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A fan posted a video of Sebastian Stan telling
a fan who picked Team Ironman that it was
okay, but Team
Cap is "the only
and right" one.
Robert Downey
Jr. passed by and
smooched right
on Stan's cheek.
Stan shared his opinions of being a Team Cap
member during an Interview with Total Film.
He said: "It's easy for Bucky, he just goes, 'I'm
going to follow the guy that I might have a
future with. That might help me live a life'."
We can't help but to let our mind run wild
after hearing this. Fans commented : "See,
that’s why you guys started a Civil War",
"Does Ironman want to make Cap jealous,
or he want to take Bucky away from him?"
aptain America: Civil War which will
be officially released in April 27th, is
making Avengers to fight with each
other by dividing into Team Cap and Team
Ironman. We know that it was Bucky who's
the main reason causing all the fight between
these superheroes. But outside the movie,
Bucky also seemed to become the main
reason why Cap and Ironman started a fight.
Cap And Ironman Started The Civil War
All Because Of Him?
2016/04/12 15:14
4 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/04/24 13:06
It's True Love! Sebastian Stan Picked Up Chris
Evan's Left Boob Grab Habit
Whenever Chris Evans got
excited, he'll go with the
"left boob grab" action.
or the upcoming Captain
America: Civil War
movie, the actors had
split into Team Cap and
Team Ironman for world tour
promotions. Chris Evans,
Sebastian Stan, Anthony
Mackie and director Joe Russel
visited Beijing together and was
in a large scale fan meeting.
They were also interviewed by
China medias that we ended
up discovering Stan picked up
Evan's "left boob grab" habit.
Evans, well-known for his
hot body and role of Captain
America, has the special habit
of leaning back grabing his
left boob while laughing hard.
But it became a "bad habit"
that Evans
n o t o n l y
g r a b h i s
own boob,
but also other male actors'.
H e n c e , S t a n m i m i c k e d
C h r i s E v a n s ' l e f t b o o b
grab movement in Chicago
Comic Con 2014. He even
replayed it by slow motion.
And now Stan seemed to
have taken this bad habit
himself. During an interview
with Evans and Mackie in
China. Stan laughed so hard
to Anthony Mackie's jokes,
and did the "left boob grab" to
himself right away. It surprised
all the fans that he's totally
assimilated by Evans. "This
teaches us don't ever make fun
of your friend's movement and
laughter, because you might get
used to it one day", said fans.
"This is absolutely true love".
aptain America: Civil War will be in
theaters on May 6th in North America
and China. The actors are now busy
promoting the film in various shows, interviews
and activities. Chris Evans went to The Tonight
Show and played "Frozen Blackjack" with
host Jimmy Fallon on May 4th. The game was
followed that of a normal game of blackjack,
until the winner gets to pour a pitcher of ice-cold
water down the loser's pants after each hand.
After Evans got ice-freezing water poured onto
his crotch for 2 times, his best friend Bucky in
the movie made
Jimmy Fallon
drink his split,
w h i c h f a n s
jokingly called
it a "Revenge".
Jimmy Fallon was joined by stars Jeremy Renner,
Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany and Sebastian
Stan on May 5th. They didn't play "Frozen
Blackjack" like Evans did, but played Musical
Beers instead. Five of them are going to try and
grab a cup of beer each round until the last one
to survive becomes the winner. Stan showed up
in the show with a fierce look who looks exactly
the same as his role Winter Soldier. The way
he unbuttons his
suit and the way he
hugged and yelled
at Jimmy Fallon,
shows his confident
with this game.
2016/05/06 15:57
Revenge For Captain America?
Jimmy Fallon Drinks Sebastian Stan’s Spit
During the first round, Stan keeps grabbing
onto every cup of beer nervously, and was
warned not to do this by Fallon. But the one to
be kicked out in the first round was Bettany. In
the second round, a small "accident" occurred.
Stan was too nervous and thought the music
had stopped. He drank the beer in front of
him, but the game is still going on. To keep
the game going, Stan had no choice but to spit
the beer back into the cup, which became the
one Fallon had to drink it up. Renner hasn't
got any cup in this round, but he's happy that
he don't have to drink spit and was so happy
to lose. Fallon finish drinking the "spit beer"
with Stan showing a cute sorry face beside him.
After seeing Fallon's brave movement of
drinking the "spit beer", Stan gave him a hug
with full respect. Olsen was the third one out in
the game, leaving Stan and Fallon to compete
for the last round. Stan even joked: "We already
made out!" He behaved just like a frightened
kitten during the final round, but still too nervous
to fetch the last cup of beer which made Jimmy
Fallon the winner. Stars from Captain America:
Civil War all lost the game and got eliminated.
F a n s o n t h e
I n t e r n e t w a s
like, "Sebastian
won by making
Jimmy drink his
spit", "I think
i t w a s B u c k y
to revenge for
his pal Steve!"
6 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/06 11:23
Sebastian Stan Already Predicted
He'll Fight With Ironman 3 Years Ago
a p t a i n A m e r i c a :
Civil War got great
reputations before
screening. Despite it hasn't
officially released in North
America and China until
May 6th, but has already
crosses over $261 million at
worldwide box office. Almost
all of the Avengers members
appear in this movie although
it was a solo film for Captain
America. They had to fight
with each other which brought
positive influence on the
box office. Captain America
fighting Ironman together
with Bucky is one of the most
epic scenes in this movie.
However, this had already been
predicted by Sebastian Stan
3 years ago, not even when
"Captain America: The Winter
Soldier" had been released.
Steve Roger's best friend
Bucky, who was caught and
brainwashed by Hydra, has
become a fierce killing machine
in Captain America movies.
Sebastian Stan, who plays
Bucky in the movie, posted
a photo of himself suited in
the Winter Solder's costume,
and was also holding a helmet
of Iron Man's. He wrote:
"Well here's a goddamn #tbt
So...back in the #wintersoldier
film 2013, one day on set,
as I was changing, I found
that helmet in a bag. And it
stared at me. I grabbed it and
immediately after I took this
picture, I sent it to Kevin Feige.
Little did I know, that a few
years later I would face the
man. Let's go. #civilwar this
weekend. See what this picture
became. P.s. This is what
the Russos referred to back
in the collider interview. "
Fans felt amazed by this
photo, but also speculate that
the staffs from Marvel was
already hinting Stan that he
will fight with Iron Man in
the next Captain America
film. Watching this photo
of the past Captain America
set becomes reality, is still
really amazing to all of us.
But what fangirls mostly care
about is San's strong jaws and
handsome profile. This photo
reaches more than 50,000 like
after posted onto Instagram
just in 4 hours, showing
Stan's just a real heart-throb.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/07 16:25
Captain America: Civil War Stars
Show Their Drawing Skills... And It's Shocking
arvel's Captain America: Civil War has now hit the theaters all around the world.
The actors were divided into Team Cap and Team Ironman to go on a world
tour promotion, so that fans can get the chance to see their favorite Superheroes.
When these actors got interviewed by E!News, they were asked to draw Captain America
in different situations by drawing lots. And it turned out quite funny and shocking.
Chris Evans' drawing of Cap playing basketball. Jeremy Renner's drawing of Cap playing golf.
Elizabeth Olsen's drawing of Cap walking a dog. Anthony Mackie's drawing of Cap playing tennis.
8 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N
Since the movie was adapted from comic books, E!News wants to find out who has the
best drawing skills. The reporter gave each of them a sketchbook, and asked them to draw
what Captain America was doing in only 30 seconds. Everyone seemed stressed by this
short time limit, and had no choice but to turn Cap into Match-man. Paul Rudd drew a
picture of Cap riding a horse, but fans thought it seemed more like a pig than a horse.
Paul Bettany's drawing of Cap eating icecream. Don Cheadle's drawing of Cap playing golf.
Paul Rudd's "Cap riding a horse" drawing,
were thought of as Cap riding on a pig.
Sebastian Stan remembered drawing Cap's biceps when he's
walking a dog. Fans think this detail was quite good.
In fact, Sebastian Stan had been asked to show his drawing
skills before when promoting in China. He was asked by
Chinese fans to draw a Winter Soldier on Wiebo. He drew
a Winter Soldier within only few simple lines, but it shows
all the main features. Some fans even used this and print it
on a T-Shirt. But when it comes to drawing Cap, it doesn't
quite work out for Sebastian Stan. Although he gave Cap his
phenomenal biceps which look exactly the same as Chris
Evans' body figure, but it just looks somehow funny. Well, at
least this is by far the best drawing we can see in this crew.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/08 10:15
3 Winter Soldiers Together,
All Turning into Minions!
aptain America who was always
concerning about others more than
himself, showed the audience his more
"selfish" side in Captain America: Civil War
movie to protect and back his old pal Bucky
up. On the other hand, Sebastian Stan who
played the Winter Soldier, also have different
personalities on set and off set. Differnt from
his cold-blooded assassin character in the
movie, he's a sweet and loving guy in real life.
Yesterday, his stuntman posted a video of "3
Buckys” fooling around during the shooting.
In most Superhero movies, what fans expect
most is the amazing fighting scenes. The actors
have to devote themselves into hard training,
but there will also be stuntmen and women
to finish difficult parts for them. Yesterday,
Sebastian Stan’s stuntman James Young
posted a Dubsmash video of himself, Stan
and another stuntman singing the Minions'
Banana Song. The one raining his hand up
high and spinning in circles is Sebastian
Stan. The three Buckys really had much fun.
Fans were like, "How cute", "Maybe the next
Minion movie will be played by Buckys".
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/09 13:30
What was is Winter Soldier's Backpack
in Captain America: Civil War?
n C a p t a i n A m e r i c a :
Civil War, the friendship
between Steve Rogers and
Bucky Barnes's has caught
a lot of attention. Even the
Russo Brothers called it a
"Love Story". Steve never
gave up on his best friend
Bucky, despite he has already
become a threat to the world
by Hydra, and even started a
fight with Ironman for him.
When Bucky was mistaken
as the suspect who bombed
the Vienna Conference, the
government sent soldiers to
arrest him in Romania. He
don't have any weapons to run
away with, but the only thing
he took, was a mysterious
backpack. The contents of the
backpack may surprise you.
Thanks to Steve's effort
and never giving up on his
pal, Bucky don't want to
be manipulated by Hydra
anymore. He hid himself in
Romania to live a low-key
life. But Steve still found him,
and wants to help. Bucky was
forced to run away by those
heavily-armed pursuing troops.
Instead of taking any weapon
along with him, he only took a
backpack with him which was
hidden under the wooden floor.
During his run-away progress,
he locked the backpack tight
onto his body. You can tell
how important it is for Bucky.
Although no one explained
the story about this backpack,
which caused great curiosity,
but Sebastian Stan speaks out
for Bucky. "In his backpack
there are a dozen notebooks
that compose the scattered
memories dating back to as
far as he can remember which
somewhat piece together a
scattered life. In a similar way
to Alzheimer's, he's written
things down, for fear of losing
his memory again. He was
prepared, were something to
happen, to walk away with
nothing but that backpack,
which is why it's the only
thing he takes and knowing
full well that not everything
those pages contain is pretty."
In his answer, we can tell
that Bucky really want to
disconnect with Hydra and
never kill someone again. He
had been frozen and defrosted
for so many years, that he has
no one to rely on anymore.
Of course, he wouldn't go to
Steve initiatively. So he had
no choice but to live solely far
away in a place where he might
have to leave at any time.
Sebastian Stan explained
to fans what was actually
inside Bucky's backpack.
Besides, Stan said that Bucky
"doesn’t really know who he
is “during an interview with
Entertainment Weekly. He said
Bucky and Steve "Never had
the chance to choose" since
they've enrolled in the army
at such a young age. In this
movie, Bucky who've learned
certain things about himself,
is still on the journey to find
out the meaning of his life.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/10 13:26
Winter Soldier May be in the Black Widow Movie?
t's every Marvel fan's wish
to have a solo movie of
their favorite Superhero.
U S A T o d a y m a d e 1 0 0 0
fans who have seen Captain
America: Civil War pick which
Superhero movie they would
most want to see. Scarlett
Johansson's Black Widow
received 48% of the vote to
lead. Marvel President Kevin
Feige has also confirmed
that Black Widow's movie is
the one they are most likely
to shoot, making fans so
excited. In fact, in the lines of
Captain America: Civil War,
already hinted that Winter
Soldier could have become
one of the main characters
in the Black Widow movie.
In Captain America: Civil War,
Bucky has regained some past
memories. But Zemo read the
trigger words out so that Bucky
became brainwashed and turned
into the fierce assassin again.
He fought with his old pal
Steve, Falcon, Ironman, Black
Panther, Agent 13 and Black
Widow. Black Widow rode on
his shoulders and was trying to
knock him out, sadly it didn't
work out. She was thrown onto
a table and was almost choked to death by the uncontrollable
Winter Soldier. She said to him, "You could at least recognize
me." Although it still didn't help calming Winter Soldier to calm
d o w n , b u t
this line made
many audience
feel curious,
do they meant
to have some
unknown past
with each other?
As a matter of fact, Natasha already told Steve that she had fought
with Winter Soldier before back
in the Captain America: The
Winter Soldier movie. He shooted
Natasha in the belly, which made
her unable to wear bikini again.
In the original comics, the two
showed much deeper feelings for
each other. She was once trained
under Winter Soldier, and the pair even had a short romance.
But not long after, Natasha was arranged by the KGB to marry
the renowned Soviet test pilot Alexei Shostakov. Hence, Natasha
is one of the very few company who Winter Soldier trusted in.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the relationship between
Winter Soldier and Black Widow had never been mentioned.
But according to what Natasha said to Bucky when he lost
his control, made people think that if one day Marvel's
gonna make a Black Widow movie, their relationship
may have been revealed inside. Let's just wait and see.
1 2 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/13 13:01
Does Bucky Ever Got To Eat His Plums?
fter Captain America:
Civil War has officially
released all around the
world, it has become a great
hit in the box office. People
are still choosing sides whether
they support Team Cap or Team
Ironman. Steve and Bucky's
relationship has also gained
massive attention. But some fans
didn't care much about the fight
between Cap and Ironman, but
was focused on one question,
"Did Bucky ever got to eat his plums?"
Since Bucky has regained some certain things about himself, he doesn't want to turn into the cold
blooded assassin again. He fled to Romania and
lived a low-key life. One scene in the movie
showed Bucky picking plums with him metal
arms in the market. This tells the audience
that the metal arm of Bucky's isn't a scary
weapon anymore, but is only a normal arm
like others. He bought 6 plums and returned to
his safe house, but discovered that Steve was
here. The two old pals didn't get much time to
chat, and was forced to run away because the
government has sent soldiers to capture Bucky.
Soon after, the fight begins. But we notice that
Bucky's bag of plum had disappeared. He barely
kept the backpack filled with notebooks with
him, without the bag of plums at all. Fans were
discussing: "Bucky haven't got to eat his plums
which breaks my heart", "My favorite scene is
the one Bucky buying plums", "He turned back
into the sweet Bucky, and you still wouldn't let
him eat his plum?" The discussion about Bucky's
plums were so massive that it got over 10,000
posts on Tumblr.
Some fans even discuss the reason why
Bucky bought plums. In addition to it may be
his favorite fruit, someone found out some
academic information showing that plums might
be helpful for Bucky to regain past memories. It
is rich in antioxidants, making it one of the most
powerful treatments for Alzheimer's disease.
The anthocyanin and quercetin can prevent brain
cells from disintegrating. Eating 3~4 plus a day
can mitigate the impact of memory loss. Other
fans even made this into Memes, even Leonardo
DiCaprio was involved, causing great laughter.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/14 13:32
Like Father, like Son!Sebastian Stan Looks
Just Like A Young Luke Skywalker
aptain America: Civil
War has become a trend
that fans were talking
about these days. Recently, a
photo of Sebastian Stan's face
was morphed with a promo
shot of Mark Hamill from the
original Star Wars trilogy. The
two looked so much alike that
freaked so many people out.
An Instagram account posted a
morphed picture of Sebastian
Stan in the look of Mark
Hamill as Luke Skywalker,
has gained lots of attentions.
It is really amazing to see
the two look so a like with
o n e a n o t h e r, e s p e c i a l l y
with their beautiful eyes.
Mark Hamill was also awed
after seeing this photo. He
jokingly said that Sebastian
Stan could become Luke
Skywalker. The only difference
between the two is the beard.
When asked to describe
Sebastian Stan in 3 words, he
replied, "Lukealike pretend
Sebastian Stan also saw this
photo and was shocked their
similarity too. He said that he
went out for Star Wars 4 times
but wasn't meant to be, and
also said that, "Who knows in
the future but will certainly
consider. Thanks." After seeing
Sebastian Stan's reply fans have
begun to wish and beg Disney
who own the 2 films at the
same time to make it come true.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/15 13:55
Winter Soldier Joining The Black Panther Movie?
Kevin Feige Says......
aptain America: Civil War has become
a huge box office success all around
the world. Despite this may be the last
film of the Captain America movie series, but
the post-credit scene hints that the story might
not have ended so fast. Due to Steve and Bucky
showed up at Wakanda in the end of the movie,
this might have something to do with the Black
Panther movie scheduled to be released in 2018.
In the end of Captain America: Civil, Captain
America and Ironman had just both suffered
from a intense fight with each other. Steve threw
away his shield made by Howard Stark, and is
determined to bring Bucky whose metal arm was
cut off by Ironman away. They went to Wakanda
where T'Challa provided help and refuge for
them. Due to the regret of mistaking Bucky as
the murderer who killed his father, T'Challa
respected Bucky's choice to be cryogenically
frozen again and built a freezing chamber for
him. As a king, T'Challa promises Bucky's safety,
and tries to find out ways to get rid of the trigger
words out of Bucky's head during his sleep.
Steve was worried about the government
will come for Bucky, but T'Challa had
great confident by answering: "Let
them try". Then, the camera showed us
the stunning environment and the giant
statue of Black Panther in Wakanda.
This made the audience wonder, maybe it
could be the preview of the Black Panther
solo movie or Avengers: Infinity War. So,
is Bucky going to defrost and awake in the
Black Panther movie? Marvel President
Kevin Feige replied, "It... remains to be
seen. He’s certainly in stasis there. Where
and when he comes out? I’m not sure."
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/15 15:06
There Seems To Be "Something"
Going On Between Captain America and Bucky
arvel's Captain America: Civil War
has become a great hit recently. These
superheroes from were divided into
Team Cap and Team Ironman, but they fight with
each other for their own reason. There isn't really
a "true villain" in this movie. And what touches
us most, is the deep friendship between Captain
America and Bucky which has never changed
in more than 70 years. Cap showed his more
"selfish" side in this movie to protect and back his
pal Bucky up. He still thought Bucky as the kind
and considerate Bucky who lived in Brooklyn.
The strong bond between the two was even
considered it some kind of a "Love Story". This
m a d e S t u c k y
shippers thrilled
and somehow
also made people
to think that if
their relationship
is a little gay.
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan who plays
Steve and Bucky, were also asked about their
super-friendship during their whole-world-tour
promotion. In fact, the two had similar response
to how they view Cap and Bucky's relationship.
Way back in 2014, Sebastian Stan was in
Chelsea Lately for promoting Captain America:
The Winter Soldier. Chelsea Handler suggested
that "it's a little gay" between Cap and Bucky.
Stan answered, "Well, look, I mean, maybe it
was a little Brokeback Mountain at some time.
It was a little I won't quit you. But you know,
everybody cares about each other, what can I
1 6 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N
As for Evans, he almost felt the same saying that he
thinks Cap and Bucky's relationship is "A Love Story"
during an interview in China. He said that because
Steve and Bucky grew up together, they risked their
lives, had each other's back, and love one another
deeply, only not in a Brokeback Mountain way.
Evans and Stan had known each other since the
Captain America: The First Avenger back in 2011.
They've now become friends for about 6~7 years,
and had well understanding for each other. As a
matter of fact, it won't be too difficult for the two
to portrait the friendship between Cap and Bucky.
Stan even complimented on some Stucky fan arts during
an interview with The Daily Beast. He also described
Bucky's situation as: "He’s someone who is piecing together
a life and dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. He’s
paranoid, because he doesn’t know if he’s being followed or
if he’s being watched. He has a hard time trusting himself
because he’s learning about all the things he’s done that he
doesn’t remember. He’s in a very isolated place, and he’s sort
of like a scared animal. He’s just lost.” But to Bucky, Steve
is the only person as his only hope. "Because Steve Rogers is
the only guy who will keep him alive." Stan also stated that
Steve is Bucky's only family on this world. “They’re these
two guys who are totally out of a different world, they don’t
have anybody, they were ripped out of a past. They never had
a choice, necessarily. Certainly, Bucky never had a choice.
The idea for the guy was, ‘I’m going to go to war, because
that’s what I’m supposed to do for my country, and then
I’m going to come back and start a life’—but he never did.”
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/16 12:42
The Motorcycle-Stealing Scene is Too Handsome
That it Took Sebastian Stan 2 Falls to Finish
n the box office leader Captain America:
Civil War, Bucky who now hid in Romania
was framed by Zemo as the suspect who
bombed the conference in Vietnam and killed
the king of Wakanda. T'Challa was so furious
that he went after Bucky and tried to kill him.
The chase between them mainly happened
on a freeway filled with moving cars. Bucky
hijacked a motorcycle in the process. This
amazing scene played in slow motion has
stunned so many audiences, but it's in fact
a hard-work process for Sebastian Stan.
Sebastian Stan talked about this flip scene during an interview with . He revealed
that it was conducted by stunt coordinator Spiro Razatos who also did Captain America: The
Winter Soldier and Fast & Furious movies. He said, "Of course as an actor you want to be
involved, so they put me in there as much as it was safe to do. I’d never ridden a motorcycle
before. I fell off it twice in rehearsals ..." Sebastian Stan didn't even start the engine and
fell off twice, which made him think : Oh my god, this thing underneath me is an animal.
Sebastian Stan had also showed fans a picture of this precious moment on Instagram today. We
can see that long-haired Sebastian Stan was in a straight face while riding a Harley-Davidson.
He wrote: "That was fun. Before I fell off. Twice. You can see it on my face. The impending
doom. Instinct kicking in." Although the process was a little horrible, but it ended up well
in the movie and became one of the most memorable scenes in Captain America: Civil War.
1 8 • D O R AE M I • S E B A S T I A N
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/17 14:46
Sebastian Stan Becomes 1st on IMDb STARmeter!
Got Up to 200 Pounds For the Winter Soldier Role
ebastian Stan's portrait of
Bucky Barnes in Captain
America: Civil War is
very eye-catching. He showed
us the vulnerable side and guilt
of this character who had slowly
regained his own conscious and
memories. The chemistry between
Bucky and Captain America has
also gained lots of attention. This
had made Sebastian Stan more
popular than ever, gaining lots of
fans rapidly. His name has become
popular tag and keywords on
social media like Twitter and Tumblr. Now, he even became the 1st place on IMDB's STARmeter!
Stan was in TV Shows like Gossip Girl, The Kings, and Political
Animals. He was also in The Martian with Matt Damon last year.
But the most iconic character that he has ever done, is Bucky
in the Captain America movies. Stan gained great attention and
popularity since then. Despite he wasn't that familiar with the
comic books at first, he still went on casting. But the role he
casted for wasn't Bucky at all, it was Captain America. Eventually,
Sebastian Stan didn't get the role of Cap, but turned out to be
his best pal for life, Bucky. And Sebastian Stan was satisfied
for the role of Bucky. Bucky faced so many difficulties and gigantic mood changing that made
Sebastian Stan found very interesting, so he didn't pity for not becoming Captain America at all.
It was not until Sebastian Stan got the role of Bucky that he strived himself to study the comic
books. He not only put himself into Bucky's shoes, but also sacrificed a lot in becoming a strong
and powerful assassin, especially in his weight. Due to the perfect fit body he had in Captain
America: The Winter Soldier was criticized "too thin", Sebastian Stan was demanded to gain weight
in this movie. Stan said he had a trainer and nutritionist and
ate 5,000 calories a day. "I had a delivery system that basically
delivered all my meals at 7 every morning and then I'd train at
least four days a week. I got up to 200 pounds. I just wanted to
be solid." To him,
e a t i n g s o m u c h
was considered the
most difficult part
with this movie.
But his hard work
paid off and the
r e s u l t s e n d e d
u p w e l l , r i g h t ?
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/18 14:48
"Winter Soldier" Sebastian Stan,
Was Once in Hot Gay Scenes!
ebastian Stan rose to stardom after
becoming Bucky in the Captain America
movies. His name not only became
the top trending keyword on Tumblr, and has
even became 1st on IMDB's STARMeter. His
popularity is still on an unstoppable growth.
Sebastian Stan had great interest in acting since
he was a kid, and was also on a Broadway
Show, some TV Shows and movies. Much
to people's surprise, he actually played some
gay roles in his past projects, which really
made people think that he's an actual gay.
Stan moved from Vienna to New York with his
pianist Mom in the age of 12. He played some
stage dramas like Harvey, Cyrano de Bergerac,
Little Shop of Horrors, Over Here and West
Side Story in high school. Stan also went to
the famous Stagedoor Manor summer camp,
where he set up his mind to become an actor.
After graduating from high school, Stan entered
Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, and
spent a year at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in
London. After graduating from college, Stan
was in several TV Shows like Gossip Girl in
2007 and Broadway Show Picnic in 2013, and
was slowly recognized by people all after that.
Stan has a stunning beautiful face and a nice body. He once jokingly said that he had those
"Romanian dark circles" below his eyes, and fans think that's why he looks so attractive. May
this also explains why he was chosen to play gay roles in Kings and Political Animals. In
Kings, Stan is the Prince of fictional Kingdom Gilboa. Prince Jack has ambitions to the rule
the country, but was despised by his father King Silas due to his extravagant and playboy
lifestyle. King Silas revealed King Jack's closeted sexuality by saying: "What you do at night
with your boys after your show of skirt-chasing is a disgrace. If you were my second son, I
wouldn't care, but for a king it's not possible." As a gay role inside, Stan said that creator Michael
Green suggested him to gain a greater understanding of where gays stand in the political arena.
Stan’s hard work paid off that many people were stunned by his performance. So the miniseries
Political Animals came to him in 2012 again, let him play a role of the Son of President who
has already came out of the closet. His role T.J. Hammond was also a playboy, and was addicted
on drugs similar to his role Jack in Kings. But this time, Stan’s gay performance was so much
bolder and sexier. Besides lying on the bed half naked, there is also a smoking hot scene
of Stan making out with another male actor almost having his pants ripped off in the show.
Stan didn’t really care about being stereotyped, but Out Magazine
clarified it for him: "It's just as well you get over Sebastian
Stan's sexuality right off the bat. Yes, the actor with a striking
resemblance to a young Brad Pitt and the onscreen bearing of
Cary Grant on a particularly unpleasant day is, in fact, straight."
In the past few years, Stan dated some of the actresses who he
cooperated with, which shows no sign that he’s gay. But his screen
image seems to be “too gay“ that not only some audiences but
also his step father also once thought he’s gay. It wasn’t until
Stan's stepdad found some porn photos in his computer that he
finally understand his stepson wasn’t a gay. He was so relieved
that he said to Stan: " Son, I’m really so glad. Because your Mom and I thought you were gay."
Although many gay fans think it’s such a pity that Stan is straight, but his role Bucky also
had some king of “Gay friendship” with Captain America which crossed 70 years in the
series movies. Cap even threw away his shield 2 times for Bucky. Sebastian Stan and Chris
Evans both admitted that the relationship is “a little gay“, which made “Stucky“ shippers so
excited. Fans created many “Stucky“ fan arts or fiction stories on the Internet. Stan highly
praised some frank during an interview with The Daily Beast and didn’t show any sign of
displeasure. As a result, we can look forward to Sebastian Stan who already challenged so many
different roles to bring us more amazing projects with his excellent performance in the future.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/24 14:14
The Winter Soldier Has A Childlike Heart!
Wants To Become A Toy Maker If Not An Actor
ucky struggled with his past memories
and the guilt of being the assassin
"Winter Soldier" of Hydra in Captain
America: Civil War. Sebastian Stan did such a
great job to portrait this role that he aroused a
lot of attention and was being loved by many
fans. He even became to top searching keyword
on Tumblr, and won 1st place in IMDB's
STARMeter recently. But the rising star wasn't
immersed into the fame that Hollywood
brought him, and still lived a low-key life. He
even surprisingly revealed that if he wasn't
an actor, he might have been a toy maker.
Stan considered himself the biggest critic of his own, and said : "No one’s ever
gonna beat me. I don’t care for reviews, because no one can say anything that
even comes near to what I say about myself. I don’t ever relax, and I really don’t
care about what people say. I will always say something worse about myself."
Stan had challenged various different roles since
debuted as an actor. He revealed that he used to
smoke a lot while casting for a new role. But he
himself who said casting for the role of Captain
America is just "finding a new job", has now
quitted this habit. Instead, Stan meditates and
listens to music to ease the anxiety. Sebastian Stan
is fond of many kinds of music, especially music
in the 80s. He even creates different playlists for
each role to concentrate more into the character.
"Falcon" Anthony Mackie complimented Stan was ever
affected by the fame Hollywood brought him. Stan said
he may become a toy maker if not being an actor. "I'm a
kid at heart, and maybe some people might say that it’s
immature, but the truth is, you gotta recall your childhood
because it’s an important time. I guess I’ve always been
fascinated by people who make toys, because they have
to remain a child one way or another." Stan also revealed
that he is interested in writing things. "I’m a kid at heart,
and maybe some people might say that it’s immature, but
the truth is, you gotta recall your childhood because it’s
an important time. I guess I’ve always been fascinated
by people who make toys, because they have to remain a
child one way or another." Maybe Stan will soon become
a writer one day, and show a different side to all of us.
he US Supreme Court has legalized gay
marriage since 2015 June, which made
gay issues been taken more seriously
than ever. Hence, the Russo brothers said they
might add more LGBT characters in Marvel
films in the future. But now in the Captain
America: Civil War movie, the relationship
between Cap and Bucky was also considered
some kind of a "Love Story". Cap tries to protect his pal Bucky who slowly regained some
of his humanity and past memories, and is even willing to fight with Ironman for him. So
last week, fans have taken to Twitter to petition Marvel to give Captain America a boyfriend.
2016/05/30 14:29
After Seeing Captain America: Civil War...
People Are Asking Bucky To Be Cap's Boyfriend!
Why fans are doing this, is because just not long ago, Idina
Menzel gave her support to the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend
campaign, hoping to encourage Disney to put lesbian character
in the new Frozen film. Soon after, a new hashtag started
trending on Twitter: #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend. This
is in the hope of making kids who were LGBT can be inspired
and can be themselves bravely after watching the movie. After
the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend trend broke out, there are
more than 200,000 within 24 hours. The trend was so popular
that it even became news headlines. It has become the most
popular trend and issue on Twitter after "Hydra Cap" broke out.
Although there is a kissing scene between Cap and Agent
13 in the movie, but many criticized it as "too fake" or
"unexpected". Fans think that it is impossible for Cap to kiss
his ex-girlfriend's niece right after attending her funeral. And
this even made the "gay" relationship between Cap and Bucky
stand out more. Stucky fans considered it "true love" because
Marvel uses 3 movies to show how strong their relationship is.
Cap doesn't even hesitate to oppose 117 nations and fight with friends from Avengers for
Bucky, let alone Cap already threw away his shield twice for him. Some said that you’re
never going to find a man who loves one another so much just like Cap. So a great amount
of fans support Bucky to become Cap's boyfriend. BBC Three even made a touching
film between the two for Stucky shippers, saying: "Doesn't he (Cap) already have one
(boyfriend)?" BBC Three even went into an argument with Sky Movies who ship "Stony".
It all shows how much impact Captain America: Civil War has brought to the audience.
aptain America: Civil War which had been officially
released for a month, grosses over $1,100,000,000
in the worldwide box office. Spiderman and Black
Panther who joined the film for the first time, has been
confirmed that they will get their own movie soon after.
Marvel is also determined to make the Black Widow movie
come true. But many fans are still unsatisfied thinking
Bucky's part is not enough. They wish to see his story
while hiding away and slowly regain his past memories. So
someone started a petition of asking Marvel to make a Winter Soldier movie.
2016/05/31 14:28
See That, Marvel?
Fans Want A "The Winter Soldier" Movie!
Stan said that if Marvel's really gonna do this, he will
be happy to be in during an interview. But it depends
on fans to make this happen. Hence, a fan from Chile
started a petition on "". She hope that fans
can show Marvel how eager they wish to see a Winter
Soldier movie. "I think there’s a lot that we still haven’t
seen of Bucky Barnes, and we want to see a lot more.
What about the whole process after he fell off the
train, the transformation from Bucky Barnes to The
Winter Soldier, his old missions, what about new
missions? Sure we see some of that in Civil War, but
I’m pretty sure that in 70 years as Hydra’s puppet he
had a lot of stories and we would like to see them all."
After seeing Captain America: Civil War, audience is
sure to become curios about Bucky's hiding life, and
we know there's way more stories behind that. Until
now, over 25,000 people signed the petition. Sebastian
Stan himself also noticed this, and left a message
on a fan's account saying: "Holy shit. The best fans
in the world!!!" Even Stan himself was impressed
by the fan's action. We are hoping more people can
join in to make Winter Soldier's movie come true.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/03 14:17
The Winter Soldier Has a Warm Heart!
Invite Kids to See Captain America: Civil War
arvel's Captain America: Civil
War became a great hit after
grossing over $1,100,000,000
in the worldwide box office. Although
it had been released for a month, the
discussion about the movie is still
trending everywhere. Many fans has
already seen this movie more than 1
time already, but not all kids can go to
theaters happily to see their favorite
Superheroes on the big screen. Sebastian
Stan booked Regal Cinemas up in LA
last month, to do a special screening
of Captain America: Civil War for
kids from a charity organization. He
shows a totally different other than the
Winter Soldier he played in this movie.
Stan showed the Captain America: Civil
War movie to kids from "Big Brothers Big
Sisters of America" last month. Staff from
the organization said that it was Sebastian
Stan who contacted them initiatively, and
generously paid for the tickets, food and drinks
for everybody. He also took photos with the
kids there, even recorded a short clip for a fan
who couldn’t meet him in person. His heart-
warming actions were so impressing, that a staff
said on Instagram: "Thank you, Sebastian, for
supporting our youth and leading by example!
D e s p i t e h e i s a f i e r c e a s s a s s i n i n t h e m o v i e ,
S e b a s t i a n S t a n i s v e r y n i c e a n d k i n d i n p r i v a t e .
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/04 12:00
Homeless He May Seemed To Be...
But the Winter Soldier Definitely Got Great Teeth!
n Marvel's latest film Captain America:
Civil War, Bucky who was brainwashed
by Hydra now regained some past
memories. He hid and lived a low-key life
in Romania. To portrait Bucky's "homeless"
image, Sebastian Stan gained a lot of weight
this time. He looks totally different from how
he is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
But it's quite interesting that Bucky still
keep his teeth white and clean in the movie,
making Stan's dentist feel so proud of it.
Despite Stan already has amazing and beautiful
smile, he still had his teeth fixed in 2013.
He wore transparent bracelets for a while
to fix them. Now in the Captain America:
Civil War movie, he still got his long hair,
but less stylish than before. To show how
Winter Soldier hid himself in a low-key life,
Sebastian Stan not only gained weight but
was also in an unkempt appearance this time.
But if you look close at his teeth, you can
still tell how glowy and perfect his teeth is.
This made his dentist
so proud, and sent
Facebook message
to compliment him:
"Omg! Ur smile lol
almost as great as the
movie." Sebastian Stan
replied: "Hahahaha
exactly", "Homeless he
may be BUT HES GOT
Fans were also adored
by his cuteness and replied: "Awwwww~ That's
too cute", "Homeless the Winter Soldier may
be, but he still brushes his teeth every night!"
Wizard World Comic Con has taken place
in Philadelphia on July 3rd. The cast
of Captain America: Civil War Chris Evans,
Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie got together
again there. They were in panels to answer fans'
questions, also in photo ops and autograph ops to
interact with fans. On the panel, Sebastian Stan
got to eat his plums which Bucky didn't have the
chance to eat in the movie. During the autograph
section, he even played with a fan who brought
a freezer and ran in and out of it. It has become
one of the highlights in the Philly Comic Con.
2016/06/05 10:02
Finally, Bucky Got to Eat His Plums!
And He Also "Come Out Of the Closet"
Bucky who hid in Romania, just bought some
plums back from the market, and then Cap
appeared in his safety house. The government
army was also behind to take him down, Bucky
had no choice but to start fighting back and run,
without any spare time to eat those plums. Well,
now his regret has been eased on the Philly Comic
Con. While Stan was telling the fans that Bucky
still haven't got to eat his plum on the panel,
the host took out a bag of plums.Stan was too
surprised that he started to eat one immediately.
He also shared them with Chris Evans and
Anthony Mackie, making all the fans laugh.
Also, Stan and Evans who were considered
to have a "Love Story" relationship in the
movie, has also showed fans how close they
were on the panel. The host jokingly asked:
"Cap really loved Bucky, right?" Evans
immediately said to Stan: "Bucky (Some fans
considered him calling "Honey"), shall we
get out of here?" Stan seemed totally shocked
that he only replied: "... I think I need some
water." The cute interactions between the two
made the fans below burst out of screaming.
A fan brought a self-made large freezer that
people can really go inside. Stan naughtily ran
inside becoming Winter Soldier again, and then
ran outside giving the fan a nice warm hug. Fans
on the Internet said: "That's too cute", "Did I
just saw Bucky 'came outside of the closet'?"
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/06 13:16
Sebastian Stan Witnessed Fan's Proposal !
And Was Invited to Their Wedding
ast weekend, the Wizard World Comic
Con has taken place at Philadelphia.
Captain America: Civil War cast Chris
Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie
along with Thor movie's Chris Hemsworth,
Tom Hiddleston were all there to interact
with fans. A couple proposed in front of
Sebastian Stan during the photo op. They
even invited him to their wedding, making
Sebastian Stan so surprised and happy.
A pair of coser couple celebrated their one
year anniversary on July 3rd by going to the
Philadelphia Comic Con together. They were
the lucky ones to take photo together with
Stan. The female fan has always been a fan of
Stan. Hence, in their first photo together, she
happily grabbed Stan's hand to shoot letting
her boyfriend step aside with an unhappy face.
But soon later, the male fan kneeled down and
took out a ring. He proposed to his girlfriend
right in front of her
favorite star. This
made both Stan
and his female fan
so surprised, that
Stan immediately
took out his phone
t o r e c o r d t h i s
e p i c m o m e n t .
As the witness of his fan's proposal, he
posted their photo together on Instagram,
and wrote: "Congratulations to these two!!
Wow. Thanks for including me...I wish
you both much love! He really went for it."
Since Stan shared the proposing moment to the
public, the couple received so many blessings
from all around the world. The female fan
later said on her Tumblr: "I would like to give
my sincerest thank you to everyone who has
shared, liked, or commented on our story. We
had no idea we would get the response that
we have, and we cannot be more happy or
thankful!!" She also revealed a behind story
that Sebastian signed for his fans waiting in line
during his break. There were no security guard
or staff around him and he just sat down and
signed. She also said: "He remembered us from
yesterday and got super excited, hugged us both
and congratulated us after we told him he’s
invited to the wedding lol. I love this man. I’m
so glad I picked him as my favorite celebrity"
Sebastian Stan plays Captain
America’s closest friend Bucky in
the movie. When asked by TDB
whether he had gotten a chance to
see the critically-maligned BvS,
he answered: “I did see Batman
v Superman, and I enjoyed it.
I think visually it was insane.
I thought Ben Affleck was an
incredible Batman. I thought that
fight sequence he had against
all the guys, that was sick. Even
Jesse Eisenberg was cracking me
up at some points. That’s all I got.
Despite being a Marvel actor, Sebastian Stan still talks about how the DCEU taking shape to make
perfect sense : "I also think that DC is at a point right now where, it’s been my impression, they
want to get to Justice League. They want to go ahead and kind of get everybody fighting together.
And I think the best way to
jumpstart that was to get what
I think most people wanted to
see for a long time: Batman vs.
Superman, two of the biggest
superheroes in history." But at
the end of the day, Sebastian
Stan still remembers that he's
a Marvel man. While asked
if he would take on any DC
characters, he replied: "But…
I ’ m a Marvel guy, man."
2016/06/07 15:16
Put Aside the DC V.S. Marvel Thing!
Sebastian Stan Praised Ben Affleck's Batman
uperhero movies have now became both
comic fans and movie fans' favorite
by hitting the box office recently.
DC and Marvel have always considered as
opponents since last century. Recent movies
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
from DC and Captain America: Civil War
from Marvel were also compared with one
another by fans. Civil War has over taken
BvS with its outstanding box office score.
Critics also seemed to like Civil War more
than BvS. But Sebastian Stan from Marvel
not only watched BvS, and praised Ben
Affleck's Batman much to some fans' surprise.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/10 13:49
Which Movie Will Winter Solder Next Appear At?
Sebastian Stan Says...
e can obviously tell
that in the end of
Captain America:
Civil War, Avengers still stood
apart and hasn't really reconcile
with each other yet. Winter
Soldier, a.k.a Bucky Barnes,
was considered the main reason
of the Civil War between Cap
and Ironman. With the help
of Black Panther, he go back
frozen again before there is
a way to delete the trigger
words inside his head in the
post credit scene. Cap had no
choice but to respect Bucky's
choice. Hence, it makes the
audience curious about how
will they regain their friendship
in the upcoming Avengers:
Infinity War. Sebastian Stan
gave us some hint about it.
During the Wizard World
C o m i c C o n h e l d i n
Philadelphia, a fan asked Stan
in which Marvel movie would
he like to appear at. But before
he can spill out anything, Chris
Evans warned him : "Just
becareful. Cause I answered
o n e o f t h e s e q u e s t i o n s ,
and it hit up, like you've
demanded it or something."
Stan thought for a second, and
hinted: "I don’t know, man. I
mean, there’s obviously a very
clear answer but I’m not maybe
say it, now. Where did he end
up at the end of the movie?
That’s the movie he should be
in. I feel like that would be the
natural... But I don't know."
While he was quick to point out
that he isn't 100% sure about
what's next for the character,
but we might be able to see
Bucky return in Black Panther.
Stan had 9 movie contracts with
Marvel in total. After being
in 3 Captain America movies,
there are still 6 movie contracts
left. So, we might have a great
chance seeing Bucky waking
up and appear in the upcoming
Marvel movies. From what
Stan hinted us, it probably will
happen in the Black Panther
movie that is due to release on
2018 June. Also, many thinks
that Bucky may appear in
Avengers: Infinity War directed
by The Russo Brothers.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/11 14:09
Sebastian Stan Had His First Kiss At 10...
Also Reveals When He Lost His Virginity
inter Soldier, was
considered to have
a " L o v e S t o r y "
relationship with Steve Rogers
in the Captain America movies.
They even said the epic lines
"I'm with you to the end of line"
to each other. Sebastian Stan in
fact really did some gay role in
the past. But, he is no doubt a
straight guy. Even gay magazine
Out clarified it for him. Earlier,
Stan revealed when he lost his
virginity in a Podcast interview.
Stan was on a Podcast interview with one of his best friends
Will Malnati. While asked about his first kiss experience,
Stan answered: "I was 10, she was 16. Yeah, I’m serious!"
It was when Stan lived in Vienna with his pianist mom
that he and the older girl used to travel to school together.
"One day, I remember, on the way over there she leaned in
for the situation," he continued. "I think she asked me if I
had ever kissed anyone and I said no. And she was like 'Do
you want to?'" Sebastian Stan said that it was an amazing
experience, and said: "I wish I could remember her name."
Malnati then asked Stan about his other big first—losing his virginity. Stan generously split
everything out. "I think I lost my virginity pretty late. I was a senior in high school. I mean,
that’s late, right? I don’t know. By today, probably ancient, “He even revealed where it
happened. “But I did at the Time Hotel in Times Square. That’s where I lost it.” Forced to
explain further, Stan said he’d met the girl at Stagedoor Manor training camp. She was two
years older than him, but they stayed in touch for two years long-distance via cell phones.
Stan said that the girl told him she's a virgin. But he wanted to seem like he knew what he was
doing, so he actually told her that he wasn’t. "Years later I actually told her, ‘No, I wasn’t.’ “ Asked
if she was impressed by his performance, Stan laughed. “No, not at all. I was so freaked out."
Surprisingly, they even had a McDonald’s happy meal afterwards.
At that time, Stan would travel from Rockland County to NYU on
weekends to hang out with his girlfriend. "She had a roommate and we
could never really do anything, so I would find an excuse why I needed
some money, and together we would save for a minute, and then plan,
and then rent a hotel room. We also were at The Paramount Hotel, and
we were also at The Hilton Hotel on 53rd and 6th" Now that the girl
was already married, Stan looked back at those days and said: "But you know, look… it was love."
teve Rogers, a.k.a Captain
America, who is always
serving the others, chose
to become more selfish this time
in Captain America: Civil War.
He confronted the government
not only to defend his own
faith, but also to save him old
pal Bucky who was tortured
and brainwashed by Hydra that
became a cold-blooded assassin.
While everyone treated Bucky as a criminal, only Cap believes that there is still a human side in
him. The relationship between the two is very touching. Also, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan
who played these roles, had also became friends after 7 years of cooperation. In their interview
with GQ China, Evans wouldn't say anything bad about Stan, just like what Cap did for Bucky.
2016/06/12 13:53
If Steve Rogers Were to Marry Someone...
Bucky Should Be His Best Man
Evans and Stan interacts well outside the
movie just as Cap and Bucky did in the
movie. While asked if Steve Rogers is finally
going to marry someone, who would he pick
to be his best men, Evans answered: "It's a
tough question, but if I really had to choose,
I think Steve would go with Bucky." Evans
explained that they grew up together, and
became comrades in WWII. Despite Bucky
became Winter Soldier after brainwashed by Hydra, Evans
thinks that Steve would still believe in him and make this choice.
But why Steve's best men can't be Falcon? Stan replied:
"However, Falcon would definitely try to speak at
Cap's wedding." Evans agreed with this and said:
"Right, he would be one of the groomsmen for sure."
Stan even wants Falcon to be the ring bearer, "His
only job is to take care of that ring." The cute answers
showed the three actors really get along with each other no matter it's in or out the movie.
Cap and Bucky had to fight with Team Ironman in the movie. But if not going on a fight, but
a Texas hold'em Poker games, Evans and Stan both
think that it would be hard to win Ironman. They said
that Tony Stark not only is a great actor, but also had
a helmet to hide his expressions, which might also
got some secret gadgets inside. This made it almost
impossible for Steve and Bucky to win. Evans and
Stan also encourage each other with providing advices
to their career. Stan said that Evans once suggested
him: "You should stop playing so much 'evil' roles",
showing how much they care for their colleagues.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/13 14:55
Success Does Not Happen Overnight.
Sebastian Stan Was Once Neglected While Casting.
ebastian Stan portraits
Bucky's struggling emotion
and feeling so well in
the Captain America series that
gained him a great amount of
fans. People were awestricken
and fascinated by his delicate
performance. He even got 1st
place on IMDB's STARMeter,
showing how hot and popular
he now is. But before getting the
role of Bucky, he was already in
some movies and TV series which
was less popular. As a straight
guy, he even did some gay roles
in the past. Stan shared some of
his frustrating casting experiences and showed that success does not happen overnight.
Stan was born in Romania and raised in Rockland County, New York.
When he was 15, he enrolled in Stagedoor Manor, a Catskills summer
camp for young thespians. He thus determined to become an actor.
He hired a manager and worked with Audrey Kaplan at Applause
Theatrical Workshops, ending up at Rutgers University’s Mason
Gross School of the Arts. He started to go to many auditions to win
a role, but was rejected many times before he really got his first role.
Stan has one particularly horrible audition memory. “One of my first
big auditions for a casting director in New York—who’s amazing,
I’m not going to say their name—I walked into the audition, and
they were on their computer doing an email.” He mimes typing,
banging his fingers on the table. “The assistant was behind them.
And I said ‘Hi,’ and they didn’t turn around. They said, ‘Yeah, go
ahead.’ And then I read with the assistant, and the casting director didn’t even turn once! I was in
the same room, they were continuing to type the email while I was in there doing it! Just brutal.”
Despite Stan went through these brutal experiences, he still had great passion in acting, and kept going
on many auditions. Patience and perseverance paid off: that same casting director, after at least 10 more
auditions over the next two years, gave Stan his first significant job.
"Those beginning years, looking back, they could be really tough and
painful and hurtful but there was something great about it. And once it’s
gone, it’s gone. You have the opportunity to sometimes experiment more.
It was just, ‘Get a job, any job,’ and then you were so grateful to work.”
Stan recalls something his acting teacher and mentor Larry Moss
told him after his graduation. “He said, ‘You’d better start loving
that process—getting the job, working on the character. Start loving
the experience much more than the result.’ ”So, how about the
terrifying auditions? "You don’t have to love the auditions, no,” he
says laughingly. “You just have to love what you’re auditioning for.”
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/14 14:12
Sebastian Stan Takes It Seriously
to Comic Book Movies
ebastian Stan wasn't really considered to have a "success career" until he got the
role of Bucky Barnes in Marvel's Captain America series movies. After Captain
America: Civil War, his fame and popularity has gone up so fast like a skyrocket,
earning so much love from the fans. Since Bucky had regained some memories, he didn't
want to be the killing machine of Hydra anymore. But the trigger words were still kept
inside his brain, he had to hide himself for not hurting any innocent people. He's now
mixed with feelings between Bucky and Winter Soldier. It's quite difficult and is a great
challenge for the actor to portrait such a complex role, but Stan just nailed it. His stunning
performance is not only highly praised by The Russo Brothers, and also wowed so many fans.
Stan wasn't really that familiar with Captain America's comic book plot until he gets the
role of Bucky. But now, Stan is so into this character and developed his own understanding
and ways to portrait Bucky. During an interview, Stan thinks that Bucky's situation is
similar to veterans struggling with PTSD. He not only don't have a safe place as "home",
but also had to fit into nowadays lives after being brainwashed and tortured so many years.
Stan said that Bucky is on a journey like many veterans who returned from the battlefield.
Although he doesn't know how to live in modern days, he still had to figure it out.
The struggle of Bucky may somehow refer to Stan's own experience. He moved from
Romania to Vienna with his mother at 8, and then moved to New York City at age
12. The process of leaving the familiar environment and moving from one country to
another is quite tough for Stan in such a young age. "It was hard. You're inhabiting
different worlds, speaking different languages," Stan said in an interview recently.
"But it helped me in a way. When you're young
you just want to fit in. And when you're older you
realize that what it really did was make you OK with
feeling different." Having this kind of experience
made Stan relate to those of Bucky's easily, and
analyzes: "There's a lot to [Bucky] that's very real
to our world. This ambivalent place he's in. Should
there be a government that's able to control things in a
different way? Or is it about individuals and liberties?"
Stan wanted to become an actor in high school. In fact, for almost
three years after college, Stan went out for countless acting gigs and
booked approximately zero. And after he was recruited by Marvel,
some still question that actors playing superheroes like him, only
need to flex their acting muscles as much as those in prestige dramas.
“When I go to work I don’t discriminate it as a comic-book movie,”
replied Stan. He also thinks that the level of actorly preparation, isn’t
usually associated with sci-fi flicks raking in billions of dollars. "I know
when people are considering me for jobs sometimes it’s, ‘Well, you’re
in a comic-book movie.’ And I’m, like, ‘But I’m killing myself to try to do the best I can!’ ”
Stan paid a lot of effort in studying Bucky, and successfully
transformed into amazing performance that stunned the audience.
Anthony Russo said that Stan brought a kind of physical nuance
to his performance that made them confident in his increased
role. "He did things in 'Winter Soldier' that blew us away, finding
a way to put forth a complex character even though he didn't
have many opportunities to speak," said the co-director, noting
the actor’s on-set "Method style that could have him being
calm and a little aloof to maintain that intensity." He also complimented Stan tells amazing
story through his eyes and his physicality. "It’s that phrase: The camera really loves him.”
Not only were the directors impressed by Stan's performance,
he colleague Anthony Mackie as "Falcon" in the movie also
praised highly of Stan's effort. "He has the most difficult
role. Most actors would play [Bucky] in a way that made you
want to kill the guy by the end. And Sebastian puts you in a
position where you're torn." Mackie notes of the performer
that "he has this innate ability to make people want to watch
him. It's this charismatic quality that's hard to explain or teach.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/17 15:04
Sebastian Stan's Nickname is Too Cute
That Chris Evans Really Loved It So Much
ebastian Stan had so many different
identities and nicknames in the Captain
America movies. He was first James
Buchanan Barnes, and Steve calls him "Bucky"
or "Buck". Then he was transformed into
“Winter Soldier" by Hydra. In Captain America:
Civil War, Ironman called him "Manchurian
Candidate" which implies him suffering from
nightmares just like Denzel Washington did
in the movie. The character had gone through
gigantic transformations, and had complex
feelings that it almost seemed to be 3 different
people. It's not easy for an actor to play a role
like that, but Stan did a great job. He whom
succeeded in this role isn't who he was like
in the movies in real life. So it earned Stan
some cute nicknames that even Chris Evans
who had already worked with him for about 7
years, is so surprised and loved it very much.
Bucky appeared to be in a situation between
James Buchanan Barnes and the Winter Soldier
in Captain America: Civil War. Sebastian Stan
commented on his condition: "To me, he’s
never really going to be Bucky Barnes again.
There’s going be recognizable things about
him, but his path through the [experiences
of] Winter Soldier is always going be there,
haunting him. He recognizes his past, but at
the same time he’s sort of a new character,
too." That is an interesting challenge for any
actor. "It’s very crazy," said Stan. "It’s one
of the greatest joys I have in playing this
part because it’s like the three movies for
me have been like three people, in a sense."
While the Captain America:
Civil War cast were promoting in
China, Chris Evans and Sebastian
Stan who had worked together for
about 7 years, showed chemistry
of great coordination with each
other. The reporter mentioned
that the last time Stan was there
to promote The Martian, he got
to know his nickname given by
fans "chubby dumpling" and
"384". He got the cute nickname
of "chubby dumpling" because
his chubby look for Bucky
this time. And "384" was the
similar pronunciation of his
name "Sebastian" in Chinese.
But Evans kept yelling: "Wait,
wait! Why didn't I know any
of this?" Stan explained both
of them to him, finally solved
Evans' curiosity. But right after
he figured these cute nicknames
out, he couldn't even focus on the
questions but kept thinking about
"chubby dumpling". He couldn't
stop laughing and wanted to do
some "chubby dumpling" jokes.
Evans even wanted to make a
"chubby dumpling" uniform for
Stan in the upcoming movies,
which is just hilarious and cute.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/20 11:52
Sebastian Stan Shares Thoughts
on "Hydra Cap"
a p t a i n A m e r i c a i s
always viewed as a
patriotic symbol who
represents the American spirit.
But when Captain America:
Steve Rogers #2 comes out,
it reveals the full truth behind
the sensational shocker from
#1, that Captain America had
been a Hydra agent since
before WWII. It was a stunner,
which caused a huge shitstorm
of ignorant controversy. Evan
Chris Evans who played this
role in the movie was also
shocked with this dramatic
twist and said "Hydra?!?!?
#sayitaintso" on Twitter.
Sebastian Stan, who played
Cap's best friend Bucky in the
movie, was also stunned by this
and revealed his thoughts on
"Hydra Cap" on Comic Con.
S e b a s t i a n S t a n w a s i n
Sacramento for Wizard World
Comic Con last weekend,
and was asked by fans what
he thinks about "Hydra Cap".
"I don't know... It's like, um,
it's like putting a car in a
washing machine,” said Stan.
"It’s so unfathomable to me,
like to think of Steve Rogers
as being kinda… always…
involved in some sort of…
um, mastermind, uh… you
know, scheme or something."
Stan showed a shrugging pose
to show his astonishment and
true feelings about "Hydra
Cap" which fans also relate
to so much. After all, it was
Hydra who captured Bucky
and brainwashed him into
the Winter Soldier. If Cap is
really one of them, he would've
become their accomplice to
make his best friend Bucky
suffer. This not only destroys
Cap's loyalty to the country,
but also reverses him great
personality. No wonder fans
are so against and angry with
this twist. Since the MCU in
the movies is different from
those in the comic books,
Steve Rogers still won't
become a "Hydra Cap" in the
movie for now, which is a
great news for all movie fans.
After Stan's shout out, fans rushed to
Hamill's Twitter to make sure if he really
get a call from his "son". But Hamill replied
plaintively: "KIDS! They never call, they
never write...and after all we've done for them!
#BuckyBlowsOffLonelyLuke #GetOffMyLawn",
"I didn't know that. Waited by the phone all
day &... Nothing! #ForlornForgottenFather
#AsLongAsHesHappyAndHealthyOK", "S-i-g-h-
Another fan posted the gif pic of Stan doing his
"Father's Day shout out" for Hamill, he finally
turned happy and said: "If the subtitles are correct,
I stand corrected... He remembered after all!
#ProudPapa #DreamboatDeliversDadShoutOut".
The interaction between fans and Hamill couldn't
get cuter.
ather's Day took place last Sunday, many stars
showed picture of them with their Dad or kids
to celebrate. Mark Hamill, who played "Luke
Skywalker" in the Star Wars movies, was asked if his
"look-alike son" Sebastian Stan had called him. But he
plaintively said that he waited a whole day and got nothing.
There was a photo of Sebastian
Stan's face morphed with a
promo shot of Mark Hamill
taken at the time of the original
Star Wars trilogy. It's amazing
that the two not only looked alike in the morphed photo, but also in
their own photos if being compared. Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan
were both stunned by this too that they even really called each other Father and Son in public.
Last weekend when Sebastian Stan was at the Wizard World Comic Con at Sacramento, a fan
asked him: "Since it is Father's Day... are you going to get Mark Hamill a call?" Stan laughed and
2016/06/20 11:52
Mark Hamill Isn't Happy With "Son"
Sebastian Stan Who Didn't Call On Father's Day
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/23 10:29
Fans Love Stucky So Much!
But Sebastian Stan Says Fanfics Are Too Dangerous
ap fought with Ironman and
abandoned his shield for Bucky in
Captain America: Civil War. We
can all see how deep their relationship
is after 70 years of separation. Fans on
Twitter even wishes to help Cap find
a boyfriend which many of them think
the man should be Bucky. This made
the "Stucky couple" even more popular.
And recently, Sebastian Stan share
his thoughts about fan fictions, saying
that watching those is too dangerous.
During an interview with GQ, Stan was asked
about what he think of a fanart of Cap and
Bucky being in love and kissing. He replied,
: "Look, man, I think it’s great. Movies are
for people to relate to in whatever way they
want. No one here is ever going to point a
finger and say what’s right and wrong. For
me, it’s like, Awww. It’s cute, it’s great. If
someone takes the time to think about that, that's
great. I don’t think of the character that way,
though. But there’s no right or wrong answer."
Besides, when he was at the Sacramento Comic
Con last week, a fan asked him similar question
too. She wants to know whether Stan looks at
fanfics or not, he said: "The answer is 'No'...
It's very dangerous, a very dangerous trip to
go on." Another fan shouted out loud to him:
"Don't do it", making Stan laugh. "I'm very
honored," said Stan. "You know, if I can be
a muse to everybody, I'm more than happy to
do that. But, it's your world." Stan answered
this awkward question without breaking fans
heart and definitely showed his sense of humor.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/07/02 09:40
Sebastian Stan Wants to Play Buzz Lightyear
Because They Have Something In Common
ucky is probably the most
tragic role in the Captain
America movies. He grew
up with Steve Rogers who later
became Captain America, but
had fallen off from a train, lost
his left arm, and brainwashed to
be an assassin by Hydra. Despite
he had lost his memories, Cap
never gave up on him, and helped
Bucky to regain his memories.
Having Cap's trust and comfort,
Bucky slowly becomes better
in Captain America: Civil War,
but still carries lots of burdens.
Sebastian Stan went to Wizard World Comic Con
at Sacramento last month, and was asked by a fan
which Disney character he would like to play. Stan
replied it will be Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.
He didn't explain why in detail, but fans think that
maybe it's because both Bucky and Buzz Lightyear
had lost their left arm in the movie that made
Stan somehow relate himself to Buzz Lightyear.
In fact, Stan originally casted for Captain America, but then got the role of Bucky. He did quite
a thorough analysis and understanding about Bucky and showed it onscreen to the audience.
During an interview with GQ, Stan said he agreed with Jack Nicholson's "let the wardrobe do
the work" when it comes to characters. Stan not only grew his hair out, but also got up to 200
pounds. "I have to eat every two hours. I was literally eating in the middle of the night. Sleeping,
getting up, peeing, going to the fridge, downing two chicken breasts, and going back to sleep."
This kind of extreme method of weight made his body go out of
shape, and also made his energy level drop. "There’s pros and cons,"
said Stan. "But you gain a respect for people who do this. It helped
me feel like I fit into that world better." Now that Stan finished
filming, he can finally stop stuffing himself so much. He enjoys
running around the streets in New York and encountering fans.
Stan likes to go outside since the weather is nice in NYC. "I play
basketball or take a jog outside. It's a typical New York mentality
of trying to get outside and take advantage of the nice weather.
Sometimes it’s even nice to pop around to different gyms in the
city, so you’re not always doing the same thing. But I’m a firm believer of giving yourself 20 to
30 minutes of activity per day, even if you just go for a walk. It’s going to make your day better."
Sebastian Stan shared his real
thought about the kissing scene
to fans during Wizard World
Comic Con at Sacramento. "I
just remembered sitting there...
it was really hot, and I was at a
point saying: 'What ever you do,
Mackie, please just don't fart...for
the both of us'." The two even
had to watch the whole process
of Cap kissing sharing and do
their reactions. Stan admitted they
were making fun of Chris Evans
at that time. "It was so awkward looking that both of us couldn't keep a straight face!"
xciting fight scenes are
a necessity to Superhero
movies, as well as the
romantic love stories between
main characters. But in the
box office hit movie Captain
America: Civil War, Cap's
past girlfriend Peggy died. Her
niece Sharon Cater replaced
her to flirt with Cap, the two
even had a kissing scene. But
the audience wasn't pleased
by this, considered it to be
awkward and incomprehensible. Hayley Atwell responded that if her character Peggy Carter
had known this, she’d be turning over in her grave. Sebastian Stan who was also at the scene,
said that he and Anthony Mackie tried to goof around since it was just too awkward to be there.
2016/07/03 11:04
Bucky and Falcon Actually Fooled Around
During Cap's Awkward Kiss With Sharon
In the movie, Bucky and Falcon
gave a slight expression of approval
after seeing Cap kiss Sharon. But
Stan said that their reaction to
that kiss was so big at that point,
which made the reactions played
on screen seemed to be nothing.
Stan showed the fans the funny
and exaggerating expression he
did on set, making fans burst into
laughter. We can easily imagine
how much fun it is while these
superheroes are filming on set.
nternet has become more
and more important in
modern days. Stars also
prefer to use social medias
like Facebook, Twitter or
Instagram to increase their
exposure. By sharing photos
or texts of their daily life, they
not only gain public attention,
but can also be in touch with
fans. This is absolutely a win-
win situation. But Sebastian
Stan who got so popular after
playing the role of Bucky was
once so against social media.
He doesn't have a Facebook fan page nor personal Twitter account, which is quite unique compared
to other stars. But now, he found it interesting and had great amount of followers on Instagram.
2016/07/04 14:18
Sebastian Stan Was Once Against Social Media...
But Can't Live Without It Now
During an interview with GQ, Stan revealed
that he was so against social media for such a
long time. "It used to be—I’m talking 30, 40
years ago—the less people knew about you,
the better, the more different roles you could
play." But the world has changed rapidly, Stan
slowly discovered that it’s part of the world
that we’re in now, and become someone that
can’t live without it. "I understand the way
that it fits into my business," said Stan. "And
then I feel like you have to connect with fans;
individual connection is important." What I
find is that the individual connections you
have with fans that transpire—once you get a
great message or see some artwork, it’s really
humbling. I see it as a plus in that regard."
Even though Stan only has an Instagram and
Weibo account, he still got over 1 million
followers on Instagram and 500,000 on
Weibo. Stan cares a lot for his fans, so he
usually share some interesting daily photos to
interact with them. Sometimes, he even posted
different ones on Weibo only for China fans.
If he had spare time, he will also click like
and comment on fans' posts. Stan's Instagram
hit the 1 million follower milestone last week,
and he thanked fans by writing: " I've got
incredible fans. Some of you I've gotten to
meet now...I look forward to seeing you again.
Thank you for your kindness and
never seizes to amaze me. I'm very grateful."
any fans noticed
Sebastian Stan after
s e e i n g h i m p l a y
Bucky in the Captain America
movies. His role had changed
from Steve Rogers’s best friend
who is that attracting Brooklyn
boy to a cold-blooded assassin
brainwashed by Hydra. And
in Captain America: Civil
War, his mental situation was
somewhere between both.
However, things changed a
lot when it comes to Stan's
new film The Bronze. To our amazement, he turned into a arrogant douchebag
w h o a l s o p e r f o r m e d a n e p i c g y m n a s t i c s e x s c e n e i n m o v i e h i s t o r y e v e r.
2016/08/06 11:46
Sebastian Stan Shows the Most Epic Sex Scenes
Ever in The Bronze
Melissa Rauch, who co-wrote the film with her
husband, stars as Hope. Stan plays an Olympic
coach who happened to be Hope's former lover.
Stan's role of Lance Tucker is so cocky that he had
to reference to jerks he went to high school and
college with. It's definitely not based on his own
personality. And what many others concern the
most about of this movie, isn't because of the cast
or plot. It's all about the challenging sex scene.
Due to Rauch and Stan are both Olympic medalist
gymnasts inside, they tried to do all the gymnastics
tricks in bed. Not only the flips, rolls and handstands, but also the amazing pommel horse.
They stunned the audience by showing how flexible a gymnast can be while having sex.
Many film reviewers and reporters were also shocked by this sex scene. Rauch revealed that she
had a body double from Cirque du Soleil to do most of her stunts. But Rauch gives extra credit to
Stan, whom she says dove in "headfirst." In another interview by Collider, Stan admitted that the
sex scene “is probably what shooting porn would be like." Stan opted to do as many stunts himself.
However, there were two moves
he had to rely on his own
Cirque du Soleil performer to
execute. "I didn't have enough
time to learn how to do the
pommel horse, nor did I have
enough time to actually stretch
my leg that high. Honestly, if
I had maybe another month
or two, I would have just
gone for it," Stan teases of
what could have been. Rauch
praises Stan a lot for his
effort. "Sebastian was so fantastic and he went for so much of it. He could have just said, ‘Have
my body double do it,’ and instead he came to set in his robe and said, ‘Okay, let’s do this.’ ”
But doing this kind of scene isn't that easy to deal with in the
beginning. “You’re really self-conscious about every single
angle and on what camera that may end up," said Stan. "The idea
was to make what was in the script, and what was in the script
was the most epic, elaborate, crazy, bizarre gymnastics sex scene
that was ever written. And that was what we were going for.”
Stan had an Olympic-inspired gold medal tattoo way
down his private areas for this sex scene. "That was on
there for at least a week afterwards. I was in the gym in
the steam room and was like, 'Ugh, I'm that guy now,'"
Stan recalls. Rauch revealed that the makeup artist, who was a very sweet woman, had to
be eye-to-crotch with Sebastian for about an hour, putting that tattoo on him. "She should
send me a thank you card," Rauch jokes, adding that fans are welcome to do the same.
Stan also said that he were never exhausted
while shooting the sex scene. "I wish
we could do this all day", Stan jokes.
He also feel at safe hands shooting this
kind of scenes with someone he trusted
well. Stan was also exciting to show fans
and the audience of him challenging this
kind of a different character. In addition,
Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD of The
Bronze has now been released, and is
available on iTunes and other platforms.
Many fans are curious when and where
will Winter Soldier wake up and appear
in the next movie. Sebastian Stan hinted
fans on Philadelphia Comic Con. "I don't
know, man. I mean, there's obviously a
very clear answer but I'm not maybe say it,
now (sic). Where did he end up at the end
of the movie? That's the movie he should
be in. I feel like that would be the natural...
But I don't know." We can wait and see
whether we can see Bucky again at Black Panther movie that is scheduled to release on 2018 July.
Well, but Robert Downey Jr. had just threw the
spoiler bomb out. He shared a photo of Bucky
sleeping in the freezer and wrote: "When Bucky
wakes up...". We neither sees Cap or T'Challa
around, but sees RDJ sticks himself on the glass
instead. It was such a funny photo that fans were
all entertained by this. Many fans from both
Ironman and Bucky's side were arguing with
each other after seeing Captain America: Civil
War. But after seeing this photo, the tense situation between fans can now finally relieve for a bit.
vengers were torn apart
in Captain America: Civil
War. The 2v1 fight between
Ironman, Captain America and
Winter Soldier makes both side
suffer. Cap even abandoned his
shield again to take Bucky with
the broken metal arm away. When
T'Challa provided shelter or them,
Bucky decides to go back being
frozen again since he really didn't want to harm any other innocent ones anymore.
2016/07/18 14:06
Ironman Reveals What Winter Soldier Will See
Right After He Wakes Up
We know that
A v e n g e r s
were still divided
since Civil War
has taken place.
So it made fans
curious that how
they will reunite
in the upcoming
A v e n g e r s :
Infinity War and
B l a c k P a n t h e r
m o v i e . S i n c e
we can say that
Winter Soldier is the main cause to the battle between Cap and Ironman, when
and how will he awake from frozen situation again has become one of the most
important things that fans care about. Now, Bucky is confirmed to appear in
Avengers: Infinity War, and this will be his first appearance in the Avengers movies.
Sebastian Stan hinted fans that Bucky might appear in Black Panther movie in Philadelphia Comic
Con by explaning that he was put back to frozen in Wakanda. According to The Hollywood
Reporter, Stan who is filming We Have Always Lived in the Castle in Ireland now, will be back
in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War around November. This will be his first appearance in the
Avengers movies. So despite there are no further details, it still make fans look forward to it.
The movie We Have Always Lived in the Castle that Stan is busy shooting now, is an adaptation
of the 1962 story by Shirley Jackson. Michael Douglas is producing this creepy thriller with
Stacie Passon is in the director’s seat. The plot centers on an isolated family who have already
lost four members to poisoning and who use rituals and
talismans to keep themselves away from hostile townspeople.
Stan will play the cousin, Charles Blackwood, who intent
on maliciously securing the family’s fortune and whose
arrival sets in motion the uncovering of family secrets.
To work on this film in Dublin, Stan had no choice but
to cancel his schedule at Chicago Comic Con because of
working on this film. He apologized to fans on Instagram to
show how pity he felt that he couldn't make it to meet them.
"I'm really bummed I cannot make it," said Stan. "I wanted to
be there... I ended up getting a job that's taking me to Ireland.
It's a great movie I'm excited to share with everyone soon.
Timing just didn't work out or I would be there. I love you
all!" Also, we can see some set photos of Stan in retro-style
suit and driving a nice car. Just can't wait to see his new film!
2016/08/12 09:31
Confirmed! Winter Soldier Will Be Back
in Avengers: Infinity War!
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/14 13:30
Friendship Is Real!
Chris Evans Wishes Sebastian Stan a Happy Birthday
hris Evans, who plays
Captain America in
Marvel movies, is
quite busy these days since
his "Superhero" friends are
all celebrating their birthdays.
After posting a funny gif pic
of Chris Hemsworth failing to
grab his Mjolnir hammer for his
birthday on August 11, Chris
Evans now posted a photo
of him and Sebastian Stan to
celebrate Stan's 34th birthday.
Although Stan doesn't have a
Twitter account, and was busy
shooting his new film We Have
Always Lived in the Castle
in Ireland, Evans still sent his
blessings to Stan on Twitter.
He wrote: "Happy birthday,
Sebastian! I still remember that
time I helped you with your
college essay", together with a
photo they took together during
an interview with Buzzfeed for
Captain America: Civil War.
Many fans were curious and
shocked about the fact that
they've already known each
other since college. But some
explain that Evans is just
making fun of the notebook
with "All your wildest dreams
will come true" written by
both of them. Of course,
we can't be more certain
that the friendship between
the two is absolutely real.
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/15 14:49
Fans Donate $7745 to Alzheimer's Foundation on
Sebastian Stan's birthday
ebastian Stan celebrates his 34th birthday
on August 13. Despite he was busy
filming We Have Always Lived in the
Castle in Ireland, and didn't post anything on
his Instagram, he still got the blessings from
fans all around the world and from his colleague
Chris Evans on Twitter. His fans also gave him a
meaningful gift which impressed him very much.
Sebastian Stan moved from Romania and then
to New York with his mom after she married
to a school principle who later became his
stepdad. Stan talked about his stepdad once
in a Podcast interview with his friend Will
Malnati. He said that his stepdad was so worried
he might be gay that he felt relieved after
seeing porn photos in Stan's computer. We can
tell that the step dad and son do have a good relationship with each other. But unfortunately,
Stan's stepdad got Alzheimer's disease which he rarely spoken of in public. Hence, fans started
to raise funds for Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) to help those who suffered
from Alzheimer like Stan's stepdad did as a birthday gift to Stan. They originally wanted
to raise $3400 as a symble for his 34th birthday, but surprisingly got way more than that.
With the help and gathering of all fans, the
goal of $3400 was soon achieved. Goals
of $5000, $7500 were soon achieved too.
Until August 13 which is Stan's birthday,
the fund already got up to $7600, and
now to the amount of $7745. Fans posted
this amazing good deed on Instagram and
tagged Stan, he saw it and replied: "This is
incredible. Just saw this. So grateful to all
of you have contributed and thought about
my stepdad. This is one of those things
that always stops me in my track. The fact
that something like this can be done. And
so many people can come together like
this. Maybe the best present I received
this year for my birthday. Thank you."
In an interview with IGN, The
Russo Brothers said: "There
is a scene that is a cut scene.
It's a small piece of the fight
at Leipzig where there's a very
fun interaction between Cap
and Bucky, and it kind of hints
at a favorite storyline in the
books," Anthony Russo said. "I
won't go into the detail about
it, but there's a little tease in
that scene that is pretty fun."
2016/08/20 14:24
Captain America: Civil War Cut Scene
Hinted A Beloved Comic Book Story
o a l l d i r e c t o r s , i t
is crucial and also
difficult of how you
edit and cut the scenes you’ve
filmed. If you happened to
do it wrong, you may end up
messing the pace and plot of
the movie. Recently, The Russo
Brothers who directed Captain
America: Civil War, talked
about a deleted scene of Cap
and Bucky that they loved so
much themselves but had no
choice to cut it from the movie.
Wizard World Comic Con
posted a video of Sebastian
S t a n a s B u c k y i n t h e
making of Captain America:
Civil War on Facebook.
"I was really excited when I
read the script," Stan shares. "I
didn't really know where they
were going to take it because
the playing field was so open
they could've done anything
with the character. What was
fun about the script was that
when you're reading him you
never knew where he was
gonna swing -- with which
side of the fence. He might
become the Winter Soldier; he
might become Bucky Barnes,
so there was a lot of playing
room, and that was fun."
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/26 10:23
ne of the best scenes in Captain America: Civil War, is the awesome Leipzig Airport
battle. Every superhero had to fight against their friend and colleagues instead of
bad guys. In a new deleted scene from the Civil War Blu-ray, Winter Soldier has
got a taste of what it’s like to take hits from Captain America’s shield. The collaboration of
the two old comrades is so good that even The Russo Brothers called it a pity to delete it.
Entertainment Weekly had released a deleted scene of Leipzig Airport battle. It started from
Black Widow climbing atop of a structure for a bird’s-eye view of this part of the conflict and
showed her struggle. And then War Machine swoops in low to strafe Cap, making him to fall
on the ground. Bucky saw this and ran up to Cap right away with picking up his shield and
throw it towards War Machine like a frisbee. With an assist from Falcon high up in the air, Cap
gets his shield back and said "nice save" to Bucky. And Bucky showed how he'd improve of
separating himself from the cold blooded assassin by replying Cap: "I should get me one of those."
Readers of Marvel Comics may see something a bit more ominous in this 30 second clip.
Someday, somehow, if Cap ever falls, Bucky could very well find himself in permanent
possession of that shield. So it's a pity that it was deleted from the film. The Russo Brothers
both loved that beat as well.“We actually made that up on set. It was not scripted,”Joe
says. “We were looking for a transitional moment to get Cap and Bucky back together, but
in editorial we ultimately realized we didn’t need that transition,” Joe says. “It’s actually
one of my favorite beats in that whole sequence, but it’s just a function of storytelling and
editing, and wasn’t something we needed to tell the story, but it’s a great bit for the DVD.”
In addition, the blooper reel of Captain America: Civil
War was also released. We can see Black Widow's
weapon using fail, Falcon's landing fail, and also a shot
of Cap and Tony dancing together during the 2v1 fight
while Bucky who lies down on the ground tries to join in
on the fun from afar. We can tell how fun and interesting
i t i s w h i l e
shooting this
film with all of
these funny and
talented casts
being together
l i k e t h i s .
Deleted Scenes Shows That Bucky Want's To Take Over
Captain America's Shield!
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/30 14:04
Bucky Might Look Like This
After Picking Up Captain America's Shield
n the deleted scene of Captain America:
Civil War, there is a scene of Bucky
picking up Cap's shield and the two battle
together again like what they've done in the
good old days. Despite The Russo Brothers
like this scene so much, they had to cut it off
because they don't need this transition while
editing. But this scene still shows how a strong
relationship Cap and Bucky had and also hinted
either Bucky or Falcon might pick up Cap's
shield afterwards. Fans are so curious whether
the MCU is going to make this happen or not.
During an interview with Huffington Post, Joe
Russo said: “I think him dropping that shield is
him letting go of that identity. It’s him admitting
that certainly the identity of Captain America
was in conflict with the very personal choice
that he was making.” This also showed that
there is a possibility of Cap might appear in
Avengers: Infinity War with another identity.
Artist BossLogic is hyping fans even more with
some new art that shows us what Sebastian
Stan could look like if he really picked up the
shield as Captain America. Bucky's metal arm
is altered to fit Captain America’s patriotic
colors. As for the uniform, the character is seen
sporting a tactical style as Captain America’s
look has several notable changes. The outfit’s
lower half is decidedly more stealthy and loose-
fitting, but the uniform’s torso still showcases
Captain America’s iconic white star. BossLogic
also depicts ‘Bucky-Cap’ with long hair. One
looks more traditional than Steve’s most recent
helmets as the headgear features a pair of
prominent wings, and the other leans heavily
on The Winter Soldier's usual face mask. The
mask's black muzzle looks identical to the one
Bucky used to wear, but now, a large white
'A' has been added above the mask's googles.
Bucky had
already picked
up Cap's
shield in the
two previous
BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/09/02 11:06
Sebastian Stan Becomes a Car Racer
in New Film Logan Lucky
ebastian Stan gained popularity
and lots of fans after playing
Bucky, a.k.a the Winter Soldier,
in Captain America movies. After he
became an explosive hit star, he's now
busy with many new films. Stan was
confirmed to join the all-star cast of
Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky to
play a three-time Sprint Cup Champion
NASCAR driver who is coming back
into the sport after time away. He'll
also work with Daniel Craig, Channing
Tatum, Hilary Swank, Katherine Heigl,
Adam Driver and Seth MacFarlane.
According to The Hollywood Reporter,
Stan will lend his talents to Logan Lucky.
Stan will take the role of a NASCAR
driver who’s racked up three Sprint Cup
titles, and who is returning to the track
after taking some time off. Since he had
to play a NASCAR driver in the movie,
he visited Stunt Drive Ireland to do
some practice while filming in Ireland
last month. They've posted photos with
Stan on their Facebook which made fans
curious about what he was up to before.
Now the mystery had finally been
solved, and we just can't wait to see.
aptain America
and Ironman had
b e c o m e g o o d
colleagues after teaming
up as Avengers. But in
Captain America: Civil
War, they had different
opinions on the Sokovia
Accords, and also ended
up fighting with each
other because of Bucky.
Both of them fell into
Zemo's trap cause he
showed them a footage
from Hydra's archives which reveals that Barnes killed Stark's parents during his mission in
1991. Feeling angry and betrayed, Ironman wanted to kill Bucky for what he did. Cap wanted
to protect Bucky that he interfered the fight, making it into a 2v1 battle. Each of them suffered
from the fight, and Cap abandoned his shield again for taking Bucky away. We can see how
each of them struggled from fight, but The Russo Brothers had their own explanation about it.
In the Captain America: Civil War audio commentary,
The Russo Brothers and screenwriters Christopher
Markus and Stephen McFeely deliver scene-by-
scene insight and explain how Bucky became the
trigger of fight between Cap and Ironman. They
said that Steve already refused to sign the Sokovia
Accords, so he need to have something to make him
more emotionally involved to create conflict. To
Steve, nothing is more important and can make him
become emotional than Bucky. Without Bucky, the
conflict can't be aroused. The Russo Brothers also said that Ironman really wanted to murder Bucky
with his own hands because he wanted to hear him admit he did all those things. "He wanted so
make him suffer," said The Russo Brothers. "He also wanted to hurt Bucky to hurt Steve because
Steve have failed him. He's like: 'You love this thing so much, so I'm going to take it from you'."
Through their explanation, he can see how struggle the three are during the epic fight. The Russo
Brothers also said that this is the first time Steve withholds the truth willingly. His gut told him
that this would be the end result if he really tells the truth. "He does have a will full blind spot
about Bucky," said the screenwriters. "He's like 'I don't want to look at the fact that he (Bucky)
probably did this'." They said it's like what you'll do for your family. And in the end of the fight,
Steve punches Ironman crazily with his shield. The Russo Brothers said they want the audience
to think Steve might hit on Ironman's face for a moment in this scene, but Steve didn't. "Cap
is not that kind of person. No matter how out of control he is, he only wanted to stop the fight.
If you look back at the whole scene, you'll find out all that Steve did, is only to stop the fight."
2016/09/04 13:32
Ironman Wanted to Kill Bucky
Also Because Of This Reason

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN A fan posted a video of Sebastian Stan telling a fan who picked Team Ironman that it was okay, but Team Cap is "the only and right" one. Robert Downey Jr. passed by and smooched right on Stan's cheek. Stan shared his opinions of being a Team Cap member during an Interview with Total Film. He said: "It's easy for Bucky, he just goes, 'I'm going to follow the guy that I might have a future with. That might help me live a life'." We can't help but to let our mind run wild after hearing this. Fans commented : "See, that’s why you guys started a Civil War", "Does Ironman want to make Cap jealous, or he want to take Bucky away from him?" C aptain America: Civil War which will be officially released in April 27th, is making Avengers to fight with each other by dividing into Team Cap and Team Ironman. We know that it was Bucky who's the main reason causing all the fight between these superheroes. But outside the movie, Bucky also seemed to become the main reason why Cap and Ironman started a fight. Cap And Ironman Started The Civil War All Because Of Him? 2016/04/12 15:14
  • 4. 4 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/04/24 13:06 It's True Love! Sebastian Stan Picked Up Chris Evan's Left Boob Grab Habit Whenever Chris Evans got excited, he'll go with the "left boob grab" action. F or the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie, the actors had split into Team Cap and Team Ironman for world tour promotions. Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie and director Joe Russel visited Beijing together and was in a large scale fan meeting. They were also interviewed by China medias that we ended up discovering Stan picked up Evan's "left boob grab" habit. Evans, well-known for his hot body and role of Captain America, has the special habit of leaning back grabing his left boob while laughing hard. But it became a "bad habit" that Evans n o t o n l y g r a b h i s own boob, but also other male actors'. H e n c e , S t a n m i m i c k e d C h r i s E v a n s ' l e f t b o o b grab movement in Chicago Comic Con 2014. He even replayed it by slow motion. And now Stan seemed to have taken this bad habit himself. During an interview with Evans and Mackie in China. Stan laughed so hard to Anthony Mackie's jokes, and did the "left boob grab" to himself right away. It surprised all the fans that he's totally assimilated by Evans. "This teaches us don't ever make fun of your friend's movement and laughter, because you might get used to it one day", said fans. "This is absolutely true love".
  • 5. 5 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN C aptain America: Civil War will be in theaters on May 6th in North America and China. The actors are now busy promoting the film in various shows, interviews and activities. Chris Evans went to The Tonight Show and played "Frozen Blackjack" with host Jimmy Fallon on May 4th. The game was followed that of a normal game of blackjack, until the winner gets to pour a pitcher of ice-cold water down the loser's pants after each hand. After Evans got ice-freezing water poured onto his crotch for 2 times, his best friend Bucky in the movie made Jimmy Fallon drink his split, w h i c h f a n s jokingly called it a "Revenge". Jimmy Fallon was joined by stars Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany and Sebastian Stan on May 5th. They didn't play "Frozen Blackjack" like Evans did, but played Musical Beers instead. Five of them are going to try and grab a cup of beer each round until the last one to survive becomes the winner. Stan showed up in the show with a fierce look who looks exactly the same as his role Winter Soldier. The way he unbuttons his suit and the way he hugged and yelled at Jimmy Fallon, shows his confident with this game. 2016/05/06 15:57 Revenge For Captain America? Jimmy Fallon Drinks Sebastian Stan’s Spit During the first round, Stan keeps grabbing onto every cup of beer nervously, and was warned not to do this by Fallon. But the one to be kicked out in the first round was Bettany. In the second round, a small "accident" occurred. Stan was too nervous and thought the music had stopped. He drank the beer in front of him, but the game is still going on. To keep the game going, Stan had no choice but to spit the beer back into the cup, which became the one Fallon had to drink it up. Renner hasn't got any cup in this round, but he's happy that he don't have to drink spit and was so happy to lose. Fallon finish drinking the "spit beer" with Stan showing a cute sorry face beside him. After seeing Fallon's brave movement of drinking the "spit beer", Stan gave him a hug with full respect. Olsen was the third one out in the game, leaving Stan and Fallon to compete for the last round. Stan even joked: "We already made out!" He behaved just like a frightened kitten during the final round, but still too nervous to fetch the last cup of beer which made Jimmy Fallon the winner. Stars from Captain America: Civil War all lost the game and got eliminated. F a n s o n t h e I n t e r n e t w a s like, "Sebastian won by making Jimmy drink his spit", "I think i t w a s B u c k y to revenge for his pal Steve!"
  • 6. 6 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/06 11:23 Sebastian Stan Already Predicted He'll Fight With Ironman 3 Years Ago C a p t a i n A m e r i c a : Civil War got great reputations before screening. Despite it hasn't officially released in North America and China until May 6th, but has already crosses over $261 million at worldwide box office. Almost all of the Avengers members appear in this movie although it was a solo film for Captain America. They had to fight with each other which brought positive influence on the box office. Captain America fighting Ironman together with Bucky is one of the most epic scenes in this movie. However, this had already been predicted by Sebastian Stan 3 years ago, not even when "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" had been released. Steve Roger's best friend Bucky, who was caught and brainwashed by Hydra, has become a fierce killing machine in Captain America movies. Sebastian Stan, who plays Bucky in the movie, posted a photo of himself suited in the Winter Solder's costume, and was also holding a helmet of Iron Man's. He wrote: "Well here's a goddamn #tbt So...back in the #wintersoldier film 2013, one day on set, as I was changing, I found that helmet in a bag. And it stared at me. I grabbed it and immediately after I took this picture, I sent it to Kevin Feige. Little did I know, that a few years later I would face the man. Let's go. #civilwar this weekend. See what this picture became. P.s. This is what the Russos referred to back in the collider interview. " Fans felt amazed by this photo, but also speculate that the staffs from Marvel was already hinting Stan that he will fight with Iron Man in the next Captain America film. Watching this photo of the past Captain America set becomes reality, is still really amazing to all of us. But what fangirls mostly care about is San's strong jaws and handsome profile. This photo reaches more than 50,000 like after posted onto Instagram just in 4 hours, showing Stan's just a real heart-throb.
  • 7. 7 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/07 16:25 Captain America: Civil War Stars Show Their Drawing Skills... And It's Shocking M arvel's Captain America: Civil War has now hit the theaters all around the world. The actors were divided into Team Cap and Team Ironman to go on a world tour promotion, so that fans can get the chance to see their favorite Superheroes. When these actors got interviewed by E!News, they were asked to draw Captain America in different situations by drawing lots. And it turned out quite funny and shocking. Chris Evans' drawing of Cap playing basketball. Jeremy Renner's drawing of Cap playing golf. Elizabeth Olsen's drawing of Cap walking a dog. Anthony Mackie's drawing of Cap playing tennis.
  • 8. 8 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN Since the movie was adapted from comic books, E!News wants to find out who has the best drawing skills. The reporter gave each of them a sketchbook, and asked them to draw what Captain America was doing in only 30 seconds. Everyone seemed stressed by this short time limit, and had no choice but to turn Cap into Match-man. Paul Rudd drew a picture of Cap riding a horse, but fans thought it seemed more like a pig than a horse. Paul Bettany's drawing of Cap eating icecream. Don Cheadle's drawing of Cap playing golf. Paul Rudd's "Cap riding a horse" drawing, were thought of as Cap riding on a pig. Sebastian Stan remembered drawing Cap's biceps when he's walking a dog. Fans think this detail was quite good. In fact, Sebastian Stan had been asked to show his drawing skills before when promoting in China. He was asked by Chinese fans to draw a Winter Soldier on Wiebo. He drew a Winter Soldier within only few simple lines, but it shows all the main features. Some fans even used this and print it on a T-Shirt. But when it comes to drawing Cap, it doesn't quite work out for Sebastian Stan. Although he gave Cap his phenomenal biceps which look exactly the same as Chris Evans' body figure, but it just looks somehow funny. Well, at least this is by far the best drawing we can see in this crew.
  • 9. 9 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/08 10:15 3 Winter Soldiers Together, All Turning into Minions! C aptain America who was always concerning about others more than himself, showed the audience his more "selfish" side in Captain America: Civil War movie to protect and back his old pal Bucky up. On the other hand, Sebastian Stan who played the Winter Soldier, also have different personalities on set and off set. Differnt from his cold-blooded assassin character in the movie, he's a sweet and loving guy in real life. Yesterday, his stuntman posted a video of "3 Buckys” fooling around during the shooting. In most Superhero movies, what fans expect most is the amazing fighting scenes. The actors have to devote themselves into hard training, but there will also be stuntmen and women to finish difficult parts for them. Yesterday, Sebastian Stan’s stuntman James Young posted a Dubsmash video of himself, Stan and another stuntman singing the Minions' Banana Song. The one raining his hand up high and spinning in circles is Sebastian Stan. The three Buckys really had much fun. Fans were like, "How cute", "Maybe the next Minion movie will be played by Buckys".
  • 10. 10 •DORAEMI•SEBASTI AN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/09 13:30 What was is Winter Soldier's Backpack in Captain America: Civil War? I n C a p t a i n A m e r i c a : Civil War, the friendship between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes's has caught a lot of attention. Even the Russo Brothers called it a "Love Story". Steve never gave up on his best friend Bucky, despite he has already become a threat to the world by Hydra, and even started a fight with Ironman for him. When Bucky was mistaken as the suspect who bombed the Vienna Conference, the government sent soldiers to arrest him in Romania. He don't have any weapons to run away with, but the only thing he took, was a mysterious backpack. The contents of the backpack may surprise you. Thanks to Steve's effort and never giving up on his pal, Bucky don't want to be manipulated by Hydra anymore. He hid himself in Romania to live a low-key life. But Steve still found him, and wants to help. Bucky was forced to run away by those heavily-armed pursuing troops. Instead of taking any weapon along with him, he only took a backpack with him which was hidden under the wooden floor. During his run-away progress, he locked the backpack tight onto his body. You can tell how important it is for Bucky. Although no one explained the story about this backpack, which caused great curiosity, but Sebastian Stan speaks out for Bucky. "In his backpack there are a dozen notebooks that compose the scattered memories dating back to as far as he can remember which somewhat piece together a scattered life. In a similar way to Alzheimer's, he's written things down, for fear of losing his memory again. He was prepared, were something to happen, to walk away with nothing but that backpack, which is why it's the only thing he takes and knowing full well that not everything those pages contain is pretty." In his answer, we can tell that Bucky really want to disconnect with Hydra and never kill someone again. He had been frozen and defrosted for so many years, that he has no one to rely on anymore. Of course, he wouldn't go to Steve initiatively. So he had no choice but to live solely far away in a place where he might have to leave at any time. Sebastian Stan explained to fans what was actually inside Bucky's backpack. Besides, Stan said that Bucky "doesn’t really know who he is “during an interview with Entertainment Weekly. He said Bucky and Steve "Never had the chance to choose" since they've enrolled in the army at such a young age. In this movie, Bucky who've learned certain things about himself, is still on the journey to find out the meaning of his life.
  • 11. 11 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/10 13:26 Winter Soldier May be in the Black Widow Movie? I t's every Marvel fan's wish to have a solo movie of their favorite Superhero. U S A T o d a y m a d e 1 0 0 0 fans who have seen Captain America: Civil War pick which Superhero movie they would most want to see. Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow received 48% of the vote to lead. Marvel President Kevin Feige has also confirmed that Black Widow's movie is the one they are most likely to shoot, making fans so excited. In fact, in the lines of Captain America: Civil War, already hinted that Winter Soldier could have become one of the main characters in the Black Widow movie. In Captain America: Civil War, Bucky has regained some past memories. But Zemo read the trigger words out so that Bucky became brainwashed and turned into the fierce assassin again. He fought with his old pal Steve, Falcon, Ironman, Black Panther, Agent 13 and Black Widow. Black Widow rode on his shoulders and was trying to knock him out, sadly it didn't work out. She was thrown onto a table and was almost choked to death by the uncontrollable Winter Soldier. She said to him, "You could at least recognize me." Although it still didn't help calming Winter Soldier to calm d o w n , b u t this line made many audience feel curious, do they meant to have some unknown past with each other? As a matter of fact, Natasha already told Steve that she had fought with Winter Soldier before back in the Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie. He shooted Natasha in the belly, which made her unable to wear bikini again. In the original comics, the two showed much deeper feelings for each other. She was once trained under Winter Soldier, and the pair even had a short romance. But not long after, Natasha was arranged by the KGB to marry the renowned Soviet test pilot Alexei Shostakov. Hence, Natasha is one of the very few company who Winter Soldier trusted in. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the relationship between Winter Soldier and Black Widow had never been mentioned. But according to what Natasha said to Bucky when he lost his control, made people think that if one day Marvel's gonna make a Black Widow movie, their relationship may have been revealed inside. Let's just wait and see.
  • 12. 1 2 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/13 13:01 Does Bucky Ever Got To Eat His Plums? A fter Captain America: Civil War has officially released all around the world, it has become a great hit in the box office. People are still choosing sides whether they support Team Cap or Team Ironman. Steve and Bucky's relationship has also gained massive attention. But some fans didn't care much about the fight between Cap and Ironman, but was focused on one question, "Did Bucky ever got to eat his plums?" Since Bucky has regained some certain things about himself, he doesn't want to turn into the cold blooded assassin again. He fled to Romania and lived a low-key life. One scene in the movie showed Bucky picking plums with him metal arms in the market. This tells the audience that the metal arm of Bucky's isn't a scary weapon anymore, but is only a normal arm like others. He bought 6 plums and returned to his safe house, but discovered that Steve was here. The two old pals didn't get much time to chat, and was forced to run away because the government has sent soldiers to capture Bucky. Soon after, the fight begins. But we notice that Bucky's bag of plum had disappeared. He barely kept the backpack filled with notebooks with him, without the bag of plums at all. Fans were discussing: "Bucky haven't got to eat his plums which breaks my heart", "My favorite scene is the one Bucky buying plums", "He turned back into the sweet Bucky, and you still wouldn't let him eat his plum?" The discussion about Bucky's plums were so massive that it got over 10,000 posts on Tumblr. Some fans even discuss the reason why Bucky bought plums. In addition to it may be his favorite fruit, someone found out some academic information showing that plums might be helpful for Bucky to regain past memories. It is rich in antioxidants, making it one of the most powerful treatments for Alzheimer's disease. The anthocyanin and quercetin can prevent brain cells from disintegrating. Eating 3~4 plus a day can mitigate the impact of memory loss. Other fans even made this into Memes, even Leonardo DiCaprio was involved, causing great laughter.
  • 13. 13 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/14 13:32 Like Father, like Son!Sebastian Stan Looks Just Like A Young Luke Skywalker C aptain America: Civil War has become a trend that fans were talking about these days. Recently, a photo of Sebastian Stan's face was morphed with a promo shot of Mark Hamill from the original Star Wars trilogy. The two looked so much alike that freaked so many people out. An Instagram account posted a morphed picture of Sebastian Stan in the look of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, has gained lots of attentions. It is really amazing to see the two look so a like with o n e a n o t h e r, e s p e c i a l l y with their beautiful eyes. Mark Hamill was also awed after seeing this photo. He jokingly said that Sebastian Stan could become Luke Skywalker. The only difference between the two is the beard. When asked to describe Sebastian Stan in 3 words, he replied, "Lukealike pretend son". Sebastian Stan also saw this photo and was shocked their similarity too. He said that he went out for Star Wars 4 times but wasn't meant to be, and also said that, "Who knows in the future but will certainly consider. Thanks." After seeing Sebastian Stan's reply fans have begun to wish and beg Disney who own the 2 films at the same time to make it come true.
  • 14. 14 •DORAEMI•SEBASTI AN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/15 13:55 Winter Soldier Joining The Black Panther Movie? Kevin Feige Says...... C aptain America: Civil War has become a huge box office success all around the world. Despite this may be the last film of the Captain America movie series, but the post-credit scene hints that the story might not have ended so fast. Due to Steve and Bucky showed up at Wakanda in the end of the movie, this might have something to do with the Black Panther movie scheduled to be released in 2018. In the end of Captain America: Civil, Captain America and Ironman had just both suffered from a intense fight with each other. Steve threw away his shield made by Howard Stark, and is determined to bring Bucky whose metal arm was cut off by Ironman away. They went to Wakanda where T'Challa provided help and refuge for them. Due to the regret of mistaking Bucky as the murderer who killed his father, T'Challa respected Bucky's choice to be cryogenically frozen again and built a freezing chamber for him. As a king, T'Challa promises Bucky's safety, and tries to find out ways to get rid of the trigger words out of Bucky's head during his sleep. Steve was worried about the government will come for Bucky, but T'Challa had great confident by answering: "Let them try". Then, the camera showed us the stunning environment and the giant statue of Black Panther in Wakanda. This made the audience wonder, maybe it could be the preview of the Black Panther solo movie or Avengers: Infinity War. So, is Bucky going to defrost and awake in the Black Panther movie? Marvel President Kevin Feige replied, "It... remains to be seen. He’s certainly in stasis there. Where and when he comes out? I’m not sure."
  • 15. 15 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/15 15:06 There Seems To Be "Something" Going On Between Captain America and Bucky M arvel's Captain America: Civil War has become a great hit recently. These superheroes from were divided into Team Cap and Team Ironman, but they fight with each other for their own reason. There isn't really a "true villain" in this movie. And what touches us most, is the deep friendship between Captain America and Bucky which has never changed in more than 70 years. Cap showed his more "selfish" side in this movie to protect and back his pal Bucky up. He still thought Bucky as the kind and considerate Bucky who lived in Brooklyn. The strong bond between the two was even considered it some kind of a "Love Story". This m a d e S t u c k y shippers thrilled and somehow also made people to think that if their relationship is a little gay. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan who plays Steve and Bucky, were also asked about their super-friendship during their whole-world-tour promotion. In fact, the two had similar response to how they view Cap and Bucky's relationship. Way back in 2014, Sebastian Stan was in Chelsea Lately for promoting Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Chelsea Handler suggested that "it's a little gay" between Cap and Bucky. Stan answered, "Well, look, I mean, maybe it was a little Brokeback Mountain at some time. It was a little I won't quit you. But you know, everybody cares about each other, what can I say?"
  • 16. 1 6 • D O R A E M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN As for Evans, he almost felt the same saying that he thinks Cap and Bucky's relationship is "A Love Story" during an interview in China. He said that because Steve and Bucky grew up together, they risked their lives, had each other's back, and love one another deeply, only not in a Brokeback Mountain way. Evans and Stan had known each other since the Captain America: The First Avenger back in 2011. They've now become friends for about 6~7 years, and had well understanding for each other. As a matter of fact, it won't be too difficult for the two to portrait the friendship between Cap and Bucky. Stan even complimented on some Stucky fan arts during an interview with The Daily Beast. He also described Bucky's situation as: "He’s someone who is piecing together a life and dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. He’s paranoid, because he doesn’t know if he’s being followed or if he’s being watched. He has a hard time trusting himself because he’s learning about all the things he’s done that he doesn’t remember. He’s in a very isolated place, and he’s sort of like a scared animal. He’s just lost.” But to Bucky, Steve is the only person as his only hope. "Because Steve Rogers is the only guy who will keep him alive." Stan also stated that Steve is Bucky's only family on this world. “They’re these two guys who are totally out of a different world, they don’t have anybody, they were ripped out of a past. They never had a choice, necessarily. Certainly, Bucky never had a choice. The idea for the guy was, ‘I’m going to go to war, because that’s what I’m supposed to do for my country, and then I’m going to come back and start a life’—but he never did.”
  • 17. 17 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/16 12:42 The Motorcycle-Stealing Scene is Too Handsome That it Took Sebastian Stan 2 Falls to Finish I n the box office leader Captain America: Civil War, Bucky who now hid in Romania was framed by Zemo as the suspect who bombed the conference in Vietnam and killed the king of Wakanda. T'Challa was so furious that he went after Bucky and tried to kill him. The chase between them mainly happened on a freeway filled with moving cars. Bucky hijacked a motorcycle in the process. This amazing scene played in slow motion has stunned so many audiences, but it's in fact a hard-work process for Sebastian Stan. Sebastian Stan talked about this flip scene during an interview with . He revealed that it was conducted by stunt coordinator Spiro Razatos who also did Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Fast & Furious movies. He said, "Of course as an actor you want to be involved, so they put me in there as much as it was safe to do. I’d never ridden a motorcycle before. I fell off it twice in rehearsals ..." Sebastian Stan didn't even start the engine and fell off twice, which made him think : Oh my god, this thing underneath me is an animal. Sebastian Stan had also showed fans a picture of this precious moment on Instagram today. We can see that long-haired Sebastian Stan was in a straight face while riding a Harley-Davidson. He wrote: "That was fun. Before I fell off. Twice. You can see it on my face. The impending doom. Instinct kicking in." Although the process was a little horrible, but it ended up well in the movie and became one of the most memorable scenes in Captain America: Civil War.
  • 18. 1 8 • D O R AE M I • S E B A S T I A N BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/17 14:46 Sebastian Stan Becomes 1st on IMDb STARmeter! Got Up to 200 Pounds For the Winter Soldier Role S ebastian Stan's portrait of Bucky Barnes in Captain America: Civil War is very eye-catching. He showed us the vulnerable side and guilt of this character who had slowly regained his own conscious and memories. The chemistry between Bucky and Captain America has also gained lots of attention. This had made Sebastian Stan more popular than ever, gaining lots of fans rapidly. His name has become popular tag and keywords on social media like Twitter and Tumblr. Now, he even became the 1st place on IMDB's STARmeter! Stan was in TV Shows like Gossip Girl, The Kings, and Political Animals. He was also in The Martian with Matt Damon last year. But the most iconic character that he has ever done, is Bucky in the Captain America movies. Stan gained great attention and popularity since then. Despite he wasn't that familiar with the comic books at first, he still went on casting. But the role he casted for wasn't Bucky at all, it was Captain America. Eventually, Sebastian Stan didn't get the role of Cap, but turned out to be his best pal for life, Bucky. And Sebastian Stan was satisfied for the role of Bucky. Bucky faced so many difficulties and gigantic mood changing that made Sebastian Stan found very interesting, so he didn't pity for not becoming Captain America at all. It was not until Sebastian Stan got the role of Bucky that he strived himself to study the comic books. He not only put himself into Bucky's shoes, but also sacrificed a lot in becoming a strong and powerful assassin, especially in his weight. Due to the perfect fit body he had in Captain America: The Winter Soldier was criticized "too thin", Sebastian Stan was demanded to gain weight in this movie. Stan said he had a trainer and nutritionist and ate 5,000 calories a day. "I had a delivery system that basically delivered all my meals at 7 every morning and then I'd train at least four days a week. I got up to 200 pounds. I just wanted to be solid." To him, e a t i n g s o m u c h was considered the most difficult part with this movie. But his hard work paid off and the r e s u l t s e n d e d u p w e l l , r i g h t ?
  • 19. 19 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/18 14:48 "Winter Soldier" Sebastian Stan, Was Once in Hot Gay Scenes! S ebastian Stan rose to stardom after becoming Bucky in the Captain America movies. His name not only became the top trending keyword on Tumblr, and has even became 1st on IMDB's STARMeter. His popularity is still on an unstoppable growth. Sebastian Stan had great interest in acting since he was a kid, and was also on a Broadway Show, some TV Shows and movies. Much to people's surprise, he actually played some gay roles in his past projects, which really made people think that he's an actual gay. Stan moved from Vienna to New York with his pianist Mom in the age of 12. He played some stage dramas like Harvey, Cyrano de Bergerac, Little Shop of Horrors, Over Here and West Side Story in high school. Stan also went to the famous Stagedoor Manor summer camp, where he set up his mind to become an actor. After graduating from high school, Stan entered Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, and spent a year at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. After graduating from college, Stan was in several TV Shows like Gossip Girl in 2007 and Broadway Show Picnic in 2013, and was slowly recognized by people all after that.
  • 20. 20 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Stan has a stunning beautiful face and a nice body. He once jokingly said that he had those "Romanian dark circles" below his eyes, and fans think that's why he looks so attractive. May this also explains why he was chosen to play gay roles in Kings and Political Animals. In Kings, Stan is the Prince of fictional Kingdom Gilboa. Prince Jack has ambitions to the rule the country, but was despised by his father King Silas due to his extravagant and playboy lifestyle. King Silas revealed King Jack's closeted sexuality by saying: "What you do at night with your boys after your show of skirt-chasing is a disgrace. If you were my second son, I wouldn't care, but for a king it's not possible." As a gay role inside, Stan said that creator Michael Green suggested him to gain a greater understanding of where gays stand in the political arena. Stan’s hard work paid off that many people were stunned by his performance. So the miniseries Political Animals came to him in 2012 again, let him play a role of the Son of President who has already came out of the closet. His role T.J. Hammond was also a playboy, and was addicted on drugs similar to his role Jack in Kings. But this time, Stan’s gay performance was so much bolder and sexier. Besides lying on the bed half naked, there is also a smoking hot scene of Stan making out with another male actor almost having his pants ripped off in the show. Stan didn’t really care about being stereotyped, but Out Magazine clarified it for him: "It's just as well you get over Sebastian Stan's sexuality right off the bat. Yes, the actor with a striking resemblance to a young Brad Pitt and the onscreen bearing of Cary Grant on a particularly unpleasant day is, in fact, straight." In the past few years, Stan dated some of the actresses who he cooperated with, which shows no sign that he’s gay. But his screen image seems to be “too gay“ that not only some audiences but also his step father also once thought he’s gay. It wasn’t until Stan's stepdad found some porn photos in his computer that he finally understand his stepson wasn’t a gay. He was so relieved that he said to Stan: " Son, I’m really so glad. Because your Mom and I thought you were gay." Although many gay fans think it’s such a pity that Stan is straight, but his role Bucky also had some king of “Gay friendship” with Captain America which crossed 70 years in the series movies. Cap even threw away his shield 2 times for Bucky. Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans both admitted that the relationship is “a little gay“, which made “Stucky“ shippers so excited. Fans created many “Stucky“ fan arts or fiction stories on the Internet. Stan highly praised some frank during an interview with The Daily Beast and didn’t show any sign of displeasure. As a result, we can look forward to Sebastian Stan who already challenged so many different roles to bring us more amazing projects with his excellent performance in the future.
  • 21. 21 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/05/24 14:14 The Winter Soldier Has A Childlike Heart! Wants To Become A Toy Maker If Not An Actor B ucky struggled with his past memories and the guilt of being the assassin "Winter Soldier" of Hydra in Captain America: Civil War. Sebastian Stan did such a great job to portrait this role that he aroused a lot of attention and was being loved by many fans. He even became to top searching keyword on Tumblr, and won 1st place in IMDB's STARMeter recently. But the rising star wasn't immersed into the fame that Hollywood brought him, and still lived a low-key life. He even surprisingly revealed that if he wasn't an actor, he might have been a toy maker. Stan considered himself the biggest critic of his own, and said : "No one’s ever gonna beat me. I don’t care for reviews, because no one can say anything that even comes near to what I say about myself. I don’t ever relax, and I really don’t care about what people say. I will always say something worse about myself." Stan had challenged various different roles since debuted as an actor. He revealed that he used to smoke a lot while casting for a new role. But he himself who said casting for the role of Captain America is just "finding a new job", has now quitted this habit. Instead, Stan meditates and listens to music to ease the anxiety. Sebastian Stan is fond of many kinds of music, especially music in the 80s. He even creates different playlists for each role to concentrate more into the character. "Falcon" Anthony Mackie complimented Stan was ever affected by the fame Hollywood brought him. Stan said he may become a toy maker if not being an actor. "I'm a kid at heart, and maybe some people might say that it’s immature, but the truth is, you gotta recall your childhood because it’s an important time. I guess I’ve always been fascinated by people who make toys, because they have to remain a child one way or another." Stan also revealed that he is interested in writing things. "I’m a kid at heart, and maybe some people might say that it’s immature, but the truth is, you gotta recall your childhood because it’s an important time. I guess I’ve always been fascinated by people who make toys, because they have to remain a child one way or another." Maybe Stan will soon become a writer one day, and show a different side to all of us.
  • 22. 22 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN T he US Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage since 2015 June, which made gay issues been taken more seriously than ever. Hence, the Russo brothers said they might add more LGBT characters in Marvel films in the future. But now in the Captain America: Civil War movie, the relationship between Cap and Bucky was also considered some kind of a "Love Story". Cap tries to protect his pal Bucky who slowly regained some of his humanity and past memories, and is even willing to fight with Ironman for him. So last week, fans have taken to Twitter to petition Marvel to give Captain America a boyfriend. 2016/05/30 14:29 After Seeing Captain America: Civil War... People Are Asking Bucky To Be Cap's Boyfriend! Why fans are doing this, is because just not long ago, Idina Menzel gave her support to the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign, hoping to encourage Disney to put lesbian character in the new Frozen film. Soon after, a new hashtag started trending on Twitter: #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend. This is in the hope of making kids who were LGBT can be inspired and can be themselves bravely after watching the movie. After the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend trend broke out, there are more than 200,000 within 24 hours. The trend was so popular that it even became news headlines. It has become the most popular trend and issue on Twitter after "Hydra Cap" broke out. Although there is a kissing scene between Cap and Agent 13 in the movie, but many criticized it as "too fake" or "unexpected". Fans think that it is impossible for Cap to kiss his ex-girlfriend's niece right after attending her funeral. And this even made the "gay" relationship between Cap and Bucky stand out more. Stucky fans considered it "true love" because Marvel uses 3 movies to show how strong their relationship is. Cap doesn't even hesitate to oppose 117 nations and fight with friends from Avengers for Bucky, let alone Cap already threw away his shield twice for him. Some said that you’re never going to find a man who loves one another so much just like Cap. So a great amount of fans support Bucky to become Cap's boyfriend. BBC Three even made a touching film between the two for Stucky shippers, saying: "Doesn't he (Cap) already have one (boyfriend)?" BBC Three even went into an argument with Sky Movies who ship "Stony". It all shows how much impact Captain America: Civil War has brought to the audience.
  • 23. 23 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN C aptain America: Civil War which had been officially released for a month, grosses over $1,100,000,000 in the worldwide box office. Spiderman and Black Panther who joined the film for the first time, has been confirmed that they will get their own movie soon after. Marvel is also determined to make the Black Widow movie come true. But many fans are still unsatisfied thinking Bucky's part is not enough. They wish to see his story while hiding away and slowly regain his past memories. So someone started a petition of asking Marvel to make a Winter Soldier movie. 2016/05/31 14:28 See That, Marvel? Fans Want A "The Winter Soldier" Movie! Stan said that if Marvel's really gonna do this, he will be happy to be in during an interview. But it depends on fans to make this happen. Hence, a fan from Chile started a petition on "". She hope that fans can show Marvel how eager they wish to see a Winter Soldier movie. "I think there’s a lot that we still haven’t seen of Bucky Barnes, and we want to see a lot more. What about the whole process after he fell off the train, the transformation from Bucky Barnes to The Winter Soldier, his old missions, what about new missions? Sure we see some of that in Civil War, but I’m pretty sure that in 70 years as Hydra’s puppet he had a lot of stories and we would like to see them all." After seeing Captain America: Civil War, audience is sure to become curios about Bucky's hiding life, and we know there's way more stories behind that. Until now, over 25,000 people signed the petition. Sebastian Stan himself also noticed this, and left a message on a fan's account saying: "Holy shit. The best fans in the world!!!" Even Stan himself was impressed by the fan's action. We are hoping more people can join in to make Winter Soldier's movie come true.
  • 24. 24 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/03 14:17 The Winter Soldier Has a Warm Heart! Invite Kids to See Captain America: Civil War M arvel's Captain America: Civil War became a great hit after grossing over $1,100,000,000 in the worldwide box office. Although it had been released for a month, the discussion about the movie is still trending everywhere. Many fans has already seen this movie more than 1 time already, but not all kids can go to theaters happily to see their favorite Superheroes on the big screen. Sebastian Stan booked Regal Cinemas up in LA last month, to do a special screening of Captain America: Civil War for kids from a charity organization. He shows a totally different other than the Winter Soldier he played in this movie. Stan showed the Captain America: Civil War movie to kids from "Big Brothers Big Sisters of America" last month. Staff from the organization said that it was Sebastian Stan who contacted them initiatively, and generously paid for the tickets, food and drinks for everybody. He also took photos with the kids there, even recorded a short clip for a fan who couldn’t meet him in person. His heart- warming actions were so impressing, that a staff said on Instagram: "Thank you, Sebastian, for supporting our youth and leading by example! D e s p i t e h e i s a f i e r c e a s s a s s i n i n t h e m o v i e , S e b a s t i a n S t a n i s v e r y n i c e a n d k i n d i n p r i v a t e .
  • 25. 25 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/04 12:00 Homeless He May Seemed To Be... But the Winter Soldier Definitely Got Great Teeth! I n Marvel's latest film Captain America: Civil War, Bucky who was brainwashed by Hydra now regained some past memories. He hid and lived a low-key life in Romania. To portrait Bucky's "homeless" image, Sebastian Stan gained a lot of weight this time. He looks totally different from how he is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But it's quite interesting that Bucky still keep his teeth white and clean in the movie, making Stan's dentist feel so proud of it. Despite Stan already has amazing and beautiful smile, he still had his teeth fixed in 2013. He wore transparent bracelets for a while to fix them. Now in the Captain America: Civil War movie, he still got his long hair, but less stylish than before. To show how Winter Soldier hid himself in a low-key life, Sebastian Stan not only gained weight but was also in an unkempt appearance this time. But if you look close at his teeth, you can still tell how glowy and perfect his teeth is. This made his dentist so proud, and sent Facebook message to compliment him: "Omg! Ur smile lol almost as great as the movie." Sebastian Stan replied: "Hahahaha exactly", "Homeless he may be BUT HES GOT GREAT TEETH!!!" Fans were also adored by his cuteness and replied: "Awwwww~ That's too cute", "Homeless the Winter Soldier may be, but he still brushes his teeth every night!"
  • 26. 26 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Wizard World Comic Con has taken place in Philadelphia on July 3rd. The cast of Captain America: Civil War Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie got together again there. They were in panels to answer fans' questions, also in photo ops and autograph ops to interact with fans. On the panel, Sebastian Stan got to eat his plums which Bucky didn't have the chance to eat in the movie. During the autograph section, he even played with a fan who brought a freezer and ran in and out of it. It has become one of the highlights in the Philly Comic Con. 2016/06/05 10:02 Finally, Bucky Got to Eat His Plums! And He Also "Come Out Of the Closet" Bucky who hid in Romania, just bought some plums back from the market, and then Cap appeared in his safety house. The government army was also behind to take him down, Bucky had no choice but to start fighting back and run, without any spare time to eat those plums. Well, now his regret has been eased on the Philly Comic Con. While Stan was telling the fans that Bucky still haven't got to eat his plum on the panel, the host took out a bag of plums.Stan was too surprised that he started to eat one immediately. He also shared them with Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie, making all the fans laugh. Also, Stan and Evans who were considered to have a "Love Story" relationship in the movie, has also showed fans how close they were on the panel. The host jokingly asked: "Cap really loved Bucky, right?" Evans immediately said to Stan: "Bucky (Some fans considered him calling "Honey"), shall we get out of here?" Stan seemed totally shocked that he only replied: "... I think I need some water." The cute interactions between the two made the fans below burst out of screaming. A fan brought a self-made large freezer that people can really go inside. Stan naughtily ran inside becoming Winter Soldier again, and then ran outside giving the fan a nice warm hug. Fans on the Internet said: "That's too cute", "Did I just saw Bucky 'came outside of the closet'?"
  • 27. 27 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/06 13:16 Sebastian Stan Witnessed Fan's Proposal ! And Was Invited to Their Wedding L ast weekend, the Wizard World Comic Con has taken place at Philadelphia. Captain America: Civil War cast Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie along with Thor movie's Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston were all there to interact with fans. A couple proposed in front of Sebastian Stan during the photo op. They even invited him to their wedding, making Sebastian Stan so surprised and happy. A pair of coser couple celebrated their one year anniversary on July 3rd by going to the Philadelphia Comic Con together. They were the lucky ones to take photo together with Stan. The female fan has always been a fan of Stan. Hence, in their first photo together, she happily grabbed Stan's hand to shoot letting her boyfriend step aside with an unhappy face. But soon later, the male fan kneeled down and took out a ring. He proposed to his girlfriend right in front of her favorite star. This made both Stan and his female fan so surprised, that Stan immediately took out his phone t o r e c o r d t h i s e p i c m o m e n t . As the witness of his fan's proposal, he posted their photo together on Instagram, and wrote: "Congratulations to these two!! Wow. Thanks for including me...I wish you both much love! He really went for it." Since Stan shared the proposing moment to the public, the couple received so many blessings from all around the world. The female fan later said on her Tumblr: "I would like to give my sincerest thank you to everyone who has shared, liked, or commented on our story. We had no idea we would get the response that we have, and we cannot be more happy or thankful!!" She also revealed a behind story that Sebastian signed for his fans waiting in line during his break. There were no security guard or staff around him and he just sat down and signed. She also said: "He remembered us from yesterday and got super excited, hugged us both and congratulated us after we told him he’s invited to the wedding lol. I love this man. I’m so glad I picked him as my favorite celebrity"
  • 28. 28 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Sebastian Stan plays Captain America’s closest friend Bucky in the movie. When asked by TDB whether he had gotten a chance to see the critically-maligned BvS, he answered: “I did see Batman v Superman, and I enjoyed it. I think visually it was insane. I thought Ben Affleck was an incredible Batman. I thought that fight sequence he had against all the guys, that was sick. Even Jesse Eisenberg was cracking me up at some points. That’s all I got. Despite being a Marvel actor, Sebastian Stan still talks about how the DCEU taking shape to make perfect sense : "I also think that DC is at a point right now where, it’s been my impression, they want to get to Justice League. They want to go ahead and kind of get everybody fighting together. And I think the best way to jumpstart that was to get what I think most people wanted to see for a long time: Batman vs. Superman, two of the biggest superheroes in history." But at the end of the day, Sebastian Stan still remembers that he's a Marvel man. While asked if he would take on any DC characters, he replied: "But… I ’ m a Marvel guy, man." 2016/06/07 15:16 Put Aside the DC V.S. Marvel Thing! Sebastian Stan Praised Ben Affleck's Batman S uperhero movies have now became both comic fans and movie fans' favorite by hitting the box office recently. DC and Marvel have always considered as opponents since last century. Recent movies Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from DC and Captain America: Civil War from Marvel were also compared with one another by fans. Civil War has over taken BvS with its outstanding box office score. Critics also seemed to like Civil War more than BvS. But Sebastian Stan from Marvel not only watched BvS, and praised Ben Affleck's Batman much to some fans' surprise.
  • 29. 29 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/10 13:49 Which Movie Will Winter Solder Next Appear At? Sebastian Stan Says... W e can obviously tell that in the end of Captain America: Civil War, Avengers still stood apart and hasn't really reconcile with each other yet. Winter Soldier, a.k.a Bucky Barnes, was considered the main reason of the Civil War between Cap and Ironman. With the help of Black Panther, he go back frozen again before there is a way to delete the trigger words inside his head in the post credit scene. Cap had no choice but to respect Bucky's choice. Hence, it makes the audience curious about how will they regain their friendship in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. Sebastian Stan gave us some hint about it. During the Wizard World C o m i c C o n h e l d i n Philadelphia, a fan asked Stan in which Marvel movie would he like to appear at. But before he can spill out anything, Chris Evans warned him : "Just becareful. Cause I answered o n e o f t h e s e q u e s t i o n s , and it hit up, like you've demanded it or something." Stan thought for a second, and hinted: "I don’t know, man. I mean, there’s obviously a very clear answer but I’m not maybe say it, now. Where did he end up at the end of the movie? That’s the movie he should be in. I feel like that would be the natural... But I don't know." While he was quick to point out that he isn't 100% sure about what's next for the character, but we might be able to see Bucky return in Black Panther. Stan had 9 movie contracts with Marvel in total. After being in 3 Captain America movies, there are still 6 movie contracts left. So, we might have a great chance seeing Bucky waking up and appear in the upcoming Marvel movies. From what Stan hinted us, it probably will happen in the Black Panther movie that is due to release on 2018 June. Also, many thinks that Bucky may appear in Avengers: Infinity War directed by The Russo Brothers.
  • 30. 30 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/11 14:09 Sebastian Stan Had His First Kiss At 10... Also Reveals When He Lost His Virginity W inter Soldier, was considered to have a " L o v e S t o r y " relationship with Steve Rogers in the Captain America movies. They even said the epic lines "I'm with you to the end of line" to each other. Sebastian Stan in fact really did some gay role in the past. But, he is no doubt a straight guy. Even gay magazine Out clarified it for him. Earlier, Stan revealed when he lost his virginity in a Podcast interview. Stan was on a Podcast interview with one of his best friends Will Malnati. While asked about his first kiss experience, Stan answered: "I was 10, she was 16. Yeah, I’m serious!" It was when Stan lived in Vienna with his pianist mom that he and the older girl used to travel to school together. "One day, I remember, on the way over there she leaned in for the situation," he continued. "I think she asked me if I had ever kissed anyone and I said no. And she was like 'Do you want to?'" Sebastian Stan said that it was an amazing experience, and said: "I wish I could remember her name." Malnati then asked Stan about his other big first—losing his virginity. Stan generously split everything out. "I think I lost my virginity pretty late. I was a senior in high school. I mean, that’s late, right? I don’t know. By today, probably ancient, “He even revealed where it happened. “But I did at the Time Hotel in Times Square. That’s where I lost it.” Forced to explain further, Stan said he’d met the girl at Stagedoor Manor training camp. She was two years older than him, but they stayed in touch for two years long-distance via cell phones. Stan said that the girl told him she's a virgin. But he wanted to seem like he knew what he was doing, so he actually told her that he wasn’t. "Years later I actually told her, ‘No, I wasn’t.’ “ Asked if she was impressed by his performance, Stan laughed. “No, not at all. I was so freaked out." Surprisingly, they even had a McDonald’s happy meal afterwards. At that time, Stan would travel from Rockland County to NYU on weekends to hang out with his girlfriend. "She had a roommate and we could never really do anything, so I would find an excuse why I needed some money, and together we would save for a minute, and then plan, and then rent a hotel room. We also were at The Paramount Hotel, and we were also at The Hilton Hotel on 53rd and 6th" Now that the girl was already married, Stan looked back at those days and said: "But you know, look… it was love."
  • 31. 31 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN S teve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America, who is always serving the others, chose to become more selfish this time in Captain America: Civil War. He confronted the government not only to defend his own faith, but also to save him old pal Bucky who was tortured and brainwashed by Hydra that became a cold-blooded assassin. While everyone treated Bucky as a criminal, only Cap believes that there is still a human side in him. The relationship between the two is very touching. Also, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan who played these roles, had also became friends after 7 years of cooperation. In their interview with GQ China, Evans wouldn't say anything bad about Stan, just like what Cap did for Bucky. 2016/06/12 13:53 If Steve Rogers Were to Marry Someone... Bucky Should Be His Best Man Evans and Stan interacts well outside the movie just as Cap and Bucky did in the movie. While asked if Steve Rogers is finally going to marry someone, who would he pick to be his best men, Evans answered: "It's a tough question, but if I really had to choose, I think Steve would go with Bucky." Evans explained that they grew up together, and became comrades in WWII. Despite Bucky became Winter Soldier after brainwashed by Hydra, Evans thinks that Steve would still believe in him and make this choice. But why Steve's best men can't be Falcon? Stan replied: "However, Falcon would definitely try to speak at Cap's wedding." Evans agreed with this and said: "Right, he would be one of the groomsmen for sure." Stan even wants Falcon to be the ring bearer, "His only job is to take care of that ring." The cute answers showed the three actors really get along with each other no matter it's in or out the movie. Cap and Bucky had to fight with Team Ironman in the movie. But if not going on a fight, but a Texas hold'em Poker games, Evans and Stan both think that it would be hard to win Ironman. They said that Tony Stark not only is a great actor, but also had a helmet to hide his expressions, which might also got some secret gadgets inside. This made it almost impossible for Steve and Bucky to win. Evans and Stan also encourage each other with providing advices to their career. Stan said that Evans once suggested him: "You should stop playing so much 'evil' roles", showing how much they care for their colleagues.
  • 32. 32 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/13 14:55 Success Does Not Happen Overnight. Sebastian Stan Was Once Neglected While Casting. S ebastian Stan portraits Bucky's struggling emotion and feeling so well in the Captain America series that gained him a great amount of fans. People were awestricken and fascinated by his delicate performance. He even got 1st place on IMDB's STARMeter, showing how hot and popular he now is. But before getting the role of Bucky, he was already in some movies and TV series which was less popular. As a straight guy, he even did some gay roles in the past. Stan shared some of his frustrating casting experiences and showed that success does not happen overnight. Stan was born in Romania and raised in Rockland County, New York. When he was 15, he enrolled in Stagedoor Manor, a Catskills summer camp for young thespians. He thus determined to become an actor. He hired a manager and worked with Audrey Kaplan at Applause Theatrical Workshops, ending up at Rutgers University’s Mason Gross School of the Arts. He started to go to many auditions to win a role, but was rejected many times before he really got his first role. Stan has one particularly horrible audition memory. “One of my first big auditions for a casting director in New York—who’s amazing, I’m not going to say their name—I walked into the audition, and they were on their computer doing an email.” He mimes typing, banging his fingers on the table. “The assistant was behind them. And I said ‘Hi,’ and they didn’t turn around. They said, ‘Yeah, go ahead.’ And then I read with the assistant, and the casting director didn’t even turn once! I was in the same room, they were continuing to type the email while I was in there doing it! Just brutal.” Despite Stan went through these brutal experiences, he still had great passion in acting, and kept going on many auditions. Patience and perseverance paid off: that same casting director, after at least 10 more auditions over the next two years, gave Stan his first significant job. "Those beginning years, looking back, they could be really tough and painful and hurtful but there was something great about it. And once it’s gone, it’s gone. You have the opportunity to sometimes experiment more. It was just, ‘Get a job, any job,’ and then you were so grateful to work.” Stan recalls something his acting teacher and mentor Larry Moss told him after his graduation. “He said, ‘You’d better start loving that process—getting the job, working on the character. Start loving the experience much more than the result.’ ”So, how about the terrifying auditions? "You don’t have to love the auditions, no,” he says laughingly. “You just have to love what you’re auditioning for.”
  • 33. 33 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/14 14:12 Sebastian Stan Takes It Seriously to Comic Book Movies S ebastian Stan wasn't really considered to have a "success career" until he got the role of Bucky Barnes in Marvel's Captain America series movies. After Captain America: Civil War, his fame and popularity has gone up so fast like a skyrocket, earning so much love from the fans. Since Bucky had regained some memories, he didn't want to be the killing machine of Hydra anymore. But the trigger words were still kept inside his brain, he had to hide himself for not hurting any innocent people. He's now mixed with feelings between Bucky and Winter Soldier. It's quite difficult and is a great challenge for the actor to portrait such a complex role, but Stan just nailed it. His stunning performance is not only highly praised by The Russo Brothers, and also wowed so many fans. Stan wasn't really that familiar with Captain America's comic book plot until he gets the role of Bucky. But now, Stan is so into this character and developed his own understanding and ways to portrait Bucky. During an interview, Stan thinks that Bucky's situation is similar to veterans struggling with PTSD. He not only don't have a safe place as "home", but also had to fit into nowadays lives after being brainwashed and tortured so many years. Stan said that Bucky is on a journey like many veterans who returned from the battlefield. Although he doesn't know how to live in modern days, he still had to figure it out.
  • 34. 34 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN The struggle of Bucky may somehow refer to Stan's own experience. He moved from Romania to Vienna with his mother at 8, and then moved to New York City at age 12. The process of leaving the familiar environment and moving from one country to another is quite tough for Stan in such a young age. "It was hard. You're inhabiting different worlds, speaking different languages," Stan said in an interview recently. "But it helped me in a way. When you're young you just want to fit in. And when you're older you realize that what it really did was make you OK with feeling different." Having this kind of experience made Stan relate to those of Bucky's easily, and analyzes: "There's a lot to [Bucky] that's very real to our world. This ambivalent place he's in. Should there be a government that's able to control things in a different way? Or is it about individuals and liberties?" Stan wanted to become an actor in high school. In fact, for almost three years after college, Stan went out for countless acting gigs and booked approximately zero. And after he was recruited by Marvel, some still question that actors playing superheroes like him, only need to flex their acting muscles as much as those in prestige dramas. “When I go to work I don’t discriminate it as a comic-book movie,” replied Stan. He also thinks that the level of actorly preparation, isn’t usually associated with sci-fi flicks raking in billions of dollars. "I know when people are considering me for jobs sometimes it’s, ‘Well, you’re in a comic-book movie.’ And I’m, like, ‘But I’m killing myself to try to do the best I can!’ ” Stan paid a lot of effort in studying Bucky, and successfully transformed into amazing performance that stunned the audience. Anthony Russo said that Stan brought a kind of physical nuance to his performance that made them confident in his increased role. "He did things in 'Winter Soldier' that blew us away, finding a way to put forth a complex character even though he didn't have many opportunities to speak," said the co-director, noting the actor’s on-set "Method style that could have him being calm and a little aloof to maintain that intensity." He also complimented Stan tells amazing story through his eyes and his physicality. "It’s that phrase: The camera really loves him.” Not only were the directors impressed by Stan's performance, he colleague Anthony Mackie as "Falcon" in the movie also praised highly of Stan's effort. "He has the most difficult role. Most actors would play [Bucky] in a way that made you want to kill the guy by the end. And Sebastian puts you in a position where you're torn." Mackie notes of the performer that "he has this innate ability to make people want to watch him. It's this charismatic quality that's hard to explain or teach.
  • 35. 35 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/17 15:04 Sebastian Stan's Nickname is Too Cute That Chris Evans Really Loved It So Much S ebastian Stan had so many different identities and nicknames in the Captain America movies. He was first James Buchanan Barnes, and Steve calls him "Bucky" or "Buck". Then he was transformed into “Winter Soldier" by Hydra. In Captain America: Civil War, Ironman called him "Manchurian Candidate" which implies him suffering from nightmares just like Denzel Washington did in the movie. The character had gone through gigantic transformations, and had complex feelings that it almost seemed to be 3 different people. It's not easy for an actor to play a role like that, but Stan did a great job. He whom succeeded in this role isn't who he was like in the movies in real life. So it earned Stan some cute nicknames that even Chris Evans who had already worked with him for about 7 years, is so surprised and loved it very much. Bucky appeared to be in a situation between James Buchanan Barnes and the Winter Soldier in Captain America: Civil War. Sebastian Stan commented on his condition: "To me, he’s never really going to be Bucky Barnes again. There’s going be recognizable things about him, but his path through the [experiences of] Winter Soldier is always going be there, haunting him. He recognizes his past, but at the same time he’s sort of a new character, too." That is an interesting challenge for any actor. "It’s very crazy," said Stan. "It’s one of the greatest joys I have in playing this part because it’s like the three movies for me have been like three people, in a sense."
  • 36. 36 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN While the Captain America: Civil War cast were promoting in China, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan who had worked together for about 7 years, showed chemistry of great coordination with each other. The reporter mentioned that the last time Stan was there to promote The Martian, he got to know his nickname given by fans "chubby dumpling" and "384". He got the cute nickname of "chubby dumpling" because his chubby look for Bucky this time. And "384" was the similar pronunciation of his name "Sebastian" in Chinese. But Evans kept yelling: "Wait, wait! Why didn't I know any of this?" Stan explained both of them to him, finally solved Evans' curiosity. But right after he figured these cute nicknames out, he couldn't even focus on the questions but kept thinking about "chubby dumpling". He couldn't stop laughing and wanted to do some "chubby dumpling" jokes. Evans even wanted to make a "chubby dumpling" uniform for Stan in the upcoming movies, which is just hilarious and cute.
  • 37. 37 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/20 11:52 Sebastian Stan Shares Thoughts on "Hydra Cap" C a p t a i n A m e r i c a i s always viewed as a patriotic symbol who represents the American spirit. But when Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 comes out, it reveals the full truth behind the sensational shocker from #1, that Captain America had been a Hydra agent since before WWII. It was a stunner, which caused a huge shitstorm of ignorant controversy. Evan Chris Evans who played this role in the movie was also shocked with this dramatic twist and said "Hydra?!?!? #sayitaintso" on Twitter. Sebastian Stan, who played Cap's best friend Bucky in the movie, was also stunned by this and revealed his thoughts on "Hydra Cap" on Comic Con. S e b a s t i a n S t a n w a s i n Sacramento for Wizard World Comic Con last weekend, and was asked by fans what he thinks about "Hydra Cap". "I don't know... It's like, um, it's like putting a car in a washing machine,” said Stan. "It’s so unfathomable to me, like to think of Steve Rogers as being kinda… always… involved in some sort of… um, mastermind, uh… you know, scheme or something." Stan showed a shrugging pose to show his astonishment and true feelings about "Hydra Cap" which fans also relate to so much. After all, it was Hydra who captured Bucky and brainwashed him into the Winter Soldier. If Cap is really one of them, he would've become their accomplice to make his best friend Bucky suffer. This not only destroys Cap's loyalty to the country, but also reverses him great personality. No wonder fans are so against and angry with this twist. Since the MCU in the movies is different from those in the comic books, Steve Rogers still won't become a "Hydra Cap" in the movie for now, which is a great news for all movie fans.
  • 38. 38 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN After Stan's shout out, fans rushed to Hamill's Twitter to make sure if he really get a call from his "son". But Hamill replied plaintively: "KIDS! They never call, they never write...and after all we've done for them! #BuckyBlowsOffLonelyLuke #GetOffMyLawn", "I didn't know that. Waited by the phone all day &... Nothing! #ForlornForgottenFather #AsLongAsHesHappyAndHealthyOK", "S-i-g-h- ...<crickets>". Another fan posted the gif pic of Stan doing his "Father's Day shout out" for Hamill, he finally turned happy and said: "If the subtitles are correct, I stand corrected... He remembered after all! #ProudPapa #DreamboatDeliversDadShoutOut". The interaction between fans and Hamill couldn't get cuter. F ather's Day took place last Sunday, many stars showed picture of them with their Dad or kids to celebrate. Mark Hamill, who played "Luke Skywalker" in the Star Wars movies, was asked if his "look-alike son" Sebastian Stan had called him. But he plaintively said that he waited a whole day and got nothing. There was a photo of Sebastian Stan's face morphed with a promo shot of Mark Hamill taken at the time of the original Star Wars trilogy. It's amazing that the two not only looked alike in the morphed photo, but also in their own photos if being compared. Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan were both stunned by this too that they even really called each other Father and Son in public. Last weekend when Sebastian Stan was at the Wizard World Comic Con at Sacramento, a fan asked him: "Since it is Father's Day... are you going to get Mark Hamill a call?" Stan laughed and 2016/06/20 11:52 Mark Hamill Isn't Happy With "Son" Sebastian Stan Who Didn't Call On Father's Day
  • 39. 39 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/06/23 10:29 Fans Love Stucky So Much! But Sebastian Stan Says Fanfics Are Too Dangerous C ap fought with Ironman and abandoned his shield for Bucky in Captain America: Civil War. We can all see how deep their relationship is after 70 years of separation. Fans on Twitter even wishes to help Cap find a boyfriend which many of them think the man should be Bucky. This made the "Stucky couple" even more popular. And recently, Sebastian Stan share his thoughts about fan fictions, saying that watching those is too dangerous. During an interview with GQ, Stan was asked about what he think of a fanart of Cap and Bucky being in love and kissing. He replied, : "Look, man, I think it’s great. Movies are for people to relate to in whatever way they want. No one here is ever going to point a finger and say what’s right and wrong. For me, it’s like, Awww. It’s cute, it’s great. If someone takes the time to think about that, that's great. I don’t think of the character that way, though. But there’s no right or wrong answer." Besides, when he was at the Sacramento Comic Con last week, a fan asked him similar question too. She wants to know whether Stan looks at fanfics or not, he said: "The answer is 'No'... It's very dangerous, a very dangerous trip to go on." Another fan shouted out loud to him: "Don't do it", making Stan laugh. "I'm very honored," said Stan. "You know, if I can be a muse to everybody, I'm more than happy to do that. But, it's your world." Stan answered this awkward question without breaking fans heart and definitely showed his sense of humor.
  • 40. 40 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/07/02 09:40 Sebastian Stan Wants to Play Buzz Lightyear Because They Have Something In Common B ucky is probably the most tragic role in the Captain America movies. He grew up with Steve Rogers who later became Captain America, but had fallen off from a train, lost his left arm, and brainwashed to be an assassin by Hydra. Despite he had lost his memories, Cap never gave up on him, and helped Bucky to regain his memories. Having Cap's trust and comfort, Bucky slowly becomes better in Captain America: Civil War, but still carries lots of burdens. Sebastian Stan went to Wizard World Comic Con at Sacramento last month, and was asked by a fan which Disney character he would like to play. Stan replied it will be Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. He didn't explain why in detail, but fans think that maybe it's because both Bucky and Buzz Lightyear had lost their left arm in the movie that made Stan somehow relate himself to Buzz Lightyear. In fact, Stan originally casted for Captain America, but then got the role of Bucky. He did quite a thorough analysis and understanding about Bucky and showed it onscreen to the audience. During an interview with GQ, Stan said he agreed with Jack Nicholson's "let the wardrobe do the work" when it comes to characters. Stan not only grew his hair out, but also got up to 200 pounds. "I have to eat every two hours. I was literally eating in the middle of the night. Sleeping, getting up, peeing, going to the fridge, downing two chicken breasts, and going back to sleep." This kind of extreme method of weight made his body go out of shape, and also made his energy level drop. "There’s pros and cons," said Stan. "But you gain a respect for people who do this. It helped me feel like I fit into that world better." Now that Stan finished filming, he can finally stop stuffing himself so much. He enjoys running around the streets in New York and encountering fans. Stan likes to go outside since the weather is nice in NYC. "I play basketball or take a jog outside. It's a typical New York mentality of trying to get outside and take advantage of the nice weather. Sometimes it’s even nice to pop around to different gyms in the city, so you’re not always doing the same thing. But I’m a firm believer of giving yourself 20 to 30 minutes of activity per day, even if you just go for a walk. It’s going to make your day better."
  • 41. 41 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Sebastian Stan shared his real thought about the kissing scene to fans during Wizard World Comic Con at Sacramento. "I just remembered sitting there... it was really hot, and I was at a point saying: 'What ever you do, Mackie, please just don't fart...for the both of us'." The two even had to watch the whole process of Cap kissing sharing and do their reactions. Stan admitted they were making fun of Chris Evans at that time. "It was so awkward looking that both of us couldn't keep a straight face!" E xciting fight scenes are a necessity to Superhero movies, as well as the romantic love stories between main characters. But in the box office hit movie Captain America: Civil War, Cap's past girlfriend Peggy died. Her niece Sharon Cater replaced her to flirt with Cap, the two even had a kissing scene. But the audience wasn't pleased by this, considered it to be awkward and incomprehensible. Hayley Atwell responded that if her character Peggy Carter had known this, she’d be turning over in her grave. Sebastian Stan who was also at the scene, said that he and Anthony Mackie tried to goof around since it was just too awkward to be there. 2016/07/03 11:04 Bucky and Falcon Actually Fooled Around During Cap's Awkward Kiss With Sharon In the movie, Bucky and Falcon gave a slight expression of approval after seeing Cap kiss Sharon. But Stan said that their reaction to that kiss was so big at that point, which made the reactions played on screen seemed to be nothing. Stan showed the fans the funny and exaggerating expression he did on set, making fans burst into laughter. We can easily imagine how much fun it is while these superheroes are filming on set.
  • 42. 42 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN I nternet has become more and more important in modern days. Stars also prefer to use social medias like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to increase their exposure. By sharing photos or texts of their daily life, they not only gain public attention, but can also be in touch with fans. This is absolutely a win- win situation. But Sebastian Stan who got so popular after playing the role of Bucky was once so against social media. He doesn't have a Facebook fan page nor personal Twitter account, which is quite unique compared to other stars. But now, he found it interesting and had great amount of followers on Instagram. 2016/07/04 14:18 Sebastian Stan Was Once Against Social Media... But Can't Live Without It Now During an interview with GQ, Stan revealed that he was so against social media for such a long time. "It used to be—I’m talking 30, 40 years ago—the less people knew about you, the better, the more different roles you could play." But the world has changed rapidly, Stan slowly discovered that it’s part of the world that we’re in now, and become someone that can’t live without it. "I understand the way that it fits into my business," said Stan. "And then I feel like you have to connect with fans; individual connection is important." What I find is that the individual connections you have with fans that transpire—once you get a great message or see some artwork, it’s really humbling. I see it as a plus in that regard." Even though Stan only has an Instagram and Weibo account, he still got over 1 million followers on Instagram and 500,000 on Weibo. Stan cares a lot for his fans, so he usually share some interesting daily photos to interact with them. Sometimes, he even posted different ones on Weibo only for China fans. If he had spare time, he will also click like and comment on fans' posts. Stan's Instagram hit the 1 million follower milestone last week, and he thanked fans by writing: " I've got incredible fans. Some of you I've gotten to meet now...I look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for your kindness and never seizes to amaze me. I'm very grateful."
  • 43. 43 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN M any fans noticed Sebastian Stan after s e e i n g h i m p l a y Bucky in the Captain America movies. His role had changed from Steve Rogers’s best friend who is that attracting Brooklyn boy to a cold-blooded assassin brainwashed by Hydra. And in Captain America: Civil War, his mental situation was somewhere between both. However, things changed a lot when it comes to Stan's new film The Bronze. To our amazement, he turned into a arrogant douchebag w h o a l s o p e r f o r m e d a n e p i c g y m n a s t i c s e x s c e n e i n m o v i e h i s t o r y e v e r. 2016/08/06 11:46 Sebastian Stan Shows the Most Epic Sex Scenes Ever in The Bronze Melissa Rauch, who co-wrote the film with her husband, stars as Hope. Stan plays an Olympic coach who happened to be Hope's former lover. Stan's role of Lance Tucker is so cocky that he had to reference to jerks he went to high school and college with. It's definitely not based on his own personality. And what many others concern the most about of this movie, isn't because of the cast or plot. It's all about the challenging sex scene. Due to Rauch and Stan are both Olympic medalist gymnasts inside, they tried to do all the gymnastics tricks in bed. Not only the flips, rolls and handstands, but also the amazing pommel horse. They stunned the audience by showing how flexible a gymnast can be while having sex.
  • 44. 44 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Many film reviewers and reporters were also shocked by this sex scene. Rauch revealed that she had a body double from Cirque du Soleil to do most of her stunts. But Rauch gives extra credit to Stan, whom she says dove in "headfirst." In another interview by Collider, Stan admitted that the sex scene “is probably what shooting porn would be like." Stan opted to do as many stunts himself. However, there were two moves he had to rely on his own Cirque du Soleil performer to execute. "I didn't have enough time to learn how to do the pommel horse, nor did I have enough time to actually stretch my leg that high. Honestly, if I had maybe another month or two, I would have just gone for it," Stan teases of what could have been. Rauch praises Stan a lot for his effort. "Sebastian was so fantastic and he went for so much of it. He could have just said, ‘Have my body double do it,’ and instead he came to set in his robe and said, ‘Okay, let’s do this.’ ” But doing this kind of scene isn't that easy to deal with in the beginning. “You’re really self-conscious about every single angle and on what camera that may end up," said Stan. "The idea was to make what was in the script, and what was in the script was the most epic, elaborate, crazy, bizarre gymnastics sex scene that was ever written. And that was what we were going for.” Stan had an Olympic-inspired gold medal tattoo way down his private areas for this sex scene. "That was on there for at least a week afterwards. I was in the gym in the steam room and was like, 'Ugh, I'm that guy now,'" Stan recalls. Rauch revealed that the makeup artist, who was a very sweet woman, had to be eye-to-crotch with Sebastian for about an hour, putting that tattoo on him. "She should send me a thank you card," Rauch jokes, adding that fans are welcome to do the same. Stan also said that he were never exhausted while shooting the sex scene. "I wish we could do this all day", Stan jokes. He also feel at safe hands shooting this kind of scenes with someone he trusted well. Stan was also exciting to show fans and the audience of him challenging this kind of a different character. In addition, Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD of The Bronze has now been released, and is available on iTunes and other platforms.
  • 45. 45 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN Many fans are curious when and where will Winter Soldier wake up and appear in the next movie. Sebastian Stan hinted fans on Philadelphia Comic Con. "I don't know, man. I mean, there's obviously a very clear answer but I'm not maybe say it, now (sic). Where did he end up at the end of the movie? That's the movie he should be in. I feel like that would be the natural... But I don't know." We can wait and see whether we can see Bucky again at Black Panther movie that is scheduled to release on 2018 July. Well, but Robert Downey Jr. had just threw the spoiler bomb out. He shared a photo of Bucky sleeping in the freezer and wrote: "When Bucky wakes up...". We neither sees Cap or T'Challa around, but sees RDJ sticks himself on the glass instead. It was such a funny photo that fans were all entertained by this. Many fans from both Ironman and Bucky's side were arguing with each other after seeing Captain America: Civil War. But after seeing this photo, the tense situation between fans can now finally relieve for a bit. A vengers were torn apart in Captain America: Civil War. The 2v1 fight between Ironman, Captain America and Winter Soldier makes both side suffer. Cap even abandoned his shield again to take Bucky with the broken metal arm away. When T'Challa provided shelter or them, Bucky decides to go back being frozen again since he really didn't want to harm any other innocent ones anymore. 2016/07/18 14:06 Ironman Reveals What Winter Soldier Will See Right After He Wakes Up
  • 46. 46 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN We know that A v e n g e r s were still divided since Civil War has taken place. So it made fans curious that how they will reunite in the upcoming A v e n g e r s : Infinity War and B l a c k P a n t h e r m o v i e . S i n c e we can say that Winter Soldier is the main cause to the battle between Cap and Ironman, when and how will he awake from frozen situation again has become one of the most important things that fans care about. Now, Bucky is confirmed to appear in Avengers: Infinity War, and this will be his first appearance in the Avengers movies. Sebastian Stan hinted fans that Bucky might appear in Black Panther movie in Philadelphia Comic Con by explaning that he was put back to frozen in Wakanda. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Stan who is filming We Have Always Lived in the Castle in Ireland now, will be back in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War around November. This will be his first appearance in the Avengers movies. So despite there are no further details, it still make fans look forward to it. The movie We Have Always Lived in the Castle that Stan is busy shooting now, is an adaptation of the 1962 story by Shirley Jackson. Michael Douglas is producing this creepy thriller with Stacie Passon is in the director’s seat. The plot centers on an isolated family who have already lost four members to poisoning and who use rituals and talismans to keep themselves away from hostile townspeople. Stan will play the cousin, Charles Blackwood, who intent on maliciously securing the family’s fortune and whose arrival sets in motion the uncovering of family secrets. To work on this film in Dublin, Stan had no choice but to cancel his schedule at Chicago Comic Con because of working on this film. He apologized to fans on Instagram to show how pity he felt that he couldn't make it to meet them. "I'm really bummed I cannot make it," said Stan. "I wanted to be there... I ended up getting a job that's taking me to Ireland. It's a great movie I'm excited to share with everyone soon. Timing just didn't work out or I would be there. I love you all!" Also, we can see some set photos of Stan in retro-style suit and driving a nice car. Just can't wait to see his new film! 2016/08/12 09:31 Confirmed! Winter Soldier Will Be Back in Avengers: Infinity War!
  • 47. 47 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/14 13:30 Friendship Is Real! Chris Evans Wishes Sebastian Stan a Happy Birthday C hris Evans, who plays Captain America in Marvel movies, is quite busy these days since his "Superhero" friends are all celebrating their birthdays. After posting a funny gif pic of Chris Hemsworth failing to grab his Mjolnir hammer for his birthday on August 11, Chris Evans now posted a photo of him and Sebastian Stan to celebrate Stan's 34th birthday. Although Stan doesn't have a Twitter account, and was busy shooting his new film We Have Always Lived in the Castle in Ireland, Evans still sent his blessings to Stan on Twitter. He wrote: "Happy birthday, Sebastian! I still remember that time I helped you with your college essay", together with a photo they took together during an interview with Buzzfeed for Captain America: Civil War. Many fans were curious and shocked about the fact that they've already known each other since college. But some explain that Evans is just making fun of the notebook with "All your wildest dreams will come true" written by both of them. Of course, we can't be more certain that the friendship between the two is absolutely real.
  • 48. 48 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/15 14:49 Fans Donate $7745 to Alzheimer's Foundation on Sebastian Stan's birthday S ebastian Stan celebrates his 34th birthday on August 13. Despite he was busy filming We Have Always Lived in the Castle in Ireland, and didn't post anything on his Instagram, he still got the blessings from fans all around the world and from his colleague Chris Evans on Twitter. His fans also gave him a meaningful gift which impressed him very much. Sebastian Stan moved from Romania and then to New York with his mom after she married to a school principle who later became his stepdad. Stan talked about his stepdad once in a Podcast interview with his friend Will Malnati. He said that his stepdad was so worried he might be gay that he felt relieved after seeing porn photos in Stan's computer. We can tell that the step dad and son do have a good relationship with each other. But unfortunately, Stan's stepdad got Alzheimer's disease which he rarely spoken of in public. Hence, fans started to raise funds for Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) to help those who suffered from Alzheimer like Stan's stepdad did as a birthday gift to Stan. They originally wanted to raise $3400 as a symble for his 34th birthday, but surprisingly got way more than that. With the help and gathering of all fans, the goal of $3400 was soon achieved. Goals of $5000, $7500 were soon achieved too. Until August 13 which is Stan's birthday, the fund already got up to $7600, and now to the amount of $7745. Fans posted this amazing good deed on Instagram and tagged Stan, he saw it and replied: "This is incredible. Just saw this. So grateful to all of you have contributed and thought about my stepdad. This is one of those things that always stops me in my track. The fact that something like this can be done. And so many people can come together like this. Maybe the best present I received this year for my birthday. Thank you."
  • 49. 49 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN In an interview with IGN, The Russo Brothers said: "There is a scene that is a cut scene. It's a small piece of the fight at Leipzig where there's a very fun interaction between Cap and Bucky, and it kind of hints at a favorite storyline in the books," Anthony Russo said. "I won't go into the detail about it, but there's a little tease in that scene that is pretty fun." 2016/08/20 14:24 Captain America: Civil War Cut Scene Hinted A Beloved Comic Book Story T o a l l d i r e c t o r s , i t is crucial and also difficult of how you edit and cut the scenes you’ve filmed. If you happened to do it wrong, you may end up messing the pace and plot of the movie. Recently, The Russo Brothers who directed Captain America: Civil War, talked about a deleted scene of Cap and Bucky that they loved so much themselves but had no choice to cut it from the movie. Wizard World Comic Con posted a video of Sebastian S t a n a s B u c k y i n t h e making of Captain America: Civil War on Facebook. "I was really excited when I read the script," Stan shares. "I didn't really know where they were going to take it because the playing field was so open they could've done anything with the character. What was fun about the script was that when you're reading him you never knew where he was gonna swing -- with which side of the fence. He might become the Winter Soldier; he might become Bucky Barnes, so there was a lot of playing room, and that was fun."
  • 50. 50 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/26 10:23 O ne of the best scenes in Captain America: Civil War, is the awesome Leipzig Airport battle. Every superhero had to fight against their friend and colleagues instead of bad guys. In a new deleted scene from the Civil War Blu-ray, Winter Soldier has got a taste of what it’s like to take hits from Captain America’s shield. The collaboration of the two old comrades is so good that even The Russo Brothers called it a pity to delete it. Entertainment Weekly had released a deleted scene of Leipzig Airport battle. It started from Black Widow climbing atop of a structure for a bird’s-eye view of this part of the conflict and showed her struggle. And then War Machine swoops in low to strafe Cap, making him to fall on the ground. Bucky saw this and ran up to Cap right away with picking up his shield and throw it towards War Machine like a frisbee. With an assist from Falcon high up in the air, Cap gets his shield back and said "nice save" to Bucky. And Bucky showed how he'd improve of separating himself from the cold blooded assassin by replying Cap: "I should get me one of those." Readers of Marvel Comics may see something a bit more ominous in this 30 second clip. Someday, somehow, if Cap ever falls, Bucky could very well find himself in permanent possession of that shield. So it's a pity that it was deleted from the film. The Russo Brothers both loved that beat as well.“We actually made that up on set. It was not scripted,”Joe says. “We were looking for a transitional moment to get Cap and Bucky back together, but in editorial we ultimately realized we didn’t need that transition,” Joe says. “It’s actually one of my favorite beats in that whole sequence, but it’s just a function of storytelling and editing, and wasn’t something we needed to tell the story, but it’s a great bit for the DVD.” In addition, the blooper reel of Captain America: Civil War was also released. We can see Black Widow's weapon using fail, Falcon's landing fail, and also a shot of Cap and Tony dancing together during the 2v1 fight while Bucky who lies down on the ground tries to join in on the fun from afar. We can tell how fun and interesting i t i s w h i l e shooting this film with all of these funny and talented casts being together l i k e t h i s . Deleted Scenes Shows That Bucky Want's To Take Over Captain America's Shield!
  • 51. 51 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/08/30 14:04 Bucky Might Look Like This After Picking Up Captain America's Shield I n the deleted scene of Captain America: Civil War, there is a scene of Bucky picking up Cap's shield and the two battle together again like what they've done in the good old days. Despite The Russo Brothers like this scene so much, they had to cut it off because they don't need this transition while editing. But this scene still shows how a strong relationship Cap and Bucky had and also hinted either Bucky or Falcon might pick up Cap's shield afterwards. Fans are so curious whether the MCU is going to make this happen or not. During an interview with Huffington Post, Joe Russo said: “I think him dropping that shield is him letting go of that identity. It’s him admitting that certainly the identity of Captain America was in conflict with the very personal choice that he was making.” This also showed that there is a possibility of Cap might appear in Avengers: Infinity War with another identity. Artist BossLogic is hyping fans even more with some new art that shows us what Sebastian Stan could look like if he really picked up the shield as Captain America. Bucky's metal arm is altered to fit Captain America’s patriotic colors. As for the uniform, the character is seen sporting a tactical style as Captain America’s look has several notable changes. The outfit’s lower half is decidedly more stealthy and loose- fitting, but the uniform’s torso still showcases Captain America’s iconic white star. BossLogic also depicts ‘Bucky-Cap’ with long hair. One looks more traditional than Steve’s most recent helmets as the headgear features a pair of prominent wings, and the other leans heavily on The Winter Soldier's usual face mask. The mask's black muzzle looks identical to the one Bucky used to wear, but now, a large white 'A' has been added above the mask's googles. Bucky had already picked up Cap's shield in the two previous movies.
  • 52. 52 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN BY SOPHIE CHEN 2016/09/02 11:06 Sebastian Stan Becomes a Car Racer in New Film Logan Lucky S ebastian Stan gained popularity and lots of fans after playing Bucky, a.k.a the Winter Soldier, in Captain America movies. After he became an explosive hit star, he's now busy with many new films. Stan was confirmed to join the all-star cast of Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky to play a three-time Sprint Cup Champion NASCAR driver who is coming back into the sport after time away. He'll also work with Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Hilary Swank, Katherine Heigl, Adam Driver and Seth MacFarlane. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Stan will lend his talents to Logan Lucky. Stan will take the role of a NASCAR driver who’s racked up three Sprint Cup titles, and who is returning to the track after taking some time off. Since he had to play a NASCAR driver in the movie, he visited Stunt Drive Ireland to do some practice while filming in Ireland last month. They've posted photos with Stan on their Facebook which made fans curious about what he was up to before. Now the mystery had finally been solved, and we just can't wait to see.
  • 53. 53 •DORAEMI•SEBASTIAN STAN BY SOPHIE CHEN C aptain America and Ironman had b e c o m e g o o d colleagues after teaming up as Avengers. But in Captain America: Civil War, they had different opinions on the Sokovia Accords, and also ended up fighting with each other because of Bucky. Both of them fell into Zemo's trap cause he showed them a footage from Hydra's archives which reveals that Barnes killed Stark's parents during his mission in 1991. Feeling angry and betrayed, Ironman wanted to kill Bucky for what he did. Cap wanted to protect Bucky that he interfered the fight, making it into a 2v1 battle. Each of them suffered from the fight, and Cap abandoned his shield again for taking Bucky away. We can see how each of them struggled from fight, but The Russo Brothers had their own explanation about it. In the Captain America: Civil War audio commentary, The Russo Brothers and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely deliver scene-by- scene insight and explain how Bucky became the trigger of fight between Cap and Ironman. They said that Steve already refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, so he need to have something to make him more emotionally involved to create conflict. To Steve, nothing is more important and can make him become emotional than Bucky. Without Bucky, the conflict can't be aroused. The Russo Brothers also said that Ironman really wanted to murder Bucky with his own hands because he wanted to hear him admit he did all those things. "He wanted so make him suffer," said The Russo Brothers. "He also wanted to hurt Bucky to hurt Steve because Steve have failed him. He's like: 'You love this thing so much, so I'm going to take it from you'." Through their explanation, he can see how struggle the three are during the epic fight. The Russo Brothers also said that this is the first time Steve withholds the truth willingly. His gut told him that this would be the end result if he really tells the truth. "He does have a will full blind spot about Bucky," said the screenwriters. "He's like 'I don't want to look at the fact that he (Bucky) probably did this'." They said it's like what you'll do for your family. And in the end of the fight, Steve punches Ironman crazily with his shield. The Russo Brothers said they want the audience to think Steve might hit on Ironman's face for a moment in this scene, but Steve didn't. "Cap is not that kind of person. No matter how out of control he is, he only wanted to stop the fight. If you look back at the whole scene, you'll find out all that Steve did, is only to stop the fight." 2016/09/04 13:32 Ironman Wanted to Kill Bucky Also Because Of This Reason