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1. Which of the following laws is applicable for
the behaviour of a perfect gas?
A. Boyle’s law
B. Charle’s law
C. Gay-Lussac law
D. All options are correct
Ans. D
Sol: perfect gas follow
PV = nRT
Which is come from-
Boyle’s law-P ∝
, or P1V1 = P2V2
The volume of a given mass of a gas is
inversely related to the pressure exerted on
it at a given temperature and given number
of moles.
• Charle’s lawV ∝ T , or V1/T1 = V2/T2
The volume (V) of a given mass of a gas, at
constant pressure (Pa), is directly
proportional to its temperature (K).
• Gay-Lussac law-P ∝ T, or P1/T1 = P2/T2
For a given mass and constant volume of an
ideal gas, the pressure exerted on the sides
of its container is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature.
2. According to Dalton’s law, the total pressure
of the mixture of gases is equal to ________.
A. greater of the partial pressures of all
B. average of the partial pressures of all
C. sum of the partial pressures of all
D. sum of the partial pressures of all divided
by average molecular weight
Ans. C
Sol: In a mixture of non-reacting gases, the total
pressure exerted is equal to the sum of the
partial pressures of the individual gases.
Ptotal = ∑ × Pn
i=1 i or
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + ………..+ Pn
Where P1, P2, P3, ….. Pn represent the partial
pressures of each component
Pi = PtotalYi
Yi is mole fraction of single gas in mixture of
3. A closed system is one in which ____.
A. mass does not cross boundaries of the
system, though energy may do so
B. mass crosses the boundary but not the
C. neither mass nor energy crosses the
boundaries of the system
D. both energy and mass cross the
boundaries of the system
Ans. A
Sol: closed heat exchanger is suitable example of
closed system.
4. Kinetic theory of gases assumes that the
collisions between the molecules are ____.
A. perfectly elastic B. perfectly inelastic
C. partly elastic D. partly inelastic
Ans. A
Sol: Perfectly elastic collisions is define as there
is no loss of kinetic energy during collisions.
Perfectly elastic collisions occur only if some
part of kinetic energy will not change into
other forms like heat or noise.
5. Superheated vapour behaves _________.
A. exactly as gas
B. as steam
C. as ordinary vapor
D. approximately as gas
Ans. D
Sol: A gas refers to a substance that has a single
defined thermodynamic state at room
temperature whereas a vapor refers to a
substance that is a mixture of two phases at
room temperature, namely gaseous and
liquid phase. But when temperature of
vapour increase than gaseous properties in
vapour increase. Like motion of molecule.
6. The condition of perfect vacuum, i.e.,
absolute zero pressure can be attained at
A. a temperature of -273.16°C
B. a temperature of 0°C
C. a temperature of 273°K
D. a negative pressure and 0°C temperature
Ans. A
Sol: P ∝ T , or P = kT
If P = 0, than T = 0K , or T = -273.16 ℃
7. An open system is one in which ____.
A. mass does not cross boundaries of the
system, though energy may do so
B. neither mass nor energy crosses the
boundaries of the system
C. both energy and mass cross the
boundaries of the system
D. mass crosses the boundary but not the
Ans. C
Sol: boiler is a example of open system in which
heat mass both will cross the boundary
8. Charge in enthalpy of a system is the heat
supplied at
A. constant pressure
B. constant temperature
C. constant volume
D. constant entropy
Ans. A
Sol: heat supplied to the system at atmospheric
pressure is consider as enthalpy because
pressure is 1atm.
9. If a fluid expands suddenly into vacuum
through an orifice of large dimension, then
such a process is called ______.
A. free expansion
B. hyperbolic expansion
C. adiabatic expansion
D. parabolic expansion
Ans. A
10. When a gas flows through a very long pipe of
uniform cross section, the flow
A. isentropic B. isobaric
C. isothermal D. adiabatic
Ans. C
Sol: Isothermal flow is a model of compressible
fluid flow whereby the flow remains at the
same temperature while flowing in a conduit.
In the model, heat transferred through the
walls of the conduit is offset by frictional
heating back into the flow.
11. When a liquid boils at constant pressure, the
following parameter increases
A. temperature
B. heat of vaporization
C. kinetic energy
D. entropy
Ans. D
Sol: during boiling of liquid, randomness of
molecule increases hence entropy increase
12. First law of thermodynamics ________.
A. enables to determine change in internal
energy of the system
B. does not help to predict whether the
system will or not undergo a change
C. does not enable to determine change in
D. All of these
Ans. D
Sol: → enables to determine change in internal
energy of the system
∆U = Q – W
→ does not help to predict whether the
system will or not undergo a change
means it does not give any information
about spontaneity and the direction of the
→ first law of thermodynamics not give any
idea about entropy
13. Carnot cycle efficiency depends upon ___.
A. properties of the medium/substance used
B. condition of engine
C. working condition
D. temperature range of operation
Ans. D
Sol: η = 1 -
Where Tc is the absolute temperature of cold
reservoir, Th TC is the absolute temperature
of hot reservoir
If temperature of cold reservoir decrease than
efficiency will increase
Or, if temperature of hot reservoir increase
than efficiency will increase
14. Steam flow through a nozzle is considered as
A. constant flow
B. isothermal flow
C. adiabatic flow
D. constant volume flow
Ans. C
Sol: It is assumption in which, when heat energy
convert into kinetic energy through nozzle
than there is no loss of heat energy during
energy conversion from flow through a
15. A sudden fall in the barometer reading is a
sign of approaching _________.
A. fine weather B. rains
C. storm D. cold wave
Ans. C
Sol: falling of barometer reading show that air
pressure is low
And wind flow from higher pressure to lower
pressure and storm is a violent disturbance of
the atmosphere with strong winds
16. It is proposed to make a direct heat-to-work
converter out of an elementary system which
absorbs heat while doing isothermal work
exactly equal to the heat absorbed, thereby
keeping internal energy constant. Such a
system is
A. not possible B. possible
C. not desirable D. commendable
Ans. A
Sol: according to question
Work = Qabsorb – Qrej. and
Qrej. = 0
Work = Qabsorb
means heat rejection is zero or efficiency of
heat engine is one which is not possible and
contradict second law of thermodynamics
17. Stirling and Ericsson cycles are
A. reversible cycle
B. irreversible cycle
C. quasi-static cycles
D. semi-reversible cycles
Ans. A
Sol: Stirling cycle has two constant volume and
two constant temperature processes. This
cycle resembles the Carnot cycle where the
Ericsson cycle contains two constant volume
processes instead of two isentropic processes
in the Carnot cycle.
Efficiency of both cycle is same and is equal
to carnot cycle.
18. Ericsson cycle consists of the following four
A. two isothermals and two isentropics
B. two isothermals and two constant
C. two isothermals and two constant
D. two adiabatics and two constant pressures
Ans. C
Sol: Process 2→3 Isothermal compression
Process 3→4 Isobaric heat addition
Process 4→1 Isothermal expansion
Process 1→2 Isobaric heat removal
19. A petrol engine theoretically operates on
A. constant pressure cycle
B. constant volume cycle
C. constant temperature cycle
D. constant entropy cycle
Ans. B
Sol: In theoretical petrol engine heat addition
occur at constant volume
20. Two balls of same material and finish have
their diameters in the ratio of 2:1 and both are
heated to same temperature and allowed to
cool by radiation. Rate of cooling by big ball
as compared to smaller one will be in the
ratio of
A. 1:1 B. 2:1
C. 1:2 D. 4:1
Ans. C
Sol: r1/r2 = 2/1
Density of both ball are same
= M2/volume2 M1/
= M2/
M1 = 8M2
)2 = (
= m2A1/m1A2
= m24π(2r2)2
)2 = 1/2
21. A ideal gas at 27°C is heated at constant
pressure till its volume becomes three times.
The temperature of gas then will be
A. 81°C B. 900°C
C. 627°C D. 927°C
Ans. C
Sol: PV = nRT
P1 = P2 and V2 = 3V1
nRT1/V1 = nRT2/V2
300/V1 = T2/3V1
T2 = 900K , or
T2 = 627℃
22. When two gases suddenly mix up with each
other then resultant entropy of the system
A. decrease
B. increase
C. remain same
D. may increase or decrease depending upon
the initial conditions of the gases
Ans. B
Sol: entropy is always increases. resultant entropy
of the system is the sum of the entropies of
the two gases before mixing.
23. Which of the following is not an extensive
A. entropy B. enthalpy
C. internal energy D. density
Ans. D
Sol: Extensive property depend on the system size
or the amount of material in the system.
Entropy, Enthalpy, Internal energy increase
with increase mass of the system but we
cannot say that density will increase with
increase with mass and density is intensive
24. Element is defined as the _________.
A. substance which cannot be resolved into
simpler form
B. element made up of minute and
chemically indivisible particles
C. smallest quantity of a substance which
can exist by itself in chemically recognized
D. smallest known particle
Ans. A
Sol: Element is a substance that cannot be broken
down into simpler components by any non-
nuclear chemical reaction. An element is
uniquely determined by the number of
protons in the nuclei of its atoms. The
number of protons in the nucleus of the atom
of an element is known as the atomic number
of that element. The number of electrons in
the atom of a specific element can vary
25. The process of sublimation is found to occur
in the case of
A. liquid nitrogen B. solid CO2
C. solid O2 D. steel
Ans. B
Sol: conditions necessary for sublimation-
• The pressure needs to be lower than the
pressure of the triple point
• The substance must be present in its solid
• The temperature must rise high enough to
produce a gas
Surface temperature of dry ice is -78.5℃ and
triple point pressure is 5.2 atm
While at atmospheric condition temperature
is 30℃ and pressure is 1 atm
26. Thermal conductivity of non-metal
amorphous solids with decrease in
temperature _________.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. may increase or decrease depending on
Ans. B
Sol: movement of particle in amorphous solid
increase with increase temperature.
Therefore thermal conductivity is also
increase with increase temperature and vise-
27. Heat transfer in liquid and gases take place
by _____.
A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. conduction and convection both
Ans. B
Sol: the movement caused within a fluid by the
tendency of hotter and therefore less dense
material to rise, and colder, denser material
to sink under the influence of gravity, which
consequently results in transfer of heat. In
convection molecule is move instead of
vibration in conduction.
28. Temperature of steam at round 540°C can be
measure by __________.
A. thermometer
B. radiation-pyrometer
C. thermistor
D. thermocouple
Ans. D
Sol: A thermocouple is an electrical device
consisting of two dissimilar electrical
conductors forming electrical junctions at
differing temperatures. A thermocouple
produces a temperature-dependent voltage as
a result of the thermoelectric effect, and this
voltage can be interpreted to measure
29. The amount of heat flow through a body by
conduction is ______.
A. directly proportional to the surface area of
the body
B. directly proportional to the temperature
difference on the two faces of the body
C. dependent upon the material of the body
D. All options are correct
Ans. D
Sol: Q/t = KA (T2 – T1)/d
Q/t = amount of heat flow
A = area
d = distance between two area
T2 and T1 temperature of two surface
K depend upon meterial
30. Unit of thermal diffusivity is
A. m2
/hr B. m2
C. kcal/m2
hr D. kcal/
Ans. A
Sol: thermal diffusivity is the thermal
conductivity divided by density and specific
heat capacity at constant pressure.
Thermal conductivity/ density and specific
heat capacity
= (J/hr×m× 𝐾)/(kg/m3
)(J/kg× 𝑘)
= m2
31. For forward inclined vanes i.e., vanes having
exit angle greater than 90°, which of the
following curves holds good?
A. Curve A
B. Curve B
C. Curve C
D. All options are correct
Ans. C
32. The property of a fluid which enables it to
resist tensile stress is known as
A. compressibility B. surface tension
C. cohesion D. adhesion
Ans. C
Sol: the intermolecular attraction between like-
33. When the flow parameters at any given
instant remain same at every point, then flow
is said to be
A. quasi static B. steady state
C. laminar D. uniform
Ans. D
Sol: uniform flow is define as flow in which at
every cross section area velocity will be
34. An object having 10 kg mass weights 9.81 kg
on a spring balance. The value of ‘g’ at this
place is _______.
A. 10 m/sec2
B. 9.81 m/sec2
C. 10.2 m/sec2
D. 9.75 m/sec2
Ans. A
Sol: in case of spring balance both side value will
be same
Actual mass × gravity=mass by spring × g’
10×9.81 = 9.81× g’
= 10m/sec2
35. The figure below shows four curves A, B, C,
D on a plot of viscous shear stress versus
velocity gradient for three fluids, viz..,
Newtonian, non-Newtonian and ideal; and an
ideal solid. For ideal solid, the curve
applicable is:-
A. A B. B
C. C D. D
Ans. D
Sol: There is no any velocity gradient between the
layer of solid.
36. The velocity distribution for flow between
two fixed parallel plates _________.
A. is constant over the cross-section
B. is zero at the plates and increases linearly
to the midplane
C. varies parabolically across the section
D. is zero in middle and increases linearly
towards the plates
Ans. C
37. Choose the correct relationship
A. specific gravity = gravity x density
B. dynamic viscosity = kinematic viscosity x
C. gravity = specific gravity x density
D. kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity x
Ans. B
Sol: relation between dynamic and kinematic
viscosity is
v is kinematic viscosity
μ is absolute or dynamic viscosity
ρ is density
38. Select the wrong statement
A. Viscosity of a fluid is that property which
determines the amount if its resistance to a
shearing force
B. Viscosity is due primarily to interaction
between fluid molecules
C. Viscosity of liquids decreases with
increase in temperature
D. Viscosity of liquids is appreciably
affected by change in pressure
Ans. D
Sol: the viscosity usually depends on its
composition and temperature. for
compressible fluids, it depends on
temperature and varies very slowly with
39. A one dimensional flow is one which ____.
A. is uniform flow
B. is steady uniform flow
C. takes place in straight lines
D. involves zero transverse component of
Ans. D
Sol: One-dimensional flow: All the flow
parameters may be expressed as functions of
time and one space coordinate only. E.g. the
flow in a pipe is considered one-dimensional
when variations of pressure and velocity
occur along the length of the pipe, but any
variation over the cross-section is assumed
40. If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is
greater than adhesion between fluid and
glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped
glass tube will be
A. higher than the surface of liquid
B. the same as the surface of liquid
C. lower than the surface of liquid
D. unpredictable
Ans. C
41. Reynolds number is significant in ____.
A. supersonics, as with projectiles and jet
B. full immersion or completely enclosed
flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles
C. simultaneous motion through two fluids
where there us a surface of discontinuity,
gravity force, and wave making effects, as
with ship’s hulls.
D. All options are correct
Ans. B
Sol: Option A is significant of Mach number
Option B is significant of Reynolds number
Option C is significant of froude number
42. For pipes, turbulent flow occurs when
Reynolds number is _______.
A. less than 2000
B. between 2000 and 4000
C. more than 4000
D. less than 1000
Ans. C
Sol: for pipe
Re < 2000 laminar flow
2000 < Re < 4000 transition flow
Re > 4000 turbulent flow
43. Two forces act at an angle of 120°. If the
greater force is 50 N and their resultant is
perpendicular to the smaller force, the
smaller force is _____N
A. 20 B. 25
C. 30 D. 35
Ans. B
Fs/sin150 = Fg/sin90
Fs = 25 N
44. In laminar flow through a round tube, the
discharge varies ________.
A. linearly as the viscosity
B. inversely as the pressure drop
C. as the cube of the diameter
D. inversely as the viscosity
Ans. D
Sol: discharge is proportional to velocity and
velocity is decreases with increases with
viscosity means velocity is inversely
proportional to viscosity and also discharge.
45. For frictionless fluid, the contraction
coefficient for Borda’s mouthpiece is
A. 1 B. 0.5
C. 0 D. 0.97
Ans. D
Sol: the contraction coefficient for Borda’s
mouthpiece is depend upon practical
experiment and it is always less than one.
46. Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the
conservation of
A. mass B. force
C. momentum D. energy
Ans. D
Sol: Bernoulli’s theorem is base on conservation
of energy in which if non-compressible and
non-viscous fluid is flowing than sum of
pressure energy , kinetic energy and potential
energy will be constant at any point in the
47. The motion of a fluid is vortex if each particle
of the fluid moves in a circular path with the
speed which ________.
A. is constant
B. is directly proportional to distance from
C. varies as square of distance from center
D. varies inversely as the distance from
Ans. D
Sol: 𝜔 = v/r
48. Which of the following represents steady
non-uniform flow?
A. flow through an expanding tube at an
increasing rate
B. flow through an expanding tube at
constant rate
C. flow through a long pipe at decreasing
D. flow through a long pipe at a constant rate
Ans. B
Sol: steady flow is define as flow at any cross
section is constant with respect to time and
non-uniform flow is define as flow which is
vary one cross section to another cross
In statement constant rate and expanding
tube give an idea about steady flow and non-
uniform respectly.
49. If the particles of a fluid attain such velocities
that velocities vary from point to point in
magnitude and direction, as well as from
instant to instant, the flow is said to be
A. disturbed flow B. turbulent flow
C. turbid flow D. non-uniform flow
Ans. B
Sol: flow of a fluid in which its velocity at any
point varies rapidly in an irregular manner.
50. The discharge of broad crested weir is
maximum if the head of water on the
downstream side of weir as compared to the
head on the upstream side of the weir is
A. one-half B. one-third
C. two-third D. three-fourth
Ans. C
Sol: formula for discharge of broad crested weir
Q = Cd× 𝐿√2g ×( Hh2
Q is maximum if Hh2
is maximum
)/dh =0
h = (2/3)H
51. Any fluid flow follows _______.
A. Bernoulli’s equation
B. Newton’s law of viscosity
C. Darcy’s equation
D. continuity equation
Ans. D
Sol: → The simple form of Bernoulli's equation is
valid for incompressible flows.
→ Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the
viscous stresses arising from its flow, at
every point, are linearly proportional to the
local strain rate—the rate of change of its
deformation over time.
→Darcy's law is an equation that describes
the flow of a fluid through a porous medium.
→ continuity equation is applicable for all
type of flow that is product of area and
velocity at any cross section of flow is
52. A fluid flow taking place continuously round
a curved path about a fixed axis of rotation,
is known as _________.
A. rotational flow B. radial flow
C. circular flow D. vortex flow
Ans. D
53. Vertical distribution of velocity in an open
channel for laminar flow can be assumed as
A. logarithmic
B. parabolic
C. straight line (constant)
D. hyperbolic
Ans. B
54. Drag is defined as the force component
exerted on an immersed object, the
component acting in direction is ____.
A. normal to flow direction
B. parallel to flow direction
C. at resultant angle
D. radial to flow direction
Ans. B
Sol: Drag is a force acting opposite to the relative
motion of any object moving with respect to
a surrounding fluid.
55. According to Darcy’s formula, loss of head
due to friction in the pipe is
Where f = Darcy’s coefficient
l = length of pipe
v = velocity of liquid flow
d = diameter of pipe
A. 4flv2
/2gd B. flv2
C. 2flv2
/gd D. 4flv/gd
Ans. A
Sol: in case of flow through pipe head loss due to
friction is hs
P1/𝜌𝑔 + 𝑉1
/2g + Z1 = P2/𝜌𝑔 + 𝑉2
/2g + Z2 + hf
And, hf = 4flv2
56. Hydraulic gradient is equal to
A. (difference in water surface)/(total length
of channel)
B. (head loss due to friction)/(total length of
C. (wetted perimeter)/(total length of
D. (area od cross-section)/(total length of
Ans. B
Sol: The hydraulic gradient is a vector
gradient between two or more hydraulic head
measurements over the length of the flow
Hydraulic gradient = dh/dl
= (h2 – h1)/length of channel
h2 and h1 is hydraulic head at two point
57. A liquid jet from a nozzle exposed to
atmosphere traverses along _____.
A. a straight line B. a circular path
C. an elliptical path D. parabolic path
Ans. D
Sol: In this case jet follow projectile motion
which is parabolic.
58. Which of the following represents unsteady
uniform flow ___________.
A. flow through an expanding tube at an
increasing rate
B. flow through an expanding tube at
constant rate
C. flow through a long pipe at decreasing
D. flow through a long pipe at constant rate
Ans. C
Sol: flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate
means velocity at any cross section is
decreases with time.
59. Turbulent flow generally occurs for cases
involving _______.
A. very slow motions
B. very viscous fluids
C. very narrow passages
D. None of the these
Ans. D
Sol: very slow motions, very viscous fluids and
very narrow passages are the case of laminar
For Turbulent flow high velocity and less
viscous fluid required.
60. Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable for
A. streamline flow
B. steady flow
C. turbulent flow
D. perfect incompressible fluid flowing in
continuous streams
Ans. D
Sol: Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable for ideal
fluid flow. In which non-compressible and
non viscous fluid is used.
61. In the case of an elastic bar fixed at upper and
loaded by a falling weight at lower end, the
shock load produced can be decreased by
A. decreasing the cross-section area of bar
B. increasing the cross-section area of bar
C. remain unaffected with cross-section area
D. would depend upon other factors
Ans. A
Sol: load = weight/ area
Load will be decrease if area increase
62. For a long and narrow cross section (i.e., ratio
of b/t, breadth b and thickness t above 10) bar
subjected to torsion T, the value of maximum
shear stress will be
A. T/bt2
B. T/(4bt2
C. 2T/bt2
D. None of these
Ans. D
Sol: 𝜏 = T/z
z is section modulus and z= bt2
z = bt2
/3 (approx. equal)
𝜏 = 3T/bt2
63. Guest’s theory of failure is applicable for
following of materials
A. brittle B. ductile
C. elastic D. plastic
Ans. B
Sol: failure will occur in a material if the
maximum shear stress at a point due to a
given set of load exceeds the maximum shear
stress induced due to a uniaxial load at the
yield point. Yielding is a starting point of
64. If a load W is applied instantaneously on a
bar of cross section A, then the stress induced
in the bar in worst case will be
A. W/A
B. W/2A
C. 2W/A
D. (2W/A) x (a factor greater than unity)
Ans. C
Sol: sudden applied force on a body is always
equal to the 2 times of a gradually increases
force of same value.
65. The output of a diesel engine can be
increased without increasing the engine
revolution or size in following way.
A. by feeding more fuel
B. by increasing flywheel size
C. by heating incoming air
D. by supercharging
Ans. D
Sol: supercharging is a process to increases the
mass of fresh air (or density) in diesel engine
to burn fuel in proper way to produced more
amount of work from same input.
66. Resilience of a bolt may be increased by
A. increasing its length
B. increasing its shank diameter
C. increasing diameter of threaded portion
D. increasing head size
Ans. A
Sol: Resilience is define as strain energy per unit
volume. If length increase compare to
diameter, stress increases therefore resilience
67. As pump speed increases, its NPSH (net
positive suction head) requirement ____.
A. increases B. decreases
C. remains same D. unpredictable
Ans. A
Sol: NPSH = (ps / ρg + vs
/ 2 g ) - pv / ρg
if pump speed increase (vs
/ 2 g) term
increases therefore NPSH increases.
68. Wire ropes are used for applications
experiencing ____.
A. low speeds and low tension
B. low speeds and high tension
C. high speeds and low tension
D. high speed and high tension
Ans. B
Sol: low speed due to fatigue and high tension
because elastic limit is more.
69. The part of the tooth between the pitch circle
and dedendum circle is called ____.
A. half tooth B. flank
C. face D. upper tooth
Ans. B
Sol: The part of the tooth between the pitch circle
and dedendum circle is called flank
70. In skew bevel gears, the axes _________.
A. are non-parallel and non-intersecting, and
the teeth are curved
B. are non-parallel and non-intersecting and
teeth are straight
C. intersect, and the teeth are curved and
D. intersect, and the teeth are curved and can
be ground
Ans. B
71. Strain is defined as the ratio of _____.
A. change in volume to original volume
B. change in length to original length
C. change in cross sectional area to original
cross-sectional area
D. All options are correct
Ans. D
Sol: → change in volume to original volume is
called volumetric strain.
→ change in length to original length is
called longitudinal strain.
→ change in cross sectional area to original
cross-sectional area is called lateral strain.
72. The unit of Young’s modulus is ______.
A. mm/mm B. kg/cm
C. kg D. Kg/cm2
Ans. D
Sol: E = stress/strain
Strain is dimensionless and unit of stress is
kilogram-force per square centimetre.
73. The materials having same elastic properties
in all directions are called:-
A. ideal materials
B. uniform materials
C. isotropic material
D. practical materials
Ans. C
Sol: Isotropic Material is defined as if its
mechanical and thermal properties are the
same in all directions.
74. The ultimate tensile stress of mild steel
compared to ultimate compressive stress is
A. same
B. more
C. less
D. more or less depending on the other
Ans. B
Sol: ultimate tensile stress of mild steel is of the
order of 840Mpa.
Ultimate compressive stress of mild steel is
of the the order of 180Mpa.
75. The Young’s modulus of a wire is defined as
the stress which will increase the length of
wire compared to its original length:-
A. half B. same amount
C. double D. one-fourth
Ans. B
Sol: same amount because Young’s modulus is
fixed for material.
76. During a tensile test on a specimen of 1 cm2
cross-section, maximum load observed was 8
tonnes and area of cross-section at neck was
0.5 cm2
. Ultimate tensile strength of
specimen is
A. 4 tonnes/cm2
B. 8 tonnes/cm2
C. 16 tonnes/cm2
D. 22 tonnes/cm2
Ans. B
Sol: Ultimate tensile strength is engineering stress
therefore area will be 1cm2
Ultimate tensile strength = 8 tonnes/1cm2
77. Which is the false statement about stress-
strain method?
A. It does not exist
B. It is more sensitive to changes in both
metallurgical and mechanical conditions
C. It gives a more accurate picture of the
D. It can be correlated with stress-strain
values in other tests like torsion, impact,
combined stress tests etc.,
Ans. A
Sol: Stress–strain analysis is an engineering
discipline that uses many methods to
determine the stresses and strains in materials
and structures subjected to forces.
78. Which of the following materials is most
A. rubber B. plastic
C. brass D. steel
Ans. D
Sol: above all option value of elastic limit is more
in steel.
79. The total elongation produced in a bar of
uniform section hanging vertically
downwards due to its own weight is equal to
that produced by a weight
A. of same magnitude as that of bar and
applied at the lower end
B. half the weight of bar applied at the lower
C. half of the square of weight of bar applied
at the lower end
D. one-fourth of weight of bar applied at the
lower end
Ans. B
Sol: ∆L = WL/2E
(elongation due to self weight)
80. The property of a material which allows it to
be drawn into a smaller section is called:-
A. plasticity B. ductility
C. elasticity D. malleability
Ans. B
Sol: Ductility is a physical property of a material
associated with the ability to be hammered
thin or stretched into wire without breaking.
81. Joggled welded joints are used ___.
A. where longitudinal shear is present
B. where sever loading is encountered and
the upper surface of both pieces must be in
the same plane
C. to join two pieces of metal in the same
manner as rivet joint metals
D. there is nothing called Jogged welded
Ans. B
Sol: joggled welded joints are similar to butt
82. Plain and butt welds may be used on
materials upto approximately:-
A. 25 mm thick B. 40 mm thick
C. 50 mm thick D. 70 mm thick
Ans. A
Sol: if thickness increase extra support is needed
in case of butt joint.
83. In arc welding, arc is created between the
electrode and work by:-
A. flow of current
B. voltage
C. material characteristics
D. contact resistance
Ans. D
Sol: if resistance will be less than welding will not
be proper.
84. Plug weld joint is used _________.
A. where longitudinal shear is present
B. where severe loading is encountered and
the upper surfaces of both pieces must be in
the same plane
C. to join two pieces of metal in the same
manner as rivet joint metals
D. there is nothing like plug weld joint
Ans. C
85. The type of riveted joint shown in the figure
below is ________.
A. Double riveted lap joint
B. Double riveted butt joint
C. Quadruple riveted lap joint
D. Quadruple riveted butt joint
Ans. B
Butt joint The two members to be connected
are placed end to end. Additional plate/plates
provided on either one or both sides, called
cover plates.
If the cover plates are provided on both the
sides of main plates it is called a double cover
butt joint.
86. The main advantage of shell moulding is
A. a metallic pattern is used
B. the moulds are stronger
C. thin sections can be easily obtained
D. highly complex sections can be easily
Ans. C
Sol: thin sections can be easily obtained because
there is no need to remove pattern
87. Strength and permeability of served sand are
related to:-
A. grain size B. clay-content
C. hardness D. moisture content
Ans. D
Sol: →strength is increase with moisture content
→ The moulding sand must be sufficiently
porous to allow the dissolved gases, which
are evolved when the metal freezes or
moisture present or generated within the
moulds to be removed freely when the
moulds are poured. This property of sand is
called porosity or permeability.
88. For grinding operation in which heat
generation must be kept minimum, the
following bond of wheel must be used:-
A. resinoid rubber B. silicate
C. vitrified D. shellac
Ans. B
Sol: Silicate bond releases the abrasive grains
more readily than vitrified bond. Silicate
bonded wheels are well suited for grinding
where heat must be kept to a minimum, such
as grinding edged cutting tools. It is not
suited for heavy-duty grinding. Thin cutoff
wheels are sometimes made with a shellac
bond because it provides fast cool cutting
89. The grit size of the abrasives used in the
grinding wheel is usually specified by the:-
A. hardness number
B. size of the wheel
C. softness or hardness of the abrasive
D. mesh number
Ans. D
Sol: Mesh size is the mesh number and its
relationship to the size of the openings in the
mesh and thus the size of particles that can
pass through these openings.
90. Which abrasive particle would you choose
for grinding tungsten carbide tool inserts?
A. silicon carbide
B. aluminium oxide
C. diamond
D. cubic boron carbide
Ans. C
Sol: tools can be nearly as hard as conventional
abrasives, therefore grinding of tools is done
by super abrasives like diamond and CBN
91. Free acids in diesel oil for diesel engine lead
to __________.
A. production of highly corrosive gases
corroding the cylinder walls and exhaust
B. excessive engine wear
C. damaging of both the storage tank and the
D. deposition on engine parts
Ans. C
Sol: free acid is the acidic form of a substance in
which all acidic groups are fully protonated.
92. Secondary forces in reciprocating mass on
engine frame are:-
A. of same frequency as of primary forces
B. twice the frequency as of primary forces
C. four times the frequency as of primary
D. half the frequency as of primary forces
Ans. B
primary force: reaches its maximum value
of mrω2
twice per revolution but secondary
force. It reaches its maximum value of mrω2
four times per revolution.
93. Partial balancing in locomotives results in:-
A. hammer blow, variation of tractive effort,
swaying couple
B. least wear
C. most smooth operation
D. better performance of engine
Ans. A
Soln: for partial balancing ,
1:Variation of Tractive force The resultant
unbalanced force due to the cylinders, along
the line of stroke, is known as tractive
2: The couple has swaying effect about a
vertical axis, and tends to sway the engine
alternately in clock wise and anticlockwise
directions. Hence the couple is known as
swaying couple
3: The maximum magnitude of the
unbalanced force along the perpendicular to
the line of stroke is known as Hammer
94. In hydrostatic bearing, pressure to lubricant
is supplied by:-
A. external source
B. partially external and partially from
rotation of journal
C. not supplied by external source
D. shaft driven pump
Ans. A
Sol: A hydrostatic bearing employs a positive
pressure supply that maintains clearance
between the rotating and stationary elements.
With a hydrostatically-lubricated bearing, the
lubrication is introduced under pressure
between the moving surfaces.
The load support is a function of the pressure
drop across the bearing and the area of fluid
pressure action.
95. Purpose of using differential gear in
automobile is to:-
A. control speed
B. avoid jerks
C. help in turning
D. obtain rear movement
Ans. C
Sol: Differential gear provide different speed on
both wheel at time of turning.
96. In the figure given below a weight of 20 kg
is suspended at one end of cord and a weight
of 30 kg is suspended at other end of cord
passing over a pulley. Neglecting the weight
of rope and pulley, tension in cord will be:-
A. 30 N B. 20 N
C. 10 N D. None of these
Ans. D
Sol: for 30 kg
ma = mg – T
30a = 294.3 – T -A
for 20 kg
20a = T – 196.2
T = 20a + 196.2
Put in equation A
50a = 294.3 – 196.2
a = 1.962 put in equation A
T = 235.44 N
97. Isothermal compression though most
efficient, but is not practicable because
A. it requires a very big cylinder
B. it does not increase pressure much
C. it is impossible in practice
D. compressor has to run at very slow
speed to achieve it
Ans. D
Sol: Isothermal compression is a reversible
98. A body weighing 1000 kg falls 8 cm and
strikes a 500 kg/cm spring. The
deformation of spring will be ____cm.
A. 8 B. 4
C. 16 D. 2
Ans. A
Sol: Potential energy of weight is equal to
spring energy after strike
mgh =
1000×980×(8+x) =
4(8+x) = x2
– 4x – 32 = 0
x = 8cm
99. Which of the following is the unit of
A. Joule B. N-m
C. Electron volt D. All of these
Ans. D
Sol: 1N-m = Joule
1eV = 1.6×10-19
100. When a body slides down an inclined
surface, the acceleration (f) of the body is
given by:-
A. f = g B. f = g sin 𝜃
C. f = g cos 𝜃 D. f = g tan 𝜃
Ans. B

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Ssc je-mechincal-question-paper-2016-set-10.pdf-71

  • 1. 1 1. Which of the following laws is applicable for the behaviour of a perfect gas? A. Boyle’s law B. Charle’s law C. Gay-Lussac law D. All options are correct Ans. D Sol: perfect gas follow PV = nRT Which is come from- Boyle’s law-P ∝ 1 V , or P1V1 = P2V2 The volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely related to the pressure exerted on it at a given temperature and given number of moles. • Charle’s lawV ∝ T , or V1/T1 = V2/T2 The volume (V) of a given mass of a gas, at constant pressure (Pa), is directly proportional to its temperature (K). • Gay-Lussac law-P ∝ T, or P1/T1 = P2/T2 For a given mass and constant volume of an ideal gas, the pressure exerted on the sides of its container is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. 2. According to Dalton’s law, the total pressure of the mixture of gases is equal to ________. A. greater of the partial pressures of all B. average of the partial pressures of all C. sum of the partial pressures of all D. sum of the partial pressures of all divided by average molecular weight Ans. C Sol: In a mixture of non-reacting gases, the total pressure exerted is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases. Ptotal = ∑ × Pn i=1 i or Ptotal = P1 + P2 + ………..+ Pn Where P1, P2, P3, ….. Pn represent the partial pressures of each component Pi = PtotalYi Yi is mole fraction of single gas in mixture of gases 3. A closed system is one in which ____. A. mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so B. mass crosses the boundary but not the energy C. neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system D. both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system Ans. A Sol: closed heat exchanger is suitable example of closed system. 4. Kinetic theory of gases assumes that the collisions between the molecules are ____. A. perfectly elastic B. perfectly inelastic C. partly elastic D. partly inelastic Ans. A Sol: Perfectly elastic collisions is define as there is no loss of kinetic energy during collisions. Perfectly elastic collisions occur only if some part of kinetic energy will not change into other forms like heat or noise. 5. Superheated vapour behaves _________. A. exactly as gas B. as steam C. as ordinary vapor D. approximately as gas Ans. D Sol: A gas refers to a substance that has a single defined thermodynamic state at room temperature whereas a vapor refers to a substance that is a mixture of two phases at room temperature, namely gaseous and liquid phase. But when temperature of vapour increase than gaseous properties in vapour increase. Like motion of molecule. 6. The condition of perfect vacuum, i.e., absolute zero pressure can be attained at ____. A. a temperature of -273.16°C B. a temperature of 0°C C. a temperature of 273°K D. a negative pressure and 0°C temperature Ans. A Sol: P ∝ T , or P = kT If P = 0, than T = 0K , or T = -273.16 ℃ 7. An open system is one in which ____. A. mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so B. neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system C. both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system D. mass crosses the boundary but not the energy Ans. C Sol: boiler is a example of open system in which heat mass both will cross the boundary
  • 2. 2 8. Charge in enthalpy of a system is the heat supplied at A. constant pressure B. constant temperature C. constant volume D. constant entropy Ans. A Sol: heat supplied to the system at atmospheric pressure is consider as enthalpy because pressure is 1atm. 9. If a fluid expands suddenly into vacuum through an orifice of large dimension, then such a process is called ______. A. free expansion B. hyperbolic expansion C. adiabatic expansion D. parabolic expansion Ans. A Sol: 10. When a gas flows through a very long pipe of uniform cross section, the flow approximately A. isentropic B. isobaric C. isothermal D. adiabatic Ans. C Sol: Isothermal flow is a model of compressible fluid flow whereby the flow remains at the same temperature while flowing in a conduit. In the model, heat transferred through the walls of the conduit is offset by frictional heating back into the flow. 11. When a liquid boils at constant pressure, the following parameter increases A. temperature B. heat of vaporization C. kinetic energy D. entropy Ans. D Sol: during boiling of liquid, randomness of molecule increases hence entropy increase 12. First law of thermodynamics ________. A. enables to determine change in internal energy of the system B. does not help to predict whether the system will or not undergo a change C. does not enable to determine change in entropy D. All of these Ans. D Sol: → enables to determine change in internal energy of the system ∆U = Q – W → does not help to predict whether the system will or not undergo a change means it does not give any information about spontaneity and the direction of the process. → first law of thermodynamics not give any idea about entropy 13. Carnot cycle efficiency depends upon ___. A. properties of the medium/substance used B. condition of engine C. working condition D. temperature range of operation Ans. D Sol: η = 1 - Tc Th Where Tc is the absolute temperature of cold reservoir, Th TC is the absolute temperature of hot reservoir If temperature of cold reservoir decrease than efficiency will increase Or, if temperature of hot reservoir increase than efficiency will increase 14. Steam flow through a nozzle is considered as __________. A. constant flow B. isothermal flow C. adiabatic flow D. constant volume flow Ans. C Sol: It is assumption in which, when heat energy convert into kinetic energy through nozzle than there is no loss of heat energy during energy conversion from flow through a nozzle 15. A sudden fall in the barometer reading is a sign of approaching _________. A. fine weather B. rains C. storm D. cold wave Ans. C Sol: falling of barometer reading show that air pressure is low And wind flow from higher pressure to lower pressure and storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds
  • 3. 3 16. It is proposed to make a direct heat-to-work converter out of an elementary system which absorbs heat while doing isothermal work exactly equal to the heat absorbed, thereby keeping internal energy constant. Such a system is A. not possible B. possible C. not desirable D. commendable Ans. A Sol: according to question Work = Qabsorb – Qrej. and Qrej. = 0 Work = Qabsorb means heat rejection is zero or efficiency of heat engine is one which is not possible and contradict second law of thermodynamics 17. Stirling and Ericsson cycles are A. reversible cycle B. irreversible cycle C. quasi-static cycles D. semi-reversible cycles Ans. A Sol: Stirling cycle has two constant volume and two constant temperature processes. This cycle resembles the Carnot cycle where the Ericsson cycle contains two constant volume processes instead of two isentropic processes in the Carnot cycle. Efficiency of both cycle is same and is equal to carnot cycle. 18. Ericsson cycle consists of the following four processes A. two isothermals and two isentropics B. two isothermals and two constant volumes C. two isothermals and two constant pressures D. two adiabatics and two constant pressures Ans. C Sol: Process 2→3 Isothermal compression Process 3→4 Isobaric heat addition Process 4→1 Isothermal expansion Process 1→2 Isobaric heat removal 19. A petrol engine theoretically operates on A. constant pressure cycle B. constant volume cycle C. constant temperature cycle D. constant entropy cycle Ans. B Sol: In theoretical petrol engine heat addition occur at constant volume 20. Two balls of same material and finish have their diameters in the ratio of 2:1 and both are heated to same temperature and allowed to cool by radiation. Rate of cooling by big ball as compared to smaller one will be in the ratio of A. 1:1 B. 2:1 C. 1:2 D. 4:1 Ans. C Sol: r1/r2 = 2/1 Density of both ball are same M1/volume1 = M2/volume2 M1/ 4 3 π(2r2)3 = M2/ 4 3 π(r2)3 M1 = 8M2 dT dt = 𝜎𝐴 𝑚Cp T4 ( dT dt )1/( dT dt )2 = ( 𝜎𝐴 𝑚Cp T4 )1/( 𝜎𝐴 𝑚Cp T4 )2 = m2A1/m1A2 = m24π(2r2)2 /8m24π(r2)2 ( dT dt )1/( dT dt )2 = 1/2 21. A ideal gas at 27°C is heated at constant pressure till its volume becomes three times. The temperature of gas then will be A. 81°C B. 900°C C. 627°C D. 927°C Ans. C Sol: PV = nRT P1 = P2 and V2 = 3V1 nRT1/V1 = nRT2/V2 300/V1 = T2/3V1 T2 = 900K , or T2 = 627℃
  • 4. 4 22. When two gases suddenly mix up with each other then resultant entropy of the system will A. decrease B. increase C. remain same D. may increase or decrease depending upon the initial conditions of the gases Ans. B Sol: entropy is always increases. resultant entropy of the system is the sum of the entropies of the two gases before mixing. 23. Which of the following is not an extensive property A. entropy B. enthalpy C. internal energy D. density Ans. D Sol: Extensive property depend on the system size or the amount of material in the system. Entropy, Enthalpy, Internal energy increase with increase mass of the system but we cannot say that density will increase with increase with mass and density is intensive property. 24. Element is defined as the _________. A. substance which cannot be resolved into simpler form B. element made up of minute and chemically indivisible particles C. smallest quantity of a substance which can exist by itself in chemically recognized form D. smallest known particle Ans. A Sol: Element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler components by any non- nuclear chemical reaction. An element is uniquely determined by the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. The number of protons in the nucleus of the atom of an element is known as the atomic number of that element. The number of electrons in the atom of a specific element can vary 25. The process of sublimation is found to occur in the case of A. liquid nitrogen B. solid CO2 C. solid O2 D. steel Ans. B Sol: conditions necessary for sublimation- • The pressure needs to be lower than the pressure of the triple point • The substance must be present in its solid state • The temperature must rise high enough to produce a gas Surface temperature of dry ice is -78.5℃ and triple point pressure is 5.2 atm While at atmospheric condition temperature is 30℃ and pressure is 1 atm 26. Thermal conductivity of non-metal amorphous solids with decrease in temperature _________. A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant D. may increase or decrease depending on temperature Ans. B Sol: movement of particle in amorphous solid increase with increase temperature. Therefore thermal conductivity is also increase with increase temperature and vise- versa. 27. Heat transfer in liquid and gases take place by _____. A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. conduction and convection both Ans. B Sol: the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat. In convection molecule is move instead of vibration in conduction. 28. Temperature of steam at round 540°C can be measure by __________. A. thermometer B. radiation-pyrometer C. thermistor D. thermocouple Ans. D Sol: A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperatures. A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect, and this voltage can be interpreted to measure temperature.
  • 5. 5 29. The amount of heat flow through a body by conduction is ______. A. directly proportional to the surface area of the body B. directly proportional to the temperature difference on the two faces of the body C. dependent upon the material of the body D. All options are correct Ans. D Sol: Q/t = KA (T2 – T1)/d Q/t = amount of heat flow A = area d = distance between two area T2 and T1 temperature of two surface K depend upon meterial 30. Unit of thermal diffusivity is A. m2 /hr B. m2 /hr°C C. kcal/m2 hr D. kcal/ Ans. A Sol: thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pressure. Thermal conductivity/ density and specific heat capacity = (J/hr×m× 𝐾)/(kg/m3 )(J/kg× 𝑘) = m2 /hr 31. For forward inclined vanes i.e., vanes having exit angle greater than 90°, which of the following curves holds good? A. Curve A B. Curve B C. Curve C D. All options are correct Ans. C Sol: 32. The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known as A. compressibility B. surface tension C. cohesion D. adhesion Ans. C Sol: the intermolecular attraction between like- molecules. 33. When the flow parameters at any given instant remain same at every point, then flow is said to be A. quasi static B. steady state C. laminar D. uniform Ans. D Sol: uniform flow is define as flow in which at every cross section area velocity will be same. 34. An object having 10 kg mass weights 9.81 kg on a spring balance. The value of ‘g’ at this place is _______. A. 10 m/sec2 B. 9.81 m/sec2 C. 10.2 m/sec2 D. 9.75 m/sec2 Ans. A Sol: in case of spring balance both side value will be same Actual mass × gravity=mass by spring × g’ 10×9.81 = 9.81× g’ g’ = 10m/sec2 35. The figure below shows four curves A, B, C, D on a plot of viscous shear stress versus velocity gradient for three fluids, viz.., Newtonian, non-Newtonian and ideal; and an ideal solid. For ideal solid, the curve applicable is:- A. A B. B C. C D. D Ans. D Sol: There is no any velocity gradient between the layer of solid.
  • 6. 6 36. The velocity distribution for flow between two fixed parallel plates _________. A. is constant over the cross-section B. is zero at the plates and increases linearly to the midplane C. varies parabolically across the section D. is zero in middle and increases linearly towards the plates Ans. C Sol: 37. Choose the correct relationship A. specific gravity = gravity x density B. dynamic viscosity = kinematic viscosity x density C. gravity = specific gravity x density D. kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity x density Ans. B Sol: relation between dynamic and kinematic viscosity is v=μ/ρ v is kinematic viscosity μ is absolute or dynamic viscosity ρ is density 38. Select the wrong statement A. Viscosity of a fluid is that property which determines the amount if its resistance to a shearing force B. Viscosity is due primarily to interaction between fluid molecules C. Viscosity of liquids decreases with increase in temperature D. Viscosity of liquids is appreciably affected by change in pressure Ans. D Sol: the viscosity usually depends on its composition and temperature. for compressible fluids, it depends on temperature and varies very slowly with pressure. 39. A one dimensional flow is one which ____. A. is uniform flow B. is steady uniform flow C. takes place in straight lines D. involves zero transverse component of flow Ans. D Sol: One-dimensional flow: All the flow parameters may be expressed as functions of time and one space coordinate only. E.g. the flow in a pipe is considered one-dimensional when variations of pressure and velocity occur along the length of the pipe, but any variation over the cross-section is assumed negligible. 40. If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid and glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be A. higher than the surface of liquid B. the same as the surface of liquid C. lower than the surface of liquid D. unpredictable Ans. C Sol: 41. Reynolds number is significant in ____. A. supersonics, as with projectiles and jet propulsion B. full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles etc. C. simultaneous motion through two fluids where there us a surface of discontinuity, gravity force, and wave making effects, as with ship’s hulls. D. All options are correct Ans. B Sol: Option A is significant of Mach number Option B is significant of Reynolds number Option C is significant of froude number 42. For pipes, turbulent flow occurs when Reynolds number is _______. A. less than 2000 B. between 2000 and 4000 C. more than 4000 D. less than 1000 Ans. C
  • 7. 7 Sol: for pipe Re < 2000 laminar flow 2000 < Re < 4000 transition flow Re > 4000 turbulent flow 43. Two forces act at an angle of 120°. If the greater force is 50 N and their resultant is perpendicular to the smaller force, the smaller force is _____N A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35 Ans. B Sol: Fs/sin150 = Fg/sin90 Fs = 25 N 44. In laminar flow through a round tube, the discharge varies ________. A. linearly as the viscosity B. inversely as the pressure drop C. as the cube of the diameter D. inversely as the viscosity Ans. D Sol: discharge is proportional to velocity and velocity is decreases with increases with viscosity means velocity is inversely proportional to viscosity and also discharge. 45. For frictionless fluid, the contraction coefficient for Borda’s mouthpiece is A. 1 B. 0.5 C. 0 D. 0.97 Ans. D Sol: the contraction coefficient for Borda’s mouthpiece is depend upon practical experiment and it is always less than one. 46. Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the conservation of A. mass B. force C. momentum D. energy Ans. D Sol: Bernoulli’s theorem is base on conservation of energy in which if non-compressible and non-viscous fluid is flowing than sum of pressure energy , kinetic energy and potential energy will be constant at any point in the flow. 47. The motion of a fluid is vortex if each particle of the fluid moves in a circular path with the speed which ________. A. is constant B. is directly proportional to distance from center C. varies as square of distance from center D. varies inversely as the distance from center Ans. D Sol: 𝜔 = v/r 48. Which of the following represents steady non-uniform flow? A. flow through an expanding tube at an increasing rate B. flow through an expanding tube at constant rate C. flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate D. flow through a long pipe at a constant rate Ans. B Sol: steady flow is define as flow at any cross section is constant with respect to time and non-uniform flow is define as flow which is vary one cross section to another cross section. In statement constant rate and expanding tube give an idea about steady flow and non- uniform respectly. 49. If the particles of a fluid attain such velocities that velocities vary from point to point in magnitude and direction, as well as from instant to instant, the flow is said to be ________. A. disturbed flow B. turbulent flow C. turbid flow D. non-uniform flow Ans. B Sol: flow of a fluid in which its velocity at any point varies rapidly in an irregular manner. 50. The discharge of broad crested weir is maximum if the head of water on the downstream side of weir as compared to the head on the upstream side of the weir is _________. A. one-half B. one-third C. two-third D. three-fourth Ans. C
  • 8. 8 Sol: formula for discharge of broad crested weir is- Q = Cd× 𝐿√2g ×( Hh2 -h3 )0.5 Q is maximum if Hh2 -h3 is maximum d(Hh2 -h3 )/dh =0 h = (2/3)H 51. Any fluid flow follows _______. A. Bernoulli’s equation B. Newton’s law of viscosity C. Darcy’s equation D. continuity equation Ans. D Sol: → The simple form of Bernoulli's equation is valid for incompressible flows. → Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the viscous stresses arising from its flow, at every point, are linearly proportional to the local strain rate—the rate of change of its deformation over time. →Darcy's law is an equation that describes the flow of a fluid through a porous medium. → continuity equation is applicable for all type of flow that is product of area and velocity at any cross section of flow is constant. 52. A fluid flow taking place continuously round a curved path about a fixed axis of rotation, is known as _________. A. rotational flow B. radial flow C. circular flow D. vortex flow Ans. D Sol: 53. Vertical distribution of velocity in an open channel for laminar flow can be assumed as _________. A. logarithmic B. parabolic C. straight line (constant) D. hyperbolic Ans. B Sol: 54. Drag is defined as the force component exerted on an immersed object, the component acting in direction is ____. A. normal to flow direction B. parallel to flow direction C. at resultant angle D. radial to flow direction Ans. B Sol: Drag is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. 55. According to Darcy’s formula, loss of head due to friction in the pipe is Where f = Darcy’s coefficient l = length of pipe v = velocity of liquid flow d = diameter of pipe A. 4flv2 /2gd B. flv2 /gd C. 2flv2 /gd D. 4flv/gd Ans. A Sol: in case of flow through pipe head loss due to friction is hs P1/𝜌𝑔 + 𝑉1 2 /2g + Z1 = P2/𝜌𝑔 + 𝑉2 2 /2g + Z2 + hf And, hf = 4flv2 /2gd 56. Hydraulic gradient is equal to A. (difference in water surface)/(total length of channel) B. (head loss due to friction)/(total length of channel) C. (wetted perimeter)/(total length of channel) D. (area od cross-section)/(total length of channel) Ans. B
  • 9. 9 Sol: The hydraulic gradient is a vector gradient between two or more hydraulic head measurements over the length of the flow path. Hydraulic gradient = dh/dl = (h2 – h1)/length of channel h2 and h1 is hydraulic head at two point 57. A liquid jet from a nozzle exposed to atmosphere traverses along _____. A. a straight line B. a circular path C. an elliptical path D. parabolic path Ans. D Sol: In this case jet follow projectile motion which is parabolic. 58. Which of the following represents unsteady uniform flow ___________. A. flow through an expanding tube at an increasing rate B. flow through an expanding tube at constant rate C. flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate D. flow through a long pipe at constant rate Ans. C Sol: flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate means velocity at any cross section is decreases with time. 59. Turbulent flow generally occurs for cases involving _______. A. very slow motions B. very viscous fluids C. very narrow passages D. None of the these Ans. D Sol: very slow motions, very viscous fluids and very narrow passages are the case of laminar flow. For Turbulent flow high velocity and less viscous fluid required. 60. Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable for A. streamline flow B. steady flow C. turbulent flow D. perfect incompressible fluid flowing in continuous streams Ans. D Sol: Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable for ideal fluid flow. In which non-compressible and non viscous fluid is used. 61. In the case of an elastic bar fixed at upper and loaded by a falling weight at lower end, the shock load produced can be decreased by A. decreasing the cross-section area of bar B. increasing the cross-section area of bar C. remain unaffected with cross-section area D. would depend upon other factors Ans. A Sol: load = weight/ area Load will be decrease if area increase 62. For a long and narrow cross section (i.e., ratio of b/t, breadth b and thickness t above 10) bar subjected to torsion T, the value of maximum shear stress will be A. T/bt2 B. T/(4bt2 ) C. 2T/bt2 D. None of these Ans. D Sol: 𝜏 = T/z z is section modulus and z= bt2 /(3+1.8× 𝑡 𝑏 ) z = bt2 /3 (approx. equal) 𝜏 = 3T/bt2 63. Guest’s theory of failure is applicable for following of materials A. brittle B. ductile C. elastic D. plastic Ans. B Sol: failure will occur in a material if the maximum shear stress at a point due to a given set of load exceeds the maximum shear stress induced due to a uniaxial load at the yield point. Yielding is a starting point of ductility. 64. If a load W is applied instantaneously on a bar of cross section A, then the stress induced in the bar in worst case will be A. W/A B. W/2A C. 2W/A D. (2W/A) x (a factor greater than unity) Ans. C Sol: sudden applied force on a body is always equal to the 2 times of a gradually increases force of same value. 65. The output of a diesel engine can be increased without increasing the engine revolution or size in following way. A. by feeding more fuel B. by increasing flywheel size C. by heating incoming air D. by supercharging Ans. D
  • 10. 10 Sol: supercharging is a process to increases the mass of fresh air (or density) in diesel engine to burn fuel in proper way to produced more amount of work from same input. 66. Resilience of a bolt may be increased by A. increasing its length B. increasing its shank diameter C. increasing diameter of threaded portion D. increasing head size Ans. A Sol: Resilience is define as strain energy per unit volume. If length increase compare to diameter, stress increases therefore resilience increase. 67. As pump speed increases, its NPSH (net positive suction head) requirement ____. A. increases B. decreases C. remains same D. unpredictable Ans. A Sol: NPSH = (ps / ρg + vs 2 / 2 g ) - pv / ρg if pump speed increase (vs 2 / 2 g) term increases therefore NPSH increases. 68. Wire ropes are used for applications experiencing ____. A. low speeds and low tension B. low speeds and high tension C. high speeds and low tension D. high speed and high tension Ans. B Sol: low speed due to fatigue and high tension because elastic limit is more. 69. The part of the tooth between the pitch circle and dedendum circle is called ____. A. half tooth B. flank C. face D. upper tooth Ans. B Sol: The part of the tooth between the pitch circle and dedendum circle is called flank 70. In skew bevel gears, the axes _________. A. are non-parallel and non-intersecting, and the teeth are curved B. are non-parallel and non-intersecting and teeth are straight C. intersect, and the teeth are curved and oblique D. intersect, and the teeth are curved and can be ground Ans. B Sol: 71. Strain is defined as the ratio of _____. A. change in volume to original volume B. change in length to original length C. change in cross sectional area to original cross-sectional area D. All options are correct Ans. D Sol: → change in volume to original volume is called volumetric strain. → change in length to original length is called longitudinal strain. → change in cross sectional area to original cross-sectional area is called lateral strain. 72. The unit of Young’s modulus is ______. A. mm/mm B. kg/cm C. kg D. Kg/cm2 Ans. D Sol: E = stress/strain Strain is dimensionless and unit of stress is kilogram-force per square centimetre. 73. The materials having same elastic properties in all directions are called:- A. ideal materials B. uniform materials C. isotropic material D. practical materials Ans. C Sol: Isotropic Material is defined as if its mechanical and thermal properties are the same in all directions.
  • 11. 11 74. The ultimate tensile stress of mild steel compared to ultimate compressive stress is __________. A. same B. more C. less D. more or less depending on the other factors Ans. B Sol: ultimate tensile stress of mild steel is of the order of 840Mpa. Ultimate compressive stress of mild steel is of the the order of 180Mpa. 75. The Young’s modulus of a wire is defined as the stress which will increase the length of wire compared to its original length:- A. half B. same amount C. double D. one-fourth Ans. B Sol: same amount because Young’s modulus is fixed for material. 76. During a tensile test on a specimen of 1 cm2 cross-section, maximum load observed was 8 tonnes and area of cross-section at neck was 0.5 cm2 . Ultimate tensile strength of specimen is A. 4 tonnes/cm2 B. 8 tonnes/cm2 C. 16 tonnes/cm2 D. 22 tonnes/cm2 Ans. B Sol: Ultimate tensile strength is engineering stress therefore area will be 1cm2 Ultimate tensile strength = 8 tonnes/1cm2 77. Which is the false statement about stress- strain method? A. It does not exist B. It is more sensitive to changes in both metallurgical and mechanical conditions C. It gives a more accurate picture of the ductility D. It can be correlated with stress-strain values in other tests like torsion, impact, combined stress tests etc., Ans. A Sol: Stress–strain analysis is an engineering discipline that uses many methods to determine the stresses and strains in materials and structures subjected to forces. 78. Which of the following materials is most elastic? A. rubber B. plastic C. brass D. steel Ans. D Sol: above all option value of elastic limit is more in steel. 79. The total elongation produced in a bar of uniform section hanging vertically downwards due to its own weight is equal to that produced by a weight A. of same magnitude as that of bar and applied at the lower end B. half the weight of bar applied at the lower end C. half of the square of weight of bar applied at the lower end D. one-fourth of weight of bar applied at the lower end Ans. B Sol: ∆L = WL/2E (elongation due to self weight) 80. The property of a material which allows it to be drawn into a smaller section is called:- A. plasticity B. ductility C. elasticity D. malleability Ans. B Sol: Ductility is a physical property of a material associated with the ability to be hammered thin or stretched into wire without breaking. 81. Joggled welded joints are used ___. A. where longitudinal shear is present B. where sever loading is encountered and the upper surface of both pieces must be in the same plane C. to join two pieces of metal in the same manner as rivet joint metals D. there is nothing called Jogged welded joint Ans. B Sol: joggled welded joints are similar to butt joints 82. Plain and butt welds may be used on materials upto approximately:- A. 25 mm thick B. 40 mm thick C. 50 mm thick D. 70 mm thick Ans. A Sol: if thickness increase extra support is needed in case of butt joint.
  • 12. 12 83. In arc welding, arc is created between the electrode and work by:- A. flow of current B. voltage C. material characteristics D. contact resistance Ans. D Sol: if resistance will be less than welding will not be proper. 84. Plug weld joint is used _________. A. where longitudinal shear is present B. where severe loading is encountered and the upper surfaces of both pieces must be in the same plane C. to join two pieces of metal in the same manner as rivet joint metals D. there is nothing like plug weld joint Ans. C Sol: 85. The type of riveted joint shown in the figure below is ________. A. Double riveted lap joint B. Double riveted butt joint C. Quadruple riveted lap joint D. Quadruple riveted butt joint Ans. B Soln: Butt joint The two members to be connected are placed end to end. Additional plate/plates provided on either one or both sides, called cover plates. If the cover plates are provided on both the sides of main plates it is called a double cover butt joint. 86. The main advantage of shell moulding is that:- A. a metallic pattern is used B. the moulds are stronger C. thin sections can be easily obtained D. highly complex sections can be easily obtained Ans. C Sol: thin sections can be easily obtained because there is no need to remove pattern 87. Strength and permeability of served sand are related to:- A. grain size B. clay-content C. hardness D. moisture content Ans. D Sol: →strength is increase with moisture content → The moulding sand must be sufficiently porous to allow the dissolved gases, which are evolved when the metal freezes or moisture present or generated within the moulds to be removed freely when the moulds are poured. This property of sand is called porosity or permeability. 88. For grinding operation in which heat generation must be kept minimum, the following bond of wheel must be used:- A. resinoid rubber B. silicate C. vitrified D. shellac Ans. B Sol: Silicate bond releases the abrasive grains more readily than vitrified bond. Silicate bonded wheels are well suited for grinding where heat must be kept to a minimum, such as grinding edged cutting tools. It is not suited for heavy-duty grinding. Thin cutoff wheels are sometimes made with a shellac bond because it provides fast cool cutting 89. The grit size of the abrasives used in the grinding wheel is usually specified by the:- A. hardness number B. size of the wheel C. softness or hardness of the abrasive D. mesh number Ans. D Sol: Mesh size is the mesh number and its relationship to the size of the openings in the mesh and thus the size of particles that can pass through these openings. 90. Which abrasive particle would you choose for grinding tungsten carbide tool inserts? A. silicon carbide B. aluminium oxide C. diamond D. cubic boron carbide Ans. C Sol: tools can be nearly as hard as conventional abrasives, therefore grinding of tools is done by super abrasives like diamond and CBN
  • 13. 13 91. Free acids in diesel oil for diesel engine lead to __________. A. production of highly corrosive gases corroding the cylinder walls and exhaust system B. excessive engine wear C. damaging of both the storage tank and the engine D. deposition on engine parts Ans. C Sol: free acid is the acidic form of a substance in which all acidic groups are fully protonated. 92. Secondary forces in reciprocating mass on engine frame are:- A. of same frequency as of primary forces B. twice the frequency as of primary forces C. four times the frequency as of primary forces D. half the frequency as of primary forces Ans. B Soln: primary force: reaches its maximum value of mrω2 twice per revolution but secondary force. It reaches its maximum value of mrω2 four times per revolution. 93. Partial balancing in locomotives results in:- A. hammer blow, variation of tractive effort, swaying couple B. least wear C. most smooth operation D. better performance of engine Ans. A Soln: for partial balancing , 1:Variation of Tractive force The resultant unbalanced force due to the cylinders, along the line of stroke, is known as tractive force. 2: The couple has swaying effect about a vertical axis, and tends to sway the engine alternately in clock wise and anticlockwise directions. Hence the couple is known as swaying couple 3: The maximum magnitude of the unbalanced force along the perpendicular to the line of stroke is known as Hammer blow. 94. In hydrostatic bearing, pressure to lubricant is supplied by:- A. external source B. partially external and partially from rotation of journal C. not supplied by external source D. shaft driven pump Ans. A Sol: A hydrostatic bearing employs a positive pressure supply that maintains clearance between the rotating and stationary elements. With a hydrostatically-lubricated bearing, the lubrication is introduced under pressure between the moving surfaces. The load support is a function of the pressure drop across the bearing and the area of fluid pressure action. 95. Purpose of using differential gear in automobile is to:- A. control speed B. avoid jerks C. help in turning D. obtain rear movement Ans. C Sol: Differential gear provide different speed on both wheel at time of turning. 96. In the figure given below a weight of 20 kg is suspended at one end of cord and a weight of 30 kg is suspended at other end of cord passing over a pulley. Neglecting the weight of rope and pulley, tension in cord will be:- A. 30 N B. 20 N C. 10 N D. None of these Ans. D Sol: for 30 kg ma = mg – T 30a = 294.3 – T -A for 20 kg 20a = T – 196.2 T = 20a + 196.2 Put in equation A 50a = 294.3 – 196.2 a = 1.962 put in equation A T = 235.44 N
  • 14. 14 97. Isothermal compression though most efficient, but is not practicable because A. it requires a very big cylinder B. it does not increase pressure much C. it is impossible in practice D. compressor has to run at very slow speed to achieve it Ans. D Sol: Isothermal compression is a reversible processes. 98. A body weighing 1000 kg falls 8 cm and strikes a 500 kg/cm spring. The deformation of spring will be ____cm. A. 8 B. 4 C. 16 D. 2 Ans. A Sol: Potential energy of weight is equal to spring energy after strike mgh = 1 2 Kx2 1000×980×(8+x) = 1 2 ×(500×980)x2 4(8+x) = x2 x2 – 4x – 32 = 0 x = 8cm 99. Which of the following is the unit of energy? A. Joule B. N-m C. Electron volt D. All of these Ans. D Sol: 1N-m = Joule 1eV = 1.6×10-19 Joule 100. When a body slides down an inclined surface, the acceleration (f) of the body is given by:- A. f = g B. f = g sin 𝜃 C. f = g cos 𝜃 D. f = g tan 𝜃 Ans. B Sol: