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Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
General Chemistry
Lecture 5
Statistical Data
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
• Fundamental Statistics
• Accuracy and Precision
• Data Rejection
Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
Accuracy & Precision
• Accuracy
 Accuracy is a measure of the closeness of a
measured quantity to the true value.
• Precision
 How close two or more measurements of the
quantity agree with one another.
 Precision is a measure of the agreement of
replicate measurements.
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
• All Measurements Contain Errors.
• Types of Errors
 Systematic errors
 One-sided errors (either positive or negative)
• Usually from a single source
• Resulting data are consistently high or low
 Results may be precise but inaccurate
• Examples: Balance is incorrectly zeroed. Use incorrect constant for
 Random errors
 Randomly occurred
 Positive and negative deviations occur with equal frequency and size.
• A bell shape curve (Gaussian or normal distribution)
 The source of the error is usually not known
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Gaussian Distribution
• Gaussian distribution gives the distribution of data points with respect to the
true value. It gives a bell-shaped curve as shown in the figure.
 The closer to the true value, the higher the probability.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Standard Deviation
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Measuring Accuracy
• Percent Error
 If the true value is known
• Part Per Thousand (PPT)
• Part Per Million (PPM)
• Unfortunately, the true value is often not known.
% error =
| true value – experimental value |
| True value |
× 100
| true value – experimental value |
| true value – experimental value |
| True value |
| True value |
× 1000
× 106
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Measuring Precision
• Mean (or Average)
• Deviation and Absolute Deviation
• Absolute Average Deviation
• Relative Deviation
• Relative Average Deviation (RAD)
• Standard Deviation
• Relative Standard Deviation
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Mean (Average)
• For multiple measurements of a given quantity,
we have numerical values x1, x2, x3, - - - -, xn, where
n is the number of measurements.
• Sum is defined as
Sum = x1 + x2 + x3 + - - - + xn = ∑ xi
• Mean xavg is defined as
∑ xiSum
n n=xavg =
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Deviation & Absolute Deviations
• Deviation is the difference (or variation) of a single measurement,
xi, away from the mean value, xavg.
 d1 = x1 – xavg
 d2 = x2 – xavg
 d3 = x3 – xavg
 -- - -- -- - -- --
 -- - -- -- - -- --
 dn = xn – xavg
• Absolute deviation is always positive.
 d1 = | x1 – xavg|
 d2 = | x2 – xavg|
 d3 = |x3 – xavg|
 -- - -- -- - -- --
 -- - -- -- - -- --
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Absolute Average Deviation
• Absolute average deviation, davg, is the arithmetic
mean of individual absolute deviations, di.
d1 = | x1 – xavg|
d2 = | x2 – xavg|
d3 = | x3 – xavg|
--------- ---
--------- ---
dn = | xn – xavg| ∑ di
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Relative Deviation
• Relative deviation, Di, is the ratio of
individual absolute deviations, di, to the
mean value, xavg.
D1 = d1 / xavg = | x1 – xavg| / xavg
D2 = d2 / xavg = | x2 – xavg| / xavg
D3 = d3 / xavg = | x3 – xavg| / xavg
Di = di / xavg = | xi – xavg| / xavg
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Relative Average Deviation
• Relative average deviation (RAD) is the
absolute average deviation relative to
the mean xavg
A precision of 3 ppt or less is considered
very good.
RAD (ppt) = × 1000
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Standard Deviation
• Standard deviation (σ) is useful in estimating data points
distribution in the form of the Gaussian distribution (a
bell-shaped curve).
 (xavg ± σ) incorporates 68.3% of the data points.
 (xavg ± 3σ) incorporates 99.7% of the data points.
 The smaller the σ, the less spread of data points.
 d1 = x1 – xavg
d2 = x2 – xavg
d3 = x3 – xavg
dn = xn – xavg
∑ di
n – 1
√ =
+ d2
+ d3
+ - - - - + dn
n – 1
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Relative Standard Deviation
• Relative standard deviation (σr) is the standard
deviation relative to the mean value.
 d1 = x1 – xavg
d2 = x2 – xavg
d3 = x3 – xavg
--------- ---
dn = xn – xavg
where n is the number of measurements
∑ (di /xavg)2
n – 1
√ =
√ D1
+ - - - - +Dn
n – 1
or σr (ppt) = (σ / xavg ) × 1000
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Gaussian Distribution
• Gaussian distribution gives the
distribution of data points with
respect to the true value. It gives a
bell-shaped curve as shown in the
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Standard Deviation
• The Gaussian equation is
P(x) = [(2π)1/2
exp[-(x – X)2
where σ is the standard deviation and X is the true value.
 The closer to the true value, the higher the probability.
 The area under the curve (or the integration of the Gaussian function)
 (xture ± σ) incorporates 68.3% of the data points.
 (xture ± 3σ) incorporates 99.7% of the data points.
 (xture ± 3.8901σ) incorporates 99.99% of the data points.
 (xture ± 4.4172σ) incorporates 99.999% of the data points.
 (xture ± 6σ) incorporates nearly 100% of the data points.
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Standard Deviation & Data Distribution
• The smaller the σ, the less spread of data points.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Standard Deviation
σ = 0.5
σ = 1.0
σ = 2.0
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Approximation of Standard Deviation
• The computational cost for standard deviation is pretty
high; therefore, there exists a good approximation to
compute standard deviation with much less
computational cost.
• š = Ř/√N
 Ř is the range of data points from the lowest value to the
highest value
Ř = xmax – xmin
 N is the number of data points.
• For a small number of measurements the approximation
is accurate enough to replace the formal standard
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
Accuracy & Precision of Measurements
• Accuracy is a measure of the closeness of a measured quantity to
the true value.
• Precision is a measure of the agreement of replicate
• Measurements can be precise but not accurate or accurate but not
precise or neither. The best result is, of course, accurate and
Accurate &
Precise but
not accurate
not accurate
& not precise
accurate but
not precise
Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
Example 1 of Accuracy and Precision
• Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 28.72%, 28.40%, and 28.57%,
where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and
• Answer:
 Mean = (28.72% + 28.40% + 28.57%) / 3 = 28.60%
 Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N
 š = (28.72 – 28.40)% / 31/2
= 0.32% / 1.732 = 0.18 %
 Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM
 sr = 0.18% / 28.60% = 0.0063
 Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 28.60% | = 4.09%
 Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value
= 4.09% / 32.69% = 0.125
• These result indicate that the data are precise but inaccurate.
Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
Example 2 of Accuracy and Precision
• Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 28.89%, 32.56%, and 36.64%,
where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and
• Answer:
 Mean = (28.89% + 32.56% + 36.64%) / 3 = 32.70%
 Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N
 š = (36.64 – 28.89)% / 31/2
= 7.75% / 1.732 = 4.47 %
 Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM
 sr = 4.47% / 32.70% = 0.137
 Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 32.70% | = 0.01%
 Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value
= 0.01% / 32.69% = 0.0003
• These result indicate that the data are imprecise but accurate.
Henry R. Kang (1/2010)
Example 3 of Accuracy and Precision
• Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 25.62%, 33.56%, and 27.93%,
where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and
• Answer:
 Mean = (25.62% + 33.56% + 27.93%) / 3 = 29.04%
 Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N
 š = (33.56 – 25.62)% / 31/2
= 7.94% / 1.732 = 4.58 %
 Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM
 sr = 4.58% / 29.04% = 0.158
 Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 29.04% | = 3.65%
 Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value
= 3.65% / 32.69% = 0.112
• These result indicate that the data are imprecise and inaccurate.
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Data Rejection
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Data Rejection
• Replicate measurements of a given quantity are usually
 Some values are closer than others.
• Which values to keep (or which values to discard)
 If a single result differs greatly from the others that is caused
by a particular error of the experimenter, then this result
should be discarded.
 If a result is significantly “off”, but there is no error in the
experiment, then the result, in general, should be kept.
• If in doubt, use the rejection coefficient Q test.
• Do not discard any result just to get “good precision”.
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Q Test
• Q test is used to test the extreme values (the highest and lowest
• Procedure
 Calculate the range
 Range = xmax – xmin
 Calculate the difference between the extreme value with its nearest
 dhi = xmax – xnbor,hi; dlo = | xmin – xnbor,lo |
 Calculate the ratio (Q value) between the difference and the range
 Qhi = dhi / Range ;Qlo = dlo / Range
• Compare the resulting Q value with the rejection table at 90%
confidence level (or other selected confidence level)
 If the calculated Q value is greater than the Q value given in the table, then
reject the value.
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Rejection Q Tables
of Data
Q90 Q96 Q99
3 0.94 0.98 0.99
4 0.76 0.85 0.93
5 0.64 0.73 0.82
6 0.56 0.64 0.74
7 0.51 0.59 0.68
8 0.47 0.54 0.63
9 0.44 0.51 0.60
10 0.41 0.48 0.57
Henry R. Kang (7/2008)
Q Test - Example
• Data: 35.00, 35.05, 35.10, 35.80
• Calculate the range
 Range = xmax – xmin= 35.80 – 35.00 = 0.80
• Calculate the difference between the extreme value with its
nearest neighbor.
 dhi = xmax – xnbor,hi = 35.80 – 35.10 = 0.70
 dlo = xmin – xnbor,lo = | 35.00 – 35.05 | = 0.05
• Calculate Q values between the difference and the range.
 Qhi = dhi / Range = 0.70 / 0.80 = 0.88
 Qlo = dlo / Range = 0.05 / 0.80 = 0.063
• Compare the resulting Q value with the rejection table at 90%
confidence level.
 For 4 samples, the Q value in the table is 0.76
 Qhi > 0.76; therefore, the highest value 35.80 can be dropped
 Once the value is dropped, it is no longer in the data set and should not
be used for the calculations of mean and various deviations.
#Data Q90
3 0.94
4 0.76
5 0.64
6 0.56
7 0.51
8 0.47
9 0.44
10 0.41

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  • 1. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) General Chemistry Lecture 5 Statistical Data Analysis
  • 2. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Outlines • Fundamental Statistics • Accuracy and Precision • Data Rejection
  • 3. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) Accuracy & Precision • Accuracy  Accuracy is a measure of the closeness of a measured quantity to the true value. • Precision  How close two or more measurements of the quantity agree with one another.  Precision is a measure of the agreement of replicate measurements.
  • 4. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Fundamental Statistics
  • 5. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Errors • All Measurements Contain Errors. • Types of Errors  Systematic errors  One-sided errors (either positive or negative) • Usually from a single source • Resulting data are consistently high or low  Results may be precise but inaccurate • Examples: Balance is incorrectly zeroed. Use incorrect constant for calculations.  Random errors  Randomly occurred  Positive and negative deviations occur with equal frequency and size. • A bell shape curve (Gaussian or normal distribution)  The source of the error is usually not known
  • 6. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Gaussian Distribution • Gaussian distribution gives the distribution of data points with respect to the true value. It gives a bell-shaped curve as shown in the figure.  The closer to the true value, the higher the probability. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Standard Deviation Probability
  • 7. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Measuring Accuracy • Percent Error  If the true value is known • Part Per Thousand (PPT) • Part Per Million (PPM) • Unfortunately, the true value is often not known. % error = | true value – experimental value | | True value | × 100 PPT = | true value – experimental value | | true value – experimental value | | True value | | True value | × 1000 × 106 PPM =
  • 8. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Measuring Precision • Mean (or Average) • Deviation and Absolute Deviation • Absolute Average Deviation • Relative Deviation • Relative Average Deviation (RAD) • Standard Deviation • Relative Standard Deviation
  • 9. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Mean (Average) • For multiple measurements of a given quantity, we have numerical values x1, x2, x3, - - - -, xn, where n is the number of measurements. • Sum is defined as Sum = x1 + x2 + x3 + - - - + xn = ∑ xi • Mean xavg is defined as ∑ xiSum n n=xavg =
  • 10. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Deviation & Absolute Deviations • Deviation is the difference (or variation) of a single measurement, xi, away from the mean value, xavg.  d1 = x1 – xavg  d2 = x2 – xavg  d3 = x3 – xavg  -- - -- -- - -- --  -- - -- -- - -- --  dn = xn – xavg • Absolute deviation is always positive.  d1 = | x1 – xavg|  d2 = | x2 – xavg|  d3 = |x3 – xavg|  -- - -- -- - -- --  -- - -- -- - -- --
  • 11. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Absolute Average Deviation • Absolute average deviation, davg, is the arithmetic mean of individual absolute deviations, di. d1 = | x1 – xavg| d2 = | x2 – xavg| d3 = | x3 – xavg| --------- --- --------- --- dn = | xn – xavg| ∑ di n=davg
  • 12. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Relative Deviation • Relative deviation, Di, is the ratio of individual absolute deviations, di, to the mean value, xavg. D1 = d1 / xavg = | x1 – xavg| / xavg D2 = d2 / xavg = | x2 – xavg| / xavg D3 = d3 / xavg = | x3 – xavg| / xavg ------------ Di = di / xavg = | xi – xavg| / xavg ------------
  • 13. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Relative Average Deviation • Relative average deviation (RAD) is the absolute average deviation relative to the mean xavg A precision of 3 ppt or less is considered very good. RAD (ppt) = × 1000 davg xavg
  • 14. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Standard Deviation • Standard deviation (σ) is useful in estimating data points distribution in the form of the Gaussian distribution (a bell-shaped curve).  (xavg ± σ) incorporates 68.3% of the data points.  (xavg ± 3σ) incorporates 99.7% of the data points.  The smaller the σ, the less spread of data points.  d1 = x1 – xavg d2 = x2 – xavg d3 = x3 – xavg ------------ dn = xn – xavg ∑ di 2 n – 1 =σ √ = √ d1 2 + d2 2 + d3 2 + - - - - + dn 2 n – 1
  • 15. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Relative Standard Deviation • Relative standard deviation (σr) is the standard deviation relative to the mean value.  d1 = x1 – xavg d2 = x2 – xavg d3 = x3 – xavg --------- --- dn = xn – xavg where n is the number of measurements ∑ (di /xavg)2 n – 1 =σr √ = √ D1 2 +D2 2 +D3 2 + - - - - +Dn 2 n – 1 or σr (ppt) = (σ / xavg ) × 1000
  • 16. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Gaussian Distribution • Gaussian distribution gives the distribution of data points with respect to the true value. It gives a bell-shaped curve as shown in the figure. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Standard Deviation Probability • The Gaussian equation is P(x) = [(2π)1/2 σ]–1 exp[-(x – X)2 /(2σ2 )] where σ is the standard deviation and X is the true value.  The closer to the true value, the higher the probability.  The area under the curve (or the integration of the Gaussian function)  (xture ± σ) incorporates 68.3% of the data points.  (xture ± 3σ) incorporates 99.7% of the data points.  (xture ± 3.8901σ) incorporates 99.99% of the data points.  (xture ± 4.4172σ) incorporates 99.999% of the data points.  (xture ± 6σ) incorporates nearly 100% of the data points.
  • 17. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Standard Deviation & Data Distribution • The smaller the σ, the less spread of data points. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Standard Deviation Probability σ = 0.5 σ = 1.0 σ = 2.0
  • 18. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Approximation of Standard Deviation • The computational cost for standard deviation is pretty high; therefore, there exists a good approximation to compute standard deviation with much less computational cost. • š = Ř/√N  Ř is the range of data points from the lowest value to the highest value Ř = xmax – xmin  N is the number of data points. • For a small number of measurements the approximation is accurate enough to replace the formal standard deviation.
  • 19. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Accuracy and Precision
  • 20. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) Accuracy & Precision of Measurements • Accuracy is a measure of the closeness of a measured quantity to the true value. • Precision is a measure of the agreement of replicate measurements. • Measurements can be precise but not accurate or accurate but not precise or neither. The best result is, of course, accurate and precise. Accurate & precise Precise but not accurate not accurate & not precise accurate but not precise
  • 21. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) Example 1 of Accuracy and Precision • Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 28.72%, 28.40%, and 28.57%, where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and precision. • Answer:  Mean = (28.72% + 28.40% + 28.57%) / 3 = 28.60%  Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N  š = (28.72 – 28.40)% / 31/2 = 0.32% / 1.732 = 0.18 %  Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM  sr = 0.18% / 28.60% = 0.0063  Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 28.60% | = 4.09%  Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value = 4.09% / 32.69% = 0.125 • These result indicate that the data are precise but inaccurate.
  • 22. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) Example 2 of Accuracy and Precision • Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 28.89%, 32.56%, and 36.64%, where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and precision. • Answer:  Mean = (28.89% + 32.56% + 36.64%) / 3 = 32.70%  Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N  š = (36.64 – 28.89)% / 31/2 = 7.75% / 1.732 = 4.47 %  Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM  sr = 4.47% / 32.70% = 0.137  Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 32.70% | = 0.01%  Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value = 0.01% / 32.69% = 0.0003 • These result indicate that the data are imprecise but accurate.
  • 23. Henry R. Kang (1/2010) Example 3 of Accuracy and Precision • Measured %S values in H2SO4 are 25.62%, 33.56%, and 27.93%, where the true value is 32.69%. Determine the accuracy and precision. • Answer:  Mean = (25.62% + 33.56% + 27.93%) / 3 = 29.04%  Estimated precision by using the approximation: š = Ř / √N  š = (33.56 – 25.62)% / 31/2 = 7.94% / 1.732 = 4.58 %  Relative standard deviation: sr = š / xM  sr = 4.58% / 29.04% = 0.158  Accuracy = |X − xM| = | 32.69% − 29.04% | = 3.65%  Relative accuracy = Accuracy / True value = 3.65% / 32.69% = 0.112 • These result indicate that the data are imprecise and inaccurate.
  • 24. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Data Rejection
  • 25. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Data Rejection • Replicate measurements of a given quantity are usually scattered.  Some values are closer than others. • Which values to keep (or which values to discard)  If a single result differs greatly from the others that is caused by a particular error of the experimenter, then this result should be discarded.  If a result is significantly “off”, but there is no error in the experiment, then the result, in general, should be kept. • If in doubt, use the rejection coefficient Q test. • Do not discard any result just to get “good precision”.
  • 26. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Q Test • Q test is used to test the extreme values (the highest and lowest values) • Procedure  Calculate the range  Range = xmax – xmin  Calculate the difference between the extreme value with its nearest neighbor  dhi = xmax – xnbor,hi; dlo = | xmin – xnbor,lo |  Calculate the ratio (Q value) between the difference and the range  Qhi = dhi / Range ;Qlo = dlo / Range • Compare the resulting Q value with the rejection table at 90% confidence level (or other selected confidence level)  If the calculated Q value is greater than the Q value given in the table, then reject the value.
  • 27. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Rejection Q Tables Number of Data Q90 Q96 Q99 3 0.94 0.98 0.99 4 0.76 0.85 0.93 5 0.64 0.73 0.82 6 0.56 0.64 0.74 7 0.51 0.59 0.68 8 0.47 0.54 0.63 9 0.44 0.51 0.60 10 0.41 0.48 0.57
  • 28. Henry R. Kang (7/2008) Q Test - Example • Data: 35.00, 35.05, 35.10, 35.80 • Calculate the range  Range = xmax – xmin= 35.80 – 35.00 = 0.80 • Calculate the difference between the extreme value with its nearest neighbor.  dhi = xmax – xnbor,hi = 35.80 – 35.10 = 0.70  dlo = xmin – xnbor,lo = | 35.00 – 35.05 | = 0.05 • Calculate Q values between the difference and the range.  Qhi = dhi / Range = 0.70 / 0.80 = 0.88  Qlo = dlo / Range = 0.05 / 0.80 = 0.063 • Compare the resulting Q value with the rejection table at 90% confidence level.  For 4 samples, the Q value in the table is 0.76  Qhi > 0.76; therefore, the highest value 35.80 can be dropped  Once the value is dropped, it is no longer in the data set and should not be used for the calculations of mean and various deviations. #Data Q90 3 0.94 4 0.76 5 0.64 6 0.56 7 0.51 8 0.47 9 0.44 10 0.41