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Juan María Garrido Almiñana
Modelling Spanish Intonation
for -Text-to-Speech Applications
Ph. D. Thesis
Tesis doctoral
Director: Dr. Joaquim Llistem i Boix
Departament de Filologia Espanyola
Facultat de Lletres
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Mayo 1996
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Servei de Biblioteques
Juan María Garrido Almiñana
Modelling Spanish Intonation
for Text-to-Speech Applications
Ph. D. Thesis
Tesis doctoral
Director: Dr. Joaquim Llisterri i Boix
Departament de Filologia Espanyola
Facultat deLletres
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Mayo 1996
A todo aquel que encuentre
en estaspáginas algo de utilidad
A Joaquim, el doctor Joaquim Llisterri. Por ser mi director de tesis,y por toda la ayuda que
he recibido durante la realizaciónde este trabajo. Pero sobretodopor la confianza depositada
en mí desde el primer momento. Sin esa confianza ni esta tesis ni muchas otras cosas
habrían sido posibles.
A Francesc, Francesc Gudayol. Por ser parcialmente 'culpable ' de mi interés por la
entonación, por haber tenido la idea delprograma 'Pitch', y por tener lapaciencia de llevar
aquella primera idea hasta el final. Gracias tambiénpor los comentariosy las ideas tras leer
laprimera versión de estatesis.
A Johanneke Caspers, Hugo Quené, Margreet Sanders, Vincent van Leuven y todas las
personas que durante mi estancia en Holanda me ayudaron aperfilar el objetivo de estatesis.
A Joan Torruella,por su ayuda en la selecciónde loslocutores.
A los locutores, Antonio, Margarita y Mercedes, por lapaciencia que demostraron durante
horas de grabaciones y repeticiones. Ya InmaculadaRoyo, de Radio Nacional de España, en
Barcelona, por las facilidades prestadas para conseguir las grabaciones de los diarios
A Eduardo Lleida, por las horas que perdió por mi culpa luchando hasta conseguir que las
sílabas se contaran automáticamente.
A Alistair MacConkie y Pilar Prieto. Por lapaciencia en leer tan detalladamente el primer
manuscrito de esta tesis. Y por todos los comentarios, que me han ayudado a perfilar
muchos detalles.
A los alumnos que me han tenido como profesor durante estos años. Por las horas que esta
tesis le ha robado a lapreparación de susclases.
A mis dos Macintosh. Por no fallarme nunca. Sin ellos esta tesis tampoco habría sido
posible. Ya mi equipo de música, por acompañarme en las muchas horas de soledad en las
que esta tesis se ha ido haciendo.
A todas las personas que durante este tiempo han trabajado conmigo en el Laboratori de
Fonètica de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona: Lourdes Aguilar, Marcel·la Andreu,
Lorraine Baque, Cristina Benesey, Mercè Bericat, Beatriz Blecua, Carme Carbó, Mònica
Estruch, Helena Fernández, Josep María Fernández,Nati Fernández, Julia Giménez, Hanne
Hesselager, José Luis Iglesias, María Jesús Machuca, Franca Mancini, Rafael Marín,
Gemma Martínez, María José Navarro, Carmede la Mota, Dolors Poch, David Puigví, Jordi
Renom, Montse Riera, Antonio Ríos y tantos otros. Gracias en unos casos por los
comentarios, las críticas, especialmente durante los seminarios del Grup de Fonética, que me
han sido muy útiles para el desarrollo de esta tesis. En otros, por el entusiasmo e ilusión
demostrado en el trabajo de cada día, que en muchas ocasiones me han dadofuerzas para
seguir trabajando.
Finalmente, a todos aquellos que habéis estado conmigo durante todo este tiempo, dándome
vuestro apoyo y amistad. En vuestro caso, mi reconocimiento va mucho más allá de los
agradecimientos de esta tesis. Gracias por estar ahí, a mi lado, aunque muchas veces no os
haya tratado todo lo bien que os merecíais. Especialmente a mifamilia, por los días de mal
humor que han tenido que soportar durante este tiempo. Ya Carme, por el empujón final.
Sin ese empujón esta tesis seguramente no existiría.
El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un modelo para la entonación del
español en lectura, orientado a la generación automática de contornos
entonativos en sistemas de conversión de texto a habla. El término
'entonación' se ha considerado aquí equivalente a la evolución del contorno
de frecuencia fundamental (FO), o contorno entonativo, a lo largo de un
Para la consecución de este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo un análisis acústico
de los contornos entonativos en un corpus de lectura de noticias en español.
Este análisis se ha realizado en cuatro niveles entonativos diferentes: grupo
tónico, grupo de entonación (identificado en este trabajo con el grupo
fónico), oración y párrafo.
Corpus de análisis
El corpus recogido consta de un conjunto de lecturas de artículos de diarios,
grabadas por dos locutores noprofesionales seleccionados. De este conjunto
de grabaciones se han extraído cuatro sub-corpora, uno para cada nivel de
análisis considerado.
Para la obtener una representación simplificada de los contornos entonativos
del material analizado se ha empleado un procedimiento de estilización
automática, integrado en el programa 'Pitch ', un sistema de análisis, edición
y síntesis de contornos entonativos desarrollado por Enginyeria La Salle de
la Universitat Ramon Llull. Por medio de este sistema de estilización los
contornos entonativos originales (obtenidos mediante un algoritmo de
detección de FO) se han transformado en una serie de puntos de inflexión
unidos mediante líneas rectas, o contorno estilizado, equivalente
perceptivamente al contorno original.
Los contornos estilizados mediante este sistema han sido posteriormente
post-procesados para eliminar los errores de estimación de FO y las
variaciones micromelódicas. Las representaciones obtenidas han sido
utilizadas en este trabajo para laf ase de análisisacústico.
Análisis de los grupos tónicos
De acuerdo con el marco descriptivo definido para el estudio del sub-
corpus de grupos tónicos, los contornos estilizados de un enunciado pueden
concebirse como una serie de niveles entonativos - 'pico' (P), 'valle' (V) o
'medio ' (M) - asociados a determinados puntos de inflexión del contorno,
que están unidos mediante diferentes movimientos entonativos -
'ascendente ', 'descendente ' o 'plano ' -, representados por las líneas rectas del
El análisis de los contornos entonativos del sub-corpus utilizando este marco
descriptivo ha permitido establecer un conjunto de patrones entonativos
locales, definidos como concatenaciones de niveles y movimientos
asociados a uno (o varios) grupos tónicos. Se han considerado tres grandes
grupos de patrones: iniciales, mediales yfinales. Los patrones mediales
se han subdivide a su vez en patrones post-iniciales y patrones
interiores. Los patronesfinales también se han subdividido en tres grupos:
patrones descendentes, patrones ascendentes y patrones, circunflejos.
Se ha estudiado también lafrecuencia de aparición de cada patrón en el sub-
corpus analizado, así como el uso de estos patrones en función de diversos
factores, unos fonéticos (la duración del grupo tónico), y otros lingüísticos
(la posición de la sílaba acentuada en el grupo tónico, el límite sintáctico que
aparece tras el grupo tónico, y la modalidad oracional). Los resultados
obtenidos ponen en duda la validez del grupo tónico como unidad entonativa
en español, y parecenfavorecer la idea de que el grupo acentual (definido
para otras lenguas como un conjunto de sílabas formado por una sílaba
tónica y las sílabas átonas que la siguen hasta la siguiente tónica) es una
unidad más adecuada para describir losfenómenos entonativos que se dan en
el nivel local en español.
Análisis de los grupos fónicos
Para el estudio de los contornos entonativos en el sub-corpus de grupos
fónicos (considerados aquí como una unidad equivalente al grupo de
entonación) se ha empleado un marco descriptivo basado en la hipótesis de
las líneas superior e inferior utilizada para otras lenguas. Se han
definido aquí tres líneas de referencia, la línea superior, la línea media,
y la línea inferior, que determinan el nivel teórico para los niveles P, My
V en cada instante de tiempo a lo largo de un grupo fónico.
Utilizando este marco descriptivo, se han definido dos patrones globales
básicos para los dos locutores analizados. Ambos patrones se caracterizan
por el descenso progresivo de las tres líneas hacia elfinal del grupo fónico,
y por tratarse de líneas convergentes, que presentan en general un rango
mayor al principio que alfinal del grupo fónico.
También se han analizado las variacionesde este patrón básico enfundan de
diferentes factores: la duración del grupo fónico, la posición del grupo
fónico dentro de la oración (inicial, medial o final), y la modalidad de la
oración en que está incluido el grupo fónico. Los resultados sugieren una
relación entre la pendiente de las líneas y la duración del grupo fónico, y
también que existe cierta relación entre la altura de FO de los puntos
iniciales y finales de las líneas y la posición del grupo fónico dentro de la
Análisis de las oraciones
En el caso del análisis de los contornos estilizados en el sub-corpus de
oraciones, se ha definido primero un marco descriptivo basado en el modelo
de las líneas superior e inferior utilizadopara los grupos fónicos. La forma
de los contornos entonativos a lo largo de las oraciones se ha modelizado
por medio de 'supra-líneas', que determinan la altura relativa de las líneas
superior, media e inferior de los diferentes grupos que componen la
oración. Se han definido dos tipos diferentes de 'supra-líneas ': las 'supra-
líneas' altas, que controlan la altura de FOde los puntos iniciales de las
líneas superior, media e inferior, y las 'supra-líneas' bajas, que controlan
la altura de FOde los puntosfinales de estaslíneas.
El análisis de las oraciones seleccionadas ha puesto en duda la existencia de
un sólo patrón de 'supra-líneas' en las oraciones,por lo que se ha estudiado
la presencia de unidades entonativas de nivel intermedio entre el grupo
fónico y la oración. Se ha propuesto la existencia de las llamadas 'cláusulas
entonativas', compuestas por varios grupos fónicos, que presentan un
patrón entonativo propio, también representado por medio de 'supra-líneas'.
Las diferentes cláusulas entonativas de una oración compleja se organizan
formando una estructurajerárquica de unidades entonativas, que determinan
la altura de FO de los diferentes grupos fónicos dentro de la oración. Esta
estructura entonativa puede ser representada mediante un árbol
prosódico. Se ha observado también que los diferentes grupos fónicos de
una oración tienden a organizarse en dos unidades, que coinciden con las
llamadas 'rama tensiva' y 'rama distensiva' descritas en estudios
anteriores sobre la entonación del español.
Finalmente, se han analizado algunos de losfactores que pueden intervenir
en la definición de la estructura entonativa de las oraciones, tales como su
estructura sintáctica y su estructurapragmática.
Análisis de los párrafos
Para la modelización de los contornos entonativos en el sub-corpus de
párrafos se ha utilizado el mismo marco descriptivo que para la
modelización de las oraciones. La aplicación de este marco ha permitido
comprobar que la definición de un único patrón global de 'supra-líneas'
resulta muchas veces insuficiente para la modelización de los contornos
entonativos en el nivel del párrafo. En función su duración, resulta en
algunas ocasiones más adecuado dividir el párrafo en dos unidades
entonativas diferentes, cada una con su propio patrón de 'supra-líneas '. Esto
hace suponer que existe una 'preplanificación parcial' en la generación
de los contornos entonativos de los enunciados, que obligaría a iniciar una
nueva unidad entonativa si la duración del párrafo excede el límite de
preplanificación del hablante. Finalmente, se ha observado que los valores
iniciales y finales de FO en los párrafos son bastante constantes para cada
locutor, por lo que pueden tomarse como puntos de referencia.
Definición del modelo
Los datos obtenidos en la fase de análisis han permitido elaborar una
primera propuesta de modelo para la generación de los contornos
entonativos del español en lectura. El modelo asume la existencia de una
estructura entonativa para el texto de entrada, que define la posición de las
pausas y la organización jerárquica de los diferentes grupos fónicos en
unidades entonativas de nivel superior. Se trata por tanto de un modelo
fonético, en el sentido de que no incluye ningún tipo de análisis lingüístico
(sintáctico ofonológico), y se centra exclusivamente en la generación de los
contornos melódicos. El modelo está organizado en dos sub-módulos, el
nivel global, que se encarga de asignar los patrones globales ('supra-
líneas ' y líneas superiores, medias e inferiores) a la estructura entonativa de
entrada, y el nivel local, que se encarga de superponer los patrones locales
a las líneas superiores, medias e inferiores calculadas por el nivel global. La
salida del modelo es un contorno entonativo estilizado, constituido por una
cadena de puntos de inflexión. Cada punto de inflexión lleva asociado un
valor de FO,e información acerca del segmento al que dicho punto va ligado
en la cadena de elementossegméntales.
Table of contents
Chapter I
1.1. The nature and structure of intonation 5
1.1.1. Intonation and fundamental frequency 5
1.1.2. The structureof FOcontours: intonation as a hierarchical phenomenon 7
1.1.3. Intonation domains 10 Local units: segments, syllables, stress groups, accentual phrases 11 Global units: intermediate phrase, intonation group, sentence,
paragraph 12 Summary: a hierarchy of intonational units 14
1.1.4. Factors determining variations in intonation 14
1.1.5. Summary ." 16
1.2. Spanish intonation 17
1.2.1. Intonation units in Spanish 18 Navarro's levels of description. Related approaches 18 Quilis' levels of description 20 Mixed approaches: López (1993) 21 Summary 21
1.2.2. Intonation patterns in Spanish 22 Intonation patterns in the tonic group domain 22 Initial tonic groups, 23 Internal tonic groups 23 Final tonic groups 23 Initial-final groups.. 24 Intonation patterns in the intonation group domain 24 Intonation patternsin the sentence domain 24 Intonation patterns in the paragraph domain 25 Summary 25
1.2.3. Intonationpatterns in Spanish and the expression oflinguistic
information 26 The relationship between FOshape and lexical stress 26 The relationship between FO shape and syntactic structure 28 The relationship between FO shape and sentence type 32 Summary 34
1.2.4. General summary 34
1.3. Intonation description and modelling 35
1.3.1. Phonetic vs. phonological approaches to the study of intonation 35
1.3.2. Description and modelling of intonation 36
1.3.3. Stylization and transcriptionof intonation contours 38 Stylization 38 Transcription 40 Summary 40
1.3.4. Descriptive frameworks for the intonationalphenomena 41 Describing local phenomena: levels vs. contours 41 The 'contour' approach 42 The 'level' approach 42 'Levels' vs. 'contours' 43 Describing global phenomena 43 The stressed-syllable contourapproach 44 Navarro's approach 44 The topline-bottomline approach 44 Summary 45
1.3.5. Intonation models 45 'Phonological' vs. 'phonetic' models 46 Linear vs. hierarchical models 46 A phonetic approach to intonation modelling: the IPO model 47 Summary 50
1.4. General summary: definition of the goal 50
1.4.1. Object of study: intonation contours 51
1.4.2. Methodology 51 A phonetic approach to the description and modellingof intonation 51 A level-by-level analysis of the Spanish intonation contours 52 A function-oriented analysis of Spanish intonation 52
1.4.3. Procedure 53
Chapter 2
2.1. Defining the characteristics of the speech corpus 57
2.1.1. Stylistic variation: the use of text readings 58 The nature of the corpus 59 Speaker's preplanning: spontaneous' vs. 'read' speech 59 Researcher's preplanning: controlled' vs. 'uncontrolled'
speech 60 The speaker and the listener 61 The listener 61 The speaker 62 Context and situation: lab' material vs. 'natural' material 62
2.1.2. Elocution variables: speakers 63
2.1.3. Phonetic variables 63
2.1.4. Linguistic variables 64
2.1.5. Summary 64
2.2. Collection of the speech corpus 65
2.2.1. Collection of the 'professional' set 65
2.2.2. Collection of the 'non-professional' set 66 Definition of the reading material 67 Selection of the speakers 68 Recording procedure 69
2.3. Classification of the material 69
2.3.1. Paragraphs and sentences • 69 Analysis of the speech corpus 69 Building the prosodie databases 70
2.3.2. Intonation groups and tonic groups 71 Analysis of the speech corpus 71 Building the prosodie databases 72
2.4. General summary 73
Chapter 3
3.1. Stylization of FO contours 75
3.1.1. Description of the Stylization system 75
3.1.2. The concept of 'perceptually equivalent stylizations' 77 Definition of the threshold 78 Jiménez (1994) 78 Estruch et al. (1995) 80 'Perceptually equivalent contours' and other Stylization procedures 81 'Close-copy stylizations' 81 MOMEL 82
3.1.3. Stylization procedure 82
3.2. 'Post-processing' of the stylized contours 85
3.2.1. Fixing errors of the pitch tracker 85
3.2.2. Avoiding unvoiced 'zeroes' 86
3.2.3. Identifying micromelodic inflections 87 Micromelodic variations at the beginning and the end of the
utterances 87 Micromelodic variations in the vicinity of unvoiced consonants 89 Micromelodic variations in voiced consonants 91
3.2.4. The representation of the post-processed stylized contours 92
3.3. General summary 93
Chapter 4
4.1. Definition of the tonic groups sub-corpus 96
4.1.1. Variables .97
4.1.2. Selection and organizationof the material 98
4.2. Definition of the framework 99
4.2.l.P, M and V levels 99
4.2.2. Intonation movements 104
4.2.3. Intonation contours as series of levels and movements 104
4.3. Analysis of the tonic group contours 105
4.4. Tonic groups and the domain of the local intonation patterns 106
4.5. Defining local intonation patterns 108
4.5.1. Initial patterns 112
4.5.2. Medial patterns 114 Post-Initial patterns 114 Internal patterns 116
4.5.3. Final patterns 120 Falling patterns 120 Rising patterns 123 Rise-Fall patterns 126 Type A 126 Type B 128 Type C 129
4.5.4. Summary 130
4.6. Intonation patterns and phonetic factors:
the case of tonic group length 131
4.6.1. Initial patterns 131
4.6.2. Internal patterns 132
4.6.3. Final patterns 132 Falling patterns 132 Rising patterns 133 Rise-Fall patterns 133
4.6.4. Summary 134
4.7. Relating intonation patterns to linguistic functions 135
4.7.1. Local FO movements and stress location 135 Peak shift in initial and internalpatterns 135 Stress in final groups 139 Stress and falling patterns 139 Stress and rising patterns 143 Stress and rise-fall patterns 145 Summary 146
4.7.2. Local patterns and sentencetype 146
4.7.3. Local patterns and syntacticstructure 148 Prepausal syntactic boundaries and final patterns 149 Final patterns and the 'tension part'/'distension part' hypothesis 151 Summary 153
4.8. General summary 154
Chapter 5
5.1. Definition of the phonic groups sub-corpus 158
5.1.1. Variables 158
5.1.2. Selection and organization of the material 158
5.2. Definition of the framework 160
5.2.1. Introduction 160
5.2.2. Procedure 162
5.3. Using top, mid and bottom lines
to define global patterns at phonic group level 162
5.4. Variations of top, mid and bottom lines
according to phonetic factors 166
5.4.1. Durationof the phonic group 166 Slope and durationof the phonicgroup 167 Initial values and durationof the group 168 Final values and duration of the group 168 Initial range and duration of the group 169 Final range and duration of the group 169 Summary 170
5.4.2. Location of the phonic groupin the sentence 170
5.5. Top, mid and bottom lines and the expression of linguistic
information: the case of sentence type 173
5.5.1. Slope and sentence type 174
5.5.2. Global height and sentence type 175
5.5.3. Range and sentence type 177
5.5.4. Summary 178
5.6. General summary 178
Chapter 6
6.1. Definition of the sentences sub-corpus 182
6.1.1. Variables 182
6.1.2. Selection and organizationof the material 183
6.2. Corpus analysis 184
6.3. Definition of the framework 185
6.4. Applying the 'supra-lines' approach to sentences 188
6.4.1. Procedure 188
6.4.2. The shape of the high 'supra-lines' at the sentence level 189
6.4.3. The shape of the low 'supra-lines' at the sentence level 190
6.4.4. Summary 192
6.5. Defining intonation patterns and units within sentences 192
6.5.l.FO reset 192
6.5.2. 'Total' and 'partial' reset 196
6.5.2. The 'intonationalclause' hypothesis 199
6.5.3. Grouping 'intonational clauses':
hierarchical structuring of the intonational units within sentences 202
6.5.4. Sentences as global intonational units 205
6.5.5. The representationof the hierarchicalstructure of intonationalunits 210
6.5.6. Summary 212
6.6. Linguistic factors determining the intonational structure
at the sentence level 213
6.6.1. The role of syntacticstructure 213 Reset and syntacticstructure 213 Reset and syntactic boundaries 214 Amountof reset and syntactic boundaries 214 Total reset and syntactic boundaries 215 Prosodie structureand syntactic structure:the 'tension
part'/'distension part' hypothesisrevisited 216
6.6.2. The role of the new-given information distinction 218
6.6.3. Summary 222
6.7. General summary 222
Chapter 7
7.1. Definition of the paragraphs sub-corpus 226
7.1.1. Variables 226
7.1.2. Selection and organization of the material 227
7.2. Corpus analysis 228
7.3. Definition of the framework 229
7.3.1. Approachingthe shape of paragraph 'supra-lines' 230 High 'supra-lines' 230 Low 'supra-lines' 231 Summary 233
7.3.2. Applyingthe 'intonational clause' approach to paragraphs 233
7.4. The status of the sentence as a global intonation unit:
phonetic realization of sentence boundaries 234
7.4.1. Total reset and sentence boundaries 235
7.4.2. Amountof reset and sentence boundaries 240
7.4.3. Summary 241
7.5. 'Supra-declination' patterns at the paragraph level 242
7.5.1. A global pattern for paragraphs 242
7.5.2. Sentence grouping in paragraphs 246
7.5.3. Summary 249
7.6. Variation of paragraph patterns according to phonetic factors:
the influence of paragraph length.... 249
7.7. General summary •. 251
Chapter 8
8.1. Input of the model 255
8.1.1. Intonational representation 255
8.1.2. Stress marks 258
8.1.3. Sentence type and syntactic boundariesinformation 258
8.2. Levels of the model 260
8.2.1. Global level 260
8.2.2. Local level 263 Local patterns inventory 264 Selection rules 265 Alignment rules 266 A grammar for the concatenation of patterns 266
8.3. Output of the model 268
Chapter 9
9.1. Implications for the description of Spanish intonation 269
9.1.1. The description of Spanish local movements 270
9.1.2. The description of Spanish global movements 270
9.1.3. Spanish intonation compared with other languages 271
9.2. Implications for the general description of intonation 271
9.2.1. Intonation as a hierarchical phenomenon 271
9.2.2. Intonational units 271
9.3. Implications for speech technology 272
9.4. Further research 273
In this thesis, a first attempt has been made to define a phonetic model of
Spanish intonation in read text, and to apply the obtained results to the
automatic generation of intonation contours. Two main reasons can be
argued to justify these goals:
1) The need of linguistic and phonetic models for Spanish intonation:
Several intonation models have already been proposed for other
languages, but similar models are not yet available for Spanish. Partial
descriptions of Spanish intonation can be found, but they still need to be
completed to obtain a full model.
2) The need of formal descriptions of Spanish intonation to be used in the
field of speech technology:
The problem of automatic generation of intonation is closely related to
the development of text-to-speech (TTS) systems. The role of intonation
in the intelligibility and naturalness of the output speech of these systems
has been widely recognized. Developing automatic intonation generation
modules for Spanish TTS systems, or improving the existing ones,
requires formal, detailed and global descriptions of Spanish intonation.
Although some progress has been made already in this direction, more
accurate analyses, specially with a phonetic and linguistic approach, are
still necessary.
The defined goals are too ambitious to be completely achieved in a work
with the limitations of the one presented here. The present study is intended
to be a first approach to the problem, presenting a general description of
the main characteristics of Spanish intonation contours from an acoustic
phonetics perspective. The detailed analysis of particular problems has not
been considered here, not only due to time constraints,but also because the
selected material was not controlled enough to carry out this kind of studies.
A first proposal of generation model has been developed using the results
obtained in the descriptive analysis. The proposed model is not complete,
since it does not consider in detail all the generation process, but only the
main steps, and it has not been perceptually validated yet. However, it may
be used as a basic framework to be tested andrefined.
The development of this work has been organizedin three main parts:
1) A preliminary phase of theoretical work. This has included a review
of the main characteristics of intonation in general, and of Spanish
intonation in particular. A survey of the different approaches to
intonation modelling for other languages has also been attempted. This
first phase has led to an initial definition of the scope and main features
of the model.
2) A second phase of phonetic analysis. This has included the analysis of
Spanish intonation at different levels in a corpus of read texts. In this
experimental part a formal descriptive framework has been applied to the
obtained intonation contours in order to derive a quantitative description
of Spanish intonation in read text.
3) A third phase of initial definition of the model, using the experimental
data obtained in the second part.
The results of these three phases are described in the two volumes of this
thesis. This first volume contains the theoretical considerations, the
description and discussion of the experimental part, and a first definition of
the model. A detailed presentation of the.results (tables, figures, etc.) has
been left for the appendix volume, in order to make this first volume more
readable. Only the tables and figures necessary to support the conclusions
and hypotheses have been kept in the first volume. For this reason, the
appendix is necessary in many cases for a detailed analysis of the results,
and to find out additional examples at some specific points of the discussion.
The contents of the present volume are organizedas follows: the results of
the first phase are presented in chapter 1; the results of the experimental
part, including the definition of the analysis material and the description of
the methodology are presented in the chapters 2-7; the results of the model
definition phase are presented in chapter 8; the last chapter (9) contains
some concluding remarks about the main implications that can be derived
from the results of this work, and some proposals of further research.
The appendix volume contains a detailed presentation of the text used as
reading material (appendix 1), the different defined sub-corpora
(appendices 2, 4, 6 and 8), and a detailed presentation of the results of the
different analyses carried out in the experimental part (appendices 3, 5, 7
and 9). Finally, an example of application of the proposed model to a
sample paragraph is included in appendix 10.
Chapter 1
1.1. The nature and structure of intonation
1.1.1. Intonation and fundamental frequency
A brief survey of the literature offers many different definitions of
• "the entire ensemble of pitch contours, pitch levels, and stress levels that
occurs when a sentence is spoken". (Lieberman, 1965, p. 40)
• "I shall use the term pitch to refer to the perceptual correlates of
frequency, tone to refer to the feature when it functions distinctively at
word level, and intonation to refer to the feature when it functions at
sentence level" (Lehiste, 1976, p. 229).
• "the distinctive use of patterns of pitch, or melody" (Crystal, 1980, p.
• "no definition is completely satisfactory,but any attempt at a definition
must recognise that the pitch of the voice plays the most important part"
(Roach, 1983, p. 112).
• "INTONATION involves the occurrence of recurring pitch patterns, each
of which is used with a set of relatively consistent meanings, either on
single words or on groups of words of varying length" (Cruttenden,
1986, p. 9).
• "the salient pitch changes in the course of an utterance" ('t Hart et al.,
1990, p. 69).
• "La línea melódica con que se se pronuncia un mensaje recibe el
nombre de entonación" (Alcina & Blecua, 1975, p. 452).
"desde el punto de vista de su realización fonética, está formada,
fundamentalmente, por el acento de intensidad, el tono y la transición
final, aunque también contribuyena la entonación, la cantidad y el ritmo"
(Alcina & Blecua, 1975, pp. 453-4).
• "la entonación es lafunción lingüísticamente significativa, socialmente
representativa e individualmente expresiva de lafrecuencia fundamental
en el nivel de la oración" (Quilis, 1993, p. 410).
• "La entonación es ante todo unfenómeno lingüístico, relacionado con la
sensación perceptiva que produce la variación a lo largo de todo un
enunciado de tres parámetros físicos -frecuencia del fundamental [...],
amplitud y duración -, y que proporciona al receptor información de
distintos tipos. A diferencia del acento, las relaciones y contrastes entre
las variaciones de los tresparámetros se darían en unidades mayores que
la palabra, normalmente sintagmas ofrases" (Garrido, 1991, p. 7).
These various definitions show some common points, that can be
summarized as follows:
a) in general, these definitions relate intonation to the phonetic concepts
of pitch and fundamental frequency (henceforth FO). Only Alcina &
Blecua (1975) and Garrido (1991) include amplitude and duration as
acoustic correlates of intonation.
b) many definitions (Lieberman, Lehiste, 't Hart et al., Quilis, Garrido)
point out that intonation is a phenomenon that occurs at a global domain
(phrase, sentence or utterance). This distinguishes intonation from other
prosodie phenomena, as tone or stress. These definitions thus exclude
local pitch movements from intonational phenomena.
c) several definitions point out the role of intonation in the
communication process (Cruttenden, Quilis).
In fact, it seems that these definitions refer to two different concepts of the
term 'intonation':
1) A 'phonological' concept of intonation, that identifies intonation with a
global domain in the utterances (phrases, sentences) which plays some
roles in the communication process. According to this definition,
'intonation' can be viewed as the prosodie phenomenon that occurs in a
global domain (intonation units) and carries several types of information.
The acoustic realization of these units is mainly pitch, but also duration
and amplitude. With this meaning, intonation can be included within the
classical 'phonological' suprasegmental phenomena, such as stress,
tone or rhythm.
2) A 'phonetic' view of intonation, which considers intonation as the
evolution over time of the FO contour of an utterance. It this case, the
word 'intonation' does not refer to any specific domain or unit, but only
to the acoustic realization of these units in the FOcontours. In this sense,
intonation can be grouped in the same category with duration, pauses or
amplitude, as one of the possible phonetic cues of the suprasegmental
phenomena mentioned above
areBoth concepts of intonation, the 'phonological' and the 'phonetic' one,
related in some way, but they also show important differences:
a) FO contours are the main phonetic cue of 'phonological' intonation.
However, other phonetic phenomena are also responsible for marking
phonological intonation in the utterance: pauses, duration and amplitude.
The analysis of FOcontours provides then only partial information about
the phonetic realization of 'phonological' intonation.
b) Changes in the FO contours are only partially conditioned by
'phonological' intonation. Other (linguistic or non linguistic) phenomena,
such as stress or the segmentai content of the utterance, define the shape
of the FO contours. The analysis of FO contours involves then the
consideration of other phenomena in addition to 'intonation' itself.
This work is intended to be a description of the intonation of Spanish from
a phonetic perspective. The goal of this work is to describe the organization
and components of the Spanish FO contours - henceforth, intonation
contours -, and to propose a model that predicts their composition. The
analysis of the phonological intonation is out of the scope of this work,
although, given the relation between the two types of intonation described
earlier, some conclusions can be extracted about it from the results
presented here.
1.1.2. The structure of FO contours: intonation as a hierarchical
One of the features that can be observed in the intonation contours of any
language is that they are made up of different-level components. In other
words, the intonation contours are the result of the interaction of several
intonational phenomena covering different domains:
1) Micromelodic phenomena, which are realized in the intonation
contours as small FO movements covering parts of segments, or even a
complete segment (Di Cristo, 1982, among others).
2) Above the segmentai level, intonation contours show larger falls and
rises ('pitch movements'), that may cover one or several syllables. These
movements have been traditionally related to several phenomena, such as
'pitch accent', 'phrase accent' or 'boundary tones', among others,
depending on their position in the utterance (see Bolinger, 1958,
Pierrehumbert, 1980, or Cruttenden, 1986, for example, for a more
precise definition of these concepts).
3) An example of more global movements present in the intonation
contours is the tonal lowering effect reported for the utterances of
several languages. As 't Hart et al. (1990) state, "In languages like Dutch
and English, the most important global attribute is the observed tendency
of FOto decrease slowly from beginning to end of an utterance" (p. 121).
Although the question of whether this lowering effect can be considered
as an universal phenomenon is still unsolved (t'Hart et al, 1982; Umeda,
1982; Ladd, 1984), the fact that it has been widely reported for different
languages provides some evidence of the influence of global phenomena
on the intonation contours. There are also different hypothesis about the
intonational phenomenon which is responsible of this tonal lowering.
Pierrehumbert (Pierrehumbert, 1980; Beckman & Pierrehumbert, 1986)
has suggested that it is caused by downstep, which relates the tonal
lowering to a constant decrease of pitch height from one accented syllable
to the next one, irrespective of the distance existing between the two
syllables. In other cases, however, this lowering has been related to a
constant declination effect, dependent on the length of the utterance ('t
Hart et al, 1990, among others). The domain of this lowering effect is
different then depending on the accepted hypothesis: several accented
syllables maximum in the case of downstep, up to the whole utterance in
the case of declination.
4) Studies such as those presented by Thorsen (1980, 1985, 1986), among
many others, have revealed the presence of even more global patterns in
the intonation contours. Thorsen found tonal lowering effects similar to
the ones reported previously in lower domains, covering even whole
paragraphs. Thorsen related this to a 'supra-declination' phenomenon
having the paragraph as action domain. This effect has also been reported
for Spanish in Garrido et al (1993).
According to the way they are realized in the intonation contour, these
different types of intonational phenomena can be classified in two main
a) A first group of phenomena which are realized in the FO contours in
the form of specific FOmovements or patterns, that make up directly the
shape of the intonation contours: micromelodic variations, pitch accents,
and boundary tones. Since they share as common characteristic the fact
that they tend to show a narrow domain (from one segment to several
syllables), they are called here local phenomena.
b) A second group of phenomena which tend to define the relative height
of these local movements depending on their position in the utterance:
downstep, declination and 'supra-declination'. They do not have a
'visible' movement associated to them; their effects are rather
recognizable in the realization of the local patterns. Due to the fact that
they tend to have a large domain (from several pitch accents to a
paragraph), and that they define in fact the global shape of the intonation
contours, they are called here global phenomena.
It can be then hypothesized that the generation of the intonation contours is
the result of the effect of these intonational phenomena operating at
different domains. The question that arises next is whether these different
phenomena act simultaneously or in several steps (cycles) to build the
intonation contours. In other words, if the generation process of the
intonation contours takes place in a linear or a hierarchical way. This
problem has been discussed already in the literature - see, for example, the
recent contributions of Ladd (1995), Gr0nnum (1995) and Beckman (1995)
- but no definitive solutions have been offered at this time. Ladd (1988)
summarizes the two main approaches to the question:
a) According to the linear hypothesis, intonation is the result of a
sequential addition of FO movements. Intonation contours are then
generated from left to right, in only one step. This idea is present in the
approaches followed by Ladd (1983) or Liberman & Pierrehumbert
(1984), for example.
a) According to the hierarchical hypothesis, intonation contours are
the result of the interaction of different-level modules that work one after
another, in several cycles: global phenomena, such as declination, define
first the global shape of the contours, from the beginning to the end, and
once the global shape has been defined, the local phenomena add local
variations to the global shape. The different-level intonation movements
are then superimposed one over another, in a cyclical way. This
hypothesis is underlying several descriptions of intonation, as those of
Thorsen (1979, 1985, 1986), for example, or Carding (1983), among
The acceptance of the hierarchical hypothesis implies the existence of
preplanning in the generation of the intonation contours: the speaker
knows in advance how long is going to be the utterance, and adapts the
declination slope of the generated contour to its length. However, the linear
hypothesis considers that intonation contours are not preplanned, that is,
that the speaker does know in advance when he is going to stop speaking,
and that the tonal lowering in not preplanned, but controlled locally. Ladd
(1988) points out against the hierarchical hypothesis that some declination
effects, as the declination reset, may be determined by factors different
from a 'superordinated declination' effect, as the syntactic structure of the
sentence; those effects would also be coherent with a linear model. The
problem of preplanning is also considered by Toledo & Gurlekian (1990),
using data from Spanish.
Although the question of the generation of intonation contours in fluent
speech seems far from being solved, it seems clear at least that the structure
of the contours can be described quite properly in a hierarchical way. For
this reason, this work analyses and describes Spanish intonation assuming
this hierarchical structure.
It is more difficult, however, to decide the number of domains or levels to
be recognized in these structures. The literature does not agree at this point,
as is discussed in the next section.
1.1.3. Intonation domains
In the previous section, it has been assumed that intonation contours are the
result of different intonational phenomena, each one with its own domain of
application. These intonational phenomena are recognized in the contours
by the presence of special intonation movements (in the case of local
phenomena), of by changes in the relative height of these local movements
(in the case of global phenomena). The first consequence that is derived
from the assumption of the hierarchical structure of intonation is the fact
that intonation contours show different-level domains or units. The
definition of intonation units has been a problem considered in many
analysis of intonation, both from the field of Phonetics and Phonology. As a
general definition, an intonation domain (or intonational unit) can be
considered as the domain at which an intonational phenomenon takes place.
Following the general classification presented above, it is hypothesized here
that at least two different levels, a local and a global one, can be recognized
in the intonation contours of any language. Accordingly, two main types of
domains or units can be considered:
a) units within which local phenomena take place (local units):
segments, syllables, stressgroups.
b) units subject to global phenomena (global units): intonation groups,
clauses, sentences, paragraphs.
In the following sections these two types of units are considered in more
detail, although the question of the choice of the units for the analysis of
Spanish is considered later, in section 1.2. Local units: segments, syllables, stress groups, accentual phrases
The segment can be considered as the domain of the micromelodic
variations. These variations appear usually as FOmovements covering part
of the segment, or the whole segment. It has been demonstrated, for
example, that the FOlevel of vowels is affected by their height (intrinsic
FO), as well as by their consonantal context (Lehiste & Peterson, 1961; Di
Cristo, 1982).
The syllable is present as a basic intonation unit in many approaches to
intonation (Pierrehumbert, 1980; Thorsen, 1978, among others). In these
approaches, each syllable, or each accented syllable of a utterance, has an
intonation 'level' associated to it. The interpolation of the different
intonation levels along an utterance forms the complete intonation contour.
Syllables would then be the domain of the pitch levels. A discussion about
the validity of this type of units can be found in section
The stress group has also been proposed as an intonation unit in several
descriptions. It is defined in Thorsen (1978) as a unit formed by "a stressed
syllable plus all succeeding unstressed syllables (within the same non-
compound sentence), irrespective of intervening word- or morpheme
boundaries" (p. 19). Thorsen argues that stress groups defined in this way
show a special intonational pattern. Units similar to the stress group have
also been defined from the field of Phonology, as in the case of the foot ("a
string of one relatively strong and any number of relatively weak syllables
dominated by a single node"; Nespor & Vogel 1986, p. 84). Stress groups,
according to Thorsen's description of Danish intonation, would present a
special intonation pattern that would be repeated along every stress group in
a contour. However, other descriptions of intonation do not consider the
presence of intonational patterns at this level, as is the case of Navarro's
(1944) description of Spanish.
Finally, a similar unit has been proposed in Beckman & Pierrehumbert
(1986), the accentual phrase, that can be defined as a unit containing a
single pitch accent. According to their definition, however, it remains
unclear what the scope of this unit is. Global units: intermediate phrase, intonation group, sentence,
Beckman & Pierrehumbert (1986) defined the intermediate phrase as the
prosodie constituent immediately below the intonational group. According
to their definition, the scope of an intermediate phrase is a set of one or
more accentual phrases, but rarely more than three. They also defined the
intermediate phrase as the domain of the downstepping phenomena.
The intonation group is the most widely accepted unit of description in
intonation. Intonation groups have been associated to many different names
(sense-groups, breath-groups, tone-groups, tone-units, phonological clauses,
intonational phrases), every one having its own definition, but all of them
referring to a similar concept. Intonation groups can be defined as the
domain of a basic (global) intonation pattern.
However, as Cruttenden (1986) points out, a precise definition of this unit
has not yet been achieved: "almost all analysts operate with some notion of
intonation-groups although most writers have no explicit discussion of how
the division between intonation-groups is signalled" (p. 35). Several
problems arise, in fact, when the recognition of intonation groups in an
utterance is attempted.
The first problem is that, following the classification of Cruttenden (1986),
it is sometimes difficult to recognize the internal and external markers of
the presence of intonation groups. Internal markers, that is, global
intonational patterns, are not always easily recognizable. And external
markers, such as pauses, FO movements and final-vowel lengthening, are
not absolutely reliable cues for the location of an intonation boundary. It is
important to note here that there is a tendency to identify the phonic
group (part of a utterance between two pauses) with the intonation group.
However, they are not always equivalent, because the presence of a pause is
not always a cue of an intonation group boundaries, and inversely, these
boundaries can also be indicated by cues different than a pause.
A second problem in the recognition of intonation groups is that they do not
have to coincide with any specific linguistic unit. This problem has
previously been addressed by Chomsky & Halle (1968), who pointed out the
lack of mapping between syntactic domains and intonation groups. More
recently, Nespor & Vogel (1986) have also analysed this question. They
define intonational phrases as "the domain of an intonation contour", and
state that "the ends of intonational phrases coincide with the positions in
which pauses may be introduced in a sentence" (p. 188). As far as linguistic
scope is concerned, they consider that there are some syntactic units that
may work as intonational units: "parenthetical expressions, nonrestrictive
relative clauses, tag questions, vocatives, expletives, and certain moved
elements"; sentences are candidates to be the domain of an intonation unit as
well. But often intonational units do not coincide with these structures. To
take this fact into account, they introduce the concept of "restructuring of
intonational phrases". According to this, intonational phrases may be
grouped, or split up into several smaller intonational phrases, depending on
several factors, such as the length of the constituent, speaking style or
tempo. Moreover, Selkirk (1984) considers that the constituents included in
the same intonation group have to form a sense unit, and formulates the
'Sense Unit Condition' to predict the intonational grouping of syntactic
constituents along utterances.
Despite these definition problems, it is generally accepted that intonation
groups are units at which an intonational pattern appears, and that they tend
to coincide with phonic groups, or the part of a utterance between two
There is some evidence of the existence of larger units above the intonation
group. There is no agreement, however, about the nature of these units,
their domain and organization. The finding of 'supra-declination'
structures, pointed out in the works of Lehiste (1975), Sorensen & Cooper
(Sorensen & Cooper, 1980; Cooper & Sorensen, 1981), Thorsen (1980,
1985, 1986), Bruce (1982b), Ladd (1988), Sluijter & Terken (1992, 1993)
and Nicolas (1995) favours this hypothesis. FOreset, considered in works as
Collier (1985, 1986), for example, also supports this idea.
Several proposals have been made in this direction. Ladd (1986), for
example, considers that 'major phrases' (MP), the equivalent of intonation
groups in Ladd's description, can be grouped in larger MPs; he does not
consider, however, the existence of a different higher-level intonational
unit. Nespor & Vogel (1986), using phonological arguments, propose the
existence of a higher level unit, the phonological unit, as a prosodie unit
formed by one or more intonational groups, and whose scope would be a
clause or sentence. As in the case of intonational groups, phonological
utterances can be restructured, merging several units into a single one.
These proposals, however, conflict with the 'Strict Layer Hypothesis'
defined by Selkirk (1981), which defends the idea that a constituent of any
level in the prosodie constituent structure would be formed by one or more
units of the immediately lower level. To preserve this hypothesis, the
existence of new higher level intonationalunits needs to be considered.
Sentence is also a unit traditionally considered as the domain of
intonational phenomena. As reviewed in more detail in section 1.2.,
Navarro (1944) considered that sentences show special intonational patterns
in Spanish. Also, the results of Cooper & Sorensen, Thorsen, Ladd and
others provide phonetic evidence that sentences and paragraphs show some
kind of intonational patterns. However, their consideration as intonational
units is still being debated, at least from the phonological point of view. Summary: a hierarchy of intonational units
The existence of a hierarchy of prosodie or intonational units has been
recognized both from phonetic and phonological approaches. According to
the state-of-the-art presented here, the local and global units that may be
important in the generation of intonation contours could be arranged in the
following layers:
1) segment
2) syllable
3) stress group / accentual phrase
4) intermediate phrase
5) intonation group
6) sentence
7) paragraph
In many cases, the precise definition of their domain and the type of
intonational phenomena that occur within their scope is still in progress, as
is the case of the accentual phrase. It is also possible that other units need to
be defined, to take into account, for example, the fact that in some cases the
intonational phrases can be grouped into larger units, as Ladd or Nespor &
Vogel propose. These two questions are considered in the experimental part
of this work.
1.1.4. Factors determining variations in intonation
A final question that is important to be considered in the description of
intonation contours is how their shape can change according to a series of
factors. It is well known that intonation contours are used in the
communication process to transmit linguistic and non linguistic information.
The shape of the contours tends to vary to indicate linguistic phenomena
such as the syntactic structure, a focused element, or a stressed syllable,
among others, but it also helps the listener to identify the geographical
origin of the speaker, or his/her cultural level. There are several reviews in
the literature that describe these possible sources of variation in the FO
contours, from purely physiological to stylistic, including different levels of
linguistic phenomena. See, for example, Rossi et al. (1981), Jassem &
Demenko (1986) or Garrido (1991). These sources of variation can be
grouped in the following way:
1) Physiological and phonetic variations. These types of variations
do not add any relevant information to the message, and are related to the
characteristics of the articulatory system of the speaker, or to the
phonetic characteristics of the utterance. Examples of this type of
variations are:
a) FOfrequency of the speaker (related to sex, individual FO variations
and age).
b) Pathological variations in the FOof the speaker.
c) Length of the utterance, that may be responsible, for example, of
declination slope.
d) Segmentai components of the utterance, that determine, for
example, micromelodic variations.
2) Linguistic variations. FO contours are used in the communication
process to transmit different types of linguistic information. The shape of
FO contours will be then varied accordingly to code this information in
the phonetic realization of utterances. Using this information, listeners
can decode the message contained in the utterance. This linguistic
information can be also found at different levels:
a) Lexical stress, used in languages such as Spanish as an additional
identification cue for words, is marked - at least partially - in the
phonetic form by movements of FOcontours (Lieberman, 1960).
b) Word, phrase and sentence boundaries are also marked in several
languages by special FOmovements at the limits of these units (Cooper
& Sorensen, 1977; O'Shaughnessy, 1979).
c) Sentence type is also marked by special FOmovements at the end of
sentences, or by the global shape of the contours (Thorsen 1978, 1980,
among others). However, sentence type may be indicated also by other
language-dependent means, as the use of wh- particles in the case of
wh- questions.
d) Focus and emphasis may also be marked in the phonetic form by
local movements (O'Shaughnessy, 1979; de la Mota, 1995). As in the
rest of cases, they may be also marked by using other linguistic
resources, such as topicalization.
3) Emotional, sociolingüístic and stylistic variations. These
variables have in common that they are not used to decode the message,
but add some type of information about the speaker or the situation in
which the message has been uttered
a) The feelings and emotions of the speaker may also influence the
shape of FO contours, for example in the range of FO variation (Léon,
1970, among others). In this case, it is difficult to establish if emotion
is really an extralinguistic information in the utterance, or a part of the
message that the speaker is intending to transmit. These may be called
the expressive variations.
b) The shape of FO contours may also be determined by the
sociocultural background of the speaker (place of origin, mother
tongue or dialect, social level). The range of the contours, for
example, may depend of the cultural level of the speaker, and some
particular movements may also depend of the his/her dialect. These
may labelled as sociolingüístic variables. Quilis (1985, 1989) are
examples of the analysis of the influence of sociolinguistic factors on
intonation contours.
c) Finally, the type of communicative situation may also influence in
some features of the shape of FO contours. Variations related to
rhythm, for instance, could be included in this group, because they can
help to recognize the situation or context at which the utterance has
been uttered. These may be considered as stylistic variations. Laan &
van Bergem (1993) and Blaauw (1995) are examples of the present
interest in the study of the influence of speaking style in intonation
Only a subset of these variables has been considered for this work. The
development of an intonation model specially oriented to its implementation
in a TTS system has to take into account, at least at a first stage, mainly
linguistic variables, since they are the ones that ensure the transmission of
information in the message. The relation between three linguistic
phenomena - stress, sentence type and syntactic structure - and the shape of
the Spanish intonation contours is considered here. However, phonetic
variables, such as the length of the different units, have also been taken into
1.1.5. Summary
The contents of the previous sections can be summarized in the following
a) The word 'intonation' is used to refer to two different phenomena, a
phonological one and a phonetic one. In this work, intonation is
considered in this second sense.
b) Intonation shows a hierarchical structure, with different phenomena
operating at different domains. Two main domains can be considered in
intonation, namely, a local level and a global level. Each level includes its
own intonation units, although their precise number and nature it is not
yet well defined.
c) Intonation at all these different levels has different - linguistic and
non-linguistic - functions. Only a limited number of the variables that
determine the shape of an intonation contour have been considered for
this analysis, linguistic in most of the cases .
1.2. Spanish intonation
The goal of this introductory section is to present the global descriptions of
Peninsular Spanish intonation, that are closer to the aims of the work
presented here. Global descriptions of non-Peninsular Spanish, such as the
one by Sosa (1991), are excluded from this review. Partial descriptions are
also reviewed later, when dealing with specific questions of Spanish
The first description that tries to offer a global view of Spanish intonation
contours is the one by Navarro (1944, 1946). His work, based on
kimographic and perceptual analyses of a corpus of literary recordings, is
still the most exhaustive description available for Spanish intonation. It has
obvious limitations, as the lack of a really formal description, due to the
characteristics of the analysis procedure, and also to its scope, limited to
'literary' speech. However, it still remains as an obligatory reference point
for any attempt of global study on Spanish intonation contours.
The description presented in Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) is based in the
work by Navarro. They accept Navarro's analysis, validating it with a more
modern equipment, and using a more varied corpus. The description
suggested by Alcina & Blecua (1975) is also based on the one of Navarro,
with slight modifications.
Quilis (1981, 1993) presents a phonological description of Spanish
intonation contours. The material used for this description is not specified,
but it seems to cover simple utterances, main sentence types and different
syntactic structures.
The work by Fant (1984) may also be included in this list of global
descriptions of Spanish intonation contours. Although his goal is not the
description of intonation contours and his results are not exhaustive, it is
interesting because it represents an attempt to define a formal framework
for the description of intonationcontours.
More recently, some formal analyses have been carried out for the
development of TTS systems for Spanish. It is possible to find references to
some of them in the literature (Olabe, 1983; Moreno et al, 1989; Rodríguez
et al, 1993), but the results have not been fully published. The work by
López (1993) can also be included in this group.
Garrido (1991) presented a formal description of the patterns of Spanish
intonation corresponding to simple controlled sentences read within short
dialogues. The work presented here tries to go beyond that first approach,
not only in the definition of a more accurate methodology, but also in the
presentation of a more complete set of intonation patterns.
The analysis of the works previously mentioned shows that the description
of Spanish intonation contours is far from being complete. Although some
global descriptions have been presented, there are still several questions that
need further research. In the following sections, some of these questions,
particularly those that are more related to the goals of this work, are
reviewed. These questions are: the definition of the intonational units in
Spanish; the definition of the intonational patterns for each type of unit; and
the relation between intonational patterns and linguistic functions.
1.2.1. Intonation units in Spanish
Several hypotheses about the hierarchical structure of Spanish intonation
contours have been proposed in the literature. They are summarized in the
following sections. Navarro's levels of description. Related approaches
Navarro (1918, 1944, 1946) establishes two levels in the intonation contours
of Spanish:
a) 'Melodic unit' (Unidad melódica):
According to Navarro (1946, p. 77), "La unidad melódica es la porción
más corta del discurso con sentido propio y con forma musical
determinada". This melodic unit tends to coincide with the phonic group,
that is, a portion of utterance located between two pauses: Los límites de
la unidad melódica coinciden con los del grupo fónico" (Navarro, 1946
,p. 77). However, Navarro also remarks that melodic units are not always
delimited by pauses; they may also be marked by changes in energy
and/or duration, or by special FOmovements: "Las divisiones entre estos
grupos o unidades no van siempre marcadaspor verdaderaspausas. Con
frecuencia el paso de una unidad a otra se manifiesta solamente por la
depresión de la intensidad, por el retardamiento de la articulación y por
el cambio más o menos brusco de la altura musical, sin que ocurra real y
efectiva interrupción de las vibraciones vocálicas" (Navarro, 1944, p.
This melodic unit coincides with the intonation group described in
chapter 1.
Navarro also states that the intonation contours of the melodic units may
be divided into three different parts:
a) the initial part, from the beginning of the group to the first stressed
b) the body of the contour, from the first stressed syllable to the last
stressed syllable in the group.
c) the final part, from the last stressed syllable to the end of the group.
These parts, as will be considered later, will determine the shape of the
intonational pattern associated to the melodic units in Spanish.
b) Sentence:
The sentence is the highest-level unit considered in the description of
Navarro (Navarro, 1944, p. 31). Sentences are organized, according to
their intonational structure, in two parts (Navarro, 1944, p. 40), the
'tension part' ('rama tensiva') and the 'distension part' ('rama
distensiva'). Each part may be formed by one or more melodic units.
Navarro mentions a third type of unit, the 'tonic group', ('grupo rítmico-
semántico' or 'grupo tónico'), defined as "la parte del discurso que tiene por
base prosódica un sólo acento espiratorio y por contenido ideológico un
núcleo de significación no susceptible de divisiones más pequeñas"
(Navarro, 1944, p. 29). However, he considers that it is not a real unit for
intonation analysis: "el grupo rítmica-semántico, como lapalabra misma, no
figura con individualidad propia en la entonación castellana" (Navarro,
1944, p. 30). This unit is similar to the stress group discussed in a previous
section, although its definition is slightly different: the stress group always
starts with a stressed syllable, but this is not necessarily the case of the tonic
Some other studies have borrowed this proposal, introducing certain
variations in some cases. This is the case of Alcina & Blecua (1975), Fant
(1984), and Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987). Their inventory of units is
summarized in the following lines.
Alcina & Blecua (1975) define three levels of analysis which coincide with
the units defined by Navarro:
1) The rhythmic unit (unidad rítmica), equivalent to Navarro's tonic
2) The melodic unit.
3) The utterance, that coincides with the sentence in Navarro's
Fant (1984) also established a set of intonational units for Spanish similar to
those proposed by Navarro. He defined two main levels of description:
1) the 'tonic group' (grupo tónico), equivalent to the one defined by
2) the 'prosodie phrase' (frase prosódica) equivalent to the 'melodic unit'
proposed by Navarro.
Finally, in the case of Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987), the only difference
with Navarro's model is the consideration of a new unit, called cláusula,
that is defined as a portion of utterance between two energy maxima: "Cada
altura en la línea de intensidad marca el comienzo de una unidad que
llamamos cláusula. [...] Esta cláusulase extiende hasta que, tras un mínimo,
una nueva altura dé comienzo a otra unidad. La lengua castellana no admite
más de dos sílabas seguidas sin acento" (p. 84). However, this unit is not
strictly speaking an intonation unit in the sense considered here, because its
definition is based in the presence of 'energy accents', not pitch accents.
They do not consider the tonic group as an intonational unit, but they accept
the intonation group and the sentence as higher-level intonation units. Quilis' levels of description
A different proposal is the one by Quilis (1975, 1981, 1993). He only
considers two levels of description, namely the intonation group and the
a) Intonation group (grupo de entonación}:
Quilis defines the intonation group as the "porción de discurso
comprendida entre dos pausas, entre pausa e inflexión del fundamental,
entre inflexión del fundamental y pausa, o entre dos inflexiones del
fundamental, que configura una unidad sintáctica más o menos larga o
compleja (sintagma, cláusula, oración)" (Quilis, 1993, p. 419). As in the
case of Navarro's description, the intonation groups tend to coincide with
the phonic groups, although in some cases their boundaries can be
marked by cues other thanpauses.
b) Syllable.
The syllable is the unit related to stress placement in Quilis' description.
As is discussed later, each syllable has a pitch level associated to it. Mixed approaches: López (1993)
The work by López (1993) is an example of hybrid description, taking units
from both approaches. López analyses Spanish intonation in order to define
a model specially oriented to a TTS system, the 'Hispavoc' of CNET
(France Telecom). He establishes three levels for his analysis:
a) Syllable.
b) Stress group:
López defines the stress group as the "conjunto de sílabas consecutivas
con un único acento léxico principal. Estáformado por aquel conjunto de
palabras no acentuadasseguida de una palabra acentuada" (p. 39). This
definition, in fact, refers to the same type of unit that the tonic group of
Navarro's description.
c) Intonational group, which always coincides with phonic group. Summary
As can be observed from the previous paragraphs, the intonational units
defined for Spanish coincide more or less with those defined for other
languages. At a local level, the syllable has been used in some cases, and the
notion of tonic group has been widely considered, although its real status as
an intonation unit is far from being demonstrated. It has to be noted,
however, that the tonic group considered here does not refer to the same
type of unit as the stress group defined in section
At a global level, the melodic unit or intonation group has been considered
the basic domain for intonational phenomena, as in other languages. Above
the intonation group, only Navarro considers one more unit, the sentence.
A hierarchy of proposed units can also be established, similar to the one
discussed in section
• syllable
• tonic group
• melodic unit / intonation group
• sentence
• syllable
• stress group / accentual phrase
• intermediate phrase
• intonation group
• sentence
• paragraph
In this work, the tonic group, the intonation group and the sentence, three
widely used domains in the classical phonetic analyses of Spanish intonation,
will be considered as analysis units. They have been chosen to determine to
what extent they can be really accepted as intonation units in Spanish. Also,
the paragraph has been added to these three levels, taking into account the
results obtained for other languages, and for Spanish, as will be reviewed
later. Lowest-level units, as syllables and segments, have been excluded
from this analysis.
1.2.2. Intonation patterns in Spanish
Another problem in the studies of Spanish intonation published so far is the
lack of information concerning the evolution of FOcontours at each level of
description. In the following sections the patterns defined in the literature
are presented, and the main gaps in the descriptions are outlined. In the
following sections, the patterns that have been defined for each one of the
considered levels of analysis - tonic group, intonation group, sentence and
paragraph - are presented. Intonation patterns in the tonic group domain
Following the criteria suggested by Fant (1984), the Spanish tonic groups
may be classified into four types, depending on their position in the
intonation group, : initial, internal, final and initial-final. In fact, this
proposal partially agrees with the three different parts of the intonation
groups - initial, medial, and final - defined by Navarro (1944). The
evolution of FO movements in each type has been only partially analysed:
there are not global descriptions of the evolution of the intonation contours
at tonic groups, but only descriptions focused in the stressed syllable. Only
the movements in the final tonic group have been described in some detail.
1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 23 Initial tonic groups
Fant (1984, p. 30) considers that the evolution of FO along initial tonic
groups goes from a low FOlevel to an extra-high level (A+, according to
his notation; see section for a description of his proposal) at the
end of the syllable following the stressed one, where the peak is located.
Navarro (1944) also mentions that the FO peak tends to delay to the
following (unstressed) syllable at the first stressed syllable of an intonation
group: "Es frecuente que la sílaba débil que sigue inmediatamente a la
primera acentuada resulte algo más alta que ésta, con diferencia de uno o
dos semitonos" (p. 49). Internal tonic groups
For internal tonic groups, Fant (1984) proposes an FOpattern characterized
by a medium level (M) at the beginning of the stressed syllable, and a high
level (A) at the end of the stressed syllable. This displacement of the peak to
the end of the stressed syllable or even to the next (unstressed) syllable has
also been reported in Garrido et al. (1993) and Prieto et al. (1994). Final tonic groups
The interest of all researchers who have described Spanish intonation has
been focused in the movements at the end of the intonation groups. Navarro
(1944) distinguished 5 different types of FOmovements that can appear at
the end of a melodic unit:
1) falling (cadencia).
2) half-falling (semicadencia).
3) level (suspensión).
4) half-rising (semianticadencia).
5) rising (anticadencia).
According to Navarro, these final movements contain the main intonational
information, and they are called 'tonemes' (tonemas). Alcina & Blecua label
these movements as 'final transitions' (transicionesfinales), and Stockwell et
al. (1956) and Quilis (1981, 1993) prefer to use the term 'terminal
junctures' (junturas terminales)to refer to them.
Navarro (1944) also considers the rise-fall pattern (tonema circunflejo) as a
cue for special types of sentences (relative questions, for example). This
pattern, according to Navarro's description, would start to rise in the last
stressed syllable, and to fall at the end of the same syllable or at the
following one.
Finally, Fant (1984) considers only two possible final movements or
terminal junctures: rising and falling. The typical pattern for falling
movements is, according to Pant's description, a medium (M) level along
the stressed syllable, and a low (B) level in the syllable following the
stressed one. Quilis (1981, 1993) establishes a similar distinction in two
types of terminal junctures, falling and rising. Initial-final groups
Fant (1984) is the only study that gives some information about the FO
movements in intonation groups formed by just one tonic group. According
to his description, the peak (FOmaximum) appears before the end of the
stressed syllable, and reaches a high (A) or extra-high (A+) level. Then the
contour falls until a low (B) level at the end of the utterance. Intonation patterns in the intonation group domain
As stated before, the description presented in Navarro (1944, pp. 48-49)
established three different components in the intonation groups: an initial
part, until the first stressed syllable; a medial part, from the first to the last
stressed syllable; and a final part, from the last stressed syllable to the end
of the group. Following this scheme, he offers a general pattern for the
intonation contours in Spanish intonation groups comprising three parts:
a) an initial rising, until the first stressed syllable or the syllable
following it.
b) a more or less uniform tone in the central section.
c) depending on the type of intonation group, the final part will show a
different final movement, or toneme, as described above (
The tonal lowering effect discussed in chapter 1 has also been reported for
Spanish intonation groups. Fant (1984, p. 40) considers this possibility,
although he states that it is only present in the internal stressed syllables.
Garrido (1991) also reports this effect in one-intonation-group declarative
sentences. This downtrend tendency in Spanish has recently been considered
in terms of downstepping phenomena in Prieto et al. (1995a), using a
corpus of Mexican Spanish. Intonation patterns in the sentence domain
As has been discussed earlier (section, Navarro (1944) considers
two parts in the intonation structure of any sentence, namely a 'tension' and
a 'distension' part. According to this hypothesis, the different intonation
groups of a sentence are included in one of these two parts. Navarro also
proposes a general hypothesis about the organization of intonation contours
in Spanish in the sentence domain. The idea is that the contours of the
intonation groups of a sentence show rising or falling final patterns
depending of whether they appear in the 'tension' or the 'distension' part,
according to the following general rules:
1) the final group of the 'tension part' presents a rising final FO
2) the final group of the 'distension part' shows a falling final FO
3) the non-final groups of the 'tension part' tend to finish with a half-
falling movement.
4) the non-final groups of the 'distension part' tend to finish with a half-
rising movement.
Navarro indicates that this rule presents some exceptions in the case of the
non-final groups, depending on the type of syntactic boundary appearing at
the end of the group.
This hypothesis is illustrated in the case of Navarro (1944) and Canellada &
Kuhlmann (1987) with examples of declarative sentences of relatively low
syntactic complexity. It is not clear, however, if this model makes adequate
predictions in the case of more complex sentences. Intonation patterns in the paragraph domain
As has been reported before for other languages, the above mentioned work
by Garrido et al. (1993) showed that Spanish intonation also shows 'supra-
declination' phenomena at paragraph level. However, the results of this
work are based in data taken from 'laboratory' speech. However, the results
of the work presented in Garrido (1993), based on less controlled speech
(readings of news by professional and non-professional speakers), seem to
indicate that this 'supra-declination' phenomenon does not always cover the
entire paragraph. Summary
This review shows that the description of intonation patterns in Spanish
leaves some unanswered questions:
a) the analysis of the non-final movements in the tonic group domain has
not been considered in detail yet.
b) the analysis of intonational patterns can also be attempted in more
detail: the basic pattern proposed by Navarro (1944) does not take into
account, for example, other global phenomena more recently defined, as
declination or downstep. In addition, this pattern does not explain how
local movements are integrated into the global shape.
c) in the sentence domain, the Navarro's model establishes some
predictions that seem to be valid in the case of short sentences, but it is
still necessary to check to what extent this model can be applied to longer
d) higher level phenomena seem to exist in Spanish, at least in
'controlled' material. The formal description of these phenomena and
their integration in a global model are still pending.
1.2.3. Intonation patterns in Spanish and the expression of linguistic
A third set of problems related to the description of Spanish intonation is
the definition of the relationship between linguistic functions and FO
movements. This section reviews the different studies of the intonational
cues that are used in Spanish to mark different linguistic phenomena. Only
the three ones considered in this work are reviewed, namely, lexical stress,
syntactic structure, and sentence type. The relationship between FOshape and lexical stress
There is still some debate about the role of FOin the phonetic realization of
lexical stress in Spanish. This phonetic realization has been traditionally
related to cues different than FO, that is, amplitude and duration. Navarro
(1944, p. 21 and ff.), for example, argues that amplitude and pitch are the
main correlates of stress when a word is spoken in isolation; however, in
the case of words embedded in longer utterances, Navarro considers that
amplitude is the main contributor to stress perception, while pitch is used
for more global functions: "En español es el acento de intensidad el que
mantiene la estructura prosódica de las palabras, mientras que el tono, por
su parte, rige la organización melódica del periodo'''. This question has also
been debated in Bolinger & Hodapp (1961), Contreras (1963, 1964) and
Monroy (1972). Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) consider that duration is the
most important acoustic cue involved in the perception of stress. More
recently, perceptual experiments (Enriquez et al, 1989) have demonstrated
the relevance of FO in the identification of stressed syllables in Spanish,
although this does not imply that FOis really the main phonetic realization
of stress in Spanish.
Anyway, some relation between FOpeaks and the presence of a stressed
syllable seems to exist. Navarro (1944, p. 21 & ff.) reports that in general
FO tends to rise in stressed syllables and to fall in the unstressed ones: "De
un modo general, en la serie sucesiva de los núcleos silábicos de una frase,
el tono en español se eleva más o menossensiblementeen las sílabas fuertes
y desciende en las inacentuadas".
However, an exact correlation between between stressed syllable and FO
peak may not be found. The FO peak may be delayed to the next syllable in
some cases, as Navarro (1944, p. 39) reported, specially in the first stressed
syllable of a phonic group: "Es frecuente que la sílaba débil que sigue
inmediatamente a la primera acentuada resulte algo más alta que ésta, con
diferencia de uno o dos semitonos" . Fant (1984) also reports this fact, and
it has also been found in Garrido (1991), at least for the first stressed
syllable of the utterances. For non-initial stressed syllables, this effect has
also been found in Garrido et al. (1993). Llisterri et al. (1995) have
analysed some of the factors affecting this peak displacement, finding some
variations of the peak displacement patterns if a pause is located after the
word containing the stressed syllable. They also report some effects of the
type of syntactic boundary following the word on the location of the peak.
The problem has also been considered in Prieto et al. (1994, 1995b),
analyzing data from Mexican Spanish. Their results indicate that peak delay
is related to the duration of the syllable onsets, the vicinity of a prosodie
boundary (intermediate phrase, intonational phrase), and the distance to the
next stressed syllable. The results of these studies are reviewed in more
detail in section 4.7.1.
As can be observed, most research interest has been focused in the location
of the peaks in relation with the stressed syllable. Much less attention,
however, has been paid to the location of the start of the rising part in
relation to the stressed syllable, which can also be an important cue for their
identification. Prieto et al. (1995b, p. 449) have recently provided some
experimental data about this point: "A description of the accent gesture in
the different prosodie contexts revealed that, on the one hand, the location
of the start of the rise was stably anchored in the onset of the [stressed]
According to these data, it can be hypothesized that the presence of anFO
peak in a syllable does not seem to be an absolutely necessary cue to be
perceived as stressed, but rather a rising movement within the stressed
28 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION The relationship between FOshape and syntacticstructure
The analysis of the relationship between intonation contours and syntactic
structure in Spanish has focused in the study of FOmovements at the end of
phonic groups, depending on the type of syntactic boundary that coincides
with the pause. The general conclusion that can be extracted from the study
of these boundaries, as Fant (1984, p. 42) suggests, is that, apart from some
special constructions, the use of a particular terminal juncture is not directly
linked to a specific syntactic boundary: "La ocurrencia de una y otra
[juntura terminal] normalmenteno es deducible de la estructurasintáctica".
The most studied syntactic boundaries have been, accordingly, those where
there is a tendency to insert a pause. Examples of these syntactic boundaries
can be found in the following sentences:
1) Fronted elements:
Entonces I sale a pasear al campo.
Cuando hace buen tiempo y la temperatura es agradable I sale a pasear.
Sobre el caballo, con el sombreroen la mano,/cabalga el jinete.
2) Parenthetical elements:
Los caballeros,I vestidos con sus armas,I sefueron al combate
3) Adjective clauses:
a) non-restrictive:
Los alumnos, I que viven lejos, I llegan tarde.
b) restrictive:
Los alumnos que viven lejos J llegantarde.
4) Asyndetic coordinations:
a) complete: with a connector ('/, V) linking the last two elements of
the asyndetic coordination.
El caballo es fuerte, I rápido I y negro.
b) incomplete: the last two elements of the asyndetic coordination are
not linked by a connector.
El piso desciende en un declive suave,I resbaladizo,I bombeado.
5) Coordinate phrases or clauses:
a) 'first degree' coordinations: those showing an 'y V connector
(copulativas, disyuntivas).
Dijo que venía / y nos quedamos esperando.
b) 'second degree' coordinations: those showing a 'pero' connector
No podía hacer nada, I pero se estaba quieto
Viene todas las tardes, I a pesar del frío
6) Adverbial subordinate clauses:
Si mañana no recibo noticias, / le escribiré de nuevo
A brief review of the specific FOmovements associated with these syntactic
boundaries is presented in table 1.1.
Fronted phrases
adjective clauses
adjective clauses
phrases or clauses
'Second -degree'
phrases or clauses
Intonational cue
Movement before
the boundary
Rising, half-
(Navarro, 1944)
Level or half-
falling if it
appears in the
'tension part'
Half-rising if the
group is in the
'distension part'.
(Navarro, 1944;
Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987;
Quilis, 1993)
(Garro & Parker,
(Garro & Parker,
(Navarro, 1944)
(Navarro, 1944)
(Navarro, 1944)
Movement at the
end of the
(Garro & Parker,
(Quilis, 1981)
(Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987)
(Garro & Parker,
Half-rising in the
penultimate group
Falling in the rest
of groups
(Navarro, 1944;
Quilis, 1993)
(Navarro, 1944;
Quilis, 1993)
Other intonational
General FOlevel
lower that in the
preceding and
following groups
Table 1.1: Described FOcues for some types of syntactic boundaries in Spanish
The division of sentences into 'tension' and 'distension' parts has also been
related to syntactic factors. Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) present a list of
boundaries that are candidates to the placement of the boundary between the
'tension' and the 'distension' parts:
1) Subject/Predicate:
La niña de la casetaII tenía un vestido rojo.
2) Fronted PP/rest of the sentence:
En tornoII había mesas y bancosrústicos
3) Adverbial subordinate clause/main clause:
Cuando nadie lo mirabaII venía haciendo equilibriospor cima de un
4) Fronted element/rest of the sentence:
La caída II erafácil quesucediese.
5) Fronted Object/rest of the sentence:
A nosotros II no nos regalaba nadie nada.
6) Other fronted elements:
A la pipa II se le iba el humopor todas partes
7) Absolute participle, gerundive or infinitive clause/main clause
Al venir nosotros II se aguó la fiesta
8) Participle or gerund clause, predicative/main clause:
Oculto, hundido entre los rebañosII discurría el Jarama
9) Subordinate subject clause/main clause
Que tú pagues la meriendaII es imperdonable
10) Two 'y' coordinate clauses or sentences
La niña lo vio venir II y se paró a mirarlo
11) Two 'pero' coordinate clauses
De esta sanamos los tres II o nos volvemos de remate
12) Main clause/subordinate relative clause
Había zonas cubiertas de madreselva y vid americana II que
avanzabanpor los alambres
13) Beginning asyndetic coordination/last element asyndetic coordination
Mauricio la miró un momento,abrió el cajón II y sacó las pesetas.
14) Main clause/gerund clause
Carmenjugaba con los brazos en altoII trenzando los dedos.
In all these examples, the double bold lines indicate the boundary between
'tension' (left) and 'distension' (right) parts of the sentence. According to
Navarro's hypothesis, the end of the 'tension part' is indicated in all these
cases with a final rising intonation movement. It can be considered then that
the selection of this final movement is also determined by syntactic factors.
Finally, the use of intonation to indicate the presence of syntactic boundaries
in internal position of intonation group has been much less analysed. Some
preliminary data about this question can be found in Garrido et al. (1995). The relationship between FOshape and sentence type
The relationship between sentence type and intonation contours is the best
known aspect of Spanish intonation. Four types of sentence types have been
usually considered in the studies of Spanishintonation:
a) Declarative
b) Interrogative
• 'Yes-No' questions
• 'Wh-' questions
• Relative questions
c) Exclamative
d) Imperative
Sentence type has been traditionally associated in Spanish to the terminal
juncture appearing at the end of the sentence. However, other intonational
cues have also been proposed. Table 1.2 summarizes the different cues
reported in the literature for each sentence type:
'Wh-' questions
Relative questions
Intonational cue
Final FO
(Navarro, 1944;
Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987)
(Navarro, 1944;
Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987;
Quilis, 1987, 1993)
(Navarro, 1944;
Quilis, 1987, 1993;
Garrido, 1991)
(Navarro, 1944)
(Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987)
(Navarro, 1944)
(Navarro, 1944)
Global shape
Steady central part
(Navarro, 1944)
Continuous fall along
the central part of the
contour until the
beginning of the final
(Navarro, 1944)
Higher mean FOthan
the declarative
(Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987)
'Wave-like' contour
(Navarro, 1944;
Canellada &
Kuhlmann, 1987;
Garrido, 1991)
Higher FOrange than
in declaratives
Garrido (1991)
Other intonational
Initial peak 3-4
semitones higher than
in declaratives
(Navarro, 1944;
Garrido, 1991)
Initial peak 3-4
semitones higher than
in declaratives
(Navarro, 1944;
Garrido, 1991)
Initial peak 3-4
semitones higher than
in declaratives
(Navarro, 1944;
Garrido, 1991)
Table 1.2: Described FOcues to mark sentence type in Spanish
As far as the relation between stress and FO movements is concerned, the
main questions seem to be related to the location of the beginning and end
of the rising movement traditionally associated with stressed syllables. A
more formal description of these movements is needed.
The description of the intonational marking of syntactic structure in Spanish
is far from being complete. First, as Fant (1984) suggested, the selection of
final movements at the end of non sentence-final phonic groups does not
seem to be directly related to syntactic factors. The selection of these
movements according to other phonological or pragmatic factors, for
example, seems an interesting research question.
Moreover, some other intonational cues, such as FOreset, whose relevance
for the description of the influence of the syntactic structure in the
intonation contours has been outlined for other languages (Cooper &
Sorensen, 1977, 1980; Collier, 1985, 1987), could also be applied to the
description of Spanish, as was already attempted in Garrido (1993). In the
case of the studies for other languages, the analysis has been focused on
major syntactic boundaries, that is, the boundary between clauses
(coordinate or subordinate) within a sentence, or between sentences
(Thorsen, 1985, 1986; Ladd, 1988). According to the results of these
works, FO reset seems to be a way of marking hierarchical dependencies
between sentences and clauses in speech.
Finally, the study of the relationship between sentence type and intonation is
perhaps the most completely described aspect of intonation in Spanish. The
relationship between sentence-final movements and sentence type has been
widely described, specially for the most frequent types, such as declarative
and interrogative. In the case of exclamative or imperative sentences,
however, more research needs to be carried out.
1.2.4. General summary
The review of the studies of Spanish intonation presented here leads to the
following conclusions:
a) The intonation units proposed for Spanish are in general similar to
those of other languages: syllables, tonic groups, melodic units and
sentences. However, it is still unclear in some cases (the tonic group is the
most evident one) that these units are the domain of some kind of
intonational phenomena. The validity of these units should be then
revised. In addition, recent studies on Spanish intonation seem to indicate
that more global units, such as the paragraph, should be considered in a
model that intends to be a global description of Spanish intonation
contours. Taking into account these considerations, four analysis levels
have been defined for this work: tonic group, intonation group, sentence
and paragraph.
b) More research is necessary to obtain a complete inventory of
intonational patterns at each level of description. More or less informal
descriptions have been offered for tonic groups, intonation groups,
sentences and paragraphs. However, if the development of a formal
model is attempted, more accurate definitions are needed.
c) The relationship between the shape of the intonation contours and the
main linguistic functions is still incomplete. In addition, nothing has been
said about the influence of non linguistic factors, such as duration of
utterances, on the shape of the contours of Spanish. This type of
information, however, is also important for the development of a formal
model of intonation, specially if its application to TTS systems is being
1.3. Intonation description and modelling
This third section deals with those aspects of intonation analysis that involve
the description and modelling of the intonation contours, or, in other
words, with the methodological aspects of intonation analysis.
1.3.1. Phonetic vs. phonological approaches to the study of intonation
As Cutler and Ladd stated, there are two possible approaches to the study of
"There are two broad traditions in the study of prosody that may be characterized - or
caricatured - by their methodological preferences for one or the other of the scientific
activities mentioned in the title: making measurements and constructing models. On
one side of the dichotomy stand instrumental and experimental studies that seek to
quantify acoustic features and investigate perceptual responses. On the other are
descriptive and theoretical studies of prosodie structure and its relation to other aspects
of grammar and phonology. In a great deal of past work these two traditions have
simply ignored one another" (Cutler & Ladd', 1983, p. 1)..
The first one may be called the phonetic, or 'bottom-up' approach, and tries
to study intonation as is manifested in the acoustic or perceptual properties
of the speech signal. As Cutler and Ladd pointed out:
"for many of those who take the measurer's approach, the primary concern is not
representation, but realization. The question being asked is: What are the physical
correlates of this or that prosodie message? To the extent that such investigators have
constructed explicit models of prosodie representation, they have tended to think in
terms not of linguistic categories, but of interacting parameters; their models assign
acoustic correlates to individual functions such as word stress, sentence stress,
sentence modality, affective use of pitch range, and so on, and attempt to specify the
interaction of all these effects on individual parameters like fundamental frequency"
(Cutler & Ladd, 1983, p. 5)
The second approach could be called 'phonological', or 'top-down', in the
sense that it starts from the linguistic structures, and tries to find out in the
speech how these structures are realized:
"The model-builder is interested in establishing an inventory of abstract categories - a
formal representation - of prosodie function and prosodie form. The goal of the
model-builder's enterprise is to describe the systematic structure underlying prosodie
distinctions; the basic assumption is that there are well-defined abstract levels of
representation that mediate between specific prosodie functions like "phrase
boundary" and specific acoustic traits" (Cutler & Ladd, 1983, p. 5).
The approach followed here may be defined as phonetic, in the sense that it
starts by analyzing the acoustic properties of the phonetic output, and tries
to obtain more abstract intonation patterns from the results of this acoustic
1.3.2. Description and modelling of intonation
When attempting a phonetic approach to the analysis of intonation, the first
problem that arises is the interpretation of the FOcontour itself. First, the
FO contours obtained from FOtrackers usually include detection errors, that
may be easily recognized in some cases, but not in others. The recognition
of intonation patterns in FO contours may also be difficult due to the
presence of micromelodic movements, which 'hide' the real shape of a
contour. For these reasons, almost every phonetic study of intonation makes
use of some type of simplification of the.intonation contours, prior to the
analysis and modelling task.
Once the intonation contours have been simplified, the second step involves
the description of the simplified intonation contours. This description
involves different subtasks:
a) first, a formal framework has to be chosen for the description of
the intonation contours;
b) second, the different intonation patterns present in the analysed
intonation contours have to be identified and defined, using the chosen
descriptive framework;
c) third, a study of the relation between the different intonational patterns
and the different functions of intonation has to be performed.
The scheme presented in figure 1.1 shows this procedure:


Simplified intonation contour
(Descriptive framework
+ Patterndefinition)
Analysis of
intonation functions
iFigure 1.1. Schematic representation of a phonetic approach to the analysis of intonation
Phonetic descriptions of intonation usually include, in a more or less
systematic manner, these three tasks. But the definition of an intonation
model involves not only a description, but also a prediction of how the
intonation patterns are combined to form the intonation contours. These
combinatory constraints may be determined in part by the linguistic uses of
the intonation contours, but also by other factors. The development of this
predictive component can be properly called modelling of intonation, and
should involve, for example, the definition of a grammar of intonation,
that will predict how intonation patternshave to be combined according to a
series of linguistic and non linguisticparameters.
A good example of phonetic approach to intonation modelling is the one
proposed by the IPO for Dutch ('t Hart et al., 1990). The IPO approach
considers two main steps:
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.
Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.

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Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-speech Applications. Tesis Doctoral, Juan María Garrido Almiñana.

  • 1. Juan María Garrido Almiñana Modelling Spanish Intonation for -Text-to-Speech Applications Ph. D. Thesis Tesis doctoral Director: Dr. Joaquim Llistem i Boix Departament de Filologia Espanyola Facultat de Lletres Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Mayo 1996 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Servei de Biblioteques
  • 2. Juan María Garrido Almiñana Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-Speech Applications Ph. D. Thesis Tesis doctoral Director: Dr. Joaquim Llisterri i Boix NA. Departament de Filologia Espanyola Facultat deLletres Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Mayo 1996
  • 3. A todo aquel que encuentre en estaspáginas algo de utilidad
  • 4. Agradecimientos A Joaquim, el doctor Joaquim Llisterri. Por ser mi director de tesis,y por toda la ayuda que he recibido durante la realizaciónde este trabajo. Pero sobretodopor la confianza depositada en mí desde el primer momento. Sin esa confianza ni esta tesis ni muchas otras cosas habrían sido posibles. A Francesc, Francesc Gudayol. Por ser parcialmente 'culpable ' de mi interés por la entonación, por haber tenido la idea delprograma 'Pitch', y por tener lapaciencia de llevar aquella primera idea hasta el final. Gracias tambiénpor los comentariosy las ideas tras leer laprimera versión de estatesis. A Johanneke Caspers, Hugo Quené, Margreet Sanders, Vincent van Leuven y todas las personas que durante mi estancia en Holanda me ayudaron aperfilar el objetivo de estatesis. A Joan Torruella,por su ayuda en la selecciónde loslocutores. A los locutores, Antonio, Margarita y Mercedes, por lapaciencia que demostraron durante horas de grabaciones y repeticiones. Ya InmaculadaRoyo, de Radio Nacional de España, en Barcelona, por las facilidades prestadas para conseguir las grabaciones de los diarios hablados. A Eduardo Lleida, por las horas que perdió por mi culpa luchando hasta conseguir que las sílabas se contaran automáticamente. A Alistair MacConkie y Pilar Prieto. Por lapaciencia en leer tan detalladamente el primer manuscrito de esta tesis. Y por todos los comentarios, que me han ayudado a perfilar muchos detalles. A los alumnos que me han tenido como profesor durante estos años. Por las horas que esta tesis le ha robado a lapreparación de susclases. A mis dos Macintosh. Por no fallarme nunca. Sin ellos esta tesis tampoco habría sido posible. Ya mi equipo de música, por acompañarme en las muchas horas de soledad en las que esta tesis se ha ido haciendo. A todas las personas que durante este tiempo han trabajado conmigo en el Laboratori de Fonètica de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona: Lourdes Aguilar, Marcel·la Andreu, Lorraine Baque, Cristina Benesey, Mercè Bericat, Beatriz Blecua, Carme Carbó, Mònica Estruch, Helena Fernández, Josep María Fernández,Nati Fernández, Julia Giménez, Hanne Hesselager, José Luis Iglesias, María Jesús Machuca, Franca Mancini, Rafael Marín, Gemma Martínez, María José Navarro, Carmede la Mota, Dolors Poch, David Puigví, Jordi Renom, Montse Riera, Antonio Ríos y tantos otros. Gracias en unos casos por los
  • 5. comentarios, las críticas, especialmente durante los seminarios del Grup de Fonética, que me han sido muy útiles para el desarrollo de esta tesis. En otros, por el entusiasmo e ilusión demostrado en el trabajo de cada día, que en muchas ocasiones me han dadofuerzas para seguir trabajando. Finalmente, a todos aquellos que habéis estado conmigo durante todo este tiempo, dándome vuestro apoyo y amistad. En vuestro caso, mi reconocimiento va mucho más allá de los agradecimientos de esta tesis. Gracias por estar ahí, a mi lado, aunque muchas veces no os haya tratado todo lo bien que os merecíais. Especialmente a mifamilia, por los días de mal humor que han tenido que soportar durante este tiempo. Ya Carme, por el empujón final. Sin ese empujón esta tesis seguramente no existiría.
  • 6. Resumen El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un modelo para la entonación del español en lectura, orientado a la generación automática de contornos entonativos en sistemas de conversión de texto a habla. El término 'entonación' se ha considerado aquí equivalente a la evolución del contorno de frecuencia fundamental (FO), o contorno entonativo, a lo largo de un enunciado. Para la consecución de este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo un análisis acústico de los contornos entonativos en un corpus de lectura de noticias en español. Este análisis se ha realizado en cuatro niveles entonativos diferentes: grupo tónico, grupo de entonación (identificado en este trabajo con el grupo fónico), oración y párrafo. Corpus de análisis El corpus recogido consta de un conjunto de lecturas de artículos de diarios, grabadas por dos locutores noprofesionales seleccionados. De este conjunto de grabaciones se han extraído cuatro sub-corpora, uno para cada nivel de análisis considerado. Estilización Para la obtener una representación simplificada de los contornos entonativos del material analizado se ha empleado un procedimiento de estilización automática, integrado en el programa 'Pitch ', un sistema de análisis, edición y síntesis de contornos entonativos desarrollado por Enginyeria La Salle de la Universitat Ramon Llull. Por medio de este sistema de estilización los contornos entonativos originales (obtenidos mediante un algoritmo de detección de FO) se han transformado en una serie de puntos de inflexión
  • 7. unidos mediante líneas rectas, o contorno estilizado, equivalente perceptivamente al contorno original. Los contornos estilizados mediante este sistema han sido posteriormente post-procesados para eliminar los errores de estimación de FO y las variaciones micromelódicas. Las representaciones obtenidas han sido utilizadas en este trabajo para laf ase de análisisacústico. Análisis de los grupos tónicos De acuerdo con el marco descriptivo definido para el estudio del sub- corpus de grupos tónicos, los contornos estilizados de un enunciado pueden concebirse como una serie de niveles entonativos - 'pico' (P), 'valle' (V) o 'medio ' (M) - asociados a determinados puntos de inflexión del contorno, que están unidos mediante diferentes movimientos entonativos - 'ascendente ', 'descendente ' o 'plano ' -, representados por las líneas rectas del contorno. El análisis de los contornos entonativos del sub-corpus utilizando este marco descriptivo ha permitido establecer un conjunto de patrones entonativos locales, definidos como concatenaciones de niveles y movimientos asociados a uno (o varios) grupos tónicos. Se han considerado tres grandes grupos de patrones: iniciales, mediales yfinales. Los patrones mediales se han subdivide a su vez en patrones post-iniciales y patrones interiores. Los patronesfinales también se han subdividido en tres grupos: patrones descendentes, patrones ascendentes y patrones, circunflejos. Se ha estudiado también lafrecuencia de aparición de cada patrón en el sub- corpus analizado, así como el uso de estos patrones en función de diversos factores, unos fonéticos (la duración del grupo tónico), y otros lingüísticos (la posición de la sílaba acentuada en el grupo tónico, el límite sintáctico que aparece tras el grupo tónico, y la modalidad oracional). Los resultados obtenidos ponen en duda la validez del grupo tónico como unidad entonativa en español, y parecenfavorecer la idea de que el grupo acentual (definido para otras lenguas como un conjunto de sílabas formado por una sílaba tónica y las sílabas átonas que la siguen hasta la siguiente tónica) es una unidad más adecuada para describir losfenómenos entonativos que se dan en el nivel local en español. Análisis de los grupos fónicos Para el estudio de los contornos entonativos en el sub-corpus de grupos fónicos (considerados aquí como una unidad equivalente al grupo de entonación) se ha empleado un marco descriptivo basado en la hipótesis de
  • 8. las líneas superior e inferior utilizada para otras lenguas. Se han definido aquí tres líneas de referencia, la línea superior, la línea media, y la línea inferior, que determinan el nivel teórico para los niveles P, My V en cada instante de tiempo a lo largo de un grupo fónico. Utilizando este marco descriptivo, se han definido dos patrones globales básicos para los dos locutores analizados. Ambos patrones se caracterizan por el descenso progresivo de las tres líneas hacia elfinal del grupo fónico, y por tratarse de líneas convergentes, que presentan en general un rango mayor al principio que alfinal del grupo fónico. También se han analizado las variacionesde este patrón básico enfundan de diferentes factores: la duración del grupo fónico, la posición del grupo fónico dentro de la oración (inicial, medial o final), y la modalidad de la oración en que está incluido el grupo fónico. Los resultados sugieren una relación entre la pendiente de las líneas y la duración del grupo fónico, y también que existe cierta relación entre la altura de FO de los puntos iniciales y finales de las líneas y la posición del grupo fónico dentro de la oración. Análisis de las oraciones En el caso del análisis de los contornos estilizados en el sub-corpus de oraciones, se ha definido primero un marco descriptivo basado en el modelo de las líneas superior e inferior utilizadopara los grupos fónicos. La forma de los contornos entonativos a lo largo de las oraciones se ha modelizado por medio de 'supra-líneas', que determinan la altura relativa de las líneas superior, media e inferior de los diferentes grupos que componen la oración. Se han definido dos tipos diferentes de 'supra-líneas ': las 'supra- líneas' altas, que controlan la altura de FOde los puntos iniciales de las líneas superior, media e inferior, y las 'supra-líneas' bajas, que controlan la altura de FOde los puntosfinales de estaslíneas. El análisis de las oraciones seleccionadas ha puesto en duda la existencia de un sólo patrón de 'supra-líneas' en las oraciones,por lo que se ha estudiado la presencia de unidades entonativas de nivel intermedio entre el grupo fónico y la oración. Se ha propuesto la existencia de las llamadas 'cláusulas entonativas', compuestas por varios grupos fónicos, que presentan un patrón entonativo propio, también representado por medio de 'supra-líneas'. Las diferentes cláusulas entonativas de una oración compleja se organizan formando una estructurajerárquica de unidades entonativas, que determinan la altura de FO de los diferentes grupos fónicos dentro de la oración. Esta estructura entonativa puede ser representada mediante un árbol prosódico. Se ha observado también que los diferentes grupos fónicos de una oración tienden a organizarse en dos unidades, que coinciden con las
  • 9. llamadas 'rama tensiva' y 'rama distensiva' descritas en estudios anteriores sobre la entonación del español. Finalmente, se han analizado algunos de losfactores que pueden intervenir en la definición de la estructura entonativa de las oraciones, tales como su estructura sintáctica y su estructurapragmática. Análisis de los párrafos Para la modelización de los contornos entonativos en el sub-corpus de párrafos se ha utilizado el mismo marco descriptivo que para la modelización de las oraciones. La aplicación de este marco ha permitido comprobar que la definición de un único patrón global de 'supra-líneas' resulta muchas veces insuficiente para la modelización de los contornos entonativos en el nivel del párrafo. En función su duración, resulta en algunas ocasiones más adecuado dividir el párrafo en dos unidades entonativas diferentes, cada una con su propio patrón de 'supra-líneas '. Esto hace suponer que existe una 'preplanificación parcial' en la generación de los contornos entonativos de los enunciados, que obligaría a iniciar una nueva unidad entonativa si la duración del párrafo excede el límite de preplanificación del hablante. Finalmente, se ha observado que los valores iniciales y finales de FO en los párrafos son bastante constantes para cada locutor, por lo que pueden tomarse como puntos de referencia. Definición del modelo Los datos obtenidos en la fase de análisis han permitido elaborar una primera propuesta de modelo para la generación de los contornos entonativos del español en lectura. El modelo asume la existencia de una estructura entonativa para el texto de entrada, que define la posición de las pausas y la organización jerárquica de los diferentes grupos fónicos en unidades entonativas de nivel superior. Se trata por tanto de un modelo fonético, en el sentido de que no incluye ningún tipo de análisis lingüístico (sintáctico ofonológico), y se centra exclusivamente en la generación de los contornos melódicos. El modelo está organizado en dos sub-módulos, el nivel global, que se encarga de asignar los patrones globales ('supra- líneas ' y líneas superiores, medias e inferiores) a la estructura entonativa de entrada, y el nivel local, que se encarga de superponer los patrones locales a las líneas superiores, medias e inferiores calculadas por el nivel global. La salida del modelo es un contorno entonativo estilizado, constituido por una cadena de puntos de inflexión. Cada punto de inflexión lleva asociado un valor de FO,e información acerca del segmento al que dicho punto va ligado en la cadena de elementossegméntales.
  • 10. Table of contents INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter I INTONATION AND INTONATION MODELS 5 1.1. The nature and structure of intonation 5 1.1.1. Intonation and fundamental frequency 5 1.1.2. The structureof FOcontours: intonation as a hierarchical phenomenon 7 1.1.3. Intonation domains 10 Local units: segments, syllables, stress groups, accentual phrases 11 Global units: intermediate phrase, intonation group, sentence, paragraph 12 Summary: a hierarchy of intonational units 14 1.1.4. Factors determining variations in intonation 14 1.1.5. Summary ." 16 1.2. Spanish intonation 17 1.2.1. Intonation units in Spanish 18 Navarro's levels of description. Related approaches 18 Quilis' levels of description 20 Mixed approaches: López (1993) 21 Summary 21 1.2.2. Intonation patterns in Spanish 22 Intonation patterns in the tonic group domain 22 Initial tonic groups, 23 Internal tonic groups 23 Final tonic groups 23 Initial-final groups.. 24 Intonation patterns in the intonation group domain 24 Intonation patternsin the sentence domain 24 Intonation patterns in the paragraph domain 25 Summary 25
  • 11. 1.2.3. Intonationpatterns in Spanish and the expression oflinguistic information 26 The relationship between FOshape and lexical stress 26 The relationship between FO shape and syntactic structure 28 The relationship between FO shape and sentence type 32 Summary 34 1.2.4. General summary 34 1.3. Intonation description and modelling 35 1.3.1. Phonetic vs. phonological approaches to the study of intonation 35 1.3.2. Description and modelling of intonation 36 1.3.3. Stylization and transcriptionof intonation contours 38 Stylization 38 Transcription 40 Summary 40 1.3.4. Descriptive frameworks for the intonationalphenomena 41 Describing local phenomena: levels vs. contours 41 The 'contour' approach 42 The 'level' approach 42 'Levels' vs. 'contours' 43 Describing global phenomena 43 The stressed-syllable contourapproach 44 Navarro's approach 44 The topline-bottomline approach 44 Summary 45 1.3.5. Intonation models 45 'Phonological' vs. 'phonetic' models 46 Linear vs. hierarchical models 46 A phonetic approach to intonation modelling: the IPO model 47 Summary 50 1.4. General summary: definition of the goal 50 1.4.1. Object of study: intonation contours 51 1.4.2. Methodology 51 A phonetic approach to the description and modellingof intonation 51 A level-by-level analysis of the Spanish intonation contours 52 A function-oriented analysis of Spanish intonation 52 1.4.3. Procedure 53 Chapter 2 SPEECH CORPUS 57 2.1. Defining the characteristics of the speech corpus 57 2.1.1. Stylistic variation: the use of text readings 58 The nature of the corpus 59 Speaker's preplanning: spontaneous' vs. 'read' speech 59 Researcher's preplanning: controlled' vs. 'uncontrolled' speech 60 The speaker and the listener 61 The listener 61 The speaker 62 Context and situation: lab' material vs. 'natural' material 62 2.1.2. Elocution variables: speakers 63 2.1.3. Phonetic variables 63 2.1.4. Linguistic variables 64 2.1.5. Summary 64
  • 12. UI 2.2. Collection of the speech corpus 65 2.2.1. Collection of the 'professional' set 65 2.2.2. Collection of the 'non-professional' set 66 Definition of the reading material 67 Selection of the speakers 68 Recording procedure 69 2.3. Classification of the material 69 2.3.1. Paragraphs and sentences • 69 Analysis of the speech corpus 69 Building the prosodie databases 70 2.3.2. Intonation groups and tonic groups 71 Analysis of the speech corpus 71 Building the prosodie databases 72 2.4. General summary 73 Chapter 3 STYLIZATION: A PHONETIC APPROACH TO THE REPRESENTATION OF INTONATION 75 3.1. Stylization of FO contours 75 3.1.1. Description of the Stylization system 75 3.1.2. The concept of 'perceptually equivalent stylizations' 77 Definition of the threshold 78 Jiménez (1994) 78 Estruch et al. (1995) 80 'Perceptually equivalent contours' and other Stylization procedures 81 'Close-copy stylizations' 81 MOMEL 82 3.1.3. Stylization procedure 82 3.2. 'Post-processing' of the stylized contours 85 3.2.1. Fixing errors of the pitch tracker 85 3.2.2. Avoiding unvoiced 'zeroes' 86 3.2.3. Identifying micromelodic inflections 87 Micromelodic variations at the beginning and the end of the utterances 87 Micromelodic variations in the vicinity of unvoiced consonants 89 Micromelodic variations in voiced consonants 91 3.2.4. The representation of the post-processed stylized contours 92 3.3. General summary 93 Chapter 4 SPANISH INTONATION CONTOURS AT THE TONIC GROUP LEVEL 95 4.1. Definition of the tonic groups sub-corpus 96 4.1.1. Variables .97 4.1.2. Selection and organizationof the material 98 4.2. Definition of the framework 99 4.2.l.P, M and V levels 99 4.2.2. Intonation movements 104 4.2.3. Intonation contours as series of levels and movements 104
  • 13. IV 4.3. Analysis of the tonic group contours 105 4.4. Tonic groups and the domain of the local intonation patterns 106 4.5. Defining local intonation patterns 108 4.5.1. Initial patterns 112 4.5.2. Medial patterns 114 Post-Initial patterns 114 Internal patterns 116 4.5.3. Final patterns 120 Falling patterns 120 Rising patterns 123 Rise-Fall patterns 126 Type A 126 Type B 128 Type C 129 4.5.4. Summary 130 4.6. Intonation patterns and phonetic factors: the case of tonic group length 131 4.6.1. Initial patterns 131 4.6.2. Internal patterns 132 4.6.3. Final patterns 132 Falling patterns 132 Rising patterns 133 Rise-Fall patterns 133 4.6.4. Summary 134 4.7. Relating intonation patterns to linguistic functions 135 4.7.1. Local FO movements and stress location 135 Peak shift in initial and internalpatterns 135 Stress in final groups 139 Stress and falling patterns 139 Stress and rising patterns 143 Stress and rise-fall patterns 145 Summary 146 4.7.2. Local patterns and sentencetype 146 4.7.3. Local patterns and syntacticstructure 148 Prepausal syntactic boundaries and final patterns 149 Final patterns and the 'tension part'/'distension part' hypothesis 151 Summary 153 4.8. General summary 154 Chapter 5 SPANISH INTONATION CONTOURS AT THE INTONATION GROUP LEVEL ,157 5.1. Definition of the phonic groups sub-corpus 158 5.1.1. Variables 158 5.1.2. Selection and organization of the material 158 5.2. Definition of the framework 160 5.2.1. Introduction 160 5.2.2. Procedure 162
  • 14. 5.3. Using top, mid and bottom lines to define global patterns at phonic group level 162 5.4. Variations of top, mid and bottom lines according to phonetic factors 166 5.4.1. Durationof the phonic group 166 Slope and durationof the phonicgroup 167 Initial values and durationof the group 168 Final values and duration of the group 168 Initial range and duration of the group 169 Final range and duration of the group 169 Summary 170 5.4.2. Location of the phonic groupin the sentence 170 5.5. Top, mid and bottom lines and the expression of linguistic information: the case of sentence type 173 5.5.1. Slope and sentence type 174 5.5.2. Global height and sentence type 175 5.5.3. Range and sentence type 177 5.5.4. Summary 178 5.6. General summary 178 Chapter 6 SPANISH INTONATION CONTOURS AT THE SENTENCE LEVEL 181 6.1. Definition of the sentences sub-corpus 182 6.1.1. Variables 182 6.1.2. Selection and organizationof the material 183 6.2. Corpus analysis 184 6.3. Definition of the framework 185 6.4. Applying the 'supra-lines' approach to sentences 188 6.4.1. Procedure 188 6.4.2. The shape of the high 'supra-lines' at the sentence level 189 6.4.3. The shape of the low 'supra-lines' at the sentence level 190 6.4.4. Summary 192 6.5. Defining intonation patterns and units within sentences 192 6.5.l.FO reset 192 6.5.2. 'Total' and 'partial' reset 196 6.5.2. The 'intonationalclause' hypothesis 199 6.5.3. Grouping 'intonational clauses': hierarchical structuring of the intonational units within sentences 202 6.5.4. Sentences as global intonational units 205 6.5.5. The representationof the hierarchicalstructure of intonationalunits 210 6.5.6. Summary 212
  • 15. VI 6.6. Linguistic factors determining the intonational structure at the sentence level 213 6.6.1. The role of syntacticstructure 213 Reset and syntacticstructure 213 Reset and syntactic boundaries 214 Amountof reset and syntactic boundaries 214 Total reset and syntactic boundaries 215 Prosodie structureand syntactic structure:the 'tension part'/'distension part' hypothesisrevisited 216 6.6.2. The role of the new-given information distinction 218 6.6.3. Summary 222 6.7. General summary 222 Chapter 7 SPANISH INTONATION CONTOURS AT THE PARAGRAPH LEVEL 225 7.1. Definition of the paragraphs sub-corpus 226 7.1.1. Variables 226 7.1.2. Selection and organization of the material 227 7.2. Corpus analysis 228 7.3. Definition of the framework 229 7.3.1. Approachingthe shape of paragraph 'supra-lines' 230 High 'supra-lines' 230 Low 'supra-lines' 231 Summary 233 7.3.2. Applyingthe 'intonational clause' approach to paragraphs 233 7.4. The status of the sentence as a global intonation unit: phonetic realization of sentence boundaries 234 7.4.1. Total reset and sentence boundaries 235 7.4.2. Amountof reset and sentence boundaries 240 7.4.3. Summary 241 7.5. 'Supra-declination' patterns at the paragraph level 242 7.5.1. A global pattern for paragraphs 242 7.5.2. Sentence grouping in paragraphs 246 7.5.3. Summary 249 7.6. Variation of paragraph patterns according to phonetic factors: the influence of paragraph length.... 249 7.7. General summary •. 251 Chapter 8 BUILDING THE MODEL 253 8.1. Input of the model 255 8.1.1. Intonational representation 255 8.1.2. Stress marks 258 8.1.3. Sentence type and syntactic boundariesinformation 258
  • 16. Vil 8.2. Levels of the model 260 8.2.1. Global level 260 8.2.2. Local level 263 Local patterns inventory 264 Selection rules 265 Alignment rules 266 A grammar for the concatenation of patterns 266 8.3. Output of the model 268 Chapter 9 CONCLUDING REMARKS 269 9.1. Implications for the description of Spanish intonation 269 9.1.1. The description of Spanish local movements 270 9.1.2. The description of Spanish global movements 270 9.1.3. Spanish intonation compared with other languages 271 9.2. Implications for the general description of intonation 271 9.2.1. Intonation as a hierarchical phenomenon 271 9.2.2. Intonational units 271 9.3. Implications for speech technology 272 9.4. Further research 273 REFERENCES 275
  • 17. INTRODUCTION In this thesis, a first attempt has been made to define a phonetic model of Spanish intonation in read text, and to apply the obtained results to the automatic generation of intonation contours. Two main reasons can be argued to justify these goals: 1) The need of linguistic and phonetic models for Spanish intonation: Several intonation models have already been proposed for other languages, but similar models are not yet available for Spanish. Partial descriptions of Spanish intonation can be found, but they still need to be completed to obtain a full model. 2) The need of formal descriptions of Spanish intonation to be used in the field of speech technology: The problem of automatic generation of intonation is closely related to the development of text-to-speech (TTS) systems. The role of intonation in the intelligibility and naturalness of the output speech of these systems has been widely recognized. Developing automatic intonation generation modules for Spanish TTS systems, or improving the existing ones, requires formal, detailed and global descriptions of Spanish intonation. Although some progress has been made already in this direction, more accurate analyses, specially with a phonetic and linguistic approach, are still necessary. The defined goals are too ambitious to be completely achieved in a work with the limitations of the one presented here. The present study is intended to be a first approach to the problem, presenting a general description of the main characteristics of Spanish intonation contours from an acoustic phonetics perspective. The detailed analysis of particular problems has not
  • 18. MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION been considered here, not only due to time constraints,but also because the selected material was not controlled enough to carry out this kind of studies. A first proposal of generation model has been developed using the results obtained in the descriptive analysis. The proposed model is not complete, since it does not consider in detail all the generation process, but only the main steps, and it has not been perceptually validated yet. However, it may be used as a basic framework to be tested andrefined. The development of this work has been organizedin three main parts: 1) A preliminary phase of theoretical work. This has included a review of the main characteristics of intonation in general, and of Spanish intonation in particular. A survey of the different approaches to intonation modelling for other languages has also been attempted. This first phase has led to an initial definition of the scope and main features of the model. 2) A second phase of phonetic analysis. This has included the analysis of Spanish intonation at different levels in a corpus of read texts. In this experimental part a formal descriptive framework has been applied to the obtained intonation contours in order to derive a quantitative description of Spanish intonation in read text. 3) A third phase of initial definition of the model, using the experimental data obtained in the second part. The results of these three phases are described in the two volumes of this thesis. This first volume contains the theoretical considerations, the description and discussion of the experimental part, and a first definition of the model. A detailed presentation of the.results (tables, figures, etc.) has been left for the appendix volume, in order to make this first volume more readable. Only the tables and figures necessary to support the conclusions and hypotheses have been kept in the first volume. For this reason, the appendix is necessary in many cases for a detailed analysis of the results, and to find out additional examples at some specific points of the discussion. The contents of the present volume are organizedas follows: the results of the first phase are presented in chapter 1; the results of the experimental part, including the definition of the analysis material and the description of the methodology are presented in the chapters 2-7; the results of the model definition phase are presented in chapter 8; the last chapter (9) contains some concluding remarks about the main implications that can be derived from the results of this work, and some proposals of further research.
  • 19. 0. INTRODUCTION The appendix volume contains a detailed presentation of the text used as reading material (appendix 1), the different defined sub-corpora (appendices 2, 4, 6 and 8), and a detailed presentation of the results of the different analyses carried out in the experimental part (appendices 3, 5, 7 and 9). Finally, an example of application of the proposed model to a sample paragraph is included in appendix 10.
  • 20. Chapter 1 INTONATION AND INTONATION MODELS 1.1. The nature and structure of intonation 1.1.1. Intonation and fundamental frequency A brief survey of the literature offers many different definitions of 'intonation': • "the entire ensemble of pitch contours, pitch levels, and stress levels that occurs when a sentence is spoken". (Lieberman, 1965, p. 40) • "I shall use the term pitch to refer to the perceptual correlates of frequency, tone to refer to the feature when it functions distinctively at word level, and intonation to refer to the feature when it functions at sentence level" (Lehiste, 1976, p. 229). • "the distinctive use of patterns of pitch, or melody" (Crystal, 1980, p. 182). • "no definition is completely satisfactory,but any attempt at a definition must recognise that the pitch of the voice plays the most important part" (Roach, 1983, p. 112). • "INTONATION involves the occurrence of recurring pitch patterns, each of which is used with a set of relatively consistent meanings, either on single words or on groups of words of varying length" (Cruttenden, 1986, p. 9).
  • 21. MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION • "the salient pitch changes in the course of an utterance" ('t Hart et al., 1990, p. 69). • "La línea melódica con que se se pronuncia un mensaje recibe el nombre de entonación" (Alcina & Blecua, 1975, p. 452). "desde el punto de vista de su realización fonética, está formada, fundamentalmente, por el acento de intensidad, el tono y la transición final, aunque también contribuyena la entonación, la cantidad y el ritmo" (Alcina & Blecua, 1975, pp. 453-4). • "la entonación es lafunción lingüísticamente significativa, socialmente representativa e individualmente expresiva de lafrecuencia fundamental en el nivel de la oración" (Quilis, 1993, p. 410). • "La entonación es ante todo unfenómeno lingüístico, relacionado con la sensación perceptiva que produce la variación a lo largo de todo un enunciado de tres parámetros físicos -frecuencia del fundamental [...], amplitud y duración -, y que proporciona al receptor información de distintos tipos. A diferencia del acento, las relaciones y contrastes entre las variaciones de los tresparámetros se darían en unidades mayores que la palabra, normalmente sintagmas ofrases" (Garrido, 1991, p. 7). These various definitions show some common points, that can be summarized as follows: a) in general, these definitions relate intonation to the phonetic concepts of pitch and fundamental frequency (henceforth FO). Only Alcina & Blecua (1975) and Garrido (1991) include amplitude and duration as acoustic correlates of intonation. b) many definitions (Lieberman, Lehiste, 't Hart et al., Quilis, Garrido) point out that intonation is a phenomenon that occurs at a global domain (phrase, sentence or utterance). This distinguishes intonation from other prosodie phenomena, as tone or stress. These definitions thus exclude local pitch movements from intonational phenomena. c) several definitions point out the role of intonation in the communication process (Cruttenden, Quilis). In fact, it seems that these definitions refer to two different concepts of the term 'intonation': 1) A 'phonological' concept of intonation, that identifies intonation with a global domain in the utterances (phrases, sentences) which plays some
  • 22. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL roles in the communication process. According to this definition, 'intonation' can be viewed as the prosodie phenomenon that occurs in a global domain (intonation units) and carries several types of information. The acoustic realization of these units is mainly pitch, but also duration and amplitude. With this meaning, intonation can be included within the classical 'phonological' suprasegmental phenomena, such as stress, tone or rhythm. 2) A 'phonetic' view of intonation, which considers intonation as the evolution over time of the FO contour of an utterance. It this case, the word 'intonation' does not refer to any specific domain or unit, but only to the acoustic realization of these units in the FOcontours. In this sense, intonation can be grouped in the same category with duration, pauses or amplitude, as one of the possible phonetic cues of the suprasegmental phenomena mentioned above areBoth concepts of intonation, the 'phonological' and the 'phonetic' one, related in some way, but they also show important differences: a) FO contours are the main phonetic cue of 'phonological' intonation. However, other phonetic phenomena are also responsible for marking phonological intonation in the utterance: pauses, duration and amplitude. The analysis of FOcontours provides then only partial information about the phonetic realization of 'phonological' intonation. b) Changes in the FO contours are only partially conditioned by 'phonological' intonation. Other (linguistic or non linguistic) phenomena, such as stress or the segmentai content of the utterance, define the shape of the FO contours. The analysis of FO contours involves then the consideration of other phenomena in addition to 'intonation' itself. This work is intended to be a description of the intonation of Spanish from a phonetic perspective. The goal of this work is to describe the organization and components of the Spanish FO contours - henceforth, intonation contours -, and to propose a model that predicts their composition. The analysis of the phonological intonation is out of the scope of this work, although, given the relation between the two types of intonation described earlier, some conclusions can be extracted about it from the results presented here. 1.1.2. The structure of FO contours: intonation as a hierarchical phenomenon One of the features that can be observed in the intonation contours of any language is that they are made up of different-level components. In other
  • 23. MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION words, the intonation contours are the result of the interaction of several intonational phenomena covering different domains: 1) Micromelodic phenomena, which are realized in the intonation contours as small FO movements covering parts of segments, or even a complete segment (Di Cristo, 1982, among others). 2) Above the segmentai level, intonation contours show larger falls and rises ('pitch movements'), that may cover one or several syllables. These movements have been traditionally related to several phenomena, such as 'pitch accent', 'phrase accent' or 'boundary tones', among others, depending on their position in the utterance (see Bolinger, 1958, Pierrehumbert, 1980, or Cruttenden, 1986, for example, for a more precise definition of these concepts). 3) An example of more global movements present in the intonation contours is the tonal lowering effect reported for the utterances of several languages. As 't Hart et al. (1990) state, "In languages like Dutch and English, the most important global attribute is the observed tendency of FOto decrease slowly from beginning to end of an utterance" (p. 121). Although the question of whether this lowering effect can be considered as an universal phenomenon is still unsolved (t'Hart et al, 1982; Umeda, 1982; Ladd, 1984), the fact that it has been widely reported for different languages provides some evidence of the influence of global phenomena on the intonation contours. There are also different hypothesis about the intonational phenomenon which is responsible of this tonal lowering. Pierrehumbert (Pierrehumbert, 1980; Beckman & Pierrehumbert, 1986) has suggested that it is caused by downstep, which relates the tonal lowering to a constant decrease of pitch height from one accented syllable to the next one, irrespective of the distance existing between the two syllables. In other cases, however, this lowering has been related to a constant declination effect, dependent on the length of the utterance ('t Hart et al, 1990, among others). The domain of this lowering effect is different then depending on the accepted hypothesis: several accented syllables maximum in the case of downstep, up to the whole utterance in the case of declination. 4) Studies such as those presented by Thorsen (1980, 1985, 1986), among many others, have revealed the presence of even more global patterns in the intonation contours. Thorsen found tonal lowering effects similar to the ones reported previously in lower domains, covering even whole paragraphs. Thorsen related this to a 'supra-declination' phenomenon having the paragraph as action domain. This effect has also been reported for Spanish in Garrido et al (1993).
  • 24. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 9 According to the way they are realized in the intonation contour, these different types of intonational phenomena can be classified in two main groups: a) A first group of phenomena which are realized in the FO contours in the form of specific FOmovements or patterns, that make up directly the shape of the intonation contours: micromelodic variations, pitch accents, and boundary tones. Since they share as common characteristic the fact that they tend to show a narrow domain (from one segment to several syllables), they are called here local phenomena. b) A second group of phenomena which tend to define the relative height of these local movements depending on their position in the utterance: downstep, declination and 'supra-declination'. They do not have a 'visible' movement associated to them; their effects are rather recognizable in the realization of the local patterns. Due to the fact that they tend to have a large domain (from several pitch accents to a paragraph), and that they define in fact the global shape of the intonation contours, they are called here global phenomena. It can be then hypothesized that the generation of the intonation contours is the result of the effect of these intonational phenomena operating at different domains. The question that arises next is whether these different phenomena act simultaneously or in several steps (cycles) to build the intonation contours. In other words, if the generation process of the intonation contours takes place in a linear or a hierarchical way. This problem has been discussed already in the literature - see, for example, the recent contributions of Ladd (1995), Gr0nnum (1995) and Beckman (1995) - but no definitive solutions have been offered at this time. Ladd (1988) summarizes the two main approaches to the question: a) According to the linear hypothesis, intonation is the result of a sequential addition of FO movements. Intonation contours are then generated from left to right, in only one step. This idea is present in the approaches followed by Ladd (1983) or Liberman & Pierrehumbert (1984), for example. a) According to the hierarchical hypothesis, intonation contours are the result of the interaction of different-level modules that work one after another, in several cycles: global phenomena, such as declination, define first the global shape of the contours, from the beginning to the end, and once the global shape has been defined, the local phenomena add local variations to the global shape. The different-level intonation movements are then superimposed one over another, in a cyclical way. This hypothesis is underlying several descriptions of intonation, as those of
  • 25. 10 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Thorsen (1979, 1985, 1986), for example, or Carding (1983), among others. The acceptance of the hierarchical hypothesis implies the existence of preplanning in the generation of the intonation contours: the speaker knows in advance how long is going to be the utterance, and adapts the declination slope of the generated contour to its length. However, the linear hypothesis considers that intonation contours are not preplanned, that is, that the speaker does know in advance when he is going to stop speaking, and that the tonal lowering in not preplanned, but controlled locally. Ladd (1988) points out against the hierarchical hypothesis that some declination effects, as the declination reset, may be determined by factors different from a 'superordinated declination' effect, as the syntactic structure of the sentence; those effects would also be coherent with a linear model. The problem of preplanning is also considered by Toledo & Gurlekian (1990), using data from Spanish. Although the question of the generation of intonation contours in fluent speech seems far from being solved, it seems clear at least that the structure of the contours can be described quite properly in a hierarchical way. For this reason, this work analyses and describes Spanish intonation assuming this hierarchical structure. It is more difficult, however, to decide the number of domains or levels to be recognized in these structures. The literature does not agree at this point, as is discussed in the next section. 1.1.3. Intonation domains In the previous section, it has been assumed that intonation contours are the result of different intonational phenomena, each one with its own domain of application. These intonational phenomena are recognized in the contours by the presence of special intonation movements (in the case of local phenomena), of by changes in the relative height of these local movements (in the case of global phenomena). The first consequence that is derived from the assumption of the hierarchical structure of intonation is the fact that intonation contours show different-level domains or units. The definition of intonation units has been a problem considered in many analysis of intonation, both from the field of Phonetics and Phonology. As a general definition, an intonation domain (or intonational unit) can be considered as the domain at which an intonational phenomenon takes place. Following the general classification presented above, it is hypothesized here that at least two different levels, a local and a global one, can be recognized
  • 26. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 11 in the intonation contours of any language. Accordingly, two main types of domains or units can be considered: a) units within which local phenomena take place (local units): segments, syllables, stressgroups. b) units subject to global phenomena (global units): intonation groups, clauses, sentences, paragraphs. In the following sections these two types of units are considered in more detail, although the question of the choice of the units for the analysis of Spanish is considered later, in section 1.2. Local units: segments, syllables, stress groups, accentual phrases The segment can be considered as the domain of the micromelodic variations. These variations appear usually as FOmovements covering part of the segment, or the whole segment. It has been demonstrated, for example, that the FOlevel of vowels is affected by their height (intrinsic FO), as well as by their consonantal context (Lehiste & Peterson, 1961; Di Cristo, 1982). The syllable is present as a basic intonation unit in many approaches to intonation (Pierrehumbert, 1980; Thorsen, 1978, among others). In these approaches, each syllable, or each accented syllable of a utterance, has an intonation 'level' associated to it. The interpolation of the different intonation levels along an utterance forms the complete intonation contour. Syllables would then be the domain of the pitch levels. A discussion about the validity of this type of units can be found in section The stress group has also been proposed as an intonation unit in several descriptions. It is defined in Thorsen (1978) as a unit formed by "a stressed syllable plus all succeeding unstressed syllables (within the same non- compound sentence), irrespective of intervening word- or morpheme boundaries" (p. 19). Thorsen argues that stress groups defined in this way show a special intonational pattern. Units similar to the stress group have also been defined from the field of Phonology, as in the case of the foot ("a string of one relatively strong and any number of relatively weak syllables dominated by a single node"; Nespor & Vogel 1986, p. 84). Stress groups, according to Thorsen's description of Danish intonation, would present a special intonation pattern that would be repeated along every stress group in a contour. However, other descriptions of intonation do not consider the presence of intonational patterns at this level, as is the case of Navarro's (1944) description of Spanish.
  • 27. 12 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Finally, a similar unit has been proposed in Beckman & Pierrehumbert (1986), the accentual phrase, that can be defined as a unit containing a single pitch accent. According to their definition, however, it remains unclear what the scope of this unit is. Global units: intermediate phrase, intonation group, sentence, paragraph Beckman & Pierrehumbert (1986) defined the intermediate phrase as the prosodie constituent immediately below the intonational group. According to their definition, the scope of an intermediate phrase is a set of one or more accentual phrases, but rarely more than three. They also defined the intermediate phrase as the domain of the downstepping phenomena. The intonation group is the most widely accepted unit of description in intonation. Intonation groups have been associated to many different names (sense-groups, breath-groups, tone-groups, tone-units, phonological clauses, intonational phrases), every one having its own definition, but all of them referring to a similar concept. Intonation groups can be defined as the domain of a basic (global) intonation pattern. However, as Cruttenden (1986) points out, a precise definition of this unit has not yet been achieved: "almost all analysts operate with some notion of intonation-groups although most writers have no explicit discussion of how the division between intonation-groups is signalled" (p. 35). Several problems arise, in fact, when the recognition of intonation groups in an utterance is attempted. The first problem is that, following the classification of Cruttenden (1986), it is sometimes difficult to recognize the internal and external markers of the presence of intonation groups. Internal markers, that is, global intonational patterns, are not always easily recognizable. And external markers, such as pauses, FO movements and final-vowel lengthening, are not absolutely reliable cues for the location of an intonation boundary. It is important to note here that there is a tendency to identify the phonic group (part of a utterance between two pauses) with the intonation group. However, they are not always equivalent, because the presence of a pause is not always a cue of an intonation group boundaries, and inversely, these boundaries can also be indicated by cues different than a pause. A second problem in the recognition of intonation groups is that they do not have to coincide with any specific linguistic unit. This problem has previously been addressed by Chomsky & Halle (1968), who pointed out the lack of mapping between syntactic domains and intonation groups. More recently, Nespor & Vogel (1986) have also analysed this question. They
  • 28. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 13 define intonational phrases as "the domain of an intonation contour", and state that "the ends of intonational phrases coincide with the positions in which pauses may be introduced in a sentence" (p. 188). As far as linguistic scope is concerned, they consider that there are some syntactic units that may work as intonational units: "parenthetical expressions, nonrestrictive relative clauses, tag questions, vocatives, expletives, and certain moved elements"; sentences are candidates to be the domain of an intonation unit as well. But often intonational units do not coincide with these structures. To take this fact into account, they introduce the concept of "restructuring of intonational phrases". According to this, intonational phrases may be grouped, or split up into several smaller intonational phrases, depending on several factors, such as the length of the constituent, speaking style or tempo. Moreover, Selkirk (1984) considers that the constituents included in the same intonation group have to form a sense unit, and formulates the 'Sense Unit Condition' to predict the intonational grouping of syntactic constituents along utterances. Despite these definition problems, it is generally accepted that intonation groups are units at which an intonational pattern appears, and that they tend to coincide with phonic groups, or the part of a utterance between two pauses. There is some evidence of the existence of larger units above the intonation group. There is no agreement, however, about the nature of these units, their domain and organization. The finding of 'supra-declination' structures, pointed out in the works of Lehiste (1975), Sorensen & Cooper (Sorensen & Cooper, 1980; Cooper & Sorensen, 1981), Thorsen (1980, 1985, 1986), Bruce (1982b), Ladd (1988), Sluijter & Terken (1992, 1993) and Nicolas (1995) favours this hypothesis. FOreset, considered in works as Collier (1985, 1986), for example, also supports this idea. Several proposals have been made in this direction. Ladd (1986), for example, considers that 'major phrases' (MP), the equivalent of intonation groups in Ladd's description, can be grouped in larger MPs; he does not consider, however, the existence of a different higher-level intonational unit. Nespor & Vogel (1986), using phonological arguments, propose the existence of a higher level unit, the phonological unit, as a prosodie unit formed by one or more intonational groups, and whose scope would be a clause or sentence. As in the case of intonational groups, phonological utterances can be restructured, merging several units into a single one. These proposals, however, conflict with the 'Strict Layer Hypothesis' defined by Selkirk (1981), which defends the idea that a constituent of any level in the prosodie constituent structure would be formed by one or more units of the immediately lower level. To preserve this hypothesis, the existence of new higher level intonationalunits needs to be considered.
  • 29. 14 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Sentence is also a unit traditionally considered as the domain of intonational phenomena. As reviewed in more detail in section 1.2., Navarro (1944) considered that sentences show special intonational patterns in Spanish. Also, the results of Cooper & Sorensen, Thorsen, Ladd and others provide phonetic evidence that sentences and paragraphs show some kind of intonational patterns. However, their consideration as intonational units is still being debated, at least from the phonological point of view. Summary: a hierarchy of intonational units The existence of a hierarchy of prosodie or intonational units has been recognized both from phonetic and phonological approaches. According to the state-of-the-art presented here, the local and global units that may be important in the generation of intonation contours could be arranged in the following layers: 1) segment 2) syllable 3) stress group / accentual phrase 4) intermediate phrase 5) intonation group 6) sentence 7) paragraph In many cases, the precise definition of their domain and the type of intonational phenomena that occur within their scope is still in progress, as is the case of the accentual phrase. It is also possible that other units need to be defined, to take into account, for example, the fact that in some cases the intonational phrases can be grouped into larger units, as Ladd or Nespor & Vogel propose. These two questions are considered in the experimental part of this work. 1.1.4. Factors determining variations in intonation A final question that is important to be considered in the description of intonation contours is how their shape can change according to a series of factors. It is well known that intonation contours are used in the communication process to transmit linguistic and non linguistic information. The shape of the contours tends to vary to indicate linguistic phenomena such as the syntactic structure, a focused element, or a stressed syllable, among others, but it also helps the listener to identify the geographical origin of the speaker, or his/her cultural level. There are several reviews in the literature that describe these possible sources of variation in the FO contours, from purely physiological to stylistic, including different levels of
  • 30. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 15 linguistic phenomena. See, for example, Rossi et al. (1981), Jassem & Demenko (1986) or Garrido (1991). These sources of variation can be grouped in the following way: 1) Physiological and phonetic variations. These types of variations do not add any relevant information to the message, and are related to the characteristics of the articulatory system of the speaker, or to the phonetic characteristics of the utterance. Examples of this type of variations are: a) FOfrequency of the speaker (related to sex, individual FO variations and age). b) Pathological variations in the FOof the speaker. c) Length of the utterance, that may be responsible, for example, of declination slope. d) Segmentai components of the utterance, that determine, for example, micromelodic variations. 2) Linguistic variations. FO contours are used in the communication process to transmit different types of linguistic information. The shape of FO contours will be then varied accordingly to code this information in the phonetic realization of utterances. Using this information, listeners can decode the message contained in the utterance. This linguistic information can be also found at different levels: a) Lexical stress, used in languages such as Spanish as an additional identification cue for words, is marked - at least partially - in the phonetic form by movements of FOcontours (Lieberman, 1960). b) Word, phrase and sentence boundaries are also marked in several languages by special FOmovements at the limits of these units (Cooper & Sorensen, 1977; O'Shaughnessy, 1979). c) Sentence type is also marked by special FOmovements at the end of sentences, or by the global shape of the contours (Thorsen 1978, 1980, among others). However, sentence type may be indicated also by other language-dependent means, as the use of wh- particles in the case of wh- questions. d) Focus and emphasis may also be marked in the phonetic form by local movements (O'Shaughnessy, 1979; de la Mota, 1995). As in the rest of cases, they may be also marked by using other linguistic resources, such as topicalization. 3) Emotional, sociolingüístic and stylistic variations. These variables have in common that they are not used to decode the message, but add some type of information about the speaker or the situation in which the message has been uttered
  • 31. 16 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION a) The feelings and emotions of the speaker may also influence the shape of FO contours, for example in the range of FO variation (Léon, 1970, among others). In this case, it is difficult to establish if emotion is really an extralinguistic information in the utterance, or a part of the message that the speaker is intending to transmit. These may be called the expressive variations. b) The shape of FO contours may also be determined by the sociocultural background of the speaker (place of origin, mother tongue or dialect, social level). The range of the contours, for example, may depend of the cultural level of the speaker, and some particular movements may also depend of the his/her dialect. These may labelled as sociolingüístic variables. Quilis (1985, 1989) are examples of the analysis of the influence of sociolinguistic factors on intonation contours. c) Finally, the type of communicative situation may also influence in some features of the shape of FO contours. Variations related to rhythm, for instance, could be included in this group, because they can help to recognize the situation or context at which the utterance has been uttered. These may be considered as stylistic variations. Laan & van Bergem (1993) and Blaauw (1995) are examples of the present interest in the study of the influence of speaking style in intonation contours. Only a subset of these variables has been considered for this work. The development of an intonation model specially oriented to its implementation in a TTS system has to take into account, at least at a first stage, mainly linguistic variables, since they are the ones that ensure the transmission of information in the message. The relation between three linguistic phenomena - stress, sentence type and syntactic structure - and the shape of the Spanish intonation contours is considered here. However, phonetic variables, such as the length of the different units, have also been taken into account. 1.1.5. Summary The contents of the previous sections can be summarized in the following points: a) The word 'intonation' is used to refer to two different phenomena, a phonological one and a phonetic one. In this work, intonation is considered in this second sense. b) Intonation shows a hierarchical structure, with different phenomena operating at different domains. Two main domains can be considered in
  • 32. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 17 intonation, namely, a local level and a global level. Each level includes its own intonation units, although their precise number and nature it is not yet well defined. c) Intonation at all these different levels has different - linguistic and non-linguistic - functions. Only a limited number of the variables that determine the shape of an intonation contour have been considered for this analysis, linguistic in most of the cases . 1.2. Spanish intonation The goal of this introductory section is to present the global descriptions of Peninsular Spanish intonation, that are closer to the aims of the work presented here. Global descriptions of non-Peninsular Spanish, such as the one by Sosa (1991), are excluded from this review. Partial descriptions are also reviewed later, when dealing with specific questions of Spanish intonation. The first description that tries to offer a global view of Spanish intonation contours is the one by Navarro (1944, 1946). His work, based on kimographic and perceptual analyses of a corpus of literary recordings, is still the most exhaustive description available for Spanish intonation. It has obvious limitations, as the lack of a really formal description, due to the characteristics of the analysis procedure, and also to its scope, limited to 'literary' speech. However, it still remains as an obligatory reference point for any attempt of global study on Spanish intonation contours. The description presented in Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) is based in the work by Navarro. They accept Navarro's analysis, validating it with a more modern equipment, and using a more varied corpus. The description suggested by Alcina & Blecua (1975) is also based on the one of Navarro, with slight modifications. Quilis (1981, 1993) presents a phonological description of Spanish intonation contours. The material used for this description is not specified, but it seems to cover simple utterances, main sentence types and different syntactic structures. The work by Fant (1984) may also be included in this list of global descriptions of Spanish intonation contours. Although his goal is not the description of intonation contours and his results are not exhaustive, it is interesting because it represents an attempt to define a formal framework for the description of intonationcontours. More recently, some formal analyses have been carried out for the development of TTS systems for Spanish. It is possible to find references to
  • 33. 18 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION some of them in the literature (Olabe, 1983; Moreno et al, 1989; Rodríguez et al, 1993), but the results have not been fully published. The work by López (1993) can also be included in this group. Garrido (1991) presented a formal description of the patterns of Spanish intonation corresponding to simple controlled sentences read within short dialogues. The work presented here tries to go beyond that first approach, not only in the definition of a more accurate methodology, but also in the presentation of a more complete set of intonation patterns. The analysis of the works previously mentioned shows that the description of Spanish intonation contours is far from being complete. Although some global descriptions have been presented, there are still several questions that need further research. In the following sections, some of these questions, particularly those that are more related to the goals of this work, are reviewed. These questions are: the definition of the intonational units in Spanish; the definition of the intonational patterns for each type of unit; and the relation between intonational patterns and linguistic functions. 1.2.1. Intonation units in Spanish Several hypotheses about the hierarchical structure of Spanish intonation contours have been proposed in the literature. They are summarized in the following sections. Navarro's levels of description. Related approaches Navarro (1918, 1944, 1946) establishes two levels in the intonation contours of Spanish: a) 'Melodic unit' (Unidad melódica): According to Navarro (1946, p. 77), "La unidad melódica es la porción más corta del discurso con sentido propio y con forma musical determinada". This melodic unit tends to coincide with the phonic group, that is, a portion of utterance located between two pauses: Los límites de la unidad melódica coinciden con los del grupo fónico" (Navarro, 1946 ,p. 77). However, Navarro also remarks that melodic units are not always delimited by pauses; they may also be marked by changes in energy and/or duration, or by special FOmovements: "Las divisiones entre estos grupos o unidades no van siempre marcadaspor verdaderaspausas. Con frecuencia el paso de una unidad a otra se manifiesta solamente por la depresión de la intensidad, por el retardamiento de la articulación y por el cambio más o menos brusco de la altura musical, sin que ocurra real y
  • 34. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 19 efectiva interrupción de las vibraciones vocálicas" (Navarro, 1944, p. 31). This melodic unit coincides with the intonation group described in chapter 1. Navarro also states that the intonation contours of the melodic units may be divided into three different parts: a) the initial part, from the beginning of the group to the first stressed syllable. b) the body of the contour, from the first stressed syllable to the last stressed syllable in the group. c) the final part, from the last stressed syllable to the end of the group. These parts, as will be considered later, will determine the shape of the intonational pattern associated to the melodic units in Spanish. b) Sentence: The sentence is the highest-level unit considered in the description of Navarro (Navarro, 1944, p. 31). Sentences are organized, according to their intonational structure, in two parts (Navarro, 1944, p. 40), the 'tension part' ('rama tensiva') and the 'distension part' ('rama distensiva'). Each part may be formed by one or more melodic units. Navarro mentions a third type of unit, the 'tonic group', ('grupo rítmico- semántico' or 'grupo tónico'), defined as "la parte del discurso que tiene por base prosódica un sólo acento espiratorio y por contenido ideológico un núcleo de significación no susceptible de divisiones más pequeñas" (Navarro, 1944, p. 29). However, he considers that it is not a real unit for intonation analysis: "el grupo rítmica-semántico, como lapalabra misma, no figura con individualidad propia en la entonación castellana" (Navarro, 1944, p. 30). This unit is similar to the stress group discussed in a previous section, although its definition is slightly different: the stress group always starts with a stressed syllable, but this is not necessarily the case of the tonic group. Some other studies have borrowed this proposal, introducing certain variations in some cases. This is the case of Alcina & Blecua (1975), Fant (1984), and Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987). Their inventory of units is summarized in the following lines. Alcina & Blecua (1975) define three levels of analysis which coincide with the units defined by Navarro:
  • 35. 20 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION 1) The rhythmic unit (unidad rítmica), equivalent to Navarro's tonic group. 2) The melodic unit. 3) The utterance, that coincides with the sentence in Navarro's description. Fant (1984) also established a set of intonational units for Spanish similar to those proposed by Navarro. He defined two main levels of description: 1) the 'tonic group' (grupo tónico), equivalent to the one defined by Navarro. 2) the 'prosodie phrase' (frase prosódica) equivalent to the 'melodic unit' proposed by Navarro. Finally, in the case of Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987), the only difference with Navarro's model is the consideration of a new unit, called cláusula, that is defined as a portion of utterance between two energy maxima: "Cada altura en la línea de intensidad marca el comienzo de una unidad que llamamos cláusula. [...] Esta cláusulase extiende hasta que, tras un mínimo, una nueva altura dé comienzo a otra unidad. La lengua castellana no admite más de dos sílabas seguidas sin acento" (p. 84). However, this unit is not strictly speaking an intonation unit in the sense considered here, because its definition is based in the presence of 'energy accents', not pitch accents. They do not consider the tonic group as an intonational unit, but they accept the intonation group and the sentence as higher-level intonation units. Quilis' levels of description A different proposal is the one by Quilis (1975, 1981, 1993). He only considers two levels of description, namely the intonation group and the syllable: a) Intonation group (grupo de entonación}: Quilis defines the intonation group as the "porción de discurso comprendida entre dos pausas, entre pausa e inflexión del fundamental, entre inflexión del fundamental y pausa, o entre dos inflexiones del fundamental, que configura una unidad sintáctica más o menos larga o compleja (sintagma, cláusula, oración)" (Quilis, 1993, p. 419). As in the case of Navarro's description, the intonation groups tend to coincide with the phonic groups, although in some cases their boundaries can be marked by cues other thanpauses.
  • 36. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 21 b) Syllable. The syllable is the unit related to stress placement in Quilis' description. As is discussed later, each syllable has a pitch level associated to it. Mixed approaches: López (1993) The work by López (1993) is an example of hybrid description, taking units from both approaches. López analyses Spanish intonation in order to define a model specially oriented to a TTS system, the 'Hispavoc' of CNET (France Telecom). He establishes three levels for his analysis: a) Syllable. b) Stress group: López defines the stress group as the "conjunto de sílabas consecutivas con un único acento léxico principal. Estáformado por aquel conjunto de palabras no acentuadasseguida de una palabra acentuada" (p. 39). This definition, in fact, refers to the same type of unit that the tonic group of Navarro's description. c) Intonational group, which always coincides with phonic group. Summary As can be observed from the previous paragraphs, the intonational units defined for Spanish coincide more or less with those defined for other languages. At a local level, the syllable has been used in some cases, and the notion of tonic group has been widely considered, although its real status as an intonation unit is far from being demonstrated. It has to be noted, however, that the tonic group considered here does not refer to the same type of unit as the stress group defined in section At a global level, the melodic unit or intonation group has been considered the basic domain for intonational phenomena, as in other languages. Above the intonation group, only Navarro considers one more unit, the sentence. A hierarchy of proposed units can also be established, similar to the one discussed in section
  • 37. 22 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Spanish • syllable • tonic group • melodic unit / intonation group • sentence General 9 segment • syllable • stress group / accentual phrase • intermediate phrase • intonation group • sentence • paragraph In this work, the tonic group, the intonation group and the sentence, three widely used domains in the classical phonetic analyses of Spanish intonation, will be considered as analysis units. They have been chosen to determine to what extent they can be really accepted as intonation units in Spanish. Also, the paragraph has been added to these three levels, taking into account the results obtained for other languages, and for Spanish, as will be reviewed later. Lowest-level units, as syllables and segments, have been excluded from this analysis. 1.2.2. Intonation patterns in Spanish Another problem in the studies of Spanish intonation published so far is the lack of information concerning the evolution of FOcontours at each level of description. In the following sections the patterns defined in the literature are presented, and the main gaps in the descriptions are outlined. In the following sections, the patterns that have been defined for each one of the considered levels of analysis - tonic group, intonation group, sentence and paragraph - are presented. Intonation patterns in the tonic group domain Following the criteria suggested by Fant (1984), the Spanish tonic groups may be classified into four types, depending on their position in the intonation group, : initial, internal, final and initial-final. In fact, this proposal partially agrees with the three different parts of the intonation groups - initial, medial, and final - defined by Navarro (1944). The evolution of FO movements in each type has been only partially analysed: there are not global descriptions of the evolution of the intonation contours at tonic groups, but only descriptions focused in the stressed syllable. Only the movements in the final tonic group have been described in some detail.
  • 38. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 23 Initial tonic groups Fant (1984, p. 30) considers that the evolution of FO along initial tonic groups goes from a low FOlevel to an extra-high level (A+, according to his notation; see section for a description of his proposal) at the end of the syllable following the stressed one, where the peak is located. Navarro (1944) also mentions that the FO peak tends to delay to the following (unstressed) syllable at the first stressed syllable of an intonation group: "Es frecuente que la sílaba débil que sigue inmediatamente a la primera acentuada resulte algo más alta que ésta, con diferencia de uno o dos semitonos" (p. 49). Internal tonic groups For internal tonic groups, Fant (1984) proposes an FOpattern characterized by a medium level (M) at the beginning of the stressed syllable, and a high level (A) at the end of the stressed syllable. This displacement of the peak to the end of the stressed syllable or even to the next (unstressed) syllable has also been reported in Garrido et al. (1993) and Prieto et al. (1994). Final tonic groups The interest of all researchers who have described Spanish intonation has been focused in the movements at the end of the intonation groups. Navarro (1944) distinguished 5 different types of FOmovements that can appear at the end of a melodic unit: 1) falling (cadencia). 2) half-falling (semicadencia). 3) level (suspensión). 4) half-rising (semianticadencia). 5) rising (anticadencia). According to Navarro, these final movements contain the main intonational information, and they are called 'tonemes' (tonemas). Alcina & Blecua label these movements as 'final transitions' (transicionesfinales), and Stockwell et al. (1956) and Quilis (1981, 1993) prefer to use the term 'terminal junctures' (junturas terminales)to refer to them. Navarro (1944) also considers the rise-fall pattern (tonema circunflejo) as a cue for special types of sentences (relative questions, for example). This pattern, according to Navarro's description, would start to rise in the last stressed syllable, and to fall at the end of the same syllable or at the following one.
  • 39. 24 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Finally, Fant (1984) considers only two possible final movements or terminal junctures: rising and falling. The typical pattern for falling movements is, according to Pant's description, a medium (M) level along the stressed syllable, and a low (B) level in the syllable following the stressed one. Quilis (1981, 1993) establishes a similar distinction in two types of terminal junctures, falling and rising. Initial-final groups Fant (1984) is the only study that gives some information about the FO movements in intonation groups formed by just one tonic group. According to his description, the peak (FOmaximum) appears before the end of the stressed syllable, and reaches a high (A) or extra-high (A+) level. Then the contour falls until a low (B) level at the end of the utterance. Intonation patterns in the intonation group domain As stated before, the description presented in Navarro (1944, pp. 48-49) established three different components in the intonation groups: an initial part, until the first stressed syllable; a medial part, from the first to the last stressed syllable; and a final part, from the last stressed syllable to the end of the group. Following this scheme, he offers a general pattern for the intonation contours in Spanish intonation groups comprising three parts: a) an initial rising, until the first stressed syllable or the syllable following it. b) a more or less uniform tone in the central section. c) depending on the type of intonation group, the final part will show a different final movement, or toneme, as described above ( The tonal lowering effect discussed in chapter 1 has also been reported for Spanish intonation groups. Fant (1984, p. 40) considers this possibility, although he states that it is only present in the internal stressed syllables. Garrido (1991) also reports this effect in one-intonation-group declarative sentences. This downtrend tendency in Spanish has recently been considered in terms of downstepping phenomena in Prieto et al. (1995a), using a corpus of Mexican Spanish. Intonation patterns in the sentence domain As has been discussed earlier (section, Navarro (1944) considers two parts in the intonation structure of any sentence, namely a 'tension' and
  • 40. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 25 a 'distension' part. According to this hypothesis, the different intonation groups of a sentence are included in one of these two parts. Navarro also proposes a general hypothesis about the organization of intonation contours in Spanish in the sentence domain. The idea is that the contours of the intonation groups of a sentence show rising or falling final patterns depending of whether they appear in the 'tension' or the 'distension' part, according to the following general rules: 1) the final group of the 'tension part' presents a rising final FO movement. 2) the final group of the 'distension part' shows a falling final FO movement. 3) the non-final groups of the 'tension part' tend to finish with a half- falling movement. 4) the non-final groups of the 'distension part' tend to finish with a half- rising movement. Navarro indicates that this rule presents some exceptions in the case of the non-final groups, depending on the type of syntactic boundary appearing at the end of the group. This hypothesis is illustrated in the case of Navarro (1944) and Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) with examples of declarative sentences of relatively low syntactic complexity. It is not clear, however, if this model makes adequate predictions in the case of more complex sentences. Intonation patterns in the paragraph domain As has been reported before for other languages, the above mentioned work by Garrido et al. (1993) showed that Spanish intonation also shows 'supra- declination' phenomena at paragraph level. However, the results of this work are based in data taken from 'laboratory' speech. However, the results of the work presented in Garrido (1993), based on less controlled speech (readings of news by professional and non-professional speakers), seem to indicate that this 'supra-declination' phenomenon does not always cover the entire paragraph. Summary This review shows that the description of intonation patterns in Spanish leaves some unanswered questions: a) the analysis of the non-final movements in the tonic group domain has not been considered in detail yet.
  • 41. 26 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION b) the analysis of intonational patterns can also be attempted in more detail: the basic pattern proposed by Navarro (1944) does not take into account, for example, other global phenomena more recently defined, as declination or downstep. In addition, this pattern does not explain how local movements are integrated into the global shape. c) in the sentence domain, the Navarro's model establishes some predictions that seem to be valid in the case of short sentences, but it is still necessary to check to what extent this model can be applied to longer sentences. d) higher level phenomena seem to exist in Spanish, at least in 'controlled' material. The formal description of these phenomena and their integration in a global model are still pending. 1.2.3. Intonation patterns in Spanish and the expression of linguistic information A third set of problems related to the description of Spanish intonation is the definition of the relationship between linguistic functions and FO movements. This section reviews the different studies of the intonational cues that are used in Spanish to mark different linguistic phenomena. Only the three ones considered in this work are reviewed, namely, lexical stress, syntactic structure, and sentence type. The relationship between FOshape and lexical stress There is still some debate about the role of FOin the phonetic realization of lexical stress in Spanish. This phonetic realization has been traditionally related to cues different than FO, that is, amplitude and duration. Navarro (1944, p. 21 and ff.), for example, argues that amplitude and pitch are the main correlates of stress when a word is spoken in isolation; however, in the case of words embedded in longer utterances, Navarro considers that amplitude is the main contributor to stress perception, while pitch is used for more global functions: "En español es el acento de intensidad el que mantiene la estructura prosódica de las palabras, mientras que el tono, por su parte, rige la organización melódica del periodo'''. This question has also been debated in Bolinger & Hodapp (1961), Contreras (1963, 1964) and Monroy (1972). Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) consider that duration is the most important acoustic cue involved in the perception of stress. More recently, perceptual experiments (Enriquez et al, 1989) have demonstrated the relevance of FO in the identification of stressed syllables in Spanish,
  • 42. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 27 although this does not imply that FOis really the main phonetic realization of stress in Spanish. Anyway, some relation between FOpeaks and the presence of a stressed syllable seems to exist. Navarro (1944, p. 21 & ff.) reports that in general FO tends to rise in stressed syllables and to fall in the unstressed ones: "De un modo general, en la serie sucesiva de los núcleos silábicos de una frase, el tono en español se eleva más o menossensiblementeen las sílabas fuertes y desciende en las inacentuadas". However, an exact correlation between between stressed syllable and FO peak may not be found. The FO peak may be delayed to the next syllable in some cases, as Navarro (1944, p. 39) reported, specially in the first stressed syllable of a phonic group: "Es frecuente que la sílaba débil que sigue inmediatamente a la primera acentuada resulte algo más alta que ésta, con diferencia de uno o dos semitonos" . Fant (1984) also reports this fact, and it has also been found in Garrido (1991), at least for the first stressed syllable of the utterances. For non-initial stressed syllables, this effect has also been found in Garrido et al. (1993). Llisterri et al. (1995) have analysed some of the factors affecting this peak displacement, finding some variations of the peak displacement patterns if a pause is located after the word containing the stressed syllable. They also report some effects of the type of syntactic boundary following the word on the location of the peak. The problem has also been considered in Prieto et al. (1994, 1995b), analyzing data from Mexican Spanish. Their results indicate that peak delay is related to the duration of the syllable onsets, the vicinity of a prosodie boundary (intermediate phrase, intonational phrase), and the distance to the next stressed syllable. The results of these studies are reviewed in more detail in section 4.7.1. As can be observed, most research interest has been focused in the location of the peaks in relation with the stressed syllable. Much less attention, however, has been paid to the location of the start of the rising part in relation to the stressed syllable, which can also be an important cue for their identification. Prieto et al. (1995b, p. 449) have recently provided some experimental data about this point: "A description of the accent gesture in the different prosodie contexts revealed that, on the one hand, the location of the start of the rise was stably anchored in the onset of the [stressed] syllable". According to these data, it can be hypothesized that the presence of anFO peak in a syllable does not seem to be an absolutely necessary cue to be perceived as stressed, but rather a rising movement within the stressed syllable.
  • 43. 28 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION The relationship between FOshape and syntacticstructure The analysis of the relationship between intonation contours and syntactic structure in Spanish has focused in the study of FOmovements at the end of phonic groups, depending on the type of syntactic boundary that coincides with the pause. The general conclusion that can be extracted from the study of these boundaries, as Fant (1984, p. 42) suggests, is that, apart from some special constructions, the use of a particular terminal juncture is not directly linked to a specific syntactic boundary: "La ocurrencia de una y otra [juntura terminal] normalmenteno es deducible de la estructurasintáctica". The most studied syntactic boundaries have been, accordingly, those where there is a tendency to insert a pause. Examples of these syntactic boundaries can be found in the following sentences: 1) Fronted elements: Entonces I sale a pasear al campo. Cuando hace buen tiempo y la temperatura es agradable I sale a pasear. Sobre el caballo, con el sombreroen la mano,/cabalga el jinete. 2) Parenthetical elements: Los caballeros,I vestidos con sus armas,I sefueron al combate 3) Adjective clauses: a) non-restrictive: Los alumnos, I que viven lejos, I llegan tarde. b) restrictive: Los alumnos que viven lejos J llegantarde. 4) Asyndetic coordinations: a) complete: with a connector ('/, V) linking the last two elements of the asyndetic coordination. El caballo es fuerte, I rápido I y negro. b) incomplete: the last two elements of the asyndetic coordination are not linked by a connector. El piso desciende en un declive suave,I resbaladizo,I bombeado.
  • 44. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 29 5) Coordinate phrases or clauses: a) 'first degree' coordinations: those showing an 'y V connector (copulativas, disyuntivas). Dijo que venía / y nos quedamos esperando. b) 'second degree' coordinations: those showing a 'pero' connector (adversativas). No podía hacer nada, I pero se estaba quieto Viene todas las tardes, I a pesar del frío 6) Adverbial subordinate clauses: Si mañana no recibo noticias, / le escribiré de nuevo A brief review of the specific FOmovements associated with these syntactic boundaries is presented in table 1.1.
  • 45. 30 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Syntactic boundary Fronted phrases Embedded phrases Parenthetical elements Restrictive adjective clauses Non-restrictive adjective clauses Complete asyndetic coordinations Incomplete asyndetic coordinations 'First-degree' coordinate phrases or clauses 'Second -degree' coordinate phrases or clauses Adverbial subordinate clauses Intonational cue Movement before the boundary Rising, half- falling (Navarro, 1944) Level or half- falling if it appears in the 'tension part' Half-rising if the group is in the 'distension part'. (Navarro, 1944; Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987; Quilis, 1993) Rising (Garro & Parker, 1983) Falling (Garro & Parker, 1983) Half-rising (Navarro, 1944) Half-falling (Navarro, 1944) Rising (Navarro, 1944) Movement at the end of the element Falling (Garro & Parker, 1983) Level (Quilis, 1981) Half-Ming (Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987) Rising (Garro & Parker, 1983) Half-rising in the penultimate group Falling in the rest of groups (Navarro, 1944; Quilis, 1993) Falling (Navarro, 1944; Quilis, 1993) Other intonational cues General FOlevel lower that in the preceding and following groups Pause Table 1.1: Described FOcues for some types of syntactic boundaries in Spanish The division of sentences into 'tension' and 'distension' parts has also been related to syntactic factors. Canellada & Kuhlmann (1987) present a list of
  • 46. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 31 boundaries that are candidates to the placement of the boundary between the 'tension' and the 'distension' parts: 1) Subject/Predicate: La niña de la casetaII tenía un vestido rojo. 2) Fronted PP/rest of the sentence: En tornoII había mesas y bancosrústicos 3) Adverbial subordinate clause/main clause: Cuando nadie lo mirabaII venía haciendo equilibriospor cima de un raíl. 4) Fronted element/rest of the sentence: La caída II erafácil quesucediese. 5) Fronted Object/rest of the sentence: A nosotros II no nos regalaba nadie nada. 6) Other fronted elements: A la pipa II se le iba el humopor todas partes 7) Absolute participle, gerundive or infinitive clause/main clause Al venir nosotros II se aguó la fiesta 8) Participle or gerund clause, predicative/main clause: Oculto, hundido entre los rebañosII discurría el Jarama 9) Subordinate subject clause/main clause Que tú pagues la meriendaII es imperdonable 10) Two 'y' coordinate clauses or sentences La niña lo vio venir II y se paró a mirarlo 11) Two 'pero' coordinate clauses
  • 47. 32 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION De esta sanamos los tres II o nos volvemos de remate 12) Main clause/subordinate relative clause Había zonas cubiertas de madreselva y vid americana II que avanzabanpor los alambres 13) Beginning asyndetic coordination/last element asyndetic coordination Mauricio la miró un momento,abrió el cajón II y sacó las pesetas. 14) Main clause/gerund clause Carmenjugaba con los brazos en altoII trenzando los dedos. In all these examples, the double bold lines indicate the boundary between 'tension' (left) and 'distension' (right) parts of the sentence. According to Navarro's hypothesis, the end of the 'tension part' is indicated in all these cases with a final rising intonation movement. It can be considered then that the selection of this final movement is also determined by syntactic factors. Finally, the use of intonation to indicate the presence of syntactic boundaries in internal position of intonation group has been much less analysed. Some preliminary data about this question can be found in Garrido et al. (1995). The relationship between FOshape and sentence type The relationship between sentence type and intonation contours is the best known aspect of Spanish intonation. Four types of sentence types have been usually considered in the studies of Spanishintonation: a) Declarative b) Interrogative • 'Yes-No' questions • 'Wh-' questions • Relative questions c) Exclamative d) Imperative Sentence type has been traditionally associated in Spanish to the terminal juncture appearing at the end of the sentence. However, other intonational cues have also been proposed. Table 1.2 summarizes the different cues reported in the literature for each sentence type:
  • 48. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 33 Declarative 'Yes-No' questions 'Wh-' questions Relative questions Exclamative Imperative Intonational cue Final FO movement Falling (Navarro, 1944; Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987) Rising (Navarro, 1944; Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987; Quilis, 1987, 1993) Falling Rising (Navarro, 1944; Quilis, 1987, 1993; Garrido, 1991) Rise-fall (Navarro, 1944) Falling (Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987) Falling Rising Rise-fall (Navarro, 1944) Falling Rise-fall (Navarro, 1944) Global shape Steady central part (Navarro, 1944) Continuous fall along the central part of the contour until the beginning of the final rise. (Navarro, 1944) Higher mean FOthan the declarative sentences (Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987) 'Wave-like' contour (Navarro, 1944; Canellada & Kuhlmann, 1987; Garrido, 1991) Higher FOrange than in declaratives Garrido (1991) Other intonational cues Initial peak 3-4 semitones higher than in declaratives (Navarro, 1944; Garrido, 1991) Initial peak 3-4 semitones higher than in declaratives (Navarro, 1944; Garrido, 1991) Initial peak 3-4 semitones higher than in declaratives (Navarro, 1944; Garrido, 1991) Table 1.2: Described FOcues to mark sentence type in Spanish
  • 49. 34 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION Summary As far as the relation between stress and FO movements is concerned, the main questions seem to be related to the location of the beginning and end of the rising movement traditionally associated with stressed syllables. A more formal description of these movements is needed. The description of the intonational marking of syntactic structure in Spanish is far from being complete. First, as Fant (1984) suggested, the selection of final movements at the end of non sentence-final phonic groups does not seem to be directly related to syntactic factors. The selection of these movements according to other phonological or pragmatic factors, for example, seems an interesting research question. Moreover, some other intonational cues, such as FOreset, whose relevance for the description of the influence of the syntactic structure in the intonation contours has been outlined for other languages (Cooper & Sorensen, 1977, 1980; Collier, 1985, 1987), could also be applied to the description of Spanish, as was already attempted in Garrido (1993). In the case of the studies for other languages, the analysis has been focused on major syntactic boundaries, that is, the boundary between clauses (coordinate or subordinate) within a sentence, or between sentences (Thorsen, 1985, 1986; Ladd, 1988). According to the results of these works, FO reset seems to be a way of marking hierarchical dependencies between sentences and clauses in speech. Finally, the study of the relationship between sentence type and intonation is perhaps the most completely described aspect of intonation in Spanish. The relationship between sentence-final movements and sentence type has been widely described, specially for the most frequent types, such as declarative and interrogative. In the case of exclamative or imperative sentences, however, more research needs to be carried out. 1.2.4. General summary The review of the studies of Spanish intonation presented here leads to the following conclusions: a) The intonation units proposed for Spanish are in general similar to those of other languages: syllables, tonic groups, melodic units and sentences. However, it is still unclear in some cases (the tonic group is the most evident one) that these units are the domain of some kind of intonational phenomena. The validity of these units should be then revised. In addition, recent studies on Spanish intonation seem to indicate that more global units, such as the paragraph, should be considered in a
  • 50. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 35 model that intends to be a global description of Spanish intonation contours. Taking into account these considerations, four analysis levels have been defined for this work: tonic group, intonation group, sentence and paragraph. b) More research is necessary to obtain a complete inventory of intonational patterns at each level of description. More or less informal descriptions have been offered for tonic groups, intonation groups, sentences and paragraphs. However, if the development of a formal model is attempted, more accurate definitions are needed. c) The relationship between the shape of the intonation contours and the main linguistic functions is still incomplete. In addition, nothing has been said about the influence of non linguistic factors, such as duration of utterances, on the shape of the contours of Spanish. This type of information, however, is also important for the development of a formal model of intonation, specially if its application to TTS systems is being considered. 1.3. Intonation description and modelling This third section deals with those aspects of intonation analysis that involve the description and modelling of the intonation contours, or, in other words, with the methodological aspects of intonation analysis. 1.3.1. Phonetic vs. phonological approaches to the study of intonation As Cutler and Ladd stated, there are two possible approaches to the study of intonation: "There are two broad traditions in the study of prosody that may be characterized - or caricatured - by their methodological preferences for one or the other of the scientific activities mentioned in the title: making measurements and constructing models. On one side of the dichotomy stand instrumental and experimental studies that seek to quantify acoustic features and investigate perceptual responses. On the other are descriptive and theoretical studies of prosodie structure and its relation to other aspects of grammar and phonology. In a great deal of past work these two traditions have simply ignored one another" (Cutler & Ladd', 1983, p. 1).. The first one may be called the phonetic, or 'bottom-up' approach, and tries to study intonation as is manifested in the acoustic or perceptual properties of the speech signal. As Cutler and Ladd pointed out: "for many of those who take the measurer's approach, the primary concern is not representation, but realization. The question being asked is: What are the physical correlates of this or that prosodie message? To the extent that such investigators have
  • 51. 36 MODELLING SPANISH INTONATION constructed explicit models of prosodie representation, they have tended to think in terms not of linguistic categories, but of interacting parameters; their models assign acoustic correlates to individual functions such as word stress, sentence stress, sentence modality, affective use of pitch range, and so on, and attempt to specify the interaction of all these effects on individual parameters like fundamental frequency" (Cutler & Ladd, 1983, p. 5) The second approach could be called 'phonological', or 'top-down', in the sense that it starts from the linguistic structures, and tries to find out in the speech how these structures are realized: "The model-builder is interested in establishing an inventory of abstract categories - a formal representation - of prosodie function and prosodie form. The goal of the model-builder's enterprise is to describe the systematic structure underlying prosodie distinctions; the basic assumption is that there are well-defined abstract levels of representation that mediate between specific prosodie functions like "phrase boundary" and specific acoustic traits" (Cutler & Ladd, 1983, p. 5). The approach followed here may be defined as phonetic, in the sense that it starts by analyzing the acoustic properties of the phonetic output, and tries to obtain more abstract intonation patterns from the results of this acoustic description. 1.3.2. Description and modelling of intonation When attempting a phonetic approach to the analysis of intonation, the first problem that arises is the interpretation of the FOcontour itself. First, the FO contours obtained from FOtrackers usually include detection errors, that may be easily recognized in some cases, but not in others. The recognition of intonation patterns in FO contours may also be difficult due to the presence of micromelodic movements, which 'hide' the real shape of a contour. For these reasons, almost every phonetic study of intonation makes use of some type of simplification of the.intonation contours, prior to the analysis and modelling task. Once the intonation contours have been simplified, the second step involves the description of the simplified intonation contours. This description involves different subtasks: a) first, a formal framework has to be chosen for the description of the intonation contours; b) second, the different intonation patterns present in the analysed intonation contours have to be identified and defined, using the chosen descriptive framework; c) third, a study of the relation between the different intonational patterns and the different functions of intonation has to be performed.
  • 52. 1. DEFINITION OF THE GOAL 37 The scheme presented in figure 1.1 shows this procedure: FOextraction Intonation contour Simplification (Stylization/Transcription) Simplified intonation contour r Standardization (Descriptive framework + Patterndefinition) i Intonationpatternsr Analysis of intonation functions iFigure 1.1. Schematic representation of a phonetic approach to the analysis of intonation Phonetic descriptions of intonation usually include, in a more or less systematic manner, these three tasks. But the definition of an intonation model involves not only a description, but also a prediction of how the intonation patterns are combined to form the intonation contours. These combinatory constraints may be determined in part by the linguistic uses of the intonation contours, but also by other factors. The development of this predictive component can be properly called modelling of intonation, and should involve, for example, the definition of a grammar of intonation, that will predict how intonation patternshave to be combined according to a series of linguistic and non linguisticparameters. A good example of phonetic approach to intonation modelling is the one proposed by the IPO for Dutch ('t Hart et al., 1990). The IPO approach considers two main steps: