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Teaching And Learning Styles And Teaching Essay
'Pedagogy' is the term that is used to describe different practices of teaching and learning. Teaching
Australia (2008) defined pedagogy as 'the art and science of educating children, the strategies for
using teacher professional knowledge, skills and abilities in order to foster good learning outcomes'
(p.3). Teaching and learning is a two–way process. Teachers choose the effective instruction modes
to disseminate knowledge. Students adapt to different learning styles and use different learning
strategies to help them process the information. When teachers receive evaluations and feedbacks
from students, they revise, reconstruct and re–enact their teaching mode in order to match students'
learning styles. Teaching refers to different teaching approaches such as lecturing, practice drills,
directed questioning, discussion, constructivism and problem solving. Marsh, Clarke and Pittaway
(2015) mentioned that effective teachers are capable to use a wide range of instructional modes in
teaching that reflects their flexibility in their teaching. Learning refers to the strategies that children
used to assist their study and digest the new knowledge. Strategies to help learning are chunking,
story–grammar training, self–questioning, summarization, mnemonic images and concept mapping.
These methods are useful for the process of retention, which means the ways by which knowledge
is retained in our memory for later retrieval (Mclnerney, 2015a). The first section of the essay will
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Thesis On Learning Style
Statement of problem: Learning style is an important to consideration in the educational process of
the academic world which is also supported by literature. Among other variables, differences in
learning styles may be influenced by language, culture, educational department and gender. The
learning styles are innate and it affects the student's learning process. It is how a person learns than
what a person learns.
In this context, the students' achievement is related to the learning style .As we know student have
specific learning style such as aural, oral, and kinesthetic. Understanding students learning style is an
important factor can affect their language achievement. With regard to general psychological
research interest in the more content...
Since some models have numerous assumptions with focus on different aspects of learner
personality type, and all this issue needs a deeper understanding of learner's style which assisted their
language achievement in the computer assisted instruction classroom.
Based on the above problems, it is interesting to investigate whether there is a relationship between
different learning style and language achievement. Moreover researchers have conducted research
studies such as In McChlerya and Visserb (2009)'s study, there is a research over comparing the
learning styles of the English students. The findings show that the students have different learning
styles and the teacher who own strength or weakness of the learning styles. Current research has
shown the effect of learning style strategies in language achievement by Chamot&keathey(2004)
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Reflection On Learning Styles
When I took the learning styles inventory survey I actually found out that my learning styles were
visual, applied, verbal, social and pragmatic learning. The most preferred of all of them being
visual learning. I can completely understand why it's that because since I was young I always
learned a lot easier through videos or pictures instead just text. What I learned about this is how
visual learners usually "jot down notes, looks at the book frequently and making flash cards."
When I study, I usually make note cards because it's a quick and easy way of learning and it put your
memory to the test. Now I learned to reorganize lecture notes after class and to take notes during the
readings instead of after the reading. A little more that more content...
I didn't like it when they showed it to us back then because I believe it was actually effective
because it seemed different than what I normally did. But for me personally I find this method
very time consuming. Yet, I actually find some benefits for it because it causes you to use your
brain a little more trying to connect these ideas together and figure out why it connects with each
other. Not only that but I find it an excellent method for organizing my notes and it was a lot easier
to find out where everything was easily. And lastly as embarrassing as it sounds, it made studying
fun. Usually studying is a bore for me and I usually end up getting tired or distracted then I end up
procrastinating and probably never finish studying anyway.
However, I actually studied for more than hour consecutively which was unusual for me because I
can never find myself staying stuck to my notebook for no more than 45 minutes with getting
bored. I would make the maps into webs and the circle in the middle would be the title of the
notes. I would make the ideas that are connected or associated with each other have similar shapes
to each other instead just circles. Also, to add a little more "creativity" I would also use different
color pencils and markers. Afterwards, I was skeptical about if this method can actually help me do
better on the quizzes we take every Tuesday and Thursday. When I came in contact with the quiz I
could remember what I actually read
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Critical Analysis of Learning Styles
Critical analysis of learning styles
The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much
of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible.
It is important to discuss these strategies with students. (Marsick and Watkins, p132–51) While this
allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in
universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently.
So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then
optimize them. It may also become more self–confidence. Honey and Mumford (1986) take away
from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the
return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. (Waring and Evans, p117–28)
According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully
complete the learning process itself. But most people, through the successes and failures of their
behavior in their attempts to learn, develop preferences that make them "love" certain specific
phases of the process. (Marsick and Watkins, p132–51)
Models overview
To the extent that these phases are preferred by individuals, they define four learning styles, each
corresponding to "a description of attitudes and behaviors that determine a preferred way of learning
by an individual" (Honey and
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Different learning styles are used by different people, with different levels of intelligence and
ability. The different learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. There are many others
depending on who you ask, but those are the basic ones. Depending on how a person is raised, how
they individually prefer to learn, and their learning ability. However, if a teacher uses the wrong
learning style with a student, it may make the student feel like they cannot learn or that they are
inferior to the others in the classroom (Overview of Learning Styles, 2014). Visual learners learn by
observing. These people like to read, and they can recall what they read easily. This learning style
can use flashcards for reinforcing lessons, more content...
They like to build things as well (Weinstein, Witte, & Willingham, 2013).
Two other types of learning styles are active and reflective. These are usually grouped in with the
aforementioned styles, and they help to further define them. Active learners are impulsive risk
takers. They prefer not to take many notes and do not like long lectures where they have to sit and
just listen. Active learners are much like kinesthetic learners in that they like to learn by doing. They
do well with role playing, and like team competition.
Reflective learners are mainly introverts, and they like to think about their solutions before acting on
them. These people also prefer writing and like observing and writing about their experiences.
Learning logs and personal connections to topics tend to appeal to reflective learners.
There is more to teaching to different learning styles than just knowing a learning style. Many factors
have to be taken into account in order to successfully teach or learn. These factors include location,
whether it is group or solo work, whether there are distractions, and even something as simple as the
temperature of the room the students are in (NDT Resource Center, n.d.). In elementary school
classrooms there are usually too many students, and the teacher has to fight to stay focused
sometimes. Despite their best efforts some teachers cannot effectively teach
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Teaching Learning Styles And Strategies Essay
ABSTRACT: The objective of an English teacher is to make the learners learn English successfully
and to enhance their communicative competence as this is the need of the hour. In the present
scenario the learners themselves are coming forward to learn English and they are actively
participating in the classroom activities. With little guidance of the teacher they attempt to become
the efficient scholars of English. So there is a complete shift from teacher oriented approach to a
learner centered approach. The learners tend to participate actively when the class is interesting. To
make the class more interesting the teacher selects the topics that interest them. Gradually this
approach changed to an interest oriented learner centered approach. In this process of learning the
language learners adopt their own methods and strategies depending on their styles of learning. They
select the more appropriate strategies to fit their learning styles. This paper focuses on the role of
learning styles and strategies in a language classroom.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to be aware of the learning styles of the learners so as to
make the learning teaching process an effective one. Moreover the learning style of one learner is
different from another learner. So the strategies they employ in learning a language also differ. For
example some of the learners prefer listening to lectures on language to writing or reading the
language. Some learners may be comfortable to read rather
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Essay on Vark Learning Styles
Students' Learning StylesLearning is a complex process of acquiring knowledge or skills involving a
learner's biological characteristics/senses (physiological dimension); personality characteristics such
as attention, emotion, motivation, and curiosity (affective dimension); information processing styles
such as logical analysis or gut feelings (cognitive dimension); and psychological/individual
differences (psychological dimension) (Dunn, Beaudry, & Klavas, 1989). Due to the multiples
dimensions of differences in each learner, there have been continuing research interests in learning
styles. Some 21 models of learning styles are cited in the literature (Curry, 1983) including the Kolb
learning preference model (Kolb, 1984), Gardner' more content...
They do well with hands–on projects or tasks. 4)
Kinesthetic: kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. Their preference is for hands–on experiences.
They are often high energy and like to make use of touching, moving, and interacting with their
environment. They prefer not to watch or listen and generally do not do well in the classroom.
One can speculate that a different set of learning styles is served in an online course than in a
face–to–face course. We assume that online learning systems may include less sound or oral
components than traditional face–to–face course delivery systems and that online learning systems
have more proportion of read/write assignment components, Students with visual learning styles and
read/write learning styles may do better in online courses than their counterparts in face–to–face
courses. Hence, we hypothesized: H2a: Students with visual and read/write learning styles will
experience a higher level of user satisfaction. H2b: Students with visual and read/write learning
styles will report higher levels of agreement that the learning outcomes of online courses are equal to
or better than in face–to–face courses.
Instructor Knowledge and FacilitationThe Determinants of Students' Perceived Learning Outcomes
and Satisfaction in University Online Education: An Empirical Investigation†Sean B. Eom1,*, H.
Joseph Wen1, Nicholas Ashill2
Article first published online: 12 JUL 2006
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All people perceive and process information differently. As students progress through their years in
school, they are able to discover what methods allow them to retain the most information. The key to
learning is not simply repetition, but being able to understand a concept. That is how a student can
be sure that he or she has truly learned something. Teachers must be able to accommodate their
students by tailoring their methods of teaching and materials. Different teaching styles obviously suit
different learning styles, and no one teaching style can be effective for all learning styles. Because of
this, teachers must be flexible in their methods. A major problem ineducation teachers have a hard
time going outside of their more content...
They tend to pay more attention to the pitch, tone, and rate of spoken language as opposed to
gestures and facial expressions. Auditory learners have more trouble finding meaning in books,
notes, and visual aids. Reading may often seem like a chore to these students. Understanding occurs
when educational concepts are explained or read out loud, or through sound association. Auditory
learners may feel comfortable working with audio books when completing homework or reciting
information in order to perceive it.
The third type of learning style is kinesthetic learning. Kinesthetic learning involves hands–on work
to retain information. Tangible objects make concepts more easily understandable. People who
depend on kinesthetic learning can become distracted in school, where visual and auditory
instructional methods are significantly more common. Kinesthetic learners like to have manipulative
learning materials directly in front of them so they can get a more realistic understanding of the
concept that they are supposed to be learning.
According to Foucault, the nature of knowledge is constantly changing, and therefore is very
relative. Knowledge can be gained or lost depending on the school environment. The knowledge a
child develops shapes the amount of control that they have. Most students strive for control over
their own lives. Students can gain control by having a good understanding of what is being taught
These three learning styles are
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Personal Learning Styles Essay
Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult
to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them
to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of
how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis
of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have
recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement
of time management and study skills.      From a very young age,
writing has been a passion of mine. Through writing I have developed more content...
Working in a group setting was completely undesirable for me; as I would much rather work on my
own. With an introverted personality, I understand my need for independent thinking. I am only able
to concentrate in quite, personalized settings because of easy distractions.
     Similarly, organization is a key element to my unique learning
style. After taking the "Personality Spectrum" (Carter, Bishop, Kravits, 2002) assessment, I have
become even more aware of my compatibility with structured learning environments. In class, I
need information to be presented in an easy but detailed fashion. I prefer outlines style formats
over summaries of information. It is also essential that I know what is expected with academics and
assignments. This knowledge insures confidence in my academic ability and allows me to set extra
goals when needed.      With respect to my stronger skills, there are
still underdeveloped areas of learning which I would like to improve on. Reading, for example, is
my biggest struggle. I have a significant amount of trouble remembering and comprehending what I
read. This has ultimately caused my lack of interest in this type of learning. I also struggle with
lecture style environments, which is again due to my deficient ability to retain information in this
type of setting.      While my new found academic goals reflect my
desire for personal achievement,
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Essay about Vark Learning Style Analysis
V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis
Grand Canyon University
Family–Centered Health Promotion: NRS 429v
Melanie Escobar, RN MSN
March 11, 2012
V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis
From the time of birth, individuals are constantly learning. Individual learning styles vary from
person to person. It is essential to the education of the individual to learn the particular style of
learning that best serves them. One particular analysis tool is the visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic
or V.A.R.K. tool (VARK, 2011). This tool allows the individual to identify their particular learning
style which will better prepare them throughout their education.
My Learning Style more content...
My Preferred Learning Strategies
This student's preferred learning strategy has always been that of the read/write category. She takes
advantage of handouts, textbooks, and dictionaries when studying for quizzes and exams. She also
prefers going to the library due to the atmosphere provided by this institution. To enhance learning
the use of outlines and note cards have also been useful when studying. Visual aids accompanying
the read/write category have been useful in obtaining good grades throughout advancement in
education (VARK, 2011).
Comparison of my Learning Strategy with the Preferred Learning Strategy
This student's preferred learning strategy compared to the learning strategy provided by V.A.R.K. is
almost identical. The learning strategies that have been used throughout her education have always
netted good results, which is evident by her grades. In the past other students have commented about
her learning style and the amount of time spent on note taking, outlines, and writing out note cards,
but she has perfected this process for her learning style.
Changes in Study Habits
After review of all learning strategies, some changes are needed to enhance learning of this student.
More time needs to be spent using kinesthetic study strategies through hands on experimentation. She
could also utilize the use of a recording device during classes, and then transcribe the lecture into the
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Essay on Learning Styles In Business
What Types of Learning StylesAre Best for Business?
What are "learning styles"? The topic of learning styles has been discussed throughout the academic
world for several years, but do we really understand how it affects the way students learn? From
public school to higher education, different learning styles can be found everywhere. The three main
types of learning styles are visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic (hands on) . Each style reflects
the main ability of how the individual learns best. Visual learners need to see the speaker and watch
facial expressions in order to comprehend the material. They learn best from visual displays and
often prefer to take detailed notes during lectures. According to researchers , more
We arranged to take a sample of students from particular classes and give them either a video or a
handout with instructions on making a column graph in a spreadsheet. As with most instruction, we
wanted to stick to the method the particular tool was geared at for study purposes. When it was a
handout, the students were given the handout and only told to follow the instructions as they were
given. If the students had any questions, they could ask but otherwise they were left to work at their
own pace and timing. During the time, the instructor could walk around the classroom or sit up at
the front while the students worked on the assignment.
For the video, the students were told to go to a certain link, and follow the instructions given on the
video. They were able to stop the video when they desired and continue on at their own pace. The
instructions were not written, but instead were read to the students while the students were given a
demonstration to the different steps. This procedure was used for students on Blackboard in online
One of the problems we had with this experiment was the lack of participation by some of the
students. This was a volunteer assignment, and some of the students chose not to participate. Due to
the lack of participation of online students, we have fewer video samples than handout. The
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From the standpoint of what is my learning style, I am definitely a tactile learner. For me to gain my
greatest ability to learn, I must use my hands to physically work through something. This process
allows me to build relationships between the content that I'm being taught and the outcomes that I
need to reach. The biggest challenge that I have experienced with my own learning is my struggle
with my reading skills. This challenge was not something that I met head on. Instead I found ways
to work around my issues with reading. Using my kinesthetic learning style, I was able to make up
for my poor reading ability. I have found that being able to apply something to what I am reading
allows me to form relationships and gain a better understanding of the subject matter I am trying to
learn. I feel success in my learning comes from being able to build an understanding of what I've
learned so I can apply it, or show relationship to how a given topic is important to myself or my
students lives.
I obtained my undergraduate degree from Saginaw Valley State University with a double major in
history and special education, with an Emotional Impairment endorsement. I have currently started
my 6th year as an educator. I spent the first three years of my career teaching at Rogers City High
School where I co–taught in various math and English classes, with four different teachers. This
placement was a full inclusion setting with no resource room available to students in need of that
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Accommodating Different Learning Styles in the Classroom
"Learning styles." What are learning styles? Various researchers have created different tools that
categorize the way people acquire and retain information. Some of these include Gardner's multiple
intelligences, McCarthy's 4–Mat System, and the Myers–Briggs personality type indicators (Ebeling
2000). Haar, Hall, Schoepp & Smith (2002) define learning styles as "individual differences in the
way information is perceived, processed, and communicated." There are two main points to cover
when discussing learning styles. The first part is the specifics of each learning style. The second part
is how to teach someone who is a certain style or combination of more content...
Auditory learners: 1. Learn best when they can talk and interact verbally. 2. Like to be read to or to
read out loud, but not silently. 3. Like to listen to tapes. Can remember things set to music more
easily. 4. Work better with background sound like music. 5. Like panels, debates, and storytelling. 6.
Are not bothered by disorder in the environment. 7. Ask numerous questions to better understand the
information, and this is often perceived as "not paying attention." 8. Do not like written work and
reading, and therefore, are often labeled as "not applying themselves." 9. Can be helped most by
understanding parents and teachers who will provide supportive, compensating homework settings.
Tactile learners: 1. Learn best when they can touch. 2. Like to fiddle with things. 3. Like to take
things apart to see how they work. 4. Are not as motor drive as the kinesthetic. 5. Learn best with
manipulatives. 6. Learn best by doing. 7. Need hands–on learning. 8. Need to be taught adaptive
skills such as taking notes, highlighting, and how to cope in a traditional learning system.
Kinesthetic learners: 1. Learn best when the body is in movement. 2. Learn best by doing. 3. Need a
hands–on, multi–sensory approach. 4. Are motor–driven. 5. Do not do well under bright fluorescent
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Essay on Learning about Learning Styles
A learning style is a way in which a learner begins to concentrate on, process, and retain new and
difficult information(Dunn & Dunn, 1987). A teacher cannot expect a student to listen to a story
and answer a series of questions then expect them to make a perfect score when the student learns
better by reading. Learning styles are simply deduced by how information is processed. Understand
one's individual learning style helps him or her by setting them up for success instead of setting
them up for failure.
Every human being learns in a different and unusual way. There are not any two people in the world
that learns the same way. Some people learn through working with their hands, some learn through
what they see and can process more content...
Those styles are visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic. To simplify the learning style into words that
are easier to comprehend and remember visual means to see, auditory means to hear and tactile
/kinesthetic means to touch. As humans, all of these or a combination of all three of these learning
styles, in a single person, is used on a daily basis. To better understand these learning styles, a brief
but thorough description is going to be provided.
Visual learners prefer to read and study in order to understand what they are learning. Visual learners
should take notes on what they read and should have a highlighter available to be able to highlight
information that would seem important to this learner. These learners seem to be better with graphs
and maps than the others learning styles. These learners also seem to have a more photogenic
memory. They can remember more things by what they saw when they were told certain information.
Visual learners have a harder time reading because when they read they have the habit of making
words into pictures. These individuals have a harder time talking on the telephone because talking
on the telephone takes away from the in person contact and eliminates the ability to see and process
the other person body language. Visual learners can remember information that was presented to
them as a child years later. Most of the
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Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment
A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store
information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual,
and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the
conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself
a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based
on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined
primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our
personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles.
A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style.
A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment
can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different
learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to
assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to
what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning
style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best
by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk
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Reflective Essay On Learning Styles
Learning is obtaining skills through knowledge, study, or by teaching. Learning styles refers to a
system of collecting, processing, interpreting, arranging and thinking about information. Learning
takes place in different forms like Read & Write comprehends through reading and writing by taking
notes, Aural listens to information by hearing and speaking, Visual learns through visualizing of
objects to understand, Kinesthetic is hands on learning experience, and Multimodal is study via
several diverse modes of learning.
Looking at these learning styles, I am a Multimodal learner according to my VARK result test. With
several methods of learning, this employs diverse ways to help me memorize and understand what
I've learned much better by changing between different learning styles that any teacher might use to
teach because, I like numerous ways of absorbing information.
As a read and write learner, I like taking notes in class and I read over these notes or copy them
out. I take my time to study at my own pace and in a quiet environment, I love studying ahead of
time to gather and collect all the information needed to understand and also learn a new task to
achieve new skills I require. When I'm listening to a lecture for instance, I like to take notes, make
bullet points for my reading, and I also turn illustrations into words and check the dictionary for word
meanings for me to understand when I study. I check out information in library, textbooks and
handouts for better
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Essay about Different Learning Styles
Different Learning Styles
What is learning? According to the thesaurus in the Eric database, learning is the "process of
acquiring knowledge, attitudes, or skills from study, instruction, or experience" (Eric/Thesaurus
database, 2001). A learning style is described as "a set of factors, behaviors and attitudes that
facilitate learning for and individual in a given situation" (Reiff, 1992, p.7). There are many different
ways that children learn. The purpose of this paper is to explain the different learning styles that
students may possess and to discuss the importance of planning a lesson that includes different
techniques to meet the needs of individual learners. These different learning styles may include the more content...
They like to learn because it interests them. These children are not as physically active as some of
the other types of learners (WEAC, 2001).
Seer and Feelers
The second type of learner is the seer and feeler. These types of children learn best through
example. They like to touch and feel what they are doing. These children are very hands on. This
type of learner also asks many questions. They are curious about everything. This type of child
does not work well alone. They prefer to work in small groups that interact together to accomplish a
task. This type of child is also very empathetic (WEAC, 2001).
Leader of the Packs
The next type of learner would be described as the leader of the pack. These children are the
leaders in the classroom. They teach everyone by example. This type of learner enjoys being the
center of attention because it is what they do best. The leaders of the pack have a very good
speaking vocabulary and are great communicators. This type of child is physically active and very
popular. The problem with these learners is that they might have a hard time learning to read and
write (WEAC, 2001).
Verbal Gymnasts
Then, we have the verbal gymnasts. These children will talk you ear off. Their speech and
vocabulary remind you of an adult's. They speak logically and clearly. These children are very good
at communicating with their friends and the adults that surround
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The Adult Learner Essay On Learning Styles
Chris Standerford PY554 – The Adult Learner Essay on Learning Styles Between the practice of
education and the conducting of research in educational psychology, there is a divide that has
formed around the effectiveness of utilizing learning styles while teaching and learning. Learning
styles are defined as an individual's mode of gaining knowledge, especially a preferred or best
method (Learning Styles). Common examples of learning styles include visual learners, auditory
learners, kinesthetic learners, verbal learners, and social learners. While most individuals will
predominately relate to one learning style most heavily, it is considered common practice to
identify a mix of learning styles that work together to support the learner. Over the past several
decades, educators and our schools have been investing time, energy, and money to implement
strategies which are aimed at helping to identify student's learning styles. The underlying premise
is that by understanding individual differences in ourselves and in our students, we may be able to
create more effective, diverse, and enjoyable learning environments. Many researchers have also
acknowledged the pervasiveness of this line of thinking and agree that it is an attractive idea that at
first glance appears to be common sense (Marshik, Jarrett, Pashler, Reid, Riener & Willingham) in
the learning process. While many educators and parents have generally accepted the idea of learning
styles as a means of improving
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Essay about Learning Styles
Learning Styles
The reason for doing this report is to try and discover which is my best and worst way to learn and
then to come up with a strategy for improving my ability to learn. The first thing that I need to do is
research what different learning styles there is, after I have done this I can determine what are my
preferred learning styles.
Types of Learning Styles After doing some research I have discovered that there are four main ways
of learning. For each of these four ways there is a continuum, this continuum determines which
particular style somebody may prefer.
The first continuum of learning is Active and Reflective, this style is to do with the way in which a
person may go about his/her learning. more content...
For three of the continuums I was biased towards one particular style, these are active, visual and
global. This would indicate that I learn best when I can get involved and try things out. It also
indicates that I absorb information best when it is presented visually in things such as diagrams,
tables, graphs etc. furthermore, the test showed is that I learn best if I get an overview of the
whole topic before I start concentrating on the smaller details. The final thing that this test points
out is that I?m neither sensing nor intuitive. Due to this I am able to learn the facts surrounding a
subject but I am also able to grasp theories and ideas. I absolutely agree with the results of this test
and would say it is a fair judgement on my learning preferences.
My Learning Style Weaknesses are? As discussed before the best learners have a balanced
learning style and therefore my greatest weakness is that I don?t have the ability to adapt my
learning style to all situations. Because of this I may miss out on some vital information because it
isn?t presented in a format that I am totally comfortable with. Even though I am a good learner
when I learn actively I don?t learn as well when there is nothing practical for me to take part in, in
order to re–enforce the things that I have learnt. I also find it difficult to absorb information when it
is not presented in a visual format. Another weakness of mine is that in
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Essays On Learning Styles

  • 1. Teaching And Learning Styles And Teaching Essay 'Pedagogy' is the term that is used to describe different practices of teaching and learning. Teaching Australia (2008) defined pedagogy as 'the art and science of educating children, the strategies for using teacher professional knowledge, skills and abilities in order to foster good learning outcomes' (p.3). Teaching and learning is a two–way process. Teachers choose the effective instruction modes to disseminate knowledge. Students adapt to different learning styles and use different learning strategies to help them process the information. When teachers receive evaluations and feedbacks from students, they revise, reconstruct and re–enact their teaching mode in order to match students' learning styles. Teaching refers to different teaching approaches such as lecturing, practice drills, directed questioning, discussion, constructivism and problem solving. Marsh, Clarke and Pittaway (2015) mentioned that effective teachers are capable to use a wide range of instructional modes in teaching that reflects their flexibility in their teaching. Learning refers to the strategies that children used to assist their study and digest the new knowledge. Strategies to help learning are chunking, story–grammar training, self–questioning, summarization, mnemonic images and concept mapping. These methods are useful for the process of retention, which means the ways by which knowledge is retained in our memory for later retrieval (Mclnerney, 2015a). The first section of the essay will Get more content on
  • 2. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 3. Thesis On Learning Style Statement of problem: Learning style is an important to consideration in the educational process of the academic world which is also supported by literature. Among other variables, differences in learning styles may be influenced by language, culture, educational department and gender. The learning styles are innate and it affects the student's learning process. It is how a person learns than what a person learns. In this context, the students' achievement is related to the learning style .As we know student have specific learning style such as aural, oral, and kinesthetic. Understanding students learning style is an important factor can affect their language achievement. With regard to general psychological research interest in the more content... Since some models have numerous assumptions with focus on different aspects of learner personality type, and all this issue needs a deeper understanding of learner's style which assisted their language achievement in the computer assisted instruction classroom. Based on the above problems, it is interesting to investigate whether there is a relationship between different learning style and language achievement. Moreover researchers have conducted research studies such as In McChlerya and Visserb (2009)'s study, there is a research over comparing the learning styles of the English students. The findings show that the students have different learning styles and the teacher who own strength or weakness of the learning styles. Current research has shown the effect of learning style strategies in language achievement by Chamot&keathey(2004) Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection On Learning Styles When I took the learning styles inventory survey I actually found out that my learning styles were visual, applied, verbal, social and pragmatic learning. The most preferred of all of them being visual learning. I can completely understand why it's that because since I was young I always learned a lot easier through videos or pictures instead just text. What I learned about this is how visual learners usually "jot down notes, looks at the book frequently and making flash cards." When I study, I usually make note cards because it's a quick and easy way of learning and it put your memory to the test. Now I learned to reorganize lecture notes after class and to take notes during the readings instead of after the reading. A little more that more content... I didn't like it when they showed it to us back then because I believe it was actually effective because it seemed different than what I normally did. But for me personally I find this method very time consuming. Yet, I actually find some benefits for it because it causes you to use your brain a little more trying to connect these ideas together and figure out why it connects with each other. Not only that but I find it an excellent method for organizing my notes and it was a lot easier to find out where everything was easily. And lastly as embarrassing as it sounds, it made studying fun. Usually studying is a bore for me and I usually end up getting tired or distracted then I end up procrastinating and probably never finish studying anyway. However, I actually studied for more than hour consecutively which was unusual for me because I can never find myself staying stuck to my notebook for no more than 45 minutes with getting bored. I would make the maps into webs and the circle in the middle would be the title of the notes. I would make the ideas that are connected or associated with each other have similar shapes to each other instead just circles. Also, to add a little more "creativity" I would also use different color pencils and markers. Afterwards, I was skeptical about if this method can actually help me do better on the quizzes we take every Tuesday and Thursday. When I came in contact with the quiz I could remember what I actually read Get more content on
  • 5. Critical Analysis of Learning Styles Critical analysis of learning styles Introduction The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible. It is important to discuss these strategies with students. (Marsick and Watkins, p132–51) While this allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently. So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then optimize them. It may also become more self–confidence. Honey and Mumford (1986) take away from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. (Waring and Evans, p117–28) According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully complete the learning process itself. But most people, through the successes and failures of their behavior in their attempts to learn, develop preferences that make them "love" certain specific phases of the process. (Marsick and Watkins, p132–51) Models overview To the extent that these phases are preferred by individuals, they define four learning styles, each corresponding to "a description of attitudes and behaviors that determine a preferred way of learning by an individual" (Honey and Get more content on
  • 6. Different learning styles are used by different people, with different levels of intelligence and ability. The different learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. There are many others depending on who you ask, but those are the basic ones. Depending on how a person is raised, how they individually prefer to learn, and their learning ability. However, if a teacher uses the wrong learning style with a student, it may make the student feel like they cannot learn or that they are inferior to the others in the classroom (Overview of Learning Styles, 2014). Visual learners learn by observing. These people like to read, and they can recall what they read easily. This learning style can use flashcards for reinforcing lessons, more content... They like to build things as well (Weinstein, Witte, & Willingham, 2013). Two other types of learning styles are active and reflective. These are usually grouped in with the aforementioned styles, and they help to further define them. Active learners are impulsive risk takers. They prefer not to take many notes and do not like long lectures where they have to sit and just listen. Active learners are much like kinesthetic learners in that they like to learn by doing. They do well with role playing, and like team competition. Reflective learners are mainly introverts, and they like to think about their solutions before acting on them. These people also prefer writing and like observing and writing about their experiences. Learning logs and personal connections to topics tend to appeal to reflective learners. There is more to teaching to different learning styles than just knowing a learning style. Many factors have to be taken into account in order to successfully teach or learn. These factors include location, whether it is group or solo work, whether there are distractions, and even something as simple as the temperature of the room the students are in (NDT Resource Center, n.d.). In elementary school classrooms there are usually too many students, and the teacher has to fight to stay focused sometimes. Despite their best efforts some teachers cannot effectively teach Get more content on
  • 7. Teaching Learning Styles And Strategies Essay ABSTRACT: The objective of an English teacher is to make the learners learn English successfully and to enhance their communicative competence as this is the need of the hour. In the present scenario the learners themselves are coming forward to learn English and they are actively participating in the classroom activities. With little guidance of the teacher they attempt to become the efficient scholars of English. So there is a complete shift from teacher oriented approach to a learner centered approach. The learners tend to participate actively when the class is interesting. To make the class more interesting the teacher selects the topics that interest them. Gradually this approach changed to an interest oriented learner centered approach. In this process of learning the language learners adopt their own methods and strategies depending on their styles of learning. They select the more appropriate strategies to fit their learning styles. This paper focuses on the role of learning styles and strategies in a language classroom. It is the responsibility of the teacher to be aware of the learning styles of the learners so as to make the learning teaching process an effective one. Moreover the learning style of one learner is different from another learner. So the strategies they employ in learning a language also differ. For example some of the learners prefer listening to lectures on language to writing or reading the language. Some learners may be comfortable to read rather Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Vark Learning Styles Students' Learning StylesLearning is a complex process of acquiring knowledge or skills involving a learner's biological characteristics/senses (physiological dimension); personality characteristics such as attention, emotion, motivation, and curiosity (affective dimension); information processing styles such as logical analysis or gut feelings (cognitive dimension); and psychological/individual differences (psychological dimension) (Dunn, Beaudry, & Klavas, 1989). Due to the multiples dimensions of differences in each learner, there have been continuing research interests in learning styles. Some 21 models of learning styles are cited in the literature (Curry, 1983) including the Kolb learning preference model (Kolb, 1984), Gardner' more content... They do well with hands–on projects or tasks. 4) Kinesthetic: kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. Their preference is for hands–on experiences. They are often high energy and like to make use of touching, moving, and interacting with their environment. They prefer not to watch or listen and generally do not do well in the classroom. One can speculate that a different set of learning styles is served in an online course than in a face–to–face course. We assume that online learning systems may include less sound or oral components than traditional face–to–face course delivery systems and that online learning systems have more proportion of read/write assignment components, Students with visual learning styles and read/write learning styles may do better in online courses than their counterparts in face–to–face courses. Hence, we hypothesized: H2a: Students with visual and read/write learning styles will experience a higher level of user satisfaction. H2b: Students with visual and read/write learning styles will report higher levels of agreement that the learning outcomes of online courses are equal to or better than in face–to–face courses. Instructor Knowledge and FacilitationThe Determinants of Students' Perceived Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in University Online Education: An Empirical Investigation†Sean B. Eom1,*, H. Joseph Wen1, Nicholas Ashill2 Article first published online: 12 JUL 2006 DOI: Get more content on
  • 9. All people perceive and process information differently. As students progress through their years in school, they are able to discover what methods allow them to retain the most information. The key to learning is not simply repetition, but being able to understand a concept. That is how a student can be sure that he or she has truly learned something. Teachers must be able to accommodate their students by tailoring their methods of teaching and materials. Different teaching styles obviously suit different learning styles, and no one teaching style can be effective for all learning styles. Because of this, teachers must be flexible in their methods. A major problem ineducation teachers have a hard time going outside of their more content... They tend to pay more attention to the pitch, tone, and rate of spoken language as opposed to gestures and facial expressions. Auditory learners have more trouble finding meaning in books, notes, and visual aids. Reading may often seem like a chore to these students. Understanding occurs when educational concepts are explained or read out loud, or through sound association. Auditory learners may feel comfortable working with audio books when completing homework or reciting information in order to perceive it. The third type of learning style is kinesthetic learning. Kinesthetic learning involves hands–on work to retain information. Tangible objects make concepts more easily understandable. People who depend on kinesthetic learning can become distracted in school, where visual and auditory instructional methods are significantly more common. Kinesthetic learners like to have manipulative learning materials directly in front of them so they can get a more realistic understanding of the concept that they are supposed to be learning. According to Foucault, the nature of knowledge is constantly changing, and therefore is very relative. Knowledge can be gained or lost depending on the school environment. The knowledge a child develops shapes the amount of control that they have. Most students strive for control over their own lives. Students can gain control by having a good understanding of what is being taught (327–362). These three learning styles are Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Learning Styles Essay Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement of time management and study skills.      From a very young age, writing has been a passion of mine. Through writing I have developed more content... Working in a group setting was completely undesirable for me; as I would much rather work on my own. With an introverted personality, I understand my need for independent thinking. I am only able to concentrate in quite, personalized settings because of easy distractions.      Similarly, organization is a key element to my unique learning style. After taking the "Personality Spectrum" (Carter, Bishop, Kravits, 2002) assessment, I have become even more aware of my compatibility with structured learning environments. In class, I need information to be presented in an easy but detailed fashion. I prefer outlines style formats over summaries of information. It is also essential that I know what is expected with academics and assignments. This knowledge insures confidence in my academic ability and allows me to set extra goals when needed.      With respect to my stronger skills, there are still underdeveloped areas of learning which I would like to improve on. Reading, for example, is my biggest struggle. I have a significant amount of trouble remembering and comprehending what I read. This has ultimately caused my lack of interest in this type of learning. I also struggle with lecture style environments, which is again due to my deficient ability to retain information in this type of setting.      While my new found academic goals reflect my desire for personal achievement, Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Vark Learning Style Analysis Running head: V.A.R.K. LEARNING STYLE ANALYSIS V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis Grand Canyon University Family–Centered Health Promotion: NRS 429v Melanie Escobar, RN MSN March 11, 2012 V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis Introduction From the time of birth, individuals are constantly learning. Individual learning styles vary from person to person. It is essential to the education of the individual to learn the particular style of learning that best serves them. One particular analysis tool is the visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic or V.A.R.K. tool (VARK, 2011). This tool allows the individual to identify their particular learning style which will better prepare them throughout their education. My Learning Style more content... My Preferred Learning Strategies This student's preferred learning strategy has always been that of the read/write category. She takes advantage of handouts, textbooks, and dictionaries when studying for quizzes and exams. She also prefers going to the library due to the atmosphere provided by this institution. To enhance learning the use of outlines and note cards have also been useful when studying. Visual aids accompanying the read/write category have been useful in obtaining good grades throughout advancement in education (VARK, 2011). Comparison of my Learning Strategy with the Preferred Learning Strategy This student's preferred learning strategy compared to the learning strategy provided by V.A.R.K. is almost identical. The learning strategies that have been used throughout her education have always netted good results, which is evident by her grades. In the past other students have commented about her learning style and the amount of time spent on note taking, outlines, and writing out note cards, but she has perfected this process for her learning style. Changes in Study Habits After review of all learning strategies, some changes are needed to enhance learning of this student. More time needs to be spent using kinesthetic study strategies through hands on experimentation. She could also utilize the use of a recording device during classes, and then transcribe the lecture into the Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Learning Styles In Business What Types of Learning StylesAre Best for Business? What are "learning styles"? The topic of learning styles has been discussed throughout the academic world for several years, but do we really understand how it affects the way students learn? From public school to higher education, different learning styles can be found everywhere. The three main types of learning styles are visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic (hands on) . Each style reflects the main ability of how the individual learns best. Visual learners need to see the speaker and watch facial expressions in order to comprehend the material. They learn best from visual displays and often prefer to take detailed notes during lectures. According to researchers , more content... We arranged to take a sample of students from particular classes and give them either a video or a handout with instructions on making a column graph in a spreadsheet. As with most instruction, we wanted to stick to the method the particular tool was geared at for study purposes. When it was a handout, the students were given the handout and only told to follow the instructions as they were given. If the students had any questions, they could ask but otherwise they were left to work at their own pace and timing. During the time, the instructor could walk around the classroom or sit up at the front while the students worked on the assignment. For the video, the students were told to go to a certain link, and follow the instructions given on the video. They were able to stop the video when they desired and continue on at their own pace. The instructions were not written, but instead were read to the students while the students were given a demonstration to the different steps. This procedure was used for students on Blackboard in online classes. One of the problems we had with this experiment was the lack of participation by some of the students. This was a volunteer assignment, and some of the students chose not to participate. Due to the lack of participation of online students, we have fewer video samples than handout. The Get more content on
  • 13. From the standpoint of what is my learning style, I am definitely a tactile learner. For me to gain my greatest ability to learn, I must use my hands to physically work through something. This process allows me to build relationships between the content that I'm being taught and the outcomes that I need to reach. The biggest challenge that I have experienced with my own learning is my struggle with my reading skills. This challenge was not something that I met head on. Instead I found ways to work around my issues with reading. Using my kinesthetic learning style, I was able to make up for my poor reading ability. I have found that being able to apply something to what I am reading allows me to form relationships and gain a better understanding of the subject matter I am trying to learn. I feel success in my learning comes from being able to build an understanding of what I've learned so I can apply it, or show relationship to how a given topic is important to myself or my students lives. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Saginaw Valley State University with a double major in history and special education, with an Emotional Impairment endorsement. I have currently started my 6th year as an educator. I spent the first three years of my career teaching at Rogers City High School where I co–taught in various math and English classes, with four different teachers. This placement was a full inclusion setting with no resource room available to students in need of that Get more content on
  • 14. Accommodating Different Learning Styles in the Classroom "Learning styles." What are learning styles? Various researchers have created different tools that categorize the way people acquire and retain information. Some of these include Gardner's multiple intelligences, McCarthy's 4–Mat System, and the Myers–Briggs personality type indicators (Ebeling 2000). Haar, Hall, Schoepp & Smith (2002) define learning styles as "individual differences in the way information is perceived, processed, and communicated." There are two main points to cover when discussing learning styles. The first part is the specifics of each learning style. The second part is how to teach someone who is a certain style or combination of more content... Auditory learners: 1. Learn best when they can talk and interact verbally. 2. Like to be read to or to read out loud, but not silently. 3. Like to listen to tapes. Can remember things set to music more easily. 4. Work better with background sound like music. 5. Like panels, debates, and storytelling. 6. Are not bothered by disorder in the environment. 7. Ask numerous questions to better understand the information, and this is often perceived as "not paying attention." 8. Do not like written work and reading, and therefore, are often labeled as "not applying themselves." 9. Can be helped most by understanding parents and teachers who will provide supportive, compensating homework settings. Tactile learners: 1. Learn best when they can touch. 2. Like to fiddle with things. 3. Like to take things apart to see how they work. 4. Are not as motor drive as the kinesthetic. 5. Learn best with manipulatives. 6. Learn best by doing. 7. Need hands–on learning. 8. Need to be taught adaptive skills such as taking notes, highlighting, and how to cope in a traditional learning system. Kinesthetic learners: 1. Learn best when the body is in movement. 2. Learn best by doing. 3. Need a hands–on, multi–sensory approach. 4. Are motor–driven. 5. Do not do well under bright fluorescent Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Learning about Learning Styles A learning style is a way in which a learner begins to concentrate on, process, and retain new and difficult information(Dunn & Dunn, 1987). A teacher cannot expect a student to listen to a story and answer a series of questions then expect them to make a perfect score when the student learns better by reading. Learning styles are simply deduced by how information is processed. Understand one's individual learning style helps him or her by setting them up for success instead of setting them up for failure. Every human being learns in a different and unusual way. There are not any two people in the world that learns the same way. Some people learn through working with their hands, some learn through what they see and can process more content... Those styles are visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic. To simplify the learning style into words that are easier to comprehend and remember visual means to see, auditory means to hear and tactile /kinesthetic means to touch. As humans, all of these or a combination of all three of these learning styles, in a single person, is used on a daily basis. To better understand these learning styles, a brief but thorough description is going to be provided. Visual learners prefer to read and study in order to understand what they are learning. Visual learners should take notes on what they read and should have a highlighter available to be able to highlight information that would seem important to this learner. These learners seem to be better with graphs and maps than the others learning styles. These learners also seem to have a more photogenic memory. They can remember more things by what they saw when they were told certain information. Visual learners have a harder time reading because when they read they have the habit of making words into pictures. These individuals have a harder time talking on the telephone because talking on the telephone takes away from the in person contact and eliminates the ability to see and process the other person body language. Visual learners can remember information that was presented to them as a child years later. Most of the Get more content on
  • 16. Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles. A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk Get more content on
  • 17. Reflective Essay On Learning Styles Learning is obtaining skills through knowledge, study, or by teaching. Learning styles refers to a system of collecting, processing, interpreting, arranging and thinking about information. Learning takes place in different forms like Read & Write comprehends through reading and writing by taking notes, Aural listens to information by hearing and speaking, Visual learns through visualizing of objects to understand, Kinesthetic is hands on learning experience, and Multimodal is study via several diverse modes of learning. Looking at these learning styles, I am a Multimodal learner according to my VARK result test. With several methods of learning, this employs diverse ways to help me memorize and understand what I've learned much better by changing between different learning styles that any teacher might use to teach because, I like numerous ways of absorbing information. As a read and write learner, I like taking notes in class and I read over these notes or copy them out. I take my time to study at my own pace and in a quiet environment, I love studying ahead of time to gather and collect all the information needed to understand and also learn a new task to achieve new skills I require. When I'm listening to a lecture for instance, I like to take notes, make bullet points for my reading, and I also turn illustrations into words and check the dictionary for word meanings for me to understand when I study. I check out information in library, textbooks and handouts for better Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Different Learning Styles Different Learning Styles Introduction What is learning? According to the thesaurus in the Eric database, learning is the "process of acquiring knowledge, attitudes, or skills from study, instruction, or experience" (Eric/Thesaurus database, 2001). A learning style is described as "a set of factors, behaviors and attitudes that facilitate learning for and individual in a given situation" (Reiff, 1992, p.7). There are many different ways that children learn. The purpose of this paper is to explain the different learning styles that students may possess and to discuss the importance of planning a lesson that includes different techniques to meet the needs of individual learners. These different learning styles may include the more content... They like to learn because it interests them. These children are not as physically active as some of the other types of learners (WEAC, 2001). Seer and Feelers The second type of learner is the seer and feeler. These types of children learn best through example. They like to touch and feel what they are doing. These children are very hands on. This type of learner also asks many questions. They are curious about everything. This type of child does not work well alone. They prefer to work in small groups that interact together to accomplish a task. This type of child is also very empathetic (WEAC, 2001). Leader of the Packs The next type of learner would be described as the leader of the pack. These children are the leaders in the classroom. They teach everyone by example. This type of learner enjoys being the center of attention because it is what they do best. The leaders of the pack have a very good speaking vocabulary and are great communicators. This type of child is physically active and very popular. The problem with these learners is that they might have a hard time learning to read and write (WEAC, 2001). Verbal Gymnasts Then, we have the verbal gymnasts. These children will talk you ear off. Their speech and vocabulary remind you of an adult's. They speak logically and clearly. These children are very good at communicating with their friends and the adults that surround
  • 19. Get more content on
  • 20. The Adult Learner Essay On Learning Styles Chris Standerford PY554 – The Adult Learner Essay on Learning Styles Between the practice of education and the conducting of research in educational psychology, there is a divide that has formed around the effectiveness of utilizing learning styles while teaching and learning. Learning styles are defined as an individual's mode of gaining knowledge, especially a preferred or best method (Learning Styles). Common examples of learning styles include visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic learners, verbal learners, and social learners. While most individuals will predominately relate to one learning style most heavily, it is considered common practice to identify a mix of learning styles that work together to support the learner. Over the past several decades, educators and our schools have been investing time, energy, and money to implement strategies which are aimed at helping to identify student's learning styles. The underlying premise is that by understanding individual differences in ourselves and in our students, we may be able to create more effective, diverse, and enjoyable learning environments. Many researchers have also acknowledged the pervasiveness of this line of thinking and agree that it is an attractive idea that at first glance appears to be common sense (Marshik, Jarrett, Pashler, Reid, Riener & Willingham) in the learning process. While many educators and parents have generally accepted the idea of learning styles as a means of improving Get more content on
  • 21. Essay about Learning Styles Learning Styles The reason for doing this report is to try and discover which is my best and worst way to learn and then to come up with a strategy for improving my ability to learn. The first thing that I need to do is research what different learning styles there is, after I have done this I can determine what are my preferred learning styles. Types of Learning Styles After doing some research I have discovered that there are four main ways of learning. For each of these four ways there is a continuum, this continuum determines which particular style somebody may prefer. The first continuum of learning is Active and Reflective, this style is to do with the way in which a person may go about his/her learning. more content... For three of the continuums I was biased towards one particular style, these are active, visual and global. This would indicate that I learn best when I can get involved and try things out. It also indicates that I absorb information best when it is presented visually in things such as diagrams, tables, graphs etc. furthermore, the test showed is that I learn best if I get an overview of the whole topic before I start concentrating on the smaller details. The final thing that this test points out is that I?m neither sensing nor intuitive. Due to this I am able to learn the facts surrounding a subject but I am also able to grasp theories and ideas. I absolutely agree with the results of this test and would say it is a fair judgement on my learning preferences. My Learning Style Weaknesses are? As discussed before the best learners have a balanced learning style and therefore my greatest weakness is that I don?t have the ability to adapt my learning style to all situations. Because of this I may miss out on some vital information because it isn?t presented in a format that I am totally comfortable with. Even though I am a good learner when I learn actively I don?t learn as well when there is nothing practical for me to take part in, in order to re–enforce the things that I have learnt. I also find it difficult to absorb information when it is not presented in a visual format. Another weakness of mine is that in Get more content on