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TERM Definition/explanation TRANSLATION
1. 16-19 Bursary A bursary to help 16 to 19 aged students with education-related costs (e.g. clothing, books
and other equipment, transport and lunch).
-official Government website, viewed on 28/10/14
Borsa di studio statale per studenti dai 16 ai 19
anni (concessa dallo stato inglese).
2. Academies All ability independent schools funded by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary
groups working in partnerships with central Government and local education partners.
They offer a broad and balanced curriculum including a specialism to secondary age
students. –department for education website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
È uno status di istituto scolastico (per lo più
secondari, talvolta primari) indipendente dal
controllo diretto delle autorità locali e
finanziato dallo Stato.
(Possono variare calendario scolastico e
-sito ufficiale governo inglese Gov.Uk,
accademie funding allocations,
allocations ultima visualizzazione 14/11/14
3. Access to HE The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without
traditional qualifications for study at university.
-Access to higher education website, what is access to HE?, viewed on 9/10/14
Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore che
permette l'accesso all'università.
-The European Education Directory website,
ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
-sito ufficiale istat, titoli di studio,
nota_metodologica.pdf ultima visualizzazione
in data 9/10/14
4. Admission Authority The authority that determines which criteria will be used if there are more applications
than places. For community schools the admitting authority is the Local Education
Authority (like for most schools). For all other schools the Governing Body is the admitting
authority, including Voluntary Aided Schools, Voluntary Controlled Schools, Foundation
Schools, and Academies. –school appeals, FAQs, viewed on 9/10/14
Autorità scolastica competente che determina
quali criteri devono essere considerati in caso
di eccesso di iscrizioni.
(In Italia questo ruolo viene svolto dal Consiglio
di Istituto)
-documento pdf, sito internet ed scuola, punto
/di177_97.pdf e'istituto
Ultima visualizzazione 31/10/14
5. Admission Criteria Criteria that the admitting authority decides to apply when a school is oversubscribed.
They can establish which applications are successful.
-School Appeals website, questions, viewed on 9/10/14
Criteri di ammissione
6. Authorised Absence Where the absence of a pupil has been agreed by the person authorised on their behalf by
the proprietor of the school.
-Challney School official website, glossary,
information/a-z-glossary-of-terms-used-in-education.php viewed on 9/10/14
Assenza giustificata
7. Autistic Spectrum
Disorder creating neurodiversity, unusual social interactions and repetitive behaviour-
NHS, A-Z, overview,
disorder/pages/introduction.aspx viewed on 28/10/14
Disturbi dello spettro autistico
-sito Internet ISS
2&lang=1 Visitato il 28/10/14
8. Banding Educational system that puts pupils into broad ability bands.
–history learning sitewebsite, education and sociology, viewed on 28/10/14
Sistema educativo per il quale gli studenti
vengono suddivisi in gruppi di varie abilità.
9. Beacon Schools The Ministerial award of Beacon status was awarded to high performing schools, which
have achieved an excellent FEFC inspection report (defined as five grade 1s). e.g. schools
doing a superb job in areas of social deprivation.
-Department for education official website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
-City and Islington College website, about us, our achievements, viewed on 9/10/14
Scuole prestigiose insignite del premio Beacon.
(“Beacon school” è una nomina governativa
concessa alle scuole elementari e medie per gli
ottimi risultati raggiunti in termini di
rendimento scolastico, varie attività extra
scolastiche, valori trasmessi agli allievi come
-J.K. Rowiling’s website,
on-awards-for-philanthropy-2013/ ultima
visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
10. BIS Department of Business, Innovation and Skills which is responsible for higher education in
-Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
In GB è il Ministero del commercio,
dell’industria e dell’istruzione superiore
-Il ruolo del venture capital e del private equity
nel capitale di rischio, di Maurizio Rija
se ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
11. Bullying Repeated verbal intimidating and domineering behaviour exerted on a young person
-wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14
Esercitare il bullismo/prendersi gioco di
12. Catchment Area A defined geographical area from which a school takes its pupils.
–Challney college website, information,
education.php viewed on 9/10/14
Bacino di utenza
13. Child Protection
A central register maintained by Social Services which lists children in the area who are
considered to be suffering from, or are likely to suffer, significant harm and for whom
there is a protection plan.
- St Andrews Major Primary School website, glossary viewed on
Registro dei minori a rischio o potenziale rischio
di abuso
14. Childminder A registered and qualified person who looks after children under the age of eight to whom
they are not related on domestic premises for reward and for a total of more than 2 hours
in any day.
-Leighton Buzzard Childminding Association website, pdf download, viewed on 9/10/14
Persona qualificata addetta alla cura dei
bambini (diversa dalla baby-sitter)
Sinon. balia, governante, istitutrice, nutrice.
-sito inglese Net mums, differenza tra
babysitter e child minder,
ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
15. Children’s Centre An education centre which focuses on children's abilities, aptitudes and interests.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Centro per l’infanzia
-sito web trentino sociale, centri per l’infanzia,
ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
16. Community School A state school in England and Wales that is wholly owned and maintained by the LA. Local
Authority (formerly Local Education Authority). –education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
In GB è un tipo di scuola pubblica fondata e
gestita dalle autorità locali.
*differente dal concetto di scuola comunitaria
intesa in italiano, volta invece a progetti
comunitari per rifugiati o minoranze etniche in
loco o in zone remote gestite da ONG.
17. Comprehensive
Contrary to selective school system, comprehensive schools do not base their admissions
on the academic achievement or aptitude. They consider a wider curriculum, practical
subject ( and vocational studies not foreseen in previous grammar schools.
-wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14
Scuola media pubblica che fornisce
un’istruzione completa senza restrizioni di
abilità (7-11 anni).
il sito Internet di Forlì,
=158912 Visitato il 28/10/14
18. Contact Hours A 50 minutes classroom period.
-University of South Florida website, viewed on
Ore di formazione
(il cui conteggio vale per i crediti formativi).
19. CRB The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have
been replaced by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). DBS helps employers make
safer recruitment decisions and prevent potentially harmful people from working with
vulnerable groups like children.
-Government data website, data,
viewed on 28/10/14
Certificato penale in GB che corrisponde al
certificato dei carichi pendenti in Italia.
-sito Internet Ministero della Giustizia, come
fare per,
wp visitato il 30/10/14
20. Crèche Day nursery for very young children.
–wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14
Asilo nido
21. CTC (City Technical
Independent, all ability, non-fee-paying schools for pupils aged 11 to 18. There are two
CTCs and one City College for the Technology of the Arts (CCTA) in urban areas across
England. CTCs teach the national curriculum to under- 16-year-olds with a focus on
science, mathematics and technology. They offer a wide range of vocational qualifications.
-education in England website, viewed on 9/10/14
Scuole secondarie indipendenti dal controllo
delle autorità locali che seguono programmi
nazionali ma si specializzano in materie
22. Detention Punishment that consists on holding pupils at school after finishing their school day for a
max time of 30 minutes.
-Free Dictionary by Farlex, viewed on
Nella scuola inglese è un tipo di punizione che
consiste nel trattenere i bambini a scuola oltre
il termine previsto delle lezioni. (accade ad
esempio nel caso di continui ritardi).
23. Differentiation Differentiation or differentiated instruction is a strategy used by educators to meet the
special needs of students. It increases the likelihood of successful learning for a classroom
Educazione differenziata
-Internet, Wikipedia,
of individuals with varied needs.
-The Internet, wikihow website, viewed on 9/10/14
nziata ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
-sito laurento, download documento pdf,
a.pdf ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
24. Directed time Time when a teacher must be available to carry out duties under the direction of the
head. A full-time teacher's directed time is 1,265 hours in any school year.
-multi topics online encyclopedia, viewed on 9/10/14
Ore di insegnamento aggiuntive
(1.265 ore max stabilite dal documento
-sito inglese nasuwt, pagina pensions, directed
ctedTime ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
25. Disapplication Partial or total modification of the national curriculum requirements in relation to pupils
who are not able to take part in some assessment in specified cases or circumstances.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed
on 9/10/14
Esonero da una o più attività scolastica/che
-Internet, Wikipedia,
ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
26. Dyslexia Specific learning disorder of children who have difficulty in acquiring spelling, reading,
numeracy skills and writing.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
27. EAL English as an Additional Language schools involve students whose learning experience
differs from English native speakers because of their cultural backgrounds and
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Scuola/Istruzione che prevede l’inglese come
lingua aggiuntiva.
28. Early Years
Foundation Stage
It is a stage of children’s development from birth to the end of their first (Reception) year
in school. five (0–5). –education in England website, viewed on 9/10/14
Età prescolare
29. Educational
Trained teachers with a degree in Psychology employed by the LEA to advise and help
teachers and where necessary, to make recommendations to the LEA on providing for the
needs of some children.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
Psicologo specializzato nell’ambito
6 viewed on
cazione visitato il 28/10/14
30. Educational Welfare
Person employed by the LEA to help parents and LEAs meet their respective statutory
obligations in respect of school attendance.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Assistente sociale nell’ambito educativo
*distinto dall’assistente scolastico in Italia
31. EMAG (Ethnic
Achievement Grant)
Grant established to narrow achievement gaps for pupils from minority ethnic groups who
are at risk of underachieving and to fulfil the particular needs of bilingual pupils.
-Department for Education official website, pupil support, ethnicity,
achievement-grant viewed on 9/10/14
borse di studio per gli studenti più profittevoli
appartenenti a minoranze etniche.
32. Equal Opportunities
EOP - A governing body’s thinking and practice on issues of equality surrounding gender,
race, sexuality, disability and class.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed
on 9/10/14
Politica sulle pari opportunità
33. ESOL It stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages and normally relates to the teaching
and learning settings.
-The free dictionary by Farlex,
viewed on 28/10/14
Acronimo per descrivere “Inglese per parlanti di
lingua straniera”.
(ESOL viene usato in ambito educativo e spesso
associato agli esami di lingua inglese di livello
avanzato, richiesto anche per insegnare).
34. Exclusion Banning a pupil officially from school by the head teacher, either temporarily or
permanently, on disciplinary grounds.
-Education in England website, glossary,
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Sospensione temporanea o permanente dalle
lezioni scolastiche
35. Failing School Failing schools are defined as those with poor quality of education provided and pupil’s
achievements. They sometimes may not have received sufficient support by local
education authorities.
-University of Leeds website
viewed on 28/10/14
Scuola con un sistema educativo fallimentare
che non ha raggiunto gli obiettivi disciplinari e
di studi previsti.
36. Free School A new state-funded school which is to be set up by a charity, business, community, group
of teachers or parents and which has the same legal structure as an academy.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Scuola libera indipendente
(non controllata dall’autorità locale).
37. Free School Meals Number of pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals who have full Buoni pasto concessi agli alunni che
time attendance and are aged 15 or under, or who have part time attendance and are
aged between 5 and 15.
-Government education website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
usufruiscono della mensa scolastica.
38. Functional Skills They are skills in Math, English and Information & communication technology student
above 14 are required to have to start to work in several settings. There are Functional
skills qualifications for different levels.
-functional skills website,
Skills-faqs.php viewed on 28/10/14
Competenze funzionali ossia capacità che gli
studenti sviluppano tramite il percorso di studi
dell’inglese, della matematica e delle TIC.
(al livello 1 di apprendimento “attainment
target” del key stage 3 e al livello 2 del key
stage 4, segnando il passaggio rispettosamente
dal livello secondario inferiore a quello
superiore e dall’istruzione obbligatoria a quella
-sito Internet Indire,
=read&id=1543 visitatoil 28/10/14
39. Further Education Further education is for people over compulsory school age (currently 16 in England)
which does not take place in a secondary school. Further education courses are generally
vocational, up to the standard of GCE A-level or NVQ Level 3.
-education in England website,
-Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Istruzione post-obbligatoria non universitaria
con corsi di formazione professionale
40. GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education. The first qualification obtained by UK
students, at the age of about 16. There is no age limit, mature or international students
may take GCSE examinations.
-go study uk website, glossary, viewed on
In GB è il diploma che si ottiene alla fine della
scuola d’obbligo secondaria
*similmente corrisponde al diploma di
41. GNVQ General National Vocational Qualifications - broad-based vocational qualifications offered
to 14-19 year olds at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14
Attestati nazionali di qualifica professionale.
42. Governing Body The council, board of governors or other body ultimately responsible for the affairs of a
provider. It is formed by 'lay members' who give their time voluntarily.
-Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Organo scolastico esecutivo locale
(In Italia corrisponde alle unità scolastiche
provinciali gestite dalle unità regionali,
precedente Provveditorato agli studi).
43. Grammar School Selective secondary schools entrance is based on a test of ability, usually at age 11.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14
Scuola secondaria a indirizzo umanistico, molto
selettiva ed elitaria, finanziata dallo Stato
-sito internet
scolastico-in-gran-bretagna.php ultima
visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
44. Gross Motor Skills They are intended as the motor development of children in early years. These skills
involve development of posture, learning to work, speak and interact.
-wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14
Abilità motorie globali
-Strumenti di valutazione clinica in
neuropsichiatria dell'età evolutiva
Di Carlo Cianchetti,Cianchetti, Fedrizzi, Riva,
orie%20globali&f=false Visitatoil 28/10/14
45. Higher Education Higher education courses are programmes leading to qualifications, or credits which can
be counted towards qualifications, which are above the standard of GCE A-levels or other
Level 3 qualifications. They include degree courses, postgraduate courses and sub-degree
courses such as those leading to HNCs or HNDs. -Higher Education Funding Council for
England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Istruzione superiore (che conduce poi a un
percorso universitario)
*si distingue dalla further education che va dai
16 ai 18 anni ma non permette l’accesso
46. Home School
A written contract between school, parents or carers and the pupil. It sets out
expectations of attendance, behaviour, standards of education and homework. This is a
statutory document for the governing body.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Disposizioni scolastiche che definiscono gli
obblighi e le aspettative da parte degli istituti e
dei genitori o tutori relativi alla frequenza e al
programma di studi di un/un’ allievo/a.
47. Home Student Home students are considered UK students who are allowed to pay lower fees at
University than overseas students . These are students normally resident in Great Britain
and Northern Ireland. They do not include students living in the Isle of Man and the
Channel Islands.
-wikipedia viewed on
In GB lo status di “studente nazionale” descrive
i requisiti per accedere a rette universitarie
(Tra questi ci sono la residenza in GB da almeno
3 anni per motivi diversi da un’educazione a
tempo pieno, nessun vincolo dell’immigrazione.
Gli altri studenti sono definiti stranieri).
48. IAG Information, advice, guidance offered to students aged 13-19 from their family, school, or
the specialised Connexions service. The aim is to orient them towards effective
professional career choices.
-Government official website, publications,
guidance-in-young-peoples-education-and-employment-choices viewed on 28/10/14
Orientamento professionale/servizio di
orientamento al lavoro
49. ICT Information and communication technologies (ICT)The broad subject concerned with all
aspects of managing and processing information electronically, on databases or in
libraries. -higher education founding council website, glossary,
L’acronimo TIC sta per tecnologie
dell'informazione e della comunicazione che
sono l'insieme dei metodi e
9 viewed on 9/10/14 delle tecnologie che realizzano i sistemi
di trasmissione, ricezione ed elaborazione
di informazioni.
ormazione_e_della_comunicazione Visitatoil
50. IELTS International English Language Testing System. English test managed by the British Council
and partner organisations. Available worldwide. One of the most widely accepted
qualifications in the English language.
-go study website, glossary viewed on 9/10/14
Lo IELTS è l’esame di valutazione delle
competenze linguistiche riconosciuto a livello
-sito Internet del British Council isitato
il 28/10/14
51. ILP Individual Learning Plan is a plan of studies tailored on the individual student’s need and
abilities. It is set up following contiuous dialogue between the teacher and student.
-wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14
Piano di apprendimento individuale ideato
dall’insegnante valorizzando i bisogni e le
abilità del singolo studente.
*non corrisponde al piano di studi individuale
secondo cui lo studente sceglie il suo percorso
da seguire, specie nelle università.
52. Individual Education
A written plan describing the special education program for children with special
education needs to help them to get the most out of their education. This includes specific
strategies used to meet each child’s specific needs.
-Douglas Silas Solicitors website, Glossary, SENCOs, viewed on
Programma educativo individualizzato
rivolto a individui con ritardo o bisogni mentali
53. Key Stages The four stages of pupils’ progress in acquiring knowledge and skills as set out in the
national curriculum. Pupils are tested at the end of each stage: Key Stage 1, where the
majority of pupils are aged 5 to 7; Key Stage 2, where the majority of pupils are aged 7 to
11; Key Stage 3, where the majority of children are aged 11 to 14; and Key Stage 4, where
the majority of pupils are aged 14 to 16. There are statutory assessment arrangements at
the end of Key Stages 1, 2, and 3.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Ciclo di studi scolastici nel sistema educativo
d’obbligo inglese (sono 4 in totale).
54. Learner Support
It is a fund for home students established to give them access to further education and
help with extra costs (e.g. college). It is non-repayable.
-South Tyneside College website, viewed on 28/10/14
Fondo per il sostegno all’istruzione
55. Learning Support
LSAs work with SEN students and aid them in breaking through their learning barriers,
offering support in daily classrooms activities.
-Castle community college website, job offer post,
Insegnante di sostegno.
WSC/WSCSS1/Job-Description-LSA.pdf viewed on 28/10/14
56. Local Education
Authority (LEA)
Local Education Authority. A local government body that is responsible for providing
education and for carrying out statutory assessments and maintaining Statements.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed
on 9/10/14
Provveditorato agli studi
57. Maintained School Schools which are maintained by the LEA and are free.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Scuole pubbliche gratuite sovvenzionate dal
Governo inglese centrale tramite enti e autorità
58. NARIC National Academic Recognition Information Centre whose role is to give advice on the
comparability of international and UK qualifications, and promotes UK qualifications
-GoStudy Uk, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Centro di informazione sul riconoscimento di
titoli di studio e professionali.
(NARIC è istituto internazionale)
-sito internet informa giovani, equipollenza
titoli di studio,
dei-titoli-accademici-finali-italiani ultima
visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
59. NQT A newly qualified teacher.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Un/a insegnante che ha appena ricevuto
l’abilitazione all’insegnamento.
60. Ofqual Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator, the organisation responsible for
regulating qualifications, examinations and national curriculum tests in England.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
In GB è l’ufficio che regola le qualifiche e gli
esami scolastici.
(In Italia queste funzioni vengono svolte
dall’attuale Ministero dell’istruzione,
dell’università e della ricerca).
-sito internet Ministero dell’istruzione,
ultima visualizzazione 31/10/14
61. Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It brings together the
regulation and inspection of day care and children’s social care and the inspection of LA
children’s services, schools, colleges, initial teacher training, work-based learning, adult
education and more.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
In GB è un ufficio che garantisce l’attuazione
degli standard dell’istruzione.
(In Italia corrisponde all’ex Provveditorato agli
studi oggi chiamato ufficio scolastico regionale,
ripartito in "uffici con competenza per ambiti
territoriali" AT dal 2010).
-wikipedia ultima
visualizzazione 31/10/14
62. Oversubscription
They are rules that establish which child can be accepted in a school. They vary according
to the school. – Kent County Council, school places,
and-children/schools/school-places/admissions-criteria, viewed on 28/10/14
Criteri di ammissione in una scuola
63. Parental Preference It is a rule applied in child custody circumstances and it sets preference for biological
parents to keep a child in custody, rather than non-biological ones.
-legal match website,
preference-rule.html viewed on 28/10/14
Preferenza dell’affido di minori a genitori
biologici piuttosto che a famiglie estranee.
64. Permanent
The major punishment a student can receive that means he/she is cancelled from the
school roll and not allowed to attend classes.
-ACE education advice website,
parents/advice-booklets-and-briefings/index viewed on 28/10/14
Espulsione definitiva da un istituto scolastico
65. Planned Admissions
The maximum number of pupils which is admitted by a school into each year.
-Multi-topic online encyclopedia, viewed on 9/10/14
Iscrizioni a numero chiuso.
66. Pupil Referral Unit An establishment maintained by a LA which is specially organised to provide education for
children who are excluded, sick or otherwise able to attend mainstream school, and is not
a community or special school.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
In GB, le unità di reinserimento scolastico sono
dei centri educativi alternativi alla scuola di
frequentazione, usati in caso di sospensione
temporanea o malattia, che offrono un piano di
studi basilare sebbene non completo.
-Sito Internet Eurydice,
p?action=read_cnt&id_cnt=3225 ultima
visualizzazione in data 5/11/14
-Pedagogia speciale in Europa. Problematiche e
stato della ricerca
a cura di A. Lascioli
q&f=false ultima visualizzazione in data
67. Reception Class The very first class at infant school for children aged 4-5 Primo anno di scuola elementare, la prima
68. Registered Teaching
Programme (RTP)
A 2 years programme, in England and Wales, that allows non-graduates who have finished
2 years of higher education to complete their degree and gain Qualified Teacher Status.
-Brightside website, Registered Teacher Programme,
programme viewed on 9/10/14
Corso professionale per ottenere la qualifica di
-sito internet insegno inglese,
2/29/teaching-in-the-uk-2/ ultima
visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
69. SATs Standard Assessment Tests by the National Assessment Agency (NAA) and taken by pupils
at the end of year 2, year 6 and year 9. These tests show each child’s progress compared
with other children born in the same month.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
-Just ask, SATs website, what are SATs, viewed on 9/10/14
esami statali che vogliono stabilire la
preparazione degli studenti con parametri
(sostenuti a 7, 11 e 14 anni d'età)
-sito internet, sistema scolastico in
Gran Bretagna,
scolastico-in-gran-bretagna.php ultima
visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
70. School and College
Performance Tables
Indicators produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) which measure the
performance of higher education institutions, show achievements of students and
compare these results with other schools in UK.
-Official UK Government website, statistics, performance tables,
england-2012-to-2013 viewed on 9/10/14
-Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Indicatori della performance scolastica
71. SENCO “Special educational needs coordinator” - A SENCO is responsible for the day-to-day
operation of the school's special educational need (SEN) policy.
-Douglas Silas Solicitors website, SEN, what do SENCOs do?, viewed on 9/10/14
Coordinatore delle attività di sostegno
72. Sixth Form It is divided into lower and upper forms. It is the final 2 years of education before
accessing University. The term sixth becomes from the previously used term “forms” to
indicate 5 years of secondary education.
-wikipedia viewed on 31/10/14
Sono il 4° e 5° anno della scuola media
superiore in Italia.
(In GB non sono obbligatori, benché necessari
per accedere all’università ottenendo un
ulteriore diploma).
73. Skills for Life A government’s skills strategy, in England, to improve adults’ basic skills in literacy,
numeracy and language.
Strategia di promozione dello sviluppo
personale e sociale degli studenti.
-The Internet, Wikipedia, viewed on 9/10/14
74. Skills Funding
An agency which funds skills training for businesses and people in order to succeed in
playing their part in society and supporting England’s economy.
-The Internet, Wikipedia, viewed on 9/10/14
Agenzia governativa che finanzia i programmi si
formazione secondaria.
-Sito Internet Documenta, Banche dati del
ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
75. Special Schools Schools that are specially organised to make special educational provisions for pupils with
SEN that cannot be met within mainstream school.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14
Scuole per alunni con esigenze speciali. (In GB
queste scuole hanno infrastrutture e
programmi didattici specifici per alunni
portatori di handicap mentali o/e fisici).
76. Statement of Special
Educational Needs
A written statement of a child’s special educational needs and all the extra help that he or
she should receive. The arrangements are made by the LA.
-Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14
Certificazione che descrive nei dettagli i bisogni
educativi speciali di un individuo.
77. Statutory
A very detailed examination of a child’s special educational needs.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14
Valutazione dettagliata e approfondita dei
bisogni di un bambino diretta dal
Provveditorato agli studi (LEA in Gran
78. Sure Start An innovative cross-departmental strategy to improve services for children under 4 and
those in disadvantages areas.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Iniziativa avviata dal Governo inglese nel 1988
per assicurare una fase confortevole nei primi
anni di vita ad ogni bambino.
(Ad esempio nelle zone e in condizioni disagiate
tramite una buona istruzione, assistenza
sanitaria e alla famiglia).
-wikipedia visitato
il 31/10/14
79. UCAS “Universities and colleges admissions service” – A UK-based charity whose role is
processing applications for university courses.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on
Servizio di Ammissione alle Università e ai
80. Vertical Grouping Classes formed (in primary schools) with pupils of different age groups.
-St Andrew Primary School website, glossary,
body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14
Raggruppamento verticale che unisce alunni di
diverse classi nelle stesse fasce di età per
attività didattiche aperte.

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  • 1. 1 EDUCATION TERM Definition/explanation TRANSLATION 1. 16-19 Bursary A bursary to help 16 to 19 aged students with education-related costs (e.g. clothing, books and other equipment, transport and lunch). -official Government website, viewed on 28/10/14 Borsa di studio statale per studenti dai 16 ai 19 anni (concessa dallo stato inglese). 2. Academies All ability independent schools funded by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups working in partnerships with central Government and local education partners. They offer a broad and balanced curriculum including a specialism to secondary age students. –department for education website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 È uno status di istituto scolastico (per lo più secondari, talvolta primari) indipendente dal controllo diretto delle autorità locali e finanziato dallo Stato. (Possono variare calendario scolastico e programmi). -wikipedia, _school) -sito ufficiale governo inglese Gov.Uk, accademie funding allocations, allocations ultima visualizzazione 14/11/14 3. Access to HE The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. -Access to higher education website, what is access to HE?, viewed on 9/10/14 Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore che permette l'accesso all'università. -The European Education Directory website, ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 -sito ufficiale istat, titoli di studio, one-titoli-studio-28_ott_2005- nota_metodologica.pdf ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 4. Admission Authority The authority that determines which criteria will be used if there are more applications than places. For community schools the admitting authority is the Local Education Authority (like for most schools). For all other schools the Governing Body is the admitting authority, including Voluntary Aided Schools, Voluntary Controlled Schools, Foundation Schools, and Academies. –school appeals, FAQs, viewed on 9/10/14 Autorità scolastica competente che determina quali criteri devono essere considerati in caso di eccesso di iscrizioni. (In Italia questo ruolo viene svolto dal Consiglio di Istituto) -documento pdf, sito internet ed scuola, punto
  • 2. 2 5.4 /di177_97.pdf e'istituto Ultima visualizzazione 31/10/14 5. Admission Criteria Criteria that the admitting authority decides to apply when a school is oversubscribed. They can establish which applications are successful. -School Appeals website, questions, viewed on 9/10/14 Criteri di ammissione 6. Authorised Absence Where the absence of a pupil has been agreed by the person authorised on their behalf by the proprietor of the school. -Challney School official website, glossary, information/a-z-glossary-of-terms-used-in-education.php viewed on 9/10/14 Assenza giustificata 7. Autistic Spectrum Disorder Disorder creating neurodiversity, unusual social interactions and repetitive behaviour- NHS, A-Z, overview, disorder/pages/introduction.aspx viewed on 28/10/14 Disturbi dello spettro autistico -sito Internet ISS 2&lang=1 Visitato il 28/10/14 8. Banding Educational system that puts pupils into broad ability bands. –history learning sitewebsite, education and sociology, viewed on 28/10/14 Sistema educativo per il quale gli studenti vengono suddivisi in gruppi di varie abilità. 9. Beacon Schools The Ministerial award of Beacon status was awarded to high performing schools, which have achieved an excellent FEFC inspection report (defined as five grade 1s). e.g. schools doing a superb job in areas of social deprivation. -Department for education official website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 -City and Islington College website, about us, our achievements, viewed on 9/10/14 Scuole prestigiose insignite del premio Beacon. (“Beacon school” è una nomina governativa concessa alle scuole elementari e medie per gli ottimi risultati raggiunti in termini di rendimento scolastico, varie attività extra scolastiche, valori trasmessi agli allievi come multiculturalità). -J.K. Rowiling’s website, on-awards-for-philanthropy-2013/ ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 10. BIS Department of Business, Innovation and Skills which is responsible for higher education in England. -Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB è il Ministero del commercio, dell’industria e dell’istruzione superiore -Il ruolo del venture capital e del private equity nel capitale di rischio, di Maurizio Rija
  • 3. 3 20UC&pg=PA58&lpg=PA58&dq=Department+of +Business,+Innovation+and+Skills++dipartiment o&source=bl&ots=ZWSiksqSOL&sig=H2MKWxK USHpbbyoFSM- sgUuWIFE&hl=it&sa=X&ei=oL4vVPPWOJHxavz WgKAG&ved=0CGMQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q= Department%20of%20Business%2C%20Innovati on%20and%20Skills%20%20dipartimento&f=fal se ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 11. Bullying Repeated verbal intimidating and domineering behaviour exerted on a young person -wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14 Esercitare il bullismo/prendersi gioco di qualcuno 12. Catchment Area A defined geographical area from which a school takes its pupils. –Challney college website, information, education.php viewed on 9/10/14 Bacino di utenza 13. Child Protection Register A central register maintained by Social Services which lists children in the area who are considered to be suffering from, or are likely to suffer, significant harm and for whom there is a protection plan. - St Andrews Major Primary School website, glossary viewed on 9/10/14 Registro dei minori a rischio o potenziale rischio di abuso 14. Childminder A registered and qualified person who looks after children under the age of eight to whom they are not related on domestic premises for reward and for a total of more than 2 hours in any day. -Leighton Buzzard Childminding Association website, pdf download, viewed on 9/10/14 Persona qualificata addetta alla cura dei bambini (diversa dalla baby-sitter) Sinon. balia, governante, istitutrice, nutrice. -sito inglese Net mums, differenza tra babysitter e child minder, g-childcare-692/childcare-691/733658- babysitter-vs-nanny-vs-childminder-all.html ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 15. Children’s Centre An education centre which focuses on children's abilities, aptitudes and interests. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Centro per l’infanzia -sito web trentino sociale, centri per l’infanzia, -ai-cittadini/Guida-ai-servizi/per-tipo-di- servizio/Presso-strutture/Centro-per-l-infanzia ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14
  • 4. 4 16. Community School A state school in England and Wales that is wholly owned and maintained by the LA. Local Authority (formerly Local Education Authority). –education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB è un tipo di scuola pubblica fondata e gestita dalle autorità locali. *differente dal concetto di scuola comunitaria intesa in italiano, volta invece a progetti comunitari per rifugiati o minoranze etniche in loco o in zone remote gestite da ONG. 17. Comprehensive School Contrary to selective school system, comprehensive schools do not base their admissions on the academic achievement or aptitude. They consider a wider curriculum, practical subject ( and vocational studies not foreseen in previous grammar schools. -wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14 Scuola media pubblica che fornisce un’istruzione completa senza restrizioni di abilità (7-11 anni). *DIFFERENTE dagli ISTITUTI COMPRENSIVI, vedi il sito Internet di Forlì, amica.aspx?idArea=119952&idCat=158907&ID =158912 Visitato il 28/10/14 18. Contact Hours A 50 minutes classroom period. -University of South Florida website, viewed on 28/10/14 Ore di formazione (il cui conteggio vale per i crediti formativi). 19. CRB The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have been replaced by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). DBS helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent potentially harmful people from working with vulnerable groups like children. -Government data website, data, viewed on 28/10/14 Certificato penale in GB che corrisponde al certificato dei carichi pendenti in Italia. -sito Internet Ministero della Giustizia, come fare per, wp visitato il 30/10/14 20. Crèche Day nursery for very young children. –wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14 Asilo nido 21. CTC (City Technical College) Independent, all ability, non-fee-paying schools for pupils aged 11 to 18. There are two CTCs and one City College for the Technology of the Arts (CCTA) in urban areas across England. CTCs teach the national curriculum to under- 16-year-olds with a focus on science, mathematics and technology. They offer a wide range of vocational qualifications. -education in England website, viewed on 9/10/14 Scuole secondarie indipendenti dal controllo delle autorità locali che seguono programmi nazionali ma si specializzano in materie tecnologiche. 22. Detention Punishment that consists on holding pupils at school after finishing their school day for a max time of 30 minutes. -Free Dictionary by Farlex, viewed on 28/10/14 Nella scuola inglese è un tipo di punizione che consiste nel trattenere i bambini a scuola oltre il termine previsto delle lezioni. (accade ad esempio nel caso di continui ritardi). 23. Differentiation Differentiation or differentiated instruction is a strategy used by educators to meet the special needs of students. It increases the likelihood of successful learning for a classroom Educazione differenziata -Internet, Wikipedia,
  • 5. 5 of individuals with varied needs. -The Internet, wikihow website, viewed on 9/10/14 nziata ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 -sito laurento, download documento pdf, allegati/files/SchedaEducazione%20differenziat a.pdf ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 24. Directed time Time when a teacher must be available to carry out duties under the direction of the head. A full-time teacher's directed time is 1,265 hours in any school year. -multi topics online encyclopedia, viewed on 9/10/14 Ore di insegnamento aggiuntive (1.265 ore max stabilite dal documento legislativo) -sito inglese nasuwt, pagina pensions, directed time. ditions/England/Conditions/DirectedTime/#Dire ctedTime ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 25. Disapplication Partial or total modification of the national curriculum requirements in relation to pupils who are not able to take part in some assessment in specified cases or circumstances. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Esonero da una o più attività scolastica/che -Internet, Wikipedia, ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 26. Dyslexia Specific learning disorder of children who have difficulty in acquiring spelling, reading, numeracy skills and writing. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Dislessia 27. EAL English as an Additional Language schools involve students whose learning experience differs from English native speakers because of their cultural backgrounds and communities. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Scuola/Istruzione che prevede l’inglese come lingua aggiuntiva. 28. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) It is a stage of children’s development from birth to the end of their first (Reception) year in school. five (0–5). –education in England website, viewed on 9/10/14 Età prescolare 29. Educational Psychologist Trained teachers with a degree in Psychology employed by the LEA to advise and help teachers and where necessary, to make recommendations to the LEA on providing for the needs of some children. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, Psicologo specializzato nell’ambito dell’educazione -wikipedia'edu
  • 6. 6 viewed on 9/10/14 cazione visitato il 28/10/14 30. Educational Welfare Officer Person employed by the LEA to help parents and LEAs meet their respective statutory obligations in respect of school attendance. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Assistente sociale nell’ambito educativo *distinto dall’assistente scolastico in Italia (bidello). 31. EMAG (Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant) Grant established to narrow achievement gaps for pupils from minority ethnic groups who are at risk of underachieving and to fulfil the particular needs of bilingual pupils. -Department for Education official website, pupil support, ethnicity, uk/schools/pupilsupport/inclusionandlearnersupport/mea/a0076833/ethnic-minority- achievement-grant viewed on 9/10/14 borse di studio per gli studenti più profittevoli appartenenti a minoranze etniche. 32. Equal Opportunities Policy EOP - A governing body’s thinking and practice on issues of equality surrounding gender, race, sexuality, disability and class. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Politica sulle pari opportunità 33. ESOL It stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages and normally relates to the teaching and learning settings. -The free dictionary by Farlex, viewed on 28/10/14 Acronimo per descrivere “Inglese per parlanti di lingua straniera”. (ESOL viene usato in ambito educativo e spesso associato agli esami di lingua inglese di livello avanzato, richiesto anche per insegnare). 34. Exclusion Banning a pupil officially from school by the head teacher, either temporarily or permanently, on disciplinary grounds. -Education in England website, glossary, -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Sospensione temporanea o permanente dalle lezioni scolastiche 35. Failing School Failing schools are defined as those with poor quality of education provided and pupil’s achievements. They sometimes may not have received sufficient support by local education authorities. -University of Leeds website viewed on 28/10/14 Scuola con un sistema educativo fallimentare che non ha raggiunto gli obiettivi disciplinari e di studi previsti. 36. Free School A new state-funded school which is to be set up by a charity, business, community, group of teachers or parents and which has the same legal structure as an academy. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Scuola libera indipendente (non controllata dall’autorità locale). 37. Free School Meals Number of pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals who have full Buoni pasto concessi agli alunni che
  • 7. 7 time attendance and are aged 15 or under, or who have part time attendance and are aged between 5 and 15. -Government education website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 usufruiscono della mensa scolastica. 38. Functional Skills They are skills in Math, English and Information & communication technology student above 14 are required to have to start to work in several settings. There are Functional skills qualifications for different levels. -functional skills website, Skills-faqs.php viewed on 28/10/14 Competenze funzionali ossia capacità che gli studenti sviluppano tramite il percorso di studi dell’inglese, della matematica e delle TIC. (al livello 1 di apprendimento “attainment target” del key stage 3 e al livello 2 del key stage 4, segnando il passaggio rispettosamente dal livello secondario inferiore a quello superiore e dall’istruzione obbligatoria a quella post-obbligatoria). -sito Internet Indire, =read&id=1543 visitatoil 28/10/14 39. Further Education Further education is for people over compulsory school age (currently 16 in England) which does not take place in a secondary school. Further education courses are generally vocational, up to the standard of GCE A-level or NVQ Level 3. -education in England website, -Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Istruzione post-obbligatoria non universitaria con corsi di formazione professionale 40. GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education. The first qualification obtained by UK students, at the age of about 16. There is no age limit, mature or international students may take GCSE examinations. -go study uk website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB è il diploma che si ottiene alla fine della scuola d’obbligo secondaria *similmente corrisponde al diploma di maturità. 41. GNVQ General National Vocational Qualifications - broad-based vocational qualifications offered to 14-19 year olds at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14 Attestati nazionali di qualifica professionale. 42. Governing Body The council, board of governors or other body ultimately responsible for the affairs of a provider. It is formed by 'lay members' who give their time voluntarily. -Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Organo scolastico esecutivo locale (In Italia corrisponde alle unità scolastiche provinciali gestite dalle unità regionali, precedente Provveditorato agli studi). 43. Grammar School Selective secondary schools entrance is based on a test of ability, usually at age 11. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14 Scuola secondaria a indirizzo umanistico, molto selettiva ed elitaria, finanziata dallo Stato -sito internet scolastico-in-gran-bretagna.php ultima
  • 8. 8 visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 44. Gross Motor Skills They are intended as the motor development of children in early years. These skills involve development of posture, learning to work, speak and interact. -wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14 Abilità motorie globali -Strumenti di valutazione clinica in neuropsichiatria dell'età evolutiva Di Carlo Cianchetti,Cianchetti, Fedrizzi, Riva, Pfanner 9UgC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=abilit%C3%A0+ motorie+globali&source=bl&ots=hUGMenPVB6 &sig=ifj8jC6zIUNk1_ZZ2iaGzGJBP6c&hl=it&sa= X&ei=h4tTVP7nG7SM7AacoYC4Bg&ved=0CFUQ 6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=abilit%C3%A0%20mot orie%20globali&f=false Visitatoil 28/10/14 45. Higher Education Higher education courses are programmes leading to qualifications, or credits which can be counted towards qualifications, which are above the standard of GCE A-levels or other Level 3 qualifications. They include degree courses, postgraduate courses and sub-degree courses such as those leading to HNCs or HNDs. -Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Istruzione superiore (che conduce poi a un percorso universitario) *si distingue dalla further education che va dai 16 ai 18 anni ma non permette l’accesso all’università. 46. Home School Arrangements A written contract between school, parents or carers and the pupil. It sets out expectations of attendance, behaviour, standards of education and homework. This is a statutory document for the governing body. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Disposizioni scolastiche che definiscono gli obblighi e le aspettative da parte degli istituti e dei genitori o tutori relativi alla frequenza e al programma di studi di un/un’ allievo/a. 47. Home Student Home students are considered UK students who are allowed to pay lower fees at University than overseas students . These are students normally resident in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. They do not include students living in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. -wikipedia viewed on 9/10/14 In GB lo status di “studente nazionale” descrive i requisiti per accedere a rette universitarie inferiori. (Tra questi ci sono la residenza in GB da almeno 3 anni per motivi diversi da un’educazione a tempo pieno, nessun vincolo dell’immigrazione. Gli altri studenti sono definiti stranieri). 48. IAG Information, advice, guidance offered to students aged 13-19 from their family, school, or the specialised Connexions service. The aim is to orient them towards effective professional career choices. -Government official website, publications, guidance-in-young-peoples-education-and-employment-choices viewed on 28/10/14 Orientamento professionale/servizio di orientamento al lavoro 49. ICT Information and communication technologies (ICT)The broad subject concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information electronically, on databases or in libraries. -higher education founding council website, glossary, L’acronimo TIC sta per tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione che sono l'insieme dei metodi e
  • 9. 9 viewed on 9/10/14 delle tecnologie che realizzano i sistemi di trasmissione, ricezione ed elaborazione di informazioni. -wikipedia'inf ormazione_e_della_comunicazione Visitatoil 28/10/14 50. IELTS International English Language Testing System. English test managed by the British Council and partner organisations. Available worldwide. One of the most widely accepted qualifications in the English language. -go study website, glossary viewed on 9/10/14 Lo IELTS è l’esame di valutazione delle competenze linguistiche riconosciuto a livello internazionale. -sito Internet del British Council isitato il 28/10/14 51. ILP Individual Learning Plan is a plan of studies tailored on the individual student’s need and abilities. It is set up following contiuous dialogue between the teacher and student. -wikipedia viewed on 28/10/14 Piano di apprendimento individuale ideato dall’insegnante valorizzando i bisogni e le abilità del singolo studente. *non corrisponde al piano di studi individuale secondo cui lo studente sceglie il suo percorso da seguire, specie nelle università. 52. Individual Education Plan A written plan describing the special education program for children with special education needs to help them to get the most out of their education. This includes specific strategies used to meet each child’s specific needs. -Douglas Silas Solicitors website, Glossary, SENCOs, viewed on 9/10/14 Programma educativo individualizzato rivolto a individui con ritardo o bisogni mentali speciali. 53. Key Stages The four stages of pupils’ progress in acquiring knowledge and skills as set out in the national curriculum. Pupils are tested at the end of each stage: Key Stage 1, where the majority of pupils are aged 5 to 7; Key Stage 2, where the majority of pupils are aged 7 to 11; Key Stage 3, where the majority of children are aged 11 to 14; and Key Stage 4, where the majority of pupils are aged 14 to 16. There are statutory assessment arrangements at the end of Key Stages 1, 2, and 3. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Ciclo di studi scolastici nel sistema educativo d’obbligo inglese (sono 4 in totale). 54. Learner Support Fund It is a fund for home students established to give them access to further education and help with extra costs (e.g. college). It is non-repayable. -South Tyneside College website, viewed on 28/10/14 Fondo per il sostegno all’istruzione professionale. 55. Learning Support Assistant LSAs work with SEN students and aid them in breaking through their learning barriers, offering support in daily classrooms activities. -Castle community college website, job offer post, Insegnante di sostegno.
  • 10. 10 WSC/WSCSS1/Job-Description-LSA.pdf viewed on 28/10/14 56. Local Education Authority (LEA) Local Education Authority. A local government body that is responsible for providing education and for carrying out statutory assessments and maintaining Statements. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Provveditorato agli studi 57. Maintained School Schools which are maintained by the LEA and are free. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 28/10/14 Scuole pubbliche gratuite sovvenzionate dal Governo inglese centrale tramite enti e autorità locali. 58. NARIC National Academic Recognition Information Centre whose role is to give advice on the comparability of international and UK qualifications, and promotes UK qualifications overseas. -GoStudy Uk, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Centro di informazione sul riconoscimento di titoli di studio e professionali. (NARIC è istituto internazionale) -sito internet informa giovani, equipollenza titoli di studio, agna/studiare-e-lavorare-allestero/studenti- informati/il-riconoscimento-dei-titoli-di- studio/equipollenza-e-riconoscimento-allestero- dei-titoli-accademici-finali-italiani ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 59. NQT A newly qualified teacher. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Un/a insegnante che ha appena ricevuto l’abilitazione all’insegnamento. 60. Ofqual Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator, the organisation responsible for regulating qualifications, examinations and national curriculum tests in England. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB è l’ufficio che regola le qualifiche e gli esami scolastici. (In Italia queste funzioni vengono svolte dall’attuale Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca). -sito internet Ministero dell’istruzione, ultima visualizzazione 31/10/14 61. Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It brings together the regulation and inspection of day care and children’s social care and the inspection of LA children’s services, schools, colleges, initial teacher training, work-based learning, adult education and more. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB è un ufficio che garantisce l’attuazione degli standard dell’istruzione. (In Italia corrisponde all’ex Provveditorato agli studi oggi chiamato ufficio scolastico regionale, ripartito in "uffici con competenza per ambiti territoriali" AT dal 2010).
  • 11. 11 -wikipedia ultima visualizzazione 31/10/14 62. Oversubscription Criteria They are rules that establish which child can be accepted in a school. They vary according to the school. – Kent County Council, school places, and-children/schools/school-places/admissions-criteria, viewed on 28/10/14 Criteri di ammissione in una scuola 63. Parental Preference It is a rule applied in child custody circumstances and it sets preference for biological parents to keep a child in custody, rather than non-biological ones. -legal match website, preference-rule.html viewed on 28/10/14 Preferenza dell’affido di minori a genitori biologici piuttosto che a famiglie estranee. 64. Permanent Exclusion The major punishment a student can receive that means he/she is cancelled from the school roll and not allowed to attend classes. -ACE education advice website, parents/advice-booklets-and-briefings/index viewed on 28/10/14 Espulsione definitiva da un istituto scolastico 65. Planned Admissions Number The maximum number of pupils which is admitted by a school into each year. -Multi-topic online encyclopedia, viewed on 9/10/14 Iscrizioni a numero chiuso. 66. Pupil Referral Unit An establishment maintained by a LA which is specially organised to provide education for children who are excluded, sick or otherwise able to attend mainstream school, and is not a community or special school. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 In GB, le unità di reinserimento scolastico sono dei centri educativi alternativi alla scuola di frequentazione, usati in caso di sospensione temporanea o malattia, che offrono un piano di studi basilare sebbene non completo. -Sito Internet Eurydice, p?action=read_cnt&id_cnt=3225 ultima visualizzazione in data 5/11/14 -Pedagogia speciale in Europa. Problematiche e stato della ricerca a cura di A. Lascioli zI4C&pg=PA217&lpg=PA217&dq=Pupil+Referra l+Unit+unit%C3%A0+di+riferimento+scolastica &source=bl&ots=ydvWCzFJIm&sig=SMiBJ1TJcPs f4snP1OgrHzFoN04&hl=it&sa=X&ei=CvIvVP7QA tbtar_1geAI&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAw#v=onepage& q&f=false ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 67. Reception Class The very first class at infant school for children aged 4-5 Primo anno di scuola elementare, la prima elementare.
  • 12. 12 68. Registered Teaching Programme (RTP) A 2 years programme, in England and Wales, that allows non-graduates who have finished 2 years of higher education to complete their degree and gain Qualified Teacher Status. -Brightside website, Registered Teacher Programme, programme viewed on 9/10/14 Corso professionale per ottenere la qualifica di insegnante -sito internet insegno inglese, 2/29/teaching-in-the-uk-2/ ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 69. SATs Standard Assessment Tests by the National Assessment Agency (NAA) and taken by pupils at the end of year 2, year 6 and year 9. These tests show each child’s progress compared with other children born in the same month. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 -Just ask, SATs website, what are SATs, viewed on 9/10/14 esami statali che vogliono stabilire la preparazione degli studenti con parametri standard (sostenuti a 7, 11 e 14 anni d'età) -sito internet, sistema scolastico in Gran Bretagna, scolastico-in-gran-bretagna.php ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 70. School and College Performance Tables Indicators produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) which measure the performance of higher education institutions, show achievements of students and compare these results with other schools in UK. -Official UK Government website, statistics, performance tables, england-2012-to-2013 viewed on 9/10/14 -Higher Education Funding Council for England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Indicatori della performance scolastica 71. SENCO “Special educational needs coordinator” - A SENCO is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the school's special educational need (SEN) policy. -Douglas Silas Solicitors website, SEN, what do SENCOs do?, viewed on 9/10/14 Coordinatore delle attività di sostegno 72. Sixth Form It is divided into lower and upper forms. It is the final 2 years of education before accessing University. The term sixth becomes from the previously used term “forms” to indicate 5 years of secondary education. -wikipedia viewed on 31/10/14 Sono il 4° e 5° anno della scuola media superiore in Italia. (In GB non sono obbligatori, benché necessari per accedere all’università ottenendo un ulteriore diploma). 73. Skills for Life A government’s skills strategy, in England, to improve adults’ basic skills in literacy, numeracy and language. Strategia di promozione dello sviluppo personale e sociale degli studenti.
  • 13. 13 -The Internet, Wikipedia, viewed on 9/10/14 74. Skills Funding Agency An agency which funds skills training for businesses and people in order to succeed in playing their part in society and supporting England’s economy. -The Internet, Wikipedia, viewed on 9/10/14 Agenzia governativa che finanzia i programmi si formazione secondaria. -Sito Internet Documenta, Banche dati del lavoro, da.action?product=DOCUMENTA&uid=7e6dab1 a-87b7-45f3-80eb-01d6ed297fe6&title=scheda ultima visualizzazione in data 9/10/14 75. Special Schools Schools that are specially organised to make special educational provisions for pupils with SEN that cannot be met within mainstream school. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14 Scuole per alunni con esigenze speciali. (In GB queste scuole hanno infrastrutture e programmi didattici specifici per alunni portatori di handicap mentali o/e fisici). 76. Statement of Special Educational Needs A written statement of a child’s special educational needs and all the extra help that he or she should receive. The arrangements are made by the LA. -Education in England website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Certificazione che descrive nei dettagli i bisogni educativi speciali di un individuo. 77. Statutory Assessment A very detailed examination of a child’s special educational needs. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14 Valutazione dettagliata e approfondita dei bisogni di un bambino diretta dal Provveditorato agli studi (LEA in Gran Bretagna). 78. Sure Start An innovative cross-departmental strategy to improve services for children under 4 and those in disadvantages areas. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Iniziativa avviata dal Governo inglese nel 1988 per assicurare una fase confortevole nei primi anni di vita ad ogni bambino. (Ad esempio nelle zone e in condizioni disagiate tramite una buona istruzione, assistenza sanitaria e alla famiglia). -wikipedia visitato il 31/10/14 79. UCAS “Universities and colleges admissions service” – A UK-based charity whose role is processing applications for university courses. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, viewed on 9/10/14 Servizio di Ammissione alle Università e ai College. 80. Vertical Grouping Classes formed (in primary schools) with pupils of different age groups. -St Andrew Primary School website, glossary, body/glossary-of-educational-terms viewed on 9/10/14 Raggruppamento verticale che unisce alunni di diverse classi nelle stesse fasce di età per attività didattiche aperte.
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