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Relationship between Parenting Styles and Sport Participation of Teenager Girl
Bahram Yoosefy, Javad Azimirad, and Ali Malekian
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and the
amount of student's sport participation. 184 high school female students participated in this
study. Family environment questionnaire was used to evaluate the parenting styles. The level
of participation in sports was determined using a researcher made questionnaire. Data was
analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed
significant correlation between physical activity levels and authoritarian and permissive
parenting styles, but there was no significant correlation between physical activity levels and
authoritative and neglectful parenting styles. Based on the findings of this study, more support
of the parents is associated with more physical activity level in children.
Keywords: Parenting Style, Sport Participation, Physical Activity, Teenager Girl Students.
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Relationship between Parenting Styles and Teen Athletes

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  • 1. 9.1393.66-55 ! "#$% & ' ()* + , *- ,. + /0- 1,231 4 5 ) 6 ,7'1 89 1 :12 <= =93 $. ) 1 >) #:29/5/92A,)B >) #:28/1/93 * <D ! " # $% & #%$'% ()*'$ ) ' .184$'$ ) ' )*' % ($' ! '.%/' $ * 0 1 2 $3 ## ! " # $% &%2 $42)*%#2$ 5$ % 67 ' 8).''% ' 8)%(## (4)9 5 :!; <1=! 6 =$ / 7> /; <1 $.;? =$ )@ # $% & A '' $ B! )$$ /2! ")*' % $'% (# ' 73' ' ' CD$% & #=1 9 =$ )9 #$! " 2% $' )*'% (# ' 73$ & !.=)& ! E#) $ " 3& ! " ) ! 5 5 $% &. * =%E/:$% & A#$' )*' $ " 3& %% ( Relationship between Parenting Styles and Sport Participation of Teenager Girl Students Bahram Yoosefy, Javad Azimirad, and Ali Malekian Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and the amount of student's sport participation. 184 high school female students participated in this study. Family environment questionnaire was used to evaluate the parenting styles. The level of participation in sports was determined using a researcher made questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed significant correlation between physical activity levels and authoritarian and permissive parenting styles, but there was no significant correlation between physical activity levels and authoritative and neglectful parenting styles. Based on the findings of this study, more support of the parents is associated with more physical activity level in children. Keywords: Parenting Style, Sport Participation, Physical Activity, Teenager Girl Students. 1./ 5<F G HF$ I '%( 4 $' $ 2./ E$ I '%( 4 $' $)L G9 A 79! $(Email: 3./ E$ #% 4 $' $
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