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Customer Journey
E-commerce Industry in India
▶ 800 mil Internet Users in
India currently
▶ Massive inflow of internet
users from 2016. Why?
▶ Ecommerce Business has
grown from 26k Cr in
2010 to 370kCr in 2020.
Grew 13 times in 10 years
▶ Active E-commerce
Penetration at 77%in
92 126 159 193
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Internet Users (mil)
26 35 47 53 81 108
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ecommerce Business In India ('000 Cr)
Advantages to India
▶ Increasing Investment :Start-
ups in India have witnessed
$10bil+inflow of funds in just
Q3 of 2021
▶ Attractive Opportunities :
India’s Start up ecosystem is
growing thanks to better FDI
policies & Govt initiatives like
Start-up India & Digital India
▶ Growing Demand :Increased
Internet Penetration has led
to high DAUs& MAUs. T
op 10
sitesin India enjoy more than
7 mil DAUseach
raditional BusinessModelsfor E-commerce
• B2C : Business to Consumer :this is where the end consumer makes the purchase
directly. E.g. :Flipkart, etc.
• B2B : Business to Business :A Business selling it’s products/ Services to another
business; E.g.: Amazon Business
• C2B :Consumer to Business :Allows users to sell their products/ services to businesses.
E.g.: Cars24
• C2C :Consumer to Consumer: Where a customer sells their products/ Services to
another customer. E.g.: Ebay, Quikr
Ecommerce BusinessModels
Guess the Traditional Business
Guess the Traditional Business
Guess the Traditional Business
Guess the Traditional Business
Ecommerce Business Models basis on Inventory
Further Classification in Five Categories :
• D2C : Direct to Consumer : Cutting the middlemen thereby reaching their end-
customers directly
• White Label or Private Label : Buying from a distributor and putting your brand :
• Wholesaling : Where bulk purchasing is offered to end customers thereby providing
discounts :Flipkart Wholesale
• Dropship: Sometimes some companies sell products fulfilled by third party supplier :
• Subscription Service: Netflix being the main example on how Subscription models
4Ps of Category Management
▶ A categoíy’s peífoímance staíts with the stíategic píocuíement of goods. Of couíse,
categoíy managers need to bíing in píoducts to stock shelves, but detailed analysis
and píoduct data aíe all paít of a healthy categoíy management píocess. It's all about
bíinging in the íight píoducts, at the íight píice, at the íight time. Categoíy manageís
use píevious sales íepoíts, consumeí tíends, and seasonal foíecasting to infoím theií
buying decisions.
▶ Let’s dive into an example. If a categoíy manageí foí a clothing íetaileí is looking to
bíing in affoídable bottoms ahead of the next season, theíe may be a gíeat paií of
wool tíouseís that have histoíically sold well fíom one of theií supplieís. Maíket
feedback suggests that demand foí these tíouseís is high among woíking adults
between the ages of 30-45. ľhe supplieí is offeíing them at a gíeat wholesale píice, so
eveíything points towaíd a win foí the categoíy manageí. ľhe only tíouble is Spíing
and Summeí aíe ahead and píocuíement is focused on outfitting the stoíe foí those
seasons. ľhough the wool tíouseís aíe ideal foí business people in Fall/Winteí, they
aíe not a good fit foí the waímeí seasons.
▶ ľhis undeíscoíes the impoítance of the categoíy management píocess needing all
financial and consumeí tíend data points to line up with seasonal buying. Categoíy
management is a dynamic, timely píocess that demands caíeful planning foí the best
píoduct assoítments.
▶ When category managers buy products, they leverage wholesale
quantities to drive down pricing. They also purchase for the category as a
whole to get better per-unit pricing
▶ Category managers also need to shop around from different suppliers to
compare products and prices for their categories. There are 2 price points
to consider here: wholesale pricing and retail pricing. Wholesale price is
the business-to-business (B2B) price of the products. Then, there’s the retail
price which represents the price tag for the shopper, or business-to-
consumer (B2C). Retail price is informed by the purchase price and all
other costs (shipping + logistics), or "landed cost," along with the target
margin for the retailer. Products come with a manufacturer’s suggested
retail price (MSRP), which is another data point that helps a retailer set
prices. At the end of the day, to stay competitive, retailers have to
consider their margin compared to competitor pricing for similar products.
▶ Category managers have to collaborate with merchandising teams to figure
out the best way to organize their assortments into cohesive categories within
the store.
▶ Not only does a good category manager keeps track of these assortments,
but it also considers strategic placement of complementary products for
logical continuity within the aisle. This is intended to bolster sales. For example,
the baking aisle at the grocery store will group flour, powdered sugar, cake
mixes, oils, baking soda/powder all in the same general area. This is to help
with the customer experience as well as to boost sales. With all ingredients
that are commonly used for baked goods in one place, customers are more
likely to remember all the items they need and possibly stock up on even
more than they need.
▶ Retailers often place new items and specialty items on end caps and other
visible displays as well. A healthy category management process connects
assortment planning with merchandising teams to maintain and update the
best planograms for business.
▶ Promotions are marketing tactics used to drive sales. Before
products hit the website and after they have been on sale,
CMs must engage in promotional activities to accelerate
sales. Most promotions appeal to logic and urgency for the
customer that ignites a need to purchase the product.
▶ Many factors go into sales promotions, including inventory,
seasonal relevance, sales performance, and competitor
promotions. The category management team must forecast
the performance of their category, identify opportunities for
promotions, and adjust the plan accordingly based on
product performance.
Category Management
▶ Category Management is a strategic approach to procurement where
organizations segment their spend into areas which contain similar or
related products enabling focus opportunities for consolidation and
▶ Category Management may involve the splitting of direct and indirect
products or services or may relate to the dissecting of products or services
by value, supplier, type or volume. Associated theories that can be used
to help the dissecting of products or services isPareto (80/20 rule). From
this, it is possible to see where high levels of spend are being accrued and
where focus should be placed.
Benefits of Category Management
- I
• Category Management enables procurement professionals to focus their
time and conduct market analysis to fully leverage their negotiations and
correctly manage their suppliers in alignment with the corporate
• Category Management helps to organize the procurement team
resources and contributes towards economies of scale and enhanced
supplier relationships whilst gaining an in depth understanding of how
each category contributes to risk management.
• These days, Category Management also enables the Sell-out side wherein,
pricing, promotion, & placement also needs to be looked into. It helps the
Category Manager be aware of both sides of the business, thereby
improving efficiency & revenue.
Benefits of Category Management
- I
▶ Improved performance of vendors:- An operative and effective
category management plan can aid your big or small business to work
with vendors in a more effective style and can secure the time between
the start and end of the process. Category management, if done
tactically, can aid a new vendor or contract enjoy better business
thereby improving their longevity with the business
▶ Better client satisfaction:- Category management is the single
responsibility of a category manager who looks after all the elements
related to a given sourcing requirements & pricing. This keeps the end
customer happy, who would purchase from your online store because
good category management will result in better quality product at
better prices
▶ Improved relationships with diverse suppliers:- Management of category
offers an opportunity to create contacts with multiple vendors. In search of
prices, products, better rated vendors etc., you keep them engaged and this
constant engagement keeps the vendors motivated. Ofcourse, the vendors’
whose quality doesn’t match with the expectation should be given proper
feedback to improve because this feedback will support your future demands
if your existing vendors are unable to fulfil your order. Also, a better coached
vendor will always support you.
▶ Better insights into spending and negotiating product price so resources are
met – accurate accounting:- Usually when a category is not maintained by
anyone, there is hardly anyone who can provide vital insights into the
accuracy of price, cost, and spending because no one is familiar with the
contracts that are on the way. The full list of vendors is unidentified, and
hence, the complete extent of expenditure is unknown too. Better category
management can facilitate a better understanding of expenditure of
standard cost and actual cost on the existing as well as upcoming contracts.
Benefits of Category Management
- I
A Successful Category Management
▶ Effective Category Management encompasses a multitude of areas
including but not limited to:
• Supplier relationship management
• Supplier evaluation and appraisal
• Effective communication incorporating soft skills
• Market analysis, competitive forces and external factors
• Pricing with strong control on both Top Line & Bottom-Line numbers
• Portfolio Placement ensuring tactical & strategic sell out
• Stakeholder identification and management
• Sustainable/ethical procurement
• T
eam leadership and management
So, Let’s sum it up:
What is a category manager?
▶ A category manager specializes in the handling of good or services
for a specific category e.g. services, logistics, transport, security, and is
responsible for planning, sourcing, pricing & overall revenue of a
particular category. It is a very specialized role which requires
individual to build technical skills in the category being handled.
Challenges to Adoption
▶ A category manager acting as a catalyst will confront friction when trying to
implement a category management program across the organization.
Individual business units can be skeptical that the priority will be on cost
control over quality, they can be resistant to change in general or they are
worried about the impacts the changes may have on their current suppliers
by rocking the boat.
▶ To change the tide from skeptics to adopters, the organization must use
methods that address concerns from business units and stakeholders. The
category manager can alleviate concerns through open communication,
creating a clearly defined value proposition and connecting with (and
listening to) stakeholders across the organization.
▶ Adopting a category management approach to sourcing will have
improved contract outcomes as the process is managed end-to-end.
Analytical tools that provide greater clarity and visibility into spend
categories will need to be acquired, as will the talent to utilize the analytics
tools. As the category manager globalizes spend categories, it provides an
opportunity to collaborate with suppliers to be more agile, innovative and
responsive to the business's goals.
The Category Management
▶ There are many ways to develop a category strategy, but here are
some questions and pointsto consider.
• Definition: What should the different categories and sub-categories be?
• Spend analysis: How much spending is going to each category and its sub-
• Market analysis: How does the supply market look for each category, does it
fit the customer needs?
• Improvement: The market intelligence gained from the market analysis is
applied. This may lead to a change in specifications, and also can change
the scope of work or finding a new supply base and new vendors.
• Continuous application: This knowledge is continuously applied in strategic
sourcing and transactional purchasing.
Category Tree
categories that make
easier for the user
▶ We can see menus, i.e.
navigate the site on
practically every web page.
▶ However, not only users use
the category structure, but
also search engine bots.
Building a valuable category
tree that is user-friendly and
search engine friendly
requires appropriate
preparation and planning.
We should start with that
before we start working on
our webpage. As a result, we
will avoid the duplication of
categories or the lack of
legibility of the individual
Issues with Incorrect Category Tree
▶ Empty Categories: It may turn out that our range of products will not
include products that the competition has. Consequently, it will result in a
category of low quality, both from the point of view of SEO and potential
▶ Categories Not Matching the Target :This problem may arise when our
range of products is targeted at a different age group or covers a slightly
different range of products. For example, when we have a shop that sells
products divided into kids, adults and seniors categories, while our
products cannot be identified by these features. In this situation, we will
not be able to reasonably divide the product range into the relevant
▶ Categories with Too Much Depth: This can be the case when we use a
very extensive category and subcategory tree, but our product range is
much smaller or less diversified. This will result in an artificial break-up of
products into categories, products that could successfully be included in
one broader but a better-suited category.
Issues with Incorrect Category Tree
▶ Mismatching the Menu to the Size of the Product Range: This quite
extreme case may occur when influenced by categories in
another shop, which may not entirely coincide with our business.
For example, if we are inspired by categories from a large sales
platform gathering different manufacturers and different sellers,
and our shop will offer only one manufacturer’s products.
▶ Mismatching the Category Tree to the Industry : This is another
extremity, but it may appear when we are inspired only by the
appearance of the menu and browse the products briefly. For
example, we are inspired by the category tree of a branded shop
with elegant shoes, clothing, and accessories with extensive
subcategories that take the type of material into account. While
our shop offers elegant accessories made of leather only, so the
division into materials will not be of any use to us at all.
Scheme for a Category Tree
▶ The First Level of a Category Tree
▶ The first level of the category, i.e. the one visible at first glance of the menu,
is for the most important and popular categories. If you have a very diverse
product range, you can place a gender, age or other general
characteristics at this level. In the case of clothing shops, they will be divided
by gender – KIDS, MEN, WOMEN, and then by type of clothing – skirts,
dresses, pants, shirts, sweaters, etc. When it comes to e-commerce with
interior furnishings, we can divide them according to the type of room,
i.e. bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc.
▶ The Second Level of a Category Tree
▶ The second level is reserved for the further subdivision of the general
category. It may be of interest to a specific target group. Further subdivision,
i.e. level 3 and below, is recommended only if the product range is large
enough to be beneficial for a sales conversion. This may make sense in the
case of e-commerce with a very diverse product range, where, for
example, we start with the division of WOMEN’S – MEN’S – KIDS’ and then go
on to the selection of the type of garments – SHOES – BAGS – ACCESSORIES –
CARE –ADDITIVES,and then on to individual types of shoes, purses, etc.
Many companies have restricted themselves to 1 main category and 1 sub-category and
movesevery other narrowing down to FILTERS.
Competitive Research before
starting a Category
▶ Identify your competition
▶ Who are your competitors? And how should you categorize them? You can probably answer that first question
off the top of your head, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to studying only the most obvious competition.
▶ Begin with a list of ten competitors and sort them into three categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
▶ The primary category is for your direct competitors—companies that provide essentially the same
product or service as you.
▶ Secondary competitors are similar
, but not quite the same. Companies that sell a version of your product
with different features, or market to different demographics, would be your secondary competitors.
▶ The tertiary category includes companies that sell something fundamentally different that could be an
alternative purchase to what you’re offering.
▶ Analyze their content:
▶ Once you’ve identified the players, you can start reviewing and analyzing the content they’re putting out.
Look closely at:
▶ Theiradvertising
▶ The imagery they use
▶ Their website and everything they publish on it (blogs, whitepapers, ebooks, testimonials, newsletters, etc.)
▶ Multimedia content like videos, webinars, and podcasts
▶ One way to do this is by using software tools to find and scrape the content. Don’t be afraid to engage in
manual research when necessary. Pretend you’re a customer, embark on the purchasing journey, and see
what content your competitors set out for you. See what themes, messaging styles, and branding choices
stand out the most.
Competitive Research before
starting a Category
▶ Monitor their social media
▶ One of the best sources of competitor intelligence is social media. Now more than ever, buyers are turning to social
media for unfiltered information and real talk about their potential purchasing decisions. B2C and B2Bbusinesses
alike are rushing to meet that demand with a compelling social media presence, a consistent voice, and tons of
▶ Social media is where you’ll often get the strongest feel for a company’s brand persona. It’s an easy place
to discover their newest marketing strategies and see how they engage with their audience.
▶ Because social media is such a vast space, social media listening tools can come in very handy here. They can
ensure you’re watching the right hashtags, keywords, and relevant conversations that might be happening.
▶ Analyze their marketing strategy and offers
▶ Once you’re watching and listening in all the right places, you’ll be able to perceive the bigger picture of your
competitors’ marketing strategy.
▶ What you want to know is:
▶ Where are they focusing their marketing efforts?
▶ Where are they purchasing ads?
▶ What incentives are they offering to draw buyers further into their sales funnel?
▶ Look closely at the CTAs in their content. Check out their opt-ins to see where and how they ask prospects to
engage for further information. Join their email list to see first-hand how their email marketing isstructured and
sequenced. Find out what special offers or giveaways they might be promoting. With this information, you can piece
together their tactics for lead conversion.
Competitive Research before
starting a Category
▶ Evaluate their offers and pricing
▶ You don’t just analyze your competition so you can copy what they’re doing. Sometimes you get to see
what isn’t working, so you don’t want to copy that. It’s also essential to consider that a good strategy for a
competitor may not be suitable for your company. This is especially true when you’re looking at secondary
or tertiary competitors.
▶ However, knowing what your competitors are charging for comparable products or services is important
when setting your prices. You can’t expect to win the fight for customers if you’re overcharging. Conversely,
significantly undercutting competitor prices can suggest lower quality or minimal customer support.
▶ You can also learn a lot about customer expectations by studying typical promotional offers for the type of
goods you sell. This information can help you determine whether it makes sense to offer customer
enticements such as free trials, discounts, or subscriptions.
▶ Determine their positioning
▶ Companies with a strong marketing and communications strategy know it is crucial to create a unique
position for themselves in the marketplace. They do this by finding ways to differentiate themselves from their
competition. When analyzing your competitors, look for the themes and ideas in their messaging that
function as differentiators.
▶ For example, imagine three pizza parlors on the same block. One offers the largest slices; one offers the
fastest delivery; and the third promises the healthiest ingredients. They’re all in competition, but they position
themselves very differently. To find your own unique selling proposition, you have to know how the
competition is positioned.
▶ A customergoes through on
an average 5 touchpoints
before making a purchase
▶ Some customersneed as
much as 20 touchpoints
▶ With each failed interaction,
the probability of the
customer bouncing off to
competitive website
Stages of
▶ Awareness:
▶ This is the moment when
the customer first discovers
you and your products.
Usually upon the first click
through to your site, they’re
beginning to get a sense
for who you are and what
you have to offer.
▶ The customer can directly
land on your homepage
(organically or through
paid search) or directly to
your product
Stages of
▶ Consideration:
▶ During this step, the customer is
looking through your products & is
starting to decide whether they will
buy your product
▶ This is typically one of the longer
steps in the customer journey, as this
is where all of those touchpoints
▶ The consideration phase is when
you’ll start to see some customers
make the shift between low intent to
high intent. Low intent customers are
window shopping, but they may not
make a purchase at all.
Stages of
▶ Acquisition:
▶ This is the conversion we’ve
been hoping for! The customer
has made their decision and
has decided to checkout
▶ From here, there are some
other phases or steps towards
reconversion, but right now we
must focus on what we can
track and measure for the first
Key KPIs to track
• Visits: how many people came to your site from thischannel
• Pageviews/Visit: how many pages your customer viewed while on your
• Average Visit Length: how long a customer spent on your site
• Bounce Rate: how many visitors left your site without navigating past the
landing page
• Failed Discovery/Browse Abandonment Rate: how many visitors
navigating through your site exited before adding anything to the cart
• Cart Abandonment Rate: how many customers added products to their
carts but didn’t complete the purchase
• Conversion Rate: how many customers made it to the acquisition phase
Example of a Typical Customer
▶ If1000 visitors enter the site-
▶ -> 443 of those visitors will view
an item
▶ -> 17.9% of those 443 people
(79) will then add an item to
▶ ->Of the 79 who added to their
cart, 59.2% will make a
purchase (46)
▶ For every 1,000 people landing
on the homepage, roughly 46
of them will make a purchase,
making it a 4.6% website
conversion rate.
Example 1
▶ Nearly 90%of those that added an
item to their cart visited the cart
afterward, so that step seems okay.
It also seems that once someone
has entered their personal details,
there’s a strong likelihood of them
making it all the way to a purchase
(represented on this graph as the
Thank You page).
▶ But. There is a surprising drop-off
between the steps of visiting the
cart and entering personal
details. Nearly 30% of the people
that make it all the way to viewing
their cart are then leaving!
Example 2
General Steps to Optimizing Your
Conversion Funnel
1. Run a funnel analysis
2. Pick the main area most in need of improvement (homepage, view
product, add to cart, etc)
3. Run a deeperfunnel analysis on that main area
4. Pick the step of that main area most in need of improvement
5. Make a hypothesisabout that step
6. T
ry to disprove your hypothesis with A/B tests
7. Repeat
Let’s check a website now!
“Companies today differentiate
their web experience basis New
Customersas well as Repeat
New Customer Acquisition
▶ “Customer acquisition is the process of bringing new
customers or clients to your business. The goal of this
process is to create a systematic, sustainable
acquisition strategy that can evolve with new trends
and changes.”
What is New Customer Acquisition?
▶ Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new customers.
▶ Customer acquisition, or client acquisition, is a crucial initiative
because without new customers there is no business
▶ Brands use customer acquisition to understand the value of each
paying customer by measuring the money a company spends to
bring in a new client.
▶ The lower the marketing spend needed to acquire a new
customer, the higher the profit. Companies look at this metric to
inform their marketing strategies and improve margins.
New Customer Acquisition Process:
▶ 1. Identify the Audience
▶ First, you need to identify your target audience. Ifyou’re targeting multiple
audiences, it might be best to design a different sales acquisition strategy for
each group.
▶ Moreover
, the most successful customer acquisition campaigns have
personalized elements catered to the individual's interest, needs or behavior.
▶ 2. Define your Strategy & Design a Plan
▶ Once you identify and understand your targeted audience, you need
to leverage data findings and industry best practices to develop program launch
and communication plan.
▶ The stage of the customer journey your audience may find themselves in, is also
important to note at this stage
▶ To optimize new customer acquisition, your plan should include:
• A cross-channel activation strategy with connected communications across
email, display, search, social, mobile and direct mail
• A testing and measurement plan that defines KPIssuch as: impressions, click
through rate, new customer acquisition, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on
investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS)
▶ 3. Launch
▶Once the audience has been identified, the channels have been
chosen, and the KPIsare all set, it is time to launch your campaigns.
During this part of the process, your company needs to monitor all pre-
set KPIs and begin collecting data.
▶ 4. Measurement & Optimization
▶ T
he end goal isto eliminate campaignsthat do not bring in the best
results, boost those campaigns that work well, and eliminate any issues
identified through the monitoring process.
For example, if a you find website traffic is high, but conversion is low, focus on
the landing page and experiment with the content or CTAs.
New Customer Acquisition Process:
Customer acquisition strategies
• Using video content to increase engagement.
• Do giveaways to increase organic awareness.
• Leverage content marketing to improve SEO and keep prospects engaged.
• Use consistent branding and clear communication to increase trust and authority.
• Run referral programs.
• Implement a reward program to increase client retention.
• Create an affiliate program.
• Build partnerships and utilize their leads to promote your product/service.
• Use landing pages when launching new products to highlight them and help
customers focus on the new solutions the company is bringing to the market.
• Implement newsletters to collect leads and subscribers to minimize marketing costs.
• Publish content on external websites.
• Leverage influencers that reach your target audience and align to your brand voice.
• Ensure paid search campaigns are optimized based on product, audience and
geographic location
Customer acquisition cost
▶ The cost of customer acquisition, also known as CAC, is calculated by taking the
amount spent on acquiring customers and dividing it by the number of clients
earned. For example, if a social media campaign has a budget of Rs. 10,000,
and it resulted in 100 conversions, then the CAC ismeasured at Rs.100per
▶ CAC =(MC +W+S +OS +OH) / CA
• MC =marketing costs
• W =wages formarketing/sales personnel
• S=marketing/sales software
• OS =outsourced services
• OH =sales/marketing overhead
• CA =number of customers acquired
▶ There isno set CAC that isconsidered ideal across all industries. However, a
good baseline can be measured by calculating the CAC compared to the
customer lifetime value (LTV). The general idea isthat LTV to CAC ratio at 3:1to
5:1. For example, if the lifetime value of a customer is Rs. 5000, then a good CAC
is Rs.1000. The lower the CAC, the higher the profit margins.
Lifetime Value
Repeat Customer
Repeat Customers
“Repeat customers are 9 times more likely to convert than a first-
time shopper
Adobe Digital Index
Reasons why a Repeat Customeris
important (read :profitable)
1. A repeat customer is more likely to shop with you again and again
▶ After one purchase, a customer has a 27% chance of returning to your store. While that’s not a horrible return rate, if you
can get that customer to come back and make a second and third purchase, they have a 54% chance of making another
▶ As much as it sounds obvious, it is due to key skills that you will have to adopt and not just “DISCOUNTS’
▶ Customers who receive a
discount either start to expect a
discount every time or wait until
a discount exists to make
another purchase. Instead, it is
recommended to use
sustainable retention toolsto
encourage customers to come
back to your site.
2. A repeat customer is easier to sell to
▶ While conversion rates in ecommerce are volatile and vary by
industry, most experts estimate that the average conversion rate is
somewhere between 1%and 3%.
“A repeat customer has a 60 to 70%chance of converting.” –Paul Farris –Head of
BusinessStrategy @Uber
3. Repeat customers spend more on each purchase
▶ 1st Factor :The numberof previouspurchases :your loyal top 10%
spend 3 times more per order than the lower 90%,and your top 1%of
customers spend 5 times more than the lower 99%.
▶ 2nd Factor :For How Long has the customer been shopping with you :
A study by Bain & Company found that apparel shopperspurchase
67%more per order after shopping with a company for 30 months.
4. Repeat customers spend more at key times
▶ According to Adobe, the average shopper spends 17%more per transaction during
the holiday rush. While this is great news, your store’s repeat customers spend 25%
more per transaction during the busy season.
5. Repeat customers share your store more : “Customers refer more people to a
brand when they have made more purchases with that store.”
CustomerRetention Tools
▶ A CRM is a system that can help you manage all your customer relationships.
▶ A customer loyalty program isan easy way to boost customer retention. When a
customer isgiven additional value for doing business with you — by way of a points
system or a VIP rewards program, for example — it becomes more difficult for them to
choose a competitor over you.
▶ A customer referral program offers 2 benefits :one, it encourages new leads, second,
it rewards your existing customers
▶ With gamification, you can encourage users and customers to complete preferred
actions (e.g., convert, make another purchase, refer their friends, sign up for your
email newsletter, follow you on social media, etc.) by making it more enjoyable for
them to do so.
▶ Personalization allows you to increase customer retention through relevant and
customized experienceswith yourbrand.
▶ Customer service and support makes the process of providing memorable and
delightful experienceseasier.
▶ A customer feedback tool is more than just a way to survey your customers. It’s an
opportunity to start a conversation with people who have a strong opinion of your
Marketing Automation to engage
with your customers
Marketing Automation
Benefits of Marketing Automation
on Customer Journey
▶ Nurture Leads :You don’t have to keep tabs on potential customers.
Let automation do it for you while you concentrate on other
aspectsof your business.
▶ Personalize Customer Service :Automated marketing helps you
reach the right customer with the right content at the right time
▶ Improve Relationships :An essential benefit of marketing
automation is that it enables you to reach more potential customers
across multiple channels. With little effort on your part, you can
spread brand awareness and spark interest in your business.
▶ Connect Across Multiple Channels :Reliable automation
software allows you to keep track of how various channels are
performing. You can see which customers you’re reaching and
what marketing strategiesare working.
▶ Understand your customer : Knowing how potential customers are
interacting with your brand is valuable information. Understanding
who is visiting your website, reading your emails, and viewing your
content provides great insight into the minds of your customers.
▶ Use Data for Better Decision-Making : Another major benefit of
automated marketing is that it allows you to collect important data
and put it to work for your business. This helps you better understand
and predict customerbehavior
▶ Streamline the Buyer’s Journey: Customers want a simple buying
process and a seamless experience. Marketing automation helps
enhance the buyer’s journey with personalized ads, faster
feedback,and focused attention on customers’ needs.
Benefits of Marketing Automation
on Customer Journey
Deal of the Day/ Flash SALES!
▶ Benefits:
▶ 1. Ensure lead conversion : Hosting flash sales on your brand’s site is a perfect
way to obtain new clients. Frequently, prospects browse sites to find interesting
offers before the holidays. They may add some products to their carts but leave
them unless there is an actual need for these items. Limited offers encourage
shoppersto make quick purchase decisions.
▶ 2. Improve brand visibility. The urgency that converts your visitors into buyers
works on social media as well. People who discover an attractive offer from your
brand and consequently become your customers are keen to share it with their
friends and colleagues. Some of them may even share news about your offer on
their social media accounts.
▶ 3. Increase the number of loyal customers. A big discount on various items is a
great way to reward your existing clients, enabling them to buy your brand’s
products at a lower cost. After trying your products and discovering that they
are high-quality, consumers are more likely to buy from you
▶ 4. Market items that are not in demand. You can sell the products
that are not popular among customers quickly and give room to
new items. You can sell off seasonal or specialty products and
recuperate some of your initial costs.
▶ 5. Boost revenue. Deals of the day bring an average of a 35%
growth in transaction rates. The short-time sales make shoppers buy
fast and place larger orders than normal. This boosts sales quickly in
no time. As a result, your revenue grows. So, if you aim to boost
revenue quickly, deals of the day have come to the rescue.
Deal of the Day/ Flash SALES!
When should you run a flash sale/
Deal of the Day?
▶ The shorter a flash sale, the better the results will be for your brand. It
is a known fact that a sense of urgency and a big discount make
buyers decide quickly.
▶ 50%of purchases take place during the first hour;
in the
▶ to receive higher revenue, brands send email campaigns
▶ two-hour salesdemonstrate higher click-to-open rates.
How to run a successful flash sale
▶ 1. Define your goal
▶ Determine the goal of your flash sale as it helps measure your success.
Decide what you want to achieve: decreasing the number of poor-selling
products, driving traffic to your site by providing a good discount on the best
selling product, or stabilizing your inventory. After determining your goal, you
will know for sure which products to choose for your deal of the day.
▶ 2. Select the right products or services
▶ Ensure that the products you select align with your target audience. This step
is very important to get long-term buyers. It is a good idea to provide a
discount on the products customers are interested in. As a result, the right
people will click on your brand’s website. For your sale, you can choose non-
seasonal items, poor-selling items, or simply try to liquidate your excess
inventory. If you aim at boosting sales, you can sell products that are in
demand among your buyers
▶ 3. Promote your sale
▶Maximize your efforts to promote your short-time sale and make an
announcement the day before it starts. You can engage a bigger
audience by promoting your flash sales on various channels like social
media, email newsletters, and web push notifications.
▶ 4. Limit the time of the deal
▶ An ideal deal of the day shouldn’t exceed 24 hours. Statistics show that
three-hour sales have the highest transaction rates at 14%.We’ve
already mentioned that a flash sale works because of its urgency and a
rush that appears among buyers. This“rush” provokes people to make
impulse purchases.
How to run a successful flash sale
▶ 5. Check your stock
▶ Ensure that you have enough of the products in stock that you plan to
offer. Calculate approximately how many products you will need. This is
necessary to make sure that you won’t sell out the discounted products
too fast leaving customers with negative impressions about your
▶ 6. Get ready for delivery
▶ In today’s world, it is critical to deliver products as soon as possible.
People expect to receive their orders the next or even the same day.
That’s why you need to be ready for mass shipping to provide an
excellent customer experience with your brand from start to finish.
How to run a successful flash sale
▶ Users behave in a different way:
▶ 80%of activity happens on the
mobile, whereas 20%or less is
done on the desktop
▶ Pre-purchase isusually done on
the mobile, whereas most of the
purchases are done on the
desktop/ tablet
▶ An app’s rating has a strong
influence on a user’s decision to
download. Most websites don’t
face this kind of upfront scrutiny
the way apps do. On the other
hand, a great rating can go a
long way in driving app installs.
▶ An Omni-channel presence
becomes important
Different Customer Funnel
▶ Due to the different format and user behavior of
websites versus apps, their marketing funnels are also
quite different.
▶ As mentioned earlier, an app user must convert (install
the app) before they start engaging with it. The
acquisition of the app occurs at the early stage of the
funnel, whereas for a website, the conversion (whether it
be a purchase, demo request, or any other action) is
often the last stage.
Web marketing funnel App marketing funnel
Both funnels begin with awareness, however, the app funnel moves right into acquisition
and retention, while the web funnel takes it more slowly, nurturing the visitor towards the
conversion. Inother words, the app marketing funnel moves faster and requires a more
action-oriented, aggressive approach.
The KPIs are different
▶ The funnels, marketing strategies, and user behavior is different
▶ When analyzing your website performance, you need to consider metrics like page
views, bounce rate, average time on page, conversion rate, and page load times. There are
many more, and the KPIs you set will depend on what you want to achieve with your site.
▶ App marketing KPIsinclude install rate, retention rate, churn rate, which measures how many
users stop using your app within a certain time frame, DAU and MAU (daily and monthly active
users), and others.
▶ Conversion rate is a broad KPI that can be applied to an app as well as a website. Even so,
your web and app analytics operate in different spheres and will need to be tackled
▶ Due to the inherent differences in the way they operate, websites and apps require different
tracking tools.
▶ For website tracking, tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, and SEMrush are popular.
▶ For App Analytics, you’ll need to choose from an entirely different list,which includes the likes of
Google Analytics for Mobile, Appsee, Appsflyer, and Apple Analytics (for iOS only, of course).
▶ To properly measure the performance of your website and app, you must set separate KPIs for
each. Ifyou plan on using a tracking tool, you will need to choose separate products
specifically designed for website analysis or app tracking.
Ina Nutshell
▶ Website/ Mobile Website :
▶ Strengths : Easily Accessible and Inexpensive
▶ Weaknesses: Conversion and UserExperience
▶ Strategy:
Use Mobile Sites to Attract New Customers
Everybody can access your mobile website, making it perfect for
attracting new customersand being found on the web.
▶ Mobile App:
▶ Strengths: Repeat Purchases, Conversion, and User Experience
▶ Weaknesses: Downloads and Choosing the Right Platform
▶ Strategy: Use Apps to Turn First-Customers into Lifelong Customers
Myntra’s –App Only Strategy
▶ Background:
Big coverage and PR around the
App-Only Strategy
▶ Key Pointer:
▶ You can’t dictate User Behavior
Why Myntra came back to Web
▶ There are still people who shop only on a PC:
▶ Many studies, including the ones done by Myntra before shutting down its web
presence in May 2015, showed that people spend more on mobile when
compared to shopping online. The only explanation for the shift is that the
fashion portal sees significant number of shoppers during office hours —
evident in workers getting delivery of goods in most office complexes across
large metros. The expected sales growth then can be attributed to these
marginalized users who will now come back to shop on Myntra on their office
▶ The smartphone isn’t yet the ideal shopping device
▶ Smartphones may beat desktops on a lot of fronts, but providing the best
shopping experience isn’t one of them. While smartphones make payments
easier, apps are more customized to a user's preferences and notifications
help them discover better deals, the lack of screen real estate and patchy
and slow mobile internet connectivity in India are two huge hindrances.
▶ Myntra, too, said that people like viewing products such as home furnishings
and fine jewelry on larger screens, not to mention fashion products require
more scrutiny before purchase than something like groceries.
▶ The web experience is catching up with native apps
▶ It helps that Google’s browser is the most widely used browser in the world (and
in India). So, any improvements to Chrome can be counted as overall wins to
web browsing.
▶ Registered users vs Transacting users
▶ Flipkart claims it has 75 million registered users on its platform. However, ask any
web expert and they’ll tell you the number of transacting users has barely
crossed the 30 million user mark. Now these 30 million odd transacting users in all
probability belong to the creamy layer in terms of income, that sit right at the
▶ By the power of deduction, it's not hard to assume that while these users do
indeed have smartphones, they also have access to desktops. Now choice
becomes a huge part of a service’s offering to customers and taking it away
isn’t an option. Ask Facebook, out of the 1.65 billion people that access its
service, over a billion of them do so on mobile, however, the company
continues to build out both web and app services, and doesn’t ignore the
Why Myntra came back to Web
▶ Flipkart can’t afford to alienate even a small number of users
▶ Myntra’s owner Flipkart is engaged in a heated battle with rival Amazon
and regardless of who’s in front and who may be closing in, it’s probably
right to assume that every customer Flipkart and Myntra turns down is a
customer of the other two. By alienating users that wanted to shop on
desktops, Flipkart wasn’t just losing users but was fueling the growth of its
rivals. All along, we assumed that number would be quite small, but
Myntra’s claim that bringing back its desktop website can yield an
additional 15-20% in sales this year turns that assumption on its head.
Why Myntra came back to Web
The Buy Side!
▶ What isSupplier Management?
“Supplier Management refers to all the business processes and
activities that deal withthe entire lifecycle of a supplier for an
▶ Thisincludes, but is not limited to, identification, selection, and
management of relevant suppliers coupled with a practical evaluation of
their performance to ensure they are providing maximum value for the
organization’s third-party requirements.
Why do We need Supplier
▶ When it comes to establishing why businesses necessitate supplier
management, there are two main pillars we need to recognize:
• To evaluate if the suppliers are performing as per the organizational
• To identify areas of improvement while engaging with suppliers throughout
their lifecycle
▶ These two factors primarily highlight why we need supplier
management – to ensure we are deriving the maximum value from the
suppliers for the relevant requirement(s), given the resources invested in
the suppliers.
▶ To get the most out of a supplier’s service, it is important to track and
measure their performance. With regular communication and
feedback, an organization develops a transparent relationship with the
supplier, which helps in finding areas of improvements with quick
Factors Driving Supplier
• Increasing operational scale that results in increasing need for local as well as global
• The increasing complexity of supply chains which also result in a rising depth of the
organization’s supplier base
• Growing risks in a supply chain which can make the organizations more vulnerable to
performance failure if their involved suppliers are not managed and evaluated effectively
• Managing supplier data that allows organizations to streamline crucial supplier data to
provide meaningful insights for improving supplier management
• Establishing long-term supplier relationships that will enable suppliers and organizations to
meaningfully collaborate and create synergies for maximized performance for the long-run
• Leveraging supplier relationships in times of organizations or external distress to ensure
business performance doesn’t fluctuate
• An increasing competition which implies organizations have to identify and improve
aspects of their business processes that can provide them a competitive advantage
• Matching industrial standards of supplier performance so that organizations can achieve
best-in-class performance
Benefits of Supplier Management
▶ Managing a Growing Supplier Base Effectively
▶ Achieving Cost Savingsand Quality Control
▶ I
mproving the Organization’s Supply Transparency
▶ T
racking Compliance to Relevant Parameters
▶ Evaluating Supplier Performance
▶ Building Development Programs to Support Suppliers
▶ Leveraging Supplier Relationship Management
▶ Assessing and Mitigating Supplier Risk
▶ Building a Supplier Management Process
The 5-step Supplier Management
Identifying the set
of business goals
and objectives
relevant selection
criteria for
choosing suppliers
Evaluating and
selecting suppliers
Negotiating and
Contracting with
the selected
Evaluating supplier
▶ SLA Management
▶ Product Reviews& Ratings
▶ Vendor Rating
▶ Returns& Customer Escalations
Evaluation of your Supplier
▶ What isSLA :
▶Service Led
Agreement :It’s an
ongoing process of
ensuring all provided
services& processes
are in alignment with
the agreed upon
service level targets
stipulated by the
What do
you include
in an SLA
Timing & Frequency
Product Reviews & Ratings
▶ Why Product Reviews are Important in eCommerce?
▶ Product reviews are arguably the most useful way to eliminate
shoppers’ concerns regarding a product. A majority of the people are
influenced by product reviews in theirpurchase.
▶ No matter whether you are a popular brand or just started out, product
reviews do play a crucial role in your eCommerce business as far as
credibility is concerned. Credibility is one of the key elements that
decide the success of your brand in the long run.
▶ Merchants often overlook the importance of product reviews. The major
focus remains on designing the site look and optimizing the checkout
page but nothing really matters if you are not getting good reviews on
your products.
▶ The importance of product reviews can be understood by the fact that
90% of the consumers read online reviews before making a purchase
and 72% of the consumers will be prompted to take an action after
reading positive reviews.
What isProduct Review?
▶ Product reviews are the opinions or feedbacks
of customers for a particular product. Many
online businesses put up a review section on
their website to allow customers to rate and
review the product they purchased.
▶ A product review helps other users get a clear
idea of the product before purchasing it. They
can read the reviews and make their mind clear,
and decide whether the product is worth
purchasing or not.
▶ If you have not added a product review section
on your eCommerce website, only because of
fearing negative reviews, you are losing out on a
huge number of potential customers.
Importance of Product Reviews
▶ Product Reviews build Trust
▶ When a user lands on your website with the intention of making a purchase, the
first thing that they look for is reviews.
▶ Amazon displays average ratings for products based on customers’ feedbacks,
right on the top of the product page, and at the bottom are the customer’s
reviews. Whenever a prospect visits the product page, they are straight away
displayed the product ratings along with the number of people who rated that
▶ Product Reviews provide better insights into the product
▶ Hearing from people’s past purchase experience helps the prospects identify
whether the product has earlier matched customer’s expectations or not.
▶When a customer leaves a review for the product, he is helping others
understand what they can expect from the product, how is it performing, what
are its flaws, what are its pros and much more.
▶ Product Reviews let you rectify the issues with the product
▶ If a majority of customers are pointing out the same problem in the product,
it is for you to take the onus of rectifying the defect so that the issue gets
resolved. Yes, there are possibilities of a damaged or defective item
reaching the customer, but it happens with a few customers only.
▶ If the problem is major, you need to look into it and get it fixed as soon as
possible. Put simply, customer reviews help you find the loopholes in the
product and provide you with an opportunity to improvise on those areas.
▶ Product Reviews work as Social proof
▶ One of the major benefits of product reviews is they can do wonders to your
Brand. You would have often seen brands highlighting what their customers
have to say about their products or services. These are what we call as
testimonials, and they make a significant impact on a prospect’s purchase.
▶ Display testimonials through your social media pages and on the home
page of your website. It is one of the best ways to promote your brand that
can attract a large number of potential customers to your website and also
leave an excellent impression when a visitor lands on your website.
Importance of Product Reviews
▶ Product Reviews boost Conversions
▶ If you delivering up to your customer’s expectations, product
reviews are going to play a huge role in your conversions. People
would openly do the marketing for you by leaving positive
reviews. And even a single positive review can lead to an
increase in the conversion rate.
▶ Product Reviews reduce possibilities of Returns
▶ If you do not display product reviews, how are online shoppers
going to decide the product quality? They would not be
confident enough to make a purchase. Moreover, they will have
doubtsregarding product quality.
Importance of Product Reviews
How to get more reviews?
▶ Start by asking your customers directly
▶ The best way to get customers to review items they own or have purchased is to
just ask them. Be direct — it’s not as if your customers don’t want to leave reviews, but
they often don’t remember!
▶ Make the review process a breeze
▶ Don’t send customers to a review form riddled with unnecessary fields. You need a
name, an email address (for contact or verifications purposes only), a rating, and the
▶ Offer an incentive
▶ Incentives are a great way to get people excited about sharing information. This can
range from tacking rewards for reviews onto an existing rewards program, or creating
new incentives for reviewers.
▶ Ask for photos (or to reuse existing photos)
▶ People also love snapping pics of… well, everything! Product reviews accompanied by
pictures and video tell a better story than those that are text-only.
▶ Respond to reviews that need your attention
▶ Apologize for your mistakes, clarify product information, and thank customers for
taking the time to leave feedback. You don’t need to respond to every review, but
definitely take the time to show that you care
Vendor Rating
▶ There are 2 typesof VendorRatings:
▶ Internal VendorRating :Vendorsor suppliersare given standing,
status, or title according to their attainment of some level of
performance, such as delivery, lead time, quality, price, or some
combination of variables.
▶ External VendorRating :The Rating of a Vendoras an outcome
of cumulative rating of their products which the customers have
given. Some e-commerce websitesalso accept direct vendor
ratings. Thisisto ensure that attributes impacting the product
experience are segregated and the necessary departments be
Internal Vendor Rating
▶ Criteria for Vendor Rating:
▶ Quality :The quality of the products or goods vendor supplies is the
main factor. The vendor can maintain good quality by improving
production, having quality planning in the supply chain. Quality factor
consistsfollowing things:
▶ The vendor’s products or services must meet the specifications
mentioned in the request for proposal and purchase order.
▶ The product failure rate should be within the appropriate limit.
▶ T
he vendor should do proper repairorrework.
▶ He should provide an adequate time duration for replacement.
▶ Price: An ecommerce company always wants to get the
material at less expense to increase its profit. Hence the
vendor needs to set a competitive price for his products. It
includes the following things:
▶ Stable Price
▶ Accurate Price
▶ Prior Notice to Price Change
Internal Vendor Rating
▶ Criteria for Vendor Rating:
▶ Service: Itisone of the crucial criteria for the supplier. He must
provide good service by providing an updated catalogue, pricing
information, technical information along with the following things
• He must have the ability to handle complaintseffectively.
• The vendor should provide technical support for installation, maintenance, and repair.
• Emergency support: He should support in the emergency condition of product failure
or repair.
• Resolve the problems: Supplier should find the solution for the problem on time
▶ Delivery: Supplier has to develop the ability to deliver the goods on
a scheduled date. Thisfactor consists following things.
• Lead time: Lead time isthe time between the actual delivery day and order
placement day. The shortest lead time helps to get a good impression on the supplier.
The vendor should deliver products on or before the promised date.
• Quantity: He must deliver the correct amount of products as mentioned in the
• Packing and documentation: Packing of the products must be suitable, study, and
undamaged. The vendor should provide proper documents along with the delivered
• Emergency delivery: The vendor must have the ability to deliver products in case of
some emergency requirements.
External Vendor Rating
Following are the external rating criteria for a vendor
▶ Quality Rating :Quality is constituted by Quality Acceptance –both the
hard aspects & the soft aspects of Quality. Thisalso becomes more
critical if the product passes through Quality Certifications
▶ Price Rating : Customers usually compare the price of the product with
products available at different websites/ vendors on the same website.
Price Rating also is in accordance with Quality to Price benchmark.
▶ Delivery Rating :Customers rate the delivery performance of the
vendor by comparing the actual delivery date with the predetermined
delivery date
▶ Service Rating :Rating the service based on the support provided by
the vendor during post and pre-purchase orders and also consider the
warranty period.
Benefits of Vendor Rating
• Vendor rating helps the buyer understand the vendor in every
critical aspect, and it helps to know if the vendor is suitable to deal
with or not. It does not deal with prejudices and word-of-mouth. It is
more dependent on data.
• Ithelps the buyers to strike the right kind of communication required.
• It ensures a consistent standard of vendor performance with
updated reviews of theirperformance.
• It helps the buyer identify areas of weakness in the performance of
the vendorand allows the buyer to take corrective actions.
Disadvantages of Vendor Rating
▶ When you evaluate and rate your vendor, he might feel that you do
not trust him
▶ Itmay impact your relationship with your vendor/supplier. But
practical supplier evaluation helps the supplier to perform well.
▶ Return rate is an ecommerce metric that refers to the frequency that
customers return their online orders. Ecommerce return rate is an important
metric asit highly impactscustomer satisfaction and revenue.
▶ Net Sales =Gross Sales –Returns
▶ Return Rate Percentage :(Total number of returns/ Total Sale) x 100
▶ Why should businesses calculate return rate?
▶ There are many reasons for businesses to calculate ecommerce return rate,
such as:
▶ Measure customer satisfaction
▶ Identify the reasons that drive returns
▶ Determine order accuracy
▶ Make corrective measures
▶ Minimise ecommerce returns
What are the reasons for the high
ecommerce return rate?
▶ There are many reasons why customers make online returns, such as:
• Damaged product: When the delivered product is damaged, before or during
the shipping process
• Inaccurate description:When the delivered product doesn’t match the
displayed description, either in style or colour
• Incorrect product: When the delivered product is not what the customer
• Incorrect size: When the delivered product doesn't fit the customer
• Malfunctioning product: When the delivered product doesn’t work properly
• Delayed delivery: When the product arrives too late that the customer doesn't
need it anymore
• Change of mind: When the customers simply change their minds about the
delivered productsor don't like the product
• Returns fraud: When customers purchase a product with an intention to return it
Benefits of lowering the return rate
1.No lost salesor unhappy customers
▶ When your return rates are low, your customers are happy with their orders. They
don’t feel the need to initiate a return. Inextreme cases, when your customers
receive a damaged or incorrect order, they can turn to your competitors and never
come back to you. Thus, if you decrease your return rate, you can enhance
customer experience and retain your revenue.
2.No additional costs associated with returns
▶ Ecommerce returns not only means that you must let go of the revenue gained from
that sale but you have to bear additional costs. These costs include cost of return
shipping, the cost of conducting quality checks, the refurbishment cost, repackaging
and restocking of the product cost. Ifyou reduce your return rate, you don’t have to
incur these additional costs—leaving more untouched revenue for you.
3.Better brand image and customer loyalty
▶ Today’s online shopping experience encourages consumers to share their purchases
and opinions on social media. Ifyour customers are not satisfied with your product or
fulfilment service, they not only make a return—they also post about their negative
experience. Such incidents can quickly apply negative connotations to your brand.
Moreover, a poor shopping experience can discourage a buyer from becoming a
repeat customer. With a low return rate, you can ensure a positive customer
experience, build a creditable brand identity and improve customer lifetime value
I. Implement a liberal return policy:
▶ More than half of your customers, read your returns policy before placing an
order and 72% of customers say a hassle-free return experience makes them
more likely to shop from an ecommerce brand again. Customers expect at least
30 days to return an online order but only 5% of customers return their orders
after 30 days.
▶ Here's what you need to do:
• Clearly and concisely highlight your returns policy, i.e. display it on your home
page, footer or link it on your product page
• Determine a timeframe for making returns, preferably increase the return time
• Build customer trust by ensuring easy returns and multiple refund options like
store credits, the original mode of payment and more
• Clearly display which products can be returned (e.g., all apparel except
undergarments), in which condition (e.g., tags intact), with which required
documents (e.g., invoice), and if there are any exceptions
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
II.Focus on improving the product display
▶ The best way to provide clarity to customers
about their purchase is to have multiple high-
resolution photos of the product. These photos
allow customers to zoom in and examine the
various details of a product which sets the right
expectations and reduce the chance of making a
misinformed purchase decision.
▶ Here's what you need to do:
• Take and display high-quality images of your
• Curate images from all the angles of the product
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
III.Write detailed product descriptions
▶ Almost all of customers state product
content such as descriptions—as extremely
orvery important when deciding to make a
purchase. If a customer doesn't understand
your product completely, you can set them
up forpotential disappointment.Thus,
product descriptions help customers decide
whether your product isright forthem.
▶ Here's what you can do:
▶ Draft a detailed description including how
the customers willfeel orwhat they will
experience when they willuse your product
▶ Highlight the significant features and
benefitsof your product in bullet points
▶ Include specifics like dimensions of the
product, materialsused, and more
IV. Create dynamic sizing charts:
▶ Sometimes customers may under or
overestimate their size and purchase
the wrong size of a product. To
prevent such returns, create detailed
sizing guides. You can also offer tips
on how to take measurements so
that customers can make an
accurate decision.
▶ Here's what you need to do:
• Provide a helpful size chart keeping
all the aspects of your product in
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
V. Start including product videos
▶ If your customers are sending back
products because they don’t meet the
expectations that were set in the
product images and description, you
can consider including product videos.
▶ Here's what you can do:
• Include a short video giving a 360-
degree view of the product
• Allow your customers to view products
or product colors in natural light or
with a background that denotes where
the product would be used
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
VI. Offerlive support
▶ Even after providing images, descriptions,
and videos, your customers may have
some confusion about the product. You
can enable your customers to ask you
questions about products in real time. T
will not only help boost conversion rates
but also prevent customers from ordering
items that don’t meet their requirements.
For instance, accessories and jewellery
brandscan offer live support to resolve any
quality concerns of the customers.
▶ Here'swhat you can do:
• Provide real-time customer service
• Allow email enquiries about the product
• Offer live chat support via chatbots
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
VII. Enhance the value of customer reviews
▶ Reviews that give a detailed account of the
product’s quality and usage contribute to
higher sales and lower returns. By encouraging
customer reviews and feedback,you can learn
about quality issues and what information you
should provide in product description.
▶ Here's what you need to do:
• Include a review section on your product page
• Add check boxes foroptionsto ensure reviews
aren't time-consuming
• Offer incentives to customers to write a review
such as discountsorredeemable points
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
VIII. Provide delivery estimatesand order tracking
▶ Sometimes customers order a product fora special
occasion or a specific event. Ifthe order arrives after
the event, the customers might not need it anymore
and return it. T
o prevent such returns, you can
provide the estimated date of delivery to your
customers. Moreover, you must consider giving real-
time order tracking and order updates to your
customers to instil trust that their orders will arrive on
time. In case of a delay, notify your customers
instantly to ensure prompt communication.
▶ Here's what you can do:
• Showcase estimated date of delivery based on the
pin code of the customer
• Provide real-time order tracking and proactive order
updates via text and email
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
IX. Ensure order accuracy:
▶ One fourth of the customers claim that the ecommerce brand sent them
an incorrect order as the reason for their return. Thus, improving
your order accuracy is a good place to start for reducing your returns.
▶ Here'swhat you can do:
Use warehouse optimization by performing ABC analysis—grouping
products based on historical purchase data and patterns, i.e. group A-
most frequently purchased products, group B- less frequently purchased
products, and group C- rarely purchased products
Optimize the picking and packing process to improve picking
accuracy by eliminating any possible confusion for the picker
Incorporate smart automation in the order fulfilment process, such as
barcode scanners, conveyorbelts, robots, and more
Build incentive programs to reward pickers with maximum accuracy
Perform a quality check at the time of order processing to ensure that the
items shipped to the customers are correct and in the right condition
Place the correct shipping labels so that the shipping provider can
deliver the package accurately to your customers
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
X. Prioritize yourpackaging
▶ There are times when orders are damaged during
shipping due to the use of inappropriate
packaging material. To reduce the risk of delivering
a damaged product to your customer, it's best
to avoid common packaging mistakes and use
high-quality packaging materials that can protect
your orders in transit.
▶ Here's what you need to do:
• Use secure dunnage, i.e., bubble wrap, packaging
peanuts, and more to pack fragile products such
as glassware
• Use top-quality packaging materials
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
XI. Send a post-purchase email
▶ The post-purchase experience defines if a customer
will repurchase from you or not. Apart from asking for
product feedback, you can engage with your
customers by sharing product tips and "how-to"
guides. This kind of communication can help you
resolve any issues or pain points the customers face
while using your product rather than returning it.
▶ Here's what you can do:
• Send emails asking for feedback if your customers are
loving your product or not
• Give product information such as easy-to-understand
tips and guides can drive customer satisfaction
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
XII. Promote exchanges during returns
▶ Half of the customers replace the item they returned,
and only 16% of customers will switch to a different
brand to find the same product. To keep customers
coming back to you even after returns, you can make
the exchange process easier and recapture your
▶ Here's what you can do:
• Encourage customers to buy another product when
they're returning an order by giving color, size, and
style recommendations
• Give your customers the option to get their refund in
their store wallet so that they can purchase something
else in the future
• Offer immediate refunds for wallets unlike source
account that take 5-7 business days
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
XIII. Find out why customers are returning your products
▶ To reduce ecommerce returns, it's essential to know
the root cause of returnsfrom the customers. There
are changes that the post-purchase email isnot
answered by a customer for any reason. By
implementing a mandatory survey and feedback
on the return form, you can gain insight into the
exact reasonsthat drive returnsfor particular
▶ Here's what you can do:
• On return forms, ask for specific reasons for return
and an additional feedback
• Provide tick boxes that will help flag issues such as if
it looks different in the images or it seems larger or
smallerthan expected
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
XIV. Combat returns fraud
▶ 30%of customers deliberately make online orders because they know they
can easily return them for a full refund. Such return frauds can result in a loss
of inventory and profits. You can invest in a fraud-protection software that
helps you detect fraudulent behavior.
▶ Here's what you can do:
• Implement a quality check at the customer's doorstep
• Send OTP (one-time password) to the customer to ensure delivery of high-
value orders
• Identify fraudulent customers and blacklist them
• When you’re selling on marketplaces and the returned products don't pass
the quality check, raise a claim
Strategies to Reduce
Return Rate
Product Pricing & Merchandizing
▶ Product Pricing is driven by the margins that you wish to make on
the product once all the costsare considered
▶ It’s fair to first note how a particular product P&L Statement looks like
to be able to come to a definite strategy on product pricing & MOP
Mixed Strategieson Shipping
▶ Standard Shipping +Expedited Shipping :gives you the opportunity
to upsell on shipping by showing the estimated time in transit for
customers that need fast delivery.
▶ Free Standard +Expedited Shipping :ree shipping brings customers
in and drives them to check out. Show expedited shipping to entice
them to pay fora fasterdelivery.
▶ Standard shipping +in-store pickup +same-day delivery: Local
customers love in-store pickup and same day delivery. For non-
locals, you can still give them a great standard rate.
Calculating Ecommerce Shipping
▶ Packaging Size +weight :
▶ If your products are relatively uniform across your store, going with a per-
item, zone-based approach, where the shipping price varies by customer
location and not product size or weight, might work well.
▶ If you sell particularly large products, or those that don’t lend
themselves to the typical rectangular box (like the ones we see so
frequently from Amazon). Getting rates directly from a carrier like
Gati, Delhivery, Xpressbees, or others is a great way to ensure you’re
offering the best rates to customers.
▶ The important thing to focus on here is making sure your products
have accurate weights and dimensions so that the rate you get
back from a carrier is as accurate as possible. To do this, break your
products into groups and focus on getting weights and dimensions
for the heaviest or largest 20%and the smallest or lightest 20%.
Discounts Vs Cashbacks
▶ Itiseasier for any business to take the traditional route and go for
discount promotions. Over the years—especially in these times, it has
been proven that discount offers aren’t the best way to promote a
brand orproduct as the only marketing tactic to use.
▶ Discounts bring in more sales in the short term. So, in order
to increase sales in the long-term, you need to develop another
▶ When you offer a traditional discount, you devalue your product
and brand. It’s important to consider that discounts are not the only
valid strategy.
Why Cashback?
▶ Cashback ss the option where a percentage of the product’s price
is returned. You can offer cashback incentive to drive more online
business without devaluing or hurting your brand.
▶ Ifyou run the right promotions or use your promotions strategically,
they will increase your long-term profitability. Increasing cashback
promotions and reducing discount promotions ispart of the
▶ Ifyour company offers discounts on a continuous basis it will affect
your sales margins. As a result, it won’t be optimal anymore to
provide them. The more money customers spend buying from you,
the greater their reward. So, you’re just rewarding them for
supporting your brand.
Types of Cashbacks?
▶ Instant Cashback :Major tech-enabled ecommerce platforms deal
in Instant cashbacks to their users using a particular bank card etc.
For this they need a BIN Series basiswhich it can be updated
▶ Delayed Cashback :Inmost companies, there isno instant
mechanism, hence customer will have to wait for them to get their
cashback in a 60 or a 90-day window.
▶ Wallet Cashback :Itcomes back as points in the local wallet of that
store which you can redeem on yournext purchase.It createsa
loyal base of customers who are pressed to come back to use their
cashback points.
Common Forms of Cashbacks
▶ Flat Rate Cashback :e.g. Rs.5000 cashback on a minimum
purchase of Rs.30,000.
▶ Tiered Cashback :10%up to Rs.2500 for purchases done below 40k,
10%up to 5k for purchases done above Rs. 40,000.
▶ Different Rate of cashback :5%cashback for purchasesup to
Rs.10,000, 10%cashback for purchases>Rs.10,000.
Business Case of a Category
▶ A Business Case is an Executive Level Presentation on what will the
Business health look like if we achieve our targets
▶ Itsets the right platform for expectations and a benchmark for
▶ A typical Business Case will include :
▶ Units/ Orders
▶ Gross Revenue
▶ Gross Margin
▶ Gross AUR
▶ Expenses
▶ Net Revenue
▶ Net Margin
▶ Net AUR
Final Presentation
▶ Current Company IndustryData, Company Background & Key
▶ Category TAM & Scope of Growth. SWOT Analysis
▶ Who isthe customer
▶ Competitor Analysis
▶ Category Tree
▶ 4Ps
▶ Merchant Shortlisting, Short Term +Long term Plan, Key Pointers in
SLA Including Return & Commissions
▶ Product Pricing & BusinessCase
▶ Team A –Heads UP forTales - Apparels
▶ Team B - Boat Lifestyle - Shoes
▶ Team C - Sugar–Specs
▶ Team D –Lenskart –Medicines
▶ Team E –Snapdeal –Food Delivery
▶ Team F –Swiggy –Industrial Material
▶ Team G –Cardekho –House Rentals
▶ Team H –Google Pay –Insurance
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  • 2. E-commerce Industry in India ▶ 800 mil Internet Users in India currently ▶ Massive inflow of internet users from 2016. Why? ▶ Ecommerce Business has grown from 26k Cr in 2010 to 370kCr in 2020. Grew 13 times in 10 years ▶ Active E-commerce Penetration at 77%in 2021 92 126 159 193 251 302 342 422 493 636 749 845 932 1008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Number of Internet Users (mil) 26 35 47 53 81 108 136 200 243 295 370 450 530 610 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Ecommerce Business In India ('000 Cr)
  • 3. Advantages to India ▶ Increasing Investment :Start- ups in India have witnessed $10bil+inflow of funds in just Q3 of 2021 ▶ Attractive Opportunities : India’s Start up ecosystem is growing thanks to better FDI policies & Govt initiatives like Start-up India & Digital India ▶ Growing Demand :Increased Internet Penetration has led to high DAUs& MAUs. T op 10 sitesin India enjoy more than 7 mil DAUseach
  • 4. T raditional BusinessModelsfor E-commerce • B2C : Business to Consumer :this is where the end consumer makes the purchase directly. E.g. :Flipkart, etc. • B2B : Business to Business :A Business selling it’s products/ Services to another business; E.g.: Amazon Business • C2B :Consumer to Business :Allows users to sell their products/ services to businesses. E.g.: Cars24 • C2C :Consumer to Consumer: Where a customer sells their products/ Services to another customer. E.g.: Ebay, Quikr Ecommerce BusinessModels
  • 5. Guess the Traditional Business Model? B2B
  • 6. Guess the Traditional Business Model? B2C
  • 7. Guess the Traditional Business Model? C2C
  • 8. Guess the Traditional Business Model? C2B
  • 9. Ecommerce Business Models basis on Inventory Management Further Classification in Five Categories : • D2C : Direct to Consumer : Cutting the middlemen thereby reaching their end- customers directly • White Label or Private Label : Buying from a distributor and putting your brand : Patanjali • Wholesaling : Where bulk purchasing is offered to end customers thereby providing discounts :Flipkart Wholesale • Dropship: Sometimes some companies sell products fulfilled by third party supplier : Indiamart • Subscription Service: Netflix being the main example on how Subscription models work
  • 10. 4Ps of Category Management
  • 11. Product ▶ A categoíy’s peífoímance staíts with the stíategic píocuíement of goods. Of couíse, categoíy managers need to bíing in píoducts to stock shelves, but detailed analysis and píoduct data aíe all paít of a healthy categoíy management píocess. It's all about bíinging in the íight píoducts, at the íight píice, at the íight time. Categoíy manageís use píevious sales íepoíts, consumeí tíends, and seasonal foíecasting to infoím theií buying decisions. ▶ Let’s dive into an example. If a categoíy manageí foí a clothing íetaileí is looking to bíing in affoídable bottoms ahead of the next season, theíe may be a gíeat paií of wool tíouseís that have histoíically sold well fíom one of theií supplieís. Maíket feedback suggests that demand foí these tíouseís is high among woíking adults between the ages of 30-45. ľhe supplieí is offeíing them at a gíeat wholesale píice, so eveíything points towaíd a win foí the categoíy manageí. ľhe only tíouble is Spíing and Summeí aíe ahead and píocuíement is focused on outfitting the stoíe foí those seasons. ľhough the wool tíouseís aíe ideal foí business people in Fall/Winteí, they aíe not a good fit foí the waímeí seasons. ▶ ľhis undeíscoíes the impoítance of the categoíy management píocess needing all financial and consumeí tíend data points to line up with seasonal buying. Categoíy management is a dynamic, timely píocess that demands caíeful planning foí the best píoduct assoítments.
  • 12. Pricing ▶ When category managers buy products, they leverage wholesale quantities to drive down pricing. They also purchase for the category as a whole to get better per-unit pricing ▶ Category managers also need to shop around from different suppliers to compare products and prices for their categories. There are 2 price points to consider here: wholesale pricing and retail pricing. Wholesale price is the business-to-business (B2B) price of the products. Then, there’s the retail price which represents the price tag for the shopper, or business-to- consumer (B2C). Retail price is informed by the purchase price and all other costs (shipping + logistics), or "landed cost," along with the target margin for the retailer. Products come with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), which is another data point that helps a retailer set prices. At the end of the day, to stay competitive, retailers have to consider their margin compared to competitor pricing for similar products.
  • 13. Placement ▶ Category managers have to collaborate with merchandising teams to figure out the best way to organize their assortments into cohesive categories within the store. ▶ Not only does a good category manager keeps track of these assortments, but it also considers strategic placement of complementary products for logical continuity within the aisle. This is intended to bolster sales. For example, the baking aisle at the grocery store will group flour, powdered sugar, cake mixes, oils, baking soda/powder all in the same general area. This is to help with the customer experience as well as to boost sales. With all ingredients that are commonly used for baked goods in one place, customers are more likely to remember all the items they need and possibly stock up on even more than they need. ▶ Retailers often place new items and specialty items on end caps and other visible displays as well. A healthy category management process connects assortment planning with merchandising teams to maintain and update the best planograms for business.
  • 14. Promotion ▶ Promotions are marketing tactics used to drive sales. Before products hit the website and after they have been on sale, CMs must engage in promotional activities to accelerate sales. Most promotions appeal to logic and urgency for the customer that ignites a need to purchase the product. ▶ Many factors go into sales promotions, including inventory, seasonal relevance, sales performance, and competitor promotions. The category management team must forecast the performance of their category, identify opportunities for promotions, and adjust the plan accordingly based on product performance.
  • 15. Category Management ▶ Category Management is a strategic approach to procurement where organizations segment their spend into areas which contain similar or related products enabling focus opportunities for consolidation and efficiency. ▶ Category Management may involve the splitting of direct and indirect products or services or may relate to the dissecting of products or services by value, supplier, type or volume. Associated theories that can be used to help the dissecting of products or services isPareto (80/20 rule). From this, it is possible to see where high levels of spend are being accrued and where focus should be placed.
  • 16. Benefits of Category Management - I • Category Management enables procurement professionals to focus their time and conduct market analysis to fully leverage their negotiations and correctly manage their suppliers in alignment with the corporate objectives. • Category Management helps to organize the procurement team resources and contributes towards economies of scale and enhanced supplier relationships whilst gaining an in depth understanding of how each category contributes to risk management. • These days, Category Management also enables the Sell-out side wherein, pricing, promotion, & placement also needs to be looked into. It helps the Category Manager be aware of both sides of the business, thereby improving efficiency & revenue.
  • 17. Benefits of Category Management - I I ▶ Improved performance of vendors:- An operative and effective category management plan can aid your big or small business to work with vendors in a more effective style and can secure the time between the start and end of the process. Category management, if done tactically, can aid a new vendor or contract enjoy better business thereby improving their longevity with the business ▶ Better client satisfaction:- Category management is the single responsibility of a category manager who looks after all the elements related to a given sourcing requirements & pricing. This keeps the end customer happy, who would purchase from your online store because good category management will result in better quality product at better prices
  • 18. ▶ Improved relationships with diverse suppliers:- Management of category offers an opportunity to create contacts with multiple vendors. In search of prices, products, better rated vendors etc., you keep them engaged and this constant engagement keeps the vendors motivated. Ofcourse, the vendors’ whose quality doesn’t match with the expectation should be given proper feedback to improve because this feedback will support your future demands if your existing vendors are unable to fulfil your order. Also, a better coached vendor will always support you. ▶ Better insights into spending and negotiating product price so resources are met – accurate accounting:- Usually when a category is not maintained by anyone, there is hardly anyone who can provide vital insights into the accuracy of price, cost, and spending because no one is familiar with the contracts that are on the way. The full list of vendors is unidentified, and hence, the complete extent of expenditure is unknown too. Better category management can facilitate a better understanding of expenditure of standard cost and actual cost on the existing as well as upcoming contracts. Benefits of Category Management - I I
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. A Successful Category Management Strategy ▶ Effective Category Management encompasses a multitude of areas including but not limited to: • Supplier relationship management • Supplier evaluation and appraisal • Effective communication incorporating soft skills • Market analysis, competitive forces and external factors • Pricing with strong control on both Top Line & Bottom-Line numbers • Portfolio Placement ensuring tactical & strategic sell out • Stakeholder identification and management • Sustainable/ethical procurement • T eam leadership and management
  • 22. So, Let’s sum it up: What is a category manager? ▶ A category manager specializes in the handling of good or services for a specific category e.g. services, logistics, transport, security, and is responsible for planning, sourcing, pricing & overall revenue of a particular category. It is a very specialized role which requires individual to build technical skills in the category being handled.
  • 23. Challenges to Adoption ▶ A category manager acting as a catalyst will confront friction when trying to implement a category management program across the organization. Individual business units can be skeptical that the priority will be on cost control over quality, they can be resistant to change in general or they are worried about the impacts the changes may have on their current suppliers by rocking the boat. ▶ To change the tide from skeptics to adopters, the organization must use methods that address concerns from business units and stakeholders. The category manager can alleviate concerns through open communication, creating a clearly defined value proposition and connecting with (and listening to) stakeholders across the organization. ▶ Adopting a category management approach to sourcing will have improved contract outcomes as the process is managed end-to-end. Analytical tools that provide greater clarity and visibility into spend categories will need to be acquired, as will the talent to utilize the analytics tools. As the category manager globalizes spend categories, it provides an opportunity to collaborate with suppliers to be more agile, innovative and responsive to the business's goals.
  • 24. The Category Management Process ▶ There are many ways to develop a category strategy, but here are some questions and pointsto consider. • Definition: What should the different categories and sub-categories be? • Spend analysis: How much spending is going to each category and its sub- categories? • Market analysis: How does the supply market look for each category, does it fit the customer needs? • Improvement: The market intelligence gained from the market analysis is applied. This may lead to a change in specifications, and also can change the scope of work or finding a new supply base and new vendors. • Continuous application: This knowledge is continuously applied in strategic sourcing and transactional purchasing.
  • 25. Category Tree categories that make easier for the user ▶ We can see menus, i.e. it to navigate the site on practically every web page. ▶ However, not only users use the category structure, but also search engine bots. Building a valuable category tree that is user-friendly and search engine friendly requires appropriate preparation and planning. We should start with that before we start working on our webpage. As a result, we will avoid the duplication of categories or the lack of legibility of the individual paths.
  • 26. Issues with Incorrect Category Tree ▶ Empty Categories: It may turn out that our range of products will not include products that the competition has. Consequently, it will result in a category of low quality, both from the point of view of SEO and potential customers. ▶ Categories Not Matching the Target :This problem may arise when our range of products is targeted at a different age group or covers a slightly different range of products. For example, when we have a shop that sells products divided into kids, adults and seniors categories, while our products cannot be identified by these features. In this situation, we will not be able to reasonably divide the product range into the relevant categories. ▶ Categories with Too Much Depth: This can be the case when we use a very extensive category and subcategory tree, but our product range is much smaller or less diversified. This will result in an artificial break-up of products into categories, products that could successfully be included in one broader but a better-suited category.
  • 27. Issues with Incorrect Category Tree ▶ Mismatching the Menu to the Size of the Product Range: This quite extreme case may occur when influenced by categories in another shop, which may not entirely coincide with our business. For example, if we are inspired by categories from a large sales platform gathering different manufacturers and different sellers, and our shop will offer only one manufacturer’s products. ▶ Mismatching the Category Tree to the Industry : This is another extremity, but it may appear when we are inspired only by the appearance of the menu and browse the products briefly. For example, we are inspired by the category tree of a branded shop with elegant shoes, clothing, and accessories with extensive subcategories that take the type of material into account. While our shop offers elegant accessories made of leather only, so the division into materials will not be of any use to us at all.
  • 28. Scheme for a Category Tree ▶ The First Level of a Category Tree ▶ The first level of the category, i.e. the one visible at first glance of the menu, is for the most important and popular categories. If you have a very diverse product range, you can place a gender, age or other general characteristics at this level. In the case of clothing shops, they will be divided by gender – KIDS, MEN, WOMEN, and then by type of clothing – skirts, dresses, pants, shirts, sweaters, etc. When it comes to e-commerce with interior furnishings, we can divide them according to the type of room, i.e. bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc. ▶ The Second Level of a Category Tree ▶ The second level is reserved for the further subdivision of the general category. It may be of interest to a specific target group. Further subdivision, i.e. level 3 and below, is recommended only if the product range is large enough to be beneficial for a sales conversion. This may make sense in the case of e-commerce with a very diverse product range, where, for example, we start with the division of WOMEN’S – MEN’S – KIDS’ and then go on to the selection of the type of garments – SHOES – BAGS – ACCESSORIES – CARE –ADDITIVES,and then on to individual types of shoes, purses, etc.
  • 29. Example: Many companies have restricted themselves to 1 main category and 1 sub-category and movesevery other narrowing down to FILTERS.
  • 30. Competitive Research before starting a Category ▶ Identify your competition ▶ Who are your competitors? And how should you categorize them? You can probably answer that first question off the top of your head, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to studying only the most obvious competition. ▶ Begin with a list of ten competitors and sort them into three categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary. ▶ The primary category is for your direct competitors—companies that provide essentially the same product or service as you. ▶ Secondary competitors are similar , but not quite the same. Companies that sell a version of your product with different features, or market to different demographics, would be your secondary competitors. ▶ The tertiary category includes companies that sell something fundamentally different that could be an alternative purchase to what you’re offering. ▶ Analyze their content: ▶ Once you’ve identified the players, you can start reviewing and analyzing the content they’re putting out. Look closely at: ▶ Theiradvertising ▶ The imagery they use ▶ Their website and everything they publish on it (blogs, whitepapers, ebooks, testimonials, newsletters, etc.) ▶ Multimedia content like videos, webinars, and podcasts ▶ One way to do this is by using software tools to find and scrape the content. Don’t be afraid to engage in manual research when necessary. Pretend you’re a customer, embark on the purchasing journey, and see what content your competitors set out for you. See what themes, messaging styles, and branding choices stand out the most.
  • 31. Competitive Research before starting a Category ▶ Monitor their social media ▶ One of the best sources of competitor intelligence is social media. Now more than ever, buyers are turning to social media for unfiltered information and real talk about their potential purchasing decisions. B2C and B2Bbusinesses alike are rushing to meet that demand with a compelling social media presence, a consistent voice, and tons of content. ▶ Social media is where you’ll often get the strongest feel for a company’s brand persona. It’s an easy place to discover their newest marketing strategies and see how they engage with their audience. ▶ Because social media is such a vast space, social media listening tools can come in very handy here. They can ensure you’re watching the right hashtags, keywords, and relevant conversations that might be happening. ▶ Analyze their marketing strategy and offers ▶ Once you’re watching and listening in all the right places, you’ll be able to perceive the bigger picture of your competitors’ marketing strategy. ▶ What you want to know is: ▶ Where are they focusing their marketing efforts? ▶ Where are they purchasing ads? ▶ What incentives are they offering to draw buyers further into their sales funnel? ▶ Look closely at the CTAs in their content. Check out their opt-ins to see where and how they ask prospects to engage for further information. Join their email list to see first-hand how their email marketing isstructured and sequenced. Find out what special offers or giveaways they might be promoting. With this information, you can piece together their tactics for lead conversion.
  • 32. Competitive Research before starting a Category ▶ Evaluate their offers and pricing ▶ You don’t just analyze your competition so you can copy what they’re doing. Sometimes you get to see what isn’t working, so you don’t want to copy that. It’s also essential to consider that a good strategy for a competitor may not be suitable for your company. This is especially true when you’re looking at secondary or tertiary competitors. ▶ However, knowing what your competitors are charging for comparable products or services is important when setting your prices. You can’t expect to win the fight for customers if you’re overcharging. Conversely, significantly undercutting competitor prices can suggest lower quality or minimal customer support. ▶ You can also learn a lot about customer expectations by studying typical promotional offers for the type of goods you sell. This information can help you determine whether it makes sense to offer customer enticements such as free trials, discounts, or subscriptions. ▶ Determine their positioning ▶ Companies with a strong marketing and communications strategy know it is crucial to create a unique position for themselves in the marketplace. They do this by finding ways to differentiate themselves from their competition. When analyzing your competitors, look for the themes and ideas in their messaging that function as differentiators. ▶ For example, imagine three pizza parlors on the same block. One offers the largest slices; one offers the fastest delivery; and the third promises the healthiest ingredients. They’re all in competition, but they position themselves very differently. To find your own unique selling proposition, you have to know how the competition is positioned.
  • 33. Customer Journey ▶ A customergoes through on an average 5 touchpoints before making a purchase ▶ Some customersneed as much as 20 touchpoints ▶ With each failed interaction, the probability of the customer bouncing off to competitive website increases
  • 34. Stages of Customer Journey ▶ Awareness: ▶ This is the moment when the customer first discovers you and your products. Usually upon the first click through to your site, they’re beginning to get a sense for who you are and what you have to offer. ▶ The customer can directly land on your homepage (organically or through paid search) or directly to your product
  • 35. Stages of Customer Journey ▶ Consideration: ▶ During this step, the customer is looking through your products & is starting to decide whether they will buy your product ▶ This is typically one of the longer steps in the customer journey, as this is where all of those touchpoints happen. ▶ The consideration phase is when you’ll start to see some customers make the shift between low intent to high intent. Low intent customers are window shopping, but they may not make a purchase at all.
  • 36. Stages of Customer Journey ▶ Acquisition: ▶ This is the conversion we’ve been hoping for! The customer has made their decision and has decided to checkout ▶ From here, there are some other phases or steps towards reconversion, but right now we must focus on what we can track and measure for the first conversion!
  • 37. Key KPIs to track • Visits: how many people came to your site from thischannel • Pageviews/Visit: how many pages your customer viewed while on your site • Average Visit Length: how long a customer spent on your site • Bounce Rate: how many visitors left your site without navigating past the landing page • Failed Discovery/Browse Abandonment Rate: how many visitors navigating through your site exited before adding anything to the cart • Cart Abandonment Rate: how many customers added products to their carts but didn’t complete the purchase • Conversion Rate: how many customers made it to the acquisition phase
  • 38. Example of a Typical Customer Funnel
  • 39. Funnel Analysis ▶ If1000 visitors enter the site- ▶ -> 443 of those visitors will view an item ▶ -> 17.9% of those 443 people (79) will then add an item to theircart. ▶ ->Of the 79 who added to their cart, 59.2% will make a purchase (46) ▶ For every 1,000 people landing on the homepage, roughly 46 of them will make a purchase, making it a 4.6% website conversion rate. Example 1
  • 40. Deeper Analysis ▶ Nearly 90%of those that added an item to their cart visited the cart afterward, so that step seems okay. It also seems that once someone has entered their personal details, there’s a strong likelihood of them making it all the way to a purchase (represented on this graph as the Thank You page). ▶ But. There is a surprising drop-off between the steps of visiting the cart and entering personal details. Nearly 30% of the people that make it all the way to viewing their cart are then leaving! Example 2
  • 41. General Steps to Optimizing Your Conversion Funnel 1. Run a funnel analysis 2. Pick the main area most in need of improvement (homepage, view product, add to cart, etc) 3. Run a deeperfunnel analysis on that main area 4. Pick the step of that main area most in need of improvement 5. Make a hypothesisabout that step 6. T ry to disprove your hypothesis with A/B tests 7. Repeat Let’s check a website now!
  • 42. “Companies today differentiate their web experience basis New Customersas well as Repeat Customers”
  • 43. New Customer Acquisition ▶ “Customer acquisition is the process of bringing new customers or clients to your business. The goal of this process is to create a systematic, sustainable acquisition strategy that can evolve with new trends and changes.” Hubspot
  • 44. What is New Customer Acquisition? ▶ Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new customers. ▶ Customer acquisition, or client acquisition, is a crucial initiative because without new customers there is no business ▶ Brands use customer acquisition to understand the value of each paying customer by measuring the money a company spends to bring in a new client. ▶ The lower the marketing spend needed to acquire a new customer, the higher the profit. Companies look at this metric to inform their marketing strategies and improve margins.
  • 45. New Customer Acquisition Process: ▶ 1. Identify the Audience ▶ First, you need to identify your target audience. Ifyou’re targeting multiple audiences, it might be best to design a different sales acquisition strategy for each group. ▶ Moreover , the most successful customer acquisition campaigns have personalized elements catered to the individual's interest, needs or behavior. ▶ 2. Define your Strategy & Design a Plan ▶ Once you identify and understand your targeted audience, you need to leverage data findings and industry best practices to develop program launch and communication plan. ▶ The stage of the customer journey your audience may find themselves in, is also important to note at this stage ▶ To optimize new customer acquisition, your plan should include: • A cross-channel activation strategy with connected communications across email, display, search, social, mobile and direct mail • A testing and measurement plan that defines KPIssuch as: impressions, click through rate, new customer acquisition, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • 46. ▶ 3. Launch ▶Once the audience has been identified, the channels have been chosen, and the KPIsare all set, it is time to launch your campaigns. During this part of the process, your company needs to monitor all pre- set KPIs and begin collecting data. ▶ 4. Measurement & Optimization ▶ T he end goal isto eliminate campaignsthat do not bring in the best results, boost those campaigns that work well, and eliminate any issues identified through the monitoring process. For example, if a you find website traffic is high, but conversion is low, focus on the landing page and experiment with the content or CTAs. New Customer Acquisition Process:
  • 47. Customer acquisition strategies • Using video content to increase engagement. • Do giveaways to increase organic awareness. • Leverage content marketing to improve SEO and keep prospects engaged. • Use consistent branding and clear communication to increase trust and authority. • Run referral programs. • Implement a reward program to increase client retention. • Create an affiliate program. • Build partnerships and utilize their leads to promote your product/service. • Use landing pages when launching new products to highlight them and help customers focus on the new solutions the company is bringing to the market. • Implement newsletters to collect leads and subscribers to minimize marketing costs. • Publish content on external websites. • Leverage influencers that reach your target audience and align to your brand voice. • Ensure paid search campaigns are optimized based on product, audience and geographic location
  • 48. Customer acquisition cost ▶ The cost of customer acquisition, also known as CAC, is calculated by taking the amount spent on acquiring customers and dividing it by the number of clients earned. For example, if a social media campaign has a budget of Rs. 10,000, and it resulted in 100 conversions, then the CAC ismeasured at Rs.100per conversion. ▶ CAC =(MC +W+S +OS +OH) / CA • MC =marketing costs • W =wages formarketing/sales personnel • S=marketing/sales software • OS =outsourced services • OH =sales/marketing overhead • CA =number of customers acquired ▶ There isno set CAC that isconsidered ideal across all industries. However, a good baseline can be measured by calculating the CAC compared to the customer lifetime value (LTV). The general idea isthat LTV to CAC ratio at 3:1to 5:1. For example, if the lifetime value of a customer is Rs. 5000, then a good CAC is Rs.1000. The lower the CAC, the higher the profit margins.
  • 51. Repeat Customers “Repeat customers are 9 times more likely to convert than a first- time shopper . ” Adobe Digital Index
  • 52. Reasons why a Repeat Customeris important (read :profitable) 1. A repeat customer is more likely to shop with you again and again ▶ After one purchase, a customer has a 27% chance of returning to your store. While that’s not a horrible return rate, if you can get that customer to come back and make a second and third purchase, they have a 54% chance of making another purchase. ▶ As much as it sounds obvious, it is due to key skills that you will have to adopt and not just “DISCOUNTS’
  • 53. ▶ Customers who receive a discount either start to expect a discount every time or wait until a discount exists to make another purchase. Instead, it is recommended to use sustainable retention toolsto encourage customers to come back to your site.
  • 54. 2. A repeat customer is easier to sell to ▶ While conversion rates in ecommerce are volatile and vary by industry, most experts estimate that the average conversion rate is somewhere between 1%and 3%. “A repeat customer has a 60 to 70%chance of converting.” –Paul Farris –Head of BusinessStrategy @Uber
  • 55. 3. Repeat customers spend more on each purchase ▶ 1st Factor :The numberof previouspurchases :your loyal top 10% spend 3 times more per order than the lower 90%,and your top 1%of customers spend 5 times more than the lower 99%. ▶ 2nd Factor :For How Long has the customer been shopping with you : A study by Bain & Company found that apparel shopperspurchase 67%more per order after shopping with a company for 30 months.
  • 56. 4. Repeat customers spend more at key times ▶ According to Adobe, the average shopper spends 17%more per transaction during the holiday rush. While this is great news, your store’s repeat customers spend 25% more per transaction during the busy season. 5. Repeat customers share your store more : “Customers refer more people to a brand when they have made more purchases with that store.”
  • 57. CustomerRetention Tools ▶ A CRM is a system that can help you manage all your customer relationships. ▶ A customer loyalty program isan easy way to boost customer retention. When a customer isgiven additional value for doing business with you — by way of a points system or a VIP rewards program, for example — it becomes more difficult for them to choose a competitor over you. ▶ A customer referral program offers 2 benefits :one, it encourages new leads, second, it rewards your existing customers ▶ With gamification, you can encourage users and customers to complete preferred actions (e.g., convert, make another purchase, refer their friends, sign up for your email newsletter, follow you on social media, etc.) by making it more enjoyable for them to do so. ▶ Personalization allows you to increase customer retention through relevant and customized experienceswith yourbrand. ▶ Customer service and support makes the process of providing memorable and delightful experienceseasier. ▶ A customer feedback tool is more than just a way to survey your customers. It’s an opportunity to start a conversation with people who have a strong opinion of your business.
  • 58. Marketing Automation to engage with your customers
  • 60.
  • 61. Benefits of Marketing Automation on Customer Journey ▶ Nurture Leads :You don’t have to keep tabs on potential customers. Let automation do it for you while you concentrate on other aspectsof your business. ▶ Personalize Customer Service :Automated marketing helps you reach the right customer with the right content at the right time ▶ Improve Relationships :An essential benefit of marketing automation is that it enables you to reach more potential customers across multiple channels. With little effort on your part, you can spread brand awareness and spark interest in your business. ▶ Connect Across Multiple Channels :Reliable automation software allows you to keep track of how various channels are performing. You can see which customers you’re reaching and what marketing strategiesare working.
  • 62. ▶ Understand your customer : Knowing how potential customers are interacting with your brand is valuable information. Understanding who is visiting your website, reading your emails, and viewing your content provides great insight into the minds of your customers. ▶ Use Data for Better Decision-Making : Another major benefit of automated marketing is that it allows you to collect important data and put it to work for your business. This helps you better understand and predict customerbehavior ▶ Streamline the Buyer’s Journey: Customers want a simple buying process and a seamless experience. Marketing automation helps enhance the buyer’s journey with personalized ads, faster feedback,and focused attention on customers’ needs. Benefits of Marketing Automation on Customer Journey
  • 63. Deal of the Day/ Flash SALES! ▶ Benefits: ▶ 1. Ensure lead conversion : Hosting flash sales on your brand’s site is a perfect way to obtain new clients. Frequently, prospects browse sites to find interesting offers before the holidays. They may add some products to their carts but leave them unless there is an actual need for these items. Limited offers encourage shoppersto make quick purchase decisions. ▶ 2. Improve brand visibility. The urgency that converts your visitors into buyers works on social media as well. People who discover an attractive offer from your brand and consequently become your customers are keen to share it with their friends and colleagues. Some of them may even share news about your offer on their social media accounts. ▶ 3. Increase the number of loyal customers. A big discount on various items is a great way to reward your existing clients, enabling them to buy your brand’s products at a lower cost. After trying your products and discovering that they are high-quality, consumers are more likely to buy from you
  • 64. ▶ 4. Market items that are not in demand. You can sell the products that are not popular among customers quickly and give room to new items. You can sell off seasonal or specialty products and recuperate some of your initial costs. ▶ 5. Boost revenue. Deals of the day bring an average of a 35% growth in transaction rates. The short-time sales make shoppers buy fast and place larger orders than normal. This boosts sales quickly in no time. As a result, your revenue grows. So, if you aim to boost revenue quickly, deals of the day have come to the rescue. Deal of the Day/ Flash SALES!
  • 65. When should you run a flash sale/ Deal of the Day? ▶ The shorter a flash sale, the better the results will be for your brand. It is a known fact that a sense of urgency and a big discount make buyers decide quickly. ▶ 50%of purchases take place during the first hour; in the ▶ to receive higher revenue, brands send email campaigns evening; ▶ two-hour salesdemonstrate higher click-to-open rates.
  • 66. How to run a successful flash sale ▶ 1. Define your goal ▶ Determine the goal of your flash sale as it helps measure your success. Decide what you want to achieve: decreasing the number of poor-selling products, driving traffic to your site by providing a good discount on the best selling product, or stabilizing your inventory. After determining your goal, you will know for sure which products to choose for your deal of the day. ▶ 2. Select the right products or services ▶ Ensure that the products you select align with your target audience. This step is very important to get long-term buyers. It is a good idea to provide a discount on the products customers are interested in. As a result, the right people will click on your brand’s website. For your sale, you can choose non- seasonal items, poor-selling items, or simply try to liquidate your excess inventory. If you aim at boosting sales, you can sell products that are in demand among your buyers
  • 67. ▶ 3. Promote your sale ▶Maximize your efforts to promote your short-time sale and make an announcement the day before it starts. You can engage a bigger audience by promoting your flash sales on various channels like social media, email newsletters, and web push notifications. ▶ 4. Limit the time of the deal ▶ An ideal deal of the day shouldn’t exceed 24 hours. Statistics show that three-hour sales have the highest transaction rates at 14%.We’ve already mentioned that a flash sale works because of its urgency and a rush that appears among buyers. This“rush” provokes people to make impulse purchases. How to run a successful flash sale
  • 68. ▶ 5. Check your stock ▶ Ensure that you have enough of the products in stock that you plan to offer. Calculate approximately how many products you will need. This is necessary to make sure that you won’t sell out the discounted products too fast leaving customers with negative impressions about your company. ▶ 6. Get ready for delivery ▶ In today’s world, it is critical to deliver products as soon as possible. People expect to receive their orders the next or even the same day. That’s why you need to be ready for mass shipping to provide an excellent customer experience with your brand from start to finish. How to run a successful flash sale
  • 69. DIFFERENT DEVICES – MOBILE vs DESKTOP ▶ Users behave in a different way: ▶ 80%of activity happens on the mobile, whereas 20%or less is done on the desktop ▶ Pre-purchase isusually done on the mobile, whereas most of the purchases are done on the desktop/ tablet ▶ An app’s rating has a strong influence on a user’s decision to download. Most websites don’t face this kind of upfront scrutiny the way apps do. On the other hand, a great rating can go a long way in driving app installs. ▶ An Omni-channel presence becomes important
  • 70. Different Customer Funnel ▶ Due to the different format and user behavior of websites versus apps, their marketing funnels are also quite different. ▶ As mentioned earlier, an app user must convert (install the app) before they start engaging with it. The acquisition of the app occurs at the early stage of the funnel, whereas for a website, the conversion (whether it be a purchase, demo request, or any other action) is often the last stage.
  • 71. Web marketing funnel App marketing funnel Both funnels begin with awareness, however, the app funnel moves right into acquisition and retention, while the web funnel takes it more slowly, nurturing the visitor towards the conversion. Inother words, the app marketing funnel moves faster and requires a more action-oriented, aggressive approach.
  • 72. The KPIs are different ▶ The funnels, marketing strategies, and user behavior is different ▶ When analyzing your website performance, you need to consider metrics like page views, bounce rate, average time on page, conversion rate, and page load times. There are many more, and the KPIs you set will depend on what you want to achieve with your site. ▶ App marketing KPIsinclude install rate, retention rate, churn rate, which measures how many users stop using your app within a certain time frame, DAU and MAU (daily and monthly active users), and others. ▶ Conversion rate is a broad KPI that can be applied to an app as well as a website. Even so, your web and app analytics operate in different spheres and will need to be tackled separately. ▶ Due to the inherent differences in the way they operate, websites and apps require different tracking tools. ▶ For website tracking, tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, and SEMrush are popular. ▶ For App Analytics, you’ll need to choose from an entirely different list,which includes the likes of Google Analytics for Mobile, Appsee, Appsflyer, and Apple Analytics (for iOS only, of course). ▶ To properly measure the performance of your website and app, you must set separate KPIs for each. Ifyou plan on using a tracking tool, you will need to choose separate products specifically designed for website analysis or app tracking.
  • 73. Ina Nutshell ▶ Website/ Mobile Website : ▶ Strengths : Easily Accessible and Inexpensive ▶ Weaknesses: Conversion and UserExperience ▶ Strategy: Use Mobile Sites to Attract New Customers Everybody can access your mobile website, making it perfect for attracting new customersand being found on the web. ▶ Mobile App: ▶ Strengths: Repeat Purchases, Conversion, and User Experience ▶ Weaknesses: Downloads and Choosing the Right Platform ▶ Strategy: Use Apps to Turn First-Customers into Lifelong Customers
  • 74. Myntra’s –App Only Strategy ▶ Background:
  • 75. Big coverage and PR around the App-Only Strategy ▶ commerce-brands-trying-to-cut-losses-by-becoming-app-only- platforms-what-are-the-pros-cons/articleshow/47483745.cms ▶ Key Pointer: ▶ You can’t dictate User Behavior
  • 76. Why Myntra came back to Web ▶ There are still people who shop only on a PC: ▶ Many studies, including the ones done by Myntra before shutting down its web presence in May 2015, showed that people spend more on mobile when compared to shopping online. The only explanation for the shift is that the fashion portal sees significant number of shoppers during office hours — evident in workers getting delivery of goods in most office complexes across large metros. The expected sales growth then can be attributed to these marginalized users who will now come back to shop on Myntra on their office PCs. ▶ The smartphone isn’t yet the ideal shopping device ▶ Smartphones may beat desktops on a lot of fronts, but providing the best shopping experience isn’t one of them. While smartphones make payments easier, apps are more customized to a user's preferences and notifications help them discover better deals, the lack of screen real estate and patchy and slow mobile internet connectivity in India are two huge hindrances. ▶ Myntra, too, said that people like viewing products such as home furnishings and fine jewelry on larger screens, not to mention fashion products require more scrutiny before purchase than something like groceries.
  • 77. ▶ The web experience is catching up with native apps ▶ It helps that Google’s browser is the most widely used browser in the world (and in India). So, any improvements to Chrome can be counted as overall wins to web browsing. ▶ Registered users vs Transacting users ▶ Flipkart claims it has 75 million registered users on its platform. However, ask any web expert and they’ll tell you the number of transacting users has barely crossed the 30 million user mark. Now these 30 million odd transacting users in all probability belong to the creamy layer in terms of income, that sit right at the top. ▶ By the power of deduction, it's not hard to assume that while these users do indeed have smartphones, they also have access to desktops. Now choice becomes a huge part of a service’s offering to customers and taking it away isn’t an option. Ask Facebook, out of the 1.65 billion people that access its service, over a billion of them do so on mobile, however, the company continues to build out both web and app services, and doesn’t ignore the former. Why Myntra came back to Web
  • 78. ▶ Flipkart can’t afford to alienate even a small number of users ▶ Myntra’s owner Flipkart is engaged in a heated battle with rival Amazon and regardless of who’s in front and who may be closing in, it’s probably right to assume that every customer Flipkart and Myntra turns down is a customer of the other two. By alienating users that wanted to shop on desktops, Flipkart wasn’t just losing users but was fueling the growth of its rivals. All along, we assumed that number would be quite small, but Myntra’s claim that bringing back its desktop website can yield an additional 15-20% in sales this year turns that assumption on its head. Why Myntra came back to Web
  • 79. The Buy Side! ▶ What isSupplier Management? “Supplier Management refers to all the business processes and activities that deal withthe entire lifecycle of a supplier for an organization” ▶ Thisincludes, but is not limited to, identification, selection, and management of relevant suppliers coupled with a practical evaluation of their performance to ensure they are providing maximum value for the organization’s third-party requirements.
  • 80. Why do We need Supplier Management? ▶ When it comes to establishing why businesses necessitate supplier management, there are two main pillars we need to recognize: • To evaluate if the suppliers are performing as per the organizational requirements • To identify areas of improvement while engaging with suppliers throughout their lifecycle ▶ These two factors primarily highlight why we need supplier management – to ensure we are deriving the maximum value from the suppliers for the relevant requirement(s), given the resources invested in the suppliers. ▶ To get the most out of a supplier’s service, it is important to track and measure their performance. With regular communication and feedback, an organization develops a transparent relationship with the supplier, which helps in finding areas of improvements with quick solutions.
  • 81. Factors Driving Supplier Management • Increasing operational scale that results in increasing need for local as well as global suppliers • The increasing complexity of supply chains which also result in a rising depth of the organization’s supplier base • Growing risks in a supply chain which can make the organizations more vulnerable to performance failure if their involved suppliers are not managed and evaluated effectively • Managing supplier data that allows organizations to streamline crucial supplier data to provide meaningful insights for improving supplier management • Establishing long-term supplier relationships that will enable suppliers and organizations to meaningfully collaborate and create synergies for maximized performance for the long-run • Leveraging supplier relationships in times of organizations or external distress to ensure business performance doesn’t fluctuate • An increasing competition which implies organizations have to identify and improve aspects of their business processes that can provide them a competitive advantage • Matching industrial standards of supplier performance so that organizations can achieve best-in-class performance
  • 82. Benefits of Supplier Management ▶ Managing a Growing Supplier Base Effectively ▶ Achieving Cost Savingsand Quality Control ▶ I mproving the Organization’s Supply Transparency ▶ T racking Compliance to Relevant Parameters ▶ Evaluating Supplier Performance ▶ Building Development Programs to Support Suppliers ▶ Leveraging Supplier Relationship Management ▶ Assessing and Mitigating Supplier Risk ▶ Building a Supplier Management Process
  • 83. The 5-step Supplier Management Process Identifying the set of business goals and objectives Identifying relevant selection criteria for choosing suppliers Evaluating and selecting suppliers Negotiating and Contracting with the selected supplier(s) Evaluating supplier performance
  • 84. ▶ SLA Management ▶ Product Reviews& Ratings ▶ Vendor Rating ▶ Returns& Customer Escalations Evaluation of your Supplier
  • 85. SLA Management? ▶ What isSLA : ▶Service Led Agreement :It’s an ongoing process of ensuring all provided services& processes are in alignment with the agreed upon service level targets stipulated by the contract
  • 86. What do you include in an SLA Metrics Responsibilities Expectations Timing & Frequency
  • 87. Product Reviews & Ratings ▶ Why Product Reviews are Important in eCommerce? ▶ Product reviews are arguably the most useful way to eliminate shoppers’ concerns regarding a product. A majority of the people are influenced by product reviews in theirpurchase. ▶ No matter whether you are a popular brand or just started out, product reviews do play a crucial role in your eCommerce business as far as credibility is concerned. Credibility is one of the key elements that decide the success of your brand in the long run. ▶ Merchants often overlook the importance of product reviews. The major focus remains on designing the site look and optimizing the checkout page but nothing really matters if you are not getting good reviews on your products. ▶ The importance of product reviews can be understood by the fact that 90% of the consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and 72% of the consumers will be prompted to take an action after reading positive reviews.
  • 88. What isProduct Review? ▶ Product reviews are the opinions or feedbacks of customers for a particular product. Many online businesses put up a review section on their website to allow customers to rate and review the product they purchased. ▶ A product review helps other users get a clear idea of the product before purchasing it. They can read the reviews and make their mind clear, and decide whether the product is worth purchasing or not. ▶ If you have not added a product review section on your eCommerce website, only because of fearing negative reviews, you are losing out on a huge number of potential customers.
  • 89. Importance of Product Reviews ▶ Product Reviews build Trust ▶ When a user lands on your website with the intention of making a purchase, the first thing that they look for is reviews. ▶ Amazon displays average ratings for products based on customers’ feedbacks, right on the top of the product page, and at the bottom are the customer’s reviews. Whenever a prospect visits the product page, they are straight away displayed the product ratings along with the number of people who rated that product. ▶ Product Reviews provide better insights into the product ▶ Hearing from people’s past purchase experience helps the prospects identify whether the product has earlier matched customer’s expectations or not. ▶When a customer leaves a review for the product, he is helping others understand what they can expect from the product, how is it performing, what are its flaws, what are its pros and much more.
  • 90. ▶ Product Reviews let you rectify the issues with the product ▶ If a majority of customers are pointing out the same problem in the product, it is for you to take the onus of rectifying the defect so that the issue gets resolved. Yes, there are possibilities of a damaged or defective item reaching the customer, but it happens with a few customers only. ▶ If the problem is major, you need to look into it and get it fixed as soon as possible. Put simply, customer reviews help you find the loopholes in the product and provide you with an opportunity to improvise on those areas. ▶ Product Reviews work as Social proof ▶ One of the major benefits of product reviews is they can do wonders to your Brand. You would have often seen brands highlighting what their customers have to say about their products or services. These are what we call as testimonials, and they make a significant impact on a prospect’s purchase. ▶ Display testimonials through your social media pages and on the home page of your website. It is one of the best ways to promote your brand that can attract a large number of potential customers to your website and also leave an excellent impression when a visitor lands on your website. Importance of Product Reviews
  • 91. ▶ Product Reviews boost Conversions ▶ If you delivering up to your customer’s expectations, product reviews are going to play a huge role in your conversions. People would openly do the marketing for you by leaving positive reviews. And even a single positive review can lead to an increase in the conversion rate. ▶ Product Reviews reduce possibilities of Returns ▶ If you do not display product reviews, how are online shoppers going to decide the product quality? They would not be confident enough to make a purchase. Moreover, they will have doubtsregarding product quality. Importance of Product Reviews
  • 92. How to get more reviews? ▶ Start by asking your customers directly ▶ The best way to get customers to review items they own or have purchased is to just ask them. Be direct — it’s not as if your customers don’t want to leave reviews, but they often don’t remember! ▶ Make the review process a breeze ▶ Don’t send customers to a review form riddled with unnecessary fields. You need a name, an email address (for contact or verifications purposes only), a rating, and the review. ▶ Offer an incentive ▶ Incentives are a great way to get people excited about sharing information. This can range from tacking rewards for reviews onto an existing rewards program, or creating new incentives for reviewers. ▶ Ask for photos (or to reuse existing photos) ▶ People also love snapping pics of… well, everything! Product reviews accompanied by pictures and video tell a better story than those that are text-only. ▶ Respond to reviews that need your attention ▶ Apologize for your mistakes, clarify product information, and thank customers for taking the time to leave feedback. You don’t need to respond to every review, but definitely take the time to show that you care
  • 93. Vendor Rating ▶ There are 2 typesof VendorRatings: ▶ Internal VendorRating :Vendorsor suppliersare given standing, status, or title according to their attainment of some level of performance, such as delivery, lead time, quality, price, or some combination of variables. ▶ External VendorRating :The Rating of a Vendoras an outcome of cumulative rating of their products which the customers have given. Some e-commerce websitesalso accept direct vendor ratings. Thisisto ensure that attributes impacting the product experience are segregated and the necessary departments be scrutinized.
  • 94. Internal Vendor Rating ▶ Criteria for Vendor Rating: ▶ Quality :The quality of the products or goods vendor supplies is the main factor. The vendor can maintain good quality by improving production, having quality planning in the supply chain. Quality factor consistsfollowing things: ▶ The vendor’s products or services must meet the specifications mentioned in the request for proposal and purchase order. ▶ The product failure rate should be within the appropriate limit. ▶ T he vendor should do proper repairorrework. ▶ He should provide an adequate time duration for replacement. ▶ Price: An ecommerce company always wants to get the material at less expense to increase its profit. Hence the vendor needs to set a competitive price for his products. It includes the following things: ▶ Stable Price ▶ Accurate Price ▶ Prior Notice to Price Change
  • 95. Internal Vendor Rating ▶ Criteria for Vendor Rating: ▶ Service: Itisone of the crucial criteria for the supplier. He must provide good service by providing an updated catalogue, pricing information, technical information along with the following things • He must have the ability to handle complaintseffectively. • The vendor should provide technical support for installation, maintenance, and repair. • Emergency support: He should support in the emergency condition of product failure or repair. • Resolve the problems: Supplier should find the solution for the problem on time ▶ Delivery: Supplier has to develop the ability to deliver the goods on a scheduled date. Thisfactor consists following things. • Lead time: Lead time isthe time between the actual delivery day and order placement day. The shortest lead time helps to get a good impression on the supplier. The vendor should deliver products on or before the promised date. • Quantity: He must deliver the correct amount of products as mentioned in the contract. • Packing and documentation: Packing of the products must be suitable, study, and undamaged. The vendor should provide proper documents along with the delivered products. • Emergency delivery: The vendor must have the ability to deliver products in case of some emergency requirements.
  • 96. External Vendor Rating Following are the external rating criteria for a vendor ▶ Quality Rating :Quality is constituted by Quality Acceptance –both the hard aspects & the soft aspects of Quality. Thisalso becomes more critical if the product passes through Quality Certifications ▶ Price Rating : Customers usually compare the price of the product with products available at different websites/ vendors on the same website. Price Rating also is in accordance with Quality to Price benchmark. ▶ Delivery Rating :Customers rate the delivery performance of the vendor by comparing the actual delivery date with the predetermined delivery date ▶ Service Rating :Rating the service based on the support provided by the vendor during post and pre-purchase orders and also consider the warranty period.
  • 97. Benefits of Vendor Rating • Vendor rating helps the buyer understand the vendor in every critical aspect, and it helps to know if the vendor is suitable to deal with or not. It does not deal with prejudices and word-of-mouth. It is more dependent on data. • Ithelps the buyers to strike the right kind of communication required. • It ensures a consistent standard of vendor performance with updated reviews of theirperformance. • It helps the buyer identify areas of weakness in the performance of the vendorand allows the buyer to take corrective actions.
  • 98. Disadvantages of Vendor Rating ▶ When you evaluate and rate your vendor, he might feel that you do not trust him ▶ Itmay impact your relationship with your vendor/supplier. But practical supplier evaluation helps the supplier to perform well.
  • 99. Returns ▶ Return rate is an ecommerce metric that refers to the frequency that customers return their online orders. Ecommerce return rate is an important metric asit highly impactscustomer satisfaction and revenue. ▶ Net Sales =Gross Sales –Returns ▶ Return Rate Percentage :(Total number of returns/ Total Sale) x 100 ▶ Why should businesses calculate return rate? ▶ There are many reasons for businesses to calculate ecommerce return rate, such as: ▶ Measure customer satisfaction ▶ Identify the reasons that drive returns ▶ Determine order accuracy ▶ Make corrective measures ▶ Minimise ecommerce returns
  • 100. What are the reasons for the high ecommerce return rate? ▶ There are many reasons why customers make online returns, such as: • Damaged product: When the delivered product is damaged, before or during the shipping process • Inaccurate description:When the delivered product doesn’t match the displayed description, either in style or colour • Incorrect product: When the delivered product is not what the customer ordered • Incorrect size: When the delivered product doesn't fit the customer • Malfunctioning product: When the delivered product doesn’t work properly • Delayed delivery: When the product arrives too late that the customer doesn't need it anymore • Change of mind: When the customers simply change their minds about the delivered productsor don't like the product • Returns fraud: When customers purchase a product with an intention to return it
  • 101. Benefits of lowering the return rate 1.No lost salesor unhappy customers ▶ When your return rates are low, your customers are happy with their orders. They don’t feel the need to initiate a return. Inextreme cases, when your customers receive a damaged or incorrect order, they can turn to your competitors and never come back to you. Thus, if you decrease your return rate, you can enhance customer experience and retain your revenue. 2.No additional costs associated with returns ▶ Ecommerce returns not only means that you must let go of the revenue gained from that sale but you have to bear additional costs. These costs include cost of return shipping, the cost of conducting quality checks, the refurbishment cost, repackaging and restocking of the product cost. Ifyou reduce your return rate, you don’t have to incur these additional costs—leaving more untouched revenue for you. 3.Better brand image and customer loyalty ▶ Today’s online shopping experience encourages consumers to share their purchases and opinions on social media. Ifyour customers are not satisfied with your product or fulfilment service, they not only make a return—they also post about their negative experience. Such incidents can quickly apply negative connotations to your brand. Moreover, a poor shopping experience can discourage a buyer from becoming a repeat customer. With a low return rate, you can ensure a positive customer experience, build a creditable brand identity and improve customer lifetime value (CLTV).
  • 102. I. Implement a liberal return policy: ▶ More than half of your customers, read your returns policy before placing an order and 72% of customers say a hassle-free return experience makes them more likely to shop from an ecommerce brand again. Customers expect at least 30 days to return an online order but only 5% of customers return their orders after 30 days. ▶ Here's what you need to do: • Clearly and concisely highlight your returns policy, i.e. display it on your home page, footer or link it on your product page • Determine a timeframe for making returns, preferably increase the return time window • Build customer trust by ensuring easy returns and multiple refund options like store credits, the original mode of payment and more • Clearly display which products can be returned (e.g., all apparel except undergarments), in which condition (e.g., tags intact), with which required documents (e.g., invoice), and if there are any exceptions Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 103.
  • 104. Strategies to Reduce Return Rate II.Focus on improving the product display ▶ The best way to provide clarity to customers about their purchase is to have multiple high- resolution photos of the product. These photos allow customers to zoom in and examine the various details of a product which sets the right expectations and reduce the chance of making a misinformed purchase decision. ▶ Here's what you need to do: • Take and display high-quality images of your products • Curate images from all the angles of the product
  • 105. Strategies to Reduce Return Rate III.Write detailed product descriptions ▶ Almost all of customers state product content such as descriptions—as extremely orvery important when deciding to make a purchase. If a customer doesn't understand your product completely, you can set them up forpotential disappointment.Thus, product descriptions help customers decide whether your product isright forthem. ▶ Here's what you can do: ▶ Draft a detailed description including how the customers willfeel orwhat they will experience when they willuse your product ▶ Highlight the significant features and benefitsof your product in bullet points ▶ Include specifics like dimensions of the product, materialsused, and more
  • 106. IV. Create dynamic sizing charts: ▶ Sometimes customers may under or overestimate their size and purchase the wrong size of a product. To prevent such returns, create detailed sizing guides. You can also offer tips on how to take measurements so that customers can make an accurate decision. ▶ Here's what you need to do: • Provide a helpful size chart keeping all the aspects of your product in mind Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 107. V. Start including product videos ▶ If your customers are sending back products because they don’t meet the expectations that were set in the product images and description, you can consider including product videos. ▶ Here's what you can do: • Include a short video giving a 360- degree view of the product • Allow your customers to view products or product colors in natural light or with a background that denotes where the product would be used Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 108. VI. Offerlive support ▶ Even after providing images, descriptions, and videos, your customers may have some confusion about the product. You can enable your customers to ask you questions about products in real time. T his will not only help boost conversion rates but also prevent customers from ordering items that don’t meet their requirements. For instance, accessories and jewellery brandscan offer live support to resolve any quality concerns of the customers. ▶ Here'swhat you can do: • Provide real-time customer service • Allow email enquiries about the product • Offer live chat support via chatbots Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 109. VII. Enhance the value of customer reviews ▶ Reviews that give a detailed account of the product’s quality and usage contribute to higher sales and lower returns. By encouraging customer reviews and feedback,you can learn about quality issues and what information you should provide in product description. ▶ Here's what you need to do: • Include a review section on your product page • Add check boxes foroptionsto ensure reviews aren't time-consuming • Offer incentives to customers to write a review such as discountsorredeemable points Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 110. VIII. Provide delivery estimatesand order tracking ▶ Sometimes customers order a product fora special occasion or a specific event. Ifthe order arrives after the event, the customers might not need it anymore and return it. T o prevent such returns, you can provide the estimated date of delivery to your customers. Moreover, you must consider giving real- time order tracking and order updates to your customers to instil trust that their orders will arrive on time. In case of a delay, notify your customers instantly to ensure prompt communication. ▶ Here's what you can do: • Showcase estimated date of delivery based on the pin code of the customer • Provide real-time order tracking and proactive order updates via text and email Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 111. IX. Ensure order accuracy: • • • • • • ▶ One fourth of the customers claim that the ecommerce brand sent them an incorrect order as the reason for their return. Thus, improving your order accuracy is a good place to start for reducing your returns. ▶ Here'swhat you can do: Use warehouse optimization by performing ABC analysis—grouping products based on historical purchase data and patterns, i.e. group A- most frequently purchased products, group B- less frequently purchased products, and group C- rarely purchased products Optimize the picking and packing process to improve picking accuracy by eliminating any possible confusion for the picker Incorporate smart automation in the order fulfilment process, such as barcode scanners, conveyorbelts, robots, and more Build incentive programs to reward pickers with maximum accuracy Perform a quality check at the time of order processing to ensure that the items shipped to the customers are correct and in the right condition Place the correct shipping labels so that the shipping provider can deliver the package accurately to your customers Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 112. X. Prioritize yourpackaging ▶ There are times when orders are damaged during shipping due to the use of inappropriate packaging material. To reduce the risk of delivering a damaged product to your customer, it's best to avoid common packaging mistakes and use high-quality packaging materials that can protect your orders in transit. ▶ Here's what you need to do: • Use secure dunnage, i.e., bubble wrap, packaging peanuts, and more to pack fragile products such as glassware • Use top-quality packaging materials Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 113. XI. Send a post-purchase email ▶ The post-purchase experience defines if a customer will repurchase from you or not. Apart from asking for product feedback, you can engage with your customers by sharing product tips and "how-to" guides. This kind of communication can help you resolve any issues or pain points the customers face while using your product rather than returning it. ▶ Here's what you can do: • Send emails asking for feedback if your customers are loving your product or not • Give product information such as easy-to-understand tips and guides can drive customer satisfaction Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 114. XII. Promote exchanges during returns ▶ Half of the customers replace the item they returned, and only 16% of customers will switch to a different brand to find the same product. To keep customers coming back to you even after returns, you can make the exchange process easier and recapture your revenue. ▶ Here's what you can do: • Encourage customers to buy another product when they're returning an order by giving color, size, and style recommendations • Give your customers the option to get their refund in their store wallet so that they can purchase something else in the future • Offer immediate refunds for wallets unlike source account that take 5-7 business days Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 115. XIII. Find out why customers are returning your products ▶ To reduce ecommerce returns, it's essential to know the root cause of returnsfrom the customers. There are changes that the post-purchase email isnot answered by a customer for any reason. By implementing a mandatory survey and feedback on the return form, you can gain insight into the exact reasonsthat drive returnsfor particular products. ▶ Here's what you can do: • On return forms, ask for specific reasons for return and an additional feedback • Provide tick boxes that will help flag issues such as if it looks different in the images or it seems larger or smallerthan expected Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 116. XIV. Combat returns fraud ▶ 30%of customers deliberately make online orders because they know they can easily return them for a full refund. Such return frauds can result in a loss of inventory and profits. You can invest in a fraud-protection software that helps you detect fraudulent behavior. ▶ Here's what you can do: • Implement a quality check at the customer's doorstep • Send OTP (one-time password) to the customer to ensure delivery of high- value orders • Identify fraudulent customers and blacklist them • When you’re selling on marketplaces and the returned products don't pass the quality check, raise a claim Strategies to Reduce Return Rate
  • 117. Product Pricing & Merchandizing ▶ Product Pricing is driven by the margins that you wish to make on the product once all the costsare considered ▶ It’s fair to first note how a particular product P&L Statement looks like to be able to come to a definite strategy on product pricing & MOP management.
  • 118. Mixed Strategieson Shipping ▶ Standard Shipping +Expedited Shipping :gives you the opportunity to upsell on shipping by showing the estimated time in transit for customers that need fast delivery. ▶ Free Standard +Expedited Shipping :ree shipping brings customers in and drives them to check out. Show expedited shipping to entice them to pay fora fasterdelivery. ▶ Standard shipping +in-store pickup +same-day delivery: Local customers love in-store pickup and same day delivery. For non- locals, you can still give them a great standard rate.
  • 119. Calculating Ecommerce Shipping Costs ▶ Packaging Size +weight : ▶ If your products are relatively uniform across your store, going with a per- item, zone-based approach, where the shipping price varies by customer location and not product size or weight, might work well. ▶ If you sell particularly large products, or those that don’t lend themselves to the typical rectangular box (like the ones we see so frequently from Amazon). Getting rates directly from a carrier like Gati, Delhivery, Xpressbees, or others is a great way to ensure you’re offering the best rates to customers. ▶ The important thing to focus on here is making sure your products have accurate weights and dimensions so that the rate you get back from a carrier is as accurate as possible. To do this, break your products into groups and focus on getting weights and dimensions for the heaviest or largest 20%and the smallest or lightest 20%.
  • 120. Discounts Vs Cashbacks ▶ Itiseasier for any business to take the traditional route and go for discount promotions. Over the years—especially in these times, it has been proven that discount offers aren’t the best way to promote a brand orproduct as the only marketing tactic to use. ▶ Discounts bring in more sales in the short term. So, in order to increase sales in the long-term, you need to develop another strategy. ▶ When you offer a traditional discount, you devalue your product and brand. It’s important to consider that discounts are not the only valid strategy.
  • 121. Why Cashback? ▶ Cashback ss the option where a percentage of the product’s price is returned. You can offer cashback incentive to drive more online business without devaluing or hurting your brand. ▶ Ifyou run the right promotions or use your promotions strategically, they will increase your long-term profitability. Increasing cashback promotions and reducing discount promotions ispart of the equation. ▶ Ifyour company offers discounts on a continuous basis it will affect your sales margins. As a result, it won’t be optimal anymore to provide them. The more money customers spend buying from you, the greater their reward. So, you’re just rewarding them for supporting your brand.
  • 122. Types of Cashbacks? ▶ Instant Cashback :Major tech-enabled ecommerce platforms deal in Instant cashbacks to their users using a particular bank card etc. For this they need a BIN Series basiswhich it can be updated instantly. ▶ Delayed Cashback :Inmost companies, there isno instant mechanism, hence customer will have to wait for them to get their cashback in a 60 or a 90-day window. ▶ Wallet Cashback :Itcomes back as points in the local wallet of that store which you can redeem on yournext purchase.It createsa loyal base of customers who are pressed to come back to use their cashback points.
  • 123. Common Forms of Cashbacks ▶ Flat Rate Cashback :e.g. Rs.5000 cashback on a minimum purchase of Rs.30,000. ▶ Tiered Cashback :10%up to Rs.2500 for purchases done below 40k, 10%up to 5k for purchases done above Rs. 40,000. ▶ Different Rate of cashback :5%cashback for purchasesup to Rs.10,000, 10%cashback for purchases>Rs.10,000.
  • 124. Business Case of a Category ▶ A Business Case is an Executive Level Presentation on what will the Business health look like if we achieve our targets ▶ Itsets the right platform for expectations and a benchmark for performance ▶ A typical Business Case will include : ▶ Units/ Orders ▶ Gross Revenue ▶ Gross Margin ▶ Gross AUR ▶ Expenses ▶ Net Revenue ▶ Net Margin ▶ Net AUR
  • 125. Final Presentation ▶ Current Company IndustryData, Company Background & Key Financials ▶ Category TAM & Scope of Growth. SWOT Analysis ▶ Who isthe customer ▶ Competitor Analysis ▶ Category Tree ▶ 4Ps ▶ Merchant Shortlisting, Short Term +Long term Plan, Key Pointers in SLA Including Return & Commissions ▶ Product Pricing & BusinessCase
  • 126. Groups ▶ Team A –Heads UP forTales - Apparels ▶ Team B - Boat Lifestyle - Shoes ▶ Team C - Sugar–Specs ▶ Team D –Lenskart –Medicines ▶ Team E –Snapdeal –Food Delivery ▶ Team F –Swiggy –Industrial Material ▶ Team G –Cardekho –House Rentals ▶ Team H –Google Pay –Insurance