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HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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January 09th
, 2024
A Deep Dive into Exploiting SaaS-Based Company
Partnership Management Dashboards through a
Chain of Vulnerabilities:
From User Registration Bypass, to Vertical Privilege
YoKo Kho (@YoKoAcc) and Fahad Alamri (@r3m0t3nu11)
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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This write-up was prepared by HakTrak as a part of research activity.
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Table of Contents
DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................i
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................................ii
Table of Figures........................................................................................................................................1
0. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................3
1. Application Types and General Login Flow on Partner Pages .............................................................3
2. General Flow on the Employee Page (Organizations) .........................................................................5
2.1. Examining the Login Flow at portal.saas-platform.tld ................................................................5
2.2. Registration Tests via URL Manipulation.....................................................................................6
2.2.1. Overview of the Organization Page ...................................................................................6
2.2.2. Password Reset Request – “The Key” to Obtaining Different Endpoint............................7
2.2.3. Register our Own Account in Organization Page...............................................................9
3. Login to Organization Dashboard ........................................................................................................9
4. Looking for User Creation Feature ......................................................................................................9
5. Looking for Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash...............................................................................11
6. Put the Entity and Account Hash ID into Request on https://admin-portal.saas-
7. Lesson Learned ..................................................................................................................................13
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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Table of Figures
Figure 1 Simple Login Form on
Figure 2 Simple MindMap........................................................................................................................4
Figure 3 Organization / Employee's Login Page ......................................................................................5
Figure 4 Username Check Feature...........................................................................................................5
Figure 5 Sample Test I..............................................................................................................................6
Figure 6 Sample Test II.............................................................................................................................7
Figure 7 Reset Password Page .................................................................................................................7
Figure 8 Found Different Subdomain ......................................................................................................8
Figure 9 Admin Creation Feature ..........................................................................................................10
Figure 10 Found both of Hash ID...........................................................................................................11
Figure 11 Host Accept the Request .......................................................................................................11
Figure 12 Valid Invitation.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 13 Create a Password .................................................................................................................12
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬
In this write-up, we'll present two different approaches:
• For those seeking only the main points of this finding (InshaAllah it can saves tons of minutes if
readers understanding every flow already) – please kindly see the TL;DR section, and
• For those who need to understand the flow of execution or journey about this finding. InshaAllah,
it can tell the readers about some mindsets and hopefully can help people to enrich their insights.
Please kindly enjoy the write-up.
Here are the simple points about this issue:
• The target utilizes a SaaS for partnership management.
• The platform comprises two different login pages, namely the partner login (a customer - and the organization login (an owner - portal.saas-platform.tld).
• Bypassing the registration process on the organization's page was achieved using an endpoint
identified on the
• We created a new user within our own entity. Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash were discovered
in the header as a part of access control protection.
• Search and find the Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash values on the target's main page.
• We created an administrator account within our entity using the entity ID and account ID hash
obtained from, expecting to find a broken access control issue that would
allow us to create an administrator account in that target.
• Successfully creating an administrator user on the target's end facilitated effective takeover of the
target administrator dashboard.
• Similarly, potential exists to take over all clients using this SaaS.
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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0. Introduction
During one of our bug hunting activities, we encoundered a rather unique entity - a company that
using SaaS that specifically focuses in the partnership management sector.
As an overview, this application provides two separate login pages for customer
( which redirects to the "https://org-entity-name.saas-platform.tld"
endpoint in an HTTP Request) and workers within organizations offering partnership opportunities
1. Application Types and General Login Flow on Partner Pages
As for the initial stage in conducting testing, we start the test from the page provided for partner.
Figure 1 Simple Login Form on
Like login forms in general, we encountered an interface featuring a login form and an account
creation link. In such scenarios, there are several initial steps that a tester can consider, namely:
• Conducting a file/directory crawling in the partner area.
• Trying to find login credentials within collaboration tools (such as GitHub, Gitlab, Atlassian
products) and similar platforms.
• Trying to guess potential usage of default credentials (username and password).
• Performing general tests such as observing responses during random login attempts, executing
simple injections, and similar activities.
• Attempting registration to gain deeper insights into the target's features, aiding in the
identification of possible vulnerabilities.
• Or other things that can at least can help testers in understanding the system better.
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Figure 2 Simple MindMap
So what's the result? Unfortunately, none of the methods we attempted seemed to yield positive
results. Even the registration feature doesn't seem to work.
Why is that? When we tried to register on (which redirects to “https://org-entity-
name.saas-platform.tld/api/register” endpoint), the application showed that the registration was
successful (because a successful registration message appeared and the registrant was asked to see
the email), but apparently there was no confirmation link for us in email.
Note: initially we suspected that there might be certain blocks on free email services (such as Google,
Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.), but when we tried to use personal email, the same thing happened, namely no
activation link came through.
Starting from here, we tried logging in with the newly created credentials, hoping that the application
might not necessitate account activation. Unfortunately, the application notified us that the account
remained unactivated. We also attempted a password reset, hoping it might indirectly validate our
account, but this approach also didn't work.
So at this point, our steps stopped. After that, we temporarily shifted our testing focus to another
page, namely the login page designated for employee access (organizations).
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2. General Flow on the Employee Page (Organizations)
2.1. Examining the Login Flow at portal.saas-platform.tld
As a reminder, the organization’s employee login page directs users to the https://portal.saas-
platform.tld subdomain.
Figure 3 Organization / Employee's Login Page
To simplify and shorten the terminology, we'll refer to the employee login page for the organization
as the "organization” page.
On the organization login page, things don't look any better as the page comes with a captcha and
there isn't even a link to register. Even though in the end we succeeded in bypassing the captcha
protection, we first focused on the flow that we had tested first.
Just like on the partner page, we do the exact same test here too.
During an attempt at brute-forcing (which of course starts with submitting a username), we found a
very interesting process, namely the application initially verifies the submitted username's registration
status with the host through the following endpoint:
Figure 4 Username Check Feature
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If the username is correct then the application will continue by sending the password. But if not, the
app will still ask to enter a valid username value.
Note: technically a flow like this would make the application flow problematic regarding username
enumeration issues. However, this problem itself is quite difficult to be exploited if we do not know
the list of users registered in it (especially if the user uses a username value that is considered very
unique). Whatever the situation, risk is still risk.
2.2. Registration Tests via URL Manipulation
2.2.1. Overview of the Organization Page
There is one qoidah that is quite important for us to hold on to, namely: when a feature is not
available on the front-end, it does not mean that the feature is "not available". The meaning is, it is
highly possible that the endpoint is "accessible," but the feature is not visibly displayed.
By adhering to this qoidah, of course it would be a very wise step if we try to make changes to the URL
(let’s say: URL manipulation) to be able to achieve the features we want.
In this situation, we aimed to test the registration feature on the organization page, despite its
unavailability. How did we approach this? The simplest way is by "emulating" the flow elsewhere that
is also built by the same developer. Why is that? Because there's a likelihood that developers or
companies maintain consistency in their development style across different products. For instance,
if product A employs /api/register for registration, it is not impossible that a similar approach is used
in product B.
So in this situation, we also add /register/ to user-portal.saas-platform.tld, regardless of whether it is
started from the /api/ path or not. Example:
Figure 5 Sample Test I
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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Figure 6 Sample Test II
If you're wondering, aren't the login processing endpoints different between organizations and
partners? The answer is yes, they are different - evidenced by distinct subdomains. Hence, we
attempted to 'replicate' the signup endpoint observed in the partner endpoint (which redirects to
https://org-entity-name.saas-platform.tld/api/register - refer to chapter 1) on the organization page
(a recap URL will be included in the next section).
So what's the result? Unfortunately, once again, this did not produce positive results. We get the
information "resource not found".
2.2.2. Password Reset Request – “The Key” to Obtaining Different Endpoint
Figure 7 Reset Password Page
Considering that we didn't find many clues on the login page, we moved on to the next feature, namely
the password reset feature. Without access to credentials or knowledge of the registered username,
why delve into the password reset feature? Yes, this is where something interesting happens.
HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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In this feature, we found that the endpoint that processes password reset requests is located in a
different location, namely https://admin-portal.saas-platform.tld.
Figure 8 Found Different Subdomain
From here, we once more added a path similar to what we did with https://user-portal.saas-
platform.tld, namely adding the "register" path. Surprisingly, the response was highly affirmative,
prompting us to provide various details including first name, last name, email, and company name.
Note: To recap, here are some of the URLs that have been successfully obtained:
No. Feature Partner Organization (Employee)
1. Main Web https://portal.saas-platform.tld
Endpoint for the
Login Page
Endpoint for
Checking Usernames
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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Endpoint for
Password Reset
Endpoint for Account
Hidden Feature
2.2.3. Register our Own Account in Organization Page
In the previous result, it can be seen that the application requires JSON data in the form of firstname,
lastname, email, and company. So all we need to do is add these four parameters to the request.
When we have entered all the parameters, we immediately send it to the host. Long story short, our
signup attempt succeeded. (despite the application's refusal to accept registration with email services
like Gmail, we utilized free email providers such as fakemailgenerator).
Once all the requisite data is provided and transmitted to the host, it appears that the host
acknowledged our request. Surprisingly, an activation link was included in the HTTP Response,
prompting concerns about potential exploitation wherein an attacker could appear legitimate by
leveraging the company's domain - although this matter is not the focus of this write-up.
Regardless of whether we use the activation link obtained via email or HTTP Response, we are instantly
redirected to the password creation page that can be used to log into the saas-platform.tld service.
3. Login to Organization Dashboard
So, After we fill in the password, it turns out that we are also asked to fill in the name of the subdomain
which partner page will later use to carry out activities on the related entity, for example: https://new-
Long story short, once all the required details are provided, we're directed to the employee dashboard
page within our own entity. Remember one simple thing, even though this is just our own entity, one
of the best is, InshaAllah we will have an overview of each process in this employee's dashboard.
4. Looking for User Creation Feature
Now that we can access the employee dashboard (within the company we've established), InshaAllah,
we will have an insight into the application's functionality. So, what actions should we take next?
Considering our objective to identify potential entry points for taking control of the published
company pages via the saas-platform.tld, we are actively exploring user-related feature.
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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So maybe there is another question, why "user-related" features? Considering that any organization
using the saas-platform.tld service primarily logs in at https://portal.saas-platform.tld subdomain
(which redirects to https://user-portal.saas-platform.tld/api/login endpoint), identifying potential
issues associated with broken access control could potentially allow us to generate users in a different
After looking at the flow of the application a bit, we finally found a feature to create users which is
located in the "Settings" -> " User Management" menu.
Note: to make this article more comfortable to read, we have included several sketches in it.
Figure 9 Admin Creation Feature
In this menu, we encounter a functionality allowing the creation of an administrator-level account,
limited to managing content within the our own registered entity. On the other hand, there's an option
to generate an employee-level account, whose access requirements can be adjusted to existing needs.
Long story short, we instantly created a random administrator user, and we found there are some
unique parameters that are difficult to predict, namely the hash (for account and entity). Here is the
sample of the request:
POST /api/user HTTP/2
Host: admin-portal.saas-platform.tld
Content-Length: ___
Accept-Language: en
Authorization: Bearer Long_Token_here
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Account-ID: very_long_hash_1_here
Entity-ID: very_long_hash_2_here
Origin: https://admin-portal.saas-platform.tld
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Here, we assume that if we succeed in obtaining the two hashes (namely the entity's ID hash and
account ID hash), it might potentially allow us to create an account in another entity. Remember, just
a possibility. However, this testing is certainly good to be conducted.
From here, we came back to the home page of the entity we are testing, namely
5. Looking for Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash
The initial step upon revisiting the partner-entity page involves inspecting the front-end source using
the browser's 'view source' feature. Following this, we search for keywords like '-ID' or 'account-ID'
(based on the obtained data from the previous request). Surprisingly, we discovered the two things
we were looking for, namely the account ID Hash and the entity ID hash.
Figure 10 Found both of Hash ID
However, we cannot simply celebrate, as there's no guarantee that this execution will certainly occur.
6. Put the Entity and Account Hash ID into Request on https://admin-portal.saas-
At this stage, having obtained the two Hash IDs, we revisit the request detailed in point 4 of this report.
In summary, we attempt to resend the user creation request, altering specific parameters, namely:
• Replacing the Account-ID value in the header with the 'account_id' value.
• Substituting the Entity-ID value in the header with the 'entity_id' value.
So what's the result? It turns out that The host accepted this modified request as a valid.
Figure 11 Host Accept the Request
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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We then checked our email, and we got a valid invitation from the entity that we test. After that, we
generated a password using the provided activation link.
Figure 12 Valid Invitation
Figure 13 Create a Password
And after we created our password, we successfully gained control of the partner dashboard of our
target. Essentially, using the same method, we could potentially take control of all registered
dashboards of other entities.
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Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns.
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7. Lesson Learned
As we near the conclusion of this article, we aim to provide a brief recap in this section. This recap
aims to summarize a few key lessons from this journey, making it more accessible and comprehensible
for readers:
• When a feature isn’t available on the front-end, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the feature isn’t
available. In this case, we found the registration feature within the organization’s subdomain,
although it wasn’t readily apparent.
• There’s a likelihood that developers or companies maintain consistency in their development style
across different products. In this case, it’s evident that the developers used the same endpoint for
two different application functions.
• Even though applications might seem to use hashed values or UUIDs that appear difficult to guess,
it’s important to remember that there’s a possibility of obtaining this information from one of the
publicly accessible pages within the application.

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A Deep Dive into Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulnerabilities

  • 1. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | i January 09th , 2024 A Deep Dive into Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulnerabilities: From User Registration Bypass, to Vertical Privilege Escalation YoKo Kho (@YoKoAcc) and Fahad Alamri (@r3m0t3nu11) HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad
  • 2. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | i DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION This write-up was prepared by HakTrak as a part of research activity.
  • 3. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | ii Table of Contents DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................i Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................................ii Table of Figures........................................................................................................................................1 0. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................3 1. Application Types and General Login Flow on Partner Pages .............................................................3 2. General Flow on the Employee Page (Organizations) .........................................................................5 2.1. Examining the Login Flow at portal.saas-platform.tld ................................................................5 2.2. Registration Tests via URL Manipulation.....................................................................................6 2.2.1. Overview of the Organization Page ...................................................................................6 2.2.2. Password Reset Request – “The Key” to Obtaining Different Endpoint............................7 2.2.3. Register our Own Account in Organization Page...............................................................9 3. Login to Organization Dashboard ........................................................................................................9 4. Looking for User Creation Feature ......................................................................................................9 5. Looking for Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash...............................................................................11 6. Put the Entity and Account Hash ID into Request on https://admin-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/user.............................................................................................................................11 7. Lesson Learned ..................................................................................................................................13
  • 4. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 1 Table of Figures Figure 1 Simple Login Form on Figure 2 Simple MindMap........................................................................................................................4 Figure 3 Organization / Employee's Login Page ......................................................................................5 Figure 4 Username Check Feature...........................................................................................................5 Figure 5 Sample Test I..............................................................................................................................6 Figure 6 Sample Test II.............................................................................................................................7 Figure 7 Reset Password Page .................................................................................................................7 Figure 8 Found Different Subdomain ......................................................................................................8 Figure 9 Admin Creation Feature ..........................................................................................................10 Figure 10 Found both of Hash ID...........................................................................................................11 Figure 11 Host Accept the Request .......................................................................................................11 Figure 12 Valid Invitation.......................................................................................................................12 Figure 13 Create a Password .................................................................................................................12
  • 5. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 2 ‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬ In this write-up, we'll present two different approaches: • For those seeking only the main points of this finding (InshaAllah it can saves tons of minutes if readers understanding every flow already) – please kindly see the TL;DR section, and • For those who need to understand the flow of execution or journey about this finding. InshaAllah, it can tell the readers about some mindsets and hopefully can help people to enrich their insights. Please kindly enjoy the write-up. TL;DR Here are the simple points about this issue: • The target utilizes a SaaS for partnership management. • The platform comprises two different login pages, namely the partner login (a customer - and the organization login (an owner - portal.saas-platform.tld). • Bypassing the registration process on the organization's page was achieved using an endpoint identified on the • We created a new user within our own entity. Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash were discovered in the header as a part of access control protection. • Search and find the Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash values on the target's main page. • We created an administrator account within our entity using the entity ID and account ID hash obtained from, expecting to find a broken access control issue that would allow us to create an administrator account in that target. • Successfully creating an administrator user on the target's end facilitated effective takeover of the target administrator dashboard. • Similarly, potential exists to take over all clients using this SaaS.
  • 6. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 3 0. Introduction During one of our bug hunting activities, we encoundered a rather unique entity - a company that using SaaS that specifically focuses in the partnership management sector. As an overview, this application provides two separate login pages for customer ( which redirects to the "https://org-entity-name.saas-platform.tld" endpoint in an HTTP Request) and workers within organizations offering partnership opportunities (https://portal.saas-platform.tld). 1. Application Types and General Login Flow on Partner Pages As for the initial stage in conducting testing, we start the test from the page provided for partner. Figure 1 Simple Login Form on Like login forms in general, we encountered an interface featuring a login form and an account creation link. In such scenarios, there are several initial steps that a tester can consider, namely: • Conducting a file/directory crawling in the partner area. • Trying to find login credentials within collaboration tools (such as GitHub, Gitlab, Atlassian products) and similar platforms. • Trying to guess potential usage of default credentials (username and password). • Performing general tests such as observing responses during random login attempts, executing simple injections, and similar activities. • Attempting registration to gain deeper insights into the target's features, aiding in the identification of possible vulnerabilities. • Or other things that can at least can help testers in understanding the system better.
  • 7. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 4 Figure 2 Simple MindMap So what's the result? Unfortunately, none of the methods we attempted seemed to yield positive results. Even the registration feature doesn't seem to work. Why is that? When we tried to register on (which redirects to “https://org-entity- name.saas-platform.tld/api/register” endpoint), the application showed that the registration was successful (because a successful registration message appeared and the registrant was asked to see the email), but apparently there was no confirmation link for us in email. Note: initially we suspected that there might be certain blocks on free email services (such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.), but when we tried to use personal email, the same thing happened, namely no activation link came through. Starting from here, we tried logging in with the newly created credentials, hoping that the application might not necessitate account activation. Unfortunately, the application notified us that the account remained unactivated. We also attempted a password reset, hoping it might indirectly validate our account, but this approach also didn't work. So at this point, our steps stopped. After that, we temporarily shifted our testing focus to another page, namely the login page designated for employee access (organizations).
  • 8. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 5 2. General Flow on the Employee Page (Organizations) 2.1. Examining the Login Flow at portal.saas-platform.tld As a reminder, the organization’s employee login page directs users to the https://portal.saas- platform.tld subdomain. Figure 3 Organization / Employee's Login Page To simplify and shorten the terminology, we'll refer to the employee login page for the organization as the "organization” page. On the organization login page, things don't look any better as the page comes with a captcha and there isn't even a link to register. Even though in the end we succeeded in bypassing the captcha protection, we first focused on the flow that we had tested first. Just like on the partner page, we do the exact same test here too. During an attempt at brute-forcing (which of course starts with submitting a username), we found a very interesting process, namely the application initially verifies the submitted username's registration status with the host through the following endpoint: Figure 4 Username Check Feature
  • 9. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 6 If the username is correct then the application will continue by sending the password. But if not, the app will still ask to enter a valid username value. Note: technically a flow like this would make the application flow problematic regarding username enumeration issues. However, this problem itself is quite difficult to be exploited if we do not know the list of users registered in it (especially if the user uses a username value that is considered very unique). Whatever the situation, risk is still risk. 2.2. Registration Tests via URL Manipulation 2.2.1. Overview of the Organization Page There is one qoidah that is quite important for us to hold on to, namely: when a feature is not available on the front-end, it does not mean that the feature is "not available". The meaning is, it is highly possible that the endpoint is "accessible," but the feature is not visibly displayed. By adhering to this qoidah, of course it would be a very wise step if we try to make changes to the URL (let’s say: URL manipulation) to be able to achieve the features we want. In this situation, we aimed to test the registration feature on the organization page, despite its unavailability. How did we approach this? The simplest way is by "emulating" the flow elsewhere that is also built by the same developer. Why is that? Because there's a likelihood that developers or companies maintain consistency in their development style across different products. For instance, if product A employs /api/register for registration, it is not impossible that a similar approach is used in product B. So in this situation, we also add /register/ to user-portal.saas-platform.tld, regardless of whether it is started from the /api/ path or not. Example: Figure 5 Sample Test I or
  • 10. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 7 Figure 6 Sample Test II If you're wondering, aren't the login processing endpoints different between organizations and partners? The answer is yes, they are different - evidenced by distinct subdomains. Hence, we attempted to 'replicate' the signup endpoint observed in the partner endpoint (which redirects to https://org-entity-name.saas-platform.tld/api/register - refer to chapter 1) on the organization page (a recap URL will be included in the next section). So what's the result? Unfortunately, once again, this did not produce positive results. We get the information "resource not found". 2.2.2. Password Reset Request – “The Key” to Obtaining Different Endpoint Figure 7 Reset Password Page Considering that we didn't find many clues on the login page, we moved on to the next feature, namely the password reset feature. Without access to credentials or knowledge of the registered username, why delve into the password reset feature? Yes, this is where something interesting happens.
  • 11. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 8 In this feature, we found that the endpoint that processes password reset requests is located in a different location, namely https://admin-portal.saas-platform.tld. Figure 8 Found Different Subdomain From here, we once more added a path similar to what we did with https://user-portal.saas- platform.tld, namely adding the "register" path. Surprisingly, the response was highly affirmative, prompting us to provide various details including first name, last name, email, and company name. Note: To recap, here are some of the URLs that have been successfully obtained: No. Feature Partner Organization (Employee) 1. Main Web https://portal.saas-platform.tld 2. Endpoint for the Login Page https://org-entity-name.saas- platform.tld/api/login https://user-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/login 3. Endpoint for Checking Usernames - https://user-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/validation?user=<username_ here>
  • 12. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 9 4. Endpoint for Password Reset https://org-entity-name.saas- platform.tld/api/reset-password https://admin-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/reset-password 5. Endpoint for Account Registration https://org-entity-name.saas- platform.tld/api/register Hidden Feature https://admin-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/register 2.2.3. Register our Own Account in Organization Page In the previous result, it can be seen that the application requires JSON data in the form of firstname, lastname, email, and company. So all we need to do is add these four parameters to the request. When we have entered all the parameters, we immediately send it to the host. Long story short, our signup attempt succeeded. (despite the application's refusal to accept registration with email services like Gmail, we utilized free email providers such as fakemailgenerator). Once all the requisite data is provided and transmitted to the host, it appears that the host acknowledged our request. Surprisingly, an activation link was included in the HTTP Response, prompting concerns about potential exploitation wherein an attacker could appear legitimate by leveraging the company's domain - although this matter is not the focus of this write-up. Regardless of whether we use the activation link obtained via email or HTTP Response, we are instantly redirected to the password creation page that can be used to log into the saas-platform.tld service. 3. Login to Organization Dashboard So, After we fill in the password, it turns out that we are also asked to fill in the name of the subdomain which partner page will later use to carry out activities on the related entity, for example: https://new- entity.saas-platform.tld. Long story short, once all the required details are provided, we're directed to the employee dashboard page within our own entity. Remember one simple thing, even though this is just our own entity, one of the best is, InshaAllah we will have an overview of each process in this employee's dashboard. 4. Looking for User Creation Feature Now that we can access the employee dashboard (within the company we've established), InshaAllah, we will have an insight into the application's functionality. So, what actions should we take next? Considering our objective to identify potential entry points for taking control of the published company pages via the saas-platform.tld, we are actively exploring user-related feature.
  • 13. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 10 So maybe there is another question, why "user-related" features? Considering that any organization using the saas-platform.tld service primarily logs in at https://portal.saas-platform.tld subdomain (which redirects to https://user-portal.saas-platform.tld/api/login endpoint), identifying potential issues associated with broken access control could potentially allow us to generate users in a different entity. After looking at the flow of the application a bit, we finally found a feature to create users which is located in the "Settings" -> " User Management" menu. Note: to make this article more comfortable to read, we have included several sketches in it. Figure 9 Admin Creation Feature In this menu, we encounter a functionality allowing the creation of an administrator-level account, limited to managing content within the our own registered entity. On the other hand, there's an option to generate an employee-level account, whose access requirements can be adjusted to existing needs. Long story short, we instantly created a random administrator user, and we found there are some unique parameters that are difficult to predict, namely the hash (for account and entity). Here is the sample of the request: POST /api/user HTTP/2 Host: admin-portal.saas-platform.tld Content-Length: ___ Accept-Language: en Authorization: Bearer Long_Token_here X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/117.0.5938.132 Account-ID: very_long_hash_1_here Entity-ID: very_long_hash_2_here Origin: https://admin-portal.saas-platform.tld Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
  • 14. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 11 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate {"firstname":”Name_here”,"lastname":null,"email":"email_account@email.tld","user_role":0,"is_active":true,"user_acc ess":[detail_permission_here-null-if-admin]} Here, we assume that if we succeed in obtaining the two hashes (namely the entity's ID hash and account ID hash), it might potentially allow us to create an account in another entity. Remember, just a possibility. However, this testing is certainly good to be conducted. From here, we came back to the home page of the entity we are testing, namely 5. Looking for Entity ID Hash and Account ID Hash The initial step upon revisiting the partner-entity page involves inspecting the front-end source using the browser's 'view source' feature. Following this, we search for keywords like '-ID' or 'account-ID' (based on the obtained data from the previous request). Surprisingly, we discovered the two things we were looking for, namely the account ID Hash and the entity ID hash. Figure 10 Found both of Hash ID However, we cannot simply celebrate, as there's no guarantee that this execution will certainly occur. 6. Put the Entity and Account Hash ID into Request on https://admin-portal.saas- platform.tld/api/user At this stage, having obtained the two Hash IDs, we revisit the request detailed in point 4 of this report. In summary, we attempt to resend the user creation request, altering specific parameters, namely: • Replacing the Account-ID value in the header with the 'account_id' value. • Substituting the Entity-ID value in the header with the 'entity_id' value. So what's the result? It turns out that The host accepted this modified request as a valid. Figure 11 Host Accept the Request
  • 15. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 12 We then checked our email, and we got a valid invitation from the entity that we test. After that, we generated a password using the provided activation link. Figure 12 Valid Invitation Figure 13 Create a Password And after we created our password, we successfully gained control of the partner dashboard of our target. Essentially, using the same method, we could potentially take control of all registered dashboards of other entities.
  • 16. HakTrak Cybersecurity Squad Exploiting SaaS-Based Company Partnership Management Dashboards through a Chain of Vulns. Page | 13 7. Lesson Learned As we near the conclusion of this article, we aim to provide a brief recap in this section. This recap aims to summarize a few key lessons from this journey, making it more accessible and comprehensible for readers: • When a feature isn’t available on the front-end, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the feature isn’t available. In this case, we found the registration feature within the organization’s subdomain, although it wasn’t readily apparent. • There’s a likelihood that developers or companies maintain consistency in their development style across different products. In this case, it’s evident that the developers used the same endpoint for two different application functions. • Even though applications might seem to use hashed values or UUIDs that appear difficult to guess, it’s important to remember that there’s a possibility of obtaining this information from one of the publicly accessible pages within the application.