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Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
AVP-3 – Lesson Preparation
o Topic: Logic Circuits- Logic expressions and its representation using logic gates.
o Date and Time: Wednesday 22/10/2014,9:50AM
Saleh Mohammed Alghamdi [107]
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Table of Contents
1. Learning Conditions............................................................................1
1.1 Trainees.........................................................................................1
1.2 Classroom......................................................................................2
1.3 College...........................................................................................2
2. Didactic Reflection..............................................................................3
2.1 Curriculum Analysis.......................................................................3
2.2 Content Analysis............................................................................4
2.3 Didactic Analysis............................................................................7
3. Lesson Plan........................................................................................8
3.1 General Learning Objectives: ........................................................8
3.2 Specific Learning Objectives: ........................................................8
3.3 Overview of the Intended Process.................................................9
4. Application of Didactic Principles......................................................11
5. List of attached teaching material.....................................................11
6. References .......................................................................................12
Formal Requirements1
 DIN A4, portrait.
 Line spacing is: 1.5 (about 32 lines per page)
 Font: Arial
 Font size for “normal” text: 12 pt
 Page margins: left and top 3 cm; right and bottom 2.5 cm
 Page numbering starts after Table of Contents i.e. Didactic Reflection is page 1
Based on the formal requirements of the Bachelor Thesis at TTC.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 1 of 7
1. Learning Conditions
1.1 Trainees
There are 13 trainees in the classroom. I think the trainees shall interact during
lesson with different methods, because they was working constantly at College of
No ID Name Age
Cooperation Participation
1 100 Ibrahim Abdullah 24  A+
2 101 Hussam Fisal 25  A 𝐵+
3 102 Nazzal Hassan 23  B+
4 107 Saleh
26  𝐵+
5 108 Mansour
25  A+
6 112 Mohammed
25  B+
7 114 Abdullah Saeed 25  B+
8 115 Izzuldeen
 B+
9 122 Yousef Mershed 25  B+
10 119 Musaed Alenezi 27  A+
11 126 Ahmed Baattiyh 25  A+
12 127 Salem amer 24  A B+
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 2 of 7
1.2 Classroom
The trainees need to bring note book to take notes and calculator to make calculations for
numbers system conversions. Also I will bring flip chart paper to present group work results and
different color of board markers
1.3 College
For this lesson I don't need to have particular classroom and organization I can perform it
anywhere. The lesson will be in room (4.141) at electrical department building. In these
classroom there are 18 chairs, tables, projector computer and whiteboard. The time of this
lesson is 9:50 on Wednesday that is good time. The trainees will be active.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 3 of 7
2. Didactic Reflection
2.1 Curriculum Analysis
- The name of the course is “programmable control technology “and the code is (ELT201). The
contact hours for this course are 1 hour of lecture and 2 hours of practical.
- This course presents applied and experimental study for the use of programmable logic
controller. It also enables the trainee to draw the control circuits, and programs the PLC with
needed program for industrial applications. This course has prerequisite which is Electrical
- The general objectives of this course is to train the trainees the construction of the PLC, the
fundamentals of its operation. It also presents the application of PLC in different industrial areas.
The specific objective of the course is to develop the knowledge of the trainees about the logic
gates and the mathematical system which is boolean algebra.
- The unit of our topic is logic circuits: logic expression and its representation using logic gates,
and the specific objective of the course that relate to this unit is to recognize to logic gates and
to transform them to digital systems.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 4 of 7
2.2 Content Analysis
Mathematical rules are based on the defining limits we place on the particular numerical
quantities dealt with. When we say that 1 + 1 = 2 or 3 + 4 = 7, we are implying the use of integer
quantities: the same types of numbers we all learned to count in elementary education. What
most people assume to be self-evident rules of arithmetic -- valid at all times and for all purposes
-- actually depend on what we define a number to be.
Logic is much like mathematics in this respect: the so-called "Laws" of logic depend on how we
define what a proposition is. a system of logic based on only two types of propositions: true and
It should be clearly understood that Boolean numbers are not the same as binary numbers.
Whereas Boolean numbers represent an entirely different system of mathematics from real
numbers, binary is nothing more than an alternative notation for real numbers. The two are often
confused because both Boolean math and binary notation use the same two ciphers: 1 and 0.
The difference is that Boolean quantities are restricted to a single bit (either 1 or 0), whereas
binary numbers may be composed of many bits adding up in place-weighted form to a value of
any finite size. The binary number 100112 ("nineteen") has no more place in the Boolean world
than the decimal number 210 ("two") or the octal number 328 ("twenty-six").
Exploration of Boolean algebra by adding numbers together:
The first three sums make perfect sense to anyone familiar with elementary addition. The last
sum, though, is quite possibly responsible for more confusion than any other single statement in
digital electronics, because it seems to run contrary to the basic principles of mathematics. Well,
it does contradict principles of addition for real numbers, but not for Boolean numbers.
Remember that in the world of Boolean algebra, there are only two possible values for any
quantity and for any arithmetic operation: 1 or 0. There is no such thing as "2" within the scope
of Boolean values. Since the sum "1 + 1" certainly isn't 0, it must be 1 by process of elimination.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 5 of 7
It is the same pattern of 1's and 0's as seen in the truth table for an OR gate. In other words,
Boolean addition corresponds to the logical function of an "OR" gate, as well as to parallel
switch contacts:
Multiplication is valid in Boolean algebra, and thankfully it is the same as in real-number algebra:
anything multiplied by 0 is 0, and anything multiplied by 1 remains unchanged:
It is the same pattern found in the truth table for an AND gate. In other words, Boolean
multiplication corresponds to the logical function of an "AND" gate, as well as to series switch
Opposite of values if variable "A" has a value of 0, then the complement of A has a value of 1.
Boolean notation uses a bar above the variable character to denote complementation, like this:
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 6 of 7
Boolean complementation finds equivalency in the form of the NOT gate, or a normally-closed
switch or relay contact:
The basic definition of Boolean quantities has led to the simple rules of addition and
multiplication, and has excluded both subtraction and division as valid arithmetic operations. We
have a symbology for denoting Boolean variables, and their complements. In the next section
we will proceed to develop Boolean identities.
- The trainees have to know the three kinds of logic gates which are and gate, or gate and
not gate to understand my lesson very well and that will make me do less effort and it will
save the time I manage.
- I need some elements to do a good lesson like electrical board and wires for doing an
experiment. Also I need projector and computer to show my power point presentation to
the trainees. The whiteboard and the flip chart are the most important elements.
- The logic gates is really relevant and helpful for the trainees because it's very important
subject and the trainees must understand it.
- The name of the topic before my lesson is Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, and
NOR) and the content of it talks about the logic gates in terms of the symbols, electrical
circuits, truth tables and equations. The name of the topic after my lesson is
Representation of control circuits using logic expressions and logic gates.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 7 of 7
2.3 Didactic Analysis
- Teaching this lesson is very important because the trainees must understand it to use it in the
their working lives.
- I integrate practical sequences into my lesson because satisfaction with only theoretical
information is not enough and the trainees need more than that so I use practical sequences to
confirm my theoretical ideas and to make the trainees understanding the lesson very well.
- I use an experiment for the three logic gates by electrical board and after that filling the table
which I give it to them.
- I want to make our lesson interesting from the beginning, I will use the inductive approach by
drawing symbols that relating to the topic of the lesson and ask the trainees after that about
them. I like this approach and I will use it in the beginning of any lesson because it will make the
lesson active and by this approach I will take the attention from the trainees to the lesson from
the beginning. Also with this approach the trainees will think and participate and that’s what I
want. Making trainees busy is very important and that’s my goal.
- I want to get the interest of the trainees so I will use the didactic principle of motivation by
asking question and choose some trainees to come up on the whiteboard and answer my
questions and that’s great and it will develop the self-confidence of the trainees. I want the
trainees to work, communicate and talk with each other to answer the questions so I will make a
group work. In the group work it’s very important the trainees who have highest knowledge to
support and help the trainees who have lowest knowledge.
- making a lesson vivid it will make my lesson easy to understand so I will use this principle by
using different colors, nice PowerPoint designing and pictures so the trainees can understand
the logic gates in order to the symbols, truth tables, timing diagram clearly. Making the lesson
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 8 of 7
vivid is a significant point because it will make the trainees ready to learn and it will make them
also like the lesson.
- The trainer must think of the level of the trainees by give them particular task to solve it and the
reason of that is to develop their levels of thinking and make their skills better on the future, so
for that I will use the principle of self-activity during the lesson by asking each student to put two
carts on the right position of the truth tables of the three gates.
- I will use didactic reduction by mention and, or and not gates without nand, nor and xnor
3. Lesson Plan
3.1 General Learning Objectives:
The Trainees
1. practice their English language. (Cognitive)
2. participate with the trainer. (Affective)
3. write notes. (Cognitive)
4. answer questions. (Cognitive)
3.2 Specific Learning Objectives:
The Trainees
1. complete the truth table by putting the number of 1 and 0 in the right position..
(Reproduction / Cognitive)
2. make the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate (Reproduction / Cognitive)
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 9 of 7
3. answer the questions of the worksheet. ( Reproduction / Cognitive)
4. explain the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate. ( Reproduction /
3.3 Overview of the Intended Process
Opening / Entrance / Motivation
MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action
Trainer draws three symbols
of logic gates and asks the
trainees what is these?
Trainees look to the symbols
to recognize to them and then
answer the questions of the
Slide (1)
Body (Information / Elaboration)
MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action
Trainer gives the trainees
introduction about the
Trainees listen to the trainer
to find out what is the lesson
talk about.
Slide (2)
Trainer gives information
about the denotation of
three logic gates.
Trainees listen to the trainer.
Slide (3)
Trainer writes some
notation examples and
asks the trainees what is
the correct way to read
Trainees participate with the
trainer and answer the
Slide (4)
Trainer asks the trainees to
fill in the truth table of the
three logic gates by putting
Trainees complete the truth
table by putting the number
of 1 and 0 in the right
Slide (5)
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 10 of 7
the carts which contain
number of 1 and 0 in the
right position.
Trainer give small
explanation about the truth
position. Whiteboard
Trainer divides the trainees
to three groups and asks
them to make an
experiment about logic
gates and after that writing
the results on the papers
which delivered by the
Trainer presents to the
trainees on the PowerPoint
slides the correct model.
Trainees make the
experiment and complete the
table on the papers which
giving by the trainer.
Experiment :
Group work
Slides (6)
Work sheet
Trainer puts the trainees in
several groups to answer
the example of logic using
the switches.
Trainer presents the
correct answer to the
whole class.
Trainees sit in groups to
answers the question.
Trainees put their answer in
the whiteboard.
Partner Work
Slide (8)
Trainer asks three trainees
to make the timing diagram
of and gate, or gate and
not gate.
Trainer presents the
correct answer to the
whole class.
Trainees make and explain
the timing diagram of and
gate, or gate and not gate.
Slides (9)
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 11 of 7
Trainer delivers to the
trainees’ papers contain
one question.
Trainer presents to the
trainees the correct answer
the correct answer.
Trainees answer the question
and put their answers on the
flip chart. Quiz
Group Work
Slide (10)
Close (Reflection, Exercises, Homework, Feedback)
MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action
Trainer divide the worksheet
of quiz and let the trainees to
solve the tasks.
Trainees solve the tasks of
the quiz Quiz
Power point
Work sheet
4. Application of Didactic Principles
1. Principle of vividness by using different colors and pictures.
2. Principle of didactical reduction by mentioning and gates, or gates and not gates without nor
gates, XNOR gates and NAND gates.
3. Principle of motivation by doing individual work, group work.
4. Principle of methodological changes by doing classroom conversation, lecture, group work.
5. Principle of securing the learning progress by making a quiz at the end of the lesson.
5. List of attached teaching material
1. PowerPoint Slides.
2. Worksheet.
3. Whiteboard designing.
Department Vocational Pedagogy
Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation
Page 12 of 7
6. References

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logic gates

  • 1. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation AVP-3 – Lesson Preparation o Topic: Logic Circuits- Logic expressions and its representation using logic gates. o Date and Time: Wednesday 22/10/2014,9:50AM Saleh Mohammed Alghamdi [107]
  • 2. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Table of Contents 1. Learning Conditions............................................................................1 1.1 Trainees.........................................................................................1 1.2 Classroom......................................................................................2 1.3 College...........................................................................................2 2. Didactic Reflection..............................................................................3 2.1 Curriculum Analysis.......................................................................3 2.2 Content Analysis............................................................................4 2.3 Didactic Analysis............................................................................7 3. Lesson Plan........................................................................................8 3.1 General Learning Objectives: ........................................................8 3.2 Specific Learning Objectives: ........................................................8 3.3 Overview of the Intended Process.................................................9 4. Application of Didactic Principles......................................................11 5. List of attached teaching material.....................................................11 6. References .......................................................................................12 Formal Requirements1  DIN A4, portrait.  Line spacing is: 1.5 (about 32 lines per page)  Font: Arial  Font size for “normal” text: 12 pt  Page margins: left and top 3 cm; right and bottom 2.5 cm  Page numbering starts after Table of Contents i.e. Didactic Reflection is page 1 1 Based on the formal requirements of the Bachelor Thesis at TTC.
  • 3. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 1 of 7 1. Learning Conditions 1.1 Trainees There are 13 trainees in the classroom. I think the trainees shall interact during lesson with different methods, because they was working constantly at College of Technology. No ID Name Age (years) Education (Diploma) Cooperation Participation 1 100 Ibrahim Abdullah 24  A+ A+ 2 101 Hussam Fisal 25  A 𝐵+ 3 102 Nazzal Hassan 23  B+ 𝐴 4 107 Saleh Mohammed 26  𝐵+ 𝐵+ 5 108 Mansour Mohammed 25  A+ 𝐴 6 112 Mohammed Mosa 25  B+ B+ 7 114 Abdullah Saeed 25  B+ B+ 8 115 Izzuldeen Alhawsa  B+ A+ 9 122 Yousef Mershed 25  B+ B+ 10 119 Musaed Alenezi 27  A+ A+ 11 126 Ahmed Baattiyh 25  A+ A+ 12 127 Salem amer 24  A B+
  • 4. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 2 of 7 1.2 Classroom The trainees need to bring note book to take notes and calculator to make calculations for numbers system conversions. Also I will bring flip chart paper to present group work results and different color of board markers 1.3 College For this lesson I don't need to have particular classroom and organization I can perform it anywhere. The lesson will be in room (4.141) at electrical department building. In these classroom there are 18 chairs, tables, projector computer and whiteboard. The time of this lesson is 9:50 on Wednesday that is good time. The trainees will be active.
  • 5. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 3 of 7 2. Didactic Reflection 2.1 Curriculum Analysis - The name of the course is “programmable control technology “and the code is (ELT201). The contact hours for this course are 1 hour of lecture and 2 hours of practical. - This course presents applied and experimental study for the use of programmable logic controller. It also enables the trainee to draw the control circuits, and programs the PLC with needed program for industrial applications. This course has prerequisite which is Electrical Circuits-II. - The general objectives of this course is to train the trainees the construction of the PLC, the fundamentals of its operation. It also presents the application of PLC in different industrial areas. The specific objective of the course is to develop the knowledge of the trainees about the logic gates and the mathematical system which is boolean algebra. - The unit of our topic is logic circuits: logic expression and its representation using logic gates, and the specific objective of the course that relate to this unit is to recognize to logic gates and to transform them to digital systems.
  • 6. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 4 of 7 2.2 Content Analysis Mathematical rules are based on the defining limits we place on the particular numerical quantities dealt with. When we say that 1 + 1 = 2 or 3 + 4 = 7, we are implying the use of integer quantities: the same types of numbers we all learned to count in elementary education. What most people assume to be self-evident rules of arithmetic -- valid at all times and for all purposes -- actually depend on what we define a number to be. Logic is much like mathematics in this respect: the so-called "Laws" of logic depend on how we define what a proposition is. a system of logic based on only two types of propositions: true and false It should be clearly understood that Boolean numbers are not the same as binary numbers. Whereas Boolean numbers represent an entirely different system of mathematics from real numbers, binary is nothing more than an alternative notation for real numbers. The two are often confused because both Boolean math and binary notation use the same two ciphers: 1 and 0. The difference is that Boolean quantities are restricted to a single bit (either 1 or 0), whereas binary numbers may be composed of many bits adding up in place-weighted form to a value of any finite size. The binary number 100112 ("nineteen") has no more place in the Boolean world than the decimal number 210 ("two") or the octal number 328 ("twenty-six"). Exploration of Boolean algebra by adding numbers together: The first three sums make perfect sense to anyone familiar with elementary addition. The last sum, though, is quite possibly responsible for more confusion than any other single statement in digital electronics, because it seems to run contrary to the basic principles of mathematics. Well, it does contradict principles of addition for real numbers, but not for Boolean numbers. Remember that in the world of Boolean algebra, there are only two possible values for any quantity and for any arithmetic operation: 1 or 0. There is no such thing as "2" within the scope of Boolean values. Since the sum "1 + 1" certainly isn't 0, it must be 1 by process of elimination.
  • 7. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 5 of 7 It is the same pattern of 1's and 0's as seen in the truth table for an OR gate. In other words, Boolean addition corresponds to the logical function of an "OR" gate, as well as to parallel switch contacts: Multiplication is valid in Boolean algebra, and thankfully it is the same as in real-number algebra: anything multiplied by 0 is 0, and anything multiplied by 1 remains unchanged: It is the same pattern found in the truth table for an AND gate. In other words, Boolean multiplication corresponds to the logical function of an "AND" gate, as well as to series switch contacts: Opposite of values if variable "A" has a value of 0, then the complement of A has a value of 1. Boolean notation uses a bar above the variable character to denote complementation, like this:
  • 8. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 6 of 7 Boolean complementation finds equivalency in the form of the NOT gate, or a normally-closed switch or relay contact: The basic definition of Boolean quantities has led to the simple rules of addition and multiplication, and has excluded both subtraction and division as valid arithmetic operations. We have a symbology for denoting Boolean variables, and their complements. In the next section we will proceed to develop Boolean identities. - The trainees have to know the three kinds of logic gates which are and gate, or gate and not gate to understand my lesson very well and that will make me do less effort and it will save the time I manage. - I need some elements to do a good lesson like electrical board and wires for doing an experiment. Also I need projector and computer to show my power point presentation to the trainees. The whiteboard and the flip chart are the most important elements. - The logic gates is really relevant and helpful for the trainees because it's very important subject and the trainees must understand it. - The name of the topic before my lesson is Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, and NOR) and the content of it talks about the logic gates in terms of the symbols, electrical circuits, truth tables and equations. The name of the topic after my lesson is Representation of control circuits using logic expressions and logic gates.
  • 9. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 7 of 7 2.3 Didactic Analysis - Teaching this lesson is very important because the trainees must understand it to use it in the their working lives. - I integrate practical sequences into my lesson because satisfaction with only theoretical information is not enough and the trainees need more than that so I use practical sequences to confirm my theoretical ideas and to make the trainees understanding the lesson very well. - I use an experiment for the three logic gates by electrical board and after that filling the table which I give it to them. - I want to make our lesson interesting from the beginning, I will use the inductive approach by drawing symbols that relating to the topic of the lesson and ask the trainees after that about them. I like this approach and I will use it in the beginning of any lesson because it will make the lesson active and by this approach I will take the attention from the trainees to the lesson from the beginning. Also with this approach the trainees will think and participate and that’s what I want. Making trainees busy is very important and that’s my goal. - I want to get the interest of the trainees so I will use the didactic principle of motivation by asking question and choose some trainees to come up on the whiteboard and answer my questions and that’s great and it will develop the self-confidence of the trainees. I want the trainees to work, communicate and talk with each other to answer the questions so I will make a group work. In the group work it’s very important the trainees who have highest knowledge to support and help the trainees who have lowest knowledge. - making a lesson vivid it will make my lesson easy to understand so I will use this principle by using different colors, nice PowerPoint designing and pictures so the trainees can understand the logic gates in order to the symbols, truth tables, timing diagram clearly. Making the lesson
  • 10. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 8 of 7 vivid is a significant point because it will make the trainees ready to learn and it will make them also like the lesson. - The trainer must think of the level of the trainees by give them particular task to solve it and the reason of that is to develop their levels of thinking and make their skills better on the future, so for that I will use the principle of self-activity during the lesson by asking each student to put two carts on the right position of the truth tables of the three gates. - I will use didactic reduction by mention and, or and not gates without nand, nor and xnor gates. 3. Lesson Plan 3.1 General Learning Objectives: The Trainees 1. practice their English language. (Cognitive) 2. participate with the trainer. (Affective) 3. write notes. (Cognitive) 4. answer questions. (Cognitive) 3.2 Specific Learning Objectives: The Trainees 1. complete the truth table by putting the number of 1 and 0 in the right position.. (Reproduction / Cognitive) 2. make the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate (Reproduction / Cognitive)
  • 11. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 9 of 7 3. answer the questions of the worksheet. ( Reproduction / Cognitive) 4. explain the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate. ( Reproduction / cognitive) 3.3 Overview of the Intended Process Opening / Entrance / Motivation Methodology Media Time MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Trainer draws three symbols of logic gates and asks the trainees what is these? Trainees look to the symbols to recognize to them and then answer the questions of the trainer. Inductive Approach PowerPoint Slide (1) 2 Body (Information / Elaboration) Methodology Media Time MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Trainer gives the trainees introduction about the lesson. Trainees listen to the trainer to find out what is the lesson talk about. Lecture PowerPoint Slide (2) 1 Trainer gives information about the denotation of three logic gates. Trainees listen to the trainer. Lecture PowerPoint Slide (3) 1 Trainer writes some notation examples and asks the trainees what is the correct way to read them. Trainees participate with the trainer and answer the questions. Classroom Conversation PowerPoint Slide (4) 3 Trainer asks the trainees to fill in the truth table of the three logic gates by putting Trainees complete the truth table by putting the number of 1 and 0 in the right Classroom Conversation PowerPoint Slide (5) 5
  • 12. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 10 of 7 the carts which contain number of 1 and 0 in the right position. Trainer give small explanation about the truth tables. position. Whiteboard Trainer divides the trainees to three groups and asks them to make an experiment about logic gates and after that writing the results on the papers which delivered by the trainer. Trainer presents to the trainees on the PowerPoint slides the correct model. Trainees make the experiment and complete the table on the papers which giving by the trainer. Experiment : Group work PowerPoint Slides (6) (7) Work sheet 18 Trainer puts the trainees in several groups to answer the example of logic using the switches. Trainer presents the correct answer to the whole class. Trainees sit in groups to answers the question. Trainees put their answer in the whiteboard. Partner Work PowerPoint Slide (8) Whiteboard 4 Trainer asks three trainees to make the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate. Trainer presents the correct answer to the whole class. Trainees make and explain the timing diagram of and gate, or gate and not gate. Classroom Conversation PowerPoint Slides (9) Whiteboard 4
  • 13. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 11 of 7 Trainer delivers to the trainees’ papers contain one question. Trainer presents to the trainees the correct answer the correct answer. Trainees answer the question and put their answers on the flip chart. Quiz Group Work PowerPoint Slide (10) Worksheet Flipchart 7 Close (Reflection, Exercises, Homework, Feedback) Methodology Media Time MinutesExpected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Trainer divide the worksheet of quiz and let the trainees to solve the tasks. Trainees solve the tasks of the quiz Quiz Power point slide(11) Work sheet 5 4. Application of Didactic Principles 1. Principle of vividness by using different colors and pictures. 2. Principle of didactical reduction by mentioning and gates, or gates and not gates without nor gates, XNOR gates and NAND gates. 3. Principle of motivation by doing individual work, group work. 4. Principle of methodological changes by doing classroom conversation, lecture, group work. 5. Principle of securing the learning progress by making a quiz at the end of the lesson. 5. List of attached teaching material 1. PowerPoint Slides. 2. Worksheet. 3. Whiteboard designing.
  • 14. Department Vocational Pedagogy Vocational Pedagogy CLASS: EM-7 AVP-3_Lesson Preparation Page 12 of 7 6. References