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3D Coordinate Systems
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes.
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.


 Right-hand system
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.


 Right-hand system           Left-hand system
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.            y
                     y                          x


 Right-hand system           Left-hand system
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.            y
                     y                           x

 Right-hand system           Left-hand system   .com/article.cfm?id=why-do-
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.            y
                     y                           x

 Right-hand system           Left-hand system   .com/article.cfm?id=why-do-
We used the right-hand system in math/physical
science. The left hand system is used in computer
3D Coordinate Systems
To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis
perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two
ways to add the z-axis.            y
                     y                           x

 Right-hand system           Left-hand system   .com/article.cfm?id=why-do-
We used the right-hand system in math/physical
science. The left hand system is used in computer
graphic. The real line which is 1D is abbreviated as R.
We write R2 for the 2D xy-plane and R3 for the 3D
rectangular xyz–space.
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).


3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                         y

3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                         y
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                         y
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,
2. then the z, which specifies                 x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                         y
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,
2. then the z, which specifies                 x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                                      y
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,
2. then the z, which specifies                 A(2, 0, 0)   x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).
Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                                      y
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,                                    (1, 3, 0)

2. then the z, which specifies                 A(2, 0, 0)   x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).         B(1, 3, 4)

Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                           4
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,                                     (1, 3, 0)

2. then the z, which specifies                 A(2, 0, 0)   x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).               B(1, 3, 4)

Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                                 4
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,                  (–2, 1, 0)
                                                            (1, 3, 0)

2. then the z, which specifies                       A(2, 0, 0)   x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above
z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
Every point in space may be addressed by
three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z).                B(1, 3, 4)

Given (x, y, z), to find the
location it pinpoints:                                  4
1. find (x, y) in the x&y
coordinate plane,                  (–2, 1, 0)
                                                             (1, 3, 0)

2. then the z, which specifies                        A(2, 0, 0)   x
the location above or below
(x, y). Specifically,
z > 0  above                     C(–2, 1, –3)

z < 0  below
Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0),
B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye


  Eye:(1, –1, 1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+

                       x                   y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+                  z+
                   y                                             x

                       x                   y                         y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)       Eye:(1, –1, –1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+                      z+
                   y                                                 x

                       x                   y                                 y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)           Eye:(1, –1, –1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
There are three coordinate planes:              z


3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+                      z+
                   y                                                 x

                       x                   y                                  y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)           Eye:(1, –1, –1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
There are three coordinate planes:              z
the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)}


3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+                      z+
                   y                                                    x

                       x                   y                                    y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)           Eye:(1, –1, –1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
There are three coordinate planes:              z
the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)}
the yz-plane = {(0, y, z)}

3D Coordinate Systems
3D systems may be drawn from different eye
         z+                       z+                  z+
                   y                                                x

                       x                   y                                y

  Eye:(1, –1, 1)           Eye:(1, 1, 1)       Eye:(1, –1, –1)

Objects appears differently in its direction and its
orientation depending on the eye position.
There are three coordinate planes:         xz-plane z

the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)}
the yz-plane = {(0, y, z)}
the xz-plane = {(x, 0, z)}                x

3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.
The Constant Equations
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.
The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.
The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.   +

The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4               y

Example B.                              x

a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane.
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.      z

The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4          y=4   y

Example B.                              x

a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane.
b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane.
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.      z

The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4          y=4   y

Example B.                              x

a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane.
b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane.
c. z = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xy-plane.
3D Coordinate Systems
Basic 3D Graphs
In general, the graph of an equation in the variables
x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.     +

The Constant Equations
The graphs of the equations
x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes
that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4          y=4   y

Example B.                              x

a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane.
b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane.
c. z = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xy-plane.
d. The graph of (x – 4)(y – 4)(z – 4) = 0 is all three
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4
Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4
Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),
set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0),
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4
Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),
set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0).
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,          +

set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the
plane in the coordinate system.                        y
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4
Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),      x
set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0). Plot these
intercepts and the plane containing them is the graph.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Graphs of Linear Equations
The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are
planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane
a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept,
set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept,                   z +

                                                          (0, 0, 2)
set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
The three intercepts position the (0,–4, 0)
plane in the coordinate system.                                     y
Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4                (2, 0, 0)

Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),      x
set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0). Plot these
intercepts and the plane containing them is the graph.
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.


                                       The plane y – 2x = 4
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.

                                       (–2, 0, 0)
                                                          (0, 4, 0)

                                       The plane y – 2x = 4
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.              +
Because the equation doesn't
have the variable z, therefore the
z coordinate assume any value.         (–2, 0, 0)
                                                          (0, 4, 0)

                                       The plane y – 2x = 4
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.
                                              z   +

Because the equation doesn't
have the variable z, therefore the
z coordinate assume any value.          (–2, 0, 0)
                                                          (0, 4, 0)
Hence all points directly above x                                 y

and below the line y – 2x = 4
which form a plane parallel to the
x-axis, is the graph.                  The plane y – 2x = 4
3D Coordinate Systems
Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3.
Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0),
set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the
xy-plane is part of the graph.
                                              z   +

Because the equation doesn't
have the variable z, therefore the
z coordinate assume any value.          (–2, 0, 0)
                                                          (0, 4, 0)
Hence all points directly above x                                 y

and below the line y – 2x = 4
which form a plane parallel to the
x-axis, is the graph.                  The plane y – 2x = 4
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.

Example E. Sketch z = x2
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,

Example E. Sketch z = x2
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,


Example E. Sketch z = x2
Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane.
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,
then move the curve in space           +
parallel to the axis of the missing

Example E. Sketch z = x2
Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane.
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,
then move the curve in space           +
parallel to the axis of the missing

Example E. Sketch z = x2
Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this
parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,
then move the curve in space           +
parallel to the axis of the missing

Example E. Sketch z = x2
Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this
parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction we
get the (parabolic) cylinder-surface as shown.
3D Coordinate Systems
General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
In general, if an equation has a missing variable then
the missing variable may assume any value.
To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D
curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first,
then move the curve in space           +
parallel to the axis of the missing
variable. The surface formed is a
general cylinder.                                    y

Example E. Sketch z = x2
Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this
parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction we
get the (parabolic) cylinder-surface as shown.
3D Coordinate Systems
Equations of Spheres                           z+
The equation of the sphere with                      y
radius r, centered at (a, b ,c) is                             (a, b, c)

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 + (z – c)2 = r2.
In particular x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 is the           r                          x

sphere centered at (0, 0, 0) with        x2+y2+z2=r2

radius r.
3D Coordinate Systems
Equations of Spheres                         z                  +
                                                   (x–a) +(y–b) +(z–c) =r
                                                                        2   2   2   2

The equation of the sphere with                  y
radius r, centered at (a, b ,c) is                          (a, b, c)

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 + (z – c)2 = r2.
In particular x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 is the         r                           x

sphere centered at (0, 0, 0) with      x +y +z =r   2   2       2   2

radius r.
Equations of Ellipsoids

The graph of the equation                                       t
                                                     (a, b, c)
 (x – a)2 (y – b)2 (z – c)2 = 1                                 s

    r2 + s2         + t2
is the ellipsoid
centered at (a, b ,c), with
x–radius = r, y–radius = s, z–radius = t
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
The mid–point of
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ).
                                  2   , 2    , 2
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
The mid–point of
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ).
                                  2   , 2    , 2
Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which
has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
The mid–point of
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ).
                                  2   , 2    , 2
Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which
has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter.
The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B
and C = (3, 2, –1).
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
The mid–point of
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ).
                                  2   , 2    , 2
Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which
has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter.
The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B
and C = (3, 2, –1). The radius is the distance from
A to C which is √1 + 1 + 16 = 3√2.
3D Coordinate Systems
The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3
The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is
√Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3),
with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
The mid–point of
(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ).
                                  2   , 2    , 2
Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which
has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter.
The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B
 and C = (3, 2, –1). The radius is the distance from
A to C which is √1 + 1 + 16 = 3√2. So the equation is
(x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 + (z + 1)2 = 18.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120o, 4)
in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120o, 4) z
in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.
                                                 3      y
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                 (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o     z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                 4

                                                      3         y
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                  (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o      z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                  4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                           3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                y
                                            120     o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)         x
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                  (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o      z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                  4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                           3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                y
                                            120     o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)         x

b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to
cylindrical coordinate.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                  (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o      z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                  4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                           3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                y
                                            120     o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)         x

b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to
cylindrical coordinate.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                  (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o      z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                  4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                           3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                y
                                            120     o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)         x

b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to
cylindrical coordinate.
θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18
Hence the point is (√18, 315o,
1) the cylindrical coordinate.
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                         (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)
                                      o             z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                         4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                                  3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                       y
                                                   120   o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)          x

b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to                          z
cylindrical coordinate.
θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18                                          y

Hence the point is (√18, 315o,
                                   (√18, 315 , 0) o

1) the cylindrical coordinate.                   x
Cylindrical Coordinates
The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination
of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane
with z as the 3rd coordinate.
                                                              (3, 120 , 4)

Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4)  o               z

in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to
rectangular coordinate.                                              4

x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2                                       3
y = 3sin(120 ) = √3
              o                                                            y
                                                        120  o

Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4)               x

b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to                               z
cylindrical coordinate.        (√18, 315 , 1) = (3, –3, 1)

θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18                   1

Hence the point is (√18, 315o,
                                      (√18, 315 , 0) o

1) the cylindrical coordinate.                       x
Cylindrical Coordinates
The constant equations
r = k describes cylinders
of radius k, thus the name
"cylindrical coordinate".
Cylindrical Coordinates
The constant equations
r = k describes cylinders
of radius k, thus the name
"cylindrical coordinate".

Example H. a. Sketch r = 2


Cylindrical Coordinates
The constant equations        The constant equations
r = k describes cylinders     θ = k describes the
of radius k, thus the name    vertical plane through the
"cylindrical coordinate".     origin, at the angle k with
Example H. a. Sketch r = 2      b. Sketch θ =3π/4

              2                                     y
                        y                    3π/4

Cylindrical Coordinates
The constant equations        The constant equations
r = k describes cylinders     θ = k describes the
of radius k, thus the name    vertical plane through the
"cylindrical coordinate".     origin, at the angle k with
Example H. a. Sketch r = 2      b. Sketch θ =3π/4

              2                                     y
                        y                    3π/4


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6 3 d coordinate systems

  • 2. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes.
  • 3. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis.
  • 4. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. z+ y x Right-hand system
  • 5. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. z+ y x z+ Right-hand system Left-hand system
  • 6. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. y z+ y x x z+ Right-hand system Left-hand system
  • 7. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. y z+ y x x z+ http://www.scientificamerican Right-hand system Left-hand system .com/article.cfm?id=why-do- some-chemicals-hav
  • 8. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. y z+ y x x z+ http://www.scientificamerican Right-hand system Left-hand system .com/article.cfm?id=why-do- some-chemicals-hav We used the right-hand system in math/physical science. The left hand system is used in computer graphic.
  • 9. 3D Coordinate Systems To set up a 3D coordinate system, we add a z-axis perpendicularly to both the x&y axes. There are two ways to add the z-axis. y z+ y x x z+ http://www.scientificamerican Right-hand system Left-hand system .com/article.cfm?id=why-do- some-chemicals-hav We used the right-hand system in math/physical science. The left hand system is used in computer graphic. The real line which is 1D is abbreviated as R. We write R2 for the 2D xy-plane and R3 for the 3D rectangular xyz–space.
  • 10. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). z+ y x
  • 11. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y x
  • 12. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, x
  • 13. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, 2. then the z, which specifies x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below
  • 14. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, 2. then the z, which specifies x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 15. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, 2. then the z, which specifies A(2, 0, 0) x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 16. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, (1, 3, 0) 2. then the z, which specifies A(2, 0, 0) x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 17. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). B(1, 3, 4) Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: 4 y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, (1, 3, 0) 2. then the z, which specifies A(2, 0, 0) x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 18. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). B(1, 3, 4) Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: 4 y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, (–2, 1, 0) (1, 3, 0) 2. then the z, which specifies A(2, 0, 0) x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 19. 3D Coordinate Systems Every point in space may be addressed by three numbers, an ordered triple, (x, y, z). B(1, 3, 4) Given (x, y, z), to find the z+ location it pinpoints: 4 y 1. find (x, y) in the x&y coordinate plane, (–2, 1, 0) (1, 3, 0) 2. then the z, which specifies A(2, 0, 0) x the location above or below (x, y). Specifically, z > 0  above C(–2, 1, –3) z < 0  below Example A. Draw A(2, 0 , 0), B(1, 3, 4), C(–2, 1, –3)
  • 20. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions:
  • 21. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position.
  • 22. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ y x y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position.
  • 23. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ z+ y x x y y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Eye:(1, –1, –1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position.
  • 24. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ z+ y x x y y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Eye:(1, –1, –1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position. There are three coordinate planes: z y x
  • 25. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ z+ y x x y y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Eye:(1, –1, –1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position. There are three coordinate planes: z the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)} y x xy-plane
  • 26. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ z+ y x x y y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Eye:(1, –1, –1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position. yz-plane There are three coordinate planes: z the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)} y the yz-plane = {(0, y, z)} x xy-plane
  • 27. 3D Coordinate Systems 3D systems may be drawn from different eye positions: z+ z+ z+ y x x y y x Eye:(1, –1, 1) Eye:(1, 1, 1) Eye:(1, –1, –1) Objects appears differently in its direction and its orientation depending on the eye position. yz-plane There are three coordinate planes: xz-plane z the xy-plane = {(x, y, 0)} y the yz-plane = {(0, y, z)} the xz-plane = {(x, 0, z)} x xy-plane
  • 29. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space.
  • 30. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. The Constant Equations
  • 31. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. The Constant Equations The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate planes.
  • 32. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. The Constant Equations The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate planes.
  • 33. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. + z The Constant Equations The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4 y planes. Example B. x a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane.
  • 34. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. z + The Constant Equations The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4 y=4 y planes. Example B. x a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane. b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane.
  • 35. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. z + The Constant Equations z=4 The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4 y=4 y planes. Example B. x a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane. b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane. c. z = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xy-plane.
  • 36. 3D Coordinate Systems Basic 3D Graphs In general, the graph of an equation in the variables x, y, and z in R3 is a surface is 3D space. + z The Constant Equations z=4 The graphs of the equations x = k, y = k, or z = k are planes that are parallel to the coordinate x = 4 y=4 y planes. Example B. x a. x = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the yz-plane. b. y = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xz-plane. c. z = 4 is a plane that’s parallel to the xy-plane. d. The graph of (x – 4)(y – 4)(z – 4) = 0 is all three planes.
  • 37. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations
  • 38. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes.
  • 39. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero:
  • 40. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept.
  • 41. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system.
  • 42. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system. Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4.
  • 43. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system. Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4 Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2),
  • 44. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system. Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4 Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2), set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0),
  • 45. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system. Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4 Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2), set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0).
  • 46. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, + z set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the plane in the coordinate system. y Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4 Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2), x x set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0). Plot these intercepts and the plane containing them is the graph.
  • 47. 3D Coordinate Systems The Graphs of Linear Equations The graphs of linear equations ax + by + cz = d are planes. We may use the intercepts to graph the plane a, b, c and d are all nonzero: set x = y = 0 to obtain the z intercept, set x = z = 0 to obtain the y intercept, z + (0, 0, 2) set y = z = 0 to obtain the x intercept. The three intercepts position the (0,–4, 0) plane in the coordinate system. y Example C. Sketch 2x – y + 2z = 4 (2, 0, 0) Set x = y = 0  z = 2, we’ve (0, 0, 2), x x set x = z = 0  y = –4, we’ve (0, –4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = 2, we’ve (2, 0, 0). Plot these intercepts and the plane containing them is the graph.
  • 48. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0).
  • 49. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept.
  • 50. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph.
  • 51. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph. z+ y x The plane y – 2x = 4
  • 52. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph. z+ (–2, 0, 0) (0, 4, 0) y x The plane y – 2x = 4
  • 53. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph. + z Because the equation doesn't have the variable z, therefore the z coordinate assume any value. (–2, 0, 0) (0, 4, 0) y x The plane y – 2x = 4
  • 54. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph. z + Because the equation doesn't have the variable z, therefore the z coordinate assume any value. (–2, 0, 0) (0, 4, 0) Hence all points directly above x y and below the line y – 2x = 4 which form a plane parallel to the x-axis, is the graph. The plane y – 2x = 4
  • 55. 3D Coordinate Systems Example D. Sketch y – 2x = 4 in R3. Set x = z = 0  y = 4, we’ve (0, 4, 0), set y = z = 0  x = –2, we’ve (–2, 0, 0). We can’t set y = x = 0, so there is no z intercept. Plot the x and y intercepts, the line y – 2x = –4 in the xy-plane is part of the graph. z + Because the equation doesn't have the variable z, therefore the z coordinate assume any value. (–2, 0, 0) (0, 4, 0) Hence all points directly above x y and below the line y – 2x = 4 which form a plane parallel to the x-axis, is the graph. The plane y – 2x = 4
  • 56. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable)
  • 57. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value.
  • 58. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. Example E. Sketch z = x2
  • 59. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, Example E. Sketch z = x2
  • 60. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, z+ y x Example E. Sketch z = x2 Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane.
  • 61. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, then move the curve in space + z parallel to the axis of the missing variable. y x Example E. Sketch z = x2 Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane.
  • 62. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, then move the curve in space + z parallel to the axis of the missing variable. y x Example E. Sketch z = x2 Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction
  • 63. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, then move the curve in space + z parallel to the axis of the missing variable. y x Example E. Sketch z = x2 Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction we get the (parabolic) cylinder-surface as shown.
  • 64. 3D Coordinate Systems General Cylinders (Equation with a missing variable) In general, if an equation has a missing variable then the missing variable may assume any value. To draw the graph of the equation, draw the 2D curve in the corresponding coordinate plane first, then move the curve in space + z parallel to the axis of the missing variable. The surface formed is a general cylinder. y x Example E. Sketch z = x2 Draw the parabola z = x2 in the xz-plane. Extend this parabola in the y (the missing variable) direction we get the (parabolic) cylinder-surface as shown.
  • 65. 3D Coordinate Systems Equations of Spheres z+ (x–a)2+(y–b)2+(z–c)2=r2 The equation of the sphere with y radius r, centered at (a, b ,c) is (a, b, c) r (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 + (z – c)2 = r2. In particular x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 is the r x sphere centered at (0, 0, 0) with x2+y2+z2=r2 radius r.
  • 66. 3D Coordinate Systems Equations of Spheres z + (x–a) +(y–b) +(z–c) =r 2 2 2 2 The equation of the sphere with y radius r, centered at (a, b ,c) is (a, b, c) r (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 + (z – c)2 = r2. In particular x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 is the r x sphere centered at (0, 0, 0) with x +y +z =r 2 2 2 2 radius r. z Equations of Ellipsoids + y The graph of the equation t r (a, b, c) (x – a)2 (y – b)2 (z – c)2 = 1 s r2 + s2 + t2 x is the ellipsoid centered at (a, b ,c), with x–radius = r, y–radius = s, z–radius = t
  • 67. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2
  • 68. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5
  • 69. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5 The mid–point of (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ). 2 , 2 , 2
  • 70. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5 The mid–point of (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ). 2 , 2 , 2 Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter.
  • 71. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5 The mid–point of (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ). 2 , 2 , 2 Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter. The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B and C = (3, 2, –1).
  • 72. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5 The mid–point of (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ). 2 , 2 , 2 Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter. The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B and C = (3, 2, –1). The radius is the distance from A to C which is √1 + 1 + 16 = 3√2.
  • 73. 3D Coordinate Systems The Distance and the Mid–point Formula in R3 The distance D between (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is √Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 + (z2 – z1)2 Hence the distance between (2, –1, 1) and (1, –1, 3), with Δx = 1, Δy = 0, Δz = –2, is D = √1+ 0 + 4 = √5 The mid–point of (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) is ( x1+ x2 y1+ y2 z1+ z2 ). 2 , 2 , 2 Example F. Find the equation of the sphere which has A(2, 1, 3) and B(4, 3, –5) as a diameter. The center C of the sphere is the mid–point of A and B and C = (3, 2, –1). The radius is the distance from A to C which is √1 + 1 + 16 = 3√2. So the equation is (x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 + (z + 1)2 = 18.
  • 74. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate.
  • 75. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120o, 4) in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate.
  • 76. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120o, 4) z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 3 y 120o x
  • 77. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 3 y 120o x
  • 78. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x
  • 79. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to cylindrical coordinate.
  • 80. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to cylindrical coordinate.
  • 81. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to cylindrical coordinate. θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18 Hence the point is (√18, 315o, 1) the cylindrical coordinate.
  • 82. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to z cylindrical coordinate. θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18 y Hence the point is (√18, 315o, (√18, 315 , 0) o 1) the cylindrical coordinate. x
  • 83. Cylindrical Coordinates The cylindrical coordinate system is the combination of using polar coordinates for points in the xy–plane with z as the 3rd coordinate. (3, 120 , 4) o Example G. a. Plot the point (3,120 , 4) o z in cylindrical coordinate. Convert it to rectangular coordinate. 4 x = 3cos(120o) = –3/2 3 y = 3sin(120 ) = √3 o y 120 o Hence the point is (–3/2, √3, 4) x b. Convert (3, –3, 1) into to z cylindrical coordinate. (√18, 315 , 1) = (3, –3, 1) o θ = 315o, r = √9 + 9 = √18 1 y Hence the point is (√18, 315o, (√18, 315 , 0) o 1) the cylindrical coordinate. x
  • 84. Cylindrical Coordinates The constant equations r = k describes cylinders of radius k, thus the name "cylindrical coordinate".
  • 85. Cylindrical Coordinates The constant equations r = k describes cylinders of radius k, thus the name "cylindrical coordinate". Example H. a. Sketch r = 2 z 2 y x
  • 86. Cylindrical Coordinates The constant equations The constant equations r = k describes cylinders θ = k describes the of radius k, thus the name vertical plane through the "cylindrical coordinate". origin, at the angle k with x-axis. Example H. a. Sketch r = 2 b. Sketch θ =3π/4 z z 2 y y 3π/4 x x
  • 87. Cylindrical Coordinates The constant equations The constant equations r = k describes cylinders θ = k describes the of radius k, thus the name vertical plane through the "cylindrical coordinate". origin, at the angle k with x-axis. Example H. a. Sketch r = 2 b. Sketch θ =3π/4 z z 2 y y 3π/4 x x