certificate. It is the BIRTH CERTIFICATE that the CITIZENS of the United States want to see. Page 8 of 113
  • 10. PERTINENT FACTS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO UNDERSTAND HOW MATTERS MAY BE RELATED TO THIS INSTANT LEGAL ACTION: a) Newsome‘s FIRST response to this Court‘s March 17, 2011 letter was submitted on or about April 22, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED). See EXHIBITS “42” – United States Postal Service Mailing Receipts and “43” – April 22, 2011 Cover Letter submitted to the attention of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and William K. Suter (Clerk) respectively, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. b) On or about April 22, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED), United States President Barack Obama allegedly advises one of his many attorneys (Judith Corley) to obtain ―CERTIFIED‖ copies (EMPHASIS ADDED) of his ―original certificate of live birth‖ - stating in part: I am writing to request two certified copies of my original certificate of live birth. With this letter, I hereby authorize my personal counsel, Ms. Judith Corley of Perkins Coie in Washington, D.C., to act on my behalf in providing any additional information or paying any fees required by the Department of Health to fulfill my request. Ms. Corley is also authorized to make any necessary arrangements for delivery of the certified copies from your office. . . . See EXHIBIT “50” – 04/22/11 Letter from President Obama to Loretta J. Fuddy (Director of Health, State of Hawaii – Department of Health) attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. c) From the April 22, 2011 (FRIDAY), letters of President Obama and his attorney (Judith Corley) they are requesting that Government Official(s) VIOLATE policies in place to extend to him SPECIAL FAVORS - for instance stating: "As you know, several years ago, my client requested a certified copy of his birth certificate and received, pursuant to the policy and practice of the Hawaii Department of Health, a Certification of Live Birth, sometimes referred to as a "short- form" or abbreviated birth certificate. This Certification of Live Birth is, of course, legally sufficient evidence of birth in the State of Hawaii. Moreover, it is my understanding that it is, and has been, the Department of Health's longstanding policy and practice to provide only the "short-form" version when a certified copy of a birth certificate is requested. We understand that the Department of Health has adopted this policy for sound administrative reasons. However, we are writing to request a waiver of the Department of Health's policy, so that my client can obtain two certified copies of his original, "long form" birth certificate. Waiver of the Department's policy in this instance would allow my client to make a certified copy of his original birth certificate publicly available and would also relieve the burden currently being Page 9 of 113
  • 11. placed on the Department of Health by the numerous inquiries it receives from the media and others relating to my client's birth record." See EXHIBIT “50” – April 22, 2011 correspondence of President Obama and his counsel (Corley) attached hereto and incorporated as if set forth in full herein. The State of Hawaii requires the completion of "REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED COPY OF BIRTH RECORD." Was President Obama required to complete this Form? See EXHIBIT “53” – Request attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. d) If indeed President Obama wanted a copy of his ―BIRTH‖ Certificate and/or ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ the State of Hawaii has a form that is to be used. Such requests are to be SUBMITTED TO: State Department of Health Office of Health Status Monitoring Issuance/Vital Statistics Section P.O. Box 3378 Honolulu, HI 96801 The State of Hawaii provides information on their website. Furthermore, has provided ACCESS to form to be completed and submitted. Nevertheless, President Obama merely relied upon an April 22, 2011 letter – rather than the REQUIRED Form – to obtain a copy of the April 25, 2011 release of Certification of Live Birth. e) On or about April 25, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED), the Supreme Court of the United States receives Newsome‘s April 22, 2011, Response to March 17, 2011 Supreme Court of the United States’ Letter. See EXHIBIT “42” attached hereto. f) On or about April 25, 2011 (Monday) (EMPHASIS ADDED), the Governor for the State of Mississippi – Haley Barbour – announced that he would not be running for President in 2012. See EXHIBIT “55” - Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour Won't Run For President attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. What a COINCIDENT that such a MAJOR announcement comes on the SAME date that the Supreme Court of the United States received Newsome‘s April 22, 2011 submittal. A potential United States Presidential Candidate that may be linked to Baker Donelson and Ku Klux Klan ties: But the 63-year-old southerner with a syrupy drawl also faced unique obstacles that threatened to distract attention from his campaign message. As he began his campaign, he had to defend comments that suggested a lack of sensitivity about segregationist activities in his home town during the 1950s Page 10 of 113
  • 12. and about contemporary efforts to honor an early Ku Klux Klan leader with a commemorative license plate tied to the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Governor Haley Barbour (Republican) who also appears on the ―LIST‖ of positions that Obama‘s legal counsel/advisor Baker Donelson claims ENTITLEMENT to – ―Governor of Mississippi.‖ See EXHIBITS “10” and “27” respectively attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full herein. g) On or about April 25, 2011 (Monday) (EMPHASIS ADDED) the State of Hawaii Department of Health PROMPTLY releases an ALLEGED certified copy of President Obama‘s Certificate of Live Birth. See EXHIBIT “48” – Certificate of Live Birth information attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. You may want to note the following: i. President Obama’s “alleged” Certificate of Live Birth was PURPOSEFULLY placed and reproduced on paper to “MATCH‖ the Background of Certificate of Live Birth. Interesting how a ―REPRODUCED‖ copy can have the ―SAME‖ Background as the Certificate. WOW the wonders one can do to MANIPULATE a document. In fact, President Obama‘s counsel/advisor Baker Donelson also laid claims to ENTITLEMENT to positions such as Chief Counsel, Acting Director, and Acting Deputy Director of United States Citizenship & Immigration Services within the United States Department of Homeland Security. See EXHIBITS “10” and “27” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Baker Donelson ONLY AFTER Newsome’s going public having information SCRUBBED from Internet. ii. When documents, such as President Obama‘s “Certificate of Live Birth,” are CERTIFIED copies, they are to CONTAIN the ―OATH‖ of person preparing/producing document “As Well As” the “SEAL.” This information is MISSING from President Obama’s 2008 release as well as his recent April 27, 2011 Release. Therefore, these documents ARE NOT ―Authentic‖ nor can be received as ―LEGALLY‖ sufficient. Even with an embossed seal, may have been used, this is a Certificate and President Obama and his counsel FAILED to REVEAL the seal as Page 11 of 113
  • 13. well as whether or not the PROPER signature(S) if more than one is required by Hawaii laws was provided. For instance, Vital Records such as the ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ may have a statement worded such as: WARNING: This certificate is not valid if it has been altered in any way whatsoever or if it does not bear the raised seal of the office of issuance. If you look at the April 27, 2011 ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ provided by President Barack Obama, notice that while ―Alvin T. Onaka, Ph.D.‖ provides a ―STAMP‖ stating, ―I CERTIFY THIS IS A TRUE COPY OR ABSTRACT OF THE RECORD ON FILE IN THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH‖ – there is NO State ―SEAL‖ and ―DATE‖ stamp is questionable (i.e. for instance look at the ―2‖ in the 25 and then look at the ―2‖ in the year 2011. Why could ―State Registrar‖ not simply ―WRITE‖ the date certifying when executed. Notice how the ―LOWER PORTION‖ of ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ is missing information which may contain ―FORM number‖ of this document, etc. as well as certification information required by Department of Health Official when this ALLEGED Certificate of Live Birth was filed (i.e. in 1961) iii. How CONVENIENT it is that the ALLEGED doctor that was the Attendant and/or witness to President Obama‘s birth is DECEASED. iv. TYPEWRITER was used to prepare document; however, NOTICE that the dates of ―8-7-61‖ and ―8-8-61‖ are HANDWRITTEN. Then for the ―Local Reg.‖ date is ―STAMPED‖ as well as the date for ―Reg. General.‖ Now look at another “Certificate of Live Birth” provided for a person allegedly named ―ALAN‖ claiming to also have been born in Hawaii. All ―PERTINENT‖ information is entered it appears with use of ―TYPEWRITER‖ – including dates for those signing document. Notice that DATES for those signing ―Alan‘s‖ Certificate of Live Birth appear to have all been present and the matter taken care on the Page 12 of 113
  • 14. same date of “6 Sept 63” and then was forwarded on to the ―Reg. General‖ who provided ―Date Accepted‖ as “SEP 10 1963.” Note VARIATION in appearance of date stamp used (EMPHASIS ADDED). See EXHIBIT “54” – Hawaii Birth documents retrieved from the Internet attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Looking at another “Certificate of Live Birth” provided with President Obama‘s adjacent, all ―PERTINENT‖ information is entered it appears with use of ―TYPEWRITER‖ – including dates for those signing document. Notice that DATES for those signing Certificate of Live Birth appear to have all been present and the matter taken care on the same date of “20 Feb 61” and then was forwarded on to the ―Reg. General‖ who provided ―LATER‖ date other than that of Local Reg. Then there is a Certification clause which appears to state: "THIS CERTIFIES THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND ___ (sic – illegible) COPY OF THE ORIGINAL RECORD ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE HEALTH STATISTICS. HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Being executed by TWO government officials. Nevertheless, President Obama gets SPECIAL attention and treatment and document appears to be in the custody of only ONE person (Alvin T. Oneka). v. While Newsome has no children, her concerns as to how the Obama Certificate of Live Birth filing was handled. For instance, Obama‘s mother‘s alleged signature was provided on or about 8-7-61 and the Attendant‘s on or about 8-8-61 – the same date that it was provided to the Department of Health. So did the HOSPITAL submit his alleged document for filing or did the Attendant do a HAND DELIVERY and, if so, was this the doctor‘s normal way of handling business for births witnessed. Furthermore, the HOSPITAL should also have RECORDS of BIRTHS on the date President Obama is alleged to have been born there. A map of Hawaii is attached at EXHIBIT “52” of this instant filing and is incorporated herein by reference. Page 13 of 113
  • 15. vi. How CONVENIENT it was for President Barack Obama to get Loretta J. Fuddy (Director of Health) who was CONFIRMED on or about March 29, 2011 – See EXHIBIT “51” - Senate Confirms Topping, Fuddy, Lim attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Not ONLY that, LESS THAN A MONTH in Office and Fuddy clearly went AGAINST policies and procedures to accommodate President Obama and his attorney(s)/counsel/advisor(s), stating: "As director of health for the state of Hawaii, I have the legal authority to approve the process by which copies of such records are made. Through that authority, in recognition of your status as president of the United States, I am making an exception to the current departmental policy which is to issue a computer-generated certified copy," she wrote. See EXHIBIT “49” – Obama Birth Certificate Moved to More Secure Location Months Ago attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Providing a hard copy rather than the ―computer- generated‖ copies which may leave one wondering whether this may be the reason why President Obama released the April 27, 2011, ―Certificate of Live Birth‖ document – i.e. which appears may be a FAKE and FORGED from another document. Moreover, that FAILURE to provide a computer-generated copy may be due to President Obama and his attorneys/counselors/ advisors have NOT been able to figure out how to get around that –i.e. in that the computer may not be able to generate a document from information that is NOT there. vii. On or about April 27, 2011 (Thursday) (EMPHASIS ADDED), President Obama released document alleged to be his ―Certificate of Live Birth.‖ See EXHIBIT “49” – Articles on release attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. viii. On or about April 27, 2011 (EMPHASIS ADDED) the Supreme Court of the United States returned Newsome‘s April 22, 2011 Response to March 17, 2011 Supreme Court of the United States’ Letter. See EXHIBIT “44” – Page 14 of 113
  • 16. 04/27/11 Supreme Court of the United States‘ letter executed by Ruth Jones attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. The record evidence will SUSTAIN that this Court has been TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADQUATELY requested to provide Newsome with information regarding ―Conflict of Interests.‖ Such request being made in GOOD-FAITH in that President Obama’s attorney/counsel/advisors (Baker Donelson) have made known their TIES/ RELATIONSHIPS to KEY judicial officials in which the Supreme Court of the United States has been NAMED as well as President Obama since being in office has NOMINATED two (2) Justices (i.e. Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan) to this Court which have been CONFIRMED and are presently serving. Moreover, record evidence will SUSTAIN that Baker Donelson is sure to see that it is on Judicial NOMINATION Committees. See for instance Exhibit “18” of EM/ORS incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full herein. Furthermore, EXHIBITS “10” and “27” respectively of this instant RT031711&042711SCL which provides the following information in part: Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court of the United States; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice of the United States; . . . United States Circuit Court of Appeals Judge; United States District Court Judges; United States Attorneys; Presidents of State and Local Bar Associations 12. President Obama in producing not only the recently released April 25, 2011 “Certificate of Live Birth” and the 2008 “Certification of Live Birth,” has basically opened himself up to “SUBPOENA(s)”, etc. and right of CITIZENS of the United States to “Challenge” authenticity of the document he produced. He is a sitting United States President who took an “OATH” of Office. 13. From media information, it appears President Obama is playing up what may be a FRAUDULENTLY produced ―Certificate of Live Birth.‖ Going as far as to make an appearance on Oprah Winfrey – one of President Obama‘s TOP/KEY supporters and one that has been known to present and entertain CRIMINALS on her show even going as far as to promote through her ―BOOK CLUB‖ works of Authors producing false/fraudulent and/or misleading Page 15 of 113
  • 17. information. Now it appears that Oprah Winfrey may be using her PLATFORM and CELEBRITY STATUS to help promote the most recent CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of the United States Government in the handling of President Barack Obama‘s Birth Certificate. 14. It is a GOOD THING President Obama and Michelle Obama were NOT invited to the “Royal Wedding” of Prince William and Kate on April 29, 2011. Newsome knows she would NOT want a President claiming to be the FIRST alleged African-American President of the United States who appears to be engaged in the VERY practices which have OPPRESSED and DISCRIMINATED against African-Americans and/or people of color. 15. It is an INSULT and EMBARASSMENT that the United States Government has allowed such firms as Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC (―Baker Donelson‖) to assume KEY and CRITICAL positions for purposes of CREATING a CORRUPT and TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST government to INFLICT pain and suffering on its citizens and upon Foreign Nations WITHOUT just cause to do so. Baker Donelson acknowledging their people in PROMINENT positions as: Chief of Staff to the President of the United States; United States Secretary of State; United States Senate Majority Leader; Members of the United States Senate; Members of the United States House of Representatives; Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control for United States; Department of Treasury; Director of the Administrative Office of the United States; Chief Counsel, Acting Director, and Acting Deputy Director of United States Citizenship & Immigration Services within the United States Department of Homeland Security; Majority and Minority Staff Director of the Senate Committee on Appropriations; Member of United States President‘s Domestic Policy Council; Counselor to the Deputy Secretary for the United States Department of Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court HHS; of the United States; Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice of the Page 16 of 113
  • 18. United States; Deputy under Secretary of International Trade for the United States Department of Commerce; Ambassador to Japan; Ambassador to Turkey; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman; Governor of Tennessee; Governor of Mississippi; Deputy Governor and Chief of Staff for the Governor of Tennessee; Commissioner of Finance & Administration (Chief Operating Officer) - State of Tennessee; Special Counselor to the Governor of Virginia; United States Circuit Court of Appeals Judge; United States District Court Judges; United States Attorneys; Presidents of State and Local Bar Associations However, upon Newsome‘s going PUBLIC and WORLDWIDE, Baker Donelson has had this information SCRUBBED from the Internet. However, NOT before Newsome could RETRIEVE such information to sustain its DOMINENCE and CONTROL in HIGH POSITIONS – See EXHIBIT “10” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Baker Donelson being a law firm which has opposed and REPEATEDLY engaged in criminal/civil wrongs leveled against Newsome for purposes of destroying her life as well as other citizens. Furthermore, it is an EMBARASSMENT and INSULT to the United States when it has been shown to the PUBLIC and WORLD that such a CORRUPT law firm as Baker Donelson, its client (LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE) and those who conspire with them are REPEATEDLY giving a SHELLACKING and BEAT DOWN in lawsuits involving Newsome that they have to RESORT to criminal acts – i.e. KIDNAPPING, BRIBERY, BLACKMAIL, EMBEZZLEMENT, EXTORTION, etc. in efforts of obtaining an UNDUE/UNLAWFUL/ ILLEGAL advantage for itself and those they represent and/or conspire with. IMPORTANT TO NOTE Citizens may want to know why the United States is LOSING the Wars/Battles in IRAN, IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN – Look at the law firm (i.e. Baker Donelson) Government Officials may receive counsel from. A Law Firm that PROMOTES/INCORPORATES and SUPPORTS and IMPOSES Terrorist/ Supremacist/Racist behavior on those they want to CONTROL and OPPOSES or SPEAK OUT AGAINST THEM such as Newsome. Recently a mother (Mary Tillman) of the late Football great (Pat Tillman) came out blasting the Obama Administration for Page 17 of 113
  • 19. retaining retired General Stanley McChrystal for Co-Chair of the ―Joining Forces‖ Program. See EXHIBIT “11” – Article regarding Mary Tillman attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. What this mother may not know, is that this is not ONLY President Barack Obama but his Lawyers/Advisors (i.e. Baker Donelson) at work. They throw out people and/or just merely move them to another post; however, the PERPETRATORS/CONSPIRATORS and CRIMINALS are ALWAYS basically the same regardless which ADMINISTRATION (Republican or Democrat) is in the White House. Baker Donelson and their COHORTS are ROOTED DEEPLY in the Government, Government Corruption, and the COVER-UP by the Government. So when CITIZENS/PUBLIC hear for instance that there is ―Change‖ in the Obama Administration, it is merely President Obama, Baker Donelson, etc. merely PROJECTING information for DECEPTIVE purposes; however, the CRIMINAL/ TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST/RACIST Regime players are still in office. See for instance EXHIBIT “12” – Change in Administration attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. However, in doing research you may find that ALL if not the MAJORITY are ASSOCIATED with Baker Donelson. Citizens may want to know why the ECONOMY of the United States is so bad – Yes, look at who is sitting in the TOP/HEAD seat – BAKER DONELSON!! Moreover, who may ACTUALLY be running the United States Government, Banks, Real Estate, etc. See EXHIBIT “13” – The Hands Behind Government Operations attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Now this law firm has SCRUBBED information from the INTERNET as it attempts to TUCK- TAIL and HIDE!! Well Newsome has News - - BUSTED. . . BUSTED. . . BUSTED. Just as such law firms as Baker Donelson and those they have CONSPIRED with have felt at LIBERTY to have information POSTED on the INTERNET regarding Newsome known to be false, obtained and provided for CRIMINAL INTENT, MALICIOUSNESS and DAMAGING; Newsome has taken the LIBERTY to GO PUBLIC and EXPOSE such CORRUPTION in the United States Government to the PUBLIC/WORLD/MEDIA at large. Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co., 110 S.Ct. 2695 (1990) - Where statement of ―opinion‖ on matter of public concern reasonably implies false and defamatory facts involving private figure, plaintiff must show that false implications were made with some level of fault to support recovery. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 1. Paul proclaimed his innocence to . . . leaders. When is it wise to make a public response to false accusations, and when should we just let them go? In the case of Paul, the gospel would have been discredited if he had not spoken up. His circumstances made him look like a criminal, and he had no history with these leaders to expect them to assume otherwise without a proper defense. Page 18 of 113
  • 20. If we have been publicly slandered by credible sources, we should probably make a public response. Otherwise our own witness will be compromised. . . Jesus warned us that some people will say all manner of evil against us falsely, so we should not be surprised when it happens. But we do need to exercise wisdom when we become aware of it.15 16. Newsome believes it is of PUBLIC/WORLDWIDE importance for citizens to see how President Barack Obama, his Administration and others who CONSPIRE with them have gone to great lengths to destroy Newsome‘s CHARACTER, REPUTATION, INTEGRITY. Moreover, the life of one who is: a) Mississippi State Champion in Track & Field; b) Has Ranked Amongst the United States Elite Athletes; c) Who‘s Who Among American High School Students; d) All-American; e) Olympic Trials Qualifier/Participant, etc. f) Member on One of the Fastest 4 x 400 Relay Teams in the Nation consisted of one of the United States Top American Sportscasters – Pamela Oliver (i.e. now currently with Fox Sports – covered some of the 2011 Super Bowl Interviews with Football Players). See EXHIBITS “45” and “46” respectively. Newsome also provides a web link Honoring such successes of this Florida A&M University Relay Team g) Having the Privilege of Attending Mississippi Valley State University During the Time One of the Top National Football League‘s ―Wide Receiver‖ – Jerry Rice – Era. See EXHIBIT “47” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. h) Acknowledgement of Newsome‘s work Ethics and Character with statements such as: This letter is to confirm and recommend Ms. Vogel Newsome to a position of Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant or greater. While working with Lash Marine, she performed the duties of Executive Assistant with skill and 15 2009-2010 Standard Lesson Commentary (King James Version) - August 29, 2010 Lesson Entitled: ―Upheld By God‖ - Subtitle: ―Let’s Talk It Over.‖ Page 19 of 113
  • 21. energy. Her spirit and motivation acted as a beacon of light to others. Her leadership and training of others was a great service. Always willing to share; she possess a unique ability to teach complex skills to the beginner and bring them quickly up to speed. In addition, being a caring and concerned citizen she put aside her time to train and work with Training, Inc. employees to develop their office skills for a better future. She is an asset and will be sorely missed at Lash Marine. - - ROBERT K. LANSDEN (VICE PRESIDENT) I have been very, very pleased with Vogel, not only in terms of her work product, but also in terms of her attitude and personality. I would rate her as one of the best legal secretaries with whom I have ever worked. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a full-time legal secretary. If my previous secretary were not rejoining me, I would want Vogel to be my new permanent secretary. If anyone would care to discuss Vogel with me, please do not hesitate to give them my name and number. I will be more than happy to talk with them. I am not certain of the exact day when my previous secretary will rejoin me. It could be immediately, or, it could be a couple of weeks. In light of that, we would like to request that we be allowed to continue to work with Vogel until further notice. However, the last thing I want to do is have Vogel miss another good opportunity that might lead to permanent employment. Therefore, if she must be reassigned, I will understand, but grudgingly so.. . . - - RALPH B. GERMANY, JR. (ATTORNEY) I was first introduced to Ms. Newsome over five (5) years ago. Since that time, she has been a Woman of integrity and intelligence. Ms. Newsome always has presented herself in a professional manner and has always addressed me and others with the uttermost of respect. Ms. Newsome outgoing personality and personal strengths would make her an excellent additional to anyone‘s staff. I have had the opportunity to work with Ms. Newsome and she has demonstrated flexibility in working outside of her field of endeavor and doing an excellent job is a strong indicator of how well she will do in her chosen field of endeavor. Ms. Newsome demonstrated a willingness to perform any task assigned to her promptly and correctly with little supervision. Ms. Newsome is a very pleasant person to associate with, works as a team player, and would truly be an ASSET to your organization because she is the best one for the job. - - LISA J. WASHINGTON (COORDINATOR) June 16, 2005, Email Exchange Between Tommy Page and Newsome: Page: You looked very smart & professional as you walked toward the building! Page 20 of 113
  • 22. Newsome: Why thank you. I strive to dress and carry myself in a manner in which PKH requires.  Page: You do it well. See EXHIBIT “56” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein as well as Exhibit “93” of Newsome‘s EM/ORS. 17. United States President Abraham Lincoln issued and executed an EXECUTIVE ORDER known as the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION on or about January 1, 1863 – approximately 148 YEARS Ago – which ORDERED the FREEDOM of Slaves. Nevertheless, 148 years later, the United States still have the likes of Respondents and those who conspire with them DETERMINED to take Newsome and members of her class BACK into SLAVERY!!! However, as recent NEWS has shown and FOREIGN NATIONS have PROVEN, the ERA of OPPRESSION by such TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST Regimes (i.e. as the United States) is OVER!!! - - SAY, “NO MORE!!” Foreign Nations/Citizens making it KNOWN they do NOT want OUTSIDE interference from the United States – THANK GOD!!!!! How can a HYPOCRITICAL country like the United States minister to the needs of those who have been OPPRESSED, ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE, when the United States itself engage in such CRIMINAL and CORRUPTION against its citizens. FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST – THANK GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST!!! See how ELATED citizens in the Middle East are to be FREE and out of BONDAGE, that many were willing to DIE (i.e. sacrifice their lives) rather than remain ENSLAVED to a Terrorist/Supremacist regime. See EXHIBIT ―14‖ – Photos of Citizens in the Middle East Celebrating their VICTORY attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. It may have only taken seeing the SUCCESS on November 2, 2010 in the United States and the encouragement from a Computer Website Executive, to take up the MANTLE and LEAD/ORGANIZE the TAKE OVER!!! 18. Great SACRIFICES have been made by people such as ―Whistleblower‖ Army Spc. Bradley Manning (―Manning‖) - See EXHIBIT “15” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein - who has risked his life to REPORT and EXPOSE the CORRUPTION and CRIMINAL/CIVIL violations of the United States because he want the PUBLIC to know the TRUTH! COURAGEOUS acts by a citizen it appears who could NOT look the other way and allow INJUSTICES, CORRUPTION and CRIMES to continue WITHOUT making the PUBLIC AWARE! CHINA is correct in SPEAKING out and Page 21 of 113
  • 23. SHINING THE LIGHT on the United States and its HYPROCRISY!! Newsome believes a reasonable mind may conclude that based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusions contained herein, that had taken his concerns to the proper government agency/authority, NOTHING would have been done. Moreover, that to silence Manning and prevent knowledge of the United States role in CORRUPTION and COVER-UPS in criminal/civil wrongs may have had him “KILLED/MURDERED/ASSASSINATED.‖ 19. Great SACRIFICES have been made by people as WIKILEAKS‘ Julian Assange - See EXHIBIT “16” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein - who has come under attacks for releasing such CRITICAL, DAMAGING and PERTINENT information to the PUBLIC/WORLD regarding the United States CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of CRIMINAL/CIVIL WRONGS. 20. There are approximately TWO United States President (i.e. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy) who were ASSASSINATED because of the likes of Respondents, Obama Administration, etc. and others who did not want to move FORWARD and INSISTED on keeping a RACE of people OPPRESSED and in BONDAGE! 21. PROMINATE Civil Rights Leaders (i.e. Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr.) were ASSASSINATED because of the likes of Respondents, Obama Administration, etc. and others who did not want to move FORWARD and INSISTED on keeping a RACE of people OPPRESSED and in BONDAGE! 22. As with Newsome, there are other African American women who have come under attack for speaking out and/or exercising Rights secured under the Constitution and/or laws of the United States. For instance: a. In July 2010, Shirley Sherrod (―Sherrod‖) was UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY removed from her job – i.e. Obama Administration requesting that she RESIGN. See EXHIBIT “17” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. It does NOT look good to the PUBLIC/WORLD when such attacks on Sherrod comes approximately 6 days AFTER Newsome‘s July 13, 2010 email entitled, ――U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The Downfall/Doom of the Obama Administration – Corruption/Conspiracy/Cover- Up/Criminal Acts Made Public‖ - which was received by United States President Barack Obama and those in his Administration (i.e. like Shirley Page 22 of 113
  • 24. Sherrod‘s boss – Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack) – See EXHIBIT “18” – Excerpt of the July 13, 2010 email evidencing Thomas Vilsack as a RECIPIENT. Sherrod who is an ACTIVIST and a product of an HBCU (Historical Black College and University) – Albany State University. Newsome being an ACTIVIST and product of HBCU – Florida A&M University. b. In November 2010, Velma Hart was FIRED/TERMINATED/LAID OFF from her job as Chief Financial Officer for American Veterans AFTER being TELEVISED questioning President Obama stating for instance: ―Quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the man for change I voted for, and deeply disappointed with where we are right now. I‘ve been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I‘m one of those people and I‘m waiting, sir, I‘m waiting. I don‘t feel it yet . . .‖ See EXHIBIT “19” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. Newsome knew that based upon the MEDIA coverage, that Hart’s employment days were NUMBERED. Sure enough ―acting TRUE to form‖ Hart may have been FIRED/TERMINATED/LAID OFF as a direct and proximate result of exercising her First Amendment Rights. c. Clearly under the Willie Lynch Practices one can see the concerns such OPPRESSORS had regarding the African-American/Black Woman. Such Oppressors thought that Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. was a problem/threat so the United States Government was pleased with such Civil Rights Leaders’ assassinations. Now they are finding out that Newsome and a number of other African-American/Black women are NOT remaining silent and giving into the WILLIE LYNCH practices. 23. Newsome uses not only her own PERSONAL experiences but those of citizens such as ―Carl Brandon‖ and ―Omar Thornton‖ who were targeted and subjected to DISCRIMINATORY practices and CONSPIRACIES for purposes of forcing and driving them to commit criminal acts – See EXHIBITS “20” (Carl Brandon) and “21” (Omar Thornton)16 attached hereto and incorporated by reference 16; Examiner~y2010m8d8-Possibility-that-Omar-Thornton-did-not-act-alone Using the following excerpts: Some people don‘t want to discuss racism as being a form of violence because it would reveal that they themselves are in fact extremely violent and in denial about it. Omar Thornton‘s incident has a host of websites spewing hate talk toward African-Americans. Hartford Distributors may have used racism and gradually managed to kill Omar Thornton mentally and emotionally before the killing spree via attrition. Jessica Anne Brocuglio, an ex-girlfriend of Omar Thornton, comes forward with character evidence: He always felt like he was being discriminated (against) because he was black[.]‖ ―Basically they wouldn’t give him pay raises. He never felt like they accepted him as a hard working person.‖ Page 23 of 113
  • 25. as if set forth in full herein. Newsome having gone PUBLIC and WORLDWIDE in showing how the ―WILLIE LYNCH‖17 practices are implemented by the likes of This statement corroborates with what Kristi Hannah, Omar Thornton‘s fiancée before his death, had been telling the Manchester Police Department about Hartford Distributors treating him like a persona non grata. Plus, a fellow co-worker who was employed with Omar Thornton at Hartford Distributors has come forward stating that he had seen the racist taunts: ―Stuff on walls. Racist comments. I saw with my own eyes.‖ More importantly, the fellow co-worker said Mr. Thornton was hired as a truck driver; yet, he was assigned to loading boxes in the warehouse. Mr. Thornton had to fight to get behind the wheel. The co-worker then states that Hartford Distributors are lying and the evidence is in Omar‘s cell phone. These statements are serious and they are not based upon speculation. This places the co-worker in a position to be called as a key witness to racism within Hartford Distributors. Although the co-worker is no longer under the employ of Hartford Distributors, he has witnessed these incidents first-hand. These statements make it appear as if Hartford Distributors is deliberately being obtuse to shield themselves from potential liability. As Marcellus said in William Shakespeare‘s play ―Hamlet,‖ ―[s]omething is rotten in the state of Denmark.‖ Thus far, the answers provided by Hartford Distributors just rubs me the wrong way. But underneath, Thornton seethed with a sense of racial injustice for years that culminated in a shooting rampage Tuesday in which the Connecticut man killed eight and wounded two others at his job at Hartford Distributors in Manchester before killing himself. "I know what pushed him over the edge was all the racial stuff that was happening at work," said his girlfriend, Kristi Hannah. Thornton, a black man, said as much in a chilling, four-minute 911 call. "You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up," Thornton said in a recording released Thursday. "This place is a racist place. They're treating me bad over here. And treat all other black employees bad over here, too. So I took it to my own hands and handled the problem. I wish I could have got more of the people." . . . One time Thornton had a confrontation with a white co-worker who used a racial slur against him, she said. Thornton changed jobs a few times because he was not getting raises, Brocuglio said. "I'm sick of having to quit jobs and get another job because they can't accept me," she said he told her. . . . Brocuglio's sister, Toni, said Thornton would come home and say co-workers called him racial slurs. He was also upset by comments made by passers-by about the interracial couple, she said. "He just didn't understand why people had so much hatred in their lives," Toni Brocuglio said. . . . But Hannah said he showed her cell phone photos of racist graffiti in the bathroom at the beer company and overheard a company official using a racial epithet in reference to him, but a union representative did not return his phone calls. Police said they recovered the phone and forensics experts would examine it. and Port Gibson Shooter (Carl Brandon) complained of: Apparently, the deadly shooting rampage was the culmination of years of anger and frustration over what the shooter believed to be false accusations of sexual harassment. "I don't know how you can consider me a danger. I was made a criminal through the system. . . ―I would put Carl Brandon as a model from my town. I think he was one of the more intellegent and well manners persons in the class. i cannot imagine this guy walking up one morning to decide that he want to destroy his life and others.‖ – Sarah Kelly (Chicago, IL) ―Some time a person try to walk away from a problem, but there are people in this world that want let them do that. This man had left his job and move on, but that was not good enough. They had to call his job and tell them what happened 9 years ago, and got this man fired. I hate that he let the devil take over him at the time, but I do understand . . . I hope we can learn something from this tragedy.‖ – Shelly Jones (Nashville, TN) ―He had lost his job because someone said he had harassed them. He lost his reputation and the respect of some. When he tried to move on some vindictive, vicious persons went to his next job and scandalized him. He fought through every legal avenue available to him and found no justice.‖ – Cassandra Cook Butler (AOL) 17 ―In my bag here, I have a foolproof [sic] method of controlling your black slaves. I guarantee every one of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. . . Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. . . I use fear, distrust and envy for control. . . The Breaking Process of the African Woman Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. TEST her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bull whip on her to extract the last bit of resistance out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economic. . . .‖ Page 24 of 113
  • 26. Respondents for purposes of breaking down Newsome and those of her Race for purposes of keeping them OPPRESSED, ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE! Moreover, to drive CITIZENS into committing criminal acts as a direct and proximate result of CONSPIRACIES involving racially motivated violations of the laws. See EXHIBIT “22” – Willie Lynch document attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. So NO foreign citizens in the MIDDLE EAST can clearly see from documentation and EVIDENCE provided them that the “Obama Administration” is a SHAM – i.e. CORRUPT as well as the United States JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Clearly the United States can be NO role model in that it engages in CORRUPTION and the COVER-UP of discriminatory practices, human/civil rights violations, obstruction of justice, and other criminal/civil wrongs leveled against African-Americans and/or people of color. 24. It was IMPORTANT to Newsome that the PUBLIC/WORLD saw just how the First ALLEDGED African-American President (Barack Obama) ABANDONED his Pastor Jeremiah Wright when EXCERPTS of his sermons (i.e. SIMILAR practice as that used on Shirley Sherrod) were taken OUT-OF- CONTEXT to makeWright appear as CRAZY, LUNATIC, and HOSTILE. Moreover, how the WHITE candidates (i.e. Hilary Clinton – now Secretary of State and Sarah Palin who was the Vice Presidential Candidate for Republican Party) wanted to paint Wright as a TERRORIST!! IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It was a good thing that Army Spc. Bradley Manning released information regarding the United States Government‘s CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of crimes. Moreover, WikiLeaks sharing information with the WORLD – then the coming of a release of ―U.S.: 1940s STD an Article on or about October 1, 2010, entitled, Experiments ―Clearly Unethical‖ SUPPORTING the United States Government‘s role in UNETHICAL practices – i.e. as that of the Tuskegee Test which were INFLICTED on African-American men. See EXHIBIT “23” - “U.S.: 1940s STD Experiments “Clearly Unethical” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. So while the United States was trying to portray the preacher (Jeremiah Wright) as being CRAZY, TERRORIST, etc. and taking EXCERPTS from sermons to DECEIVE the Nation – LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!! The TRUTH is surfacing and being released to the PUBLIC/WORLD as with that provided by WikiLeaks. 25. While President Obama and his Administration are attempting to make it APPEAR that they were for the citizens of Egypt and other Foreign Nations taking back their Government, they were NOT. President Obama and his Administration CLEARLY are in FEAR now because they realize that the NEW Foreign Governments being established by those who have been OPPRESSED, ENSLAVED and in BONDAGE for DECADES (i.e. some over 40 Years) will NOT Page 25 of 113
  • 27. allow the United States to DICTATE and continue to use their POWER to TERRORIZE them as they have done to Newsome and others that SPEAK OUT and EXPOSE CORRUPTION, INJUSTICES, RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, etc. Newsome believes it is President Obama‘s time to take his OWN advice: STEP DOWN FROM OFFICE – i.e. in that he has known of the CORRUPTION and COVER-UP of crimes and civil wrongs leveled not only against Newsome but those of other citizens of the United States that were TIMELY, PROPERLY and ADEQUATELY brought to his attention; however, made a CONSCIOUS and WILLING decision to look the other way. Leaving to question as with IMPEACHED President Nixon – WHAT did President Barack Obama know and WHEN did he know it? Newsome believesit is time for President Obama and his TERRORIST/SUPREMACIST/RACIST Regime to LEAVE the White House. Therefore, Newsome has INITIATED the appropriate legal action(s) – Petition for EXTRAORDINARY WRIT with the Supreme Court of the United States for the CORRECTION and EXPOSURE of practices OUTLAWED HUNDREDS of Years Ago. 26. President Obama‘s/United States Government‘s RECENTLY coming out and speaking out as though they were for the citizens in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Libya, etc. and other Foreign citizens taking ON/BACK their government is a FARCE and the Foreign Citizens/Leaders know it. Foreign Leaders/Media/Citizens may be aware of the attacks on Newsome because she has released information to be shared as to the OPPRESSIVE and ENSLAVEMENT practices of the United States Government, employers and those who have conspired with them to destroy her life. For instance leaders in EGYPT knew that placing President Obama in the White House was a FRONT and merely DECEPTIVE acts to mislead Foreign Countries, their Leaders and Citizens: Muhammad Habib, first deputy to the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, said: He said ―the US Administration employs all cards to serve its own interests.” that the speech that Obama intends to deliver in Egypt is “of no value.‖ He added: ―Statements and speeches must be associated with, or preceded by real change in policy on the ground, because policy is judged by deeds, not words.‖ See EXHIBIT “24”“EGYPT‘S Opposition Leaders Sound Off On - Upcoming Obama Visit” attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. As well as the following information at: Page 26 of 113
  • 28. out-vision-of-muslim.html . . . Bin Laden said that Obama's approach to the Muslim world was no different from that of Bush18, whose policies — from the invasion of Iraq to the use of some interrogation methods widely considered torture — convinced many Muslims that the United States had launched a war on Islam. . . However, Gamal Eid, the head of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, said he planned to decline the invitation. The Israeli ambassador to he didn't want to be in the same Egypt also is invited, and Eid said room as a representative of what he called a "criminal" government. See EXHIBIT “25” – “Obama to Lay Out Vision of Muslim’s World’s Future” Article attached hereto and incorporated by reference. ALL FOR POLITICAL/POLL POINTS - - With ALL the Government INTELLIGENCE the United States has, how CONVENIENT it was that Bin Laden has been killed – 4 days AFTER President Obama releases his ALLEDGED Birth Certificate. See EXHIBIT “6” at the 16th Page. President Obama TAKING CREDIT for ordering Bin Laden‘s death. LOOK AT THE TIMING of this News!!!! 27. This Court has retained copies of the PFEW in this action as well as the $300 Filing Fee submitted. Newsome being a paying litigant in that it appeared to her that this Court may have attempted to try and get her to come before it in the “In Forma Pauperis” (―IFP‖) status to avoid having to address the issues presented therein – i.e. in that IFP pleadings/filings do NOT appear to be subject to the same standard of review as that of PAYING litigants. In re McDonald, 489 U.S. 180, 109 S.Ct. 993 (1989) Jessie McDonald may well have abused his right to file petitions in this Court without payment of the docketing fee; the Court's order documents that fact. I do not agree, however, that he poses such a threat to the orderly administration of justice that we should embark on the unprecedented and dangerous course the Court charts today. . . . I am most concerned, however, that if, as I fear, we continue on the course we chart today, we will end by closing our doors to a litigant with a meritorious claim. It is rare, but it does happen on occasion that we grant review and even decide in favor of a litigant who previously had presented multiple unsuccessful*188 petitions on the same issue. See, e.g., Chessman v. Teets, 354 U.S. 156, 77 S.Ct. 1127, 1 L.Ed.2d 1253 (1957); see id., at 173-177, 77 S.Ct. at 1136-1138 (Douglas, J., dissenting). "Petitioner is no stranger to us. Since 1971, he has made 73 separate filings with the Court, not including this petition, which is his eighth so far this Term. These include 4 appeals, 33 petitions for certiorari, 99 petitions for extraordinary writs, 7 applications for stay and other injunctive relief, and 10 petitions for rehearing." Id. pp. 994- 995. 18 PUBLIC/WORLD needs to know because President Obama may be relying upon the advice of the same counsel and/or advisors used by President Bush. Page 27 of 113
  • 29. "But paupers filing pro se petitions are not subject to the financial considerations - filing fees and attorney's fees - that deter other litigants from filing frivolous petitions." Id. p. 996. The Supreme Court (even after all of McDonald's filings) did not close the door to McDonald. A litigant who is identified as filing 73 separate filings in a one-year period; however, ruled, "Petitioner remains free under the present order to file in forma pauperis requests for relief other than an extraordinary writ, if he qualifies under the Court's Rule 46 and does not similarly abuse that privilege." Id. p. 996. 28. The EMERGENCY relief sought through EM/ORS and PFEW is that which is required to deter and mitigate damages sustained by Newsome. Moreover, is relief that should have been sought by the appropriate Government Agency(s) to which matters were brought; however, failed to perform ministerial duties owed Newsome in RETALIATION of her having brought legal action and/or knowledge of her engagement in protected activities – i.e. active role in conspiracy(s) leveled against Newsome. 29. Newsome would be prejudiced by this action should this Court deny her EQUAL protection of the laws, EQUAL privileges and immunities of the laws and DUE PROCESS of laws in the handling of this instant RT031711&042711SCL to which it supports the PFEW and EM/ORS submitted to the attention of this Court for filing. Therefore, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is being filed to preserve the rights, arguments and defenses asserted by Newsome under the statutes/laws governing said matters. 30. For the sake from having to reargue issues/arguments/defenses and legal conclusions, Newsome incorporates by reference ―PFEW‖ and ―EM/ORS‖ as well as their supporting Appendices/Exhibits submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States for filing. 31. Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusions provided herein as well as in ―PFEW‖ and ―EM/ORS‖ will sustain that the Supreme Court of the United States MUST take jurisdiction in this matter; CANNOT pass it by because it may be doubtful; MUST decide the issues/questions presented before this Court; and CANNOT decline the exercise of jurisdiction to which Newsome is entitled: Ex parte Young, 209 U.S. 123, 165, 28 S.Ct. 441, 52 L.Ed. 714 (1908) - [HN1] The United States Supreme Court will not take jurisdiction if it should not; but it is equally true that it MUST take jurisdiction if it should. The judiciary CANNOT, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the Constitution. The court CANNOT pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, the court MUST decide it, if it is brought before it. The court has NO more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction, which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be TREASON to the Constitution. Questions may occur which the court would gladly avoid, but the court CANNOT avoid them. All the court can do is to exercise its best judgment, and conscientiously perform its duty. Page 28 of 113
  • 30. for to do so would be TREASON to the Constitution. Therefore, Newsome seeks this Court‘s addressing issues/questions presented it and to perform the duties owed her as well as the citizens of the United States. I. ALL WRITS ACT Newsome hopes that the Supreme Court of the United States understands that due to the EXTRAORDINARY, EXCEPTIONAL and CRITICAL/EXIGENT circumstances involved in this case, this instant RT031711&042711SCL is necessary in response its March 17, 2011 letter to her. Newsome hopes that there is sufficient and adequate information contained herein as well as in EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices to end concerns of what she believes may be DILATORY practices by this Court in light of the DAMAGING information contained herein which actually has LED back to its DOORSTEPS due to its FAILURE to act when Newsome first began coming to this Court to address such HIDEOUS criminal behavior and civil violations. Due to the extenuating factors involved and the impact such crimes/civil wrongs have had not only on Newsome but the PUBLIC/WORLD at large, she request that her Petition for Extraordinary Writ be filed and this Court issue the required legal process on Respondents. Newsome believes that there is sufficient Respondent information – i.e. names, addresses, etc. - available in this EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices to move forward. Even if not, this Court has the proper legal tools and resources to retain information to avoid any further delays in the PROSECUTION and ADMINISTRATION of justice. 28 USC § 1651 Writs: (a) The Supreme Court and all courts established by Act of Congress may issue ALL writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and principles of law. Section 376 provided: ―. . . The Supreme Court. . . shall have power to issue ALL writs NOT specifically provided for by statute, which may be NECESSARY for the exercise of their respective jurisdictions, and agreeable to the usages and principles of law.‖ Ex parte Fahey, 67 S.Ct. 1558 (1947) - United States Supreme Court has power to issue extraordinary writs . . .but such Page 29 of 113
  • 31. remedies should be resorted to only where appeal is clearly inadequate, and they are reserved for really extraordinary causes. Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Edition): All Writs Act – A federal statute that gives the U.S. Supreme Court and all courts established by Congress the power to issue writs in aid of their jurisdiction and in conformity with the usages and principles of law. Black’s Law Dictionary – Second Pocket Edition: Writ: A court‘s written order, in the name of a state or other competent legal authority, commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some specified act. Extraordinary Writ: A writ issued by a court exercising unusual or discretionary power. Original Writ: A writ commencing an action and directing the defendant to appear and answer. U.S. v. Denedo, 129 S.Ct. 2213 (U.S.,2009) - Under the All Writs Act, a court's power to issue any form of relief, extraordinary or otherwise, is contingent on that court's subject-matter jurisdiction over the case or controversy. 28 U.S.C.A. § 1651(a). Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Federal Election Com'n, 125 S.Ct. 2 (U.S.,2004) - Authority granted to courts under the All Writs Act is to be used sparingly and only in the most critical and exigent circumstances. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist, sitting as single Justice.) 28 U.S.C.A. § 1651(a). Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Federal Election Com'n, 125 S.Ct. 2 (U.S.,2004) - Authority granted to courts under the All Writs Act is appropriately exercised only: (1) when necessary or appropriate in aid of court's jurisdiction; and (2) when legal rights at issue are indisputably clear. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist, sitting as single Justice.) 28 U.S.C.A. § 1651(a). PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in compliance with the March 17, 2011 Letter issued by this Court, and in furtherance of claims addressed in EM/ORS, PFEW and subsequent filings to said pleadings, Newsome states: 32. Her concerns as to what she believes to be this Court‘s attempt to MISLEAD her and/or MISGUIDE her into thinking that the ONLY type of Extraordinary Writs this Court will address are: extraordinary writ of mandamus, mandamus/prohibition, habeas corpus – when it IS NOT!! 33. Newsome believes that a reasonable mind may conclude that the EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices clearly supports and provides this Court with ADEQUATE and SUFFICIENT information that it could have concluded that Newsome seeks to bring legal actions under the ―ALL WRITS ACT‖ and/or applicable statutes/laws governing claims addressed in EM/ORS and Page 30 of 113
  • 32. PFEW. Furthermore, based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusions, this Court having the DUTY and OBLIGATION to correct any/all miscarriage of justice reported through this action and/or known to it. 34. Based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusion provided in Newsome‘s EM/ORS and PFEW, she seeks legal relief under the All Writs Act and any/all applicable statutes/laws to correct legal wrongs addressed and/or known to this Court which may include the following (i.e. however, is not limited to said listing): a. Original Writ b. Writ of Conspiracy c. Writ of Course d. Writ of Detinue e. Writ of Entry f. Writ of Exigi Facias g. Writ of Formedon h. Writ of Injunction i. Writ of Mandamus j. Writ of Possession k. Writ of Praecipe l. Writ of Protection m. Writ of Recaption n. Writ of Prohibition o. Writ of Review p. Writ of Supersedeas q. Writ of SUPERVISORY CONTROL r. Writ of Securitate Pacis s. Extraterritorial Writs Page 31 of 113
  • 33. 35. Newsome believes based upon the facts, evidence and legal conclusions, that the record evidence will sustain that CRITICAL and EXIGENT circumstances exist to support her EM/ORS and PFEW; moreover, relief under the ―All Writs Act.‖ Furthermore, Newsome‘s EM/ORS and PFEW sets forth evidence and facts that authority under the ―All Writs Act‖ is warranted to aid in this Court‘s Jurisdiction and that the Legal Rights at ISSUE are INDISPUTABLY clear. Wisconsin Right to Life v. Federal Election Com’n, 125 S.Ct. 2, 542 U.S. 1305, 159 L.Ed.2d 805 (2004) – Authority granted to courts under the All Writs Act is to be used sparingly and only in the most CRITICAL and EXIGENT circumstances (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist). Authority granted under the All Rights Act is appropriately exercised only: (1) when necessary or appropriate to aid in court‘s jurisdiction; and (2) when legal rights at ISSUE are INDISPUTABLY clear. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist). Id. 36. Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusions provided in EM/ORS and PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices will sustain that the Writs sought as well as other applicable relief KNOWN to this Court to correct the legal wrongs reported will sustain LEGISLATIVELY approved sources of PROCEDURAL INSTRUMENTS designed to achieve RATIONAL ends of law and may be used by this Court in ISSUING the APPROPRIATE Orders to assist it in conducting FACTUAL INQUIRIES/INVESTIGATIONS into the Issues/Claims set forth in EM/ORS, PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices. Harris v. Nelson, 89 S.Ct. 1082, 394 U.S. 286, 22 L.Ed.2d 281, rehearing denied 89 S.Ct. 1623, 394 U.S. 1025, 23 L.Ed. 50 (1969) – All Writs Act serves as LEGISLATIVELY approved source of procedural instruments designed to achieve rational ends of law and may be relied on by courts in issuing order appropriate to ASSIST them in CONDUCTING FACTUAL INQUIRIES. 37. The Supreme Court of the United States have statutory authority as well as inherent power to execute the applicable Orders that are necessary to CORRECT the legal wrongs/injustices and prevent interference/obstruction of justice to the implementation of said Orders sought. U.S. v. Wallace, 218 F.Supp. 290 (1963) – The courts of the United States have statutory authority as well as inherent power to enter such orders as may be necessary to effectuate their lawful decrees and to prevent interference with, and obstruction to, their implementation. 38. Newsome believes that the facts, evidence and legal conclusion provided in the EM/ORS and PFEW and their supporting Exhibits/Appendices will sustain that this matter is of ―PUBLIC IMPORTANCE‖ and is of PUBLIC/NATIONAL security in that it supports the COVER-UP of Respondents, President Barack Obama, his Administration and the United States Government of CORRUPTION, CRIMINAL/CIVIL VIOLATIONS and TERRORIST/RACIST/ SUPREMACIST practices. Furthermore, the record evidence will SUPPORT a WILLFUL disregard of legislative policy, rules of the Supreme Court of the United Page 32 of 113