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Module System of Standard ML
Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias
Tuesday 21st April, 2015
Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st
April, 2015 1 / 39
1 Modularity
2 Introduction to Standard ML
3 Modules in Standard ML
Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st
April, 2015 2 / 39
1 Modularity
2 Introduction to Standard ML
3 Modules in Standard ML
Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st
April, 2015 3 / 39
Why Modularity?
Writing large programs is difficult!
Lots of interdependencies
Changing code breaks other code
Concurrent development difficult
Maintenance is a nightmare.
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April, 2015 4 / 39
Why Modularity?
Writing large programs is difficult!
Lots of interdependencies
Changing code breaks other code
Concurrent development difficult
Maintenance is a nightmare.
The solution: Modularity
Implement program as independent modules
Hide information between modules to obscure implementation
details (abstraction)
Sharing: Interaction of program modules
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April, 2015 4 / 39
How do programmers use modularity in C?
Write .h file (Header) and .c file (Source)
Header specifies variables and functions
Source is the full implementation
Compile library from both files and provide Header file as
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April, 2015 5 / 39
1 Modularity
2 Introduction to Standard ML
3 Modules in Standard ML
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April, 2015 6 / 39
History of Standard ML
ML (stands for metalanguage)
Developed in Edinburgh in late ’70s
Designed by Michael J.C. Gordon, Robin Milner, and Christopher
P. Wadsworth
Standard ML (originated from ML)
Has a formal specification, given as typing rules and operational
The Definition of Standard ML (Revised) in 1997
Other siblings of the family: CAML, Caml Light, OCaml
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April, 2015 7 / 39
Features of Standard ML
Higher-order functions
Strongly Typed
Algebraic datatypes and pattern matching
Statically scoped
Type-safe exceptions
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April, 2015 8 / 39
Language Basics
Primitive Data Types: unit,bool,int,real,string
Function Expressions
val inc = fn x => x + 1
fun inc x = x + 1
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April, 2015 9 / 39
Tuples, Records, Lists
> val x = ("Prius", 1.0 / 2.0, false)
: string * real * bool
> val dob = {day=21,month="July",year="1815"}
: {day:int, month:string, year:string}
> val price = [1.0,2.0,3.0];
> val price = 1.0 :: 2.0 :: 3.0 :: nil
val price = [1.0,2.0,3.0] : real list
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April, 2015 10 / 39
Higher-order Functions
Functions can consume functions as arguments
fun applyTwice f x = f(f(x));
Functions can return functions
val add = fn x => fn y => x + y
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April, 2015 11 / 39
Static Scoping
What is the output of this program?
val x = 2
fun f y = x+y
val x = 3
val z = f 4
Refers to the nearest lexically enclosing declaration!
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April, 2015 12 / 39
Type Inference
Examples of type inference
fun ident (x) = x;
val ident = fn : ’a -> ’a
fun plus (x,y) = x+y;
val plus = fn : int * int -> int
fun new_if(A,B,C) = if A then B else C;
val new_if = fn : bool * ’a * ’a -> ’a
fun first (x,y) = x;
val first = fn : ’a * ’b -> ’a
’a standing for any type at all.
Function body makes no commitment to type of x at all.
Type inference produces the most general type, which may be
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April, 2015 13 / 39
Pattern Matching
Wildcard Patterns
val (x,y,_) = (4,"May",1987);
val x = 4 : int
val y = "May" : string
Nested Patterns
val (a,b)::c::_ = [(3,true),(5,false),(9,false)];
val a = 3 : int
val b = true : bool
val c = (5,false) : int * bool
Function definition by cases
fun is_nil( nil ) = true
| is_nil(_::_) = false;
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April, 2015 14 / 39
Recursive Types
datatype ’a tree = empty
| leaf of ’a
| node of ’a tree * ’a tree;
datatype ’a list = nil | :: of ’a * ’a list;
fun append(nil,l) = l
| append(hd::tl,l) = hd :: append(tl,l);
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April, 2015 15 / 39
Recursive Typing
To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.)
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April, 2015 16 / 39
Recursive Typing
To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.)
Without Recursive typing:-
t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t
v ::“ nilT | consT v v
T ::“ List T
Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1
Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1
Γ $ t1 : List T1
Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1
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April, 2015 16 / 39
Recursive Typing
To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.)
Without Recursive typing:-
t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t
v ::“ nilT | consT v v
T ::“ List T
Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1
Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1
Γ $ t1 : List T1
Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1
Recursive typing:-
T ::“ X | rec X.T
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April, 2015 16 / 39
Recursive Typing
To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.)
Without Recursive typing:-
t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t
v ::“ nilT | consT v v
T ::“ List T
Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1
Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1
Γ $ t1 : List T1
Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1
Recursive typing:-
T ::“ X | rec X.T
IntList “ rec X. xnil : Unit, cons : tInt, Xuy
Nat “ rec X. xZero : Unit, succ : Xy
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April, 2015 16 / 39
Recursive Typing...
t ::“ foldT t | unfoldT t
v ::“ foldT v
unfoldS pfoldT vq ÝÑ v(E-unfldfld)
U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : rU{XsT1
Γ $ foldU t1 : U
U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : U
Γ $ unfoldU t1 : rU{XsT1
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April, 2015 17 / 39
Recursive Typing...
t ::“ foldT t | unfoldT t
v ::“ foldT v
unfoldS pfoldT vq ÝÑ v(E-unfldfld)
U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : rU{XsT1
Γ $ foldU t1 : U
U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : U
Γ $ unfoldU t1 : rU{XsT1
nil “ foldrIntLists xnil “ unity
cons = λn : Int.λl : IntList.foldrIntLists xcons “ tn, luy
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April, 2015 17 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
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April, 2015 18 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12
pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12
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April, 2015 18 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12
pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12
Γ, X $ t2 : T2
Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2
Γ $ t1 : @X.T12
Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12
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April, 2015 18 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12
pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12
Γ, X $ t2 : T2
Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2
Γ $ t1 : @X.T12
Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12
@X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy
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April, 2015 18 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12
pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12
Γ, X $ t2 : T2
Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2
Γ $ t1 : @X.T12
Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12
@X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy
Polymorphism in ML:-
Self-Application: Type of λx.x x?
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April, 2015 18 / 39
Parametric Polymorphism
t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs
v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t
T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T
Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X
pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12
pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12
Γ, X $ t2 : T2
Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2
Γ $ t1 : @X.T12
Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12
@X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy
Polymorphism in ML:-
Self-Application: Type of λx.x x?
λx : @X.X Ñ X. x r@X.X Ñ Xs x : p@X.X Ñ Xq Ñ p@X.X Ñ Xq
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Example: Stack
exception EmptyStack;
val empty = [];
fun push x r = x::r;
fun pop r = case r of
x::s => (x,s)
| [] => raise EmptyStack;
Type of push:
’a -> ’a list -> ’a list
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April, 2015 19 / 39
Example: Stack
Type of push:
’a -> ’a list -> ’a list
This exposes the implementation datastructure (list)!
We want the view of the type to be abstract:
’a -> ’a stack -> ’a stack
ñ Need Standard ML’s abstract types in modules.
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April, 2015 20 / 39
1 Modularity
2 Introduction to Standard ML
3 Modules in Standard ML
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April, 2015 21 / 39
Signatures encode structural information
Specify a module’s value and function types
Provided explicitly by the programmer or discovered by type
signature EQ =
type elem
val eq: elem * elem -> bool
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April, 2015 22 / 39
structure is Standard ML’s Module
structure IntEq : EQ =
type elem = int
val eq = (op =)
Here, the signature is specified explicitly.
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April, 2015 23 / 39
All put together: Signature, Module and Access
signature EQ =
type elem
val eq: elem * elem -> bool
structure IntEq : EQ =
type elem = int
val eq = (op =)
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April, 2015 24 / 39
Structures with explicit Signatures (1)
structure IntEq : EQ means that the structure’s inferred
signature is checked against the signature EQ
IntEq must provide at least what’s in EQ.
signature EQ =
type elem
val eq: elem * elem -> bool
structure IntEq : EQ =
type elem = int
> Error: unmatched value specification: eq
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April, 2015 25 / 39
Structures with explicit Signatures (2)
We can make structure IntEq more powerful than EQ. But the
view is still restricted by the explicit signature EQ.
signature EQ =
type elem
val eq: elem * elem -> bool
structure IntEq : EQ =
type elem = int
val eq = (op =)
val internalvalue = 1337
> Error: unbound variable or constructor: internalvalue in
path IntEq.internalvalue
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April, 2015 26 / 39
Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (1)
Remember we could evaluate IntEq.eq(3,4);?
IntEq has signature EQ, which means IntEq.eq takes elem
variables as parameter – not integers!
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April, 2015 27 / 39
Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (1)
Remember we could evaluate IntEq.eq(3,4);?
IntEq has signature EQ, which means IntEq.eq takes elem
variables as parameter – not integers!
Well duh, calling with integers works, since IntEq.elem = int.
Signatures are transparent. We can make them opaque to strictly
restrict the view of IntEq to EQ.
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April, 2015 27 / 39
Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (2)
structure IntEq :> EQ =
type elem = int
val eq = (op =)
> Error: operator and operand don’t agree [literal]
operator domain: IntEq.elem * IntEq.elem
operand: int * int
in expression:
IntEq.eq (3,4)
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April, 2015 28 / 39
Stack Module
signature STACK =
type ’a stack
val empty: ’a stack
val push: ’a -> ’a stack -> ’a stack
val pop: ’a stack -> ’a * ’a stack
structure stack :> STACK =
exception EmptyStack;
type ’a stack = ’a list;
val empty = [];
fun push x r = x::r;
fun pop r = case r of
x::s => (x,s)
| [] => raise EmptyStack;
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April, 2015 29 / 39
Stack Module
stack.push now has type:
’a -> ’a stack.stack -> ’a stack.stack.
Thanks to opaqueness, stack.push 3 [5]; is illegal.
Implementation protected. Yay!
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April, 2015 30 / 39
A Functor takes a Structure as an argument and returns a
They are defined using functor bindings at the top level (like
function definitions)
Limited to a single argument (Workaround: Several structures can
be packaged into one as substructures and then passed to a
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April, 2015 31 / 39
Functors: Example
functor F( P: EQ ) : EQ =
type t = P.t * P.t
fun eq((x,y),(u,v)) = P.eq(x,u) andalso P.eq(y,v)
structure IntEq : EQ =
type t = int
val eq = (op =)
structure IntTupleEq = F(IntEq);
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April, 2015 32 / 39
Functors with Submodules: Example
What if we want tuples of two different datatypes?
For instance tuples of Integers and Strings: eq((3,"a"),(3,"c"))
First, we introduce StringEq, similarly to IntEq:
structure StringEq : EQ =
type t = string
val eq = (op =)
Problem: functors only take a single structure as an argument. We
need to pass IntEq and StringEq!
Solution: Create a module containing both.
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April, 2015 33 / 39
Functors with Submodules: Example
signature TupleOfEQ =
structure first : EQ
structure second : EQ
functor F( P: TupleOfEQ ) : EQ =
type t = P.first.t * P.second.t
fun eq((x,y),(u,v)) = P.first.eq(x,u) andalso P.second.eq(y,v)
structure IntStringTuple : TupleOfEQ =
structure first = IntEq
structure second = StringEq
structure IntStringTupleCombined = F(IntStringTuple);
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April, 2015 34 / 39
Sums and Products :-
Πx : A.B “
t Bpxq | x P A u
Σx : A.B “  t Bpxq | x P A u
Elements of Πx : A.B fpaq “ ra{xsB.
Elements of Σx : A.B xa, by , a P A, b “ ra{xsB.
Strong sums:
sndppq : Bpfstppqq fstppq “ a.
Corresponds to the transparent signatures.
Weak sums:
Corresponds to the opaque ascription.
A form of existential type.
Transclucent sums:-
Optionally contain information about the representation of type.
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April, 2015 35 / 39
Module system Calculus
K ::“ Ω | K ñ K1
A ::“ α | Πx : A.A1 | D1, .., Dn | λα :: K | AA1 | V.b
D ::“ b Ź α :: K | b Ź α :: K “ A | y Ź x : A
M ::“ x | λx : A.M | MM1 | M : A | B1, .., Bn | M.y
B ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ M
V ::“ x | λx : A.M | Bv1, .., Bvn | V.y
Bv ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ V
Γ ::“ ˝ | Γ, α :: K | Γ, α :: K “ A | Γ, x : A
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April, 2015 36 / 39
Module system Calculus
K ::“ Ω | K ñ K1
A ::“ α | Πx : A.A1 | D1, .., Dn | λα :: K | AA1 | V.b
D ::“ b Ź α :: K | b Ź α :: K “ A | y Ź x : A
M ::“ x | λx : A.M | MM1 | M : A | B1, .., Bn | M.y
B ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ M
V ::“ x | λx : A.M | Bv1, .., Bvn | V.y
Bv ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ V
Γ ::“ ˝ | Γ, α :: K | Γ, α :: K “ A | Γ, x : A
t elem Ź elem “ int, eq Ź eq “ λx : pelem ˚ elemq.pop “q, ival Ź ival “ 1337 u :
t elem Ź elem :: Ω “ int, eq Ź eq : pelem, elemq Ñ bool u
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April, 2015 36 / 39
Module system Calculus..
Introduction and elimination rules:-
$ Γvalid @i P r1.ns. Γ, D1, .., Di´1 $ Bi : Di
Γ $ B1, .., Bn : D1, .., Dn
Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K
Γ $ V.b :: K
Γ $ M : y Ź x : A
Γ $ M.y : A
Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K “ A
Γ $ V.b “ A :: K
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April, 2015 37 / 39
Module system Calculus..
Value Rules:-
Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K, D1, .., Dn
Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K “ V.b, D1, .., Dn
Γ $ V.y : A1 Γ $ V : y Ź x : A, D1, .., Dn
Γ $ V : y Ź x : A1, D1, .., Dn
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April, 2015 38 / 39
Summary and Outlook
ML has a powerful module system, using signatures, structures
and functors
Modules in ML are not part of the core language
Beyond ML Modules: Recursive modules, higher-order functors,
applicative functors
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April, 2015 39 / 39

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Module System in Standard ML

  • 1. Module System of Standard ML Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Tuesday 21st April, 2015 Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 1 / 39
  • 2. Outline 1 Modularity 2 Introduction to Standard ML 3 Modules in Standard ML Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 2 / 39
  • 3. Outline 1 Modularity 2 Introduction to Standard ML 3 Modules in Standard ML Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 3 / 39
  • 4. Why Modularity? Writing large programs is difficult! Lots of interdependencies Changing code breaks other code Concurrent development difficult Maintenance is a nightmare. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 4 / 39
  • 5. Why Modularity? Writing large programs is difficult! Lots of interdependencies Changing code breaks other code Concurrent development difficult Maintenance is a nightmare. The solution: Modularity Implement program as independent modules Hide information between modules to obscure implementation details (abstraction) Sharing: Interaction of program modules Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 4 / 39
  • 6. How do programmers use modularity in C? Write .h file (Header) and .c file (Source) Header specifies variables and functions Source is the full implementation Compile library from both files and provide Header file as interface. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 5 / 39
  • 7. Outline 1 Modularity 2 Introduction to Standard ML 3 Modules in Standard ML Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 6 / 39
  • 8. History of Standard ML ML (stands for metalanguage) Developed in Edinburgh in late ’70s Designed by Michael J.C. Gordon, Robin Milner, and Christopher P. Wadsworth Standard ML (originated from ML) Has a formal specification, given as typing rules and operational semantics The Definition of Standard ML (Revised) in 1997 Other siblings of the family: CAML, Caml Light, OCaml Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 7 / 39
  • 9. Features of Standard ML Higher-order functions Interactive Strongly Typed Call-by-value Polymorphism Algebraic datatypes and pattern matching Statically scoped Type-safe exceptions Modularity Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 8 / 39
  • 10. Language Basics Primitive Data Types: unit,bool,int,real,string Function Expressions val inc = fn x => x + 1 fun inc x = x + 1 Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 9 / 39
  • 11. Tuples, Records, Lists Tuples > val x = ("Prius", 1.0 / 2.0, false) : string * real * bool Records > val dob = {day=21,month="July",year="1815"} : {day:int, month:string, year:string} Lists > val price = [1.0,2.0,3.0]; > val price = 1.0 :: 2.0 :: 3.0 :: nil val price = [1.0,2.0,3.0] : real list Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 10 / 39
  • 12. Higher-order Functions Functions can consume functions as arguments fun applyTwice f x = f(f(x)); Functions can return functions val add = fn x => fn y => x + y Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 11 / 39
  • 13. Static Scoping What is the output of this program? val x = 2 fun f y = x+y val x = 3 val z = f 4 Refers to the nearest lexically enclosing declaration! Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 12 / 39
  • 14. Type Inference Examples of type inference fun ident (x) = x; val ident = fn : ’a -> ’a fun plus (x,y) = x+y; val plus = fn : int * int -> int fun new_if(A,B,C) = if A then B else C; val new_if = fn : bool * ’a * ’a -> ’a fun first (x,y) = x; val first = fn : ’a * ’b -> ’a ’a standing for any type at all. Function body makes no commitment to type of x at all. Type inference produces the most general type, which may be polymorphic. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 13 / 39
  • 15. Pattern Matching Wildcard Patterns val (x,y,_) = (4,"May",1987); val x = 4 : int val y = "May" : string Nested Patterns val (a,b)::c::_ = [(3,true),(5,false),(9,false)]; val a = 3 : int val b = true : bool val c = (5,false) : int * bool Function definition by cases fun is_nil( nil ) = true | is_nil(_::_) = false; Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 14 / 39
  • 16. Recursive Types datatype ’a tree = empty | leaf of ’a | node of ’a tree * ’a tree; datatype ’a list = nil | :: of ’a * ’a list; fun append(nil,l) = l | append(hd::tl,l) = hd :: append(tl,l); Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 15 / 39
  • 17. Recursive Typing To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 16 / 39
  • 18. Recursive Typing To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.) Without Recursive typing:- t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t v ::“ nilT | consT v v T ::“ List T Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1 Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1 (T-cons) Γ $ t1 : List T1 Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1 (T-head) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 16 / 39
  • 19. Recursive Typing To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.) Without Recursive typing:- t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t v ::“ nilT | consT v v T ::“ List T Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1 Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1 (T-cons) Γ $ t1 : List T1 Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1 (T-head) Recursive typing:- T ::“ X | rec X.T Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 16 / 39
  • 20. Recursive Typing To type infinte data-structures (Lists, queues, trees, streams etc.) Without Recursive typing:- t ::“ nilT | consT t t | headT t | tailT t v ::“ nilT | consT v v T ::“ List T Γ $ t1 : T1 Γ $ t2 : List T1 Γ $ consT1 t1 t2 : List T1 (T-cons) Γ $ t1 : List T1 Γ $ headT1 t1 : T1 (T-head) Recursive typing:- T ::“ X | rec X.T IntList “ rec X. xnil : Unit, cons : tInt, Xuy Nat “ rec X. xZero : Unit, succ : Xy Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 16 / 39
  • 21. Recursive Typing... t ::“ foldT t | unfoldT t v ::“ foldT v unfoldS pfoldT vq ÝÑ v(E-unfldfld) U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : rU{XsT1 Γ $ foldU t1 : U (T-fld) U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : U Γ $ unfoldU t1 : rU{XsT1 (T-unfld) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 17 / 39
  • 22. Recursive Typing... t ::“ foldT t | unfoldT t v ::“ foldT v unfoldS pfoldT vq ÝÑ v(E-unfldfld) U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : rU{XsT1 Γ $ foldU t1 : U (T-fld) U “ rec X.T1 Γ $ t1 : U Γ $ unfoldU t1 : rU{XsT1 (T-unfld) nil “ foldrIntLists xnil “ unity cons = λn : Int.λl : IntList.foldrIntLists xcons “ tn, luy Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 17 / 39
  • 23. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 24. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12 pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12 Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 25. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12 pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12 Γ, X $ t2 : T2 Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2 (T-Tabs) Γ $ t1 : @X.T12 Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12 T-Tapp) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 26. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12 pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12 Γ, X $ t2 : T2 Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2 (T-Tabs) Γ $ t1 : @X.T12 Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12 T-Tapp) Example:- @X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 27. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12 pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12 Γ, X $ t2 : T2 Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2 (T-Tabs) Γ $ t1 : @X.T12 Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12 T-Tapp) Example:- @X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy Polymorphism in ML:- Self-Application: Type of λx.x x? Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 28. Parametric Polymorphism t ::“ x | λx : T.t | t t | λX.t | t rTs v ::“ λx : T.t | λX.t T ::“ X | T Ñ T | @X.T Γ ::“ Φ | Γ, x : T | Γ, X pλx : T11.t12q v2 rv2{xst12 pλX.t12q rT2s rT2{Xst12 Γ, X $ t2 : T2 Γ $ λX.t2 : @X.T2 (T-Tabs) Γ $ t1 : @X.T12 Γ $ t1 rT2s : rT2{XsT12 T-Tapp) Example:- @X. rec Y. xnil : Unit, cons : tX, Yuy Polymorphism in ML:- Self-Application: Type of λx.x x? λx : @X.X Ñ X. x r@X.X Ñ Xs x : p@X.X Ñ Xq Ñ p@X.X Ñ Xq Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 18 / 39
  • 29. Example: Stack exception EmptyStack; val empty = []; fun push x r = x::r; fun pop r = case r of x::s => (x,s) | [] => raise EmptyStack; Type of push: ’a -> ’a list -> ’a list Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 19 / 39
  • 30. Example: Stack Type of push: ’a -> ’a list -> ’a list This exposes the implementation datastructure (list)! We want the view of the type to be abstract: ’a -> ’a stack -> ’a stack ñ Need Standard ML’s abstract types in modules. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 20 / 39
  • 31. Outline 1 Modularity 2 Introduction to Standard ML 3 Modules in Standard ML Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 21 / 39
  • 32. Signatures Signatures encode structural information Specify a module’s value and function types Provided explicitly by the programmer or discovered by type inference signature EQ = sig type elem val eq: elem * elem -> bool end; Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 22 / 39
  • 33. Structures structure is Standard ML’s Module structure IntEq : EQ = struct type elem = int val eq = (op =) end; Here, the signature is specified explicitly. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 23 / 39
  • 34. All put together: Signature, Module and Access signature EQ = sig type elem val eq: elem * elem -> bool end; structure IntEq : EQ = struct type elem = int val eq = (op =) end; IntEq.eq(3,4); IntEq.eq(4,4); Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 24 / 39
  • 35. Structures with explicit Signatures (1) structure IntEq : EQ means that the structure’s inferred signature is checked against the signature EQ IntEq must provide at least what’s in EQ. signature EQ = sig type elem val eq: elem * elem -> bool end; structure IntEq : EQ = struct type elem = int end; > Error: unmatched value specification: eq Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 25 / 39
  • 36. Structures with explicit Signatures (2) We can make structure IntEq more powerful than EQ. But the view is still restricted by the explicit signature EQ. signature EQ = sig type elem val eq: elem * elem -> bool end; structure IntEq : EQ = struct type elem = int val eq = (op =) val internalvalue = 1337 end; IntEq.internalvalue; > Error: unbound variable or constructor: internalvalue in path IntEq.internalvalue Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 26 / 39
  • 37. Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (1) Remember we could evaluate IntEq.eq(3,4);? IntEq has signature EQ, which means IntEq.eq takes elem variables as parameter – not integers! Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 27 / 39
  • 38. Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (1) Remember we could evaluate IntEq.eq(3,4);? IntEq has signature EQ, which means IntEq.eq takes elem variables as parameter – not integers! Well duh, calling with integers works, since IntEq.elem = int. Signatures are transparent. We can make them opaque to strictly restrict the view of IntEq to EQ. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 27 / 39
  • 39. Opaque vs. Transparent Signatures (2) structure IntEq :> EQ = struct type elem = int val eq = (op =) end; IntEq.eq(3,4); > Error: operator and operand don’t agree [literal] operator domain: IntEq.elem * IntEq.elem operand: int * int in expression: IntEq.eq (3,4) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 28 / 39
  • 40. Stack Module signature STACK = sig type ’a stack val empty: ’a stack val push: ’a -> ’a stack -> ’a stack val pop: ’a stack -> ’a * ’a stack end; structure stack :> STACK = struct exception EmptyStack; type ’a stack = ’a list; val empty = []; fun push x r = x::r; fun pop r = case r of x::s => (x,s) | [] => raise EmptyStack; end; Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 29 / 39
  • 41. Stack Module stack.push now has type: ’a -> ’a stack.stack -> ’a stack.stack. Thanks to opaqueness, stack.push 3 [5]; is illegal. Implementation protected. Yay! Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 30 / 39
  • 42. Functors A Functor takes a Structure as an argument and returns a Structure. They are defined using functor bindings at the top level (like function definitions) Limited to a single argument (Workaround: Several structures can be packaged into one as substructures and then passed to a functor) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 31 / 39
  • 43. Functors: Example functor F( P: EQ ) : EQ = struct type t = P.t * P.t fun eq((x,y),(u,v)) = P.eq(x,u) andalso P.eq(y,v) end; structure IntEq : EQ = struct type t = int val eq = (op =) end; structure IntTupleEq = F(IntEq); IntTupleEq.eq((3,4),(3,4)); Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 32 / 39
  • 44. Functors with Submodules: Example What if we want tuples of two different datatypes? For instance tuples of Integers and Strings: eq((3,"a"),(3,"c")) First, we introduce StringEq, similarly to IntEq: structure StringEq : EQ = struct type t = string val eq = (op =) end; Problem: functors only take a single structure as an argument. We need to pass IntEq and StringEq! Solution: Create a module containing both. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 33 / 39
  • 45. Functors with Submodules: Example signature TupleOfEQ = sig structure first : EQ structure second : EQ end; functor F( P: TupleOfEQ ) : EQ = struct type t = P.first.t * P.second.t fun eq((x,y),(u,v)) = P.first.eq(x,u) andalso P.second.eq(y,v) end; structure IntStringTuple : TupleOfEQ = struct structure first = IntEq structure second = StringEq end; structure IntStringTupleCombined = F(IntStringTuple); IntStringTupleCombined.eq((3,"a"),(3,"c")); Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 34 / 39
  • 46. Sums and Products :- Πx : A.B “ ą t Bpxq | x P A u Σx : A.B “ t Bpxq | x P A u Elements of Πx : A.B fpaq “ ra{xsB. Elements of Σx : A.B xa, by , a P A, b “ ra{xsB. Strong sums: sndppq : Bpfstppqq fstppq “ a. Corresponds to the transparent signatures. Weak sums: Corresponds to the opaque ascription. A form of existential type. Transclucent sums:- Optionally contain information about the representation of type. Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 35 / 39
  • 47. Module system Calculus Syntax:- K ::“ Ω | K ñ K1 A ::“ α | Πx : A.A1 | D1, .., Dn | λα :: K | AA1 | V.b D ::“ b Ź α :: K | b Ź α :: K “ A | y Ź x : A M ::“ x | λx : A.M | MM1 | M : A | B1, .., Bn | M.y B ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ M V ::“ x | λx : A.M | Bv1, .., Bvn | V.y Bv ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ V Γ ::“ ˝ | Γ, α :: K | Γ, α :: K “ A | Γ, x : A Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 36 / 39
  • 48. Module system Calculus Syntax:- K ::“ Ω | K ñ K1 A ::“ α | Πx : A.A1 | D1, .., Dn | λα :: K | AA1 | V.b D ::“ b Ź α :: K | b Ź α :: K “ A | y Ź x : A M ::“ x | λx : A.M | MM1 | M : A | B1, .., Bn | M.y B ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ M V ::“ x | λx : A.M | Bv1, .., Bvn | V.y Bv ::“ b Ź α “ A | y Ź x “ V Γ ::“ ˝ | Γ, α :: K | Γ, α :: K “ A | Γ, x : A Example:- t elem Ź elem “ int, eq Ź eq “ λx : pelem ˚ elemq.pop “q, ival Ź ival “ 1337 u : t elem Ź elem :: Ω “ int, eq Ź eq : pelem, elemq Ñ bool u Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 36 / 39
  • 49. Module system Calculus.. Introduction and elimination rules:- $ Γvalid @i P r1.ns. Γ, D1, .., Di´1 $ Bi : Di Γ $ B1, .., Bn : D1, .., Dn (TSUM) Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K Γ $ V.b :: K (C-EXT-O) Γ $ M : y Ź x : A Γ $ M.y : A (EXT-V) Translucency:- Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K “ A Γ $ V.b “ A :: K (ABBREV) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 37 / 39
  • 50. Module system Calculus.. Value Rules:- Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K, D1, .., Dn Γ $ V : b Ź α :: K “ V.b, D1, .., Dn (VALUE-O) Γ $ V.y : A1 Γ $ V : y Ź x : A, D1, .., Dn Γ $ V : y Ź x : A1, D1, .., Dn (VALUE-V) Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 38 / 39
  • 51. Summary and Outlook ML has a powerful module system, using signatures, structures and functors Modules in ML are not part of the core language Beyond ML Modules: Recursive modules, higher-order functors, applicative functors Jiten, Keheliya, Tobias Module System of Standard ML Tuesday 21st April, 2015 39 / 39