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Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
void unsetCursor(void)
void unsetLayoutDirection(void)
void unsetLocale(void)
void update(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void updateGeometry(void)
bool updatesEnabled(void)
QRegion visibleRegion(void)
QString whatsThis(void)
int width(void)
int winId(void)
QWidget *window(void)
QString windowFilePath(void)
int windowFlags(void)
QIcon windowIcon(void)
QString windowIconText(void)
int windowModality(void)
double windowOpacity(void)
QString windowRole(void)
int windowState(void)
QString windowTitle(void)
int windowType(void)
int x(void)
int y(void)
bool close(void)
void hide(void)
void lower(void)
void raise(void)
void setDisabled(bool disable)
void setEnabled(bool)
void setHidden(bool hidden)
void setStyleSheet(QString)
void setWindowModified(bool)
void setWindowTitle(QString)
void show(void)
void showFullScreen(void)
void showMaximized(void)
void showMinimized(void)
void showNormal(void)
QWidget *find(int id)
QWidget *keyboardGrabber(void)
QWidget *mouseGrabber(void)
void setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second)
name: QLabel
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
int alignment(void)
QWidget *buddy(void)
bool hasScaledContents(void)
bool hasSelectedText(void)
int indent(void)
int margin(void)
QMovie *movie(void)
bool openExternalLinks(void)
QPicture *picture(void)
78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 881
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
QPixmap *pixmap(void)
QString selectedText(void)
int selectionStart(void)
void setAlignment(int)
void setBuddy(QWidget *buddy)
void setIndent(int)
void setMargin(int)
void setOpenExternalLinks(bool open)
void setScaledContents(bool)
void setSelection(int start, int length)
void setTextFormat(int)
void setTextInteractionFlags(int flags)
void setWordWrap(bool on)
QString text(void)
int textFormat(void)
int textInteractionFlags(void)
bool wordWrap(void)
void clear(void)
void setMovie(QMovie *movie)
void setNum(double num)
void setPicture(QPicture)
void setPixmap(QPixmap)
void setText(QString)
name: QPushButton
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
codename: GPushButton
void setText(const char *)
void setClickEvent(const char *)
void setIcon(QIcon)
void setIconSize(QSize)
name: QLineEdit
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
codename: GLineEdit
int alignment(void)
void backspace(void)
QCompleter *completer(void)
QMenu *createStandardContextMenu(void)
void cursorBackward(bool mark, int steps)
void cursorForward(bool mark, int steps)
int cursorMoveStyle(void)
int cursorPosition(void)
int cursorPositionAt(QPoint)
void cursorWordBackward(bool mark)
void cursorWordForward(bool mark)
void del(void)
void deselect(void)
78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 882
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
QString displayText(void)
bool dragEnabled(void)
int echoMode(void)
void end(bool mark)
void getTextMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
bool hasAcceptableInput(void)
bool hasFrame(void)
bool hasSelectedText(void)
void home(bool mark)
QString inputMask(void)
void insert(QString)
bool isModified(void)
bool isReadOnly(void)
bool isRedoAvailable(void)
bool isUndoAvailable(void)
int maxLength(void)
QString placeholderText(void)
QString selectedText(void)
int selectionStart(void)
void setAlignment(int flag)
void setCompleter(QCompleter *c)
void setCursorMoveStyle(int style)
void setCursorPosition(int)
void setDragEnabled(bool b)
void setEchoMode(int)
void setFrame(bool)
void setInputMask(QString)
void setMaxLength(int)
void setModified(bool)
void setPlaceholderText(QString)
void setReadOnly(bool)
void setSelection(int start, int length)
void setTextMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void setValidator(QValidator *v)
QString text(void)
QMargins textMargins(void)
QValidator *validator(void)
void clear(void)
void copy(void)
void cut(void)
void paste(void)
void redo(void)
void selectAll(void)
void setText(QString)
void undo(void)
void setTextChangedEvent(const char *)
void setcursorPositionChangedEvent(const char *)
void seteditingFinishedEvent(const char *)
void setreturnPressedEvent(const char *)
void setselectionChangedEvent(const char *)
void settextEditedEvent(const char *)
Note: Most of the content of the previous configuration file is removed from this documentation, for a complete
version see the Ring source code distribution.
78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 883
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
78.20 Static Methods
Starting from Ring 1.8 the code generator support the staticmethods option.
So the code generator can know that the class doesn’t need an object to call the methods.
name: QStandardPaths
para: void
QString displayName(QStandardPaths::StandardLocation type)
QString findExecutable(QString executableName, QStringList paths))
78.21 Configuration Files Examples
You can learn from the next examples
• RingAllegro :
• RingQt :
• RingLibSDL :
After modifing the configuration file, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from the next examples
• RingAllegro :
• RingQt :
• RingLibSDL :
After generating the code, You will need to build the library, You can learn from the next examples
• RingAllegro :
• RingQt :
• RingLibSDL :
78.20. Static Methods 884
In this chapter we will create RingBeep
RingBeep is a simple extension for the beep() function in Windows API
Just a simple example about creating extensions
79.1 Location
You will find this extension in the ring/extensions/ringbeep folder
79.2 Steps to create the extension
At first we write the configuration file in :
The file contains
#include "windows.h"
int Beep(int dwFreq,int dwDuration)
Then we run : gencode.bat to generate ringbeep.c
The gencode.bat contains the next command to call Ring Extensions Generator
ring ..codegenparsec.ring ringbeep.c
Then we build the extension using :
The file buildvc.bat contains the next commands to build the extension using Visual C/C++
call ../../src/locatevc.bat
cl /c /DEBUG ringbeep.c -I"....include"
link /DEBUG ringbeep.obj ....libring.lib kernel32.lib /DLL /OUT:ringbeep.dll ^
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
del ringbeep.obj
79.3 Testing the extension
Then we test the function using
ring test.ring
The file test.ring contains
for f = 750 to 1000 step 50
79.3. Testing the extension 886
80.1 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Language (YAPL)?
The language comes with better support for natural language programming and declarative programming. The inno-
vation comes in supporting these paradigms with new practical techniques on the top of object-oriented programming
and functional programming. Ring provides the programmers with the tools required to build a natural language like
Supernova or a declarative language like REBOL and QML without the need to know anything about (compilers and
parsing). You get the language constructs ready for use to create domain-specific languages in a fraction of time.
Take a look at the Supernova programming language, in this language you can type: (I want window and the window
title is hello world.) and it will create a GUI window with “Hello, World!” as the window title. When I created
Supernova language in 2010, i discovered that using the natural code can be (similar to English and without limits and
we can use the power of human language in programming) but to implement that you need a new language that has:
1. General Purpose
2. Practical
3. Can create natural languages very quickly.
So we can get a system that can increase ease of use and productivity to the maximum level.
So I created Ring because it was the best way to achieve this goal.
Supernova was just a test of the idea, it helped getting a better view of the advantages and the disadvantages of the idea.
And After testing the new ideas you are provided with something practical. So now we have Ring after Supernova.
A story that is maybe similar to having Python after ABC.Where Python avoids the problems of ABC, but keeps the
advantages of ABC. Also, Ring learns from Ruby and ROR’s story. The language power could appear in frameworks
better than the direct usage as a general purpose language. Also Ring comes with a clear goal/motivation; (Creating a
new version of the PWCT Software) something that was learned from the design the C language in a certain way to
create the Unix Operating System. In other words, you have a goal that directs you in each design decision.
You will understand the value of our decisions once you start trying to solve the problem that we will use Ring to solve.
The questions is: could you enable any one in the world without knowledge about computer programming concepts
to create very powerful software? Scientifically the answer is (visual Programming) and (natural Programming). In
practice we are still away from switching to these paradigms without introducing other problems. Ring is designed
to solve this problem. It is designed to provide natural programming in a practical way. And to create a powerful
visual programming tool. Ring is designed to be a new world of programming after 10 years of research in visual
programming and natural languages.
The Ring Programming Language (Compiler+VM) is developed 100% using visual programming without writing a
single line of code. I used my tool (Programming Without Coding Technology) to design everything and get the C
code generated for me.
Advantages ?
1. Faster
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
2. No Syntax Errors
3. Easy to understand and manage the code because the abstraction level is higher
4. No critical disadvantages because you can control everything as writing your code.
Using my experience in using visual programming for 10 years and natural programming for 5 years, I designed Ring
to move the knowledge to mainstream programmers by providing a practical language that supports these ideas.
I agree that each programmer/developer has the freedom to form his opinions about any software including program-
ming languages. Ring is not an exception but you may miss the idea behind the language. It is innovative and may
help you to think differently about how to solve your problems. Maybe this is not clear to many programmers because
It is a practical language and includes many features known to programmers and when a programmer looks at the
language they maight think that nothing new because it’s familiar. I created Ring to solve problems in a different way.
Where I will start programming just by describing the software using new natural interfaces that I will implement later
when I move from the design stage to the implementation stage. (I don’t determine the time to switch between stages,
You are free to use Agile methods). Since Ring is a new language you have 3 options:
1. To not care at all for now.
2. Think of the future of the language and help us if you understand the idea and want to contribute.
3. Wait and come back again in the future to use it.
• Ring is designed based on a need to develop a new version of the PWCT software.
Once we finish PWCT 2.0 we will have good and large software developed using Ring.
• We will push declarative and natural paradigms many steps forward. Also in next versions
we have a plan to present a new paradigm for network programming and concurrency. We tested this new paradigm
through simple prototypes during the last years and we will integrate it with Ring in future releases.
80.2 Why is Ring weakly typed?
Because it’s faster and more natural, and this is important for the language’s goals. One of the rules is: the data type
at the beginning affects the final result. For example, when you type “Print : ” + 5 , The String comes first, so 5 will
be converted to a String. While when you type 5 + “10” The number comes first so “10” will be converted to 10. This
helps a lot to quickly convert between numbers and strings using the same operator. If you want to prevent conversion
(Write code that prevent conversion) In these cases you will notice that what you are writing is less code (And can be
Weakly typed = automatic conversion and automatic is good thing and is better than manual if you know how to use
it correctly.
80.3 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk?
Smalltalk and Lisp are GREAT languages. I like many of the concepts behind them but I’m sure that selecting the
right programming language is based on the problem and comes after the problem’s definition. I have a problem that
I want to solve and these GREAT languages are not ideal for this problem so I designed Ring.
When you design a new language, You can learn from the past but you must look forward and live in the future. What
you know about natural programming maybe based on the old knowledge about the power of these paradigms in the
practical world and I agree with you but I see other techniques that can be applied to get this to work in practice. What
you miss about natural language is that they are context sensitive and this means we can use it and think differently
about how we can express our ideas.
80.2. Why is Ring weakly typed? 888
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Example : I want window contains 3 buttons.
In one sentence I created 4 objects (The window and the three buttons) and added the buttons to the window. The idea
of natural programming is to get many things done like that.
80.4 Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation?
Yes UI creation is one of the important things in the language features because it is designed to create a visual pro-
gramming tool, But the language is a multi-paradigm language where we can select the programming paradigm based
on the problem.
80.5 Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?
Ring is not designed to replace PHP, Lua or Smalltalk. Ring’s support for declarative programming and natural
language programming is very innovative and much better than staying with procedural, object-oriented and functional
languages. Ring see the future in programming without code (using natural languages) and is designed to support that.
80.6 What are the advantages of using Ring over native C or C++?
Ring provides a better way to mix between different programming paradigms in solving problems.
The different programming paradigms play well together in the same language.
1. It’s easy to switch from one programming paradigm to another one because the language constructs use similar
syntax for similar concepts.
2. The paradigms are provided to interact and used together in different layers in the software.
for example you can create a game engine using object-oriented programming but write the game code using declara-
tive programming or natural programming and behind the scenes your declarative or natural code will use the object-
oriented classes.
3. Ring is more productive and natural than C/C++.
4. Ring is a dynamic language. We can generate and execute code during the runtime. Ring is dynamically typed
and weakly typed for flexibility.
5. The Garbage collector is generational (escape analysis) and also uses reference counting. it’s very fast and still
provides control to the programmer who can delete memory at any time.
6. Ring’s compiler and virtual machine are just 15,000 lines of ANSI C code that can be compiled and used in any
7. You can use C/C++ libraries and Ring comes with code generator to create wrappers from C functions or C++
classes. so when you need more performance or when you need to use more libraries you can easily do that.
80.7 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring
Open Source?
Yes the language is Open Source (MIT license)
80.4. Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation? 889
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
In general I like Python and Ruby but I was looking for a language more suitable for creating the next version of the
Programming Without Coding Technology (PWCT) software so I started the Ring design.
Some simple changes that matters for my goal are
1. Not case sensitive
2. The list index start from 1
3. You can call functions before definition
4. Don’t use Python syntax like (indentation, using self, :, pass & _)
5. Weakly typed (convert automatically between types based on context)
6. The programs follow simple and constant structure (Statements then functions then packages and classes)
7. Using the ‘=’ operator for assignment and for testing values
Critical changes are
1. Small Language : The Ring compiler + Virtual Machine = 15K lines of C code , the other 500K lines are related
to libraries and are optional when we go for using the language in C/C++ programs.
2. The Garbage collector : Uses Escape Analysis/Reference counting and give the programmer the ability to
determine when to delete memory using the assignment operator
3. Compact Syntax : Ring is not line sensitive, you don’t need to write ; or press ENTER to separate between
4. Using { } to access the object then using the object attributes and methods directly
5. Natural Programming : It’s very easy to create natural interfaces using Ring based on OOP
6. Declarative Programming using Nested Structure
The Ring programming language is designed based on my experience from using many other languages like C, C++,
C#, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, Harbour, Basic and Supernova And the language comes with innovative features added
to achieve the language goal
• Applications programming language.
• Productivity and developing high quality solutions that can scale.
• Small and fast language that can be embedded in C/C++ projects.
• Simple language that can be used in education and introducing Compiler/VM concepts.
• General-Purpose language that can be used for creating domain-specific libraries, frameworks and tools.
• Practical language designed for creating the next version of the Programming Without Coding Technology
80.8 What are the advantages to using Ring over Perl, PHP, Python
or Ruby?
1. Ring is New and Innovative. The language will let you think different about programming.
2. Ring is Smaller. (Lessons learned from the Lua language)
3. Ring is Simple. (Lessons learned from the BASIC and Clipper/Harbour languages)
4. Ring is more Natural. (Lessons learned from the Supernova language)
5. Ring is more Declarative. (Lessons learned from REBOL and QML languages)
80.8. What are the advantages to using Ring over Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby? 890

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The Ring programming language version 1.8 book - Part 92 of 202

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 void unsetCursor(void) void unsetLayoutDirection(void) void unsetLocale(void) void update(int x, int y, int w, int h) void updateGeometry(void) bool updatesEnabled(void) QRegion visibleRegion(void) QString whatsThis(void) int width(void) int winId(void) QWidget *window(void) QString windowFilePath(void) int windowFlags(void) QIcon windowIcon(void) QString windowIconText(void) int windowModality(void) double windowOpacity(void) QString windowRole(void) int windowState(void) QString windowTitle(void) int windowType(void) int x(void) int y(void) bool close(void) void hide(void) void lower(void) void raise(void) void setDisabled(bool disable) void setEnabled(bool) void setHidden(bool hidden) void setStyleSheet(QString) void setWindowModified(bool) void setWindowTitle(QString) void show(void) void showFullScreen(void) void showMaximized(void) void showMinimized(void) void showNormal(void) QWidget *find(int id) QWidget *keyboardGrabber(void) QWidget *mouseGrabber(void) void setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second) <class> name: QLabel para: QWidget * parent: QWidget </class> int alignment(void) QWidget *buddy(void) bool hasScaledContents(void) bool hasSelectedText(void) int indent(void) int margin(void) QMovie *movie(void) bool openExternalLinks(void) QPicture *picture(void) 78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 881
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 QPixmap *pixmap(void) QString selectedText(void) int selectionStart(void) void setAlignment(int) void setBuddy(QWidget *buddy) void setIndent(int) void setMargin(int) void setOpenExternalLinks(bool open) void setScaledContents(bool) void setSelection(int start, int length) void setTextFormat(int) void setTextInteractionFlags(int flags) void setWordWrap(bool on) QString text(void) int textFormat(void) int textInteractionFlags(void) bool wordWrap(void) void clear(void) void setMovie(QMovie *movie) void setNum(double num) void setPicture(QPicture) void setPixmap(QPixmap) void setText(QString) <class> name: QPushButton para: QWidget * parent: QWidget codename: GPushButton passvmpointer </class> void setText(const char *) void setClickEvent(const char *) void setIcon(QIcon) void setIconSize(QSize) <class> name: QLineEdit para: QWidget * parent: QWidget codename: GLineEdit passvmpointer </class> int alignment(void) void backspace(void) QCompleter *completer(void) QMenu *createStandardContextMenu(void) void cursorBackward(bool mark, int steps) void cursorForward(bool mark, int steps) int cursorMoveStyle(void) int cursorPosition(void) int cursorPositionAt(QPoint) void cursorWordBackward(bool mark) void cursorWordForward(bool mark) void del(void) void deselect(void) 78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 882
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 QString displayText(void) bool dragEnabled(void) int echoMode(void) void end(bool mark) void getTextMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) bool hasAcceptableInput(void) bool hasFrame(void) bool hasSelectedText(void) void home(bool mark) QString inputMask(void) void insert(QString) bool isModified(void) bool isReadOnly(void) bool isRedoAvailable(void) bool isUndoAvailable(void) int maxLength(void) QString placeholderText(void) QString selectedText(void) int selectionStart(void) void setAlignment(int flag) void setCompleter(QCompleter *c) void setCursorMoveStyle(int style) void setCursorPosition(int) void setDragEnabled(bool b) void setEchoMode(int) void setFrame(bool) void setInputMask(QString) void setMaxLength(int) void setModified(bool) void setPlaceholderText(QString) void setReadOnly(bool) void setSelection(int start, int length) void setTextMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) void setValidator(QValidator *v) QString text(void) QMargins textMargins(void) QValidator *validator(void) void clear(void) void copy(void) void cut(void) void paste(void) void redo(void) void selectAll(void) void setText(QString) void undo(void) void setTextChangedEvent(const char *) void setcursorPositionChangedEvent(const char *) void seteditingFinishedEvent(const char *) void setreturnPressedEvent(const char *) void setselectionChangedEvent(const char *) void settextEditedEvent(const char *) Note: Most of the content of the previous configuration file is removed from this documentation, for a complete version see the Ring source code distribution. 78.19. Configuration file for the Qt Framework 883
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 78.20 Static Methods Starting from Ring 1.8 the code generator support the staticmethods option. So the code generator can know that the class doesn’t need an object to call the methods. Example: <class> name: QStandardPaths para: void nonew staticmethods </class> QString displayName(QStandardPaths::StandardLocation type) QString findExecutable(QString executableName, QStringList paths)) 78.21 Configuration Files Examples You can learn from the next examples • RingAllegro : • RingQt : • RingLibSDL : After modifing the configuration file, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from the next examples • RingAllegro : • RingQt : • RingLibSDL : After generating the code, You will need to build the library, You can learn from the next examples • RingAllegro : • RingQt : • RingLibSDL : 78.20. Static Methods 884
  • 5. CHAPTER SEVENTYNINE CREATE YOUR FIRST EXTENSION In this chapter we will create RingBeep RingBeep is a simple extension for the beep() function in Windows API Just a simple example about creating extensions 79.1 Location You will find this extension in the ring/extensions/ringbeep folder 79.2 Steps to create the extension At first we write the configuration file in : notepad The file contains <code> #include "windows.h" </code> int Beep(int dwFreq,int dwDuration) Then we run : gencode.bat to generate ringbeep.c gencode.bat The gencode.bat contains the next command to call Ring Extensions Generator ring ..codegenparsec.ring ringbeep.c Then we build the extension using : buildvc.bat The file buildvc.bat contains the next commands to build the extension using Visual C/C++ cls call ../../src/locatevc.bat cl /c /DEBUG ringbeep.c -I"....include" link /DEBUG ringbeep.obj ....libring.lib kernel32.lib /DLL /OUT:ringbeep.dll ^ 885
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,"5.01" del ringbeep.obj 79.3 Testing the extension Then we test the function using ring test.ring The file test.ring contains loadlib("ringbeep.dll") for f = 750 to 1000 step 50 beep(f,300) next 79.3. Testing the extension 886
  • 7. CHAPTER EIGHTY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) 80.1 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Language (YAPL)? The language comes with better support for natural language programming and declarative programming. The inno- vation comes in supporting these paradigms with new practical techniques on the top of object-oriented programming and functional programming. Ring provides the programmers with the tools required to build a natural language like Supernova or a declarative language like REBOL and QML without the need to know anything about (compilers and parsing). You get the language constructs ready for use to create domain-specific languages in a fraction of time. Take a look at the Supernova programming language, in this language you can type: (I want window and the window title is hello world.) and it will create a GUI window with “Hello, World!” as the window title. When I created Supernova language in 2010, i discovered that using the natural code can be (similar to English and without limits and we can use the power of human language in programming) but to implement that you need a new language that has: 1. General Purpose 2. Practical 3. Can create natural languages very quickly. So we can get a system that can increase ease of use and productivity to the maximum level. So I created Ring because it was the best way to achieve this goal. Supernova was just a test of the idea, it helped getting a better view of the advantages and the disadvantages of the idea. And After testing the new ideas you are provided with something practical. So now we have Ring after Supernova. A story that is maybe similar to having Python after ABC.Where Python avoids the problems of ABC, but keeps the advantages of ABC. Also, Ring learns from Ruby and ROR’s story. The language power could appear in frameworks better than the direct usage as a general purpose language. Also Ring comes with a clear goal/motivation; (Creating a new version of the PWCT Software) something that was learned from the design the C language in a certain way to create the Unix Operating System. In other words, you have a goal that directs you in each design decision. You will understand the value of our decisions once you start trying to solve the problem that we will use Ring to solve. The questions is: could you enable any one in the world without knowledge about computer programming concepts to create very powerful software? Scientifically the answer is (visual Programming) and (natural Programming). In practice we are still away from switching to these paradigms without introducing other problems. Ring is designed to solve this problem. It is designed to provide natural programming in a practical way. And to create a powerful visual programming tool. Ring is designed to be a new world of programming after 10 years of research in visual programming and natural languages. The Ring Programming Language (Compiler+VM) is developed 100% using visual programming without writing a single line of code. I used my tool (Programming Without Coding Technology) to design everything and get the C code generated for me. Advantages ? 1. Faster 887
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 2. No Syntax Errors 3. Easy to understand and manage the code because the abstraction level is higher 4. No critical disadvantages because you can control everything as writing your code. Using my experience in using visual programming for 10 years and natural programming for 5 years, I designed Ring to move the knowledge to mainstream programmers by providing a practical language that supports these ideas. I agree that each programmer/developer has the freedom to form his opinions about any software including program- ming languages. Ring is not an exception but you may miss the idea behind the language. It is innovative and may help you to think differently about how to solve your problems. Maybe this is not clear to many programmers because It is a practical language and includes many features known to programmers and when a programmer looks at the language they maight think that nothing new because it’s familiar. I created Ring to solve problems in a different way. Where I will start programming just by describing the software using new natural interfaces that I will implement later when I move from the design stage to the implementation stage. (I don’t determine the time to switch between stages, You are free to use Agile methods). Since Ring is a new language you have 3 options: 1. To not care at all for now. 2. Think of the future of the language and help us if you understand the idea and want to contribute. 3. Wait and come back again in the future to use it. Summary: • Ring is designed based on a need to develop a new version of the PWCT software. Once we finish PWCT 2.0 we will have good and large software developed using Ring. • We will push declarative and natural paradigms many steps forward. Also in next versions we have a plan to present a new paradigm for network programming and concurrency. We tested this new paradigm through simple prototypes during the last years and we will integrate it with Ring in future releases. 80.2 Why is Ring weakly typed? Because it’s faster and more natural, and this is important for the language’s goals. One of the rules is: the data type at the beginning affects the final result. For example, when you type “Print : ” + 5 , The String comes first, so 5 will be converted to a String. While when you type 5 + “10” The number comes first so “10” will be converted to 10. This helps a lot to quickly convert between numbers and strings using the same operator. If you want to prevent conversion (Write code that prevent conversion) In these cases you will notice that what you are writing is less code (And can be removed). Weakly typed = automatic conversion and automatic is good thing and is better than manual if you know how to use it correctly. 80.3 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk? Smalltalk and Lisp are GREAT languages. I like many of the concepts behind them but I’m sure that selecting the right programming language is based on the problem and comes after the problem’s definition. I have a problem that I want to solve and these GREAT languages are not ideal for this problem so I designed Ring. When you design a new language, You can learn from the past but you must look forward and live in the future. What you know about natural programming maybe based on the old knowledge about the power of these paradigms in the practical world and I agree with you but I see other techniques that can be applied to get this to work in practice. What you miss about natural language is that they are context sensitive and this means we can use it and think differently about how we can express our ideas. 80.2. Why is Ring weakly typed? 888
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Example : I want window contains 3 buttons. In one sentence I created 4 objects (The window and the three buttons) and added the buttons to the window. The idea of natural programming is to get many things done like that. 80.4 Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation? Yes UI creation is one of the important things in the language features because it is designed to create a visual pro- gramming tool, But the language is a multi-paradigm language where we can select the programming paradigm based on the problem. 80.5 Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP? Ring is not designed to replace PHP, Lua or Smalltalk. Ring’s support for declarative programming and natural language programming is very innovative and much better than staying with procedural, object-oriented and functional languages. Ring see the future in programming without code (using natural languages) and is designed to support that. 80.6 What are the advantages of using Ring over native C or C++? Ring provides a better way to mix between different programming paradigms in solving problems. The different programming paradigms play well together in the same language. 1. It’s easy to switch from one programming paradigm to another one because the language constructs use similar syntax for similar concepts. 2. The paradigms are provided to interact and used together in different layers in the software. for example you can create a game engine using object-oriented programming but write the game code using declara- tive programming or natural programming and behind the scenes your declarative or natural code will use the object- oriented classes. 3. Ring is more productive and natural than C/C++. 4. Ring is a dynamic language. We can generate and execute code during the runtime. Ring is dynamically typed and weakly typed for flexibility. 5. The Garbage collector is generational (escape analysis) and also uses reference counting. it’s very fast and still provides control to the programmer who can delete memory at any time. 6. Ring’s compiler and virtual machine are just 15,000 lines of ANSI C code that can be compiled and used in any platform. 7. You can use C/C++ libraries and Ring comes with code generator to create wrappers from C functions or C++ classes. so when you need more performance or when you need to use more libraries you can easily do that. 80.7 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring Open Source? Yes the language is Open Source (MIT license) 80.4. Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation? 889
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 In general I like Python and Ruby but I was looking for a language more suitable for creating the next version of the Programming Without Coding Technology (PWCT) software so I started the Ring design. Some simple changes that matters for my goal are 1. Not case sensitive 2. The list index start from 1 3. You can call functions before definition 4. Don’t use Python syntax like (indentation, using self, :, pass & _) 5. Weakly typed (convert automatically between types based on context) 6. The programs follow simple and constant structure (Statements then functions then packages and classes) 7. Using the ‘=’ operator for assignment and for testing values Critical changes are 1. Small Language : The Ring compiler + Virtual Machine = 15K lines of C code , the other 500K lines are related to libraries and are optional when we go for using the language in C/C++ programs. 2. The Garbage collector : Uses Escape Analysis/Reference counting and give the programmer the ability to determine when to delete memory using the assignment operator 3. Compact Syntax : Ring is not line sensitive, you don’t need to write ; or press ENTER to separate between statements 4. Using { } to access the object then using the object attributes and methods directly 5. Natural Programming : It’s very easy to create natural interfaces using Ring based on OOP 6. Declarative Programming using Nested Structure The Ring programming language is designed based on my experience from using many other languages like C, C++, C#, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, Harbour, Basic and Supernova And the language comes with innovative features added to achieve the language goal • Applications programming language. • Productivity and developing high quality solutions that can scale. • Small and fast language that can be embedded in C/C++ projects. • Simple language that can be used in education and introducing Compiler/VM concepts. • General-Purpose language that can be used for creating domain-specific libraries, frameworks and tools. • Practical language designed for creating the next version of the Programming Without Coding Technology software. 80.8 What are the advantages to using Ring over Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby? 1. Ring is New and Innovative. The language will let you think different about programming. 2. Ring is Smaller. (Lessons learned from the Lua language) 3. Ring is Simple. (Lessons learned from the BASIC and Clipper/Harbour languages) 4. Ring is more Natural. (Lessons learned from the Supernova language) 5. Ring is more Declarative. (Lessons learned from REBOL and QML languages) 80.8. What are the advantages to using Ring over Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby? 890