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 VESICLES: Elevated blisters containing
clear fluid that are less than 1cm in
 BULLAE: elevated blisters containing clear
fluid that are greater than 1cm in diameter
 Familial benign chronic pemphigus
 Epidermolysis bullosa
 Herpes simplex virus infections
 Varicella zoster virus
 Herpangina
 Hand foot and mouth disease
 measles
 Pemphigus
 Pemphigoid
 Erythema multiforme
 Linear IgA disease
 Allergic stomatitis
 All herpes virus contain DNA nucleus which
can remain latent in host neural cells
thereby evading host immune response
 HSV1- infections above the waist
 HSV2- infections below the waist
 Both HSV 1 and HSV 2 can be transmitted
 The primary infections is acquired by
inoculation of mucosa skin and eye with
infected secretions
 The virus then travels along the sensory
nerve axons and establishes chronic latent
infections in the sensory ganglion.
 Most common sites are oral mucosa, genital
mucosa and eyes
 HSV infection of cornea is the major cause of
 Herpes whitlow:an infection of the fingers when
virus is inoculated into the fingers through a
break in the skin
 Common occupational hazard in dental
 Usually occur in children and teenagers
 fever,loss of appetite , malaise and
myalgia, headache and nausea.
 The disease is self limiting and resolves
within 10-14 days
 After a few days, erythema and clusters of
vesicles appear on the keratinized mucosa of
the hard palate , attached gingiva and
dorsum of the tongue and non keratinized
mucosa of the buccal and labial mucosa,
ventral tongue and soft palate.
 Vesicles break down to form ulcers that are
usually 1 to 5 mm and coalesce to form
larger ulcers with scalloped borders and
marked surrounding erythema.
 The gingiva is often red and the mouth is
extremely painful causing difficulty in
 Pharyngitis causes swallowing difficulties.
 Reactivation of HSV may lead to
asymptomatic shedding of HSV in the
saliva and oral secretions ,which is an
important risk factor in transmission.
 The term recrudescent HSV refers to the
actual ulcerations caused by reactivated
 Fever , ultraviolet radiation, trauma,stress,
menstruation are important triggers for
reactivation of HSV.
 Recrudescent HSV on the lips is called
recurrent herpes labialis
 symptoms-itching, tingling or burning
followed by the by the appearance of
 Pain-present only with in first 2days
recrudescent HSV in the
immunocompetant host occurs chiefly on
the keratinised mucosa of the hard palate
,attached gingiva, and dorsum of the
 They present as 1 to 5 mm single or
clustered painful ulcer with a bright
erythematous border.
 One common presentation is the
complaint of pain in the gingiva 1 to 2
days after a scaling and prophylaxis or
other dental treatment.
 HSV in Immunocompromised
patients-patients who are undergoing
chemotherapy . Who have undergone
organ transplantation,or patients suffering
with AIDS ,RIH may occur in any site
 If undiagnosed and left untreated RIH
infections may disseminate to other sites
and cause severe infections in the
immunocompromised patients.
3. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
4. Recurrent aphthous ulcer
young adults as compared to herpes
simplex which occurs in children.
 HSV isolation by cell culture is the gold
standard test for the diagnosis.
 advantage- high sensitivity and specificity
 The disadvantage- need specialised
equipment , is expensive, and may take
upto several days for a final result.
 Recently polymerase chain reaction from
swabs has been shown to detect antigen 3
to 4 times more common than culture.
 HSV can be identified from scrapings from
the base of lesions smeared onto glass
 These can be stained with Wright, Giemsa
or Papanicolaou stain to demonstrate the
characteristic multinucleated giant cells or
intranuclear inclusions.
 Primary HSV infections is associated with
elevated immunoglobulin IgM titers
followed several weeks later by permanent
IgG titers that indicate previous infection
but confer no protection against
 Recurrent infection is associated with the
rise in IgG antibody titer in acute and
convalescent sera.
 Management is directed towards pain
control , supportive care, and definitive
 2% Viscous lidocaine(swish and spit out
5ml 4-5 timesday)
 Liquid diphenhydramine (swish and spit
out 5 ml 4 to5 timesday
 Combination of viscous lidocaine
,diphenhydramine and a covering agent
such as kaopectate or maalox)in 1:1:1
 Benzydamine
 Systemic analgesia
 Hydration
 Ice chips
 Soft balanced diet
 Antipyretics such as ibuprufen as needed.
 Aspirin is contraindicated in children with
viral illness has been associated with
Reye’s syndrome ,a potentially fatal
condition characterised by fatty
degeneration of the liver and
 Antiviral drugs such as acyclovir 15mg/kg
5 times a day in children reduces the
duration of fever , reduces HSV shedding
,halts the progress of lesion , improves
oral intake.
 Valacyclovir the prodrug of acyclovir has 3
to 5times the bioavailability of acyclovir.
 RHL can be suppressed by reducing trigger
factors such as by using sunscreens.
 Antiviral medications reduces shedding,
infectivity, pain and the size and duration of
 5%acyclovir cream,3%penciclovir cream and
10% docosanol cream are effective if applied
3 to 6 times a day at first prodrome or sign
of lesion
 systemic antivirals to prevent dissemination
to other sites.
 Acyclovir and valacyclovir suppress HSV
reactivation who are HSV seropositive
 Acyclovir resistant HSV is most frequently
seen in this group of patients where the
virally derived thymidine kinase that activate
acyclovir is mutated. here foscarnet is the
drug of choice.
Varicella zoster virus infections
 Etiology and pathogenesis-
 Primary infection with VZV leads to the
chicken pox(varicella)
 The virus then becomes latent usually in
the dorsal root ganglia or ganglion of the
cranial nerves.
 Reactivation produces herpes zoster
infection(HZI) commonly called as shingles
 The incidence of HZI increases with age
and degree of immunosuppression
 This virus is cytopathic to epithelial cells of
skin and mucosa causing blisters and
 Transmission –respiratory route
 Incubation period-2 to 3 weeks
 PRIMARY VZV- occurs in the first 2
decades of life.
 Low grade fever, malaise and
development of an intensely pruritic
maculopapular rash, followed by vesicles
which is ‘dew drop like’.
 These vesicles turn cloudy and pustular
burst and scab with crusts falling off after
1 to 2 weeks.
 Lesions begin on trunk and face and
spread centrifugally.
 Cerebellar ataxia
 Encephalitis
 Pneumonia
 Myocarditis
 Hepatitis
 more common in adults,start with deep
aching or burning pain
 Little or no fever or lymphadenopathy
 Appearance of crops of vesicles in a
dermatomal or zosteriform pattern in 2 to
 This pattern describes the unilateral linear
and clustered distribution of vesicles, ulcers
and scabs in a dermatome supplied by one
 Lesions heals with in 2 to 4 weeks with
scarring and hypopigmentation.
 Occasionally HZI may occur without the
appearance of dermatosomal lesions
which makes the diagnosis challenging
and the patients present with facial palsy.
 Postherpetic neuralgia
 Acute retinal necrosis
 Primary VZV infection presents as minor
acute ulcerations in the mouth.
 In recurrent VZV the ophthalmic division of
trigeminal nerve is the cranial nerve most
often affected.
 Corneal involvement may lead to
 Involvement of this nerve leads to lesions
on the upper eyelid , fore head and scalp
with v1.
 Midface and upper lip with V2 and lower
face and lower lips with v3
 With involvement of v2 patients have pain
burning and tenderness usually on the
palate on one side
 Then appearance of painful ,clustered 1 to
5mm ulcers on the hard palate or buccal
gingiva in a unilateral distribution
 Ulcers heal with 10 to 14 days
 resorption and exfoliation of teeth and
osteonecrosis of jaw bones especially in
patients with HIV disease.
 An uncommon complication of HZI –
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome .
 Patients develop bells palsy ,vesicles of
the external ear and loss of taste
sensation in anterior 2 third of the tongue.
 The pain experienced before the onset of
vesicles and ulcers may lead to incorrect
 Culture can differentiate between two.
 They are not present unilaterally
 Viral isolation using cell culture
 Direct fluorescent antibody testing using a
smear have greater sensitivity.
 This test uses a smear obtained by
scraping the lesion and staining with
antibody against VZV conjugated to a
fluorescent compound.
 After primary infection the patients sero
converts and IgA against VZV is detectable
in the serum
 Pain control , supportive care and hydration
,minimizing the risk for dissemination.
 Ibuprofen is preferred analgesic
 Treatment for primary VZV infections
 Acyclovir – 800mg 5 times daily
 Herpes zoster
 Valacylovir – 1000mg 3 times daily for 7 days
 Famciclovir – 500mg 3 times daily for 7 days
 This should be treated within 72hrs of
disease onset
 Postherpetic neuralgia
 First line treatment-gabapentin and 5%
lidocaine patch
 Second line treatment-opioid analgesics
and tricyclic anti depressents
 VZV-A live , attenuated vaccine reduces the
incidence of varicella outbreaks.
 Vaccination of older adults with this vaccine
 Increase in antibody levels
 Boosts cell specific immunity
 Reduces incidence and severity of HZI
 Reduces post herpetic neuralgia.
 The word herpangina derives from herpes
meaning “vesicular eruptions” and angina
meaning “inflammation of the throat”
 Its caused by coxsackie virus A 1-10
,CVA16 and CVA 22
 Transmission-ingestion,Direct
contact,droplet spread
 Children under 10yrs usually affected and
occur in epidemics in summer
 Incubation period-2-10 days
 Fever, headache,vomiting,abdominal pain
 First oral symptoms- sore throat and pain on
 Erythema of oropharynx, soft palate and
tonsillar pillars.
 Small vesicles are formed but they rapidly
breakdown to 2 to 4 mm ulcers . They
persist for 5 to 10 days.
Lymphonodular pharyngitis
 Variant of herpangina and associated with CVA 10.
 Clinical features:-
 Age-children,young adults
 Site-uvula,soft palate,post.orophaynx
 Incubation period-2-10days
 Patient report with a sore throat,elavated temp,mild
 Yellowish white nodules surrounded by zone of erythema
 Patient develop diffuse small nodules in the oropharynx
 Lesion do not produce vesicles or do not ulcerate
 Lesion resolves with in 6-10 days
 No Rx required ,disease is self limiting
 CVA16 is the most common cause
 CVA7, CVA9, CVA10, CVA24. CVB2, CVB5
 Entero virus (EV71) is a common cause of
HFM disease.
 HFM tends to be seasonal occurs in
epidemic , clusters and has high
transmission rates
 HFM usually affects children younger than
10 yrs.
 Low grade fever and sore throat.
 75 to 100% patients have skin rash
especially on the hands and feet and 30%
on buttocks.
 The rash is first red and macular and
becomes vesicular.
 Patients are febrile and complains of sore
mouth and throat.
 Lesions begin as erythematous macules
that becomes vesicles and quickly
breakdown to ulcers.
 Lesions are located on the tongue, hard
and soft palate and buccal mucosa.
 1.Primary HSV:-
 Lesions in palms and soles are typical for
hand foot and mouth.
 Ulcers in posterior oral cavity are typical
for herpangina
 Bright red and painful gingivacan be seen
in primary HSV and its uncommon in CV.
 Herpangina and HSV
 2.Chicken pox-ulcers are not prominent in
oralcavity,generalised vesicular skin lesions seen
 3.Streptococcal infections of throat:- do not
produce vesicles or ulcers
 CVB- diagnosed by culture
 CVA16- grow rapidly
 CVA is best identified by inoculation into
newborn mice.
 Reverse transcriptase PCR –sensitive and
rapid way of identifying viral RNA in
clinical specimen.
 Diagnosis is usually made on clinical findings and
cultures and biopsies are rarely necessary.
 Skin biopsies of HFM and HERPANGINA show
intraepidermal vesicles with a mixed lymphocytic
and neutrophilic infiltrate, degeneration of
epidermal cells and dermal edema.
 Eosinophilic nuclear inclusions and
intracytoplasmic picornavirus particles are seen
in surrounding dermal vessels.
 Biopsy of lymphonodular pharyngitis shows
hyperplastic lymphoid nodules.
 CV infections are self limiting
 Management is directed towards control of
fever and mouth pain , supportive care.
 Limiting contact with others to prevent
spread of infections.
 Effective antiviral agents for CV are not
 Also called as rubeola or morbilli
 Acute contagious viral infection
 Primarily affecting children
 Occur in epidemic form
 It is caused by paramyxovirus
 Direct contact with a person
 Droplet infection
Clinical features
 Incubation period-8 to 10 days
 Symptoms:-fever,malaise,cough,conjuctivitis,phot
ophobia,lacrimation,eruptive lesions of skin and oral
mucosa,sore throat
 Skin- skin eruption begins on face,in the hairline, behind
the ear and spread to neck,chest,back and extrimities
 Appearance-tiny red macules or papules enlarge and
coalesce to form discolored irregular lesions which
blanch on pressure
 Fade away in 4to 5 days with fine desquamation
Oral manifestations
 Oral lesions precede 2to 3 days before cutaneous rash
 Site- buccal mucosa
 Intraoral lesions-kopliks spots – occur in 97% of cases
 Appearance-small irregularly shaped flecks which appear
as bluish white specks surrounded by bright red margins
 Signs-generalised inflammation,congestion,
swelling,focal ulceration of gingiva,palate and throat
 Increase in no. and coalesce to form small patches
 Bronchial asthma
 Encephalitis
 Noma
 Hodgkins lymphoma
 Induction of remission of leukemia
 Otitis media
Differential diagnosis
 Smallpox-high fever,monoform exanthema
 Chickenpox-typical exanthema that follows
intraoral lesion
 The patient should be isolated
 Vitamin A should be given
 Ribavirin- 20-30 mg/kg-IV for 7days
 Active immunisation-one injection of live attenuated
measles vaccine(MMR vaccine) –subcutaneously in
children over one year
 Passive immunisation-human immunoglobulin-IM-
under 18 months of age and debilitated children
250 mg-children under 1 year
500 mg-over 1 year
 A large group of clinically similar
desquamating disease processes of the
skin and mucosa that have in common the
separation of the epithelium from the
underlying connective tissue and the
formation of large blisters that frequently
result in extensive and often immobilizing
scar formation.
1. Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex
-generalised form
-localised form
2. Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
3. Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa
Clinical features
1. Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex
Generalised form
 Age-inherited as autosomal dominant trait
 Manifests at birth
 Vesicle or bullae-Sites of trauma/friction
 Involve hands and feet. neck, knees and elbow are
rarely affected
 Healing- with in 2 to 10 days, no scarring or
pigmentation seen
 Prognosis-good and disease appears to improve at
 Localised form-limited to hands and feet only and
exacerbate in hot weather
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic
 Age-onset at infancy and delay until
 Sites-blister develop on
ankles,knees,elbows,feet and head.
 Healing-results in scarring
 Signs-hair may be sparse, nails are thick
and dystrophic
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic
 Age-onset at birth
 Formation of bullae spontaneously,sites of
trauma,friction or pressure
 Sites-feet, buttock,scapula,elbows,finger
 bullae contains a clear,bacteriologically sterile or
blood tinged fluid
 when bullae rupture under trauma or
pressure,they leave raw, painful surface
– Nikolskys sign- positive
 Healing-heal by scar formation
junctional Epidermolysis
 Severe form of dystrophic recessive type
 Onset at birth
 Absence of scarring,pigmentation and
death within three months of age
 Bullae similar to recessive
 Develop simultaneously and sheets of skin
may be actually shed
0ral manifestations
 Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex
 Bullae of oral cavity can be seen in
generalised EB
 Teeth are not affected
 Bullae can occur sometimes
 Teeth are unaffected
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic
 Oral bullae are common
 Prodromal signs:-
 preceded by white spots or patches on oral
mucosa or by development of localised areas of
 bullae are painful when rupture or when
epithelium desquamates
 Scar formation- results in restriction of tongue
 Hoarseness and dysphagia due to bullae
of larynx and pharynx
 Teeth:-defects seen like:-
 -rudimentary teeth
 -congenitally absent teeth
 -hypoplastic teeth
 -crowns denuded of enamel
junctional Epidermolysis
 Oral bullae are very extensive
 Due to extreme fragility ,causes serious
feeding problems
 Deciduous teeth-disturbance in enamel
and dentin formation
 Diagnosis is simple when the family
history,reaction to trauma are taken into
 Large blisters should be pricked and blister
fluid released
 Dressing to minimise reaction may be
 Topical antibacterial agents:-apply to the
affected area
 bacitracin/neomycin
 sulfadiazine silver 1%
 mupirocin 2%
 Aluminim chloride topical 20%
 Tetracycline-250-500mg orally every 6hrs

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Vesiculobullous Lesions -Dr.Aseem Mohammed

  • 2. VESICULOBULLOUS LESIONS  VESICLES: Elevated blisters containing clear fluid that are less than 1cm in diameter.  BULLAE: elevated blisters containing clear fluid that are greater than 1cm in diameter
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION 1. HEREDITARY LESIONS  Familial benign chronic pemphigus  Epidermolysis bullosa 2. VIRAL LESIONS  Herpes simplex virus infections  Varicella zoster virus  Herpangina  Hand foot and mouth disease  measles
  • 6.  IMMUNOLOGICAL LESIONS  Pemphigus  Pemphigoid  Erythema multiforme  Linear IgA disease  Allergic stomatitis
  • 7. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS INFECTIONS  All herpes virus contain DNA nucleus which can remain latent in host neural cells thereby evading host immune response  ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS  HSV1- infections above the waist  HSV2- infections below the waist  Both HSV 1 and HSV 2 can be transmitted sexually
  • 8.  The primary infections is acquired by inoculation of mucosa skin and eye with infected secretions  The virus then travels along the sensory nerve axons and establishes chronic latent infections in the sensory ganglion.
  • 9.  Most common sites are oral mucosa, genital mucosa and eyes  HSV infection of cornea is the major cause of blindness  Herpes whitlow:an infection of the fingers when virus is inoculated into the fingers through a break in the skin  Common occupational hazard in dental professional
  • 10. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS  PRIMARY GINGIVOSTOMATITIS:  Usually occur in children and teenagers  fever,loss of appetite , malaise and myalgia, headache and nausea.  The disease is self limiting and resolves within 10-14 days
  • 11. ORAL FINDINGS  After a few days, erythema and clusters of vesicles appear on the keratinized mucosa of the hard palate , attached gingiva and dorsum of the tongue and non keratinized mucosa of the buccal and labial mucosa, ventral tongue and soft palate.  Vesicles break down to form ulcers that are usually 1 to 5 mm and coalesce to form larger ulcers with scalloped borders and marked surrounding erythema.
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  • 13.  The gingiva is often red and the mouth is extremely painful causing difficulty in eating.  Pharyngitis causes swallowing difficulties.
  • 14.  RECRUDESCENT ORAL HSV INFECTIONS:  Reactivation of HSV may lead to asymptomatic shedding of HSV in the saliva and oral secretions ,which is an important risk factor in transmission.  The term recrudescent HSV refers to the actual ulcerations caused by reactivated virus
  • 15.  Fever , ultraviolet radiation, trauma,stress, menstruation are important triggers for reactivation of HSV.  Recrudescent HSV on the lips is called recurrent herpes labialis  symptoms-itching, tingling or burning followed by the by the appearance of vesicles,ulcers,crusts  Pain-present only with in first 2days
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  • 18.  RECURRENT INTRAORAL HSV(RIH)-Intra oral recrudescent HSV in the immunocompetant host occurs chiefly on the keratinised mucosa of the hard palate ,attached gingiva, and dorsum of the tongue.  They present as 1 to 5 mm single or clustered painful ulcer with a bright erythematous border.
  • 19.  One common presentation is the complaint of pain in the gingiva 1 to 2 days after a scaling and prophylaxis or other dental treatment.  HSV in Immunocompromised patients-patients who are undergoing chemotherapy . Who have undergone organ transplantation,or patients suffering with AIDS ,RIH may occur in any site intraorally.
  • 20.  If undiagnosed and left untreated RIH infections may disseminate to other sites and cause severe infections in the immunocompromised patients.  DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 1. HAND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2. HERPANGINA 3. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 4. Recurrent aphthous ulcer
  • 21.  ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME- It occur in young adults as compared to herpes simplex which occurs in children.
  • 22. LABDIAGNOSIS  HSV isolation by cell culture is the gold standard test for the diagnosis.  advantage- high sensitivity and specificity  The disadvantage- need specialised equipment , is expensive, and may take upto several days for a final result.
  • 23.  Recently polymerase chain reaction from swabs has been shown to detect antigen 3 to 4 times more common than culture.  HSV can be identified from scrapings from the base of lesions smeared onto glass slides.  These can be stained with Wright, Giemsa or Papanicolaou stain to demonstrate the characteristic multinucleated giant cells or intranuclear inclusions.
  • 24.  Primary HSV infections is associated with elevated immunoglobulin IgM titers followed several weeks later by permanent IgG titers that indicate previous infection but confer no protection against reactivation.  Recurrent infection is associated with the rise in IgG antibody titer in acute and convalescent sera.
  • 25. MANAGEMENT  PRIMARY HSV INFECTION:  Management is directed towards pain control , supportive care, and definitive treatment  PAIN CONTROL AND SUPPORTIVE CARE MEASURES –  2% Viscous lidocaine(swish and spit out 5ml 4-5 timesday)  Liquid diphenhydramine (swish and spit out 5 ml 4 to5 timesday
  • 26.  Combination of viscous lidocaine ,diphenhydramine and a covering agent such as kaopectate or maalox)in 1:1:1 ratio.  Benzydamine  Systemic analgesia  SUPPORTIVE CARE:  Hydration  Ice chips
  • 27.  Soft balanced diet  Antipyretics such as ibuprufen as needed.  Aspirin is contraindicated in children with viral illness has been associated with Reye’s syndrome ,a potentially fatal condition characterised by fatty degeneration of the liver and encephalopathy.
  • 28.  Antiviral drugs such as acyclovir 15mg/kg 5 times a day in children reduces the duration of fever , reduces HSV shedding ,halts the progress of lesion , improves oral intake.  Valacyclovir the prodrug of acyclovir has 3 to 5times the bioavailability of acyclovir.
  • 29.  RECCURENT HSV-  RHL can be suppressed by reducing trigger factors such as by using sunscreens.  Antiviral medications reduces shedding, infectivity, pain and the size and duration of lesion.  5%acyclovir cream,3%penciclovir cream and 10% docosanol cream are effective if applied 3 to 6 times a day at first prodrome or sign of lesion
  • 30.  HSV IN IMMUNOCOMPROMISED PATIENTS:  systemic antivirals to prevent dissemination to other sites.  Acyclovir and valacyclovir suppress HSV reactivation who are HSV seropositive  Acyclovir resistant HSV is most frequently seen in this group of patients where the virally derived thymidine kinase that activate acyclovir is mutated. here foscarnet is the drug of choice.
  • 31. Varicella zoster virus infections  Etiology and pathogenesis-  Primary infection with VZV leads to the chicken pox(varicella)  The virus then becomes latent usually in the dorsal root ganglia or ganglion of the cranial nerves.  Reactivation produces herpes zoster infection(HZI) commonly called as shingles
  • 32.  The incidence of HZI increases with age and degree of immunosuppression  This virus is cytopathic to epithelial cells of skin and mucosa causing blisters and ulcers.  Transmission –respiratory route  Incubation period-2 to 3 weeks
  • 33. CLINICAL FINDINGS  VARICELLA ZOSTER-  PRIMARY VZV- occurs in the first 2 decades of life.  Low grade fever, malaise and development of an intensely pruritic maculopapular rash, followed by vesicles which is ‘dew drop like’.  These vesicles turn cloudy and pustular burst and scab with crusts falling off after 1 to 2 weeks.
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  • 36.  Lesions begin on trunk and face and spread centrifugally.  COMPLICATIONS-  Cerebellar ataxia  Encephalitis  Pneumonia  Myocarditis  Hepatitis
  • 37.  HERPESZOSTER INFECTIONS-  more common in adults,start with deep aching or burning pain  Little or no fever or lymphadenopathy  Appearance of crops of vesicles in a dermatomal or zosteriform pattern in 2 to 4days  This pattern describes the unilateral linear and clustered distribution of vesicles, ulcers and scabs in a dermatome supplied by one nerve
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  • 40.  Lesions heals with in 2 to 4 weeks with scarring and hypopigmentation.  Occasionally HZI may occur without the appearance of dermatosomal lesions which makes the diagnosis challenging and the patients present with facial palsy.
  • 41.  COMPLICATIONS  Postherpetic neuralgia  Acute retinal necrosis ORAL MANIFESTATION  Primary VZV infection presents as minor acute ulcerations in the mouth.  In recurrent VZV the ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve is the cranial nerve most often affected.
  • 42.  Corneal involvement may lead to blindness.  Involvement of this nerve leads to lesions on the upper eyelid , fore head and scalp with v1.  Midface and upper lip with V2 and lower face and lower lips with v3  With involvement of v2 patients have pain burning and tenderness usually on the palate on one side
  • 43.  Then appearance of painful ,clustered 1 to 5mm ulcers on the hard palate or buccal gingiva in a unilateral distribution  Ulcers heal with 10 to 14 days
  • 44.  HERPERZOSTER INFECTIONS  resorption and exfoliation of teeth and osteonecrosis of jaw bones especially in patients with HIV disease.  An uncommon complication of HZI – Ramsay Hunt Syndrome .  Patients develop bells palsy ,vesicles of the external ear and loss of taste sensation in anterior 2 third of the tongue.
  • 45.  DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS-  PULPITIS-  The pain experienced before the onset of vesicles and ulcers may lead to incorrect diagnosis.  HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTION  Culture can differentiate between two.  PEMPHIGUS AND PEMPHIGOID-  They are not present unilaterally
  • 46. LAB FINDINGS  Viral isolation using cell culture  Direct fluorescent antibody testing using a smear have greater sensitivity.  This test uses a smear obtained by scraping the lesion and staining with antibody against VZV conjugated to a fluorescent compound.  After primary infection the patients sero converts and IgA against VZV is detectable in the serum
  • 47. MANAGEMENT  Pain control , supportive care and hydration ,minimizing the risk for dissemination.  Ibuprofen is preferred analgesic  Treatment for primary VZV infections  Acyclovir – 800mg 5 times daily  Herpes zoster  Valacylovir – 1000mg 3 times daily for 7 days  Famciclovir – 500mg 3 times daily for 7 days  This should be treated within 72hrs of disease onset
  • 48.  Postherpetic neuralgia  First line treatment-gabapentin and 5% lidocaine patch  Second line treatment-opioid analgesics and tricyclic anti depressents
  • 49. PREVENTION  VZV-A live , attenuated vaccine reduces the incidence of varicella outbreaks.  Vaccination of older adults with this vaccine causes-  Increase in antibody levels  Boosts cell specific immunity  Reduces incidence and severity of HZI  Reduces post herpetic neuralgia.
  • 50. COXSACKIE VIRUS INFECTIONS  HERPANGINA  The word herpangina derives from herpes meaning “vesicular eruptions” and angina meaning “inflammation of the throat”  Its caused by coxsackie virus A 1-10 ,CVA16 and CVA 22  Transmission-ingestion,Direct contact,droplet spread
  • 51. CLINICAL FINDINGS  Children under 10yrs usually affected and occur in epidemics in summer  Incubation period-2-10 days  Fever, headache,vomiting,abdominal pain  ORAL MANIFESTATION  First oral symptoms- sore throat and pain on swallowing  Erythema of oropharynx, soft palate and tonsillar pillars.
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  • 53.  Small vesicles are formed but they rapidly breakdown to 2 to 4 mm ulcers . They persist for 5 to 10 days.
  • 54. Lymphonodular pharyngitis  Variant of herpangina and associated with CVA 10.  Clinical features:-  Age-children,young adults  Site-uvula,soft palate,post.orophaynx  Incubation period-2-10days  Patient report with a sore throat,elavated temp,mild headache,anorexia  Yellowish white nodules surrounded by zone of erythema  Patient develop diffuse small nodules in the oropharynx  Lesion do not produce vesicles or do not ulcerate  Lesion resolves with in 6-10 days  No Rx required ,disease is self limiting
  • 55.  HAND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE  CVA16 is the most common cause  CVA7, CVA9, CVA10, CVA24. CVB2, CVB5  Entero virus (EV71) is a common cause of HFM disease.  HFM tends to be seasonal occurs in epidemic , clusters and has high transmission rates
  • 56. CLINICAL FINDINGS  HFM usually affects children younger than 10 yrs.  Low grade fever and sore throat.  75 to 100% patients have skin rash especially on the hands and feet and 30% on buttocks.  The rash is first red and macular and becomes vesicular.
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  • 60. ORAL MANIFESTATIONS  Patients are febrile and complains of sore mouth and throat.  Lesions begin as erythematous macules that becomes vesicles and quickly breakdown to ulcers.  Lesions are located on the tongue, hard and soft palate and buccal mucosa.
  • 61.
  • 62. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS  1.Primary HSV:-  Lesions in palms and soles are typical for hand foot and mouth.  Ulcers in posterior oral cavity are typical for herpangina  Bright red and painful gingivacan be seen in primary HSV and its uncommon in CV.  Herpangina and HSV
  • 63.  2.Chicken pox-ulcers are not prominent in oralcavity,generalised vesicular skin lesions seen  3.Streptococcal infections of throat:- do not produce vesicles or ulcers
  • 64. LABORATORY FINDINGS  CVB- diagnosed by culture  CVA16- grow rapidly  CVA is best identified by inoculation into newborn mice.  Reverse transcriptase PCR –sensitive and rapid way of identifying viral RNA in clinical specimen.
  • 65.  Diagnosis is usually made on clinical findings and cultures and biopsies are rarely necessary.  Skin biopsies of HFM and HERPANGINA show intraepidermal vesicles with a mixed lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltrate, degeneration of epidermal cells and dermal edema.  Eosinophilic nuclear inclusions and intracytoplasmic picornavirus particles are seen in surrounding dermal vessels.  Biopsy of lymphonodular pharyngitis shows hyperplastic lymphoid nodules.
  • 66. MANAGEMENT  CV infections are self limiting  Management is directed towards control of fever and mouth pain , supportive care.  Limiting contact with others to prevent spread of infections.  Effective antiviral agents for CV are not available.
  • 68. MEASLES  Also called as rubeola or morbilli  Acute contagious viral infection  Primarily affecting children  Occur in epidemic form  It is caused by paramyxovirus
  • 69. Transmission  Direct contact with a person  Droplet infection
  • 70. Clinical features  Incubation period-8 to 10 days  Symptoms:-fever,malaise,cough,conjuctivitis,phot ophobia,lacrimation,eruptive lesions of skin and oral mucosa,sore throat  Skin- skin eruption begins on face,in the hairline, behind the ear and spread to neck,chest,back and extrimities  Appearance-tiny red macules or papules enlarge and coalesce to form discolored irregular lesions which blanch on pressure  Fade away in 4to 5 days with fine desquamation
  • 71.
  • 72. Oral manifestations  Oral lesions precede 2to 3 days before cutaneous rash  Site- buccal mucosa  Intraoral lesions-kopliks spots – occur in 97% of cases  Appearance-small irregularly shaped flecks which appear as bluish white specks surrounded by bright red margins  Signs-generalised inflammation,congestion, swelling,focal ulceration of gingiva,palate and throat  Increase in no. and coalesce to form small patches
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  • 74. Complications  Bronchial asthma  Encephalitis  Noma  Hodgkins lymphoma  Induction of remission of leukemia  Otitis media
  • 75. Differential diagnosis  Smallpox-high fever,monoform exanthema  Chickenpox-typical exanthema that follows intraoral lesion
  • 76. management  The patient should be isolated  Vitamin A should be given  Ribavirin- 20-30 mg/kg-IV for 7days PREVENTION  Active immunisation-one injection of live attenuated measles vaccine(MMR vaccine) –subcutaneously in children over one year  Passive immunisation-human immunoglobulin-IM- under 18 months of age and debilitated children  DOSE 250 mg-children under 1 year 500 mg-over 1 year
  • 78. EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA Definition:  A large group of clinically similar desquamating disease processes of the skin and mucosa that have in common the separation of the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue and the formation of large blisters that frequently result in extensive and often immobilizing scar formation.
  • 79. classification 1. Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex -generalised form -localised form 2. Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa -dominant -recessive 3. Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa
  • 80. Clinical features 1. Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex Generalised form  Age-inherited as autosomal dominant trait  Manifests at birth  Vesicle or bullae-Sites of trauma/friction  Involve hands and feet. neck, knees and elbow are rarely affected  Healing- with in 2 to 10 days, no scarring or pigmentation seen  Prognosis-good and disease appears to improve at puberty  Localised form-limited to hands and feet only and exacerbate in hot weather
  • 81.
  • 82. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic dominant  Age-onset at infancy and delay until puberty  Sites-blister develop on ankles,knees,elbows,feet and head.  Healing-results in scarring  Signs-hair may be sparse, nails are thick and dystrophic
  • 83.
  • 84. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic recessive  Age-onset at birth  Formation of bullae spontaneously,sites of trauma,friction or pressure  Sites-feet, buttock,scapula,elbows,finger  bullae contains a clear,bacteriologically sterile or blood tinged fluid  when bullae rupture under trauma or pressure,they leave raw, painful surface – Nikolskys sign- positive  Healing-heal by scar formation
  • 85. junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa  Severe form of dystrophic recessive type  Onset at birth  Absence of scarring,pigmentation and death within three months of age  Bullae similar to recessive  Develop simultaneously and sheets of skin may be actually shed
  • 86.
  • 87. 0ral manifestations  Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex  Bullae of oral cavity can be seen in generalised EB  Teeth are not affected
  • 88.  Bullae can occur sometimes  Teeth are unaffected Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic dominant
  • 89. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic recessive  Oral bullae are common  Prodromal signs:-  preceded by white spots or patches on oral mucosa or by development of localised areas of inflammation  bullae are painful when rupture or when epithelium desquamates  Scar formation- results in restriction of tongue movement  Hoarseness and dysphagia due to bullae of larynx and pharynx
  • 90.  Teeth:-defects seen like:-  -rudimentary teeth  -congenitally absent teeth  -hypoplastic teeth  -crowns denuded of enamel
  • 91. junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa  Oral bullae are very extensive  Due to extreme fragility ,causes serious feeding problems  Deciduous teeth-disturbance in enamel and dentin formation
  • 92. Diagnosis  Diagnosis is simple when the family history,reaction to trauma are taken into consideration
  • 93. management  Large blisters should be pricked and blister fluid released  Dressing to minimise reaction may be helpful  Topical antibacterial agents:-apply to the affected area  bacitracin/neomycin  sulfadiazine silver 1%  mupirocin 2%
  • 94.  Aluminim chloride topical 20% Antibiotic:-  Tetracycline-250-500mg orally every 6hrs