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Come Evitare la paralisi
residua e vivere felici :il
Libero professionista

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Italian survey 2010

(Minerva Anestesiol. 2012 Jul;78(7):767-73.Neuromuscular block in Italy: a survey of current management.
Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Pietropaoli P, Reale C, Di Marco P
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010 Mar;54(3):307-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2009.02131.x. Epub 2009 Oct 15.
Knowledge of residual curarization: an Italian survey.
Di Marco P, Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Reale C, Pietropaoli P.


Only 35% of italian anesthesiologists use


73% of italian anesthesiologists rely on clinical signs for return of
muscular power
24% know that before extubation at least a TOF 0f 0.90 is


Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
What is adequate neuromuscular
 Ability

to breathe
 maintain a patent upper airway,
 preserve protective airway reflexes,
 swallow,
 cough,
 smile,
 Talk.
 Arm and leg movements........
Napoli SIA 2013


introduced in the early 1970s by Ali et al.
Four supramaximal stimuli are delivered every 0.5 second (2 Hz)
muscle response to the fourth stimulus is compared with that of the first
Fade of force of muscle contraction in response to repetitive nerve
stimulation provides the basis for evaluation; the degree of fade is
proportional to the intensity of the neuromuscular block.
» does not require a control,prerelaxant twitch height
» less pain on stimulation over tetanic stimulation
» lack of posttetanic facilitation

» Threshold??????
Napoli SIA 2013

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Innervator Fisher & Paykel e TOfWatch Organon

Napoli SIA 2013
TOFR thresholds(in the definition of residual
neuromuscular block)



1970 –1977
a mean TOF ratio of 0.74 represented―acceptable recovery” from d-tubocurarine blockade.
Patients with this level of recovery were able to open eyes widely, cough, protrude the tongue,
sustain head lift for 5 seconds, develop a forced vital capacity of at least 15 to 20 mL/kg, and sustain
tetanic stimulation without fade for 5 seconds.
changes in measured respiratory variables, including tidal volume, vital capacity, inspiratory
force, and peak expiratory flow rate, were ―negligible‖ until TOF ratios decreased To 0.6.
At a TOF ratio of 0.7, all patients were able to sustain eye opening, hand grasp, and tongue
protrusion, whereas 9 of 10 were able to maintain a 5-second head lift

Ali HH, Kitz RJ. Evaluation of recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular block, using a digital neuromuscular transmission analyzer: preliminary report.
Anesth Analg 1973;52:740–5.
AliHH,Wilson RS, Savarese JJ, Kitz RJ. The effect of tubocurarineon indirectly elicited train-offour muscle response and respiratory measurements
in humans. Br J Anaesth 1975;47:570–4
Brand JB, Cullen DJ, Wilson NE, Ali HH. Spontaneous recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade: correlation between clinical and evoked
responses. Anesth Analg 1977;56:55–8.

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Train of four ratio>0.7, <=0.9



TOFR 0.9 to ensure optimal patient safety.


pharyngeal dysfunction and an increased risk for aspiration occur at TOF ratios 0.9.
Impaired inspiratory flow and partial upper airway obstruction have been observed
frequently at TOF ratios of 0.8.
subtle levels of neuromuscular blockade may produce distressing symptoms in awake
patients, which may persist even at TOF ratios 0.9.
These recent data suggest that the new ―gold standard‖ for the minimal acceptable level
of neuromuscular recovery is an EMG or MMG TOF ratio of 0.9 (or perhaps 1.0 when
AMG is used



Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Dichiarazione di assenza di
conflitto di interessi

non ho alcun interesse finanziario o attività
commerciale né sono supportato dalla azienda
produttrice del Sugammadex(Bridion).

Napoli SIA 2013
PORC % nella metanalisi di Naguib
Br J Anaesth. 2007 Mar;98(3):302-16.Neuromuscular monitoring and postoperative residual curarisation: a
meta-analysis.Naguib M, Kopman AF, Ensor JE.



Atrac 0


Atrac 0





Tof <90

Napoli SIA 2013
PORC % nella metanalisi di Naguib ;parte II

tof <0.70
tof < 0.90


Napoli SIA 2013
Residual Paralysis at the Time of Tracheal Extubation
Glenn S. Murphy, Joseph W. Szokol, Jesse H. Marymont, Mark Franklin,
Michael J. Avram, Jeffery S. Vender.(Anesth Analg 2005;100:1840–5)

120 pts
Nm block maintained at TOF 1-2
12% only with

Midazolam,1–2 mg.; propofol 1.5–
2.5 mg/kg , fentanyl ,sevoflurane
0.5%–3.5% in an air/oxygen
blockade was reversed with
neostigmine 50 microg/kg
and glycopyrrolate 10 micro g/kg
adequacy of neuromuscular reversal using
standard clinical criteria :(5-s head lift or
hand grip, eye opening on command,
negative inspiratory force more than 20 cm
H2 O, or vital capacity breath 15 cc/kg) and
nerve stimulation (no evidence of fade with
or tetanic stimulation [50 Hz]). A 5-s head lift
(or hand
grip) and the observation of an absence of
fade with
peripheral nerve stimulation were the
minimal requirements

Napoli SIA 2013
Residual Paralysis at the Time of Tracheal Extubation
Glenn S. Murphy, Joseph W. Szokol, Jesse H. Marymont, Mark Franklin,
Michael J. Avram, Jeffery S. Vender.(Anesth Analg 2005;100:1840–5)

The use of a peripheral nerve stimulator in the OR
may reduce, but does not eliminate, the problem of
postoperative paresis.
 Detection of incomplete reversal of neuromuscular
blockade is difficult with standard TOF or tetanic
stimulation. Experienced observers are unable to
detect fade when the TOF ratio is 0.4 Viby-Mogensen J, Jensen


NH, Englbaek J, et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of the response to train-of-four nerve stimulation.
Anesthesiology 1985;63:440 –3.).

Napoli SIA 2013
Residual Neuromuscular Block: Lessons Unlearned.
Part I: Definitions, Incidence, and Adverse Physiologic
Effects of Residual Neuromuscular Block
Glenn S. Murphy, Sorin J. Brull,

Napoli SIA 2013

Anesth Analg 2010;111:120–8
What are the factors that alter the incidence of postoperative
residual paralysis?

The great variability is due to different methods:


use of T4/T1 ratio of 0.7, 0.8 or 0.9 as PORP criterion
use of different NMB of short, intermediate and long-term duration
use of single or repeated doses, or continuous infusion of NMB
assessment method of the residual NMB
with or without reversal of neuromuscular blockade at the end of anesthesia with
anticholinesterase drugs
with dose and interval between the anticholinesterase drugs and degree assessment
of neuromuscular blockade
presence of kidney, cardiac or neuromuscular dysfunction
drug use that can alter the pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics of NMB
(calcium channel blockers, magnesium, lithium, antibiotics, local anesthetics, inhaled
anesthetics, opioids, benzodiazepines
electrolyte abnormalities, metabolic or respiratory acidosis and hypothermia.



Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Kopman et al.Relationship of the train of four fade
ratio to clinical signes and symptoms of residual
paralysis in awake volunteers.Anesthesioloogy,1997;86:765-71.

Volontari sani
 infusione di mivacurium
 monitoraggio Datex 221 NMT
 valutazione;
 stretta di mano
sollev,testa & gamba per 5 sec.
 Ritenzione di abbassalingua

Napoli SIA 2013
Osservazioni cliniche sulla relazione fra tof e correlati di

disturbi visivi sempre con tof di
0.90(diplopia,diff.seguire oggetti in moto,ecc)
 forza dei masseteri ridotta sempre
 sollev.testa e gamba sempre possibile > 0.60
 stretta di mano variabile,ma 83% del basale a tof
 per tof < 0.75 tutti disturbati

Napoli SIA 2013
Conclusioni delle correlazioni fra segni clinici di forza
muscolare e tof

Capacità di ritenzione
dell’abbassalingua è un test più
sensibile del sollevamento del capo
 tof <1 ancora residuano disturbi visivi e
senso generalizzato di fatica
 tof = 1 (o altri monitoraggi) per
dimissione in chirurgia ambulatoriale??

Napoli SIA 2013
Assiomi della ripresa nm.

TOF > 0.70 sicuro indice della ripresa
nm……….. Ali HH, Wilson RS, Savarese JJ, Kitz RJ:
The effect of tubocurarine on indirectly elicited trainof-four muscle response and respiratory
measurements in humans. Br J Anaesth 47:570-4,


Brand JB, Cullen DJ, Wilson NE, Ali HH:
Spontaneous recovery from nondepolarizing
neuromuscular blockade: Correlation between clinical
and evoked responses. Anesth Analg 56:55-8, 1977
Napoli SIA 2013
Mutazioni occorse
Esplosione della chirurgia ambulatoriale
 pressione per la diminuzione della
spesa sanitaria
 aumento delle persone anziane e
debilitate anche in chir amb.
 Disponibilità di nuovi farmaci

Napoli SIA 2013
Rivalutazione della pratica


Età e stato di salute differiscono fra volontari sani e
La prassi clinica e l’utilizzo dei miorilassanti variano fra i
diversi centri ambulatoriali
il monitoraggio degli effetti nm non è praticato in
ospedale,figurarsi nei centri ambulatoriali!
I metodi di monitoraggio usati da Kopman et al si
applicano ad una ampia gamma di situazioni cliniche.
Esistono pesanti pressioni economiche per la
diminuzione della spesa sanitaria.
Napoli SIA 2013
Implicazioni del lavoro di



I paz chirurgici sono in genere più anziani e ammalati dei volontari sani
dello studio di Kopman/( ASA 1, entro il 15% del peso ideale,tra 23—33
gli effetti residui dei miorilassanti è probabile possano essere +
significativi nella pratica ambulatoriale con pazienti + anziani e debilitati.
Si potrebbe arguire che i paz.con sedazione residua siano meno attenti
a disturbi visivi e
debolezza dei muscoli facciali;ma è anche vero che dal punto di vista
della sicurezza i paz postop siano esposti a rischio maggiore di
aumento della morbilità,poichè la debolezza residua nm può essere
aggravata da residui dell’anestesia.
Napoli SIA 2013
Implicazioni del lavoro di

mivacurium non è rappresentativo dei miorilassanti usati
in chir amb;il mercato è dominato dai miorilassanti ad
azione intermedia quali vecuronium, atracurium,
rocuronium, cisatracurium


se una paralisi residua permane per un’ora dopo
interruzione del mivac,caratterizzato da un RI di pochi
min,che succede dopo la somministrazione dei mioril a
durata intermedia(RI 20-30 min )?
Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013

Esiste evidenza sperimentale e
clinica che i nmb nondepolarizzanti
interferiscano con il controllo della
ventilazione in condizioni di
ipossia,verosimilmente attraverso
una depressione reversibile della
attività chemorecettoriale dei corpi
Napoli SIA 2013



Chemrecett.centr SNC

Napoli SIA 2013


Sito nicotinico


Corpi carotidei

Napoli SIA 2013

Eriksson LI,Sundman E,Olsson R,NilssonL,Witt H,Ekberg O,Kuylenswtierna R.
Functional Assessment of the Pharynx at Rest and during Swallowing in Partially
Paralyzed Humans: Simultaneous Videomanometry and Mechanomyography of
Awake Human Volunteers,Anesthesiology 1997;67:1035-43.

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Eriksson LI,Sundman E,Olsson R,NilssonL,Witt H,Ekberg O,Kuylenswtierna R.
Functional Assessment of the Pharynx at Rest and during Swallowing in
Partially Paralyzed Humans: Simultaneous Videomanometry and
Mechanomyography of Awake Human Volunteers,Anesthesiology

Vecuronium induced partial paralysis(tof o.600.80) cause pharyngeal disfunction:
 upper esophageal sphincter tone
 Pharynx muscle coordination
 Bolus transit time
–6/14 volunteers aspirated at tof<0.90

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
The Incidence and Mechanisms of pharyngeal and Upper Esophageal Dysfunction in
Partially Paralyzed humans.Eva Sundrnan,H anne Witt, Rolf Olsson, Olle Ekberg, S
Richard Kuylenstierna, Lars I. Eriksson.Anesthesiology 2000;92:977-84


20 healthy volunteers studied awake during liquid-contrast bolus swallowing.
The incidence of pharyngeal dysfunction was studied by fluoroscopy.+
Simultaneous manometry
After control recordings, an iv infusion of atracurium was administered to obtain
TOF 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80, followed by recovery to a > 0.90.
The incidence of pharyngeal dysfunction increased to 28%, 17%, and 20% at TOF
0.60, 0.70, and 0.80, respectively.
Pharyngeal dysfunction occurred in 74/ 444 swallows, the majority (80%) resulting
in laryngeal penetration.
The initiation of the swallowing reflex was impaired during partial paralysis
The pharyngeal coordination was impaired at train-of-four ratios of 0.60 and 0.70
. A marked reduction in the upper esophageal sphincter resting tone was found, as
well as a reduced contraction force in the pharyngeal constrictor muscles. The
bolus transit time did not change significantly.
Napoli SIA 2013
Time interval between passage of bolus from the anterior
faucial arches and hyoid bone

Time interval between start of contraction of pharyngeal constrictor and start of
relaxation of upper esophageal sphincter

Resting tension of the upper esophageal sphincter
Pharyngeal constrictor muscle function

Napoli SIA 2013
The Incidence and Mechanisms of pharyngeal and Upper
Esophageal Dysfunction in Partially Paralyzed humans

Partial neuromuscular paralysis caused by atracurium
is associated with a four- to fivefold increase in the
incidence of misdirected swallowing. The mechanism
behind the pharyngeal dysfunction is
1) a delayed initiation of the swallowing reflex,
2)impaired pharyngeal muscle function,
3)impaired coordination.
The majority of misdirected swallows resulted in

penetration of bolus to the larynx
Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Predictive value of mechanomyography and accelerometry for
pulmonary function in partially paralyzed volunteers.
Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.





In awake partially paralyzed volunteers
spirometrically assessed pulmonary function every 5 min until recovery.
Rocuronium (0.01 mg kg(-1) + 2-10 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) was administered to maintain
train-of-four (TOF)-ratios (assessed every 15 s) of approximately 0.5 and 0.8 over a period
of more than 5 min.
The TOF-ratio associated with 'acceptable' pulmonary recovery [forced vital capacity
(FVC) and forced inspiratory volume in 1 s (FIV1) of > or =90% of baseline] was
calculated using a linear regression model. During 5-min periods of repetitive nerve
stimulation we compared the squared residuals of the FVC and FIV1 estimates from
TOFACM vs. TOFMMG, and compared variance of values derived from ACM and MMG
using Wilcoxon's test.

TOF ACM(0.56 (0.22-0.71) [mean (95%CI) and 0.6 MMG
(0.28-0.74)], respectively, predict 'acceptable' (90%) recovery
of FVC while FIV1 remains impaired until TOF-ratios of
0.91 (0.82-1.07) and 0.95 (0.82-1.18), respectively.
Napoli SIA 2013
Anesthesiology. 2012 Dec;117(6):1234-44..
Residual neuromuscular blockade affects postoperative pulmonary function.
Kumar GV, Nair AP, Murthy HS, Jalaja KR, Ramachandra K, Parameshwara G.

Napoli SIA 2013
Heier T,. Caldwell,JE. Feiner JR, Liu, L, Ward, T, B,. Wright PMC.
Relationship between Normalized Adductor PollicisTrain-of-four Ratio and Manifestations of Residual
Neuromuscular Block A Study Using Acceleromyography during Near Steady–stateConcentrations of Mivacurium
Anesthesiology 2010 : 113 ;2010.825-832 .




12 healthy volunteers
3 steady–state levels of neuromuscular block were achieved with mivacurium infusions. TOF ratio of 0.85– 0.95
(block level 1), TOF ratio of 0.65– 0.75 (block level 2), and TOF ratio of 0.45– 0.55 (block level 3).
TOF ratio was measured acceleromyographically at the adductor pollicis using a preload.
Lung volume measurements and a series of clinical tests were made at each stable block and reconciled to the
normalized TOF measures.
Results: None experienced airway obstruction or arterial oxygen desaturation, even at normalized TOF ratio less
than 0.4. Functional residual capacity remained unchanged whereas vital capacity decreased linearly with
decreasing TOF ratio.
The ability to protrude the tongue was preserved at all times. The ability to clench the teeth was lost in one
volunteer at normalized TOF ratio of 0.84 but retained in four at normalized TOF ratio less than 0.4. Four volunteers
lost the ability both to raise the head more than 5 s and to swallow, with the most sensitive individual demonstrating
these effects at normalized TOF ratio of 0.60. At mean normalized TOF ratio of 0.42, the mean handgrip strength
was approximately 20% of baseline value.
Conclusion: Lung vital capacity decreased linearly with decreasing TOF ratio. Responses to clinical tests of muscle
function varied to a large extent among individuals at comparable TOF ratios. None of the volunteers had significant
clinical effects of neuromuscular block at normalized acceleromyographic TOF ratio greater than 0.90.

Napoli SIA 2013
The relationship between normalized acceleromyography adductor pollicis train-of-four
(AMG AP TOF) ratio and vital capacity of the lungs and between normalized AMG AP TOF
ratio and handgrip strength in 12 volunteers during stable mivacurium blocks.Both vital
capacity and handgrip strength decreased significantly with decreasing AMG AP TOF
ratio.Heier T,. Caldwell,JE. Feiner JR, Liu, L, Ward, T, B,. Wright PMC. Relationship between Normalized Adductor PollicisTrain-of-four Ratio and Manifestations of Residual
Neuromuscular Block A Study Using Acceleromyography during Near Steady–stateConcentrations of Mivacurium Anesthesiology 2010 : 113 ;2010.825-83

Napoli SIA 2013
Number of individuals who lost muscle functions
TOF ratio of 0.85– 0.95 (block level 1), TOF ratio of 0.65– 0.75
(block level 2), and TOF ratio of 0.45– 0.55 (block

TOFR 0.85-0.95

Napoli SIA 2013

level 3).

TOFR 0.65-0.75

TOFR ratio of
Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of
respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade.
Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.






Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Germany.
Residual paralysis increases the risk of pulmonary complications but is difficult to detect. To test the hypothesis that accelerometry
predicts effects of residual paralysis on pulmonary and upper airway function, the authors related tests of pulmonary and
pharyngeal function to accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle in 12 partially paralyzed volunteers.
Rocuronium (0.01 mg/kg + 2-10 microg x kg-1 x min-1) was administered to maintain train-of-four (TOF) ratios (assessed every 15
s) of approximately 0.5 and 0.8 over a period of more than 5 min. The authors evaluated pharyngeal and facial muscle functions
during steady state relaxation and performed spirometric measurements every 5 min until recovery. Upper airway obstruction was
defined as a mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity of greater than 1. The TOF ratio associated with
"acceptable" pulmonary recovery (forced vital capacity and forced inspiratory volume in 1 s of > or =90% of baseline) was
calculated using a linear regression model.
At peak blockade (TOF ratio 0.5 +/- 0.16), forced inspiratory flow was impaired (53 +/- 19%) to a greater degree than forced
expiratory flow (75 +/- 20%) with a mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity of 1.18 +/- 0.6. Upper
airway obstruction, observed in 8 of 12 volunteers, paralleled an impaired ability to swallow reported by 10 of 12 volunteers. In
contrast, all volunteers except one could sustain a head lift for more than 5 s. The authors calculated that a mean TOF ratio of 0.56
(95% confidence interval, 0.22-0.71) predicts "acceptable" recovery of forced vital capacity, whereas forced inspiratory volume in 1
s was impaired until a TOF ratio of 0.95 (0.82-1.18) was reached. A 100% recovery of TOF ratio predicts an acceptable recovery of
forced vital capacity, forced inspiratory volume in 1 s, and mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity in
93%, 73%, and 88% of measurements (calculated negative predictive values), respectively.
Impaired inspiratory flow and upper airway obstruction frequently occur during minimal neuromuscular blockade (TOF ratio 0.8),
and extubation may put the patient at risk. Although a TOF ratio of unity predicts a high probability of adequate recovery from
neuromuscular blockade, respiratory function can still be impaired.
Comment in
Residual neuromuscular blockade: importance of upper airway integrity. [Anesthesiology. 2004

Napoli SIA 2013
Anesthesiology. 2003 Jun;98(6):1333-7.
Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of
respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade.
Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.

Napoli SIA 2013
Muscle function and tofr in 12 partially paralyzed volunteers

2003 Jun;98(6):1333-7.
Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade.
Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.




tof 0.5
tof 0.8
tof 1





inability to sustain
head lift >5 sec

iability to seal

inability to swallow fade of contraction

Napoli SIA 2013

upper airway
Eikermann M, Vogt FM, Herbstreit F, Vahid-Dastgerdi M,Zenge MO,
Ochterbeck C, de Greiff A, Peters J. The predisposition to inspiratory upper
airway collapse during partialneuromuscular blockade. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2007;175:9–15


Partial neuromuscular blockade (train-of-four [TOF] ratio: 0.5 and 0.8) was
associated with the following:
(1) a decrease of inspiratory retropalatal and retroglossal upper airway volume
to 66 ( 22) and 82 (12)% of baseline, whichwas significantly more intense in
the retropalatal area;
(2) an attenuation of the normal increase in anteroposterior upper airway
diameter during forced inspiration to 74 (18)% of baseline;
(3) a decrease in genioglossus activity during maximum voluntary tongue
protrusion to 39 (19)% (TOF, 0.5) and 73 (29)% (TOF, 0.8) of Baseline
(4) no effects on upper airway size during expiration, lung volume, and
respiratory timing.
Conclusions: Thus, impaired neuromuscular transmission, even to a degree
insufficient to evoke respiratory symptoms, markedly impairs upper airway
dimensions and function. This may be explained by an impairment of the
balance between upper airway dilating forces and negative intraluminal
pressure generated during inspiration by respiratory ―pump‖ muscles.
Napoli SIA 2013
T1-weighted spin
echo magnetic
midsagittal image
of a subject before
blockade (baseline

Napoli SIA 2013
End-inspiratory and end-expiratory upper airway volume before neuromuscular blockade
(baseline) at a steady-state train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF
ratio to 1.0, and15 min later (same TOF ratio)
.Before neuromuscular
blockade and with
recovery from
neuromuscular blockade,
end-inspiratory volume
was significantly
greater than endexpiratory volume. Endinspiratory volume
significantly during
partial neuromuscular
blockade, and was even
than end-expiratory
upper airway volume at
a TOF ratio of 0.5.

Napoli SIA 2013
Upper airway volume at end inspiration (quiet breathing) before neuromuscular
blockade, at a steady-state TOF ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF ratio to
1.0, and 15 min later. Upperpanel: retroglossal area; lower panel: retropalatal area. 15

During partial
neuromuscular blockade,

upper airway volume
decreased significantly
both in the retroglossal
and retropalatal part of

Napoli SIA 2013

the upper airway, but
was no longer significantly
different from baseline
values with recovery
of the TOF ratio to 1.0.
However, 4 of 10 volunteers
still showed a
marked impairment of
retropalatal airway volume
despite recovery of
the TOF ratio to unity,
which disappeared within
15 min.
Changes in upper airway volume at end inspiration (quiet breathing) from baseline during steady-state
neuromuscular blockade.The percentage decrease of retroglossal and retropalatal upper airway volume. At a
TOF ratio of 0.5, upper airway volume decrease was
significantly greater in the retropalatal area compared with the retroglossal

Napoli SIA 2013
Minimum cross-sectional area at end inspiration of the retroglossal
and retropalatal part of the upper airway. Measurements during
quiet breathing before neuromuscular blockade (baseline) at a steadystate
TOF ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF ratio to 1.0,
and 15 min later.

During neuromuscular
blockade, airway
area decreased
significantly in both
regions of the upper airway
and recovered to baseline
values with a TOF ratio of
unity. The smallest
cross-sectional area of the
retropalatal area was
significantly less than
the smallest cross-sectional
area of the retroglossal area
of the upper

Napoli SIA 2013
Genioglossus function

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Impaired upper airway integrity by residual neuromuscular blockade:
increased airway collapsibility and blunted genioglossus muscle activity in
response to negative pharyngeal pressure.
Herbstreit F, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2009 Jun;110(6):125360




Epiglottic and nasal mask pressures, genioglossus electromyogram, respiratory timing, and
changes in lung volume were measured in awake healthy volunteers (n 15) before, during
(TOF 0.5 and 0.8 [steady state]), and after recovery of TOF to unity from rocuronium-induced
partial neuromuscular blockade.
Passive upper airway closing pressure (negative pressure drops, random order, range 2 to –
30 cm H2O) and pressure threshold for flow limitation were determined.
Results: Upper airway closing pressure increased (was less negative) significantly from
baseline by 54 (4.4)% ,37 (4.2)%, and 16 ( 4.1) % at TOF ratios of 0.5, 0.8, and
1.0.,respectively (P < 0.01 vs. baseline for any level).
Phasic genioglossus activity almost quadrupled in response to negative (–20
cm H2O) pharyngeal pressure at baseline, and this increase was significantly impaired by
57 ( 44)% and 32 (6)% at TOF ratios of 0.5 and 0.8, respectively (P < 0.01 vs. baseline).
End-expiratory lung volume, respiratory rate, and tidal volume did not change.
Conclusion: Minimal neuromuscular blockade markedly increases upper airway closing
pressure, partly by impairing the genioglossus muscle compensatory response. Increased
airway collapsibility despite unaffected values for resting ventilation may predispose patients
to postoperative respiratory complications, particularly during airway challenges.
Napoli SIA 2013
atmospheric pressure.Inspiratory time was longer during impaired neuromuscular transmission, but no flow limitation was
observed at this maskpressure. (B) Same volunteer during a negative pressure challenge (–20 cm H2O). Before partial
neuromuscular blockade, phasicgenioglossus activity is markedly increased compared to breathing near atmospheric
pressure, but no flow limitation is observed,despite such negative pharyngeal pressure. During partial neuromuscular
blockade, phasic genioglossus activity is markedlyincreased compared with breathing at atmospheric pressure. However, the
magnitude of the compensatory increase in genioglossus
activity to negative pharyngeal pressure is impaired and flow limitation is observed. EMG electromyogram.

Napoli SIA 2013
Upper airway closing pressure (black bars) significantl increased during partial neuromuscular blockade and
was still abnormal, even with recovery of the TOF ratio to
unity. With neuromuscular transmission intact at baseline, evidenceof flow limitation (gray bars) was first
observed at anaverage pressure of –12 cm H2O. With partial neuromuscular blockade at a TOF ratio of 0.5 and
0.8, flow limitation occurred at significantly less negative values of mask pressure, i.e.,airway
integrity is impaired

Napoli SIA 2013
.Genioglossus activity increases markedly and significantly as negative
pressure is applied. However, the magnitude of this effect
is significantly attenuated with partial neuromuscular blockade

Napoli SIA 2013
Herbstreit F, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2009;110(6):1253-60



Minimal neuromuscular blockade (TOF ratio 0.5–1)
markedly increased upper airway collapsibility and
impaired the genioglossus response to negative
pharyngeal pressure challenges.
Thus, our data suggest that minimal neuromuscular blockade
evokes increased upper airway collapsibility by blunting upper
airway dilator compensatory responses to negative pharyngeal
Imaging studies during complete or partialEikermann M, Vogt FM, Herbstreit F, VahidDastgerdi M, Zenge MO, Ochterbeck C, de Greiff A, Peters J: The predisposition to inspiratory upper airway collapse during partial neuromuscular
blockade. Am J Respir Crit Care


neuromuscular blockade and in patients with
obstructive sleep apnea suggest that the soft palate plays an
important role in mediating airway narrowing during airway
muscle paralysis and sleep.
Med 2007; 175:9–15

Napoli SIA 2013
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 201128(12):842-8.
The influence of residual neuromuscular block on the incidence of critical
respiratory events. A randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial.
Sauer M, Stahn A, Soltesz S, Noeldge-Schomburg G, Mencke T.

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.


incidence of critical respiratory events, such as hypoxaemia, in patients with minimal
residual neuromuscular blockade and compared these data with those from patients
with full recovery of blockade.
Randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial.
132 adult patients, 18-80ASA I-III ,orthopaedic surgery ,GA with rocuronium
randomised to one of two groups: neostigmine group (neostigmine 20 μg kg-1) or
placebo group (saline).
In the patients in the neostigmine group, the tracheal tube was removed at a
train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 1.0; in the patients in the placebo group, the trachea
was extubated at a TOF ratio less than 1.0, but without fade in TOF and
double-burst stimulation (DBS).
Neuromuscular monitoring was assessed simultaneously with qualitative TOF/DBS
monitoring, and with quantitative calibrated acceleromyography.
Napoli SIA 2013
Critical respiratory events, such as hypoxaemia, were assessed in the postanaesthesia care unit.



The influence of residual neuromuscular block on the incidence of
critical respiratory events. A randomised, prospective, placebocontrolled trial

45 pts (39.5%) became hypoxaemic (SaO2 < 93%);
there was a significant difference between the groups (29
patients in the placebo group versus 16 in the neostigmine
group; P = 0.021).


In the neostigmine group, all patients were extubated at a TOF ratio of 1.0. In
the placebo group, the median TOF ratio was 0.7 (range: 0.46-0.9; P < 0.001).
The median time for spontaneous recovery in the placebo group was 16 min
(range 3-49 min). Neostigmine 20 μg kg was effective in antagonising
rocuronium-induced blockade without fade in TOF and DBS.


In this randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial, minimal
residual block was associated with hypoxaemia in the postNapoli SIA
anaesthesia care unit. Neostigmine 2013 μg kg was effective in
antagonising rocuronium-induced (minimal) blockade
Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and
respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and
vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462.

83 patients,balanced or inhalation
 Panc for op>2hrs,vecu for op>1 hr
 PORP defined as tofr<70,hypoxemia as
SaO‖ > 5% lower than basal or postop
SaO2<93%,hypercapnia as paCO2>46

Napoli SIA 2013
Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and
respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and
vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462.












Napoli SIA 2013
.Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and
respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and
vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462.

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Viby Mogensen et al,AAS 1997

693 paz.randomizzati,cieco
chir elettiva
monitoraggio periop con Myotest e Tof
confronto fra 1-5-2 ED95 di
• Antagonismo se necessario;
• estubaz a tof eguale, tattile e resp adeguata.
in RR,subito dopo

Tof <0.70

% tof<0.80

Andamento temporale del tof
<0.80 nella RR









Postoperative pulmonary

10 %


popc con popc senza

Popc secondo il tipo di


% 8
Fattori di rischio per POPC
nello studio AAS1997
 Tipo

di chirurgia;freq * 2-10(addominale)
 età:ogni 10 anni * 1.68
 durata di anestesia(> o < 200 min)*3.3
 panc e tof<0.70:*5
What is the validity and correlation between the different PORP
diagnostic tests ?

Clinical tests have shown the following values of sensitivity,
specificity, positive and negative predictive values19(D):



Capacity to keep the head up for 5 seconds: 0.19; 0.88; 0.51; 0.64;
• Capacity to hold up the arm or the leg for 5 seconds: 0.25; 0.84; 0.50; 0.64;
• Protrusion or capacity to remove the tongue: 0.22; 0.88; 0.52; 0.64;
• Maintenance of hand grip strength: 0.18; 0.89; 0.51; 0.63.
None of the available clinical trials showed a positive correlation with the T4/T1 >
0.9, or ruled out the possibility of PORP7,8,19(B)21(C).
Br J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;105(3):304-9. Postoperative residual curarization from
intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room
Butterly A, Bittner EA, George E, Sandberg WS, Eikermann M, Schmidt U.
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA.




Postoperative residual curarization (PORC) [train-of-four ratio (T4/T1) <0.9] is associated with increased
morbidity and may delay postoperative recovery room (PACU) discharge. We tested the hypothesis that
postoperative T4/T1 <0.9 increases PACU length of stay.
At admission to the PACU, neuromuscular transmission was assessed by acceleromyography (stimulation
current: 30 mA) in 246 consecutive patients. The potential consequences of PORC-induced increases in
PACU length of stay on PACU throughput were estimated by application of a validated queuing model
taking into account the rate of PACU admissions and mean length of stay in the joint system of the PACU
plus patients recovering in operation theatre waiting for PACU beds.
PACU length of stay was significantly longer in patients with T4/T1 <0.9 (323 min), compared with patients
with adequate recovery of neuromuscular transmission (243 min). Age (P=0.021) and diagnosis of T4/T1
<0.9 (P=0.027), but not the type of neuromuscular blocking agent, were independently associated with
PACU length of stay. The incidence of T4/T1 <0.9 was higher in patients receiving vecuronium. Delayed
discharge significantly increases the chances of patients having to wait to enter the PACU. The presence
of PORC is estimated to be associated with significant delays in recovery room admission.
PORC is associated with a delayed PACU discharge. The magnitude of the effect is clinically significant. In
our system, PORC increases the chances of patients having to wait to enter the PACU.
Napoli SIA 2013
Postoperative residual curarization from intermediate-acting
neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room discharge.

Napoli SIA 2013
Postoperative residual curarization from intermediate-acting
neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room discharge.

Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Anesthesiology. 2005 Feb;102(2):257-68.Impact of anesthesia management
characteristics on severe morbidity and mortality.
Arbous MS, Meursing AE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HH, Touw P,
Werner FM, Grobbee DE.
A case-control study was performed of all patients undergoing anesthesia (1995-1997):
869,483 patients; 807 cases and 883 controls were analyzed
ONLY coma or death reported during or within 24 h of undergoing anesthesia..
.The incidence of 24-h postoperative death was 8.8 ( 8.2-9.5) per 10,000 anesthetics.
 The incidence of coma was 0.5 (0.3-0.6).



Anesthesia management factors that associated with a decreased risk :
equipment check with protocol and checklist,
documentation of the equipment check ,
a directly available anesthesiologist,
no change of anesthesiologist during anesthesia,
presence of a full-time working anesthetic nurse
two persons present at emergence,
reversal of anesthesia (for muscle relaxants and the combination of muscle
relaxants and opiates;
postoperative pain medication as opposed to no pain medication, particularly
Napoli SIA 2013
if administered epid or i.m. as opposed toi.v..
Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate administered after recovery from neuromuscular block
increases upper airway collapsibility by decreasing genioglossus muscle activity in
response to negative pharyngeal pressure.
Herbstreit F, Zigrahn D, Ochterbeck C, Peters J, Eikermann M.
Anesthesiology. 2010 ;113(6):1280-8.



10 healthy male volunteers
epiglottic and nasal mask pressures, genioglossus electromyogram, air flow, respiratory
timing, and changes in lung volume before, during (TOF ratio: 0.5), and after recovery of the
TOF ratio to unity, and after administration of neostigmine 0.03 mg/kg IV (with glycopyrrolate
0.0075 mg/kg).
Upper airway critical closing pressure (Pcrit) was calculated from flow-limited breaths during
random pharyngeal negative pressure challenges.
Pcrit increased significantly after administration of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate compared with
both TOF recovery (mean SD, by 27 21%; P 0.02) and baseline (by 38 17%; P 0.002). In
parallel, phasic genioglossus activity evoked by negative pharyngeal pressure decreased (by
37 29%, P 0.005) compared with recovery, almost to a level observed at a TOF ratio of 0.5.
Lung volume, respiratory timing, tidal volume, and minute ventilation remained unchanged after
neostigmine/glycopyrrolate injection.
Conclusion: Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, when administered after recovery from
neuromuscular block, increases upper airway collapsibility and impairs genioglossus muscle
activation in response to negative pharyngeal pressure. Reversal with acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors may be undesirable 2013the absence of neuromuscular blockade.
Napoli SIA
Representative recording of main variables from an awake healthy volunteer before partial neuromuscular
(baseline), during impaired neuromuscular transmission with a target train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 0.5, after
spontaneous recoveryof the TOF ratio to unity, and during measurements initiated 2 min after injection of
neostigmine (0.03 mg/kg) and glycopyrrolate(0.0075 mg/kg).

A) Mask pressure at 2 cm H2O. Phasic (respiratory)
genioglossus activity is very low while breathing near
atmospheric pressure. During impaired neuromuscular
transmission, no flow limitation is observed at this mask
(B) Same volunteer during a negative pressure challenge
(20 cm H2O). Before partial neuromuscular blockade,
genioglossus activity is markedly increased compared
with breathing near atmospheric pressure. During partial
blockade, phasic genioglossus activity is markedly
increased compared with breathing at atmospheric
pressure. However, the
magnitude of the compensatory increase in genioglossus
activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure is
impaired, and
flow limitation is observed. After spontaneous recovery of
the TOF ratio to unity, the compensatory phasic
genioglossus activity
is restored. Injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate
attenuates the increase in genioglossus activity, and the
changes observed
attain similar values as those seen with partial
neuromuscular blockade with a TOF ratio of 0.5.

Napoli SIA 2013
Upper airway closing pressure significantly increased during partial neuromuscular blockade and was
still abnormal even with recovery of the TOF ratio to unity (i.e.,before injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate)
(P 0.01 vs.baseline). However, upper airway closing pressure significantly
increased after injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate.
Upper airway critical closing pressure (Pcrit) in awake healthy volunteers at baseline before
neuromuscular blockade, with impaired neuromuscular transmission and a target train-offour (TOF) ratio of 0.5, after spontaneous recovery of the TOF ratio to unity, and after injection
of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate

Napoli SIA 2013
The genioglossus activity is presente as a percentage of maximal activity (observed when the volunteer pressed his tongue with
maximum strength against his teeth with the mouth closed). Genioglossus activity evoked in response to negative pressure
challenges isimpaired with neuromuscular blockade. The compensatorygenioglossus response to a pressure drop is restored
after return of the TOF ratio to unity. After administration ofneostigmine/glycopyrrolate, genioglossus activity in response to
negative airway pressure is markedly and significantly decreased.
Genioglossus muscle activity as a function of negative mask pressure with neuromuscular blockade at a target
TOFratio of 0.5 (open squares), after spontaneous recovery of the TOF ratio to unity (solid squares), and after
injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate

Napoli SIA 2013
Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate administered after recovery from neuromuscular block increases upper airway
collapsibility by decreasing genioglossus muscle activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure.
Herbstreit F, Zigrahn D, Ochterbeck C, Peters J, Eikermann M.
Anesthesiology. 2010 ;113(6):1280-8.



Administration of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, when
administered after spontaneous recovery of
neuromuscular function, in a dose similar to that
recommended, and in routine clinical use, led to a
significant increase in Pcrit and thus increased
airway collapsibility in healthy volunteers. The
increase in airway collapsibility was of a magnitude
comparable with neuromuscular blockade with a TOF
ratio of 0.5.
Furthermore, the normal compensatory activation of the genioglossus muscle in
response to airway negative pressure challenges was blunted after administration of
neostigmine/ glycopyrrolate (i.e. , neostigmine/glycopyrrolate evoked a significant
impairment of upper airway dilator muscle function).
Accordingly, whereas previous studies demonstrated airway compromise with residual
neuromuscular blockade and thus a probable clinical need for reversal agents,
theresults of this study reveal increased airway collapsibility as a result of
Napoli SIA 2013
neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, if given after recovery from neuromuscular transmission
Antagonismo dei miorilassanti

Napoli SIA 2013
Presenza dei vapori….

Napoli SIA 2013
TOF vs time after neostigmine 40 gr/kg (from T1
25%);control(fent/N2O),isoflurane stopped,isoflurane continued
(1.25%)Baurain MJ, d'Hollander AA,Melot C, Dernovoi BS,Barvais L.Effects of residual concentrations
of isoflurane on the reversal of vecuronium induced neuromuscular blockade.Anesthesiology 1991:71:474)

Napoli SIA 2013
Valori del tetanic fade (stimolazione a 50 Hz sn,100 Hz dx)dopo 15
min dalla somministrazione di neostigmina 40 microgr/kg Baurain
MJ, d'Hollander AA,Melot C, Dernovoi BS,Barvais L.Effects of residual concentrations of isoflurane on the reversal of
vecuronium induced neuromuscular blockade.Anesthesiology 1991:71:474- )

Napoli SIA 2013

Insomma,continuare la soministraz del
vapore ritarda la ripresa nm anche dopo

Napoli SIA 2013
Neo vs edrofonio e profondità del
blocco nm.

Napoli SIA 2013
Mean first twitch height vs time after administration of various doses of
neostigmine and edrophonium starting from T 1 10% following atracurium
and vecuronium Smith, CE, Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Response Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as
Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium neuromuscular Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43.

Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1%
Napoli SIA 2013
Dose response relationship of first twitch and TOF assisted recovery 5 and 10
min. following administration of the antagonist as a function of the dose of
neostigmine and edrophonium following atracurium and vecuronium. Smith, CE,
Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Response Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium
Neuromuscular Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43.



Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1%
Napoli SIA 2013
Effect on Tof of 2 doses of neostigmine and edrophonium
following atracurium and vecuronium Smith, CE, Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Respons
Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium Neuromuscular
Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43.


Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1%

Tof si ferma a 0.7!!!


atrac at 5'
atrac at 10'
vecu at 5'
vecu at 10'


neo 0.02

neo 0.04
Napoli SIA 2013

0.5 mg/kg

edroph 1
Conclusione 1
La dose giusta di neostigmina
 Meditate gente meditate………………

Napoli SIA 2013
Insomma,l’antagonismo dipende
Profondità di blocco al momento della
somministrazione dell’antagonista
 Presenza o meno di potenzianti nmb.
 Tipo di antagonista somministrato
 Tipo di miorilassante somministrato
 Dose dell’antagonista somministrato
 end point scelto;T1/Tc,Tof,ecc.

Napoli SIA 2013
Conclusione 2

E’ meglio somministrare gli antidoti quando la
ripresa nm è iniziata
È meglio cessare la somministrazione degli
alogenati ( e monitorizzare la % et)…….

Napoli SIA 2013
Anesthesiology. 2002 Jan;96(1):45-50.
 Efficacy of tactile-guided reversal
from cisatracurium-induced
neuromuscular block.
 Kirkegaard H, Heier T, Caldwell JE.
 Source
 Department of Anesthesia and
Perioperative Care, University of
California, San Francisco, USA.

Napoli SIA 2013
Kirkegaard H,Heier T,Caldwell JE Efficacy of tactile guided
reversal from cisatracurium induced neuromuscular
block.Anesthesiology 2002;96:45-50

Anest with fent/prop/N2O
 cisatrac 0.15 mg/kg
 neostigmine 0.07 mg/kg administered at
reappearance of I,II,III,IV of TOF;tactile
vs Meccanomyography contralateral.

Napoli SIA 2013
Time from neostigmine
administration to TOFR 0.70




I twitch

II twitch

Napoli SIA 2013

III twitch

IV twitch




Time from neostigmine administration
to TOFR 0.80





I twitch

II twitch
Napoli SIA 2013

III twitch

IV twitch
Time from neostigmine administration
to TOFR 0.90





I twitch

II twitch
Napoli SIA 2013

III twitch

IV twitch
MMG magnitude of the first TOF twitch(T1) measured at the
reappearance of each of the 4 tactile TOF responses.

T1 %


I twitch

II twitch

Napoli SIA 2013

III twitch

IV twitch
Kirkegaard H,Heier T,Caldwell JE Efficacy of tactile guided
reversal from cisatracurium induced neuromuscular
block.Anesthesiology 2002;96:45-50

 This

study shows that achieving a TOFR
of 0.90 in <10 min following neostigmine
reversal is not a realistic goal;therefore
counting the number of tactile responses to tof stimulation
cannot be used as a guide for neostigmine admninistration if
the end point of reversal is a TOFR of 0.90 or higher within
10 min;but

is a good predictor of TOFR

Napoli SIA 2013
Time to tof 0.9 after neostigmine 0.07 mg/kg + glycopirrolate
when tactile tof is 1,2,3,4(groups) Kyo S. Kim, MD, PhD, Mi A. Cheong, MD, PhD, Hee J. Lee, MD,
and Jae M. Lee,.Tactile Assessment for the Reversibility of RocuroniumInduced Neuromuscular Blockade During Propofol or
Sevoflurane Anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2004;99:1080 –5)

rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg and maintained with rocuronium
0.1 mg/kg given every time the height of first twitch
(T1) in TOF recovered to approximately 15% of Tc
obtained before induction of neuromuscular blockade.

Napoli SIA 2013
Conclusione 3
 With

neostigmine it is impossible to
obtain a tof 0.90 within 10 min.

Napoli SIA 2013
Effetti collaterali degli anti AchE

Napoli SIA 2013
Effetti fisiologici della presenza di
 Salivazione
 Iperperistalsi
 Secrezioni bronchiali

Napoli SIA 2013
Pericoli degli AntiAchE: arresto cardiaco

Bjerke, Richard J., MD; Mangione, Michael P.Asystole after
intravenous neostigmine in a heart transplant
recipinet.Can.Anaesth.J. 2001;48:305-07.


Purpose: To describe a heart transplant recipient who developed
asystole after administration of neostigmine which suggests that surgical
dennervation of the heart may not permanently prevent significant
responses to anticholinesterases.
Clinical features: A 67-yr-old man, 11 yr post heart transplant underwent
left upper lung lobectomy. He developed asystole after intravenous
administration of 4 mg neostigmine with 0.8 mg glycopyrrolate for
reversal of the muscle relaxant. He had no history of rate or rhythm
abnormalities either prior to or subsequent to the event.
Conclusion: When administering anticholinesterase medications to heart
transplant patients, despite surgical dennervation, one must be
prepared for a possible profound cardiac response.



Napoli SIA 2013
Pericoli degli ACHE:FA con rapida
risposta ventricolare…..

Kadoya, TSA, Aoyama K, Takenaka I.Development of rapid atrial
fibrillation with wide QRS complex after neostigmine in a patient
with intermittent WPW stndrome.BJA 1999;83:815-818



1Department of Anaesthesia, Nippon Steel Yawata Memorial Hospital, 1-1-1 Harunomachi,
ABSTRACT: We report the case of a 67-yr-old man with intermittent Wolff-Parkinson-White
(WPW) syndrome in whom neostigmine produced life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. The
patient was scheduled for microsurgery for a laryngeal tumour. When he arrived in the
operating room, the electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 82 beat
min-1 and a narrow QRS complex which remained normal throughout the operative period.
On emergence from anaesthesia, the sinus rhythm (87 beat min-1) changed to atrial
fibrillation with a rate of 80–120 beat min-1 and a normal QRS complex. We did not treat the
atrial fibrillation because the patient was haemodynamically stable. Neostigmine 1 mg without
atropine was then administered to antagonize residual neuromuscular block produced by
vecuronium. Two minutes later, the narrow QRS complexes changed to a wide QRS complex
tachycardia with a rate of 110–180 beat min-1, which was diagnosed as rapid atrial
fibrillation. As the patient was hypotensive, two synchronized DC cardioversions of 100 J and
200 J were given, which restored sinus rhythm. No electrophysiological studies of
anticholinesterase drugs have been performed in patients with WPW syndrome. We discuss
the use of these drugs in this condition.

Napoli SIA 2013
Pericoli degli antiAchE:broncocostrizione

Shibata O,Tsuda A,Makita T, Iwanaga S,Hara T,Shibata S,Sumikawa K.
Contractile and phosphadytilinositol responses of rat trachea to
anticholinesterase drugs.Can.Anaesth.J.1998;45:1190-95
Purpose: Some anticholinesterases (anti-ChE) such as neostigmine and pyridostigmine but not edrophonium, stimulate phosphaticlylinositol




(PI) response.
Although a direct relationship was suggested between the increase in PI response and airway smooth muscle contraction,
there are no data regarding the effects of anti-ChE drugs on airway smooth muscle. Thus, we examined the contractile
properties and PI responses produced by anti-ChE drugs.
Methods: Contractile response. Rat tracheal ring was suspended between two stainless hooks in Krebs-Henseleit (K-H)
solution. (1) Carbachol (CCh), anti-ChE drugs (neostigmine, pyridostigmine, edrophonium) or DMPP (a selective ganglionic
nicotinic agonist) were added to induce active contraction. (2) The effects of 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methyl-piperidine
methobromide (4-DAMP), an M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist, on neostigmine- or pyridostigmine-induced contraction of
rat tracheal ring were examined. (3) Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was tested on the anti-ChE drugs-induced responses. PI response.
The tracheal slices were incubated in K-H solution containing LiCl and 3[H]myo-inositol in the presence of neostigmine or
pyridostigmine with or without 4-DAMP, an M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist. 3[H]inositol monophosphate (IP1) formed
was counted with a liquid scintillation counter.
Results: Carbachol (0.1 mM), neostigmine. (1 mM), pyridostigmine (10 mM) but not edrophonium or DMPP, caused tracheal
ring contraction. 4-DAMP, but not tetrodotoxin, inhibited neostigmine and pyridostigmine-induced contraction. Neostigmineor pyridostigmine-induced IP1 accumulation was inhibited by 4-DAMP.
Conclusions: The data suggest that anti-ChE drugs activate the M3 receptors at the tracheal effector site.

Napoli SIA 2013
Schema delle afferenze parasimpatiche a
livello tracheale

Napoli SIA 2013
Effetti contrattili di antiACHE,carbacolo e dimetilfenilpiperazinio sugli anelli
tracheali di ratto.
Shibata O,Tsuda A,Makita T, Iwanaga S,Hara T,Shibata S,Sumikawa K. Contractile and phosphadytilinositol
responses of rat trachea to anticholinesterase drugs.Can.Anaesth.J.1998;45:1190-95

Napoli SIA 2013

Napoli SIA 2013
Tramèr, M. R. Fuchs-Buder, T..Omitting antagonism of nm
block:effect on PONV and risk of residual paralysis.A systematic
review.BJA 1999;82:379-386

A systematic search (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biological Abstracts, Cochrane library,
reference lists and hand searching; no language restriction, up to March 1998) was
performed for relevant randomized controlled trials. In eight studies (1134 patients),
antagonism with neostigmine or edrophonium was compared with spontaneous
recovery after general anaesthesia with pancuronium, vecuronium, mivacurium or
tubocurarine. On combining neostigmine data, there was no evidence of an antiemetic
effect when it was omitted. However, the highest incidence of emesis with neostigmine
1.5 mg was lower than the lowest incidence of emesis with 2.5 mg. These data

suggested a clinically relevant emetogenic effect with the higher
dose of neostigmine in the immediate postoperative period but not

Numbers-needed-to-treat to prevent emesis by omitting neostigmine compared with
using it were consistently negative with 1.5 mg, and consistently positive (3–6) with 2.5
mg. There was a lack of evidence for edrophonium. In two studies, three patients with
spontaneous recovery after mivacurium or vecuronium needed rescue
anticholinesterase drugs because of clinically relevant muscle weakness (numberneeded-to-harm, 30). Omitting neostigmine may have a clinically

relevant antiemetic effect when high doses are used. Omitting
antagonism, however, introduces a non-negligent risk of residual
paralysis even with short-acting neuromuscular blocking agents.
Napoli SIA 2013
Watcha MF, Safavi FZ, McCulloch DA, et al. Effect
of antagonism of mivacurium-induced
neuromuscular block on postoperative emesis in
children. Anesth Analg 1995; 80:713-7.

Incidenza di PONV nella PACU

neostigmine 70
micrograms/kg +
glycopyrrolate 10
edrophonium 1 mg/kg +
atropine 10



% 30






Napoli SIA 2013

Vomito entro
24 ore
Ding Y,Fredman B, White PF.Use of mivacurium during
laparoscopic surgery:effect of reversal drungs on
postoperaive recovery.Anesth Analg 1994; 78:450–4

outpatient laparoscopic tubal ligation
60 healthy, nonpregnant women.
midazolam / fentanyl/tps
succ 1 mg/kg (Group I) vs mivacurium 0.2 mg/kg (Groups II
and III)
Anesthesia maintained with isoflurane (0.5%-2% +67% N2O
Muscle relaxation maintained in all three groups with
intermittent bolus doses of mivacurium, 2–4 mg, IV.
In Group III, residual neuromuscular block reversed with
neostigmine 2.5 mg +glycopyrrolate, 0.5 mg,
Napoli SIA 2013
Effetti collat dello studio di Ding et al.



succi/miva/no antag


miva/miva/ no antag





% 40


Napoli SIA 2013


neck pain

shoulder pain
Risk of omitting

Residual paralysis!!!

Napoli SIA 2013
Comportamento suggerito per l’antagonismo dei miorilassanti a
lunga e media durata di azione secondo le risposte al Tof




Twitch visibili

Posponi antagonismo finchè almeno 1 o 2 contrazioni
0.07 mg/kg




0.04 mg/kg




0.5 mg/kg





Napoli SIA 2013
Time from administration of neostigmine or placebo/spontaneous recovery to
recovery of the TOF ratio 0.7, 0.8 or 0.9 in non-sugammadex studies




rocu 0,6+neo
rocu0,6 spont


rocu 0,9+neo
rocu 0,9 spont


tof 0,9 Adamus

tof0,9 Barrio

Napoli SIA 2013

tof 0,9 Adamus

tof 0,9 Bevan

tof 0,8 Della Rocca
Benefici attesi con
Aumentata sicurezza per I pazienti
 Aumentata sicurezza in anestesia e
 Ridotta incidenza(eliminazione) del blocco
nm residuo
 Aumentata efficienza

» Benefici economici per accelerazione della
ripresa,turnover + rapido?
Napoli SIA 2013
Napoli SIA 2013
Clinical signs
Clinical signs
correlation with residual force

patient cooperation!

depres s or
depres s or
c lenching
c lenching

head llift
head ift
> 5 s ec
> 5 s ec

Napoli SIA 2013

arm or leg
arm or leg
li ft> 5 sec
li ft> 5 sec

s us tai ned
s us tai ned
hand gri p
hand gri p
s trenght
s trenght
clinical sig ns
reliable vs not rel iabl e
reliable vs not rel iabl e

TVn or ma ll
TVn or ma

N eg Pres s < 2 5 mmH g
N eg Pres s < 2 5 mmH g

N eg p res s < 5 0 mmH g
N eg p res s < 5 0 mmH g

c ou gh
c ou gh

e ye op en in g
e ye op en in g

to ng u e p ro tru sion
to ng u e p ro tru sion

unrel iable
unrel iable
unrel iable
unrel iable


unrel iable
unrel iable

unrel iable
unrel iable

unrel iable
unrel iable

b efo re p atien t c oo pe ra tio n ri....
b efo re p atien t c oo pe ra tio n ri....
Napoli SIA 2013
Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of
residual curarization using double burst stimulation: A
comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:578-81

- Double burst stimulation (DBS.


The stimulus consists of two short bursts of 50 Hz tetanic stimulation,
separated by 750 ms
52 healthy patients undergoing surgery were studied.
For both stimulation patterns the frequencies of manually detectable
fade in the response to stimulation were determined and compared at
various electromechanically measured TOF ratios.
A total of 369 fade evaluations for DBS and TOF were performed.



Napoli SIA 2013
Probability of being within defined TOFR intervals when
different clinical fade evaluations are given (Drenck NE, Ueda N,
Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst
stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:578-81)

tof 0.41-0.50
tof 051-0.60
tof 0.61-0.70
tof >0.70

% 30

no tof fade

no tof,no dbs fade fade in dbs,not tof

Napoli SIA 2013
Dbs 3-3

Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using
double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:57881)

Fade frequencies with DBS more frequent than with
 Absence of fade with tof implies a 52% probability
than tof>0.60
 absence of fade with dbs implies a tof >0.60 in
91% of cases
 only tOFR<0.40 can be assessedd manually
 therefore,evaluation of DBS is relevant only when
there is no fade to tof

Napoli SIA 2013

Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using
double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:57881)

 absence

of fade to DBS normally
excludes severe residual nm
blockade(tofr<0.60) BUT DOES

Napoli SIA 2013
Meccanomiographic vs tactile
Meccanomiographic vs tactile
Drenck et al.Anesthesiology 79;578:1989.

qualitative tof

48% chances of
evaluating a real fade

qualitative DBS

9% chances of non
discerning a real fade

Napoli SIA 2013
Viby-Mogensen J, Jensen NH, Engbæk J, Ørding H, Skovgaard LT,
Chæmmer-Jørgensen B. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to
train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3.

Diaz/tps/N2O 66%/haloth 0.75-1.5%
 IOT with SCC ,then panc
 simult MMG in one arm & visual/tactile evaluation
in the opposite.
 Experienced and (inexperienced)
 6 different TOFR from every patient

Napoli SIA 2013
Viby-Mogensen et al Tactile and visual evaluation of
response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology
1985; 63:440-3.
observed 50

true tofr <0.30
true tof 0.31-0.40
true tof 0.41-0.50
true tof 0.51-0.60
true tof 0.61-0.70
true tof>0.70


Napoli SIA 2013

Threshold fade by 3 very experienced observers (VibyMogensen et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve
stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3)





Napoli SIA 2013

Threshold fade by 3 very experienced observers (Viby-


Mogensen et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve
stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3.)



visual onset

visual recovery

Napoli SIA 2013

manual onset

manual recovery
 Which

is the TOFR level that can be reliably
detected visually by observing tetanic fade
of the AP in response to 100-Hz, 5-s tetanus
in anesthetized patients.?

Napoli SIA 2013


Napoli SIA 2013


Does qualitative neuromuscular
monitoring reduce the risk of residual

Napoli SIA 2013
100 Hz visual assessment seems to be highly sensitive in evaluating residual paralysis, as
the absence of RF100 Hz visual fading at the AP is compatible with a TOF ratio >0.85

Baurain et al.Visual Evaluation of Residual Curarization in Anesthetized Patients
Using One Hundred-Hertz, Five-Second Tetanic Stimulation at the Adductor
Pollicis Muscle .Anesth Analg 1998; 87:185–9

Napoli SIA 2013
Residual block in patients
monitored with AMG
Mortensen Gatke

TOF watch 5.3
No monit 50

Napoli SIA 2013



Final question 2:Does quantitative neuromuscular
monitoring reduce the risk of residual block?


It reduces but does not eliminate
residual block

Napoli SIA 2013
Despite high quality studies demonstrating
a beneficial effect of quantitative monitoring
on the incidence of PORC , few clinicians
routinely use this type of monitoring.
 22.7% USA (Naguib et al , Anesth Analg 2010;1111:110-9)
 35% Italy (Della Rocca et al,Minerva Anestesiol. 2012 Jul;78(7):767


Neuromuscular block in Italy: a survey of current management.


Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Pietropaoli P, Reale C, Di Marco
Napoli SIA 2013


Until neuromuscular block during surgery
is not routinely monitored with obiective
means(MMG,AMG...) residual paralyss
would continue and contribute to
postoperative complications!

Napoli SIA 2013

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Residual paralysis

  • 1. Come Evitare la paralisi residua e vivere felici :il sugammadex. C.Melloni Libero professionista Napoli SIA 2013
  • 3. Italian survey 2010 (Minerva Anestesiol. 2012 Jul;78(7):767-73.Neuromuscular block in Italy: a survey of current management. Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Pietropaoli P, Reale C, Di Marco P Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010 Mar;54(3):307-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2009.02131.x. Epub 2009 Oct 15. Knowledge of residual curarization: an Italian survey. Di Marco P, Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Reale C, Pietropaoli P.  Only 35% of italian anesthesiologists use TOF.........  73% of italian anesthesiologists rely on clinical signs for return of muscular power 24% know that before extubation at least a TOF 0f 0.90 is needed  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 5. What is adequate neuromuscular recovery?  Ability to breathe normally;TV,paO2,SaO2,etCO2,PEF,FEV....  maintain a patent upper airway,  preserve protective airway reflexes,  swallow,  cough,  smile,  Talk.  Arm and leg movements........ Napoli SIA 2013
  • 6. TOF(R)      introduced in the early 1970s by Ali et al. Four supramaximal stimuli are delivered every 0.5 second (2 Hz) muscle response to the fourth stimulus is compared with that of the first stimulus. Fade of force of muscle contraction in response to repetitive nerve stimulation provides the basis for evaluation; the degree of fade is proportional to the intensity of the neuromuscular block. Advantages: » does not require a control,prerelaxant twitch height » less pain on stimulation over tetanic stimulation » lack of posttetanic facilitation » Threshold?????? Napoli SIA 2013
  • 9. Innervator Fisher & Paykel e TOfWatch Organon Napoli SIA 2013
  • 10. TOFR thresholds(in the definition of residual neuromuscular block)   ,  1970 –1977 a mean TOF ratio of 0.74 represented―acceptable recovery” from d-tubocurarine blockade. Patients with this level of recovery were able to open eyes widely, cough, protrude the tongue, sustain head lift for 5 seconds, develop a forced vital capacity of at least 15 to 20 mL/kg, and sustain tetanic stimulation without fade for 5 seconds. changes in measured respiratory variables, including tidal volume, vital capacity, inspiratory force, and peak expiratory flow rate, were ―negligible‖ until TOF ratios decreased To 0.6. At a TOF ratio of 0.7, all patients were able to sustain eye opening, hand grasp, and tongue protrusion, whereas 9 of 10 were able to maintain a 5-second head lift Ali HH, Kitz RJ. Evaluation of recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular block, using a digital neuromuscular transmission analyzer: preliminary report. Anesth Analg 1973;52:740–5. AliHH,Wilson RS, Savarese JJ, Kitz RJ. The effect of tubocurarineon indirectly elicited train-offour muscle response and respiratory measurements in humans. Br J Anaesth 1975;47:570–4  Brand JB, Cullen DJ, Wilson NE, Ali HH. Spontaneous recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade: correlation between clinical and evoked responses. Anesth Analg 1977;56:55–8.  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 12. Train of four ratio>0.7, <=0.9  1997-2000  TOFR 0.9 to ensure optimal patient safety.  pharyngeal dysfunction and an increased risk for aspiration occur at TOF ratios 0.9. Impaired inspiratory flow and partial upper airway obstruction have been observed frequently at TOF ratios of 0.8. subtle levels of neuromuscular blockade may produce distressing symptoms in awake patients, which may persist even at TOF ratios 0.9. These recent data suggest that the new ―gold standard‖ for the minimal acceptable level of neuromuscular recovery is an EMG or MMG TOF ratio of 0.9 (or perhaps 1.0 when AMG is used    Napoli SIA 2013
  • 16. Dichiarazione di assenza di conflitto di interessi  non ho alcun interesse finanziario o attività commerciale né sono supportato dalla azienda produttrice del Sugammadex(Bridion). Napoli SIA 2013
  • 17. PORC % nella metanalisi di Naguib Br J Anaesth. 2007 Mar;98(3):302-16.Neuromuscular monitoring and postoperative residual curarisation: a meta-analysis.Naguib M, Kopman AF, Ensor JE. panc Dtc Galla panc panc Atrac 0 galla vari Atrac 0 panc Panc vecu Panc vecu panc Tof<70 Tof <90 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 18. PORC % nella metanalisi di Naguib ;parte II 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 tof <0.70 tof < 0.90 30 20 10 0 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 19. Residual Paralysis at the Time of Tracheal Extubation Glenn S. Murphy, Joseph W. Szokol, Jesse H. Marymont, Mark Franklin, Michael J. Avram, Jeffery S. Vender.(Anesth Analg 2005;100:1840–5) 120 pts Nm block maintained at TOF 1-2 12% only with tof>0.9 Midazolam,1–2 mg.; propofol 1.5– 2.5 mg/kg , fentanyl ,sevoflurane 0.5%–3.5% in an air/oxygen mixture. neuromuscular blockade was reversed with neostigmine 50 microg/kg and glycopyrrolate 10 micro g/kg adequacy of neuromuscular reversal using standard clinical criteria :(5-s head lift or hand grip, eye opening on command, negative inspiratory force more than 20 cm H2 O, or vital capacity breath 15 cc/kg) and peripheral nerve stimulation (no evidence of fade with TOF or tetanic stimulation [50 Hz]). A 5-s head lift (or hand grip) and the observation of an absence of fade with peripheral nerve stimulation were the minimal requirements Napoli SIA 2013
  • 20. Residual Paralysis at the Time of Tracheal Extubation Glenn S. Murphy, Joseph W. Szokol, Jesse H. Marymont, Mark Franklin, Michael J. Avram, Jeffery S. Vender.(Anesth Analg 2005;100:1840–5) The use of a peripheral nerve stimulator in the OR may reduce, but does not eliminate, the problem of postoperative paresis.  Detection of incomplete reversal of neuromuscular blockade is difficult with standard TOF or tetanic stimulation. Experienced observers are unable to detect fade when the TOF ratio is 0.4 Viby-Mogensen J, Jensen   NH, Englbaek J, et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of the response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985;63:440 –3.). Napoli SIA 2013
  • 21. Residual Neuromuscular Block: Lessons Unlearned. Part I: Definitions, Incidence, and Adverse Physiologic Effects of Residual Neuromuscular Block Glenn S. Murphy, Sorin J. Brull, Napoli SIA 2013 Anesth Analg 2010;111:120–8
  • 22. What are the factors that alter the incidence of postoperative residual paralysis?  The great variability is due to different methods:  use of T4/T1 ratio of 0.7, 0.8 or 0.9 as PORP criterion use of different NMB of short, intermediate and long-term duration use of single or repeated doses, or continuous infusion of NMB assessment method of the residual NMB with or without reversal of neuromuscular blockade at the end of anesthesia with anticholinesterase drugs with dose and interval between the anticholinesterase drugs and degree assessment of neuromuscular blockade Age presence of kidney, cardiac or neuromuscular dysfunction drug use that can alter the pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics of NMB (calcium channel blockers, magnesium, lithium, antibiotics, local anesthetics, inhaled anesthetics, opioids, benzodiazepines electrolyte abnormalities, metabolic or respiratory acidosis and hypothermia.          Napoli SIA 2013
  • 24. Kopman et al.Relationship of the train of four fade ratio to clinical signes and symptoms of residual paralysis in awake volunteers.Anesthesioloogy,1997;86:765-71. Volontari sani  infusione di mivacurium  monitoraggio Datex 221 NMT  valutazione;  stretta di mano sollev,testa & gamba per 5 sec.  Ritenzione di abbassalingua  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 25. Osservazioni cliniche sulla relazione fra tof e correlati di forza: disturbi visivi sempre con tof di 0.90(diplopia,diff.seguire oggetti in moto,ecc)  forza dei masseteri ridotta sempre  sollev.testa e gamba sempre possibile > 0.60  stretta di mano variabile,ma 83% del basale a tof 0.90  per tof < 0.75 tutti disturbati  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 26. Conclusioni delle correlazioni fra segni clinici di forza muscolare e tof Capacità di ritenzione dell’abbassalingua è un test più sensibile del sollevamento del capo  tof <1 ancora residuano disturbi visivi e senso generalizzato di fatica  tof = 1 (o altri monitoraggi) per dimissione in chirurgia ambulatoriale??  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 27. Assiomi della ripresa nm.  TOF > 0.70 sicuro indice della ripresa nm……….. Ali HH, Wilson RS, Savarese JJ, Kitz RJ: The effect of tubocurarine on indirectly elicited trainof-four muscle response and respiratory measurements in humans. Br J Anaesth 47:570-4, 1975  Brand JB, Cullen DJ, Wilson NE, Ali HH: Spontaneous recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade: Correlation between clinical and evoked responses. Anesth Analg 56:55-8, 1977 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 28. Mutazioni occorse Esplosione della chirurgia ambulatoriale  pressione per la diminuzione della spesa sanitaria  aumento delle persone anziane e debilitate anche in chir amb.  Disponibilità di nuovi farmaci  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 29. Rivalutazione della pratica clinica      Età e stato di salute differiscono fra volontari sani e pazienti! La prassi clinica e l’utilizzo dei miorilassanti variano fra i diversi centri ambulatoriali il monitoraggio degli effetti nm non è praticato in ospedale,figurarsi nei centri ambulatoriali! I metodi di monitoraggio usati da Kopman et al si applicano ad una ampia gamma di situazioni cliniche. Esistono pesanti pressioni economiche per la diminuzione della spesa sanitaria. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 30. Implicazioni del lavoro di Kopman:1     I paz chirurgici sono in genere più anziani e ammalati dei volontari sani dello studio di Kopman/( ASA 1, entro il 15% del peso ideale,tra 23—33 anni….) gli effetti residui dei miorilassanti è probabile possano essere + significativi nella pratica ambulatoriale con pazienti + anziani e debilitati. Si potrebbe arguire che i paz.con sedazione residua siano meno attenti a disturbi visivi e debolezza dei muscoli facciali;ma è anche vero che dal punto di vista della sicurezza i paz postop siano esposti a rischio maggiore di aumento della morbilità,poichè la debolezza residua nm può essere aggravata da residui dell’anestesia. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 31. Implicazioni del lavoro di Kopman:2  mivacurium non è rappresentativo dei miorilassanti usati in chir amb;il mercato è dominato dai miorilassanti ad azione intermedia quali vecuronium, atracurium, rocuronium, cisatracurium  se una paralisi residua permane per un’ora dopo interruzione del mivac,caratterizzato da un RI di pochi min,che succede dopo la somministrazione dei mioril a durata intermedia(RI 20-30 min )? Napoli SIA 2013
  • 33. Conclusioni  Esiste evidenza sperimentale e clinica che i nmb nondepolarizzanti interferiscano con il controllo della ventilazione in condizioni di ipossia,verosimilmente attraverso una depressione reversibile della attività chemorecettoriale dei corpi carotidei implicazioneclinica Napoli SIA 2013
  • 36. Eriksson LI,Sundman E,Olsson R,NilssonL,Witt H,Ekberg O,Kuylenswtierna R. Functional Assessment of the Pharynx at Rest and during Swallowing in Partially Paralyzed Humans: Simultaneous Videomanometry and Mechanomyography of Awake Human Volunteers,Anesthesiology 1997;67:1035-43. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 38. Eriksson LI,Sundman E,Olsson R,NilssonL,Witt H,Ekberg O,Kuylenswtierna R. Functional Assessment of the Pharynx at Rest and during Swallowing in Partially Paralyzed Humans: Simultaneous Videomanometry and Mechanomyography of Awake Human Volunteers,Anesthesiology 1997;67:1035-43. Vecuronium induced partial paralysis(tof o.600.80) cause pharyngeal disfunction:  upper esophageal sphincter tone  Pharynx muscle coordination  Bolus transit time –6/14 volunteers aspirated at tof<0.90  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 40. The Incidence and Mechanisms of pharyngeal and Upper Esophageal Dysfunction in Partially Paralyzed humans.Eva Sundrnan,H anne Witt, Rolf Olsson, Olle Ekberg, S Richard Kuylenstierna, Lars I. Eriksson.Anesthesiology 2000;92:977-84          20 healthy volunteers studied awake during liquid-contrast bolus swallowing. The incidence of pharyngeal dysfunction was studied by fluoroscopy.+ Simultaneous manometry After control recordings, an iv infusion of atracurium was administered to obtain TOF 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80, followed by recovery to a > 0.90. The incidence of pharyngeal dysfunction increased to 28%, 17%, and 20% at TOF 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80, respectively. Pharyngeal dysfunction occurred in 74/ 444 swallows, the majority (80%) resulting in laryngeal penetration. The initiation of the swallowing reflex was impaired during partial paralysis The pharyngeal coordination was impaired at train-of-four ratios of 0.60 and 0.70 . A marked reduction in the upper esophageal sphincter resting tone was found, as well as a reduced contraction force in the pharyngeal constrictor muscles. The bolus transit time did not change significantly. . Napoli SIA 2013
  • 41. Time interval between passage of bolus from the anterior faucial arches and hyoid bone ms
  • 42. Time interval between start of contraction of pharyngeal constrictor and start of relaxation of upper esophageal sphincter ms
  • 43. Resting tension of the upper esophageal sphincter
  • 44. Pharyngeal constrictor muscle function Napoli SIA 2013
  • 45. The Incidence and Mechanisms of pharyngeal and Upper Esophageal Dysfunction in Partially Paralyzed humans Partial neuromuscular paralysis caused by atracurium is associated with a four- to fivefold increase in the incidence of misdirected swallowing. The mechanism behind the pharyngeal dysfunction is 1) a delayed initiation of the swallowing reflex, 2)impaired pharyngeal muscle function, 3)impaired coordination. The majority of misdirected swallows resulted in penetration of bolus to the larynx Napoli SIA 2013
  • 47. Predictive value of mechanomyography and accelerometry for pulmonary function in partially paralyzed volunteers. Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.        : In awake partially paralyzed volunteers spirometrically assessed pulmonary function every 5 min until recovery. Rocuronium (0.01 mg kg(-1) + 2-10 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) was administered to maintain train-of-four (TOF)-ratios (assessed every 15 s) of approximately 0.5 and 0.8 over a period of more than 5 min. The TOF-ratio associated with 'acceptable' pulmonary recovery [forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced inspiratory volume in 1 s (FIV1) of > or =90% of baseline] was calculated using a linear regression model. During 5-min periods of repetitive nerve stimulation we compared the squared residuals of the FVC and FIV1 estimates from TOFACM vs. TOFMMG, and compared variance of values derived from ACM and MMG using Wilcoxon's test. RESULTS: TOF ACM(0.56 (0.22-0.71) [mean (95%CI) and 0.6 MMG (0.28-0.74)], respectively, predict 'acceptable' (90%) recovery of FVC while FIV1 remains impaired until TOF-ratios of 0.91 (0.82-1.07) and 0.95 (0.82-1.18), respectively. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 48. Anesthesiology. 2012 Dec;117(6):1234-44.. Residual neuromuscular blockade affects postoperative pulmonary function. Kumar GV, Nair AP, Murthy HS, Jalaja KR, Ramachandra K, Parameshwara G. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 49. Heier T,. Caldwell,JE. Feiner JR, Liu, L, Ward, T, B,. Wright PMC. Relationship between Normalized Adductor PollicisTrain-of-four Ratio and Manifestations of Residual Neuromuscular Block A Study Using Acceleromyography during Near Steady–stateConcentrations of Mivacurium Anesthesiology 2010 : 113 ;2010.825-832 .         12 healthy volunteers 3 steady–state levels of neuromuscular block were achieved with mivacurium infusions. TOF ratio of 0.85– 0.95 (block level 1), TOF ratio of 0.65– 0.75 (block level 2), and TOF ratio of 0.45– 0.55 (block level 3). TOF ratio was measured acceleromyographically at the adductor pollicis using a preload. Lung volume measurements and a series of clinical tests were made at each stable block and reconciled to the normalized TOF measures. Results: None experienced airway obstruction or arterial oxygen desaturation, even at normalized TOF ratio less than 0.4. Functional residual capacity remained unchanged whereas vital capacity decreased linearly with decreasing TOF ratio. The ability to protrude the tongue was preserved at all times. The ability to clench the teeth was lost in one volunteer at normalized TOF ratio of 0.84 but retained in four at normalized TOF ratio less than 0.4. Four volunteers lost the ability both to raise the head more than 5 s and to swallow, with the most sensitive individual demonstrating these effects at normalized TOF ratio of 0.60. At mean normalized TOF ratio of 0.42, the mean handgrip strength was approximately 20% of baseline value. Conclusion: Lung vital capacity decreased linearly with decreasing TOF ratio. Responses to clinical tests of muscle function varied to a large extent among individuals at comparable TOF ratios. None of the volunteers had significant clinical effects of neuromuscular block at normalized acceleromyographic TOF ratio greater than 0.90. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 50. The relationship between normalized acceleromyography adductor pollicis train-of-four (AMG AP TOF) ratio and vital capacity of the lungs and between normalized AMG AP TOF ratio and handgrip strength in 12 volunteers during stable mivacurium blocks.Both vital capacity and handgrip strength decreased significantly with decreasing AMG AP TOF ratio.Heier T,. Caldwell,JE. Feiner JR, Liu, L, Ward, T, B,. Wright PMC. Relationship between Normalized Adductor PollicisTrain-of-four Ratio and Manifestations of Residual Neuromuscular Block A Study Using Acceleromyography during Near Steady–stateConcentrations of Mivacurium Anesthesiology 2010 : 113 ;2010.825-83 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 51. Number of individuals who lost muscle functions TOF ratio of 0.85– 0.95 (block level 1), TOF ratio of 0.65– 0.75 (block level 2), and TOF ratio of 0.45– 0.55 (block TOFR 0.85-0.95 Napoli SIA 2013 level 3). TOFR 0.65-0.75 TOFR ratio of
  • 52. Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade. Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J.              Source Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Germany. Abstract BACKGROUND: Residual paralysis increases the risk of pulmonary complications but is difficult to detect. To test the hypothesis that accelerometry predicts effects of residual paralysis on pulmonary and upper airway function, the authors related tests of pulmonary and pharyngeal function to accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle in 12 partially paralyzed volunteers. METHODS: Rocuronium (0.01 mg/kg + 2-10 microg x kg-1 x min-1) was administered to maintain train-of-four (TOF) ratios (assessed every 15 s) of approximately 0.5 and 0.8 over a period of more than 5 min. The authors evaluated pharyngeal and facial muscle functions during steady state relaxation and performed spirometric measurements every 5 min until recovery. Upper airway obstruction was defined as a mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity of greater than 1. The TOF ratio associated with "acceptable" pulmonary recovery (forced vital capacity and forced inspiratory volume in 1 s of > or =90% of baseline) was calculated using a linear regression model. RESULTS: At peak blockade (TOF ratio 0.5 +/- 0.16), forced inspiratory flow was impaired (53 +/- 19%) to a greater degree than forced expiratory flow (75 +/- 20%) with a mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity of 1.18 +/- 0.6. Upper airway obstruction, observed in 8 of 12 volunteers, paralleled an impaired ability to swallow reported by 10 of 12 volunteers. In contrast, all volunteers except one could sustain a head lift for more than 5 s. The authors calculated that a mean TOF ratio of 0.56 (95% confidence interval, 0.22-0.71) predicts "acceptable" recovery of forced vital capacity, whereas forced inspiratory volume in 1 s was impaired until a TOF ratio of 0.95 (0.82-1.18) was reached. A 100% recovery of TOF ratio predicts an acceptable recovery of forced vital capacity, forced inspiratory volume in 1 s, and mean ratio of expiratory and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity in 93%, 73%, and 88% of measurements (calculated negative predictive values), respectively. CONCLUSION: Impaired inspiratory flow and upper airway obstruction frequently occur during minimal neuromuscular blockade (TOF ratio 0.8), and extubation may put the patient at risk. Although a TOF ratio of unity predicts a high probability of adequate recovery from neuromuscular blockade, respiratory function can still be impaired. Comment in Residual neuromuscular blockade: importance of upper airway integrity. [Anesthesiology. 2004 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 53. Anesthesiology. 2003 Jun;98(6):1333-7. Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade. Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 54. Muscle function and tofr in 12 partially paralyzed volunteers Anesthesiology. 2003 Jun;98(6):1333-7. Accelerometry of adductor pollicis muscle predicts recovery of respiratory function from neuromuscular blockade. Eikermann M, Groeben H, Hüsing J, Peters J. 12 Num 10 8 tof 0.5 tof 0.8 tof 1 6 4 2 0 inability to sustain head lift >5 sec iability to seal mouthpiece inability to swallow fade of contraction normally visible Napoli SIA 2013 upper airway obstruction
  • 55. Eikermann M, Vogt FM, Herbstreit F, Vahid-Dastgerdi M,Zenge MO, Ochterbeck C, de Greiff A, Peters J. The predisposition to inspiratory upper airway collapse during partialneuromuscular blockade. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;175:9–15       Partial neuromuscular blockade (train-of-four [TOF] ratio: 0.5 and 0.8) was associated with the following: (1) a decrease of inspiratory retropalatal and retroglossal upper airway volume to 66 ( 22) and 82 (12)% of baseline, whichwas significantly more intense in the retropalatal area; (2) an attenuation of the normal increase in anteroposterior upper airway diameter during forced inspiration to 74 (18)% of baseline; (3) a decrease in genioglossus activity during maximum voluntary tongue protrusion to 39 (19)% (TOF, 0.5) and 73 (29)% (TOF, 0.8) of Baseline (4) no effects on upper airway size during expiration, lung volume, and respiratory timing. Conclusions: Thus, impaired neuromuscular transmission, even to a degree insufficient to evoke respiratory symptoms, markedly impairs upper airway dimensions and function. This may be explained by an impairment of the balance between upper airway dilating forces and negative intraluminal pressure generated during inspiration by respiratory ―pump‖ muscles. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 56. T1-weighted spin echo magnetic resonance midsagittal image of a subject before neuromuscular blockade (baseline Napoli SIA 2013
  • 57. End-inspiratory and end-expiratory upper airway volume before neuromuscular blockade (baseline) at a steady-state train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF ratio to 1.0, and15 min later (same TOF ratio) .Before neuromuscular blockade and with recovery from neuromuscular blockade, end-inspiratory volume was significantly greater than endexpiratory volume. Endinspiratory volume decreased significantly during partial neuromuscular blockade, and was even lower than end-expiratory upper airway volume at a TOF ratio of 0.5. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 58. Upper airway volume at end inspiration (quiet breathing) before neuromuscular blockade, at a steady-state TOF ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF ratio to 1.0, and 15 min later. Upperpanel: retroglossal area; lower panel: retropalatal area. 15 min. During partial neuromuscular blockade, upper airway volume decreased significantly both in the retroglossal and retropalatal part of Napoli SIA 2013 the upper airway, but was no longer significantly different from baseline values with recovery of the TOF ratio to 1.0. However, 4 of 10 volunteers still showed a marked impairment of retropalatal airway volume despite recovery of the TOF ratio to unity, which disappeared within 15 min.
  • 59. Changes in upper airway volume at end inspiration (quiet breathing) from baseline during steady-state neuromuscular blockade.The percentage decrease of retroglossal and retropalatal upper airway volume. At a TOF ratio of 0.5, upper airway volume decrease was significantly greater in the retropalatal area compared with the retroglossal area. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 60. Minimum cross-sectional area at end inspiration of the retroglossal and retropalatal part of the upper airway. Measurements during quiet breathing before neuromuscular blockade (baseline) at a steadystate TOF ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, after recovery of the TOF ratio to 1.0, and 15 min later. During neuromuscular blockade, airway crosssectional area decreased significantly in both regions of the upper airway and recovered to baseline values with a TOF ratio of unity. The smallest cross-sectional area of the retropalatal area was significantly less than the smallest cross-sectional area of the retroglossal area of the upper airway. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 63. Impaired upper airway integrity by residual neuromuscular blockade: increased airway collapsibility and blunted genioglossus muscle activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure. Herbstreit F, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2009 Jun;110(6):125360         Epiglottic and nasal mask pressures, genioglossus electromyogram, respiratory timing, and changes in lung volume were measured in awake healthy volunteers (n 15) before, during (TOF 0.5 and 0.8 [steady state]), and after recovery of TOF to unity from rocuronium-induced partial neuromuscular blockade. Passive upper airway closing pressure (negative pressure drops, random order, range 2 to – 30 cm H2O) and pressure threshold for flow limitation were determined. Results: Upper airway closing pressure increased (was less negative) significantly from baseline by 54 (4.4)% ,37 (4.2)%, and 16 ( 4.1) % at TOF ratios of 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0.,respectively (P < 0.01 vs. baseline for any level). Phasic genioglossus activity almost quadrupled in response to negative (–20 cm H2O) pharyngeal pressure at baseline, and this increase was significantly impaired by 57 ( 44)% and 32 (6)% at TOF ratios of 0.5 and 0.8, respectively (P < 0.01 vs. baseline). End-expiratory lung volume, respiratory rate, and tidal volume did not change. Conclusion: Minimal neuromuscular blockade markedly increases upper airway closing pressure, partly by impairing the genioglossus muscle compensatory response. Increased airway collapsibility despite unaffected values for resting ventilation may predispose patients to postoperative respiratory complications, particularly during airway challenges. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 64. atmospheric pressure.Inspiratory time was longer during impaired neuromuscular transmission, but no flow limitation was observed at this maskpressure. (B) Same volunteer during a negative pressure challenge (–20 cm H2O). Before partial neuromuscular blockade, phasicgenioglossus activity is markedly increased compared to breathing near atmospheric pressure, but no flow limitation is observed,despite such negative pharyngeal pressure. During partial neuromuscular blockade, phasic genioglossus activity is markedlyincreased compared with breathing at atmospheric pressure. However, the magnitude of the compensatory increase in genioglossus activity to negative pharyngeal pressure is impaired and flow limitation is observed. EMG electromyogram. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 65. Upper airway closing pressure (black bars) significantl increased during partial neuromuscular blockade and was still abnormal, even with recovery of the TOF ratio to unity. With neuromuscular transmission intact at baseline, evidenceof flow limitation (gray bars) was first observed at anaverage pressure of –12 cm H2O. With partial neuromuscular blockade at a TOF ratio of 0.5 and 0.8, flow limitation occurred at significantly less negative values of mask pressure, i.e.,airway integrity is impaired Napoli SIA 2013
  • 66. .Genioglossus activity increases markedly and significantly as negative pressure is applied. However, the magnitude of this effect is significantly attenuated with partial neuromuscular blockade Napoli SIA 2013
  • 67. Herbstreit F, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2009;110(6):1253-60    Minimal neuromuscular blockade (TOF ratio 0.5–1) markedly increased upper airway collapsibility and impaired the genioglossus response to negative pharyngeal pressure challenges. Thus, our data suggest that minimal neuromuscular blockade evokes increased upper airway collapsibility by blunting upper airway dilator compensatory responses to negative pharyngeal pressure. Imaging studies during complete or partialEikermann M, Vogt FM, Herbstreit F, VahidDastgerdi M, Zenge MO, Ochterbeck C, de Greiff A, Peters J: The predisposition to inspiratory upper airway collapse during partial neuromuscular blockade. Am J Respir Crit Care  neuromuscular blockade and in patients with obstructive sleep apnea suggest that the soft palate plays an important role in mediating airway narrowing during airway muscle paralysis and sleep. Med 2007; 175:9–15 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 68. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 201128(12):842-8. The influence of residual neuromuscular block on the incidence of critical respiratory events. A randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial. Sauer M, Stahn A, Soltesz S, Noeldge-Schomburg G, Mencke T.  Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.  incidence of critical respiratory events, such as hypoxaemia, in patients with minimal residual neuromuscular blockade and compared these data with those from patients with full recovery of blockade. Randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial. 132 adult patients, 18-80ASA I-III ,orthopaedic surgery ,GA with rocuronium randomised to one of two groups: neostigmine group (neostigmine 20 μg kg-1) or placebo group (saline). In the patients in the neostigmine group, the tracheal tube was removed at a train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 1.0; in the patients in the placebo group, the trachea was extubated at a TOF ratio less than 1.0, but without fade in TOF and double-burst stimulation (DBS). Neuromuscular monitoring was assessed simultaneously with qualitative TOF/DBS monitoring, and with quantitative calibrated acceleromyography. Napoli SIA 2013 Critical respiratory events, such as hypoxaemia, were assessed in the postanaesthesia care unit.      
  • 69. The influence of residual neuromuscular block on the incidence of critical respiratory events. A randomised, prospective, placebocontrolled trial   45 pts (39.5%) became hypoxaemic (SaO2 < 93%); there was a significant difference between the groups (29 patients in the placebo group versus 16 in the neostigmine group; P = 0.021).  In the neostigmine group, all patients were extubated at a TOF ratio of 1.0. In the placebo group, the median TOF ratio was 0.7 (range: 0.46-0.9; P < 0.001). The median time for spontaneous recovery in the placebo group was 16 min (range 3-49 min). Neostigmine 20 μg kg was effective in antagonising rocuronium-induced blockade without fade in TOF and DBS.  In this randomised, prospective, placebo-controlled trial, minimal residual block was associated with hypoxaemia in the postNapoli SIA anaesthesia care unit. Neostigmine 2013 μg kg was effective in 20  antagonising rocuronium-induced (minimal) blockade
  • 70. Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462. 83 patients,balanced or inhalation maintenance  Panc for op>2hrs,vecu for op>1 hr  PORP defined as tofr<70,hypoxemia as SaO‖ > 5% lower than basal or postop SaO2<93%,hypercapnia as paCO2>46 mmHg.  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 71. Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462. panc vecu PORP 20% 7% hypoxemia 60% 10% hypercapnia 30% 8% Napoli SIA 2013
  • 72. .Bissinger U,Schimek,F,Lenz,G.Postoperative residual paralys and respiratory status:a comparative study of pancuronium and vecuronium.Physiol Rev. 2000:49;455-462. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 75. Viby Mogensen et al,AAS 1997 • • • • 693 paz.randomizzati,cieco chir elettiva monitoraggio periop con Myotest e Tof confronto fra 1-5-2 ED95 di atrac,vecu,panc. • Antagonismo se necessario; • estubaz a tof eguale, tattile e resp adeguata.
  • 77. % tof<0.80 Andamento temporale del tof <0.80 nella RR 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 panc atrac vecu 0 5 10 15 20 min 30 40 50
  • 78. Postoperative pulmonary complications 20 15 10 % atrac vecu panc 5 0 popc popc con popc senza blocco blocco residuo residuo panc vecu atrac
  • 79. Popc secondo il tipo di chirurgia 16 14 12 10 addom ortop ginecol % 8 6 4 2 0 popc
  • 80. Fattori di rischio per POPC nello studio AAS1997  Tipo di chirurgia;freq * 2-10(addominale)  età:ogni 10 anni * 1.68  durata di anestesia(> o < 200 min)*3.3  panc e tof<0.70:*5
  • 81. What is the validity and correlation between the different PORP diagnostic tests ?  Clinical tests have shown the following values of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values19(D):        Capacity to keep the head up for 5 seconds: 0.19; 0.88; 0.51; 0.64; • Capacity to hold up the arm or the leg for 5 seconds: 0.25; 0.84; 0.50; 0.64; • Protrusion or capacity to remove the tongue: 0.22; 0.88; 0.52; 0.64; • Maintenance of hand grip strength: 0.18; 0.89; 0.51; 0.63. None of the available clinical trials showed a positive correlation with the T4/T1 > 0.9, or ruled out the possibility of PORP7,8,19(B)21(C).
  • 82. Br J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;105(3):304-9. Postoperative residual curarization from intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room discharge. Butterly A, Bittner EA, George E, Sandberg WS, Eikermann M, Schmidt U. Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA.      Postoperative residual curarization (PORC) [train-of-four ratio (T4/T1) <0.9] is associated with increased morbidity and may delay postoperative recovery room (PACU) discharge. We tested the hypothesis that postoperative T4/T1 <0.9 increases PACU length of stay. At admission to the PACU, neuromuscular transmission was assessed by acceleromyography (stimulation current: 30 mA) in 246 consecutive patients. The potential consequences of PORC-induced increases in PACU length of stay on PACU throughput were estimated by application of a validated queuing model taking into account the rate of PACU admissions and mean length of stay in the joint system of the PACU plus patients recovering in operation theatre waiting for PACU beds. PACU length of stay was significantly longer in patients with T4/T1 <0.9 (323 min), compared with patients with adequate recovery of neuromuscular transmission (243 min). Age (P=0.021) and diagnosis of T4/T1 <0.9 (P=0.027), but not the type of neuromuscular blocking agent, were independently associated with PACU length of stay. The incidence of T4/T1 <0.9 was higher in patients receiving vecuronium. Delayed discharge significantly increases the chances of patients having to wait to enter the PACU. The presence of PORC is estimated to be associated with significant delays in recovery room admission. CONCLUSIONS: PORC is associated with a delayed PACU discharge. The magnitude of the effect is clinically significant. In our system, PORC increases the chances of patients having to wait to enter the PACU. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 83. Postoperative residual curarization from intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room discharge. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 84. Postoperative residual curarization from intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking agents delays recovery room discharge. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 86. Anesthesiology. 2005 Feb;102(2):257-68.Impact of anesthesia management characteristics on severe morbidity and mortality. Arbous MS, Meursing AE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HH, Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE. A case-control study was performed of all patients undergoing anesthesia (1995-1997): 869,483 patients; 807 cases and 883 controls were analyzed  ONLY coma or death reported during or within 24 h of undergoing anesthesia.. .The incidence of 24-h postoperative death was 8.8 ( 8.2-9.5) per 10,000 anesthetics.  The incidence of coma was 0.5 (0.3-0.6).           Anesthesia management factors that associated with a decreased risk : equipment check with protocol and checklist, documentation of the equipment check , a directly available anesthesiologist, no change of anesthesiologist during anesthesia, presence of a full-time working anesthetic nurse two persons present at emergence, reversal of anesthesia (for muscle relaxants and the combination of muscle relaxants and opiates; postoperative pain medication as opposed to no pain medication, particularly Napoli SIA 2013 if administered epid or i.m. as opposed toi.v..
  • 87. Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate administered after recovery from neuromuscular block increases upper airway collapsibility by decreasing genioglossus muscle activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure. Herbstreit F, Zigrahn D, Ochterbeck C, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2010 ;113(6):1280-8.       10 healthy male volunteers epiglottic and nasal mask pressures, genioglossus electromyogram, air flow, respiratory timing, and changes in lung volume before, during (TOF ratio: 0.5), and after recovery of the TOF ratio to unity, and after administration of neostigmine 0.03 mg/kg IV (with glycopyrrolate 0.0075 mg/kg). Upper airway critical closing pressure (Pcrit) was calculated from flow-limited breaths during random pharyngeal negative pressure challenges. Pcrit increased significantly after administration of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate compared with both TOF recovery (mean SD, by 27 21%; P 0.02) and baseline (by 38 17%; P 0.002). In parallel, phasic genioglossus activity evoked by negative pharyngeal pressure decreased (by 37 29%, P 0.005) compared with recovery, almost to a level observed at a TOF ratio of 0.5. Lung volume, respiratory timing, tidal volume, and minute ventilation remained unchanged after neostigmine/glycopyrrolate injection. Conclusion: Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, when administered after recovery from neuromuscular block, increases upper airway collapsibility and impairs genioglossus muscle activation in response to negative pharyngeal pressure. Reversal with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may be undesirable 2013the absence of neuromuscular blockade. in Napoli SIA
  • 88. Representative recording of main variables from an awake healthy volunteer before partial neuromuscular blockade (baseline), during impaired neuromuscular transmission with a target train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 0.5, after spontaneous recoveryof the TOF ratio to unity, and during measurements initiated 2 min after injection of neostigmine (0.03 mg/kg) and glycopyrrolate(0.0075 mg/kg). A) Mask pressure at 2 cm H2O. Phasic (respiratory) genioglossus activity is very low while breathing near atmospheric pressure. During impaired neuromuscular transmission, no flow limitation is observed at this mask pressure. (B) Same volunteer during a negative pressure challenge (20 cm H2O). Before partial neuromuscular blockade, phasic genioglossus activity is markedly increased compared with breathing near atmospheric pressure. During partial neuromuscular blockade, phasic genioglossus activity is markedly increased compared with breathing at atmospheric pressure. However, the magnitude of the compensatory increase in genioglossus activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure is impaired, and flow limitation is observed. After spontaneous recovery of the TOF ratio to unity, the compensatory phasic genioglossus activity is restored. Injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate attenuates the increase in genioglossus activity, and the changes observed attain similar values as those seen with partial neuromuscular blockade with a TOF ratio of 0.5. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 89. Upper airway closing pressure significantly increased during partial neuromuscular blockade and was still abnormal even with recovery of the TOF ratio to unity (i.e.,before injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate) (P 0.01 vs.baseline). However, upper airway closing pressure significantly increased after injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate. Upper airway critical closing pressure (Pcrit) in awake healthy volunteers at baseline before neuromuscular blockade, with impaired neuromuscular transmission and a target train-offour (TOF) ratio of 0.5, after spontaneous recovery of the TOF ratio to unity, and after injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate Napoli SIA 2013
  • 90. The genioglossus activity is presente as a percentage of maximal activity (observed when the volunteer pressed his tongue with maximum strength against his teeth with the mouth closed). Genioglossus activity evoked in response to negative pressure challenges isimpaired with neuromuscular blockade. The compensatorygenioglossus response to a pressure drop is restored after return of the TOF ratio to unity. After administration ofneostigmine/glycopyrrolate, genioglossus activity in response to negative airway pressure is markedly and significantly decreased. Genioglossus muscle activity as a function of negative mask pressure with neuromuscular blockade at a target TOFratio of 0.5 (open squares), after spontaneous recovery of the TOF ratio to unity (solid squares), and after injection of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate Napoli SIA 2013
  • 91. Neostigmine/glycopyrrolate administered after recovery from neuromuscular block increases upper airway collapsibility by decreasing genioglossus muscle activity in response to negative pharyngeal pressure. Herbstreit F, Zigrahn D, Ochterbeck C, Peters J, Eikermann M. Anesthesiology. 2010 ;113(6):1280-8.    Administration of neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, when administered after spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular function, in a dose similar to that recommended, and in routine clinical use, led to a significant increase in Pcrit and thus increased airway collapsibility in healthy volunteers. The increase in airway collapsibility was of a magnitude comparable with neuromuscular blockade with a TOF ratio of 0.5. Furthermore, the normal compensatory activation of the genioglossus muscle in response to airway negative pressure challenges was blunted after administration of neostigmine/ glycopyrrolate (i.e. , neostigmine/glycopyrrolate evoked a significant impairment of upper airway dilator muscle function). Accordingly, whereas previous studies demonstrated airway compromise with residual neuromuscular blockade and thus a probable clinical need for reversal agents, theresults of this study reveal increased airway collapsibility as a result of Napoli SIA 2013 neostigmine/glycopyrrolate, if given after recovery from neuromuscular transmission
  • 94. TOF vs time after neostigmine 40 gr/kg (from T1 25%);control(fent/N2O),isoflurane stopped,isoflurane continued (1.25%)Baurain MJ, d'Hollander AA,Melot C, Dernovoi BS,Barvais L.Effects of residual concentrations of isoflurane on the reversal of vecuronium induced neuromuscular blockade.Anesthesiology 1991:71:474) Napoli SIA 2013
  • 95. Valori del tetanic fade (stimolazione a 50 Hz sn,100 Hz dx)dopo 15 min dalla somministrazione di neostigmina 40 microgr/kg Baurain MJ, d'Hollander AA,Melot C, Dernovoi BS,Barvais L.Effects of residual concentrations of isoflurane on the reversal of vecuronium induced neuromuscular blockade.Anesthesiology 1991:71:474- ) Napoli SIA 2013
  • 96.  Insomma,continuare la soministraz del vapore ritarda la ripresa nm anche dopo rovesciamento…… Napoli SIA 2013
  • 97. Neo vs edrofonio e profondità del blocco nm. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 98. Mean first twitch height vs time after administration of various doses of neostigmine and edrophonium starting from T 1 10% following atracurium and vecuronium Smith, CE, Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Response Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium neuromuscular Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43. Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1% Napoli SIA 2013
  • 99. Dose response relationship of first twitch and TOF assisted recovery 5 and 10 min. following administration of the antagonist as a function of the dose of neostigmine and edrophonium following atracurium and vecuronium. Smith, CE, Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Response Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium Neuromuscular Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43. ??? ? Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1% Napoli SIA 2013
  • 100. Effect on Tof of 2 doses of neostigmine and edrophonium following atracurium and vecuronium Smith, CE, Donati F., Bevan DR.Dose-Respons Relationships for Edrophonium and Neostigmine as Antagonists of Atracurium and Vecuronium Neuromuscular Blockade.Anesthesiology 1989;71: 37-43. 80 70 Inspired enflurane concentration maintained at 0.5-1% Tof si ferma a 0.7!!! 60 50 atrac at 5' atrac at 10' vecu at 5' vecu at 10' 40 30 20 10 0 neo 0.02 mg/kg neo 0.04 mg/kg Napoli SIA 2013 edroph 0.5 mg/kg edroph 1 mg/kg
  • 101. Conclusione 1 La dose giusta di neostigmina è…………  Meditate gente meditate………………  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 102. Insomma,l’antagonismo dipende da: Profondità di blocco al momento della somministrazione dell’antagonista  Presenza o meno di potenzianti nmb.  Tipo di antagonista somministrato  Tipo di miorilassante somministrato  Dose dell’antagonista somministrato  end point scelto;T1/Tc,Tof,ecc.  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 103. Conclusione 2   E’ meglio somministrare gli antidoti quando la ripresa nm è iniziata È meglio cessare la somministrazione degli alogenati ( e monitorizzare la % et)……. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 104. Anesthesiology. 2002 Jan;96(1):45-50.  Efficacy of tactile-guided reversal from cisatracurium-induced neuromuscular block.  Kirkegaard H, Heier T, Caldwell JE.  Source  Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California, San Francisco, USA.  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 105. Kirkegaard H,Heier T,Caldwell JE Efficacy of tactile guided reversal from cisatracurium induced neuromuscular block.Anesthesiology 2002;96:45-50 Anest with fent/prop/N2O  cisatrac 0.15 mg/kg  neostigmine 0.07 mg/kg administered at reappearance of I,II,III,IV of TOF;tactile vs Meccanomyography contralateral.  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 106. Time from neostigmine administration to TOFR 0.70 25.00 20.00 low 10.00 5.00 0.00 I twitch II twitch Napoli SIA 2013 III twitch IV twitch max min 15.00 mediana
  • 107. Time from neostigmine administration to TOFR 0.80 80 70 60 low 50 max 40 min 30 mediana 20 10 0 I twitch II twitch Napoli SIA 2013 III twitch IV twitch
  • 108. Time from neostigmine administration to TOFR 0.90 80 70 60 low 50 max 40 min 30 mediana 20 10 0 I twitch II twitch Napoli SIA 2013 III twitch IV twitch
  • 109. MMG magnitude of the first TOF twitch(T1) measured at the reappearance of each of the 4 tactile TOF responses. 80 70 T1 % 60 low max min mediana 50 40 30 20 10 0 I twitch II twitch Napoli SIA 2013 III twitch IV twitch
  • 110. Kirkegaard H,Heier T,Caldwell JE Efficacy of tactile guided reversal from cisatracurium induced neuromuscular block.Anesthesiology 2002;96:45-50  This study shows that achieving a TOFR of 0.90 in <10 min following neostigmine reversal is not a realistic goal;therefore counting the number of tactile responses to tof stimulation cannot be used as a guide for neostigmine admninistration if the end point of reversal is a TOFR of 0.90 or higher within 10 min;but is a good predictor of TOFR 0.70. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 111. Time to tof 0.9 after neostigmine 0.07 mg/kg + glycopirrolate when tactile tof is 1,2,3,4(groups) Kyo S. Kim, MD, PhD, Mi A. Cheong, MD, PhD, Hee J. Lee, MD, and Jae M. Lee,.Tactile Assessment for the Reversibility of RocuroniumInduced Neuromuscular Blockade During Propofol or Sevoflurane Anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2004;99:1080 –5) rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg and maintained with rocuronium 0.1 mg/kg given every time the height of first twitch (T1) in TOF recovered to approximately 15% of Tc obtained before induction of neuromuscular blockade. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 112. Conclusione 3  With neostigmine it is impossible to obtain a tof 0.90 within 10 min. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 113. Effetti collaterali degli anti AchE Napoli SIA 2013
  • 114. Effetti fisiologici della presenza di Ach Bradicardia  Salivazione  Iperperistalsi  Secrezioni bronchiali  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 115. Pericoli degli AntiAchE: arresto cardiaco  Bjerke, Richard J., MD; Mangione, Michael P.Asystole after intravenous neostigmine in a heart transplant recipinet.Can.Anaesth.J. 2001;48:305-07.  Purpose: To describe a heart transplant recipient who developed asystole after administration of neostigmine which suggests that surgical dennervation of the heart may not permanently prevent significant responses to anticholinesterases. Clinical features: A 67-yr-old man, 11 yr post heart transplant underwent left upper lung lobectomy. He developed asystole after intravenous administration of 4 mg neostigmine with 0.8 mg glycopyrrolate for reversal of the muscle relaxant. He had no history of rate or rhythm abnormalities either prior to or subsequent to the event. Conclusion: When administering anticholinesterase medications to heart transplant patients, despite surgical dennervation, one must be prepared for a possible profound cardiac response.   Napoli SIA 2013
  • 116. Pericoli degli ACHE:FA con rapida risposta ventricolare…..  Kadoya, TSA, Aoyama K, Takenaka I.Development of rapid atrial fibrillation with wide QRS complex after neostigmine in a patient with intermittent WPW stndrome.BJA 1999;83:815-818    1Department of Anaesthesia, Nippon Steel Yawata Memorial Hospital, 1-1-1 Harunomachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, ABSTRACT: We report the case of a 67-yr-old man with intermittent Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome in whom neostigmine produced life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. The patient was scheduled for microsurgery for a laryngeal tumour. When he arrived in the operating room, the electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 82 beat min-1 and a narrow QRS complex which remained normal throughout the operative period. On emergence from anaesthesia, the sinus rhythm (87 beat min-1) changed to atrial fibrillation with a rate of 80–120 beat min-1 and a normal QRS complex. We did not treat the atrial fibrillation because the patient was haemodynamically stable. Neostigmine 1 mg without atropine was then administered to antagonize residual neuromuscular block produced by vecuronium. Two minutes later, the narrow QRS complexes changed to a wide QRS complex tachycardia with a rate of 110–180 beat min-1, which was diagnosed as rapid atrial fibrillation. As the patient was hypotensive, two synchronized DC cardioversions of 100 J and 200 J were given, which restored sinus rhythm. No electrophysiological studies of anticholinesterase drugs have been performed in patients with WPW syndrome. We discuss the use of these drugs in this condition. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 117. Pericoli degli antiAchE:broncocostrizione  Shibata O,Tsuda A,Makita T, Iwanaga S,Hara T,Shibata S,Sumikawa K. Contractile and phosphadytilinositol responses of rat trachea to anticholinesterase drugs.Can.Anaesth.J.1998;45:1190-95 Purpose: Some anticholinesterases (anti-ChE) such as neostigmine and pyridostigmine but not edrophonium, stimulate phosphaticlylinositol    (PI) response. Although a direct relationship was suggested between the increase in PI response and airway smooth muscle contraction, there are no data regarding the effects of anti-ChE drugs on airway smooth muscle. Thus, we examined the contractile properties and PI responses produced by anti-ChE drugs. Methods: Contractile response. Rat tracheal ring was suspended between two stainless hooks in Krebs-Henseleit (K-H) solution. (1) Carbachol (CCh), anti-ChE drugs (neostigmine, pyridostigmine, edrophonium) or DMPP (a selective ganglionic nicotinic agonist) were added to induce active contraction. (2) The effects of 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methyl-piperidine methobromide (4-DAMP), an M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist, on neostigmine- or pyridostigmine-induced contraction of rat tracheal ring were examined. (3) Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was tested on the anti-ChE drugs-induced responses. PI response. The tracheal slices were incubated in K-H solution containing LiCl and 3[H]myo-inositol in the presence of neostigmine or pyridostigmine with or without 4-DAMP, an M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist. 3[H]inositol monophosphate (IP1) formed was counted with a liquid scintillation counter. Results: Carbachol (0.1 mM), neostigmine. (1 mM), pyridostigmine (10 mM) but not edrophonium or DMPP, caused tracheal ring contraction. 4-DAMP, but not tetrodotoxin, inhibited neostigmine and pyridostigmine-induced contraction. Neostigmineor pyridostigmine-induced IP1 accumulation was inhibited by 4-DAMP. Conclusions: The data suggest that anti-ChE drugs activate the M3 receptors at the tracheal effector site. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 118. Schema delle afferenze parasimpatiche a livello tracheale Napoli SIA 2013
  • 119. Effetti contrattili di antiACHE,carbacolo e dimetilfenilpiperazinio sugli anelli tracheali di ratto. Shibata O,Tsuda A,Makita T, Iwanaga S,Hara T,Shibata S,Sumikawa K. Contractile and phosphadytilinositol responses of rat trachea to anticholinesterase drugs.Can.Anaesth.J.1998;45:1190-95 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 121. Tramèr, M. R. Fuchs-Buder, T..Omitting antagonism of nm block:effect on PONV and risk of residual paralysis.A systematic review.BJA 1999;82:379-386  A systematic search (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biological Abstracts, Cochrane library, reference lists and hand searching; no language restriction, up to March 1998) was performed for relevant randomized controlled trials. In eight studies (1134 patients), antagonism with neostigmine or edrophonium was compared with spontaneous recovery after general anaesthesia with pancuronium, vecuronium, mivacurium or tubocurarine. On combining neostigmine data, there was no evidence of an antiemetic effect when it was omitted. However, the highest incidence of emesis with neostigmine 1.5 mg was lower than the lowest incidence of emesis with 2.5 mg. These data suggested a clinically relevant emetogenic effect with the higher dose of neostigmine in the immediate postoperative period but not thereafter.  Numbers-needed-to-treat to prevent emesis by omitting neostigmine compared with using it were consistently negative with 1.5 mg, and consistently positive (3–6) with 2.5 mg. There was a lack of evidence for edrophonium. In two studies, three patients with spontaneous recovery after mivacurium or vecuronium needed rescue anticholinesterase drugs because of clinically relevant muscle weakness (numberneeded-to-harm, 30). Omitting neostigmine may have a clinically relevant antiemetic effect when high doses are used. Omitting antagonism, however, introduces a non-negligent risk of residual paralysis even with short-acting neuromuscular blocking agents. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 122. Watcha MF, Safavi FZ, McCulloch DA, et al. Effect of antagonism of mivacurium-induced neuromuscular block on postoperative emesis in children. Anesth Analg 1995; 80:713-7. Incidenza di PONV nella PACU 60 neostigmine 70 micrograms/kg + glycopyrrolate 10 micrograms/kg, edrophonium 1 mg/kg + atropine 10 micrograms/kg. 50 40 * % 30 * 20 saline 10 0 PONV antiemetici necess Napoli SIA 2013 Vomito entro 24 ore
  • 123. Ding Y,Fredman B, White PF.Use of mivacurium during laparoscopic surgery:effect of reversal drungs on postoperaive recovery.Anesth Analg 1994; 78:450–4        outpatient laparoscopic tubal ligation 60 healthy, nonpregnant women. midazolam / fentanyl/tps succ 1 mg/kg (Group I) vs mivacurium 0.2 mg/kg (Groups II and III) Anesthesia maintained with isoflurane (0.5%-2% +67% N2O Muscle relaxation maintained in all three groups with intermittent bolus doses of mivacurium, 2–4 mg, IV. In Group III, residual neuromuscular block reversed with neostigmine 2.5 mg +glycopyrrolate, 0.5 mg, Napoli SIA 2013
  • 124. Effetti collat dello studio di Ding et al. 80 70 * * succi/miva/no antag 60 miva/miva/ no antag * 50 miva/miva/antag * % 40 30 20 10 0 nausea vomit Napoli SIA 2013 antiemetici neck pain shoulder pain
  • 125. Risk of omitting neostigmine….  Residual paralysis!!! Napoli SIA 2013
  • 126. Comportamento suggerito per l’antagonismo dei miorilassanti a lunga e media durata di azione secondo le risposte al Tof TOF esaurimento farmaco dose Twitch visibili nessuno 1-2 Posponi antagonismo finchè almeno 1 o 2 contrazioni visibili!! ++++ neostigmina 0.07 mg/kg 3-4 +++ neostigmina 0.04 mg/kg 4 ++ edrofonio 0.5 mg/kg 4 +/- edrofonio 0.25 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 127. Time from administration of neostigmine or placebo/spontaneous recovery to recovery of the TOF ratio 0.7, 0.8 or 0.9 in non-sugammadex studies 60 50 40 rocu 0,6+neo rocu0,6 spont 30 rocu 0,9+neo rocu 0,9 spont 20 10 0 tof 0,9 Adamus tof0,9 Barrio Napoli SIA 2013 tof 0,9 Adamus tof 0,9 Bevan tof 0,8 Della Rocca
  • 128. Benefici attesi con Sugammadex Aumentata sicurezza per I pazienti  Aumentata sicurezza in anestesia e chirurgia  Ridotta incidenza(eliminazione) del blocco nm residuo  Aumentata efficienza  » Benefici economici per accelerazione della ripresa,turnover + rapido? Napoli SIA 2013
  • 130. Clinical signs Clinical signs correlation with residual force patient cooperation! tongue tongue depres s or depres s or c lenching c lenching head llift head ift > 5 s ec > 5 s ec Napoli SIA 2013 arm or leg arm or leg li ft> 5 sec li ft> 5 sec s us tai ned s us tai ned hand gri p hand gri p s trenght s trenght
  • 131. clinical sig ns reliable vs not rel iabl e reliable vs not rel iabl e TVn or ma ll TVn or ma N eg Pres s < 2 5 mmH g N eg Pres s < 2 5 mmH g N eg p res s < 5 0 mmH g N eg p res s < 5 0 mmH g c ou gh c ou gh e ye op en in g e ye op en in g to ng u e p ro tru sion to ng u e p ro tru sion unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable reliable reliable unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable unrel iable b efo re p atien t c oo pe ra tio n ri.... b efo re p atien t c oo pe ra tio n ri.... Napoli SIA 2013
  • 132. Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:578-81  - Double burst stimulation (DBS.  The stimulus consists of two short bursts of 50 Hz tetanic stimulation, separated by 750 ms : 52 healthy patients undergoing surgery were studied. For both stimulation patterns the frequencies of manually detectable AB fade in the response to stimulation were determined and compared at various electromechanically measured TOF ratios. A total of 369 fade evaluations for DBS and TOF were performed.    Napoli SIA 2013
  • 133. Probability of being within defined TOFR intervals when different clinical fade evaluations are given (Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:578-81) 60 50 40 tof<0.4 tof 0.41-0.50 tof 051-0.60 tof 0.61-0.70 tof >0.70 % 30 20 10 0 no tof fade no tof,no dbs fade fade in dbs,not tof Napoli SIA 2013
  • 134. Dbs 3-3 Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:57881) Fade frequencies with DBS more frequent than with TOF  Absence of fade with tof implies a 52% probability than tof>0.60  absence of fade with dbs implies a tof >0.60 in 91% of cases  only tOFR<0.40 can be assessedd manually  therefore,evaluation of DBS is relevant only when there is no fade to tof  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 135. Conclusions: Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual curarization using double burst stimulation: A comparison with train-of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70:57881)  absence of fade to DBS normally excludes severe residual nm blockade(tofr<0.60) BUT DOES NOT NECESSARILY INDICATE ADEQUATE CLINICAL RECOVERY. Napoli SIA 2013
  • 136. Meccanomiographic vs tactile Meccanomiographic vs tactile evaluation evaluation Drenck et al.Anesthesiology 79;578:1989. qualitative tof evaluation 48% chances of evaluating a real fade qualitative DBS evaluation 9% chances of non discerning a real fade Napoli SIA 2013
  • 137. Viby-Mogensen J, Jensen NH, Engbæk J, Ørding H, Skovgaard LT, Chæmmer-Jørgensen B. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3. Diaz/tps/N2O 66%/haloth 0.75-1.5%  IOT with SCC ,then panc  simult MMG in one arm & visual/tactile evaluation in the opposite.  Experienced and (inexperienced) anesthesiologists  6 different TOFR from every patient  Napoli SIA 2013
  • 138. Viby-Mogensen et al Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3. 100 90 80 70 fade 60 observed 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 true tofr <0.30 true tof 0.31-0.40 true tof 0.41-0.50 true tof 0.51-0.60 true tof 0.61-0.70 true tof>0.70 inexp.observers Napoli SIA 2013 exp.observers
  • 139. Threshold fade by 3 very experienced observers (VibyMogensen et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3) 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 onset offset 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 visual Napoli SIA 2013 manual
  • 140. Threshold fade by 3 very experienced observers (Viby- TOFR Mogensen et al. Tactile and visual evaluation of response to train-of-four nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1985; 63:440-3.) 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 max min mean visual onset visual recovery Napoli SIA 2013 manual onset manual recovery
  • 141.  Which is the TOFR level that can be reliably detected visually by observing tetanic fade of the AP in response to 100-Hz, 5-s tetanus in anesthetized patients.? Napoli SIA 2013
  • 143. FINAL QUESTION 1:  Does qualitative neuromuscular monitoring reduce the risk of residual block? –NO Napoli SIA 2013
  • 144. 100 Hz visual assessment seems to be highly sensitive in evaluating residual paralysis, as the absence of RF100 Hz visual fading at the AP is compatible with a TOF ratio >0.85 Baurain et al.Visual Evaluation of Residual Curarization in Anesthetized Patients Using One Hundred-Hertz, Five-Second Tetanic Stimulation at the Adductor Pollicis Muscle .Anesth Analg 1998; 87:185–9 Napoli SIA 2013
  • 145. Residual block in patients monitored with AMG Mortensen Gatke TOF watch 5.3 No monit 50 Napoli SIA 2013 17 Murphy 34.5 30
  • 146. Final question 2:Does quantitative neuromuscular monitoring reduce the risk of residual block?  It reduces but does not eliminate residual block Napoli SIA 2013
  • 147. But..... Despite high quality studies demonstrating a beneficial effect of quantitative monitoring on the incidence of PORC , few clinicians routinely use this type of monitoring.  22.7% USA (Naguib et al , Anesth Analg 2010;1111:110-9)  35% Italy (Della Rocca et al,Minerva Anestesiol. 2012 Jul;78(7):767  73. Neuromuscular block in Italy: a survey of current management.  Della Rocca G, Iannuccelli F, Pompei L, Pietropaoli P, Reale C, Di Marco Napoli SIA 2013 P
  • 148. Conclusions  Until neuromuscular block during surgery is not routinely monitored with obiective means(MMG,AMG...) residual paralyss would continue and contribute to postoperative complications! Napoli SIA 2013