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Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
1. Tetraplegia :
 Complete paralysis of all four extremities and trunk including
respiratory muscles
 Results from lesion in cervical cord
2. Paraplegia :
 Complete paralysis of all or part of trunk and both lower
 Results from lesion in thoracic or lumbar spinal cord or cauda
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA)
created International Standards Of Neurological
Classification Of Spinal Cord Injury ( ISNCSCI)
 Provides a standardized examination method
 Allows better communication between and among professionals
 Provides guidance for establishing the prognosis
 Important tool for clinical research trials
Traumatic SCI
 Neurological level : most caudal level of the spinal
cord with normal motor and sensory function on both
the left and right side of the body.
 Motor level : most caudal segment of the spinal cord
with normal motor functions bilaterally.
 Sensory level : most caudal segment of the spinal
cord with normal sensory functions (light touch and
pin prick) bilaterally.
Traumatic SCI
 Complete injury : no sensory or motor functions in
the lowest sacral segments (S4, S5)
 Incomplete injury : having motor or sensory function
below the neurological level including sensory and
motor functions at S4 and S5
 Zones of partial preservation: motor/sensory function below
the level of lesion present, but does not have function at S4
and S5.
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Causes :
 Fracture dislocation of the vertebral
 Bullet or stab wound
 Expanding tumor
 Clinical features :
 Ipsilateral LMN paralysis at the level
of lesion
 Ipsilateral UMN paralysis below the
level of lesion
 Ipsilateral band of cutaneous
anesthesia at the level
Traumatic SCI
 Ipsilateral loss of tactile
discrimination, vibration
and proprioception below
the level
 Contralateral loss of pain
and temperature below
the level
 Contralateral but not
complete loss of touch
Traumatic SCI
 Causes :
 Cord contusion during vertebral fracture
or dislocation (flexion injuries)
 Injury to anterior spinal artery or its
feeder artery
 Herniated IV disc
 Clinical features :
 Bil LMN paralysis at the level of lesion
 Bil UMN paralysis below the level of
 Bil loss of pain, temperature and light
touch below the level
 Tactile discrimination, vibration and
proprioception preserved
Traumatic SCI
 Causes :
 Hyperextension injuries
 Congenital or degenerative
narrowing of the spinal canal
 Clinical features :
 Bil LMN paralysis at the level of
 Bil UMN paralysis below the level of
lesion (U.L > L.L)
 Sacral sparing
 Bil loss of pain, temperature, light
touch and pressure (U.L > L.L).
Traumatic SCI
 Rare syndrome
 Preservation of motor
function, sense of pain
and light touch.
 Loss of proprioception
and discrimination below
the level of lesion.
 Wide based steppage gait
Traumatic SCI
 It is frequently an incomplete lesion
 Cauda equina are peripheral nerve injuries (LMN)
 Full reinnervation is not possible because
1. Large distance between lesion and point of innervation
2. Axonal regeneration may not occur along the original
distribution of nerve
3. Axonal regeneration may be blocked by scarring
4. The end organ may no longer be functioning once reinnervation
5. The rate of regeneration slows and finally stops after about 1
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Common mechanisms – flexion, compression,
hyperextension, and flexion-rotation.
 Forces results in either fracture or dislocation of the
 The highest frequency of injury between C5 and C7in
the cervical region and between T12 and L2 in the
thoracolumbar region
Traumatic SCI
Force Etiology Associated
Flexion •Head on
•Blow to the
back of head
•Wedge # of
ant or
of injuries
occur from
C4 to C7
and from
T12 to L2
•Tearing of
•#s of post
of disk
dislocation of
Traumatic SCI
Force Etiology Associated
Compression •Vertical or
axial blow
to head
with flexion
•Concave #
of the end
•Explosion or
burst #
•Tear drop #
may lodge in
the cord
•Rupture of
the disk
Traumatic SCI
Force Etiology Associated
Hyperextension •Strong post
force such
as rear end
•Falls with
chin hitting a
•#s of post
•Avulsion # of
ant aspect o
•Rupture of
•Rupture of
with cervical
Traumatic SCI
Force Etiology Associated
Flexion –
Post to ant
directed at
# of post
facets, and
Rupture of
post and
Traumatic SCI
 Two additional mechanism :
1. Shearing – when horizontal force is applied to the spine relative
to the adjacent segment.
2. Distraction – involves traction force and is least common
mechanism of injury
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Believed to result from very abrupt withdrawal of
connections between higher centers and spinal cord.
 Absence of all reflex activity, flaccidity and loss of
sensation and motor function below the level of
 May last from several days to several weeks
 First indicator of the resolving spinal shock is a
positive bulbocavernous reflex
Traumatic SCI
 Complete or partial loss of muscle function below the
level of lesion.
 Impaired or absent sensation below the level of
 Clinical presentation depends on neurological leve,
the completeness of the lesion, and symmetry of the
Traumatic SCI
 It is acute onset of autonomic activity from noxious
stimuli below the level of lesion.
 Occurs in lesions above T6 (above sympathetic
splanchnic outflow)
 Following SCI, the impulses from the vasomotor
centers cannot pass the site of lesion to counteract
the hypertension by vasodialatation.
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Initiating stimuli:
 Baldder distension
 Rectal distention
 Pressure sores
 Urinary stones
 Bladder infections
 Noxious cutaneous stimuli
 Kidney malfunction
 Urethral or bladder irritation
 Environmental temperature changes
Traumatic SCI
 Symptoms :
 Hypertension
 Bradycardia
 Headache (severe and pounding)
 Profuse sweating
 Increased spasticity
 Restlessness
 Vasoconstriction below the level of lesion
 Vasodialatation above the level of lesion
 Constricted pupils
 Nasal congestion
 Piloerection and blurred vision
Traumatic SCI
 It is a medical emergency
 Pt brought to sitting position
 Bladder drainage system should be examined
 Check for irritating stimuli such as tight clothing,
restricting catheter, straps or abdominal binder
 If the symptoms do not subside, medical and/or
nursing assistance should be sought immediately
Traumatic SCI
 Decrease in blood pressure that occurs when
assuming and erect or vertical posture
 Mechanism:
 Loss of sympathetic vasoconstriction control + reduced muscle
tone  peripheral venous and splanchnic bed pooling 
reduced cerebral blood flow and decreased venous return 
lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting
 Frequent with cervical and upper thoracic lesion
 Related problem – edema of legs, ankles and feet
(symmetric and pitting)
Traumatic SCI
 The CVS should be allowed to adapt gradually by a
slow progression to the vertical position.
 Vital signs should be monitored
 Use of compressive stockings and abdominal binder
may help
 Drug therapy – ephedrine to increase blood pressure
and low dose diuretics to relieve persistent edema of
Traumatic SCI
 Control of hypothalamus on cutaneous blood flow is
 Autonomic dysfunction  loss of internal
thermoregulatory responses
 Lost ability to shiver
 Absence of thermoregulatory sweating below the
level of lesion  excessive compensatory
diaphoresis above the level of lesion
 Body temperature significantly affected by external
Traumatic SCI
Respiratory function varies considerably,
depending on the level of lesion
Traumatic SCI
 The level of respiratory impairement is directly
related to:
1. The lesion level
2. Residual respiratory muscle function
3. Additional trauma sustained at the time of injury
4. Premorbid respiratory status
 Pulmonary complications – high mortality during
early stages of tetraplegia
Traumatic SCI
 Higher the lesion, greater the loss of respiratory
 Paralysis of external intercostals muscles 
decreased chest expansion and lower inspiratory
 Higher level of lesion  increased involvement of
accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoid, trapezius,
pectoralis minor, serratus anterior)
Traumatic SCI
 Loss of abdominals and internal intercostals 
significant decrease in expiratory efficiency
 The lowered position of the diaphragm and lack of
abdominal pressure to move the diaphragm up 
decrease the effectiveness of cough and decreased
expiratory reserve volume
 Altered breathing pattern lead to permanent postural
Traumatic SCI
 Results form release of intact reflex arcs from CNS
control and is characterized by:
 Hypertonicity
 Hyperactive stretch reflex
 Clonus
 Gradual increase in spasticity in first 6 months
 Plateau reached in 1 year
 Spasticity increased by multiple internal and external
Traumatic SCI
 Some spasticity may assist in functional activities
 Strong spasticity interferes with function
 Drugs used for spasticity (muscle relaxants and
spasmolytic agents):
 Diazepam (valium)
 Baclofen (lioresal)
 Dantrolene sodium (dantrium)
 Peripheral nerve blocks / intrathecal injections
Traumatic SCI
 Orthopedic surgical procedures:
 Myotomy
 Neurectomy
 tenotomy
 Neurosurgical procedures:
 Rhizotomy
 myelotomy
Traumatic SCI
 UTIs are most frequent medical complication
 Stage of spinal shock – flaccid bladder
 Treatment focused on effective system of drainage
and prevention of urinary retention and infection
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Primary goal – pt free of catheter
- control bladder function’
 Spastic bladder – using micturition reflexes and
trigger stimulus to establish planned reflex voiding
 Flaccid bladder – intermittant catheterization
Traumatic SCI
 Level of lesion at/above T11,T12 – spastic bowel
 Level of lesion below T12 – flaccid bladder
 Bowel training programme for spastic bladder –
 regularly scheduled evacuation, usually every other day
 Responsible to a combination of laxatives(milk of magnesia), stool
softner and suppositories (Ducolax)
 Digital stimulation can be used to initiate a planned reflex bowel
Traumatic SCI
 Bowel training programme for flaccid bowel
 Daily evacuation necessary to keep the rectum clear of feces
and prevent incontinence
 Response to medication less effective than with spastic bowel
 Nonresponsive ot digital stimulation
 Manual removal of stool from the rectum may be required
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Most common cause of death
 Reduced ventilation and weak cough makes it
difficult to clear secretions
 Atelectasis and pneumonia
Traumatic SCI
 Ulceration of the soft tissue caused by unrelieved
pressure or shearing force
Traumatic SCI
1. Impaired sensory function
2. Inability to make appropriate postural changes
3. Loss of vasomotor control  lowering tissue resistance to
4. Spasticity with resultant shearing force between surfaces
5. Skin maceration from exposure to moisture (e.g., urine)
6. Trauma such as adhesive tapes
7. Nutritional deficiencies
8. Poor general skin condition
9. Secondary infections
Traumatic SCI
 Pressure sores develop over bony prominences
subjected to excessive pressure
Traumatic SCI
 2 hourly turning regimen
 Regular observation of the skin
 Gradually pt assumes responsibility for skin care
Traumatic SCI
 Results from the development of thormbus within the
vessel wall
 It has potential to form emboli
 Contributing factors:
 Loss of normal pumping mechanism
 Age
 Prolonged pressure
 Loss of vasomotor tone
 Immobility
 Sepsis
 Hypercoagulability
 trauma
Traumatic SCI
 Clinical features:
 Local swelling
 Ereythema
 Pain
 Heat
 Management :
 Prophylactic anticoagulant therapy continued for 2-3 months
following injury
 A turning programme designed to prevent pressure over large
 Passive Range of motion exercise
 Elastic support stockings
 Positioning of the L.L
Traumatic SCI
 Contractures develop secondary to prolonged
shortening of structures across and around a joint.
 Initially affect muscle tissue
 Later involves capsular and pericapsular structures
 Causes:
 Spasticity
 Flaccidity
 Faulty positioning
 Heterotropic ossification
 Edema
 Management: early ROM exercises, positioning and
Traumatic SCI
 Osteogenesis in the soft tissue below the level of
 Predisposing factors:
 Tissue hypoxia secondary to circulatory stasis
 Abnormal calcium metabolism
 Local pressure and
 Micro trauma related to aggressive range of motion
 It is always extra articular and extracapsular.
 Develops in tendon, connective tissue, aponeurotic
tissueor peripheral aspect of muscles
Traumatic SCI
 Typically develops adjacent
to large joints
 Symptoms include –
swelling, decreased ROM,
erythema, and local warmth
near the joint
 Initial stage – elevated
serum alkaline phosphatase
 Late stages – positive
radiographic findings
Traumatic SCI
 Management:
 Pharmacological therapy (diphospahtes)
 Physical therapy
 Surgery (resection of ectopic bone)
Traumatic SCI
 Causes:
 Fractures
 Ligamentous or soft tissue damage
 Muscle spasm
 Early surgical intervention
 Management:
 Immobilisation
 Analgesics
Traumatic SCI
 Nerve root pain:
 Causes:
 Acute compression/tearing of the nerve roots
 Periradicular scar tissue and adhesion formation
 Improper reduction
 Management:
 Pharmacological therapy Analgesics
 Neurectomy
 rhizotomy
Traumatic SCI
 Musculoskeletal pain
 Frequently involves shoulder joint
 Related to:
 Faulty positioning
 Inadequate ROM
 Role as tonic stabilizer to subsitute for trunk
 Management:
 Regular ROM exercise
Traumatic SCI
 Osteoporosis and renal calculi:
 Imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation
 Secondary to immobility and lack of stress on skeletal system
 Management:
 Dietary consideration
 Prevention of urinary tract infections
 Early wt bearing activities
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI
 Potential for recovery is influenced by:
1. Degree of pathological changes imposed by the trauma
2. Precaution taken to prevent further damage
3. Prevention of additional damage to neural tissue from
hypoxia and hypotension
 After spinal shock  complete lesion with early
appearance of reflex activity  poor prognosis
 Incomplete recovery  good prognosis
Traumatic SCI
 Improvement begins immediately after spinal shock
 Consistent progression of muscle return  further
recovery expected.
 After a plateau is reached  no additional recovery
Traumatic SCI
Traumatic SCI 65

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Traumatic spinal cord injury

  • 4. 1. Tetraplegia :  Complete paralysis of all four extremities and trunk including respiratory muscles  Results from lesion in cervical cord 2. Paraplegia :  Complete paralysis of all or part of trunk and both lower extremities.  Results from lesion in thoracic or lumbar spinal cord or cauda equina CLASSIFICATION 4 Traumatic SCI
  • 6. DESIGNATION OF LESION LEVEL  American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) created International Standards Of Neurological Classification Of Spinal Cord Injury ( ISNCSCI)  Provides a standardized examination method  Allows better communication between and among professionals  Provides guidance for establishing the prognosis  Important tool for clinical research trials 6 Traumatic SCI
  • 7. DESIGNATION OF LESION LEVEL  Neurological level : most caudal level of the spinal cord with normal motor and sensory function on both the left and right side of the body.  Motor level : most caudal segment of the spinal cord with normal motor functions bilaterally.  Sensory level : most caudal segment of the spinal cord with normal sensory functions (light touch and pin prick) bilaterally. 7 Traumatic SCI
  • 8. DESIGNATION OF LESION LEVEL  Complete injury : no sensory or motor functions in the lowest sacral segments (S4, S5)  Incomplete injury : having motor or sensory function below the neurological level including sensory and motor functions at S4 and S5  Zones of partial preservation: motor/sensory function below the level of lesion present, but does not have function at S4 and S5. 8 Traumatic SCI
  • 10. BROWN SEQUARD SYNDROME  Causes :  Fracture dislocation of the vertebral column  Bullet or stab wound  Expanding tumor  Clinical features :  Ipsilateral LMN paralysis at the level of lesion  Ipsilateral UMN paralysis below the level of lesion  Ipsilateral band of cutaneous anesthesia at the level 10 Traumatic SCI
  • 11. BROWN SEQUARD SYNDROME  Ipsilateral loss of tactile discrimination, vibration and proprioception below the level  Contralateral loss of pain and temperature below the level  Contralateral but not complete loss of touch 11 Traumatic SCI
  • 12. ANTERIOR CORD SYNDROME  Causes :  Cord contusion during vertebral fracture or dislocation (flexion injuries)  Injury to anterior spinal artery or its feeder artery  Herniated IV disc  Clinical features :  Bil LMN paralysis at the level of lesion  Bil UMN paralysis below the level of lesion  Bil loss of pain, temperature and light touch below the level  Tactile discrimination, vibration and proprioception preserved 12 Traumatic SCI
  • 13. CENTRAL CORD SYNDROME  Causes :  Hyperextension injuries  Congenital or degenerative narrowing of the spinal canal  Clinical features :  Bil LMN paralysis at the level of lesion  Bil UMN paralysis below the level of lesion (U.L > L.L)  Sacral sparing  Bil loss of pain, temperature, light touch and pressure (U.L > L.L). 13 Traumatic SCI
  • 14. POSTERIOR CORD SYNDROME  Rare syndrome  Preservation of motor function, sense of pain and light touch.  Loss of proprioception and discrimination below the level of lesion.  Wide based steppage gait 14 Traumatic SCI
  • 15. CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME  It is frequently an incomplete lesion  Cauda equina are peripheral nerve injuries (LMN)  Full reinnervation is not possible because 1. Large distance between lesion and point of innervation 2. Axonal regeneration may not occur along the original distribution of nerve 3. Axonal regeneration may be blocked by scarring 4. The end organ may no longer be functioning once reinnervation occur 5. The rate of regeneration slows and finally stops after about 1 year 15 Traumatic SCI
  • 17. MECHANISM OF INJURY  Common mechanisms – flexion, compression, hyperextension, and flexion-rotation.  Forces results in either fracture or dislocation of the vertebrae.  The highest frequency of injury between C5 and C7in the cervical region and between T12 and L2 in the thoracolumbar region 17 Traumatic SCI
  • 18. Force Etiology Associated fracture Associated injuries Flexion •Head on collision •Blow to the back of head •Most common •Wedge # of ant or vertebral body •High percentage of injuries occur from C4 to C7 and from T12 to L2 •Tearing of post ligaments •#s of post elements •Disruption of disk •Ant dislocation of vertebral bodies 18 Traumatic SCI
  • 19. Force Etiology Associated fracture Associated injuries Compression •Vertical or axial blow to head •Closely associated with flexion injuries •Concave # of the end plate •Explosion or burst # •Tear drop # •Bone fragments may lodge in the cord •Rupture of the disk 19 Traumatic SCI
  • 20. Force Etiology Associated fracture Associated injuries Hyperextension •Strong post force such as rear end collision •Falls with chin hitting a stationary object •#s of post elements •Avulsion # of ant aspect o vertebrae •Rupture of ant longitudinal ligament •Rupture of disk •Associated with cervical lesions 20 Traumatic SCI
  • 21. Force Etiology Associated fracture Associated injuries Flexion – rotation Post to ant force directed at rotated vertebral column # of post pedicles, articular facets, and laminae Rupture of post and interspinous ligament 21 Traumatic SCI
  • 22. MECHANISM OF INJURY  Two additional mechanism : 1. Shearing – when horizontal force is applied to the spine relative to the adjacent segment. 2. Distraction – involves traction force and is least common mechanism of injury 22 Traumatic SCI
  • 24. SPINAL SHOCK  Believed to result from very abrupt withdrawal of connections between higher centers and spinal cord.  Absence of all reflex activity, flaccidity and loss of sensation and motor function below the level of lesion.  May last from several days to several weeks  First indicator of the resolving spinal shock is a positive bulbocavernous reflex 24 Traumatic SCI
  • 25. MOTOR AND SENSORY IMPAIREMENTS  Complete or partial loss of muscle function below the level of lesion.  Impaired or absent sensation below the level of lesion  Clinical presentation depends on neurological leve, the completeness of the lesion, and symmetry of the lesion 25 Traumatic SCI
  • 26. AUTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA  It is acute onset of autonomic activity from noxious stimuli below the level of lesion.  Occurs in lesions above T6 (above sympathetic splanchnic outflow)  Following SCI, the impulses from the vasomotor centers cannot pass the site of lesion to counteract the hypertension by vasodialatation. 26 Traumatic SCI
  • 28. AUTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA  Initiating stimuli:  Baldder distension  Rectal distention  Pressure sores  Urinary stones  Bladder infections  Noxious cutaneous stimuli  Kidney malfunction  Urethral or bladder irritation  Environmental temperature changes 28 Traumatic SCI
  • 29. AUTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA  Symptoms :  Hypertension  Bradycardia  Headache (severe and pounding)  Profuse sweating  Increased spasticity  Restlessness  Vasoconstriction below the level of lesion  Vasodialatation above the level of lesion  Constricted pupils  Nasal congestion  Piloerection and blurred vision 29 Traumatic SCI
  • 30. AUTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA Intervention:  It is a medical emergency  Pt brought to sitting position  Bladder drainage system should be examined immediately  Check for irritating stimuli such as tight clothing, restricting catheter, straps or abdominal binder  If the symptoms do not subside, medical and/or nursing assistance should be sought immediately 30 Traumatic SCI
  • 31. POSTURAL HYPOTENSION  Decrease in blood pressure that occurs when assuming and erect or vertical posture  Mechanism:  Loss of sympathetic vasoconstriction control + reduced muscle tone  peripheral venous and splanchnic bed pooling  reduced cerebral blood flow and decreased venous return  lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting  Frequent with cervical and upper thoracic lesion  Related problem – edema of legs, ankles and feet (symmetric and pitting) 31 Traumatic SCI
  • 32. POSTURAL HYPOTENSION  The CVS should be allowed to adapt gradually by a slow progression to the vertical position.  Vital signs should be monitored  Use of compressive stockings and abdominal binder may help  Drug therapy – ephedrine to increase blood pressure and low dose diuretics to relieve persistent edema of legs 32 Traumatic SCI
  • 33. IMPAIRED TEMPERATURE CONTROL  Control of hypothalamus on cutaneous blood flow is lost  Autonomic dysfunction  loss of internal thermoregulatory responses  Lost ability to shiver  Absence of thermoregulatory sweating below the level of lesion  excessive compensatory diaphoresis above the level of lesion  Body temperature significantly affected by external environment 33 Traumatic SCI
  • 34. RESPIRATORY IMPAIREMENT Respiratory function varies considerably, depending on the level of lesion 34 Traumatic SCI
  • 35. RESPIRATORY IMPAIREMENT  The level of respiratory impairement is directly related to: 1. The lesion level 2. Residual respiratory muscle function 3. Additional trauma sustained at the time of injury 4. Premorbid respiratory status  Pulmonary complications – high mortality during early stages of tetraplegia 35 Traumatic SCI
  • 36. RESPIRATORY IMPAIREMENT  Higher the lesion, greater the loss of respiratory function  Paralysis of external intercostals muscles  decreased chest expansion and lower inspiratory volume  Higher level of lesion  increased involvement of accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior) 36 Traumatic SCI
  • 37. RESPIRATORY IMPAIREMENT  Loss of abdominals and internal intercostals  significant decrease in expiratory efficiency  The lowered position of the diaphragm and lack of abdominal pressure to move the diaphragm up  decrease the effectiveness of cough and decreased expiratory reserve volume  Altered breathing pattern lead to permanent postural changes 37 Traumatic SCI
  • 38. SPASTICITY  Results form release of intact reflex arcs from CNS control and is characterized by:  Hypertonicity  Hyperactive stretch reflex  Clonus  Gradual increase in spasticity in first 6 months  Plateau reached in 1 year  Spasticity increased by multiple internal and external stimuli 38 Traumatic SCI
  • 39. SPASTICITY  Some spasticity may assist in functional activities  Strong spasticity interferes with function  Drugs used for spasticity (muscle relaxants and spasmolytic agents):  Diazepam (valium)  Baclofen (lioresal)  Dantrolene sodium (dantrium)  Peripheral nerve blocks / intrathecal injections 39 Traumatic SCI
  • 40. SPASTICITY  Orthopedic surgical procedures:  Myotomy  Neurectomy  tenotomy  Neurosurgical procedures:  Rhizotomy  myelotomy 40 Traumatic SCI
  • 41. BLADDER DYSFUNCTION  UTIs are most frequent medical complication  Stage of spinal shock – flaccid bladder  Treatment focused on effective system of drainage and prevention of urinary retention and infection 41 Traumatic SCI
  • 43. BLADDER TRAINING  Primary goal – pt free of catheter - control bladder function’  Spastic bladder – using micturition reflexes and trigger stimulus to establish planned reflex voiding  Flaccid bladder – intermittant catheterization 43 Traumatic SCI
  • 44. BOWEL DYSFUNCITON  Level of lesion at/above T11,T12 – spastic bowel  Level of lesion below T12 – flaccid bladder  Bowel training programme for spastic bladder –  regularly scheduled evacuation, usually every other day  Responsible to a combination of laxatives(milk of magnesia), stool softner and suppositories (Ducolax)  Digital stimulation can be used to initiate a planned reflex bowel evacuation 44 Traumatic SCI
  • 45. BOWEL DYSFUNCITON  Bowel training programme for flaccid bowel  Daily evacuation necessary to keep the rectum clear of feces and prevent incontinence  Response to medication less effective than with spastic bowel dysfunction  Nonresponsive ot digital stimulation  Manual removal of stool from the rectum may be required 45 Traumatic SCI
  • 47. RESPIRATORY COMPLICATION  Most common cause of death  Reduced ventilation and weak cough makes it difficult to clear secretions  Atelectasis and pneumonia 47 Traumatic SCI
  • 48. PRESSURE SORES  Ulceration of the soft tissue caused by unrelieved pressure or shearing force 48 Traumatic SCI
  • 49. PRESSURE SORES  CAUSES: 1. Impaired sensory function 2. Inability to make appropriate postural changes 3. Loss of vasomotor control  lowering tissue resistance to pressure 4. Spasticity with resultant shearing force between surfaces 5. Skin maceration from exposure to moisture (e.g., urine) 6. Trauma such as adhesive tapes 7. Nutritional deficiencies 8. Poor general skin condition 9. Secondary infections 49 Traumatic SCI
  • 50. PRESSURE SORES  Pressure sores develop over bony prominences subjected to excessive pressure 50 Traumatic SCI
  • 51. PRESSURE SORES  INTERVENTION:  2 hourly turning regimen  Regular observation of the skin  Gradually pt assumes responsibility for skin care 51 Traumatic SCI
  • 52. DVT  Results from the development of thormbus within the vessel wall  It has potential to form emboli  Contributing factors:  Loss of normal pumping mechanism  Age  Prolonged pressure  Loss of vasomotor tone  Immobility  Sepsis  Hypercoagulability  trauma 52 Traumatic SCI
  • 53. DVT  Clinical features:  Local swelling  Ereythema  Pain  Heat  Management :  Prophylactic anticoagulant therapy continued for 2-3 months following injury  A turning programme designed to prevent pressure over large vessels  Passive Range of motion exercise  Elastic support stockings  Positioning of the L.L 53 Traumatic SCI
  • 54. CONTRACTURES  Contractures develop secondary to prolonged shortening of structures across and around a joint.  Initially affect muscle tissue  Later involves capsular and pericapsular structures  Causes:  Spasticity  Flaccidity  Faulty positioning  Heterotropic ossification  Edema  Management: early ROM exercises, positioning and splinting 54 Traumatic SCI
  • 55. HETREOTROPIC OSSIFICATION  Osteogenesis in the soft tissue below the level of lesion  Predisposing factors:  Tissue hypoxia secondary to circulatory stasis  Abnormal calcium metabolism  Local pressure and  Micro trauma related to aggressive range of motion  It is always extra articular and extracapsular.  Develops in tendon, connective tissue, aponeurotic tissueor peripheral aspect of muscles 55 Traumatic SCI
  • 56. HETREOTROPIC OSSIFICATION  Typically develops adjacent to large joints  Symptoms include – swelling, decreased ROM, erythema, and local warmth near the joint  Initial stage – elevated serum alkaline phosphatase  Late stages – positive radiographic findings 56 Traumatic SCI
  • 57. HETREOTROPIC OSSIFICATION  Management:  Pharmacological therapy (diphospahtes)  Physical therapy  Surgery (resection of ectopic bone) 57 Traumatic SCI
  • 58. PAIN  TRAUMATIC PAIN  Causes:  Fractures  Ligamentous or soft tissue damage  Muscle spasm  Early surgical intervention  Management:  Immobilisation  Analgesics  TENS 58 Traumatic SCI
  • 59. PAIN  Nerve root pain:  Causes:  Acute compression/tearing of the nerve roots  Periradicular scar tissue and adhesion formation  Improper reduction  Management:  Pharmacological therapy Analgesics  TENS  Neurectomy  rhizotomy 59 Traumatic SCI
  • 60. PAIN  Musculoskeletal pain  Frequently involves shoulder joint  Related to:  Faulty positioning  Inadequate ROM  Role as tonic stabilizer to subsitute for trunk  Management:  Regular ROM exercise 60 Traumatic SCI
  • 61. PAIN  Osteoporosis and renal calculi:  Imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation  Secondary to immobility and lack of stress on skeletal system  Management:  Dietary consideration  Prevention of urinary tract infections  Early wt bearing activities 61 Traumatic SCI
  • 63. PROGNOSIS  Potential for recovery is influenced by: 1. Degree of pathological changes imposed by the trauma 2. Precaution taken to prevent further damage 3. Prevention of additional damage to neural tissue from hypoxia and hypotension  After spinal shock  complete lesion with early appearance of reflex activity  poor prognosis  Incomplete recovery  good prognosis 63 Traumatic SCI
  • 64. PROGNOSIS  Improvement begins immediately after spinal shock  Consistent progression of muscle return  further recovery expected.  After a plateau is reached  no additional recovery expected 64 Traumatic SCI