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Wh a t                                 can

                                                                         Wor ld?
                                              church   do to   c hange
                                                                                                               by Nate Adams

                                                                              IN ACTS 1:1-8 JESUS CHALLENGED

                                                                    HIS FIRST FOLLOWERS WITH

                                                                             FIVE BOLD NEW WAYS OF THINKING

                                                                          AND BEHAVING TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD.

                                                                    THEY LAY THE FOUNDATION

                                                                                      FOR A STRATEGY

                                                                              MANY MISSIONS LEADERS TODAY

                                                                                           ARE CALLING

                                                                                    THE ACTS 1:8 CHALLENGE.

                                                                    IS YOUR CHURCH CONSIDERING IT?

                                                                            IS YOUR CLASS OR SMALL GROUP STUDYING IT?

12   Special Issue 2005 • ON MISSION                                                                  • Special Issue 2005   13
                                            I   admit that sometimes my church
                                                feels pretty small and insignificant.
                                                  We rarely have all the workers or
                                            money we seem to need, and sometimes
                                            we even lose track of why we’re really
                                                                                          kingdom to Israel?” Their question con-
                                                                                          veyed an attitude that is still prevalent
                                                                                          in churches today, where there seem to
                                                                                          be two main perspectives among
                                                                                          Christians. One simply says, “The
                                                                                                                                          proven it could not return the lost peo-
                                                                                                                                          ples of the world to God, but in the
                                                                                                                                          fullness of time Israel had been used by
                                                                                                                                          God to bring the world its Savior, Jesus.
                                                                                                                                          That Savior had accomplished His re-
                                                                                                                                                                                            He must look at my little church to-
                                                                                                                                                                                         day the same way sometimes, wonder-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ing if we are ready to stop doing our
                                                                                                                                                                                         own thing and rely on the Holy Spirit
                                                                                                                                                                                         to lead and empower us back on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “ T H I S ,” H E S A I D, “ I S

    F I R ST N A R R AT I V E ,             here. But, as I studied the first chapter     church is for me. This is where I enjoy         demptive purpose on the cross of               track of His mission to the world. It re-               W H AT YO U H E A R D F RO M
                                            of Acts recently, it dawned on me that        friendship and spiritual growth, and this       Calvary, and He now stood before that          minds me of my friend Bob, who told
  T H EO P H I LU S , A B O U T             the “first congregation” in the New           is where I connect with God and find            first little church promising to send          me about the hours he spent trying to                   M E ; FO R J O H N B A P T I Z E D
                                            Testament probably felt much the same         fulfillment in serving Him.” The other          them Someone who would lead them               blow the leaves in his yard on a windy
 A L L T H AT J E S U S B EG A N            way when Jesus spoke to them just be-         perspective says, “The church is for the        and empower them to reclaim the lost           day. His little gas blower could not                     W I T H WAT E R , B U T YO U
                                            fore He left earth.                           world. These wonderful things that take         peoples of the world as worshipers of          move the leaves west as long as the
    TO D O A N D T E AC H                      It was a momentous occasion but            place within our church’s walls are not         the King.                                      wind was blowing to the east. Finally                   WILL BE BAPTIZED WITH
                                            with modest beginnings. Only about            ends in themselves but are designed to              Jesus reminded that first church and       his wife came outside and suggested,
    U N T I L T H E DAY H E                 120 Christ-followers met in a rented          propel us out into the world where so           my own church today that our little            “Why don’t you work with the wind,                        T H E H O LY S P I R I T N OT
                                            room, and— while these early disciples        many are still lost and outside the             slice of history is only one link in a long    dear?” When Bob changed his own
  WA S TA K E N U P, A FT E R               were no doubt excited about the resur-        Kingdom.”                                       chain of God’s history-long, worldwide         plan, sought the direction of the wind                  MANY DAYS FROM NOW.”
                                            rection of Jesus— they had little idea            Announcing the Kingdom of God to            mission. He was saying, in effect,             and utilized its power, his task was fin-
 HE HAD GIVEN ORDERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SO W H E N T H E Y H A D
                                            what to do next. But in the first eight       the lost is still the worldwide priority of     “Regardless of your current situation or       ished in a few minutes! With his newly
                                            verses of this amazing little history, we     Jesus for churches like mine today.             challenges, step back and realize the          discovered power, he was able to make
  T H RO U G H T H E H O LY                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CO M E TO G ET H E R , T H E Y
                                            discover five bold attitudes and actions                                                      bigger picture of what God is doing!           quick work of his neighbors’ yards as

W H O M H E H A D C H OS E N .
                                            Jesus challenged that first little
                                            Jerusalem congregation to embrace
                                            which would turn them inside out and
                                                                                          A WORLDWIDE PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                          Jesus challenged the first church to see both
                                                                                                                                          God is not going backward to Israel at
                                                                                                                                          its zenith, or to your church’s better
                                                                                                                                          days. God’s epic, redemptive plan has
                                                                                                                                                                                            I don’t understand everything about
                                                                                                                                                                                         the Holy Spirit, any more than I under-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A S K E D H I M , “ LO R D, AT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     T H I S T I M E A R E YO U
                                            allow them to change their world.             history and the world from God’s point of       been moving steadily forward since the         stand everything about the wind. But
                                                                                          view.                                           beginning of time—now are you ready            every time I experience His power, I
       A FT E R H E H A D

   S U F F E R E D, H E A L SO                                 1
                                              A WO R L DW I D E P R I O R I T Y
                                            Jesus challenged the first church to under-
                                                                                              Jesus’ second challenge and patient
                                                                                          answer to that first church when they
                                                                                          asked about “the kingdom being re-
                                                                                                                                          to discover the next chapter and your
                                                                                                                                          part in it? Are you ready to see how
                                                                                                                                          great God’s salvation will be, even com-
                                                                                                                                                                                         wonder why my little church and I
                                                                                                                                                                                         don’t stop and adjust to His movement
                                                                                                                                                                                         more often.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  R E STO R I N G T H E K I N G -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      D O M TO I S R A E L ? ”

                                            stand that His primary focus as the risen     turned to Israel” was that God was              pared to your past experience?” And

                                            Christ is on the Kingdom of God.
                                                During the 40 days after Jesus’ resur-
                                            rection, the Bible tells us that He ap-
                                                                                          ready to do something much larger than
                                                                                          the nation of Israel. When Jesus replied,
                                                                                          “It is not for you to know the times or
                                                                                                                                          then Jesus gave them, and us, these “fi-
                                                                                                                                          nal words,” this “Acts 1:8 Challenge”
                                                                                                                                          before He ascended into heaven:
                                                                                                                                                                                               A WO R L DW I D E P L A N
                                                                                                                                                                                         Jesus challenged the first church to radiate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     H E S A I D TO T H E M ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “ I T I S N OT FO R YO U TO

 CO N V I N C I N G P RO O F S ,            peared to His followers and spoke to          dates the Father has set by His own au-             But when the Holy Spirit has come          the gospel to its own Jerusalem, Judea,                   K N OW T I M E S O R P E R I -
                                            them with laser-like focus about one          thority,” I believe He was inviting His         upon you, you will receive power and will      Samaria and Ends of the Earth.
  A P P E A R I N G TO T H E M              thing: the Kingdom of God. His pri-           followers to step back and look at God’s        tell people about me everywhere—in                 In His “final words” to that little                  O DS T H AT T H E FAT H E R
                                            mary purpose on earth— and now their          redemptive pattern throughout all of            Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria,       church in Jerusalem, Jesus makes clear
  D U R I N G 4 0 DAY S A N D               primary purpose as a church— was to           history and His loving heart for all of         and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8        that even little churches like mine are                 H A S S ET BY H I S OW N AU -
                                            invite the Jewish people and ultimately       the world’s lost.                                                                              designed and commanded to have

   K I N G D O M O F G O D.
                                            all the lost peoples of the world back
                                            into the loving Lordship of their
                                            Creator. The good news is that all is
                                                                                              Consider the “times and dates” that
                                                                                          God had already revealed to His young
                                                                                          church. God’s glory— the glory re-
                                                                                                                                              A WO R L DW I D E P OW E R
                                                                                                                                          Jesus challenged the first church to rely on
                                                                                                                                                                                         worldwide influence. And He maps out
                                                                                                                                                                                         a plan for at least four types of mission
                                                                                                                                                                                         fields where we are to have plans for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 T H O R I T Y. B U T YO U W I L L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  R EC E I V E P OW E R W H E N
                                            forgiven because of the sacrifice of          flected in His marvelous creation and in        the indwelling Holy Spirit for boldness and    that redemptive influence:
       W H I L E H E WA S                                                                                                                                                                                                                          T H E H O LY S P I R I T H A S
                                            Jesus. We are invited to run back into        His ultimate creatures, man and                 effectiveness.
                                            the arms of God just as frightened, lost      woman— had been tarnished and cor-                  Jesus must have looked at that first       …a plan for my church’s Ends of the
 TO G ET H E R W I T H T H E M ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CO M E U P O N YO U , A N D
                                            children would run back into the open         rupted by sin. At the Tower of Babel,           little church and seen a room full of          Earth. While new people groups are be-
                                            arms of their Father. This one thing,         the rebellious peoples had scattered            gunpowder that was about to meet its           ing reached with the gospel every year,                   YO U W I L L B E M Y WIT-
                                            this “mission” that led Jesus to the          into the world, their very confused lan-        match. He had already told them that           more than 1.5 billion people in about
       N OT TO L E AV E                     cross, is still to be the one thing that      guages a judgment by God for their own          those who believed in Him would do             5,000 people groups still have little or                 NESSES IN JERUSALEM, I N
                                            the first church— and now my                  kingdom-building sin. Yet God had               the works He did and even greater, be-         no access to the good news about Jesus
   J E RU S A L E M , B U T TO              church— is commanded by Jesus to              continued His loving, redemptive mis-           cause Jesus was going to be with the           Christ and the Kingdom of God. So                             ALL JUDEA AND
                                            keep in the forefront of its vision.          sion by initiating relationship with a          Father (John 14:12). Later Jesus even          thousands of people groups in the world
       WA I T FO R T H E                        Surprisingly, even after the resur-       man (Abram), a family (Abraham’s                said that His followers would benefit          are waiting for my church (and yours) to                 S A M A R I A , A N D TO THE
                                            rected Jesus spoke to His followers for       family) and ultimately a people (Israel)        from His departure, because His going          bring them the good news.
   FAT H E R ’ S P RO M I S E .             40 days about the priority of the             who were invited again to reflect His           would mean the coming of the                                                                             ENDS OF THE EARTH.”
                                            Kingdom of God, they asked, “Lord, are        glory and show the world what it meant          Counselor that would convict the world         …a plan for my church’s Samaria. For
                                            you at this time going to restore the         to be the people of God. Israel had             of its need for God (John 16:7-8).             today’s church, as for the early church,

    14    Special Issue 2005 • ON MISSION                                                                                                                                                                                      • Special Issue 2005   15
Samaria is “a close-by place that we         Just as the Holy Spirit compelled that
                                               rarely visit,” and Samaritans are “those     first little church out into the streets of
                                               who live relatively near us, but who are     its Jerusalem, God calls my church—
                                               not like us.” It’s estimated that in North   and me—out into our local community,
                                               America seven out of 10 people do not        even to people who need a new or dif-
                                               have a personal relationship with Jesus      ferent church.
                                               Christ. North America’s lostness is as

          A FT E R T H I S
                                               deep as the world’s lostness is wide.
                                               Today God still calls churches like mine
                                               to personalize the gospel for the diver-
                                                                                            A WORLDWIDE PARTICIPATION
                                                                                            Jesus challenged the first church to be wit-
                                               sity of people in and near our home-         nesses— personal participants in the world-
 I LO O K E D, A N D T H E R E                 land.                                        wide mission of God.
                                                                                                I suppose that first little congrega-
WA S A VA ST M U LT I T U D E                  …a plan for my church’s Judea. For           tion in Jerusalem could have affirmed
                                               today’s churches, as for early churches,     Jesus’ challenge and then chosen to stay
  F RO M E V E RY N AT I O N ,                 Judea can be seen as the surrounding         within their rented room, waiting for
                                               state, region or province in which peo-      their resources to increase or their prob-
   T R I B E , P EO P L E A N D                ple tend to share or adapt to a predomi-     lems to be solved or their strategy to be-
                                               nant language, culture and regional          come clearer. But they didn’t. Every one
   L A N G U AG E , W H I C H
                                               identity. If Samaritans are seen as          of them became not only a worshiper
                                               “those who live relatively near us but       but also a witness. Every one chose to
                                               are not like us,” then Judeans can be        participate in the worldwide mission of
                                               seen as “those who live relatively near      God and to tell what they had seen and
                                               us and who, in many ways, are like us.”      heard. They spilled out into the streets
  T H RO N E A N D B E FO R E                  The Judea mission field of the first cen-    of Jerusalem and beyond with such
                                               tury reminds us that a more homoge-          boldness that the world was changed,
 THE LAMB. THEY WERE                           neous culture and some religious             not only then, but throughout history
                                               familiarity can provide bridges as well as   and for eternity.
 RO B E D I N W H I T E W I T H                barriers to the gospel. Yet one great            And like that first church, my little
                                               challenge of the Judea mission field is      church should be out gathering wor-
   PA L M B R A N C H E S I N                  the barrier of “presumed familiarity”        shipers from the peoples of the world as
                                               that people have with the gospel. Those      if gathering treasure to present to our
T H E I R H A N DS . A N D T H E Y             who were lost in a works-based religion      beloved King.
                                               in the first century were likely to de-          I admit that sometimes my church
 C R I E D O U T I N A LO U D                  clare “I’m Roman” or “I’m Jewish” just       seems pretty small and insignificant.
                                               as those lost in the Judea mission field     We rarely have all the workers or all the
   VO I C E , “ S A LVAT I O N                 of the church today might declare “I’m       money we seem to need, and sometimes
                                               Baptist” or “I’m Catholic.” Those de-        we lose track of why we’re here and
B E LO N G S TO O U R G O D,                   pending on a works-based religion            what God’s purposes are for us. But
                                               rather than a grace-based relationship       when I read again what the Holy Spirit
      W H O I S S E AT E D                     still don’t understand the gospel. And       did through that first little church, I
                                               God calls Christians to nearby people        pray that He will do it again and again,
     O N T H E T H RO N E ,
                                               who may share regional identity or reli-     beginning with little churches like
                                               gious familiarity but not real fellowship    mine.
   A N D TO T H E L A M B ! ”
                                               with Christ.
                                                                                               For information and help with how
    R E V E L AT I O N 7 : 9 - 1 0             …a plan for my church’s Jerusalem.           your church can embrace The Acts 1:8
                                               The Jerusalem mission field is the sur-      Challenge, visit
                                               rounding community where we live,
                                               work, shop, play and go to school. And       Adapted from The Acts 1:8 Challenge:
                                               it requires just as much intentionality as   Empowering the Church to be On
                                               the mission fields of Judea, Samaria and     Mission, by Nate Adams, vice president
                                               the ends of the earth. Every week            of Mission Mobilization, NAMB. This
                                               Christians drive by countless people         2005 Doctrine Study is available from
                                               who, for a variety of reasons, might         LifeWay Christian Resources at
                                               never set foot in their church building. or 1-800-458-2772.

       16    Special Issue 2005 • ON MISSION

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  • 2. I W ROT E T H E I admit that sometimes my church feels pretty small and insignificant. We rarely have all the workers or money we seem to need, and sometimes we even lose track of why we’re really kingdom to Israel?” Their question con- veyed an attitude that is still prevalent in churches today, where there seem to be two main perspectives among Christians. One simply says, “The proven it could not return the lost peo- ples of the world to God, but in the fullness of time Israel had been used by God to bring the world its Savior, Jesus. That Savior had accomplished His re- He must look at my little church to- day the same way sometimes, wonder- ing if we are ready to stop doing our own thing and rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us back on the “ T H I S ,” H E S A I D, “ I S F I R ST N A R R AT I V E , here. But, as I studied the first chapter church is for me. This is where I enjoy demptive purpose on the cross of track of His mission to the world. It re- W H AT YO U H E A R D F RO M of Acts recently, it dawned on me that friendship and spiritual growth, and this Calvary, and He now stood before that minds me of my friend Bob, who told T H EO P H I LU S , A B O U T the “first congregation” in the New is where I connect with God and find first little church promising to send me about the hours he spent trying to M E ; FO R J O H N B A P T I Z E D Testament probably felt much the same fulfillment in serving Him.” The other them Someone who would lead them blow the leaves in his yard on a windy A L L T H AT J E S U S B EG A N way when Jesus spoke to them just be- perspective says, “The church is for the and empower them to reclaim the lost day. His little gas blower could not W I T H WAT E R , B U T YO U fore He left earth. world. These wonderful things that take peoples of the world as worshipers of move the leaves west as long as the TO D O A N D T E AC H It was a momentous occasion but place within our church’s walls are not the King. wind was blowing to the east. Finally WILL BE BAPTIZED WITH with modest beginnings. Only about ends in themselves but are designed to Jesus reminded that first church and his wife came outside and suggested, U N T I L T H E DAY H E 120 Christ-followers met in a rented propel us out into the world where so my own church today that our little “Why don’t you work with the wind, T H E H O LY S P I R I T N OT room, and— while these early disciples many are still lost and outside the slice of history is only one link in a long dear?” When Bob changed his own WA S TA K E N U P, A FT E R were no doubt excited about the resur- Kingdom.” chain of God’s history-long, worldwide plan, sought the direction of the wind MANY DAYS FROM NOW.” rection of Jesus— they had little idea Announcing the Kingdom of God to mission. He was saying, in effect, and utilized its power, his task was fin- HE HAD GIVEN ORDERS SO W H E N T H E Y H A D what to do next. But in the first eight the lost is still the worldwide priority of “Regardless of your current situation or ished in a few minutes! With his newly verses of this amazing little history, we Jesus for churches like mine today. challenges, step back and realize the discovered power, he was able to make T H RO U G H T H E H O LY CO M E TO G ET H E R , T H E Y discover five bold attitudes and actions bigger picture of what God is doing! quick work of his neighbors’ yards as S P I R I T TO T H E A P OST L E S W H O M H E H A D C H OS E N . Jesus challenged that first little Jerusalem congregation to embrace which would turn them inside out and 2 A WORLDWIDE PERSPECTIVE Jesus challenged the first church to see both God is not going backward to Israel at its zenith, or to your church’s better days. God’s epic, redemptive plan has well. I don’t understand everything about the Holy Spirit, any more than I under- A S K E D H I M , “ LO R D, AT T H I S T I M E A R E YO U allow them to change their world. history and the world from God’s point of been moving steadily forward since the stand everything about the wind. But view. beginning of time—now are you ready every time I experience His power, I A FT E R H E H A D S U F F E R E D, H E A L SO 1 A WO R L DW I D E P R I O R I T Y Jesus challenged the first church to under- Jesus’ second challenge and patient answer to that first church when they asked about “the kingdom being re- to discover the next chapter and your part in it? Are you ready to see how great God’s salvation will be, even com- wonder why my little church and I don’t stop and adjust to His movement more often. R E STO R I N G T H E K I N G - D O M TO I S R A E L ? ” stand that His primary focus as the risen turned to Israel” was that God was pared to your past experience?” And PRESENTED HIMSELF A L I V E TO T H E M BY M A N Y Christ is on the Kingdom of God. During the 40 days after Jesus’ resur- rection, the Bible tells us that He ap- ready to do something much larger than the nation of Israel. When Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know the times or then Jesus gave them, and us, these “fi- nal words,” this “Acts 1:8 Challenge” before He ascended into heaven: 4 A WO R L DW I D E P L A N Jesus challenged the first church to radiate H E S A I D TO T H E M , “ I T I S N OT FO R YO U TO CO N V I N C I N G P RO O F S , peared to His followers and spoke to dates the Father has set by His own au- But when the Holy Spirit has come the gospel to its own Jerusalem, Judea, K N OW T I M E S O R P E R I - them with laser-like focus about one thority,” I believe He was inviting His upon you, you will receive power and will Samaria and Ends of the Earth. A P P E A R I N G TO T H E M thing: the Kingdom of God. His pri- followers to step back and look at God’s tell people about me everywhere—in In His “final words” to that little O DS T H AT T H E FAT H E R mary purpose on earth— and now their redemptive pattern throughout all of Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, church in Jerusalem, Jesus makes clear D U R I N G 4 0 DAY S A N D primary purpose as a church— was to history and His loving heart for all of and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 that even little churches like mine are H A S S ET BY H I S OW N AU - invite the Jewish people and ultimately the world’s lost. designed and commanded to have SPEAKING ABOUT THE K I N G D O M O F G O D. all the lost peoples of the world back into the loving Lordship of their Creator. The good news is that all is Consider the “times and dates” that God had already revealed to His young church. God’s glory— the glory re- 3 A WO R L DW I D E P OW E R Jesus challenged the first church to rely on worldwide influence. And He maps out a plan for at least four types of mission fields where we are to have plans for T H O R I T Y. B U T YO U W I L L R EC E I V E P OW E R W H E N forgiven because of the sacrifice of flected in His marvelous creation and in the indwelling Holy Spirit for boldness and that redemptive influence: W H I L E H E WA S T H E H O LY S P I R I T H A S Jesus. We are invited to run back into His ultimate creatures, man and effectiveness. the arms of God just as frightened, lost woman— had been tarnished and cor- Jesus must have looked at that first …a plan for my church’s Ends of the TO G ET H E R W I T H T H E M , CO M E U P O N YO U , A N D children would run back into the open rupted by sin. At the Tower of Babel, little church and seen a room full of Earth. While new people groups are be- H E CO M M A N D E D T H E M arms of their Father. This one thing, the rebellious peoples had scattered gunpowder that was about to meet its ing reached with the gospel every year, YO U W I L L B E M Y WIT- this “mission” that led Jesus to the into the world, their very confused lan- match. He had already told them that more than 1.5 billion people in about N OT TO L E AV E cross, is still to be the one thing that guages a judgment by God for their own those who believed in Him would do 5,000 people groups still have little or NESSES IN JERUSALEM, I N the first church— and now my kingdom-building sin. Yet God had the works He did and even greater, be- no access to the good news about Jesus J E RU S A L E M , B U T TO church— is commanded by Jesus to continued His loving, redemptive mis- cause Jesus was going to be with the Christ and the Kingdom of God. So ALL JUDEA AND keep in the forefront of its vision. sion by initiating relationship with a Father (John 14:12). Later Jesus even thousands of people groups in the world WA I T FO R T H E Surprisingly, even after the resur- man (Abram), a family (Abraham’s said that His followers would benefit are waiting for my church (and yours) to S A M A R I A , A N D TO THE rected Jesus spoke to His followers for family) and ultimately a people (Israel) from His departure, because His going bring them the good news. FAT H E R ’ S P RO M I S E . 40 days about the priority of the who were invited again to reflect His would mean the coming of the ENDS OF THE EARTH.” Kingdom of God, they asked, “Lord, are glory and show the world what it meant Counselor that would convict the world …a plan for my church’s Samaria. For you at this time going to restore the to be the people of God. Israel had of its need for God (John 16:7-8). today’s church, as for the early church, 14 Special Issue 2005 • ON MISSION • Special Issue 2005 15
  • 3. Samaria is “a close-by place that we Just as the Holy Spirit compelled that rarely visit,” and Samaritans are “those first little church out into the streets of who live relatively near us, but who are its Jerusalem, God calls my church— not like us.” It’s estimated that in North and me—out into our local community, America seven out of 10 people do not even to people who need a new or dif- have a personal relationship with Jesus ferent church. Christ. North America’s lostness is as A FT E R T H I S deep as the world’s lostness is wide. Today God still calls churches like mine to personalize the gospel for the diver- 5 A WORLDWIDE PARTICIPATION Jesus challenged the first church to be wit- sity of people in and near our home- nesses— personal participants in the world- I LO O K E D, A N D T H E R E land. wide mission of God. I suppose that first little congrega- WA S A VA ST M U LT I T U D E …a plan for my church’s Judea. For tion in Jerusalem could have affirmed today’s churches, as for early churches, Jesus’ challenge and then chosen to stay F RO M E V E RY N AT I O N , Judea can be seen as the surrounding within their rented room, waiting for state, region or province in which peo- their resources to increase or their prob- T R I B E , P EO P L E A N D ple tend to share or adapt to a predomi- lems to be solved or their strategy to be- nant language, culture and regional come clearer. But they didn’t. Every one L A N G U AG E , W H I C H identity. If Samaritans are seen as of them became not only a worshiper “those who live relatively near us but but also a witness. Every one chose to N O O N E CO U L D N U M B E R are not like us,” then Judeans can be participate in the worldwide mission of STA N D I N G B E FO R E T H E seen as “those who live relatively near God and to tell what they had seen and us and who, in many ways, are like us.” heard. They spilled out into the streets T H RO N E A N D B E FO R E The Judea mission field of the first cen- of Jerusalem and beyond with such tury reminds us that a more homoge- boldness that the world was changed, THE LAMB. THEY WERE neous culture and some religious not only then, but throughout history familiarity can provide bridges as well as and for eternity. RO B E D I N W H I T E W I T H barriers to the gospel. Yet one great And like that first church, my little challenge of the Judea mission field is church should be out gathering wor- PA L M B R A N C H E S I N the barrier of “presumed familiarity” shipers from the peoples of the world as that people have with the gospel. Those if gathering treasure to present to our T H E I R H A N DS . A N D T H E Y who were lost in a works-based religion beloved King. in the first century were likely to de- I admit that sometimes my church C R I E D O U T I N A LO U D clare “I’m Roman” or “I’m Jewish” just seems pretty small and insignificant. as those lost in the Judea mission field We rarely have all the workers or all the VO I C E , “ S A LVAT I O N of the church today might declare “I’m money we seem to need, and sometimes Baptist” or “I’m Catholic.” Those de- we lose track of why we’re here and B E LO N G S TO O U R G O D, pending on a works-based religion what God’s purposes are for us. But rather than a grace-based relationship when I read again what the Holy Spirit W H O I S S E AT E D still don’t understand the gospel. And did through that first little church, I God calls Christians to nearby people pray that He will do it again and again, O N T H E T H RO N E , who may share regional identity or reli- beginning with little churches like gious familiarity but not real fellowship mine. A N D TO T H E L A M B ! ” with Christ. For information and help with how R E V E L AT I O N 7 : 9 - 1 0 …a plan for my church’s Jerusalem. your church can embrace The Acts 1:8 The Jerusalem mission field is the sur- Challenge, visit rounding community where we live, work, shop, play and go to school. And Adapted from The Acts 1:8 Challenge: it requires just as much intentionality as Empowering the Church to be On the mission fields of Judea, Samaria and Mission, by Nate Adams, vice president the ends of the earth. Every week of Mission Mobilization, NAMB. This Christians drive by countless people 2005 Doctrine Study is available from who, for a variety of reasons, might LifeWay Christian Resources at never set foot in their church building. or 1-800-458-2772. 16 Special Issue 2005 • ON MISSION