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There are three modules here
1 dit.v - Contains main module.

2 buffer.v - Contains a module for a
single butterfly step.

3 dut_dit.v - A wrapper around the
'dit' module to allow verification
with MyHDL

1.dit.v - Contains main module.
fft-dit-fpga / dit.v
// FFT - Decimation in Time
// The produced FFT is scaled down by a factor of N to prevent overflow.

// The Butterfly module that we are using assume that TF_WDTH is the same
// as X_WDTH.
// TF_WDTH must be the same as X_WDTH

module dit
     // Length of FFT vector.
     parameter N = 16,
     // Base two log of N
     parameter NLOG2 = 4,
     // Number of bits in vector values (double this value for a complex number).
     parameter X_WDTH = 8,
       // Number of bits in twiddle factor values. (must be equal to X_WDTH at the moment)
     parameter TF_WDTH = 8,
     // Whether to run in debug mode.
     parameter DEBUGMODE = 0
    // The clock signal.
    input wire                 clk,
    // Normally set to 1. Set to 0 to reset module.
input wire                rst_n,
// Input value.
// Within each complex number the real part is at the low end and the complex
// at the high end.
input wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in_x,
// Set to 1 when new data placed in in_x.
input wire                in_nd,
// Output value.
output reg [2*X_WDTH-1:0] out_x,
// Set to 1 when new data is placed in out_x.
output reg                out_nd,
// Set to 1 when can't keep up with input data.
output reg                overflow

`define MSG_DEBUG(g) if(DEBUGMODE) $display("DEBUG : %m:", g)
`define MSG_ERROR(g) $display("ERROR : %m:", g)

/* Define global data buffers */

// Input buffer.
reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0]           bufferin0[N-1:0];
reg                          bufferin_full0_A;
reg                          bufferin_full0_B;
wire                         bufferin_full0;
assign bufferin_full0 = bufferin_full0_A + bufferin_full0_B;
reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0]           bufferin1[N-1:0];
reg                          bufferin_full1_A;
reg                          bufferin_full1_B;
wire                         bufferin_full1;
assign bufferin_full1 = bufferin_full1_A + bufferin_full1_B;
reg                          bufferin_write_switch;
reg                          bufferin_read_switch;
wire                         bufferin_read_full;
wire                         bufferin_write_full;
assign bufferin_read_full = bufferin_read_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0;
assign bufferin_write_full = bufferin_write_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0;
// Working buffers.
reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0]           bufferX[N-1:0];
reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0]           bufferY[N-1:0];
// Output buffer.
reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0]           bufferout[N-1:0];
// Whether the output buffer is full.
// We have two registers since they are drive by different processes.
// 'A' flips back and forth as the buffer is fulled.
// 'B' flips back and forth as the buffer is emptied.
reg                          bufferout_full_A;
reg                          bufferout_full_B;
wire                         bufferout_full;
assign bufferout_full = bufferout_full_A + bufferout_full_B;
// Whether the buffer contains good data. (i.e. not old)
// Data should not be read from a buffer unless the correponding
// updated value is 1.
reg [N-1:0]                   updatedX;
reg [N-1:0]                   updatedY;

/*                                                     */
/* Define logic for receiving samples and placing in   */
/* an input buffer.                                    */
/*                                                     */

reg [NLOG2-1:0]               bufferin_addr;

     bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}};
     bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0;
     bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0;
     bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0;
     overflow <= 1'b0;

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
     if (!rst_n)
           bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}};
           bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0;
           bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0;
           bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0;
           overflow <= 1'b0;
           if (in_nd)
                 // Check for overflowed data.
                 if (bufferin_write_full)
                   overflow <= 1'b1;
                 if (bufferin_write_switch)
                   bufferin1[bufferin_addr] <= in_x;
                   bufferin0[bufferin_addr] <= in_x;
                 bufferin_addr <= bufferin_addr + 1;
                 if (&bufferin_addr)
                       bufferin_write_switch <= ~bufferin_write_switch;
                       if (bufferin_write_switch)
                         bufferin_full1_A <= ~bufferin_full1_A;
                         bufferin_full0_A <= ~bufferin_full0_A;

/*                                                     */
/* Define logic for emitting samples from the output   */
/* buffer.                                             */
/*                                                     */

reg [NLOG2-1:0]               bufferout_addr;

     bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}};
     bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0;
     out_nd <= 1'b0;

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
     if (!rst_n)
           bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}};
           bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0;
           out_nd <= 1'b0;
           if (bufferout_full)
                 out_x <= bufferout[bufferout_addr];
                 out_nd <= 1'b1;
                 bufferout_addr <= bufferout_addr + 1;
                 if (&bufferout_addr)
                   bufferout_full_B <= ~bufferout_full_B;
             out_nd <= 1'b0;

/*                                                      */
/* Define FSM that passes data to the BF module.        */
/*                                                      */

reg [1:0] fsm_state;
/* Define the control FSM states. */
localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_INIT = 0;
localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_IDLE = 1;
localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_CALC = 2;
localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_SEND = 3;
 Calculation that determine which positions we should read from and write to
 for with the butterfly module.

If we have a series x_n that we want to get the DFT of, X_k we can write X_k in
terms of E_k and O_k where E_k and O_k are the DFTs of the even and odd components
of x_n respectively.

for k<N/2 : X_k = E_k + exp(-2*pi*i*k/N)*O_k
for k>=N/2 : X_k = E_{k-N/2} - exp(-2*pi*{k-N/2}/N)*O_{k-N/2}
We use this relationship to calculate the DFT of x_n in a series of stages. AFter the
final stage the output is X_k. After the second to last stage the output is an
interleaving of E_k and O_k.

At some general stage we have S interleaved series.

So if X_k is the j'th series in a stage and P_n is the n'th output in that stage:

X_k   = P_{k*S+j}
E_k   is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the j'th series in the stage
O_k   is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the (S+j)'th series in stage
Let   Q_n be the n'th output of the stage before P.
E_k   = Q_{k*2*S+j}
O_k   = Q_{k*2*S+S+j}

Also let T_n = exp(-2*pi*i*n/M)

M = N*S (total number of items in stage output)
P_{k*S+j}     = Q_{2*k*S+j} + T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j}
P_{k*S+j+M/2} = Q_{2*k*S+j} - T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j}

We'll give these addresses names:
out0_addr = k*S+j
out1_addr = k*S+j+M/2
in0_addr = 2*k*S+j
in1_addr = 2*k*S+S+j

Now we assume we know out0_addr and try to get efficient ways to calculate the
other addresses.

out0_addr = k*S+j   (j ranges from 0 to S-1, and S is a multiple of two)
If we look at out0_addr in binary the lowest log2(S) bits give the value of j
and the highest log2(N) bits give the value for k.

// Number of series in the stage we are writing to.
reg [NLOG2-1:0] S;
// Contains a 1 for the bits that give j from out0_addr (i.e. which series).
reg [NLOG2-1:0] series_bits;
reg [NLOG2-1:0] out0_addr;
// Functions of the above 3 registers.
wire [NLOG2-1:0] in0_addr;
wire [NLOG2-1:0] in1_addr;
wire [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr;
wire [NLOG2-2:0] tf_addr;

  //To get in0_addr we leave the lowest log2(S) bits alone but we shift the log2(N)
  //highest bits to the left (high is to left).

  //To get in1_addr we add S to in0_addr.

   // out1_addr = out0+addr + M/2
   // We simply flip the highest bit from 0 to 1 which adds M/2.
   assign out1_addr = {1'b1, out0_addr[NLOG2-2:0]};
   // in0_addr = 2*k*S+j
   // (out0_addr & series_bits) = j
   // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S
   // Since the bits don't overlap we can add them with an OR.
   assign in0_addr = (out0_addr & series_bits) | ((out0_addr & ~series_bits)<<1);
   assign in1_addr = in0_addr + S;
   // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S
   assign tf_addr = out0_addr & ~series_bits;
   // Set to 1 when x_nd is set to 1 from the last BF calculation of the FFT.
   reg                          finished;
   // Which buffer we are reading from.
   // 1 if we are reading from X.
   // 0 if we are reading from Y.
   reg                          readbuf_switch;
   // We want readbuf_switch delayed by one step to send into the BF module.
   // The is because readbuf_switch may have changed since the values being
   // sent in were read.
   reg                          readbuf_switch_old;
   // Whether it is the first stage.
   wire                            first_stage;
   assign first_stage = (S == {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}});
   // Whether it is the last stage.
   wire                            last_stage;
   assign last_stage = (S == 1);
   // Inputs in to the BF module
   wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0]             in0;
   wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0]             in1;
   assign in0 =
   assign in1 =
   // Whether the two inputs have been updated.
   // Making sure we don't read before we have written.
   wire                         updated0;
   wire                         updated1;
   assign updated0 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in0_addr]:updatedY[in0_addr]);
   assign updated1 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in1_addr]:updatedY[in1_addr]);
   // Set to 1 when we want the twiddle factor module to return some new
   // twiddle factors.
   reg                          tf_addr_nd;
   // Tells the BF module that we are sending some data.
   reg                          x_nd;
wire [2*TF_WDTH-1:0]         tf;

        fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT;
        tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0;
        x_nd <= 1'b0;
        readbuf_switch <= 1'b0;
        bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0;
        bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0;
        bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0;

   // Create the FSM machine
   always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
        if (!rst_n)
              fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT;
              tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0;
              x_nd <= 1'b0;
              readbuf_switch <= 1'b0;
              bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0;
              bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0;
              bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0;
              // Delay for readbuf_switch.
              readbuf_switch_old <= readbuf_switch;
              // Take note of when new data arrives.
              case (fsm_state)
                     // Starting a new FFT (we may not have received input data
                     // yet but we can still prepare.
                                     out0_addr <= 0;
                                     // For the first stage we write to (the second stage)
                     // are N/2 series.
                                     series_bits <= {NLOG2{1'b1}} >> 1;
                                     // There are N/2 series in that stage.
                                     S <= {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}};
                     // Tell twiddle factor module to calculate the first
                     // twiddle factor.
                     tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1;
                     x_nd <= 1'b0;
                     finished <= 1'b0;
                     fsm_state <= FSM_ST_IDLE;
                  end // case: FSM_ST_INIT
                     // Copy the input data into a buffer.
// If no input data is there we wait here until receiving
                 // input data.
                 // During the first step in this state the twiddle
                 // factor module will update the twiddle factor.
                 // During the last step in this state the BF module is
                 // sent it's first inputs.
                 tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0;
                 if (bufferin_read_full)
                       fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC;
                       x_nd <= 1'b1;
              end // case: FSM_ST_IDLE
                 // In this state sections, series_bits, out0_addr and
                 // readbuf switch are updated so that we know where
                 // the BF module should read from and write to.
                 fsm_state <= FSM_ST_SEND;
                 tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1;
                 x_nd <= 1'b0;
                                  if (&(out1_addr))
                                            // We finished the last FFT stage.   Move onto
the next.
                      `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT STAGE---------");
                      // If we're on the first stage then free up the input buffer
                      // for more input.
                      if (first_stage)
                            `MSG_DEBUG("-Input Buffer No Longer Full-");
                            if (bufferin_read_switch)
                              bufferin_full1_B <= ~bufferin_full1_B;
                              bufferin_full0_B <= ~bufferin_full0_B;
                            bufferin_read_switch <= ~bufferin_read_switch;
                      // One less bit of in0_addr corresponds to which section
                      // it is in.
                                            series_bits <= series_bits >> 1;
                      // We have half as many sections as in the last stage.
                                            S <= S >> 1;
                                            out0_addr <= 0;
                      // We switch which buffers we are reading from and
                      // writing to.
                      readbuf_switch <= ~readbuf_switch;
                      // Mark the buffer we were previously reading from as
                      // not updated. We will write to it now.
                      // Moved later so we drive from same process as we set.
                      if (readbuf_switch)
                        updatedX <= {N{1'b0}};
                             updatedY <= {N{1'b0}};
                           `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT POSITION---------");
                                                // Otherwise we still have more sections to do
                           // this position.
                                                 out0_addr <= out0_addr + 1;
                      tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0;
                      // Wait in this state until the data we need to read is ready
                      // to go.
                      if (updated0 & updated1)
                            x_nd <= 1'b1;
                            // If we have just sent data for the last BF calculation
                            // of the FFT calculation then go to the INIT state.
                            if (&(out1_addr) & (S==1))
                                  `MSG_DEBUG("--------FINISHED LAST STAGE---------");
                                  fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT;
                                  finished <= 1'b1;
                              fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC;
                            `MSG_DEBUG("Waiting for data to be written.");
                      fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT;

     /*                                                      */
     /* Define logic that receives data from the BF.         */
     /*                                                      */

     // Outputs from the BF
     // The addresses where the output should be written to.
wire [NLOG2-1:0]         out0_addr_z;
wire [NLOG2-1:0]         out1_addr_z;
// The real and imag components of the output.
wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0]      z;
// Set to 1 when the ZA is output.
// On the step after ZB is output.
wire                     z_nd;
// Set to 1 for the last ZA of a FFT.
wire                     finished_z;
// Set to 1 if data is from the last stage.
wire                     last_stage_z;
// Indicates which buffer the inputs to the BF module were
// read from.
// 1 if read from X.
// 0 if read from Y.
wire                                        readbuf_switch_z;
// Delayed content of readbuf_swith_z;
reg                      readbuf_switch_z_last;
// Delayed content of out1_addr_z_old since we need to use
// it after it may have changed.
reg [NLOG2-1:0]          out1_addr_z_old;
// The address to write the currently received BF output.
wire [NLOG2-1:0]         out_addr_z;
assign out_addr_z = (z_nd)?out0_addr_z:out1_addr_z_old;
// A delayed z_nd. Tells us when to expect ZB.
reg                      z_nd_last;
// For delaying variables. It takes 2 steps to write the output data
// to the buffer at which point we decide whether to write the data
// to bufferout. These registers are needed for that decision.
reg                      finished_z_old[1:0];
reg                      last_stage_z_old[0:0];
reg                      readbuf_switch_z_old[1:0];

     bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0;
     z_nd_last <= 1'b0;

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
                if (!rst_n)
          bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0;
          z_nd_last <= 1'b0;
          // Put updated reset here so we drive it from same process.
          if ((fsm_state == FSM_ST_CALC) & (&(out1_addr)))
               if (readbuf_switch)
                 updatedX <= {N{1'b0}};
updatedY <= {N{1'b0}};
           // Set all the delays.
           readbuf_switch_z_last <= readbuf_switch_z;
           finished_z_old[0] <= finished_z;
           finished_z_old[1] <= finished_z_old[0];
           last_stage_z_old[0] <= last_stage_z;
           readbuf_switch_z_old[0] <= readbuf_switch_z;
           readbuf_switch_z_old[1] <= readbuf_switch_z_old[0];
           out1_addr_z_old <= out1_addr_z;
           z_nd_last <= z_nd;
           if (finished_z_old[1])
             // We have filled the output buffer
             bufferout_full_A <= ~bufferout_full_A;
           // Write received data to the buffers and set updated flag.
           if (z_nd | z_nd_last)
                 if ((last_stage_z & z_nd)|(last_stage_z_old[0] & ~z_nd))
                       bufferout[out_addr_z] <= z;
                       if ((readbuf_switch_z & z_nd)|(readbuf_switch_z_old[0] & ~z_nd))
                                       bufferY[out_addr_z] <= z;
                            updatedY[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1;
                                       bufferX[out_addr_z] <= z;
                            updatedX[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1;

/* Instantiate twiddle factor unit. */
  twiddlefactors_0 (
                     .clk (clk),
                     .addr (tf_addr),
                     .addr_nd (tf_addr_nd),
                     .tf_out (tf)

/* Instantiate the generic butterfly unit. */
butterfly #(
                .M_WDTH   (3 + 2*NLOG2),
                .X_WDTH   (X_WDTH)
butterfly_0 (
                                    .clk      (clk),
.rst_n   (rst_n),
                              .m_in    ({readbuf_switch_old, out0_addr, out1_addr,
finished, last_stage}),
                              .w       (tf),
                              .xa      (in0),
                              .xb      (in1),
                              .x_nd    (x_nd),
                              .m_out   ({readbuf_switch_z, out0_addr_z, out1_addr_z,
finished_z, last_stage_z}),
                              .y       (z),
                              .y_nd    (z_nd)

endmodule // dit
2.buffer.v - Contains a module for a single butterfly

fft-dit-fpga / butterfly.v
Implements a butterfly module for a FFT.

Takes complex numbers W, XA, XB and returns
YA = XA + W*XB
YB = XA - W*XB

It can take input no more frequently than once every
two steps. This is so, hopefully, less multiply
blocks can be used.

module butterfly
    // The width of m_in.
    parameter M_WDTH = 0,
    // The width of the input, output and twiddle factors.
    parameter X_WDTH = 0
    input wire                        clk,
    input wire                        rst_n,
    // m_in contains data that passes through this block with no change.
    // It is delayed for 3 counts like x_nd->y_nd.
    input wire [M_WDTH-1:0]           m_in,
    // The twiddle factor.
    input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] w,
    // XA
    input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xa,
    // XB
    input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xb,
    // Set to 1 when new data is present on inputs.
    // Cannot be set to 1 for two consecutive steps.
    input wire                        x_nd,
    // delayed version of m_in.
    output reg [M_WDTH-1:0]           m_out,
    // YA = XA + W*XB
    // YB = XA - W*XB
    // When y_nd=1 y_re and y_im are outputing YA.
    // The step after they are outputting YB.
    output wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] y,
    output reg                        y_nd

  // Set wire to the real and imag parts for convenience.
  wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        w_re;
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        w_im;
assign w_re = w[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH];
assign w_im = w[X_WDTH-1:0];
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        xa_re;
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        xa_im;
assign xa_re = xa[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH];
assign xa_im = xa[X_WDTH-1:0];
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        xb_re;
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        xb_im;
assign xb_re = xb[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH];
assign xb_im = xb[X_WDTH-1:0];
reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0]        y_re;
reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0]        y_im;
assign y = {y_re, y_im};

// Delayed m_in.
reg signed [M_WDTH-1:0]         m[1:0];
// Delayed XA
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         za_re[1:0];
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         za_im[1:0];
// Delayed XB
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         zb_re;
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         zb_im;
// Delayed W
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         ww_re;
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         ww_im;
// Delayed x_nd
reg signed                      x_nd_old[2:0];
// Storage for output of multipliers
reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0]         zbw_m1;
reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0]         zbw_m2;
// W * XB
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         zbw_re;
wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0]        zbw_im;
assign zbw_im = (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) + (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2));
reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0]         zbw_im_old;
// Wire of longer length for adding or substracting W*XB to XA.
// If we don't create longer wires for them then we can lose the
// high bit. The contents of these wires are downshifted into a
// normal size for use.
wire signed [X_WDTH:0]            z1_re_big;
wire signed [X_WDTH:0]            z1_im_big;
assign z1_re_big = za_re[0] + zbw_re;
assign z1_im_big = za_im[0] + zbw_im;
wire signed [X_WDTH:0]            z2_re_big;
wire signed [X_WDTH:0]            z2_im_big;
assign z2_re_big = za_re[1] - zbw_re;
assign z2_im_big = za_im[1] - zbw_im_old;

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
    if (!rst_n)
         y_nd <= 1'b0;
     // Set delay for x_nd_old and m.
     x_nd_old[0] <= x_nd;
     x_nd_old[1] <= x_nd_old[0];
     x_nd_old[2] <= x_nd_old[1];
     m[0] <= m_in;
     m[1] <= m[0];
     m_out <= m[1];
     // STAGE 1
     if (x_nd)
          za_re[0] <= xa_re;
          za_im[0] <= xa_im;
          ww_re <= w_re;
          ww_im <= w_im;
          zb_re <= xb_re;
          zb_im <= xb_im;
          // We perform two multiplications for calculate the real part
          // of W*XB.
          zbw_m1 <= xb_re*w_re;
          zbw_m2 <= xb_im*w_im;
          if (x_nd_old[0])
             $display("ERROR: BF got new data two steps in a row.");
     if (x_nd_old[0])
     // STAGE 2
          // Now start the multiplications for the imag part of W*WB.
          zbw_m1 <= zb_re*ww_im;
          zbw_m2 <= zb_im*ww_re;
          // Downshift the multiplied results into normal width and
          // substract them.
          // Overflow is not possible upon substraction since we
          // know that W and XB both have magnitude less than 1
          // so their multiple must also.
          zbw_re <= (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) - (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2));
     // STAGE 3
     if (x_nd_old[1])
          // We only need to shift the required delayed data
          // with XA every two steps since new input cannot
          // arrive more frequently than that.
          // XA is needed by a wire calculating z2_re_big and ze_im_big
          // next step.
          za_re[1] <= za_re[0];
          za_im[1] <= za_im[0];
          // Output YA.
          y_nd <= 1'b1;
          y_re <= z1_re_big >>> 1;
          y_im <= z1_im_big >>> 1;
          zbw_im_old <= zbw_im;
            // STAGE 4
            if (x_nd_old[2])
                 // Output YB.
                 y_nd <= 1'b0;
                 y_re <= z2_re_big >>> 1;
                 y_im <= z2_im_big >>> 1;

3.dut_dit.v - A wrapper around the 'dit' module to
allow verification with MyHDL

fft-dit-fpga / dut_dit.v

/ This is simply a wrapper around the dit module so that it can be accessed from the
// myhdl test bench.

module dut_dit;
   reg                         clk;
   reg                         rst_n;
   reg [`X_WDTH*2-1:0]         din;
   wire [`X_WDTH*2-1:0]        dout;
   reg                         din_nd;
   wire                        dout_nd;
   wire                        overflow;

  initial begin
          $from_myhdl(clk, rst_n, din, din_nd);
          $to_myhdl(dout, dout_nd, overflow);

   dit #(`N, `NLOG2, `TF_WDTH, `X_WDTH) dut (clk, rst_n, din, din_nd, dout, dout_nd,


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  • 1. There are three modules here 1 dit.v - Contains main module. 2 buffer.v - Contains a module for a single butterfly step. 3 dut_dit.v - A wrapper around the 'dit' module to allow verification with MyHDL 1.dit.v - Contains main module. fft-dit-fpga / dit.v // FFT - Decimation in Time // The produced FFT is scaled down by a factor of N to prevent overflow. // The Butterfly module that we are using assume that TF_WDTH is the same // as X_WDTH. // TF_WDTH must be the same as X_WDTH module dit #( // Length of FFT vector. parameter N = 16, // Base two log of N parameter NLOG2 = 4, // Number of bits in vector values (double this value for a complex number). parameter X_WDTH = 8, // Number of bits in twiddle factor values. (must be equal to X_WDTH at the moment) parameter TF_WDTH = 8, // Whether to run in debug mode. parameter DEBUGMODE = 0 ) ( // The clock signal. input wire clk, // Normally set to 1. Set to 0 to reset module.
  • 2. input wire rst_n, // Input value. // Within each complex number the real part is at the low end and the complex // at the high end. input wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in_x, // Set to 1 when new data placed in in_x. input wire in_nd, // Output value. output reg [2*X_WDTH-1:0] out_x, // Set to 1 when new data is placed in out_x. output reg out_nd, // Set to 1 when can't keep up with input data. output reg overflow ); `define MSG_DEBUG(g) if(DEBUGMODE) $display("DEBUG : %m:", g) `define MSG_ERROR(g) $display("ERROR : %m:", g) /******************************/ /* Define global data buffers */ /******************************/ // Input buffer. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferin0[N-1:0]; reg bufferin_full0_A; reg bufferin_full0_B; wire bufferin_full0; assign bufferin_full0 = bufferin_full0_A + bufferin_full0_B; reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferin1[N-1:0]; reg bufferin_full1_A; reg bufferin_full1_B; wire bufferin_full1; assign bufferin_full1 = bufferin_full1_A + bufferin_full1_B; reg bufferin_write_switch; reg bufferin_read_switch; wire bufferin_read_full; wire bufferin_write_full; assign bufferin_read_full = bufferin_read_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0; assign bufferin_write_full = bufferin_write_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0; // Working buffers. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferX[N-1:0]; reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferY[N-1:0]; // Output buffer. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferout[N-1:0]; // Whether the output buffer is full. // We have two registers since they are drive by different processes. // 'A' flips back and forth as the buffer is fulled. // 'B' flips back and forth as the buffer is emptied. reg bufferout_full_A; reg bufferout_full_B; wire bufferout_full; assign bufferout_full = bufferout_full_A + bufferout_full_B; // Whether the buffer contains good data. (i.e. not old) // Data should not be read from a buffer unless the correponding
  • 3. // updated value is 1. reg [N-1:0] updatedX; reg [N-1:0] updatedY; /*******************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic for receiving samples and placing in */ /* an input buffer. */ /* */ /*******************************************************/ reg [NLOG2-1:0] bufferin_addr; initial begin bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0; overflow <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0; overflow <= 1'b0; end else begin if (in_nd) begin // Check for overflowed data. if (bufferin_write_full) overflow <= 1'b1; if (bufferin_write_switch) bufferin1[bufferin_addr] <= in_x; else bufferin0[bufferin_addr] <= in_x; bufferin_addr <= bufferin_addr + 1; if (&bufferin_addr) begin bufferin_write_switch <= ~bufferin_write_switch; if (bufferin_write_switch) bufferin_full1_A <= ~bufferin_full1_A; else bufferin_full0_A <= ~bufferin_full0_A; end end end
  • 4. end /*******************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic for emitting samples from the output */ /* buffer. */ /* */ /*******************************************************/ reg [NLOG2-1:0] bufferout_addr; initial begin bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0; out_nd <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0; out_nd <= 1'b0; end else begin if (bufferout_full) begin out_x <= bufferout[bufferout_addr]; out_nd <= 1'b1; bufferout_addr <= bufferout_addr + 1; if (&bufferout_addr) bufferout_full_B <= ~bufferout_full_B; end else out_nd <= 1'b0; end end /********************************************************/ /* */ /* Define FSM that passes data to the BF module. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ reg [1:0] fsm_state; /* Define the control FSM states. */ localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_INIT = 0; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_IDLE = 1; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_CALC = 2; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_SEND = 3;
  • 5. /* Calculation that determine which positions we should read from and write to for with the butterfly module. If we have a series x_n that we want to get the DFT of, X_k we can write X_k in terms of E_k and O_k where E_k and O_k are the DFTs of the even and odd components of x_n respectively. for k<N/2 : X_k = E_k + exp(-2*pi*i*k/N)*O_k for k>=N/2 : X_k = E_{k-N/2} - exp(-2*pi*{k-N/2}/N)*O_{k-N/2} We use this relationship to calculate the DFT of x_n in a series of stages. AFter the final stage the output is X_k. After the second to last stage the output is an interleaving of E_k and O_k. At some general stage we have S interleaved series. So if X_k is the j'th series in a stage and P_n is the n'th output in that stage: X_k = P_{k*S+j} E_k is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the j'th series in the stage O_k is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the (S+j)'th series in stage Let Q_n be the n'th output of the stage before P. E_k = Q_{k*2*S+j} O_k = Q_{k*2*S+S+j} Also let T_n = exp(-2*pi*i*n/M) M = N*S (total number of items in stage output) P_{k*S+j} = Q_{2*k*S+j} + T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j} P_{k*S+j+M/2} = Q_{2*k*S+j} - T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j} We'll give these addresses names: out0_addr = k*S+j out1_addr = k*S+j+M/2 in0_addr = 2*k*S+j in1_addr = 2*k*S+S+j Now we assume we know out0_addr and try to get efficient ways to calculate the other addresses. out0_addr = k*S+j (j ranges from 0 to S-1, and S is a multiple of two) If we look at out0_addr in binary the lowest log2(S) bits give the value of j and the highest log2(N) bits give the value for k. */ // Number of series in the stage we are writing to. reg [NLOG2-1:0] S; // Contains a 1 for the bits that give j from out0_addr (i.e. which series). reg [NLOG2-1:0] series_bits; reg [NLOG2-1:0] out0_addr; // Functions of the above 3 registers. wire [NLOG2-1:0] in0_addr; wire [NLOG2-1:0] in1_addr; wire [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr;
  • 6. wire [NLOG2-2:0] tf_addr; //To get in0_addr we leave the lowest log2(S) bits alone but we shift the log2(N) //highest bits to the left (high is to left). //To get in1_addr we add S to in0_addr. // out1_addr = out0+addr + M/2 // We simply flip the highest bit from 0 to 1 which adds M/2. assign out1_addr = {1'b1, out0_addr[NLOG2-2:0]}; // in0_addr = 2*k*S+j // (out0_addr & series_bits) = j // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S // Since the bits don't overlap we can add them with an OR. assign in0_addr = (out0_addr & series_bits) | ((out0_addr & ~series_bits)<<1); assign in1_addr = in0_addr + S; // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S assign tf_addr = out0_addr & ~series_bits; // Set to 1 when x_nd is set to 1 from the last BF calculation of the FFT. reg finished; // Which buffer we are reading from. // 1 if we are reading from X. // 0 if we are reading from Y. reg readbuf_switch; // We want readbuf_switch delayed by one step to send into the BF module. // The is because readbuf_switch may have changed since the values being // sent in were read. reg readbuf_switch_old; // Whether it is the first stage. wire first_stage; assign first_stage = (S == {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}}); // Whether it is the last stage. wire last_stage; assign last_stage = (S == 1); // Inputs in to the BF module wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in0; wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in1; assign in0 = first_stage?(bufferin_read_switch?bufferin1[in0_addr]:bufferin0[in0_addr]):(readbuf_switch?buf ferX[in0_addr]:bufferY[in0_addr]); assign in1 = first_stage?(bufferin_read_switch?bufferin1[in1_addr]:bufferin0[in1_addr]):(readbuf_switch?buf ferX[in1_addr]:bufferY[in1_addr]); // Whether the two inputs have been updated. // Making sure we don't read before we have written. wire updated0; wire updated1; assign updated0 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in0_addr]:updatedY[in0_addr]); assign updated1 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in1_addr]:updatedY[in1_addr]); // Set to 1 when we want the twiddle factor module to return some new // twiddle factors. reg tf_addr_nd; // Tells the BF module that we are sending some data. reg x_nd;
  • 7. wire [2*TF_WDTH-1:0] tf; initial begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; x_nd <= 1'b0; readbuf_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0; end // Create the FSM machine always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; x_nd <= 1'b0; readbuf_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0; end else begin // Delay for readbuf_switch. readbuf_switch_old <= readbuf_switch; // Take note of when new data arrives. case (fsm_state) FSM_ST_INIT: begin // Starting a new FFT (we may not have received input data // yet but we can still prepare. `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_INIT"); out0_addr <= 0; // For the first stage we write to (the second stage) there // are N/2 series. series_bits <= {NLOG2{1'b1}} >> 1; // There are N/2 series in that stage. S <= {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}}; // Tell twiddle factor module to calculate the first // twiddle factor. tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1; x_nd <= 1'b0; finished <= 1'b0; fsm_state <= FSM_ST_IDLE; end // case: FSM_ST_INIT FSM_ST_IDLE: begin // Copy the input data into a buffer.
  • 8. // If no input data is there we wait here until receiving // input data. // During the first step in this state the twiddle // factor module will update the twiddle factor. // During the last step in this state the BF module is // sent it's first inputs. `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_IDLE"); tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; if (bufferin_read_full) begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC; x_nd <= 1'b1; end end // case: FSM_ST_IDLE FSM_ST_CALC: begin `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_CALC"); // In this state sections, series_bits, out0_addr and // readbuf switch are updated so that we know where // the BF module should read from and write to. fsm_state <= FSM_ST_SEND; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1; x_nd <= 1'b0; if (&(out1_addr)) begin // We finished the last FFT stage. Move onto the next. `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT STAGE---------"); // If we're on the first stage then free up the input buffer // for more input. if (first_stage) begin `MSG_DEBUG("-Input Buffer No Longer Full-"); if (bufferin_read_switch) bufferin_full1_B <= ~bufferin_full1_B; else bufferin_full0_B <= ~bufferin_full0_B; bufferin_read_switch <= ~bufferin_read_switch; end // One less bit of in0_addr corresponds to which section // it is in. series_bits <= series_bits >> 1; // We have half as many sections as in the last stage. S <= S >> 1; out0_addr <= 0; // We switch which buffers we are reading from and // writing to. readbuf_switch <= ~readbuf_switch; // Mark the buffer we were previously reading from as // not updated. We will write to it now. // Moved later so we drive from same process as we set. /* if (readbuf_switch) updatedX <= {N{1'b0}};
  • 9. else updatedY <= {N{1'b0}}; */ end else begin `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT POSITION---------"); // Otherwise we still have more sections to do at // this position. out0_addr <= out0_addr + 1; end end FSM_ST_SEND: begin `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_SEND"); tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; // Wait in this state until the data we need to read is ready // to go. if (updated0 & updated1) begin x_nd <= 1'b1; // If we have just sent data for the last BF calculation // of the FFT calculation then go to the INIT state. if (&(out1_addr) & (S==1)) begin `MSG_DEBUG("--------FINISHED LAST STAGE---------"); fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; finished <= 1'b1; end else fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC; end else begin `MSG_DEBUG("Waiting for data to be written."); end end default: begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; end endcase end end /********************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic that receives data from the BF. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ // Outputs from the BF // The addresses where the output should be written to.
  • 10. wire [NLOG2-1:0] out0_addr_z; wire [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr_z; // The real and imag components of the output. wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] z; // Set to 1 when the ZA is output. // On the step after ZB is output. wire z_nd; // Set to 1 for the last ZA of a FFT. wire finished_z; // Set to 1 if data is from the last stage. wire last_stage_z; // Indicates which buffer the inputs to the BF module were // read from. // 1 if read from X. // 0 if read from Y. wire readbuf_switch_z; // Delayed content of readbuf_swith_z; reg readbuf_switch_z_last; // Delayed content of out1_addr_z_old since we need to use // it after it may have changed. reg [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr_z_old; // The address to write the currently received BF output. wire [NLOG2-1:0] out_addr_z; assign out_addr_z = (z_nd)?out0_addr_z:out1_addr_z_old; // A delayed z_nd. Tells us when to expect ZB. reg z_nd_last; // For delaying variables. It takes 2 steps to write the output data // to the buffer at which point we decide whether to write the data // to bufferout. These registers are needed for that decision. reg finished_z_old[1:0]; reg last_stage_z_old[0:0]; reg readbuf_switch_z_old[1:0]; initial begin bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0; z_nd_last <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0; z_nd_last <= 1'b0; end else begin // Put updated reset here so we drive it from same process. if ((fsm_state == FSM_ST_CALC) & (&(out1_addr))) begin if (readbuf_switch) updatedX <= {N{1'b0}}; else
  • 11. updatedY <= {N{1'b0}}; end // Set all the delays. readbuf_switch_z_last <= readbuf_switch_z; finished_z_old[0] <= finished_z; finished_z_old[1] <= finished_z_old[0]; last_stage_z_old[0] <= last_stage_z; readbuf_switch_z_old[0] <= readbuf_switch_z; readbuf_switch_z_old[1] <= readbuf_switch_z_old[0]; out1_addr_z_old <= out1_addr_z; z_nd_last <= z_nd; if (finished_z_old[1]) // We have filled the output buffer bufferout_full_A <= ~bufferout_full_A; // Write received data to the buffers and set updated flag. if (z_nd | z_nd_last) begin if ((last_stage_z & z_nd)|(last_stage_z_old[0] & ~z_nd)) begin bufferout[out_addr_z] <= z; end else begin if ((readbuf_switch_z & z_nd)|(readbuf_switch_z_old[0] & ~z_nd)) begin bufferY[out_addr_z] <= z; updatedY[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1; end else begin bufferX[out_addr_z] <= z; updatedX[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1; end end end end end /* Instantiate twiddle factor unit. */ twiddlefactors twiddlefactors_0 ( .clk (clk), .addr (tf_addr), .addr_nd (tf_addr_nd), .tf_out (tf) ); /* Instantiate the generic butterfly unit. */ butterfly #( .M_WDTH (3 + 2*NLOG2), .X_WDTH (X_WDTH) ) butterfly_0 ( .clk (clk),
  • 12. .rst_n (rst_n), .m_in ({readbuf_switch_old, out0_addr, out1_addr, finished, last_stage}), .w (tf), .xa (in0), .xb (in1), .x_nd (x_nd), .m_out ({readbuf_switch_z, out0_addr_z, out1_addr_z, finished_z, last_stage_z}), .y (z), .y_nd (z_nd) ); endmodule // dit
  • 13. 2.buffer.v - Contains a module for a single butterfly step. fft-dit-fpga / butterfly.v Implements a butterfly module for a FFT. Takes complex numbers W, XA, XB and returns YA = XA + W*XB YB = XA - W*XB It can take input no more frequently than once every two steps. This is so, hopefully, less multiply blocks can be used. */ module butterfly #( // The width of m_in. parameter M_WDTH = 0, // The width of the input, output and twiddle factors. parameter X_WDTH = 0 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // m_in contains data that passes through this block with no change. // It is delayed for 3 counts like x_nd->y_nd. input wire [M_WDTH-1:0] m_in, // The twiddle factor. input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] w, // XA input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xa, // XB input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xb, // Set to 1 when new data is present on inputs. // Cannot be set to 1 for two consecutive steps. input wire x_nd, // delayed version of m_in. output reg [M_WDTH-1:0] m_out, // YA = XA + W*XB // YB = XA - W*XB // When y_nd=1 y_re and y_im are outputing YA. // The step after they are outputting YB. output wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] y, output reg y_nd ); // Set wire to the real and imag parts for convenience. wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] w_re;
  • 14. wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] w_im; assign w_re = w[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign w_im = w[X_WDTH-1:0]; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xa_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xa_im; assign xa_re = xa[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign xa_im = xa[X_WDTH-1:0]; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xb_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xb_im; assign xb_re = xb[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign xb_im = xb[X_WDTH-1:0]; reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0] y_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0] y_im; assign y = {y_re, y_im}; // Delayed m_in. reg signed [M_WDTH-1:0] m[1:0]; // Delayed XA reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] za_re[1:0]; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] za_im[1:0]; // Delayed XB reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zb_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zb_im; // Delayed W reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] ww_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] ww_im; // Delayed x_nd reg signed x_nd_old[2:0]; // Storage for output of multipliers reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_m1; reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_m2; // W * XB reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_im; assign zbw_im = (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) + (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2)); reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_im_old; // Wire of longer length for adding or substracting W*XB to XA. // If we don't create longer wires for them then we can lose the // high bit. The contents of these wires are downshifted into a // normal size for use. wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z1_re_big; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z1_im_big; assign z1_re_big = za_re[0] + zbw_re; assign z1_im_big = za_im[0] + zbw_im; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z2_re_big; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z2_im_big; assign z2_re_big = za_re[1] - zbw_re; assign z2_im_big = za_im[1] - zbw_im_old; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin y_nd <= 1'b0;
  • 15. end else begin // Set delay for x_nd_old and m. x_nd_old[0] <= x_nd; x_nd_old[1] <= x_nd_old[0]; x_nd_old[2] <= x_nd_old[1]; m[0] <= m_in; m[1] <= m[0]; m_out <= m[1]; // STAGE 1 if (x_nd) begin za_re[0] <= xa_re; za_im[0] <= xa_im; ww_re <= w_re; ww_im <= w_im; zb_re <= xb_re; zb_im <= xb_im; // We perform two multiplications for calculate the real part // of W*XB. zbw_m1 <= xb_re*w_re; zbw_m2 <= xb_im*w_im; if (x_nd_old[0]) $display("ERROR: BF got new data two steps in a row."); end if (x_nd_old[0]) // STAGE 2 begin // Now start the multiplications for the imag part of W*WB. zbw_m1 <= zb_re*ww_im; zbw_m2 <= zb_im*ww_re; // Downshift the multiplied results into normal width and // substract them. // Overflow is not possible upon substraction since we // know that W and XB both have magnitude less than 1 // so their multiple must also. zbw_re <= (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) - (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2)); end // STAGE 3 if (x_nd_old[1]) begin // We only need to shift the required delayed data // with XA every two steps since new input cannot // arrive more frequently than that. // XA is needed by a wire calculating z2_re_big and ze_im_big // next step. za_re[1] <= za_re[0]; za_im[1] <= za_im[0]; // Output YA. y_nd <= 1'b1; y_re <= z1_re_big >>> 1; y_im <= z1_im_big >>> 1; zbw_im_old <= zbw_im;
  • 16. end // STAGE 4 if (x_nd_old[2]) begin // Output YB. y_nd <= 1'b0; y_re <= z2_re_big >>> 1; y_im <= z2_im_big >>> 1; end end end endmodule
  • 17. 3.dut_dit.v - A wrapper around the 'dit' module to allow verification with MyHDL fft-dit-fpga / dut_dit.v / This is simply a wrapper around the dit module so that it can be accessed from the // myhdl test bench. module dut_dit; reg clk; reg rst_n; reg [`X_WDTH*2-1:0] din; wire [`X_WDTH*2-1:0] dout; reg din_nd; wire dout_nd; wire overflow; initial begin $from_myhdl(clk, rst_n, din, din_nd); $to_myhdl(dout, dout_nd, overflow); end dit #(`N, `NLOG2, `TF_WDTH, `X_WDTH) dut (clk, rst_n, din, din_nd, dout, dout_nd, overflow); endmodule