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Monday 16th March
The Energy Savings
Opportunity Scheme
London Workshop
Objectives To build awareness of the Energy Savings
Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).
To gather feedback to inform the Environment
Agency’s guidance.
An opportunity for you to share learning and best
What we’ll cover • The ESOS policy background and context
• Presentation by DECC
• An overview of ESOS, and technical details on
qualification, compliance and notification
• Presentation by the EA, Q&A
• The approaches businesses are taking to ESOS
• Table discussion and plenary
Please turn electronic devices off during sessions
If you need to leave it on, please answer your phone
outside of the room. And put it on silent setting.
Raise your hand to let us know you want to speak
There are many of you, we’ll keep track of who wants
to speak, and try to ensure as many as possible get to
Use the microphone please, it’s a big room and we
want to make sure everyone can hear.
Help us with our note taking in the discussion
sessions, someone will keep a record of the
discussion - help them ensure it’s accurate.
Martin Adams
ESOS Team Leader, DECC
Energy Savings Opportunity
Scheme: Context
Martin Adams, ESOS Team Leader
“Cost-effective energy efficiency has
the potential to deliver a triple win for
businesses, the environment and the
wider economy […] As part of a
supportive policy framework, ESOS
can support businesses in realising
their energy efficiency potential” – CBI
7 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
8 Introduction to the business energy efficiency policy landscape
The current policy package is on track through to 2020 but additional
action is needed to maintain progress after 2020.
Carbon Plan scenarios require energy
efficiency to contribute a reduction in
final energy consumption per capita
between 2011 and 2050 of 21-47%
9 Introduction to the business energy efficiency policy landscape
“We estimate that through socially cost-effective
investment in energy efficiency we could be
saving 196TWh in 2020, equivalent to 22 power
EU Energy Efficiency Directive
• Intended to put EU back on track to meet target to reduce primary energy
consumption by 20% by 2020 compared to business-as-usual projection.
• The Directive became EU law in November 2012. UK completed
transposition in June 2014.
Energy Audits (Article 8)
• Requires all member states to introduce mandatory energy auditing
programmes for large enterprises…
10 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
Key facts about ESOS
What is ESOS?
• UK-wide mandatory energy measurement and auditing scheme
• Introduced in response to EU Energy Efficiency Directive – aims to help achieve latent
cost-effective energy efficiency potential
Who must comply?
• Large undertakings and large corporate groups across the UK.
• Target highest UK-parent but allow disaggregation
And by when?
• Qualification date - 31 December 2014
• Compliance date – 5 December 2015
• Audits must be repeated every four years (i.e. second phase ends 2019)
11 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
The consultation
12 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme: Emerging Policy Thinking
500 300
Met with over 500
(and given presentations &
webinars to many more)
From over 300
Received 150
written consultation
Key messages from consultation
Keep it simple, and understandable yet make it meaningful
• Respondents want the scheme to provide outputs that are relevant to each business
• Respondents want ESOS to add value and identify real measures that can be
Avoid duplication in existing regulation and requirements
• There a range of energy efficiency policies operating in the UK – ESOS needs to fit
• Take advantage of alternative routes to compliance – e.g. ISO50001
Minimise costs
• Allow discretion on the number of site visits required within audits
• Using internal team members for their knowledge and skills
• Only having lead auditor requiring accreditation under the scheme – but need for
whole audit team to be of sufficient quality to ensure that output is meaningful
13 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
14 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
Estimated energy bill savings (£m) for ESOS participants, split by sector
Other Transport Industrial Commercial
1real 2014 prices
ESOS is estimated to have a £1.6bn net benefit to the UK. This will
primarily be felt by business through lower bills
Thank you
Jo Scully
ESOS Project Manager,
Environment Agency
ESOS Overview
Key Dates
Qualification Date 31/12/14
Don’t need to register or tell us you qualify
Compliance Date 05/12/2015
Tell us you have complied online via webpage
And every 4 years thereafter
What are ‘large undertakings’?
Large undertaking is organisation that is:
 Registered in the UK and
 has at least 250 employees; or
 has an annual turnover in excess of 50 million euro
(£38,937,777), and an annual balance sheet total in excess of
43 million euro (£33,486,489)
 An overseas company with a UK registered
establishment which has 250 or more UK
employees (paying income tax in the UK).
 Is part of a corporate group which includes an
undertaking which meets the above criteria
Who isn’t in ESOS
Organisations which are subject to insolvency
Organisations defined as a contracting authority
in the Public Contracts Regulations 2006
Contracting Authority
• E.g.
• Government Departments
• Councils
• Fire
• Police
Organisation not having an industrial or
commercial character, and
• financed wholly or mainly by another
contracting authority;
• subject to management supervision by
another contracting authority; or
• more than half of the board of directors
or members of which, or, in the case of
a group of individuals, more than half of
those individuals, are appointed by
another contracting authority;
1. Conduct ESOS assessment
 Where not fully covered by ISO50001 certification
2. Conduct energy audits
 Where not covered by ISO50001 certification, Green Deal
Assessments (GDAs) or Display Energy Certificates (DECs)
(partial or full coverage)
3. Identify energy savings opportunities
4. Use a lead assessor to either do or review points 1 to 3 above
(unless fully covered by ISO50001)
5. Get a director to sign off that they have seen the recommendations
of the work
6. Notify the Environment Agency of ESOS compliance
1. Conduct an ESOS assessment
Identify total energy consumption (buildings, installations, transport)
Common units (either cost or energy measurement unit)
For a 12 month reference period covering the qualification date
90% of your total energy consumption = Areas of Significant Energy
Determine coverage by ISO50001, GDAs, DECs, existing audits
which meet the ESOS criteria
Determine additional ESOS audits that need to be undertaken prior to
2. Conduct ESOS audits
Compliant audits:
Use12 months’ verifiable data
Analyse your energy consumption and energy efficiency
Identify practicable ways in which you can improve energy efficiency
Recommend cost effective ‘energy saving opportunities’
Identify the estimated costs and benefits of the ‘energy saving
opportunities’ recommended
Where 12 months data is not used or consumption profiling is not
undertaken justification must be provided.
3. Identifying savings opportunities
from ESOS audits
Use life-cycle cost analysis to determine cost
effectiveness rather than simple pay back
period where possible
Identify recommendations within your control
No requirement in the regulations to
implement the identified savings
4. ESOS Lead assessors
Individuals that belong to an ‘approved
register’ = lead assessors
Approved bodies/registers on ESOS webpage
Lead assessors can be internal or external
Lead assessor reviews the work but can use
analysis from others.
5. Director Sign off
Show recommendations of the assessment to
a board level director
2 directors if lead assessor is internal
No specific format required
Director confirms they have reviewed the
6. Notifying the EA
Online notification form accessed from ESOS
page on GOV.UK
Provide basic organisation details – not
energy data or improvements identified
Needs to be submitted by 5 Dec 2015 to be
Keep an evidence pack
Cost Effective Energy Savings Opportunities
Details of your ESOS assessment and audits
(where applicable)
Certifications for alternative compliance routes
Details of any areas where you are not fully
compliant with the rules
Record of your directors & lead assessors sign off
There is no
format for this
Further Detail on ESOS
Employees = anyone with a contract of employment
regardless of hours
find the number of persons employed under contracts of service by the
company for each month of the financial year (whether for the whole
month or part of it)
add together the monthly totals
divide by the number of months in the financial year
It’s not the number on the 31 Dec, it’s the number based
on the average for the accounts ending on or in the 12
months preceding that date.
Business Type
Trade/business of organisation is irrelevant
Amount of energy the organisation uses is irrelevant
If you meet the criteria of an undertaking and you meet
the ESOS qualification criteria you are in ESOS
a body corporate or partnership, or
an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or
without a view to profit.
Balance Sheet Total
Called up
capital not
“The aggregate of the amounts shown as
assets in the company’s balance sheet”
(that is before deducting both current and
long-term liabilities).
Where an undertaking is not required under the Companies Act 2006 to produce
individual accounts they must estimate the annual turnover and annual balance
sheet total for the undertaking for a 12 month period including the qualification
date, to determine their balance sheet total.
From accounts required under Section 394
or 395 of the Companies Act 2006 (Duty to
prepare individual accounts or Individual
Accounts: application accounting
Organisational Status
“Where, in any accounting period, an undertaking is a large
undertaking (or a small or medium undertaking), it retains that
status until it falls within the definition of a small or medium
undertaking (or a large undertaking, as the case may be) for
two consecutive accounting periods.”
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In ESOS?
Company A Over threshold
   No
threshold  
Company B Over threshold
   Yes
threshold  
Public Contracts Regulations
Only undertakings subject to these regs are
out of ESOS i.e. a contracting authority
If there are other undertakings in the group
which are not subject to these regs and one of
them meets the qualification thresholds they
will be required to participate in ESOS
Insolvency proceedings
Undertakings subject to insolvency
procedures are out of ESOS
If there are other undertakings in the group
which are not subject to insolvency
procedures and one of them meets the
qualification thresholds they will be required to
participate in ESOS
Changes to structure after
Changes to organisation size/structure etc after the
qualification date do not affect qualification.
Once you are in you are in
Any organisation sold by a qualifying organisation
between 31 Dec 2014 and 5 Dec 2015 needs to comply
with ESOS (either with old owner, new owner or on its
Trust Provisions
Supply contract agreement is crucial to the
determination of whether the trust assets
are in ESOS.
Is the supply contract with an undertaking
that qualifies for ESOS?
Yes – the asset supplies will be in ESOS (see the
No – the asset supplies will not be in ESOS.
Joint Ventures
If they are a true JV they assess their own
qualification and participate separately
True JV =
no organisation holds a majority of the voting rights in the undertaking, or
no organisation is a member of the undertaking and has the right to appoint
or remove a majority of its board of directors, or
no organisations has the right to exercise a dominant influence over the
(i) by virtue of provisions contained in the undertaking's articles, or
(ii) by virtue of a control contract, or
no organisation is a member of the undertaking and controls alone, pursuant
to an agreement with other shareholders or members, a majority of the voting
rights in the undertaking
Disaggregation and aggregation
Groups can allow subsidiaries (or groups of
subsidiaries) to participate separately
Keep written agreement
>1 highest UK parent = separate participants
Unless they choose to participate together ‘aggregate’
Keep written agreement
Data time periods
Total energy consumption data
12 months data covering 31/12/14
Supplies for all assets covering a specified 12 month period
Can use £ or common energy unit
Purpose: To determine which assets will need to be covered by audits or
alternative routes to compliance
Data for audits
12 months data starting from as far back as 6 Dec 2010
Audits can have been undertaken between 6 Dec 2011 and 5 Dec 2015
Assets don’t need to have been audited at the same time
begin no more than 24 months before the start of the energy audit
Use energy units for analysis
Purpose: To determine energy savings opportunities
Total Energy Consumption
Include all assets/activities held on 31 Dec
Except if selling assets between 31 Dec
2014 and 5 Dec 2015 they do not need to
be included in total energy consumption
calculation or consequently be audited.
Areas of significant energy
consumption and audits
Flexibility about which energy is in the 90%
Could exclude all of one fuel type; or
Certain assets/activities; or
A combination
Verifiable data
Data you can prove
Invoices, meter readings, stock records, AMR readings
If you can’t obtain verifiable data of energy
use or spend you should:
explain why in your evidence pack
use a reasonable estimate derived through calculation
(based on other verifiable data, if possible), and show
how you got this figure
keep records in your evidence pack
Alternative compliance routes
DEC/GDA/ISO 50001 coverage mean that you
don’t have to meet articles 26 and 27 of the
Energy use covered by one of these three schemes is
fully compliant
You don’t have to do a cost benefit analysis for the
energy saving opportunities for that energy use (great if
you want to though!)
Unconsumed supplies
Unconsumed supply rule can apply if
Energy is supplied by a participant to another organisation
The energy can be measured or reasonably estimated.
Ultimately we want the organisation with the
control of the energy look for energy saving
Doesn’t matter who does the audit as long as it
covers all ESOS supplies
– (i.e. 2 or more qualifying participants could be compliant using
the same audit. They just reference the energy saving
opportunities relevant to them in their evidence pack)
Site visits
It is not necessary to visit every site.
Regardless of the number of site visits,
organisations need to ensure they have
collected and analysed data for all their areas
of significant energy consumption.
% of site visits required is not prescribed in
legislation or guidance; it is up to your
organisation and lead assessor to agree what
is appropriate for your organisation.
Should include fuel used in:
company cars on business use
fleet vehicles which you operate on business use
personal cars on business use
private jets, fleet aircraft, trains, ships, or drilling platforms which you
Fuel not included:
Fuel associated with train travel/flights/taxi journeys of your
employees where you do not operate the train/aircraft/taxi
Fuel associated with transportation of goods where you subcontract a
firm or self employed individual to undertake this work for you (this
fuel would be included in the subcontractor's total energy
consumption calculation if they have qualified).
Auditing Methodologies
No prescribed methodology has to be used to
comply with ESOS
No specific reporting templates you have to
Best practice methodologies
BS EN 16247 and the accompanying series
ISO 50002 and the accompanying series
Lead Assessors
If you are an energy manager we would
encourage you to become a lead assessor
Lead assessors must review a participant’s
ESOS compliance
Participant is liable for compliance
Director Sign off
Director can be from any of the undertakings
in the participant group
Keep written evidence (e.g. the email).
They don’t have to be an expert in energy
No specific format for the information to be
provided to them (e.g. could be a
presentation, report, summary briefing
whatever suits)
Do I qualify?
Work out whether you meet the employee
and financial thresholds using accounts
prepared in accordance with 394 and 395
of Companies Act
What assets do
I need to audit
Calculate total energy consumption
calculation and deduce significant energy
consumption (90% of total) to deduce
assets which need to be compliant
What work
have I already
done towards
Existing audits completed 6 Dec 2011 or
DECs, ISO50001, GDAs
What new work
do I need to do
New ESOS audits (analyse data from no
more than 24 months ago).
Jo Scully
ESOS Project Manager,
Environment Agency
Martin Adams
ESOS Team Leader, DECC
Notification process
ESOS Guidance:
ESOS Regulations:
ESOS Helpdesk
Non-compliance ESOS Regulation Penalties
Failure to notify Regulation 43 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000
An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the
penalty notice until the notification is completed, subject to a maximum of 80 days
Failure to maintain
Regulation 44 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000
The cost to the compliance body for undertaking sufficient auditing activity to confirm
that an organisation has complied with ESOS
The penalty notice may specify steps to remedy the breach.
Failure to undertake an
energy audit
Regulation 45 A fixed penalty of up to £50,000
An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the
compliance notice, until the breach is remedied, subject to a maximum of 80 days
The penalty notice may specify a requirement to undertake an ESOS Assessment.
Failure to comply with a
compliance notice, an
enforcement notice or a
penalty notice
Regulation 46 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000
An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the
penalty notice, until the breach is remedied, subject to a maximum of 80 days
False or misleading
Regulation 47 A fixed penalty of up to £50,000
Table discussions
Table discussion
At your tables:
• agree a discussion manager/leader
• agree a recorder/time keeper
• introduce each other
Use the information sheets provided to answer
the questions on the worksheet
You have 45minutes
We’ll share key questions with the panel
They will also be circulating among you to clarify
•What’s your approach to
•What challenges do you
anticipate in complying?
•What advice would you give
others who are working towards
Thank you

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ESOS London Workshop: Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

  • 1. Monday 16th March The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme London Workshop
  • 2. Objectives To build awareness of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). To gather feedback to inform the Environment Agency’s guidance. An opportunity for you to share learning and best practice.
  • 3. What we’ll cover • The ESOS policy background and context • Presentation by DECC • An overview of ESOS, and technical details on qualification, compliance and notification • Presentation by the EA, Q&A • The approaches businesses are taking to ESOS compliance • Table discussion and plenary
  • 4. Working agreement Please turn electronic devices off during sessions If you need to leave it on, please answer your phone outside of the room. And put it on silent setting. Raise your hand to let us know you want to speak There are many of you, we’ll keep track of who wants to speak, and try to ensure as many as possible get to speak. Use the microphone please, it’s a big room and we want to make sure everyone can hear. Help us with our note taking in the discussion sessions, someone will keep a record of the discussion - help them ensure it’s accurate.
  • 5. Martin Adams ESOS Team Leader, DECC
  • 6. Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme: Context Martin Adams, ESOS Team Leader
  • 7. “Cost-effective energy efficiency has the potential to deliver a triple win for businesses, the environment and the wider economy […] As part of a supportive policy framework, ESOS can support businesses in realising their energy efficiency potential” – CBI 7 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
  • 8. 8 Introduction to the business energy efficiency policy landscape The current policy package is on track through to 2020 but additional action is needed to maintain progress after 2020. Carbon Plan scenarios require energy efficiency to contribute a reduction in final energy consumption per capita between 2011 and 2050 of 21-47%
  • 9. 9 Introduction to the business energy efficiency policy landscape “We estimate that through socially cost-effective investment in energy efficiency we could be saving 196TWh in 2020, equivalent to 22 power stations”
  • 10. EU Energy Efficiency Directive • Intended to put EU back on track to meet target to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% by 2020 compared to business-as-usual projection. • The Directive became EU law in November 2012. UK completed transposition in June 2014. Energy Audits (Article 8) • Requires all member states to introduce mandatory energy auditing programmes for large enterprises… 10 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
  • 11. Key facts about ESOS What is ESOS? • UK-wide mandatory energy measurement and auditing scheme • Introduced in response to EU Energy Efficiency Directive – aims to help achieve latent cost-effective energy efficiency potential Who must comply? • Large undertakings and large corporate groups across the UK. • Target highest UK-parent but allow disaggregation And by when? • Qualification date - 31 December 2014 • Compliance date – 5 December 2015 • Audits must be repeated every four years (i.e. second phase ends 2019) 11 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
  • 12. The consultation 12 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme: Emerging Policy Thinking 500 300 150 Met with over 500 stakeholders (and given presentations & webinars to many more) From over 300 organisations Received 150 written consultation responses
  • 13. Key messages from consultation Keep it simple, and understandable yet make it meaningful • Respondents want the scheme to provide outputs that are relevant to each business • Respondents want ESOS to add value and identify real measures that can be implemented Avoid duplication in existing regulation and requirements • There a range of energy efficiency policies operating in the UK – ESOS needs to fit • Take advantage of alternative routes to compliance – e.g. ISO50001 Minimise costs • Allow discretion on the number of site visits required within audits • Using internal team members for their knowledge and skills • Only having lead auditor requiring accreditation under the scheme – but need for whole audit team to be of sufficient quality to ensure that output is meaningful 13 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - Emerging Thinking
  • 14. 14 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Estimated energy bill savings (£m) for ESOS participants, split by sector Other Transport Industrial Commercial 1real 2014 prices ESOS is estimated to have a £1.6bn net benefit to the UK. This will primarily be felt by business through lower bills
  • 16. Jo Scully ESOS Project Manager, Environment Agency
  • 18. Key Dates Qualification Date 31/12/14 Don’t need to register or tell us you qualify Compliance Date 05/12/2015 Tell us you have complied online via webpage And every 4 years thereafter 18
  • 19. 19 What are ‘large undertakings’? Large undertaking is organisation that is:  Registered in the UK and  has at least 250 employees; or  has an annual turnover in excess of 50 million euro (£38,937,777), and an annual balance sheet total in excess of 43 million euro (£33,486,489)  An overseas company with a UK registered establishment which has 250 or more UK employees (paying income tax in the UK).  Is part of a corporate group which includes an undertaking which meets the above criteria
  • 20. Who isn’t in ESOS Organisations which are subject to insolvency procedures Organisations defined as a contracting authority in the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 20 Contracting Authority • E.g. • Government Departments • Councils • Fire • Police Organisation not having an industrial or commercial character, and • financed wholly or mainly by another contracting authority; • subject to management supervision by another contracting authority; or • more than half of the board of directors or members of which, or, in the case of a group of individuals, more than half of those individuals, are appointed by another contracting authority;
  • 21. 21 Requirements 1. Conduct ESOS assessment  Where not fully covered by ISO50001 certification 2. Conduct energy audits  Where not covered by ISO50001 certification, Green Deal Assessments (GDAs) or Display Energy Certificates (DECs) (partial or full coverage) 3. Identify energy savings opportunities 4. Use a lead assessor to either do or review points 1 to 3 above (unless fully covered by ISO50001) 5. Get a director to sign off that they have seen the recommendations of the work 6. Notify the Environment Agency of ESOS compliance
  • 22. 1. Conduct an ESOS assessment Identify total energy consumption (buildings, installations, transport) Common units (either cost or energy measurement unit) For a 12 month reference period covering the qualification date 90% of your total energy consumption = Areas of Significant Energy Consumption Determine coverage by ISO50001, GDAs, DECs, existing audits which meet the ESOS criteria Determine additional ESOS audits that need to be undertaken prior to 5/12/2015 22
  • 23. 2. Conduct ESOS audits Compliant audits: Use12 months’ verifiable data Analyse your energy consumption and energy efficiency Identify practicable ways in which you can improve energy efficiency Recommend cost effective ‘energy saving opportunities’ Identify the estimated costs and benefits of the ‘energy saving opportunities’ recommended Where 12 months data is not used or consumption profiling is not undertaken justification must be provided. 23
  • 24. 3. Identifying savings opportunities from ESOS audits 24 Use life-cycle cost analysis to determine cost effectiveness rather than simple pay back period where possible Identify recommendations within your control No requirement in the regulations to implement the identified savings
  • 25. 4. ESOS Lead assessors Individuals that belong to an ‘approved register’ = lead assessors Approved bodies/registers on ESOS webpage Lead assessors can be internal or external Lead assessor reviews the work but can use analysis from others. 25
  • 26. 5. Director Sign off 26 Show recommendations of the assessment to a board level director 2 directors if lead assessor is internal No specific format required Director confirms they have reviewed the findings
  • 27. 6. Notifying the EA 27 Online notification form accessed from ESOS page on GOV.UK Provide basic organisation details – not energy data or improvements identified Needs to be submitted by 5 Dec 2015 to be compliant.
  • 28. Keep an evidence pack Cost Effective Energy Savings Opportunities Identified Details of your ESOS assessment and audits (where applicable) Certifications for alternative compliance routes Details of any areas where you are not fully compliant with the rules Record of your directors & lead assessors sign off 28 There is no prescribed format for this
  • 30. Employees 30 Employees = anyone with a contract of employment regardless of hours find the number of persons employed under contracts of service by the company for each month of the financial year (whether for the whole month or part of it) add together the monthly totals divide by the number of months in the financial year It’s not the number on the 31 Dec, it’s the number based on the average for the accounts ending on or in the 12 months preceding that date.
  • 31. Business Type 31 Trade/business of organisation is irrelevant Amount of energy the organisation uses is irrelevant If you meet the criteria of an undertaking and you meet the ESOS qualification criteria you are in ESOS a body corporate or partnership, or an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or without a view to profit.
  • 32. Balance Sheet Total 32 Called up share capital not paid Fixed assets Current assets Pre- payments and accrued income “The aggregate of the amounts shown as assets in the company’s balance sheet” (that is before deducting both current and long-term liabilities). Where an undertaking is not required under the Companies Act 2006 to produce individual accounts they must estimate the annual turnover and annual balance sheet total for the undertaking for a 12 month period including the qualification date, to determine their balance sheet total. From accounts required under Section 394 or 395 of the Companies Act 2006 (Duty to prepare individual accounts or Individual Accounts: application accounting framework)
  • 33. Organisational Status 33 “Where, in any accounting period, an undertaking is a large undertaking (or a small or medium undertaking), it retains that status until it falls within the definition of a small or medium undertaking (or a large undertaking, as the case may be) for two consecutive accounting periods.” 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In ESOS? Company A Over threshold    No Under threshold   Company B Over threshold    Yes Under threshold  
  • 34. Public Contracts Regulations Only undertakings subject to these regs are out of ESOS i.e. a contracting authority If there are other undertakings in the group which are not subject to these regs and one of them meets the qualification thresholds they will be required to participate in ESOS 34
  • 35. Insolvency proceedings Undertakings subject to insolvency procedures are out of ESOS If there are other undertakings in the group which are not subject to insolvency procedures and one of them meets the qualification thresholds they will be required to participate in ESOS 35
  • 36. Changes to structure after qualification 36 Changes to organisation size/structure etc after the qualification date do not affect qualification. Once you are in you are in Any organisation sold by a qualifying organisation between 31 Dec 2014 and 5 Dec 2015 needs to comply with ESOS (either with old owner, new owner or on its own)
  • 37. Trust Provisions Supply contract agreement is crucial to the determination of whether the trust assets are in ESOS. Is the supply contract with an undertaking that qualifies for ESOS? Yes – the asset supplies will be in ESOS (see the guidance) No – the asset supplies will not be in ESOS. 37
  • 38. Joint Ventures If they are a true JV they assess their own qualification and participate separately True JV = no organisation holds a majority of the voting rights in the undertaking, or no organisation is a member of the undertaking and has the right to appoint or remove a majority of its board of directors, or no organisations has the right to exercise a dominant influence over the undertaking— (i) by virtue of provisions contained in the undertaking's articles, or (ii) by virtue of a control contract, or no organisation is a member of the undertaking and controls alone, pursuant to an agreement with other shareholders or members, a majority of the voting rights in the undertaking 38
  • 39. Disaggregation and aggregation Groups can allow subsidiaries (or groups of subsidiaries) to participate separately ‘disaggregate’ Keep written agreement >1 highest UK parent = separate participants Unless they choose to participate together ‘aggregate’ Keep written agreement 39
  • 40. Data time periods 40 Total energy consumption data 12 months data covering 31/12/14 Supplies for all assets covering a specified 12 month period Can use £ or common energy unit Purpose: To determine which assets will need to be covered by audits or alternative routes to compliance Data for audits 12 months data starting from as far back as 6 Dec 2010 Audits can have been undertaken between 6 Dec 2011 and 5 Dec 2015 Assets don’t need to have been audited at the same time begin no more than 24 months before the start of the energy audit Use energy units for analysis Purpose: To determine energy savings opportunities
  • 41. Total Energy Consumption Include all assets/activities held on 31 Dec 2014 Except if selling assets between 31 Dec 2014 and 5 Dec 2015 they do not need to be included in total energy consumption calculation or consequently be audited. 41
  • 42. Areas of significant energy consumption and audits Flexibility about which energy is in the 90% Could exclude all of one fuel type; or Certain assets/activities; or A combination 42
  • 43. Verifiable data Data you can prove Invoices, meter readings, stock records, AMR readings If you can’t obtain verifiable data of energy use or spend you should: explain why in your evidence pack use a reasonable estimate derived through calculation (based on other verifiable data, if possible), and show how you got this figure keep records in your evidence pack 43
  • 44. Alternative compliance routes DEC/GDA/ISO 50001 coverage mean that you don’t have to meet articles 26 and 27 of the regs Energy use covered by one of these three schemes is fully compliant You don’t have to do a cost benefit analysis for the energy saving opportunities for that energy use (great if you want to though!) 44
  • 45. Unconsumed supplies Unconsumed supply rule can apply if Energy is supplied by a participant to another organisation The energy can be measured or reasonably estimated. Ultimately we want the organisation with the control of the energy look for energy saving opportunities Doesn’t matter who does the audit as long as it covers all ESOS supplies – (i.e. 2 or more qualifying participants could be compliant using the same audit. They just reference the energy saving opportunities relevant to them in their evidence pack) 45
  • 46. Site visits It is not necessary to visit every site. Regardless of the number of site visits, organisations need to ensure they have collected and analysed data for all their areas of significant energy consumption. % of site visits required is not prescribed in legislation or guidance; it is up to your organisation and lead assessor to agree what is appropriate for your organisation. 46
  • 47. Transport Should include fuel used in: company cars on business use fleet vehicles which you operate on business use personal cars on business use private jets, fleet aircraft, trains, ships, or drilling platforms which you operate Fuel not included: Fuel associated with train travel/flights/taxi journeys of your employees where you do not operate the train/aircraft/taxi Fuel associated with transportation of goods where you subcontract a firm or self employed individual to undertake this work for you (this fuel would be included in the subcontractor's total energy consumption calculation if they have qualified). 47
  • 48. Auditing Methodologies No prescribed methodology has to be used to comply with ESOS No specific reporting templates you have to use Best practice methodologies BS EN 16247 and the accompanying series ISO 50002 and the accompanying series 48
  • 49. Lead Assessors If you are an energy manager we would encourage you to become a lead assessor Lead assessors must review a participant’s ESOS compliance Participant is liable for compliance 49
  • 50. Director Sign off Director can be from any of the undertakings in the participant group Keep written evidence (e.g. the email). They don’t have to be an expert in energy themselves. No specific format for the information to be provided to them (e.g. could be a presentation, report, summary briefing whatever suits) 50
  • 51. 51 Do I qualify? Work out whether you meet the employee and financial thresholds using accounts prepared in accordance with 394 and 395 of Companies Act What assets do I need to audit ? Calculate total energy consumption calculation and deduce significant energy consumption (90% of total) to deduce assets which need to be compliant What work have I already done towards my compliance? Existing audits completed 6 Dec 2011 or after DECs, ISO50001, GDAs What new work do I need to do towards compliance? New ESOS audits (analyse data from no more than 24 months ago).
  • 52. Jo Scully ESOS Project Manager, Environment Agency Martin Adams ESOS Team Leader, DECC Q&A
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  • 73. 73 Non-compliance ESOS Regulation Penalties Failure to notify Regulation 43 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000 An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the penalty notice until the notification is completed, subject to a maximum of 80 days Publication Failure to maintain records Regulation 44 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000 The cost to the compliance body for undertaking sufficient auditing activity to confirm that an organisation has complied with ESOS Publication The penalty notice may specify steps to remedy the breach. Failure to undertake an energy audit Regulation 45 A fixed penalty of up to £50,000 An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the compliance notice, until the breach is remedied, subject to a maximum of 80 days Publication The penalty notice may specify a requirement to undertake an ESOS Assessment. Failure to comply with a compliance notice, an enforcement notice or a penalty notice Regulation 46 A fixed penalty of up to £5,000 An additional £500 for each working day starting on the day after service of the penalty notice, until the breach is remedied, subject to a maximum of 80 days Publication False or misleading statement Regulation 47 A fixed penalty of up to £50,000 Publication
  • 75. Table discussion At your tables: • agree a discussion manager/leader • agree a recorder/time keeper • introduce each other Use the information sheets provided to answer the questions on the worksheet You have 45minutes We’ll share key questions with the panel afterwards They will also be circulating among you to clarify issues
  • 76. Questions •What’s your approach to compliance? •What challenges do you anticipate in complying? •What advice would you give others who are working towards compliance?