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                                                                                                                             Burning bright.
                                                                                                                             The supernova SN 2011fe
                                                                                                                             (above), first detected in
                                                                                                                             August 2011, has become
                                                                                                                             one of the most closely
                                                                                                                             studied supernovae in

 Death of a Star
 The discovery of a nearby supernova has brought astrophysicists

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Downloaded from on January 4, 2013
 closer to understanding a class of stellar explosions. Along with that
 success came an unexpected tragedy.

 PETER NUGENT DROVE TO WORK ON THE night, having logged in at Berkeley. And as                          begun taking images and spectra of the super-
 morning of 24 August 2011, still oblivious to they often did, the two began chatting over              nova, and around 2:30 p.m. California time,
 the faraway cosmic explosion that would con- Gmail while going through the results. At                 Nugent and Sullivan were looking at the first
 sume him for weeks ahead. Walking toward 12:40 p.m., Bloom messaged Nugent that he                     spectroscopic results, puzzling over the kind
 the entrance of the National Energy Research had found an object that looked like a super-             of supernova it was. After a few minutes of
 Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) in nova that had gone off 400 million light-years                  studying its spectral features, Nugent excit-
 Oakland, California, he stopped to watch away. “That’s great,” Nugent responded.                       edly messaged Sullivan that the object was a
 news vans covering protests against a shut- Then, seconds later, Nugent spotted another                type Ia—a class of supernova that shines with
 down of cell phone service on the Bay Area candidate that looked like a supernova in the               such predictable luminosity that astrophysi-
 Rapid Transit system. Then Nugent, a theoret- Pinwheel galaxy, only 21 million light-years             cists use it as a standard candle for measuring
 ical astrophysicist who could be mistaken for away. Because this one was so much closer                cosmic distances. Following convention, the

                                                                                                                                                          CREDIT: COURTESY OF B. J. FULTON, THE BYRNE OBSERVATORY AT SEDGWICK RESERVE AND THE PALOMAR TRANSIENT FACTORY
 a football player if he came thundering down to Earth, it was potentially of greater value             researchers named the object SN 2011fe.
 a hall, turned his attention away from earthly to astronomers. “I see your $20 and raise                   Because of their usefulness to cosmol-
 matters and dived back into the otherworldly you $100,” Nugent joked. “Dang,” Bloom                    ogy, type Ias are valuable finds. The one
 pursuit of astrophysics.                             replied, checking it out.                         that Nugent and his colleagues had discov-
     That morning, he had an urgent task: fixing           Detecting a newly exploding star or           ered was even more valuable because it had
 a glitch in a digital pipeline that feeds astro- gamma ray burst tends to quicken the pulse            been detected just 11 hours after the super-
 nomical images from a 1.2-meter-diameter of astronomers. Because of the transient                      nova went off, making it the youngest type Ia
 survey telescope on Mount Palo-                                   nature of stellar explosions—        discovered to date and allowing astrono-
 mar to the computers at NERSC.
 The pipeline had crashed the           Online                     they can fade away within hours
                                                                   to days—the moment of discov-
                                                                                                        mers to study the explosion from an earlier
                                                                                                        stage in its progression than any type Ia seen
 night before, leaving thousands                    ery marks the beginning of a race    before. Nugent sent out an Astronomer’s
                                              Podcast interview
 of pictures waiting to be uploaded           with author Yudhijit
                                                                   against time to collect data about   Telegram on the Web encouraging observers
 into a database, where they would Bhattacharjee (http://          the phenomenon. And so, within       around the world to follow up on the object,
 be scanned by software designed                minutes of finding the object that    which the researchers would later label “the
 to identify potentially interesting                               he had labeled PTF11kly, Nugent      supernova of a generation” and “an instant
 events such as a gamma ray burst. Shortly after instant-messaged another colleague named               cosmic classic.”
 noon, when the pipeline had been restored and Mark Sullivan at the University of Oxford                    Nugent had already called a colleague at
 all the images uploaded and analyzed, Nugent in the United Kingdom, asking if Sullivan                 UC Berkeley—a quiet, 42-year-old astro-
 sat down to see what the system had picked could arrange for a telescope to start observ-              physicist named Weidong Li—to start look-
 from the previous night’s observations as can- ing the object immediately.                             ing at archival images of the Pinwheel galaxy
 didates worthy of follow-up. He knew that                Luckily, Sullivan was still in his office     in an effort to determine the supernova’s pro-
 his buddy, Joshua Bloom, was likely doing even though the local time was past 9 p.m.                   genitor. Nugent knew that Li’s expertise in
 exactly that a few kilometers away at the Uni- “Reckon it’s real?” Sullivan asked, to which            astrometry, the measurement of the position
 versity of California (UC), Berkeley, where Nugent replied: “It is.” Sullivan e-mailed                 and motion of stars, would be instrumental
 Bloom is an associate professor of astronomy. operators of the Liverpool Telescope, a                  in tracing SN 2011fe’s history. Over the next
     Bloom—who had helped write the soft- 2-meter-diameter robotic instrument on La                     several weeks, Nugent, Bloom, and Li would
 ware for the automated search—was in Palma in the Canary Islands off the coast                         devote themselves night and day to studying
 fact looking through the top picks of the of Spain. Within an hour, the telescope had                  the supernova’s present and past.

22                                      4 JANUARY 2013        VOL 339 SCIENCE
                                                                    Published by AAAS

                                                                         Along with the work of dozens of others,                                                                Astronomers had been conducting such
                                                                     the efforts of these three researchers would                                                            automated surveys for more than a decade, but
                                                                     lead to a new understanding of how type Ias                                                             Bloom wanted to take them a step further. Until
                                                                     originate and unfold. But not all three would                                                           then, automated searches—such as the one
                                                                     be around to celebrate the insights gained                                                              that Li was in charge of at Mount Hamilton—
                                                                     from SN 2011fe, which would end up gen-                                                                 used computers to schedule observations,
                                                                     erating dozens of research papers. Months                                                               control the telescope, and scan images of the
                                                                     later, one of their lives would come to a tragic                                                        sky for possible new supernovae or gamma
                                                                     and unexpected end.                                                                                     ray bursts by comparing the images with older
                                                                                                                                                                             reference images. A human being, however,
                                                                     Core compression                                                                                        still had to inspect each candidate to deter-
                                                                     Nugent, Bloom, and Li had known each                                                                    mine whether it was a real astrophysical object
                                                                     other for several years before SN 2011fe lit                                                            or something spurious like a speckle.
                                                                     up the sky. They had come to astronomy by                                                                   Bloom and his colleagues developed
                                                                     very different paths.                                                                                   algorithms to distinguish between fake and
                                                                         Nugent, the son of a lawyer, got hooked                                                             real candidates and to determine what kind
                                                                     on space as a kid following NASA’s lunar                                                                of object a candidate might be: a gamma

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from on January 4, 2013
                                                                     program. His interest turned to astronomy                                                               ray burst, a nova, a variable star, or some-
                                                                     when his grandfather gave him a telescope                                                               thing else. By inspecting various features of
                                                                     at the age of 12. In college, he briefly consid- Partners in discovery. Peter Nugent (left) and Joshua   a candidate—such as its brightness and the
                                                                     ered becoming an English major but hated Bloom—and many others—followed SN 2011fe                       brightness of its host galaxy—the algorithms
                                                                     rewriting, so he chose physics instead. Later, for months.                                              could make a probabilistic statement about the
                                                                     while exploring graduate schools, he ran into                                                           candidate, for example, classifying it as a
                                                                     David Branch—a supernova expert at the                Nugent met Li not long after he arrived at        supernova with 80% probability. The algo-
                                                                     University of Oklahoma—who quickly con- Berkeley, at a meeting of Filippenko’s research                 rithms, called Realbogus and Oarical, gave
                                                                     vinced him that supernovae were the most group, where Li passed around sweets he’d                      PTF the ability to sift through several kilo-
                                                                     interesting things to study in astronomy. In brought from China. Nugent didn’t care for                 bytes of astronomical data within hours and
                                                                     1996, he joined Lawrence Berkeley National the sweets (“Bean paste is still bean paste,”                classify thousands of new candidates from
                                                                     Laboratory for a postdoctoral fellowship that he would later joke) but was impressed by the             every night’s observations.
                                                                     turned into a staff position.                     smiling and soft-spoken Li.
                                                                         Li’s beginnings were a world apart from           Within months, Li had the Lick search             Explosion
                                                                     Nugent’s. Born to a farming couple in a Chi- up and running. The very next year, the sur-               Death comes to mortals and stars alike. For
                                                                     nese mountain village, he was the first person vey yielded a rich haul of 20 nearby super-               stars that end as supernovae, however, it
                                                                     in his district to go to college. Like Nugent, novae, marking the beginning of what was                 brings ultimate glory: a flash of splendor often
                                                                     he became fascinated by supernovae, which to become a consistently productive run. Li’s                 more brilliant than the combined brightness
                                                                     he would later describe as “the glorious role became pivotal to Filippenko’s group.                     of an entire galaxy. Type Ia supernovae like
                                                                     explosive stage of stellar                                         “If Weidong were to be run           the one that set astronomers’ hearts racing on
                                                                     evolution.” After earning                                          over by a truck,” Filippenko         24 August 2011, make up a special class of
                                                                     his doctorate from Beijing                                         would remark at confer-              such stellar explosions. What makes them
                                                                     Normal University in 1995,                                         ences, “my whole group               special is that all of them produce nearly the
                                                                     Li began working at the Bei-                                       would fall apart.”                   same brightness.
                                                                     jing Astronomical Observa-                                             The youngest of the                  Astronomers think type Ias arise in binary
                                                                     tory, where he set up China’s                                      three—Bloom—came to                  star systems in which a small, dense star
                                                                     first systematic supernovae                                         UC Berkeley as an assis-             known as a white dwarf has been steadily
                                                                     search using a telescope at                                        tant professor in 2005 after         accumulating material dumped onto it by a

                                                                     the observatory’s Xinglong                                         getting a Ph.D. from the             companion star. If the white dwarf happens to
                                                                     station. Within a year, the                                        California Institute of Tech-        be composed entirely of carbon and oxygen,
                                                                     survey had found six new                                           nology (Caltech) in Pasa-            something extraordinary happens after it has
                                                                     supernovae, thanks in part to                                      dena with work on gamma              gained enough material to approach 1.4 solar
                                                                     scheduling software that Li                                        ray bursts. He was 30, with          masses. The stage is set for a runaway thermo-
                                                                     had written to specify what Analyze this. Li’s work helped under- sparkling eyes, a blond goa-          nuclear reaction in which carbon and oxy-
                                                                     parts of the sky the telescope stand the supernova’s antecedents.   tee, and a knack for deadpan        gen atoms fuse into nickel. The nickel decays
                                                                     should observe when.                                                humor that he deployed to           radioactively into cobalt, which then decays
                                                                         The success brought Li to the attention of spice up his talks and rib colleagues.                   radioactively to iron, powering the super-
                                                                     supernova researchers elsewhere, including            Bloom and Nugent became friends, and              nova’s incandescence.
                                                                     Alex Filippenko at UC Berkeley, who was in 2008 they began working together on the                          Although this theoretical model is gener-
                                                                     looking for somebody to lead a supernova Palomar Transient Factory (PTF)—a project                      ally accepted, astronomers have been look-
                                                                     search he was initiating with a robotic tele- led by Bloom’s doctoral adviser at Caltech,               ing for empirical evidence to confirm many
                                                                     scope at Lick Observatory in Mount Hamil- Shrinivas Kulkarni. The project was an auto-                  of the details. A fundamental question about
                                                                     ton, California. In 1997, Filippenko hired Li mated search for transient phenomena includ-              the progenitor system is whether the star that
                                                                     as a postdoc.                                     ing gamma ray bursts and supernovae.                  explodes is indeed a carbon-oxygen white

                                                                                                   SCIENCE VOL 339                    4 JANUARY 2013                                           23
                                                                                                                                         Published by AAAS

 dwarf. Another question is what kind of star        But Li’s scrutiny of archival images of the gal-   remained undetectable for so long, Bloom
 the companion has to be in order for the            axy found no such star near where the super-       and his colleagues calculated, the exploding
 exploding star to result in a type Ia.              nova was now blazing, effectively ruling out a     star must have been at most 2% the diameter
     Those questions were on the minds of            red giant as the companion.                        of the sun—a white dwarf.
 Nugent and his colleagues on the afternoon             Nugent’s calculations agreed. If the com-
 of 24 August as SN 2011fe burned in the             panion had been a red giant or other large star,   Brightness falls
 sky, continuing its ascent in brightness. After     they showed, the outermost shell of material       Through the fall, SN 2011fe dropped in
 calling Li—who began looking at archived            ejected by the supernova would have slammed        brightness as its nickel decayed to cobalt, and
 images of the Pinwheel galaxy—Nugent sent           into that star within a day or so of the explo-    its cobalt to iron. As December approached,
 a text message to Caltech astronomer Richard        sion. Because telescopes had seen no sign of       Nugent, Bloom, and Li e-mailed back and
 Ellis urging him to start observing the super-      such a collision, Nugent and others concluded      forth to finalize press releases their insti-
 nova with the Hubble Space Telescope. But           that the companion star had been considerably      tutions were drafting to announce the two
                                                                                                        Nature papers, which were due out in the jour-
 Remote. The PIRATE observatory on Mallorca island
                                                                                                        nal’s 15 December issue.
 provided key evidence for determining the star                                                             In the second week of December, Nugent
 system that gave rise to SN 2011fe.                                                                    flew to Stockholm to participate in the festivi-
                                                                                                        ties related to the Nobel prizes. Several astron-

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from on January 4, 2013
                                                                                                        omers, including Nugent and Filippenko, had
                                                                                                        been invited to celebrate the physics Nobel,
                                                                                                        which was being awarded for the discovery
                                                                                                        of the accelerating universe. In some sense,
                                                                                                        the prize was a celebration of type Ia super-
                                                                                                        novae, whose usefulness in measuring cosmic
                                                                                                        distances was the foundation of the discovery.
                                                                                                            On the evening of 12 December,
                                                                                                        Filippenko returned to his hotel room after
                                                                                                        dinner and checked his e-mail. Among the
                                                                                                        dozens of messages in his inbox was one from
                                                                                                        Li. The subject line said: farewell. Filippenko,
                                                                                                        who had always worried about losing Li to
                                                                                                        a competing research group, clicked on the
 the Hubble was booked; observations had to          smaller than a red giant—probably a star of        message with trepidation.
 wait a few days until it became free.               sunlike size still in the middle of its life.          “Dear Alex,” the message began. “Please
     As the sun was setting over the West Coast,         For the next 2 weeks, as SN 2011fe got         find a seat to sit down before reading this
 Nugent drove to the astronomy department on         brighter in the sky, Li and Nugent burned          email. I am sure you will be shocked beyond
 the UC Berkeley campus and walked down to           the midnight oil to prepare their results for      belief. By now, I should have already com-
 a room in the building’s basement from where        publication. By 9 September, a day before          mitted suicide.”
 astronomers can conduct remote observa-             the supernova reached peak brightness—                 Stunned, Filippenko called Berkeley,
 tions at Lick Observatory and the Keck tele-        allowing thousands of amateur astronomers          where it was midafternoon. It was too late, he
 scopes at Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A couple of          to view it with backyard telescopes—both           learned. Li had already killed himself.
 Filippenko’s students were at the controls          Li and Nugent had submitted their papers to            In his suicide note, Li indicated that he
 of the Lick Observatory. Geoff Marcy, the           Nature. Adam Riess, an astronomer at Johns         had taken his life because of a personal fam-
 planet-hunting Berkeley astronomer, and a           Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland,         ily difficulty. Li apologized to Bloom and
 student were preparing to use one of the Keck       who years earlier had lost a lopsided game of      Nugent for the inconvenient timing of his
 instruments. Drop everything, Nugent told           table tennis to Li at Berkeley, sent Li a con-     death—days before the publication of the
 them: “You need to observe this at Lick—            gratulatory note: “I’ll bet no one has sub-        Nature papers. Li’s cell phone number was
 and you need to observe this at Keck.” For          mitted a paper on a supernova by the time it       on the embargoed press releases issued the
 the next several hours, both telescopes held        reached peak! You are even faster in your sci-     week before; reporters had been calling Li’s
 SN 2011fe in their gaze, obtaining spectra.         ence work than in ping pong! I am in awe.”         number without getting a response.
     The days that followed turned into a blur           Three days later, Bloom learned of a piece         Nugent had just returned to Berkeley from
 for Nugent, Li, and Bloom as they analyzed          of data that would help confirm the nature          Stockholm and was pulling into his driveway
 data pouring in from various telescopes on          of the supernova’s progenitor. A 0.4-meter-        when he got Filippenko’s e-mail bearing the
                                                                                                                                                            CREDIT: SHRIPATHI HADIGAL, PIRATE TEAM

 the ground and in space. In the spectrum of         diameter robotic telescope on the Mediter-         sad news. Bloom got the message sitting in a
 the supernova, Nugent found the signatures          ranean island of Mallorca had imaged the           hotel room in Hong Kong.
 of carbon and oxygen, suggesting that the           Pinwheel galaxy on the same night that the             Devastated, they combed through months
 exploding star was a carbon-oxygen white            supernova was detected, some 7.5 hours             of their e-mail exchanges with Li, looking
 dwarf as models predicted. According to one         before the detection was made at Palomar.          for clues to depression that they might have
 leading model, the companion star should            The images from Mallorca showed no super-          picked up on. They found nothing. Li’s death
 have been a red giant—a large, bloated star         nova in the patch of sky where the star had        would likely remain a mystery to them. All
 nearing the end of its life, with a reddish enve-   exploded, even though 4 hours had elapsed          they knew for certain was that a shining star
 lope and a relatively cool surface temperature.     since the moment of explosion. To have             had dimmed.          –YUDHIJIT BHATTACHARJEE

24                                       4 JANUARY 2013        VOL 339 SCIENCE
                                                                    Published by AAAS

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Death of a_star

  • 1. NEWSFOCUS Burning bright. The supernova SN 2011fe (above), first detected in August 2011, has become one of the most closely studied supernovae in history. Death of a Star The discovery of a nearby supernova has brought astrophysicists Downloaded from on January 4, 2013 closer to understanding a class of stellar explosions. Along with that success came an unexpected tragedy. PETER NUGENT DROVE TO WORK ON THE night, having logged in at Berkeley. And as begun taking images and spectra of the super- morning of 24 August 2011, still oblivious to they often did, the two began chatting over nova, and around 2:30 p.m. California time, the faraway cosmic explosion that would con- Gmail while going through the results. At Nugent and Sullivan were looking at the first sume him for weeks ahead. Walking toward 12:40 p.m., Bloom messaged Nugent that he spectroscopic results, puzzling over the kind the entrance of the National Energy Research had found an object that looked like a super- of supernova it was. After a few minutes of Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) in nova that had gone off 400 million light-years studying its spectral features, Nugent excit- Oakland, California, he stopped to watch away. “That’s great,” Nugent responded. edly messaged Sullivan that the object was a news vans covering protests against a shut- Then, seconds later, Nugent spotted another type Ia—a class of supernova that shines with down of cell phone service on the Bay Area candidate that looked like a supernova in the such predictable luminosity that astrophysi- Rapid Transit system. Then Nugent, a theoret- Pinwheel galaxy, only 21 million light-years cists use it as a standard candle for measuring ical astrophysicist who could be mistaken for away. Because this one was so much closer cosmic distances. Following convention, the CREDIT: COURTESY OF B. J. FULTON, THE BYRNE OBSERVATORY AT SEDGWICK RESERVE AND THE PALOMAR TRANSIENT FACTORY a football player if he came thundering down to Earth, it was potentially of greater value researchers named the object SN 2011fe. a hall, turned his attention away from earthly to astronomers. “I see your $20 and raise Because of their usefulness to cosmol- matters and dived back into the otherworldly you $100,” Nugent joked. “Dang,” Bloom ogy, type Ias are valuable finds. The one pursuit of astrophysics. replied, checking it out. that Nugent and his colleagues had discov- That morning, he had an urgent task: fixing Detecting a newly exploding star or ered was even more valuable because it had a glitch in a digital pipeline that feeds astro- gamma ray burst tends to quicken the pulse been detected just 11 hours after the super- nomical images from a 1.2-meter-diameter of astronomers. Because of the transient nova went off, making it the youngest type Ia survey telescope on Mount Palo- nature of stellar explosions— discovered to date and allowing astrono- mar to the computers at NERSC. The pipeline had crashed the Online they can fade away within hours to days—the moment of discov- mers to study the explosion from an earlier stage in its progression than any type Ia seen night before, leaving thousands ery marks the beginning of a race before. Nugent sent out an Astronomer’s Podcast interview of pictures waiting to be uploaded with author Yudhijit against time to collect data about Telegram on the Web encouraging observers into a database, where they would Bhattacharjee (http:// the phenomenon. And so, within around the world to follow up on the object, be scanned by software designed minutes of finding the object that which the researchers would later label “the to identify potentially interesting he had labeled PTF11kly, Nugent supernova of a generation” and “an instant events such as a gamma ray burst. Shortly after instant-messaged another colleague named cosmic classic.” noon, when the pipeline had been restored and Mark Sullivan at the University of Oxford Nugent had already called a colleague at all the images uploaded and analyzed, Nugent in the United Kingdom, asking if Sullivan UC Berkeley—a quiet, 42-year-old astro- sat down to see what the system had picked could arrange for a telescope to start observ- physicist named Weidong Li—to start look- from the previous night’s observations as can- ing the object immediately. ing at archival images of the Pinwheel galaxy didates worthy of follow-up. He knew that Luckily, Sullivan was still in his office in an effort to determine the supernova’s pro- his buddy, Joshua Bloom, was likely doing even though the local time was past 9 p.m. genitor. Nugent knew that Li’s expertise in exactly that a few kilometers away at the Uni- “Reckon it’s real?” Sullivan asked, to which astrometry, the measurement of the position versity of California (UC), Berkeley, where Nugent replied: “It is.” Sullivan e-mailed and motion of stars, would be instrumental Bloom is an associate professor of astronomy. operators of the Liverpool Telescope, a in tracing SN 2011fe’s history. Over the next Bloom—who had helped write the soft- 2-meter-diameter robotic instrument on La several weeks, Nugent, Bloom, and Li would ware for the automated search—was in Palma in the Canary Islands off the coast devote themselves night and day to studying fact looking through the top picks of the of Spain. Within an hour, the telescope had the supernova’s present and past. 22 4 JANUARY 2013 VOL 339 SCIENCE Published by AAAS
  • 2. NEWSFOCUS Along with the work of dozens of others, Astronomers had been conducting such the efforts of these three researchers would automated surveys for more than a decade, but lead to a new understanding of how type Ias Bloom wanted to take them a step further. Until originate and unfold. But not all three would then, automated searches—such as the one be around to celebrate the insights gained that Li was in charge of at Mount Hamilton— from SN 2011fe, which would end up gen- used computers to schedule observations, erating dozens of research papers. Months control the telescope, and scan images of the later, one of their lives would come to a tragic sky for possible new supernovae or gamma and unexpected end. ray bursts by comparing the images with older reference images. A human being, however, Core compression still had to inspect each candidate to deter- Nugent, Bloom, and Li had known each mine whether it was a real astrophysical object other for several years before SN 2011fe lit or something spurious like a speckle. up the sky. They had come to astronomy by Bloom and his colleagues developed very different paths. algorithms to distinguish between fake and Nugent, the son of a lawyer, got hooked real candidates and to determine what kind on space as a kid following NASA’s lunar of object a candidate might be: a gamma Downloaded from on January 4, 2013 program. His interest turned to astronomy ray burst, a nova, a variable star, or some- when his grandfather gave him a telescope thing else. By inspecting various features of at the age of 12. In college, he briefly consid- Partners in discovery. Peter Nugent (left) and Joshua a candidate—such as its brightness and the ered becoming an English major but hated Bloom—and many others—followed SN 2011fe brightness of its host galaxy—the algorithms rewriting, so he chose physics instead. Later, for months. could make a probabilistic statement about the while exploring graduate schools, he ran into candidate, for example, classifying it as a David Branch—a supernova expert at the Nugent met Li not long after he arrived at supernova with 80% probability. The algo- University of Oklahoma—who quickly con- Berkeley, at a meeting of Filippenko’s research rithms, called Realbogus and Oarical, gave vinced him that supernovae were the most group, where Li passed around sweets he’d PTF the ability to sift through several kilo- interesting things to study in astronomy. In brought from China. Nugent didn’t care for bytes of astronomical data within hours and 1996, he joined Lawrence Berkeley National the sweets (“Bean paste is still bean paste,” classify thousands of new candidates from Laboratory for a postdoctoral fellowship that he would later joke) but was impressed by the every night’s observations. turned into a staff position. smiling and soft-spoken Li. Li’s beginnings were a world apart from Within months, Li had the Lick search Explosion Nugent’s. Born to a farming couple in a Chi- up and running. The very next year, the sur- Death comes to mortals and stars alike. For nese mountain village, he was the first person vey yielded a rich haul of 20 nearby super- stars that end as supernovae, however, it in his district to go to college. Like Nugent, novae, marking the beginning of what was brings ultimate glory: a flash of splendor often he became fascinated by supernovae, which to become a consistently productive run. Li’s more brilliant than the combined brightness he would later describe as “the glorious role became pivotal to Filippenko’s group. of an entire galaxy. Type Ia supernovae like explosive stage of stellar “If Weidong were to be run the one that set astronomers’ hearts racing on evolution.” After earning over by a truck,” Filippenko 24 August 2011, make up a special class of his doctorate from Beijing would remark at confer- such stellar explosions. What makes them Normal University in 1995, ences, “my whole group special is that all of them produce nearly the Li began working at the Bei- would fall apart.” same brightness. jing Astronomical Observa- The youngest of the Astronomers think type Ias arise in binary tory, where he set up China’s three—Bloom—came to star systems in which a small, dense star first systematic supernovae UC Berkeley as an assis- known as a white dwarf has been steadily search using a telescope at tant professor in 2005 after accumulating material dumped onto it by a CREDITS (TOP TO BOTTOM): Y. BHATTACHARJEE/SCIENCE; ALEX FILIPPENKO the observatory’s Xinglong getting a Ph.D. from the companion star. If the white dwarf happens to station. Within a year, the California Institute of Tech- be composed entirely of carbon and oxygen, survey had found six new nology (Caltech) in Pasa- something extraordinary happens after it has supernovae, thanks in part to dena with work on gamma gained enough material to approach 1.4 solar scheduling software that Li ray bursts. He was 30, with masses. The stage is set for a runaway thermo- had written to specify what Analyze this. Li’s work helped under- sparkling eyes, a blond goa- nuclear reaction in which carbon and oxy- parts of the sky the telescope stand the supernova’s antecedents. tee, and a knack for deadpan gen atoms fuse into nickel. The nickel decays should observe when. humor that he deployed to radioactively into cobalt, which then decays The success brought Li to the attention of spice up his talks and rib colleagues. radioactively to iron, powering the super- supernova researchers elsewhere, including Bloom and Nugent became friends, and nova’s incandescence. Alex Filippenko at UC Berkeley, who was in 2008 they began working together on the Although this theoretical model is gener- looking for somebody to lead a supernova Palomar Transient Factory (PTF)—a project ally accepted, astronomers have been look- search he was initiating with a robotic tele- led by Bloom’s doctoral adviser at Caltech, ing for empirical evidence to confirm many scope at Lick Observatory in Mount Hamil- Shrinivas Kulkarni. The project was an auto- of the details. A fundamental question about ton, California. In 1997, Filippenko hired Li mated search for transient phenomena includ- the progenitor system is whether the star that as a postdoc. ing gamma ray bursts and supernovae. explodes is indeed a carbon-oxygen white SCIENCE VOL 339 4 JANUARY 2013 23 Published by AAAS
  • 3. NEWSFOCUS dwarf. Another question is what kind of star But Li’s scrutiny of archival images of the gal- remained undetectable for so long, Bloom the companion has to be in order for the axy found no such star near where the super- and his colleagues calculated, the exploding exploding star to result in a type Ia. nova was now blazing, effectively ruling out a star must have been at most 2% the diameter Those questions were on the minds of red giant as the companion. of the sun—a white dwarf. Nugent and his colleagues on the afternoon Nugent’s calculations agreed. If the com- of 24 August as SN 2011fe burned in the panion had been a red giant or other large star, Brightness falls sky, continuing its ascent in brightness. After they showed, the outermost shell of material Through the fall, SN 2011fe dropped in calling Li—who began looking at archived ejected by the supernova would have slammed brightness as its nickel decayed to cobalt, and images of the Pinwheel galaxy—Nugent sent into that star within a day or so of the explo- its cobalt to iron. As December approached, a text message to Caltech astronomer Richard sion. Because telescopes had seen no sign of Nugent, Bloom, and Li e-mailed back and Ellis urging him to start observing the super- such a collision, Nugent and others concluded forth to finalize press releases their insti- nova with the Hubble Space Telescope. But that the companion star had been considerably tutions were drafting to announce the two Nature papers, which were due out in the jour- Remote. The PIRATE observatory on Mallorca island nal’s 15 December issue. provided key evidence for determining the star In the second week of December, Nugent system that gave rise to SN 2011fe. flew to Stockholm to participate in the festivi- ties related to the Nobel prizes. Several astron- Downloaded from on January 4, 2013 omers, including Nugent and Filippenko, had been invited to celebrate the physics Nobel, which was being awarded for the discovery of the accelerating universe. In some sense, the prize was a celebration of type Ia super- novae, whose usefulness in measuring cosmic distances was the foundation of the discovery. On the evening of 12 December, Filippenko returned to his hotel room after dinner and checked his e-mail. Among the dozens of messages in his inbox was one from Li. The subject line said: farewell. Filippenko, who had always worried about losing Li to a competing research group, clicked on the the Hubble was booked; observations had to smaller than a red giant—probably a star of message with trepidation. wait a few days until it became free. sunlike size still in the middle of its life. “Dear Alex,” the message began. “Please As the sun was setting over the West Coast, For the next 2 weeks, as SN 2011fe got find a seat to sit down before reading this Nugent drove to the astronomy department on brighter in the sky, Li and Nugent burned email. I am sure you will be shocked beyond the UC Berkeley campus and walked down to the midnight oil to prepare their results for belief. By now, I should have already com- a room in the building’s basement from where publication. By 9 September, a day before mitted suicide.” astronomers can conduct remote observa- the supernova reached peak brightness— Stunned, Filippenko called Berkeley, tions at Lick Observatory and the Keck tele- allowing thousands of amateur astronomers where it was midafternoon. It was too late, he scopes at Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A couple of to view it with backyard telescopes—both learned. Li had already killed himself. Filippenko’s students were at the controls Li and Nugent had submitted their papers to In his suicide note, Li indicated that he of the Lick Observatory. Geoff Marcy, the Nature. Adam Riess, an astronomer at Johns had taken his life because of a personal fam- planet-hunting Berkeley astronomer, and a Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, ily difficulty. Li apologized to Bloom and student were preparing to use one of the Keck who years earlier had lost a lopsided game of Nugent for the inconvenient timing of his instruments. Drop everything, Nugent told table tennis to Li at Berkeley, sent Li a con- death—days before the publication of the them: “You need to observe this at Lick— gratulatory note: “I’ll bet no one has sub- Nature papers. Li’s cell phone number was and you need to observe this at Keck.” For mitted a paper on a supernova by the time it on the embargoed press releases issued the the next several hours, both telescopes held reached peak! You are even faster in your sci- week before; reporters had been calling Li’s SN 2011fe in their gaze, obtaining spectra. ence work than in ping pong! I am in awe.” number without getting a response. The days that followed turned into a blur Three days later, Bloom learned of a piece Nugent had just returned to Berkeley from for Nugent, Li, and Bloom as they analyzed of data that would help confirm the nature Stockholm and was pulling into his driveway data pouring in from various telescopes on of the supernova’s progenitor. A 0.4-meter- when he got Filippenko’s e-mail bearing the CREDIT: SHRIPATHI HADIGAL, PIRATE TEAM the ground and in space. In the spectrum of diameter robotic telescope on the Mediter- sad news. Bloom got the message sitting in a the supernova, Nugent found the signatures ranean island of Mallorca had imaged the hotel room in Hong Kong. of carbon and oxygen, suggesting that the Pinwheel galaxy on the same night that the Devastated, they combed through months exploding star was a carbon-oxygen white supernova was detected, some 7.5 hours of their e-mail exchanges with Li, looking dwarf as models predicted. According to one before the detection was made at Palomar. for clues to depression that they might have leading model, the companion star should The images from Mallorca showed no super- picked up on. They found nothing. Li’s death have been a red giant—a large, bloated star nova in the patch of sky where the star had would likely remain a mystery to them. All nearing the end of its life, with a reddish enve- exploded, even though 4 hours had elapsed they knew for certain was that a shining star lope and a relatively cool surface temperature. since the moment of explosion. To have had dimmed. –YUDHIJIT BHATTACHARJEE 24 4 JANUARY 2013 VOL 339 SCIENCE Published by AAAS